MA History Semester IIl Paper

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Semester III

Select any two groups :

Group ‘G’ i. Economic History of India upto 1200 A. D. 308171

Sr. Topic and Details Weightage Student

No. Engagement
XX Objectives : The students will learn :
a) The stages of economic development in
early India.
b) The nature content and changes in
industrial production and commercial
c) The role played by Guilds and Banking
system in the economic life of the people.
d) The processes of urban decay and
feudal formations

1 Unit 1 : Urbanization 25 15

1. First and Second Urbanization in

2. Transition from the Pastoral to
Agrarian Economy.

2 Unit 2 : Mauryan Economy- 25 15

1. Revenue System
2. Trade

3 Unit 3: Post-Mauryan India till Gupta 25 15


1. Trade and Commerce

2. Guilds
3. Banking and Currency

4 Unit 4 : From Gupta Age to 25 15

1. Urban Decay
2. Role of Land-grants
3. Feudal formation.
Books for Study:

1. Adhya, G. L, Early Indian Economics : Studies in Economic Life of Northern and
Western India C. 200 B.C. 300 A.D., Asia Publishing House, Delhi 1966.
2. Basham, A. L, The Wonder that was India, Rupa, Mumbai, 1971.
3. Champakalakshmi, R, Trade, Ideology and Urbanisation : South India (B.C. 300-
A.D. 1300) O.U.P., Delhi, 1996.
4. Gopal, Lallanji, The Economic Life of Northern India,A.D. 700-A.D. 1200, Motilala
Banarsidass, Delhi, 1965.
5. Gupta, P. L, Coins, Delhi, 4th ed., 1996.
6. Habib, Irfan, 'The Peasant in Indian History' PresidentialAddress, 43rd Session of
Indian History Congress, Kurukshetra, 1982.
7. Kher, N. N, Agrarian and Fiscal Economy in Mauryan and Post – Mauryan Age (324
B.C. – 300 A.D.) Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1973.
8. Kosambi, D. D, The Culture and Civilization of Ancient India in Historical outline
(Sixth Impression), Vikas Publishing Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1981.
9. Maity, S. K, Economic Life in Northern India in the Gupta Period (A.D. 300-550)
(Second Revised edition), Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1970.
10. Majumdar, A. K, Concise History of Ancient India, Vol. II.Political theory,
Administration and Economic Life, Munshiram Manohalal, New Delhi, 1980.
11. Motichandra, Trade and Trade Routes in Ancient India, Thacker Spink and Co.,
12. Sharma, R. S, Material Culture and Social Formations in Ancient India, Macmillan,
Delhi, 1983.
13. Thakur, V. K, Urbanization in Ancient India, Abhinav Publications, New Delhi, 1981.

Books for Reference:

1. Edwards, Michael, Everyday Life in Ancient India B.T. Batsferd, London, 1969.
2. Jain, J. C, Life in Ancient India as depicted in the Jaina Canons, Bombay 1947.
3. Majumdar, R.C, Corporate Life in Ancient India, Calcutta, Third Edition 1969.
4. Majumdar, R.C, (ed.), The History and Culture of the Indian People. Vol. I to V,
(Relevant Chapters) Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay.
5. Majumdar, R.C. Dasgupta, K.K. (eds.), A Comprehensive History of India, Vol. III,
The Gupta Empire and After , (A.D. 300-985) Part I and II RelevantChapters)
(Published under the auspices of the Indian History Congress) People's Publishing
House, New Delhi, 1981-82.
6. Rawlinson, H. G, Intercourse between India and the Western World from the Earliest
times to the Fall of Rome(2nd Edition) Cambridge, Uni. Press, 1926.
7. Saletore, R, N, Early Indian Economic Life, N.M. Tripathi Pvt. Ltd., Bombay, 1973.
8. Sastri, K. A. Nilakanta, Age of the Nandas and Mauryas, (Second Edition) (Relevant
Chapters) Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1967.
9. Sastri, K. A. Nilakanta,(ed.), A Comprehensive History of India, The Mauryas and
Satavahanas, (B.C. 325 to A.D. 300), Vol.II (Relevant Chapters) Orient Longman,
Bombay, 1957.
10. Sharma, R. S. (ed.), Survey of Research in Economic and Social History of India,
Ajanta Publications, Delhi, 1986.

