Virm Light Vehicle Repair Certification

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The document outlines requirements and procedures for vehicle inspections and certification in New Zealand, including thresholds for structural damage repairs and lifting border damage flags.

Structural repairs must affect only a single panel and not impact vehicle alignment. Corrosion damage must be treated and epoxy primed. Water or fire damage vehicles cannot have flags lifted.

Repairs affecting multiple panels or vehicle alignment, perforated corrosion, repairs requiring removal of original panels, or deployment of SRS components.

Vehicle inspection requirements manual

Light vehicle repair

© NZ Transport Agency
Version 3, December 2009
ISBN: 978-0-478-34628-2 (print)
ISBN: 978-0-478-34629-9 (online)
This publication is © NZ Transport Agency. Material in it may be reproduced for personal or in-house use without
formal permission or charge, provided suitable acknowledgement is made to this publication and the NZ Transport
Agency as the source. Requests and enquiries about the reproduction of material in this publication for any other
purpose should be made to the NZ Transport Agency, Private Bag 6995, Wellington 6141.
The permission to reproduce material in this publication does not extend to any material for which the copyright
is identified as being held by a third party. Authorisation to reproduce material belonging to a third party must be
obtained from the copyright holder(s) concerned.
All photos and images © NZ Transport Agency unless otherwise stated.
VIRM Record of amendments

Holders of NZ Transport Agency PRS manuals must record amendments to this manual in the ‘Technical information
record’ contained in the ‘Master records’ section of the PRS manual.

Amendment Date Page numbers Pages inserted by

number Name Signature
1 May 2010 NZTA
2 March 2011 See cover letter NZTA

VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification

Version 3
December 2009
1 March 2011 
To: Holders of Vehicle inspection requirements manual: Light vehicle repair certification 
Dear manual holder 
VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification, version 3 amendment 2 
Please find enclosed: 
 16 leaves to be inserted into your existing manual. 
This amendment includes changes as the result of Land Transport Rule amendments, the 
increase of the self‐certification financial interest limit as well as correcting some minor 
reference errors. 
1. Please update your VIRM by following the update instructions on the next page. 
2. Update your ‘Record of amendments’ in the front of the VIRM and in your ‘Master 
This amendment will come into effect on 15 March 2011. 
The amendments are on our website at‐light‐veh‐repair‐
cert. If there are any problems with the documents you have received, please contact 
Vehicle Certifiers Registers on e‐mail [email protected] or phone toll‐free on 0800 587 
287 option 4. 
Yours sincerely 

Graeme Swan 
Technical coordinator 
Vehicles Unit 
List of changes – VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification version 3 amendment 2, March 2011 
Page  Change  Remove these  Insert these pages 
Intro 3‐7   Financial interest changed from $250  3‐7 to 3‐8  3‐7 to 3‐8 
to $500 
Intro 3‐8   Vehicle classes table, AB row –  
200 watts changed to 300 watts 
Intro 3‐11   Addition of ‘written’ to first sentence  3‐11 to 3‐12  3‐11 to 3‐12 
regarding repair instructions 
1‐1‐1   Summary of legislation re‐written  1‐1‐1 to 1‐1‐2  1‐1‐1 to 1‐1‐2 
 VIN figure updated to reflect recent 
3‐1‐3   New JIS standard mark  3‐1‐3 to 3‐1‐4  3‐1‐3 to 3‐1‐4 
9‐1‐1   Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards  9‐1‐1 to 9‐1‐2  9‐1‐1 to 9‐1‐2 
Compliance 2002 added 
Technical bulletins 
1‐1   Typo fix – ‘5‐2’ changed to ‘5‐5  1‐1 to 3‐2  1‐1 to 3‐2 
2‐1   Typo fix  ‐ ‘5‐3’ changed to ‘5‐6’ 
3‐2   Updated components inspected and 
certifier details 
VIRM Improvement suggestion form

Vehicle inspection requirements manual: Light vehicle repair certification


Inspection manual topic: 

Page number needing improvement: 

Details of suggested improvements: 

Contact details (in case we need to contact you for further clarification):


Company name: 

Postal address: 


Please send the completed form to:

Technical Co-ordinator
Vehicles Unit
NZ Transport Agency
PO Box 5084
Lambton Quay
Wellington 6145
Fax 04 894 5011

VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification

Version 3
December 2009
1 Purpose and scope
2 Overview of the manual
3 Inspection and certification process
4 Complaints
5 Inspection premises and equipment
6 Appointments
7 Sample certification documents
8 Definitions and abbreviations
Introduction page 1

Introduction Contents

1 Purpose and scope  1-1

2 Overview of the manual  2-1

3 Inspection and certification process  3-1

3.1 Duties and responsibilities  3-1
3.1.1 General duties and responsibilities  3-1
3.1.2 Inspection and certification  3-3
3.1.3 Re-inspection and re-certification  3-4
3.1.4 Performance review  3-5
3.1.5 Investigations  3-5
3.2 Disqualification from certification  3-7
3.3 Establishing whether a vehicle must be repair certified  3-7
3.4 Identifying the vehicle class  3-8
3.5 Repair instructions  3-11
3.6 Establishing whether the vehicle complies  3-11
3.7 Record of certification  3-11
3.8 Collecting fees  3-12

4 Complaints  4-1

5 Inspection premises and equipment  5-1

5.1 Premises and equipment specifications  5-1
5.2 Compliance with statutory requirements  5-1

6 Appointments  6-1

7 Sample certification documents  7-1

8 Definitions and abbreviations  7-1

VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification Introduction page 1

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Introduction page 2

Introduction page 2 VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification

Version 3
December 2009
Introduction page 1-1

Introduction 1 Purpose and scope

The NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) prepared this manual to assist light vehicle repair certifiers to
achieve correct and consistent standards of repair inspection and certification.
The purpose of this document is to:
• describe the NZTA’s requirements of its repair certifiers in New Zealand
• state the conditions of their appointment
• cover the requirements for the inspection and certification of repairs.
Further copies of this manual may be obtained from:
Regional Operations
NZ Transport Agency
Private Bag 11777
Phone: 0800 587 287
Fax: 06 953 6282
Amendments to this document will be issued from time to time as inspection requirements change and
improvements are made. Suggestions for improvement should be made using the form provided at the beginning of
this manual.

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Introduction page 1-2

Introduction page 1-2 VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification

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Introduction page 2-1

Introduction 2 Overview of the manual

This is the Vehicle inspection requirements manual (VIRM): Light vehicle repair certification (Repair VIRM). It has four
main parts:

1. Introduction
The introduction explains the duties and responsibilities of the repair certifier, the inspection and certification
process, complaints procedures, requirements for inspection premises and equipment, and the appointment
of repair certifiers.
Also included are definitions and abbreviations, sample certification documents, an improvement suggestion
form and a form for recording amendments.

2. Technical
This part of the manual covers the requirements for the certification of repairs to individual light vehicle
components, structures and systems.
Each section of the technical part consists of up to three parts:
Summary of legislation summarises the legislation that is relevant to that section.
Reasons for rejection specifies the repair defects that must result in the vehicle being
rejected for repair certification.
Notes are for additional guidance, where required.

3. Technical bulletins
This part of the manual contains Technical bulletins that provide extended explanatory material for specific
issues, components or vehicles.
This is to be used in conjunction with the relevant sections of the technical part of the manual.

To use the manual:

• the repair certifier identifies each system, structure or component affected by the repair
• the repair certifier selects the corresponding section from the technical part and inspects the repair to
determine whether the requirements have all been met
• where there is a general requirement, such as for welding or water damage, then the damaged item must
be inspected according to both the general and specific sections.

4. The LANDATA system

This part of the manual provides guidance on how to use the LANDATA system to access vehicle records and
record notes describing damage.

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Introduction page 2-2

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Introduction page 3-1

Introduction 3 Inspection and certification process

In order to inspect and certify a vehicle with a Light vehicle repair record of certification (LT308), the repair certifier
a) be an authorised repair certifier appointed by the NZTA under the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards
Compliance 2002 (the Rule) section 2.2
b) know the repair certifier’s responsibilities
c) identify the vehicle class according to section 3.4 of this introduction
d) identify whether the vehicle requires certification; section 3.3 of this introduction identifies the threshold for
repair certification
e) establish whether the vehicle complies; sections 3.5 and 3.6 of this introduction explain how to determine the
vehicle’s compliance with the requirements
f) complete the inspection documentation, LT308; section 3.7 of this introduction explains the requirements for
handling and completing the form
g) collect fees; section 3.8 of this introduction lists the requirements for the repair certifier when charging and
collecting fees.

3.1 Duties and responsibilities

3.1.1 General duties and responsibilities
The repair certifier’s primary duty is to ensure that a repaired vehicle is within safe tolerance of the
manufacturer’s specifications. General duties and responsibilities are defined in the Deed of Appointment:
Light Vehicle Repair Specialist Inspector and Inspecting Organisation, Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards
Compliance 2002 (the Rule), Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998 (the Repair Rule) and in this manual.
The scope is covered by this VIRM. If the repair certifier notices parts which are not covered in this VIRM, for
example lights which have been replaced, they must be listed and referred to a TSD agent.

1. Repair Certifier
Repair certifier means a person who is appointed by the NZTA under section 2.2(1)(h) of the Rule to carry out
inspection and certification activities in accordance with requirements and conditions imposed by the NZTA,
and who is responsible for the inspection and certification outcome.
In this manual, a repair certifier is one appointed for the purpose of light vehicle repair specialist inspection
and certification. This is defined in the Rule as specialist inspection and certification of repairs to significant
damage or deterioration to the structure, chassis, body-to-chassis attachment, suspension or occupant
protection system of a light vehicle.
For the avoidance of doubt, any reference to a certifier, vehicle inspector or inspecting organisation in any
legislation, Deed of Appointment, the Repair Rule or any other relevant document is a reference to a repair
certifier appointed by the NZTA under the Rule.

2. Inspection and certification activities (section 2.2(1)(h) of the Rule)

Repair certifiers carry out specialist inspection and certification of repairs to significant damage or
deterioration to the structure, chassis, body-to-chassis attachment, suspension or occupant protection
system of a light vehicle.

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Introduction page 3-2

3 Inspection and certification process

Introduction (cont.)

3. Primary duty (section 2.1(2) of the Rule)

Repair certifiers must carry out inspection and certification activities competently and diligently and in
accordance with the Rule, this document, their Deed of Appointment and the Repair Rule.

4. Inspection and certification activities that can be carried out (section 2.2(2) of the Rule)
Repair certifiers may carry out only those inspection and certification activities for which the NZTA has
appointed them.

5. Requirements, conditions and period of appointment (section 2.3(1) of the Rule)

The NZTA may specify the period of appointment for a repair certifier and may impose requirements and
conditions as to the performance of the inspection and certification activities, including the performance of
those activities at individual sites. The Deed of Appointment states a time of appointment of five years from
the date it was signed. This time may be extended by the receipt of a valid Certificate of Appointment. The
new termination date shall be that stated on the certificate.

6. Insurance and indemnity (Deed of Appointment, Light Vehicle Repair Specialist Inspector and Inspecting
Organisation Clause 28)
The repair certifier must maintain a third party public liability in relation to performance of the repair
certifier’s duties.

7. Fit and proper person (section 2.3(3) of the Rule)

It is a condition of appointment that a repair certifier continues to be a fit and proper person.

8. Document retention, incorrect certification, vehicle defects (section 2.3(4) of the Rule)
It is a condition of appointment that a repair certifier:
a) keeps every LT308 and copies of all other relevant records and associated documents relating to repair
inspections and certification for a minimum period of two years, and maintains them in a retrievable form
for a minimum period of five years
b) advises the Vehicles Unit as soon as practicable if there is a reason to believe that the inspection and
certification of a vehicle has been carried out incorrectly
c) advises the Vehicles Unit as soon as is practicable after they become aware of a defect in a manufacturer’s
production run or quality control process that may affect the safety performance of a vehicle that has been
inspected and certified.

9. Delegation (section 2.4(1) of the Rule)

A repair certifier may not delegate any function or power to carry out inspection and certification activities for
which they were appointed, except under conditions specified by the NZTA in writing.
A repair certifier may only delegate the following tasks to recognised technicians:
a) wheel alignment measurement and recording
b) three-dimensional chassis measurement and recording
c) diagnostic reports on electronic parts, components and systems.

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Introduction page 3-3

A repair certifier may approve a technician to perform the above tasks only after the repair certifier has
ascertained that the person is fully capable of completing the task. Repair certifiers are responsible for the
outcomes or consequences of any delegated task.
Repair certifiers must maintain a record of all recognised technicians that they have approved in accordance
with any specifications in the Performance review system (PRS) manual that supports this manual.

10. Delegation of an inspection phase

A repair certifier may delegate a phase of the repair certification to another repair certifier when it is required
by unusual circumstances. In such cases, the repair certifier must contact the Repair Certifiers’ Association
and supply details of the period during which delegation will take place and the name of the certifier to
be delegated. If the Repair Certifiers’ Association has any reason to think that this process may be being
improperly used, it must notify the NZTA.
The certifier signing the LT308 retains responsibility for the entire repair and all its processes, including the
delegated work.
The repair certification process consists of three phases:
1. Initial assessment and prescription of the repairs to be done.
2. Intermediate inspections of the repair in progress and prescription of any remedial work to make good any
poor or misunderstood repairs.
3. Final inspection and sign-off on the LT308.
Delegation of phase 1 will not be permitted unless the repair certifier has applied to the NZTA for
consideration on a case-by-case basis.
Where phase 2 is delegated, the delegated certifier must:
• inform the original certifier if they have been, or are about to be, suspended, revoked, or placed under
• approve the original instructions for the repair
• sign the LT308 for the interim inspection.
Under these circumstances, a delegated certifier will share the responsibility for any incorrect certification.
If the delegated certifier does not agree with any part of the repair specification, they must negotiate with the
original certifier to agree on a repair specification that is acceptable to both, refuse the task, or in the absence
of the original certifier, change the instruction to a higher repair specification.
Where phase 3 is delegated, the delegated certifier is responsible for the entire repair. If a repair certifier has
concerns about this, they should seek advice from the NZTA.

