Oracle Communications Policy Management: OSSI XML Interface Definitions Reference Release 12.1.2
Oracle Communications Policy Management: OSSI XML Interface Definitions Reference Release 12.1.2
Oracle Communications Policy Management: OSSI XML Interface Definitions Reference Release 12.1.2
Policy Management
OSSI XML Interface Definitions Reference
Release 12.1.2
E71645 Revision 01
June 2016
Oracle Communications Policy Management OSSI XML Interface Definitions Reference, Release 12.1.2
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Table of Contents
Table 1: Admonishments................................................................................................................................14
Introductory Information
About This Guide
This guide describes the Operation Support System Interface (OSSI) XML interface . This interface
enables an operator or third-party system to programmatically push configuration information to and
retrieve operational statistics from the policy server deployment.
• The second part, Functionality Used in both Wireless and Cable Modes includes:
• Schema Definitions and Request Specifications describes the Schema Definitions and Request
Specifications used within the OSSI XML interface for both wireless and cable modes.
• Common Responses and Commands describes the generic response format for many of the
commands used and the commands that are common to the various OSSI interfaces.
• Operational Measurements Interface Overview describes the interface used to retrieve operational
counters from the system.
• Identity Management (IDM) describes the interface that allows the CMP to configure user names,
passwords and roles using the OSSI interface.
• Policy Table Interface describes an interface that allows you to generalize multiple similar policies
into a single policy, simplifying processes such as adding new policies, modifying existing
policies, and checking consistency among policies.
• The third part, Wireless Mode describes all the functionality used in the wireless mode which
• Topology Interface for Wireless Mode describes the interface that allows wireless users to manage
and query network elements, paths, and other topology-related objects within the system.
• Subscriber Interface for Wireless Mode describes the interface that allows wireless users to manage
and query quota profiles and quota conventions within their system.
• Operational Measurement Requests for Wireless Mode describes the various Operational
Measurements (OM) groups and the individual OM statistics specific to the wireless mode.
• The fourth part, Cable Mode describes all the functionality used in the cable mode which includes
• Topology Interface for Cable Mode describes the interface that allows cable users to manage and
query network elements within the system.
• Subscriber Interface for Cable Mode describes the interface that allows cable users to manage and
query accounts and tiers within their system.
• Operational Measurement Requests for Cable Mode describes the various Operational Measurements
(OM) groups and the individual OM statistics specific to the cable mode.
Documentation Admonishments
Admonishments are icons and text throughout this manual that alert the reader to assure personal
safety, to minimize possible service interruptions, and to warn of the potential for equipment damage.
Table 1: Admonishments
Icon Description
(This icon and text indicate the possibility of
personal injury.)
(This icon and text indicate the possibility of
equipment damage.)
(This icon and text indicate the possibility of
service interruption.)
(This icon and text indicate the possibility of
personal injury and equipment damage.)
Related Publications
For information about additional publications that are related to this document, refer to the Related
Publications Reference document, which is published as a separate document on the Oracle Help Center
site. See Locate Product Documentation on the Oracle Help Center Site for more information.
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that the critical situation is resolved as rapidly as possible.
A critical situation is defined as a problem with the installed equipment that severely affects service,
traffic, or maintenance capabilities, and requires immediate corrective action. Critical situations affect
service and/or system operation resulting in one or several of these situations:
• A total system failure that results in loss of all transaction processing capability
• Significant reduction in system capacity or traffic handling capability
• Loss of the system’s ability to perform automatic system reconfiguration
• Inability to restart a processor or the system
• Corruption of system databases that requires service affecting corrective actions
• Loss of access for maintenance or recovery operations
• Loss of the system ability to provide any required critical or major trouble notification
Any other problem severely affecting service, capacity/traffic, billing, and maintenance capabilities
may be defined as critical by prior discussion and agreement with Oracle.
Functionality Used in both Wireless and Cable Modes
Schema Definitions and Request Specifications
Schema Definitions
To enable message validation and to accurately specify the syntax of each of the messages, the following
XML schema definitions are provided.
• OssiXmlRequestResponse.xsd: defines the XmlInterfaceRequest tag and the associated sub-element
type definition. This xsd is used to validate add/update requests.
• OssiXmlCommon.xsd: defines the schema for global types and requests used in all interfaces.
• OssiXmlTopology.xsd: defines the schema for the topology interface.
• OssiXmlSubscriber.xsd: defines the schema for the subscriber interface such as AddAccount and
• OssiXmlOm.xsd: defines the schema for the OM interface and the OSSI OM stats query and response
type defintion.
• OssiXmlRuntimeResponse.xsd: defines the runtime response type such as SubscriberLog,
SubscriberRealtimeStats and ResponseType.
• OssiXmlUserMgr.xsd: defines the User, Role-related type (such as: AddRole and
• Export.xsd: is generated according to the data model (dal.xml) during the build phase and includes
miscellaneous types.
Request Specification
Each of the requests and responses defined within the previous schema definitions are sent to and
received from the Configuration Management Platform (CMP) using HTTPs messages. Specifically,
an HTTP POST message is sent containing the specific request message. The HTTP response contains
a response message indicating status and returning any data as required.
For an application desiring to use the OSSI XML interface, the only requirement is the ability to send
an HTTP POST and to process any response. This guide contains examples that use the command line
utility wget to send an HTTP POST request that contains data specified in an XML file as input and
returns an output XML file. The example that follows demonstrates the basic wget options; additional
options are available but not described here. Please note that the request URL is case sensitive and
must be entered as seen here.
Note: The CMP has a global setting that controls how often statistics are available to OSSI. Therefore,
the availability of statistics is dependent upon when the statistics are available to OSSI. For more
information, refer to the CMP Wireless User's Guide and CMP Cable User's Guide .
Common Responses and Commands
Common Responses
This section describes the generic response format to many of the commands. The response format
follows the generic response tag defined in the XSDs. The following are examples of successful and
failed operations.
Example XML Response for an Operation that Fails at the System Level
The following is an example of an XML response for an operation that fails at the system level (for
example, a malformed request).
Result Codes
Many of the OSSI commands return a numeric result code in their response messages. This code
represents the status of the operation at the system level, and shows whether the command itself could
be executed or not. The following text describes the possible result codes.
Code Description
0 The command was valid at a system level.
100 There was a general failure due to an internal server error.
101 The command failed authentication; the account or password does not match between
the OSSI and the URL.
102 An input stream error occurred (for example, the requested data exceeds maximum
size). The maximum size for a single request is 20,000,000 bytes. An example of the
error message
is:errors.importExport.variableMessageMaxFileSize=Import file
exceeds max size of 20M.
103 The request is malformed; for example, the XML tags may be invalid. Refer to the
XSD of the OSSI query and ensure that no characters appear before the XML header
(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>).
Common Commands
This section describes commands that are common to the various OSSI interfaces. These include:
• Get Version — allows users to request the OSSI API version number, as a string (for example,
“2.0.3”). This enables you to verify that the OSSI interface being used is the version expected,
ensuring that the commands will operate as specified for that version.
• Distribute Updates: allows users to trigger an immediate distribution of any pending data changes
to the policy servers. This enables you to queue up many changes in the Configuration Management
Platform (CMP) before sending them all at one time to the policy servers in the deployment.
Alternatively, changes can be distributed one-by-one on a per-command basis. The following types
of data are pushed down to the policy servers as part of this request:
• Topology data, which includes Network Elements and Paths.
• Tiers
• Subscriber accounts
• Serving Gateway/MCC-MNC Mapping: allows users to verify input xml files.
• Query OM Stats Setting: allows users to verify the persistent-interval settings for Reset Configuration
and Collection Interval.
• Query Absolute Values for Statistics: allows users to retrieve absolute values when
Stats.Interval.Enabled. is set to false.
Get Version
The following examples show both the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
GetVersion tag.
The following is an example of the request that follows the GetVersion tag.
The following example response to the previous request follows the generic Response tag.
Distribute Updates
The following examples show the requests and responses that are defined in the XSDs for the
DistributeUpdates tag.
The following is an example of the request that follows the DistributeUpdates tag.
The optional ForceSynchronization attribute can be used to force a complete resynchronization of the
CMP and Multimedia Policy Engine (MPE) databases. The default value for this attribute is false.
Typically, using this attribute should not be necessary as the system should always be kept in-sync
automatically; it is merely provided as a fail-safe measure for unforeseen circumstances. Also note
that there is a performance impact from using this attribute, so it should not be used unless deemed
necessary by Policy support personnel. The following is an example of this attribute:
The following example response to the previous request follows the generic Response tag.
The following example response to the previous request follows the generic Response tag.
The following example response to the previous request follows the generic Response tag.
The following example response to the previous request follows the generic Response tag.
Operational Measurements Interface Overview
OM Statistics Requests
These are the two OM statistic requests used in the OSSI.
• Attributes and Child Tags
• Recorded Timestamp and Request Time Range
• AggregateTimeSamples: is an attribute that allows you to request that all sample buckets in the
response be aggregated into a single sample bucket. This attribute allows you to request data for
a time period and see a summary of all recorded data for that specific time period, rather than all
the individual samples that make up the requested time period.
The following is an example of the AggregateTimeSamples attribute:
• PolicyServer: This optional tag, is specified as a child tag of some individual statistic groups. This
tag allows you to request statistics specific to an individual or a set of MPEs. The default behavior
displays statistics for all MPEs.
The following is an example of the PolicyServer child tag:
Interval Statistics
In the interval-statistics mode, all numeric data generated by MPEs and MRA s are reset at regular
intervals controlled by the Stats Collection Period. When in Interval mode, a reset occurs on the hour
and then every 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 or 60 minutes afterwards depending on the value of the Stats Collection
Period. See the CMP Wireless User Guide for details on setting interval statistics.
When in the Interval Mode, the XML request and response will look similar to this example.
then the MPE or MRA has detected errors when collecting the stats, usually because a complete interval
was not available.
A possible explanation for this message is that the OM Statistics Task was run at least two times within
the specified time range (StartTime and EndTime). This message could also occur if recorded data is
unavailable for a specific parameter, such as a certain Network Element or MPE name.
The task itself runs on a schedule but the data is recorded dynamically as it is received from the MPEs,
so this factor should be taken into account when requesting a particular range of time. To alleviate
this message, you should start with a larger time window for testing and narrow that down, adjusting
the scheduled task as needed, until the desired data is returned. This message could also occur if
recorded data is unavailable for a specific parameter, such as a certain Network Element or MPE name.
The type is defined as “xsd:dateTime”. This is a UTC format. This data type describes instances
identified by the combination of a date and a time.
Its lexical space is the extended format:
The time zone may be specified as Z (UTC) or (+|-)hh:mm. Time zones that are not specified are
considered localized to the MPE Manager.
The following are examples of valid values for xsd:dateTime:
• Example 1 — 2007-03-26T21:32:52Z - UTC format. This is the default response
format for all timestamps. It is also the recommend format for user
• Example 2 — 2007-03-26T21:32:52+02:00 - Localized time with 2 hour offset
to UTC time.
• Example 3 — 2007-03-26T19:32:52 - Localized time. This will be interpreted
as localized to the MPE Manager.
• Example 4 — 2007-03-26T19:32:52+00:00 - Localized time with no offset.
Note: All date and time numbers are two digits. For example, 3:00am, April 5th is written as
“2008-04-05T03:00:00” and not “2008-4-5T3:00:00”.
