Sura Mu-Minun (Or The Believers) : in The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Sura Mu-Minun (Or The Believers) : in The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Sura Mu-Minun (Or The Believers) : in The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
A long line of apostles were sent to the people for their admonition
from time to time. Noah was also sent who instructed his people to fear God
and worship their Lord only. The chiefs of the Unbelievers rejected him as he
was merely a human being like themselves and that his claim was just to
impose on them his personal superiority; and he was a possessed individual.
Further, had God wished their admonition, He would have sent down angels
and that Noah was a false person. Naoh, ultimately prayed to his Lord for help
as he was totally discouraged from his people. God then inspired Noah to
construct an Ark, take pairs of species, male female, his family members
(including the believers) and board on the Ark; but no wrong doer be
addressed for His Mercy. As commanded, Noah took them on the Ark and
prayed to his Lord: “Praise be to God, Who has saved us from the people who
do wrong”. And; “O my Lord! Enable me to disembark with Your blessing: for
You are the Best to enable (us) to disembark.” Noah’s Ark sailed away safely,
while the Unbelievers on the land were all drowed by a Great Flood (never
known again in the human history). Lo! In this there are Signs for men to
understand. Noah’s contemporaries had all sorts of chances and warnings. But
they refused to believe and perished. But God’s Truth survived, and it went to
the next and succeeding generations. Will not mankind understand? There was
a post-Flood astrayed generation and an apostle sent for its guidance (if this
refers to any particular prophet, it may be Hud sent to ‘Ad people or may be
Salih sent to Thamud people). The apostle said the same eternal Truth:
“Worship God! You have no other god but Him; – Will you not fear Him?”
The chiefs of the people, on whom good things of this life were
bestowed, disbelieved the Hereafter and rejected the apostle. According to
their logic, how could a mortal be an apostle and that after their death, there
will be resurrection of the humanity for the Day of Judgement! That for them
the enjoyment of the life mattered and so called, apostle was a liar and what
they said to the people a naked falsehood. The prophet prayed to God for His
help! A terrible Blast overtook them and the Unbelievers were reduced to just
like a rubbish of dead leaves! God raised other generations after them. And
apostles were delegated in succession to astray people for their admonition.
But everytime they were accused of falsehood by their people. Such people
were destroyed and their tale is left behind for others to take a heed. There
came a time when apostle Moses and his brother apostle Aaron were assigned
by their Lord to admonish Pharaoh and his Chiefs. These people were arrogant
and behaved insolently on earth. These people accused them of falsehood; and
consequently, were destroyed. Moses was also given a Book for the guidance.
Son of Mary and his mother were also Signs of God who gave them a shelter
on a high ground – for rest and security, furnished with springs.
The Brotherhood of Truth is one in all the ages. All prophets form one
Brotherhood. Their Message is one, and their religion and teaching is one.
They serve the One True God, Who loves and cherishes them; and they owe
their duty to Him and Him alone. They are narrow men who create sects and
leave people confused for a time. Let them not think that the goods of this
world can shield them from evil or its consequences! Verily those who fear
their Lord; believe in His Signs; join not in worship partners to Him; and
dispense their charity with reverence and fear of a future life in which they
will stand before the Judgement Seat of their Lord. It is these people who are
quick and foremost in every good work. On no soul God place a burden
greater than it can bear. The record speaks clearly, and shows what each sole
has done and what is due to him in justice. The worst will receive full justice.
The best will receive far more then their due. The Unbelievers, who rejected
Faith and rejoiced in the vanities of this world. Inspite of the proclamation of
Truth, they are doubtful of the future Life and Judgement. In addition to their
rejection of Faith, they have against them positive deeds of wrong-doing, from
which, on account of their contempt of the Light from God, they will not
desist until they are sharply pulled up for punishment: and then any sort of
repentance will be too late and of no use to them! They will be told that on
earth they were arrogant, taking nonsense about the Qur-an. If they ponder
over the matter, they will find that God’s Message to humanity is as old as
time itself. It is good for all ages. In never grows old, and it is never new. Or
do they (infidels of Mecca) not recognize their Apostle (Muhammad AS) that
they deny him? They call him as a possessed person! He has brought them the
Truth, but most of them hate the Truth. If the Truth had been according to their
heart’s desire, it would be a dreadful world, full of confusion and corruption.
God has sent them admonition. But they reject it. Is it you (O Muhammad) ask
for any recompense? (Definitely the answer is No, Never). But the
recompense of your Lord is best: He is the Best of those who give sustenance.
You call them to the Straight Way and those who do not believe in the
Hereafter, deviate from that Way. Had your Lord removed from them the
distress even then they would have remained as transgressors – wandering in
distraction to and fro. Although God inflicted on them punishment (Battle of
Badr), but that too did not cause them to turn towards their Lord: until they
will be plunged into a severe Punishment (in the Hereafter).