3.1.2 Inspection and certification

1. Repair specialist inspection and certification (sections 6.5(1) and 6.5(4) of the Rule)
A repair certifier is required to inspect and certify a repaired vehicle as within safe tolerance of the
manufacturer’s specifications following significant damage or deterioration to its structure, chassis, body-
to-chassis attachment, suspension or occupant protection system. Such inspection may extend beyond the
inspection of the areas identified by the TSD agent.

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Introduction page 3-4

3 Inspection and certification process

Introduction (cont.)

The inspection and certification of a vehicle must be carried out in accordance with the requirements and
conditions imposed by the NZTA.
The NZTA’s requirements and conditions are contained in this document and the Deed of Appointment.

2. Identifying damage on the LANDATA system

A repair certifier may access a vehicle record on LANDATA, and add notes to the record to identify damage
found during the initial inspection.

3. Determining compliance of a repaired vehicle (sections 6.5(5) and 11.1 of the Rule)
A specific aspect of a vehicle may be certified as meeting the requirements of the Rule if a repair certifier has
identified the vehicle and has determined, on reasonable grounds, that the specific aspect:
a) has not compromised the structural integrity of the vehicle, or
b) has been repaired using components and materials that are fit for their purpose, and the vehicle is
returned to within safe tolerance of its state when manufactured or modified, or
c) has been repaired in accordance with this document, or
d) has not suffered water damage to the extent that it is impractical for the repair certifier to certify the
vehicle as safe to operate.
If the vehicle has been repaired before it entered New Zealand and the repair certifier cannot determine
that the repair methods and parts used in the repair comply with the requirements of this manual, the repair
certifier must record why he or she is prepared to certify the repair. This record should be supported as far as
is practicable by documentation of tests and checks done on the repair and any components used.

4. Record of determination (section 6.6 of the Rule)

When a repair certifier has determined that a repaired vehicle complies with applicable requirements, the
repair certifier must make a record of determination on the LT308 that the vehicle complies.

5. Supporting documents (section 6.7 of the Rule)

A repair certifier must keep all records concerned with the certification and must make them available upon
request by the NZTA.
The records must be kept for a minimum of two years, and maintained in a retrievable form for a minimum of
five years.

3.1.3 Re-inspection and re-certification (section 11.4 of the Rule)

If an LT308 has been issued to a vehicle as a result of an incorrect repair inspection and certification, the
NZTA may require that a repair certifier:
a) repeat the inspection and certification of the vehicle
b) issue, if appropriate, an LT308
c) meet the re-inspection and re-certification costs of the activities undertaken under (a) and (b).

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3.1.4 Performance review

1. NZTA may monitor and review performance (section 3.1(1) of the Rule)
The NZTA may monitor and review the performance of a repair certifier, including the performance of
inspection and certification activities.
The requirements and conditions are contained in this document, the Deed of Appointment and the NZTA
PRS: Light vehicle repair certification manual.

2. Providing information to the NZTA (sections 3.1(2) and (3) of the Rule)
The NZTA may require a repair certifier to undergo such monitoring and review and to provide such
information as the NZTA reasonably considers relevant. A repair certifier must comply with these

3. Costs of monitoring and review (section 3.1(4) of the Rule)

Repair certifiers must bear the costs of the monitoring and reviewing of their performance in accordance with
any prescribed fee.

3.1.5 Investigations
1. Investigations (section 3.2(1) and 3.2(8) of the Rule)
If the NZTA has reason to believe that a repair certifier has failed to comply with any of the conditions of his
or her appointment, the NZTA may require the repair certifier to undergo an investigation and to provide such
information as the NZTA reasonably considers appropriate.
The repair certifier cannot refuse to undergo any investigation.

2. Notification of action (other than immediate suspension/imposing of conditions)

(section 3.2(3) of the Rule)
Following an investigation and before carrying out action, the NZTA must notify the repair certifier in writing
a) the action that is being considered
b) the reason for the action that is being considered
c) the date by which submissions may be made to the NZTA in respect of the action that is being considered,
which must be at least 21 days after the notice was given
d) the date on which the action that is being considered will take effect, where appropriate; this date must be
at least 28 days after the notice was given, unless the NZTA determines otherwise.

3. Responding to a notification of action (section 3.2(5) of the Rule)

If a repair certifier is notified as above, they must ensure that they provide the NZTA with all information
within the period specified in the notice.

4. NZTA must consider submissions (section 3.2(6) of the Rule)

The NZTA must consider the submissions and information supplied, and must:
a) decide whether or not to take the action that is being considered

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Introduction page 3-6

3 Inspection and certification process

Introduction (cont.)

b) as soon as is practicable, provide written notification to the repair certifier of:

i. the NZTA’s decision
ii. if appropriate, the date on which the action is to take effect
iii. if appropriate, the right of appeal under section 106 of the Land Transport Act 1998.

5. Remedial action, suspension, revocation (sections 3.2(2) and 3.2(8) of the Rule)
If, following an investigation, the NZTA is satisfied that the repair certifier has failed to comply with any of the
conditions of their appointment, the NZTA may do one or more of the following:
a) require that remedial action, such as undergoing training or mentoring, be undertaken by the repair
certifier; the repair certifier cannot refuse to comply with the requirement
b) suspend the repair certifier for a specified period or until conditions are met
c) revoke the appointment of the repair certifier.
Schedule A of the Deed of Appointment specifies penalties for failure to comply with any of the conditions of
the repair certifier’s appointment.

6. Immediate suspension or imposing of conditions (section 3.3(1) of the Rule)

If the NZTA has reason to believe that a repair certifier has failed to comply with a condition of his or her
appointment and that this presents a significant risk to land transport safety, the NZTA may suspend the
appointment with immediate effect, or impose any conditions on the appointment of the repair certifier.
Schedule A of the Deed of Appointment specifies penalties for failure to comply with any of the conditions of
the repair certifier’s appointment.

7. Notification of immediate suspension or imposing of conditions (section 3.3(2) of the Rule)

When the NZTA suspends the appointment, or imposes conditions on the appointment, the NZTA must
notify the repair certifier in writing of:
a) the grounds for the suspension or imposing of conditions
b) the fact that the inspector or organisation may make submissions to the NZTA
c) the right of appeal under section 106 of the Land Transport Act 1998.

8. NZTA must consider submissions following immediate suspension or imposition of conditions (section
3.3(3) of the Rule)
The NZTA must, as soon as is practicable, consider any submission made and notify the inspector or
inspecting organisation in writing of the result of any such consideration.

9. Duration of immediate suspension or imposition of conditions (section 3.3(5) of the Rule)

A suspension or condition imposed remains in force until the NZTA has determined the action to be taken
and that action has been taken.

10. Withdrawal of immediate suspension or imposition of conditions (section 3.3(4) of the Rule)
The NZTA may at any time withdraw a suspension or condition imposed.

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11. Right of appeal against immediate suspension or imposition of conditions (section 3.3(6) of the Rule)
A repair certifier may appeal under section 106 of the Land Transport Act 1998 against a decision by the
NZTA to immediately suspend or impose conditions.

12. Costs of investigations (sections 3.2(7) and 3.2(8) of the Rule)

The NZTA may require a repair certifier to bear the costs associated with an investigation or remedial action
in accordance with any prescribed fee. The repair certifier cannot refuse to pay the fee.

3.2 Disqualification from certification

A repair certifier must not inspect a vehicle in which he or she has a financial or professional interest such as:
a) the repair certifier owns the vehicle or is paying for the repairs, or
b) the repair certifier has been the primary repairer of the vehicle, or
c) the vehicle has been repaired by a person working for the same company as the repair certifier and at
the same premises, unless written permission has been obtained from the Vehicles Unit for each vehicle
certified, or
d) the repair certifier is the designer, manufacturer, supplier, installer, purchaser, owner or maintainer of items
or products used in the vehicle being certified.
A repair certifier may certify a vehicle in which he or she has a limited financial interest. The meaning of this is
as follows::
a) The repair certifier may carry out minor remedial work that is directly concerned with bringing the vehicle
structure within safe tolerance of the manufacturer’s specifications while the vehicle is being prepared for
certification, after an initial attempt has been made to repair it by an independent party.
b) Financial interest is limited to $500 per vehicle inspected. This does not include any fees charged by the
repair certifier as part of normal certification work. Applications to exceed this limit must be directed to
the National Manager Vehicles.
c) A log of the remedial work and charges made must be retained and produced to an authorised NZTA
representative on request.
A repair certifier must not inspect a vehicle if:
a) they do not hold a driver licence for that class of vehicle, and
b) they are required to drive it.

3.3 Establishing whether a vehicle must be repair certified

A vehicle must be inspected for light vehicle repair certification if:
a) it requires repair certification for entry or re-entry to service, and
b) it is a vehicle of one of the following classes:
LC, LD, LE1, LE2, MA, MB, MC, MD1, MD2, or NA (see Table 1), and

VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification Introduction page 3-7

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3 Inspection and certification process

Introduction (cont.)

c) the vehicle shows any of the following conditions:

• evidence of corrosion in a structural part of the vehicle; this includes evidence of rust bleed
• corrosion perforation of any non-structural body panel of the vehicle
• damage that affects the integrity of any bonded or welded seams or joints installed by the vehicle
• underbody damage that has caused the splitting of seam welds, distortion of suspension members or
mounting points, or tearing of metal structures
• denting or creasing across rocker panels or to a depth of more than 25 mm
• denting or distortion to the folds or swages in the sill panel or structure of the inner or outer sill weld
• distortion to the longitudinal chassis rails so as to affect the front or rear crush zones or kick-up areas
• damage of a cross-member that may affect steering or suspension alignment
• distortion of a cross-member
• cracking of the unitary body in areas affecting a safety component or system
• a deployed airbag or seatbelt pre-tensioner
• there is evidence that repairs have been made to the structure or safety systems of the vehicle or the
extent of the original damage is not evident
• there is evidence that the vehicle has suffered water damage.
Note 1 Technical bulletin 4 explains the threshold requirements as set out for entry certifiers in New Zealand.

3.4 Identifying the vehicle class

Since some decisions are made according to the class of the vehicle, the repair certifier must be able to
identify the class of the vehicle to be inspected (see Table 1).
Table 1. Vehicle classes
Class Description
AA (Pedal cycle) A vehicle designed to be propelled through a mechanism solely by human

AB (Power-assisted pedal cycle) A pedal cycle to which is attached one or more auxiliary propulsion motors
having a combined maximum power output not exceeding 300 watts.

LA (Moped with two wheels) A motor vehicle (other than a power-assisted pedal cycle) that has:
a) two wheels, and
b) either:
i. an engine cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc and a maximum
speed not exceeding 50 km/h, or
ii. a power source other than a piston engine and a maximum speed not
exceeding 50 km/h.

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Class Description
LB (Moped with three wheels) A motor vehicle (other than a power-assisted pedal cycle) that has three
wheels, and either:
a) an engine cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc and a maximum speed
not exceeding 50 km/h, or
b) a power source other than a piston engine and a maximum speed not
exceeding 50 km/h.

LB1 A class LB motor vehicle that has one wheel at the front and two wheels at
the rear.

LB2 A class LB motor vehicle that has two wheels at the front and one wheel at
the rear.

LC (Motorcycle) A motor vehicle that has two wheels, and either:

a) an engine cylinder capacity exceeding 50 cc, or
b) a maximum speed exceeding 50 km/h.

LD (Motorcycle and sidecar) A motor vehicle that has three wheels asymmetrically arranged in relation to
the longitudinal median axis, and either:
a) an engine cylinder capacity exceeding 50 cc, or
b) a maximum speed exceeding 50 km/h.

Sidecar A car, box, or other receptacle attached to the side of a motor cycle and
supported by a wheel.

LE (Motor tricycle) A motor vehicle that has:

a) three wheels symmetrically arranged in relation to the longitudinal
median axis, and
b) a gross vehicle mass not exceeding one tonne, and either:
i. an engine cylinder capacity exceeding 50 cc, or
ii. a maximum speed exceeding 50 km/h.

LE1 A class LE motor vehicle that has one wheel at the front and two wheels at
the rear.

LE2 A class LE motor vehicle that has two wheels at the front and one wheel at
the rear.

Passenger vehicle A motor vehicle that is constructed primarily for the carriage of passengers,
and has either:
a) at least four wheels, or
b) three wheels and a gross vehicle mass exceeding one tonne.

MA (Passenger car) A passenger vehicle (other than a class MB or class MC vehicle) that has not
more than nine seating positions (including the driver’s seating position).

MB (Forward control passenger A passenger vehicle (other than a class MC vehicle) that has not more than
vehicle) nine seating positions (including the driver’s seating position) in which the
centre of the steering wheel is in the forward quarter of the vehicle’s total

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3 Inspection and certification process

Introduction (cont.)

Class Description
MC (Off-road passenger vehicle) A passenger vehicle, designed with special features for off-road operation,
that has not more than nine seating positions (including the driver’s seating
position), and that has:
a) four-wheel drive, and
b) at least four of the following characteristics when the vehicle is
unladen on a level surface and the front wheels are parallel to the
vehicle’s longitudinal centreline and the tyres are inflated to the vehicle
manufacturer’s recommended pressure:
i) an approach angle of not less than 28 degrees
ii) a breakover angle of not less than 14 degrees
iii) a departure angle of not less than 20 degrees
iv) a running clearance of not less than 200 mm
v) a front-axle clearance, rear-axle clearance, or suspension clearance of
not less than 175 mm.

Omnibus A passenger vehicle that has more than nine seating positions (including the
driver’s seating position).

MD1 An omnibus that has a gross vehicle mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes and not
more than 12 seats.

MD2 An omnibus that has a gross vehicle mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes and more
than 12 seats.

Goods vehicle A motor vehicle that:

a) is constructed primarily for the carriage of goods, and has either:
i) at least four wheels, or
ii) three wheels and a gross vehicle mass exceeding one tonne.
For the purpose of this description:
a) a vehicle that is constructed for the carriage of both goods and
passengers shall be considered primarily for the carriage of goods if the
number of seating positions multiplied by 68 kg is less than 50% of the
difference between the gross vehicle mass and the unladen mass
b) the equipment and installations carried on special purpose vehicles not
designed for the carriage of passengers shall be considered to be goods
c) a goods vehicle that has two or more non-separable but articulated units
shall be considered to be a single vehicle.

