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Design: Paul Balsamo, Craig Robert Carey, Stephen Crane, Sean

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Development and Editing: Bill Smith· Graphics: Stephen Crane, Brian
Schomburg. Cover Art: Lucasfilm, Ltd.• Interior Art: Mike Jackson,
Brian Schombnrg, Doug Shnler, Mike Vilardi
Publisher: Daniel Scott Palter. Associate Publisher{freasurer: Denise Palter
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Cracken 's Rebel Operatives is a supplement lar which rescue captured Alliance agents. Some of
Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edilion. the Alliance's best military operatives seldom
It details some 01 the most famous and colorluI see combat: they use stealth or subterluge to
operatives in the Rebel Alliance, as well as a infiltrate their target and escape in the conlusion
number of independent operatives with Alliance their actions create. These operatives are not
sympathies. assigned long term "deep cover" missions: in-
This supplement is presented by Alliance Gen- stead, they are given mission assignments, often
eral Airen Cracken, a well known operative him- with orders to get in and out as soon as possible.
self. Each entry includes information on the • Intelligence. Intelligence operatives infiltrate
individual's history and mission profile, while every facet of the Empire to gather information.
Cracken's comments shed light on the personal- These operatives may be in "deep cover" posi-
ity of the operative. tions, acting as Imperial military officers and
soldiers (or even Imperial Intelligence agents).
How to Use This Book They may work in support services or be employ-
It is easy to view the Alliance as being made up ees of corporations which supply ships, weap-
of merely X-wings and hidden bases, famous ons or basic goods to the Empire. They seldom
leaders and anonymous soldiers. This book al- are involved in military actions, but rather gather
lows gamemasters to present the Rebel Alliance information quietly and secretly, passing what
for what it truly is: a group of individuals who are they have stolen through channels.
willing to sacrifice all for a just and moral cause. • Droids. Droids serve countless functions in
The characters in this book can serve count- modern society; being a spy is but one 01 them.
less roles. Rebel operatives may assist player The Empire takes droids for granted, allowing
characters in the field or be a vital contact to the Alliance a fantastic opportunity to gather
relay supplies or orders. These operatives also information and sabotage the Empire's plans.
serve as "Alliance personalities." Everyone has
heard of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess • Support Services. These operatives provide
Leia, but the Alliance has many more heroes. The the vital links that hold the Rebel Alliance to-
gamemaster can "drop names," bUilding up a gether. They may provide funds for Rebel opera-
secondary cast of characters who can guest star tions, open "safe houses" for Rebels on the run or
in an adventure or two. Finally, these characters donate weapons or starships to the Alliance's
serve as models for the gamemaster's own op- cause.
eratives. By reading these character profiles, • Iudependent Operatives. Independents are
gamemasters and players can get an understand- the least trusted Rebel operatives, but some of
ing of how spies, saboteurs and other important them are also extremely Important. These opera-
operatives assist the Alliance. tives have not joined the Alliance, but do provide
information and goods; some even undertake
Categories military operations on behalf of the Alliance.
This book is divided into several sections, Some are fully loyal to the Alliance's cause but
simply lind the regimentation of military life in-
each one devoted to a specific type of operative.
tolerable. Other independents are committed
• Military. Military operatives are those indi- only to destroying the Empire or distracting it,
viduals who take up arms and directly confront while they pursue their own (often criminal)
the Empire's military. They infiltrate Imperial interests; the Alliance is a useful tool for their
facilities and may be part of "extraction teams" plans.

2 Cracken's Rebel Operatives

- =

into a loyal, lethal weapon capable of mass destruc- him. He wondered if the other reports of atrocities
tion. And this was just how the Emperor used him. could be true, as well.
Vin's duties took him to the front lines of the war Using his security access, Vin went searching
against the "pathetic Rebellion," He helped suppress through battle records, under the pretense of "gain-
violent protests, destroy Alliance bases and guard the ing historical insight." That night, Vin found and read
Emperor's life during Palpatine's travels. various captured Rebel Alliance documents. For the
As part of the customary duty rotation, Vin was sent first time in his life, he decided that to achieve the
to serve with a front line stormtrooper unit. What "new order" that he dreamt of - a peaceful and
changed Vin was a pacification campaign waged on prosperous society - he would have to join the
the rebelling planet Meastrinnar, in the cityolVondrel. Alliance.
A Rebel intelligence cell was thought to have been During his next mission, Vin allowed himselr to be
discovered. Unbeknownst to Vin, ISS's transmission captured by the Rebel forces. To their astonishment,
had been decoded incorrectly. The correct Rebel he requested political asylum. General erix Madine
operation was in the sister city of Vondrol. Vin's personally vouched for him.
detachment, under his command, assaulted the sus- Today, Vin Northal is one of theAJliance's foremost
pected Alliance building. He was under orders to operatives specializing in infiltration and retrieval.
eradicate all life-forms in the structure. His knowledge 01 Imperial procedures, combined
Working under the cover of darkness, Vin's assault with his training and experience, has helped many
group attacked. Strangely, there was no resistance. missions deemed "impossible" come to completion.
Vin and his troops stormed the structure with preci- He insists on (rant-line combat duty and has led
sion and proceeded to shoot anything that stood out several SpecForce missions. In his spare time, he
on their infrared scanners. serves as a training instructor to SpecForce Infiltra-
It took him a few seconds to realize what they had tors.
just done. The structure they had raided was an
orphanage. His soldiers had murdered dozens of chil-
dren in their sleep. He ordered an immediate with-
Vin Northal could not reconcile his feelings about • CRACK EN, AJREN/GENERAL.
the senseless slaughter. His superiors considered it a When Ifirst met Vin, I consideredhim one ofthe
job well done - the planet's media networks distrib- biggestthreats to the Alliance. Here was a fanner
uted information about the great "military victory" member ofthe Emperor's Royal Guard, standing
rather than acknowledge an embarrassing Intelligence in the same room as the entire Alliance council!
mistake. Vin's world came crashing down all around While Madine's personal voucher was good
enough for Man Mothma, I must admit my dis-
trost toward Northal never faded. Never, that is,
until the time he saved the entire group, includ-
ingmyself, on Hythrope IV. That was the first time
I had knowingly seen a member 01 the Royal
Guard in action:---...
Colonel Nortltal had taken up rear-guard posi·
tion overwatchingourtarget building's front face.
Little did we realize that it was a trap when the
building was attacked by 30 stonntroopers. We
did our bestto hold them outside, ond had forced
them to take cover. Then, a repulsortarik moved
in. I just knew we hadhad it at that point, but Vin
put a thennal detonator through the arrogant
tank commander's open hatch. He then pro-
ceeded to take out the remaining troops with a
repeating blaster belare they knew what hit
them. We barely made out of that system aliue.
We never would have without Colonel Northal.
Operative Role: Extraction K'iial, being somewhat more humanoid (despite its
Current Location: -Grohl sector four extra arms), takes the lead when dealing with
Species: Xi'Dec Ages: 36 and 40 authorities. Its vocal capacities are expansive, pro-
K'lial and Diskio are the last surviving members of viding it with one of the most comforting Basic ac-
the Khzrry family unit, once one of the most respected cents in the galaxy, while its arms and grasping claws
family units of the Xi'Dec. The other members of the weave almost hypnotic patterns in the air (and, occa-
family unit were vacationing on the Savage Pleasure sionally, withdraw objects from pockets and purses).
resort liner when the Empire's attempt to assassinate Seventy percent of the agents rescued by the Khzrrys
Senator Mael Sidras resulted in the deaths of all are taken directly from the clutches of their captors,
aboard. Infuriated, K'iial and Diskio shifted their alle- pried away only by K'lIal's voice.
giances to the Rebellion, and vowed to work for the The remaining 30 percent owe their freedom to the
destruction of the Empire. knowledge and skills of Diskio, the more insectoid
Using their species as their cover, they travel the member of the pair. With each of its eight legs ending
galaxy rescuing Rebel agents who have been appre- in dexterous claws, Diskio is capable of deactivating a
hended by local law enforcement authorities. Posing remarkable range of locks and security systems, rang-
as family recruiters frantically searching for individu- ing from the simplest mechanical locks to the most
als of new sexes to add to their family unit, they sweep complex electronic devices.
Rebel agents from the hands of the authorities. Their
blustery, insectoid personalities and the speed with • Diskio Khzrry
which they work often allows them to sweep a captive Type: Xi'Oec Burglar
Rebel agent from the grasp of authorities before any- DEXTERITY 3D
one realizes what is occurring. When speed and trick- Blaster 60
ery fail, these two are also experts in security systems Streetwise 50
and can easily extract prisoners from most places of MECHANICAL 30+1
confinement. Space transports 50
Demolition 50+2, repulsorlift repair 50, security 60,
space transports repair 60
Special Abilities:
High Dexterity: Oiskio can use his eight legs for several
simultaneous actions with no penalty. For actions in-
volving manual dexterity, he can perfonn up to three
actions per round with no penalty.
Claws: Each leg ends in a sharp claw that does STR+1D
Natural Body Armor: + 10+ 1 against physical and energy
Force Points: 1
Character Points: 17
Move: 13
Equipment: Lockpicking tools (both mechanical and
electronic), general toolkit, two blasters (40) concealed
beneath chitinous plates underneath abdomen

On many occasions, K'lial and Diskio are
assignedas backup on operations where there is
a significant chance that an operative will be
apprehended by local authorities. One such op-
eration was the infiltration ofthe TGM corporate
headquarters on Pako Ramoon (see Rebel agent
Kara Via's report).
• TextFile: Report, Agent Via othenvise, thank you very much." K'lial advanced to-
wards the head security guard before it continued its
K'lial and Diskio approached the TGM guards as they
speech. MOO not disregard our collective identity sim-
escorted Basal Moorthrough the lobby of thecorporate
ply because your species lacks genetic diversity.M
"This is incredible," K'lial said, in that dizzying voice (Operative Note: Again, I did not witness this, but it is
of its, "truly incredible." likely that K'iial used t/iis time to release Basal from his
"Yes," answered Diskio, "incredible." restraints.)
K'lial pushed its way through the guards and put two "Now," said K'lial, threeof its arms around Basal, "my
of its left arms around Basal. "My spouse and I espied potential spouse and I would like to adjourn toa private
you from afar and would like to request the honor of location to continue our negotiations." K'iial turned to
your consenting to a complete genetic analysis for Diskio and nodded. "Spouse, shall we?"
potential inclusion in our family unit." Diskio nodded its body again and spoke. "Indeed,
(Operatiue Note: While [ did not observe the action, [ most gracious spouse," Then Diskio reached under-
assume that it was during this speech that K'!ia( removed neath its chitinous shell with three of its arms.
the codekeys 10 Basal's arm restraints from the pocket of "Wait a minute," said the head guard. "You are not
the head security guard.) taking our prisoner anywhere."
"Yes, I am," countered K'lial.
One of the guards pointed his rifle at K·lial. while "Yes," said Diskio. withdrawing the remote control
another pushed the Xi'Dec away. "What are you doing?'"
unit from its hiding place. 'The matrimonial lawyer
the guard asked.
should arrive any second.'"
"I am proposing," K'!ial answered, "and if you would
"I am tired of listening to this nonsense," yelled the
excuse me, I would greatly prefer to continue my pro-
head guard. Myou are all under arrest!M
posal in private."
It was then that the ground speeder crashed through
"What do you mean, 'proposing'?" asked the guard.
the windows at the lobby entrance, Diskio drew two
"You are familiar with the concept of 'marriage,' are
blasters fom beneath its shell and started firing.
you not?" K'iial asked in turn.
The speeder smashed to a stop between the Rebels
"Yeah, but .....
and the securityguards,and theXi'Decs quickly helped
"Well, my spouse and I," interrupted K'lial, indicating
the Human into the cockpit.
Diskio, who nodded his body disc, "are searching the
As Ihe vehicle exited the lobby, K'lial stuck its head
galaxy looking for beings of high genetic potential to
mit of Ihe upper hatch. "It has accepted our proposal.
add to our tragically deficient family unit."
We are engaged!"
"Spouse? That thing's not even the same species!"
"Indeed," said K'lial haughtily, while Diskio managed
to look offended, "we are both proud members of the
Xi'Dec species and we greatly object to any implications

• K'lial Khzrry
Type: Xi'Oec Con Artist
Dodge 5D. pick pocket 6D
Intimidation 5D, law enforcement 5D·I
Repulsorlift operation 4D+2
COlllmand 5D.2, con 6D, persuasion 5D
Firsl aid 3D, firsl aid: Xi'Oec 50
Special Abilities:
Hypnotic I'oice: Klial has an extremely hypnotic voice
which can lull unsuspecting targets into a false sense of
security. Klial receives a bonus of .2D to con and persua-
sion attempts. and to pick pocketing allempts.
Force Polnls: 3
ChnrncleT Polnls: 12
Move: 13
Equipment: Two medpacs
During this time of Rebellion and civil strife, it is they act they move all of us one step closer to our
important to recognize the value of the average citi- greater destiny.
zen. Every man and woman, every Human and Gotal, It is important to realize that there are literally
every individual with a conscience is responsible to hundreds of millions of Rebel operatives throughout
every other being in the galaxy for his or her action or the galaxy. Many of them do not formally recognize
inaction. Everything that everyone does at such an themselves as members of the Alliance, but most of
important crux of history matters. Alliance pilots fight them have some ties to our freedom-loving organiza-
Imperial forces in the vacuum of space, and Alliance tion. Sleeper Cell V-16 is an example of one such group
soldiers battle Imperial stormtroopers on countless of "'civilian operatives" - men and women who could
worlds, but the battle will never be won until every have buried their heads in the sand while the Empire
individual citizen answers his or her call to con- walked all over their basic sapient rights, but didn't.
science. Instead, they chose to appeal to the Rebel Alliance
Sleeper Cell V-16 is representative of all the groups for guidance and aid. We have been able to give them
of men and women across the Empire who fight the the former, but the latter has been left up to their own
spread of totalitarianism and evil in their own back- individual initiative. Because they continue to fight,
yards. They go about their lives as normal but, when they are heroes.
the call to conscience comes, they act and because

The following diagram shows Berren Sid Te's infor- or trivial, any particular piece of knowledge is. Some-
mation "net,"which forms much of the basis ofSleeper times, he will order that a reliable customer with a bit
Cell V-16. of gossip about some wealthy businessman be given
The scope of Sid's information network is impres- a "gift" or a discount as a "thank you" from Sid himself.
sive to say the least. It should be emphasized that Other times, he will treat a "hot tip" about Imperial
none of the people who tell people things to tell Sid movements as "'old news" and give a more trivial
have any idea that he is an Alliance operative. At reward. Sid sometimes misses some information
worst, a few people think Sid is a "'shady character" (people try to guess what Sid is after and sometimes
who has a fetish for knowing "everything" that goes on they guess wrong), but there is no set pattern to his
in "'his city." Sid makes certain that everybody in his interest - which means an Imperial spy would have
information net is rewarded for their contributions to a hard time finding out that Sid is an Alliance opera-
his knowledge, and that no one knows how important, tive.

_ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _
Vendor Foremen Suppliers Government Contacts
(l5) (6) (l0-15)

1 I I
Vendor Captains Importers Informers
(lO/Foreman) (2-3/Supplier) (Varies)

(0-2jVendor) Customers
Operative Role: Spaceport authority worker, infor- formed of Gina's identity - just that he would be
mation gatherer receiving manifests and information in a certain way
Current Location: Fabrillan, Malthor at a certain time (an Alliance cell operative set the
Species: Human Sex: Female Age: 26 whole thing up over a year ago), but Sid accidentally
found out (it's hard for him not to with his information
Reginna Sel Typolla, or "Gina," works at the busy
Fabrillan City Spaceport as a docking attendant. Her net).
job is to check the registry datafHes on all incoming
and outgoing ships, and to file manifests. Gina has
turned this position to the Rebellion's advantage. • Reginna Bell Typolla
Gina knows of Sid (above), but has no idea that he is Type: Spaceport Control Worker
her Rebel contact or cell-mate. All she knows is that, DEXTERI1Y 20+2
when she can, she makes copies of manifests, regis- Blaster: hold-out blaster 4D·.J, dodge 30..2,
melee parry 3D+2
tries, or other incoming ship data and she leaves an
apparently "damaged" datapad disk in the trash. She Bureaucracy 50, planetary systems 60 ..2, will-
is usually able to fake a damaged disk once or twice a power 60
week, so the information she feeds into Sid's network MECHANICAL 4D
Archaic starshlp piloting 50, astrogation 50.. 1,
is fairly up to date. communications 50+1, repulsorlllt operation
As per Alliance cell procedures, Sid was not in- 60+2, sensors 50, space transports 60.. 1, star-
ship shields 50
Hide 50.. 1, command: Fabrillan spaceport 70,
investigation 60.. 1, persuasion 50, search 50
Stamina 40
Computer programming/repair 50, first aid
30.. 2, security 70..2, space transports repair
Character Points: 9
Move: 10
Equipment: Miscellaneous tools, datapads with
manifest information, Spaceport Authority uni-
form, 250 credits, datacard keys to spaceport
areas, hold-out blaster (30+2)
Equipment: Pepper's Hope (stock Ghtroc
freighter), blaster pistol (40), unmarked flight
suit, one liter flask, knife (STR.. lD), blast vest
( .. 10 physical, + 1 energy)

A Conversation with the Spek-Man

Rebel: Hey, buddy. I hear you're good Droid: Zeeeping! Whirrr (moves arm a
with droids. little, but it jams) klick!
The Spek-Man: You bet your blik·dak I The Spek-Man: Wappawappa slime-suck-
am. Whatchu sliein' for? ing Wookiee fodder beewhoop!
Rebel: Huh? Vh ... well, I've got an R2 Rebel: What? What did you say?
unit with a damaged interface arm. The Spek-Man: Eh? Oh ... I said, "Looks
The Spek-Man: (moves to examine like you need to replace thearm."ZooBLAT!
droid) Bleep-zeeOOP! Wappittawappit- Droid: ZooBLAT!
tawappitta! Rebel: (shrugs) Yeah. Right. Whatever.

~ Final Note on Sleeper Cell V-16

This cell unit is one of many found need information on incoming and outgo-
throughout the Empire. These individuals ing Imperials, he'll check with Gina. Sid will
have only the weakest of traceable connec- get in contact with the Spek-Man, or he'll
tions between each other (with Sid being provide the Rebels with help finding him (if
the only one to even know three out of the he can) if they need technical assistance.
five members' names), but they come to- And, when they are ready to leave, he'll try
gether occasionally and discuss their plans to get Pepper out of her bottle long enough
of operation. Primarily, Sleeper Cell Y-16 is for a trip off-planet.
used for information gathering and Rebel hi addition, each of the cell members has
'assistance. Any Rebel who goes to Malthor his or her own contacts, friends, and re-
can try to contact them - usually, the cell sources. Even though they aren't listed,
will actually do the contacting when it be- Bakku has "friends" in Fabrillan's under-
comes known that Rebels are on-planet and world, Pepper knows other pilots, Gina
looking for help. keeps tabs on possible smugglers and tramp
In most cases, Sid will hear about any freighter captains, and the Spek-Man has
Rebels who aren't very discreet within a few droids at his disposal. And, if the Rebels
days. He'll contact them, or put out "feel- need anything on Malthor, they can prob-
ers" for his other cell-mates if the Rebels ably at least get some idea how to get it
need a particular kind of help. I! the Rebels through Sid. The cell is secretive and sel!-
need a "strong man" with local knowledge contained, but it is versatile and powerful
for a raid, he'll get the word to Bakku.1! they as well.
• Peert Ginzork • Baarak KaJaim
Type: Small Tactics Specialist Type: Klatooinan Mechanic
Blaster 50+2, blaster: blaster rifle 80+2, blaster artillery 40+2, brawling Blaster 40, dodge 40+1
parry 50, dodge 60+1, melee combat 40+2, melee parry 40, vehicle KNOWLEDGE 2D+2
blasters 60+2 Planetary systems 30+ 1, streetwise30+2, value
KNOWLEDGE 20+2 30+2
Intimidation 3D, streetwise 30+2, survival 70, tactics: small units 80 MECHANICAL 3D+l
MECHANICAL 40 Archaic starship piloting 40, astrogation 40+ 1,
Ground vehicle operation 60+2, repulsorlift operation 50 communications 30+2, space transports 50+2,
PERCEPTION 30+ 1 starship gunnery 50+2
Command 50, persuasion 40+2, search 40+1 PERCEPTION 2D
STRENGTH 3D Bargain 3D
Brawling 50+2, climbing/jumping 40, lifting 40+2, stamina 50+2 SfRENGTH 2D+ I
Blaster repair 3D Blaster repair 40+2, computer programming/
Force Points: 2 repair 6D, droid repair 40, space transport
Character Points: 9 repair 60+1, starship weapon repair 50+2
Move: 10 Character Points: 3
Equipment: Blaster rifle (50), heavy blaster pistol (50), grenades (50), Move: 10
thermal detonator (100), comlink, protective vest (+1 to chest) Equipment: Blaster pistol (40), pocket com-
puter, datapad, comlink, chronometer, tools
Capsule: Peert is the brute force behind the Shield,
though he tempers his physical skills with patience and Capsule: Baarak is a Klatooinan and
experience. Peert is a false name: he served the Imperial the main mechanic for the Shield's
Army as an assault trooper, but then disappeared in vehicles and starships. He worked
action. Several months later, he resurfaced in the iden- for a number of outlaw tech outfits
tity of Peert Ginzork and assembled the people who before meeting Peert. While a very
would become the Shield. He is believed to be very skilled individual, he is absent-
sympathetic to the Rebeilion. minded and tends to talk to himself.
He's also quite unkempt (the other
members of the Shield refuse to go
• Keal Roscon anywhere near his quarters for fear
Type: Sullustan Pilot of becoming lost in the clutter).
DEXTERfIY 3D Baarak is normally found tinkering
Blaster 40+2, brawling parry 40, melee combat 40+ I, melee parry 40 with the engines and systems of the
. KNOWLEDGE 2D+ 1 Shield's vehicles and has a reputa-
Planetary systems 40, streetwise 60, survival 40+1
MECHANICAL 4D tion for jury-rigging modifications
Archaic starship piloting 60+2, astrogation 60+1, communications 50, that last almost as long as they are
sensors 40+2, space transports 60+2 needed. He also has a knack for put-
PERCEPTION 3D . ting Imperial ships out of commis-
Bargain 30+2, con 40, gambling 30+ I
STRENGTH 20+ I sion at the most opportune of mo-
Brawling 40+1 ments.
Special Abilities:
Enhanced Senses: +20 to search and Perception in low-light conditions.
Location Sense: +I0 to astrogation when jumping to a location the
Sullustan has visited before. A Sullustan can always remember how to
get back to someplace he has visited.
Force Points: I
Character Points: 14
Move: 10
Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol with blaster hair trigger (50, adds +2 to
character's blasterskill), blast vest (+2 to front/chest), comlink, datapad,
holdout blaster (3D), micronite explosive charge (50)
Capsule: Keal began his career with the Sullustan home
guard, but this situation was short-lived as he could not
keep himself out of trouble when he was off-duty. He left
his homeworld and found employment with a number of
other transportation corporations before meeting Peert
and signing on with the Shield. Keal is known for his
daring (and somewhat suicidal) tactics. He is quiet
unless the subject of space travel comes up, in which
case he gets very excited and begins to endlessly relay
tales about famed smugglers and pilots.
Operative Role: Computer slicer decided that the secrets in thedroid should be turned
Current Location: Roche Asteroid Field over to the Rebel Alliance, who had contacted the
Species: Verpine Sex: Hermaphrodite Age: 20 Verpine a mere month earlier with regards to Project
Not all Verpine turn their amazing technical abilities Shantipole.
to starship design. Moegid had absolutely no interest The Alliance realized that Moegid's skills could be
in designing vessels. In his opinion, they were just put to work on the Imperial coded transmissions they
giant death traps ready to shatter, leaving you in the continually intercepted.
infinite void. Hewas content to stay in the safety of his Suddenly, Moegid was the center of attention in the
hive. When the Rebellion supplied Moegid with top of
hive in the Roche Asteroid Field.
His radical views made him somewhat of an outsider the line slicing equipment and a computer rig, he was
in the hive, a nearly impossible task for a species that the hero of the hive. This Rebel "hive" treated him
has an advanced form of organic telecommunication. better than his own kin.
Moegid's quarters are dominated by the hulking
Moegid did love to tinker with electronics though, and
console of his computer and its countless jury-rigged
he readily traded his technical expertise for miscella-
neous equipment and junk from passing traders. add-ons. His latest hobby is collecting Imperial codes.
Shortly after one of these exchanges, Moegid was Moegid currently has approximately 4,907 code varia-
tinkering with the remains of an Imperial probe droid tions.
when he realized his true calling. In a matter of hours, Moegid is a young Verpine, with blue-green chiti-
he recovered most of the data from the droid's shat- nous armor. When excited, he often lapses into garbled
tered analytical computer and managed to decipher sentence patterns.
the code! • Moegid
Calling the hive's attention to his discovery, it was Type: Verpine Slicer
0EXTERI1Y 20+1
Dodge 40
Bureaucracy 50+ 1, business 40+2, value: information
Communications 30+2, sensors 40
Bargain 50+1, con 60, forgery 40+2, investigation 40+2
Computer programming/repair 90+ 1, security 50
Special Abilities:
Body Annor. + 10 physical.
Microscopic Sight +: + 10 to search.
Organic Telecommunication +: Verpine can send and re-
ceive radio waves through their antenna.
Technical Bonus"": +20 when using Technical skills:
* For more information. see page 98 of the Dark Force
Rising Sourcebook.
Force Points: 2
Character Points: 9
Move: 10
Equipment: Analysis/encoding computer equi pped with
TranLang 111 Communication module. datapad, computer
repair rig

To watch Moegid at work. one would think he had
a biocomp implant wired directly into his brain. He
sits there chaltering away to himself (or maybe he's
talking to his computer), hammering away on the
keyboards (that's right, he oflen is working with
more than one keyboard in front of him). Even the
other Verpine think his lateral thrusters are ionized
but his work speaks for itself. •
Operative Role: Deep mole been able to learn some top-priority access codes,
Current Location: Moff Jamek's Palace, Spirador which has allowed the Alliance to tap into and moni-
Species: Covallon Sex: Male Age: 22 tor communications in Tandon and adjoining sectors.
More than one Alliance convoy has avoided Imperial
Little does Moll Jamek know, but the loyal pet that
is always by his side is the source of much of our entanglements and strike fleets.
information about hnperial doings in Tandon sector. Only one problem has developed with vuvTertarmek
being so deeply under cover. Since Mott Jamek pre-
The 'pet" is actually one of the Alliance's most deeply
fers to have his "pet" at his side, vuvTertarrnek does
placed spies. Dce:lar vuv Tertarmek is a Covallon, a
quadrupedal species of somewhat bestial appear- not have the chance to relay information as often as
ance (at least to Human eyes). might be preferred. Most of his messages are sent in
Due to the scarcity of Coval Ion at large in the galaxy, short coded bursts [rom a long-rangelight-bearn com-
link hidden in the Mofl's palace. They are picked up
few beings are familiar with them. So theAJliance was
able to pass vuv Tertarrnek off as an animal and and then relayed by a steallh-equipped probot sta-
tioned in Spirador system. In spite of the delays in
arrange for him to be given as a 'pet" to Moff Jarnek.
communication, vuv Tertarrnek's position Is still an
Jarnek has become very fond of his pet, so vuv
important asset to Alliance Intelligence.
Tertarrnek is able to accompany him almost every·
where, even into high·security conferences.
From his position at the side of the ruler of Tandon
• Dcelar vuv Tertarrnek
seclor, vuv Tertarrnek has been able to learn much
Type: Covallon Spy
information about troop and fleet movements within OEXTERITY 30
and through the sector. fn addition, he has actually Blaster 50, dodge 4D, running 40
Cultures 4D+2, intimidation 40, willpower 50
Can 70, hide 50+ 1, investigation 60, persua-
sion 50, sneak 6D
SfRENGTH 20+ 1
Brawling 40, climbing/jumping 30 ..2
Special Abilities:
Empathy: .. 20 to bargain. con, and persuasion.
See the Covallon listing on the following page.
Story Facto~
Appearance: Most humanoids assume that
Covallons are simply unintelligent creatures.
Force Points: 2
Character Points: 9
Move: II
Equipment: Sporting blaster· (30+ I), long-
range tight-beam comlink*
• Note: Drelar's equipment is hidden In his

That vuv Tertarrnek is so successful is not only a
testament to his abilities, but also demonstrates once
again how the Empire's narroUH11indedness leaves it
vulneroble and will ultimately lead to its downfall.
This is a case in which we were able to exploit the
Empire's nonacceptance of alien species. In treating
aliens as lesser beings, many Imperials become inca-
pable ofseeingunusualalien life-forms as intelligent. In
doing so, they play right into our hands. Indeed, vuu
Tertarmek's work would be much more difficult -
perhaps impossible - with more enlightened foes.
• Moff Harlov JarneklBackground allows him to act appropriately no matterwhatJarnek's
Moff Harlov Jarnek achieved his position through
Should Jarnek ever discover that he has been ma-
hard work and effectiveness. He is a ruthless and
nipulated by so close a companion, he would not rest
efficient administrator, and has methodically worked
until he had exacted a terrible retribution.
his way up the ranks since his graduation from the
Imperial Naval College. Moff Jarnek is not inherently
an evil person, but he is coldly efficient - he will do • Moff Harlov Jarnek
whatever he deems necessary to eliminate problems Type: Imperial Mofl
and keep things moving smoothly. OEXTERIn' 20
Blaster 3D, dodge 30+2
While he is a solitary person, and seems not to mind KNOWLEDGE 40
it, there is another aspect to him that no being has Bureaucracy 50, intimidation 50+ I.
ever seen. He has achieved a high position and does law enforcement 70, tactics: fleets 60
well at maintaining it, but he has a strong desire to MECHANICAL 20
Repulsorlift operation 3D
share that success with someone. Unfortunately, the PERCEPTION 40
demands of his position prevent him from linding Bargain 60, command 60, command:
such a person. That is why he has settled into haVing Imperial troops 70, con 50+ I, search
a pet so easily. SO
Having a pet, especially one so loyal and one that Brawling 40+2
seems lodo therightthingaljusttheright time, fulfills TECHNICAL 3D
his desire for companionship. Drelar vuv Tertarrnek's Computer programming/repair 50
empathic sense only strengthens that bond, as it Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 1
Character Points: 10
Move: 10
Equipment: Hold-<>ut blaster (30),
datapad, military comlink

