HF 1
HF 1
HF 1
Corresponding author: Eric J. Chow, though CHF risk predictors exist for the general
MD, MPH, Fred Hutchinson Cancer INTRODUCTION
older adult population14-16 and have been recently
Research Center, PO Box 19024,
M4-C308, Seattle, WA 98109; e-mail: There are now more than 400,000 childhood cancer reported for patients with breast cancer,17 given the
[email protected]. survivors in the United States,1 and cardiovascular increased incidence of CHF among adolescent and
© 2014 by American Society of Clinical disease is increasingly recognized as one of the lead- young adult survivors, this high-risk population
Oncology ing contributors to late morbidity and mortality in may benefit from customized and validated risk pre-
0732-183X/15/3305w-394w/$20.00 this population.2-8 Survivors are at significant risk of diction models starting at a time point soon after
DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2014.56.1373 cardiomyopathy leading to eventual congestive therapy completion, which, to our knowledge, cur-
heart failure (CHF) compared with siblings and the rently do not exist.
general population, with risk ratios ranging from 5 Our goal was to use the large Childhood Cancer
to 15.3,6,9-12 Important risk factors for CHF include Survivor Study (CCSS) cohort to create clinically
attained age, doses of chest radiotherapy and anthra- useful models that incorporate demographic and
cyclines, presence of conventional cardiovascular cancer treatment information available at the end of
risk factors such as hypertension, and, in some stud- therapy to predict subsequent CHF risk with reason-
ies, age at initial cancer diagnosis and sex.13 Al- able discrimination among 5-year survivors and to
then validate the resulting risk scores among external cohorts. Impor- mitoxantrone, 4.0.10 Sensitivity analyses considered the effect of alternative doxo-
tantly, many of the cancer treatments used in these cohorts remain in rubicin toxicity equivalence formulas: daunorubicin, 0.83; and idarubicin, 5.0.22,23
common use today.18,19 The development of a robust CHF prediction Radiotherapy records were centrally reviewed, and exposures to the neck,
chest, and abdomen were categorized as yes versus no (yes if at least part of region
was in direct treatment field); field-specific maximum total doses were calculated
to better identify and counsel patients at higher risk of future events. for the chest and abdomen separately.24 Chest fields included any abdominal
treatment that included the lower part of the chest (ie, above diaphragm), as well as
PATIENTS AND METHODS even if the central chest was not a target. In defining dose-specific exposures for
each region, radiation scatter from adjacent fields also was noted, but these expo-
sures were categorized as ⬍ 5 Gy. Heart-specific absorbed doses were estimated by
Primary Study Population
applying water phantom measurements to a three-dimensional mathematic
CCSS methodology and participant accrual have been reported previ-
phantom allowing simulation of a patient of any age or size.24
ously.20,21 The cohort consists of children (diagnosed before age 21 years)
treated for the most common types of childhood cancer at 26 institutions in Outcome Definitions
the United States and Canada between 1970 and 1986 who survived at least CCSS participants completed a baseline questionnaire covering demo-
5-years after diagnosis. For our study, the analytic cohort excluded those who graphic characteristics, health care use, health conditions, and health-related
did not provide consent for medical record abstraction (n ⫽ 1,110) and those behaviors and were then prospectively observed using periodic questionnaires
who experienced a major cardiovascular event (CHF, myocardial infarct, or (available on CCSS Web site25). Proxy responses from family members were
stroke) within 5 years of their initial cancer diagnosis (n ⫽ 188, including 42 used for 5-year survivors who had subsequently died, were age ⬍ 18 years, or
who experienced CHF), leaving 13,060 members of the original cohort (91%) were unable to complete the questionnaires. The cohort also was linked with
available for analysis. A random sample of siblings served as a comparison the National Death Index to ascertain CHF-related deaths (International Clas-
population (n ⫽ 4,023). The protocol was approved by the human subjects sification of Diseases, ninth revision [ICD-9], codes 425 to 428 and V42.1 or
committee at each institution. Participants provided informed consent. ICD-10 codes I42 to I52). Using previously described methodology to define
CHF,3,11 baseline and subsequent questionnaire items related to cardiomyopathy,
Cancer Therapy Exposures CHF, and heart transplantation, including information on medications, were
Chemotherapy, surgery, and radiotherapy information was abstracted from classified and graded using the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events
medical records. Anthracycline exposures included doxorubicin, daunorubicin, (CTCAE; version 4.03).26 Only those outcomes graded as severe (grade 3; self-
idarubicin, epirubicin, and mitoxantrone (an anthraquinone). In the primary reported cardiomyopathy or CHF, plus medications), life threatening (grade 4;
analysis, anthracycline doses were based on the following doxorubicin hemato- requiring heart transplantation), or fatal (grade 5) were included. If insufficient
logic toxicity equivalence: daunorubicin, 1.0; idarubicin, 3.0; epirubicin, 0.67; and information existed to distinguish between grades, the lower grade was applied.
