Biology IA
Biology IA
Biology IA
coli to
investigate the antibacterial properties of tea tree oil.
Personal engagement:
Growing up, I was heavily influenced by my mother’s constant affection towards essential oils. one thing
that stood out to me the most was the different applications of Tea Tree Oil. It intrigued me into
researching more about it. There are numerous functions of tea tree oil, it can be used as cleaning agents,
or diffusing in the air to kill mold. Moreover, tea tree oil can be used in many occasions aiming to achieve
different purposes, but most of the effects were to kill or decrease the growth of different microorganisms.
Upon my findings, I noticed that Tea Tree Oil contains antibacterial properties. Keeping the different
methods of applications in mind, I wanted to find out more about the effects of the antiseptic properties
when the concentrations were altered.
Research Question: What effect will varying tea tree oil concentrations have on the growth of E. coli by
measuring the diameter of the zone of inhibition surrounding the paper discs?
In previous studies, Tea tree oil has been shown to have broad-
spectrum inhibitory activity2 against numerous bacteria and other
organisms. In gram-negative bacterium E. coli, tea tree oil was
found to disrupt the permeability of cell membrane structures,
stimulate leakage of cellular potassium ions and inhibit
respiration with lethal effects, which may explain tea tree oil’s
antimicrobial activity.
1 The mode of antimicrobial action of the essential oil of Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree oil)
2 Effects of tea tree oil on Escherichia coli
3 Effects of tea tree oil on Escherichia coli
Escherichia coli:
E.coli4 is a type of bacteria that lives in the digestive systems of
humans and animals. It belongs to the family of Enterobacteriaceae
where most of them are harmless. Despite so, there are still some that
can cause bloody diarrhea, severe anaemia or kidney failure, all in
which can lead to death. In some other cases E. coli can also cause
urinary tract infections. Majority of them are restricted to the intestine
even though they are able to survive outside for a brief period of time.
Figure 2: E. coli
The purpose of this investigation is to learn about the antibacterial properties of Tea Tree Oil and how it
may inhibit the growth of E Coli. And how potent tea tree oil solutions need to be in order for to be
effective, are lower concentrations enough? Or higher concentrations are needed to have effective results.
1. Tea tree oil will have an effect on reducing bacterial growth.
2. Increasing concentration of tea tree oil will have increasing effectiveness in reducing bacterial
growth as measured by a ruler ±0.1𝑐𝑚.
Concentrations of the tea tree oil solution achieved by mixing Tea Tree Oil and corn oil to create different
concentrations to test the effect of different concentrations on the inhibition of E. coli.
Corn oil was used as it has no antibacterial properties and can act as a neutral liquid for dilution.
The inhibitory effects of Tea Tree Oil by observing the clear zone formed surrounding the paper discs
(Zone of Inhibition) measured using a ruler ±0.1𝑐𝑚.
Bunsen burner 1 -
Forceps 2 -
Inoculating loop 2 -
Ruler 1 ±0.1𝑐𝑚
Autoclave 1 -
Incubator 1 -
Refrigerator 1 -
Non-pathogenic E. coli were used in this experiment to avoid any infections to the human body.
Despite being found in the human body; E. coli should not have contact with skin as they are contagious.
Thus, lab goggles, lab coats and rubber gloves must be worn at all times when handling with E. coli to
avoid any direct contact with the bacteria.
According to aseptic methods, a Bunsen burner should be kept on safety flame throughout the duration of
the experiment. Hair should be tied up to avoid being burnt and also safety goggles should always be kept
on to avoid scorching the eyes.
Aseptic method.
1. Wipe working area with ethanol in 30 seconds interval to sanitize.
2. Put on gloves when working and remove when finish handling with E. coli both to prevent
bacteria from skin contaminating the culture and also prevent E. coli from spreading.
3. Keep Bunsen burner on with safety flame to kill airborne bacteria.
4. Keep lab coat on at all times when working in the lab.
5. Put on goggles to prevent flame from burning eye, and to prevent E.coli contact.
6. Autoclave to sterilize every possible equipment used.
7. Burn the inoculation loop until bright red and wait 30 seconds to cool down before scooping
E.coli. That is to kill any unwanted bacteria on the tool, and cooling it down before contact with
E.coli is to prevent killing E.coli.