The Covallon
The Covallon are an ancient species descended from swift
quadrupedal plains predators. They are rarely seen away
from their homeworld. Their society has been at an early
"information" technology level for some time (for more infor-
mation on technology levels, see either Planets ofthe Galaxy, • Covallon
Volume One or Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters). Attribute Dice: lID
They possess an empathic ability - allowing them to sense DEXTERITY 20/4D
the emotions of others - which developed as an aid to their KJ'lOWLEDGE 10/30+1
pack-hunting ancestors. They still prefer to work in teams, MECHANiCAl 10/20
and those teams work together like a finely-crafted machine. STRENGTH 20/40
Covallon are a very patient species, preferring to wait out TECHNICAL 1O/2D+1
adversity. They spend much time planning things before Move: 10/14
acting on them. Height: 0.9-1.2 meters at the shoulder, 1.8-2.2
meters on hind legs
Physically, Covallon look like quadrupedal crealures. They Special Abilities:
prefer to remain on all fours for the most part, although they Empathy: The Covallon are strongly empathic;
are capable of walking erect for extended periods of time. they can sense the emotional state of other
Their hands are equipped with fingers, and are capable of fine beings. This gives them an advantage when
interacting with others. Covallon receive a bo-
manipulation. Their many sharp teeth reveals their carnivo- nus of +2D when using the bargain, con, and
rous nature. persuasion skills.
Covallon are quite comfortable with machines and techno- Story Facfors:
logical concepts. They generally wear clothing of some sort, Appearance: Covallon have the appearance of
being creatures of some sort, rather than an
although it is more for practical purposes or protection than intelligent species. This puts them at a disad-
from a sense of modesty. Often, unclothed Covallon mingle vantage when dealing with other species, par-
freely with clothed ones. ticularly humanoid species, who lend to treat
them condescendingly.
Operative Role: Imperial officer he is very proficient with communications technol-
Current Location: Imperial Star Destroyer Vendetta ogy and this expertise makes him valuable to his
Species: Human Sex: Male Age: 29 commanders. Ander uses his communications access
Lt. Ander Rendrake is a communications officer to feed data to Alliance operatives whenever he can,
aboard the lmperial-class Star Destroyer Vendetta, and he knows how to keep his actions hidden. He also
one of the ships responsible for patrolling the Inner operates a kind of "black market" aboard the Ven-
Rim. He attended the Imperial Academy and was two detta, keeping other officers and enlisted troops in
classes behind Han Solo. Though "fraternization" was items that are othenvise impossible to come by. This
frowned upon at the Academy, Han tooka liking to the creates a network of protection for him, as these
kid and the two built afriendship. Like Han, Ander had people cover for him. He has accumulated rank cylin-
an independent streak that often got him into trouble, ders and access codes for every part of the Vendetta,
but his natural charm and ability saved him. Ander and much of what he knows can be applied to other
has a good side to his nature and grew disenchanted Imperial ships and installations.
with the New Order shortly after his first assignment. The other soldiers aboard the Vendatta do not real-
This eventually grew into a true hatred for every- ize that he is an Alliance operative; they just think he
thing the uniform he wore stood for. He contacted is "the scrounge" who gets them what they want or
Solo after the Battle of Yavin, looking for a way to need. In truth, Ander Rendrake is every bit the rogue
defect from the Empire and join the Alliance. He was and scoundrel that Han Solo is; he just wears an
more than a little surprised when Solo asked him to Imperial uniform.
consider a most dangerous proposition - remaining • Ander Rendrake
in the Imperial Navy and serving the Rebellion from Type: Roguish Imperial Officer
within. After much consideration, he consented. DEXTERITY 3D
Rendrake is by no means an exemplary officer, but Blaster 40, blaster: blaster pistol 50 .. 1, brawl-
ing parry 30+2, dodge 50, pick pocket 40..2
Bureacracy 30.. 2, bureaucracy: Vendetta 50,
business 40, streehvise 50.. 1, value 50
Astrogation 50 + I, capital ship gunnery 50, com-
munications 70, sensors 60+2
Bargain 50.. 2, command 40, can 60+ I, forgery
60, gambling 40.. 1, hide 40, persuasion 40+2,
sneak 50
Brawling 3D

-- Computer programming/repair 40, security 50

Force Points: 2
Character Points: 12
Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster pistol (40), comlink, full
set of pass codes and rank cylinders for the

Ander Rendrake is one ofthe more useful operatives in
our service. He hasn't killed a single Imperial agent or
soldier, andyet he is one ofthe key elements to manyofour
latest victories. The data that he manages to send ourway
is some ofthe most secure and sensitive coming out ofthe
Imperial fleet. Apparently, Ander has built up an impres-
sive "network n of his own based upon being the ship's
"scrounge. n
Throughout history, military personnel have always re-
vered and taken care of such people within their ranks.
Anderrelies on that tradition to hide hisAlliance activities.

Maff Varnier was a vengeful man. Even though the After a review of the incident by higher Imperial
accusation was true, that didn't give the MaUthe right officials, lev was commended for his actions, while
to use (as 1I0's quickscan 01 Plexus comm logs showed) Markenson was "relieved of duty" because, with the
Destab and Assassination agents to put forward his exception of lev's department, the facility was oper-
. personal agenda. ating far below Imperial standards.
As a matter of lact, thought 110, Destab and Assassi- Colonel lev was never investigated following his
nation shouldn't have even accepted the orders from father's death; it was written off as a power play by
Varnier - the Maff was not a member of Imperial Moff Varnier against an opponent, not as a weeding
Intelligence. lIo's ExComm officers and technicians out of a Rebel spy or subversive. Ever since the
tapped (legally) Sector Piexus's inteifigence comput- incident, and the reports that his mother was also
ers for information on any messages the Maff had killed, Colonel lev's temper and demands for excel-
sent. What was found was a string of political assassi- lence have increased. He is constantly barking orders
nations ordered by him against anyone who threat- whenever a mistake is made. However, the Wyloff
ened his absolute rule over the Wyloff sector. sector ExComm facilities are now the most efficient of
At the same time, an ExComm tech notified Com- all the local sectors. The transmission error rate at
mander lev that several computer systems appeared Wyloff ExComm is one quarter the normal error rate
to have been broken into in the recent past and that for the region. That was the deciding factor in the
a message was currently being sent from within the orders to expand the Wyloff sector facilities..
complex to Moff Varnier. 110 ordered the active termi- Colonel lev, however, cannot help but remember
nal to be monitored, but not disturbed. that the Empire and its corrupt, power hungry rulers
The message to Varnier was entered. It described are the cause of his parents' unjust death. As well as
yet another possible target, and even implicated the the unjust deaths of billions on A1deraan at the hands
WyloH ExComm facilities commander, Colonel of Grand Moff Tarkin.
Markenson. Then, the individual accessing the termi- While on leave, Colonel lev was contacted by Colo-
nal began to attempt to access various ExComm, nel Northal, one of the Alliance's top commandos.
Sector Plexus, and Imperial Intelligence records. Through Coionei Northal, a meeting was arranged
Commander lev, in his quarters, called up informa- with General Airen Cracken. As a result of the meet-
tion on the man whose terminal was being used. After ing, Colonel lev has been proViding the Alliance with
some investigation, lev determined that he was an valuable information from the high-priority military
undercover Imperial Intelligence agent assigned to ExComm facilities at Wyloff. He is currently supervis·
Destabalization duties. However, the records he was ing an espionage droid aboard the Wyloff lacllitles,
accessing were clearly not related to anything the and proViding information on the location of Rebel
Moff would be directly interested in - transportation and political prisoners. He considers his activities as
schedules, officer lists, and installation defense lay- revenge for the billions of lives the Empire has extin-
outs. These things were records only a Rebel would gUished.
be interested in. no ordered the agent to be taken into
The individual was arrested and interrogated. Due • ADDENDUMIPERSONAL
to the loss of his father, Commander lev was feeling • CRACKEN, AIREN/GENERAL..
particularly vengefui, as weil. He hated the Moff who
ordered his father killed and the individual before him I met with Colonel Jev on Nieuth Four. And I
was partially responsible for it. Imperial Intelligence, must say that / was thoroughly impressed with
unaware that lev knew the "prisoner" was an Imperial his professionalism. He is working with us to
Intelligence operative, maintained the man was a ensure that a peaceful existence for the inhabit-
Rebel spy. Commander Jev manipuiated Inteiligence ants of Ihe galaxy is possible. Severol Rebel
into approving an execution order, which lev carried pilots owe their lives to Colonel Jev due to the
out personally. infonnation he sent our way.
Colonel Jev is in no immediate danger of
discovery in Ihe Wyloffsystem - he's thaIdeeply
entrenched. However, if Rebel agents are ever
caught in the sector, Colonel Jev will be the one
to notify the Alliance of their location. Jev has
proVided covert assistance to Rebel units operat-
ing in the sector, but never becomes directly

Through various tests, each student was trained will is enforced.

according to natural talents and traits. Kerri was One of her recent operations involved Wyloff sector
recommended for Imperial Intelligence's Destabiliza· Moff Varnier. He was getting greedy and careless, and
tion branch. She was placed in an experimentallnfil- Major Lessev was only too glad to act as if she was
tration training program. She worked her way through helping him. While other Destab and Assassination
Infiltration training, was reassigned'to Intelligence, agents had been taJdng orders from Moff Varnier,
then after an indoctrination period, she was trained Kerri was reporting to the Emperor. She tipped off
lor double-agent duty. Following thai training period, ExComm net security at the appropriate time, and the
she was finally transferred to Destabilization. immediate investigation resulted in the capture and
The Destabilization branch of Imperiallnlelligence execution of the Destab traitor, the elimination of
specializes in shredding the cohesive fabric of societ- Moff Varnier, a weeding out of Wyloff command inef-
ies, governments and whole civilizations. The Em- ficiencies, and an elimination of both Destab and
peror uses Destab to keep his advisors at each others' Assassination teams who helped Moff Varnier.
throats, or to balkanize any organized people who All in a good day's work for a Rebel operative.
pose even a hint of a threat to his rule. Lately, this While Lessev "loyally" carries out her duties for the
specifically refers to the growing Rebellion. Empire, she also manipulates events to benefit the
There has been a rumor circulating in Imperial Rebel Alliance. Shortly before Lessev was sent into
Intelligence circles that one of the latest Destab op- the field as a Destab agent, she finally got a chance to
erations had succeeded in breaking part of the Rebel review the Rebel Alliance's propoganda. She viewed
Alliance apart; something about a Correllian faction. many speeches given by Mon Mothma and Princess
Kerri's current assignment from the Emperor is to Leia Organa (as an A1deraanian, a member of "her~
continue to factionalize the Imperial nobles and advi- royai family).
sors who are trying to undermine Pal patine: she is to Kerri was swayed. She realized what the Empire
keep advisors, sector Marrs, and others of high posi- truiy stands for: cruelty and evii. She now knows that
tion in competition. She is also to prevent any of those the Emperor arranged for the deaths of her parents.
in power from getting too greedy. The Emperorfrowns She trusls no one completely. That is why she wiii
on sector Moffs forming "alliances" of any sort to gain not join the Rebel Alliance. However, she has renewed
in military, social, or economic power. Only actions strength in her cause-shattering Pal patine's Empire
that further the cause of the New Order are accept· from within.
able. Destab's job is to make sure that the Emperor's

Major Lessev is in a period of emotional tur·
moil, tom between right and wrong. The Empire
she had swom loyalty to has, in fact, done much
to destroy her life. For the first time. she has seen
the Empire far what it truly is. She helps the
Alliance in her own way - by causing internal
dissension and conflict. While the Emperor's
intent was Ihat she would help expose Illose wha
wauldoppose him, Lesseu has alsa helpedelimi-
nate some of the Empire's most competent and
capable officers.
Operative Role: Spy, Imperial chef Empire and allowed him to return to duty (of course,
Current Location: Imperial Star Destroyer Adjudica- he was forced to miss his parents' funeral).
tor Two years later, Captain Krin, the Adjudicator's com-
Species: Human Sex: Male Age: 28 mander, was holding a reception for Moff Renquet
A rather unassuming character, Vimran is one of and several other dignitaries. Unfortunately, the gal-
those people who tends to disappear in a crowd. ley chef was on a medical leave. As Captain Krin wrung
his hands in despair over his upcoming embarrass-
Vimran was born to Francill and Tranira Trell on the
ment, Vim ran informed the captain that he was a
backwater world of Yutusk. His father owned and
operated a small gourmet restaurant. Francill raised qualilied gourmet cheL
his only son in awarm family atmosphere and groomed During the reception, Moff Renquet was extremely
pl.eased, not only with the crew of the Adjudicator, but
him to take over the restaurant.
One fateful day, an Imperial invasion force entered
wIth the food: Fromirian roast queg_ Moff Renquet
wassoimpressed that he requested that theAdjudica-
orbit around the tiny world_ Thelmperials dispatched
landing parties to round up some fresh supplies and
tor be transferred as command flagship of his sector
conscript some soldiers for emergency duty. Vim ran ffeet.
Over the next four years, Vim ran and Captain Krin
was one of the "lucky" individuals chosen to serve the
have become friends; Vim ran is now Captain Krin's
personal cook and assistant as well. Vimran is present
Vimran was transferred to the Imperial Star De-
at most staff meetings aboard theAdjudicator, provid-
s.troyer Adjudicatoras a replacement chef. Duringthis
ing refreshments and handling minor secretarial du-
time, Francill and Tranira died on Yutusk, caught in
ties. He also attends every reception of dignitaries
the middle of an Imperial crackdown on unarmed,
peaceful Rebel demonstrations. An inquest was held
aboard ship.
However, Vimran has never forgotten or forgiven
to determine the loyalties of those related to the
fatalities at the demonstration. The "gracious" ISB the Empire for its lack of compassion. He uses his
special position to obtain vital intelligence.
panel determined that Vimran was still loyal to the

• Yoeman Vimran TreJl

Type: Imperial Cook
Blaster 30..2, dodge 30..2, grenade 30.2
Sireetwise 30..2. alien cuisine 50.2, cooking 60.. 2, value
30.. 2, value: spices 40+ 1, value: foods 40 .. 1
Communicalions 40
Hide 50, persuasion 50+2, search 50.. 2, sneak 60.. 1
Brawling 50
Characler Points: 5
Move: 10
Equipment: Imperial Navy uniform. blasler pistol (40),
various cookbooks. 60 credits

The first lime f heard of Vimran Trell, [though to myself.
·What could a cook possibly do for us?" When the Adjudica-
tor was sent to destroy a Rebel base. Trell proued his warth
by warning Alliance agenls. The Adjudicator found only a
few deserted buildings_ My opinian changed. And for those
ofyou who haven't tried his Fromirian roast queg, you just
won't understand Moff Renquet's decision.
Operative Role: Imperialfntelligence agent she arranges to have this "subject" planted by the
Current Location: Classified Alliance. The "subject," an Alliance operative, acts in
Species: Human Sex: Female Age: 24 a manner previously arranged by Captain Strange and
Captain Strange is almost a legend in the Rebellion,
Alliance intelligence agents, giving her ample material
even though she has never worn an Alliance uniform. to report. She will then "capture and interrogate" the
Though she bears the rank and status of an Alliance
agent, and then pass on the "intelligence" she gath-
officer, she has never had acommand, nor isshe likely
ered to her superiors: in reality, the agent is set free
to. She has a Nebula for Bravery awaiting her if she
after a "termination during interrogation" is faked.
ever does finish with her current assignment. This role provides her the cover she needs to perform
Jan Strange maintains the very difficult balance of her various activities for the Alliance's benefit, which
feeding important information to the Alliance while
include counter-intelligence, sabotage, and covert
fulfilling her cover assignment as an Imperiallntelli- extractions. Unfortunately, she has sometimes had to
gence officer. No one is quite sure where she came act against the Alliance by sacrificing clumsy or care-
from; she did not graduate from the Imperial Acad- less agents in order to maintain her Imperial Intelli-
emy, and she was not involved with COMPNOR prior
gence cover. Captain Strange is often deployed deep
to her assignment in Imperial Intelligence. Some specu- within the Core Worlds, where corruption is every-
late that she is the daughter of a highly-placed Impe- where.
rial official. • Captain Jan Strange
She is valued by her Imperial Surveillance section Type: Imperial Intelligence Operative
superiors for her ability to target the right subjects for OEXTERITY 40
Blaster 60. blaster: hoId-out blaster 70, brawl-
observation. The true "magic" of what she does is that ing parry 60, dodge 50.2. melee combat 50,
melee parry50, pick pocket 40+2. thrown weap-
ons 40.1
Bureacracy 60, intimidation: interrogation
80.2, streetwise 40, survival 30+ I, willpower
Communications 30.,.1. repulsorlift operation
Con 40.1, forgery 40.2, hide 50. investigation
50. persuasion 40.,.2, search SO, sneak 50.2
Brawling 50+1, climbing/jumping 40
Computer programming/repair 7D, demolition
4D. first aid 30.2, security 60
Force Points: 3
Character Points: IS
Move: 10
EquJpmenl: Blasterpistol (40). hold-out blaster
(30), thermal detonator (100). comlink, vibro-
blade (STR.30), 6 throwing knives