Abbreviations: CCSS, Childhood Cancer Survivor Study; CHF, congestive heart failure; CTCAE, Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events; EKZ/AMC, Emma
Children’s Hospital and Academic Medical Center; EQD2, equivalent dose in 2-Gy fractions; NWTS, National Wilms Tumor Study; RT, radiotherapy; SJLIFE, St Jude
Lifetime Cohort.
CCSS participants who also were part of NWTS and/or SJLIFE were excluded from NWTS and SJLIFE for this analysis.
†Because NWTS did not have pre-existing chemotherapy dose information available, a nested case-cohort design was used for this analysis, which included all 48
patient cases of heart failure and 316 randomly selected members of overall cohort (as of December 31, 2012).
Outcomes were limited to those occurring by age 40 years, given the limited radiotherapy. For chemotherapy, only cumulative anthracycline doses were
number of events beyond that age because of the relative youth of the cohort. categorized (none, ⬍ 100, 100 to 249, and ⱖ 250 mg/m2), and for radiother-
Information on obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes from the base- apy, only cumulative chest and heart doses were categorized (none, ⬍ 5, 5 to
line questionnaire was defined as previously described.11,27 14, 15 to 34, and ⱖ 35 Gy). Three prediction models were created for different
clinical scenarios: one, a simple model where cancer therapy–related exposures
Statistical Analysis were categorized as yes or no only; two, a standard model where clinical dose
Exposures selected a priori to be examined in our prediction models information was known; and three, a standard with heart dose model that used
included sex, age at diagnosis (5-year increments), anthracyclines, alkylating average radiation dose to the heart in lieu of chest field dose because contemporary
agents, platinum agents, vinca alkaloids, and neck, chest, and abdominal radiotherapy plans often provide heart-specific dosimetry. Secondary analyses
Table 2. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of ⱖ 5-Year Childhood Cancer Survivor Cohorts
Abbreviations: CCSS, Childhood Cancer Survivor Study; EKZ/AMC, Emma Children’s Hospital and Academic Medical Center; NWTS, National Wilms Tumor Study;
RT, radiotherapy; SJLIFE, St Jude Lifetime Cohort.
Table 4. Classification of CHF Risk Groups Within CCSS Cohort Based on Summed Risk Scores
No. of RR
Risk No. of Patients Cumulative RR (v preceding
Risk Group Score Events at Riskⴱ Incidence† 95% CI (v siblings) 95% CI group)‡ 95% CI
Siblings — 12 4,023 0.3 0.1 to 0.5 1.0 Referent — —
Simple model
Low ⬍3 15 5,112 0.5 0.2 to 0.8 1.6 0.7 to 3.4 — —
Moderate 3-4 160 4,857 3.1 2.5 to 3.7 14.6 8.0 to 26.4 9.2 5.4 to 15.6
High ⱖ5 92 2,030 9.2 6.8 to 11.6 33.0 18.0 to 60.7 2.3 1.7 to 3.0
Standard model
Low ⬍3 18 5,199 0.5 0.2 to 0.8 1.8 0.9 to 3.8 — —
Moderate 3-5§ 122 4,233 2.4 1.8 to 3.0 12.1 6.6 to 22.0 6.6 4.0 to 10.8
High ⱖ6 108 2,059 11.7 8.8 to 14.5 41.5 22.7 to 75.9 3.4 2.6 to 4.5
Heart dose model
Low ⬍3 15 5,187 0.5 0.2 to 0.7 1.6 0.7 to 3.3 — —
Moderate 3-5§ 103 3,883 2.3 1.7 to 2.9 11.3 6.2 to 20.8 7.3 4.2 to 12.5
High 6-8 105 2,236 7.8 5.9 to 9.7 32.8 17.9 to 60.1 2.9 2.2 to 3.8
Very high ⱖ9 25 164 23.7 14.5 to 32.9 118.1 58.8 to 236.9 3.6 2.3 to 5.6
Abbreviations: CCSS, Childhood Cancer Survivor Study; CHF, congestive heart failure; RR, relative risk.
