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The Big Interview, P.2

Exclusive: Why I want to

meet Uhuru — Kalonzo
The glue that binds? ‘My brother President
Uhuru Kenyatta, and I am calling him ‘President’
in quotes because he has the instruments of
power at the moment, and my brother Raila
Odinga, time has come for us to sit and talk this
one out,’ he says.

Sunday Where the

living and
dead shove
for space
SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 No. 622 KSh60/00 TSh1,700/00 USh2,700/00 >> Feature, Page 3

Shock, panic after

National, P.12

Cabinet overhaul
[email protected]

How abrasive ‘I wish to state

CS Matiang’i State House that I am
retaining the
lost out on Disbelief hits
following persons
in my Cabinet and
curriculum Cabinet
shall re-assign
them accordingly
their duties in
Roll-out delay.
Whereas minister was
Secretaries accordance with
determined to proceed, despite belated Article 152 (5)a.’

assurance that
— President Kenyatta
professionals in the when he unveiled a
education sector said partial Cabinet on
doing so was suicidal. they are still in Friday.

office until told

INSIDE TODAY otherwise, as ‘Listen, let me tell you. The
Government does not fire

people, it omits their names

Secretaries panic from the list of appointees. I
am sure you have seen that in
over whether or the past. So if your colleagues
have been formally informed
not they will that they have been retained,
what is left for the rest who are
survive Uhuru’s also sitting in the Cabinet?’
axe. Pages 4, 5, – A source close to State House familiar with the

6, 7 and 8
changes, who declined to be named, told
The Cabinet changes as reported by our sister publication
‘Sunday Standard’ yesterday.
Love lessons ‘Saturday Standard’ yesterday. [File, Standard]

from divorcees
Everything they would change about their lost love
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2 National Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

National, P.12 Leave us alone   The Wiper leader asks diplomats and the church to stand aside as the three look for home-grown solutions

Kalonzo: I Wiper leader Kalonzo

Musyoka during the
interview with the Sunday

want to
Standard at his residence in
Nairobi yesterday. [Elvis

How abrasive Matiang’i lost out

have a chat
on new curriculum
Government officials who spoke
firmly against the rushed
implementation were either

with Uhuru
intimidated or sacked.

Special Report, P.10

He is categorical that cannot come together, I hope

the much-fancied they will allow me to bring
swearing-in of himself them together so that they can
look at each other in the face.
and his co-principal
These are people who have
Raila Odinga must be worked together in the past,”
the last resort. Kalonzo said, describing him-
How corruption blocks self as the “glue” that can bind
enforcement of traffic laws BBy Nzau Musau them.
[email protected] The talks, he said, should
Public Service Vehicle (PSV) entail constitutional reforms
operators and other motorists claim NASA co-principal and Wip- to restructure governance
they get away with mandatory er leader Kalonzo Musyoka institutions, strengthen devo-
inspection of vehicles after parting urgently wants to meet Presi- lution, guarantees to a more
with bribes. dent Uhuru Kenyatta and his cohesive country and the
co-principal Raila Odinga on thorny subject of electoral jus-
face-to-face talks to resolve the tice. They should neither
Week in Review, P.20 political crisis in the aftermath involve diplomats nor the
of the 2017 election. church.
In his first candid interview “The diplomats must have
since he jetted back to the the presence of mind to appre-
country from Germany two ciate that Kenyans need home-
weeks ago, Kalonzo said he grown solutions to political
cannot sit pretty and watch the challenges we face today. They
[email protected]
country spiral into an abyss cannot begin to posture as the
when he knows he can play a champions of dialogue to
decisive role on the impasse. resolve a crisis they partici- Striking an insightful pose We pointed out to him the
Reflective but unflinching pated in brewing. Western What he wants as breezes from palms on the curious case of the closed Ken-
Governors who spent the most
to run their offices
and with Kitui Senator Enoch
Wambua by his side on the
envoys must in particular first
apologise to Kenyans for
addressed sides pounded on him, he
punched further: “If I do not
yan political system where bit-
ter rivals in public are friends
lush lawns of his Karen home, according the elections credi- Constitutional get a word in the next few days, in private and referring to the
Controller of Budget report reveals
Kalonzo laid out the terms for bility long before the electoral conference to discuss I may walk to the President 2013 gazebo experience, asked
that the governors’ offices of grievances
what he described as “struc- body itself did,” Senator Wam- myself and I hope this time him why he couldn’t ring up
Laikipia, Nairobi and Lamu counties Review of constitu-
tured dialogue” to the Sunday bua interjected. round the media will come the President himself.
were the most expensive to run last tion to reorganize
Standard team. along.” “Oh you have read my book,
year. Hurting from inside executive
He said his long day and “And then do what?” I if only that gazebo could
night sojourns in grumpy Kalonzo said the two “stolen Electoral reforms to posed. And he retorted, with a speak!” he sighed, then added:
Europe weather had afforded elections” had weighed on insulate elections “I have no enmity whatsoever
flair of finality, “And then
Business, P.30 him a sober reflective advan- him, his supporters and the
against fraud
demand answers… because or with anybody. I can ring him
tage over his colleagues in the country. He said although he
Re-jigging of this is not about me. It has up today or tomorrow, but no…
devolution to serve
coalition and rivals in Jubilee. presents a bold face, he has Kenyans better never been!” tomorrow we are in Kakame-
He was categorical that the been hurting from inside and Swearing-in of He engaged us on a long- ga,” he said.
much-fancied swearing-in of carrying the weight of “politi- opposition leaders last winded lecture of the Birming- Clad in brown leather jacket,
himself and his co-principal cal injustice.” resort ham disturbances of the checked shirt and khaki trou-
Raila Odinga must be the last “That ought to be the prior- Reform of institutions 1960’s, drawing their relevance sers, he seemed to enjoy the
resort. ity, electoral justice! There is like police and judiciary to the present Kenyan situa- weather he had missed for
“My brother President Uhu- no point of participating in an Focus on healing and tion. Waxing philosophical, he three months when he was
ru Kenyatta, and I am calling election with a pre-determined reconciliation across the unfurled four ingredients to tending to his ailing wife in
Economy: Is the him ‘president’ in quotes outcome. Everything that I country the fight for basic political Germany.
worst of 2017 slowdown over? because he has the instru- have said can be discussed if rights and declared them ripe “It’s painful to be away. The
ments of power at the moment, we meet,” he said while in Kenya. weather was oppressive...
The first week of the new year has and my brother Raila Odinga, describing his offer as “one The only positive credential I snowy and in a place where
been sweet melodies for most time has come for us to sit and without prejudice”. have is that I was away and Direct action nobody knows you. It was
investors. talk this one out,” he said. The Wiper leader revealed they were not,” he said. “The first is the acknowledg- however nice as I was able to
Below our interview setting that his NASA brethren are He refused to be drawn into ment of an intolerable situa- run around in the streets when
was the famed gazebo where equally receptive of his pro- discussions on the half-Cabi- tion in Kenya. That is not in I could without anybody stop-
Sports, P.42 Uhuru snookered him on his posed set of rules of engage- net appointments and what doubt. The second is the need ping me. I missed my country,
bid to succeed retired Presi- ment with Jubilee leadership this means to his proposal for for negotiations, we say we are I missed my people but we
dent Mwai Kibaki after serving but he was the most ideal per- talks. He described them as a ready. If that does not work, we thank God we are back and
him loyally as the Vice Presi- son to make the proposal for a purely Jubilee affair which move to self-purification stage she’s doing well,” he said.
dent for five years. Occasion- particular reason. cannot draw any meaningful where non-violent approaches Before our interview start-
ally, he flashed his eyes across “We are in a first-among- inferences relating to NASA will pick. The last is direct ed, he found us chatting in the
the gazebo and dug in further. equals kind of situation in grievances. action but I do not wish we get gazebo with his aides and
“If they – Uhuru and Raila – NASA. Our unity is paramount. “We have made it absolutely there,” he said. briefly stole away Senator
clear that this is not about a Kalonzo said the talks can Wambua. It turned out they
“We have made it absolutely clear that nusu mkate kind of a thing. It’s take the form of the 2008 ones left for an errand to a chemist
Why Kenyan clubs should stop this is not about a nusu mkate kind of a much more serious than this. and dropped the name of for- shop to the benefit of his wife.
It’s unfortunate that when I mer Tanzanian President “She’s getting better, and
relying on one sponsor thing. It’s much more serious than this. It’s made the offer they did not Jakaya Kikwete, crediting him thanks to prayers and support
Gor Mahia and AFC Leopards need unfortunate that when I made the offer they respond. They were busy with setting the right tempo of everyone,” he said.
to follow examples of top clubs such did not respond. They were busy chewing.” chewing,” he said. then.
as Al Ahly of Egypt.
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SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard National 3

DISTURBED SOULS?   The families were moved to the cemetery 30 years ago

Where living, the dead shove for space

aspirants for various political
seats would promise them that
once in office they would resettle
them in a new place, but that did
not happen.
Majority of the residents are
orphans, widows and very poor
families with no other place to
call home.
But this year started on a high
note for them. Area MP Geoffrey
King’ang’i gave a number of
families an eighth of an acre
each, courtesy of the Constitu-
Karuku Cemetery village in Mbeere South where landless ency Development Fund (CDF).
families have lived among the graves since 1985 when they Presenting the land, the MP
were evicted from Makutano Junction. [Joseph Muchiri, Standard] said previous attempts to reset-
tle the villagers had failed after
the land earmarked for the pur-
pose and acquired at a cost of
Sh2 million was grabbed by
politically connected individu-
Residents inspect some of the graves in the cemetery. Below: A family home in the cemetery. Some als.
families have been relocated by area MP to land bought by the CDF. [Joseph Muchiri, Standard] Not all of them were moved
though, a section remains in the
cemetery. Their dalliance with
Uncomfortable alliance over skeletons and corpses in Her fears are shared by Judy both worlds will go on for a
of villagers and corpses various stages of decay during Wachira, a mother of six, who while longer as more funds are
as part of families living the mundane acts of daily life blamed her partial blindness sought to purchase additional
like digging pit latrines or on the graves, saying she was land for them.
on cemetery land are
wells. disturbed every time she saw a
finally relocated. “The fact that our children corpse that had been uninten- at Makutano was occupied by children play with crosses for

see the crosses daily and even tionally exhumed. some politicians,” says Irungu. toys, and forge an unnatural ease Read more about this
story at
By Joseph Muchiri play with them may have some “Some fresh graves are shal- The years after that saw them with their surroundings.
[email protected] psychological impact on them. low and heavy downpour digs grow their families and see their Njeri says every election year,
It haunts them,” says Monicah out the corpses. It troubles us
For 30 years, some 75 land- Njeri who has lived at the cem- a lot,” says Wachira.
less families in Mbeere South etery for many years. Sospeter Irungu, the village
Sub-county, Meru County, have chairman, says the village has
uncomfortably lived among often been visited by the spir-
the dead, sharing all their inti- its of the dead in the still of the
mate moments with beings night, disturbing the villagers’
long transcended into another “The fact that our sleep.
world. children see the The three-decade-old vil-
Driven there by desperation, lage was not purposefully set
the families that have called crosses daily and up among the dead.
Karuku Cemetery home now even play with “We were among the first
reveal their harrowing tales of them may have
[email protected]
people to settle and develop
life next to the dead. the Makutano Junction mar-
They recount waking up to some psychological ket. Government officials relo-
the sight of tombstones and impact on them. It cated us, ‘temporarily’ to
the smell of freshly dug up soil haunts them.” Karuku cemetery to pave way
from new graves every morn- for land surveying. We realised
ing, once in a while stumbling Monicah Njeri we were duped after our land