A request to retrieve statistics can be made either in UTC or as a time that is localized to the CMP. It
is recommended that users make their requests in UTC format to remain consistent with the UTC
output. UTC is also recommended, as end users may not be aware they are making requests from a
different timezone than the CMP and therefore may not be accounting for that difference when
analyzing results. If the MPEs, CMP, and end user are all in different timezones then the user would
be attempting to correlate values and draw conclusions from the reported statistics across all of those
Note: CMP stores cluster-level interval stats to its own database. Data is available for external OSS
system to retrieve after the end of the next interval period.
There are two cases where statistics can be reset:
• You can click the Reset All Counters button on the Policy Server Reports page of the CMP Graphical
User Interface (GUI). This button is typically used to reset counters as a baseline from which to run
tests (refer to CMP User Guide for detailed description of this page.).
• You can enable the Interval mode; when configured, numeric values are reset at regular intervals
controlled by the Stats Collection Period. When in Interval mode, a reset will occur on the hour
and then every 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 or 60 minutes afterwards depending on the value of the Stats
Collection Period. (When interval periods are changed, the database is purged.) See the CMP User
Guide for details.
In either case, all memory counters are reset to 0. This means that the delta values calculated for the
time period during which the reset occurred are not accurate.
For example, if at the StartTime the SuccessSessionCount value was 100, and a reset occurred resetting
the count to 0, then the next reported delta would be -100. If the SuccessSessionCount started at 100,
and during the sample time period, five successful sessions completed, then a reset occurred after
which 10 more sessions completed successfully, then the resulting delta for that time period would
be -90. This example shows that some information is lost; the response will indicate this with the
IsComplete flag set to false. In either case, the value could not be seen as an accurate representation
of activity for that time and should be ignored. For this reason, negative delta values are always
returned as “0”.
The CMP will get incomplete interval stats from MPE/MRA in the following conditions:
• The active MPE/MRA blade switches over one or more times within an interval period.
• MPE/MRA has initially started up.
• Under high-load conditions, the MPE/MRA cannot store data to the database at the end of an
interval cycle (within a margin of a few seconds).
values. The delta value shown is the difference between the current value and the last refresh of the
page (approximately 10 seconds).
The top section on any statistics page, contained within the CMP GUI, usually correlates with the
“Message Processing Stats” of the OM XML interface. The individual statistics for each Network
Element can be found in the section at the bottom of the reporting page. These statistics correlate with
the “Network Element Stats” of the OM XML interface.
Labels for specific statistics may differ between the CMP GUI and the OM XML interface responses.
The specific types of statistics displayed may also differ by protocol. While the CMP GUI can use
labels and statistics specific to a certain protocol, the OM XML interface requests must use generic
language across protocols in order to remain consistent with published XSD definitions.
For deployments that collect statistics across multiple protocols, for example PCMM and DQoS, the
CMP GUI displays statistics for each protocol individually. However, in the XML Interface, the statistics
for available protocols are summarized in the response. For example, session count statistics for PCMM
and DQoS would be added together to display with each network element. Statistics for individual
protocols are not be displayed separately.
Additional details for the GUI’s Reports/Statistics section of the CMP GUI can be found in the CMP
User’s Guide.
Identity Management (IDM)
Add a User
Note: This query is not available to Policy servers in NW-CMP mode.
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
AddSysAdminUser tag.
Successful Request
This request follows the AddSysAdminUser tag defined in the XSDs.
This request follows the AddSysAdminUser tag defined in the XSDs.
The following error response occurs when the user name is invalid.
This request follows the AddSysAdminUser tag defined in the XSDs.
The following error response occurs when the role name is invalid.
This request follows the AddSysAdminUser tag defined in the XSDs.
The following error response occurs when the scope name is invalid.
This request follows the AddSysAdminUser tag defined in the XSDs.
The following error response occurs when the user's associated role does not exist.
This request follows the AddSysAdminUser tag defined in the XSDs.
<Name>Not Exits Administrator</Name>
The following error response occurs when the user's role does not exist.
The user: admin1's associated role does not exist. Please create it
This request follows the AddSysAdminUser tag defined in the XSDs.
The following error response occurs when the user's scope does not exist.
The user: admin1's associated scope does not exist. Please create it
Update a User
Note: This query is not available to Policy servers in NW-CMP mode.
The following examples show the requests and responses that are defined in the XSDs for the
UpdateSysAdminUser tag.
This request follows the UpdateSysAdminUser tag defined in the XSDs.
This request follows the UpdateSysAdminUser tag defined in the XSDs.
The following error response occurs when the user name does not exist.
This request follows the UpdateSysAdminUser tag defined in the XSDs.
The following error response occurs when the user's specified role does not exist.
The user: admin1's associated role does not exist. Please create it
This request follows the UpdateSysAdminUser tag defined in the XSDs.
The following error response occurs when the user's specified scope does not exist.
The user: admin1's associated scope does not exist. Please create it
This request follows the UpdateSysAdminUser tag defined in the XSDs.
The following error response occurs when the role name either exceeds the maximum length of 250
characters, or there is more than one Role defined.
Delete a User
Note: This query is not available to Policy servers in NW-CMP mode.
The following examples show the requests and responses that are defined in the XSDs for the
DeleteSysAdminUser tag.
Successful Deletion
This request follows the DeleteSysAdminUser tag defined in the XSDs.
This request follows the DeleteSysAdminUser tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request when the specified user name does not exist:
Query a User
The following example shows the request and response that is defined in the XSDs for the
QuerySysAdminUser tag. If the Name element occurs, the CMP will query only the corresponding
user; otherwise, all users are queried.
<Privilege>License Management</Privilege>
<Privilege>Traffic Profiles</Privilege>
<Privilege>XML Import / Export</Privilege>
<Privilege>Operational Measurements</Privilege>
<Privilege>Charging Server</Privilege>
<Privilege>Time Period</Privilege>
<Privilege>Policy Import / Export</Privilege>
<Privilege>Audit Log User Info</Privilege>
<Privilege>Password Strength</Privilege>
<Privilege>Event Log</Privilege>
<Privilege>Audit Log</Privilege>
A subset of the RolePrivilege element will be outputted in XML based on the mode selected by the
operator. The output XML cannot be imported to the CMP again.
If query is successful, the list of the scopes will be returned in XML as a response. If no Ref element
occurs, it means the scope is a global scope in system.
QueryScope Operation Parameters
• Name: (Optional) 250 characters (string)
If the query is successful, the list of the roles will be returned in XML as a response.
Output Fields for QueryScope Operation
• Name: The scope's name
• Description: The scope's description
• ResourceControllerGroupRef — The manageable MPEs’ name set.
• MRAGroupRef: The manageable MRAs’ name set.
• NetworkElementGroupRef: The manageable Network Elements’ name set.
The response to this request:
A subset of the Ref element will be outputted in XML based on the mode selected by the operator.
The output XML cannot be imported to the CMP again.
Policy Table Interface
<Field Field="TA">TA</Field>
<Record Name="1330657994894">
<Field Field="TA">TAsssss</Field>
If the table name does not exist in the CMP, the import will fail.
A column cannot be changed or removed if it is being used in a policy or policy template. If the XML
in a column is changed or removed, then the import will fail.
The import allows these types of edits:
• Editing the name and description of policy tables
• Adding, removing, and reordering columns
• Editing a column's name, data type, and key status
• Adding, removing, and reordering rows
• Changing the data within the cells
The following example imports shows the XML command to change or modify for a Policy Table
named "Sample 1".
Wireless Mode
Topology Interface for Wireless Mode
Network Elements
A network element represents a node in the network (cable or wireless), such as a router, CMTS, PDSN,
B-RAS, and so on. The network elements can be organized into logical groups that subdivide the
network space. Network elements have the following attributes that can be requested.
Note: Depending on your system configuration, not all attributes may be present.
Note: The same attributes are also used in the Update Network Element operation.
• Capability: The numerical identity of network element capability type. For example:
• TDF-Solicit
• Time-Tariff (PGW,DPI)
• Usage-Report-26(GGSN,PGW,SWG,DPI)
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The example XML response that follows represents a successful operation that creates a new network
element and/or groups:
The example XML response that follows represents an operation that includes both a success and a
failure (for example, an attempt to update a group’s description field (success), and add an unknown
network element “router 24” to the group “NE Group 1” (failed)).
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
<ManualSubnet operation=”delete”>
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
<Command type="XmlInterfaceResponse">
<Success count="2">Deleted 2 network element groups.</Success>
<Failure count="0"></Failure>
The response to this request follows the ConfigurationData > NetworkElement tag defined in the
<ConfigurationData version="2.1.6">
<NetworkElementType>Wireline Gateway</NetworkElementType>
<NeSubType>MX Series</NeSubType>
An application is a service in the network (for example, VoIP) for which Quality of Service (QoS) is
Add Application
Note: This query is not available to Policy servers in NW-CMP mode.
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
AddApplication tag.
This request follows the AddApplication tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
Update Application
Note: This query is not available to Policy servers in NW-CMP mode.
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
UpdateApplication tag.
This request follows the UpdateApplication tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
Delete Application
Note: This query is not available to Policy servers in NW-CMP mode.
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
DeleteApplication tag.
This request follows the DeleteApplication tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
Query Application
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
QueryApplication tag.
This request follows the QueryApplication tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the ConfigurationData > Application tag defined in the XSDs.
Traffic Profiles
A traffic profile is a set of parameters and their values, which are used in protocol messages to define
QoS for sessions.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
<Failure count="0"></Failure>
<ParamValue>13: {someVariableName} </ParamValue>
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
<Failure count="0"></Failure>
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
<Failure count="0"></Failure>
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the ConfigurationData > QosProfile tag defined in the XSDs.
<ProfileParamUid> </ProfileParamUid>
<ParamValue>Rule limits bit-torrent and other peer to peer
to 64Kbps downstream</ParamValue>
Time Periods
A time period defines a set of related time slots, which receives the same QoS (for example, “the peak
time of network usage is Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm”).
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
<TimeSlot operation="add">
The add timeslot response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
Delete TimeSlot
This delete timeslot request follows the UpdateTimePeriod tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the delete timeslot Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the ConfigurationData > TimePeriod tag defined in the XSDs.
Charging Servers
A charging server is a network element that processes accounting information for billing purposes.
This request follows the AddChargingServer tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
<Failure count="0"></Failure>
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
<Failure count="0"></Failure>
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the ConfigurationData > ChargingServer tag defined in the
Match List
The match list is a set of values that can be used within one or more policy definitions. When the user
writes a policy rule to compare against a value in a list, the list or set of lists to be used for comparison
is explicitly specified. For example:
“Where the SGSNIpAddress is contained in MaltaSgsnList, GreekSgsnList”
The Match List Type determines what kind of values can be specified in that list and how those values
are matched within the policy rule. Types can be “IPv4 Address” (allows address and subnet), “IPv6
Address”(allows address and prefix), “String”, and “Wildcard”.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
<Command type="XmlInterfaceResponse">
<Success count="1">Successfully updated 1 Match List(s).</Success>
<Failure count="0"></Failure>
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
Monitoring Key
A monitoring key is a unique character string that identifies the quota profile to be used by a policy
and charging control (PCC) rule for usage tracking. The monitoring key is associated with the quota
profile by selecting a policy action that grants usage to a selected number of quota profiles.
<Name>Monitoring Key 1</Name>
<Description>Monitoring Key 1</Description>
<Name>Monitoring Key 2</Name>
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the ConfigurationData > MonitoringKey tag defined in the
AVP Definition
An AVP is a Diameter protocol used to encapsulate protocol-specific information with usage monitoring
supported by the MPE. Diameter messages such as AAR, CCA, CCR, and RAR, are supported by 3rd
Party AVP policy conditions. The supported outgoing messages set or remove 3rd Party AVPs in
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
<Failure count="0"></Failure>
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the ConfigurationData > AvpDefinition tag defined in the XSDs.
