An Analytical Report On Ballistic Missiles
An Analytical Report On Ballistic Missiles
An Analytical Report On Ballistic Missiles
Submitted By
Arpita Sen
Jayashree. S
Deborah Joseph
G. Shivanand, Scientist- E
Tamil Nadu
Working through this project has given us a deep insight on the various
types of missiles used by the various Defense forces and has enabled us to gain
knowledge particularly about the Ballistic Missiles. We are extremely Grateful to
the Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Dr.C.Karunakaran for
granting us permission to do this project and also to our respected Staff members
for the constant support and encouragement. We would like to extend our heart
filled gratitude to Mr.G.Shivanand, Scientist-E for giving us the opportunity and
for the step-by-step guidance and assistance provided by him. We acknowledge the
fact that without his help this project would not have been materialized.
I. Abstract……………………………………………………….. 06
II. Introduction…………………………………………………… 07
1.2 Basics………………………………………………………. 10
1.3 Plotting……………………………………………………... 17
1.4 Arithmetic………………………………………………….. 19
1.5 Polynomials………………………………………………… 20
1.6 Loops………………………………………………………. 23
2.1 Introduction………………………………………………… 28
2.2 Technology…………………………………………………. 29
2.2.4 Engine……………………………………………… 31
2.3 Types of Missiles…………………………………………… 32
3.2 Components……………………………………………………. 43
3.2.1 Payload……………………………………………….. 43
3.2.2 Boosters………………………………………………. 44
VI. Conclusion…………………………………………………………… 64
VII. Appendix………………………………………………………….. 65
A. Numerical Integration…………………………………………. 65
B. Differential Equation……………………………………….... 70
VIII. Reference…………………………………………………………. 76
The word missile comes from the Latin verb mittere, meaning “to send”.
Missiles are greatly used in the military both to defend and to attack. In the words
of laymen, a missile is a body capable of being thrown or projected to strike a
distant object. In modern language though, a missile is a self-propelled precision-
guided munition system, as opposed to an unguided self -propelled munition,
referred to as a rocket. These are categorized as ballistic missiles and cruise
missiles. A cruise missile is a guided missile used against terrentrial targets that
remains in the atmosphere and flies the major portion of its flight path at
approximately constant speed. Cruise missiles are designed to deliver a large
Warhead over long distances with high precision. Modern cruise missiles are
capable of travelling at supersonic or high subsonic speeds, are self-navigating, and
are able to fly on a non-ballistic, extremely low-altitude trajectory.
MATLAB plays a major role in trajectory shaping for various ballistic
missile and provides a ballistic target flight trajectory simulation which aids in
evaluating its precision and helps in making the required amendments in the
missile systems. Numerous algorithms are used in MATLAB in order to compute
various values and obtain the perfect trajectory for a ballistic missile, which is
highly reliable. Thus a few basic MATLAB codes are also discussed in this paper.
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction:
both time and money. Simulation by definition is the imitation of the operation of a
real- world process or system over time.
1.2 Basics:
% The program by the name good_day greets you and asks for your name. Once
you and % asks for your name. Once you enter your name it greets you again by
your name and % wishes you to have a good day.
The program when executed will be as shown in the figure 1.1 below.
Figure 1.1 Program for a greeting message
One of the most significant features of MATLAB is the help function. Help
lists all the major help topics in the Command Window. A few examples of the
syntax are listed below:
help /
help functionname
help toolboxname
help toolboxname/functionname
help functionname>subfunctionname
help classname.methodname
help classname
help syntax
Figure 1.2 The help function
To be able to work efficiently in MATLAB one need to know all the codes
and functions used for various requirements. Some of the very basic commands are
mentioned in the tables below.
./ Array right-division operator
: Colon; generates regularly spaced elements and represents an entire row or column
() Parentheses; encloses function arguments and array indices; overrides precedence
[] Brackets; enclosures array elements.
. Decimal point.
… Ellipsis; line-continuation operator
, Comma; separates statements and elements in a row
; Semicolon; separates columns and suppresses display.
% Percent sign; designates a comment and specifies formatting.
_ Quote sign and transpose operator.
._ Nonconjugated transpose operator.
= Assignment (replacement) operator.
Commands To Manage
System and File Commands
Array Commands
Colors Symbol Line
Y Yellow . Point - Solid
G Green * Star
B Blue d Diamond
p Pentagram
Program Flow Control
1.3 Plotting:
Scientific and Engineering plots can be easily made in MATLAB for known
analytical functions. Plotting can be done as curves or as histograms. The
following figures show simple examples of the same.