No. at risk varies by outcome and model because it excludes individuals with missing data.
†At age 40 years.
‡Comparisons are versus immediate preceding group (eg, moderate- v low-risk group, high- v moderate-risk group).
§Survivors with total risk score of 3 under standard (n ⫽ 1,129) and heart dose (n ⫽ 1,179) models without both anthracycline and chest or heart radiotherapy
exposures are classified as low risk; cumulative incidence of CHF at age 40 years among these individuals was 0.2%.
simple model (Table 3). In general, AUCs and C-statistics were com- Risk scores were then summed for each individual, and the cor-
parable, suggesting that estimates were stable at least through age 40 responding absolute and relative risks associated with each risk score
years. Prediction estimates associated with the original regression value were estimated using rates among siblings as the referent group.
coefficients were virtually identical to those associated with integer risk Summed risk scores that shared similar relative and absolute risks were
scores (within 0.01 for five of six estimates and 0.04 for other estimate). then grouped together to form low-, moderate-, and high-risk groups,
Similarly, application of an alternative anthracycline drug toxicity equiv- corresponding to 40-year cumulative incidence rates of ⬍ 2.0%, 2.0% to
alence formula22 resulted in 1.4% of CCSS participants (n ⫽ 181) being 4.9%, and ⱖ 5.0%, respectively (Table 4). For the heart dose model, a
reclassified into different (ie, lower) dose categories (Appendix Table A3, fourth, very high–risk group (ⱖ 15.0%) was also able to be defined. The
online only). However, the AUCs and C-statistics using this alternative low-risk groups had minimally increased cumulative incidences and rel-
formula were virtually identical. ative risks of CHF compared with siblings (P ⬎ .05). For all other com-
When conventional cardiovascular risk factors were first evaluated parisons, the relative risks among survivor risk groups were statistically
by CCSS (n ⫽ 10,521; on average, 15 years after cancer diagnosis; median distinctfromoneanother(P⬍.01).TheCCSSriskgroupingswereableto
age of 24 years at time of assessment), these conditions were still relatively segregate different groups within the EKZ/AMC and NWTS cohorts,
rare: obesity (12.1%), hypertension (2.8%), diabetes (0.7%), and dyslipi- although the SJLIFE moderate- and high-risk groups overlapped (Fig 1;
demia (0.2%). Among this subset of the CCSS cohort, obesity and hyper- Appendix Tables A5 and A6, online only). Compared with high-risk
tension were found to be independently influential (Appendix Table A4, CCSS survivors, a smaller proportion of high-risk SJLIFE survivors had
online only). However, the prior risk scores were otherwise minimally high anthracycline exposure (ⱖ 250 mg/m2; 33.8% v 67.6%, respectively;
changed, and overall AUC and C-statistic for CHF at or through age 40 P ⬍ .001), which may have contributed to the lower incidence of CHF
years increased only by 0.01. However, by shifting the prediction time seen in the high-risk group of that cohort.