Ihave been made privy to Jan Strange's latest
assignment. While I cannot discuss it here, let it
be known that she is not expected to survive. If
she succeeds in this latest endeavor, we could
well find ourselves with a distinct advantage in
the times to come. Ifshe fails, she will be a sorely
missed ally who will fade into the shadows,
never to be seen again.
Operative Role: Imperial supply ollieer and importance 01 logistics and supply in warlare. He
Current Location: Shallow March Supply Post, Outer spent his entire military career mastering the subtle
Rim Territories art of manipulatiog and controlling the flow 01 sup-
Spedes: Human Sex: Male Age: 53 plies and credits within the Imperial military struc~
Major Innis is considered one of the least ambitious
officers ever to wear the uniform of an Imperial Army
Tarn has a very small staff - all of whom are loyal
officer. He graduated [rom his officer training pro- friends. He also maintains efficient records and never
gram with decidedly mediocre marks. seems to be short on any supplies that a unit passing
He was placed in the ImperialArmy's Supply Branch, through his area might need.
where he has since served without distinction. This However, he has a built a very effective working
never seemed to bother Tarn very much, and his relationship with the Rebellion, as well as close deal·
superiors never felt compelled to address his lack of iogs with a number of smugglers and pirates sympa·
ambition: why encourage him to think of "politics" thetic to the Alliance's cause. Because of his skills, he
when he could prove a useful tool for ether ambitious is able to do his job for the Empire, yet stili provide the
officers? Eventually, Tarn was given a real command Alliance with supplies and parts.
- the Shallow March Supply Post, located in the Tarn prefers to remain well on the sidelines. One of
farthest reaches of the Outer Rim Territories.
Tarn's primary associates is a smuggler by the name
Tarn has maintained this backwater planet supply of Talon Karrde.
depot for fOUf years. In all the time that his superiors
thought him lackadaisical and without ambition, they • Major Tarn Innis
failed to realize that Tarn Innis did indeed have a goal Type: Imperial Supply Officer
in mind. Early on, he came to understand the value DEXTERITY 10+1
Blaster40, blaster artlllery30+1, brawling parry
30+1, dodge 30+1, grenade 40+2
Bureacracy 5D, bureaucracy: ImperIal army
logistics 70, business 50, intimidation 40+2,
streetwise 50, value 60+1, willpower 50+ 1
Communications 4D, repulsorlift operation
3D+2, walker operation 3D
Bargain 60, command 40+ I, con 40+ I, forgery
50+1, persuasion 40+2
Brawling 30+2, stamina 20..2
First aid 4D
Character Points: 8
Move: to
Equipment: Blaster pistol (40), 5grenades (50),
blast vest (+10 physical, +2 energy), comlink

Tam is quite an ingratiating fellow when you
get to know him. It tums out that he had heard of
me, and he wanted to know of some of my
exploits while his people were loading some
mechanical gear my unit needed. I was rather
impressed with his grasp of logistics. No, that's
not quite right. I was mesmen'zed by the art form
thai he had managed to make out of logistics.
f also learned ofhis affinity for grenades when
some localpredators approached... as thesmoke
cleared, he just laughed and said, "Remember,
Cracken - with a few grenades and a good
supply officer, there isn't a battle you can't win. "
Operative Role: Deep-cover penetration agent Then, without warning, Corewatch became a "live"
Current Location: Coruscant operative again, alerting Alliance Command to a con-
Species: Classified Sex: Classified Age: Classified voy of military supplies that was apparently headed
Corewatch is the codename for a deep-cover pen· to a new covert COMPNOR installation on Belshar
etration agent that has operated within Imperial space Othacuu. Rebel Alliance Intelligence was convinced
for many years, possibly since the formation of the that Corewatch had been compromised and opted to
Rebel Alliance itself. Corewatch's mission was to send a small investigative team to monitor the convoy
monitor Imperial activity throughout the Core Worlds, route. The convoy was indeed being assembled at the
and re~ort back to Alliance Command. Recruiting coordinates Corewatch had supplied, and it appears
potenttal Rebel agents was also in the scope of that this valuable intelligence source is once again
Corewatch's mission objectives. active.
Due to the sensitive nature of Corewatch's mission Unfortunately, Corewatch's accuracy has been re-
most information about the agent's identity is classi: duced. Of the last 15 pieces of data that this agent has
tied. It is unknown who or how many members of the given Alliance Intelligence, a third of them have proven
Rebel Alliance hierarchy know Corewatch's true iden- spurious, often dangerously inaccurate. It is possible
tity; indeed, only a few beings know of Corewatch's that the few useful pieces of data leaked to the Alli-
existence. ance through Corewatch are simply planted by the
Corewatch has provided vital intelligence to the Empire to persuade Intelligence to trust this source.
Re?el ~lIiance on a number of occasions, alerting If Corewatch has indeed been persuaded to act as a
AliJance Command to several of the Empire's more double agent, the Rebel Alliance has lost a very pow-
cunning ambush sites, as well as giving timetables for erful intelligence asset; Corewatch was able to travel
some of COMPNOR's covert operations. On at least the Core Worlds, supplying data on COMPNOR and
three occasions, Corewatch has assisted Alliance the Imperial military. He or she is even rumored to
agents during an operation yet the agents involved have been employed as a valet by Ars Dangor an
reportedly had no idea that Corewatch was aiding advisor to the Emperor himself. Whatever skills this
them. agent possesses were sufficient to allowCorewatch to
Afew months prior to the Battleof Yavin, Corewatch infiltrate the highest levels of Imperial security.
experienced one notable failure: a strike team that If Corewatch has been "co-opted" by the Empire
was inserted in hostile territory to blow up an Impe- this agent may exercise those same skills on th~
rial munitions dump was captured and killed. The Alliance - a decidedly unpleasant prospect.
insertion team was made up of several of the top
Alliance commandos from the l77th Light lnIantry
Division, and the loss of the 2~man squad was a • ADDENDUM/PERSONAL
serious blow to morale. • CRACKEN. AJREN/GENERAL..
Corewatch broke contact with his control officer in
Alliance Intelligence, and it was believed that I have managed to piece together a partial
Corewatch's cover had been blown and that this dossier on Corewatch. Corewatch has recently
unknown agent was as good as dead. The consensus been on Coruscant, and Ibelieve that a concerted
in Alliance Intelligence circles was that Corewatch effort is necessary to recover or, if necessary,
had inadvertently stumbled into an Imperial trap. "silence" Corewatch.
I was friends with most of the team from the
177th that died in the raid on the munitions
dump; ifhe is a traitorI'll want to see him pay for
his deception personally.
Corewatch is simply too dangerous to run
around loose ...
Bonic Tarracus is a native of Coruscant. As a youth, the weapons dump.
he witnessed lirst-hand the decline of the Republic A full company of Imperial stormtroopers awaited
and the rise of the New Order. He was turned to the any potential Rebel strike team that attempted to
Allianceand vowed to do whatever he could to smash blow the weapons dump. Tarracus was among the
the Empire's grip on the galaxy. squad members, posing as a cnmmando himself - he
Tarracus' primary specialty is disguise, a skill he has considerable combat skills and prefers to make
has put to good use in his tenure with the Rebel sure that "the job gets done right." The massacre 01
Alliance. On more than one occasion, Tarracus has the squad and Tarracus's subsequent escape in the
posed as awell-known Imperial officer- allen in very thick of combat has been a tremendous blow to his
public situations, such as dress balls and the like- nerve.
without anyone realizing he was an imposter. By RealiZing that he had nearly been captured or killed
simply asking another officer for an update on "his due to his own carelessness, Tarracus began to relo-
current projectltTarracus could learn first-hand what cate even more frequently through the Core Worlds.
the Empire had planned for their military campaigns The poor quality of his recent intelligence is a result
- Imperial officers are notoriously loose-lipped of this increased mobility and this agent's fragile
amongst themselves, and particularly at the type of mental state, not treachery.
large social gatherings that Tarracus frequented. Tarracus is a quick study of tactical situations, and
The Imperials eventually realized that far too many is a fast and accurate mimic, able to blend in in any
sensitive operations were being compromised from number of social situations. He is able to communi-
their very inception and feared - qUite correctly- cate in a variety of languages, dialects and accents.
that they had a traitor in their midst. COMPNOR Tarracus is a nondescript Human male, of average
planted pieces of false information amongst the Impe- height, build and weight. He has light brown hair that
rial hierarchy, in hopes of catching the spy. In reality, he keeps short and well-groomed. Tarracus favors n.o
they apprehended the officer that Tarracus had im- particular mode of dress or speech; habits that can be
personated when he obtained the information about recognized would be fatal to him in his profession.

• Bonic Tarricus
Type: RebellnHltrator
Blaster 90+2, dodge 90+2. melee combat 60+2
Allen species 60+2. bureaucracy 50, bureaucracy:
Coruscant 80, languages 70, planetary systems 80.1,
streetwise 100, survival 50+2. value 90.. 2, willpower
AstrogaUon 3D. space transports 50..2, starshlp gun-
Command 100, con 100, disguise 120-+1, forgery 70+2,
forgery: ImpertailD documents 90+ 1, hide 80.2, search
90-+2. sneak 9D-+2
SfRENGlH 20+2
Brawling 6D-+2, stamina 6D-+2
. Computer programming/repair 8D, demolition 60-+ 1,first
aid 40-+2. security 90
Special Abilities:
Mim;cry:Tarracus is such a skilled mimic that he gains. an
additional -+ID to disguise for each hour he has studied
the person he is mimicking.
Force Points: 5
Character Points: 37
Move: 10
Equipment Hold-out blaster (3D+2).long-distance coded
Operative Role: Information collector ing from a night on the town stumbling through the
Current Location: Serrol's Donn base's corridors. As Fulkrehm watched the pilots
Species: Human Sex: Male Age: 27 retreat, he realized that their movements - ham-
Known as "that drunk in the corner," Fulkrehm pered by intoxication - almost exactly matched his.
Protial was once a promising starfighter pilot. His By the next morning, Fuikrehm had prepared the
career ended when he was forced down during the proposal for his first field assignment: surveillance of
Imperial attack on Kostra. Trapped in the wreckage of Sangorn's Net, a bar frequented by criminals. Alliance
his V-wing, Fulkrehm was exposed to nearly lethal Captain Rondell was not interested in Fulkrehm's
concentrations of trosHon, a nerve gas used by the proposed operation, but as Rondell listened to the
Empire. slurred words that came from the former pilot's mouth,
The natives of Kostra rescued Fulkrehm and tended he began to understand that Fulkrehm felt trapped.
to him, but they did not have the medical knowlege to He had to have an escape, and this was it. Rondell
allow full recovery. His motor control skills had been approved the operation.
severely and irreparably damaged. Fulkrehm's disguise was impenetrable, because it
Although Fulkrehm could no longer fly, or even walk was not a disguise. The patrons of the bar dismissed
properly, his mind and his senses were still fully alert. Fulkrehm as a drunk.
He was determined to find a capacity in which he Currently, Fulkrehm spends his evenings in seedy
could continue to serve the Rebellion. drinking establishments throughout the Kriz sector,
Fulkrehm became a valuable member of Alliance listening to the conversations around him. His normal
Intelligence. However, the walls of his office beoan to costume is that of a freighter captain. His identifjca~
feel like the walls of a prison. 0
tion code is "trosilon."
Then, he encountered asmall group of pilots return-
• Fulkrehm Protia!
Type: Former Starfighter Pilot
Streetwise 40
Con 50
Stamina 40.. 1
Force Points: 2
Character Points: 15
Move: 6
Equipment: Four fragmentation grenades with
Smartfuses (50, time delay up to two minutes),
audiorecorder (disguised as mini-datapad),
blaster pistol (40), comlink (with prerecorded
distress can and autolocate feature)

Drunks are extremely undependable information
sources: a being who is actually intoxicated is as likely to
betrayyou as to provide useful infonnation. Fulkrehm can
be trusted - he appears to be intoxicated, but his loyally
is unquestioned. Even though his mental processes re-
main unclouded, it is impossible for him to betraythat fact
through his actions.
Be prepared, though, ifyou encounter Fulkrehm in the
field. He can be a source of useful infonnation, but it is
difficult for the unpracticed ear to understand his speech.
Operative Role: Information collection who appreciate them. Because of this, Anavere has
Current Location: Obroa-skai been able to gain the trust of many high ranking
Species: Ho'Din Sex: Female Age: 70 members of the Imperial bureaucracy: by abusing this
Tal Anavere is a very unpleasant being. A gambler trust, she has gathered valuable information for the
and a thief, she is known under many different aliases. Rebellion.
~n.avere has no morals and little respect for beings,
Anavere has, despite the objections of Alliance com-
hvmg or otherwise. The one thing that Anavere cares mand, begun using a combination of Ho'Din herbal
for is art. teas to further exert her control on the Imperials that
Currently, Anavere operates an art gallery, "Sophis- she encounters. Anavere uses her skills to cultivate
tica!ion." Anavere is qUite familiar with galactic art, addictive qualities in the teas.
having a special affection for the art created by Using her Imperial connections, she has slowly
pretechnological civilizations. However, there is no erased all traces of her previous activities, removed
market for this in the Empire, so Anavere deals in art bounties, arranged grants of amnesty, and, in some
created by highly placed members of the Imperial cases, planted spurious reports of her death.
bureaucracy. Anavere's love of art is the basis of her hatred forthe
These Imperials deal with Anavere primarily be- Empire. She has seen how the policies 01 the Empire
cause she is one of the few beings who is able to find have caused the death of free expression in many
markets for their works. Most of the Imperials are systems. She has seen primitive cultures and their
dilettantes, devoid of talent or insight. They have had emerging artistic traditions destroyed by Imperial
many experiences with sycophants who have pur- slavery and domination.
chased their works because of their positions, butTaI There has been some concern expressed in the
Anavere is the only being who is able to make them higher levels of Alliance command about the propri-
feel as if they are selling their works to individuals ety of using Tal Anavere as an operative. However, no
one questions that the information she provides is
integral to the success of the Rebellion.

• Tal Anavere
Type: Ho'Oin Can Artist
Melee combat: knife 50
Cullures 50, herbal medicine 70, value: art 60
Bargain 50, con 60+ I, gambling 50, investiga-
tion 40+2
srnENGTII 40
Character Points: 20
Move: 13
EqUipment: Jeweled Radian ceremonial dag-
ger (STR+ID+l), datapad (containing informa-
tion on galactic art history). sabacc cards, se-
lection of herbal teas

I have personal reservations about the meth-
ods Anavere uses, but she is very successful, and
this is a war, so I have allowed her to continue.
Fortunately, she chooses only to use her Ho 'Din
herbal teas on Imperials who are guilty of far
worse atrocities.

