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03 12 2017
03 12 2017
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n Economy is
rain were saluted yesterday by Her Royal “This is a source of our pride and strong oured at the event. an entire nation,” she said.
Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al belief in the ability of Bahraini women to Princess Sabeeka stressed that the oc- She affirmed that Bahraini women’s
Khalifa, wife of His Majesty King Hamad assume responsibilities vested in them to- casion embodies the prestigious status achievements could not have been possible
and Supreme Council for Women (SCW) wards the nation and its citizens. enjoyed by Bahraini women as essential without the support of Bahraini men who
president, on Bahraini Women’s Day. “History will record their patriotic con- partners in the national march and con- have never hesitated to pave the way for
In a statement marking its 10th anni- tributions and landmark achievements in tributors to the nation-building process. their female partners to play their role in
versary, she said, “Today we are celebrat- golden letters,” she said. “It is a national occasion similar to Na- the nation-building process. She also paid MANAMA: Bahrain’s economy
ing the contributions of Bahraini women Princess Sabeeka patronised the official tional Days, as described by the leader special tribute to the government for its is robust – supported by a
engineers, who have managed, like their ceremony marking Bahraini Women’s Day of the national march, His Majesty King commitment to integrate women’s needs in strong banking system, declared
counterparts in all fields of work and pro- 2017, which was attended by Deputy Pre- Hamad, whose care and support have en- the development process. the Central Bank of Bahrain
duction, to establish a successful march of mier Shaikh Khalid bin Abdulla Al Khali- sured the sustainability of women’s prog- Engineers honoured – Page 11 (CBB) yesterday. The economy
outperformed expectations this
year, despite lower oil prices and
subdued regional growth, it said.
The Central Bank was responding
to Standard and Poor Global
Ratings lowering Bahrain’s
long-term foreign and local
currency sovereign credit ratings
to ‘B+’ from “BB-’. The ratings
agency said the downgrade
reflected Bahrain’s weak external
liquidity and increasing financial
risk due to more limited access
to international capital market
financing. “In light of the recent
Standard and Poor’s rating of
Bahrain, the CBB wishes to state
that Bahrain remains committed
to maintaining a fixed exchange
rate regime with the US dollar,”
said a CBB statement. “This
policy has provided a strong
anchor for monetary policy
throughout the years and helped
in creating a stable business
environment and financial
Full report – Page 15
MANAMA: The Premier yester- He paid homage to the late UAE President n More suicides
Shaikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, founder of MANAMA: Two more expatriates
day paid tribute to the UAE on the UAE and architect of its development, and in Bahrain reportedly committed
its 46th National Day, hailing its advocate of Gulf and Arab unity. suicide, taking the toll to four
within a week. Indian Jini Jose
landmark development and sup- He also commended President Shaikh Khalifa
Kachipally, aged 30, who was
port for Bahrain in all circum- bin Zayed Al Nahyan, who continued the march working in a restaurant in
of development, along with other UAE rulers. Adliya was found hanging from
stances. He commended the UAE-led role in support- the ceiling fan in her bedroom
“The joys of the UAE are also Bahrain’s ing the GCC, advocating the causes of Arab and at around 7pm on Friday.
as we share the times of joy and adversity,” Islamic nations and backing “brothers” in all According to sources, the victim
he said. circumstances”. had alerted her cousin working
He congratulated Shaikh Khalifa bin Zayed, in the same hotel about her
His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince intention, at around 6.30pm.
Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa stressed the im- UAE Vice-President, Prime Minister and Dubai Separately, Bangladeshi
portance of unity as he attended a ceremony host- Ruler Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Mak- Mohammad Shujon Reza,
ed by UAE Ambassador Abdul Ridha Abdulla toum and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince and UAE aged 28, was found dead in his
Khoury at his residence to mark national day. Armed Forces Deputy Supreme Commander accommodation in Arad.
He underlined strong relations with the UAE, Shaikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan on According to sources, he was
describing the country as a strong, successful the occasion. He also congratulated other mem- found hanging in his room
and modern model of unity, cohesion and pros- bers of the Supreme Federal Council and rulers n The Premier attends a ceremony hosted by the UAE Ambassador yesterday morning.
Full report – Page 3
perity. of the emirates and crown princes. at his residence to mark national day. Growth hailed – Page 2
2 Gulf Daily News Sunday, 3rd December 2017
Premier hails
UAE’s growth
MANAMA: The Premier yester- tions of the UAE National Day.
day hailed the UAE’s landmark “This reflects his love and
development strides, ever since appreciation of the UAE, as
the emirates united and started well as his constant keenness
building a modern state with to support everything that is
economic and political lever- aimed at bolstering relations
age that strengthens the Arabi- between the two brotherly
an Gulf. countries, he said.
His Royal Highness Prime He described the Premier’s
Minister Prince Khalifa bin presence as a badge of honour
Salman Al Khalifa made the and a source of pride.
statement as he attended a cer- Mr Khoury praised the prog-
emony hosted by UAE Am- ress and renaissance witnessed
bassador Abdul Ridha Abdulla by the kingdom under the Pre-
Khoury at his residence to mark mier’s leadership, thanking the
the UAE’s 46th National Day. citizens of Bahrain for their
He hailed strong ties with the sincere feelings on his country’s
UAE, describing the country as National Day.
a model of unity, cohesion and The ceremony featured a
prosperity. poem which lauded the role of
The UAE Ambassador ex- the Premier in strengthen rela-
pressed heartfelt thanks and ap- tions between the two brother-
preciation to the Premier for his ly countries. It also hailed his
kind gesture and keenness on sound visions on ways to bolster
sharing with them their celebra- joint GCC action.
n The Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority celebrated the UAE National Day during an
event held at the Bahrain Light Festival. A traditional band performed a number of national
songs. “We wanted to mark this national event with a celebration that portrays the unity and
fondness of both nations,” said BTEA chief executive Shaikh Khalid bin Humood Al Khalifa.
Bahrain Light Festival, at Bahrain Bay, ends today. Above, visitors at the event.
Gulfdailynews @GDNonline @GDNonline GDNonline Email: [email protected]
Sunday, 3rd December 2017
THOUSANDS of visitors
n A stall selling traditional Bahraini honey
Funds plea to
Email: [email protected] Gulfdailynews @GDNonline @GDNonline GDNonline Sunday, 3rd December 2017
burial mounds
DELAYS in developing
Bahrain’s historic buri-
al mounds as a key tourist
attraction have prompted
network of traditional buildings
that trace their heritage back to
Most of Bahrain’s most prom-
inent burial mounds are located
in the Northern Governorate,
but Mr Buhamood said despite
velop the mounds as tourist and
archaeological sites, but added
funding remained a problem.
“Baca has plans and they are
“I am not giving excuses, I
acknowledge there are delays.
“But there is also commit-
ment. A’ali Burial Mounds are
Baca previously said Une-
sco would make decision on
the burial mound heritage site
application in July of this year,
the glory days of the pearling their historical significance they working to have them carried fenced to ensure no trespassing, but no announcement has been
calls for urgent funds to industry – have already been attracted no tourists. out, but like elsewhere in the as are other sites so they are forthcoming.
be made available for the granted World Heritage Site He proposed the Bahrain world when it comes to protect- safe. Officials from the organisa-
scheme. status. Mumtalakat Holding Company, ing and preserving history there “Investment will come when- tion could not be reached for
Northern Municipal Council However, the application for the country’s sovereign wealth are difficulties that they are try- ever Unesco recognition is comment.
chairman Mohammed Buha- the burial mounds has still not fund, should pump money into ing to overcome,” he said. granted.” [email protected]
mood claimed the plan had been been approved and Mr Buha- a restoration and preservation
on the table for more than a de- mood called on authorities to project.
cade. make cash available to develop “Mumtalakat should be in-
He warned that threats to the what he described as the coun- vesting in making the mounds a
mounds, including calls to de- try’s “most significant” historic tourist attraction,” he said.
molish them, would attraction. “It would be positive for all
only increase the “Baca (the Bah- the projects and companies that
longer it took to rain Authority for come under its banner.
commence work. Culture and Antiq-
“For 12 years we uities) managed to Investment
have been seeing get financing for the “Mumtalakat’s portfolio al-
the same designs to 200-year-old Pearl ready includes tourism compa-
develop the mounds Route in Muharraq nies and they could run sites to
into a touristic at- from the Islamic make money, rather than from
traction, but nothing Development Bank an archaeological perspective -
has been done,” he and got it registered which would continue being the
said. as a World Heritage responsibility of Baca.
