1 s2.0 S1936878X12005359 Main
1 s2.0 S1936878X12005359 Main
1 s2.0 S1936878X12005359 Main
9, 2012
O B J E C T I V E S The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence and distribution of coronary
artery calcium (CAC) across Framingham Risk Score (FRS) strata and therefore determine FRS levels at which
asymptomatic, young to early middle-age individuals could potentially benefit from CAC screening.
B A C K G R O U N D High CAC burden is associated with increased risk of coronary events beyond the
FRS. Expert panel recommendations for CAC screening are based on data obtained in middle-age and
older individuals.
M E T H O D S We included 2,831 CARDIA (Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults) study
participants with an age range of 33 to 45 years. The number needed to screen ([NNS] number of people
in each FRS stratum who need to be screened to detect 1 person with a CAC score above the specified
cut point) was used to assess the yield of screening for CAC. CAC prevalence was compared across FRS
strata using a chi-square test.
R E S U L T S CAC scores ⬎0 and ⱖ100 were present in 9.9% and 1.8% of participants, respectively. CAC
prevalence and amount increased across higher FRS strata. A CAC score ⬎0 was observed in 7.3%, 20.2%,
19.1%, and 44.8% of individuals with FRSs of 0 to 2.5%, 2.6% to 5%, 5.1% to 10%, and ⬎10%, respectively
(NNS ⫽ 14, 5, 5, and 2, respectively). A CAC score of ⱖ100 was observed in 1.3%, 2.4%, and 3.5% of those
with FRSs of 0 to 2.5%, 2.6% to 5%, and 5.1% to 10%, respectively (NNS ⫽ 79, 41, and 29, respectively),
but in 17.2% of those with an FRS ⬎10% (NNS ⫽ 6). Similar trends were observed when findings were
stratified by sex and race.
From the *Division of Cardiology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan; and the †Departments of
Preventive Medicine and Medicine, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois. Work was
supported (or partially supported) by contracts from University of Alabama at Birmingham, Coordinating Center, N01-HC-
95095; University of Alabama at Birmingham, Field Center, N01-HC-48047; University of Minnesota, Field Center and Diet
Reading Center (Year 20 Exam), N01-HC-48048; Northwestern University, Field Center, N01-HC-48049; Kaiser
Foundation Research Institute, N01-HC-48050; University of California, Irvine, Echocardiography Reading Center (Year 5 &
10), N01-HC-45134; Harbor-UCLA Research Education Institute, Computed Tomography Reading Center (Year 15 Exam),
N01-HC-05187; Wake Forest University (Year 20 Exam), N01-HC-45205; New England Medical Center (Year 20 Exam),
N01-HC-45204 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. All authors have reported that they have no relationships
relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose.
Manuscript received October 3, 2011; revised manuscript received January 2, 2012, accepted January 20, 2012.
924 Okwuosa et al. JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. 5, NO. 9, 2012
AC is associated with an increased risk of In the younger to early middle-age asymptomatic
coronary heart disease (CHD) events and biracial cohort of the CARDIA (Coronary Artery
provides incremental risk prediction be- Risk Development in Young Adults) study, we
yond the Framingham Risk Score (FRS) sought to ascertain the prevalence and distribution
(1). Coronary artery calcium (CAC) increases with of CAC across Framingham risk categories, strati-
age and is associated with traditional risk factor fied by sex and race. These associations can then
burden. In addition, higher CAC burden (CAC form the basis for determining the yield of CAC
score ⱖ100) carries a greater risk of CHD events screening, and therefore the FRS ranges for which
(1), and compared with traditional cardiovascular CAC scoring might be beneficial in risk assessment.
risk factors alone, CAC scoring improves risk clas- Findings from this study may facilitate further risk
sification for the prediction of CHD events (2). stratification for young, asymptomatic individuals
predicted to be at low or intermediate 10-year risk
See page 931 by age and traditional risk factors.