Scrape a small amount of E. coli off the agar slope of a culture using a sterile inoculating loop. shake the
loop in a small volume of sterile nutrient broth
1. E. coli was sub-cultured in test tubes of 0.9M saline solution which was pre-inoculated few days
prior to experiment.
2. Agar plates prepared by school science technicians, and inoculated at the day of use.
3. Tea Tree Oil is mixed with corn oil to achieve desired concentrations in a beaker previously
autoclaved. For 0%, 5 ml of corn oil is used, 25%, 1 ml of Tea Tree Oil mixed with 4 ml of corn
oil, 50% will have 2.5 ml of both, for 75% add 4 ml of Tea Tree Oil to 1 ml of corn oil, and for
100% use 5 ml of Tea Tree Oil.
Commercially prepared Tea Tree Oil with concentration of 100% is used in this process.
4. About 10 filter paper disks (mm) were placed in beaker and was left soaking in the solutions for a
few hours. Seal the beakers to avoid any contaminations by air borne bacteria.
5. Using sterilized forceps, pick out the filter paper discs and place on a previously sterilized white
tile to remove excess and place onto the bacteria culture in petri dishes.
6. Petri dishes were kept in the incubator for 48 hours at 20°C.
7. After 48 hours, petri dishes were removed from the incubator and diameter of inhibition is
measured using a ruler(±0.01cm).
Data processing
Qualitative data
- First batch of subcultures got contaminated and there were random colonies of bacteria together
with E. coli.
- More bacteria colonies can be seen in concentrations 0, 25, and 50 compared to concentrations 75
and 100, indicating more bacteria growth suggesting the effect of low concentrations of tea tree
oil on bacteria
Table 4: Raw data, the diameter of the zone of inhibition (ZoI) around each paper discs, measured by a
ruler (±0.1cm)
Concentration Diameter of zone of inhibition
of TTO
1 2 3 4 5
0 0.00 0.00
25 0.00 0.00
50 0.03 0.06
75 8.92 2.95
-2 Mean
Concentration of TTO (%)
𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
Percentage uncertainty (%) = 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒
× 100
Example: Data collection for diameter of zone of inhibition uses a ruler that can measure up to 1 decimal
places, thus the uncertainty is 0.1cm. Average zone of inhibition for tea tree oil concentration 75% is
=(8.9×4) ×100 = 0.2808988764%
Tea tree oil can be used as an efficient antiseptic medium in our daily lives. The higher the concentration
of the tea tree oil will supposedly have a better antibacterial effect. The aim of this experiment, which is
visible from my research question, was to explore the antibacterial effects of tea tree oil on the growth of
E. coli by measuring the diameter of the zone of inhibition surrounding the paper discs and how will the
effect be different if the concentration of tea tree oil is varied. It was predicted that tea tree oil possesses
antibacterial effects and as the concentration of the tea tree oil increases the Zone of Inhibition
surrounding the filter paper disc will be larger.
My experiment supported the hypothesis where, tea tree oil will have an effect on reducing bacterial
growth, and that can be seen through the presence of the clear ring around the paper discs, as seen in
concentration 50%, 75% and also 100%. The increasing concentration of tea tree oil had an increased
effect in reducing bacterial growth. This can be observed from the increasing measurements of the Zone
of Inhibition in concentration 50%, 75%, and 100%. The absence of clear ring around the paper discs in
concentration 0% and 25% suggests that lower concentrations of tea tree oil was not affective in
inhibiting bacteria growth.
As concentration of Tea Tree Oil increases, the larger the clear zone surrounding the paper discs,
suggesting higher inhibition of bacteria. This is might be because tea tree oil acts as an inhibitor of E. coli
and disturbs cell structure. Hence, the by increasing the concentration of Melaleuca alternifolia the rate of
respiration of will decrease. This can be seen from the data in Table 5 and Figure 2. When in
concentrations 0% and 25%, no inhibition can be seen, while in 50%, the average diameter of the clear
zone was 0.03. In 75% there is a clear zone with the mean of 8.92mm and 100% with a Zone of Inhibition
of 12.04mm.
