University of Peradeniya
University of Peradeniya
University of Peradeniya
Faculty of Engineering
(Answer ALL THREE questions. The distribution of marks within a question is given in
Part 2 – Mechanical Compaction
(c) The relative compaction (RC) of a sandy road base in the field is 95%. The maximum
and minimum dry unit weights of the sand are 𝛾𝑑(𝑚𝑎𝑥) = 21.5 𝑘𝑁⁄𝑚3 and 𝛾𝑑(𝑚𝑖𝑛) =
12.8 𝑘𝑁⁄𝑚3 respectively. Determine the field values of:
(i) Dry unit weight
(ii) Relative density of compaction (Dr) (20% marks)
(d) The following observations were recorded when a sand cone test was conducted to find
out the unit weight of a natural soil:
2) (a) (i) Using a neat sketch or otherwise describe five functionally different applications of
geosynthetic materials. (20% marks)
(ii) How can you identify needle punched and thermally bonded geotextiles based on
their physical appearance? (10% marks)
(b) A needle punched geotextile is considered as a filter to protect the clay core of a dam
which is symmetrical about its central vertical axis as shown in Figure Q2. The clay core
of the dam is 14.1 m in height with the properties of k = 3.0 x 10-7 m/s,
d50 = 0.05 mm, d20 <0.002 mm and C′u=5.2. The candidate geotextile has a permittivity of
0.015 s-1, and an AOS of 0.16 mm. Assume any other data not given, if necessary.
Figure Q2
(i) Under steady-state seepage flow conditions, check whether the AOS of the
candidate geotextile is adequate to prevent soil erosion. (15% marks)
(ii) Draw a typical flow net within the clay core in the Figure given in a separate sheet
and calculate the rate of seepage flow through the clay core. Calculate the required
value of permittivity of the geotextile. Assume that the seepage flow enters the
geotextile along 95% of its inclined length. (20% marks)
(iii) Calculate the laboratory value of transmissivity required for the geotextile with a
factor of safety of 6 assuming cumulative partial factor of safety of 12.(15% marks)
(iv) It is also required to assess the stability of the slope along the interface between the
clay core and the geotextile for which the evaluation of interface shear strength
parameters is necessary. Describe very briefly how the interface shear strength
parameters can be determined in the laboratory. (20% marks)
Reg. No.:
3) (a) Explain the importance of installing vertical drains prior to pre-loading. (10% marks)
(b) What is functionally more efficient with regard to a system of vertical drains; fewer
no. of large-sized vertical drains or larger no. of small-sized vertical drains? Explain
why. (10% marks)
(i) Show that for an installation of square pattern, the effective diameter (De) of
the tributary area is given by
De S where S is the spacing between the PVDs. (10% marks)
(ii) Calculate the equivalent well diameter (Dw) of a drain well. You may use
2( a b )
Dw where a, and b are, respectively, the width and the thickness of
a rectangular PVD. (10% marks)
(iii) Calculate the time factor due to horizontal drainage (Th). (10% marks)
(iv) Calculate the degree of consolidation due to radial drainage (Uh).
(10% marks)
(v) Calculate the time factor due to vertical drainage (Tv). (10% marks)
(vi) Calculate the degree of consolidation due to vertical drainage (Uv).
(10% marks)
(vii) Calculate the degree of consolidation due to total drainage (Uvh).
(10% marks)
(viii) If the smear ratio (Ds/Dw; where Ds is the diameter of the smear zone) is 3
and the horizontal permeability is reduced by 50% due to the smear effect,
find the degree of consolidation due to total drainage with the smear effect.
(10% marks)
ch t
Th 2
where ch is the coefficient of horizontal consolidation.
U h 1001 exp
F (n)
The function F(n) can be expressed for the following scenarios as
Without smear effect: F (n) ln(n) 0.75
ks and kh are horizontal permeabilities with and without smear effect, respectively.
4Tv /
U v 100 0.179
1 4Tv / 2.8
Tv 2
where HD is the depth of improvement , and cv is the coefficient of vertical consolidation.
U vh 1 (1 U v )(1 U h )