An application to n Mr Buhamood Site, despite it hav- “We are suggesting investors
recognise 11 buri- ing less significance could be brought in by Mumta-
al mound locations, stretching than the burial mounds – which lakat to open cafés and restau-
25km from the centre of the are 4,000 years old,” he said. rants near excavated locations.
country to the northern coast, as “It also got funding from the “Such places would look
a World Heritage Site was sub- private sector and now, when much better than the tourist dis-
mitted to the United Nations Ed- it comes to Bahrain’s most sig- trict in Adliya.”
ucational, Scientific and Cultur- nificant historic site, the burial He also expressed fears that
al Organisation (Unesco) more mounds, there is no funding. further delays would only in-
than seven years ago. “It is good that the Pearl crease pressure from some quar-
They include the A’ali Royal Route project is on track, but the ters to bulldoze the mounds and
Burial Mounds along with oth- burial mounds have to be giv- use the land to construct homes.
ers in Dar Kulaib, Buri, Hamad en attention because they have “MPs think the mounds are
Town and Karzakan. what it needs to be the best at- useless and want the land trans-
Bahrain Fort, near Seef, and traction – even bigger than Bah- ferred to the Housing Ministry
the Pearl Route in Muharraq – a rain Fort.” to build homes,” he said.
Staff evaluation call “That’s really worrying be-
cause such pressure could result
in the government submitting.
BD 79/- p.m.
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HUMAN Resources Development of cultivating the values of “I don’t want Bahrain to lose
and Performance Management belonging to the nation among its rich history, but efforts to
director general Adel Heji children and youngsters. preserve and highlight the im- An offer you can’t resist!
Ibrahim Mohammed asked
ministries, public institutions and
government entities that have not
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of employees to do so before the Toastmasters movement will be a heavy burden.” Free 3 years servicing (45,000kms)
deadline Thursday, December 14. be hosted in Bahrain later this A’ali is one area in the North- 3 years roadside assistance
month. Organised by the Angels ern Governorate famous for its
n Patriotism push Toastmasters Club, ‘Confluence
– A Convergence of World Class
burial mounds and in 2012 a
tomb belonging to an ancient
5 years warranty
A week-long event to foster Speakers’ will be held on December king was found there.
values of patriotism and national 26 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel from The tomb, belonging to Dil-
belonging among children will be 6pm to 9.30pm. Keynote speakers
launched today. The programme, will include Sarah Khan and James mun’s King Yagli-El,dates back Terms and conditions apply.
which runs until Thursday, is Jeffley from the US, Rowena to 1700BC and was particularly
part of festivities lined-up by Niduza from the UAE, Abdulla significant because it also estab-
the Southern governorate to Al Abandi from Saudi Arabia and lished a royal chronology - iden-
mark His Majesty king Hamad’s Joel Indrupati from Bahrain. For tifying him as the son of King Behbehani Brothers w.l.l.
Accession Day and the national further information call Fareeda Bai Rimum, who was buried nearby.
Day. Southern governor Tanzeer on 36361667 or Benchie Sitra – Tel: 17459977 Email: [email protected]
A’ali municipal councillor
Shaikh khalifa bin Ali Al Fortuno at 33997764. Registration is Abdulla Ashoor said he did not
khalifa stressed the importance now open at www.eventbrite.com.
doubt Baca’s keenness to de-
6 Gulf Daily News Sunday, 3rd December 2017 Star letter of the week receives a BD25 Yateem Centre
gift voucher. The winner, revealed every Wednesday,
should call 17628223. Apart from
sending us an email or fax, you can also express
your views on our Facebook page,
www.facebook.com/GulfDailyNews. These
comments are also eligible for the ‘Star Letter’ prize.
Just tag your comment with #GDNConversation
Green facts...
TODAY is Sunday, December 3, the 337th day of 2017.
There are 28 days left in the year. Highlights in history
on this date:
A FEW days ago I read a letter from Nalini
Varma regarding non-biodegradables and
a supermarket.
1810 - British capture Mauritius from French. I would like to put forth some facts.
1912 - Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro sign an Supermarket bags are thin and non-biode-
1944 - US forces cross Saar River in Germany in Second gradable which is more harmful compared
World War. with a biodegradable bag with more thickness.
1952 - UN General Assembly adopts India’s proposal for 1. Biodegradable refers to all those things
Korean armistice. that can be easily decomposed by natural
1961 - United States deploys platoon of troops along agents. Natural agents include water, oxygen,
border between East and West Berlin as East Germany
ultraviolet rays of the sun, acid rains, microor-
ganisms, etc. On the other hand non-biode-
gradable substances are never broken down
THERE is many a good man to be found or decomposed by environmental factors.
2. Biodegradable substances include
under a shabby hat – Chinese proverb.
food waste like vegetable and fruit peels,
dead plants and animals,
begins strengthening Berlin Wall. chicken, egg shells, paper
1967 - Surgeons at Cape Town, South Africa, hospital
report successful human heart transplant, said to be
materials, garden waste,
first of its kind. etc. Non-biodegradable
1984 - Hundreds are reported dead and several thou- things consist of plastics, n Non-biodegradable bags pose a serious
sand stricken after inhaling poisonous cyanide gas polystyrene, metals, plastic threat to the environment
which leaked from Union Carbide insecticide factory in and aluminium cans, toxic
central India. chemicals, paints, tyres, etc. and reunite to create the magical show
1988 - Pakistan’s Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, in first
official act, calls for release of about 1,000 political
3. Biodegradable sub- again, please.
prisoners and commutes all death sentences. stances on breaking up are Rajendra K Aneja
1989 - East German Politburo and Central Committee converted into simple or-
1993 - The United States and Ukraine fail to resolve a
dispute over Ukraine’s stockpile of more than 1,000
ganic matter and are assimi-
lated in the soil and thus be- War on prices?
comes a part of the carbon
long-range nuclear warheads. HIS refers to the rising cost of living in
1994 - Taiwan’s long-ruling Nationalists lose control of cycle of the atmosphere. On
the capital but keep its governorship in historic elec- the contrary, non-biodegrad- Bahrain.
tions that highlighted the island’s march to democracy. able substances are resistant Last month a reader recorded a very
1995 - In Madrid, President Clinton authorises a van- to the environmental factors intelligent observation. He said that while
guard of American troops to open a risky mission in and never decompose and the subsidy on meat was abolished, sellers
Bosnia and rejects Serb demands for rewriting the peace adopted new silent techniques to keep their
instead contribute to majority
tmas adverts ac
of the solid waste. e Ch ris earnings intact. He gave an example of how
1997 - Representatives of more than 120 nations gather al l th
in Ottawa, Canada, to sign a treaty banning land mines. 4. Biodegradable substanc- “Now I’ve seen seems like a let-down” shopkeepers keep the price of traditional
1998 - Making their first collective decision about mon- es may decompose within Christmas Bahrain “kababs”
etary policy, 11 European nations cut interest rates in a a few days or months while intact at 500 fils, drop Published letters are not
surprise move to fight the global economic slowdown.
2002 - World Food Programme warns the UN Security
Council that a record 38 million people were at risk of
non-biodegradable items may
take thousands of years or may never ever
Forget differences the size and quantity
of kababs down to
necessarily the views of the
Editor. Readers wishing to
starvation in Africa. The southern nations of Zimbabwe,
Malawi, Swaziland, Lesotho, Zambia and Mozambique
are among the worst affected.
be broken down and remain in their original
Considering the benefits of biodegradable
T HE Kapil Sharma Comedy show, aired at
weekends for the last few years, was a
brilliant programme.
four from five.