Figure1.3 A simple Plot
1.4 Arithmetic:
>> 3^2-(5+4)/2+6*3
MATLAB prints the answers and assigns the value to a variable called ans.
If one wants to perform further calculations with the answer, the variable ans can
be used instead of retyping the answer.
For expressions that involve ‘pi’, to compute the exact answer in MATLAB,
an exact symbolic representation of .
>> cos (pi/2)
ans =
But we know that cos (/2)=0. Thus sym is used to get the exact value,
>> sym (‘pi/2’)
>> cos (sym(‘pi/2’))
ans =
1.5 Polynomials:
X4 + 5X + 8
is stored in MATLAB as the array,
>> coeff= [1 5 8];
X4 + 5X +8 = 0
The coefficients of a polynomial can be retrieved from its roots by using the
following command
>>p= poly(r)
conv is the command used for multiplication and deconv is used for division.
Figure 1.8 Plot of a polynomial function
1.6 Loops:
10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1= 3,628,800
The loop begins with the ‘for’ statement and ends with the ‘end; statement.
The command between those statements is executed a total of nine times, once for
each value of n from 2 to10.
function h= pyt(a,b)
h=sqrt(a.^2 + b^2);
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Apart from for loop there is another repetitive control structure is called-
While loop. In the following program, x is a dividend, y is a divisor, q an integer
quotient and r a remainder such that, x=qy+r
function[q,r]= divide(x,y)
if y==0
error('Division by zero')
if x<o
if y<0
while x>=y
The program checks if x equals to zero or if x is smaller than y. the relational
operator ‘==’ compares x with y; ‘<’ checks if x is smaller than y; ‘<=’ means
smaller or equal; ‘>’ means greater than; ‘>=’ means greater than or equal to and
‘~=’ stands for not equal.
In this WHILE loop, if the relation acting as the condition is true, the
statements within the loop are executed; if not, execution of the loop is stopped and
the error message Division by zero is displayed.
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction:
combination of both active and passive missiles, the source of radiation in these
types of missiles is at the launch point which radiates energy to the target. This
energy is reflected back to the missile and sensing the reflected radiation the
missile homes on it.
2.2 Technology:
1. Targeting system
2. Guidance system
3. Flight System
4. Propulsion System/Engine
5. Warhead
such as Inertial Navigation System, Terrain Contour Matching or Satellite
Guidance is used which calculates the course between the missile and target when
the location of both these components is known. This work also can be done by a
human operator who can visualize the target and the missile and guide it using
either cable or radio-based remote control or by an automatic system that can
simultaneously track the target and the missile.
2. Aerodynamic maneuvering- since missiles do not posses conventional
control surfaces, they employ aerodynamic control surfaces in order to maneuver
the missile in the desired direction.
2.2.4 Engine:
Missiles are obviously powered by rocket engines. Rockets are generally
of the solid propellant type for ease of maintenance and fast deployment, although
some larger ballistic missiles use liquid-propellant rockets. Long-range missile
may have multiple engine stages, particularly in those launched from the surface.
These stages may all be of similar types or may include a mix of engine types. For
Example, Surface- launched cruise missiles often have a rocket booster for
launching and a jet engine for sustained flight. Some missiles may have additional
propulsion from another source at launch; for example, the MGM-51 S shillelagh
was fired out of a tank gun.
2.2.5 Warhead:
Missiles generally have one or more explosive warheads, which provide
primary destructive power to the missile and also sometimes provide extensive
secondary destructive power due to the high kinetic energy of the weapon and
unburnt fuel that may be on board. Warheads are most commonly of the high
explosive type, often employing shaped charges to exploit the accuracy of a guided
weapon to destroy hardened targets. There are some types of warhead used in
missiles are sub munitions, incendiaries, nuclear weapons, chemical, biological or
radiological weapons or kinetic energy penetrators. Without warhead missile
cannot be constructed, the warheadless missiles are often used for testing and
training purposes.
2.3 Types Of Missiles:
Missiles are generally categorized by their launch platform and
intended target. In broadest terms there will either be surface i.e ground or water,
and then sub-categorized by range and the target type. Missiles require some
modification in order to be launched from the air or surface, such as adding
boosters to the surface-launched version.