NA (Light goods vehicle) A goods vehicle that has a gross vehicle mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes.

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3.5 Repair instructions

The repairer certifier must issue written instructions specifying the repairs to be performed in order for the
vehicle to be certified.
The repair certifier and the repairer must take into account manufacturer’s instructions where available,
including specifications, measurements, tolerances, materials, methods and procedures. It is the repair
certifier’s responsibility to justify any departure from the manufacturer’s instructions.
If the manufacturer’s instructions are not available, the repair certifier and the repairer must take into account
the instructions of a recognised repair research organisation relevant to the vehicle type, such as R-Car,
I-Car, or Thatcham. In this case it is the repair certifier’s responsibility to justify any departure from these
The certifier may certify repairs where no proof of the methods and parts used can be obtained, if he or
she determines, on reasonable grounds, that the repairs have returned the vehicle to safe tolerance of its
condition when manufactured or modified.

3.6 Establishing whether the vehicle complies

The following steps must be taken in determining vehicle compliance:
1. Examine the vehicle in a suitable state in suitable premises to determine the level and extent of damage or
corrosion, or the extent and condition of repairs that have been carried out.
2. Select the relevant sections from the technical pages of this manual that relate to each structure or
component that has been repaired or damaged.
3. Inspect the vehicle and documentation against the requirements listed in those sections.
4. If any of the listed reasons for rejection apply to the vehicle, the repair certifier must reject the vehicle for
5. If the repair certifier requires further information in order to determine compliance with the requirements,
they must reject the vehicle until the information has been obtained.

3.7 Record of certification (section 6.6 of the Rule)

1. The repair certifier must complete an LT308 for any vehicle inspected.
2. The repair certifier must retain the top copy of the LT308.
3. The repair certifier must provide one copy of the LT308 (usually the carbon copy) to the owner of the vehicle.
4. The repair certifier must hold all documentary evidence as required by the technical pages of this manual.

3.8 Collecting fees

The Land Transport (Certification and Other Fees) Regulations 1999, Regulations 5 and 8 stipulate that the
fee that may be charged by a repair certifier for the certification of a vehicle is an amount determined by the
individual repair certifier having regard to:
a) the time spent in inspecting the vehicle to ascertain whether it complies with the relevant requirements
b) any fees payable to the NZTA
c) any standard or usual rate at which the repair certifier charges for other work carried out in respect of
motor vehicles.

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Introduction 4 Complaints

Customers should be encouraged to direct any complaints to the repair certifier in the first instance.
To ensure that all written complaints are investigated, the repair certifier must maintain an effective complaints
management process, which must provide:
a) a clear and concise statement that recognises the positive value of complaints
b) clear and concise instructions to all customers on how to register a complaint; this can be accomplished in
several ways, for example:
i. a conspicuous notice on the work place wall, or
ii. a clear statement on any receipt or invoice issued, or
iii. a clear statement on the repair certifier’s checksheet
c) a straightforward explanation of the expected standards for resolution and the customer’s right to appeal to the
NZTA if they are dissatisfied with the proposed resolution
d) full documentation of each complaint processed, in accordance with the NZTA PRS manual, to enable subsequent
e) acknowledgement in writing within three working days of any written complaint
f) a proposed resolution to the complainant within 20 working days of the complaint being made
g) a record of each complaint, whether verbal or written, in accordance with the NZTA PRS manual
h) a clear direction to the NZTA freephone (0800 699 000) if a customer wishes to make a complaint or appeal a
decision made by an inspecting organisation.
The repair certifier must ensure that the premises used for the inspection and certification of repairs comply with the
applicable requirements in this section.

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Introduction 5 Inspection premises and equipment

5.1 Premises and equipment specifications

1. The repair certifier must carry out inspection and certification of repairs in an inspection area that:
a) enables a safe and thorough inspection
b) is situated within a building that has a roof, sides and door made of permanent building materials, and
i. is of sufficient dimensions, including doorway and access-way, to enable the efficient and thorough
inspection of any vehicle
ii. is on ground that is constructed of a material that will remain firm in all weather conditions
iii. is on ground that is even and level (the ground will be considered level when it can be demonstrated
that a vehicle will remain stationary with all brakes released)
iv. is sufficiently clear of structural and equipment intrusions (other than those necessary for the
inspection and repair process) to enable the efficient and thorough inspection of any vehicle being
v. is provided with sufficient lighting to enable good visibility of the vehicle being certified and the
equipment used in the inspection process.
2. The inspection area must provide the following equipment for the repair certifier (or delegate) to use as
a) an inspection hoist that enables the efficient and thorough close visual inspection of the complete
vehicle underbody
b) an industrial-quality, hand-held inspection lamp
c) a hand tool selection
d) a trammel bar
e) currently calibrated four-wheel alignment measuring equipment and data sheets
f) currently calibrated three-dimensional chassis measuring equipment and data sheets.

5.2 Compliance with statutory requirements

It is the repair certifier’s responsibility to ensure that the premises and equipment comply, as they apply to the
repair certifier or their business, with:
• occupational safety and health requirements
• any other relevant acts, regulations and local bylaws.

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Introduction 6 Appointments

To be appointed to inspect and certify repairs, the candidate must meet the requirements of this section.
The candidate must:
a) be qualified as a panel beater with a National Certificate in panel beating or another qualification considered to
be the equivalent by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority
b) have at least 10 years experience in panel beating or vehicle repair
c) have access to the premises and equipment necessary to certify repairs
d) have sound knowledge of all technical aspects relating to the assessment of repairs, including:
i. the assessment of specialist reports, for example chassis measurement sheets, SRS and ABS reports, wheel
alignment reports, etc
ii. the assessment of the suitability of repair methods and their effect on other components and systems
e) have knowledge of requirements specified in the VIRM: Light Vehicle Repair Certification
f) be a fit and proper person (section 2.6 of the Rule); the criteria considered with any application include:
i. relevant criminal convictions
ii. transport-related offences
iii. relevant warnings, penalties and disciplinary actions imposed
iv. relevant complaints
v. the interests of the public and land transport safety
g) hold a current driver licence for the class(es) of vehicles to be inspected
h) be eligible for any required insurance cover.

Application packs may be obtained from, and applications must be made to:
Vehicle Certifiers Registers
NZ Transport Agency
Transport Registry Centre
Private Bag 11777
Palmerston North 4442
Phone 0800 587 287

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Introduction 7 Sample certification documents

Figure 1. LT308

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Introduction 8 Definitions and abbreviations

Applicable requirement means any requirement specified or incorporated in an Act, regulation, code or rule
that applies to the design, construction, condition, equipment, modification, repair or
maintenance of a specific vehicle.

Approved vehicle means a vehicle standard with which a vehicle is required to comply by an applicable
standard requirement.

Certify means in relation to a vehicle, or specific aspect of a vehicle, to make a record of

determination under section 6.6(1)(a) or 7.6(1)(a) of the Rule that confirms that the
vehicle inspector or inspecting organisation has determined that the vehicle or specific
aspect of the vehicle complies with the applicable requirements.

Class in relation to vehicles, means a category of vehicle of one of the groups A, L, M, N, and T,
as specified in Table 1 in section 3.4 of this introduction.

Compliance label means an attachment to the vehicle in the form of a label that confirms compliance with
applicable requirements.

De-registered means that a vehicle’s New Zealand registration has been cancelled in accordance with
section 27 or 28 of the Transport (Vehicle and Driver Registration and Licensing) Act 1986.

Enter service in relation to a vehicle, means to begin to be operated in service on the road in New
Zealand for the first time in compliance with registration requirements of the Transport
(Vehicle and Driver Registration and Licensing) Act 1986.

Inspection and means the performance of two or more of the following, for the purposes of determining
certification compliance with applicable requirements:
• examining vehicles
• determining whether or not a vehicle or specific aspect of a vehicle complies with
applicable requirements
• issuing evidence of vehicle inspection
• recording and making available information about vehicles (including their systems,
components, devices, fittings and equipment).

Inspection and means a document required, produced or issued in the inspection and certification
certification document process, including a plate, a label, an electronic record and a check sheet.

Inspection and in relation to a vehicle, means:

certification outcome
• production of a record of determination as appropriate to the inspection and
certification activity, or
• provision of other records and information about the vehicle to the NZTA or other
persons, or
• production of evidence of vehicle inspection.

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Introduction 8 Definitions and abbreviations (cont.)

Inspecting organisation means an organisation appointed under section 2.2 of the Rule which is responsible for
inspection and certification outcomes. A repair certifier is an inspecting organisation and
a vehicle inspector.

Land Transport has the meaning stated in the Land Transport Act 1998.

Manufacturer’s means:
operating limits
• in relation to a motor vehicle, the allowance provided by the vehicle manufacturer
in terms of performance capability and dimensions, relative to deterioration,
malfunction or damage beyond which the safe performance of the vehicle, as defined
by the vehicle manufacturer, is compromised
• in relation to a system, component or item of equipment, incorporated in or attached
to a vehicle, the allowance provided by the system, component or equipment
manufacturer in terms of performance capability and dimensions, relative to
the deterioration, malfunction or damage, beyond which the safe performance of
the system, component or item of equipment (and consequently the vehicle) is

Modify in relation to a vehicle, means to change the vehicle from its original state by altering,
substituting, adding or removing any structure, system, component or equipment, but
does not include repair.

Motor vehicle means a vehicle drawn or propelled by mechanical power, including its structure,
systems, components and equipment; it includes a trailer, but does not include:
• a vehicle running on rails
• an invalid carriage
• a trailer (other than a trailer designed solely for the carriage of goods) that is
designed and used exclusively as part of the armament of the New Zealand Defence
• a trailer running on one wheel and designed exclusively as a speed measuring device
or for testing the wear of vehicle tyres
• a vehicle designed for amusement purposes and used exclusively within a place of
recreation, amusement or entertainment to which the public does not have access
with motor vehicles
• a pedestrian-controlled machine.

NZTA means the NZ Transport Agency.

Record of determination means a record, in paper or electronic form, that a vehicle or specific aspect of a vehicle
complies or does not comply with applicable requirements.

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Re-enter service in relation to a vehicle previously certified for entry into service on the road in
New Zealand and that has been deregistered, means to begin to be operated in-service

Registered in relation to a vehicle, means registered under the Transport (Vehicle and Driver
Registration and Licensing) Act 1986.

Registration number means the combination of numbers or letters, or numbers and letters on a registration
plate, issued under the Transport (Vehicle and Driver Registration and Licensing) Act 1986,
for use on a registration plate.

Repair in relation to a vehicle, means to restore a damaged or worn vehicle, its structure,
systems, components or equipment; it includes the replacement of damaged or worn
structures, systems, components and equipment with equivalent undamaged or new
structures, systems, components and equipment.

Safe tolerance means the tolerance within which the safe performance of the vehicle, its structure,
systems, components or equipment is not compromised, having regard to any
manufacturer’s operating limits.

Specialist inspection and means inspection and certification of a specific aspect of a vehicle.

Statement of compliance means a statement in a format specified by the NZTA confirming that a vehicle or
component complied with one or more approved vehicle standards when manufactured
or modified.

Vehicle Identification means a group of letters and numbers consisting of 17 characters that is:
Number (VIN)
• affixed to a vehicle in accordance with the relevant standard prescribed under
Regulation 90V of the Traffic Regulations 1976, and
• capable of being decoded to provide identifying information about that vehicle.

Vehicle inspector means a person appointed under section 2.2 of the Rule to carry out inspection and
certification activities in accordance with the requirements and conditions imposed by
the NZTA.

Vehicle standard means a technical specification with which a vehicle, its structure, systems, components
or equipment must comply, and which is adopted by:
• the New Zealand Standards Council; or
• any international, national or regional organisation with functions similar to those of
the New Zealand Standards Council.

Warrant of Fitness means evidence of vehicle inspection, issued under sections 6.8(b) or 7.9(b) or 7.9(c) of
the Rule to a vehicle in sections 7.9(b) or 7.9(c) of the Rule.

Water damage in relation to a vehicle, means damage to a vehicle’s critical safety system as a result of
exposure to water.

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Vehicle identification
1-1 Vehicle identification
Page 1-1-1

Vehicle identification 1-1 Vehicle identification

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. A VIN number is not valid (Note 1 and Note 3).
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards Compliance
2002 2. A VIN or chassis number has been:
Mandatory requirements a) removed, or
1. A vehicle first registered or re-registered in New
b) erased, or
Zealand before 1 April 1994 must have a chassis
number or VIN.
c) altered, or
2. A vehicle first registered or re-registered in New
Zealand from 1 April 1994 must have a VIN. d) defaced, or

Condition e) obscured, or
3. A VIN or chassis number must not have been removed, f) destroyed, or
erased, altered, defaced, obscured, destroyed, obliterated
or affixed unlawfully, or be unauthorised. g) obliterated, or
h) attached or reattached by a person other than an
approved VIN issuing agent (Note 5).

Note 1 The repair certifier must record the VIN number. The chassis number may be used as a technical reference.
Note 2 A vehicle without a VIN must be referred to a VIN issuing agent (VTNZ, VINZ, NZAA, Safer Vehicle Testing) to have a VIN
Note 3 A valid VIN consists of 17 characters that never contain the letters I, O or Q, and that is capable of being decoded to
provide identifying information about the vehicle.
Note 4 If the vehicle inspector has reason to believe that the VIN or chassis number has been tampered with in any way, they must
advise the NZ Police.
Note 5 If the VIN is removed or replaced during repair, the repair certifier must provide the TSD agent with all relevant information
describing which parts of the vehicle were affected by the repairs and the source of any parts used (including the
registration plates, VIN or chassis number of any donor vehicles). The TSD agent will complete the required documentation
and reattach the VIN.