point from 5 years after cancer diagnosis to this later time point, the
number of available patient cases of CHF decreased from 285 to 182. This
illustrates the value of having a prediction model that starts at an earlier DISCUSSION
time point, given the occurrence of a significant number of CHF events
within 5 to 15 years of diagnosis. Various national groups have published recommendations regarding
Application of CCSS-based risk scores to the external cohorts cardiomyopathy screening for childhood23,36,37 and adult cancer sur-
showed that when compared with the CCSS results, the AUCs and vivors38 based on available evidence and expert opinion. Using treat-
C-statistics were similar when applied to the EKZ/AMC and NWTS ment and outcome data from one of the largest cohorts of childhood
cohorts (P ⬎ .2 for all comparisons) but lower when applied to SJLIFE cancer survivors, we take this one step further by developing the
(P ⫽ .01 to .06; Table 3). When the CCSS cohort was restricted to CCSS-CHF risk score as an easy-to-use clinical tool that can accurately
match SJLIFE more similarly (ie, patients alive at baseline who had predict individual CHF risk through age 40 years (Appendix [online
survived ⬎ 10 years from cancer diagnosis and were age ⱖ 18 only] details how models can be applied to hypothetical patient; online
years), the resulting AUCs and C-statistics were essentially un- calculator can also be found at the CCSS website38a). The information
changed for CCSS. needed to determine the CCSS-CHF risk score is included in the elements
10 10 10
5 5 5
0 0 0
25 30 35 40 25 30 35 40 25 30 35 40
Age (years) Age (years) Age (years)
D E F Very high risk
Cumulative Incidence (%)
15 15 15
10 10 10
5 5 5
0 0 0
25 30 35 40 25 30 35 40 25 30 35 40
Age (years) Age (years) Age (years)
Cumulative Incidence (%)
25 25
High risk High risk
Medium risk Medium risk
20 Low risk
20 Low risk
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
25 30 35 40 25 30 35 40
Age (years) Age (years)
Cumulative Incidence (%)
25 25
High risk High risk
Medium risk Medium risk
20 Low risk 20 Low risk
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
25 30 35 40 25 30 35 40
Age (years) Age (years)
Fig 1. Cumulative incidence of congestive heart failure by risk group for each study cohort: (A) to (C) Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (training data set), (D)
to (F) Emma Children’s Hospital (validation set), (G) to (H) National Wilms Tumor Study (validation set), and (I) to (J) St Jude Lifetime Cohort (SJLIFE; validation
set). Curves start when all eligible cohort members have entered follow-up (age 26 years, except SJLIFE, which started at age 36 years); as such, initial values
shown may be ⬎ 0%.
of basic cancer survivorship care plans recommended by the Institute of CCSS patient was recorded as exposed), but even today, dexrazoxane
Medicine.39 Although knowledge of more detailed cancer treatment in- remains in limited pediatric use, with unclear long-term efficacy.13,50
formation such as radiotherapy and anthracycline doses was associated In applying these models, users should be aware that our models are
with improved prediction, simple models based on the presence or ab- specific to the risk of CHF (ie, CTCAE grade ⱖ 3) beginning 5 years after
sence of a given exposure performed well and permitted segregation of initial cancer diagnosis. Characteristics associated with earlier-onset CHF
survivors into distinct risk groups. Although the CCSS patient cases were may possibly differ. Furthermore, the cumulative incidence of subclinical
primarily defined by self-report and were not clinically ascertained and cardiomyopathy is likely greater than our estimates. The EKZ/AMC co-
thus subject to potentially greater misclassification, we showed that these hort reported a 27% prevalence of subclinical left ventricular dysfunction
prediction models were robust when applied to several large external (defined as shortening fraction ⬍ 30%) among patients with echocardio-
validation cohorts. Importantly, these external cohorts relied on medical graphic data at an attained age of 23 years (n ⫽ 525).7 The overall preva-
records and prospective clinical assessment of outcomes, supporting the lence of cardiomyopathy (defined as ejection fraction ⬍ 50% by
validity of the CCSS results.3,10,11,27 echocardiogram) among SJLIFE participants was 6.2%, with 61% having
The CCSS-CHF risk score is designed for patients who have recently CHF (ie, grade ⱖ 3 cardiomyopathy).8 Nevertheless, the predictors we
completed therapy (5 years after diagnosis; median age of 12 years in our tested are also associated with subclinical cardiomyopathy, and our re-