Group ‘G’ ii. Socio-Cultural History of India upto 1200 308172

Sr. Topic and Details Weightage Student

No. Engagement
XXI Objectives: The students will learn:

a) The forces and factors behind

social stratification and the
processes involved in the
formation of varna and Jati in
b) The developments in religion and
philosophy of the period.
c) The rise and growth of languages
and literature therein.
d) The origin, evolution and spread
of art and architecture.

1 Unit 1: Ancient Indian Social order, 25 15

Varna, Jati, Family; Women, Shudras.

2 Unit 2 : Ancient Indian Education and 25 15


1. Education: Elementary and Higher

2. Literature: Vedic, Canonical-
Brahmanical, Buddhist and Jaina
Classical- Sanskrit, Prakrit and

3 Unit 3: Ancient Indian Religion and 25 15

Philosophy: Brahmanical, Buddhism
and Jainism:

1. Concept of Brahmana Dharma

2. Brahmanical Philosophy-
Philosophy of Bhagawadgeeta
3. Buddhism as a Religion And
4. Jainism As a Religion And

4 Unit 4 :Ancient Indian Art and 25 15

Architecture : A Survey North and

South India:
1. Fine Arts
2. Performing Arts
3. Cave Architecture
4. Temple Architecture and Fortifications

Books for Study:

1. Basham, A.L, A Cultural History of India, OUP, London, 1975.

2. Goswamy, Jaya, Cultural History of Ancient India, Agam Kala Prakashan, Delhi,
3. Kosambi, D. D, The Culture and Civilization of Ancient India in Historical Outline
(Sixth Impression), Vikas Publishing Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1981.
4. Maity, S. K, Cultural Heritage of Ancient India, Abhinav Publications, New Delhi,
5. Maity, S. K, Gupta Civilization: A Study, Calcutta, 1974.
6. Majumdar, A. K, Concise History of Ancient India, Vol. III , Hinduism Society,
Religion and Philosophy, Munshiram Manoharlal, New Delhi, 1983.
7. Sastri, K. A. Nilakanta, Aspects of Indian History and Culture, Oriental Publishers,
Delhi, 1974.
8. Sharma, R. S, Jha, V.Sircar, D. C, (eds.), Indian Society: Historical Probings, Delhi,
9. Sharma, R.S, Material Cultural and Social Formation in Ancient India, Macmillan
India Ltd., Delhi, 1983.
10. Sharma, R. S, Sudras in Ancient India, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1980.
11. Sharma, R. S, Perspectives in Social and Economic History of Early India,
Munishiram Manoharlal, New Delhi, 1983.
12. Thapar, R, Ancient Indian Social History : Some Interpretations, Orient Longmans
Ltd., Bombay 1978.
13. Thapar, R, Cultural Pasts: Essays in Early Indian History, O. U. P., New Delhi, 2000.
14. Thapar, R, Early India: From the Origins to A.D. 1300, University of California
Press, L. A., 2002.

Books for Reference :

e) Aiyangar, S. Krishnaswami, Contribution of South India to Indian Culture, Calcutta
University Lectures,Calcutta, 1921.
f) Altekar, A. S, The Position of Women in Hindu Civilization, (Third Edition)Motilal
Banarsidass, Delhi, 1962.
g) Brown, Percy, Indian Architecture: Buddhist and Hindu Periods, Bombay, 1949.
h) Chattopadheyaya, S, Evolution of Hindu Sects, Munshiram Manoharlal, New Delhi,
i) Dasgupta K. K, The Gupta Empire and After (300-985A.D), (Relevant Chapters) Pt. I
and II, (Published under the auspices of the Indian History Congress) People's
Publishing House, New Delhi, 1981.
j) Kramrisch, Stella, The Art of India: Traditions of Indian Sculpture,
Painting and Architecture, London, 1954.
k) Majumdar, R. C, A Comprehensive History of India, Vol. III

l) Majumdar, R. C, The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol. I to V (Relevant
Chapters), Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay.
m) Mookerji, R. K, Ancient Indian Education (Brahmanical and Buddhist) (Third
Edition), Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1960.
n) Nandi, R. N, Social Roots of Religion, K. P. Bagchi & Co., Calcutta, 1986.
o) Sastri, K. A. Nilakanta, A Comprehensive History of India, The Mauryas and
Satavahanas, (B.C. 325 to A.D. 300), Vol. II, Orient Longman, Bombay, 1957.
p) Sastri, K. A. Nilakanta, Age of the Nandas and Mauryas,(Second edition), Motilal
Banarsidass, Delhi, 1967.
q) Weber, Max, Religion of India: The Sociology of Hinduism and Buddhism, New
York, 1968.

