Economic History of India Generic Elective 1 B 1.8
Economic History of India Generic Elective 1 B 1.8
Economic History of India Generic Elective 1 B 1.8
Minutes of Meeting
Attended by:
1. N. Kalithasamal SVC
2. Kh. Pou KNC
3. Abhash Kumar Rajdhani College
4. D.Appala Naidu SVC
5. S. Bhattacharya KMC
6. Shantanu Sarkar Miranda House
7. Kartikeya Kohli Aryabhatta College
1. The maximum marks for the final examination would be 75, remaining 25 marks
are allocated for internal assessment (2 tests of 10 marks each and 5 marks for
2. In the end semester examination, students will be asked to answer 5 questions out
of 8 questions. The questions should cut across topics.
P. Parthasarathy, Why Europe Grew Rich and Asia did not: Global
Economic Divergence, 1600-1850, Cambridge, 2011, Ch2, pp21-27, 46-50,
Ch8, pp 224-226, 239-244, 251-262.
2. Macro Trends
Sumit Guha: ‘Mortality decline in early 20th century India’, IESHR 1991
[Particularly pp 371-74 and 383-87; the pages in between, which involve
Guha’s critique of Klein, are to be de-emphasised for detailed reading and
5. Economy and State in the Imperial context (The imperial priorities and the
Indian economy; Drain of wealth; International trade, Capital flows and the
colonial economy – changes and continuities; Government and fiscal policy)
The Background Readings are essential for teachers. Students are encouraged to read them for
better comprehension though questions will not be set on these.