Killer canines

Dogs maul drunken man to death 

A 38-year-old man was mauled friends. Kitetu said they had
to death by vicious dogs after launched investigations to deter-
straying into a private compound mine whether the dog owner has
in Baraka estate in the outskirts a permit and had vaccinated the
of Kericho town on Friday night. dogs against rabies. 
Kericho East OCPD Justus “We have opened an inquest
Kitetu said the man is believed to into the death to determine
have been tipsy when he strayed whether the dogs had been vac-
into the compound and into the cinated and if the owner has nec-
jaws of the three mongrels.  essary documents from the vet-
“The owner of the dogs had erinary department,” said Kitetu. 
unchained them at  11pm when The inquest will determine the
the stranger strayed into the fate of the dogs’ owner. 
compound around midnight,” According to locals, the dogs
said Kitetu.  disemboweled and bit open the
The dogs owner allegedly did victim’s head during the attack.
not hear any commotion during The body of the deceased was
the deadly attack.  Kitetu.  moved to Kericho district hospi-
“The owner says he was sur- According to the OCPD, the tal mortuary. 
prised at dawn to find the bloody deceased had earlier been spot- [Nikko Tanui]
body in his compound,” said ted in a local bub drinking with
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4 Special report
newlook cabinet
Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

What next?   Many of the sacked Cabinet Secretaries hopeful that the President plans to move them to other dockets as focus shifts

Fear and anxiety grip top
President Kenyatta’s in my Cabinet and shall re- tution.”

changes shock partial Cabinet

announcement on Friday
caught many by surprise,
assign them accordingly their
duties in accordance with Arti-
cle 152 (5) (A) and these are
But in what paints a picture of
advisors in darkness, two highly
placed sources within State
Henry Rotich (Treasury), Najib House who refused to be named
President Uhuru Kenyatta’s leaving two-thirds of Balala (Tourism), James Macha- because of the sensitivity of the
mini Cabinet has elicited mixed Cabinet Secretaries, PSs ria (Transport), Fred Matiang’i matter gave two opposing
reactions from a section of lead- and parastatal chiefs (Interior and education (acting), views, effectively creating the
ers. unsure of their fate Charles Keter (Energy) and impression that President Keny-
The Council of Governors com- Joseph Mucheru (ICT),” the atta is keeping his moves tightly
mended President Kenyatta for President said on Friday. guarded.
considering former governors BBy Mwaniki Munuhe and Yesterday, in what many “Listen, let me tell you. Gov-
and an ex-senator to be part of his Roselyn Obala interpreted as a public relations ernment does not fire people, it
new administration, even as [email protected] and emotional management omits their names from the list
some faulted lack of regional and gimmick, State House Spokes- of the appointees. I am sure you
gender balance in the appoint- Shock and confusion gripped person Manoah Esipisu sent a have seen that in the past. So if
ments. Cabinet Secretaries (CSs) as statement to media houses say- your colleagues have been for-
Council chairman Josphat anxiety amongst Principals Sec- ing all CSs are still in office until mally informed that they have
Nanok said with the appoint- retaries (PSs) mutated into the process of forming a new been retained, what is left for
ments, the President has demon- panic after it emerged President Cabinet is completed. the rest who are also sitting in
strated his commitment to sup- Kenyatta could have lost confi- Manoah’s statement seemed Cabinet?” posed one source.
port devolution. “The council dence in more than three quar- to suggest that no CS has so far
wishes to congratulate the Presi- ters of his Cabinet. been sacked. Make a comeback
dent for appointing pioneer gov- President Kenyatta’s decision “This is to clarify that the This view was however sharp-
ernors Ukur Yattani, Kinuthia to fire 13 CSs painted an image of Cabinet Secretaries currently in ly contradicted by another [email protected]
Mbugua and former senator John pending blood bath for PS’s and office remain so, as instructed in source from within Government
Munyes to his Cabinet,” said parastatal chiefs as he moves to a memorandum from the Head who maintained that some of
Nanok. form a government that he of Public Service in December, the CSs -- among them Eugene
He said the nomination of Yat- hopes will deliver on his legacy until otherwise advised,” stated Wamalwa, Amina Mohammed,
tani and Munyes for Cabinet Sec- aspirations. Esipisu in a statement yesterday. Mwangi Kiunjuri and Dan
retary posts and Mbugua as State Some ministers and their He continued: “In the coming Kazungu -- though not men-
House Comptroller is a clear indi- aides have hitherto rejected the days, the President will com- tioned by the President on Fri-
cation of the goodwill for devolu- idea that an axe had fallen on plete the task of assembling the day, had done well and may Dropped
tion. them. Speaking in unobtrusive team of office, guided by merit, make a comeback. Amina Mohamed:
“The leaders are champions of tones, they insist there is still a integrity, commitment to ser- “The position is that Cabinet Foreign Affairs
devolution and their appoint- chance for survival because the vice and in terms of the Consti- will most likely be expanded. Sicily Karuiki: Public
ment will deepen the relationship entire Cabinet is yet to be consti- The six CSs the President men- Service, Youth and Gender
between national and county tuted. tioned yesterday will retain their Mwangi Kiunjuri:
governments,” said Nanok. “The President has not sacked “This is to clarify dockets except for Matiang’i, Devolution
In Nakuru, the appointment of me, he only mentioned a few col- that the Cabinet who moves to Interior. This Dan Kazungu: Mining
Hassan Wario: Sports
the former Governor Mbugua leagues he hopes to retain in doesn’t mean that those whose
elicited mixed reactions. “This is their dockets and appointed a Secretaries currently names the President didn’t men- Jacob Kaimenyi: Lands
a substantial appointment that few others. Until the whole pro- in office remain so, tion have been sacked. It means Willy Bett: Agriculture
Raychelle Omamo:
will be greatly appreciated by the cess is completed, you can’t say as instructed in a that some like Amina, Eugene,
people of Nakuru whom he previ- I have been sacked. I could be Adan Mohammed, Kiunjuri and preferred appointees, with
ously served,” said Governor Lee moved to another docket you memorandum from Kazungu will come back but may
Eugene Wamalwa: even their closest aides being
Kinyanjui. know,” said a sitting Cabinet the Head of Public not necessarily occupy the same
Judy Wakhungu: kept in the dark.
But NASA leadership insisted Secretary who was not among Service in December, dockets they currently occupy. Environment Indeed, it is understood
that the President lacked the the retained six. In other words, only six minis- that some of the high-ranking
mandate to govern, especially On Friday, President Kenyatta
until otherwise ters know their portfolio,” he
Adan Mohammed:
officials who happened to be
after he dropped 13 men and nominated three new CSs and advice,” said Phyllis Kandie: Labour at State House moments
women he had worked with. retained six. Manoah Esipisu, State House President Kenyatta and Depu- Cleopa Mailu: Health before the President made
National Assembly Minority “I wish to state that I am Spokesperson ty President William Ruto have the announcement had no
Leader and ODM chairman John retaining the following persons maintained a tight grip on their idea Cabinet would form part
Mbadi faulted the President’s re-
organisation, saying his move
means his team did not perform.
“He has sacked 13 and retained
only six; how can he convince
Kenyans that he can deliver on
his campaign pledges?” he asked. Cracking the whip...
Public Service Commission
chair Prof Margaret Kobia also

The drama, style and mystery that surround

wondered why the President had
not named any female leader.
“The President is a strong sup-
porter of women issues. I hope
more than a third of Cabinet President Uhuru Kenyatta’s interesting look at the manner in thought they were closest to him since I was no-longer a minis-
appointees will be women. I am Friday partial Cabinet announce- which State officers were hired or without any warning. A former ter.”
sure there are women who meet ment has once again exposed the replaced. Cabinet Minister, the late William A story is also told of a one
the standards,” she said. drama, style and mystery that A shrewd political schemer, Odongo Omamo once told this time powerful Secretary to
A section of Kajiado leaders surround appointments and President Moi always caught the writer how he was sacked over the Cabinet who helped pre-
lauded President Kenyatta for sackings of State officers in suc- nation by surprise. He never the radio as he drove to Nairobi pare a list of ministers to be
nominating their son into the cessive regimes since independ- called press conferences to from his Bondo home. sacked, only for him to hear
Cabinet.  ence. announce changes in his Cabinet. “We had just passed Kericho his name on radio alongside
Led by Kajiado Governor Each of the past Presidents -- They were made over the state and we heard on KBC’s 1 O’clock those dismissed.
Joseph ole Lenku, the leaders from Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, radio and television. bulletin that the President had As he dutifully worked on
said the nomination of the imme- through Daniel arap Moi to Mwai Moi made the reshuffles when made a reshuffle. I was among the list, he had no idea that
diate former Director of Public Kibaki and now Uhuru -- the man- Kenyans least expected them. those dropped,” said Dr Omamo. the President was also send-
Prosecution Keriako Tobiko is a ner of hiring and firing have fol- Those best tipped to get appoint- “I was shocked since I thought ing him home.
big honour to the Maasai commu- lowed an interesting pattern, ments never got them. Most I was one of the best performing Tom Mboya, a Maseno Uni-
nity. with each wielding his own pecu- Cabinet changes were announced ministers. As was the rule with versity political scientist, says
[Roselyn Obala, Kennedy liar style. during the KBC 1 O’clock news. government vehicles, my driver he knows a minister who tried
Gachuhi, Mercy Kahenda and Dan- It was during President Moi’s President Moi was full of sur- Kenya’s second President told me he was to pack the State to reach State House on phone
iel Psirmoi]  regime that Kenyans took an prises. He fired those who Daniel arap Moi. car at the nearest police station after being sacked, but in
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Special report 5
newlook cabinet
Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