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the Add tag.
This request follows the AddSgwMapping tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
Update SGSN
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
UpdateSgwMapping tag.
This request follows the UpdateSgwMapping tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
Delete SGSN
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
DeleteSwgMapping tag.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
<Failure count="0"></Failure>
Query SGSN
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
QuerySgwmapping tag.
This request follows the QuerySgwmapping tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the ConfigurationData > AvpDefinition tag defined in the XSDs.
Subscriber Interface for Wireless Mode
Quota Profiles
A Quota sets limits on a subscriber’s usage; the Quota Profile defines a specific quota.
• Quota Rollovers (Rollovers) allow subscribers to carry forward unused units from one billing cycle
to another.
• Quota Top-Ups (Top-Ups) allow a subscriber to obtain additional units for an existing plan.
• Quota Passes (Passes) allow subscribers to access resources beyond the scope of their normal plan.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
<Command type="XmlInterfaceResponse">
<Success count="2">Successfully imported 2 quota(s).</Success>
<Failure count="0"></Failure>
• pass1
• DynamicQuotaType = 1
• Priority = 0
• LimitTotalVolume = false
• TotalVolumeLimit = 0
This request follows the AddQuota tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
<Command type="XmlInterfaceResponse">
<Success count="2">Successfully imported 2 quota
<Failure count="0"></Failure>
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
• pass1
• DynamicQuotaType = 1
• Priority = 0
• LimitTotalVolume = false
• TotalVolumeLimit = 0
This request follows the UpdateQuota tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the ConfigurationData > Quota tag defined in the XSDs.
Quota Conventions
A Quota Convention controls how units are consumed and how thresholds are calculated in Quotas,
Top-Ups, Rollovers, and Passes. A Quota Convention stores a service provider's configuration
preferences for how Quotas, Top-Ups, Rollovers, and Passes are processed.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
Operational Measurement Requests for Wireless Mode
The response to this request follows the Statistics > MessageProcessingStats tag defined in the XSDs.
Individual statistics are defined as follows:
• SessionCount:Session requests received.
• SessionSuccessCount: Session requests successfully created.
• ActiveSessionCount: The absolute value representing the current active session request received.
• SessionFailCount: Session request failures. For example, this could be due to a policy denying a
• SessionProtocolFailCount: Number of session failures due to an invalid message or parameter.
This count is incremented whenever the MPE determines that an incoming message from the AM
has an invalid message and has to be dropped by the MPE.
• SessionPolicyFailCount: Number of session requests that trigger a policy. This count is maintained
in the MPE, one per policy. When the condition of a policy triggers, the count for that policy is
incremented. The value displayed is a total trigger count. That is, the sum of this value for all the
policies. For example, if the definition of a policy is defined as, “when the device usage is greater
than 80% of capacity, reject message”. When the MPE executes this policy in response to a request,
if the policy triggers (i.e. if the MPE determines that the device usage is > 80%), the trigger count
for that policy is incremented.
• PeakTransactionRate: An absolute value representing the peak number of transactions occurring
within a given sample period.
• SessionUnknownPathFailCount: The number of session failures resulting from an unknown or
nonexistent path.
• SessionUnknownSubscriberCount: The number of session failures resulting from an unknown
subscriber ID.
The following is an example of the MessageProcessingStats tag:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > TopologyUpdateStats tag defined in the XSDs.
Individual statistics are defined as follows:
• TopologyUpdateCount: The number of topology changes made in the Configuration Management
Platform (CMP) that resulted in changes to an MPE. Topology data includes Network Elements,
Paths, Interfaces, and Links. Changes to this data can occur through either the CMP Graphical User
Interface (GUI) or the XML interface. The counter increments for each MPE that updates as a result
of the change. For example, when a user updates a Network Element, the topology update counter
increments for each MPE that the Network Element is associated with.
Batch changes are treated as a single update to an MPE. An OSSI XML interface update may be
made across multiple elements but all of those changes are pushed at one time to the MPE. This is
treated as a single topology change with regard to the counter.
• TopologyUpdateFailCount: The number of topology changes made in the CMP that fail to update
an associated MPE. For example, if an MPE is offline while a Network Element is changed, the fail
counter will increment once for that failed MPE update.
The following is an example of the TopologyUpdateStats tag:
The following is an example of a request for multiple network elements using the Name(s) and NeId(s)
parameters. This example returns statistics for three different network elements:
The following is an example of a request for all network elements in the system. This example returns
statistics for each network element:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > NetworkElementStats tag defined in the XSDs.
Both Name and NeId are returned along with the statistics and actual recorded times for those statistics.
Sample groups are ordered by policy server, network element, available interfaces, and then by time.
This OM Group, by default, contains a combination of delta and absolute values. Individual statistics
returned as absolutes are described as follows:
• Name: Unique name identifying the Network Element for the following statistics.
<Name>Router 2</Name>
<Name>Router 2</Name>
<Name>Router 2</Name>
Latency Statistics
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
DiameterAfLatencyStats tag.
This request follows the QueryOmStats > DiameterAfLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterAfLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
This request follows the QueryOmStats > DiameterAfPeerLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterAfPeerfLatencyStats tag defined in the
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
This request follows the QueryOmStats > PcmmCmtsLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmCmtsLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
This request follows the QueryOmStats > PcmmCmtsPeerLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmCmtsPeerLatencyStats tag defined in the
This request follows the QueryOmStats > PcmmAmLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmAmLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
This request follows the QueryOmStats > PcmmAmPeerLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmAmPeerLatencyStats tag defined in the
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
This request follows the QueryOmStats > PcmmDpsLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmDpsLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
This request follows the QueryOmStats > PcmmDpsPeerLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmDpsPeerLatencyStats tag defined in the
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > ConnectedNetworkElementStats tag defined in
the XSDs.
ConnectedNetworkElementCount: The absolute number of network elements maintaining a consistent
connection to each MPE. For example, B-RAS and MX elements.
Diameter Sh Statistics
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
DiameterShStats tag.
This request follows the QueryOmStats > DiameterShStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for all policy servers within the system:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterShStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example XML response to a DiameterShStats tag request:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterShPeerStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example XML response to a DiameterShPeerStats tag request:
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
DiameterS9Stats tag.
This request follows the QueryOmStats > DiameterS9Stats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for all policy servers within the system:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterSyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
Diameter Sy Statistics
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
DiameterSyStats tag.
This request follows the QueryOmStats > DiameterSyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for all policy servers within the system:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterSyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example XML response to a DiameterSyStats tag request:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > SyReconciliationStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example XML response to a SyReconciliationStats tag request:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterEventTriggerStats tag defined in the
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
This request follows the QueryOmStats > DiameterConnectionEventTriggerStats tag defined in the
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterConnectionEventTriggerStats tag
defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
Note: Only non-zero event trigger counts are included in the response.
Individual statistics are defined as follows for the PCEF and BBERF protocols:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterAfStats tag defined in the XSDs.
EmergencyAPN-MPE Support
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
DiameterAfStats tag utilizing support for Emergency APNs.
This request follows the QueryOmStats > DiameterAfStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for all policy servers within the system utilizing support for
emergency APNs:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterAfStats tag defined in the XSDs utilizing
support for emergency APNs.
The following is an example XML response to a DiameterAfStats tag request for EmergencyAPN-MPE:
The following is an example of a request for all peer elements in the system. This request returns stats
for each peer element:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterAfPeertStats tag defined in the XSDs.
Both the Name and NeId are returned, along with the statistics and actual recorded times for those
statistics. Samples are ordered by policy server, network element, and then by time.
The following is an example XML response to a multiple network element tag request:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterCTFStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example XML response to a multiple network element tag request:
The following is an example of a request for all network elements in the system. This request returns
statistics for each network element.
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterCTFPeerStats tag defined in the XSDs.
Both Name and NeId are returned along with the statistics and actual recorded times for those statistics.
Samples are ordered by policy server, network element, and then by time.
The following is an example XML response to a multiple network element tag request:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterPcefStats tag defined in the XSDs.
EmergencyAPN-MPE Support
This request follows the QueryOmStats > DiameterPcefStats tag defined in the XSDs utilizing support
for Emergency APNs.
The following is an example of a request for all policy servers in the system.
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterPcefStats tag defined in the XSDs utilizing
support for Emergency APNs.
The following is an example XML response to a DiameterPcefStats tag request:
The following is an example of a request for all network elements in the system. This example returns
statistics for each network element.
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterPcefPeerStats tag defined in the XSDs.
Both Name and NeId are returned along with the statistics and actual recorded times for those statistics.
Samples are ordered by policy server, network element, and then by time.
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterMraPcefStats tag defined in the XSDs.
For example:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterMraPcefPeerStats tag defined in the
XSDs. For example:
- <Statistics>
- <DiameterMraPcefPeerStats>
- <Sample>
<ConnectTime>Fri Jan 25 22:58:27 EST 2013</ConnectTime>
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterMraDrmaStats tag defined in the XSDs.
For example:
- <Statistics>
- <DiameterMraDrmaStats>
- <Sample>
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterMraDraStats tag defined in the XSDs.
For example:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterMraAfStats tag defined in the XSDs.
For example:
- <Statistics>
- <DiameterMraAfStats>
- <Sample>
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterMraAfPeerStats tag defined in the
XSDs. For example:
- <Statistics>
- <DiameterMraAfPeerStats>
- <Sample>
<NeId />
<NetworkElementType />
<NetworkElementSubType />
<ConnectTime>Mon May 31 15:54:23 CST 2010</ConnectTime>
Diameter MRA Bearer Binding and Event Reporting Function (Bberf) Statistics
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
DiameterMraBberfStats tag.
This request follows the QueryOmStats > DiameterMraBberfStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterMraBberfStats tag defined in the XSDs.
For example:
- <Statistics>
- <DiameterMraBberfStats>
- <Sample>
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterMraTdfStats tag defined in the XSDs.
For example:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterMraTdfPeerStats tag defined in the
XSDs. For example:
The following examples show the SCTP response defined in the XSDs for the
DiameterMraDrmaPeerStats tag.
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterMraTdfPeerStats tag defined in the
XSDs. For example:
The following is an example of this request.
<Statistics> <DiameterMraTdfPeerStats>
<Sample> <StartTime>2001-12-31T12:00:00</StartTime>
<EndTime>2001-12-31T12:15:00</EndTime> <MRA>MRA</MRA>
The following example show the TCP response defined in the XSDs for the DiameterMraTdfPeerStats
tag. This diameter connection is set to TCP.
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterMraTdfPeerStats tag defined in the
XSDs. For example:
<DiameterMraTdfPeerStats> <Sample>
KPI Statistics
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the KpiStats
This request follows the QueryOmStats > KpiStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of this request.
The response to this request follows the Statistics > KpiStats tag defined in the XSDs. For example:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > KpiStats tag defined in the XSDs. For example:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > LdapDataSourceStats tag defined in the XSDs.
For example:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > ProtocolErrorStats tag defined in the XSDs.
Individual statistics are defined as follows:
• DiameterCommandUnsupported - The request contained a command code that the receiver did
not recognize or support.
• DiameterUnableToDeliver - This error is given when the diameter node cannot deliver the message
to the destination, either because no host within the realm that supports the required application
was available to process the request, or because Destination-Host AVP was given without the
associated Destination-Realm AVP.
• DiameterRealmNotServed - The intended realm of the request is not recognized.
• DiameterTooBusy - The diameter node has too much traffic. When returned, a diameter node
attempts to send the message to an alternate peer.