cohort) when conventional cardiovascular risk factors such as hyperten- striction to a clinical phenotype avoided issues related to variable defini-
sion, dyslipidemia, and diabetes are still typically rare. Although our anal- tions of subclinical cardiomyopathy used by different studies. Given the
ysis among an older subset of survivors (on average, 15 years after poor long-term prognosis associated with CHF, application of our pre-
diagnosis) found that some of these conditions can be independent pre- diction models will still help more clearly identify individual survivors
dictors, their contributions were modest because of their relatively low who may benefit from earlier detection and intervention.13
prevalence at the time point assessed. However, most of these conditions, Although there remains a paucity of evidence regarding the optimal
alongwithCHFandotherseriouscardiovascularevents,havebeenshown screening strategy and the most appropriate intervention should abnor-
to increase sharply as survivors enter middle age, rising beyond age 40 malities be detected,2,38,45 the CCSS-CHF prediction models provide a
yearswithoutanyobviousplateau.5,6,8,11,12,27 Similartomodelsnowbeing robust framework for personalized risk assessment. These models may
developed for survivors of adult cancers, future models conditioned on help refine cardiomyopathy surveillance by reducing screening among
more extended survival examining the influence of these conditions in low-risk survivors while identifying higher-risk individuals who may ben-
conjunction with cancer treatment exposures among older childhood efit from closer follow-up. Furthermore, they can serve as a platform to
cancer survivors will be important.17,40 test interventions designed to reduce CHF-related morbidity.
Other refinements in prediction may occur with the inclusion of
genetic characteristics pending validation.41-44 Although the main-
stays of contemporary pediatric cancer therapy remain similar to the AUTHORS’ DISCLOSURES OF POTENTIAL CONFLICTS
exposures assessed in this study,18,19 if newer agents such as trastu- OF INTEREST
zumab, sorafenib, and sunitinib associated with ventricular dysfunc-
tion are increasingly used in pediatrics, future models will need to Disclosures provided by the authors are available with this article at
assess their influence.17,38 www.jco.org.
The use of continuous dose (v categorical) information may also
improve prediction, although such changes may reduce the ease of
clinical application, requiring greater bioinformatics support. In our AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
choice of anthracycline dose categories, we chose, based on the CCSS
data, a cutoff of 250 mg/m2 to denote the highest exposure category36 Conception and design: Eric J. Chow, Yan Chen, Charles A. Sklar,
Yutaka Yasui
rather than the 300-mg/m2 cutoff currently recommended by some
Financial support: Eric J. Chow, Leontien C. Kremer, Norman E.
groups.23,37 However, the 250-mg/m2 threshold, as well as the 35-Gy Breslow, Melissa M. Hudson, Leslie L. Robison
chest radiotherapy threshold, we adopted is in concordance with those Administrative support: Eric J. Chow, Leontien C. Kremer, Norman E.
proposed by an international guideline harmonization group after a Breslow, Melissa M. Hudson, Gregory T. Armstrong, Marilyn Stovall,
systematic review of the current literature.45 Leslie L. Robison, Yutaka Yasui
What remains unclear is the most appropriate method to convert Provision of study materials or patients: Leontien C. Kremer, Norman
different anthracycline derivatives to a doxorubicin equivalent dose, E. Breslow, Melissa M. Hudson, Daniel M. Green, Marilyn Stovall,
Helena J. van der Pal, Rita E. Weathers, Leslie L. Robison
with many formulas based on hematologic toxicity, which may differ
Collection and assembly of data: Eric J. Chow, Leontien C. Kremer,
from cardiotoxicity.22,46 Our analyses with two commonly used for- Norman E. Breslow, Melissa M. Hudson, Gregory T. Armstrong, Daniel M.
mulas revealed similar results. We chose the formula that was less Green, Lillian R. Meacham, Daniel A. Mulrooney, Kirsten K. Ness, Marilyn
likely to classify individuals as lower risk, with the assumption that any Stovall, Helena J. van der Pal, Rita E. Weathers, Leslie L. Robison
benefits from overscreening would outweigh the risks for this partic- Data analysis and interpretation: Eric J. Chow, Yan Chen, Leontien C.
ular outcome.47 Although these formulas do not account for alterna- Kremer, Gregory T. Armstrong, William L. Border, Elizabeth A.M.
