A Formula For Success PDF
A Formula For Success PDF
A Formula For Success PDF
John B Molloy, LLB(Hons), BSc(Hons), FHKIS, FRICS, FInstCES, MCIArb, RPS(QS), Managing Director,
James R Knowles (Hong Kong) Limited
One of the principal elements of a claim for
loss and expense or costs due to the
prolongation of the works is a claim for the
costs of head office overheads. Such claims
are made under two quite distinct bases,
either an actual cost approach or a lost
opportunity approach.
The lost opportunity approach is made on
the premise that because of the delay the
contractor's organization is unable to move
on to another project and earn the combined
profit and head office overheads of which it
is reasonably capable, i.e. the opportunity to
earn elsewhere is lost. In the case of J.F.
Finnegan Ltd -v- Sheffield City Council
(1988), Sir William Stabb QC, said:
"It is generally accepted that, on principle,
a contractor who is delayed in completing a
contract due to the default of his employer,
may properly have a claim for head office
or off-site overheads during the period of
delay, on the basis that the work-force, but
for the delay, might have had the
opportunity of being employed on another
contract which would have had the effect of
funding the overheads during the overrun
The actual cost approach is simply the
identification and cost of the head office
overheads affected by the delay.
The lost opportunity approach is by far the
most popular with contractors, for two
reasons. Firstly, because the actual costs are
so difficult to identify and prove, and
secondly, because the lost opportunity
approach uses a formula for its calculation.
Contractors love to use a formula to
calculate head office overhead costs and it is
easy to see why. A formula calculation is
simple, cheap, quick and produces a
reasonable sum of money for very little
There are two formulae commonly used for
such calculations, the Hudson's formula and
the Emden formula. Hudson's formula was
first produced by Mr. Duncan Wallace
(purportedly upon the advice of a quantity
surveyor) and published in Hudson's
Building and Engineering Contracts.
Hudson's formula is:
Head Office Contract
Overhead Percentage
x Sum x Period of
100 Contract Delay
1 The Head Office Overhead percentage in
the Contract
and it has received judicial support in a
number of cases (sometimes erroneously -
see below) and in particular in Ellis-Don
Ltd -v- The Parking Authority of Toronto
The formula is criticised by many
principally because it adopts the head office
overhead percentage from the contract as
the factor for calculating the costs, and this
may bear little or no relation to the actual
head office costs of the contractor.
The Head Office Overhead percentage in the
In an attempt to improve upon the Hudson's
formula an alternative was published in
Emden's Building Contracts and Practice.
Emden's formula is:
Head Office Contract
Overhead Percentage
x Sum x Period of
100 Contract Delay
2 The HO/Profit percentage is head office
percentage, arrived at by dividing the total
overhead cost and profit of the Contractor's
organization as a whole by the total turnover.
This formula has the advantage of using the
contractor's actual head office/ profit
percentage rather than the one contained in
the contract and has received judicial
support in a number of cases, notably but
somewhat obliquely in Finnegan where Sir
William Stabb QC, said:
"However, I confess that I consider the
plaintiffs' method of calculation of the
overheads on the basis of a notional
contract valued by uplifting the value of the
direct cost by the constant of 3.51 as being
too speculative and I infinitely prefer the
Hudson formula which, in my judgment, is
the right one to apply in this case, that is to
say, overhead and profit percentage based
upon a fair annual average, multiplied by
the contract sum and the period of delay in
weeks, divided by the contract period. Sir
William obviously did not fully understand
the formula he was using because the
percentage based upon actual head office
costs is of course Emden's and not Hudson's
These two formulae were used for many
years until the use of formula, and indeed
the opportunity costs approach in general
fell out of favour following the (non
construction) case of Tate & Lyle v GLC
The HO/Profit percentage is head office percentage,
arrived at by dividing the total overhead cost and
profit of the Contractors organization as a whole by
the total turnover.
[1983] where the court would not accept a
calculation of head office overheads based
upon a simple percentage, and stated that it
was necessary to prove actual additional
costs incurred rather than a hypothetical loss
of opportunity approach.
Many felt that this case sounded the death
knell for head office overhead claims based
upon the loss of opportunity approach and
in particular by the use of simple formula.
However, the difficulties of proving the
actual additional costs incurred in respect of
head office overheads (and possibly of
judges in assessing them) have recently led
to the courts taking a more relaxed view of
the degree of proof necessary to prove that
the delay had caused the contractor to lose
the opportunity to fully earn its head office
overheads elsewhere, and in a number of
cases claims using the loss of opportunity
approach and a formula are re-appearing.
For example in Norwest Holst
Construction Ltd. v Co-operative
Wholesale Society (1989), the court
accepted that the arbitrator had been correct
to use an Emden formula, albeit with a
significantly reduced percentage to assess
the contractor's head office costs.
Further in the very recent Scottish case of
Beechwood Development Company
(Scotland) Limited v Stuart Mitchell
(2001) the judge accepted the use of a
formula which he considered to be the
Hudson's formula, but which was again a
mistake because the actual formula used
was Emden.
So there seems to be a swing back to
accepting the use of Hudson's or Emden's
formulae for the assessment of head office
overheads, provided of course the contractor
can prove that due to the delay he has in
some way lost the opportunity to fully earn
the head office overheads on other projects.
Where the loss of opportunity cannot be
proven, and an actual cost approach is
necessary there is however a formula that
may be appropriate. This formula is the
American Eichleay formula and it is one,
which I have personally found very useful
recently. This formula is calculated by
comparing the value of work carried out in
the contract period for the project with the
value of work carried out by the contractor
as a whole for the contract period. A share
of head office overheads for the contractor
can then be allocated in the same ratio and
expressed as a lump sum to the particular
contract. The amount of head office
overhead allocated to the particular contract
is then expressed as a weekly amount by
dividing it by the contract period. The
period of delay can then be multiplied by
the weekly amount to give a total sum
claimed. The Eichleay formula is thus:
Value of work during Total Head Office
Contract Period x Overhead during
Total value of work during contract
For Company as a whole Period
During Contract period
= Total Head Office Overheads
during contract Period
Head Office Overhead
Allocated to the Contract x Period of Delay
Contract period
= Amount Claimed
The formula looks complicated, but is not
and was recently used (but not named) in
the case of Property and Land
Contractors Ltd -v- Alfred McAlpine
Homes North Ltd (1997) where the court
accepted the plaintiff's claim for the
recovery of head office overheads actually
expended calculated using such a formula.
So the use of formula to calculate head
office overheads is not dead, Hudson's or
probably better Emden's formula can be
used where the contractor can prove some
lost opportunity to recover contributions to
head office overheads from other projects,
and Eichleay can be used where a claim
based on actual costs is more appropriate.
(Adopted from the HKIS Newsletter 10(6)a July