If any real judicious
survey, research or
make a complaint through
the GDN should provide full
details of the complaint
2003 - A declassified Canadian Security Intelligence material, more people are using it. Mega Mart, It petered out because Kapil Sharma and his study is done by, say together with their contact
Service report says the spread of Sars could threaten Macro Mart, Bahrain Pride, Shakeel Trading university students
global stability and devastate countries in Africa as
team had some issues with each other whilst telephone numbers.
well as other parts of the developing world because of and others. Thinner and regular polymer on a foreign tour. or researchers, the
the challenges the virus poses to treatment and fragile is not the only solution. Correct material is However the programme was very enter- majority of middle
health systems. “Biodegrade” and MPI BIOPLAS. taining. I am missing it. May I request Kapil class in Bahrain (excluding expatriates) will
2004 - President Alvaro Uribe signs the final order to Aamir Shamim Khalid Sharma and his team, to sink their differences be found complaining about increasing
extradite Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela, leader of the prices of daily commodities. Until
once-feared Cali drug cartel and the most powerful
Colombian trafficker to ever face trial in the US.
2007 - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez loses a consti-
l A chance to have your say... Fax: 17622141 Post: The Editor, Gulf
last month a chicken burger from a
street shop cost 300 fils. Yesterday it
tutional vote that would have let him run for re-election Daily News, PO Box 5300, Manama, Bahrain. Email: [email protected] was 400 fils. It looks a very insignifi-
indefinitely. cant increase.
2008 - Russia says it is sending a warship through the But it means that an ordinary
Panama Canal for the first time since Second World War, sandwich shop in streets and
a short journey loaded with symbolic weight: the de-
stroyer will dock at a former US naval base, showcasing
residential areas has increased its
Russia’s growing influence in the region. income by an average BD5 mini-
2009 - Afghan President Hamid Karzai says he is willing mum a day, while a sandwich shop
to talk with the Taliban chief in a bid to bring peace to situated in the “wall streets” of the
the country if the move has the backing of the US and island, like the two in front of Zalin
other international partners.
2011 - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki confidently pre-
Plaza or near offices, commercial
dicts that his country will achieve stability and remain areas or schools, a minimum of
independent of its giant neighbour Iran even without an BD15 a day.
American troop presence that is ending within weeks. The sufferers are ordinary peo-
2012 - President Barack Obama warns Syria that the use ple, as nobody can question this
of chemical weapons would be “totally unacceptable”
and that the country’s leaders would be held account-
able. Tomatoes three weeks ago were
2013 - French scientists looking into the death of at 600 fils with the so-called illegal
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat dismiss poisoning by vendors.
radioactive polonium, his widow says, contradicting This has dropped to 400 fils now
earlier findings by a Swiss lab.
with these vendors. I am a purchas-
CHEMISTS er and I have my eyes to sense the
quality as well as watch my pocket
24-hour chemists:
as inflation rises.
Jaffer Pharmacy: 18, Tarfah bin Al Abid Avenue, Ma- As such I prefer buying from
nama 319. Tel: 17291039. Awal Pharmacy: 30, Shaikh Ali
bin Khalifa Avenue, East Riffa 901. Tel: 17772023. Al Mu- these vendors. In the supermarkets
wasaa Pharmacy: 38, Shaikh Mohammed bin Salman these were 800 fils. Four to five
Avenue, Muharraq 205. Tel: 17335666. Al Maraya Phar- years back, Bahrain’s local crop of
macy: 379 Amman Avenue, Tubli 705. Tel: 17784029. Al red juicy tomatoes for decades had
Rahma Pharmacy: 12 Souk Abu Dhar Alghafari, Isa Town
814. Tel: 17687117. National Pharmacy: Bldg. 2058, been BD1 for a full crate weighing
Road 4563, Sanad 745. Tel: 17620208. Nasser Pharma- more than 10kg.
cy: 63-B, Qadisiya Avenue, Manama 332. Tel: 17740900. At the corners of busy streets,
Hamad Town Pharmacy: 225 Souk Waqf, Hamad Town sellers had on the roadside 20-30
1203. Tel: 17410114. Majeed Jaffar Pharmacy: Building
233, Avenue 57, Muharraq 203. Tel: 17331168. Al Hilal
crates offering to every passing car.
Pharmacy: Shop No. 649B, Road 1511, Muharraq. Tel: These crates of local tomatoes have
17341700. disappeared.
Vet Services 24-hours 39481208. The need, in the larger national
interest, is not to “monitor” the in-
PRAYER TIMES crease in prices but to “investigate”
Noon (Dhohr) 11.28am, Afternoon (Asr) 2.26pm, Sunset where our local tomato crates have
(Maghrib) 4.46pm, Nightfall (Ishaa) 6.16pm and Dawn gone?
(Fajr) 4.48am tomorrow.
We country-loving Bahrainis
Today is the 15 Rabea Al Awal, 1439, in the Islamic cal- should not forget that the next war
is going to be about food.
*Provided by the Islamic Affairs Ministry. J Muhammad
Gulf Daily News Sunday, 3rd December 2017 7
Email: [email protected]
is a key responsibility of
military and security work, ne of the expensive pastimes of
Commander of the royal being a rich and successful expat
Guard Special Force and Indian is to sponsor one’s profile in
joint national counter-ter- catalogues of most well-known Indians in
rorism drill “The King- the region. These impressive bound, gold-
dom’s Guards 1” Major edged tomes are to be found prominently
Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad placed in reception area tables, with the
Al Khalifa said. person’s profile conveniently marked with
The security and safety of the page-marker.
Bahrain are worth all sacri- I have no issue with such self-publicity
fices, he said, and hailed – but what gets me is that there is rarely
the support of His Majesty
King Hamad for the drill. mention of women in these books. Perhaps
Shaikh Khalid said the n Shaikh Khalid chairs the meeting in Bahrain, expat Asian women tend to be
drill, to be held at Seef Mall from December 5 to The Public Prosecution is also taking part as of preparedness, readiness and responsiveness. better-known for their achievements in
6, is in co-ordination between Bahrain Defence a legal legislator. The preparatory exercises last month included the arts or social work and not in business
Force, the Interior Ministry and the national He said that drill would be monitored by spe- various scenarios that showed differences in the but even these triumphs count for naught.
Guard. cialised independent bodies to evaluate the level concepts and implementation of procedures. There are successful women entrepreneurs
but they tend to fly below the radar and
have become accustomed to being ignored.
l Man assaulted woman at knifepoint in bathroom It hurts that there is nary a nod to those
who are successful in raising the bar for
Cleaner’s jail
the community. Have we heard of the early
pioneering women, for example, who came
as nurses and teachers? If you look at the
grainy sepia prints of the ‘forties and ‘fifties,
you will see these doughty professionals
standing in their starched whites squinting
into the fierce sun, next to doctors and
government officials or with their students
around them.
Nursing and teaching are considered, to
this day – somewhat dismissively, I may add
term upheld
– as ‘womanly’ careers and not so impor-
tant. But they weave a sense of well-being
and a promise of the future into the com-
munity and are such essential factors to our
well-being and for the economy. A healthy
population keeps the country’s wheels
moving and nurses enable that as much as
doctors do. A school with good teachers
allows families to stay together and nurture
the next generation. As someone told me,
the Indian School alone facilitates more
than 10,000 families staying in Bahrain and
they rent houses, work and shop here and
their skills and money buoy the economy.