Make code from Number derived from the

LANDATA: 0DH Filler last six digits of the chassis
denotes Nissan (always ‘X’) number or randomly
derived if no chassis
World manufacturer number or VIN already
identifier: 7AT denotes Model code from Year VIN exists
NZTA (was 7A8 until LANDATA: 1E assigned
December 2009) denotes Bluebird

7 AT 0 D H 1 E X 0 9 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 1-1. Structure of a VIN issued by the NZTA

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December 2009
Vehicle structure
2-1 Unibody chassis rails
2-2 Body-over-frame chassis rails
2-3 Sills
2-4 A-pillars
2-5 Other pillars
2-6 Bumpers and energy absorbers
2-7 Plastic repairs
2-8 Points of attachment
Page 2-1-1

Vehicle structure 2-1 Unibody chassis rails

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. The performance of a frontal impact occupant
• Land Transport Rule: Frontal Impact 2001
protection system has been affected by any factor,
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998 including corrosion, structural damage, material
Condition degradation, inadequate repair, the fitting of additional
1. The performance of a frontal impact occupant equipment or the removal of equipment.
protection system must not be affected by any factor, 2. A chassis rail has not been replaced when there is
including corrosion, structural damage, material
degradation, inadequate repair, the fitting of additional evidence that it had been deformed so that a localised
equipment, or the removal of equipment. kink of 90° or more has been formed over a small
2. A repair to a vehicle, its structure, systems, components radius.
or equipment must restore the damaged or worn
vehicle, structure, system, component or equipment so 3. A chassis rail has not been replaced or sectioned when
that it is within safe tolerance of the state of the vehicle there are visible cracks, tears or splinters before or after
when manufactured.
the chassis rail is straightened.
4. A crush zone has been repaired where this is not
permitted in the manufacturer’s instructions.
5. A rail has been over-stretched during repair.
6. Heat has been applied to a chassis rail in a manner that
is not permitted in the manufacturer’s instructions.
7. Rails have been heated as part of the repair and the
manufacturer’s temperatures and time limits have not
been followed, or evidence of this process has not been
provided (Note 2).
8. Heat has been applied to a rail in a manner that does
not follow the manufacturer’s specifications.
9. A rail has been sectioned when the manufacturer
prohibits sectioning of rails.
10. A rail has been sectioned using any procedure that is
prohibited by the manufacturer.
11. A recognised repair research organisation’s procedures
have not been followed to section a rail when the
manufacturer’s instructions are not available.
12. Unless permitted by the manufacturer’s instructions, a
chassis rail has been sectioned in or near the following
a) engine, suspension, steering or drive train mounting
point, or
b) crush zone.

Note 1 The replacement of damaged parts at factory seams should be done whenever practicable and when required by the
vehicle manufacturer.
Note 2 If a rail is heated as part of a repair, evidence of the process must be provided in the vehicle file. This should include such
information as the manufacturer’s specifications, temperature indicator used, and the time that the heat was applied for.

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Vehicle structure 2-2 Body-over-frame chassis rails

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. The performance of a frontal impact occupant
• Land Transport Rule: Frontal Impact 2001
protection system has been affected by any factor,
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998 including corrosion, structural damage, material
Condition degradation, inadequate repair, the fitting of additional
1. The performance of a frontal impact occupant equipment or the removal of equipment.
protection system must not be affected by any factor,
2. A chassis rail has not been replaced when there is
including corrosion, structural damage, material
degradation, inadequate repair, the fitting of additional evidence that it has been deformed so that a localised
equipment or the removal of equipment. kink of 90° or more has been formed over a small
2. A repair to a vehicle, its structure, systems, radius.
components or equipment must restore the damaged
or worn vehicle, structure, system, component or 3. A chassis rail has not been replaced or sectioned when
equipment so that it is within safe tolerance of the state there are visible cracks, tears and or splinters before or
of the vehicle when manufactured.
after the chassis rail is straightened.
4. A crush zone has been repaired where this is not
permitted in the manufacturer’s instructions.
5. A rail has been over-stretched during repair.
6. Rails have been heated as part of the repair and
evidence that this process has been carried out to the
manufacturer’s temperatures and time limits has not
been documented (Note 2).
7. Heat has been applied to a chassis rail where this is not
permitted in the manufacturer’s instructions.
8. A rail has been sectioned when the manufacturer
prohibits sectioning of rails.
9. A rail has been sectioned but not following the
manufacturer’s instructions.
10. A recognised repair research organisation’s procedures
have not been followed to section a rail when the
manufacturer’s instructions are not available.
11. Unless permitted by the manufacturer’s instructions, a
chassis rail has been sectioned in or near the following
a) engine, suspension, steering or drive train mounting
point, or
b) crush zone.

Note 1 The replacement of damaged parts at factory seams should be done whenever practicable and when required by the
vehicle manufacturer.
Note 2 If a rail is heated as part of a repair, evidence of the process must be provided in the vehicle file. This should include such
information as the manufacturer’s instructions, temperature indicator used, and the time that the heat was applied for.

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Page 2-3-1

Vehicle structure 2-3 Sills

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. A sill has been sectioned where this is not permitted in
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
the manufacturer’s instructions.
• Land Transport Rule: Frontal Impact 2001
2. A sill has been sectioned but not following either the
Condition manufacturer’s instructions or a recognised repair
1. The performance of a frontal impact occupant research organisation’s procedures.
protection system must not be affected by any factor,
including corrosion, structural damage, material 3. A sill has been sectioned but not using one of the
degradation, inadequate repair, the fitting of additional
equipment or the removal of equipment.
following procedures (unless the procedure used is
permitted by the manufacturer or a recognised repair
2. A repair to a vehicle, its structure, systems,
components or equipment must restore the damaged research organisation):
or worn vehicle, structure, system, component or
equipment so that it is within safe tolerance of the state a) lap joint, or
of the vehicle when manufactured.
b) offset butt or offset lap joint with appropriate inserts,
c) butt joint with an insert, or
d) a 25 mm overlap with MIG plug welds.

Note 1 Damaged parts should be replaced at factory seams whenever practicable and when required by the vehicle manufacturer.

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Page 2-4-1

Vehicle structure 2-4 A-pillars

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. An A-pillar has been sectioned when the manufacturer
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
prohibits repairs to the A-pillar.
• Land Transport Rule: Frontal Impact 2001
2. An A-pillar has been sectioned but not following either
• Land Transport Rule: Glazing, Windscreen Wipe and
Wash, and Mirrors 1999 the manufacturer’s methods or a recognised repair
research organisation’s procedures.
3. An A-pillar has been sectioned but not using one of
1. A repair to a vehicle, its structure, systems,
components or equipment must restore the damaged the following procedures (unless specifically permitted
or worn vehicle, structure, system, component or by the manufacturer, or a recognised repair research
equipment so that it is within safe tolerance of the state
of the vehicle when manufactured. organisation):
2. The performance of a frontal impact occupant a) butt joint with an insert, or
protection system must not be affected by any factor,
including corrosion, structural damage, material b) offset butt joint, or
degradation, inadequate repair, the fitting of additional
equipment or the removal of equipment. c) offset butt joint with an insert, or
3. Glazing must be mechanically sound, strong and
d) a 25 mm overlap with MIG plug welds.
securely affixed to the vehicle.
4. A foam-filled pillar has not had the foam replaced with
the correct foam.
5. Filler has been applied to the windscreen bonding
face of the pillar where this is not permitted in the
manufacturer’s instructions.
6. An incorrect etch primer has been applied to the
windscreen bonding face of the pillar.

Note 1 Damaged parts should be replaced at factory seams whenever practicable and when required by the vehicle manufacturer.

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Page 2-5-1

Vehicle structure 2-5 Other pillars

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. A pillar has been sectioned where this is not permitted
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
in the manufacturer’s instructions.
• Land Transport Rule: Frontal Impact 2001
2. A pillar has been sectioned without following either
• Land Transport Rule: Seatbelts and Seatbelt
Anchorages 2002 the manufacturer’s instructions or a recognised repair
research organisation’s procedures.
• Land Transport Rule: Door Retention Systems 2001
3. An A-pillar has been sectioned but not using one of
the following procedures (unless specifically permitted
1. A repair to a vehicle, its structure, systems,
components or equipment must restore the damaged by the manufacturer or a recognised repair research
or worn vehicle, structure, system, component or organisation):
equipment so that it is within safe tolerance of the state
of the vehicle when manufactured. a) butt joint with an insert, or
2. The performance of a frontal impact occupant
b) offset butt joint, or
protection system must not be affected by any factor,
including corrosion, structural damage, material
c) offset butt joint with an insert, or
degradation, inadequate repair, the fitting of additional
equipment or the removal of equipment.
d) a 25 mm overlap with MIG plug welds.
3. A seatbelt anchorage and its mounting location must:
4. A foam-filled pillar has not had the foam replaced with
a) be of a strength appropriate to both the vehicle and
the seatbelt, and the correct foam.
b) be structurally sound and free of corrosion, and 5. An inner pillar has been cut or patched in either of the
c) not be damaged or distorted. following locations (unless the manufacturer allows it):
4. A door retention system and its mountings must be a) above the seatbelt anchorage reinforcement, or
safe, structurally sound and in good working order.
b) within 300 mm of a seatbelt retractor anchorage.
6. In the absence of specific permission in the
manufacturer’s instructions, a pillar has been cut in one
of the following locations:
a) through sill panel reinforcements
b) within 150 mm of a door latch
c) within 150 mm of a door hinge.
Note 1 Damaged parts should be replaced at factory seams whenever practicable and when required by the vehicle manufacturer.

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Vehicle structure 2-6 Bumpers and energy absorbers

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. In the absence of specific permission in the
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
manufacturer’s instructions, one of the following
• Land Transport Rule: Frontal Impact 2001 components has been repaired:
a) high strength steel bumper reinforcements
b) aluminium bumper reinforcements
c) structural fibre and composite bumpers
d) non-mechanical energy absorbers.

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Vehicle structure 2-7 Plastic repairs

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. In the absence of specific permission in the
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
manufacturer’s instructions, one of the following
• Land Transport Rule: Frontal Impact 2001 components has been repaired:
a) fuel tank or line
b) structural composite parts and components
c) energy absorbing bumper
d) composite leaf spring.

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Page 2-8-1

Vehicle structure 2-8 Points of attachment

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. A structure which is used as a point of attachment
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
(Note 1) does not provide a secure mounting (Note 2).

Note 1 A point of attachment is the structure where legally required components such as headlamps, rear-view mirrors, etc are
Note 2 See Technical bulletin 1 for further information regarding corrosion in Nissan Terrano or Mistral rear floor pan assemblies.

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December 2009
3-1 Windscreen
Page 3-1-1

Vision 3-1 Windscreen

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. A windscreen that is required to be made of laminated
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
glass is not made of laminated glass.
• Land Transport Rule: Glazing, Windscreen Wipe and
Wash, and Mirrors 1999 2. The incorrect adhesive has been used to bond in a piece
of glazing.
Mandatory equipment
1. Windscreens fitted to the following vehicles must be 3. A piece of glazing that is required to comply with an
made of laminated glass: approved glazing standard did not comply, or cannot be
a) vehicles of class MA, MB, MC and NA demonstrated to have complied, with at least one of the
manufactured on or after 1 July 1986 standards listed in Table 3–1–1 at the time the glazing
b) vehicles of class MD1 and MD2 manufactured on was fitted (Note 3).
or after 1 July 1997
c) vehicles not covered by any of the defined vehicle 4. A windscreen that has been repaired has not been
classes manufactured on or after 1 January 2001. repaired to an approved standard.
2. All glazing fitted to vehicles of class LA, LB1, LB2, LC,
5. There is no documentation to support that a repair
LD, LE1 and LE2 must be made of a transparent material
that does not shatter. to a windscreen has been completed to an approved
Compliance with approved standards
3. Windscreens fitted to the following vehicles must 6. A piece of glazing fitted to a vehicle of class LA, LB1,
comply with one or more of the approved glazing LB2, LC, LD, LE1 or LE2 is not made of a transparent
standards in Table 3–1–1:
material that does not shatter.
a) vehicles of group M and N manufactured on or
after 1 January 1960, and 7. A windscreen has scratches, discolouration or other
b) vehicles not covered by any of the defined vehicle defects that unreasonably impair the driver’s vision or
classes manufactured on or after 1 January 2001. compromise the strength of the windscreen.
4. Glazing in locations other than windscreens fitted to the
8. The windscreen bonding area of the A-pillar has been
following vehicles must comply with one or more of the
approved glazing standards in Table 3–1–1: repaired and the original glazing adhesive has not been
a) vehicles of group M (Note 2) and N manufactured removed fully or until only a thin film is left before the
on or after 1 February 1977 (Note 1) new adhesive was used.
b) vehicles not covered by any of the defined vehicle
classes manufactured on or after 1 January 2001.
9. The wrong adhesive has been used previously and the
original glazing adhesive has not been removed fully
Condition before the new adhesive was used.
5. A windscreen must be mechanically sound, strong and
securely affixed to the vehicle.
6. A windscreen must not have scratches or other defects
a) unreasonably impair vision, or
b) compromise its strength.

Note 1 For a vehicle manufactured before 1 January 1991, a glazing marking which contains one or more of the approved trade
names in Table 3–1–2 is evidence that a piece of glazing complies with an approved glazing standard.
Note 2 Curved scenic skylights above the cant rail, curved windows at the front and rear corners, skylights, louvres and interior
partitions in omnibuses (vehicles of class MD1 and MD2) are not required to comply with approved glazing standards if
they are made of transparent material that does not shatter.
Note 3 Any repairs to a windscreen must have documentation to show that the repair was carried out to an approved standard.

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Vision 3-1 Windscreen (cont.)

Table 3-1-1 List of approved glazing standards*

Regulation No. Directive

43 92/22 205 8 TS for Window Glass BS 857

or BS 5282
JIS R3211 BS AU 178a
NZS 5443
AS 2080
AS/NZS 2080
SABS 1191/1193
ABG (behind
driver only)

* A piece of glazing that is required to comply with an approved glazing standard must comply with at least one of the
standards listed in the table.

Table 3-1-2 Approved trade names

Armourfloat Safetyflex
Armourplate Safety MGB (Meloplate)
Blindex Safety MGB (Melite Safety Plate)
Duolite Safety Sekurit
Duplate Safety Sigla
Flolite Spectrofloat
Ford Indestructo Splintex
Ford Safety Glass Sunmat
Ford Silver Arrow Suntex Safety Glass
Glacetex Temperlite
Hankuk Glass Safety Heat Line Temperlite Santa Marina
HMC Glass Safety Hankuk TF5 Thorex Connex
HMC Glass Safety Hankuk TV5 Triplex
Indestructo Triplex Plate
Nippon Safety Tuflite
NM Laminated Safety Glass FHP Tyneside
Peerless Veracetex

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The following standard markings may assist in determining compliance with approved standards.