Group ‘H’ i. Economic History of Medieval India. (A.D. 1200 – A.D. 1757)

Sr. Topic and Details Weighta Student

No. ge Engageme
nt Hours
XXI Objectives:
I The students will learn:
a) The nature of Agrarian Economy in
Medieval India.
b) The nature and structure of Trade,
Commerce and Banking in
Medieval India.
c) The nature of Production
technology in Medieval India.
d) The growth of cities and towns in
the Medieval India

1 Unit 1: Agrarian Economy and State: 25 15

1. Land Tenure and
Revenue System
2. Agricultural
3. Taxation
4. Famines and their

2 Unit 2: Trade, Commerce and Banking: 25 15

1. Inland and Maritime
Trade- Transport
and Communication
2. Role of Arab,
European traders

and Indian
3. Medium of
exchange, currency,
4. Indigenous
structures and
methods of banking.

3 Unit 3 : Industries and Production 25 15

Technology :
1. Textiles
2. Agro Industries -
Salt, Sugar and
Paper Industry
3. Metal Technology
and Artisans
4. Ship- Building

4 Unit 4 :- Process of Urbanisation: 25 15

1. Emergence of
Towns and Cities
2. Demographic
3. Urban Communities

Books for Study:

1. Appadorai, A, Economic Conditions of Southern India (1000-1500), 2 Vols. Madras,


2. Banga, Indu (ed.), The City in Indian History Urban Demography, Society and Politics,
Manoharlal Munshiram, Delhi, 1991.

3. Champalakshmi, R, Trade, Ideology and Urbanisation South India 300B.C.-1300

A.D. O. U. P., Delhi, 1997.

4. Chandra, Satish (ed.), Essays in Medieval Indian Economic History, IHC, Munshiram
Manoharlal Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1987.

5. Chicherov, A. I, India – Economic Development in the 16th – 18th Centuries : Outline

History of Crafts and Trade, Moscow, 1971.

6. Chitnis, K. N, Socio-Economic History of Medieval India, Atlatic Publishers and

Distributors, New Delhi, 1990.

7. Choudhari, K.N, Trade and Civilisation in the Indian Ocean An Economic History
From Rise of Islam to 1750, Munshiram Manoharlal, Delhi, 1985

8. Gordon, Stewart, The Marathas, 1600-1818, New Cambridge History of India
Foundation, Books, Delhi, 1994.

9. Gupta, Ashin Das, Pearson, M. M, (ed.), India and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1800, O.
U. P., O. I. P., 1999.

10. Hasan, S. Nural, Thoughts on Agrarian Relations in Mughal India, P. P. H., Delhi,

11. Habib, Mohammad and Nizami, K.A, Comprehensive History of India, Vol. V AD
1206-1526,The Delhi Sultanate, PPH, Delhi, 1987.

12. Habib, Irfan (ed.), Agrarian System of Mughal India 1526-1707, Asia Publishing
House, Mumbai, 1963.

13. Hasan, S. Nural, Thoughts on Agrarian Relations in Mughal India, P. P. H., Delhi,

14. Kulkarni, A. R, Maharashtra in the age of Shivaji, Deshmukh, Poona, 1969.

15. Kulshrestha, S. S, Development of Trade and Industry under the Mughals, Allahabad,

16. Majumdar, R. C. (ed.) The History and Culture of the Indian People, Vol. VI & VII,
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1960.

17. Moreland, W. H, The Agrarian System of Moslem India, Kant Publication, Delhi, 1988.
(Ist Publication in 1929.)

18. Moreland, W. H, Akbar to Aurangzeb – A Study of Indian Economic History, London,


19. Moreland, W. H, India at the Death of Akbar - An Economic Study, London, 1920.

20. Mukherji, Radha, Indian Shipping, A History of the Seaborne Trade Kumud
Maritime Activity of the Indians from the Earliest Time, London, reprint, 1972 .

21. Muzaffar, Alam, Subramanyam, Sanjay, (eds.), Themes in Indian History, The Mughal
State, (1526-1750), OUP, Delhi, 1998.

22. Naqvi, H.K, Urbanisation and Urban Centres under the Great Mughals 1556-1707,
Simb. II AS, 1971.

23. Raychoudhari, Tapan and Habib, Irfan, Cambridge Economic History of India,
1200-C.1750, Vol. I, S. Chand, Delhi, 1984.