Body mass index was calculated by dividing weight test was used to compare the prevalence of CAC
in kilograms by the square of the height in meters. categories across FRS 10-year risk strata for the
The CARDIA study physical activity history ques- participants included in this study, then after strat-
tionnaire was used to assess physical activity, which ification by sex and race. All analyses performed for
was coded as exercise units (18). Venous blood the current study (CARDIA year 15 examination;
samples were obtained from participants after a age range, 33 to 45 years) were also repeated in
12-h fast. Plasma triglycerides and total and high- secondary analyses using data from the CARDIA
density lipoprotein cholesterol were determined year 20 examination (age range, 38 to 50 years).
using an enzymatic assay by Northwest Lipids NNS was defined as the number of people who
Research Laboratory (Seattle, Washington). Low- need to be screened to identify 1 individual with a
density lipoprotein cholesterol was then derived CAC score above the pre-specified CAC cut point
using the Friedewald equation (19). in each FRS category. It was calculated by dividing
Agatston CAC measurement and scoring were the total number of participants by the number of
previously described (20). The presence of CAC people with a CAC score ⬎0 (or ⱖ100) in each
was defined as having a positive, nonzero Agatston FRS stratum. The CAC amount was represented
score determined from the average of 2 scans. by median CAC scores in FRS groups.
Because of the young age of the participants, each
scan set with at least 1 nonzero score was reviewed
and verified by an expert investigator who was
blinded to the scan scores. There was reasonable Baseline characteristics. Our study sample consisted
agreement between scans (kappa ⫽ 0.79, with only of a total of 2,832 black and white participants
3.6% discordance). For this study, CAC scores were (mean age, 40.3 years [range, 33 to 45 years]; 53%
categorized as ⬎0 or ⱖ100. The prevalence of women). With the exception of body mass index
advanced CAC (CAC score ⱖ300 or 400) was too and some measures of socioeconomic status, there
low in this cohort because of the younger age of the were significant differences in most of the tradi-
participants. As such, we made use of a lower cut tional risk factors (including FRS) between those
point (CAC score ⱖ100, previously shown to be with a CAC score of 0 versus a CAC score ⬎0 and
associated with increased risk of CHD events) (1) a CAC score ⬍100 versus a CAC score ⱖ100
in our definition of high CAC burden. Concurrent (Table 1). Race and physical activity were significantly
FRS 10-year risk of CHD was calculated and different for the CAC score of 0 versus ⬎0 categories,
stratified as follows: 0 to 2.5%, 2.6% to 5%, 5.1% to but not CAC score ⬍100 versus ⱖ100 categories.
10%, and ⬎10%. Further stratification of FRS Ninety percent of individuals with a CAC score ⱖ100
categories for those with an FRS ⬎10% would not and an FRS ⬎10% smoked, so that cigarette smoking
have been meaningful due to the relative youth and was the prevalent cardiovascular risk factor among this
therefore low-risk composition of our study cohort. subset of our study population.
Statistical analysis. All analyses were performed us- Of 1,501 women in our study, 76 had a CAC
ing SAS software, version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, score ⬎0. Of these, 66 were premenopausal and 10
North Carolina). A 2-tailed p value ⬍0.05 was were post-menopausal (data not shown). Among
considered statistically significant. The Framing- pre-menopausal women, 4.9% had the presence of
ham 10-year risk estimates for all participants were any CAC versus 6.2% of postmenopausal women
calculated using the risk prediction functions from (p ⫽ 0.45 for comparison of CAC prevalence
the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult between the 2 groups).
Treatment Panel III guidelines (17) based on an Distribution of CAC prevalence, amount, and NNS
update from the Framingham methodology re- compared across FRS strata. Table 2 shows the distri-
ported by Wilson et al. (21). The covariates in- bution of CAC scores ⬎0 and ⱖ100 across FRS
cluded in the FRS calculation were age, total and strata. Overall, CAC scores ⬎0 and ⱖ100 were
high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, current present in 9.9% and 1.8% of participants, respectively.
smoking status, systolic blood pressure, and the use Among individuals with CAC, median CAC scores
of antihypertensive medication. Baseline character- increased with higher FRS. As expected, the preva-
istics were compared according to FRS 10-year risk lence of CAC scores ⬎0 and ⱖ100 increased across
strata and by CAC categories using general linear greater FRS strata (Fig. 1) (both p for trend ⬍0.01).