Figure 3-1-1. Approved standards markings

Figure 3-1-2. Typical laminated glazing markings

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March 2011
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Vision 3-1 Windscreen (cont.)

Table 3-1-3 Glossary of codes for laminated glass

L= laminated glass

F= float glass

P= plate glass

LF = laminated float

LP = laminated plate

/= toughened, when near the mark

// or /// = laminated, when near the mark

TS = toughened glass

TP = toughened plate

T= toughened or tempered

Z= zone tempered

WHP = complies with impact test

DOT = Department of Transport (USA)

A S or A S = the glass, in the direction of the arrow, complies with the 70% light transmission requirement

ANSI = American National Standards Institute

FMVSS codes
AS1 = for use anywhere in the vehicle

AS2 = for use anywhere in the vehicle other than windscreen

AS3 = for rear and rear side windows only

AS4 and AS5 = plastic glazing not suitable for driver’s vision

Glazing cut from mother sheet

L.76WHP = laminated, 0.76 mm interlayer, suitable for all locations

L.38 = laminated, 0.38 mm interlayer, must not be used for windscreens

PCZ26.1 = polycarbonate, meets requirements of ANSI Z26, must not be used for windscreens

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Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum

diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter
5 mm 25 mm 30 mm 20 mm 100 mm



Diameter of the smallest circle Each type measured and Diameters of the smallest circles
around all incidences is maximum diameter applied around all incidences of same
measured and maximum separately. types are measured and
diameter applied. maximum diameter applied.

Figure 3-1-3. Types and maximum sizes of windscreen damage

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Entrance and exit
4-1 Door and hinged panel retention
Page 4-1-1

4-1 Door and hinged panel retention

Entrance and exit systems

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. A motor vehicle fitted with doors used by the driver or
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998 2.1(1)
passengers for entrance and exit of the motor vehicle
• Land Transport Rule: Door Retention Systems 2001 does not have a door retention system.
Condition 2. A hinge for a door or other hinged panel is not securely
1. A repair to a vehicle, its structure, systems, components attached to both the vehicle body and to the door or
or equipment must restore the damaged or worn
vehicle, structure, system, component or equipment so
other hinged panel due to loose connections, corrosion
that it is within safe tolerance of the state of the vehicle, or other damage.
structure, system, component or equipment when
manufactured. 3. A door used for entrance and exit cannot be opened
from the inside.
Mandatory equipment
2. A motor vehicle fitted with doors used by the driver or 4. A door used for entrance and exit does not open or
passengers for entrance and exit of the motor vehicle close easily.
must have a door retention system.
5. A door or other hinged panel does not remain secure in
Permitted equipment
a closed or locked position.
3. The door retention system on doors to the rear of the
driver’s seat may incorporate safety devices installed 6. A side door intrusion beam has been removed or is
during the manufacture of the vehicle to prevent the missing (where one is required).
doors from being opened from the inside of the vehicle
(eg child safety locks). 7. A side intrusion beam has been repaired without
4. A vehicle designed or adapted to transport prisoners is specific permission in the manufacturer’s instructions.
not required to be fitted with a mechanism for opening
a door from the inside if the prison compartment has an
alternative exit that can be operated by an authorised
person in an emergency.

5. A door retention system and its mountings must be
safe and structurally sound.
6. A door used for the entrance and exit of the driver or
passengers must be operable by any occupant seated
by the door from inside the motor vehicle.
7. The vehicle must be repaired using components and
materials that are fit for their purpose, and return
the vehicle within safe tolerance of its state when
manufactured or modified.
8. A door retention system must be in good working order.
9. A door used for entrance and exit must open and close
10. A door used for entrance and exit must remain secure
in a closed position during the operation of the motor

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Vehicle interior
5-1 Seats and seat anchorages
5-5 Seatbelts and seatbelt anchorages
5-6 Airbags
5-7 Interior impact
Page 5-1-1

Vehicle interior 5-1 Seats and seat anchorages

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. The vehicle is not fitted with a driver’s seat.
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998, 2.1(1)
• Land Transport Rule: Seats and Seat Anchorages 2002
2. An OE seat is missing or not fitted.

Condition 3. A seat is not attached to the vehicle structure by seat

1. A repair to a vehicle, its structure, systems, components
or equipment must restore the damaged or worn 4. Damage or corrosion has weakened a seat frame.
vehicle, structure, system, component or equipment so
that it is within safe tolerance of the state of the vehicle, 5. The attachment of the seat to the seat anchorage is
structure, system, component or equipment when
loose or weakened by damage.
6. The attachment of the seat anchorage to the vehicle
Mandatory equipment
structure is loose or weakened by damage (see
2. A motor vehicle must be fitted with a driver’s seat.
Technical bulletin 1 for further information on corrosion
3. A seat in a motor vehicle must be fitted to the vehicle in Nissan Terrano or Mistral rear floorpan assemblies).
structure by means of seat anchorages.
7. A seat frame has been repaired when this is prohibited
by the manufacturer.
4. Seats and seat anchorages must be safe, strong and in
sound condition. 8. A seat has not been replaced after the seatbelt
5. Seats and seat anchorages must be securely attached pre-tensioner system has been activated when this is
to the vehicle structure. required by the manufacturer’s specifications.
6. A replacement seat that is similar to the OE seat may
be used provided that: 9. A replacement seat has been used instead of an
a) the seat is fitted to unmodified OE seat anchorages OE seat, and:
b) the relationship between the seat, seat occupant a) the seat is not fitted to unmodified OE seat
and location of the seatbelt anchorages has not
anchorages, or
been affected.
b) the relationship between the seat, seat occupant
and location of the seatbelt anchorages has been
affected, or
c) the replacement seat is not similar to the OE seat,
that is a bench seat or bucket seats.

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Page 5-5-1

Vehicle interior 5-5 Seatbelts and seatbelt anchorages

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. A seatbelt of the type specified in Table 5–5–1 to
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
Table 5–5–3 has not been fitted for a seating position
• Land Transport Rule: Seatbelts and Seatbelt Anchorages where one is required to be fitted.
2. A seatbelt is fitted, but it is not the type specified in
Mandatory equipment
Table 5–5–1 to Table 5–5–3 for the seating position.
1. A motor vehicle must be fitted with seatbelts as
specified in Table 5–5–1 to Table 5–5–3. 3. The seatbelt assembly is not securely fixed to a
seatbelt anchorage. (see Technical bulletin 1 for further
information on corrosion in Nissan Terrano or Mistral
rear floorpan assemblies).
4. A seatbelt component (eg protective plastic cover on
buckle, tongue or retractor system) is damaged so that
foreign objects may enter the interior components,
or so that they may cause damage to the interior
components, mechanisms or webbing.
5. The seatbelt webbing (including webbing attached to
the buckle) has:
a) a cut, including a cut on the surface, or
b) a rip or tear, or
c) fraying, or
d) stretching (eg the belt has unusual web patterns or
the webbing is deformed, will not lie flat, or is curled
or rippled), or
e) fading so that most of the colour has been bleached, or
f) signs of chalking, or a powdery residue is evident on
the webbing, or
g) become stiff, or
h) been dyed to conceal fading, or
i) contamination from grease, paint, solvents or similar
6. The seatbelt stitching:
a) is damaged or insecure, or
b) shows signs of home repairs, eg glueing, stitching
by hand or home sewing machine, staples, bolts, or
rivets, or
c) indicates that the ‘rip stitch’ system has been
activated, that is the stitching is broken and a
‘REPLACE BELT’ label has been exposed near the
lower seatbelt anchorage, or this label has been
cut off.

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Vehicle interior 5-5 Seatbelts and seatbelt anchorages (cont.)

Reasons for rejection

7. A buckle and tongue:
a) are mismatched, or
b) do not lock, or
c) do not remain locked, or
d) do not release easily, or
e) are insecure when coupled.
8. A seatbelt stalk:
a) (wire-cable type) has wires that appear to be broken, or
b) (plastic covered webbing type) has webbing that has
deteriorated or is frayed, cut or faded, or
c) (solid metal type) is corroded, cracked or buckled, or
d) is not the correct type for the vehicle or the seating
9. A seatbelt with a pre-tensioning or pyrotechnic system
has not been replaced after activation.
10. A seatbelt anchorage shows signs of cracks or
11. A diagnostic report has not been completed by the
manufacturer or an approved representative for
seatbelts that are connected to an ECU.
12. A seatbelt that is known to have been worn during a
crash has not been replaced unless:
a) this is permitted in the manufacturer’s instructions
b) the seatbelt has been inspected and certified to
be within safe tolerance by the manufacturer or an
approved agent.
13. A water-damaged vehicle is fitted with a seatbelt
assembly that has been immersed or a second-hand
replacement seatbelt assembly, and the assembly
has not been inspected and certified to be within safe
tolerance by the manufacturer or an approved agent.

Key to Table 5–5–1 to Table 5–5–3: Types of seatbelt

— No seatbelt required
L Lap seatbelt
S Static lap and diagonal seatbelt without a retractor
R1 Single-sensitive emergency locking retractor lap and diagonal
R2 Multiple (dual) sensitive emergency locking retractor lap and
diagonal seatbelt

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Table 5–5–1 Vehicles first registered in New Zealand before 1 January 1991
Vehicle class Seating position (Note 5) First registered anywhere

1 January 1955 to 1 November 1979 to

31 October 1979 31 December 1990
MA, MB, MC Front outer and driver’s S2 R21, 3
LE (without motorcycle (Note 1)
Front middle (Note 1) — L

Rear outer (Note 1) — R2 or R1 or S

Rear middle — L

NA (tare <2000 kg) Front outer and driver’s S2 R21

Front middle — L

a four-wheel drive vehicle may be fitted with type S or type R1 seatbelts in the front outer seating position
may retain OE seatbelts, but replacement seatbelts must be of type S

Table 5–5–2. Vehicles first registered in New Zealand from 1 January 1991 to 31 March 2002
Vehicle Class Seating position First registered anywhere

1 January 1955 to 1 January 1961 to

31 December 1960 31 December 2002
MA, MB, MC Front outer and driver’s S1,2 R25, 6
LE (without motorcycle
controls) Front middle — L

Rear outer — R2 or R1 or S1

Rear middle — L or S or R1 or R2

NA Front outer and driver’s S 1,2 R25

Front middle — L

MD1, MD2 Front outer and driver’s — R23, 4, 5

Front middle — L4

tare weight less than 2000 kg
may retain OE belts, but replacement belts must be of type S, R1 or R2
applies to MD2 only if of monocoque construction (Note 1)
if seatbelts are not fitted, but anchorages are fitted, must have seatbelts fitted from 1 October 2002. If anchorages are not
fitted, seatbelts must be retro-fitted from 1 October 2003 (Note 1)
front type R1 seatbelts may remain fitted if they were fitted as OE and have a declaration issued by a TSD agent, or a plate
affixed to the vehicle in a position approved by the NZTA. If missing, refer the vehicle to a TSD agent.

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Vehicle interior 5-5 Seatbelts and seatbelt anchorages (cont.)

Table 5–5–3. Vehicles first registered in New Zealand from 1 April 2002
Vehicle class Seating position Manufactured

1 January 1955 to 1 November 1979 to From 1 October 2003

31 October 1979 30 September 2003
MA, MB, MC Front outer and driver’s S1, 2 R25, 6 R25, 6
LE (without motor cycle
controls) Front middle — L L

Rear outer — R2 or R1 or S1 R2 or R1

Rear middle — L or S or R1 or R2 L or S or R1 or R2

NA (excluding Front outer and driver’s S1, 2 R25 R25

manufactured from Front middle — L L
1 October 2003) Rear outer — — R2 or R1

Rear middle — — L or S or R1 or R2

MD1, MD2 Front outer and driver’s — R23, 4, 5 R25

Front middle — L3, 4 L

Rear outer — — R2 or R1

Rear middle — — L or S or R1 or R2
tare weight less than 2000 kg
may retain OE belts, but replacement belts must be of type S, R1 or R2
applies to MD2 only if of monocoque construction (Note 1)
if seatbelts are not fitted, but anchorages are fitted, must have seatbelts fitted from 1 October 2002. If anchorages are not
fitted, seatbelts must be retrofitted from 1 October 2003 (Note 1)
front type R1 seatbelts may remain fitted if they were fitted as OE and have a declaration issued by a TSD agent, or a plate
affixed to the vehicle in a position approved by the NZTA. If missing, refer the vehicle to a TSD agent.
Note 1 Definitions
Outer seating position means a seating position next to a side wall of the vehicle where there is no more than 500 mm
between the longitudinal centre of the seat and the side wall.
Middle seating position means a seating position in a vehicle that is not an outer seating position.
Rear seating position means a seating position in a vehicle behind the driver.
Monocoque, in relation to a motor vehicle, means that the chassis of the vehicle is integral to the body.
Retrofit, in relation to a seatbelt or seatbelt anchorage in a motor vehicle, means to fit a seatbelt or seatbelt anchorage in a
location where a seatbelt or seatbelt anchorage has not been fitted before.

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Vehicle interior 5-6 Airbags

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. A deployed airbag has not been replaced where the
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
vehicle is less than 14 years old and the vehicle has not
• Land Transport Rule: Frontal Impact 2001 been low volume vehicle certified.
Mandatory equipment 2. An OE airbag warning light system has been removed
1. A frontal impact airbag, its operating system and its from a vehicle fitted with airbags.
warning light system must remain operational if the
vehicle was originally manufactured with a frontal 3. A motor vehicle has a sign, light or other device that
impact airbag.
indicates the vehicle is fitted with an airbag when it is
2. A motor vehicle must not have a sign, light, or other not fitted with an airbag and there are no other signs to
device that indicates the vehicle is fitted with an airbag
if it is not fitted with an airbag. say it has been removed.
3. A motor vehicle must not have a light or other device 4. An airbag cover:
indicating an airbag operating system is operable if it is
inoperable. a) is damaged, or
4. Airbags may be removed or made inoperable in a
b) has deteriorated, or
vehicle that is more than 14 years old from the date of
first registration; however, the vehicle must then be low
c) shows signs of tampering.
volume vehicle certified.
5. Airbags may be removed or made inoperable in a 5. The airbag warning light:
vehicle that has been modified for disability or specialist
use; however, the vehicle must then be low volume a) does not operate, or
vehicle certified.
b) indicates a fault in the system.
Permitted equipment
6. An airbag that failed to deploy when involved in a crash
6. A switch may be installed as OE to render an airbag
temporarily inoperable.
above the deployment threshold has not been replaced.