• DiameterLoopDetected - An agent detected a loop while trying to get the message to the intended
recipient. The message may be sent to an alternate peer if available.
• DiameterRedirectIndication - A redirect agent has determined that the request could not be satisfied
locally and the initiator of the request should direct the request directly to the server, whose contact
information has been added to the response. When set, the Redirect-Host AVP must be present.
• DiameterApplicationUnsupported - A request was sent for an application that is not supported.
• DiameterInvalidHdrBits - A request was received whose bits in the diameter header were either
set to an invalid combination, or to a value that is inconsistent with the command code's definition.
• DiameterInvalidAvpBits - A request was received that included an AVP whose flag bits are set to
an unrecognized value, or that is inconsistent with the AVP's definition.
• DiameterUnknownPeer - A CER was received from an unknown peer.
• DiameterAuthenticationRejected - The authentication process for the user failed, most likely due
to an invalid password used by the user. The user is then prompted for a new password.
• DiameterOutOfSpace - A diameter node received the accounting request but was unable to commit
it to stable storage due to a temporary lack of space.
• ElectionLost - The peer has lost the election process and has disconnected the transport connection.
• DiameterEndUserServiceDenied - The credit-control server denied the service request due to service
restrictions. If the CCR contained used-service-units, they are deducted, if possible.
• DiameterCreditControlNotApplicable - The credit-control server determined that the service can
be granted to the end user, but that no further credit control is needed for the service (for example,
the service is free of charge).
• DiameterCreditLimitReached - The credit-control server denied the service request because the
end user's account could not cover the requested service. If the CCR contained used-service-units,
they are deducted, if possible.
• DiameterAvpUnsupported - The peer received a message that contained an AVP that is not
recognized or supported and was marked with the Mandatory bit.
• DiameterUnknownSessionId - The request contained an unknown Session-Id.
• DiameterAuthorizationRejected - A request was received for which the user could not be authorized.
This error could occur if the requested service is not permitted to the user.
• DiameterInvalidAvpValue - The request contained an AVP with an invalid value in its data portion.
• DiameterMissingAvp - The request did not contain an AVP that is required by the command code
definition. If this value is sent in the Result-Code AVP, a Failed-AVP AVP is included in the message.
• DiameterResourcesExceeded - A request was received that cannot be authorized because the user
has already expended its allowed resources.
• DiameterContradictingAvps - The Home Diameter server has detected AVPs in the request that
contradict each other, and is not willing to provide service to the user.
• DiameterAvpNotAllowed - A message was received with an AVP that cannot be present.
• DiameterAvpOccursTooManyTimes - A message was received that included an AVP that appeared
more often than permitted.
• DiameterNoCommonApplication - This error is returned when a CER message is received, and
there are no common applications supported between the peers.
• DiameterUnsupportedVersion - This error is returned when a request was received with an
unsupported version number.
• DiameterUnableToComply - This error is returned when a request is rejected for unspecified
• DiameterInvalidBitInHeader - This error is returned when an unrecognized bit in the diameter
header is set to one (1).
• DiameterInvalidAvpLength - The request contained an AVP with an invalid length.
• DiameterInvalidMessageLength - This error is returned when a request is received with an invalid
message length.
• DiameterInvalidAvpBitCombo - The request contained an AVP with an invalid AVP Flags value.
• DiameterNoCommonSecurity - This error is returned when a CER message is received, but there
are no common security mechanisms supported between the peers.
• DiameterUserUnknown - The specified end user is unknown in the credit-control server.
• DiameterRatingFailed - This error code is used to inform the credit-control client that the
credit-control server cannot rate the service request due to insufficient rating input, an incorrect
AVP combination, or an AVP or AVP value that is not recognized or supported in the rating.
• DiameterErrorInitialParameters - The initial parameters contain an error.
• RadiusSessionContyextRemoved - The residual session context has been removed.
• RadiusInvalidEapPacket - An invalid EAP Packet was detected.
• RadiusUnsupportedAttribute - The request contained an unsupported attribute.
• RadiusMissingAttribute - A request was missing a required attribute.
• RadiusNasIdMismatch - The system was unable to match the received NAS to the stored information.
• RadiusInvalidRequest - The system has received an invalid request.
• RadiusUnsupportedService - The requested service is not supported.
• RadiusUnsupportedExtension - The requested extension is not supported.
• RadiusInvalidAttributeValue - The request contains an invalid attribute value.
• RadiusAdministrativelyProhibited - The request is administratively prohibited.
• RadiusRequestNotRoutable - The request cannot be routed.
• RadiusSessionNotFound - The session context cannot be found.
• RadiusSessionNotRemoveable - The session context cannot be removed.
• RadiusProxyProcessingError - An unknown proxy processing error has occurred.
• RadiusResourcesUnavailable - The necessary resources are unavailable.
• RadiusRequestInitiated - A request has been initiated.
• RadiusMultiSessionSelectionUnsupported - The requested multiple-session selection is not
• RadiusLocationInfoRequired - The location information is missing.
The response to this request follows the Statistics > ProtocolMraErrorStats tag defined in the XSDs.
Individual statistics are defined as follows:
• DiameterCommandUnsupported - The request contained a command code that the receiver did
not recognize or support.
• DiameterUnableToDeliver - This error is given when the diameter node cannot deliver the message
to the destination, either because no host within the realm that supports the required application
was available to process the request, or because Destination-Host AVP was given without the
associated Destination-Realm AVP.
• DiameterRealmNotServed - The intended realm of the request is not recognized.
• DiameterTooBusy - The diameter node has too much traffic. When returned, a diameter node
attempts to send the message to an alternate peer.
• DiameterLoopDetected - An agent detected a loop while trying to get the message to the intended
recipient. The message may be sent to an alternate peer if available.
• DiameterRedirectIndication - A redirect agent has determined that the request could not be satisfied
locally and the initiator of the request should direct the request directly to the server, whose contact
information has been added to the response. When set, the Redirect-Host AVP must be present.
• DiameterApplicationUnsupported - A request was sent for an application that is not supported.
• DiameterInvalidHdrBits - A request was received whose bits in the diameter header were either
set to an invalid combination, or to a value that is inconsistent with the command code's definition.
• DiameterInvalidAvpBits - A request was received that included an AVP whose flag bits are set to
an unrecognized value, or that is inconsistent with the AVP's definition.
• DiameterUnknownPeer - A CER was received from an unknown peer.
• DiameterAuthenticationRejected - The authentication process for the user failed, most likely due
to an invalid password used by the user. The user is then prompted for a new password.
• DiameterOutOfSpace - A diameter node received the accounting request but was unable to commit
it to stable storage due to a temporary lack of space.
• ElectionLost - The peer has lost the election process and has disconnected the transport connection.
• DiameterEndUserServiceDenied - The credit-control server denied the service request due to service
restrictions. If the CCR contained used-service-units, they are deducted, if possible.
• DiameterCreditControlNotApplicable - The credit-control server determined that the service can
be granted to the end user, but that no further credit control is needed for the service (for example,
the service is free of charge).
• DiameterCreditLimitReached - The credit-control server denied the service request because the
end user's account could not cover the requested service. If the CCR contained used-service-units,
they are deducted, if possible.
• DiameterAvpUnsupported - The peer received a message that contained an AVP that is not
recognized or supported and was marked with the Mandatory bit.
• DiameterUnknownSessionId - The request contained an unknown Session-Id.
• DiameterAuthorizationRejected - A request was received for which the user could not be authorized.
This error could occur if the requested service is not permitted to the user.
• DiameterInvalidAvpValue - The request contained an AVP with an invalid value in its data portion.
• DiameterMissingAvp - The request did not contain an AVP that is required by the command code
definition. If this value is sent in the Result-Code AVP, a Failed-AVP AVP is included in the message.
• DiameterResourcesExceeded - A request was received that cannot be authorized because the user
has already expended its allowed resources.
• DiameterContradictingAvps - The Home Diameter server has detected AVPs in the request that
contradict each other, and is not willing to provide service to the user.
• DiameterAvpNotAllowed - A message was received with an AVP that cannot be present.
• DiameterAvpOccursTooManyTimes - A message was received that included an AVP that appeared
more often than permitted.
• DiameterNoCommonApplication - This error is returned when a CER message is received, and
there are no common applications supported between the peers.
• DiameterUnsupportedVersion - This error is returned when a request was received with an
unsupported version number.
• DiameterUnableToComply - This error is returned when a request is rejected for unspecified
• DiameterInvalidBitInHeader - This error is returned when an unrecognized bit in the diameter
header is set to one (1).
• DiameterInvalidAvpLength - The request contained an AVP with an invalid length.
• DiameterInvalidMessageLength - This error is returned when a request is received with an invalid
message length.
• DiameterInvalidAvpBitCombo - The request contained an AVP with an invalid AVP Flags value.
• DiameterNoCommonSecurity - This error is returned when a CER message is received, but there
are no common security mechanisms supported between the peers.
• DiameterUserUnknown - The specified end user is unknown in the credit-control server.
• DiameterRatingFailed - This error code is used to inform the credit-control client that the
credit-control server cannot rate the service request due to insufficient rating input, an incorrect
AVP combination, or an AVP or AVP value that is not recognized or supported in the rating.
• DiameterErrorInitialParameters - The initial parameters contain an error.
• RadiusSessionContyextRemoved - The residual session context has been removed.
• RadiusInvalidEapPacket - An invalid EAP Packet was detected.
• RadiusUnsupportedAttribute - The request contained an unsupported attribute.
• RadiusMissingAttribute - A request was missing a required attribute.
• RadiusNasIdMismatch - The system was unable to match the received NAS to the stored information.
The response to this request follows the Statistics > StaleSessionStats Stag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
Timeout Statistics
The following examples show the response defined in the XSDs for the DiameterAf Stats tag.
The MRA response follows the Statistics > DiameterAfStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• AAR Timeout: The numeric count of AA-Request messages sent and AA-Answer messages not
received in a set amount of time.
• ASR Timeout: The numeric count of Abort Session Requests (ASR) messages sent where ASA
messages not received in a set amount of time.
• RAR Timeout: The numeric count of ReAuthorization Request (RAR) messages sent where RAA
messages not received in a set amount of time.
• STR Timeout — The numeric count of Session Termination Requests (STR) messages sent where
STA messages not received in a set amount of time.
The MRA response follows the Statistics > DiameterAfPeerStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
The MRA response follows the Statistics > DiameterPcefStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• CCR Timeout: The numeric count of CC-Request messages sent and CC-Answer messages not
received in a set amount of time.
Note: The number of CCR-I/U/T Timeouts should equal this number combined.
• CCR-I Timeout: The numeric count of CCR-Initial messages sent and CCA-Initial messages not
received in a set amount of time.
• CCR-U Timeout: The numeric count of CCR-Update messages sent and CCA-Update messages
not received in a set amount of time.
• CCR-T Timeout: The numeric count of CCR-Terminate messages sent and CCA-Terminate messages
not received in a set amount of time.
• RAR Timeout: The numeric count of Reauthorization Request messages sent and RAA messages
not received in a set amount of time.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
The MRA response follows the Statistics > DiameterPcefPeerStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
The MRA response follows the Statistics > DiameterBberfStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• CCR Timeout: The numeric count of CC-Request messages sent and CC-Answer messages not
received in a set amount of time.
Note: The number of CCR-I/U/T Timeouts should equal this number combined.
• CCR-I Timeout: The numeric count of CCR-Initial messages sent and CCA-Initial messages not
received in a set amount of time.
