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Borehole Log Visualization Bearing Capacity Software

Software VisLog Peysanj

VisLog is a creative computer program for Peysanj is a series of geotechnical

3-dimensional modeling of the boreholes engineering modules for:
and in-situ test results.
Drawing soil profiles by just drag & drop of •Allowable bearing capacity: by concurrent
the boreholes! Several different features for calculation of shear failure and settlement
soil group definition and their shading styles for each footing size
are provided in VisLog. •Pressure-meter test: calculation of Menard
•Providing 3D view of the site modulus (Em) and limit pressure (Pl)
•Easy zoom, rotate and pan •Plate loading test: calculation of modulus
•Each layer of data supports transparency of subgrade reaction (Ks)
•Importing gINT files •Soil liquefaction analysis
•Export to image, DXF and video formats •Lateral earth pressure coefficients
•Automatic generation of soil profiles (seismic, static)
•Plotting field test results beside boreholes
•Rendering contour maps for each
parameter across the site

Pile Bearing Capacity Lab. Test Processor and

Software NovoPile Borehole Log Software NovoLab
NovoPile is the newest Novo Tech Software NovoLab is designed for processing soil
product for estimation of bearing capacity mechanics tests and drafting the borehole
and settlement of piles based on the log and test summary tables:
methodology proposed by “H. Poulos & E. •Sieve analysis test
Davis” which covers both driven and bored •Atterberg limits test
piles. There is no limitation for number of •Moisture and density test
soil layers and both drained and undrained •Field density test
conditions are incorporated. •Direct shear test
•Skin and end bearing in clay and sand •Three-axial compression test
•Applying critical depth (Zc) for arching •Permeability test (falling head, constant head)
effect in sands •Compaction test
•Models for variable pile diameter, tapered •Borehole log drafting
piles and belled piles •Borehole locations on Google Earth map
•Automatic calculation of bearing capacity
factor (Nq) and KSTan(Φ) based on pile
type and soil properties
•Calculation of pile settlement
4188 Hoskins Road
All calculation details for each step are North Vancouver, BC, Canada V7K-2P5
presented in tabular format, and can be Phone: 778-588-7014
exported as Excel and image files. www.NovoTechSoftware.com


SPT Correlations Software Cone Penetration Test Soil Liquefaction Software
NovoSPT Interpretation Software NovoLiq
NovoSPT is the ONLY geotechnical Analysis of soil liquefaction during
software containing more than 265 formulas NovoCPT is a very intuitive CPT earthquake has always been challenging. By
for correlation of soil properties based on interpenetration software tool that imports using NovoLiq, user is able to assess the
SPT blow counts. Each correlation is valid for CPT files and performs interpretations and liquefaction potential and estimate the
certain soil type(s) and has the full reference correlations to soil parameters including but post-liquefaction lateral displacement and
information. NovoSPT correlates the not limited to: settlements, based on different methods.
following soil properties based on SPT: •Shear strength (Su): 3methods Input data can be Standard Penetration Test
•All SPT correction factors •Equivalent SPT blow counts (N60) (SPT), Becker Density Test (BDT) and Shear
•Modulus of elasticity (ES) •Hydraulic conductivity (K) Wave Velocity Test (Vs).
•Friction angle (Φ) •Clay sensitivity (St)
•Relative density (Dr) •Young’s modulus (ES) •10 methods for liquefaction assessment
•Undrained shear strength (Su) •Relative density (Dr) including NCEER 1997, Vancouver TF 2007,
•CPT tip resistance (qc) •Friction angle (Φ) and unit weight (γ) Idriss & Boulanger 2006, Cetin 2004, etc.
•Modulus of subgrade reaction (KS) •Soil behavior type index (IC) •Unlimited soil layers
•Overconsolidation ratio (OCR) •Fines content (%) •Analysis of probability of soil liquefaction
•Shear wave velocity (VS) •Other parameters such as qt, Qt, Qtn, Fr, Rf, •Fines content correction
•Shear modulus (Gmax) Bq, n, CC, KO, OCR, e, VS, Gmax… •Several options for correlation of
•Cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) “Magnitude Scaling Factor (MSF)”, “Depth
•Bearing capacity of piles and footings Other key features: Reduction Factor (Rd)”, “Relative Density
•Settlement of footings (Dr)”, “Overburden Stress Factor (KS)”, etc.
•Becker density test blow count •Soil liquefaction analysis (based on •Importing gINT files
•Compressibility factor (mV) Robertson 2009 method) •Lateral spreading of site is estimated
•Normalized dilation angle (v1) •Piles bearing capacity analysis (LCPC according to: Zhang, Robertson and
•Pressuremeter Menard modulus (EPMT) method) Brachman 2004, Youd et al. 2002, Barlett
•Saturated unit weight (γ) •Footings bearing capacity (3 methods) and and Youd 1992, Youd and Perkins 1987,
•Wildcat cone resistance (qd) settlement analysis (Elastic, Consolidation) Hamada et al. 1986
•Initial modulus of stiffness (G0) •Soil behaviour type charts (Robertson •Post-liquefaction residual strength (Sr)
•Import from gINT, Text file, … 1986 and 1990, Jefferies & Been 2006) •Several plots and tabular data for each
•Supports both Metric and Imperial units •Comparing two or more parameters on step of calculation
•Supports Wildcat and DCP the same graph by overlying plots •Supports both Metric and Imperial units
penetrometers •Advanced selective report
All results can be printed or exported to •Supports both Metric and Imperial units
Excel and image files.

User can plot and compare the variation of a All results can be printed or exported to
soil parameter in depth based on different Excel and image files.
correlation methods.

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