25 - Sura Furqan
25 - Sura Furqan
25 - Sura Furqan
Blessed is He Who, if had that been His Will, could have given you (O
Prophet) better than what they thought for you. They reject the Day of
Judgement to ever come true: On that Day the disbelievers would be gathered
together along with them whom they worshipped and thrown into the Blazing
fire. That will be their reward and final goal for ever, to be there burning in the
furious fire. Their gods will be asked then as were they who led His servants
astray, or did they astray from the Path by their own will? The reply will be:
Glory to You – O Lord! They did not know about their worship or considered
them as their protectors besides You. You bestowed on them and their
ancestors good things of life but on the way they forgot the Message and
became worthless and lost people. As a matter of fact the unbelievers will be
proved as liars and will not be able to avert the Penalty or get any help. Be
sure (O Men), who ever among you do wrong, he make himself liable for a
grievous Penalty. That all the apostles were all men who ate food and walked
through the streets. In God’s universal Plan, each unit or thing serves a
purpose. Some people are trials for others (e.g. rich for poor, poor for rich).
Have patience. For God is One Who Sees (all things).
Woe to the misbelievers who arrogantly demand to see God, yet reject
His Signs! Assuredly they think too highly of themselves, and have
transgressed excessively. On the Day, they shall not be allowed to enjoy any of
the facilities or peace. Their own past will stand as a barrier to shut them off.
The false hopes they built on in this life and the deeds they did under the
shadow of such false hopes will be dissipated as if they were dust flying about
in the wind. They will have no value whatsoever. For the righteous ones there
shall be no barriers. They shall be in the Gardens of bliss of that Day and that
is an excellent resting place. On the Day, the clouds will be disintegrated, the
angels shall descend towards the Judgement seat of God and goodness will be
vivid in an entirely new spiritual environment unimagined by mankind. As a
matter of fact it shall a most difficult Day for the disbelievers. They will be
sorry on themselves and wish not to have listned astray individual and would
have taken the straight path with the Apostle. Sin is always hostile to truth and
righteousness, but such hostility will not harm the righteous and need cause no
misgiving, because God will guide and help those who work in His cause.
Another frivolous objection of the disbelievers as to: Why the Qur-an was not
revealed atonce like the earlier scriptures? The reply to this was: Firstly,
superhuman patience, constancy and firmness were required in the task of the
Prophet; secondly, slow well-arranged stages were required as the occasion
demanded from time to time; thirdly, questions put and answers given. Indeed,
the disbelievers will be gathered on their faces into Hell: Such are worse in
plight and further from the right road.
Moses was given the Book and his brother Aaron was assigned to him
as his minister. They were commanded to go to the people who had rejected
God’s Signs. They rejected them. Hence they were destroyed. Such was also
the case with Noah. the people rejected him. They were destroyed and made
them a sign for the mankind. For the wrong-doers a grevious Penalty is
prepared in the Hereafter. Same was the fate of ’Ad and Thamud tribes and the
Companions of the Rass; and many generations between them. The
Unbelievers must have passed by their ruins of their settlements. But still did
not learn any lesson and fear not the Day of Resurrection. They on the
contrary mock at you (Prophet AS): “Is this the one whom God has sent as an
apostle? They feared that the Apostle would mislead them from their gods. But
they would come to the truth when they see the Penaltyin the Hereafter as who
was mislead in the Path! So (O Muhammad), you are not the disposer of their
affairs. They are just like cattle and are worse astray in Path.
Have you not observed how your Lord lengthens the shadow? And if
He had willed it, He could have made it stationary; the sun is its guide. It is He
Who has made night for rest and day for dispersion. It is He Who sends winds
before rain, so to revive the barren land and drinking water for His creatures.
And indeed the Qur-an is for His servants for their admonition. Hence (O
Muhammad) do not cater to the disbelievers; and strive against them with the
admonitions of the Qur-an strenuously. It is He Who has joined sweet and
saltish water rivers, but placed between them barrier. And He created man
from water and established relationships of lineage and pedigree. Thus
remembers and commemorates a long line of ancestors, to whom he is bound
by ties of piety. Further, there is the mystic union in marriage, by which
springs out further relationships – a complete society. Yet, they worship others,
besides God, which can neither benefit nor harm them. Tell them (O
Muhammad) whoso wishes take up the way to his Lord; you are just a bearer
of glad tidings and a warner to them and you do not ask for any reward from
them. O Muhammad! put your trust in your Lord – the Living One Who dies
not – celebrate His praises; and He is adequate as the Knower of sins of His
bondmen. It is He Who created the heavens and the earth and all between them
within six days. The Most Gracious is firmly established on the throne of
authority. So enquire about Him from those who possess knowledge. Those
who have no spiritual light cannot understand this precept about putting all our
trust in God. It seems to them foolish. They have no faith, or but a superficial
faith. They may possibly take the name of God on their lips, but cannot
understand the full significance of His title “Most Gracious”. Perhaps they are
afraid on account of their sins; perhaps they do not see how unbounded is the
Mercy of God.