Fixed and Variable Cost
Fixed and Variable Cost
Fixed and Variable Cost
Fixed costs
Fixed costs are costs that are
independent of output. These remain
constant throughout the relevant
range and are not relevant to output
decisions. Fixed costs often include
rent, buildings, machinery, etc.
Fixed Cost
They tend to be time-related, such
as salaries or rents being paid per
For example, aretailermust pay
rent and utility bills irrespective of
Fixed Cost
The concept of fixed cost has a wide
application. Almost any task involves
preparation independent of its
extent. Thus to paint a small area
may require as much effort for the
cleaning of a brush as to paint a
large area.
Fixed Cost
Similarly, manufacturing involves fixed
costs that are independent of the volume
of output.
In practice fixed costs are only relatively
fixed, and their total may be expected to
increase somewhat with increased activity.
Like when plant expansion or shutdown is
involved fixed costs will be affected.
Variable Cost
Variable costs are costs that vary
with output. Generally variable costs
increase at a constant rate relative to
labor and capital. Variable costs may
include wages, utilities, materials
used in production, etc.
Variable Cost
For example the amount of paint used may be
expected to be proportional to the area painted.
Variable Cost
1 shirt
2 shirts
3 shirts
Cloth (Direct
Labor (Direct
Variable Cost
Variable costs are volume-related (and are
paid per quantity produced)
For example
Assume a business produces clothing. A
variable cost of this product would be the
direct material, i.e., cloth, and the direct
labor. If it takes one laborer 6 yards of
cloth and 8 hours to make a shirt, then the
cost of labor and cloth increases if two
shirts are produced.
Incremental Cost
Incremental cost is the additional
cost that results from increasing the
output of a system by one more unit.
Reference is usually made to an
increase of cost in relation to some
other factor, thus resulting in such
expressions as incremental cost per
ton, incremental cost per gallon, or
Mixed costs
These are simply costs that are part
fixed and part variable. An example
could be electricity--electricity usage
may increase with production but if
nothing is produced a factory still
may require a certain amount of
power just to maintain itself.
Recurring Cost
Recurring Costs are repetitive and occur
when a firm produces similar goods and
services on a continuing basis.
Variable costs are recurring costs because
they repeat with each unit of output .
A fixed cost that is paid on a repeatable basis
is also a recurring cost:
Office space rental
Nonrecurring costs
Nonrecurring costs are those that are not
Inmarketing, it is necessary to know
how costs divide between variable
and fixed. This distinction is crucial in
forecasting the earnings generated
by various changes in unit sales and
thus the financial impact of proposed
marketing campaigns. In a survey of
nearly 200 senior marketing
managers, 60 percent responded
that they found the "variable and