Development of Virtual Laboratories Materials Eubacteria Biology in Learning
Development of Virtual Laboratories Materials Eubacteria Biology in Learning
Development of Virtual Laboratories Materials Eubacteria Biology in Learning
FPMIPATI University PGRI Semarang,50124, Indonesia
Virtual laboratory (virtual lab) is one of the flagship product results and laboratory information technology advances,
given the virtual lab contained in the blend between the development of computer software that is designed to represent
an alternative to the laboratory so that it can be implemen ted practical implementation directly. Applying the principle
of classification to classify archaebacteria and eubacteria based on the characteristics and shape through rigorous and
systematic observation, selected materials on the Gram staining process in bacteria which aims to find groups of
bacteria including Gram Positive or Negative groups are important in the classification process through a virtual the lab.
The learning process, it is possible that the virtual lab is also used as a means to internalize the values of character. This
research aims to produce instructional media virtual biology lab oriented form of character building through the
development process. The research method is a research and development refers to the flow of Borg and Gall (1989).
The results of this research that is the use of virtual media lab test results postal value increased compared to pre-test,
but the analysis of N-gain is still quite low at 0.2. Character discipline and cooperation is good categories.
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The correction results of the product that tested once. The objective formula used
are planned, then it tested in the limited the formula KR 21 as follows:
scope or small classes, for example, one
of Semarang high school.
e. The Second Revision Specification:
The result of limited test is used to k: the item number
correct the virtual media lab that are M: average total score
planned. So, it is used to do the trial in Vt: total Variance
large scale. r11: Reliability Instruments
f. The Large Scale Trial
In the large-scale trial, the virtual media r11 value obtained were compared with
lab is tested to aim for getting rtable. If R11> rtable test item will be
theinformation about the effect of that reliable and it can be used as the instrumet
virtual media lab to get character research.
buildings and the result of students’ c. Feasibility of Virtual Media Lab
learning. To determine the feasibility of virtual
1.4. The Data Analysis media lab analysis performed in this
a. Validity study by the formula:
To produce the learning set and a valid
observation instrument that is performed
the content and construct validation. The Criteria:
validation is done by involving the 83.5-100% = very feasible
proffesional experts in their field. 63.5 to 83% = worth
44.5 to 63% = less feasible
25-44% = worthless
d. Character Analysis and Study Result
To determine the extent of the
effectiveness of using the virtual media
lab for the character and the students’
(Arikunto, 2002)
study result, then the calculation is done
with the g-factor (N-gains).
rxy = correlation coefficient between x
and y
N = number of students
x = the item score Specification:
y = total score item Spost = post-test scores
Spre = pre-test scores
The value of rxy obtained were Smax = maximum score
compared with rtable. If rxy> rtabel the
item will be valid and it can be used as Gain level criteria are:
the instrument of the research. g ≤ 0.30: Low
0.30 <g ≤ 0.70: being
b. Reliability
The reability measurement was 0.70 <g: high
conducted to determine the accuracy of
the instrument evaluation to measure the
accuracy of the students answer that
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introduction of bacteria for classification / lab and outside the classroom / lab. Wide
purposes dipelukan materials such as crystal scale test results show that student learning
violet (primary stain), lugol solution (to fix the outcomes have not been significant. This
crystal violet in the cell wall), ethyl alcohol, condition is indicated by the results of the
acetone, alcohol 96% (for decolorization), Air analysis of N-gain value is 0.2, which means
fukhsin or safranin (contrast staining) are not still low, but seen from the results of the pre-
cheap price, then the virtual media lab be an test and post-test scores increased from 3055
alternative solution. into 3191 scores.
Figure 2 Main Structure in the Outer Cell Wall The effect of using virtual media
(Anonymous, 1995) laboratory to the value of the student's
character, indicates the character of discipline
Anatomical conditions bacteria can be and responsibility can be increased. It can be
displayed in the virtual media lab clearly so as seen from the
to attract the students to learn the material behavior of students who increasingly
better than before. The characters that will be understand the rules in carrying out practical
developed in the media is the responsibility of, activities and cooperate with friends in the
care in observation and experimentation and group more visible.
collaboration in accordance Core Competency
2 Living and practicing honest behavior,
discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual
assistance, cooperation, tolerance, peace),
polite, responsive and proactive and
demonstrate behaviors as part of the solution to
various problems in interacting effectively
with the social and natural environment as well
as in placing itself as a reflection of the nation Figure 3. Initial View Virtual Laboratory
in the association world. 2.1 Basic
competency. Scientific behave: conscientious,
diligent, honest fit the data and facts,
discipline, responsibility, and care in
observation and experimentation, daring and
polite in asking questions and arguing, caring
environment, mutual cooperation,
collaboration, peace-loving, argue
scientifically and critically , responsive and
proactive in every action and in making
observations and experiments in the classroom
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