So why are we turning up our noses on
A MALE cleaner who assault- By NOOR ZAHRA then touched her chest. ther then arrived at the office and nurses and teachers as contributors to the
ed a woman at knifepoint while “The victim screamed for help found the victim in a mess and cry- nation?
stayed late, was able to escape and and put on her abaya because the ing.” The trouble is women are trained from
she was preparing to pray has lock herself in her office. the beginning to be self-deprecating.
lost his appeal against a five- defendant had left the bathroom. The defendant denied wrong-
From there she called her father, “She then saw him waiting for doing and claimed he accidentally “Oh, I’m just a housewife.” Really? Run-
year jail sentence. who in turn alerted police. her outside, removing his belt, and bumped into the victim, landing on ning a house is hard work ... why bury it
The 27-year-old defendant The incident took place in Octo- he banged her head on the floor top of her, while he was working. with a just?
walked into a female bathroom, ber last year and the High Criminal before sexually assaulting her in a “The defendant claimed he ac- “Oh, I just write women’s stories.” Are they
located in a government ministry Court in March found the 26-year- corridor. cidentally ran into his victim in a not stories about humans too? Ah, what
building in Seef District, holding a old Indian defendant guilty of mo- “She pushed him away, locked corridor, fell on top of her and ac- you really mean is that women’s stories are
knife and slapped the victim, cov- lesting and assaulting the victim. herself in her office and phoned her cidentally touched her chest as he not really meaningful in the heavy sense.
ered her mouth with his hand and He appealed at the Supreme father.” tried to help her get up,” said the Light ... chick-lit as they call it.
groped her chest. Criminal Appeals Court, which has One of the woman’s colleagues, court ruling. Bahrain celebrated Bahrain Women’s Day
He then banged her head on the now upheld the original ruling. who was also working late, came “However, evidence presented on December 1 and I believe this is an occa-
floor and climbed on top of her in “The defendant barged into the to her aid after hearing her screams by the victim, prosecution witness- sion, with the euphoria still fresh in the air,
the corridor outside the bathroom bathroom and slapped her while in for help. es and investigations prove the de- for all women to take ourselves more seri-
when she tried to seek help. possession of a knife,” stated the “She told him the defendant mo- fendant carried out the attack.” ously. The achievements of Bahraini women
It happened after working hours appeal court ruling. lested her after threatening her with The defendant will be deported make us all proud as a sisterhood. After all,
at around 4pm and the victim, an “He placed his hands over her a knife,” added the court ruling. after completing his sentence. this is a country that established one of first
employee of the ministry who had mouth, but she bit his finger and he “Policemen and the victim’s fa- [email protected]
GCC girls’ schools and we have inspiring
historic figures such as Aisha Yateem who
travelled in the early 20th century, to India
for her primary and secondary education
and later in the UK and conducted fascinat-
ing salons in her home; Shaikha Lulwa Al
Khalifa who established the region’s first
charitable society – the Children & Mothers’
Welfare Society – to reach out to the needy.
Today we have Bahraini women diplo-
mats, bankers, businesswomen, academics,
MPs – there is no area untouched by their
genius and capacity to nurture change.
This year, the kingdom celebrated women
in engineering, acknowledging the role of
Bahraini women as nation-builders in the
truest sense.
So let’s take the narrative forward – we
must make place in public memory and
narratives for the women who pioneered
the female space in public life and also
recognise that expat history is made up of
more than just a glossy CEO story.
n The Manama Toastmasters Club staged The Trial, a short court room drama, as part of its 54th anniversary celebrations. Thirteen members [email protected]
took part in the event at the Crowne Plaza Hotel yesterday. Above, a scene from the drama and, right, a section of the audience.
8 Gulf Daily News Sunday, 3rd December 2017
1 He has everything in town (5) rogue? (5)
6 A tendency to race in heats (5) 16 Those due to many bets going
9 One who doesn’t believe he can wrong? (5)
possibly find a lie out? (7)
18 Faith expressed in a letter to read
10 Written maybe by a deputy aloud (5)
wanting a uniform (5) 19 Openly and in pally style (7)
11 Modern invention giving some 21 Rubbish in free circulation
ladies faultless service (5) around the States (6)
12 Capital line in short paragraphs 22 Go and get right out of varnish
(5) (6)
13 A quick tour of bases (4,3)
15 Fish possibly demanded by one’s 23 A cross in stone possibly seen at a How many words of four
deliverer! (3) church (6)
25 He’s no beauty (5) letters or more can you
17 Vessel returning from Crewe (4)
18 Is able to imitate something 26 Defeat at a good speed (4) make from the letters
savoury (6) 28 Be short of time at the races? (3) shown here? In making
19 Could she harbour a lot of sailors?
YESTERDAY’S CRYPTIC SOLUTION a word, each letter may
20 Not a single sort of jump (6) ACROSS: 4, Glance 7, Terrible 8, be used once only, each
22 Garment obtainable from a glove Tapers 10, Are-as 13, Boss 14, W-asp must contain the centre
store (4) 15, De-ns 16, In-n 17, Pail (pale) 19,
24 All that’s needed to be U-p to 21, Hard Times 23, Wild 24, letter and there must be at
determined (3) Idea 26, Cat 27, Edna 29, Chow 32, least one nine-letter word.
25 Scolds a traitor amid the workers Snu-G 33, C-H-ore 34, Shoots 35,
(7) No plurals or verb forms
Trippers 36, Granny.
26 Survived a tangle with the devil ending in “s” no words
(5) with initial capitals and no
27 May come in for use as a DOWN: 1, Straw 2, Tries 3, Kiss 4,
condiment (5) Get on 5, Alps 6, Cyr-a-no 9, Assume words with a hyphen or
28 For a start, a broken rib and some 11, Ram 12, A-pp-Al 13, Bel-ting 15, apostrophe permitted.
teeth missing (5) Did (rev.) 16, It’s 18, Arde-NT 20,
29 Many girls from study groups (7) Peach 21, H-it 22, Ida 23, Washer The first word of a phrase
30 Sharp character (5) 25, Cor 28, Dusty 30, Homer 31, is allowed (e.g. inkjet in
ACROSS 31 Show appreciation of what’s hot Welsh 32, S-own 33, Cop-e.
in the tank (5) inkjet printer)
1 Baked food (5), 6 Film (5), 9 Bounded (7), 10 Foe (5), 11 Courage (5), 12 US coins (5), 13
Royal companion (7), 15 Peculiar (3), 17 Leave out (4), 18 Straw hat (6), 19 Cutlery item (5), 20 2 Still, it’s no way to shuffle around
Elf (6), 22 Pulse (4), 24 Digit (3), 25 Contrition (7), 26 Entreaties (5), 27 Cancel (5), 28 Undress ACROSS: 4, Lastly 7, Literate 8,
Crouch End (6) Anorak 10, Slack 13, Drip 14, Hell Good 29 ; very good 43;
(5), 29 Calm (7), 30 Enquired (5), 31 At no time (5) 3 Songs of an idler tipsy around 15, Gene 16, Red 17, Edam 19, Coir excellent 57 (or more).
closing time (6) 21, Mausoleum 23, Harm 24, Toss
DOWN 4 Fiendish finish? (3) Solutions tomorrow.
2 Kidnapper’s demand (6), 3 Nearly 26, Hot 27, Diet 29, Trap 32, Fund
5 Team capable of awing the
(6), 4 Home improvement (3), 5 Metal spectators? (5) 33, Aside 34, Denims 35, Emulsion YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION
fastener (5), 6 Say in passing (7), 7 6 For some vicar to be in hell seems 36, Street,
bairn barn brain bran
Poems (4), 8 Attack (6), 12 Pancake (5), screwy! (7)
13 Shore (5), 14 Gunpowder ingredient 7 What a pity it’s in central Asia (4) DOWN: 1, Clash 2, Steal 3, Trek 4, brant brat brill BRILLIANT
(5), 15 Freshwater mammal (5), 16 Hum 8 Highest point, but one can be over Learn 5, Stop 6, Loafer 9, Nieces 11, lair liar lira rabi rail rain rani
(5), 18 Skeleton parts (5), 19 Delayed it (3,3) Leg 12, Clear 13, Demoted 15, Gas
12 It’s tasteful and very clean at one 16, Rim 18, Dumdum 20, Ousts 21, rant rial rill tarn trail train
(7), 21 Imperial weights (6), 22 Drinks
container (6), 23 Hope (6), 25 Bad- end (5) Mat 22, Lot 23, Honest 25, Fad 28, trial tribal trill trinal
tempered (5), 26 Unsullied (4), 28 Star 13 Absurdly, hates athletics (5) Inset 30, Rigid 31, Penny 32, Fire 33,
(3) 14 The value of some rituals (5) Ally.