1. Surface-to-surface missile
2. Air-to-surface missile
4. Air-to-air missile
5. Anti-satellite weapons
2.3.1 Surface-to-surface missiles:
Agni- III IRBM-India- Range of 3,500-5,000km
Cruise missiles:- travel low to the ground ,motor burns during entire flight,
typical range 2,500km
Anti-tank guided missiles:- travel low to the ground, may or may not burn
motor throughout flight typical range 5km (3mi)
Anti-ship missiles:- travel low over the ground and sea, and often pop up or
link before striking the target ship: typical range 130km (80mi).
Figure 2.3 Air-to-Surface Missile- BrahMos- Range of 400km
These are generally radar or infrared guided missiles fired from ground
position to destroy the aircrafts of the foes. SAMs were developed to defend the
ground positions from hostile air attacks especially from the high altitude bombers
flying beyond the range of the ‘anti-aircraft artillery’. These missiles are used to
demolish the enemy’s aircrafts as well as other missiles. It requires extreme
precision to hit the target accurately. Thus SAMs are still being developed to gain
high accuracy by using various guidance methods. The most common examples of
SAMs used by the Indian Defense are:
Figure 2.5 Air-to-Air Missile- Astra- Range of 80- 110 km
SRAAMs infrared guidance and are known by the name ‘heat seeking
missiles’ while MRAAMs and LRAAMs use the inertial guidance. Various other
guidance systems are used under these categories depending upon the requirement
and the accuracy is acquired accordingly. Since the First World War there have
been numerous developments in the AAMs. We have two Air-to-Air missiles
manufacture in India:
2.3.5 Anti Satellite Weapons:
In the recent past space has been highly used as a medium for war.
The military potential of the satellite is diverse, such as, signal intelligence, early-
warning systems, navigation and most importantly communication. The side which
gets the upper hand in dealing with the satellite defiantly has an advantage and will
dominate over the other side when it comes to war. Once the satellite is used in
war, everything that the enemies do is monitored and can even be controlled. The
Air Force describes space superiority as “the ability to maintain freedom of action
in, from, and to space, sufficient to sustain mission assurance.” Once the satellite is
detected, the missile is launched into orbit close to the targeted satellite. It takes 90
to 200 minutes (or one to two orbits) for the missile interceptor to get close enough
to its target. The missile is guided by onboard radar. The interceptor, which weighs
1400 kg, may be effective up to one kilometer from a target. Few examples of
Anti-Satellite are listed below:
ASM-135 ASAT- USA- Range of 648 km
SC-19 ASAT- China- Range of 865km
RIM-161 (SM 3)- USA- Range of 700km
Figure 2.6 Anti- Satellite Missile – SM 3 ASAT Missile
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction:
counter act Ballistic missiles because during impact they reach hypersonic speeds
of Mach 10 to Mach 30.
3.2 Components:
3.2.1 Payload:
Payload is basically a package in ballistic missile that contains the
guidance systems and the explosives which include one or many warheads and is
called MIRV (Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle) system. The
missiles that bear MIRV are said to be MIRVed the first of which was developed in
USA in the year 1970. Generally only long-range ballistic missiles are MIRVed. It
may possess a low power propulsion system that enables it to impart slightly different
velocities to each of its warheads, which it releases at different times. The nuclear
warheads mounted on modern long-range ballistic missiles are usually thermonuclear
warheads having yields in several hundred kilotons to several megatons (one kilotons
is equal to the explosive power of one thousand tons of the chemical explosive TNT;
thus one megaton is equivalent to a million tons of TNT). The regional or
approximate targeting for each warhead is attained by bus maneuvering and release
timing during cruise phase. And during the descent phase the warhead may steer itself
towards the target by means of inertial guidance, radar guidance or a combination of
two. Inertial guidance can be best explained with the example of aiming a basket in
the game of basket ball; when a player releases the ball the intent is to give the ball the
trajectory that would make the ball fall straight into the basket. However once the ball
is released the shooter has no control over it. Sometimes when the aim is wrong or the
ball does not follow the trajectory due to some reason it is possible for some other
person to push it back to the right course so that it lands inside the basket. In this case,
the second person plays the role of providing the required guidance. Similarly, the
inertial guidance system supplies the intermediate push to get the missile back on the
proper trajectory. MARVs may also refine their final course by consulting the Global
Positioning System or by using radar to guide themselves during final approach.
