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International Journal of Mechanical and Production

Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)

ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001
Vol. 7, Issue 6, Dec 2017, 53-62
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd




Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Durgapur, West Bengal, India

Hat section has excellent properties, in bending about its both principal axes. Due to this property, hat section
is generally used to increase the strength of the parent structure. Therefore, hat stiffened structures, finds many
industrial applications like in automobile, airplane, and naval ships. In all such applications, an inherent structure that
finds is a hat stiffened plate. This paper has presented an analysis of diagonally hat stiffened plate structure for the
detection of damage caused due to the breaking of spot weld connections. A transformed section method was used to
model the structure at intact condition and solved by Euler- Bernoulli’s equation to find its natural frequencies.
Similarly a model for damaged hat plate structure was prepared. Using the conjugate beam method, a static deflection
of lumped masses was determined, to solve the matrix equation of motion. Eigen values extracted from the solution and
corresponding natural frequencies were found in the damaged condition. A finite element (FE) model of the hat plate

Original Article
structure was solved by ANSYS package, for both intact and damaged conditions. An experimental modal analysis
(EMA) had conducted to validate the results. A good agreement found among the results from all the three approaches.

KEYWORDS: Hat-Stiffened Plate, Natural Frequencies, Conjugates Beam Method, Modal Analysis & Damage

Received: Sep 19, 2017; Accepted: Oct 09, 2017; Published: Oct 30, 2017; Paper Id.: IJMPERDDEC20175


Hat sections are generally made of rolled steel. It finds very wide and increasing applications in today’s
market. When incorporated to parent structure, it enhances the physical properties of the structure. A hat stiffened
plate is one of the examples where due to hat section, bending strength of the plate is notably increased. A hat
stiffened plate finds applications in various components of automobile like door, floor, bonnet etc. Thus, for
designing the optimum structure a prior choice is given to the hat stiffened plates due to its low weight and high
bending strength. But one issue that surfaces in such applications is the separation of the hat flanges from the plate.
This issue may be solved by properly monitoring the structure. Condition monitoring of the structure can be
reliably done with frequency based vibration analysis. Specifically experimental modal analysis that finds the
modal parameters like frequency, mode shapes and damping, can be used for damage detection.

As the natural frequency is easily possible to measure, it is predominantly used as a diagnostic parameter
for structural health monitoring technique. Cawley and Adams [1] gave a detailed formulation, to detect damage in
a structure using differences between damaged and undamaged resonant frequencies for each mode, in comparison
with finite element results. Many damage models have been developed by the researchers, the most popular among
these is used by Laxmikant Kannappan et.al [2], to identify crack in the cantilever beam. The change in its natural
frequency of the beam is determined before and after damage. Here cracks are modeled as a rotational spring with

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54 Atul V. Karanjkar & Nilotpal Banerjee

stiffness K. When a crack occurs in a beam structure, it causes a reduction in the cross section area of the beam in the
concerned plane. Based on this aspect Nakhaei A. et. al. [3] proposed a model for cracked beam, considering all parameters
and represented it as a stepped cross section beam. Along with natural frequencies (eigen values) eigenvectors can be used
to identify internal defects and cracks in the structure, as shown by Dems K. et. al. [4].

Hat sections are more popular as stiffener to the parent structure. So, hat stiffened plates are studied for the
purpose of numerous investigations like Yetman J. E. et.al. [5] asserted that, the structural integrity of the hat stiffened
plate is mostly governed by disbond between stiffener and the plate, and is the measure of disbond size and location.

Among various solution techniques the finite element (FE) method has received more preference. Tharian M. et.
al. [6] quantified the structural advantages of hat shaped stiffeners, over the commonly used open section stiffeners. For
most of the structure dynamic environment is common. So, the study of their dynamic characteristics is vital to develop
accurate strategies to control the modal vibrations, as explained by Husain N. A. et.al. [7]. Conventional as well as super
finite elements are also used by Shahed J. And Khedmati M [8], to analyze the vibrations of stiffened plate. Prusty G. B.
[9,10] carried out an investigation on free vibration and buckling analyses of laminated composite stiffened shell
structures, with laminated open section (rectangular or ‘T’ shaped) and closed section (‘hat’ shaped) stiffeners. With the
use of ANSYS finite element codes, Siddiqui, H et. al. [11] studied the effect of various parameters, such as boundary
conditions, aspect ratio of non-dimensional frequency parameter of the plate.