A journey
n A view of the city of Acre
Gulfdailynews @GDNonline @GDNonline GDNonline from the sea, 1839
Magical Christmas at
Four Seasons Hotel
I mmerse yourself in the
festive wonderland at
Four Seasons Hotel
Bahrain Bay and discover an
array of treats complimented
n The Four Seasons
Hotel Bahrain Bay
between 3pm
and 9pm at Bay
View Lounge
until January
1, priced at
Christmas Eve four-course
dinner followed by dinner on
Christmas Day.
Dinner will be served from
7pm to 11pm priced at BD45++
BD15++ per and a la carte is available.
by glorious holiday décor in person or Reservations are required, so n The breath-taking view from CUT by Wolfg
the grand lobby, which fea- BD28++ for two call 17115044.
tures a handmade chocolate people. Celebrate an enchanted erages and BD34++ for a full in the Kids For All Seasons
Christmas tree. Delight in a Christmas Day at the brunch beverage package. club, where they can enhance
Discover homemade Christmas Eve hosted by Bahrain Bay Kitchen An array of activities have their DIY skills and participate
chocolate truffles, mince pies, feast at Bahrain from 1pm to 4pm, priced at been organised for younger fam- in drawing competitions, face
gingerbread and more at the Bay Kitchen, BD35++ with soft beverages ily members this festive season painting and more.
Magical Christmas Market from while enjoying and BD45++ with a full bever- at the Kids For All Seasons kids For those with a sweet tooth,
December 6 to 31, every day the heart-warm- age package. camp. the chefs at the Wolfgang Puck
from 11am to 7pm. ing sounds Feast on traditional gastro- Open daily between 9am and restaurants have prepared a
Located in the Lobby Alcove, of Carollers nomic delights, while enjoying 6pm on weekdays and 9am and sweet surprise and lavish meal
guests will find festive cookies, To order call 17115500. on December 24 from 7pm to the festive tunes of carol singers 8.30pm on weekends, children for December 16 and 17 at CUT
honey-glazed turkey-to-go and Throughout December, enjoy midnight. and vibrant entertainment by aged between four and 12 years and re/Asian Cuisine.
the signature yule log cake a lavish Festive Afternoon Tea Indulge your taste-buds with a live band. Children will also old can enjoy gingerbread house
straight from the hotel kitchen. featuring a host of seasonal succulent roast turkey complete have a visit and receive gifts making, candy hunts and more.
Take the stress out of cooking treats including mouth-water- with all the trimmings and from Santa Claus. Meanwhile, celebrate Bahrain
and treat your family to a ing honey-glazed turkey and festive sweet treats for BD35++ Meanwhile, CUT by Wolf- National Day on December 16
signature Four Seasons feast, smoked salmon sandwiches, as with soft beverages and gang Puck will host a lavish with a mouth-watering brunch
with turkey-to-go available for well as freshly baked ginger- BD45++ with a full beverage American brunch featuring menu at Bahrain Bay Kitchen
home delivery or pick-up until bread spiced cookies. package. traditional festive dishes from from 12.30pm to 3.30pm.
December 31. The Festive Afternoon Tea CUT by Wolfgang Puck 12.30pm to 3.30pm, priced at Younger family members will
Choose from turkey-to- will be served every daily will also host an unforgettable BD24++ including soft bev- enjoy National Day celebrations
go which includes chestnut
stuffing, turkey sauce, cranberry
60 exhibito
vegetables and apple sauce for
BD45++ for eight to 10 people.
ors sign up
analytics as well as real-time insights, allowing
traffic based on quality-focused metrics in a VIVA to identify routing anomalies and continu- time dashboards that detect degradations in ser-
matter of seconds. ously improve customer experience. vices even when there’s no technical fault in the
The new system is designed to optimise the “Lately, we’ve been strengthening our core network. VIVA has also recently deployed the
Internet’s standardised Boarder Gateway Protocol world’s first One Cloud core network, which
olate expo
operations with infrastructural upgrades that aim
(BGP) decision-making process. It works by first to empower our network capabilities and truly aims at paving the way for a cloud-based future
examining all available Internet routes for critical take our customer experience to new heights,” and bringing Bahrain one step closer to imple-
network performance indicators such as latency said VIVA Bahrain chief executive Ulaiyan menting the latest generation network. n Mr Al Wetaid
Additionally, the first edition
was visited by VIPs, delegations,
officials and business people. Ithmaar Bank unveils first
contactless credit card
Ms Jamal said this year the
Chocolate and Coffee Exhibition
will feature industry-related train-
ing sessions to enhance expertise
and skills of Bahrainis in the field
and support national efforts to
promote the hospitality sector in MANAMA: Ithmaar Bank has countries – catering to the specific Solidarity General Takaful, a
Bahrain. launched a new Sharia-compliant needs of the affluent traveller seg- minimum repayment of only five
She added that the industry and contactless credit card with ment,” he said. per cent of the ending balance
trade of chocolate in Bahrain is Mastercard, a leading technology “The card reflects our com- within 25 days from the statement
very popular. company in the global payments mitment to creating tailored date, and immediate access to
“The Bahrain Chocolate and industry. payment solutions that address Mastercard-enabled Automated
Coffee exhibition not only works The pioneering Ithmaar Bank the evolving needs of our card- Teller Machines (ATMs) around
to collect manufacturers and trad- World Credit Card, the country’s holders in the market,” said the world. In addition, Ithmaar
ers under one roof, but we aim to first contactless offering, is a result Pankaj Kathuria, area business Bank will also provide free sup-
establish an integrated plat- of the bank’s continuous commit- head, Northern Gulf, plementary cards to
form for the development of all ment to listen to, and deliver on, Mastercard. immediate family
elements of this sector, including customer expectations, it said. “The card is pow- members of the prima-
human resources,” she said. “Ithmaar Bank is determined ered by secure encryp- ry cardholder.
“Over the past two years with “What if we don’t change at all ... and to become the region’s premier tion technology that An additional
our chocolate and coffee makers, something magical just happens?” Islamic retail bank,” said Ithmaar consists of an embed- layer of security is
we have seen opportunities to Bank chief executive Ahmed ded computer chip embedded in the new
raise the presence of Bahrainis
OMAN (Riyal) 0.98220 0.98340 n Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange
SAUDI ARABIA (Riyal) 0.10065 0.10071 NEW YORK: Wall Street’s ald Trump warned on Twitter ranging from increasing ten- ager at Novato, California-based
SINGAPORE (Dollar) 0.2853 0. 2833 fear of missing out on a re- that “I don’t see a deal” to keep sions in North Korea to former Hennessy Funds, said a govern-
lentless rally appears to be the government open and work FBI director’s James Comey’s ment shutdown or the tax bill
SOUTH AFRICA (Rand) 0.02890 0.02880 trumping rising political risk past December 8, although the testimony to Congress that failing would prompt a swift
in a high-stakes December in White House said on Wednes- President Trump fired him to sell-off, but that rising consum-
SRI LANKA (Rupee) 0.00283 0.00246
Washington. day it did not see such an even- undermine the agency’s Russia er confidence would ultimately
SWEDEN (Krona) 0.0482 - The ticking clock on the Re- tuality. investigation. continue to push the market
publican Party’s efforts to cut Typically, the threat of a gov- On Friday, stocks sold off higher over the next year.