to next appointments and other key State jobs Final announcement

State officers Gender parity,

regional balance
tions over the position of the
latter eyed by Principal Secre-
taries Joseph Njoroge (Energy), to determine next
Karanja Kibicho (Interior) and
Monica Juma (Foreign Affairs).
Many expected Amina, Kiun-
juri, Wamalwa and Kazungu to
be retained, some of whom had On Friday, President Uhuru Kenyatta dropped 13 Cabinet Secre-
declared interest in gubernato- taries, setting the ball rolling on his second and final term in office.
rial contest in last year’s elec- Now, Uhuru comes face-to-face with the task of constituting
tions but were advised to keep another team that many believe will be a Cabinet briefed to execute
off by Mr Kenyatta. Kiunjuri and a legacy that has threatened to run away from him on several occa-
Wamalwa are fairly strong poli- sions during his maiden term.
ticians in their respective Laiki- But as he decides on the men and women who will help him see
pia and Bungoma counties and out this vision for the country, he will grapple with several realities
played key roles in Kenyatta’s on the ground, key of which are regional balance and gender parity,
re-election campaign. components that pundits say were largely lacking in the just dis-
banded group.
Normal day Several seemingly well performing ministers were seemingly
Their fate remains unclear so sacrificed at the altar of these two home truths that have been the
far. source of constant opposition bashing and agitation from lobbyists
It was indeed a Cabinet respectively. Now, he is caught between rewarding loyalists, appeas-
announcement of its kind  whose ing his political strongholds for their support and reaching out to
content was only known to the regions that did not vote for him. It will be a delicate balancing act
President’s secretary, DP Ruto to calm or set unease in Uhuru’s final term.
and the President himself. The Western region overwhelmingly voted for NASA leader Raila
Like any normal day, the unex- Odinga in the August 8 presidential election that was nullified by
pected national address at the Supreme Court and a majority of residents heeded his call to
3.30pm Kenyan time on Friday boycott the repeat election.
by the President started with his In spite of this, Uhuru still had his
pet subject, education and men traversing the region, drum-
throwing everyone off balance ming up support for him and swim-
only to transform into a momen- ming against the tide. Notable
tous announcement of nine men names among this group are former
he has identified to work with to Budalang’i MP Ababu Namwamba,
deliver on his Jubilee agenda. whose dalliance with the ruling
The fate of the 13 CSs who party led to his losing the golden egg
didn’t get a mention by the Pres- that was his seat. But will the nudg-
ident is still controversial. ing from Cabinet of Judi Wakhungu
Sources however say that while and Eugene Wamalwa provide a
some seem to have performed in crack through which he can get to
the dockets, there exist dirty ele- the goose that laid the golden egg?
ments in their files as assessed As Ababu hopes for reward, so too
President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto in a past meeting. The President is expected to by security agencies. is former Funyula MP Paul Otuoma
name more individuals to his new Cabinet next week. [File, Standard] It is however argued that the who after losing the Busia guberna-
fresh appointments expected torial race as an independent swiftly
next time could include some of switched support to Jubilee. Otuoma will be hoping to be a benefi-
the current CSs. In sum, the ciary of an all inclusive rainbow cabinet that has all the different
of his statement to the media. shown a major departure from Similarly, there was other sur- President has sent everyone on hues of the country represented.
They believed it was going to the past where loyalty, regional prise appointment of Rift Valley a fishing expedition even as he
be a statement related to balance and friendship was Regional commissioner Wany- continues to re-organise and Gender equality
reforms in the education sec- rewarded. It is no longer easy to ama Musiambo to deputise form his Government to spear- [email protected]
The exit of Omamo could also provide wiggling room from pur-
tor. predict the remaining list of Joseph Kinyua as Head of Public head his agenda for the next five veyors of the coast from Nyanza, a region that has almost to the man
The President has also appointees. Service, putting to rest specula- years. been loyal to Opposition leader Raila. But as President of the whole
country, Uhuru will have to be seen to have the region’s best interest
at heart while making his final announcements.
Raphael Tuju, James Rege and Edward Owallo are some of the
names slipping out of the lips of those purporting to be in the know.
But as he looks for knights to defend and advance his realm,
Uhuru has been presented with a chance to make things right by
ensuring that at least one third of his Cabinet is composed of wom-
en. His first Cabinet failed dismally at this, with the country’s High
Court setting a precedence late last year by giving Parliament a

hiring and firing in government

deadline to ensure that the two thirds gender representation was
enforced or face disbandment.
Uhuru’s first Cabinet adhered to this legal requirement with six
of his initial 18 ministers being women. However, only four of them
vain. Orwa Ojode declined the appoint- net Secretaries, he left 13 other He adds: “Unlike, the senior survived an anti-corruption purge and the Cabinet remained skewed
“After being sacked, the State ments. wallowing in confusion. Some of Kenyatta and Moi, Kibaki and ever since. Only one of two female seats left vacant by the purge was
House orderlies made sure you After the 2007-08 post-elec- the names he left out included Uhuru had to consult  before taken up by a woman.
never have access to the Presi- tion violence that led to the for- those perceived to be close to making appointments or sack- Kenya’s 2010 constitution guarantees women a third of seats in
dent,” says Mboya. mation of a coalition govern- him. He said the complete list of ings. Kibaki had to consult Raila Cabinet, but the country’s male-dominated Parliament has repeat-
President Kibaki’s regime had ment, President Kibaki lost the the Cabinet Secretaries and Prin- while Uhuru has to consult his edly frustrated efforts to pass legislation needed to enact the quota.
little drama except in 2005 freewill to reshuffle the Cabinet cipal Secretaries would be deputy William Ruto.” Women vying for office in Kenya frequently face violence and
when he surprisingly sacked the as he had  to consult Raila, who announced later. He says President Uhuru bor- intimidation in a country where women in politics are frowned
entire Cabinet after Kenyans had been appointed  Prime Min- In his analysis, Dr Mboya says rowed some of his leadership upon. They also often lack the political clout, money and influence
rejected his bid for a new consti- ister. In 2010, he reshuffled the the Kenyatta and Moi regimes styles from Moi. Mboya believes to bulldoze their way or effectively lobby for seats within Cabinet
tution. Cabinet but only after consulting had huge differences with that of Uhuru was unable to name his full as their male counterparts do.
When he reconstituted the Raila. Kibaki and Uhuru. Cabinet at once because he was Kenya has East Africa’s lowest representation of women in Parlia-
Cabinet one week later, minis- In the Friday changes that left “Moi’s appointments revolved under siege from interested par- ment at 19 per cent, compared to 61 per cent in Rwanda and 38 per
ters and assistant ministers Kenyans asking many questions, around surprises and loyalty. His ties. cent in Ethiopia, the Geneva-based International Parliamentary
who had opposed the new laws President Kenyatta also exhibited appointments were meant to President Kenyatta, like Kibaki Union says. The numbers get worse when it comes to positions cen-
were left out.  his own style in executing the consolidate power. Kibaki insti- before him, has provisions of the tral to power such as Cabinet. Heading to the polls, Uhuru’s Cabinet
Those appointed to replace changes. tuted some modicum of profes- new constitution to adhere to. had 19 ministers, only five of whom were women.
them like the late Ndhiwa MP By reappointing only six Cabi- sionalism,” says Mboya. [John Oywa] [Daniel Wesangula]
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6 National
newlook cabinet
Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

Shinning star

Professionalism, hard work pay off for Waita

The fastest rising man in Gov- years ago featured at the bottom become the deputy to Head of dent’s official meetings, ensure It is said that he personally led
ernment circles in the last two of Safaricom’s list of “directors Public Service Joseph Kinyua. smooth functioning of the Presi- performance contract negotia-
years is perhaps Nzioka Waita. and senior leaders.” He was the And on Friday, the little-known dent’s office, manage, reporting, tions with every Cabinet Secre-
When President Uhuru Keny- director of corporate affairs. man from the private sector, was performance and delivery by the tary and Principal Secretary.
atta yesterday nominated Waita, Ever since the UK-trained law- handed the full mandate to medi- Cabinet and key Parastatals of the Waita is said to have deep ties
42, as Chief of Staff and Head of yer got into public service on ate between the staff at State Big Four Agenda. with key individuals in the
the Presidential Delivery Unit, he April 2015, his star has been shin- House and the President. Waita Although he is said to be easily national administration and
was rewarding hard work, disci- ing. President Kenyatta first will work behind the scenes to accessible, he does not tolerate security dockets, channels he has
pline and professionalism. picked him as the head of Presi- mediate disputes, before they are nonsense. He is ruthless when it used to keep tabs on critical pro-
It was a resounding vote of dential Delivery Unit. Two years brought to the President. comes to dealing with perfor- jects of interest to the President.
confidence in a man who only two into his appointment he rose to He will coordinate the Presi- mance-related issues. [Dominic Omondi] Chief of Staff Nzioka Waita

Security ACHIEVEMENTS  He headed the Africa desk in New York and stopped the routine weekend robberies at KCB Sarit Centre branch

‘Old hand’
picked to
No-nonsense cop expected
Joel Kitili to transform AP operations
The appointment of Edward He has worked to Bramsh of the National Police
[email protected] He proceeded to the UN
Njoroge Mbugua as the acting establish working police Improvement, Gabow is where he spent five years first
Deputy Inspector General of services in troubled expected to transform AP into in a UN Mission in Sierra Leone
Police in charge of the Police Ser- a more professional outfit. and Bosnia before proceeding
locations around the
vice confirms the confidence The senior officer who has to New York to head the Africa
President Uhuru Kenyatta has in world. worked to establish working desk.
him. police services in troubled He returned to work at Vigi-
He replaces Joel Kitili who also BBy Dominic Wabala locations around the world will lance House in the Planning
served as head of Presidential [email protected] definitely seek to transform department before he was in
Escort at one time. That he is the AP. September 2017 redeployed as
being replaced by Mr Mbugua As he takes over as the act- “Gabow is a good officer the Commandant Kenya Police
who is approaching retirement ing Deputy Inspector General whose ideas and direction are College, Kiganjo where he
age, speaks volumes of the Head (DIG) of Police in charge of likely to transform AP if he served until his appointment
of State’s decison. Administration Police, Noor does not encounter resistance on Friday.
The new acting DIG is above 55 Yaarow Gabow becomes the because he comes from a sister Arachi’s five year tenure at
years and was to retire had it not first Kenya Police Service offic- service,” a senior officer who the helm of AP had come to an
been for the new appointment. er to head AP. has worked with him said yes- end and there had been hopes
The appointment of acting DCI The former Senior Assistant terday.  that it would be renewed.
Director General George Kinoti, Inspector General of Police’s Gabow, who holds a Crimi- Under his watch, the AP lost
DIG in charge of Administration appointment will thaw the nology degree has come a long highest number of officers to
Police Noor Gabow and Mbugua’s relationship between the regu- way from 1991 when he joined bandit attacks while the
show the President’s attempt to lar police and AP who often KPS as a cadet before rising infighting between regular
revamp management of security clash owing to their different through the ranks. police and AP heightened in
in the country. mandate and training. He served as Officer Com- the sharing of transport, and
Mbugua has been described by Gabow takes over from Sam- manding Parklands police sta- housing resources and in the
those who have worked with him uel Arachi who served in the tion where he stopped the rou- awarding of ranks.  
as a quiet and hard working man. defunct provincial administra- tine weekend robberies at the Arachi at one time lived at
The former Eastern deputy tion in various capacities Kenya Commercial Bank Sarit the Coast where he led an
Provincial Police Officer also before rising to DIG. Centre branch in Nairobi. Acting Deputy Inspector General of police in charge of Administra- operation to rout out terrorists
worked as the Mombasa County The former administrator Concerned by the bank rob- tion Police Noor Gabow. after the Mpeketoni attacks in
Commander. seemed to enjoy good relation- beries Gabow and his officers which many people died.
“He listens and accepts advice ship with senior officials in the locked up bank staff after one the fleeing robbers and threw three of the suspects were pur- Arachi’s predecessor and
from all and is always interested Office of the President even as such incident and recovered it into the bank shortly before sued and killed in a coffee plan- now State House Comptroller
in others people’s opinion,” a col- he attempted to detach AP millions of shillings that had police arrived but the manag- tation in Ruaka. Kinuthia Mbugua spearheaded
league said of Mbugua. from the OP bureaucracy.  supposedly been stolen. ers insisted that the thugs had From then on Gabow’s star strategic papers that trans-
His appointment is expected to A graduate of the UK based A guard had confessed to fled with the loot. shone taking him to deputy formed the AP into a profes-
trigger major changes of person- International Academy snatching the money bag from The robberies stopped after OCPD Gigiri and later OCPD. sional service. 
nel within the Kenya Police Ser-
vice to reflect national balance.
Insiders reveal that Kitili was
replaced to stop alleged favorit- Going gets tough
ism of one community.
On the day he was replaced, he
had attended the inauguration of
Fundisho Police station at the
Kenya Police College, a week
Technocrats fail to sparkle in the game of politicians
before the pass out parade and When Uhuru Kenyatta and joined. midterm reshuffle. Just like in ise never came to pass. prise Development CS, may have
appointed a senior officer as the William Ruto won the presiden- But most of the technocrats her earlier ministry, she has Foreign Affairs CS Amina over seen new investments but
deputy commandant of the col- cy in 2013, one of their first pub- appear not to have learned the remained largely out of the lime- Mohamed was seen as a darling has remained largely behind the
lege and another from the same lic announcements was that they first rule of the game - that there light even as the country has of the Jubilee government, and scenes with little or no political
community as the OCS Fundisho would largely appoint a Cabinet are no rules. Some failed to cul- been engrossed in a series of in fact takes credit for the diplo- value. The same could be said of
police station to the chagrin of of technocrats. tivate political patronage which workers’ strikes. matic lobbying that helped the Prof Judi Wakhungu of Environ-
staff. In their first line-up, the only had landed them there in the Uhuruto cases at the Interna- ment and Natural Resources.
Shortly after the announce- politicians appointed were Kitui first place. Embarrassing tional Criminal Court. But her Others facing the same fate
ment, he received information of Governor Charity Ngilu in Lands Some also failed to deliver, or His Sports colleague Hassan goose may have been cooked are Jacob Kaimenyi of
his replacement and instructions and Najib Balala in Mining. Later were deemed by the general Wario also did not endear him- when she lost contention for the Lands, Sicily Kariuki of Gender
to proceed to the Public Service in 2015, Devolution CS Mwangi public to have failed. self to many. The embarrassing African Union chairmanship. and Youth Affairs and former
Commission for redeployment. Kiunjuri, Dan Kazungu of Min- Phyllis Kandie, the former Rio de Janeiro Olympic fiasco Adan Mohamed, former Kenya Seed Company boss Willy
[Dominic Wabala] ing, Charles Keter of Energy and East African Affairs, was moved will take long to forget. Maybe renowned banker who has been Bett who head the Agriculture
Water’s Eugene Wamalwa to the Labour Ministry in the he is not to blame, but the prom- the Industrialisation and Enter- docket. [Wainaina Ndung’u]
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National 7
newlook cabinet
Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