Performance 7. An airbag component such as the impact sensor, clock

spring or wire harness has been repaired where this is
7. An airbag and its operating system must be safe and in
good condition. not permitted in the manufacturer’s instructions.
8. An airbag warning light fitted by the manufacturer must 8. An airbag component has been replaced and the
remain operational.
specifications are different from the original component.
9. A salvaged replacement air bag and its associated
components have been fitted without evidence of their
fitness for purpose, including their source and the
storage conditions of the donor vehicle and the airbag
and its components (Note 1).
10. A declaration is produced for the airbag system stating
that not all components and connections are within
specifications (Note 2).
11. A declaration has not been completed when there is
damage beyond the radiator support panel (Note 2).

Note 1 See Technical bulletin 2 for further information on salvaged airbags.

Note 2 See Technical bulletin 3 for an explanation of declaration requirements.

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Page 5-7-1

Vehicle interior 5-7 Interior impact

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. An interior fitting, control, or surface of a motor vehicle
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
has deteriorated to such an extent that the likelihood of
• Land Transport Rule: Interior Impact 2001 injury to occupants is increased.
Performance 2. An interior fitting, control, or surface has been repaired
1. Interior fittings, controls, and surfaces in the passenger or replaced in such a way that the likelihood of injury to
compartments must be such that the likelihood of injury
occupants is increased.
to occupants is minimised.

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6-1 Service brake and parking brake
Page 6-1-1

Brakes 6-1 Service brake and parking brake

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. Brake fluid in the master cylinder reservoir shows signs
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
of dirt or contamination when the vehicle has been
• Land Transport Rule: Light-vehicle Brakes 2002 water damaged.
Mandatory equipment 2. Any replacement used parts are outside the
1. Vehicles must have a service brake that acts on each manufacturer’s wear limits or specifications.
wheel, except in the following cases:
3. The service brake pedal is insecure.
a) A vehicle of class MA, MB, MC, MD1, MD2, or NA
first registered anywhere before 1 February 1977 4. A brake pipe (including connections) is:
may have a service brake that is designed to act on
a) insecure, or
fewer than four wheels.
b) A vehicle of class LE first registered anywhere b) deformed from its original shape, or
before 1 February 1977 may have a service brake c) corrosion damaged, for example there are signs of
that is designed to act on fewer than three wheels.
pitting or a noticeable increase in the pipe’s outside
c) A vehicle first registered in New Zealand from
1 November 1990 that does not have a dual circuit
diameter, or
service brake must have a parking brake that is d) routed incorrectly, or
capable of bringing the vehicle to a controlled stop
if the service brake fails. e) not supported in all the original manufacturer’s
locations using supporting clamps and clips.
Permitted equipment
2. A vehicle may be fitted with a warning system that
5. A brake calliper is insecure.
is part of, or associated with, the use of a brake 6. An ABS system component is damaged, insecure
component or system.
or missing.
Performance 7. A brake disc or drum is fractured or otherwise damaged.
3. The brake friction surfaces must be within safe
tolerance of their state when manufactured, and must
8. The ABS or brake system warning lamp or self-check
not be scored, weakened or damaged to the extent that system, if fitted, indicates a defect in the ABS or brake
the safe performance of the brake is adversely affected. system.
9. A declaration stating that a full diagnostic check has
been completed by the manufacturer, an approved
representative, or a recognised technician where any
part of the ABS system has been repaired, replaced or
damaged is not available (Note 1).
10. A declaration stating that a full diagnostic check has
been completed by the manufacturer, an approved
representative, or a recognised technician where the
damage to the vehicle extends beyond the radiator
support panel is not available (Note 1).
11. The parking brake lever:
a) is insecure, or
b) mounting is damaged, corroded, distorted, or
c) is fractured within 150 mm of the lever mounting.
12. A brake component shows signs of heating or welding
after original manufacture.

Note 1 See Technical bulletin 3 for an explanation of declaration requirements.

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Steering and suspension
7-1 Steering and suspension systems
Page 7-1-1

Steering and suspension 7-1 Steering and suspension systems

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. In the absence of specific permission in the
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
manufacturer’s instructions:
• Land Transport Rule: Steering Systems 2001
a) a steering or suspension component has been
Condition welded as part of the repair, or
1. A steering system and any associated systems and b) a steering or suspension component has been
components that could affect the directional control of
a vehicle must: heated as part of the repair.
a) be in good condition and provide the vehicle with 2. A steering or suspension component that has been
safe, efficient, convenient and sensitive control, and damaged has not been replaced.
b) be strong, durable and fit for their purpose, taking
into account whether adverse affects have resulted
3. An original steering or suspension component has been
from a loss of integrity of any protective system retained during the repair that may have been damaged,
used by a relevant component. and has not been disassembled and subjected to
non-destructive testing by an approved CBIP inspector
qualified in the process used.
4. The steering and suspension components have not
been repaired so that they are within safe tolerance of
the state of the system, component or equipment when
5. New bolts of the same grade and size as the original
bolts have not been used for replacement when the
damage is a direct result of impact to steering or
suspension components, or when stretch bolts are used.
6. A second-hand replacement component is worn beyond
manufacturer’s tolerances.
7. The steering wheel is insecurely attached to the steering
8. The steering column:
a) is insecure, or
b) has not been replaced if it was a collapsible column
and it was damaged, or
c) has been repaired if it was a collapsible column.
9. A linkage or joint between the steering column shaft
and steering box or rack:
a) is insecure, or
b) is damaged, significantly corroded, distorted or
cracked, or
c) shows signs of welding or heating after original
manufacture, or
d) does not operate smoothly without roughness or
stiffness, or

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December 2009
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Steering and suspension 7-1 Steering and suspension systems (cont.)

Reasons for rejection

e) is fouling on the vehicle structure, wheel, tyre or
brake system component.
10. The steering box or rack:
a) is insecure, or
b) is damaged, significantly corroded, distorted or
cracked, or
c) shows signs of welding or heating after original
manufacture, or
d) does not operate smoothly without roughness or
11. A steering linkage or joint, steering arm or associated
equipment, or a kingpin or outer ball joint:
a) is insecure, or
b) is damaged, significantly corroded, distorted or
cracked, or
c) shows signs of welding or heating after original
manufacture, or
d) does not operate smoothly without roughness or
stiffness, or
e) is fouling on the vehicle structure, wheel, tyre or
brake system component.
12. A lock stop is loose or damaged.
13. A steering component mounting point:
a) is insecure, or
b) has corrosion damage, buckling or fractures.
14. A front or rear suspension component:
a) is insecure, or
b) is damaged, significantly corroded, distorted or
cracked, or
c) shows signs of welding or heating after original
manufacture, or
d) does not operate smoothly without roughness or
stiffness, or
e) shows excessive play, roughness or stiffness in a
strut upper support bearing.

Page 7-1-2 VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification

Version 3
December 2009
Vehicle measurement
8-1 Three-dimensional chassis
8-2 Four-wheel alignment measurement
Page 8-1-1

8-1 Three-dimensional chassis

Vehicle measurement measurement

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. A three-dimensional chassis measurement has not been
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
completed when:
a) more than one panel requires repairs and/or
replacement, or
b) a chassis rail has been damaged or displaced, or
c) where there is corrosion damage and the vehicle
structure has deformed or collapsed.
2. A trammel bar measurement (or three-dimensional
chassis measurement) has not been completed when:
a) only one panel requires repairs and/or replacement,
b) there is no damage or displacement of a chassis rail
or structural body section.
3. A trammel bar measurement has been completed and a
four-wheel alignment has not been completed.
4. When a trammel bar has been used, the four-wheel
alignment measurements cannot be brought within the
manufacturer’s specifications.
5. The actual measurements have not been recorded.
6. Where no measurement tolerances are available, the
chassis measurement exceeds a measurement tolerance
of +/- 3 mm for a unibody or +/- 5 mm for a body-over-
frame vehicle.
7. The measurements of the vehicle are not within
the vehicle manufacturer’s or measurement sheet’s
specified measurement tolerances (Note 2).
8. An incorrect measurement sheet for the vehicle has
been used (eg make, model, mechanical components
in or out).
9. The vehicle has not been measured by the repair
inspector or by a technician recognised as competent by
the repair certifier.
10. The measurements have not been signed off by the
repair inspector or by a technician recognised as
competent by the repair certifier.
11. The measurement system used is not currently

VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification Page 8-1-1

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December 2009
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8-1 Three-dimensional chassis

Vehicle measurement measurement (cont.)

Reasons for rejection

12. Inadequate measurements have been taken to
determine whether the vehicle is within specification.

Note 1 It is recommended that vehicles manufactured after 1 January 2004 be measured using an electronic measuring system.
Note 2 No chassis measurement is required when the only repairs are for corrosion damage and the damaged area or components
shows no sign of deformation or collapse of the structure.
Note 3 The vehicle does not have to be returned to within the original specifications if it can be shown that there are no adverse
effects to the structure, components or equipment. This must be noted on the LT308 with an explanation. However, there
is no requirement for the TSD agent to accept these comments and they do not have to accept the LT308.
Note 4 The measurement sheet must be retained by the repair certifier with the vehicle file.

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December 2009
Page 8-2-1

Vehicle measurement 8-2 Four-wheel alignment measurement

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. A four-wheel alignment has not been completed when:
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
a) corrosion has affected a steering or suspension
attachment, or
b) other damage has affected steering or suspension.
2. The measurements of the vehicle are not within the
specified tolerance.
3. The measurements have not been taken by a technician
approved by the repair certifier.
4. The four-wheel alignment machine is not currently

Note 1 A copy of the wheel alignment report must be retained by the repair certifier with the vehicle file.

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Page 8-2-2 VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification

Version 3
December 2009
General repairs
9-1 Water damage
9-2 Welding
9-3 Replacement components
9-4 Corrosion protection
Page 9-1-1

General repairs 9-1 Water damage

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. A safety-related component, part or system has not
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
been inspected and replaced as described in
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards Compliance Table 9–1–1.
2. A body panel has not had all water contamination and
Repair requirements
residue removed from its cavities and the vehicle’s
1. The vehicle must be treated as though it has been
fully immersed in water contaminated with silt and/or
corrosion protection restored.
corrosive salts.
3. During the inspection of a vehicle there is evidence
2. All body panels and structure must have all water found that the vehicle has been water damaged and it
contamination and residue removed from their cavities
and the vehicle’s corrosion protection restored. has not been recorded as water damaged by the NZTA.
3. If there is evidence that the vehicle has not been 4. The vehicle has not been treated as though it has been
fully immersed and/or the composition of the water
is known and a deviation from the requirements of
fully immersed in water contaminated with silt and/or
Table 9–1–1 is sought, this must be presented to the corrosive salts.
Vehicles Unit of the NZTA and permission granted to
deviate from the requirements listed in the table. 5. A body panel or structure has water contamination
or residue.
Certification process
4. The repair certifier must specify what repairs must be 6. Corrosion protection has not been restored as near
carried out to reinstate the vehicle to requirements as is practicable to the OE specifications.
of the Repair Rule (and any other relevant rules). The
repair certifier should indicate at what stages he wishes 7. The manufacturer’s repair procedures have not
to inspect the vehicle before repairs can proceed.
been followed for all replacement parts, components or
5. When carrying out inspections, the repair certifier systems.
must obtain documents that outline the history of the
replacement components. The Repair Rule requires 8. An item in the far right-hand column of Table 9–1–1 that
that designated components must be replaced with
new or with used components. For used components has been retained has not been certified as within safe
the full history of the donor vehicle must be known and tolerance by the manufacturer or an approved agent.
that history must not prevent the vehicle from being
restored to within safe tolerance of its state when first
a) Intermediate inspections must occur at a time
when a repair certifier can determine with
confidence that the repairs have been carried out in
accordance with their instructions and the rules.
b) In the final inspection a repair certifier must only
certify a vehicle as being compliant, if they are
fully satisfied that all necessary repairs have been
completed to their instructions and the vehicle is
now compliant with the Rule.
c) Once point (b) is complete the vehicle may go
through the entry level inspection to allow it to be
registered. The vehicle is still subject to the entry

Note 1 If there is conclusive evidence to support that the vehicle has not been fully immersed and a deviation from the
requirements of Table 9–1–1 is sought this must be presented to the Vehicles Unit of the NZTA and permission granted to
deviate from the requirements listed on page 9-1-3.
Note 2 The repair certifier must retain documented proof of all replacement components with the vehicle file.
Note 3 Components that are not designed to be stripped must be replaced.

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Version 3, Amendemnt 2
March 2011
Page 9-1-2

General repairs 9-1 Water damage (cont.)

Note 4 Where any component is retained and requires inspection, a record of this must be retained by the repair certifier with the
vehicle file.
Note 5 The repair certifier must contact the Vehicles Unit if the repair certifier notes at any stage that the vehicle has been
subjected to water damage and that the vehicle is not noted in Landata as being water damaged.
Note 6 Once the vehicle has been certified, a copy of the file must be forwarded to the Vehicles Unit (Vehicles Unit,
NZ  Transport Agency, PO Box 5084, Lambton Quay, Wellington 6145). They will sign off the file, provided they are
satisfied that the vehicle has in fact been repaired in accordance with the Rule. The Vehicles Unit Technical Manager will
issue an authorisation (LT351) to allow the vehicle to proceed to entry level certification.