models for continuous variables and cross- Consequently, the NNS (signifying the number of
tabulations for categorical variables. A chi-square individuals who need to be screened to detect 1 person
926 Okwuosa et al. JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. 5, NO. 9, 2012
Characteristics 0 (n ⴝ 2,553) >0 (n ⴝ 279) p Value <100 (n ⴝ 2,781) >100 (n ⴝ 51) p Value
Age, yrs 40.1 ⫾ 3.6 42 ⫾ 3.1 ⬍0.01 40.2 ⫾ 3.6 43.1 ⫾ 2.6 ⬍0.01
Female, % 56 27.2 ⬍0.01 53.6 27.5 ⬍0.01
Black race, % 45.8 34.4 ⬍0.01 44.9 33.3 0.10
SBP, mm Hg 112.4 ⫾ 14.1 118.5 ⫾ 16.1 ⬍0.01 112.9 ⫾ 14.3 120.8 ⫾ 18.4 ⬍0.01
DBP, mm Hg 74.1 ⫾ 11.1 78.1 ⫾ 12.6 ⬍0.01 74.4 ⫾ 11.2 81.4 ⫾ 14.7 ⬍0.01
Total cholesterol, mg/dl 183.8 ⫾ 34.3 198.4 ⫾ 40.6 ⬍0.01 185.0 ⫾ 34.9 199.6 ⫾ 50.6 ⬍0.01
HDL, mg/dl 51.1 ⫾ 14.3 46.1 ⫾ 14.3 ⬍0.01 50.7 ⫾ 14.3 45.9 ⫾ 15.8 0.02
LDL, mg/dl 112.3 ⫾ 30.6 127 ⫾ 37.8 ⬍0.01 113.5 ⫾ 31.4 125.4 ⫾ 43.9 0.01
Current smoking, % 19.3 32.3 ⬍0.01 20.2 39.2 ⬍0.01
Hypertension treatment, % 6.0 11.1 ⬍0.01 6.4 11.8 0.12
Lipid treatment, % 1.7 4.7 ⬍0.01 1.8 11.8 ⬍0.01
Family history of heart attack, % 19.6 26.9 ⬍0.01 19.9 45.1 ⬍0.01
FRS, % 1.3 ⫾ 2.5 3.5 ⫾ 4.8 ⬍0.01 1.4 ⫾ 2.7 5.2 ⫾ 6.9 ⬍0.01
BMI, kg/m2 28.3 ⫾ 6.2 28.7 ⫾ 5.9 0.28 28.3 ⫾ 6.2 28.2 ⫾ 6.3 0.88
Physical activity (intensity score) 352 ⫾ 282.8 403.4 ⫾ 310.8 ⬍0.01 357.0 ⫾ 285.6 365.6 ⫾ 314.3 0.83
Education, % 0.01 0.14
Less than high school 0.3 0.7 0.3 2.0
High school 20.1 28 20.7 27.5
College 58 51.3 57.4 52.9
Graduate school 21.7 20.1 21.6 17.7
Marital status: married, % 54.3 50.9 0.29 54.0 52.9 0.89
Income, % 0.38 0.29
⬍$25,000 14 16.3 14.0 21.6
$25,000–$50,000 24.2 27.1 24.6 15.7
$50,000–$75,000 23.2 20.2 22.9 21.6
⬎$75,000 38.7 36.5 38.4 41.2
Health insurance, % 87.8 85.7 0.30 87.7 86.3 0.77
Values are mean ⫾ SD or %. Baseline refers to CARDIA year 15 examinations.
BMI ⫽ body mass index; CAC ⫽ coronary artery calcium; DBP ⫽ diastolic blood pressure; FRS ⫽ Framingham Risk Score; HDL ⫽ high-density lipoprotein; LDL ⫽ low-density lipoprotein;
SBP ⫽ systolic blood pressure.