BOLD MOVE   He once resigned in a huff after he was transferred from CID headquarters to Migori by former police boss Hussein Ali New line up

New DCI boss is a hands-on MPs hail

Uhuru on
man who led hunt for thugs Cabinet
Kisii leaders have praised Pres-
He is expected to boost has been under scrutiny for ly prosecuting the three guards ident Uhuru Kenyatta for retain-
morale and inject not effectively investigating implicated in the August 11th ing Dr Fred Matiang’i in the
professionalism in the and successfully prosecuting and 12th 2004 attack at Nor- Cabinet.
cases. folk Apartments on author In the new Cabinet line-up
Mr Muhoro and lawyer Ngugi Wa Thiongo and his wife released on Friday, Matiang’i will
Ahmednasir Abdullahi have Njeri. serve as Interior Cabinet Secre-
BBy Dominic Wabala had run-ins over the way The Ngugis were robbed of a tary and act as Education CS.
[email protected] investigations were being con- laptop, a wedding band, three Kitutu Chache South MP
ducted into the Tatu City saga. gold rings and Sh 34,000 dur- Richard Onyonka, South Mugi-
The newly appointed acting At one time, the out going ing the incident in which Njeri rango MP Silvanus Osoro, for-
Directorate of Criminal Inves- DCI boss had instructed all was also sexually abused. mer Kisii Senator Chris Obure,
tigation (DCI) boss George investigation officers to sub- The three suspects namely former South Mugirango MP
Kinoti is expected to make mit land case files to the head- Elias Sikuku Wanjala, Peter James Magara and Chitago
major changes in operations of quarters to be handled only by Mutati Wafula and Richard Borabu MCA Andrew Kimonge
the department. a team from the Land Fraud Kayago Maeti were convicted termed the appointment as a
He replaces Muhoro Nde- Unit. in 2006 and sentenced to great honour to the Abagusii
gwa whose non-renewable six Kinoti is expected to death.  community.
year term was to end in Febru- improve morale and profes- Kinoti will be remembered The leaders who spoke to the
ary. sionalism in the DCI. for writing his resignation let- Sunday Standard yesterday said
“He is more of an operations Unlike Muhoro who was ter in a huff and attaching a that they supported the Presi-
man than an office individual plucked from the Loresho Sen- cheque to it after he was trans- dent’s decision.
and we believe he will return ior Police Training College, Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinnet (right) and acting ferred from CID headquarters “I appreciate the gesture by the
the DCI back to its former glory Kinoti is a known hands-on Directorate of Criminal Investigation boss George Kinoti at a past to Migori in what appeared to President to have our brother
when the likes of Francis Sang detective who has battled press conference. [File, Standard] be retribution by former Com- Matiang’i who has performed
were in charge. He under- highway robbers in Kisumu, missioner of Police Moham- well in the Education Ministry
stands the operations of DCI Busia, Migori, Isebania among Having worked as a PA to the the call sign Kanga Squad med Hussein Ali. retained and moved to the Inte-
because he has worked within others before being rede- Director of CID, Kinoti is which ruthlessly dealt with However, Kinoti was rior Ministry where he is also
for a long time,” a senior DCI ployed to Nairobi as Personal expected to improve the wel- criminals who had terrorised recalled and redeployed to be going to perform well,” said Mr
officer who has worked with Assistant to former Director of fare of officers. He came into Nairobians. in charge of Complaints Sec- Onyonka. He called on the CS to
Mr Kinoti said yesterday. Kino- Criminal Investigations the lime light when he led a
[email protected] In 2004, Kinoti led detec- tion. carry out reforms in the Police
ti comes in a time when the DCI Joseph Kamau. team of elite detectives under tives in investigating and final- Service. [Edwin Nyarangi]
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8 Special report
newlook CABINET
Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

Approval seal    From bursting cartels to lighting up thatched huts, these men have earned their seats at the high table

CS Rotich
President’s chosen six and the defies
dragons they slayed for Jubilee Treasury
Out of a Cabinet of 19,
only six men made it
through to round two.
But what did they
differently do to
command such trust
from the appointing


[email protected]

And then they were six. James Macharia: Charles Keter: Najib Balala: Fred Matiang’i: Joe Mucheru:
Six individuals who did Transport Energy Tourism Interior ICT
enough to earn enough trust
from the President and get the powers that be. His stint in cutes it to the letter. Matiang’i sought to ensure equity in this docket. Mucheru spear-
another chance to serve by his Cabinet has seen him tackle is fast becoming the adminis- sharing of mineral resources. headed the Digital Literacy He has retained the plum job.
side while the rest of their col- task after task in his in-tray tration’s Poster Boy. Eventually, he was moved to Programme and has seam- Neither the Eurobond ghosts nor
leagues fell by the roadside, with little public complaint. Former Kericho Senator the Tourism docket, taking to lessly integrated his ministry the never ending debt debate
losing trust and belief from The performance oriented Charles Keter made it back too. it like fish to water. Or rather, with others such as Education.  could trigger President Uhuru
their boss. man has stepped on many toes Under him, another flagship, like a bird to the skies follow- James Macharia has over- Kenyatta to drop National Treas-
Individual performance as and has often been looked at as albeit chequered Jubilee pro- ing his skydiving antics. Balala seen the delivery of the gov- ury Cabinet Secretary Henry Rot-
well as regional and political rubbing many the wrong way. ject, the Last Mile Connectivi- has played to his strengths ernment’s most expensive, ich from the Cabinet.
representation seemed to have He bulldozed the digital migra- ty, was delivered. The project within the industry. His con- debt-financed project, the While the fate of 13 other men
largely influenced the decision tion and is credited with burst- has seen the poor connected to nections from previous stints Standard Gauge Railway and women he has worked with
by President Uhuru Kenyatta ing cartels within the educa- the national grid for minimum in the same ministry have (SGR). This was one of the few in Kenyatta’s Cabinet hang in bal-
to retain six men, the only sur- tion sector. In him, Uhuru of Sh15,000. served him well as he at times mega government projects ance, Mr Rotich is free to wake up
viving individuals from his might have his very own Bwa- During his tenure, Keter has looks like a one man revolu- that have actually been fin- on Monday and set the wheels of
first Cabinet. na Dawa. A man who gets in been a constant feature on the tionary waging war against ished ahead of schedule. If economy in motion.
with a specific brief and exe- side of President Kenyatta and dwindling tourist numbers. retained in the Transport His tenure in office has had the
No-nonsense his Deputy William Ruto as docket, he will again be good, the bad and the ugly side.
Those who survived Friday’s “Individual they light up thatched home- Youth wave charged with overseeing the But at least, unlike his predeces-
onslaught and will continue performance as steads in rural Kenya. The Uhuru government has completion of the second leg of sor in the Finance docket Njeru
serving in the Cabinet include The beginning of Uhuru rode the youth wave ever since the project. Githae, the soft spoken CS spared
Fred Matiang’i (Interior), well as regional [email protected]
years seemed to play Najib the idea of a coalition between Rotich, previously worked Kenyans from “rats-can-be-a-
Charles Keter (Energy), Najib and political Balala out of position. The the President and his deput- closely with President Keny- delicacy-too,” moment. However,
Balala (Tourism), Henry Rotich representation man, plucked from certain ywas conceived. Key among atta when he was the Minister that has meant living on bor-
(Treasury), Joe Mucheru (ICT) obscurity after losing out on their pledges to their youthful of Finance during retired Pres- rowed means.
and James Macharia (Trans- seemed to have the Mombasa senatorial seat voters was the growth of, and ident Mwai Kibaki’s adminis- During Rotich’s stay in office,
port). largely influenced in 2013, was momentarily the adaption of ICT in the day- tration. Jubilee has come under sharp
Since his appointment to the the decision by appointed as Mining Cabinet to-day running of the govern- These six men now have the focus on the debt level. But he has
Cabinet, the no-nonsense Secretary. As Mining CS, he ment. Thus the appointment of President’s seal of approval. It stayed put -- always downplaying
Matiang’i has hit the news
President Kenyatta oversaw the drafting and pass- the former Google country will either embolden them or the fear that debt levels were hit-
headlines as the go-to guy for to retain six men.” ing of the Mining Bill 2014 that manager Joe Mucheru to head get into their heads. ting dangerous zones.
“I think one of these days we
should organise for an outing on
debt. I will be glad to answer all
your concerns,” he told the press.
War on corruption Data from the Central Bank of
Kenya (CBK) shows that the gov-

