Service Booklet: Light Truck
Service Booklet: Light Truck
Service Booklet: Light Truck
Light Truck
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Required Vehicle Service Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Introduction Under normal circumstances the driven distance between ser-
vices is an average of approximately 12 000 miles. Under most
We want you to enjoy your Mercedes-Benz automobile. Vehicle
circumstances, A and B-services will be called for by FSS alter-
safety and operational reliability are two very important fac-
natively, i.e. A will follow B which will be followed by an A-ser-
tors and to maintain them, a certain amount of service and
maintenance is necessary. The Mercedes-Benz Flexible Ser-
vice System calls for all the necessary maintenance required Exception: A B-service will be followed by another B-service, if
for your engine. the FSS calculates an oil change interval of 14 000 miles or
We continuously strive to improve our product, and ask for
your understanding that we reserve the right to make changes Following each A or B-service your Mercedes-Benz Center will
in the required periodic maintenance work which is required reset the FSS counter. The next service is indicated in the
for our vehicles. instrument cluster (see chapter “Flexible Service System” in
your Operator’s Manual).
The vehicle comes equipped with the Flexible Service System
(FSS) which evaluates engine temperature, oil level, vehicle Required service work which is not calculated by the FSS is
speed, engine speed, distance driven and the time elapsed listed in the section “Additional Work to be Performed” (see
since your last service. It determines when your vehicle needs page 26).
service and alerts you well in advance. The next necessary
Wear items such as, but not limited to, engine belts, brake
FSS service is indicated in the instrument cluster.
discs, brake pads, brake pad wear sensors, clutch discs and
There are two types of scheduled services for your vehicle, a clutch pressure plates are not covered by the Mercedes-Benz
(“minor” =) A-service, and a (“major” =) B-service. Maintenance Commitment.
A detailed listing of maintenance procedures performed are
contained in this booklet, starting on page 21.
Special Service Requirements Beyond A- and B-Service is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Maintenance Commit-
ment. Please note that the useful life of tires will also vary
Brake fluid should be replaced every two years, preferably in
depending on tire type, speed rating, road surfaces, and indi-
the spring, see page 27. We recommend that you only use
vidual driving style.
brake fluid approved by Mercedes-Benz.
The performance of all scheduled service work is required
A reminder for the next scheduled brake fluid replacement is
to maintain your vehicle in good operating condition and
affixed in the engine compartment.
is essential to keep your warranty valid. We strongly rec-
Coolant should be checked for the proper concentration ommend that you have scheduled maintenance service as
before the start of the winter season (or once a year in hot well as all other repairs to your vehicle performed at an
regions). Have the coolant (water/anticorrosion/antifreeze authorized Mercedes-Benz Light Truck Center because
mixture) replaced every three years, see page 27. they are equipped with the tools, instruments, literature,
and trained personnel necessary for the correct and
Dust filter should be replaced at the scheduled B-service.
proper performance of these jobs.
Under severe dust conditions, or with the Automatic Climate
Control frequently operating in the air recirculation mode, the
dust filter should be replaced correspondingly sooner.
Spare Parts/Operating Materials
Tire rotations should be performed in accordance with the
We recommend only the use of Genuine Mercedes-Benz parts
tire manufacturer’s recommendations in order to maximize
for service and repairs, since they meet our specifications. It is
the useful life of the tires. In addition, tire rotation will be per-
also important to only use fuels, lubricants and anticorrosion/
formed as part of the B-service on an if necessary basis.
antifreeze coolant meeting factory specifications. Please refer
MBUSA recommends that you follow your tire manufacturer’s
to the Factory Approved Service Products booklet or see your
schedule for tire rotation, which is specific to the tires
Mercedes-Benz Light Truck Center for more information on
installed as original equipment and most likely calls for tire
this subject.
rotations more frequently than the rotations performed with
the B-service. Tire rotation performed at other than a B-service
Routine Checks Recommended Synthetic Motor Oil
In addition to the services, we recommend that you check the Mercedes-Benz recommends only the use of MB approved syn-
following items regularly (for example, weekly or each time thetic motor oil for all vehicles equipped with the Flexible Ser-
you fill up) and prior to any long trip: vice System (FSS) as of Model Year 1998.
• Engine oil level – at regular intervals (such as every fuel
stop) MB Approved Synthetic Engine oil MB Sheet
• Coolant level - Please refer to the Operator’s Manual for the Mobil 1 Tri-Synthetic Formula 15W-50 229.1
correct procedure to check the coolant level. Mobil 1 Tri-Synthetic Formula 0W-40 229.1
• Fluid level of brake system - If brake fluid has to be added, Valvoline SynPower Full Synthetic Motor Oil 5W-40 229.1
see an authorized Mercedes-Benz Light Truck Center to Castrol Syntec 5W-50 229.1
determine the cause, e.g. leaks or worn brake pads. Castrol Syntec 10W-40 229.1
Quaker State Full Synthetic European Formula 5W-40 229.1
• Windshield washing system - If the washer fluid level Pennzoil Synthetic European 5W-40 229.1
drops below 1/3, the windshield washer fluid level warning 76 Pure Synthetic Motor Oil 5W-40 229.1
lamp will illuminate. Add washer fluid mixed with Mer- Castrol TXT Softec Plus 5W-30 229.3
cedes-Benz windshield washer solvent/concentrate, test Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 229.3
function and check wiper blades. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40 229.3
• Exterior lamps - check for proper function
Conventional petroleum based oils are not recommended for
• Tire pressure – at least every other week. vehicles equipped with the Flexible Service System.
