Jurnal Eucalyptus
Jurnal Eucalyptus
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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
BioMed Research International
Volume 2014, Article ID 969143, 9 pages
Research Article
Eucalyptus Essential Oil as a Natural Food Preservative:
In Vivo and In Vitro Antiyeast Potential
Received 23 February 2014; Revised 23 June 2014; Accepted 21 July 2014; Published 7 August
Copyright © 2014 Amit Kumar Tyagi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
In this study, the application of eucalyptus essential oil/vapour as beverages preservative is reported. The chemical composition
of eucalyptus oil was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and solid phase microextraction GC-MS
(SPME/GC-MS) analyses. GC-MS revealed that the major constituents were 1,8-cineole (80.5%), limonene (6.5%), 𝛼-pinene
(5%), and 𝛾-terpinene (2.9%) while SPME/GC-MS showed a relative reduction of 1,8-cineole (63.9%) and an increase of
limonene (13.8%),
𝛼-pinene (8.87%), and 𝛾-terpinene (3.98%). Antimicrobial potential of essential oil was initially determined in vitro against 8
different food spoilage yeasts by disc diffusion, disc volatilization, and microdilution method. The activity of eucalyptus
was significantly higher than the eucalyptus oil. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicidal
concentration (MFC) varied from 0.56 to 4.50 mg/mL and from 1.13 to 9 mg/mL, respectively. Subsequently, the combined
efficacy of essential oil and thermal treatment were used to evaluate the preservation of a mixed fruit juice in a time-dependent
manner. These results suggest eucalyptus oil as a potent inhibitor of food spoilage yeasts not only in vitro but also in a real food
system. Currently, this is the first report that uses eucalyptus essential oil for fruit juice preservation against food spoiling yeast.
S. cerevisiae
17.255 𝛾-Terpinen 3.98
C. diversa
Z. bailii
P. kluyveri
P. anomala
H. polymorpha
A. pullulans
18.423 o-Cymene 4.13
18.948 4-Carene 0.15
22.443 trans-5-Methyl-2-isopropyl-2-hexen-1-al 0.05
25.958 p-Cymene 0.14 10 𝜇L Yeast strains
30.132 Linalool 0.10 20
𝜇L 30 𝜇L
32.868 4-Terpineol 0.26
35.08 Pinocarveol 0.08 FIGURE 1: Antiyeast potential of eucalyptus oil evaluated with
36.609 𝛼-Terpineol 0.43 disc diffusion method. Zone of inhibition due to the different
Monoterpene hydrocarbons 34.46 concen- trations (10, 20, and 30 𝜇L) of eucalyptus oil against S.
Oxygenated monoterpenes 64.83 cerevisiae SPA, Z. bailii 45, A. pullulans L6F, C. diversa T6D, P.
Total of identified compound 99.29 kluyveri T1A, P. anomala, and H. polymorpha CBS 4732 was
measured. Column height represents the mean of triplicate results
RT: retention time (min), relative area percentage. Results are based on
and error bar represents the standard deviation.
different food spoilage yeasts: S. cerevisiae, Z. bailii, A. a reduced activity was detected when using 1,8-cineole
pullulans, C. diversa, P. fermentans, P. kluyveri, P. alone. This shows that possible synergistic effect of minor
anomala, and H. polymorpha. and major components determines the final antimicrobial
activity of the essential oils [22]. Based on the chemical
composition, it can be concluded that the antimicrobial
3.2.1.Disc Diffusion Method. The antiyeast activity of activity of the oil is apparently attributed to its high content
euca- lyptus essential oil was assessed by the presence or the of oxygenated monoterpenes.