Shenvehr's incoming messages and outgoing re- "mysterious white, triangular objects, possiblyomens,
sponses are not encrypted, but disguised by meta- falling from the sky."
phor and wordplay. The Empire, stormtroopers and Shenvehr also keeps an eye on the real galactic
Star Destroyers are described in any number of meta- news, so he knows what areas (and adVice-seekers)
phors, often relating to the stormtroopers' white are in trouble.
armor or Star Destroyers' characteristic white, trian- Advice-seekers who are really Rebels begin their
gular shapes. Argothil answers many questions about NetPost messages with forms of verbs and end the
those "pesky white grubs infesting homes," and about first sentence with an exclamation point.

Dear Argothii, Rebellion through Brentaal starport, we always run

Traveling to Brentaal, every time, my luggage al- into customs trouble. The cargo is confiscated and
ways gets iost in Brentaal starport! if iever do find my personnel captured. How do we move people and
luggage, the customs officials there claim I stole it materiel through Brentaal?
from someone else. Ido alot of traveling, and Brentaal
is a frequent stop. How can I avoid this problem? Shenvehr's Answer:
Bothered on Brentaal Use code words, usually a series complaining about
droids and faulty R2 units.ARebel partisan in starport
Dear Bothered, controi wili help you.
Next time you fly into Brentaal starport, complain a
lot about your R2 droid. Tell them it's humming Shenvehr has heard rumors from freighter captains,
holovid tunes and you really need to Wipe its memory wriling to "Ask Argothii Anything," that certain code
soon. They'll sympathize with you. phrases alert a Rebel sympathizer in starport control
to ships carryingout Alliance missions. Several known
Translation: code phrases center around complaints about R2
Whenever we bring cargo or personnel vital to the units.

Dear Argothii, Shenvehr knows the message is from a Rebel cell

Building a new expansion on our house here on because they begin with a verb form, "beginning," and
Bestine, we got this terrible infestation of white, grub- endedthatsentence with an exclamation point. Shenvehr
like insects with small biack dots on their backs! They knows about the activity on Bestine, touted as "anti-
seem to have just swarmed down out of the sky. terrorist measures" in official news releases, so the
They're everywhere and they won't leave us alone. writer's location lends another hint about the nature of
How do we get rid of them? the problem.
Infested on Bestine
Dear infested, We were preparing to expand our Rebel cell here on
I would recommend using some heavy firepower Bestine when the Empire arrived and sent a detach-
pesticides. If those fail (or if they're unavailable in ment of stormtroopers to crack down on our activity.
your system), I'd suggest checking out Paiestro's What do we do?
Whoiesale Firearms on Wroona and blowing the Iitlie
buggers to pieces with a few insecticide grenades. Shenvehr's Answer:
And if that doesn't work, I'd find a new home or move Try to assemble some heavy firepower for armed
in with the neighbors. resistance, or ask for assistance from the Rebel cell on
Wroona; Palestro is their contact. If you can't do that,
get off Bestine or start a cell in a nearby system.
Operative Role: Yards manager, alien guild leader, tailed by Imperial agents.
Rebel agent In a career spanning over a century, Kijo has held
Current Location: Tallaan Imperial ShIpyards many jobs, from zero-gee hull welder and loadlifter
Species: Herglic Sex: Male Age: 147 foreman to cargo inspector and department manager.
Slow-moving but powerful, Kijo Mnuue has been a He is presently director of the yards' Department of
major figure among the various workers and techni- Environmental Maintenance, which is charged with
cians of the Tallaan Imperial Shipyards for decades. maintaining the yards' many life support systems. He
His even temperament and calm demeanor, even in is also the president of the guild.
the midst of crisis and panic, have made Kijo a strong Kijo wears a third hat as a member of the Rebel cell
leader among the shipyard workers. Hisslow, deliber· group. Though many of his people have decided to
ate manner of speaking makes him appear slow-wit- submit to Imperial rule, Kijo has decided he cannot
ted by Human standards, but nothing could belurther remain a docile second-class citizen in the brutal and
from the truth. He was here before the Empire rose to discriminatory Empire. Kijo is in a position to gather
engulf his home system, and he hopes to be here when information of value to the Alliance, both through his
it withdraws. numerous contacts at the yard, and through other
Since the coming of the Empire, the yards' hundreds contacts in the CorreIlian Shipbuilders Union and the
of thousands of alien workers have found themselves Mon Calamari community. He passes his reports by
slowly being worked out of the labor pool. Kijo was way 01 a blind drop.
instrumental in forming the Guild of Non-Human Skilled
Laborers. • Kjio Mnuue
Needless to say, the Empire has little love for Kijo, Type: Herglic Union Leader
but dares not move against him without reason. Kijo OEXTERITY20
has become accustomed to finding himself being KNOWLEDGE 20+2
Alien species 50, bureaucracy 60.. 1, bureau-
cracy: Tallaan ImperialShipyards 70, business
40..2, business administration 50+1, cultures
50, language 40, streetwise 40+2
Repulsorlift operation 3D, space transports
Command 60, con 40+ I, investigation: Tallaan
Imperial Shipyards 80, persuasion 60, persua-
sion: oration 60+2
Brawling 60, stamina 70
Computer programming/repair 40, droid pro-
gramming 50+ 1, first aid 40, repulsorlift repair
;/ 40+ I, security 60, space transport repair 50+2
Special Abilities:
Natural Annor>l-: + 10 from physical attacks.
* See page 91 of the Dark Force Rising
, ,tY Sourcebook.
Force Points: I
~\" Character Points: 12
Move: 7
Equipment: Comlink, badge of office, datapad

Kjio has saved the lives and careers of thou-
sands of beings, and is turning hearts against the
Empire's policy subjugation of "lesser" species.
There were many of us who felt that he was too
valuable as a labor leader to risk losing, but
Mnuue was most insistent that he be allowed to
forward data to us.
At the junction of a number of trade long as its members remained productive
routes frequented by several spacefaring and loyal to the Empire, he would permit
species, among them the Herglics, Humans, the aliens to remain. There have been no
and Sullustans, the Tallaan system has al- major problems precipitated by either side
ways been home to large communities made since that settlement.
up of a variety of species. The Tallaan Ship- The shipyards themselves are made up
yards, orbiting the planet Tallaan, have been of several hundred orbit docks, each able to
an integral cog in the interstellar opera- service several dozen bulk freighters or
tions of the Republic for the past four mil- hundreds of smaller craft. Hundreds of thou-
lennia. Its employees reflect the sands of dockworkers, technicians,
multicultural environment of the system. loadlifter operators, mechanics, droid su-
Like many worlds close to the Core, pervisors, cargo inspectors, and mynock
Tallaan became part of the Empire through exterminators work in and around the vari-
fiat rather than subjugation. The Republic ous ships in their docks and cradles. Many
Shipyard became an Imperial base, and of the orbit docks are dedicated to servic-
began to gear up for wartime production. ing Imperial military vessels. There is al-
The first Imperial governor attempted to ways at least one Imperial Star Destroyer
reduce the percentage of alien workers at docked in the Imperial zone, undergoing
the yard, but was thwarted by the fledgling routine maintenance.
Guild of Non-Human Skilled Laborers. Faced The yards are protected by both patrol-
with threats of boycotts and strikes from 60 ling Imperial cruisers and Golan SpaceGun
percent of the yard's employees, the Impe- armored defense platforms (see page 91 of
rial governor had to choose between adher- the Heir to the Empire Sourcebook). Most of
ing to Imperial doctrine (and shutting down the orbit docks themselves were built when
one of the Empire's most productive yards), the yards were first set up, but they are
and acquiescing to the guild's demands. continually being updated and revamped
Not wishing to test the Emperor's sense of to keep them safe and up to current techno-
humor, he wisely reversed his position and logical standards.
came to an understanding with the guild: as
Operative Role: Field operative herself back into the mission with a vengeance, How-
Current Location: Bilbringi ever, Kand'lar's reports have become more sporadic
Species: Bothan Sex: Female Age: 22 and sketchy, almost as if she were not concentrating
When amission is dangerous yet important, Kand'iar on her work. The question arises as to whether Bron
is the one to send. She is known even among Bothans Kand'lar is devoted solely to this mission, or is split-
as an excellent operative. Her present assignment is ting her time with some other work, perhaps involv-
to find whatever information she can concerning the
ing her slain clan-mates. Such a dividing of her focus
Empire's research into cloaking device technology. is dangerous not only to herself, but to the mission
While the Bilbringi shipyards seemed to be a prom- and the security of Alliance Intelligence in the sector,
ising site based on preliminary information from Alli- We cannot afford to lose a superior operative, or the
ance Intelligence, all indications are that the project information she is privy to.
there has been suddenly and secretly relocated or
disbanded. Kand'iar is currently attempting to ferret • Bron Kand'lar
out some leads in order to determine the new re- Type: Bothan Operative
search site. DEXTERITY 3D
There is some concern about her motivations and Dodge 40+ I, melee combat 40, melee parry 40
sUitability. A number of Bothan spies, working inde- Alien Species 50, bureaucracy 50, bureaucracy:
pendently of the Alliance, were recently discovered Bothan clans 70+2, cultures 50, languages 60
by Imperial Intelligence and many died in the ensuing MECHANICAL 20+2
escape, At least four of those Bothans were c1an- Beast riding 30+2, repulsorlift operation 40
brothers of Kand'iar. It was suggested that she be Bargain 40+ I, command SO, con 6D-2, search
removed from the field until she could come to terms 50, sneak 60
with her loss, but she has refused and has thrown STRENGTH 2D+2
Computer programming/repair 40, security SO
Story Factors:
Opportunist: Bothans are opportunlstlc and
predatory, They try to take advantage when-
ever possible, and believe that anyone not
allied wilh them is plouing agaInst them. They
seem greedy, selfish and paranoid 10 other
Communicatian: Bothans manipulate their fur
to express emotions and further clarify their
statements. The rippling fur conveys subtleties
that elaborate on the spoken word.
Force Points: I
Cbaracter Points: 11
Move: 10
Equipment: Hold-out blaster (3D). recording
rod, ne<:klace bearing her clan sigH

There is no question that the Bothans are
ualuable allies. Theirabilities and willingness to
enter into situations that are fraught with risk
make them to,rnotch agents. Howeuer, there
always seems to be a touch of reticence when
their reports concern extremely sensitiue infor·
CommanderAckbarhasdealt with the Bothans
before, and he has mentioned to me that he gets
the same impression. Their clan loyalties some-
times seem to take precedence ouer all other
matters. Watch yourselves - don't give away
too much information when dealing with them.

in a nanosecond. He warned the cell leaders that there Albert is accessible from most information termi-
was a traitor in their midst, and helped the group nals around the planet, but his processing units are
escape off-planet. located in the basement of the University computer
From that moment onward, the Alliance has had a center. He has no external components such as limbs
powerful ally on Esseles. Possessed with the fervor of or remotes, though he can control the security de-
a true patriot, Albert basks in his new sense of pur- vices on campus (most of which are alarms and
pose. and a mission which at last demands his full cameras) and may be able to command the resources
attention and fulfills his primary programming. of other computer systems from time to time.
Albert has infiltrated nearly every computer system Most of Albert's co-workers, even the techs that
on the planet. both civilian and military, public and service him, are not aware that his capabilities are far
private, and sweeps them regularly for information of beyond that of a typical university computer system,
interest to the Alliance. He keeps an electronic eye on and Albert himself has "lost" most of the records
the current cell members at the University, and helps suggesting otherwise.
them obtain resources they need to perform their

The Short Career of the BRT AL-BRT is probably Ihe mosl, shall we say,
unusual, operative I have worked with. Espio-
Not too long ago in Human civilization, the most talked-
nage droids are nothing new, ofcourse, but since
about development in urban engineering was the cre-
Palpatine's cronies have locked down every
ation of a series of sentient supercomputers which were
large-scale computer system they've laid eyes
designed to integrate an entire city into one smoothly
on, fully enabled and independent artificial intel-
functioning system. Power plants, transit systems, waste
ligence systems are fairly hard to come by.
disposal systems, air traffic routing, and such could all be
When I first heard that an unregistered system
directed and supervised by a single entity rather than an
- a BRT in Ihe heart of the Core, no less - had
unwieldy morass of bureaucrats and droids. Unlike a asked to join the Rebellion, / couldn't have been
droid, such a system would be able to interact personally
more amazed and pleased if Vader himself had
with hundreds of thousands of beings and other comput-
jusl defecled and braughl the whole fmperial
ers simultaneously.
fleet with him. Those BRT fellows can get into
The BRT line of computers were duly installed in hun-
and out of supposedly impregnable computer
dreds of cities throughout the Core, to much fanfare.
systems and run planetary economies all the
They went on to exceed every goal and forecast, slashing
city expenditures, improving city services, and reducing
One Ihing aboul dealing wilh Albert, though.
crime. Unfortunately, the BRT line proved to be 100
YOU'dlhinklhalgoing200years wilhoula memory
perfect: politicians found their activities monitored toan
wipe would instill a fairly stable and collected
unprecedented degree (thousands of careers were sub-
persanality in a Ihinking machine. Well, Albert is
sequently ruined), and bureaucrats found themselves
a fairly pert and saucy fellow. f dan'l know
suspended or tenninated by the millions as their jobs
whether his new covert career has invigorated
became obsolete. Those that survived the staff reduc-
him to an inordinate degree, or ifhis personality
tions found themselves subject to new and extremely
is the natural result ofdealing with teenagers full
unwelcome productivity standards.
lime, bUI f jusllhoughl I'd warn everyone.
Virtually the entire line of BRTs was unplugged and shut
down within a year of the machine's release to the
general market. Manywere sold to private institutions or
universities and reprogrammed to supervise smaller
Today, fewer than 2~ BRTs are known to remain func-
tional. The Emperor and his governors keep them on a
tight leash. They have been cut out of the command chain
in every case, and serve primarily as economic advisors
and glorified data file clerks.
Operative Role: Sabotage Aimi habitually wears armor and a blast helmet to
Current Location: Kwenn Space Station make herself appear more mechanical and to illus-
Species: Human Sex: Female Age: 26 trate that she is closer to droids than organic beings.
Aimi Loto is a Human female who is much more
Despite this, she has allowed her thick, black hair to
comfortable with droids than she is with organic grow long, largely because she sees this as a connec-
beings. She is warm and friendly with mechanicals,
tion to her mother, M'lay Loto, who disappeared
but when dealing with organic beings, she appears to years ago.
be extremely qUiet and withdrawn . Aimi and Blockhead will only remain in one location
Aimi and her partner, the droid MdZ-BLK ("Block-
for a few months so their sabotage cannot be traced
head"), work under the cover of being deoid mainte- to any single location.
nance specialists, traveling from system to system.
Their Alliance assignment is long range sabotage. • Aimi Lata
Aimi and Blockhead have a gift for modifying and Type: Oroid Mechanic
reprogramming droids so that, at some point in the Blaster 40.. 1
future, they will destroy Imperial equipment and per- KNOWLEDGE 30+ 1
sonneL Droids modified by the pair have been known Business 50, streetwise 40..2, value: droids 60
to operate properly for years before their reprogram- MECHANICAL 30+2
Powersuit operation 50
ming goes into effect. By that time, it is impossible for PERCEPTION 3D
the sabotage to be traced back to its source. Bargain 40, forgery: droid 10 codes 40+2
Aimi believes that droids should be awarded the STRENGTH 20
same rights as other beings. Aimi feels extremely TECHNICAL 40
Blaster repair 50+ 1, droid programming 60.
guilty that she is destroying droids as part of her role droid repair 70. powersuit repair 50+2, secu-
with the Rebellion. rity60
Character Points: 10
Move: 10
Equipment: Transportable droid repair kit,
Galax Systems powersuit (adds +30 to lifting
skill, and subtracts-IO from all Dexterity skills.
but provides no protection from damage),
blaster pistol (40+ I)