with a CAC score ⬎0 [or ⱖ100]) decreased with a When data were stratified by sex, the general
higher FRS. In each CAC category, the NNS was pattern of distribution of CAC scores ⬎0 and
higher for lower than higher FRS strata (Table 2). For ⱖ100 across FRS strata remained the same, with a
example, among those with a CAC score of ⱖ100, the higher prevalence of CAC scores ⬎0 and ⱖ100
NNS was 79 for participants with an FRS of 0 to 2.5% across FRS strata (Table 3). The prevalence of
and 6 for those with an FRS ⬎10%. CAC scores ⬎0 and ⱖ100 was higher in men than
Table 2. CAC Prevalence, Amount, and NNS Compared With FRS Categories (N ⴝ 2,832)
FRS Categories
We report the prevalence of CAC scores ⬎0 and Estimated 10-year FRS Categories
ⱖ100 relative to FRS strata in a cohort of young to
Figure 1. CAC Score Compared With FRS
early middle-age black and white men and women
without diabetes. There was significant concor- Prevalence of coronary artery calcium (CAC) scores ⬎0 and ⱖ100 compared across
10-year Framingham Risk Score (FRS) strata in the CARDIA study. There was signifi-
dance between CAC prevalence/amount and FRS cant concordance between CAC prevalence/amount and FRS such that prevalence of
such that the prevalence of CAC scores ⬎0 and CAC scores ⬎0 and ⱖ100 were low in the lower FRS strata and increased with
ⱖ100 and median CAC scores were low in the higher FRSs.
lower FRS strata and increased with higher FRSs.
Correspondingly, the NNS to detect CAC scores
⬎0 or ⱖ100 was lower with higher FRSs. Findings persons who will have events into the high-risk
were similar when stratified by sex and race. category (2). In addition, CAC is useful for guiding
Potential implications. The FRS is a useful tool for and monitoring effects of therapy and for motivat-
predicting coronary events, but fails to identify a ing patients in lifestyle and/or drug therapy for
significant number of individuals who will have cardiovascular risk factor modification (4). As such,
events (22,23). Clinical trial data showing reduced CAC testing is a topic of discussion for different
event rates due to CAC screening are lacking. consensus panels.
Nevertheless, recent data showed that compared In defining FRS thresholds for CAC screening,
with no CAC testing, randomization to CAC expert panels have generally focused on individuals
screening was associated with improved coronary 50 years of age and older and differ in their
artery disease risk factor control without increased recommendations for what constitutes a reasonable
downstream medical testing (24). In addition, FRS threshold at which to screen for CAC (1,3– 6).
CAC predicts CHD events independent of the In the current study, we attempted to determine
FRS (1,23) and appropriately reclassifies low-risk FRS thresholds at which screening for the presence
Table 3. CAC Prevalence and Amount Compared With FRS Categories, Stratified by Sex (N ⴝ 2,832)
FRS Categories
Table 4. CAC Prevalence and Amount Compared With FRS Categories, Stratified by Race (N ⴝ 2,832)
FRS Categories
of CAC, and especially a high CAC burden, might with 2.6% to 5% and ⬃2-fold for FRSs of 2.6% to
be useful in young to early middle-age individuals 5% versus 0 to 2.5%. Putting our findings in context,
based on distribution of CAC by FRS strata. it should be noted that in the MASS (Multicentre
Compared with the presence of any CAC, a high Aneurysm Screening Study) (28), which used abdom-
CAC burden (CAC score ⱖ100) has been associ- inal ultrasound to evaluate the benefit of screening for
ated with greater risk (⬎2-fold and as high as a abdominal aortic aneurysms, the NNS to prevent 1
7-fold increase in multivariable-adjusted relative death secondary to abdominal aortic aneurysm was
risk) for CHD events (1,6,25,26). We therefore 20.4 among those screened.
focus our discussion for the current study on deter- The prevalence and NNS data from our study
mining possible FRS screening thresholds for CAC suggest a low yield of screening for CAC scores
scores ⱖ100. ⱖ100 in those young individuals identified as being
We used the NNS as a tool to aid our prevalence at lower 10-year risk of CHD events (FRSs ⱕ10%).
data in determining potential thresholds for CAC Thus, in this population, an FRS of 10% might
screening across FRS strata. The NNS is an exten- represent a logical threshold for CAC screening in
sion of the concept of the number needed to treat younger adults. This is in agreement with some
and is typically defined as the number of people consensus guidelines (1,3) that suggest that persons
who need to be screened to prevent 1 death or 1 at intermediate 10-year risk of CHD events (FRSs
adverse event (27). As in a previous study by our of 10% to 20%) are more likely to benefit from
group (8), we defined the NNS as the number of screening for CAC to aid further risk factor inter-
people who need to be screened to detect 1 person ventions, especially in situations in which there is
with CAC above a specified cut point in each FRS uncertainty regarding the use of drug therapy.