tive anthracycline formulations (eg, liposomal) and dosing strategies Feijen, Daniel M. Green, Lillian R. Meacham, Kathleen A. Meeske,
Daniel A. Mulrooney, Kirsten K. Ness, Kevin C. Oeffinger, Charles A.
that may be associated with reduced cardiotoxicity (all information Sklar, Marilyn Stovall, Helena J. van der Pal, Rita E. Weathers, Leslie L.
that we lacked), the efficacy data for these interventions are limited Robison, Yutaka Yasui
and mixed in pediatrics.13,48,49 The CCSS treatment era also largely Manuscript writing: All authors
predates the introduction of dexrazoxane as a cardioprotectant (no Final approval of manuscript: All authors
childhood cancer survivor care through outcomes 37. Sieswerda E, Postma A, van Dalen EC, et al:
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Eric J. Chow and Norman E. Breslow, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle Children’s Hospital, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA; Yan Chen and Yutaka Yasui, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; Leontien C. Kremer, Elizabeth A.M. Feijen, and
Helena J. van der Pal, Emma Children’s Hospital and Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; Melissa M. Hudson, Gregory
T. Armstrong, Daniel M. Green, Daniel A. Mulrooney, Kirsten K. Ness, and Leslie L. Robison, St Jude Children’s Research Hospital; Daniel A.
Mulrooney, University of Tennessee, Memphis, TN; William L. Border and Lillian R. Meacham, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Emory
University, Atlanta, GA; Kathleen A. Meeske, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Kevin C.
Oeffinger and Charles A. Sklar, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY; and Marilyn Stovall and Rita E. Weathers,
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX.
■ ■ ■
Statistical Approach
Model selection. The following variables were selected a priori for testing in our models: sex, age at diagnosis (5-year
increments), and exposure to anthracyclines, alkylating agents, platinum agents, vinca alkaloids, and neck, chest, and
abdominal radiotherapy (yes v no). For the standard and heart dose models, exposure doses were substituted for anthracy-
clines (none, ⬍ 100, 100 to 249, and ⱖ 250 mg/m2) and chest or heart radiotherapy (none, ⬍ 5, 5 to 14, 15 to 34, and ⱖ 35
Gy). Individuals with missing data relevant to each model were excluded. Using Poisson regression adjusted for current age
as a cubic spline, models were built to examine the relationships between these independent variables and outcome (ie,
congestive heart failure [CHF]). Current age was handled by splitting the records at each age (as integer) during follow-up.
Backward selection was then used to determine the most influential treatment predictors accounting for sex and age at
diagnosis.28 The least significant variable with P ⱖ .05 (as determined by likelihood ratio test) was dropped, and the reduced
model was refitted using the same rule until all remaining exposure variables were statistically significant (P ⬍ .05). To
minimize the possibility of overfitting, we performed 10-fold internal cross validation of the variable selection process.32
Exploratory analyses examining potential interaction between therapeutic exposures and sex or age at diagnosis did not reveal
any consistent relationships.
Risk score creation. Regression estimates that remained after backward selection plus those associated with sex and diagnosis age were
then converted to integer risk scores for ease of summing in subsequent risk models (relative risks ⬍ 1.3, 1.3 to 1.9, 2.0 to 2.9, 3.0 to 4.9,
and ⱖ 5.0 corresponding to risk scores 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively) based on previously published methods (Sorror ML et al: Bone
Marrow Transplant 46:464-466, 2011).29 Notably, prediction estimates associated with the original regression coefficients were virtually
identical to those associated with integer risk scores (within 0.01 for five of six estimates; 0.04 for other estimate).