Uhuru hints at overhaul of anti-graft team

ernment closed last year with
domestic debt at Sh2.22 trillion.
High level trade meetings --
the Global Entrepreneurship
The firing of Directorate of Mwei. Also overlooked was GSU have been. Summit (2015), Tokyo Interna-
Criminal Investigations (DCI) Commandant Stephen Chelimo, Nairobi lawyer Ahmednasir tional Conference of Africa’s
chief Ndegwa Muhoro and the who also serves in the rank of Abdullahi, who has had a run in Development (2016), sixth Tokyo
appointment of the Director of Senior Deputy IG. Instead, Uhuru with Muhoro, could not hide his International Conference and
Public Prosecutions (DPP) Keri- brought in the head of his secu- excitement on the move by the 10th WTO Ministerial Conference
ako Tobiko to a Cabinet position rity Edward Mbugua and Kenya President. -- offered him a good opportunity
has been interpreted by some as Police Training College Com- “Uhuru cleans the rot, corrup- to sell Kenya to foreign investors.
State House’s loss of patience in mandant Noor Gabow to assist tion and thuggery at CID direc- And even when the President
the fight against graft. IG Joseph Boinnet. torate. Mr President 2018 is a defied Rotich’s position and that
After spending half of his first In essence, the President over- year to clean Kenya,” he said in a of CBK Governor Patrick Njoroge
term under pressure from the hauled the leadership of Kenya’s series of tweets. on interest rates, the CS exer-
public for doing too little to fight criminal justice and prosecution National Super Alliance cised caution while commenting
corruption and spiraling crime, system with one stroke of the (NASA) leaning lawyer Nelson on the matter.
it appears President Uhuru Ken- pen. Leaders from the Maasai Havi, however, had a different Rotich is set to overtake his
yatta finally had it on Friday and community hailed the move to opinion. “The National Assem- boss, Kenyatta, on the number of
took matters into his own hands. appoint Tobiko. bly has the perfect opportunity years a minister has stayed at the
Apart from Muhoro and “He (Tobiko) is well suited to of ending impunity and corrup- Treasury. He heads into his fifth
Tobiko, the President also re- work in government. He is a long Former DCI boss Ndegwa Muhoro, EACC’s Halakhe Waqo and former tion by rejecting the appoint- year which will see him match
asserted his power in the secu- serving senior government offic- DPP Keriako Tobiko during in a past meeting. [File, Standard] ment of Keriako Tobiko as a Musalia Mudavadi (1993–1997).
rity forces by not only removing er,” Kajiado Governor Joseph Ole Cabinet Secretary and consign- The President served from 2009-
two Deputy Inspector Generals Lenku said. dogged by controversy, has also position when it became appar- ing him to oblivion, now that he 2012.
but also overlooking those next Muhoro and Tobiko were the been accused on several occa- ent the formation of the DCI as a has resigned as DPP,” he said. And if he retains his job till
in line to make new appoint- engine in the fight against cor- sions of standing in the way of separate entity in the command Tobiko and Muhoro had been 2022, he will beat the tenure of
ments in the police. ruption and serious crimes but justice, not to mention his rank structure of the police and the accused by the Opposition of Arthur Magugu who served from
Those overlooked include were for the better part of their contest with former Deputy merging of the Administration standing in the way of the fight 1981 to 1988. Former President
Principal Deputy Inspector Gen- terms engaged in turf wars. Inspector General Grace Kaindi. Police (AP) and regular police against corruption.  Kibaki served the longest (1969–
eral King’ori Mwangi and Fred Muhoro, whose tenure has been Kaindi was moved from the was not working as it ought to [Vincent Achuka] 1981). [Patrick Alushula]
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Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard Special report 9

No let up   Opposition leaders hold closed-door meeting apparently to lay final touches on the meeting

Raila insists on oath amid faithful
confusion on rally’s venue mourn
Western regional police The Catholic church is mourn-
commander Moses ing the sudden death of Bishop Rt
Ombati says NASA had Rev Emanuel Barbara (pictured
below) of Malindi Diocese in his
not notified police on
sleep last Friday.
the People’s Assembly News of Bishop Barbara’s
meeting planned for death, who had served in the dio-
today. cese for about six years reached
the church later in the morning
BBy Sunday Standard Team after he failed to turn up for
[email protected] morning prayers.
At the St Anthony of Padova
National Super Alliance Cathedral church in Malindi
(NASA) leader Raila Odinga there was a sombre mood as
has insisted he will take oath of priests and church members
office, even as it remained tried to come to terms with the
unclear where the inaugural sudden departure of their leader.
People’s Assembly meeting Both the church and national
will be held today. flags were raised half way in hon-
By yesterday, Kakamega our of the late bishop.
Governor Wycliffe Oparanya Archbishop Martin Kivuva of
was said to have joined Raila the Roman Catholic Archdiocese
and other NASA leaders in of Mombasa said immediately
Kisumu to put final touches on after receiving news of the death
the planned meeting. he called a doctor who confirmed
“They are meeting today that indeed the bishop was gone.
(yesterday) in Kisumu for final Bungoma Senator Moses Wetang’ula, ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi, NASA leader Raila Odinga and Busia Senator Amos Wako during the He led the church in a mass for
preparations but the venue is burial of Prof Callestous Juma of Harvard University at his Budalang’i rural home yesterday. [Chrispen Sechere, Standard] the late bishop that evening
yet to be confirmed,” said the and eulogised him as a dedicated
county head of communica- church leader.
tions, Dickson Rayori. case with NASA protests dur- area governors and MPs at the [email protected]
NASA co-principal Musalia
rise to power even after Presi- “My sincere condolences to
Oparanya could not be ing the elections. “We are Grand Royal Swiss Hotel in dent Uhuru Kenyatta was Mudavadi said the alliance you all for the loss of our brother,
reached for comment but a afraid of pandemonium that Kisumu in what was said to be sworn into office. Raila and his would continue pushing for bishop and friend Emmanuel,’’ he
check in Kakamega showed no could lead to loss of lives and a meeting to finalise the grand deputy Kalonzo Musyoka has electoral justice. Ford Kenya said.
preparations were being made property in this town. We urge plan to establish the People’s scheduled meetings with del- leader Moses Wetang’ula said The archbishop told the church
for the meeting. NASA leaders to shelve their Assembly and swear in the egates from 23 counties in the the country was broke and that he spoke with the departed
plan and focus on uniting Ken- opposition chief by end of the lead-up to the swearing-in cer- Controller of Budget Agnes last a few days ago, on the eve of
Notify area OCS yans,” said trader Moses month. emony. Odhiambo was now control- the new year. “I wished him a
Western regional police Muchesia. Raila’s security detail Speaking during the burial ling a “ghost budget”. happy 2018, the news of his death
commander Moses Ombati On Friday night, Raila stopped journalists from film- of renowned Kenyan scholar Wetang’ula said NASA is a shock to me,’’ he said.
said the law requires anyone held  closed-door talks with ing or taking photos of the Prof Calestous Juma at Bumina would not allow the idea of He said the bishop had not
intending to hold such a meet- leaders at the hotel. village in Budalang’i yesterday, “accept and move on” any- long ago travelled oversees to
ing to notify area OCS. This happened as leaders the Opposition chief told sup- more. “We shall continue seek specialised medical care,
“I am not sure whether they “We are afraid of streamed into the hotel one by porters to prepare to soldier pushing for electoral justice so not knowing that he would soon
have complied with the law but pandemonium that one. It was Nyamira Governor on until they “reach Canaan”. that Kenyans can walk togeth- go to be with the Lord.
I should be able to confirm to John Nyagarama who arrived er as a people,” he said. Archbishop Kivuva told the
you that later,” he said.  could lead to loss of first among the governors. He People’s president Busia Woman Rep Florence faithful to be prepared always as
Local NASA politicians how- lives and property then joined East African Legis- He said Kenyans are the Mutua, MPs Ayub Savula “God can call anyone anytime”.
ever said the meeting would go in this town. We lative Assembly member Obu- ones piling pressure on him to (Lugari), Sakwa Bunyasi (Nam- He said the date and place of the
on as planned. ru Oginga who had had already accept to be sworn-in as the bale), Otiende Amollo (Rarie- bishop’s burial will be announced
Speaking to journalists yes- urge NASA leaders arrived at the meeting. people’s president. da), Geoffrey Osotsi (nomi- after the church leadership
terday, some businessmen in to shelve their plan By sunset, several leaders “I am telling Kenyans that nated) and Vihiga Senator makes a decision.
Kakamega town said they were and focus on uniting and technocrats had arrived at our journey to Canaan is on George Khaniri said Prof Juma He noted that Kenya has lost
fearing that chaos could erupt the hotel. course and we shall reach deserved state recognition. hundreds of lives in road acci-
during the meeting and dis-
Kenyans.” It is through the People’s there whether they like it or [Ignatius Odanga and John dents, prompting transport
rupt businesses like was the Trader Moses Muchesia Assembly that Raila hopes to not,” he said. Shilitsa and Kepher Otieno] authorities to ban night travel
and that wananchi should exer-
cise care when using roads.
[Nehemiah Okwemba]

Cattle rustling

Six people killed in heavy gunfight at border

Tension is high in Kerio Valley carried out meticulously with ing the stolen cows, attacked East Assistant County Commis- Sub-county. Sigor MP Peter
following the killing of six people sophisticated coordination. Kapkobil village near Tot trading sioner Wilson Tangus. Lochakapong condemned the
in two bandit attacks on Friday. Residents said the raiders divid- centre, killing two people and Pokot Central Deputy County attack and asked security teams
A dozen others sustained gun- ed themselves into three groups injuring four others. They how- Commissioner Geoffrey Kithinji to intensify patrols along the
shot wounds. and attacked with precision ever did not take any animal. said: “The raiders ambushed border.
Although security officials put within a short time. herders while grazing their live- He urged peace committee
the number of those killed at At around midday, heavily Accosted stock at Chesegon village along members to ensure the animals
five, hundreds of residents have armed suspected Marakwet “At about 6pm, the Marakwet the border and indiscriminately are recovered and handed to the
fled the border point of Elgeyo raiders in military fatigue youth drove the cows away shot at them. Several animals owners.
Marakwet and West Pokot coun- crossed to West Pokot border towards Marakwet but were were killed in the heavy gun- “We don’t want this vice to
ties at Chesegon in fear of more and attacked Cheptulel location, accosted by a group of attackers fight.” continue along the border since
attacks and schools in the area killing four herders before driv- from Baringo County. Mr Kithinji said security offic- we recently opened Chesegon
might be closed. ing away an estimated 400 ani- “We suspect that the West ers have been deployed along market to help unite the two
Fierce gunfire lasted until Fri- mals. Pokot herders sought for rein- the border to help in the recov- communities,” he said.
day night, with suspicions And in swift retaliation, Pokot forcement from their Baringo ery of the stolen livestock, which [Fred Kibor and Issreel Shanzu]
abound that the attacks were raiders, with the aim of recover- counterparts,” said Marakwet were taken to Marakwet East
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10 Special report SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard

LAXITY  NTSA has since gone slow on banning transport Saccos whose vehicles cause accidents, a move that was expected to ensure operators are cautious on the roads