3.2.2 Boosters:
Booster is the name used for the rocket inside the missile that lofts the
payload into the upper atmosphere or into space. In the earlier days, the booster
rockets were powered by liquid fuels. A liquid-fuel rocket consists of fuel
(hydrazine, liquid hydrogen, or other) and liquid oxygen in tanks. Pressurized
steams of fuel and oxygen are mixed and ignited at the top of a bell- shaped
chamber. The hot gases expand and rush out of the small opening in t he bell,
giving the required momentum to the rocket in the opposite direction. One major
disadvantage of liquid-fuel rocket is that they require frequent maintenance. Thus
since the late 1950’s solid- fuel boosters are used instead as they require less
maintenance, launch preparation time and are more reliable because they consist of
fewer moving parts. Solid-fuel rockets contain long, hollow –core casts of a fuel
mixture that, once ignited, burn from the inside out in an orderly way, forcing
gases out the rear of the rocket. There are various stages of solid-fuel booster.
Stages are independent rockets that are stacked to from a single, combined rocket.
3. Medium-Range Ballistic Missile MRBM 1000-3000km
The Soviet and Russian Military developed a system of five range classes
3. Operational 300-500km
Boost phase- This phase lasts for around 3 to 5 minutes. It is actually shorter for a
solid-fuel rocket than for a liquid-propellant rocket. Depending upon the trajectory
chosen, the typical burnout speed varies between 4km/s to 7.8 km/s. at the end of
the phase the altitude reached by the missile is around 150 to 400 km.
Figure 3.2 A Soviet R-36M (SS-18 Satan)- Range of 10,200 – 16,000 km, the largest ICBM in
After the launch of the ICBM, a booster pushes the missile and then falls away.
Most modern boosters are solid-fueled rocket motors, which can be stored easily
for long periods of time. Once the booster falls away, the remaining bus releases
several warheads each of which continues on its own unpowered ballistic
trajectory. The warhead is encased in a cone-shaped reentry vehicle and is difficult
to detect in this phase of flight as there is no rocket exhaust or other emissions to
mark its position to defenders. The high speeds of the warheads make them
difficult to intercept and allow for little warning, striking targets many thousands
of kilometers away from the launch within approximately 30 minutes. As the
nuclear warhead reenters the Earth's atmosphere its high speed causes compression
of the air, leading to a dramatic rise in temperature which would destroy it if it
were not shielded in some way. As a result, warhead components are contained
within an aluminum honeycomb substructure, sheathed in a pyrolytic carbon-
epoxy synthetic resin composite material heat shield. Warheads are also often
radiation-hardened (to protect against nuclear-tipped ABMs or the nearby
detonation of friendly warheads).
Land-Based ICBMs-
Russia, the United States, China, North Korea and India are the only
countries currently known to possess land-based ICBMs, Israel has also tested
ICBMs but is not open about actual deployment. As the name suggests these
missiles are launched from the land. Currently the United States operates around
405 ICMs in three USAF bases, the Russians Strategic Rocket Forces have 286
ICMBs able to deliver 958 nuclear warheads, China on the other hand has
developed various long-range ICMBs over the years and even has a mysterious
underground ICMS carrier system called the “Underground Great Wall Project”
and India has a series of ballistic missiles called Agni. On 19 April 2012, India
successfully test fired its first Agni-V, a three-stage solid fueled missile, with a
strike range of more than 7,500 km (4,700 mi). The missile was test-fired for the
second time on 15 September 2013.[13] On 31 January 2015, India conducted a
third successful test flight of the Agni-V from the Wheeler Island facility. The test
used a canisterised version of the missile, mounted over a Tatra truck.
Figure 3.4 A U.S. Peacemaker missile- Range of 14,000 km launched from a silo
R-36 – Soviet Union—Range of 10,200- 16,000 km
Agni V—India—Range of 5,000-8,000 km
Submarine-Based ICBMs-
Figure 3.5 A UGM-96 Trident I – Range of 7,400 km clears the water after launch from a US Navy
UGM-133 Trident II (D5LE)—USA—Range of 12,000 km
M51—France—Range of 8,000-10,000 km
Intermediate -range ballistic missile can also be called strategic weapon,
which has a range of 3,000-5,000 km. As intermediate-range ballistic missile’s
range is lesser than Intercontinental ballistic missile, it can hit the target more
accurately compared to Intercontinental ballistic missile. At present Intermediate –
range ballistic missile are operated by only few country namely China, India,
Israel, North Korea, United States, USSR, United Kingdom, and France were
former operators of this missile.
A Medium-Range ballistic missile is a part of theatre ballistic missile ,
having a range between 1,000-3,000km.
A Short –Range ballistic missile has a range of about 1,000 km or
less. Mainly these kinds of ballistic missiles carry nuclear weapons. Its relative low
cost and ease of configuration makes it suitable for using whenever there is a need
to hit a nearby opponent country in short distances. Like the above two types this
ballistic missile is also a part of theatre ballistic missile.