• CCR-U Timeout: The numeric count of CCR-Update messages sent and CCA-Update messages
not received in a set amount of time.
• CCR-T Timeout: The numeric count of CCR-Terminate messages sent and CCA-Terminate messages
not received in a set amount of time.
• RAR Timeout: The numeric count of Reauthorization Request messages sent and RAA messages
not received in a set amount of time.
The MRA response follows the Statistics > DiameterBberfPeerStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
<NeId />
<NetworkElementType />
<NetworkElementSubType />
<ConnectTime>Tue Jun 05 02:54:29 EDT 2012</ConnectTime>
<DisconnectTime>Tue Jun 05 02:54:28 EDT 2012</DisconnectTime>
The MRA response follows the Statistics > DiameterShStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• UDR Timeout: The numeric count of User Data Request (UDR) messages sent and User Data
Answer (UDA) messages not received in a set amount of time.
• PUR Timeout:The numeric count of Profile Update Request (PUR) messages sent and Profile Update
Answer (PUA) messages not received in a set amount of time.
• SNR Timeout:The numeric count of Subscription Notification Request (SNR) messages sent and
Subscription Notification Answer (SNA) messages not received in a set amount of time.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
The MRA response follows the Statistics > DiameterTdfStats tag defined in the XSDs.
CCR Timeout: The numeric count of CC-Request messages sent and CC-Answer messages not received
in a set amount of time.
Note: The number of CCR-I/U/T Timeouts should equal this number combined.
• CCR-I Timeout: The numeric count of CCR-Initial messages sent and CCA-Initial messages not
received in a set amount of time.
• CCR-U Timeout: The numeric count of CCR-Update messages sent and CCA-Update messages
not received in a set amount of time.
• CCR-T Timeout: The numeric count of CCR-Terminate messages sent and CCA-Terminate messages
not received in a set amount of time.
• RAR Timeout: The numeric count of Reauthorization Request messages sent and RAA messages
not received in a set amount of time.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
The MRA response follows the Statistics > DiameterTdfPeerStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
<ConnectTime>Thu May 24 01:23:51 EDT 2012</ConnectTime>
<DisconnectTime>Fri May 25 04:18:11 EDT 2012</DisconnectTime>
<ConnectType>SCTP</ ConnectType>
<NeId />
<NetworkElementType />
<NetworkElementSubType />
<ConnectTime>Thu May 24 01:23:51 EDT 2012</ConnectTime>
<DisconnectTime>Fri May 25 04:18:11 EDT 2012</DisconnectTime>
<ConnectType />
The MRA response follows the Statistics > DiameterShPeerStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
The MRA response follows the Statistics > DiameterMraDrmaStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• DBR Timeout: The numeric count of Diameter Binding Request messages sent and Diameter Binding
Answer messages not received in a set amount of time.
• RUR Timeout: The numeric count of Diameter Routing Update Request messages sent and Diameter
Routing Update messages not received in a set amount of time.
• LNR Timeout: The numeric count of Diameter Load Notify Request messages sent and Diameter
Load Notify Answer messages not received in a set amount of time.
• LSR Timeout: The numeric count of Diameter Load Subscription Request messages sent and
Diameter Load Subscription Answer messages not received in a set amount of time.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
The MRA response follows the Statistics > DiameterMraDrmaPeerStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
< SQRMessagesSentCount>0</SQRMessagesSentCount>
< SQRMessagesTimeoutCount>0</SQRMessagesTimeoutCount
The response to this request follows the Statistics > TrafficProfileStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
TPS Statistics
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the TpsStats
This request follows the QueryOmStats > TpsStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > TpsStats tag defined in the XSDs.
Gx TPS Stats per message type
• PcefCCRICurrentTPS
• PcefCCRITimeOfMaxTPS
• PcefCCRUCurrentTPS
• PcefCCRUTimeOfMaxTPS
• PcefCCRTCurrentTPS
• PcefCCRITimeOfMaxTPS
• PcefRARCurrentTPS
• PcefRARTimeOfMaxTPS
Gxx TPS Stats per message type
• BberfCCRICurrentTPS
• BberfCCRITimeOfMaxTPS
• BberfCCRUCurrentTPS
• BberfCCRUTimeOfMaxTPS
• BberfCCRTCurrentTPS
• BberfCCRTTimeOfMaxTPS
• BberfRARCurrentTPS
• BberfRARMaxTPS
• BberfRARTimeOfMaxTPS
Sd TPS Stats per message type
• TdfTSRCurrentTPS
• TdfTSRTimeOfMaxTPS
• TdfCCRUCurrentTPS
• TdfCCRTCurrentTPS
• TdfRARCurrentTPS
• TdfRARimeOfMaxTPS
Sh TPS Stats per message type
• ShUDRSentTCurrentTPS
• ShUDRSentTimeOfMaxTPS
• ShUDRRecvTCurrentTPS
• ShUDRRecvTimeOfMaxTPS
• ShPNRCurrentTPS
• ShPNRimeOfMaxTPS
• ShPURCurrentTPS
• ShPURimeOfMaxTPS
• ShSNRCurrentTPS
• ShSNRimeOfMaxTPS
Sy TPS Stats per message type
• SySLRICurrentTPS
• SySLRUCurrentTPS
• SySNRTCurrentTPS
• SySTRCurrentTPS
S9 TPS Stats per message type
• S9CCRISentCurrentTPS
• S9CCRISentTimeOfMaxTPS
• S9CCRIRecvCurrentTPS
• S9CCRIRecvTimeOfMaxTPS
• S9CCRUSentCurrentTPS
• S9CCRUSentTimeOfMaxTPS
• S9CCRURecvCurrentTPS
• S9CCRURecvTimeOfMaxTPS
• S9CCRTSentCurrentTPS
• S9CCRTSentTimeOfMaxTPS
• S9CCRTRecvCurrentTPS
• S9CCRTRecvTimeOfMaxTPS
• S9RARSentCurrentTPS
• S9RARSentTimeOfMaxTPS
• S9RARRecvCurrentTPS
• S9RARRecvTimeOfMaxTPS
• S9AfAARICurrentTPS
• S9AfAARMCurrentTPS
• S9AfASRCurrentTPS
• S9AfSTRCurrentTPS
• S9AfRARCurrentTPS
LDAP TPS Stats per message type
• LdapBindReqSentCurrentTPS
• LdapBindReqSentMaxTPS
• LdapBindReqSentTimeOfMaxTPS
• LdapBindReqRecvCurrentTPS
• LdapBindReqRecvMaxTPS
• LdapBindReqRecvTimeOfMaxTPS
• LdapSearchReqSentCurrentTPS
• LdapSearchReqSentMaxTPS
• LdapSearchReqSentTimeOfMaxTPS
• LdapSearchReqRecvCurrentTPS
• LdapSearchReqRecvMaxTPS
• LdapSearchReqRecvTimeOfMaxTPS
• LdapModifyReqSentCurrentTPS
• LdapModifyReqSentCurrentTPS
• LdapModifyReqSentTimeOfMaxTPS
• LdapModifyReqRecvCurrentTPS
• LdapModifyReqRecvMaxTPS
• LdapModifyReqRecvTimeOfMaxTPS
CTF Stats per message type
• CtfCCRICurrentTPS
• CtfCCRTCurrentTPS
• CtfRARCurrentTPS
• CtfRARTimeOfMaxTPS
• CtfASRCurrentTPS
• CtfASRTimeOfMaxTPS
• CtfRARCurrentTPS
• CtfRARTimeOfMaxTPS
• CtfASRCurrentTPS
• CtfASRTimeOfMaxTPS
RADIUS Stats per message type
• RadiusAccountingStartCurrentTPS
• RadiusAccountingStartMaxTPS
• RadiusAccountingStartTimeOfMaxTPS
• RadiusInterimUpdateCurrentTPS
• RadiusInterimUpdateMaxTPS
• RadiusInterimUpdateTimeOfMaxTPS
• RadiusAccountingStopCurrentTPS
• RadiusAccountingStopMaxTPS
• RadiusAccountingStopTimeOfMaxTPS
• RadiusCoaCurrentTPS
• RadiusCoaMaxTPS
• RadiusCoaTimeOfMaxTPS
• RadiusCoaDisconnectCurrentTPS
• RadiusCoaDisconnectMaxTPS
• RadiusCoaDisconnectTimeOfMaxTPS
• RadiusAccountingOnCurrentTPS
• RadiusAccountingOnMaxTPS
• RadiusAccountingOnTimeOfMaxTPS
• RadiusAccountingOffCurrentTPS
• RadiusAccountingOffMaxTPS
• RadiusAccountingOffTimeOfMaxTPS
The response to this request follows the Statistics > QuotaProfileStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > QuotaProfileStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
• IntervalMaxSessionCount: The maximum value of the statistic MaxSessionCount for the interval
• IntervalMaxPDNConnectionCount: The maximum value of the statistic MaxPDNConnectionCount
for the interval reported.
For example:
MRA Request
This request follows the QueryOmStats > IntervalStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of this request for an MRA.
• IntervalStartTime: The time when this sub-system began collecting the data presented. If this is
the first instance of the sub-system collecting data, this value may be N/A.
• ConfiguredLength: This value is always 900 seconds, which is 15 minutes.
• ActualLength: The length of the interval. Normally, this is the same value as ConfiguredLength,
however there are two cases (documented above) where these values will differ:
1. Cluster has just started and no data is available (ActualLength = 0)
2. Cluster has started and an interval completed but the software did not start on a quarter boundary
(e.g. ActualLength = nnn where nnn is any number between 0 and 900. If the software started
200 seconds after the 15-min boundary, the when the interval is completed, the ActualLength
= 700).
• IsComplete: If the ConfiguredLength has completed, then the value is true. If not, then the value
is false.
MRA Response
The response to this MRA request follows the Statistics > IntervalStats tag defined in the XSDs. For
The following are examples of a request for a single policy server and multiple policy servers:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > CurrentConnectionsCount and
MaximumConnectionsCount tags defined in the XSDs.
Individual statistics are defined as follows:
• StartTime - The time this stat object was created.
• ResetTime - The last time the counters for this object were reset.
• CurrentConnectionsCount - The current number of PDN connections for this RAT-Type.
• MaximumConnectionsCount - The maximum number of PDN connections at any one point for
this RAT-Type. The default interval time is 15 minutes, and it can be configured by the Stats
Collection Period attribute in the Global Configuration Settings menu. It will be reset to
CurrentConnectionsCount only in the interval mode per interval time.
Note: For multiple policy servers, the names of the servers will be listed in the <PolicyServer> tags.
For example:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > CurrentConnectionsCount and
MaximumConnectionsCount tags defined in the XSDs.
Individual statistics are defined as follows:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > KpiStats tags defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the Statistics > CurrentConnectionsCount and
MaximumConnectionsCount tags defined in the XSDs.
Individual statistics are defined as follows:
• StartTime - The time this stat object was created.
• EndTime - The time this stat object was ended.
Replication Statistics
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
ReplicationStats tag.
