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Blockchain in Healthcare




MRS. Deepti
Asst. professor,
CSE Dept.
Since blockchain was introduced through Bitcoin, research has been
ongoing to extend its applications to non-financial use cases.
Healthcare is one industry in which blockchain is expected to have
significant impacts. Blockchain has the potential to substantially
impact the healthcare industry as a whole and payers, providers
and patients with respect to drug traceability, clinical trials and
research, and data management.
There are mainly three Use-Cases:
● Drug Traceablility: Counterfeiting is a major problem for the
pharmaceutical industry,10 to 30% of drugs sold in developing countries
are counterfeit.
● Clinical Trails: Mistakes or fraud may occur, Outcome switching, data
dredging and selective publication of results may occur and may also
affect protocol development.
● Data Management: Managing patient data requires complete access to
individuals medical records to be shared among various clinicians and
other professionals and to and from various locations.
Patient Data Management
Blockchain can provide a secure structure:
● Users share information

● Information can be stored in smart contracts containing permissions

and conditions for release

● Patients control access – private keys unlock access or third parties

authorized by the patients can do so

● Can pull in other information from wearables and registries

● Companies are building personal health records (PHR) to align all

stakeholders through patient engagement platforms and utilizing
blockchains to implement
Critical issues include:
● Creating a trusted environment for determining how multiple providers can
view, edit and share patient data while maintaining up-to-date records – that
EHRs were not designed to manage,
● Allowing providers to add new records and patients to authorize sharing

Blockchain can:
● Address patient consent for data sharing not addressed by HIEs
● Provide more tailored consents and update as desired
● Create a system of “smart contracts” for a rule-based method for access
Data on Blockchain:
● Store certain data on the blockchain but still allow certain data to be
accessed by secure links:
● On blockchain data could include age, gender and other personally
identifiable information; be of the size and type to be stored and be
immediately viewable
● Off blockchain data could include images and medical notes of any size or
format that may have different requirements for the need to view.
● Blockchain could also collect information from web-based and mobile
applications or other devices and becomes very important for digital health
● Development and other costs, concern of patients, scability,storage limits
and capacity are obstacles to be addressed
Blockchain technology offers many advantages for health care IT:
● Blockchain is based on opens source software, commodity hardware, and
Open API’s.
● These components facilitate faster and easier interoperability between
systems and can efficiently scale to handle larger volumes of data and
more blockchain users.
● The architecture has built-in fault tolerance and disaster recovery, and the
data encryption and cryptography technologies are widely used and
accepted as industry standards.
● The health blockchain would be developed as open-source software.
The most efficient and effective approach for advancing interoperability
objectives would be to establish a national technology infrastructure for health IT
based on open standards.

Open API’s based on industry best practices are vital and essential to addressing

The acquisition, storage and sharing of this data would lay a scientific foundation
for the advancement of medical research and precision medicine, help identify and
develop new ways to treat and prevent disease and test whether or not mobile
devices engage individuals more in their health care for improved health and
disease prevention.

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