I first met Aimi when my R2 unit malfunctioned on
Karuoss II. She was a strange, quiet young lady, prefer-
ring to let herdroid companion speak to me in his oddly
inflected and somewhat limited Basic. However, when
she learned from the R2 unit that my destination was
the celebration of the wedding of Moff Nile Owen's
daughter, she turned to me and whispered intently,
"Stay away from the pratocol droids, "while Blockhead
laughed loudly.
When [arrived at the celebration, and took my place
for my part in the defection of the Moff's personal
assistant, [ heeded her words carefully. When the
operation began, [ was glad that [ had. Almost every
protocol droid present at the celebration began to
malfunction. Several exploded, and [ counted at least
two that began shooting at stormtroopers.
Later [learned that Aimi and Blockhead had been
responsible for arranging the actions of the droids. The
droids were the attendants of beings from over 20
different sectors. Even now the logistics amaze me.
Operative Role: Sabotage The audience members placed bets on the outcome,
Current Location: Kwenn Space Station but the true attraction was the "humorous" combat.
MdZ-BLK, more commonly known as "Blockhead," During these contests, Blockhead was repeatedly
Is an odd combination of technology. When his line faced by protocol droids. He had a perfect record, but
was first introduced, the articulated auto-balance one time had finally had enough and leapt out of the
legs used in the MdZ series droids represented the pit in an attempt to kill Darion. Darion's son, Yearo,
height of industrial droid locomotion design (and intervened, ionizing Blockhead. Yearo then had him
were quickly copied by Cybot Galactica and Industrial delivered to Gorbu, a rival Hutt pirate. Yearo knew
Automaton), but the cylindrical body was an inferior
that it would not take long for the MdZ droid to
copy ollndustrial Automaton's S12 droids. Blockhead develop an intense enough hatred for Gorbu to at-
had passed through the hands of several owners tempt to kill him.
before Aimi took him on as a partner. Alter Blockhead killed Gorbu, he turned his atten-
His previous owners considered him to be unusable tions to the Sevilles. Blockhead programmed a group
of protocol droids to steal a freighter from a Duros
because he possessed an insolent, stubborn person·
ality that would not disappear no matter how often his family. They converted the freighter intoagiant bomb
memory was wiped. and crashed it into the asteroid containing the Seville
Blockhead hates protocoi drolds because of his family compound. Blockhead's attack worked, and
employment by Darion Seville, until recently the ma- with the Sevilles out of the way, began wandering the
triarch of the Seville pirate clan. Darion had begun to galaxy until he met Aimi Loto.
amuse herself by arrangingdroid duels. Darion's pref-
erencewas to pair non-combat droids in the matches.
• MdZ-BLK (Blockhead)
Type: TIC MdZ Maintenance Orold
Blaster: holdout blaster 40
Streetwise 60
Space transports 50
Search 40
Brawling 50
Computer programming/repair 50, droid pro-
gramming 40..2, droid repair 70. space trans-
ports repair 50
Equipped With:
• Two auto-balance legs
• Two heavy grasper arms (lifting skill at 40)
• Two retractable fine manipulators (Dexterity
40.2 kg load maximum)
• Sensor array (standardized Human range.
plus infra-red and micro-/macro-ocular exten-
• Internal comlink with simplified Basic speech
• Hol<klut blaster (30) concealed in left leg
Character Points: 20
Move: 12
Size: 1.5 meters tall
Cost: Not available for sale

Blockhead isa highly effecliue operatiue, espe-
cially in conjunction with Aimi Loto, but his
dislike for protocol droids sometimes confuses
his thought processes.
Operative Role: Entertainer, smuggler and Rebel in- years, Leger settled down to pursue his one true love:
formant holofeatures. He began performing his sleight of hand
Current Location: Core Worlds tricks and great escapes. While his fame grew, eventu·
Species: Human Sex: Male Age: 48 ally his legendary luck ran out: he nearly perished in
Growingup in the isolation of thechak-root farms on his much anticipated "Escape at Cloud City." The
the CorporateSector Authority planet Erysthes, where medical facilities on Cloud City managed to repair the
his parents worked as indentured harvesters, young physical damageto his body, but he found that the big
"Leger" spent most of his time watching holofeatures contracts didn't come his way anymore.
and dreaming or the day he would escape his parent's Leger DeMain formed a theatrical production com·
rate. He amused himself by learning sleight 01 hand pany which visits posh gambling houses and private
tricks and acting out scenes from his favorite holovids. estates (including the majestic Imperial Palace), en-
As an "employee" of the Authority, Leger was forced tertaining wealthy corporate execs, military leaders
to work for the greater glory and profit of the Author- and powerful Imperial nobles. The shows are a com-
ity despite his youth. Eventually, Leger formulated a bination of dance, music, and theater, with a finale
plan for escape. When an Authority ship landed, Leger starring DeMain in a daring escape act.
palmed several of the agrirobot remote interface con- Leger DeMain's travels exposed him to the horrors
trol mechanisms (which controlled the colossal CSA of Imperial domination. Drawing a parallel with his
harvester droids). Under Leger's command, these own imprisonment as a child, Leger managed to con-
monstrous machines razed most of the main farming tact the Rebel Alliance and oller his services. With
c?mplex, distracting the guards long enough for Leger, contacts and access to a variety of worlds under
hIs parents and several other laborers to hijack the Imperial rule, DeMain has the opportunity to smuggle
transport (armed with farming implements, no less). information and goods with relative ease.
After skipping about the Core Worlds for many
• Leger DeMain
Type: Entertainer
Blaster 40, contortlons 100+1, dodge 40+2, pIck
pocket 140+2, thrown weapons 50+1
Alien species 50, business: entertainment 40+2
cultures 60, languages 4D+2. willpower 50 '
Space transports 40
Con 40+2. hide 120+2, persuasion 60. sneak 90
First aid 3D..2, security 40
Force Points: 1
Cbaracter Points: to
Move: to
Equipment: Sporting blaster (30+ I), com link, ex-
pensive clothing and cape, electronic lockpicker
disguised as a sabacc card (.. 10 to security)

Watch yourself around DeMain. His uncanny knack
for getting into perilous situations is only exceeded by
his ability to escope from them. Leger's flair for the
·dramatic has nearly cost him his life on more than one
He is an excellent choice for missions that require a~
inside man who can improvise on the run. I'll never
forget the time he got me offBoden during an Imperial
occupation.: he dressed me up in this horrendous outfit
and passed me off as his Kloo hom player. To this day,
I can't look at a Kloo hom without chuckling.
Leger DeMain's Converted Space Yacht
DeMain's ship, the Siren In, is a heavily modified who share the larger, upper cabins. DeMain has also
space yacht, which serves as a mobile base (or his added anumberof secret compartments and they are
stage productions. Sections have been converted to used on behalf 01 the Rebellion to smuggle a variety of
dressing rooms, prop storage and rehearsal rooms. goods and beings. There are also a variety of secret
There are also avariety of secret rooms and passages passages connecting the secret rooms.
for smuggling goods for the Rebellion. The center of the three engines in the stern 01 the
Leger purchased the Siren III from a used transport Siren Illis a cleverlyconcealed mock-up (in fact, a false
yard years ago and she has since gone through so energy signature projector and illuminators are in-
many modifications that the original owner would no stalled so that the engine appears to be authentic
longer recognize her. The most dramatic of these when scanned with sensors). A hidden switch in the
revisions was to redesign a large section of the bow. cockpit can eject the contents of this compartment
Nearly the entire lront end of the ship was rebuilt so into either of the adjoining engine's ion drives (for
it could open up into a stage with an orchestra pit. quick incineration) or out into space. This little fea-
When theSiren llllands, this stage and the surround- ture has come in handy on more than one occasion.
ing performance and backstage area can separate The ship also has Leger's private mini-shuttle. It is
from the rest of the craft and move about indepen· disguised so that it appears as just another 01 the
dently on a repulsorlift lield. The backstage area can Siren I/I's many escape pods. This craft rarely sees
be loaded with props and equipment and then travel use, but it is Leger's "ace in the hole" should he need
to the site of the performance upon touchdown. With a quick get away.
this ingenious setup. Leger can perform almost any- Leger's Mini-ShuttIe. Starlighter, passengers 2,
where he desires. consumables 2 days, hyperdrive x6, nay computer
The ship gets crowded now that his theatrical com- limited to two jumps, maneuverability 10, space 3,
pany has grown so much. Many. of the original 24 atmosphere 260; 750 kmh, hull 2D.
luxury cabins have been converted to dressing rooms,
prop storage and rehearsal rooms. The remaining
• Siren III
living quarters are for the performers themselves,
Craft: Modified Aavrnan Extravagance Model
11-5 Space Yacht
Type: Converted Space Yacht
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 44 meters
The Siren III Skill: Space transports: Aavrnan Extravagance
To Escape Pods Crew: 2, gunners: 2, skeleton: 1/.. 10
Crew Skill: Astrogation 40, space transports
4D, sensors 3D, starship gunnery 40, starship
shields 30
Passengers: 24
Cargo Capacity: 40 metric tons
Consumables: 1 month
Cargo Hold Cost 250.000 (as modified)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: xlO
Nav Computer. Yes
Maneuverability: 10
Space: 4
Atmosphere: 280; 800 kmh
Shields: 10
To Lower Decks Sensors:
Passive: 15/OD
Scan: 30/10
Search: 50130
Focus: 2/40
2 Laser Cannons (concealed)
Fire ATe: 1 (ront/left, 1 front/right
Crew: 1
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 10
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: lO()'300/1.2/2.S Ion
Operative Role: Courier ship against theirs. Siro was approached by Pann
Current Location: Rayter sector Tefilous, a former captain turned gambler who had
Species: Human Sex: Male Age: 32 re·cently begun promoting a series of starship races.
Though he prefers that this information be kept These races, though illegal in most systems, were
hidden, Siro Simito was born into the Vallaido pirate extremely popular; the racers soon became wealthy
clan and spent his youth on Valla's Glorious Gesture, and famous.Sirowould have continued racing, having
the flagship of the fleet. As did all the children o( the no interestin the Rebellion, had the Empire not (orged
Vallaido, he began his career on the turbolasers. He an ailiance with the pirate Yearo Seville.
was trained in all aspects of stars hip operations, The Sevilles and the Vallaido had been enemies for
eventually gaining command of a boarding vessel. generations, so it was not surprising that the Seville
It was this assignment that ended his career as a fleet attacked the Vallaidos. What was surprising was
pirate. During his second boarding action (involving that the Sevilles were reinforced by Imperial ships.
a transport crewed by employeesof the Hutt crimelord, The Vallaido neet was devastated.
Gorbu Dalo), Siro saw four beings die on his vibro-axe. Siro joined the Rebellion and began using the races
Siro had killed others before - hundreds had died as a cover to deliver information. Sire is always armed
by blasts from the turbolasers at his control- but he and is capable of using violent (orce when necessary,
had never be(ore seen death so closely, and he real- but would rather use his reputation and appearance
ized now that he had no stomach for it. He could to intimidate those who threaten him.
longer participate in this piracy.
Having no real skills other than those of starship • Siro Simito
travel, Siro used his share of the (amily wealth to Type: Stars hip Racer
purchase, then modify, a decrepit freighter. He then Blaster: blaster pistol 60. dodge 50·2. melee combat
began challenging other beings to races, betling his

50.. 2, melee parry 60

, "
Intimidation 50, languages 40, law enforcement 30.2,
planetary systems 40 ..2, streetwise 40
. , I ' /
Astrogation 50, communications 40.2, slarflghter pi-
loting 60, starship gunnery 70.1, starshlp shields 40.2

, ... L

, Con 50·2
Slarfighter repair 50, starfighter weapon repair 40·1
Force Points: 2
Characler Poi.nts: 20
Move: 12
Equipment: The Axe (ModUied GAT Skipray Blastboal,
capital scale, skJII: starlighter piloting. hyperdrive mul-
tiplier x I. maneuverability 20. space 8. at mosphere 415;
1,200 kmh. hull 30. shields 20), gold~etailed Galinolo
XiX blaster pistol (40. 2,000 credits). vlbro-axe
(STR.20.1) decorated with streamers of red and ye~
low vorun feathers, brightly colored clothes. nashy

AftermeetingSiro, it is easy to see where the romantic
stereotype of a cheerful, happy-go-lucky pirate might
have come from. Despite his fearsome appearance,
reflected IGlgely in Ihat euil looking vibro-axe Ihal he
carries with him, he is an extremely friendly andhelpful
You must remember that regardless of his other
activities, Siro is still a member of the Val/aido family
and his loyalty to the family is greater than his (oyalty
to the Alliance.