This request follows the QueryOmStats > ReplicationStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for performance statistics on MRA/MPE replication in the
The response to this request follows the Statistics > ReplicationStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of the ReplicationStats tag:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > SCTPAssociationStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of the SCTPAssociationStats tag:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PeerAssociateStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of the PeerAssociateStats tag:
<LocalAddrsPort>3456</LocalAddrsPort >
fe80:0:0:0:5054:ff:fe4d:5ae1,fe80:0:0:0:5054:ff:fe1d:7630</RemoteAddrs >
< SctpDataChunkSent >0</ SctpDataChunkSent >
< SctpDataChunkReceived >0</ SctpDataChunkReceived >
< SctpDataChunkReSent >0</ SctpDataChunkReSent >
< SctpCongestionDuration >0</ SctpCongestionDuration >
< NbrSctpCongestion >0</ NbrSctpCongestion >
< SctpUnavailableDuration >0</ SctpUnavailableDuration >
< NbrSctpUnavailable >0</ NbrSctpUnavailable >
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PeerErrorStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of the MessagErrorStats tag:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PeerProcessingStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of the MessageProcessingStats tag:
Cable Mode
Topology Interface for Cable Mode
Network Elements
A network element represents a node in the network (cable or wireless), such as a router, CMTS, PDSN,
B-RAS, and so on. The network elements can be organized into logical groups that subdivide the
network space. Network elements have the following attributes that can be requested.
Note: Depending on your system configuration, not all attributes may be present.
Note: The same attributes are also used in the Update Network Element operation.
• Capability: The numerical identity of network element capability type. For example:
• TDF-Solicit
• Time-Tariff (PGW,DPI)
• Usage-Report-26(GGSN,PGW,SWG,DPI)
<Name>Router 23</Name>
<Description>Core router for the north east</Description>
<Name>NE Group 1</Name>
<Description>All core routers</Description>
<Name>router 23</Name>
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The example XML response that follows represents a successful operation that creates a new network
element and/or groups:
The example XML response that follows represents an operation that includes both a success and a
failure (for example, an attempt to update a group’s description field (success), and add an unknown
network element “router 24” to the group “NE Group 1” (failed)).
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
<ManualSubnet operation=”delete”>
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
<Command type="XmlInterfaceResponse">
<Success count="2">Deleted 2 network element groups.</Success>
<Failure count="0"></Failure>
The response to this request follows the ConfigurationData > NetworkElement tag defined in the
<ConfigurationData version="2.1.6">
<NetworkElementType>Wireline Gateway</NetworkElementType>
<NeSubType>MX Series</NeSubType>
Subscriber Interface for Cable Mode
An account represents a billable entity that contains the individual users.
The Subscriber Interface consists of the following Account management requests:
• Add Account: Allows users to add and update subscriber accounts within their system. If an account
already exists with the given identifier (Account ID), then this is considered an update and the
new account replaces the existing one. All relationships between that account and other objects in
the system (for example, tiers) are maintained.
• Update Account: Allows users to update accounts in their system. If no object exists with the given
identifier (Account ID), then this is a failure condition and the object is not saved.
• Delete Account: Allows users to delete an account.
• Query Account: Allows users to query a specific account or list of accounts, returning their configured
The Subscriber Interface consists of the following requests:
• Accounts — An account represents a billable entity that contains the individual users.
• Add Account: Allows users to add and update subscriber accounts within their system. If an
account already exists with the given identifier (Account ID), then this is considered an update
and the new account replaces the existing one. All relationships between that account and other
objects in the system (for example, tiers) are maintained.
• Update Account: Allows users to update accounts in their system. If no object exists with the
given identifier (Account ID), then this is a failure condition and the object is not saved.
• Delete Account: Allows users to delete an account.
• Query Account: Allows users to query a specific account or list of accounts, returning their
configured attributes.
Add Account
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the AddAccount
This request follows the AddAccount tag defined in the XSDs.
The following example creates an account with the following attributes:
• Account ID — 000123
• Association — to a network element named: Node1
• One user in this account, with the following attributes:
• User ID — [email protected]
• One cable modem in this account, with the following attributes:
• MAC address — 10:10:10:10:10:11
• IP address —
• Two CPEs behind this cable modem:,
• Association to a tier named: Premium
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
Update Account
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
UpdateAccount tag.
This request follows the UpdateAccount tag defined in the XSDs.
The following example updates the account identified by ID 000123 to add a new user with ID
[email protected].
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
Delete Account
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
DeleteAccount tag.
This request follows the DeleteAccount tag defined in the XSDs.
The following example deletes two accounts: Account1 and Account2.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
Query Account
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
QueryAccount tag.
This request follows the QueryAccount tag defined in the XSDs.
The following example queries multiple accounts by account ID.
The response to this request follows the ConfigurationData > Account tag defined in the XSDs.
A tier represents a class of service or a logical grouping of subscriber accounts.
The Subscriber Interface consists of the following Tiers management requests:
• Add Tier — Allows users to add new tiers to their system. If a tier already exists with the given
identifier (Name), then this is considered an update and the new tier replaces the existing one. All
relationships between that tier and other objects in the system (for example, accounts) are
• Update Tier — Allows users to update tiers within their system. If no object exists with the given
identifier (Name), then this is a failure condition and the object is not saved.
• Delete Tier — Allows users to delete a tier.
• Query Tier — Allows users to query a specific tier or list of tiers, returning their configured attributes.
Add Tier
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the AddTier
This request follows the AddTier tag defined in the XSDs.
The following example creates two tiers:
• Tier1: Upstream bandwidth limit: 1 Mbps
• Tier2: Upstream bandwidth limit: 2 Mbps
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
Update Tier
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the UpdateTier
This request follows the UpdateTier tag defined in the XSDs.
The following example updates the tier named Tier1 to change the upstream bandwidth limit to 555000
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
<Command type="XmlInterfaceResponse">
<Success count="1">Successfully updated 1 tier.</Success>
<Failure count="0"></Failure>
Delete Tier
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the DeleteTier
This request follows the DeleteTier tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the generic Response tag defined in the XSDs.
Query Tier
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the QueryTier
This request follows the QueryTier tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the ConfigurationData > Tier tag defined in the XSDs.
Operational Measurement Requests for Cable Mode
The response to this request follows the Statistics > TopologyUpdateStats tag defined in the XSDs.
Individual statistics are defined as follows:
• TopologyUpdateCount: The number of topology changes made in the Configuration Management
Platform (CMP) that resulted in changes to an MPE. Topology data includes Network Elements,
Paths, Interfaces, and Links. Changes to this data can occur through either the CMP Graphical User
Interface (GUI) or the XML interface. The counter increments for each MPE that updates as a result
of the change. For example, when a user updates a Network Element, the topology update counter
increments for each MPE that the Network Element is associated with.
Batch changes are treated as a single update to an MPE. An OSSI XML interface update may be
made across multiple elements but all of those changes are pushed at one time to the MPE. This is
treated as a single topology change with regard to the counter.
• TopologyUpdateFailCount: The number of topology changes made in the CMP that fail to update
an associated MPE. For example, if an MPE is offline while a Network Element is changed, the fail
counter will increment once for that failed MPE update.
The following is an example of the TopologyUpdateStats tag:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > SubscriberUpdateStats tag defined in the XSDs.
Individual statistics are defined as follows:
• SubscriberUpdateCount — The number of subscriber changes made in the CMP that resulted in
changes to an MPE. Subscriber data includes accounts and tiers. Changes to this data can occur
through either the CMP GUI or the XML Interface. The counter is incremented for each MPE that
updates as a result of the change. For example, when a user updates an account, the subscriber
update counter increments for each MPE that the account is associated with.
Batch changes are treated as a single update to an MPE. An OSSI XML interface update may be
made across multiple accounts but all of those changes are pushed at one time to the MPE. This is
treated as a single subscriber change with regard to the counter.
• SubscriberUpdateFailCount — The number of subscriber changes made in the CMP that fail to
update an associated MPE. For example, if an MPE is offline while an account is changed, the fail
counter will increment once for that failed MPE update.
The following is an example of the SubscriberUpdateStats tag:
The following is an example of a request for all policy servers in the system:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PolicyServerStats tag defined in the XSDs.
Individual statistics are defined as follows:
• TotalNetworkElementCount — The total (absolute) number of network elements associated with
that MPE. The absolute value is the value taken at the EndTime of the reported sample.
• TotalSubscriberCount — The total (absolute) number of accounts associated with that MPE.
The following is an example of the PolicyServerStats tag:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > ReserveCommitStats tag defined in the XSDs.
Individual statistics are defined as follows:
• ReserveCount — Number of GateSet Reserve messages received.
• ReserveSuccessCount — Number of GateSet Reserve messages acknowledged.
• ReserveFailCount — Number of GateSet Reserve messages failed.
• ReserveErrorCount — Number of GateSet Reserve messages that were errors.
• CommitCount — Number of GateSet Commit messages received.
• CommitSuccessCount — Number of GateSet Commit messages acknowledged.
• CommitFailCount — Number of GateSet Commit messages failed.
• CommitErrorCount — Number of GateSet Commit messages that were errors.
• ReserveCommitCount — Number of GateSet Reserve+Commit messages received.
• ReserveCommitSuccessCount — Number of GateSet Reserve+Commit messages acknowledged.
• ReserveCommitFailCount — Number of GateSet Reserve+Commit messages failed.
• ReserveCommitErrorCount — Number of GateSet Reserve+Commit messages that were errors.
The following is an example XML response to a ReserveCommitStats tag request:
Gate Statistics
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the GateStats
This request follows the QueryOmStats > GateStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for all policy servers in the system:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > GateStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• GateSetCount — Number of Gate Set messages processed.
• GateSetSuccessCount — Number of Gate Set Success messages processed.
• GateSetErrorCount — Number of Gate Set Error messages processed.
• GateStatusCount — Number of Gate Status messages processed.
• GateStatusSuccessCount — Number of Gate Status Success messages processed.
• GateStatusErrorCount — Number of Gate Status Error messages processed.
• GateDeleteCount — Number of Gate Delete messages processed.
• GateDeleteSuccessCount — Number of Gate Delete Success messages processed.
• GateDeleteErrorCount — Number of Gate Delete Error messages processed.
The following is an example XML response to a GateStats tag request:
Latency Statistics
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
DiameterAfLatencyStats tag.
This request follows the QueryOmStats > DiameterAfLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterAfLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
This request follows the QueryOmStats > DiameterAfPeerLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterAfPeerfLatencyStats tag defined in the
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
This request follows the QueryOmStats > PcmmCmtsLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmCmtsLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
This request follows the QueryOmStats > PcmmCmtsPeerLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmCmtsPeerLatencyStats tag defined in the
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
This request follows the QueryOmStats > PcmmAmLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmAmLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
This request follows the QueryOmStats > PcmmAmPeerLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmAmPeerLatencyStats tag defined in the
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
This request follows the QueryOmStats > PcmmDpsLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmDpsLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
This request follows the QueryOmStats > PcmmDpsPeerLatencyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmDpsPeerLatencyStats tag defined in the
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
Mgpi Statistics
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the MgpiStats
This request follows the QueryOmStats > MgpiStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for all policy servers within the system:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > MgpiStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• TotalFlowsCount — The number of active upstream diameter session flows in memory.
• ActualGatesCount — The number of actual upstream gates in memory.
• MultiFlowGatesCount — The number of gates in memory that have been aggregated, (for example,
possessing multiple diameter session flows on this gate).
• EffectiveGatesCount — A calculation using the formula Effective Gates = (Active Gate Count -
Actual Gate Count ) + Total Flow Count.
Note: Active gate count is the number of active gates, including the upstream gates and downstream
An MPE Upstream Service Flow Limit for Triggering MGPI = 2, Maximum Number of Grants per
Interval = 2 and MGPI = yes.
Send 3 same AAR requests to MPE, Active Gate Count = 5, Actual Gate Count = 2, Total Flow Count
= 3.
The Effective Gate Count = (5-2) + 3 = 6
The following is an example XML response to a MgpiStats tag request:
Policy Statistics
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the PolicyStats
This request follows the QueryOmStats > PolicyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single policy server:
The following is an example of a request for all policy servers in the system:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PolicyStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• TotalExecTime — the summary of all execution durations, where execution duration is measured
starting the beginning of the policy conditions evaluation until the execution finishing.
