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SEMESTER 1 2015/16


Time allowed - 2 hours

1. Candidates should answer all questions from Part A and one

question from Part B

2. Total number of questions PART A: 10 descriptive (5 marks

per question), 1 long conceptual design question

3. Total number of questions PART B: 3 long (25 marks each –


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Q1. Descriptive Questions
[5 marks per question]

(a) Name three different types of equipment used for shallow

compaction. For each type of equipment name the type of
soil they are suitable for treating, and the mechanism of
treatment. (An answer in tabular format is encouraged)

(b) Briefly explain why the fine-grain fraction of sub-grade has to

be restricted in fills beneath High Speed rail?

(c) Describe what types of soils are NOT suited to be treated by

vibro-compaction and why?

(d) Name soil types/conditions which are NOT suited for

Dynamic Compaction (DC). Outline one corrective measure
which allows the use of DC for such soils.

(e) Sketch the e-logσ’ diagram and explain the mechanism of

pre-consolidation ground improvement.

(f) Describe the vibro-replacement (wet top-feed) process and

name two limitations of that technique.

(g) Briefly explain the main differences between sand drains and
sandwicks from a construction perspective.

(h) What are the two main purposes of permeation grouting?

Name two applications of the method in practice.

(i) What are the two benefits of mellowing in lime shallow-

mixing? Briefly state 2 alternative materials to quicklime and
state for what situations are they most suited?

(j) What are the advantages and disadvantages of well point

and deep well system in construction dewatering?

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Q2. Conceptual Design

A major new railway is to be built, connecting major cities in a fast

developing country. A number of cuts and embankments are
needed to be built along the length of the railway. The ground
conditions underneath one of the embankments consist of 20m of
fine-grained soils of >80% LL. A review of borehole logs in the
vicinity of the site shows that the superficial layers consist of
carbonates upto 10% in weight. The fine-grained element tends to
be soft to firm in consistency. Pockets of organic clays are also
present. Beneath the fine-grained strata lies competent chalk

Answers Required
i) Identify the risks posed by the ground conditions to the
future embankment.
[5 marks]
ii) Comment on the possible ground engineering
techniques that could be used to ensure the
construction is completed safely and on time.
[10 marks]
iii) As part of the development, the contractor needs to
install pier foundation to support an overbridge, between
3 to 7m from the bank of a nearby canal (see site details
in Fig 1 and Table 1). Briefly state and justify your
preferred temporary earthwork strategy(ies) to reach the
pier base.
Table 1.
Ground level 52mAOD

Groundwater level 47-49mAOD

Pier base level 47mAOD

Cu | γ 50kPa | 20kN/m3
[10 marks]
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47.0m – pier base

3 to 7m

3 to 7m
Not to Scale

Peters et al, 2010 with modifications

51.8m – flood event
51.2m – mean

Design flood level 51.8m
Design canal water level 51.2m
γ=20 kN/m3,
Cu = 50kPa
GWL: 47-49mAOD 47.0

Proposed pier
Soft to firm clay …… base
With pockets of peat
and nodules calcium
carbonate 32.0

Bedrock Chalk ………………

Figure 1.

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Q1. Chemical Stabilisation

(i) Describe a case study in which the shallow soil mixing

method has been used. Include details of the overall
project, the reasons the technique and the proppant
was chosen and any difficulties encountered. Also,
include details of alternative techniques which might
have limit the risks posed by the dewatering scheme
[15 marks]

(ii) For a road widening scheme, site investigation shows

1.5-4.0% SO4 in recycled site-won glacial tills. What
could be the consequence of lime stabilisation?
[4 marks]

(iii) Provide short answers:

 Briefly explain the mechanism of cement stabilisation
of active clay subgrades.
 Briefly outline the main difference between quicklime
and slake lime?
 Briefly explain the mechanism of Pozzolanic reaction
between lime and clay.
 State reasons why can peat (organic clay) not be
treated with lime?
[4 marks]

(iv) For what types of soils and in what situations might

compensation grouting be used to improve ground
[2 marks]

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Q2. Hydraulic Methods

An embankment is to be constructed over a layer of clay 8 m

thick, with an impermeable lower boundary. Construction of the
embankment will increase the total vertical stress in the clay layer
by 60 kN/m2. For the clay, cv = 4.7 m2/year, ch = 7.9 m2/year and
mv = 0.25 m2/MN. The design requirement is that ‘all but 25 mm’
of the settlement due to consolidation of the clay layer will have
taken place after 6 months. Determine the spacing, in a square
pattern, of 400 mm diameter sand drains to achieve the above

You will need to use Figures 2 and 3 provided at the end of this
paper to assist your answer.
[25 marks]

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Q3. Thermal, Physical and Reinforcement Methods

(i) Describe a case study that you have read involving

construction dewatering. Include details of
- Overall project and ground conditions
- Benefits and risks involved in its practical
- Alternative techniques which might have limit the
risks posed by the dewatering scheme
[15 marks]

(ii) Using schematic drawings, explain how a soil

reinforcement system decreases wall lateral
[5 marks]

(iii) For what types of soils and in what situations might

corrective grouting be used in practice?
[5 marks]


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Figure 2 Time factor vs Degree of Consolidation plot for

vertical consolidation

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Figure 3 Time factor vs Degree of Consolidation plot for radial consolidation

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