The transformed section method has been certainly a more favorable in structural analysis. It is an alternative for
the analysis of complex structures with linearly elastic material. The transformed section method has also been used
successfully in different reinforcing materials, cantilever piezoelectric unimorph and composite members by Elsanadedy H.
M. at.el. [12], A. M. Matos [13] and Hamilton R. et.al. [14]. A great contribution is made by Mohr G. O. to structural
analysis, through a method known as elastic loads or the conjugate beam method is discussed by Rojas A. [16] and
Monforton et.al. [17]. An experimental modal analysis [18] has found most reliable and non destructive technique, for
damage detection of hat stiffened plate.

The above review of various literatures on vibration analysis of stiffened plate reveals that the concerned work is
carried out most preferably with the finite element method. To deal with huge calculations is difficult unless the use of any
suitable commercial software package. This may lead to more cost incurred for large and complex structures. So it
becomes essential also to have a conventional method based vibration analysis. In this paper a hat section stiffened plate is
analyzed for the separation of the stiffener flange from the plate due to cracking of the spot welds which is termed as
damage hereafter. The cross section of the intact structure is represented using the transformed section method and then
Eular-Burnaulli’s equation is used to determine its natural frequencies. When damage is introduced, the section of the
model is again defined by transformed section method. This transformed section model is analyzed using conjugate beam
method to find the static deflection of the specified lumped masses. A matrix equation is solved to obtain the natural
frequencies for damaged condition. The change in frequency magnitude due to the damage has assured the viability of
approach. Finite element (FE) method and experimental modal analysis is also used for validation purpose of the proposed


A diagonally hat stiffened plate (300 x 300 mm) as shown in Figure1 is taken for free vibration analysis. The plate

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A Frequency based Free Vibration Analysis of a Hat Stiffened Plate for Identification of the Damage 55

and stiffener are having same thickness and material. The flanges of the stiffener are joined to the plate by spot weld joints
applied at centre and 75 mm apart from each other along the flange Length. Thus total 10 spot welds are applied.
Transformed section method consists of transforming the cross section of a complex structure into an equivalent cross
section of an imaginary beam made of a same material. This imaginary beam with transformed cross section is analyzed by
one of the suitable beam theories. Thus the results obtained are said to be applicable for the original structure. The hat
section channel has sectional dimensions as shown in Figure 2 and hat stiffened plate properties are given in Table 1.

Figure 1: Hat Stiffened Plate Model

Figure 2: Hat Cross Section of the Stiffener

Table 1: Hat Stiffened Plate Properties

Sr. No. Parameter Value
1 Distance of CG from flat face of plate 3.4 mm
2 Moment of inertia 5475 mm4
3. Young’s Modulus (E) 200GPa
4. Material Density (ρ) 7850 Kg/ m3
5. Poison’s Ratio (v) 0.3

To have the transformed section of structure, its neutral axis position and moment resisting capacity must be same
as original section. The position of the neutral axis is found by equating net force acting on the cross section to zero.
Letting suffix 1 for denoting original and 2 for denoting transformed section,

+ =0 (1)

Where, = Bending stress in cross section and = Area of cross section

Using flexural equation for beam,

+ =0 (2)

Here, , = Young’s modulus of original section and transformed section respectively

= Distance of fiber from the neutral axis.

Secondly, from the moment resisting capacity ( ),

( )= ( ) >> = (3)

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56 Atul V. Karanjkar & Nilotpal Banerjee

For the same material as well as same distance of farthest fiber from neutral axis,

= (4)

, = Moment of Inertia (M. I.) of Original and transformed section respectively.

Here, in transformed section, plate is considered of average cross section area having same thickness and moment
of inertia as of an original plate (Figure3).

Figure 3: Orthographic Views of Transformed Beam Model for Intact Condition

According to Euler- Bernoulli’s equation, the free vibration of transformed section beam is,

∁ ", # + ", # = 0 (5)

! $

Where, ∁ = % (6)

Putting the initial conditions as,

when t=0, ) ", # = )* " and ", # = )! + " (7)


and solving the governing equation for the natural frequencies of the beam we get,

& &
, = - % = -. % (8)
'( '(/

For the simple support condition, -0 . = 12, )ℎ454 1 = 1,2,3, …

Equation (8) gives the natural frequencies for the intact condition.