SWITZERLAND (Franc) 0.3951 0.3920 corporate taxes, alongside the ernment shutdown alone would on a report that former national “If I’m looking at a 10pc cor-
SYRIA (Pound) 0.001740 0.0018 risk that the US government prompt fund managers to move security adviser Michael Flynn rection, I’m a buyer,” he said.
may shut down if a budget deal more of their assets into cash. was prepared to tell investiga- The inaction is not limited to
TAIWAN (Dollar) 0.013100 - isn’t reached by December 8, is The benchmark S&P 500 lost tors that before taking office the stock market.
increasing the levels of politi- 2.6 per cent in the eight trading Trump had directed him to make Christopher Ryon, a munici-
THAILAND (Baht) 0.011780 0.011770
cal risk for investors – but they days before the last govern- contact with Russians. Howev- pal bond fund manager at Santa
TURKEY (Lira) 0.1029 - have yet to really react. ment shutdown er, shares quick- Fe, New Mexico-based Thorn-
UK (Sterling) 0.5174 0.5144
“Right now the market is
assuming that everything will
in 2013, and
has declined WEEK AHEAD ly pared those
burg Investment Management,
said that the Republican tax
UAE (Dirham) 0.102850 0.102870
work out, but you’ve got a tre- an average of Despite his bill could reduce the size of the
mendous number of moving 0.6pc during scepticism, Or- municipal bond market by 25 to
USA (Dollar) 0.37790 0.37800 parts,” said Phil Orlando, chief government shutdowns overall, lando has yet to move more of 30pc by limiting the ability of
equity market strategist at Fed- according to LPL Financial. his assets to cash, in large part stadiums, airports and private-
For firm rates or for currencies not listed above please erated Investors in New York. Debt limit concerns are like- because corporate earnings keep ly-financed toll roads to qualify
call Bahrain Financing Company. Telephone: 17228888. Alongside the back-and- ly to be put off until 2018 as the rising and should continue to do for tax-exempt status.
forth on taxes, Wall Street will US Treasury is expected to take so even if a tax package is not At the same time, there could
be watching a December 8 ex- steps to postpone any need for signed, he said. be an increased demand for
piration date for funding need- action by Congress. If the tax bill fails, Orlando municipal bonds if residents of
ed to keep the US government Yet with the benchmark S&P said he expected the S&P 500 high-tax states are no longer
open alongside the deadline 500 up nearly 18pc for the year to fall by as much as 10pc. He able to deduct their full state
1 US$ 1 UK Stg 1 SFR 100 Yen when the US Treasury hits its to date, some portfolio manag- would be a buyer in that case, and local property taxes, leav-
Bahrain 0.3770 0.5738 0.3829 0.3385 limit on borrowing; as well as a ers see a greater risk in stepping he said, because he expected the ing tax-free municipal bonds as
Kuwait 0.2855 31.7933 0.2900 0.2564 December 12 Special US Sen- to the sidelines. Throughout S&P 500 to reach 3000 within one of the few ways wealthy in-
Oman 0.3849 0.3790 0.3909 0.3456 ate election in Alabama. the year, the stock market has the next 18 months. vestors can reduce their taxable
Qatar 3.6420 3.5859 3.6990 3.2705 On Tuesday, President Don- rallied in the face of standoffs Brian Peery, a portfolio man- incomes.
UAE 3.6730 3.6164 3.7304 3.2983 As a result, Ryon is largely
Saudi 3.7500 3.6923 3.8087 3.3675 sitting on his hands, ignoring
both lower-rated bonds that
have rallied as investors have
D reached for yield and triple A
Rates are in Bahrain Dinars 1 tola 187.000 I rated bonds that look “on the
8gm coin 22k 118.500 rich side,” he said.
8gm coin 21k 111.000
5 tola 918.000 L “There are a whole lot of
10 tola 1,816.500
1gm (24 carat) 18.500 B unintended consequences at-
2.5gm 43.500 1kg 15,536.000 tached to this legislation,”
5gm 82.500 1kg silver 224.500 E Ryon said.
10gm 161.500 1/2kg silver 123.500 R “This is going to be an inter-
20gm 319.000 esting couple of weeks where
50gm 790.500
t$PVSUFTZ#FY.POFZ#BISBJO T we will really see how the sau-
100gm 1,574.500 &YQSFTT&YDIBOHF8--5FM
1 ounce 493.500 17-275-275
sage gets made.”
Almoayed Wilhelmsen Taurus OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East January 8 MSC Splendida - 05 Cruise Vessel due from Cruise Vessel March 28
YM Plum OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East December 5 MSC Splendida OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East January 24 Dilmun Shipping Agency
Cape Artemisio OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East December 5 MSC Splendida OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East February 14 OOCL Poland - 010 Cosco due from MEX2 December 11
OOCL Poland OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East December 11 MSC Splendida OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East March 7 CSCL Neptune - 040 Cosco due from MEX2 December 18
CSCL Neptune OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East December 18 MSC Splendida OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East March 28 Diaporos - 01747 Emirates due from EGLX December 22
YM Pine OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East December 18 Exports from Bahrain Emirates Wafa - 01748Emirates due from EGLX December 29
Ain Snan OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East December 18 Xpress Euphrates 135OOCL to Far East China, Southeast Asia, Inter Gulf OOCL Bangkok - 021Cosco due from MEX2 January 1
YM Busan OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East December 18 December 5 Taurus - 014 Cosco due from MEX2 January 8
Diaporos OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East December 22 Alsharif Group National Shipping
YM Cosmos OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East December 25 MSC Splendida - 01 Cruise Vessel due from Cruise Vessel today YM Plum-141W YML due from CGX December 5
Emirates Wafa OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East December 29 MSC Splendida - 02 Cruise Vessel due from Cruise Vessel January 24 Cape Artemisio-004WYML due from AGX December 5
OOCL Bangkok OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East January 1 MSC Splendida - 03 Cruise Vessel due from Cruise Vessel February 14 YM Pine-136W YML due from CGX December 18
MSC Splendida OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East January 3 MSC Splendida - 04 Cruise Vessel due from Cruise Vessel March 7 Ain Snan-004W YML due from AGX December 18
Gulf Daily News Sunday, 3rd December 2017 17
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termite treatment- member Kingdom of Bahrain
NPMA (USA). NEW TECH Ministry of Justice & Islamic Affairs
36900435, 17246710 Court Directorate
QZS GENIE Window cleaning
for villas/ Houses using new Letter No. CS3001012561 Mail Reference: MJ161010031BH
technology @ just BD25/- Call Date: 08/03/1439 Name: one of the daily newspapers
36094018, 17700211. Corresponding to: 27/11/2017 Address:
Opportunities Court: Urgent matters - 1st Chamber
Grinding, leveling, filling &
IPEST CONTROL. General crystal finish polishing. NEW Case No. 01/2017/00944/6
RESTAURANT FOR Sale Pest, Anti-Termite and TECH 17246710, 36900436
in Segaya. Fully equipped. Bed Bugs Control. Tel. REMOVAL SERVICES Summons Publication
Tel. 36661971 17811233 & 66390870 Household/ office furniture
Plaintiff: Farnoosh Golko represented by Lawyer / Aaref Taqi
Your pests deserve the www.elitepalace.net Address: Flat 14, Amal building 2044, Road 4652, Block 346,
Cars best. Tel. 17713408. Reef Island
RECOVERY AL-TAWFEEK HIGH Case Subject : Travel Ban
Pressure Jetting, Skip &
Tanker Services: Drainage Urgent Matters Court hereby notify the aforementioned
Dine-out Block Clearing and tank
defendant that in case of default to appear personally or to be
cleaning, Trash Disposal
NEW YEAR’S Eve dinner, The Do you, or somebody Services and Emptying represented by an attorney in session of 05/12/2017, the court
Country Club, Brenigan’s or you know, have a problem Septic Tanks. Tel Toll-free: shall proceed the legal actions.
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Carte menu, with special offer altawfeek.net Judge of Urgent Matters Court - First
on champagne and wines. AL MEHZA CLEANING
Alcoholics Anonymous
Intimate, personal, advance
reservations encouraged. Tel. (AA) in Bahrain can help.
& Pest Control, Carpet
Shampooing, Sofa, KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN
+97317593593; email: office@ Cleaning, Marble Polishing
countryclubbahrain.com Some two million men and Tel. 39697995, 39239098.
women worldwide are Cleaning/ Pest control. 2.
currently being supported Female Cleaners available.
The Bahrain Petroleum Company BSC (Closed) hereby invites tender for the following:
in their sobriety in AA. Tel. 39425995, 33390539.
BASMA One Time Cleaning
Villas, Flats & Buildings.