24. Richards, J. F. (ed.) The Imperial Monetary Ststem of Mughal India, OUP, Delhi, 1987.

25. Sanger, Pramod, Growth of English Trade under the Mughals, New Delhi, 1993.

26. Sarkar, Jagdish Narayan, Studies in Economic Life in Mughal India, New Delhi, 1975.

27. Sherwani, H. K. Joshi, P.M. (Jt.ed.), History of Medieval Deccan (1295-1724) Vol.I,
The Government of Andhra Pradesh Publ. Hyderabad, 1973.

28. Siddiqui, N. A, Land Revenue Administration under the Mughals1700-1750) ,

Munshiram Manoharlal, Delhi, 1989.

29. Singh, M. P, Town, Market, Mint and Port in the Mughal Empire, New Delhi, 1985.

30. Stein, Burton, Peasant State and Society in Medieval India, O. U. P., O. L. P. New
Delhi, 1994, 2nd impression, 1999.

31. Subramanyam, Sanjay (ed.) Themes in Indian History, Money and the Market in
India- 1100-1700, OUP, OIP, 1998.

32. Wright, H. Nelson, Coinage and Metrology of the Sultans of Delhi, Reprint 1974,
Delhi, 1936..

Books for Reference:

1. Arasaratnam, S, Maritime India in the 17th Century, O. U. P., Delhi, 1994.

2. Arasaratnam, S, Merchants, Companies and Commerce on the Coromondel Coast 1650

– 1740, Delhi, 1986.

3. Beveridge, A. S. (Tr.), Babur-nama (English Translation from Turki) (Hyderabad

Codex), London 1921.

4. Blochmann, H. (Tr.), Ain – I – Akbari of Abul Fazl, Vol. I, New Delhi, 1965.

5. Byres, T. J. and Harbans, Mukhia, Feudalism and Non-European Societies, Frank cass
and company Ltd., London, 1985.

6. Chandra, Satish, The Eighteenth Century in India Its Economy and the Role of the
Marathas, the Jats, the Sikhs and the Afghans, K. P. Bagchi, Kolkatta, 1986.

7. Chaudhari, K. M, and Dewey, C. J. (ed.), Economy and Society: Essays in Indian

Economic and Social History, O. U. P.,New Delhi, 1979.

8. Dale, Stephen, Indian Merchants and Eurasian Trade, 1600-1750, London, 1994.

9. Dasgupta, Ashin, Indian Merchants and the Decline of Surat, 1700 – 1750, Manohar,
Delhi, 1990.

10. Gupta, S. P, Agrarian System of Eastern Rajasthan, C. 1650 – 1750, Manohar, Delhi,

11. Habib, Irfan, Essays in Indian History: Towards a Marxist Perception,Tulika, Delhi,

12. Hiroshi, Fukazawa, The Medieval Deccan, Peasant Social System and States 16th – 18th
Century, edn 17, O. U. P., Delhi, 1991.

13. Jarrett, H. S. (tr), Ain – I – Akbari of Abul Fazl, Vol. II, Calcutta, 1891. II nd ed. of Vol.
I revised by D. C. Philliot, (Calcutta, 1939) and Vol. II & III revised and further
annotated by Sir Jadundth Sarkar (Vol. II Calcutta, 1949 and Vol. III, Culcutta, 1946).

14. Kharve, G. H. (Tr.), Persian Sources of Indian History, (Collected edited and translated
into Marathi) 3 Vols., Poona, 1937.

15. Malgaonkar, Manohar, Kanhoji Angre, Mumbai 1959.

16. Mathew, K. S, Mariners, Merchants and Oceans, New Delhi, 1995.

17. Moreland, Geyl, P. (Tr.), W. H, Jahangir's India IAD ORIENTAL SERIES No.
Translated from Dutch, Idarah – i – adabiyat – I – Delhi, Delhi, 1972.

18. Moosvi, Shireen, Economy of the Mughal Empire A Statistical Study, A. M. U.

Publication, Aligarh, 1987.

19. Pannikar, K. M, India and Indian Ocean, London, 1947.

20. Subramanyam, Sanjay, The Political Economy and Commerce in South India 1500 –
1600, Cambridge, 1996.

21. Sharma, R. S, Early Medieval Indian Society, Orient Longman,Delhi,2001.

22. Sarkar, B. K. (tr.), Nitisara of Sukra, Allahabad, 1923.

23. Tavenier, J. B. Travels in India, Translated from the Original French Edition
of 1676 by V. Ballas, 2 Vols., London, 1889.