General formula-
BC= M/(Cd * A)
M- Mass
A- Area
Ballistics Formula-
BC= m/(d2 * i)
i- Coefficient of form
i= (2/n)* √((4n-1)/n)
n= ((4*l2 +1)/4)
Cd= 8/ (p*v2**d2)
Satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) with high ballistic coefficients experience
smaller perturbations to their orbits due to atmospheric drag. The ballistic
coefficient of an atmospheric reentry vehicle has a significant effect on its
behavior. A very high ballistic coefficient vehicle would lose velocity very slowly
and would impact the Earth's surface at higher speeds. In contrast a low ballistic
coefficient would reach subsonic speeds before reaching the ground. In general,
reentry vehicles that carry human beings back to Earth from space have high drag
and a correspondingly low ballistic coefficient. Vehicles that carry nuclear
weapons launched by an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), by contrast,
have a high ballistic coefficient, which enables them to travel rapidly from space to
a target on land. That makes the weapon less affected by crosswinds or other
weather phenomena, and harder to track, intercept, or otherwise defend against.
inter-comparison between simulation analyses difficult and can obscure instances
where real atmospheric effects are critical. For instance, for ICBM targeting the
difference between summer and winter atmospheres on a given path can amount to
a 40-km difference in range, which is obviously critical. Comparable effects arise
due to varying winds, day/night density variation, short-time dynamic
perturbations, and the effects of a non-spherical earth.
of an ICBM varies by some 20-40 km with season, purely as a consequence of the
different atmosphere. The large ICBM used in this analysis travels farther in
summer and winter than in spring or fall.
(km) 50 75 90 95 99
1 7 10 13 15 19
6 20 29 36 41 50
10 31 43 53 60 73
11 32 44 55 62 79
12 32 44 55 62 79
20 6 10 14 17 26
23 6 10 14 17 26
40 55 67 82 90 105
75 50 65 87 98 118
model and then repeating the run with the US-76 model. The difference between
these two models is about as large a variability as one finds between any two
model atmospheres. If there is a difference in the output for the two models, this
indicates the need for closer examination of the physics of the particular problem.
3. In addition to these effects, there are other factors, such as wind, the non-
spherical shape of the earth, and a variety of short-term phenomena, that may be
critical for specific BMD applications.
Projectile motion is the term used to describe the form of motion that
an object when thrown in air experiences and moves along a curved path due to the
action of gravity on that object. Projectile motion is very closely related to ballistic
missile, as the study of this type of motion is called ballistics and such a trajectory
is known as ballistic trajectory. This curved path was given the name parabola by
Galileo. The only force of significance that acts on the object is gravity, which acts
downward, thus imparting to the object a downward acceleration. Because of the
object's inertia, no external horizontal force is needed to maintain the horizontal
velocity component of the object.
Objects that are projected from and land on the same horizontal
surface will have a vertically symmetrical path. The time it takes from an object to
be projected and land is called the time of flight. This depends on the initial
velocity of the projectile and the angle of projection. When the projectile reaches a
vertical velocity of zero, this is the maximum height of the projectile and then
gravity will take over and accelerate the object downward. The horizontal
displacement of the projectile is called the range of the projectile and depends on
the initial velocity of the object. When an object is in a projectile motion it moves
in a bilaterally symmetrical, parabolic path. Projectile motion only occurs when
there is one force applied at the beginning on the trajectory, after which the only
interference is from the gravity.
increasing by 32 ft/sec (9.8 m). Where there is no air resistance, a ball will drop at
a velocity of 32 feet per second after one second, 64 ft (19.5 m) per second after
two seconds, 96 ft (29.4 m) per second after three seconds, and so on. When an
object experiences the ordinary acceleration due to gravity, this figure is rendered
in shorthand as g. Actually, the figure of 32 ft (9.8 m) per second squared applies
at sea level, but since the value of g changes little with altitude (it only decreases
by 5% at a height of 16km) it is safe to use this number.