absence of inhibition zones. Three different concentrations
of the oil (10, 20, and 30 𝜇L) were tested. The highest 3.2.2. Disc Volatilisation Method. The zone of inhibition
susceptible yeast was H. polymorpha (10, 18, and 32 mm), in yeast strains due to eucalyptus essential oil vapours is
followed by A. pullulans (10, 16, and 30 mm), C. diversa (10, shown in Figure 2. Zone of inhibition due to essential oil
15, and 23 mm), vapour increased in a dose-dependent manner similar to
Z. bailii (10, 14, and 22 mm), P. kluyveri (12, 16, and 20 mm), disc diffusion method. The inhibition zones observed using
and S. cerevisiae (9, 12, and 17 mm) (Figure 1). P. 30 𝜇L of eucalyptus oil vapours were P. kluyveri (22 mm) <
anomala presented the lowest inhibition zone (9, 12, and 14 S. cerevisiae (36 mm) < Z. bailii (38 mm) = P. anomala (38
mm). The results demonstrated that eucalyptus oil was mm)
effective against all the considered strains. Previous data < C. diversa (39 mm) < A. pullulans (42 mm) < H.
already reported that eucalyptus oil possesses antimicrobial polymorpha
activity against differ- ent microorganisms [14–18]. For (44 mm). H. polymorpha was the most susceptible yeast to
example, Eucalyptus staige- riana oil showed strong eucalyptus oil vapours since 14, 26, and 44 mm inhibition
activity (with 14.3–18.2 mm zones of inhibition) against zones were generated using 10, 20, and 30 𝜇L eucalyptus
several microorganisms (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus oil vapours, respectively (Figure 2). As compared to the oil,
aureus, and Alcaligenes faecalis) and no activity against the eucalyptus vapours resulted in a significantly larger
yeast C. albicans [19]. Eucalyptus cinerea oil exhibited zone of inhibition (𝑃 ≤ 0.05) in all the strains tested. This
significant activity against S. pyogenes (26 mm) and better result could be attributed to the variation in relative
P. aeruginosa (17 mm). The zone of inhibition for S. composition of the oil and vapours, as already shown in
aureus was 13 mm. Only isolated and purified 1,8-cineole Table 2.
(eucalyp- tol) presented no antimicrobial activity against S.
aureus and 3.2.3. MIC and MFC of Eucalyptus Oil. MIC and MFC of
C. albicans [20]. Also, Vilela et al. [21] tested the eucalyptus essential oil were determined against food
antimicrobial activity of both the eucalyptus essential oil spoiling yeasts (Table 3). The MIC values varied from 0.56
and 1,8-cineole against two Aspergillus species. They mg/mL to
reported a complete fungal growth inhibition when using 4.5 mg/mL. MIC value for S. cerevisiae and A. pullulans
the essential oil, while was higher (i.e., 4.5 mg/mL) than that for Z. bailii, C.
BioMed Research International 5
6 BioMed Research International
bacteria and human pathogens, varied between 0.3 and
40 3.13 mg/mL, which can be attributed to the different
Zone of inhibition (mm)
C. diversa
P. kluyveri
P. anomala
H. polymorpha
A. pullulans
Viability (log CFU)
2 2
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Sampling time (days) Sampling time (days)
0.5 1 E0 E1
1.5 E2 E3
(a) (b)
FIGURE 3: Variation in viability of S. cerevisiae SPA in fruit juice mixtures during storage after (a) thermal treatment at 70∘C for 0.5, 1, and
1.5 min; (b) eucalyptus oil treatment at different concentrations (𝐸1 = MIC, 𝐸2 = 1/2 MIC, 𝐸3 = 1/4 MIC level, and 𝐸0 = control). The
data represents the mean of triplicate results and error bar represents standard deviation.
Viability (log CFU)
0 2 4 6 8 10 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
Sampling time (days)
Sampling time (days)
Viability (log CFU)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Sampling time (days)
E0 E2
E1 E3
FIGURE 4: Combined effect of essential oil and thermal treatment. Variation in viability of S. cerevisiae SPA in fruit juice mixtures was
estimated. Different concentrations of eucalyptus oil ( 𝐸1 = MIC, 𝐸2 = 1/2 MIC, 𝐸3 = 1/4 MIC level, and 𝐸0 = control) combined with
different thermal treatments at 70∘C for (a) 30, (b) 60, and (c) 90 sec were tested. The growth of the yeast was followed up to 8 days after
the treatment. The data represents the mean of triplicate results and error bar represents standard deviation.
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