24. Wink, Andre, AL-HIND The making of the Indo – Islamic World, The Slave Kings and
the Islamic conquest 11th – 13th Centuries,Vol. I & Vol. II, O. U. P., New Delhi, Second
Impression 2001 (First Pub. 1999)..

25. Wink, Andre, Land and Sovereignty in India Agrarian Society and Politics Under the
18th Century Maratha Swarajya, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1986.

Group ‘H’ ii. Socio-cultural History of Medieval India (A.D. 1200 – A.D.
1757) 308182

Sr. Topic and Details Weightage Student

No. Engagement
XXIII Objectives: The students will learn:-
a) The nature and structure of
Urban and Rural Society and the
b) Emergence of composite culture
in Medival India.
c) The nature and functioning of
Patriarchy in Medieval India.
d) The origin and nature of Bhakti
and Sufimovements in India.

1 Unit 1: Social Structure and 25 15

composite culture:
1. Urban society
2. Rural society
3. Emergence of composite culture

(This should be studied with special

emphasis on classes, castes,
Untouchability, and women nature and
functioning of Patriarchy, slavery,
communities, life styles, village
communities, relationsbetween two
societies, resistance, conflict and
mechanism of resolution).

2 Unit 2 : Bhakti and Sufi Movements: 25 15

1. Bhakti Movement – Bhakti cult as
a Reformative Movement and its
impact, Nathpanthi, Kabir, Sant
Tradition, Nanak, Chaitanya,
Tulsidas, Namdev, Acharya and
2. Sufi Movement – It's origins,

Nature, Concepts and Silsilas;
Relation with other religious

3 Unit 3:- Education and Literature: 25 15

1. Education : Formal and informal
Institutional structure
2. Literature : Persian, Sanskrit,
Regional Literature

4 Unit 4:- Art and Architecture – 25 15

1. Under Delhi Sultanate
2. Early Phases of Mughal rule,
3. Provincial variations in
Architecture, Sculpture,
Paintings and Music

Books for Study:

1. Altekar, A. S, History of Village Community in Western India (Publication of the

University of Bombay Economic Series No. 5, Chennai, OUP, 1927.

2. Asher, Catherine, Architecture of Mughal India, Cambridge, 1992.

3. Ashraf, K. M. Life and Conditions of the People of Hindustan 1200-1350 A.D.

2nd ed., Munshiram Manoharlal, Delhi, 1970.

4. Banaji, D. R, Slavery in India, University of Bombay, Bombay, 1933.

5. Beach, Milo, Mughal and Rajput Painting, The New Cambridge History of India
Series, Foundation Books, Delhi, 1992.

6. Bhattacharya, N. N, Medieval Bhakti Movement in India (ed.)

7. Brown, Percy, Mughal Painting, Y.M.C.A. Publ., New Delhi, 1965.

8. Chitnis, K. N., Socio-Economic History of Medieval India, Atlatic Publishers and

Distributors, New Delhi, 1990.

9. Chopra, P. N, Social Life during the Mughal Age, Shiva Lal Agarwal & Co. Ltd., Agra,

10. Chopra, P. N. & Puri, B. N, A Social, Cultural and Economic History of India, Vol. II :
Medieval India, Macmillan, India, Delhi, 1974.

11. Desai, Zivauddin A., Indo-Islamic Architecture, Delhi, 1976

12. Fukazawa, Hiroshi, The Medieval Deccan Peasants, Social Systems and States – 16th to
18th Centuries, edn... 17, OUP, Delhi, 1991

13. Ghosh, D. P., Medieval Indian Paintings Eastern School (13th Cent. A.D. to Modern
times Folk Art), Sandeep Prak., New Delhi, 1982.

14. Husain, Yusuf, Glimpses of Medieval Indian Culture.

15. Jaffar, S. M., Education in Muslim India, Peshawar, 1936.

16. Koch, Ebba, Mughal Art and Imperial Ideology, O. U. P., Delhi, 2001.

17. Majumdar R.C.(ed.), History and Culture of the Indian People, Vol. VII, The Mughal
Empire; Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, 1974.

18. Majumdar, R.C., History and Culture of the Indian People, V, VI, VIII, (V - The
Struggle for Empire, VI – The Delhi Sultanate, VII – The Maratha Supremacy) Bhartiya
Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1974.