Please refer to the Factory Approved Service Products booklet
or see your Mercedes-Benz Light Truck Center for more infor-
mation on selecting the proper motor oil for your vehicle.
Service Records Emission System Maintenance
Your authorized Mercedes-Benz Light Truck Center will certify The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and, in California,
in the service booklet the services on your vehicle which it has the Air Resources Board have certified that the emission con-
carried out. trol system of your vehicle meets exhaust emission standards
for 2002. This vehicle also complies with the Canadian Motor
The service booklet does not record or reflect any repair work
Vehicle Emission Standards.
that may have been performed to your vehicle. Please keep
those receipts with your vehicle records. To be certain that the emission control system functions as
designed, regular maintenance is necessary for all compo-
For information concerning warranty, see your Service and
nents of the vehicle which affect exhaust emission composi-
Warranty Information booklet.
Your authorized Mercedes-Benz Light Truck Center will gladly
The vehicle owner is responsible for the regular maintenance
furnish additional information on the maintenance of your
of the emission control system, as well as the use of premium
unleaded gasoline with an anti-knock index of at least 91
We extend our best wishes for many miles of safe, pleasurable (displayed on the pump) in all models.
Refer to your Service and Warranty Information booklet and
Operator’s Manual for additional information.
Failure to properly maintain the emission system may result in
repairs not being covered by the emission systems warranty.
Explanations of each maintenance job are given in numerical
order on page 29.
Emission Control System Caution tem on the vehicle and reduce its service life.
Your Mercedes-Benz is equipped with both a three-way cata- d. The operation of the emission control system must not
lyst and a closed loop oxygen sensor system to comply with be altered in any way. Alterations are not permissible by
current exhaust emission regulations. Keep your vehicle in law. In addition, alterations may result in damage to the cat-
proper operating condition by following our recommended alysts, increased fuel consumption and impaired engine
maintenance instructions as outlined. running conditions.
The following has to be adhered to: e. Irregular engine running conditions should be cor-
rected immediately by an authorized Mercedes-Benz
a. In all models, use only premium unleaded gasoline with
Light Truck Center. Such irregular running conditions can
an anti-knock index of at least 91 (as displayed on the
influence the proper function of the emission control sys-
pump). Damage to the engine could occur if premium
unleaded fuel is not used. Refer to the Operator’s Manual or
Factory Approved Service Products booklet for special pre- “CHECK ENGINE” indicator lamp in the instrument cluster: If
cautions. the lamp comes on when the engine is running, it indicates a
possible malfunction of the engine management system or
b. Leaded gasoline should not be used under any circum-
emission control system.
stances. Damage to the emission control components will
We recommend that you have the malfunction checked as soon
c. The specified engine maintenance jobs have to be per-
as possible.
formed completely and at the required intervals.
Correct ignition timing and properly functioning spark
plugs for instance are important for the service life of the
catalysts. Failure to properly perform the specified mainte-
nance jobs may adversely affect the emission control sys-
Pre-delivery Inspection Confirmation
Carried out in compliance with manufacturer’s instructions
Rubber stamp
Date Signature
Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System
Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________ Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________
Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System
Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________ Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________
Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System
Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________ Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________
Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System
Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________ Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________
Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System
Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________ Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________
Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System
Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________ Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________
Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System
Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________ Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________
Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System
Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________ Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________
Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System
Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________ Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________
Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System Date: ___________________________ Flexible Service System
Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________ Odometer: ______________________ Repair order no. _______________
If you wish to retain continuous proof that your vehicle has been properly maintained,
please request a new service booklet from your authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.
Required Vehicle Service Work
(including Emission System Maintenance)
For description of emission system maintenance jobs, see page 29.
The four digit-numbers in front of the maintenance jobs
are reference numbers of the detailed maintenance job descriptions
listed in the MB Maintenance Manual used by MB technicians.
Interior Engine compartment
Cb zf
Function check 0101 Engine oil and filter change
- - - - Check Tele Aid by pressing SOS button to make Check and correct fluid level
test call to Response Center If there is a loss of fluid, determine cause and
- - - - Horn, head lamp flasher, hazard flasher, turn signals perform repair with separate work order
- - - - Warning/indicator, illumination and interior lighting 2010 Engine coolant system, antifreeze and
- - - - Exterior lighting including headlamps corrosion protection
8252 Windshield wiper, windshield washer systems 2912 Differential lock mechanism: Engage differential
8252 Headlamp cleaning system locks, move vehicle short distance to engage locks,
then unlock differential locks.