Table 9-1-1. Water damaged vehicle safety related components

Part Action

Component can be Component can be The original components

replaced with non-used replaced with used can be reused after being
genuine components components stripped, inspected
and tested by the
manufacturer or an
approved representative
Front seatbelt assemblies • • •1

Rear seatbelt assemblies • • •1

Seatbelt pre-tensioners • •

Driver’s airbag • •2

Passenger’s airbag • •2

Side airbags • •2

Other airbags • •2

SRS control module • •

SRS sensor(s) • •

SRS wiring loom • •

SRS relay(s) • •

SRS clockspring • •

ECU (incorporating SRS

• •

ECU (no SRS/safety

• • •

Wiring loom • •

ABS actuator • • •

ABC control module • • •

Brake master cylinder • • •

Page 9-1-2 VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification

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December 2009
Page 9-1-3

Part Action

Component can be Component can be The original components

replaced with non-used replaced with used can be reused after being
genuine components components stripped, inspected
and tested by the
manufacturer or an
approved representative
Brake booster system • • •

Brake calipers • • •

Drum brake cylinders

• • •
and parts

Line pressure valves • • •

Brake lamp switch • • •

Ignition switch • • •

Lamp switches • • •

Lamp wiring and connectors • • •

Lamp relay(s) • • •

Horn, relay and switch • • •

Wiper motor and switch • • •

Speedometer • • •

Door locks and latches • • •

Brake fluid • •

Power steering fluid • •

Lamp assemblies • • •

Glazing • • •

Throttle cable • • •

Handbrake cable • • •

Seatbelts may be repaired. Refer to Reason for rejection 7.
Refer to section 5–3 Airbags in this manual
• The component must only be replaced using one of these options.

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December 2009
Page 9-2-1

General repairs 9-2 Welding

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. The manufacturer’s welding procedures have not been
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
Repair requirements
2. A recognised repair research organisation’s procedures
1. The repair method used to comply a vehicle must take have not been followed (when the manufacturer
into account:
provides no information).
a) the date of manufacture of the vehicle, and
b) the class, make and other relevant characteristics
3. A weld has been completed using the incorrect:
of the vehicle, and
a) shielding gas, or
c) the approved vehicle standards with which the
vehicle is required to comply, and b) electrode wire.
d) any relevant manufacturer’s recommendations and 4. There has been too much heat build-up during the
alternative methods, and
welding so that the parent material is weakened.
e) the material specifications used for the
construction of the vehicle, its structure, systems, 5. The weld has:
components or equipment, and
f) the compatibility of the intended repair process
a) porosity present, or
with material specifications.
b) cracks present, or
c) undercut or cold lap, or
d) poor penetration.
6. Unless the vehicle manufacturer states otherwise
replacement spot welds are:
a) located on top of the OE weld locations, or
b) spaced so as to create a continuous heat-affected
7. Brazing has been used in a repair where it is not
specifically permitted in the manufacturer’s instructions.

Note 1 When welding is done, the manufacturer’s specifications must be taken into account.

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December 2009
Page 9-3-1

General repairs 9-3 Replacement components

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. A replacement component, part or system that must
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
comply with an approved vehicle standard does not.

Repair requirements 2. A replacement component, part or system that must

1. New or used replacement systems, components and comply with an approved vehicle standard complies
equipment used in a repair must comply with an with an earlier version of the standard than the vehicle
approved vehicle standard applicable to the year of
manufacture of the vehicle, system, component or
being repaired was certified to.
equipment (or later).
3. A replacement component, part or system that must
2. If there is no applicable approved vehicle standard, comply with an approved vehicle standard complies
new or used replacement systems, components or
equipment used in a repair must be fit for the purpose with a more recent version of the standard than
for which they are to be used by reference to: the vehicle being repaired was certified to, and this
a) the vehicle manufacturer’s specifications for compromises the safety of the component, part or
original performance, or
b) the original equipment supplier’s manufacturer’s
specifications, or 4. A component, part or system that does not have to
c) later specifications for the same systems, comply with a vehicle standard has been repaired using
components and equipment issued or approved by replacement components, parts or systems that:
the vehicle manufacturer, or
a) are not fit for the purpose, or
d) the manufacturing and materials specifications of
an approved standards institution for the systems,
b) do not meet the vehicle manufacturer’s
components and equipment.
specifications, or
c) do not meet the specifications of an approved
supplier to the vehicle manufacturer, or
d) do not meet the specifications of an approved
standards institution.
5. Used replacement components, parts or systems have
been fitted and:
a) there is no evidence of the origin of the component,
part or system, or
b) there is no evidence that the donor vehicle meets the
same standards as the vehicle being repaired, or
c) the replacement component, part or system does
not meet the same specifications as the replaced
component, part or system, or
d) the component, part or system is outside the
manufacturer’s tolerances or specifications.

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December 2009
Page 9-4-1

General repairs 9-4 Component protection

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. Weld-through primers have not been used during the
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
Repair requirements
2. A corrosion protection system has not been applied
1. The repair method used to comply a vehicle must take during a repair upgrade when weld-through primer was
into account:
not originally used.
a) the date of manufacture of the vehicle, and
b) the class, make and other relevant characteristics
3. A seam or seams have not been sealed using a suitable
of the vehicle, and sealant.
c) the approved vehicle standards with which the 4. A surface has not been corrosion protected or the
vehicle is required to comply, and
original protection has been degraded in the repair,
d) any relevant manufacturer’s recommendations and
alternative methods, and making it ineffective.
e) the material specifications used for the 5. Manufacturer’s corrosion protection instructions,
construction of the vehicle, its structure, systems,
or when these are not available, a recognised repair
components or equipment, and
research organisation’s procedures have not been used.
f) the compatibility of the intended repair process
with material specifications.

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Version 3
December 2009
10-1 Frame and forks
10-2 Measurements
Page 10-1-1

Motorcycles 10-1 Frame and forks

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. A motorcycle frame has not been replaced when there
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
is evidence that it had been deformed so that a localised
Condition kink of 90° or more has been formed over a small
1. A repair to a vehicle, its structure, systems, components radius.
or equipment must restore the damaged or worn
vehicle, structure, system, component or equipment so 2. A motorcycle frame has been heated.
that it is within safe tolerance of the state of the vehicle,
structure, system, component or equipment when 3. A steel frame of a motorcycle has been sectioned
manufactured. without an insert.
4. Heat has been applied to a frame in a manner that is not
permitted in the manufacturer’s instructions.
5. A frame has been heated as part of the repair and the
manufacturer’s temperatures and time limits have not
been followed or evidence that this process has been
followed has not been presented with the LT308 (Note 2).
6. A fork has been heated.
7. A fork has been straightened but the cross section has
been deformed.
8. A thin-walled fork has been straightened after being
bent more than 15°.
9. A fork has been straightened when the original damage
is not known.
10. A fork has been sectioned.

Note 1 Damaged parts should be replaced at factory seams whenever practicable and when required by the vehicle manufacturer.
Note 2 If a frame is heated as part of a repair, evidence of the process must be included with the LT308. This should include such
information as the manufacturer’s specifications, temperature indicator used and the time that the heat was applied for.

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Page 10-2-1

Motorcycles 10-2 Measurements

Summary of legislation Reasons for rejection

Applicable legislation
1. A fork has runout in excess of 0.4 mm (unless permitted
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
by the manufacturer).
Condition 2. One of the following measurements is not within the
1. A repair to a vehicle, its structure, systems, components manufacturer’s specifications:
or equipment must restore the damaged or worn
vehicle, structure, system, component or equipment so a) wheelbase (Figure 10-2-1)
that it is within safe tolerance of the state of the vehicle,
structure, system, component or equipment when b) steering head angle (Figure 10-2-2)
c) front wheel castor angle (Figure 10-2-3)
d) wheel track offset (Figure 10-2-4).
3. The wheel alignment has not been measured.
4. The wheel alignment is not within specification.
5. A reference measurement of the frame has not been
completed and recorded (Note 1).
6. A reference measurement of the frame shows a
difference of more than 3 mm (unless permitted by the
manufacturer’s instructions).

Note 1 A reference measurement of the frame is a comparative measurement of each side of the frame to verify symmetry.

Wheelbase (mm)
Wheelbase is measured between the centre of the contact
patches of the front and rear wheels.

Figure 10-2-1. Wheelbase measurement

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December 2009
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Motorcycles 10-2 Measurements (cont.)

Steering head

Steering head
Steering head angle
(shaded area) is
measured in degrees

Figure 10-2-2. Steering head angle measurement

Steering axis

Castor angle
(shaded area)
is measured in

Contact patch

Figure 10-2-3. Front wheel castor angle measurement

Figure 10-2-4. Wheel track offset measurement

Page 10-2-2 VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification

Version 3
December 2009
The LANDATA system
This section has been removed for
security reasons
Technical bulletins
1 Inspection for corrosion in Nissan
Terrano and Mistral rear floorpan
2 Salvaged Airbags
3 Declaration form for SRS and ABS
4 Threshold for requiring repair
5 Threshold for lifting border damage
Technical bulletin page 1-1

Inspection for corrosion in Nissan Terrano

Technical bulletin 1 and Mistral rear floorpan assemblies

Replaces Infosheet 1.35 revision 4

VIRM references
This bulletin gives guidance to vehicle inspectors in applying the following requirements in the VIRM: Light vehicle
repair certification, version 3:
• 2-8 Points of attachment: Reason for rejection 1.
• 5-1 Seats and seat anchorages: Reason for rejection 4 or 5.
• 5-5 Seatbelts and seatbelt anchorages: Reason for rejection 3.

This document applies to models of Nissan Terrano and Nissan Mistral vehicles in which the rear floorpan assembly
consists of a two-layer (double-skin) panel. The lower layer is a reinforcing panel spot-welded to the upper layer
floor section. These vehicles have a rear seat with three seating positions. Situated in the rear floor, beneath the seat,
• four seatbelt anchorages, and
• two seat anchorages.

Safety concern
If moisture gets trapped between the two layers of the floorpan, corrosion can occur around the seat or seatbelt
anchorages. Corrosion can also occur where the under-floor reinforcing panel overlaps the top floor skin. Damage
may be more extensive than is first apparent. If corrosion is detected, the integrity of the seat and seatbelt
anchorages is considered to be at risk and should be rejected.


Patch repairs
If the repair certifier is inspecting a Nissan Terrano or Nissan Mistral with a floorpan that has been patch repaired,
the vehicle should be rejected unless it can be shown that the repairs were done before the following dates:
• 8 January 1997 for Nissan Terrano
• 10 November 2003 for Nissan Mistral.
Patch repairs to a Nissan Terrano or Nissan Mistral floorpan that were made prior to the above dates may be
accepted provided that:
• the inspector is presented with evidence that the repair was carried out prior to the date indicated for the vehicle
above, and
• the repair certifier considers that the patch repairs are effective and in sound condition.
However, any signs of corrosion either in the patched area or the remainder of the floorpan will be a reason for
rejection and the floorpan will then need to be replaced.

VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification Technical bulletin page 1-1

Version 3, Amendment 2
March 2011
Technical bulletin page 1-2

Inspection for corrosion in Nissan Terrano

Technical bulletin 1 and Mistral rear floorpan assemblies (cont.)

Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association (LVVTA) certified repairs

For Model D21 Nissan Terrano or Nissan Mistral R20 5-door vehicles only, an LVVTA rear floor load-bar seatbelt
anchorage reinforcement system together with an LVV plate containing the following words in the Body/chassis field:
LVVTA Rear floor load-bar seatbelt anchorage reinforcement system may be installed.
For information about this seatbelt anchorage modification, and for a list of the LVVTA certifiers who can certify this
modification, see
For all other Nissan Terrano and Nissan Mistral models, the floorpan must be replaced. There is no LVVTA
modification available at present as an alternative to replacement of the floor pan.

Technical bulletin page 1-2 VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification

Version 3
December 2009
Technical bulletin page 2-1

Technical bulletin 2 Salvaged airbags

Replaces Repair Certification Information Memorandum #17

VIRM references
This bulletin gives guidance to vehicle inspectors in applying the following requirements in the VIRM: Light vehicle
repair certification, version 3:
• 5-6 Airbags: Reason for rejection 9.

This document applies to light vehicles being certified for entry into New Zealand that require repair certification
which involves salvaged airbags.

Safety concerns
An airbag is an explosive device; it must be packaged, transported and labeled appropriately. Damage or
deterioration to an airbag may result in the airbag failing to deploy, or deploying incorrectly. This increases the risk
of injury to vehicle occupants. The primary concern regarding salvaged airbags is that there is no visual or non-
destructive way to determine whether a salvaged airbag will deploy as it is designed to.

Establishing a salvaged airbag’s suitability for use in a repair

1. Inspect the donor vehicle and airbag
Oversee the removal of the airbag from the donor vehicle (photographs are required). Inspect the donor
vehicle and the airbag for evidence of damage that may have affected the performance of the airbag, including
water damage. If there is anything about the condition of the vehicle or the airbag that casts doubt over the
serviceability of the airbag, reject it.

2. Prepare a signed statement

If you determine to the best of your knowledge that the airbag is suitable for use in a repair, you must prepare
a signed statement to that effect. The statement must also record the identity of the donor vehicle (including
chassis number) and the salvaged airbag part number.

3. Oversee packaging of the airbag

If the airbag is not going to be installed immediately, you must ensure that it is packaged appropriately.
Packaging must be robust, absorb shock, offer suitable protection for transportation and have regard to the
potential build-up of static electrical charges. The signed statement must be stored with the airbag.

Inspection and certification

1. Check that the airbag is suitable for use in the repair
• Check that there is a signed statement from a repair certifier declaring that the airbag is suitable for use in
a repair. This document must be retained. If there is no signed statement with the airbag, you must reject
• Check that the airbag part number is recorded (correctly) on the statement and has the correct part
number for the recipient vehicle. Reject the airbag if it does not.

VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification Technical bulletin page 2-1

Version 3, Amendment 2
March 2011
Technical bulletin page 2-2

Technical bulletin 2 Salvaged airbags (cont.)

• Visually inspect the packaging before removing the airbag. Inspect the airbag once it has been removed
from the packaging. If there is anything about the condition of the packaging or the airbag that casts doubt
over the serviceability of the airbag, reject it.

2. Confirm the integrity of the vehicle’s SRS system

Check vehicle manufacturer requirements and verify that the remaining airbag system components (eg the
clockspring connector, the steering column and the control module) are fit for further service and have not
been damaged by the deployment of the original airbag. The vehicle must not be certified if there is evidence
that any of these components are not fit for further service.