stratum. The prevalence and NNS data from our According to the guidelines, those with an FRS
previous study (of multiethnic men and women 45 ⬎20% are considered to be at high risk of CHD
to 84 years of age) suggested a low yield of screen- events and should be appropriately managed with
ing for clinically significant levels of CAC in drug therapy and lifestyle modifications (17). Also
individuals with an FRS ⱕ5%. in support of expert panels (1,6), our study suggests
In the current study, the prevalence of CAC that decisions regarding CAC measurement should
scores ⱖ100 was low (⬍5%) among all FRS pre- be made in the context of traditional cardiovascular
dicted strata ⬍10%, and considerably higher (⬃17%) risk factors rather than in isolation. As such, data
in those with an FRS ⬎10%. Correspondingly, the from our study support the avoidance of radiation
NNS was much higher (NNS ⬎28) in participants exposure, discovery of incidental findings requiring
with an FRS of 0 to 2.5%, 2.6% to 5%, and 5.1% to follow-up computed tomography scans, as well as
10% compared with those with an FRS ⬎10% time, money, and effort spent on CAC measure-
(NNS ⫽ 6). Furthermore, the relative difference in ment for clinical guidance in young, low-risk pa-
NNS for CAC scores ⱖ100 was reasonably high tients with an FRS ⬍10%.
(5-fold) for FRSs ⬎10% versus 5.1% to 10%. This Other findings. Consistent with other studies, strat-
relative difference for adjacent FRS strata was much ification by sex and race revealed the prevalence and
less (1.4-fold) for FRSs of 5.1% to 10% compared amount of CAC to be higher in men than in
JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. 5, NO. 9, 2012 Okwuosa et al. 929
SEPTEMBER 2012:923–30 Yield of CAC Screening in Early Middle-Age Adults
women and CAC prevalence to be higher in whites U.S. young adults. For the same reason, there were
compared with blacks (29 –33). Contrary to expec- fewer participants with a CAC score of ⱖ100 in
tations, however, median CAC scores were higher each FRS category when stratified by sex and race.
in black than in white participants, likely due to the Finally, we did not separate the intermediate FRS
skewed distribution of data as a result of fewer (10% to 20%) from the high FRS (⬎20%) risk
participants in the higher FRS categories. Because groups because, of 58 individuals with an FRS
of the young age of the cohort, we did not stratify ⬎10% in this young cohort, only 6 persons had an
our data by age. Not surprisingly in this young FRS ⬎20% (3 of whom had the presence of any
cohort, cigarette smoking was the most predomi- CAC).
nant risk factor among those with CAC scores of
ⱖ100 and FRSs ⬎10%. This represents individuals
already at higher risk of CHD/cardiovascular dis- CONCLUSIONS
ease events based on FRS for whom smoking
cessation should be emphasized as a modifiable risk In this young to early middle-age nondiabetic,
factor, especially if CAC screening revealed signif- asymptomatic cohort, there was concordance be-
icant CAC burden. tween CAC prevalence/amount and FRS strata.
Study limitations. The very low number of CHD Our study suggests that in this group of relatively
events in this young cohort to date precluded young individuals, the yield of screening for high
validation of our suggested FRS cut points for CAC CAC burden (CAC score ⱖ100) among low-risk
screening using event data. Furthermore, due to the persons with an FRS of ⱕ10% is low. However,
relative youth of our cohort, we had few participants CAC testing might be considered in younger per-
with high CAC burden. As such, we used a lower sons with an FRS of ⱖ10%.
cut point for high CAC burden (CAC score ⱖ100)
Reprint requests and correspondence: Dr. Donald M.
and could not examine NNS and FRS distributions Lloyd-Jones, Department of Preventive Medicine and
relative to advanced CAC burden (CAC scores Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute, Northwestern Univer-
ⱖ300 or 400). Our study, however, is likely repre- sity, 680 North Lake Shore Drive, Suite 1400, Chicago,
sentative of the distribution of CAC burden among Illinois 60611. E-mail: [email protected].
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