Call us anytime on Beauty Call Mobile: 36026706
(+973) 17530020 BASMA CLEANING
Announcements EXQUIZITE SALON. For specialising in sofas,
26th Dec, 2017
There are AA meetings hair, nails and beauty carpets, rugs. Tel. SAMPLE BOTTLES FOR Q096508 (26) 500/- 15/- 3:00 pm
services. Al Murjan Centre, 17729172, 39457056. LAB
every evening of the week in Juffair. Tel: 17811363 MRC PEST CONTROL
Manama. Check out the list: destroys all pests. NPMA
member, International Interested Suppliers with proven experience in providing the above services may contact
standard. Tel. 17827128, Bapco Procurement Department at the Refinery on Telephone 17752995/ 17755845/
39662532 17755438 / 17757054/ 36027245 to obtain the appropriate tender documents after
AL-TAWFEEK AC Repairs depositing the non-refundable tender fees as specified above in Bapco’s bank account. Tender
& Maintenance/ Annual Documents can be collected from Porta Cabin No.118 (Procurement Department – Tendering
Maintenance Contract for Unit) located outside the Refinery, on the corner of the road, close to the Contractor’s Gate
Chillers, Package Units, from Sunday 3rd Dec 2017 to Wednesday 20th Dec, 2017 between 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm
Music Split & Window ACs. Call (Sunday to Wednesday only). Vendors should deposit full contact details with the Procurement
80001130, 36040800,
Department. An Initial Bond should be enclosed for the amount specified above or 1% of the
BAHRAIN MUSIC [email protected]
Car-Hire INSTITUTE- Morning + AL-TAWFEEK REMOVALS bid value, whichever is lesser, payable by a Certified Cheque, Manager cheque, letter of
evening classes, all ages, & General Cleaning & guarantee or insurance policy. The bond shall remain valid throughout the tender period
TRANS AUTO RENTAL, attractive fees. Tel. 17721999. Pest Control: Household, specified in the relevant tender documents.
best rate, best cars. Office Furniture, Carpet • Quotation should be deposited in the tender box provided at the Bapco Refinery North
24 hours service. Tel: Upholstery shampooing, Gate Security Office Reception, before 03.00 pm on the tender submission date.
17329303, 39737400. Floor cleaning and Pest
TOORANCO RENT-A- control against all flying & • This tender is subject to the provisions of Legislative Decree No.36 of 2002 with respect to
CAR, Juffair, American crawling insects. Tel. Toll- Regulating Government Tenders & Purchases and the Legislative Decree No.37 of 2002
Alley. Affordable daily/ Free: 80001130; inquiries@ with respect to the Tender Law’s implementing regulations.
weekly/ monthly rates. Tel: altawfeek.net
• The following conditions shall be complied with:
17727771, info@tooranco.
com, www.tooranco.com
ELITE CAR RENTAL. upload of 1. Enclose a copy of the Commercial Registration Certificate valid for the current year, and
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Exhibition Tel. 17311883, FIXING/ REPAIR all types
Adliya Tel. 17714484. Juffair of satellite channels- British,
pictures 2. Submit quotations on Form No.Bapco 3499/2(5/99).
Tel. 17728202, Airport Tel. German, French, Italian,
17329299. Riffa 17770147, Russian, Filipino, Indian,
available on 3. Enclose a copy of Certificate of Compliance with the Employment Percentage for
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Indonesian, Pakistan. Tel:
RENT-A- 34403360, 33166445 gdnonline.com 4. Ensure to stamp with the official seal on all the original documents and copies thereof,
which form part of the offer.
CAR, Juffair Avenue. Latest IF YOU are reading
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Tel: 17728998, sales@ about your business.
a classified Contractors will be subject to successful pre-qualification.
tooranco.com, www. Promote yourself through advertisement. • This announcement is considered as a part of the Tender Documents.
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18 Gulf Daily News Sunday, 3rd December 2017
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• 300 meter walking trail
equipment for sale, excellent Executive Staff accommoda- • 2 swimming pools
condition. Tel: 37199950
CAFE/ BAKERY closing
tion, full buildings 7 flats 3BHK
& 16 flats 2BHK for Hotels & 1. EXECUTIVE OFFICE SPACE UP TO • Cinema room
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interior furniture for sale. Tel. 38413522, 38838401.
Please contact 33610380. RAS ZUWAYED: Labour 2. FAMILY FLATS BEHIND LATIF • Squash Court
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accommodation, 15 rooms
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office table & chairs, fridges, with 4 bathrooms, FF, 2
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Property for Sale Call DELMON ESTATE EST. For Enquiries Contact us on: 17290737
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17275929/ 34201939
ABRAJ LULU, Silver Tower
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Italian/ Mexican/ Continental/
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20 Gulf Daily News Sunday, 3rd December 2017 SPORT Email: [email protected]
almost one second behind akbar. competition for advanced ath- Nidal abdulnabi came sec- the winner, while ahmed Esa seconds. amateur athletes.
n Participants suspend themselves in the air. Below, Bahrain’s Fatima Al
Khalifa in action in the Freestyle category. Pictures – MAHMOOD AL SALEH
Ministry win
DEFENDING champions
Ministry of Works and Munici-
Gulf Diwaniya bag title
Gulf Diwaniya defeated KMCC Bah- Diwaniya), Best Setter (Jayalal,Arabco, Saudi),
palities will take on alba as the rain 25-19, 21-25, 25-22, 21-25, 15-8 to Best libero (Ratheesh, Arabco, Saudi) and
Companies and Establishments win the title of the BKS-Optima Inter- Player of the Match (Ajithlal, Gulf Diwaniya).
Football league 2017-2018 season kicks national Volleyball Tournament held at The tournament’s sponsors are Optima
off today at 5.30pm at Bapco Club in BKS Open ground on friday. (Title Sponsor), Gulf Diwaniya Hotel Group,
awali. The win earned Gulf Diwaniya a cash prize KMCC, Gulf fencing, BMMI and Yummi Ice
a total of eight teams – Garmco, Kah- of $3,000, while KMCC Bahrain took $1,500 Cream.
rama, Bapco, Gulf air, Tatweer, Ministry as runners-up prize. Samajam general secretary N K Veeramani
of Works and Municipalities, Bapco and Individual awards were also given by organ- thanked guests, sponsors and spectators to
GPIC – are competing this year. n Gulf Diwaniya receive the trophy isers such as Best Striker (Vipin George, Gulf the tournament.
Arsenal go down
Gulf Daily News Sunday, 3rd December 2017 Email: [email protected]
Barcelona and
Real held by
gutsy rivals
MADRID: Real Madrid
to gallant United
remain eight points
adrift of Barcelona at the
top of La Liga after fail-
ing to break down Athletic Bilbao
in a 0-0 stalemate early this morn-
ing as captain Sergio Ramos saw
the 24th red card of his career.
Earlier, Celta Vigo became
the first team this season to take
points off Barcelona at the Nou
Camp in a thrilling 2-2 draw.
Atletico Madrid took ad-
vantage of Barca’s stumble as
Antoine Griezmann’s winner
LONDON: Manchester Unit- against his former club two
ed held on with 10 men after minutes from time earned a
Paul Pogba’s late dismissal to hard-fought 2-1 win over Real
beat Arsenal 3-1 in a pulsating Sociedad to move to within six
game yesterday at the Emirates Sta- points of the leaders.
dium on a day when Liverpool and Real are now tied for fourth
Chelsea also kept up the heat on Pre- with Sevilla, who beat Deport-
mier League leaders Manchester City. ivo 2-0 on the day their coach
With Pep Guardiola’s free-flowing side Eduardo Berizzo was released
not in action until today, second-placed from hospital just four days af-
United closed the gap at the top to five ter undergoing an operation on
points with a thrilling display that belied a cancerous prostate tumour.
manager Jose Mourinho’s reputation as Celta have been a bogey side
overly defensive away from home. for Barca in recent years, beat-
While goals from Antonio Valencia ing the Catalans once in each of
and Jesse Lingard inside 11 minutes, and the past three seasons.
a further second-half strike from Ling- A positive start from the Gali-
ard, showed United at their best, Pogba’s cians on Celta boss Juan Carlos
crude ‘studs-up’ lunge at Hector Bellerin Unzue’s return to the Camp Nou,
revealed another side in the 75th minute. where he spent three years as Luis
The Frenchman deservedly received Enrique’s assistant, was rewarded
a straight red card and will miss three 20 minutes in when Aspas tapped
games, including next week’s derby home on the rebound after a stun-
against City. ning save from Marc-Andre ter
Until Pogba’s dismissal, everything Stegen had denied Maxi Gomez.
