Advanced Maths Test: Class: VI

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Advanced Maths Test
Advanced Mathematics Skills Class:
Test VI
Code : 1161

Advanced Maths Test (Prelims)

(Test Code: 1161)
Duration : 75 Minutes Max Marks : 75
General Instructions
1. Please collect the Answer Sheets (OMR) from the invigilator.
2. Mention your Test Code, Student ID, Name, Class, Section and School Name
on the OMR Sheet as per Question Paper and Hall Ticket.
3. This question paper contains 75 Questions, duration is 75 minutes.
4. Do rough work in the empty sheet provided along with this question paper.
5. Answer questions in OMR sheet only.
6. Use only Black or Blue Ball Point Pen to answer the question in OMR sheet.
7. Indicate the correct answer by darkening on the 4 or 5 responses provided.
8. After successful completion of the test please submit the OMR answer sheet
to the invigilator.

1. Place value of a dig it in creases 4. The short form of the number 4 x 1000000
by_________ times as it moves place by + 2 x 1000 + 3 x 100 + 2 is ?
place from right to left. A) 4000232

1 B) 4002302
A) 100 B)
10 C) 4002032

C) 10 D) 1000 D) 4020032

2. The greatest 6 digit number using 5. T he foll owing symbol i s can be

different digits with 8 in the 100’s place subtracted from other number.
is __________ A) I B) V
A) 976854 C) L D) D
B) 986854 6. Which of the following numbers are co-
C) 458679 primes?

D) 967845 A) 21, 35 B) 16, 24

3. The smallest 4 digit number that does C) 11, 33 D) 12, 19

not change, when written in reverse 7. What is the number that divides 403, 434
order is: and 465 without leaving any remainder?
A) 1000 B) 1001 A) 31 B) 29
C) 1111 D) 1221 C) 23 D) 19

Eduranet IOF
11. Advanced Mathematics Skills Class: VI
8. What should be the digit to be filled in 1 1
the blank, so that the number 8_9484 is 15. The sum of 3 and 5 is?
4 8
divisible by 11?

A) 3 B) 6 3 3
A) B) 8
8 32
C) 7 D) 17

9. How many 3 digit numbers are there from

100 to 550? C) 8 C) 8
A) 550 B) 450

C) 250 D) 451 1 3 7 5
16. The fractions , , and , are
2 4 8 17
10. The value of 555 x 193 – 555 x 93 is?
examples of
A) 555,931
A) Like fractions
B) 1,210,321
B) Unlike fractions
C) 53,912
C) Improper fractions
D) 55,500
D) Equivalent fractions
11. What is the least number should be added
to 1330 to get a number exactly divisible 17. On a number line which one of the
by 43? following pair of fractions is near to
A) 1 B) 3

C) 5 D) 7 3 3 1 2
A) or B) or
4 5 12 5
12. Simplify 50 — 42 ÷ 3 of 7 (20 + 5) ÷ 5 x

2 2 1 4
A) 18 B) 28 C) or D) or
7 5 2 8
C) 38 D) None of these

13. What is the smallest number, which when 3

18. In Kamalakar’s flower garden are
divided separately by 15, 20 and 48, will 12
in each case leaves 9 as a remainder.
A) 240 B) 249 red roses, are white roses and the
C) 349 D) 439 rest are yellow roses. What is the
14. The sum of two numbers is 16, their fraction of yellow roses?
difference is 2. What is the product of
1 3
numbers? A) B)
12 12
A) 63 B) 80
4 5
C) D)
C) 143 D) 150 12 12

Eduranet IOF
Advanced Maths Test Test Code : 1161
5 x y 25. If 6(2a -1) + 8 = 14, then the value ‘a’ is?
19. If   then the values of x and
7 35 49
y are respectively 1
A) -2 B)
A) 25, 35 B) 35, 25
C) 15, 35 D) 35, 15 3
C) D)1
20. If there are two dozens of apples and
one dozen of mangoes in a basket, the 26. Half a number is added to 18, and the
fraction of apples in the whole basket sum is 46. The number is?
A) 0 B) 56

1 1 C) 65 D) 92
A) B)
3 2 27. If the length an d breadth of the
rectangle are (5x + 4) meters, (x – 4)
2 3 meters, the perimeter is 72meters. What
C) 3 D)
2 are the actual measures?