• MaxExecTime — the longest execution duration of the policy.
• AvgExecTime — the arithmetic average off all execution durations of the policy.
• TriggerCount — number of policies triggered.
• FailCondCount — number of policies that failed because of conditions.
• FailNACount — number of policies that failed because of data not available/applicable.
• FailExcCount — number of policies that failed because of exceptions.
The following is an example XML response to a PolicyStats tag request:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterAfStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example XML response to a DiameterAfStats tag request:
EmergencyAPN-MPE Support
The following examples show the request and response that are defined in the XSDs for the
DiameterAfStats tag utilizing support for Emergency APNs.
This request follows the QueryOmStats > DiameterAfStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for all policy servers within the system utilizing support for
emergency APNs:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterAfStats tag defined in the XSDs utilizing
support for emergency APNs.
The following is an example XML response to a DiameterAfStats tag request for EmergencyAPN-MPE:
This request follows the QueryOmStats > DiameterAfPeerStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single peer using the Name parameter:
The following is an example of a request for all peer elements in the system. This request returns stats
for each peer element:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DiameterAfPeertStats tag defined in the XSDs.
Both the Name and NeId are returned, along with the statistics and actual recorded times for those
statistics. Samples are ordered by policy server, network element, and then by time.
The following is an example XML response to a multiple network element tag request:
This request follows the QueryOmStats > PcmmBodStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for all policy servers in the system.
Note: The BodServer statistic is optional. The name of the BoD, if not specified, will return the counters
from all the BoDs in the system.
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmBodStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• BodServer — The name of BoD server.
• IsComplete - Ture if current stats period is complete. False if current stats period is incomplete
(shorter than configured stats period) due to some reason such as failover.
• TotalGateCreate — Number of Gate Set messages processed to create session.
• TotalGateModify — Number of Gate Set messages processed to modify session.
• TotalGateDelete — Number of Gate Set messages processed to delete session.
• TotalGateInfo — Number of Gate Status messages processed.
• TotalGateReport -- Number of Gate Status messages processed.
• TotalSuccessGateCreate — Number of Gate Set Success messages of session created.
• TotalSuccessGateModify — Number of Gate Set Success messages of session modified.
• TotalSuccessGateDelete — Number of Gate Set Success messages of session deleted.
• TotalSuccessGateInfo — Number of Gate Status Success messages processed.
• TotalSuccessGateReport — Number of Gate Status Success messages processed.
• TotalFailureGateCreate — Number of Gate Set Error messages of session create failure.
• TotalFailureGateModify — Number of Gate Set Error messages of session modify failure.
• TotalFailureGateDelete — Number of Gate Set Error messages of session delete failure.
• TotalFailureGateInfo — Number of Gate Status Error messages processed.
• TotalFailureGateReport — Number of Gate Status Error messages processed.
• TotalTimeoutGateCreate — Number of Gate Set timeout messages to create session.
• TotalTimeoutGateModify — Number of Gate Set timeout messages to modify session.
• TotalTimeoutGateDelete — Number of Gate Set timeout messages to delete session.
• TotalTimeoutGateInfo — Number of Gate Status timeout messages processed.
• TotalPcmmMessages — Number of Gate messages sent or received.
• TotalInPcmmMessages — Number of Gate message received.
• TotalInPcmmMessages — Number of Gate message received.
• TotalSessions — Number of total sessions.
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmBodErrorStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• BodServer — The name of BoD server.
• IsComplete — True if current stats period is complete. False if current stats period is incomplete
(shorter than configured stats period) due to some reason such as failover.
• Name — The identity of AM.
• ErrorCode — The error name and the error code if has.
• ErrorInCount — The number of error messages received that cause the session to fail.
• ErrorOutCount — The number of error messages sent, reserved field which is always 0 in this
The following is an example XML response to a PcmmBodStats tag request:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmBodSessionStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• BodServer: The name of BoD server.
• ActiveSessionCount: Number of active session in BoD server.
• CreatedSessionCount: Number of session created before including terminated session, failure
session and expired session.
• FailedSessionCount: Number of session terminated by PCMM error.
The following is an example XML response to a PcmmBodStats tag request:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmBodAmStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• BodServer: The name of BoD server.
• Name: The identity of the AM.
• IsComplete: True if current stats period is complete. False if current stats period is incomplete
(shorter than configured stats period) due to some reason such as failover.
• MessagesInCount: Number of Gate messages received.
• MessagesOutCount: Number of Gate message sent.
• GateSetCount: Number of Gate Set messages sent.
• GateInfoCount: Number of Gate Info messages sent.
• GateDeleteCount: Number of Gate Delete messages sent.
• GateSetSuccessCount: Number of Gate Set Success acknowledge messages processed.
• GateInfoSuccessCount: Number of Gate Info Success acknowledge messages processed.
• GateDeleteSuccessCount: Number of Gate Delete Success acknowledge messages processed.
• GateSetErrorCount: Number of Gate Set Error acknowledge messages processed.
• GateInfoErrorCount: Number of Gate Info Error acknowledge messages processed.
• GateDeleteErrorCount: Number of Gate Delete Error acknowledge messages processed.
• ReportCount: Number of Gate Report messages processed.
• DropCount: Number of Gate Report messages ignore.
• ActiveGateCount: Number of currently active gates.
• MaxActiveGateCount: Highest number of active gates seen so far.
The following is an example XML response to a PcmmBodAmStats tag request:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmAmGateStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• PolicyServer: The name of MPE server.
• Name: The identity of the AM.
• IsComplete: True if current stats period is complete. False if current stats period is incomplete
(shorter than configured stats period) due to some reason such as failover.
• MessagesInCount -- Number of Gate messages received.
• MessagesOutCount: Number of Gate messages sent.
• GateSetCount: Number of Gate Set messages received.
• GateInfoCount: Number of Gate Info messages received.
• GateDeleteCount: Number of Gate Delete messages received.
• GateSetSuccessCount: Number of Gate Set Success acknowledge messages processed.
• GateInfoSuccessCount: Number of Gate Info Success acknowledge messages processed.
• GateDeleteSuccessCount: Number of Gate Delete Success acknowledge messages processed.
• GateSetErrorCount: Number of Gate Set Error acknowledge messages processed.
• GateInfoErrorCount: Number of Gate Info Error acknowledge messages processed.
• GateDeleteErrorCount: Number of Gate Delete Error acknowledge messages processed.
• ReportCount— Number of Gate Report messages processed.
• DropCount: Number of Gate Report messages ignored.
• ActiveGateCount: Number of currently active gates.
• MaxActiveGateCount: Highest number of active gates seen so far.
The following is an example XML response to a PcmmBodStats tag request:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmBodGateReportStats tag defined in the
• BodServer: The name of BoD server.
• IsComplete: True if current stats period is complete. False if current stats period is incomplete
(shorter than configured stats period) due to some reason such as failover.
• TotalGateReport -- Number of Gate Status messages processed.
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmCmtsStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• SessionCount: The number of session requests received.
• SessionSuccessCount: The number of session requests successfully created.
• SessionFailCount: The number of session request failures. For example, this could be due to a policy
denying a request.
• SessionProtocolFailCount: The number of session failures due to an invalid message or parameter.
This count is incremented whenever the MPE determines that an incoming message from the AM
has an invalid message and as a result the message has to be dropped by the MPE.
• SessionPolicyFailCount: The number of session requests that trigger a policy. This count is
maintained in the MPE, one per policy. When the condition of a policy triggers, the count for that
policy is incremented. The value displayed is a total trigger count, (that is, the sum of this value
for all the policies). For example, if the definition of a policy is defined as, “when the device usage
is greater than 80% of capacity, reject message”. When the MPE executes this policy in response to
a request, if the policy triggers (that is, if the MPE determines that the device usage is > 80%), the
trigger count for that policy is incremented.
The following is an example XML response to a PcmmCmtsStats tag request:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmAmGateStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• PolicyServer: The name of MPE server.
• Name: The identity of the AM.
• MessagesInCount -- Number of Gate messages received.
• IsComplete: True if current stats period is complete. False if current stats period is incomplete
(shorter than configured stats period) due to some reason such as failover.
• MessagesOutCount: Number of Gate messages sent.
This request follows the QueryOmStats > PcmmNetworkElementStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a request for a single PCMM network element using the Name
The following is an example of a request for multiple PCMM network elements using the Name(s)
and NeId(s) parameters. This example returns statistics for three different network elements:
The following is an example of a request for all PCMM network elements in the system. This example
returns statistics for each PCMM network element:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > PcmmNetworkElementStats tag defined in the
Both Name and NeId are returned along with the statistics and actual recorded times for those statistics.
Sample groups are ordered by policy server, network element, available interface, and then by time.
• Name: Unique name identifying the network element for the following statistics.
• NeId: Optional identifier field for the network element.
• InterfaceName: Identifying field for the network element’s Interface.
• SessionCount: Current active sessions for that network element or Interface. This is a
non-cumulative value and is displayed as an absolute.
• SessionSuccessCount: Successful sessions.
• SessionFailCount: Session failures.
• Capacity: The currently defined, maximum capacity for this network element or Interface. This
is a static absolute value defined in the CMP for that object.
The response to this request follows the Statistics > ConnectionErrorStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• DiameterCommandUnsupported - The request contained a command code that the receiver did
not recognize or support.
• DiameterUnableToDeliver - This error is given when the diameter node cannot deliver the message
to the destination, either because no host within the realm that supports the required application
was available to process the request, or because Destination-Host AVP was given without the
associated Destination-Realm AVP.
• DiameterRealmNotServed - The intended realm of the request is not recognized.
• DiameterTooBusy - The diameter node has too much traffic. When returned, a diameter node
attempts to send the message to an alternate peer.
• DiameterLoopDetected - An agent detected a loop while trying to get the message to the intended
recipient. The message may be sent to an alternate peer if available.
• DiameterRedirectIndication - A redirect agent has determined that the request could not be satisfied
locally and the initiator of the request should direct the request directly to the server, whose contact
information has been added to the response. When set, the Redirect-Host AVP must be present.
• DiameterApplicationUnsupported - A request was sent for an application that is not supported.
• DiameterInvalidHdrBits - A request was received whose bits in the diameter header were either
set to an invalid combination, or to a value that is inconsistent with the command code's definition.
• DiameterInvalidAvpBits - A request was received that included an AVP whose flag bits are set to
an unrecognized value, or that is inconsistent with the AVP's definition.
• DiameterUnknownPeer - A CER was received from an unknown peer.
• DiameterAuthenticationRejected - The authentication process for the user failed, most likely due
to an invalid password used by the user. The user is then prompted for a new password.
• DiameterOutOfSpace - A diameter node received the accounting request but was unable to commit
it to stable storage due to a temporary lack of space.
• ElectionLost - The peer has lost the election process and has disconnected the transport connection.
• DiameterEndUserServiceDenied - The credit-control server denied the service request due to service
restrictions. If the CCR contained used-service-units, they are deducted, if possible.
• DiameterCreditControlNotApplicable - The credit-control server determined that the service can
be granted to the end user, but that no further credit control is needed for the service (for example,
the service is free of charge).
• DiameterCreditLimitReached - The credit-control server denied the service request because the
end user's account could not cover the requested service. If the CCR contained used-service-units,
they are deducted, if possible.
• DiameterAvpUnsupported - The peer received a message that contained an AVP that is not
recognized or supported and was marked with the Mandatory bit.