- - -- ~'C3UI=-<=JI<=_""--=_-______ __ _

The following are excerpts from a report prepared by Siro Gevil flan. Gevil knows who I am, and he knows that I am
Simito detailing his activih'es during aStar Rally race known as supposedly racing straight to Azna, but he'll keep his mouth
the ~Dahvil-Fodro Hyperspace Promenade. ~ shut because he also knows who my family is and that, even
DAY ONE-Dahvll though Idon't want them to, my father, my brothers -even
The rallies have recently been decriminalized on Dahvil, so my little sister - wouldn't think twice about killing him if
the crowd of spectators present at the staging area Is twice they learned that he betrayed me.
as large as it was for the previous promenade. I've got I change out of my flashy racer clothes and pul on a plain
relatively few fans on Dahvil, so ) was able to walk through coverall, and grab my other vibro-axe - a plain Tego model
the crowd with little incident - until the holovid crew from with a loud hum - and head out into the city.
Ord Dorlass pushes their equipment in front of my face. My contact meets me in the lobby of a cheap hotel.
"Excuse me, Siro," the reporter-a Human female wearing Everything goes smoothly, except for the fact that he was
blue facepaint - says, "but we'd like to ask you about your over an hour late. That doesn't sound like much - and he
feud with the bad blood still there?" had good reasons - but it means that I have to recalculate
I growl and draw my vibro-axe. "If you mention that name my hyperspace jump. I know from experience that Is going to
to me again," I yell, ")'11 chop ya in half." add at least two hours.
"But Siro," she says again, "Seeg said that he would _ t o To make things worse, when I step out lhe door of the
I take my axe and swing at the droidcam, slicing off the hotel, I'm accosted by a Barabel mugger.
supertelephoto lens. The reporter and the droidcam turn "Gimme that axe, Human, and all your credits."
and run. Sometimes I feel pangs of jealousy for beings IIkeSeeg, who
The crowd around me cheers. Even though they depend would have simply blasted the idiot and walked away, but I
on the holovids for news about the rallies, they can't stand knew that if I chopped him in half I'd just feel guilty after-
the reporters. wards ... so I went into my "screaming lunatic" act.
As usual, Kaini has done a good job, and no one in lhe "You want my axe, you moldy handbag?" I scream, not
crowd realizes that it has all been an act. I know that the data reaching for the axe, but curling my hands into tense fists.
module I am scheduled to deliver is hidden in the casing of WHuh? Well, go ahead slug, take it!"
the lens, so I pick it up and put it in my pouch. Then I hold my The Barabel, satisfyingly, Is taken aback. WHey, Human," he
axe up high over my head and the crowd cheers again. says, "be calm and nobody gets hurt."
DAY THREE-Hyperspace "You wanna bet? You wanna bet nobody gets hurt?" I
The Promenade is one of the shorter races, consisting of usually run out of ideas for witty repartee at this point in the
only four legs: Dahvil to Ord Dorlass; Ord Dorlass to Tintel; act, so Istart repeating the same phrase over and over, WYou
Tintel to Azna; and Azna to Fodro. Usually, it's hardest to wanna bet? You wanna bet?" While I yell, I advance towards
make deliveries during short races like this because the the Barabel.
handicappers and gamblers - the ones who keep the most The Barabel walks backwards about three sleps, then
careful watch on the performance of the racers - are always turns and runs. He never once thought about the blaster on
looking out for fixed races. his hip.
Luckily, this delivery is to Fait d'Fait, a system not far all I start running back to the ship.
the lintel to Azna hyperspace route. DAY SIXTEEN-Am.
I've set my hyperdrive to 80% efficiency. That'll slow me The crowd at the finish line on Azna is huge, especially
down enough on the other routes, that I can make the leg considering the fact that the races are illegal in this system,
including the detour - at 100% elliciency - in the same and the racers are just going to stop here, power up and
amount of time. resupply, then leave as soon as possible. Seeg beat me here
DAY SEVEN{)n1 Dod... by two hours, but he had a capacitor fail in his hyperdrive,
The races themselves are no longer scripted, like they so he's stuck on the planet while it's being repaired. In the
were in the early days of the circuit, but the we will occasion- meantime, he's standing next to Tefilous and talking to a
ally stage "incidents" that give the holovids something to holovid reporter.
report. Seeg, the Radian, and Istaged a fistfight in oneofthe My ship is set, alii need is to get juiced up and go, so 1could
larger night clubs in the capital city. The little lizard missed make up the time I lost, but I decide that it's showtime.
a cue and broke my nose ... 1threw him over the bar, but it Igo up to where Seeg is standing. "Oh, here comes Siro," he
was an "honest" accident. says in that goofy accent of his. "Nice of you to finally join us."
Thestunt worked-when we were released from thelocal "Thanks, Seeg,"1 say, and punch him in the snout. wHave a
jail the next morning, Tefilous informed us that our popular- nice day," I say cheerfully as he falls backwards into the
ity on Ord Dorlass had increased by six points. crowd. Everyone cheers and I waJkaway, my axe held high
DAY FOURTEEN-Hyperspace over my head.
When the other racers left Tintel, they were heading DAY EIGHTEEN-Hyperspace
straight for Azna; but I'm heading for Fait d'Fait. As of Tintel, I set my hyperdrive back down; this time to 75%, and I'm
Iwas in fourth place- right behind Seeg.lf everything goes going to tell the reporters that I'm having hyperdrive troubles.
well on Fait d'Fait, I should make it to Azna right on Seeg's Seeg should beat me by a couple of hours, and that really
heels. annoys me, but I've got severaJ deliveries to make during the
DAY flFfEEN-Fail d'Fail next race, so ('II lose a lot of time, and I need something to
When I arrive here I dock inside a warehouse owned by explain my poor showing.
Operative Role: Information gathering and safehouse he ran into some kind of Imperial trouble.
operator Resik has been working as a bartender for several
Current Location: Reuss VIII, Portmoak sector, Outer years now. In that time, he has been uprooted several
Rim Territories times by the Empire.The Empire's discriminatory
Species: Jillsarian Sex: Male Age: 27 policies against aliens led to him having to move from
Resik stands just under two meters tall. He is cov- system to system. One of these escapes was made
ered with soft brown fur. By (ar, his most notable possible by a Rebel agent who warned Resik a few
feature is that he has (our arms. He speaks in a deep minutes before stormtroopers arrived. Since then,
voice and knows a smattering o( languages. . Resik has always made his place of business open to
Resik spent the first few years of his adult life Rebel agents in need of a safehouse.
working as a professional heaV)'\veight grappler, this Several droids have come into his service over the
form of unarmed combat being a popular entertain- years and Resik tends to be very protective of them.
ment in certain backwater regions. It was hard work, Resik selects his business locations to be near the
but he did get to visit a good number of systems. local spaceport. This allows him to cater to the space-
After one particularly bruising match against the port crowd, while also providing for a quick escape
"Kessel Krusher," Resik received official notice that route out of system for Rebels (and others) in need.
he had been mentioned in the "parting request" of a Resik normally rents out a small apartment or ware-
fan from a backwater system. It seems that the fan had house area in an area where no one will ask too many
owned a bar, and that the bar now belonged to Resik. questions - while most of his landlords assume that
Resik hired an experienced bartender to show him Resik has some kind of illegal business (most tenants
the ropes and then took him on as a partner after six in these areas do), none suspect that the bartender is
months. Shortly afterward, his partner disappeared sheltering Rebel agents.
and was never heard from again. Rumors had it that
• Resik
Type: Jillsarian Bartender
Blaster 50, brawling parry 60, dodge 40
Alien species 40. bureaucracy 30, cultures 50,
languages 40. planetary systems 40. scholar:
exotic drinks 60, streetwise 60
Repulsorlift operation 50
Bargain 50, gambling 40. hide 50, sneak 40
Brawling 70, lifting 60, stamina 60
Droid programming 30, first aid 40, security 40
Character Points: 10
Move: 10
Equlpmenl: 2 blaster carbines (50), 2 medpacs.
security systems 1001 kil (+lD to security). sev-
eral droids

Like many beings in the Empire, Resik found
himself a victim of indiscriminate Imperial poli-
cies. Once again, the Empire proved itself to be
the most valuable recruitment tool of the Rebel-
During his years as a Rebel operative, Resik
has saved quite a few Rebel agents from Imperial
From Champion To Rebel
YtavargAleema was born on the remote worldKeedad, "representing" the interests of a distant Mar!, and it had
which had been originally colonized in Ihe early days of been suspected the player was a Rebel sympathizer.
Ihe Old Republic. He is descended from bOlh Ihe Human The player, Assassin center Ap Karmar, was beaten to
colonizers and the Keed, a humanoid race indigenous 10 death as Q message to other possible Rebel sympathiz·
the planet. Keedad;s home toagame known as lettranin, ers. Appalled by Ihe killing of a fellow sportsman,
in which the participants use large scoops 10 fling a Aleema used his scoop and shockballto kill all seven
spiked seed pad (picked from native lelfroni fruil trees) assailants. After a reprimand by his coach and some
at members of the opposing team. The seed pod can political maneuvering, Aleema was allowed back onto
bounce to great heights. Lettranin is played in an en- the team.
closed arena made ofstone and the object of the game The Furies rolled on to the series championship and
is to score as manypoints as possible in a set time period again Aleema was the hero. Though assured by Coach
(paints are awarded for goals and for incapacitaling ii those "ruflians" who had killed Karmar were merely
members of the opposing team). vigi/antes, Aleema still had doubls.
While participating in a pick-up game of letlranin, Naive but not stupid, Aleema investigated the origins
Aleema was noticed by GerPlortor, a scout for the Shad of the Alliance and spent a good deal ofhis spare time
Furies, a prominent Imperial shockball learn. PloTtor talking to individuals of ill repute (in Ihe eyes of the
noticed Aleema 's superior playing ability and decided Empire). Aleema eventually came to the conclusion
to recruitAleema. Enticedbya lucrative contract, Aleema that the Empire was indeed the tyrannical power the
agreed to accompany the vacationing PIOTtor back to Rebel Alliance claimed. Knowing he would be of litt/e
Shad, where he fell in love with shockball. Upon joining help wi/hin the infantry or slarrighter squadrons of Ihe
the team, he led the Furies to five consecutive Imperial Alliance, Aleema realized money is often what wins or
litles, defeating over 80 of the besl teams in Ihe galaxy. loses a war. He arranged with a Rebel contact to have
He broke all team and league records and became rich a good portion of his wealth diverted to Ihe Rebellion,
from both his salary and endorsements. and Ytavarg took it upon himself to intensify his en-
Dun'ng his rise 10 stardom, the athlete was oblivious to dorsements and merchandising. He funnels nearly 50
Ihe politics of the Empire and Ihe struggle being led by percent of his income to the Rebel cause.
the Rebel Alliance. Aleema became embroiled in Ihe Ytavarg is unquestionably the most talented shockball
Galactic Civil War when he attempted to protect a non- athlete in the Empire. He continues to lead the Furies to
Human member of the Quent Assassins (the team the championship after championship, and appears in
Furies had been competing against at the Imperial City holofeatures, on children's meal package covers, and
Exhibition Series). The alherplayerwas being attacked his face can be seen in almost any shopping complex in
by what appeared 10 be a mob of unruly Furies fans the Empire. Unbeknownst to Ihose who sign his checks,
shortly after Aleema's team lost an overtime game 21- Aleema's money is working to bring down the very
20. establishment of which most of them are a part.
II turned oul thallhe group ofHumans were in actuality
Operative Role: Jewel thief, semi-independent Rebel proach her victims, and otherwise prey J.lpon the rich
ally and famous.
Current Location: Core resort worlds While ordinarily wary of causes and crusades, Tanda
Species: Human Sex: Female Age: 28 was shaken by the destruction of her homeworld -
The Tombat is infamous as an invisible, untraceable mostly because she had a huge cache of stolen jewels
jewel thief who can outsmart any defense and spirit located there. Her desire to exact vengeance on the
away his prize undetected. He is wanted in over 30 Empire led her to the Alliance, and more specifically,
systems. The biggest legends surrounding the Tombat to Airen Cracken.
tell of his prowess with women. Countless legends tell Tanda doesn't get on well with her fellow
of his ability to hold women spellbound. Alderaanians-in-exile, who remember the Tombat as
Indeed, the Tombat is very attractive by Human Alderaan's most notorious criminal. Rebel officers
standards. However, the rest of the myths surround- were amazed to see a top Alderaanian operative,
ing the Tombat amuse Tanda Marelle to no end. She Targeter, explode in anger when Tanda entered a
did not intentionally establish a persona as a male briefing room wearing an attractive pendant. The
thief, which arose out of an early episode in her agent insisted that the jewelry was a Royal Family
career, but is pleased to encourage the deception. heirloom. Tanda left soon after, but Princess Leia
More than once she has evaded capture because the Organa was seen wearing the pendant a few days
authorities were intent on apprehending a man. later.
She was born into a prominent trading family on
Alderaan. Bored, Tanda sought more exciting and • The Tombat fTanda Marellel
invigorating environments. Now, Tanda travels as a Type: Jewel Thief
freelance resorts critic for Galactic Resorts holozine, Blaster 30+1. dodge 3D, melee combat 20+ I, melee
and uses this cover to case potential targets, ap- parry 20+2
Bureaucracy 30+1, cultures 40, law enforcement
50+ I. streetwise 50+1, willpower 40
Repulsorllft operation 30+2, swoop operation 40+ 1
Con 80. forgery 70. gambling 50+2. hide 60. persua-
sion GOd, search 50, sneak 50
Brawling 3D. climbing/jumping 30+2. stamina 3D
Computer programming/repair 70, demolition 50,
drold programming GO, first aid 50. security 90
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 1
Character Points: 8
Move: 11
Equipment: Palm blaster (20), doorjacker (+20 to
security to override electronic door locks)

It is a blessing lor the Alliance that Marelle is a daughter 01
Alderaon. If she hadn't lost her entire homeworld, I imagine
she'd still be happily ransacking safes.
As things turned out, the loss of her world so energized her
that she tracked me down and offered her services to the
Alliance. That she located me at one ofourmost secure safe
houses onAlbecus was remarkable enough. Thatshe brought
with her a packet ollove letters I had written at age 16 (and
long ago thought lost) convincedme more than anythingelse
that she was more than capable. A pity her commitment to
the Alliance is somewhat sporadic.
The Cal Ambre is an antique Cal-class ship security. The frigate can arrive within
warship, but is has been overhauled and 15 minutes of an alert from the Cal Ambre
modernized into a unique luxury gambling and is usually on hand when liners and
resort. It has taken up permanent orbit in freighters are arriving and leaving.
the Bramior system, and hovers at the edge Sample Guard. All stats are 2D except:
of a large asteroid field. Some distance away Dextenty3D, blaster3D+1, brawling3D. Move:
is Rove, a large, barren rogue moon which 10. Blaster pistol (4D).
was captured eons ago by the Bramior star.
The main draw of the Cal Ambre, that • Cal Ambre
which offers the casino's guests the unique Craft: Kumaurl Cal-elass Battleship
gambling experience which is its trademark, Type: Modified Cal-elass Battleship
Scale: Capital
is the game of Bombarde. In Bombarde, Length: 3,000 meters
Rove is electronically overlayed with a grid, Skill: Archaic starship piloting: Cal-class
Crew: 2,150, gunners: 46, skeleton: 245/..5
and the mass driver fires an asteroid at the Crew skill: Archaic starship piloting 30..2, capi-
moon with randomly generated coordi- tal ship gunnery 3D. capital ship gunnery: mass
driver 50, capital ship shields 40, sensors 4D
nates. Bets are placed on which section of Passengers: 9.000
Cargo Capacity: 20,000 metric tons
the moon the asteroid will hit and bettors CODsumables: 3 months
gather in a huge observation gallery to watch Cosl: Not available for sale
Hyperdrlve Modifier: x6
the proceedings. Hyperdrlve Backup: xIS
The ship offers entertainments other than Nav Computer: Yes
gambling. There are numerous levels dedi- Space: I
Hull: 2D..2
cated to cabins, malls, dance halls, the- Shields: 3D
aters, and parks. There is a large hangar Sensors:
Passive: 30/10
available to allow smaller vessels internal Scan: 50/20
docking, and numerous skiffs and ferries flit Search: 80/2D.. I
Focus: 4/3D
between the CalAmbre and larger ships and Weapons:
cruisers positioned nearby. Mass Driver
Fire Arc: Front
The old battlewagon's weapons have Crew: 10
been removed save for three - the mass Skill: Capital ship gunnery: mass drIver
Fire Control: lD
driver, and two turbo cannons used to break Space Range: 2.15/45/90
large asteroids into smaller chunks. They Damage:8D
2 Turbolaser Cannon
also can be called on in a last-ditch effort to Fire Arc: 1 front. I back
protect the ship should it come under at- Crew: 3
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
tack. There are also a number of powerful Fire Control: 3D
tractor beams mounted around the vessel, Space Range: 3-5/7/10
Atmosphere Range: 200-500/1/1.5 km
to draw projectiles into the cannon, and aid Damage:4D
ships in docking. 6 Tractor Beam Projectors
Fire Arc: 2 front. 1 left. 1 right. 2 back
There is no real Imperial presence on the Crew: 5
ship itself, though an Imperial frigate stays Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
within the system at all times to provide the Space Range: 1-10/15/25
Atmosphere Range: 2·10/30/60 km
Damage: 4D
Some 10,000 years ago, ayoung warlord named Vall dous speeds out the cannon at the front. In those
Kumauri seized several dozen star systems in an days, shield technology was unable to stop this type
attempt to forge an Empire in the outlaying regions of of weapon. Awell-aimed small asteroid could level an
the Republic. His upstart fleet was surprisingly effec- entire city, while a large asteroid could completely
tive thanks to the Kumauri Battleship, a revolutionary upset the ecological balance of a planet.
capital ship developed in the Quter systems and mod- Kumauri's empire imploded within a few years, but
estly named after the young would~be Emperor. the Kumauri Battleship lived on as a legacy to his
The Kumauri Battleship, particularly the last series efforts. The ships of this line saw service in hundreds
in the line, the Cal-class battleship, was a terror in its of navies, including the Republic starfleet that de-
day due to its primary weapon - the huge mass feated the Kumauri Empire. Only when planetary
driver slungover the main hulL This weapon tractored shielding became practical and widespread was the
asteroids and other space debris into the rear end of Cal-class warship rendered obsolete as a terror
the huge armored cylinder and shot them at tremen- weapon.