21. In a class, there are 56 girls. Due to rain A) 34mt, 2mt B) 4mt, 32mt
8 of them did not attend the school. What C) 6mt, 28mt D) 8mt, 24mt
is the percentage of attendance in that
28. The Hindu-Arabic numeral for MCDXLVII
A) 75.5% B) 82.6%
A) 1407 B) 1427
C) 84.5% D) 85.7%
C) 1447 D) 1457
22. The cost of a fan is Rs.550. If the shop
29. The number of matchsticks can be used
keeper wants to sell it by 8% increase,
to write 79 in Roman System?
what is selling price of a fan?
A) 7 B) 9
A) Rs.594 B) Rs.598
C) 10 D) 12
C) Rs.614 D) Rs.624
30. Number of twin-primes between 100 and
3 200 are?
23. The decimal form of 5 is?
A) 4 B) 8
A) 5.375 B) 5.000 C) 10 D) 18
C) 5.255 D) 2.325 31. Which of the following statement is
24. The cost of a shirt is Rs.568.90 and a cost true?
of a pant is Rs.378.95. If Rs.1000 was A) 2 is the multiple of every number
given a buyer to the shopkeeper, how
B) Every prime number is an odd number
much money will be the shopkeeper
return to the buyer? C) The sum of two prime numbers is always
an even.
A) Rs.50.15 B) Rs.52.15
D) 1 is the least positive integer.
C) Rs.53.15 D) Rs.56.15

Eduranet IOF
11. Advanced Mathematics Skills Class: VI

1 1 39. A car can travel 119 km with 7 liters of

32. If a = , b = , the value of the
2 4 petrol, how many liters of petrol is
required to travel 952 km?
expression 16a – 12b — 5 is?
A) 46 liters
A) 0 B) 1
B) 56 liters
C) -1 D) 2
C) 65 liters
33. A number 6 is added to the product of
the numbers k and 4, result is 50. What D) 72 liters
is the value of k?
40. A student got 122 marks in test, but he
A) 4 B) 10 got 13 marks less than pass mark. If the
pass mark is 36%, find maximum number
C) 11 D) 44
of marks of that test?
34. Danny and his friend Charles have a
A) 375
combined weight of 150kg. Danny weight
is 84 kg less than twice his friend weight. B) 400
What is the weight of Danny?
C) 425
A) 62kg B) 72kg
D) 450
C) 78kg D) 87kg
41. Maximum number of lines can be drawn
35. The ratio of income of A and B is 3: 4, if through two distinct points?
their total income is Rs.21, 000. What is
A) 0 B) 1
the income of B?
C) 2 D) Infinite
A) Rs.10, 000
42. An angle can be constructed using
B) Rs.9, 000
compass and a ruler is?
C) Rs.11, 000

D Rs.12, 000 10
A) 20° B) 32
36. What is the value of x, if 16, x, 18 and 72
are in proportion?
A) 62 B) 64 C) 37 D) 100°
C) 82 D) None of these
43. A line segment is a part of __________
37. What percent is 650 meters in 1 km?
A) Line
A) 6.5% B) 65%
B) Circle
C) 130% D) 650%
C) Line segment
38. What is the third proportional of 25, 30?
D) Triangle
A) 25 B) 30

C) 36 D) 72

Eduranet IOF
Advanced Maths Test Test Code : 1161
44. What is the measure of the angle made 51. How many tiles with dimensions 12cm
by the hour hand at the Centre in ‘1’ hour. and 5cm will be needed to fit a region
whose length and breadth are 144cm
A) 10° B) 30°
and 100cm respectively.
C) 60° D) 90°
A) 145 B) 240
45. What do we call the shape of vertical
C) 480 D) none of these
cross section of a cone?
52. Which of the following statement is
A) Circle
always correct about parallelograms?
B) Right angled triangle
A) All angles are congruent
B) Isosceles triangle
B) All sides are congruent
C) Rectangle
C) Adjacent sides are perpendicular
46. Angle inscribed in a semicircle is?
D) Opposite sides are equal
A) 360° B) 60°
53. Find the area of shaded region, if the
C) 90° D) 180° radii of inner and outer circles are 14.7
47. If the radius of circle is increased by 4 cm and 18.2cm respectively.
times, then the diameter is increased by
_____ times.