Risk score discriminatory and predictive power. Cox regression models based on an age time scale estimated the discriminatory and
predictive power of our model.30 Specifically, we examined the area under the curve (AUC) at age 40 years and the concordance (C)
statistic through age 40 years.31 The AUC(t) is the probability that a classifier will rank a randomly chosen positive higher than a randomly
chosen negative on a given time t. The C(t)-statistic represents the weighted average of the AUC from study start time to time t. Similar to
the initial model selection process, the reported AUCs and C-statistics also reflected 10-fold internal cross validation based on random
subsets of the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCSS) cohort.32
Risk group creation. Although other general population predictors are often based on the sum of individual risk scores (McGill HC
Jr et al: Circulation 117:1216-1227, 2008),14-16 given the relatively smaller number of patient cases we had available, estimates associated
with individual risk scores were not always precise. Therefore, we collapsed risk scores into several risk groups predictive of low, moderate,
and high risk of CHF.29 To determine the most appropriate groupings, the sums of individual risk scores were examined based on their
absolute risks (cumulative incidence at age 40 years, treating death resulting from other causes as competing risk event33) and relative risks
compared with siblings (Poisson regression, incorporating generalized estimating equation modification to account for potential
within-family correlation34). The resulting low-, moderate-, and high-risk groups corresponded in general to cumulative incidence rates
of ⬍ 2.0%, 2.0% to 4.9%, and ⱖ 5.0% at age 40 years, respectively. For the heart dose model, a fourth, very high–risk group was also able
to be defined, with cumulative incidence ⱖ 20%. The risk groupings were designed such that each group ideally would be significantly
distinct from both siblings as well as the immediate lower group (P ⬍ .05) per our Poisson regression models. However, for our CHF
models, the lowest-risk group ended up not being statistically distinct (P ⬎ .05) from siblings.
External validation. C-statistics and AUCs (through or at age 40 years) for CHF were estimated for each of the validation cohorts
based on the CCSS risk scores. Each individual in these cohorts was then categorized into the appropriate CCSS-based risk grouping, and
the resulting cumulative incidence of CHF was plotted and compared against those derived from the CCSS cohort. Notably, exposure data
for the National Wilms Tumor Study (NWTS) were based on a nested case-cohort design (48 patient cases of CHF; 316 randomly selected
members of overall cohort [n ⫽ 6,760]), in which Barlow’s (Barlow WE: Biometrics 50:1064-1072, 1994) weighting method was applied
for all estimates (Prentice RL: Biometrics 42:301-310, 1986). This study design was chosen because the NWTS did not have pre-existing
chemotherapy dose information, and study resources did not allow for an exhaustive review of the entire cohort. We then assessed the
difference of the AUCs and C-statistics of each model between the external cohorts and the CCSS using 1,000 bootstrap iterations (Good
PI: New York, NY, Springer, 2005).
Software. R software (version 3.0; http://www.r-project.org/), specifically the function risksetROC (version 1.0), was used to
calculate the AUCs and C-statistics. SAS software (version 9.3; SAS Institute, Cary, NC) was used for the Poisson regression analyses. The
codes used are available from the authors on request.
Table A1. Distribution of Anthracycline Derivatives With Known Doses in Each Cohort
CCSS (n ⫽ 13,060) (n ⫽ 1,362) NWTS (n ⫽ 364) SJLIFE (n ⫽ 1,695)
Abbreviations: CCSS, Childhood Cancer Survivor Study; EKZ/AMC, Emma Children’s Hospital and Academic Medical Center; NWTS, National Wilms Tumor Study;
SJLIFE, St Jude Lifetime Cohort.
Total percentages may exceed 100% because some patients may have received ⬎ one type of anthracycline.
†Epirubicin and mitoxantrone were administered to four and 11 individuals, respectively, but doses were unknown.
Table A2. Multivariable Poisson Regression Results for Each CHF Model in CCSS Cohortⴱ
Simple Model Standard Model Heart Dose Model
Abbreviations: CHF, congestive heart failure; RR, relative risk; RT, radiotherapy.
The following covariates were tested but not selected for inclusion in final analytic model: alkylating agents, platinum agents, vinca alkaloids, neck and/or abdominal
RT (without any direct chest involvement).
†Corresponding heart RT dose used for heart dose model.
Table A3. Effect on Anthracycline Dose Categories Using Alternative Equivalence Formulas
Abbreviations: CCSS, Childhood Cancer Survivor Study; EKZ/AMC, Emma Children’s Hospital and Academic Medical Center; SJLIFE, St Jude Lifetime Cohort.
Formula One: doxorubicin 1 mg/m2 ⫽ daunorubicin, 1; idarubicin, 3; epirubicin, 0.67; mitoxantrone, 4.