had looked perfect for United, for whom
David De Gea was outstanding and was
beaten only by Alexandre Lacazette just SOCCER RESULTS
n United’s Lingard,
after the interval. second from right, FRENCH LEAGUE
Liverpool took advantage of Arsenal’s scores against Arsenal Strasbourg 2 PSG 1
first home Premier League defeat in 13 Monaco 1 Angers 0
games to move fourth after thumping ho scored from a free kick and Brigh- two goals in a display that, according to the start of the second half. The goals Lille 1 Toulouse 0
Troyes 0 Guingamp 1
Brighton & Hove Albion 5-1. Juergen ton’s Lewis Dunk headed into his own Newcastle manager Rafa Benitez, made came early with Christian Kabasele’s Nice 3 Metz 1
Klopp’s side have now scored 15 goals net. With the visitors three up, Glenn the difference against a side who have opener for Watford cancelled out by Son Rennes 2 Amiens 0
in four away games in all competitions. Murray’s 51st-minute penalty was not now gone six games without a win. Heung-min. Sixth-placed Spurs are now GERMAN LEAGUE
The German made even more changes enough to spark Liverpool’s usual de- Hazard also provided a potent re- four points behind Liverpool and 15 Mainz 1 Augsburg 3
than his team scored goals, leaving out fensive jitters. minder of what England can expect adrift of leaders City. Bremen 1 Stuttgart 0
six of the side who beat Stoke City 3-0 Earlier, Chelsea came from behind when they face Belgium in the World Sam Allardyce and Alan Pardew Bayern 3 Hannover 1
in midweek. to sweep past Newcastle United 3-1 at Cup in Russia next year. both looked to deliver the new manager Hoffenheim 4 Leipzig 0
Liverpool were not weakened and Stamford Bridge. At Vicarage Road, Spurs clung on for bounce in their first match in charge for Leverkusen 1 Dortmund 1
Schalke 2 Cologne 2
after stand-in centre half Emre Can put After Dwight Gayle gave Newcas- a 1-1 draw with their near neighbours their clubs but only Everton collected ITALIAN LEAGUE
them ahead with a bullet header, Rober- tle the lead, Belgium’s Eden Hazard after Davinson Sanchez was sent off three points in a routine 2-0 win over Torino 1 Atalanta 1
to Firmino hit a double, Philippe Coutin- produced nine shots, six on target, and for elbowing Brazilian Richarlison at Huddersfield Town.
India dominate
world’s top 10. ond round with birdies on three of his first four two bogeys.
Parkes stars
as Wales pip
South Africa
Sri Lanka
Zealander Hadle-
igh Parkes enjoyed
a dream debut for
Wales yesterday, his brace
of tries handing his adopted
country a 24-22 win, and third
successive home victory, over
South Africa.
Parkes, 30, was named at in-
side centre on the very day he
qualified for Wales after serv-
ing three years of residency and
smash centuries
left, celebrates with half-time lead.
Vijay after the former
scores a century “It’s been amazing. A dream
against Sri Lanka come true,” man-of-the-match
Parkes said.
NEW DELHI: India’s run-machine Virat Kohli and “To be able to get a meat pie
in-form Murali Vijay smashed big centuries in a (try) and score a double on your
massive 283-run stand to deflate Sri Lanka on the debut is very special so I’m
opening day of the third and final Test yesterday. very happy.”
The tourists claimed two wickets in the morning session and two The victory meant Wales fin-
more in the final one but it otherwise was a microcosm of a series ished the autumn series with
dominated by the hosts as India scored at more than four runs an two wins, their scrappy triumph
over to reach 371 for four 4 at the close. over Georgia sandwiched be-
Kohli remained not out after a majestic 156, which contained 16 tween defeats by Australia and
fours and followed his 104 not out in the first Test in Kolkata and New Zealand.
213 in Nagpur. The 29-year-old also joined the 5,000-Test run club
in his 105th innings. RUGBY UNION
Rohit Sharma was on six at SCOREBOARD
the other end, with the hosts Wales 24 South Africa 22
chasing a record-equalling India Half-time: 21-10
M Vijay st Dickwella b Sandakan 155 Wales – Tries: Scott Williams
ninth consecutive Test series (5), Hadleigh Parkes (8, 33);
S Dhawan c Lakmal b Perera 23
win after Kohli won the toss. C Pujara c Samarawickrama b Gamage 23 Conversions: Leigh Halfpenny
Right-handed opener Lokesh V Kohli not out 156 (6, 9, 34).
Rahul made way for the A Rahane st Dickwella b Sandakan 1 South Africa – Tries: Warrick
left-handed Shikhar Dhawan R Sharma not out 6 Gelant (37), Handre Pollard (46),
as India, 1-0 up in the series, Extras (lb1, nb6) 7 Jesse Kriel (56); Conversion:
shuffled the top of their batting Total (4 wickets, 90 overs) 371 Pollard (38); Penalty: Pollard (31).
order for a third match in a row. Fall of wickets: 1-42, 2-78, 3-361,
Dhawan could not make the 4-365. “We wanted to finish 2017
Bowling: Lakmal 14-2-50-0, Gam-
most of the opportunity, though, age 17-6-68-1, Perera 21-0-97-1,
off for the fans,” said Wales
his attempted sweep shot off Dil- Sandakan 23-1-110-2 (nb6), De unstoppable as the right-hander by a leg glance and an imperi- shan Sandakan, one of the three skipper Alun Wyn Jones. “We
ruwan Perera finding Suranga Silva 15-0-45-0. scored at nearly a run a ball, ous pull in front of square. new faces in the Sri Lankan had two good halves against
Lakmal at deep square leg. treating the weekend crowd to Vijay brought up his 11th Test team, dismissed Vijay and Australia and New Zealand and
The opener made 23 before a Sri Lankan trap. Paceman some exciting shot-making. century with a ninth four, cele- Ajinkya Rahane stumped in suc- we had a purple patch from the
becoming the off-spinner’s 100th Lahiru Gamage stationed Sad- Gamage was on the receiv- brating the feat with a little jig. cessive overs in the final session. first whistle but we managed to
Test victim in a Sri Lankan record eera Samarawickrama at leg slip ing end of Kohli’s sublime The right-hander, who scored “We saw glimpse of what he finish on a high.
of 25 Tests, two less than spin and bowled the perfect delivery batting in an eventful 37th over 128 in Nagpur, hit 13 boundar- can do at the end, we wish it had “We’re disappointed with
great Muttiah Muralitharan. which Pujara tickled to the fielder when the batsman hit the bowl- ies in his elegant 155 before a come two sessions earlier,” bowl- some of the results, but we’re
Cheteshwar Pujara hit four to depart for 23. er for three boundaries – a drive lapse in concentration. ing coach Rumesh Ratnayake looking to change things and
boundaries before walking into Kohli, however, was simply through extra cover, followed Left-arm wrist-spinner Lak- said of Sandakan’s performance. come back stronger next year.”
n England’s Overton reacts after
diving to try and reach a catch
from Australia captain Smith
n Queiroz dares
Iran to ‘fire’ him
HONG KONG: Carlos Queiroz
has challenged Iran’s football
authorities to remove him from his
post as head coach of the country’s
World Cup-bound national team if
they do not appreciate his public
criticism of preparations for next
year’s finals in Russia.
Iran have been drawn to face
Queiroz’s native Portugal as well as
Spain and Morocco in Group B, but
the former Real Madrid coach has
renewed calls for the authorities to
do more to support his team’s bid
for a place in the second round.
“I’m here to say Iran needs special
local preparations,” the 64-year-
old said in a video posted on his
Facebook page after Friday’s
World Cup draw in Moscow.
“I don’t care about the threats
and what they have been trying
to do to stop me talking. The
Iranian fans deserve special World
Cup preparations. We need to
implement special preparations to
bring honour and pride. “They can
fire me, I don’t care, but it’s time
to express my opinion because the
Iranian fans deserve that.”