A) 2 times B) 3 times

C) 4 times D) none of these

48. Two rays of an angle are called?

A) Lines of the angles

B) Two parts of the angles

C) Line segments of angles A) 1041.104

D) Two arms of the angle B) 679.14

49. 6cm sided two squares are attached side C) 361.9
by side. What is the perimeter of new D) none of these
figure formed?
54. Find the altitude of a triangle whose
A) 24cm B) 30cm base is 15cm and area is 120
C) 32cm D) 36cm A) 15 cm B) 16 cm
50. The length and breadth of a rectangular C) 18 cm D) 19.5 cm
field are 22.5mt and 14.5mt respectively.
55. In English alphabet which letter has
Find the cost of fencing its four sides at
maximum number of line of symmetry?
the rate of Rs.12 per meter.
A) S B) X
A) Rs.888 B) Rs.1000
C) E D) M
C) Rs.1458 D Rs.3915

Eduranet IOF
11. Advanced Mathematics Skills Class: VI
56. Name the quadrilateral which has a 64. Number of vertices used to draw a
maximum number of line symmetry? cuboid?

A) Square B) Parallelogram A) 6 B) 8

C) Kite D) Trapezium C) 9 D) 12

57. What is the name of the figure which Directions :(65-69) given graph shows the favorite
has two lines of symmetry? type of movies of 20 people in a locality.

A) Rhombus

B) Equilateral triangle

C) Right angled triangle

C) Rectangle

58. Number of edges a cube has?

A) 6 B) 8

C) 12 D) 14

59. The rhombus of diagonals are 12 cm

and 18 cm then the area of rhombous
is ? 65. What is the least favorite type of movie?

A) 108 sq. cm B) 128 A) Comedy

C) 150 sq. cm D) 180 sq. cm B) Action

60. The range of first 10 natural numbers is? C) Science -fiction

A) 9 B) 10 D) Drama

C) 11 D) 55 66. What is the ratio of movies comedy type

and romance type?
61. What is the mean of factors of 12?
5 1
A) 4.50 B) 4.67 A) B)
6 6
C) 4.80 D) 4.89
2 5
62. Circumference of a ci rcle is C) D) 6
approximately equal to ____ times to the
diameter. 67. What percent of people like action
A) 2times B) 3 times
A) 25% B) 30%
C) 4 times D) 6 times C) 50% D) 60%
63. Which of the following statement holds 68. What is the Percentage difference
correct form? between most favorite and least favorite
A) N<W<Z B) Z<W<Z
A) 25% B) 30%
C) W<N<Z D) None of these
C) 50% D) 60%

Eduranet IOF
Advanced Maths Test Test Code : 1161
69. What is the percentage of equally like 72. 13, 39, 117, 351, ?
A) 702 B) 853
A) 15% B) 20%
C) 1035 D) 1053
C) 30% D) 50%
73. 5, 6, 24, 35, 575,?
Directions: Questions (70 -75) are based on
A) 1224 B) 1235
number series. One term is missing in each series
and is indicated by question mark (?). Find out C) 1444 D) 1454
the missing term out of the four alternatives given 74. 0, 7, 26,?, 124, 215
A) 37 B) 51
70. 196, 144, 100, ? , 36
C) 63 D) 88
A) 64 B) 49
75. 3, 6, 24, 30, 63, 72,? 132.
C) 81 D) 25
A) 90 B) 120
71. 1, 2, 3, 4,?, 12.
C) 126 D) 130
A) 5 B) 6

C) 8 D) 10

Eduranet IOF
11. Advanced Mathematics Skills Class: VI

Eduranet IOF

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