19. Mehta, J. L. Advanced History of Medieval India, Vol. III, (Society and Culture),
Sterling, New Delhi, 1983.

20. Misra, Rekha, Women in Mughal India (1526-1748 A.D.), Delhi, 1967.

21. Nath R., History of Sultanate Architecture, New Delhi, 1978.

22. Nath R., History of Decorative Art in Mughal Architecture, Delhi, 1976.

23. Nizami, K. A., Studies in Medieval Indian History and Culture, Allahabad, 1966.

24. Rashid, A. Society and Culture in Medieval India, (1206-1556 A. D.), Firma K. J.
Mukhopadyay, Culcutta, 1969.

25. Rizvi, S. A.A, The Wonder that was India, Sidwick & Jackson, London, 1987.

26. Sahay, R. K, Education and Learning among the Great Mughals, 1526-1707A.D,
Bombay, 1968.

27. Salotere B. A, Social and Political Life in the Vijaynagara Empire (AD 1346-1646),
2Vols., B. G. Paul and Company, Madras, 1934. (Vol. II only)

28. Sharma, Praduman Kumar, Mughal Architecture of Delhi, Sandeep Prakashan, New
Delhi, 2000.

29. Shejwalkar, T. S, The Influence of Mohommadan Culture on the Hindu Civilisation,

Shejwalkar Memorial Foundation, Mumbai, 1998.

30. Sherwani, H. K. (ed.), Joshi, P.M. (Jt.ed.), History of Medieval Deccan (1295-1724)
Vol. II.,The Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Publ. Hyderabad, 1973.

31. Srivastava, A. L, Medieval Indian Culture, Agra, 1964.

Books for Reference :

1. Ahmad, Aziz, Studies in Islamic Culture in the Indian Envoirnment, Oxford, London,

2. Archer, W. G., Indian Miniatures, Greenwitch, 1960.

3. Basham, A. L., A Cultural History of India, O. U. P., London, 1975.

4. Beveridge, A. S. (Tr.), Babar-nama, (English Translation From Turki), Hyderabad

Codex), London, 1921.

5. Blochmann, H. (ed.), Ain-I-Akbari by Abul Fazl, in 3 Vols Calcutta, 1946.

6. Burton, Stein, Peasant State and Society in Medieval South India, O. U. P., New Delhi,

7. Chandra, Satish, Mughal Religious Policies: The Rajputs and the Deccan, Vikas, Delhi,

8. Chandra, Satish, Medieval India, From Sultanate to the Mughals, Har Anand
Publication, Delhi, 1997.

9. Digby , Simon, Sufis and Soldiers in Awarangzeb's Deccan, O. U. P., New Delhi

10. Frykenberg, L.F. (ed.), Land Control and Social Structure in Indian History, London,

11. Habib, Irfan, Atlas of the Mughal Empire, O. U. P., Delhi, 1982

12. Karashima, N., Towards a New Formation: South Indian Society Under Vijaynagar, O.
U. P., Delhi 1992.

13. Karve, G. H. (Tr.), Persian Sources of Indian History (Collected, Edited and Translated
into Marathi) 3 Vols. Poona, 1937.

14. Manucci, Niccolao, Storia do Mogal 1656-1712, Translated by Irvine, 4 Vols., London,

15. Mate, M. S., Maratha Architecture, (1650 A. D. to 1850 A. D.), University of Poona,
Poona, 1959.

16. Mohammad, Yasmin, A Social History of Islamic India 1603-1748, The Upper India
Publ. House Ltd., Lucknow, 1958.

17. Moreland, W. H., Geyl, P. (Tr.), Jahangir's India, IAD Oriental Series No. 8,
Translated from Dutch, Idarah –i-adabiyat-I-Delhi, Delhi, 1972.

18. Nath, R., Some Aspects of Mughal Architecture, New Delhi.

19. Nizami, K.A., Studies in Medieval Indian History and Culture, Allahabad, 1966.

20. Paes, Domingo, Narrative of Domingo Paes, English Translation by Robert Sewell, A
Forgotten Empire.

21. Pande, A. B., Society and Government in Medieval India, Central Book Depot,
Allahabad, 1966 .

22. Ray, Niharranjan, Mughal Court Painting, New Delhi, 1975

23. Rizvi, S.A.A., Religious and Intellectual History of Muslims in Akbar's Reign, New
Delhi, 1975.

24. Rizvi, S.A.A., Studies in Mughal India, Delhi, 1919.

25. Tarachand, Society and State in the Mughal Period, Delhi, 1961.

26. Tarachand, Influence of Islam on Indian Culture, Allahabad, 1985.

27. Vaudeville, Charlotte, Myths, Saints and Legends in Medieval India,O. U. P., Delhi,

28. Verma, S. P., Mughal Painters and Their Work : A Biographical Survey and Catalogue,
O. U. P., Delhi, 1994.

29. Vanina, Eugenia, Ideas and Society in India from the Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries,
O. U. P.