Figure 3.11 Trajectories of a projectile with air drag and varying initial velocities
Some of the basic formulae used to analyze the various factor related
to the projectile motion of a body are listed below:
Initial Velocity
ux = ucos
uy = usin
Time Flight
T= (2uy)/g
ax= -g
ux = usin - gt
u= ux2 + uy2
x= utsin - 12gt2
y= xtan - x2g2u2cos2
Maximum Height
h= (u2sin2)/2g
R= (u2sin2)/ g
A. Numerical Integration:
In numerical analysis, numerical integration constitutes a broad family
of algorithms for calculating the numerical value of a definite integral, and by
extension, the term is also sometimes used to describe the numerical solution of
differential equations. There are several reasons for carrying out numerical
1. The integrand f(x) may be known only at certain points, such as obtained
by sampling. Some embedded systems and other computer applications may
need numerical integration for this reason.
2. A formula for the integrand may be known, but it may be difficult or
impossible to find an anti-derivative that is an elementary function. An
example of such an integrand is f(x) = exp(−x2), the anti-derivative of which
(the error function, times a constant) cannot be written in elementary form.
3. It may be possible to find an anti-derivative symbolically, but it may be
easier to compute a numerical approximation than to compute the anti-
derivative. That may be the case if the anti-derivative is given as an infinite
series or product, or if its evaluation requires a special function that is not
In simple terms numerical integration is he total sum of smaller components
combined together to form a function. There are various mathematical methods
used to compute numerical integration, some of which are listed below:
Midpoint Rule
M ( x ) = ( b - a ) f ( (a + b) /2 )
Trapezoidal Rule
T(x)=(b–a)/2 (f(a)+f(b))
Simpson’s Rule
S ( x ) = ( ( b – a ) / 6 ) ( f ( a ) + 4f ( ( a + b ) / 2 ) + f ( b ) )
then, to run the program give the input in the command box as,
The straight line depicts the f(x) and the curve depicts the integral in the plot
(figure A.1) shown below
Figure A.1 Plot of Numerical Integration by midpoint rule
function numerical_integration()
close all
xplot= -1:0.001:1;
yplot= f(xplot);
plot(xplot, yplot)
for x=-1:dx:1
est_pi_R = Ir*4;
%%%use Trapzoidla Rule
for x=-1:dx:(1-dx)
xtrapezoid = [x x+dx x+dx x];
ytrapezoid = [0 0 f(x+dx) f(x)];
patch(xtrapezoid, ytrapezoid, 'r-')
est_pi_T =Ir*4;
function y= f(x)
y= sqrt (1-x.^2);
Figure A.3 The plot of Trapezoidal Rule
function simpsons_rule(a,b)
f= @(x) exp(x) * x;
h= (b-a)*0.5;
integral = h*((f(x0)+4*f(x1)+f(x2))/3);
disp (integral);
Trial>> simpsons_rule(0,1)
Trial>> simpsons_rule(0,3)
Figure A.4 Simpson’s Rule
B. Differential Equation :
A differential equation is a mathematical equation that relates
some function with its derivatives. In applications, the functions usually represent
physical quantities, the derivatives represent their rates of change, and the equation
defines a relationship between the two. For solving various differential equations
in MATLAB, a few set of codes are used. some of the examples are listed below.
syms y(t) a
eqn = diff(y,t,2) == a*y;
ySol(t) = dsolve(eqn)
ySol(t) =
C5*exp(a^(1/2)*t) + C6*exp(-a^(1/2)*t)
syms y(t) a
eqn = diff(y,t) == a*y;
cond = y(0) == 5;
ySol(t) = dsolve(eqn,cond)
ySol(t) =
C. ODE45 and ODE23:
The two functions ode23 and ode45 are single step ODE solvers.
They are also known as Runge-Kutta methods. Each step is almost independent of
the previous steps. Two important pieces of information are passed from one step
to the next. The step size h expected to achieve a desired accuracy is passed from
step to step. And, in a strategy known as FSAL, for First Same as Last, the final
function value at the end of a successful step is used at the initial function value at
the following step.
clear all;
close all
time_period= [0 10];
initial = [21, 12];
[t,y]= ode45(@myode45function, time_period, initial);
Figure A.6 ODE45
close all;
vx= v*cos(theta);
vy= v*sin(theta);
x0=[ 0; 0; vx; vy ];
[t1,x1] = ode45(@missile, [t1],[x0]);
theta= 80*pi/180;
vx= v*cos(theta);
vy= v*sin(theta);
t2= 0:200;
xo= [0; 0; vx; vy];
[t2,x2]= ode45(@missile, [t2], [x0]);
v3= 3000;
theta= 75*pi/180;
vx= v*cos(theta);
vy= v*sin(theta);
t3= 0:180;
x0=[0; 0; vx; vy];
[t3,x3]= ode45(@missile, [t3],[x0]);
hold on
hold on
hold off
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