†Formula Two: doxorubicin 1 mg/m2 ⫽ daunorubicin, 0.83; idarubicin, 5; epirubicin, 0.67; mitoxantrone, 4.
Table A4. Influence of Conventional Cardiovascular Risk Factors on CHF Prediction (n ⫽ 10,521)ⴱ†
Abbreviations: AUC, area under the curve; C, concordance; CCSS, Childhood Cancer Survivor Study; CHF, congestive heart failure; RT, radiotherapy.
182 patient cases of CHF.
†Restricted to CCSS participants with available information from baseline questionnaire who were free of grade ⱖ 3 cardiomyopathy or CHF at time of
baseline questionnaire.
‡No. in parentheses indicates value derived from original analytic population without accounting for the four additional conventional risk factors.
§At time of baseline questionnaire, obesity defined by body-mass index ⱖ 30 kg/m2 based on self-reported height and weight; diabetes, dyslipidemia, and
hypertension defined as those who reported being diagnosed by a physician for the condition and who reported receiving specific medications prescribed for
treatment of the condition for ⬎ 1 month or for ⱖ 30 days in 1-year period during the previous 2 years.
㛳AUC and C-index values per original standard model based on 10,521 survivors with 182 patient cases of heart failure were 0.74 and 0.76, respectively.
Table A5. Classification of CHF Risk Groups Within External Cohorts Based on CCSS-Derived Risk Scores
Risk Group Risk Score No. of Events No. at Riskⴱ Cumulative Incidence† P
EKZ/AMC simple model
Low ⬍3 1 646 0.2
Moderate 3-4 17 477 10.3 ⬍ .01
High ⱖ5 7 198 14.8 .41
EKZ/AMC standard model
Low ⬍3 1 651 0.2
Moderate 3-5‡ 14 468 9.0 ⬍ .01
High ⱖ6 11 228 21.4 .047
EKZ/AMC heart dose model
Low ⬍3 1 469 0.2
Moderate 3-5‡ 12 590 7.0 ⬍ .01
High 6-8 9 251 16.7 .16
Very high ⱖ9 4 30 35.3 .04
NWTS simple model
Low ⬍3 1 162 0.03
Moderate 3-4 5 40 1.0 ⬍ .01
High ⱖ5 42 163 8.5 .06
NWTS standard model
Low ⬍3 1 158 0.03
Moderate 3-5‡ 5 48 0.9 ⬍ .01
High ⱖ6 40 151 6.7 .01
SJLIFE simple model
Low ⬍3 1 512 0.8
Moderate 3-4 13 726 4.6 ⬍ .01
High ⱖ5 5 457 4.9 .19
SJLIFE standard model
Low ⬍3 1 603 0.7
Moderate 3-5‡ 12 740 5.3 ⬍ .01
High ⱖ6 6 352 4.2 .78
Abbreviations: CCSS, Childhood Cancer Survivor Study; CHF, congestive heart failure; EKZ/AMC, Emma Children’s Hospital and Academic Medical Center; NWTS,
National Wilms Tumor Study; SJLIFE, St Jude Lifetime Cohort.
No. at risk varies by outcome and model because it excludes individuals with missing data.
†At age 40 years, P value is for comparison with preceding risk group.
‡Survivors with total risk score of 3 with neither anthracycline nor chest or heart radiotherapy exposure are classified as low risk (EKZ/AMC, n ⫽ 137; NWTS, n ⫽ 66;
SJLIFE, n ⫽ 107); none of these patients developed subsequent CHF.
Abbreviations: CCSS, Childhood Cancer Survivor Study; EKZ/AMC, Emma Children’s Hospital and Academic Medical Center; NWTS, National Wilms Tumor Study;
SJLIFE, St Jude Lifetime Cohort.
Alive, without congestive heart failure, and not censored for other reasons.
†Case-cohort design with 364 patients used in actual analysis but based on 6,760 total survivors.
‡Five (CCSS, EKZ/AMC, NWTS) or 10 years after cancer diagnosis (SJLIFE); SJLIFE values at age 26 and 30 years exclude participants who had not yet
entered cohort.