bloodbath as Year 2005 2006

Number of vehicles 749,680 819,443 896,573

2007 2008


1, 165,395


graft blocks
Fatalities 2,533 2,715 2,921 3,149 4,032 3,045

enforcement of
traffic laws
fic police officers just five min- “What we are doing is equiv-
Operators claim they get utes before the accident alent to when someone is
away with mandatory occurred. bleeding. You first stop the
inspection of vehicles “The bus appeared to have a bleeding then look for the real
problem from the start of the problem so even if the ban is
after parting with bribes
journey and we thought the lifted it won’t happen in the
officers who had stopped us short term,” he says. VEHICLES INVOLVED IN ACCIDENTS
By Vincent Achuka will prevent it from continuing But as stakeholders engage
[email protected] with the journey but we were in blame game it is becoming Others
allowed to go,” one of the survi- clear that it in the current con- Motor Cycle
A traffic police officer was
transferred to Mandera after
vors said from a hospital bed.
As expected the NTSA vowed
ditions it is impossible to
inspire attitude change within Unknown
2% 18%
stopping a public service vehi- to bring sanity back on the Kenya’s transport system. This
cle plying the Nairobi-Ongata
Rongai route at the height of a
roads while banning night trav-
el for PSVs. Coming at a period
is despite the millions of shil-
lings being poured into road 7%
crack-down on matatus after a when children are going back to safety initiatives each year.
number of them were involved school, the ripple effects have Audited accounts from the
in accidents. been enormous. Auditor General shows NTSA Commercial
During a confrontation with On Wednesday night, the makes billion of shillings each vehicle
[email protected]
the crew of the matatu owned Kenya Red Cross had to step in year. Out of this Sh300 million
by the personal assistant of a and ferry 39 students who were is from the Ministry of Trans-
top government official, one of stranded in Kisumu to Siaya port and Sh800 million from
them slapped the officer before and Busia after the buses they the Kenya Revenue Authority.
driving off. Meanwhile, negotia- were travelling in were ground- However since inception in
tions were ongoing between the ed in the Lake side town after 2012 the number of fatalities
government and Ongata Line being caught up by the time- per year has largely remained
Sacco officials which had been lines of the ban. the same.  The final tally for last
banned then before it was let The National Parents Asso- year is yet to be released but in
back on the road. ciation chair Nicholas Maiyo 2016 2,945 people died. The PSV
Since then the National has asked the government to previous year 3,057 people lost Private
Transport and Safety Authority
(NTSA) went slow on blanket
come up with other ways of
enhancing safety.
their lives on Kenyan roads and
in 2014 2,907 people died.  And 42% 15%
ban on Saccos. The event “You don’t have to punish on the year that NTSA was
though unrelated to the recent children for mistakes commit- formed 3,141 people had died.
surge of road carnage, is an ted by lack of enforcement of “The truth is we can do bet-
example of how corruption, laws. Yes we care about safety ter if all players do their roles.
politics and lack of enforcement but there are other ways to do Road safety is a shared respon-
of laws contribute to deaths on this,” he says. sibility,” says Meja.
Kenyan roads. “You also need to put into
The results of such politick- Road safety initiatives account that we have more
ing with people’s lives is why Operators are also up in arms vehicles on the road now; about distance of not less than 1.7 this is just a formality. Officials at like Kawangare the ‘owners’ first
PSVs are allowed to break laws and have demanded for the lift- 3 million while NTSA has only metres, emergency doors of a the MVI allegedly ask for bribes operate the vehicle for a number
at will as unserviced, unroad- ing of the ban. 170 officers,” he says. height of 120mm and 457mm in to let vehicles pass the inspec- of days to ‘test it’ before handing
worthy as well as those carry- “That is stooping too low The web of corruption in the width. tion. it back to the investor.
ing excess passengers are even for NTSA which already public transport sector begins They should also have a leg- Brokers too camp outside the Every Sacco management col-
allowed on the roads some on has a bad record in terms of at the point where one joins the room of not less than 660mm, fire MVI offices along Lunga Lunga lects money from each vehicle
routes they are not supposed to safety. There is nowhere in this industry. The Kenya Bureau of extinguishers, produce engine road in Nairobi where for a fee which is in turn handed over as
ply without question. world where night travel has Standards (KBS) in 2014 came noise of less than 90 decibels, you are given some of the protection fees to the police. The
The New Year’s Eve accident been banned,” Dickson Mbu- up with KS 372 building stand- have first aid kits and their win- required appliances necessary to bleeding of money doesn’t stop
at Migaa-Salgaa which killed 38 gua, the chair Matatu Welfare ards that were supposed to dows should have two parts: A pass the inspection like fire extin- there. At all terminuses PSVs pay
people after a bus heading to Association (MWA) says. regulate how the bodies of PSV section that slides and another guishers and first aid kits. money to touts who help in solic-
Nairobi rammed a trailer is just NTSA is adamant there will vehicles should be constructed that doesn’t – the upper rectan- “It is a cycle. That is how things iting for passengers.
one of the consequences of how be no rolling back, especially in to enhance safety. The body of gular part of the window. The are done here. It is not like they Then there is a ‘squad’ which in
greed has stood in the way of the short term. the bus in the Salgaa accident lower part should be fixed. are being done in the darkness,” street lingo means drivers or con-
enforcing traffic laws. “It is not in our interest to was ripped apart. All vehicle sketches should be an officer from the authority said. ductors who are not employed by
Survivors of the accident curtail businesses but safety is Among the requirements submitted to NTSA for approval Before getting on the road, the owner of the vehicle but
which involved a bus belonging paramount. And this is not which were implemented in before assembly begins. And vehicle owners first pay opera- demand to be allowed to operate
to Nairobi Bus Company that guess work, it is supported by May last year is having anti before a vehicle is allowed on the tion fees necessary to join a Sac- it for a short distance and get
was travelling from Busia said data which shows 67 percent of rolling bars which help distrib- road, it has to go through the co, then pay route fees to cartels paid. And with owners setting
the vehicle had a problem with the fatal accidents happen at ute impact in case of an acci- Motor Vehicle Inspection (MVI) who ‘own’ the routes. Joining a daily targets to their crew, it
the brakes but was speeding. It night,” says NTSA director gen- dent. All PSV vehicles are also unit for approval. However, the Sacco could be anything between means the vehicles have to be
had even been stopped by traf- eral Francis Meja. required to have a floor-to-roof Sunday Standard has established Sh50,000 to Sh200,000. In routes driven recklessly in order for eve-
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SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard Special report 11

Transport chaos

‘We need to build proper

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 systems that will stand

1,789,789 2,011,972 2,210,907

3,141 3,218 2,907



the test of time’
In the wake of a sudden surge in accidents
which caused deaths of at least 250 in one
month alone, the NTSA has been under fire over
failure to manage the situation. It has also been
accused of reacting in a knee-jerk manner that
does not provide long-term solutions. Vincent
Achuka interviewed Francis Meja, the NTSA
Director General.

Why does NTSA resort to knee-jerk reac-

tions whenever a road accident occurs?
It is not true and I will give you examples. The
body construction standards, new driving
school curriculum and Highway Code. Are these
knee-jerk? Sometimes circumstances dictate
[email protected]
the direction we take. When we act, we are
accused and when we don’t take action we are
still accused.

Do you think banning night travel by PSVs

will reduce road carnage?
Although we are keen on facilitating people
to conduct business, safety is paramount. Our
analysis is clear, 67 per cent of accidents happen
at night. It is equivalent to someone bleeding.
First you stop the bleeding then look for the real

But there was a similar ban before. What

informed the decision to lift it?
Yes, there was but I think some of the opera-
tors started abusing the guidelines that were
put in place leading to the lifting of the ban. And
if we were to lift this ban, one of the proposals
is real-time monitoring of speed so that if some- National Transport and Safety Authority Director
Police officers and rescue workers at the scene of an accident that involved 13 vehicles at Sachangwan on one tampers with his gadget we know immedi- General Francis Meja. [File, Standard]
Nakuru - Eldoret highway on December 12, 2017. [File, Standard] ately.

Why buses and not trucks when all of them

ryone to get their share. see officers,” Meja the director Act of 2012, the new body in are equally to blame for road carnage? vehicles.
“Every Sacco has targets to general NTSA defends the charge of road safety found itself The risk factor in buses is higher because by
meet in order to operate. No one authority. on a collision course with the their nature they carry passengers. One more But in recent years, NTSA has been taking
wants to talk about this because When NTSA was formed in Traffic Police department over a life is important in this country and we can’t take up more roles from the other agencies instead
if you do, your vehicles will 2012 its central role was road duplicity of functions. any more risks. of concentrating on road safety. Are you bit-
immediately be targeted,” an offi- safety. With time however the “NTSA should just concentrate ing more than you can chew?
cial from a matatu Sacco told us. Authority took over nine func- on compliance because when you You talk about tampering with speed limit- That is what it looks like but ideally we have
“A number of the vehicles you tions from the Kenya Revenue go out there for enforcement and ers like it is something new. In my under- only been taking up our roles as prescribed by
see on the road have never gone Authority (KRA). you fall short because of your standing, all PSVs go for inspection every year the Act. We cannot abandon our mandate.
for inspection. Sacco chairmen The roles are issuing duplicate numbers people start blaming and those gadgets store data. Why can’t you
get the stickers for them. This is logbooks and driving licences, you,” he says. use this data to punish errant drivers? Why have efforts to professionalise the
not a secret,” said the official. transferring motor vehicle own- “Remember we only have 170 In the current arrangement, you have no transport sector and boost safety failed? A
An accident investigation ership, licensing of motor vehicle officers for the entire country and mechanism to know when they tamper with good example is the cashless fare payment
report for a matatus plying the dealers, besides issuing permits when people start throwing gadgets. These drivers have switches which they system which would have eliminated bribery
Ongata Rongai route registration to drivers and conductors. Other blames you ask yourself how this switch on when they see officers. whose ripple effect is deaths.
number KCG 784M that rolled on functions are issuing motor vehi- small number can man over 3 I am still convinced that the cash lite system
Langata road last year killing four cles copy of records and licensing million vehicles,” he argues. Why has the number of fatalities remained was the best way to go. The problem is vehicle
people shows it had been cleared of driving schools and instruc- But while bribery and lack of largely the same since the inception of NTSA owners set targets for their crew which they
by NTSA just two days before the tors. professionalism has always been three years ago? struggle to meet then pocket the rest of the
accident. But while the roles of NTSA blamed for the accidents efforts We are not doing well but the fact is in the last money.
It had been given an all clear and KRA in road safety were to professionalise transport and three years, we have seen a drop in fatalities. Then there were vested interests by compa-
despite details of its speed gover- clearly sorted by the National increase safety have all failed. Also consider that we have more vehicles on the nies that wanted to make money out of the idea.
nor showing that it was being Transport and Safety Authority One such venture that failed roads now. Even in 2017 we had a decline if 1.6 These two contributed to the failure of what was
used by three other vehicles. The was the introduction of the cash- per cent before the festive season. The truth is, an otherwise good idea.
gadget did not have the required less payment system for PSVs. we can do better if all players perform their
data. Speed limiters were The idea which NTSA had pro- roles. Road safety is a shared responsibility. The late Transport Minister John Michuki
launched to have data storage “The bus appeared jected would eliminate corrup- For example, you don’t need an authority to showed that it is possible to bring sanity on
capabilities. This should enable to have a problem tion from the roads by taking tell you to service your vehicle. Even passengers, our roads. Why has it been difficult to bring
the Authority to identify if the money away from operators fell when you see a driver speeding, you have the back Kenya’s road safety recorded under
gadget has ever been tampered from the start of flat on its face less after it was power to stop him because we cannot have an Michuki?
with and the number of times a the journey and we launched in February 2015. officer at every place. The question is why it was not sustained after
vehicle has been driven above thought the officers The idea was to disrupt the he left the ministry. What we need to do is to
speed limit during annual inspec- cartels that exist in the public Does the overlapping of NTSA roles with build systems that will outlive the person who is
tion. So far this has remained a
who had stopped us transport sector since operators the police affect operations? implementing them. The surest way is behaviour
myth. will prevent it from would not have money on them. The only reason we went into enforcement is change. We should spend more effort on teach-
“In the current arrangement continuing with the Removing cash from the system because we felt that it has a direct effect on the ing drivers on how to change their behaviour
you have no mechanism to know number of accidents. However, we are starting rather than punishing them when they do wrong.
when they tamper with gadgets.
journey but we were was also supposed to reduce the
demand for bribes hence improve to realise that is not the direction we should have
These drivers have switches allowed to go,” Survivor the levels of safety on the roads. taken. In my opinion, NTSA should concentrate But NTSA has a budget for this. Why are we
which they switch on when they of accident on compliance. We only have 170 officers and not seeing this being implemented instead of
when you see people blaming us, I ask myself the laws you are coming up with every day?
how this small number can man over 3 million Yes we do have a budget but is it adequate? No
Redistribution is prohibited

12 National Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

Reality check    Ministry ignored concerns of curriculum developer and teachers unions that all players were not ready