Now consider damaged condition as both spot welds of one of the stiffener ends are sheared off. Being separated
plate and hat stiffener are not in firm contact in damaged portion, vibrates independently (neglecting rubbing action). Let
the neutral axis position been unchanged. Also, weight of the separated portion of the hat stiffener is supposed to act at the
nearest spot welds. Thus the model of the structure is now become like a stepped beam with a step at distance l1=287 mm
from end A or distance l2= 137 mm from end B as shown in Figure4. Change in M. I. at step is I to 0.16I.

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A Frequency based Free Vibration Analysis of a Hat Stiffened Plate for Identification of the Damage 57

Figure 4: Orthographic Views of Transformed Beam Model for Damaged Condition

The stepped beam is assumed as lumped mass system. The hat stiffened plate is equally divided into four parts
along the stiffener as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Division of Plate into Four Parts and Lumped Masses with their Locations

Initially the magnitude (m1, m2, m3, and m4) and distances from point A (l1, l2, l3, and l4) of lumped masses are
determined. A conjugate beam method is used to find the static deflections uij of mass mi at location li (i,j = 1,2,3,4), when
a unit force Wj is applied at location lj. Thus, all flexibility coefficients uij are determined and flexibility matrix is
formulated. Let a and b be the distances of unit load W, from points A and B, respectively. Loading diagrams for conjugate
beam have been shown in Figures 6-8.

Figure 6a: Actual loading diagram for beam (a < l1) Figure 6b: Actual loading diagram for beam (a > l1)

Figure 7a: Bending Moment (BM) Diagram (a < l1) Figure 7b: Bending Moment (BM) Diagram (a >l1)

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58 Atul V.
V Karanjkar & Nilotpal Banerjee

Figure 8a: Loading Diagram of Conjugate Beam (a < l1) ( > l1)
Figure 8b: Loading Diagram of Conjugate Beam (a

Putting flexibility coefficients matrix A and Mass matrix M in equation of motion,

: ;:"< ; + :=;:"; = 0 (9)

Multiplying by :=;> we get, :=;

: > : ;:"< ; + : ;:"; = 0 (10)

Where :=;> :=; = : ; and ::= ;> : ; = :C;, a dynamic matrix

Now letting the solution of the form, " = EFG1,# ∴ "< = D, EFG1,# = D EFG1,# (11)

Where? = , then matrix equation becomes, :C;:E; D ?: ;:E; = 0 or J:C; D ?:: ;K:E;
; =0 (12)

The solution of the above equation is obtained by putting its determinant equal to zero.

|C D ? | = 0 (13)

This Equation 13 gives the required natural frequencies for the damaged condition.


A software package Pro/ENGINEER is used to generate a geometric model (Figure

Figure8) of hat stiffened plate. This
model is browsed in ANSYSR15 workbench and spot weld connections are applied at the specified locations. The
boundary conditions
tions are applied at four corners of the plate. Using the modal tool the model is solved by finite element
method to obtain natural frequencies for the intact condition

For the damaged condition, both the sheared off spot weld connections are suppressed. This model is again solved
to obtain natural frequencies for the damaged condition.
condition Thus the natural frequencies for the intact and damaged hat
stiffened pate have been used for the validation purpose.

Figure 8: Geometric Model of Hat Stiffened Plate Figure 9: Modal Test using FFT Analyzer

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A Frequency based Free Vibration Analysis of a Hat Stiffened Plate for Identification of the Damage 59


A square thin plate & hat stiffener both made of steel sheet of thickness 0.4mm is prepared and assembled using
sheet metal processes. Here a stiffener is not allowed to merge with the edges of plate, as it reduces the stiffness of plate.
Each side flange of the hat stiffener is joined to the plate by 5 equally spaced and approximately 7 mm diameter spot welds
applied between them. Thus a notablee increment in the strength of the plate is assured due to 10 spot welds applied
between plate and stiffener.

Now to apply the simple support at the four corners of the plate, it is held by two separate non-elastic & light
weight cord.. Both ends of one cord are joined one diagonal ends of square plate whereas another cord is joined to the
remaining diagonal ends. Thus when suspended, both the cords cross over each other at pivot as shown in Figure9. To
determine the natural frequencies of the hat stiffened plate,
plate it is decided to carry out an experimental modal analysis, for
the measurement and analysis of the vibrations an OROS 3-Series/ NVGate. Fast fourier transform (FFT)
( analyzer set up is
used. A tiny piezoelectric accelerometer is selected and placed at the centre on flat side of the plate. A single input and
single output (SISO) method of excitation is used for exciting the structure. From the frequency response plots (FRP), as an
output of FFT analyzer, the frequencies corresponding to initial consecutive picks is obtained as modal frequencies for
further assessment.