The results show that Tea Tree Oil is effective for inhibiting bacterial growth but only when in high
concentrations. However, the data is considered not reliable due to the high standard deviation values that
I obtain while excluding the anomalies. Moreover, the error bars seen in Figure 2 suggest the results were
not statistically significant. Although the experiment was carried with full aseptic procedures,
contamination still occurred to the pilot experiment.
While I was successful in identifying the positive correlations between the increase in concentration of tea
tree oil and the antibacterial properties, observed through the increase in the average diameter of the zone
of inhibition surrounding the paper discs.
Uncertainties when measuring As the uncertainties determine Measure the diameter along the
the zone of inhibition of tea tree the percentage uncertainty of the circumference of the clear zone
oil on bacteria with a ruler whole investigation, the and take the average diameter of
reliability of the investigation the
depends on the percentage
uncertainty of the instruments
Number of trials Less trials often have more Carry out more trials so that
errors and by increasing number errors can be minimised and
of trials, a more obvious trend easier identification of
can be observed and anomalies anomalies.
can be excluded.
Table 7 continued
Random Errors
The delay between opening the The delay might increase During the process of culturing
bung of the test tube and chances of contamination as the bacteria, everything must be
submerging cotton swab in the period of direct contact to the air done quickly with sterilized
culture. is increased, leading to possible equipment. Or run the opening
air borne contaminations. of the test tube over fire to force
out any unwanted bacteria
before sealing with a bung.
Excess Tea Tree Oil on the Excess oil will diffuse out from Leave soaked paper discs on
paper discs the paper onto the agar plates filter papers to absorb excess tea
causing inequality in the starting tree oil before adding to the agar
point of the Zone of Inhibition, plate. Ensure the work place is
consequently leading to errors constantly disinfected to prevent
when measuring the diameter of contamination.
the clear ring surrounding the
paper discs.
Human Errors
Inaccurate reading of the ruler’s The angle caused misreading of Taking multiple measurements
value when measuring the values when measuring the along the circumference of the
diameter, in cm, of the zone of diameter, in cm. Human paper disc and deduce an
inhibition around the filter paper judgement is not accurate average value.
discs due to parallax error. enough; it includes factors such
as the angle of reading and the
estimation in decimal places etc.
This will make the data collected
Contamination in the incubator As the experiment was held in Arranging a timetable to have
the school and equipment are to set times when using the
be shared with others, the incubator
incubator might be contaminated
with other’s experiment which
leads to the bacterial
Additionally, by increasing the bacterial population, the data generated would be more reliable as more
trials were used to determine the presence of a trend and the identification of anomalies would be easier.
Another possible expansion I think would be to add different types of essential oil that might or might not
possess antiseptic properties to have a comparison between different types of oils. There is a huge variety
of essential oils and some might have better antiseptic properties than others. Doing that can allow more
data to be generated and find out other essential oil that potentially have better antibacterial properties.
Further research is needed to have a better understanding of the exact tea tree oil induced killing event in
bacteria and also to determine whether tea tree oil will have a similar effect on other microorganisms.
"Gram Staining." Microscopy. November 03, 2016. Accessed October 29, 2017.
"Antiseptic of Tea Tree Oil." How does tea tree oil kill bacteria? What makes it a good anti-bacterial?
August 18, 2010. Accessed October 29, 2017.
"Gram Staining." Microscopy. November 03, 2016. Accessed October 29, 2017.
Nazzaro, Filomena, Florinda Fratianni, Laura De Martino, Raffaele Coppola, and Vincenzo De Feo.
"Effect of Essential Oils on Pathogenic Bacteria." Pharmaceuticals6, no. 12 (2013): 1451-474.
Gustafson, Liew, Chew, Markham, Bell, Wyllie, and Warmington. "Effects of tea tree oil on Escherichia
coli." Letters in Applied Microbiology26, no. 3 (1998): 194-98. doi:10.1046/j.1472-765x.1998.00317.x.