University VC
How abrasive Matiang’i asks minister
lost out on new curriculum to stop ‘plot’
Government officials who
spoke firmly against the
to sack him
rushed implementation, Embattled Masinde Muliro University of Science
and Technology (MMUST) vice chancellor has
citing yawning
reached out to acting Education CS Fred Matiang’i
unpreparedness were either to save him as he fights to save his job from a council
intimidated or sacked keen on kicking him out.
Correspondence between Fredrick Otieno and Dr
BBy Sunday Standard Team Matiang’i seen by Sunday Standard shows a vice
[email protected] chancellor in distress. He has labelled the probe
against him as a witch hunt and is calling for the
The failed national roll out of the intervention of the CS to keep him in office.
new curriculum has left acting Edu- In a letter sent to Matiang’i on November 10, the
cation Cabinet Secretary Fred Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) had
Matiang’i with egg on his face as it called for the suspension of Prof Otieno as investiga-
emerged he ignored stakeholders’ tions into alleged graft practices concluded. But
advice. instead, the CS ordered the university to convene a
Sunday Standard has established meeting with the VC and EACC to agree on a timeline
that Dr Matiang’i had been advised for the investigations, conclusions and the steps to
on many occasions that the process follow.
was being rushed and that little pro- Prof Otieno, in a follow-up letter on the matter,
gress had been made technically to accused the council chairman Jeremy Bundi of delib-
make it tenable within the timelines erately being cagey on the identity of the EACC
he had stipulated. detectives investigating the matter after they insist-
But the CS was determined to ed a meeting to discuss his conduct was to be held
have the plan rolled out. He insisted outside the campus.
on full implementation, noting that “There was no proper communication between
the country was ready for the new Acting Education CS Fred Matiang’i, KICD boss Sarah Ruto (left), Knut Secretary General Wilson Sossion and the university and the commission on the said meet-
competency based curriculum, and Education PS Belio Kipsang during a meeting on Wednesday. [File, Standard] ing and we relied on the chairman’s direct phone
that the change was for the good of calls,” he says of the disciplinary meeting.
Kenyan children. “When it
[email protected]
But even with the plan to kick off brought to the ministry’s attention ule in readiness of full implementa- became appar-
the programme well in place, it whenever there was a meeting Key issues that tion of the curriculum,” he said. ent that there “The allegations
emerged that the textbooks to be regarding the new curriculum. pushed roll out The report on competency-based was an extreme against me are
used for full implementation of the Sources familiar with the process curriculum presented to the steer- delay from the
curriculum were not ready. said the findings had not improved Lack of a Sessional Paper ing committee seems to correct the commission, at false and continue
It also became clear that teachers, much by the end of piloting that and Curriculum Policy to missteps overlooked by the reform around midday to remain mere
a critical group of stakeholders, took place across 470 schools. A guide reform process process and even widens stakehold- the council was allegations for
were ill prepared, and that parents total of 32,079 children across 375 Inadequate involvement er engagement to include county informed by the
were not well appraised on the schools participated in the pilot of Kenyan expertise and governments. The planned national chair that the as long as the
changes even as time ticked towards study that also targeted pre-prima- stakeholders in the reform roll-out has now been pushed to a n o n y m o u s commission is unable
the January roll-out. ry children and those in primary next year, effectively changing the officers from to provide proof when
grade one and two.
Ill prepared teachers timelines as envisaged earlier. EACC we
Unprepared teachers The teachers surveyed said the
Rushed development of Another 12 months have been set expected were
called upon.”
With less than a week to schools new curriculum requires longer Unsatisfactory piloting aside for piloting of the new cur- not comfortable
opening, book publishers were not time to plan for lessons and that ref- process riculum across all public and pri- with meeting the full council and they preferred only
yet ready and even unsuccessfully erence materials were insufficient. mary schools, targeting pre-prima- a few select members to meet them outside the insti-
asked for more time to print books Sunday Standard has learnt that ry one and two and grade one and tution,” he said, adding that he was ordered out of
meant for Class One to three under some government officials who two. the room and the meeting proceeded in his absence.
the new curriculum. spoke firmly against the rushed Insiders say the postponement is “I was called back into the meeting two hours
The last batch of teachers were implementation of the process cit- national roll out.Among them was seen as a step to save face in a bun- later when it was communicated that I would be sus-
trained last month, just a few weeks ing yawning unpreparedness were lack of a Sessional Paper and Cur- gled process that embarrassed the pended or sent on one month’s leave,” he said.
to the schools opening as teachers either intimidated or sacked. riculum Policy to guide the reform head of state after persistent prom- Otieno contended that the manner in which the
– the implementers – advised that Such voices were clear that the process and the inadequate involve- ise to Kenyans. meeting was handled confirmed that he was being
they were not well trained for the launch of the new curriculum as ment of Kenyan expertise and stake- Details show that the actual roll unfairly targeted, citing the case of embattled Moi
critical process. Yet the ministry scheduled then would collapse and holders in the reform process. out will take place  next year  and  University VC Laban Ayiro, whose appointment has
maintained that the new curriculum the process embarrass the state. “You must have noticed that Ken- will  be  opened  up to grade four. also been challenged by local leaders.
implementation was on course even Some officers at KICD became vic- yans are in panic mood weeks to the This year, only a selected grade “It is in the public domain that there is a trend
as teachers unions asked for more tims in the process. launch of the new curriculum. This three classes will take part in the towards such machinations in our country gravely
stakeholder engagement. Hit by the reality, pushed to the calls for your office to play a pivotal piloting. The roadmap also reveals interfering with academic freedom. The allegations
Findings of the Kenya Institute of wall and left with no option, role in ensuring that the Kenyan that the Sessional paper and Cur- against me are false and continue to remain mere
Curriculum Development (KICD) Matiang’i invited officials of then child gets a good curriculum,” reads riculum Policy will now be prepared allegations for as long as the commission is unable
mid-term was in fact elaborate that two teachers unions to a meeting to the letter signed by Sossion. and competed by March this year. to provide proof when called upon,” he said.
teachers were generally not pre- seek support before announcing the MPs will be briefed on curriculum Moreover, he is challenging the decision to sus-
pared for the national roll out. This launch had aborted. Strike threats reforms by March as county govern- pend him, insisting that it was unlawful since he was
concern was on many occasions President Kenyatta, sources said, The shocking unpreparedness, ments get appraised on pre-primary not accorded an opportunity to witness or be part of
acting on the advice of the Educa- fear of a protracted court process, education during the same period of the proceedings of such a critical meeting.
“Kenyans are in panic tion minister, had promised the looming teachers strike and fierce time. The proposed new curriculum He insists the EACC has no power to order or
mood weeks to the country that the new curriculum disagreements among process by will be evaluated by June and a direct for his suspension and pointed a finger at the
would take off on Jan 1. the key implementers may have national conference on whether the university council, which he said was being subordi-
launch of the new It is also understood that Kenya informed the pushing forward of the national roll-out will take place or nate to the position of merely implementing their
curriculum. This calls National Union of Teachers (Knut) national roll out. Speaking after not is scheduled by September. directive to have me suspended from office.
for your office to Secretary General Wilson Sossion chairing the Curriculum Reform Production of printed copies and “The decision was not unanimous since two mem-
made it clear to Matiang’i that National Steering Committee meet- distribution to schools will now pro- bers strongly opposed the move and noted the
play a pivotal role should the ministry proceed with ing early this week at KICD, ceed till January 26. Teacher train- unfairness in the way the whole matter was han-
in ensuring that the the launch, he would go to court to Matiang’i still maintained that the ing will be a continuous process dled,” he said, noting that even the legal officer was
Kenyan child gets a stop it. In its comprehensive letter process was still on course. from January to December and the locked out of the meeting.
dated December 19 to Matiang’i, “Contrary to what some may have Kenya National Examination Coun- In response, Matiangi has urged the VC to meet
good curriculum,” Knut raised several grounds that thought, we are on track and all cil (Knec) will be required to devel- with the EACC so as to ensure a speedy conclusion
Wilson Sossion, Knut boss
informed postponement of the activities will be executed on sched- op an assessment framework. of the matter.
[Allan Mungai]
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Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard National 13

Keeping up with film maker  His approach was like that of a boy who stumbles upon a guava plantation

Mutua: Illusionist
with penchant for
the camera
When the Machakos “The government is however
juggernaut started to fall aware that we have Somali refu-
gees who have died because of
This man Mutua
apart, he blamed his
starvation. Some arrived in the Born in 1970.
imaginary and real Went to Dagoretti High School and the US and
country too malnourished and
enemies. But even then could not survive,” he said. Australia for his undergraduate and post graduate
the governor saw But the theatre of the absurd The first Kenyan official spokesperson and Public
opportunity for drama. from the self-confessed thespi- Communication Secretary
an was to properly unfold once During his tenure as government spokesperson, he
BBy Daniel Wesangula he was elected governor of dabbled in film and publishing, producing low rate
[email protected] Machakos County. Mutua, action television series and running a lifestyle
aware of the power of the media
Machakos Governor Alfred in shaping perceptions, hit the
Mutua has the uncanny gift of ground running and went on an
bending facts to suit political unparalleled journey of
weather. Throughout his public razzmatazz. his do it big or go home mantra, for the people.
life, he has worked hard to be Machakos, the place to be, Mutua once more in the full “We have purchased 40 inter-
the best illusionist south of the became the preferred launch glare of cameras, pledged to tractors that will plough vened
Sahara. pad of virtually every conceiv- supply every household with farms free of charge. We will to console him by giv-
Keeping up appearances able project. For a moment, a piped water. increase the number to 120,” ing him handkerchiefs to wipe
seems to be the mantra underly- very brief moment, city dwell- A flurry of announcements he said. his tears as the crowd watched
ing his colourful life. ers seriously thought about about sinking of numerous Mutua’s approach to respon- in confusion.
At his prime as government moving to this up and coming boreholes and digging of water sibilities of his office was like The tears have not slowed the
spokesperson, his many super- county with a governor that pans throughout the county was that of a hungry herds boy who, good governor one bit. Just last
fluous press briefings seemed seemed to have it all together. to follow. while looking after his father’s month, he was at it again.
more of an opportunity for the Six years after the promise, goats, suddenly stumbles upon This time playing
film maker to see himself in Petro-dollars residents are still looking out of an unguarded guava planta- Santa Claus
front of the cameras than for the First there was the multi-bil- their windows to see their gov- tion. while promis-
public to know and understand lion shilling industrial park. The ernor ride into their home- Momentarily ing free higher
their government. hook was the promise of free steads in a convoy of sleek vehi- fo rge tt i n g education
On one particular day, Mutua land. The line was the subsi- cles and deliver the promise. that he will scholarships to
appeared in front of the camer- dised taxes and the sinker was Instead, while launching his have to deal all of his resi-
as, face shiny as usual, wry an elaborate ceremony re-election bid at Bomas of Ken- with the unpleasant day-after dents.
smile and went on a tirade of announcing this grand venture ya, the Maendeleo Chap Chap consequences of the guava den. And what would the new year
denials that left the country to the world broadcast on live honcho was spotted kicking jer- seeds exiting his body. He started to talk in a mix of be without some Santa drama.
shocked. television. rycans shouting to all within ear English and Kamba. Midway In the same week, the doctor
The date was July 28, 2011. Machakos had investors from shot that there was no place in More drama through, his voice started to fal- launched a road repair technol-
Kenya had, for the umpteenth the Emirates lining up to pump modern Kenya for such medie- When the Machakos jugger- ter. And as suddenly as the ogy which applies bitumen and
time, found herself in the their petro-dollars into the val contraptions. He insisted naut started to fall apart, the storm that comes down from tarmac on 10 kilometres of road
embrace of a devastating county. Today, the intended site that people of Machakos have man, naturally, blamed his Mua Hills, the man burst out surface in 10 minutes. He was
drought. Lives were lost. Aid lies fallow with no hint of devel- no use for them as every home imaginary and real enemies. But into loud sobs. The leaders were also photographed outracing
appeals had been launched. opment. had piped water. even in the blame, Mutua saw shocked. the machine while timing it.
Whole communities faced the The antics were just starting Mutua is a modern man, well opportunity for drama.
[email protected] He then went on a tear fuelled Sympathetic blogs recorded
threat of being wiped out. though. With investors taking versed with modern technology. One hot mid-morning in plea accusing top ranking politi- this coup de grace as another
Then from behind the podi- the bait, Mutua next went for One morning he woke up and August 2015, Mutua had invited cians from Ukambani of gang- ‘first for the county,’ maintain-
um, his favourite place in the the hearts and souls of women pitied his people who were still leaders from Ukambani to ing up to destabilise him politi- ing his streak of illusions.
world, Mutua looked the world of the county. using hoes to tease out produce Machakos People’s park, anoth- cally. The emotion forced the His relationship with infra-
in the eye and said the govern- For decades, water has been from their farms. This made him er of his projects. It was clear governor to briefly stop his structure projects has been
ment had not received any scarce in this great county that sad. But more importantly when he approached the micro- speech as Kitui South MP complicated. But Mutua has
reports of any Kenyan dying was historically meant to be angry. So angry that he decided phone to address his peers that Rachael Nyamai and her Kilome never shied off from publicly
from hunger. Kenya’s seat of power. Again, in to purchase dozens of tractors his heart was heavy with bur- counterpart Regina Ndambuki updating their status. 