- - - - Reset FSS counter in instrument cluster Model G500
4210 Brake system
Wheels, brakes
8210 Windshield washer system
Bd 8821 Lubricating catch, safety catch and hinges
on engine hood
4251 Check brake pads for lining thickness front
4051 Check tires for damage and condition Check Battery
---- Correct tire inflation pressure 0003 Check battery condition using “Midtronics
MCR 717” tester
---- Correct tire inflation pressure in spare tire Model G500
Underside of vehicle
4121 Lubricate propeller shaft universal joints and
collapsible sections
Model G500
4290 Brake test, parking brake check Wheels, brakes
Interior Bd
Cb 4050
Remove and install wheels, rotate if necessary
Check brake pads for lining thickness front
Function check 4251 Check condition/thickness of brake discs front and
- - - - Check Tele Aid by pressing SOS button to make rear
test call to Response Center 4051 Check tires for damage and condition
- - - - Horn, head lamp flasher, hazard flasher, turn signals 4051 Measure tread depth, record in mm.
- - - - Warning/indicator, illumination and interior lighting ---- Correct tire inflation pressure
- - - - Exterior lighting including headlamps ---- Correct tire inflation pressure in spare tire
3022 Throttle cable: operate accelerator cable slowly
by foot through full range of travel; observe Underside of vehicle
smoothness of operation. If roughness is detected,
replace throttle cable
Models ML320, ML500, ML55 AMG
0053 Leakage - Major components
8252 Windshield wiper, windshield washer systems
Chafe marks, line routing, components.
8252 Headlamp cleaning system In the event of leakage, determine cause and
7221 Lubricate door locks, incl. rear door perform repair via separate work order.
Model G500 3353 Check condition of front axle ball joints
9150 Check seat belts for damage and proper function and rubber boots
- - - - Reset FSS counter in instrument cluster 3555 Check condition of rear axle ball joints
8381 Heating and ventilation: Replace dust filter and rubber boots
4650 Check condition of steering’s mechanical components 0053 Leakage - Major components
and rubber boots Chafe marks, line routing, components.
4121 Lubricate propeller shaft universal joints and In the event of leakage, determine cause and
collapsible sections perform repair via separate work order.
Model G500 Check and correct fluid level
Check fluid level, top up if necessary 2010 Engine cooling system, antifreeze and
If loss of fluid present, determine cause and rectify corrosion protection
subject to separate repair order 4210 Brake system
2810 Transfer case 4611 Power steering
Model G500 - - - - Battery
3310 Front axle Models ML320, ML500, ML55 AMG
Model G500 8210 Windshield washer system
3510 Rear axle 1351 Poly-V-belt (engine): Check for condition*
Model G500
3022 Lubricate throttle linkage, check function
and condition
Engine compartment
8821 Lubricating catch, safety catch and hinges
zf on engine hood
0101 Engine oil and filter change * Mercedes-Benz urges that this procedure be performed to maintain
peak performance although it is not required to maintain your emission
Check Battery
0003 Check battery condition using “Midtronics
MCR 717” tester
Model G500
w gh
8260 Check headlamp aiming, adjust if necessary
8252 Check condition of rear wiper blade
8280 Replace windshield wiper rubber insert(s)
Additional Work to be Performed together with the Respective Service
Additional Work to be Performed together with the Respective Service
Spark plug intervals Model ML320 ML500
Description of Emission System Maintenance Jobs
The composition of exhaust emissions is influenced not only 0980 Replace air filter element
by the special emission control equipment, but also by various Under normal dust conditions, replace air filter element
engine components and their adjustments. approximately every 60 000 miles or 4 years.
Therefore, emission system maintenance must include these Clean air filter cover and housing
engine components. Some maintenance jobs are actually only
tests. They are important however, because they allow early 1351 Check engine Poly-V-belt condition
detection of discrepancies which can later lead to increased The Poly-V-belt is subject to wear and aging. It must be
exhaust emissions. It is generally less expensive to have such checked for cracks and wear.
items adjusted immediately rather than allowing them to con- Replace Poly-V-belt if necessary.
tribute to costly repairs. The maintenance intervals have been
determined so that the vehicle, under normal conditions, 1580 Replace spark plugs
should operate properly between services. Spark plugs are subject to electrode erosion and must be
replaced according to schedule on page 28.
0101 Engine: Oil change and filter change
Change the engine oil and oil filter as indicated by the FSS ser-
vice indicator in the instrument cluster. If oil consumption
should increase, determine the cause and take necessary cor-
rective steps. Reset FSS counter.
0780 Replace fuel filter*
Replace the fuel filter approximately every 60 000 miles or
5 years.
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from the publisher. Printed in U.S.A
TI 10/01
Order No. T-6515-8087-13 • USA Edition B 2002