3. Operational checks
Do not certify the vehicle if the dash light test indicates that the electronic aspects of the airbag system are
not functioning correctly.

Technical bulletin page 2-2 VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification

Version 3
December 2009
Technical bulletin page 3-1

Declaration form for SRS

Technical bulletin 3 and ABS inspections

VIRM references
This bulletin gives guidance to vehicle inspectors in applying the following requirements in the VIRM: Light vehicle
repair certification, version 3:
• 5-3 Airbags: Reasons for rejection 10 and 11.
• 6-1 Service and parking brake: Reasons for rejection 9 and 10.

This document applies to light vehicles being certified that require a supplementary restraint system (SRS) or
anti-lock braking system (ABS) diagnostic check during repair certification

Safety concerns
The growing trend towards electronic control of safety-related systems in passenger vehicles means that the repair
and reinstatement of electronic control systems is increasingly important. However, specialist equipment and
knowledge is required to interrogate the electronic control systems of the various makes and models of vehicles
in New Zealand’s fleet. It is important that a repair certifier has confidence in any given electronic control system

Inspection requirements
Diagnostic checks on SRS and ABS electronic control systems must be carried out by one of the following:
a) the manufacturer of the vehicle or the SRS/airbag, or an approved representative proven to be competent in the
use of suitable interrogation equipment, or
b) a person or company recognised as reputable and competent by the repair certifier, and trained in the
interrogation of automotive electronic control systems. This person or company must be proven to have access
to and be competent in the use of suitable interrogation equipment.
Any person or company chosen and approved by the repair certifier to carry out diagnostic checks on electronic
control systems must be documented on the Delegation record in the repair certifier’s PRS manual.
A declaration form for SRS and/or SBS (see overleaf) must be completed by the person or company carrying out a
diagnostic check on an automotive electronic control system. A copy of the declaration must be retained with the
vehicle file.

VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification Technical bulletin page 3-1

Version 3
December 2009
Technical bulletin page 3-2

Declaration form for SRS

Technical bulletin 3 and ABS inspections (cont.)

Declaration Form
Supplementary restraint systems and/or anti-lock braking systems
Certifier details
Certifier name:  Contact number: 
Vehicle details
Make:  Model: 
Model code:  Vehicle year: 
Odometer reading: 
Reason for inspection: 
Details of company performing the inspection
Company name: 
Technician’s name: 
Phone number:  Mobile: 
Scanner used:  Date program last updated: 
Fault codes introduced: 
Details of visual inspection: 
Components inspected

 Driver’s airbag  Booster cushion in seats  Seatbelt pre-tensioner

 Electronic  Knee airbags (dash)  ABS
 Mechanical  Brake pedal bags
 Clock spring  Front crash sensors
 Passenger’s airbag  Side crash sensors
Side impact (seats, doors, pillars)
 Front   Rear
I confirm that:
• I am sufficiently competent and experienced to carry out inspections on supplementary restraint systems and/or
anti-lock braking systems, and
• I have carried out an inspection on the vehicle specified above using suitable equipment, and
• I am satisfied that the inspection did not identify any faults in those systems or components identified in this

As inspected on (date):  Signature: 

Technical bulletin page 3-2 VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification

Version 3, Amendment 2
March 2011
Technical bulletin page 4-1

Technical bulletin 4 Threshold for requiring repair certification

Reference material
This bulletin explains the threshold an entry certifier must use to determine whether or not a light vehicle (including
a motorcycle where applicable) requires repair certification. It is included in this manual as a reference.

Applicable legislation
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
A repair to a vehicle (including its structure, systems, components or equipment) must restore the damage or wear
to within safe tolerance of its state when manufactured or modified.

Criteria for reporting structural damage or corrosion

The criteria detailed below must be used when deciding if any damage or corrosion should be referred to a repair
When applying these criteria, consider whether:
• the area identified as damaged by impact, previous repair, or corrosion is structural or cosmetic, and
• the extent of damage is sufficient to compromise the structural integrity of the motor vehicle, or
• evidence of damage or previous repair is present in a structural area of the motor vehicle.

IMPORTANT: All damage meeting the designated criteria and found in structural parts or the energy management path areas
must be referred to a repair certifier.

A list of specific types of damage follows. It explains the extent to which damage is allowed before a vehicle must be
referred to a repair certifier. Assessment by a repair certifier should be obtained if doubt exists.

Cosmetic damage
A vehicle does not require repair certification if it has cosmetic damage to outer body panels, provided it does not
affect the structural integrity of any of the bonded or welded seams or joints installed by the vehicle manufacturer.

Underbody impact damage

• A vehicle does not require repair certification if it has minor underbody impact damage as a result of ‘grounding’
the vehicle or some scraping of the sill seams.
• A vehicle must be repair certified if it has underbody damage as a result of a collision with a substantial object
sufficient to cause the splitting of seam welds, distortion of suspension members or mounting points, or tearing
of metal structures.
• A vehicle does not require repair certification if there is crushing or tearing of floor stiffening members (Note 1),
provided it does not affect any internal cross-members designed for side-impact protection.

VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification Technical bulletin page 4-1

Version 3
December 2009
Technical bulletin page 4-2

Technical bulletin 4 Threshold for requiring repair certification


Note 1 When distinguishing between floorpan stiffening members and cross-members, note that a member that runs through the
line of a seat or occupant area will not be an energy absorbing-member (ie its purpose is to reinforce the floorpan), while a
member that runs alongside a seat or occupant area should be treated as an energy absorbing-member (ie a chassis rail).

Denting or distortion
• A vehicle does not require repair certification if rocker panels (outer sills) are dented or creased lengthways
along the sill to a maximum depth of 25 mm. If the depth of the crease exceeds 25 mm or runs across the sill, the
vehicle must be repair certified.
• A vehicle must be repair certified if there is any discernible denting or distortion to the folds or swages in the sill
panel or structure of the inner/outer sill weld seam, other than minor scraping.

Crush zones and kick-up areas

• A vehicle must be repair certified if there is distortion of the longitudinal rails affecting the front and rear crush
zones and kick-up areas.

• A vehicle does not require repair certification if it has minor jacking damage to a cross-member, provided there is
no indication of loss of steering or suspension alignment.
• A vehicle must be repair certified if there is distortion of the cross-member as a result of collision with an object.

• A vehicle must be repair certified if there is cracking in:
a) the chassis, or
b) any crossmembers and subframes, or
c) the load bearing monocoque body structures, or
d) the body on a vehicle with a chassis.

Repaired damage
• A vehicle with repaired damage does not require repair certification if repairs are only to correct cosmetic
damage to the outer body panels, providing the vehicle inspector is able to discern the extent of the damage and
confirm that none of the vehicle manufacturer’s seams or joints have been disturbed during the repair.
• A vehicle must be referred to a repair certifier if signs of fresh repair, rust prevention or under-sealing to any part
of the vehicle structure are evident.

Supplementary restraint system (SRS): Airbags and seatbelt pretensioners

• A vehicle must be repair certified if it has a deployed airbag or seatbelt pretensioner, or there is evidence of
repairs to or tampering with airbag module covers.
Note 2 Unless there is evidence that the airbag has been deployed, it is not expected that the vehicle go to a repair certifier if it has
a sports steering wheel fitted with no airbag at entry and is failed and requested that the OE steering wheel be reinstated.
If the airbag has not been deployed it is only expected that the original steering wheel be reinstated and an SRS declaration
issued in line with Technical bulletin 3.

Technical bulletin page 4-2 VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification

Version 3
December 2009
Technical bulletin page 4-3

Water damage
• A vehicle must be repair certified if there is evidence that it has suffered water damage (see Technical
bulletin 2).
Note 3 For the purposes of the threshold for requiring repair certification, evidence of water damage may be physical
evidence, or it may be that the vehicle has been written-off for insurance purposes as a result of water damage.

Corrosion damage
• Corrosion damage is where the metal has been eaten away, which is evident by pitting. The outward signs
of such corrosion damage are typically displayed by the swelling of a panel between spot welds, or lifting
or bubbling of paint. In extreme cases, the area affected by the corrosion damage will fall out and leave a
A vehicle must be repair certified if there is corrosion damage in any structural area, as indicated in the
shaded areas of Figure 1.
Note 4 For the purposes of the threshold for requiring repair certification, corrosion damage includes any signs of ‘rust
bleed’. Rust bleed is a rust coloured stain or mark that appears around an area of corrosion that may not be visible.
Rust bleed is most commonly found where panels join or overlap when corrosion has started between the two
surfaces and moisture has caused a rust stain or mark to run onto the external surface.

• Perforated corrosion is where the metal is corroded to the extent that it has holes, or holes are exposed
when rust scale is removed. If metal is badly pitted causing a loss of metal thickness it must also be
treated as perforated corrosion.
A vehicle must be repair certified if there is perforated corrosion in any other (non-structural) area, as
indicated in the non-shaded areas of Figure 1.

Figure 1. Structural corrosion damage limits

VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification Technical bulletin page 4-3

Version 3
December 2009
Technical bulletin page 4-4

Technical bulletin 4 Threshold for requiring repair certification


• Repair of corrosion on ‘bolt-on’ parts (doors, bonnets etc) within a 150 mm circle around the outside of hinge or
latch components will require repair certification. These ‘no corrosion’ zones are circled in Figure 2.
• Replacement of these parts will not require repair certification, provided the inspector is satisfied that safety
systems are not affected (eg side intrusion beams, burst proof locks, frontal impact systems).

Figure 2. Hinge and latch anchorage corrosion damage limits

Vehicles flagged for damage by MAF

When MAF identifies damage on a vehicle during the border check, the vehicle will be flagged as damaged on
LANDATA. If the vehicle inspector determines that the damage does not exceed the threshold for requiring repair
certification, an application must be made to remove the damage flag.
A ‘Request to remove border damage flag’ form is available in VIRM: Entry certification, Reference material 17. The
vehicle inspector must complete this form and forward it to the Vehicle Certifiers Registers team (fax number
06 953 6282).

Technical bulletin page 4-4 VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification

Version 3
December 2009
Technical bulletin page 5-1

Technical bulletin 5 Threshold for lifting border damage flag

Reference material
This bulletin explains the threshold a repair certifier must use to determine whether or not a light vehicle may have a
border damage flag lifted once the vehicle has been repaired in accordance with the requirements of the light vehicle
repair VIRM and a LT308 issued. This procedure must be read in conjunction with the requirements of the light
vehicle repair VIRM when assessing vehicle structural integrity.

Applicable legislation
• Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Repair 1998
A repair to a vehicle (including its structure, systems, components or equipment) must restore the damage or wear
to within safe tolerance of its state when manufactured or modified.

Criteria for border damage flag lifting

Before a vehicle can be considered for border damage flag lifting it must meet the threshold for repair certification as
required in Technical bulletin 4 and have been presented to a TSD agent for entry certification and if applicable have
a VIN issued and affixed.

Types of repairs that are eligible for border check damage flag removal

Structural repairs
Single panel structural repairs
This means only one structural panel being repaired or replaced. This enables sill repairs, replacement of the outer
guard, H/L support panel, rear dog legs, etc to be replaced. A single panel structural repair would in no way affect
the chassis alignment of the vehicle. A trammel bar measurement and four-wheel alignment must be carried out as
required by section 8-1.
Section 9-4 in terms of component protection also applies to any repairs.

Corrosion damage
Corrosion damage to a structural area where there are no signs of major pitting, swelling or any holes are evident.
Note 1 For the purpose of this threshold, corrosion damage includes any signs of ‘rust bleed’. Rust bleed is a rust coloured stain or
mark that appears around an area of corrosion that may not be visible. Rust bleed is most commonly found where panels
join or overlap when corrosion has started between the two surfaces and moisture has caused a rust stain or mark to run
into the external surface.

All areas affected by corrosion must under go a clean and treat process (Note 2).
Note 2 For the purpose of this threshold, clean and treat is defined in the following steps:
1. Abrasive blasting of the affected area, and
2. Affected area coated in rust neutraliser, and
3. Application of a two pack epoxy primer to the affected areas , and
4. Application of final protective coatings, and
5. Application of cavity wax to interior and seams of all affected box sections.

VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification Technical bulletin page 5-1

Version 3, Amendment 1
May 2010
Technical bulletin page 5-2

Threshold for lifting border damage flag

Technical bulletin 5 (cont.)

Types of repairs that are not eligible for border check flag removal

Structural repairs
1. Any repair that has affected the chassis alignment of a vehicle and requires 3D chassis alignment, or
2. Damage to multiple panels whether the structural integrity and/or chassis alignment of the vehicle been affected
or not.

Corrosion damage
Any perforated corrosion in a structural area where the metal is corroded to the extent that it has holes, or holes are
exposed when rust scale is removed. If metal is badly pitted causing a loss of metal thickness, it must also be treated
as perforated corrosion.
Any vehicle with rust heave or swelling that will require removal of any original panel or part of panel in order for an
area to be patched.

Water or fire damage

No vehicle with water of fire damage may have the damage flag lifted, the normal process as set out in section 9-1

SRS components
A damage flag will not be lifted if a SRS component has been deployed.

Flag lifting process

Once the repair certifier has issued a LT308 to a vehicle, the entry certifier must fill out the ‘Request to remove border
damage flag – light vehicles’ form and fax this along with a copy of pages 1 and 4 of the LT308 to:
Vehicle Certifiers Register
Transport Registry Centre
NZ Transport Agency
Fax: 06 953 6282

As a repair certifier you will be determining that a vehicle meets this threshold for the lifting of a border damage flag
and as such you are required to keep a complete vehicle file which must include photos of but not limited to:
1. damage before repairs have started, and
2. the completed repair before filler and paint application, and
3. the finished repair.
If there are any inconsistencies between what has been flagged as damage and what appears on the vehicle,
ie damage flag for damage to L/R dog leg but no damage is found, you must contact an NZTA Lead Specialist at the
Vehicle Certifiers Register on 0800 587 287 or [email protected] with the vehicles VIN/chassis number
and request the border check damage photo.

Technical bulletin page 5-2 VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification

Version 3, Amendment 1
May 2010

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