Group ‘I’ i. Economic History of India (1757-1947) 308191

Sr. Topic and Details Weightage Student

No. Engagement
XXIV Objectives: The students will
a) the various types of sources
and their usein the
construction of History of
Modern India.

b) the nature of Colonial rule, its

economic policies- their aims
and objectives and
ideological influences upon


c) its impact on Indian Economy

and Society.

d) the Indigenous responses to them.

1 Unit 1: Understanding Modern India: 25 15

1. Sources: archival
records, private
periodicals and
oral tradition.
2. Approaches and
3. Different schools of

2 Unit 2: India in the mid-18th 25 15


1. Economic and Social

2. Land Revenue Settlement
and its mpact on Indian

(Note: This should be

studied with special
emphasis on new types of
land revenue
commercialization of
agriculture, rural
indebtness, rural power
relations, landlords,
peasants and agricultural
labour and institutions of
finance and famines in

3 Unit 3: Urban Economy: 15

1. Process of

2. Urbanisation
3. Industrial Evolution and
4. Rise and development of
means of transport and
communication -posts,
telegraphs and railwaysetc.

4 Unit 4: Resistance to Colonial rule: 25 15

1. Pre-1857-peasant and tribal revolts

2. Rise and Growth of Economic
3. Rise and Growth of Working class
movement and Peasant movement

Books for Study:

1. Baden-Powell B. H., The Land Sytems of British India, Vol. I and II, The Clarendon
Press, Oxford, 1892.

2. Bayly, C. A., Indian Society and the making of the British Empire, New Cambridge
History of India,Cambridge University Press, 1987.

3. Bhatia, B. M, Famines In India: A Study In Some Aspects Of The Economic History of

India, 1860-1945, Asia Publishing House, Bombay 1963.

4. Chandra, Bipan, Rise and Growth of Economic Nationalism in India, P. P. H., Delhi,

5. Chandra, Bipan, and, India's Struggle for Independence 1857-1947, Penguin,
Delhi, 1996.

6. Chandra, Chandra, Nationalism and Colonialism In Modern India, Orient Longman,

New Delhi, 1981.

7. Desai, A. R., Peasant struggle in India, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1981.

8. Desai, A. R, Social Background of Indian Nationalism, Popular Prakashan,

Mumbai, 1984.

9. Dutt, R. C, Economic History of India, 2 Vols, Government of India Publication

Division, New Delhi, Reprint, 1980.

10. Dutt, R. C., India Today, Manisha Granthalaya, Kolkata, 1979.

11. Dutt, R. Palme, The Economic History of India, Vol. II (In The Victorian Age 1837-
1900), Publication Division, Government of India, Delhi, Third Reprint of the First
Edition, September 1976.

12. Gopal, S., British Policy in India, Cambridge University Press, 1965.

13. Kumar Dharma and (ed.), The Cambridge Economic History of India. Vol.II, C 1757
to C 1970 , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1982, (Indian Edition by Orient
Longmans, 1984).

14. Majumdar, R. C. (ed.), The History and Culture of the Indian People, Bharatiya
Vidya Bhavan, British Paramountcy and Indian Renaissance, Vol. Ten, Par. I-II,
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1981.

15. Raychaudhuri, Tapan and Habib Irfan (eds.) Cambridge Economic History of India,
Vol. I, S. Chand, Delhi, 1984.

16. Sarkar, Sumit, Modern India, 1885-1947, Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi, 1984.

17. Schumpter, J, Imperialism and Social Classes, New York, 1951.

Books for Reference:

1. Aloysius, Nationalism without Nation, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1997.

2. Desai, A. R, Recent Trends in Indian Nationalism, Reprint, Popular Prakashan,

Mumbai, 1998.

3. Gadgil, D. R. The Industrial Evolution Of India in Recent Times 1860-1939 Oxford

University Press, New Delhi, 5th Edition, 1973.

