Formulae To Formulate The "Head Office Overheads"
Formulae To Formulate The "Head Office Overheads"
Formulae To Formulate The "Head Office Overheads"
It is generally accepted that, on principle, a contractor Unlike Hudson’s Formula, Emden’s Formula has the
who is delayed in completing a contract due to the advantage of extracting the contractor’s actual HO OH
default of his employer, may properly have a claim percentage from the audited account(s) of the contractors
for head office overheads during the period of delay, to assess the HO OH costs. Thus, it has received plenty of
on the basis that the work-force might have had the recent judiciary support.3
opportunity of being employed on another contract
which would have had the effect of funding the I find Emden’s Formula quite useful and have used it in
overheads during the overrun period. several of my assessments of the HO OH of the prolongation
costs, provided that the contractor could prove a loss of HO
2. Hudson’s Formula OH and/or profits due to a delay by the employer.
HO OH Percentage Contract Sum 1. J.F. Finnegan, Ltd. v Sheffield City Council (1988)
in the X _____________ X Period of Delay 2. Emden arrived at this result by dividing the total overhead cost of the
Contract/100 Contract Period contractor’s organization as a whole by the total amount of turnover
in the audited accounts.
4. Eichleay’s Formula project, so as to average out the irregularities and include the
information for the relevant years, as advised by the court.5
Someone may argue that if the LOO cannot be proved, then
both of the above formulae cannot be used. I am of the Hon Reyes J.
opinion that this is quite right. As a result, the third formula
below may be used to assess the HO OH under this scenario, Here I accept Mr. Molloy (Mr. John Molloy)’s reasoning.
which someone claims is likely based on “actual costs” He chose a 4 year average of head office overhead/
instead. turnover percentage to obtain a more balanced
overhead percentage. Mr. Molloy reasoned that, while
Eichleay’s Formula: the contract period was covered by the years 2003 and
2004, the Contractor would have most likely based its
Value of work tender on the 2 years preceding the contract period”
Total HO
(bracket added by the author).
contract period
HO OH Allocated to = _________________ X OH during
the Contract (“A”) Total value of work the contract
for the company as period
a whole during the
contract period
Period of Delay
Total HO OH assessed =A X _____________
Contract Period