• DiameterUnknownSessionId - The request contained an unknown Session-Id.
• DiameterAuthorizationRejected - A request was received for which the user could not be authorized.
This error could occur if the requested service is not permitted to the user.
• DiameterInvalidAvpValue - The request contained an AVP with an invalid value in its data portion.
• DiameterMissingAvp - The request did not contain an AVP that is required by the command code
definition. If this value is sent in the Result-Code AVP, a Failed-AVP AVP is included in the message.
• DiameterResourcesExceeded - A request was received that cannot be authorized because the user
has already expended its allowed resources.
• DiameterContradictingAvps - The Home Diameter server has detected AVPs in the request that
contradict each other, and is not willing to provide service to the user.
• DiameterAvpNotAllowed - A message was received with an AVP that cannot be present.
• DiameterAvpOccursTooManyTimes - A message was received that included an AVP that appeared
more often than permitted.
The response to this request follows the Statistics > ConnectionErrorStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of the ConnectionErrorStats tag specifically for PMCC AMID:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > HttpBodStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• BodServer: The name of BoD server.
• IsComplete: True if current stats period is complete. False if current stats period is incomplete
(shorter than configured stats period) due to some reason such as failover.
• TotalCreateSessionRequest: Number of create session request messages received.
• TotalModifySessionRequest: Number of modify session request messages received.
• TotalDeleteSessionRequest: Number of delete session request messages received.
• TotalAddClassifierRequest: Number of add classifier request messages received.
• TotalModifyClassifierRequest: Number of modify classifier request messages received.
• TotalDeleteClassifierRequest: Number of delete classifier request messages received.
• TotalCreateSessionSuccessResponse: Number of success responses for create session request.
• TotalModifySessionSuccessResponse: Number of success responses for modify session request.
• TotalDeleteSessionSuccessResponse: Number of success responses for delete session request.
• TotalAddClassifierSuccessResponse: Number of success responses for add classifier request.
<TotalSuccessResponse>0</ TotalSuccessResponse>
<TotalFailureResponse>0</ TotalFailureResponse>
<TotalResponse>0</ TotalResponse>
<SetMacTranslator>0</ SetMacTranslator>
<TotalQuerySession>0</ TotalQuerySession>
The response to this request follows the Statistics > SoapBodStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• BodServer: The name of BoD server.
• IsComplete: True if current stats period is complete. False if current stats period is incomplete
(shorter than configured stats period) due to some reason such as failover.
• TotalCreateSessionRequest: Number of create session request messages received.
• TotalModifySessionRequest: Number of modify session request messages received.
• TotalDeleteSessionRequest: Number of delete session request messages received.
• TotalAddClassifierRequest: Number of add classifier request messages received.
• TotalModifyClassifierRequest: Number of modify classifier request messages received.
• TotalDeleteClassifierRequest: Number of delete classifier request messages received.
• TotalCreateSessionSuccessResponse: Number of success responses for create session request.
• TotalModifySessionSuccessResponse: Number of success responses for modify session request.
• TotalDeleteSessionSuccessResponse: Number of success responses for delete session request.
• TotalAddClassifierSuccessResponse: Number of success responses for add classifier request.
• TotalModifyClassifierSuccessResponse: Number of success responses for modify classifier request.
• TotalDeleteClassifierSuccessResponse: Number of success responses for delete classifier request.
• TotalCreateSessionFailureResponse: Number of failure responses for create session request.
• TotalModifySessionFailureResponse: Number of failure responses for modify session request.
• TotalDeleteSessionFailureResponse: Number of failure responses for delete session request.
• TotalAddClassifierFailureResponse: Number of failure responses for add classifier request.
• TotalModifyClassifierFailureResponse: Number of failure responses for modify classifier request.
• TotalDeleteClassifierFailureResponse: Number of failure responses for delete classifier request.
<TotalSuccessResponse>0</ TotalSuccessResponse>
<TotalFailureResponse>0</ TotalFailureResponse>
<TotalResponse>0</ TotalResponse>
<SetMacTranslator>0</ SetMacTranslator>
<TotalQuerySession>0</ TotalQuerySession>
The response to this request follows the ConfiguratonData > NetworkElement tag defined in the
<ConfigurationData version="11.53.0">
The response to this request follows the Command > NetworkElement tag defined in the XSDs.
The response to this request follows the Command > UpdateNetworkElement tag defined in the
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DqosCmtsStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• SessionCount: The number of session requests received.
• SessionSuccessCount: The number of session requests successfully created.
• SessionFailCount: The number of session request failures. For example, this could be due to a policy
denying a request.
• SessionProtocolFailCount: The number of session failures due to an invalid message or parameter.
This count is incremented whenever the MPE determines that an incoming message from the AM
has an invalid message and as a result, the message has to be dropped by the MPE.
• SessionPolicyFailCount: The number of session requests that trigger a policy. This count is
maintained in the MPE, one per policy. When the condition of a policy triggers, the count for that
policy is incremented. The value displayed is a total trigger count, (that is, the sum of this value
for all the policies). For example, if the definition of a policy is defined as, “when the device usage
is greater than 80% of capacity, reject message”. When the MPE executes this policy in response to
a request, if the policy triggers (that is, if the MPE determines that the device usage is > 80%), the
trigger count for that policy is incremented.
The following is an example XML response to a DqosCmtsStats tag request:
The following is an example of a request for all DQoS network elements in the system. This example
returns statistics for each DQoS network element:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DqosNetworkElementStats tag defined in the
Both Name and NeId are returned along with the statistics and actual recorded times for those statistics.
Sample groups are ordered by policy server, network element, available interface, and then by time.
• Name: Unique name identifying the network element for the following statistics.
• NeId: Optional identifier field for the network element.
• InterfaceName: Identifying field for the network element’s Interface.
• SessionCount: Current active sessions for that network element or Interface. This is a
non-cumulative value and is displayed as an absolute.
• SessionSuccessCount: Successful sessions.
• SessionFailCount: Session failures.
• Capacity: The currently defined, maximum capacity for this network element or Interface. This
is a static absolute value defined in the CMP for that object.
The response to this request follows the Statistics > TrafficProfileStats tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of a response for a single policy server:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > ProtocolErrorStats tag defined in the XSDs.
Individual statistics are defined as follows:
• DiameterCommandUnsupported - The request contained a command code that the receiver did
not recognize or support.
• DiameterUnableToDeliver - This error is given when the diameter node cannot deliver the message
to the destination, either because no host within the realm that supports the required application
was available to process the request, or because Destination-Host AVP was given without the
associated Destination-Realm AVP.
• DiameterRealmNotServed - The intended realm of the request is not recognized.
• DiameterTooBusy - The diameter node has too much traffic. When returned, a diameter node
attempts to send the message to an alternate peer.
• DiameterLoopDetected - An agent detected a loop while trying to get the message to the intended
recipient. The message may be sent to an alternate peer if available.
• DiameterRedirectIndication - A redirect agent has determined that the request could not be satisfied
locally and the initiator of the request should direct the request directly to the server, whose contact
information has been added to the response. When set, the Redirect-Host AVP must be present.
• DiameterApplicationUnsupported - A request was sent for an application that is not supported.
• DiameterInvalidHdrBits - A request was received whose bits in the diameter header were either
set to an invalid combination, or to a value that is inconsistent with the command code's definition.
• DiameterInvalidAvpBits - A request was received that included an AVP whose flag bits are set to
an unrecognized value, or that is inconsistent with the AVP's definition.
• DiameterUnknownPeer - A CER was received from an unknown peer.
• DiameterAuthenticationRejected - The authentication process for the user failed, most likely due
to an invalid password used by the user. The user is then prompted for a new password.
• DiameterOutOfSpace - A diameter node received the accounting request but was unable to commit
it to stable storage due to a temporary lack of space.
• ElectionLost - The peer has lost the election process and has disconnected the transport connection.
• DiameterEndUserServiceDenied - The credit-control server denied the service request due to service
restrictions. If the CCR contained used-service-units, they are deducted, if possible.
• DiameterCreditControlNotApplicable - The credit-control server determined that the service can
be granted to the end user, but that no further credit control is needed for the service (for example,
the service is free of charge).
• DiameterCreditLimitReached - The credit-control server denied the service request because the
end user's account could not cover the requested service. If the CCR contained used-service-units,
they are deducted, if possible.
• DiameterAvpUnsupported - The peer received a message that contained an AVP that is not
recognized or supported and was marked with the Mandatory bit.
• DiameterUnknownSessionId - The request contained an unknown Session-Id.
• DiameterAuthorizationRejected - A request was received for which the user could not be authorized.
This error could occur if the requested service is not permitted to the user.
• DiameterInvalidAvpValue - The request contained an AVP with an invalid value in its data portion.
• DiameterMissingAvp - The request did not contain an AVP that is required by the command code
definition. If this value is sent in the Result-Code AVP, a Failed-AVP AVP is included in the message.
• DiameterResourcesExceeded - A request was received that cannot be authorized because the user
has already expended its allowed resources.
• DiameterContradictingAvps - The Home Diameter server has detected AVPs in the request that
contradict each other, and is not willing to provide service to the user.
• DiameterAvpNotAllowed - A message was received with an AVP that cannot be present.
• DiameterAvpOccursTooManyTimes - A message was received that included an AVP that appeared
more often than permitted.
The response to this request follows the Statistics > ConnectionErrorStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• DiameterCommandUnsupported - The request contained a command code that the receiver did
not recognize or support.
• DiameterUnableToDeliver - This error is given when the diameter node cannot deliver the message
to the destination, either because no host within the realm that supports the required application
was available to process the request, or because Destination-Host AVP was given without the
associated Destination-Realm AVP.
• DiameterRealmNotServed - The intended realm of the request is not recognized.
• DiameterTooBusy - The diameter node has too much traffic. When returned, a diameter node
attempts to send the message to an alternate peer.
• DiameterLoopDetected - An agent detected a loop while trying to get the message to the intended
recipient. The message may be sent to an alternate peer if available.
• DiameterRedirectIndication - A redirect agent has determined that the request could not be satisfied
locally and the initiator of the request should direct the request directly to the server, whose contact
information has been added to the response. When set, the Redirect-Host AVP must be present.
The response to this request follows the Statistics > RepicationStats tag defined in the XSDs.
• BoD Server - The name of the BoD server.
• Blade Host Name - The name of the blade on the host server.
• Peer Host Name - Name of the server delegated as a peer.
• Total Sent KB - The total number of packets sent measured in kilobytes.
• Average Sent KB - The average number of packets sent measured in kilobytes.
• Peak Sent KB - The peak number of packets sent measured in kilobytes.
• Total Received KB The total number of packets received measured in kilobytes.
• Average Received KB - The average number of packets received measured in kilobytes.
• Peak Received KB - The peak number of packets received measured in kilobytes.
The following is an example of the ReplicationStats tag:
The following is an example of a request for statistics for Mediation Field Mapping Profile:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > FieldMappingProfile tag defined in the XSDs.
The following is an example of the FieldMappingProfile tag:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > AddFieldMappingProfile tag defined in the
The following is an example of the AddFieldMappingProfile tag:
The response to this request follows the Statistics > UpdateFieldMappingProfile tag defined in the
The following is an example of the UpdateFieldMappingProfile tag:
<Command type="XmlInterfaceResponse">
<Success count="1">Successfully updated 1 match list(s).</Success>
<Failure count="0"></Failure>
The response to this request follows the Statistics > DeleteFieldMappingProfile tag defined in the
The following is an example of the DeleteFieldMappingProfile tag:
<Failure count="0"></Failure>