4. Guha, Ranjit and Spivak, Gayatri (eds.) Selected Subaltern Studies,(eds.), Oxford
University Press, Delhi, 1983.

5. Guha, Ranjit, Elementary Aspects of Peasant Insurgency in Colonial India, Oxford

University Press, New Delhi, 1983.

6. Sarkar, Sumit, Writing Social History, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1997.

7. Sharma, G. S, Labour Movement in India, 3rd ed. Bombay, 1982.

8. Tara, Chand, History of the Freedom Movement in India, and Habib Irfan(eds.)Vol. I
and II, Publication Division, Govt. of India, New Delhi, 1983.

9. Spear, Percival, The Oxford History of Modern India, 1740-1947, Reprint, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi, 1981.

Group ‘I’ ii. Socio-Cultural History Of India (1757-1947) 308192

Sr. Topic and Details Credits Lectures Marks

XXV Objectives: The paper aims

at introducing
students to:
a) The understanding of the processes
involved in the construction of
‘Modern India' under the colonial
b) The various religious reform
movements and democratic
c) The nature of Indian Renaissance
and its manifestations in various
fields such as art and literature.
d) The multi-dimensionality of the
process of modernisation and to the
dialectical relationship between
continuity and change in the shaping
of ‘Modern India.’

Unit 1: Impact of the British rule: 1 15 25

1. Rule of Law-Liberalism,
2. Western Education and rise
of middle class

Unit 2: Social Policies and Social 1 15 25


1. Attitude of Colonial state to

social institutions such as caste,
tribes and communities:
Orientalists, Evangelical and
2. Religious Reform Movements:
Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj,
Prarthna Samaj, Satyashodhak
Samaj and Theosophical
Movement, Ramkrishna Mission
and Aligarh Movement.
3. Women’s reform Movements
4. Caste Movements-Mahatma
Phule to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.

Unit 3: Cultural Trends: 1 15 25

1. Press
2. Literature
3. Education

Unit 4: Rise and growth of Arts: 1 15 25

1. Theatre and Music

2. Indological Studies
3. Architecture
4. Fine Arts

Books for Study:

1. Bayly, C. A, Indian Society and the making of the British Empire, New Cambridge
History of India, Cambridge University Press, London, 1987

2. Brown, Judith, Modern India, The Origin of an Asian Democracy, Delhi, 1984

3. Chandra Bipan and Panikkar K. N., Mukherjee Aditya, Mukherjee Mridula and
Mahajan Suchitra, (ed.)India's Struggle for Independence, Penguin, Delhi, 1996

4. Chakravarty, Suhas, The Raj Syndrome: A Study in Imperial Perception, Penguin

Overseas, Delhi, 1991

5. Chopra, P. N., Puri, B.N. and Das, M. N A Social, Cultural and Economic
History of India, 3 Vols, New Delhi, 1981

6. Desai, A. R, Social Background of Indian Nationalism, Popular Prakashan, Mumbai,


7. Farquhar, J. N., Modern Religious Movements in India, New York, 1918

8. Kenneth, Jones, Social and Religious Movement in Modern India, New Cambridge
History, 1989

9. Majumdar, R.C. (ed.), The History and Culture of the Indian People,
British Paramountcy and Indian Renaissance, Vol. Ten, Part I-II, Bharatiya Vidya
Bhavan, Bombay, 1981

10. Natarajan, S., History of Indian Journalism, The publications Division, Government
of India, Delhi, 1955

Books for Reference:

1. Heimasath, Charles, Indian Nationalism and Hindu Social Reform, OUP,

Mumbai, 1964
2. Kripalani, Krishna, Literature of Modern India, National Books Trust,
New Delhi, 1985

3. Krishnamurti, J. (ed.), Women in Colonial India: Essays an Survival, work and

the State, OUP, 1989

4. Omvedt, Gail, Cultural Revolt in Colonical Society : The Non-Brahmin

Movement in Western India, 1873-1930, Scientific Socialist Education Trust,
Bombay, 1976

5. Sarkar, Sumit, Modern India 1885-1947, Macmillan, Delhi, 1998

6. Seal, Anil, The Emergence of Indian Nationalism, Cambridge University Press,


7. Srinivasan, M. N., Social Change in Modern India, New Delhi, 1972

8. Stokes, Eric, The English Utilitarians and India, O. U. P., Delhi, 1959

9. Tarachand, History of Freedom Movement in India, Publication Division,

Government of India, Delhi, 1971-72


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