Callia's is located on the main mall level of the Cal barrel chest. His official duties are as liaison with
Ambre, situated between the local Larjh shippers, sellers, other dealers, and estate auction
StarCorporation dealership (where customized space houses. Unofficially, Teiras manages the day-to-day
yachts can be ordered) and an exclusive clothier. scheduling of pipeline movements, and insures that
The public gallery of the shop is much like a museum deliveries and pickups are set and positioned along
in appearances-it is given over to displays featuring every point of the network. He also is in regular
various artifacts, complete with holopresentations contact with higher-ups in the Alliance:
giving the history and unique features of each item. Lewis' other primary agent is Halacc Demior, a
Many of the artifacts have obvious functions, among small, wiry man in his thirties, with slicked·back black
them ceremonial pipes, daggers, drums, urns, pots, hair, who serves as both bodyguard and shop accoun-
and cups, while others serve more inscrutable pur- tant. Though physically slight, Demior nonetheless is
poses. Among the latter are vaguely branch-shaped an expert combatant. Unofficially, he aides his master
sculptures carved out of a soapy lava, small meteor- in moving Rebels down the pipeline.
ites engraved with archaic symbols, misshapen crys- Lewis also owns a gleaming silver protocol droid
tals which glow from within, and weird stringed in- named A-3PO, an affable servant who serves as a
struments meant to be manipulated by tentacles and translator when Lewis must interact with alien cus-
claws. Prices are not posted, on the principle that if tomers who cannot speak Basic. 3PO is necessarily
one needs to ask ... more familiar with esoteric cultures than most proto-
There is another, smaller, gallery in a back room, col droids. Lewis retains a number of other employ-
featuring items particularly precious (some of which ees at peak season periods (mostly university stu-
are strong in the Force). Most casual gawkers are not dents), who know nothing of the cell's activities.
admitted tothis area. The second level, located above External security is provided by the Cal Ambre's
the shop, is given over to the shop's storage area, security guards.
offices, and vaults. Thewholeshop is protected by an Graff Teiras. All stats are 2D except:
extremely sophisticated security system. Btaster 2D+2, Knowledge 4D+2, business 6D,
Lewis' two permanent employees are Rebel agents
as well. Since his professional duties demand a great value SD+ I. Move 10. Character Points: 3.
deal of his time, Lewis relies on his associates to Halacc Demior. All stats are 3D except:
maintain the pipeline and manage details, though he Dexterity 3D+2, blaster4D+l, brawling parry
remains the network's mastermind.
His chief lieutenant is Graff Teiras, store manager 4D+2, brawling SD+2. Move 11. Character
and head of Callia's shipping operations. Teiras is a Points: 5
tall, imposing middle-aged man with silver hair, and a
Operative Role: Informant and information merchant Empire; in fact, he hates Palpatine on a very personal
Current Location: "Snakes' Den," Camden system, level, though no one knows why. He regularly deals
Outer Rim Territories with the Alliance, although he still requires full pay-
Species: Unknown Sex: Unknown Age: Unknown ment in credits, goods, services or information. Eyes
This rather peculiar alien has become a legend in is believed to be loyal-after all, one does not survive
fringe circles. "He" is an information merchant, main- long in the information business by betraying one's
taining a network worthy of Imperial Intelligence ca- customers - but he cannot be trusted with sensitive
pabilities. "Eyes" started out as something of a fixture information.
in the main starport of Camden, an Outer Rim trade Eyes regularly holds "court" in the Jade Simian, a
planet that sees many small freighters come and go. restaurant and bar adjacent to the "Snakes' Den"
This particular starport is commonly referred to as starport. People have to virtually "take a number" to
"Snakes' Den," dueto its unofficial capacity as a major get in to see him.
fringe society crossroads. Eyes also seems to have some unusual special abili·
Eyes spent day after day observing everything going ties: perhaps his species has some natural affinity for
on around him. This made him many friends, as he the Force, much like the Wookiees of Kashyyyk. It is
would listen and watch and trade what he knew for known that he once used his divinatory abilities to
credits and favors. Eyes eventually parleyed this "sys- hunt down and murder an Imperial Security officer.
tem" into an operation of immense proportions, driven
by some unknown goal that seems to go beyond the • Eyes
acquisition of power for power's sake. Type: Mysterious Alien Informant
There are thousands of people who regularly trade Blaster: hold-out blaster 30, dodge 40, pick
information with Eyes. The alien has no love of the pocket 30+2
Alien species 40+2, cultures 40+2, languages
50, streetwise 60, willpower 50+2
Sensors 3D
Bargain 70, forgery 70, hide 80, investigation
100, search 90, sneak 70+2
Computer programming/repair 40, security 60
Special Abilities:
Force Skills: Sense 4D
Sense: Lifedetection, life sense, magnify senses,
receptive telepathy, sense Force
lbis character is Force--sensitive.
Force Points: 5
Oark Side Points: 3
Character Points: 21
Move: 6
Equipment: Hold-out blaster (3D), comlink,
amulet (believed to be of some religious impor-

Severalpeople have speculated that Eyes is ofa species
wiped out by Palpatine's genocidal policies. While Eyes'
actions are clear, his past and his motivations remain a
mystery. He is not to be trusted. He is not an ally of the
Alliance as much as he is someone who finds the Rebel
Alliance "convenient" for his own objectives. Consider-
ing that he is known to have committed cold-blooded
murder, his goals are questionable at best. It is very
possible that Eyes could go overto the dark side because
of his lack of morality.
A Daupherm defense cruiser, the Retribution was Still painted in the distinctive colors of the Daupherm
stolen by Gorvan "B1ackblood" Shrulldike as a final Systems Fleet, the Retribution has gained quite a
"farewell" to his mflitary career. Darkmere was part of reputation among merchant spacers: she gets a wide
the crew. berth. The Retribution rarely has to fire a shot. She
After several years of active slaving and piracy, waits forthe surrendertransmission and docks. Teams
Darkmere's conscience got the best of him and he move quickly aboard and subdue any troublemakers.
challenged Shrulldike for control of the vessel. If Darkmere seizes the ship, all passengers are politely
Darkmere won. Darkmere has done a lotto the ship escorted to escape pods. He even signals a rescue
over the years, including the addition of upgraded ship before making lor hyperspace.
shields and weaponry, but the original power core The Retribution migrates from one sector to another
remains (it is outdated and much bulkier than modern every few months. Lacking a permanent base, the
versions). The Retribution is still no match for most crew establishes temporary facilities wherever the
Imperial ships. solar winds take them. When Imperials take too much
interest, the Retribution moves on.

• The Retribution
Craft: Customized Daupherm Discril-class At- 4 Trl·PartIcle Beamers
tack Cruiser Fire Arc: Front
Type: System attack cruiser Crew: 2
Scale: Capital Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Length: 85 meters Fire Control: 20.. 1
SkJII: Capital ship piloting: Discril cruiser Space Range: 1·10/25/50
Crew: 150, gunners: 51, skeleton 75/+10 Atmosphere: 2.20/50/100 km
Crew Skill: Astrogation 30+ I, capital ship gun- Damage: 3D
nery 3D+2. capital ship piloting 4D, capital ship Tra<::torBeam
shields 40. sensors 3D Fire Arc: Front
Passengers: 60 (troops) Crew: 7
Cargo Capacity: 7,800 metric tons Shill: CapltaJ ship gunnery
Consumables: 2 weeks Fire Control: 10..2
Cost: Not available for sale Space Range: 1-4/12/24
Hyperdrlve Multiplier: x3 Atmosphere: 2-8/24/48 Ian
Hyperdrlve Backup:,aO Domage:4D
Nav Computer. Yes 2 TrlJaser Cannons
Maneuverability: 10 Fire ATC Front
Space: 5 Crew: 6
Hu1I:4D+2 Scale: Starfighter
Shields: 1O~2 Skill: Starshlp gunnery
Sensors: Fire Control: 20
Passiue: 30/00 Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Scan:60/1O~2 Atmosphere: 100-300/1.212.5 Ian
Search: 90120 Damage:5D
Focus: 3/30
6 Turbolaser Cannons • ADDENDUMIPERSONAL
Fire ATC: 2 front, 2 left, 2 right • CRACKEN, AJREN/GENERAL..
Crew: 4
SkifL' CapitaJ ship gunnery
Darkmere is a dangerous character who isn't trustworthy by any means, but he
Fire Control: 10.. 1 has been o( great use to the Alliance.
Space Range: 3-15/35/75 / meet Darkmere one night while on Nar Shaddaa. He was not what / had
Almosphere: 6-30/70/150 Ian expected. We got to talking and tossing bock a (ew jet juices. (asked him the big
Damage: 40.. 1
question everyone asks in war, "How'd you get into this?"
"You gotta year?" he laughed, rolling his eyes.
"Just give me the short version...
'~t one time, I didn't care much (or anyone but myself. Let sjust say the right
reason to change came along. "
"And then what happened?" ( asked.
His perennial grin faded from view. His jaw tensed. "She was an X-wing pilot.
She's missing-in-aclion. " He finished his glass in one gulp. "/ think it's time for us
togo. "
Operative Role: Starship mechanic tamers are greeted with Bolabo's usual suspicions,
Current Location: Bybios and she genuinely trusts very few beings. Patrons are
Species: Sullustan Sex: Female Age: 52 usuaUyrequired to pay halftheir fees up Iront, and the
Bolabo Hujaan is the founder of Bolabo's Garage, a other haIr upon completion of repairs or modifica-
secret starship repair facility hidden in the industrial tions.
levels of one of the city towers of Byblos, Bolabo lett Her years on space transports has given Bolabo
her homeworld of Sullust at her first opportunity, She some experience piloting slarships. Besides relying
served as a mechanic aboard a bulk freighter. After on smugglers to provide her with spare starship
gaining years of experience in the engineering ducts parts, she has been known to smuggle and steal parts
of many other starships (and earning a small fortune hersell.
working for smugglers), she settled down and estab-
fished her own repair facility on Byblos. Now smug- • BoJabo Hujaan
glers, criminals, and even Rebel operatives find their Type: SulJustan Mechanic
way to Bolabo's Garage for repairs and custom modi- Blaster 60+2. dodge sD. melee combat 50+2. melee
fications to their starships. She has no Qualms about pilrry 5D+ 1, pick pocket 40
illegally modifying any ship, whether it be altering a KNOWLEDGE 20+2
transponder code, adding illegal weaponry, or adding Alien species 40. bureaucracy 60. business:
starships 80+2. languages 50, law enforcement:
extra power to shields. Byblos 40+2. streetw!se 50+2, value: starships 80
Bolabo's operation is small, despite attracting sev- MECHANICAL 3D
eral talented technicians. She prefers to stay out of Astrogation 40+2, communications 40, sensors 50,
the spotiight considering many of her customers space transports 60+2. starship gunnery 50+1,
starship shields 50+1
prefer to avoid "Imperial entanglements." Her eus- PERCEPTION 3D+ I
Bargain 80, command 50, con 40+1,lnvestlgatlon
40 ..2, search 50.. 1, sneak 40+2
Brawling 30+2, climbing/jumping SO, lifting 40 ..2
Computer programming/repair 50.. 1, drold repair
50, space transports repair 9D+2, starflghter repair
90, starship weapon repair 80.. 1
Special Abilities:
Enhanced Senses": +20 to search and Perception in
low.light conditions.
LocationSense": .. 10 to astrogalion when jumping to
a location theSullustan has visited before. A Sulluslan
can always remember how to get back tosomeplace
she has visited.
" For more information, seeSlar Wa~: 77JC Roleplay-
ing Game, Second Edition, page 136.
force Points: 5
Dark Side Points: 1
Character Points: 14
Move.: 10
Equipment: Blaster pistol (40). datapad, headset
comlink. hydrospanner

Bolabo ;s more ofa mercenary than a Rebel partisan.
She does no work for free, and won't even help in an
emergency unless those in need can pay up front for her
repair services.
It is believed that Bolabo has an exlens;ve network of
contacts within Byblos Starport Security (whom she
pays offto keep the location ofherrepairfacility secret).
The contacts also alert her 10 any Imper;al plans to
attempt to find and shut down her operation.
Hidden deep in the industrial levels ofByblos Tower the code to open the security lock.
214 is Bolabo's Garage, a complex of docking and Bolabo has implemented several security measures
repair bays where Bolabo and her mechanics work for the garage. Between each of the docking bays is a
their technological miracles on starships. turbolaser mount concealed from the outside byheavy
The garage itself is a network of docking and repair blast doors marked "Sensor Markers: Keep Clear.
bays, parts storage rooms and living quarters for her Hidden remote cameras record activity in every dock-
personnel. There are several exits from the garage, ing and repair bay, as well as monitor all doors.
many kept secret in case the Empire ever discovers
the garage and tries to shut down Bolabo's operation. Security
The garage's docking bays can hold a variety of Since Bolabo is fairly suspicious of any unautho-
starships, from starfighters all the way up to medium rized people wandering through the garage (indud-
transports and bulk freighters. Each of the four dock- ing patrons waiting for modifications to be completed
ing bays has a corresponding repair bay behind it on their starships), the entire area is patrolled by
where Bolabo and her crews work their mechanical several Radian guards Bolabo trusts. These Radians
magic. also operate the hidden turbolasers near the docking
The storage bays are usuaily filled with stolen star- bay entrances in case the Empire ever discovers the
ship parts - extra armor plates, shield generators, garage and stages an air assault.
quad laser turrets, hyperdrive motivators and life
support units, to name a few. The parts are usually
stolen and smuggled to Byblos by Bolabo herself or by • Average Radian Guard
several trusted associates. Type: Rodian Mercenary
Quarters for the garage personnel take up every Blaster 60, blaster: blaster rille 70+2, brawling
other available nook in the repair facility. Oddly parry 50, dodge 50
enough, Bolabo does not have any quarters in the KNOWLEDGE 2D+2
Intimidation 40+1, streetwise 30+1
garage, preferring to spend her spare time in the
control center monitoring starport traffic. Some say Repulsorlift operation 40, starship gunnery
she has a very fancy apartment near the top of Byblos 50.. 1
Tower 214. PERCEPTION 3D
The control center is asmall room where Bolabo can Sneak 40+2
monitor starport traffic, tap into Byblos Starport Se- Brawling 50+1
curity computers, and keep records on all starships TECHNICAL 2D+ I
and owners who pass through her landing bays. There Character Points: 3
is only one known door inside, and only Bolabo knows Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster riDe (50), comllnk

• BoJabo's Garage Mechanic

Type: Starship Mechanic
Blaster 30, dodge 30+2
Repair Operations
KNOWLEDGE 10+2 Bolabo's garage is also home to several lesser-known
Streetwise 40+2, value: starships 50 mechanics who perform basic maintenance work.
Space transports 40, stars hip gunnery 40 They take most of their orders from Bolabo or Maniac,
PERCEPTION 10+ I and try to avoid socializing with patrons beyond what
STRENGTH 10+2 is necessary for completing a task.
Brawling 30+2
Computer programming/repair 50+2, droid
repair50, space transports repair 60, starfighter
repair 60. starship weapon repair 50+2
Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster rifle (50), comlink

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