To introduce the damage both spot welds on one of the ends of stiffener are sheared off. And the above modal test
procedure is repeated. Thus from the new FRP
FR for damaged spot weld condition of the stiffened plate,
plate initial natural
frequencies are obtained again.


Three approaches viz. analytical. FEM and EMA are used to find the natural frequenc
requencies of hat stiffened plate
assembly for damage detection. Initially the intact structure is considered to have a transformed section. Applying Eular-
Burnaulli’s equation to intact hat stiffened plate
p has given initial natural frequencies of flexural vibrations,
vibrations as shown in
Table2. Now, the solution to the matrix equation for linear un-damped
un system is solved, to obtain the natural frequencies
for damaged condition, as given in Table 2. It has been found that, there is a decrement
ment in the natural frequencies due to the
occurrence of damage. The difference between the natural frequencies increases with the mode
mo number. After third mode,
an absurd result has been observed. This may be due to the coupled flexural and tosional modes,
modes at higher frequencies.

A numerical method using ANSYS software package also rendered the results,
results for the intact and damaged hat
stiffened plate structure, are given in the Table2.

Figure 9: Intact Model (1st Mode) Figure 10: Damaged Model (1st Mode)

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60 Atul V. Karanjkar & Nilotpal Banerjee

Here, also damage has caused the reduction in the natural frequency at each mode and thus validates analytical
method. The deformed shapes at particular modes are shown in the Figure 9 for the intact model and Figure10 for the
damaged model. In case of both the conditions it can be observed that, at the higher modes, torsional vibrations become
more dominants as compared to flexural one.

Figure 11: Frequency Response Plot for Figure 12: Frequency Response Plot for
Intact Stiffened Plate Damaged Stiffened Plate

Now the experimental modal analysis of hat stiffened plate (0.4 mm thin) for both intact and damaged conditions
had rendered the results in the form of frequency response plots. Natural frequencies for each condition were obtained by
identifying the consecutive pick occurred in the respective FRPs. Both the FRPs are shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12. The
natural frequencies extracted from FRP for intact and damaged conditions are mentioned in Table 2. The decrement in the
modal frequencies was related to the separation of stiffener from the plate due to transverse cracking of the weld joints. As
the structure was light in weight, it was essential to use accelerometer as tiny as possible.

Table 2: Comparison of the Results Obtained from Analytical, Finite Element and Experimental Modal Analysis
for the 0.4 mm thin hat Stiffened Plate for Intact and Damaged Conditions
Modal Frequencies Modal Frequencies Modal Frequencies (Hzs.)
Mode Nos. (Hzs.) Obtained from (Hzs.) Obtained from Obtained from Experimental
Analytical Method. Finite Element Method Modal Analysis
Intact Damaged Intact Damaged Intact Damaged
1 9.04 7 10.598 7.9957 9.5 6.5
2 36 11 43.214 41.977 37.5 12.5
3 84.38 34.67 97.741 74.108 87.5 37.5
4 144 159 145.73 133.59 150 75


Damage of the hat stiffened plate is been identified using the free vibration analysis. The results obtained from
analytical, finite element and experimental modal analysis shows that, the natural frequencies of hat stiffened plates with
intact and damaged conditions are a function of spot weld cracking. The change in the physical properties, due to spot weld
cracking has decreased the global stiffness of the plate and hence, the natural frequencies also. The transformed section
method is successfully used, to analyze hat stiffened type complex structure. The mathematical model for the damage has
been developed; by considering it as a change in the cross section The mathematical model for the damage has been
developed by considering a change in cross section of the structure. This structure with varying cross section is solved by
convenient method, like conjugate beam method.. A software package, for finite element analysis, ANSYS, has reliably
solved the model for both intact and damaged conditions. An experimental modal analysis (EMA) can be used, as one of
the NDT methods, for damage detection in structures, provided it needs careful interpretation. While experimentation,

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A Frequency based Free Vibration Analysis of a Hat Stiffened Plate for Identification of the Damage 61

coincidently, same frequency occurs for intact and damaged models also. The remedy to this confusion is to note the mode
number. Only initial modes are required to detect change in the physical properties like stiffness.


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