cases reported per week in as their licences are yet to be

Samburu. Allocate Mombasa. Illegal
In Brief different health facilities is
worrying,” said Prof Alwar. Bilhar- funds for children
renewed. The Department of
Children Services, has stopped schools put on
zia infection spreads quickly in rescue, county told  registering new charitable notice
the flood prone area. Residents institutions or renew registra-
get infected when they come in
The rising number of street tion. “Three institutions are
Education officials have
children in Samburu County is warned private schools
contact with contaminated water seeking registration while eight
raising concern amid the caveat operating illegally to register
while paddling, swimming or are already due for renewal. We
placed by the government on with the ministry or face
washing. “The worms move are not registering or renewing
Kisumu.  Concern over through the blood to the liver and
registration of new charitable
their registrations,” said Ka-
closure. Syvester Wauye, the
Bilharzia outbreak  bowel. That is when a person falls
children institutions. The County
biro. The department, she said,
Changamwe Sub-county
Children Co-ordinator Jane Kabiro Quality Assurance and
sick,” said Alwar. is facing challenges on where to
Health officials have raised an Lack of pit latrines aids the
is now asking the county
place rescued children. Kabiro said
Standards officer, said all
alarm over rising cases of government to develop a children unregistered private primary
disease spread. County Director adoption and kinship should be
Bilharzia in Nyando. More than protection unit. Ms Kabiro also and secondary schools in the
of Health Dr Dickson Onyango encouraged among the Samburu.
120 people have been diagnosed wants the county assembly to county will be closed. “Some
said Sh15 million will be used in The number of street children in
with the disease in the last two allocate funds for children related of these illegal schools use
tackling and prevention of Maralal town has risen tremen-
weeks at Nyando Sub-County cases. “We rescue children from unscrupulous ways to run
Bilharzia in the area. A mass dously as institutions are said not
Hospital alone, said John Alwar of early marriages and FGM but we their businesses against the
deworming programme targeting to be admitting more. All the 11
the Centre for Research have nowhere to take them,” she provisions of the Education
351,173 residents is ongo- living in 11 different institutions in institutions in Samburu are
Excellence in Health Systems said. The fate of more than 500 Act,” Wauye said.
ing. [Mactilda Mbenywe] the county hangs in the balance privately owned. [Martin Njiru]
Strengthening. “The number of orphans and vulnerable children [Ernest Ndunda]
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14 Editorial SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard

The Standard is printed and published by the proprietors, Ag Chief Executive Officer, Orlando Lyomu
THE STANDARD GROUP Editorial Director, Joseph Odindo
Managing Editor, John Bundotich
Newsdesk: 322211 Fax: 2213108 Email: [email protected]
Registered at the GPO as a newspaper

Manipulative, extractive
Get the Cabinet right for Kenya to leadership clips citizens
strike desired growth trajectory wings and ability to fly
When the cage was opened the

should help build a self-sufficient country that looks parrot at first refused to leave. Rev-
resident Uhuru Kenyatta’s part announcement of
his new Cabinet is a breath of fresh air after a sti-
eagerly to the future rather than timidly and fearfully. Kethi erend Price then grabbed the parrot
fling, stale political season. The Head of State
This way, the country he inherited from his predeces- Kilonzo and forcibly threw it to the trees. A
sor Mwai Kibaki will once again have reason to smile few days later the parrot crawls
Many should use this opportunity to hit the reset button in a and reason to be optimistic.
country crying out for a new beginning after a bruising back to the homestead. It could not
Kenyans and prolonged electioneering period.
Currently, majority of Kenyans feel like the odds have fly. It could not find a new home. It
hope been highly stacked against them. And that nobody could not find food on its own.
The next names he announces to the nation should apart from their God is looking out for them. A properly
that the espouse values of togetherness, peace and brotherhood Though independent it remained
constituted, well-balanced Cabinet free of long-known
chosen few as envisioned in our national anthem. His first term has political wheeler-dealers will go a long way into planting
dependent on its new and cruel for-
will help been a mixed bag of fortunes and rarely in life do people eign master. 
a hint of a smile on Kenyans’ faces. Its status post-independence was
drive the get opportunities, such as the one he has got, for do- Many Kenyans hope that the chosen few will help
overs. far worse off than it was during its
President’s drive the President’s vision of a corruption-free, healthi- life in a cage.  The parrot went to
We strongly urge the President to get his Cabinet

W [email protected]
vision of a right this time. Being his last term, he has no place play-
er and more financially stable Kenya. Go forth, Mr Presi-
hen the Price family live in the latrine. It depended on
corruption dent! Make your last Cabinet count for something. Get insects that crawled on the ground
ing politics with the positions at his disposal. the right people in the right ministries. No pressure moved from the USA to a
free Kenya. Instead, he should use his power as enshrined in the though, a mere 45 million Kenyans depend on you for a village called Kilanga in and food handed over to it by the 4
Constitution by nominating individuals who will help the Democratic Republic of Congo young girls for its sustenance. Ulti-
fresh start. mately Methuselah was eaten alive
him further his dream for a great Kenya. The new team they found a parrot named Methu-
selah in their home. The parrot was as it could not use its wings to fly to
kept in a tall metal cage well above safety when the village was
the ground and out of reach of pred- attacked by killer ants.
ators like killer ants and snakes. The author bemoans a nation
The previous caretaker of the
parrot was Brother Fowles. Rever- “The author bemoans
end Price was taking over the lead- a nation blessed with
ership of the only church in the vil-
lage from Brother Fowles whose natural resources
contract was terminated because he but exploited and
married a village woman. laid to waste first
Unlike Brother Fowles, Reverend
Price made no effort to understand by colonialists and
the Congolese, their environment, then by local leaders
culture, economic activities and acting under the
their traditional governance sys-
tem. He openly ridiculed their prac-
influence of foreign
tices, insulted the dressing of the powers. She bemoans
women, condemned polygamy and leadership swimming
disrespected the traditional chief. In
one of his misinformed efforts to
in wealth financed by
evangelise and change Kilanga, Rev- taxes ”
erend Price set Methuselah, the par-
rot, free from his cage.
Methuselah, like the Price Family, blessed with natural resources but
is a fictional character in the “Poi- exploited and laid to waste first by
sonwood Bible,” an international colonialists and then by local lead-
best seller work of fiction authored ers acting under the influence of
by Barbara Kingsolver. The parrot foreign powers. She bemoans lead-
symbolises the Democratic Repub- ership swimming in wealth financed
lic of Congo as seen through the by taxes and resources forcibly
eyes of Orleanna Price, the Rever- extracted from destitute citizens.
end’s wife, and her four daughters. She bemoans citizens arrested and
Orleanna and the four girls arrive in imprisoned, and others killed for
the African village when Congo is attempting to free the country from
under the colonial authority of Bel- toxic leadership.
gium.  Methuselah’s symbolism easily
The parrot is released from its fits into Kenya’s story. Independ-
cage by Reverend Price in the same ence, the introduction of the multi-
period that Congo gains its inde- party political system, the ouster of
pendence from Belgium. After inde- Kanu, and the Rainbow government
pendence, Congo’s founding Presi- all failed the nation leaving its citi-
zens yearning for more. 

State should do more for cotton farmers

dent, Patrice Lumumba, is assassi-
nated by Joseph Mobutu with the The potential of the 2010 Consti-
assistance of the USA, because he is tution today stands in stark con-
of socialist leaning. Joseph Mobutu trast to a fractured, angry and

state corporations, through what came to be known as depressed nation. The only remain-
otton farming was once a lifeline for thousands of structural adjustment programmes. through decades vandalises the
families in Kenya, but the ailing sector is today on nation robbing it and its people ing unifying symbol in Kenya is the
Farmers were left on their own. Majority cannot afford tongue. Communities cloister to
its death-bed. There have been several attempts to extension services and pesticides, critical for quality cot- Majority blind. The USA turned a blind eye
resuscitate it but to no avail, yet what hurts the sector protect only those who share a simi-
ton harvest. It is in this regard that the government should can’t because it benefited from the coun-
lar language. 
most is not difficult to cure. Low prices and expensive pes- stop paying lip service to the industry’s revival. Cotton afford try’s natural resources.
ticides have made cotton farming prohibitive. More than The failed independent state of An exploitative, manipulative and
half of cotton ginneries are silent, and the few operating
farmers should be financed, so as to compete with others services Congo is symbolised by the release extractive leadership modeled on
abroad, such as India’s, who are heavily subsidised. The of an that of the colonialists continues to
do so half-heartedly. Memories of the good old days and government should also expedite introduction of BT Cot- of the parrot by Reverend Price. The
the lack of alternative economic activity are perhaps the ton seed that is not prone to attack by pests. extension parrot had been caged for years. clip Kenya’s wings and its ability to
only motivating factors for the few remaining farmers. Yet officer and The muscles of its wings had atro- fly.
Ultimately, we must address the issue of second-hand
cotton farming has great potential. It can re-awaken the clothes that have flooded our market. It is either we pesticides. phied because of lack of flying. The
country’s manufacturing sector and put thousands of parrot aped and spoke the language - Kethi D Kilonzo, is an Advocate of
revamp our own textile industry, by manufacturing our the High Court of Kenya.
young people in gainful employment. own garments from own cotton, or we continue importing of its masters that it had learnt over
Most farmers will tell you that things started going bad the years.  [email protected]
mitumba and end up employing only a few people.
in the early 1990s when the State stopped baby-sitting
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SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard Opinion 15

Epic shift will Irungu

Let’s safeguard gains in human rights
restore sanity
Houghton she married the London based Ken- ism, hate-speech, neglect and vio- tions, trade unions, NGOs, commu-
yan student John Kahumbu three lence may suggest that the Declara- nity and ward associations and

on our roads
years before Kenya’s Independence. tion is no longer relevant. To think opposition parties.
The interracial couple and their chil- this, would be to overlook even very Jubilee must accelerate public
dren faced racism both in Britain and recent achievements. Populations participation standards and assign
upon their return, in Kenya. “Roz” are eating better, poverty levels are it a core ministry. As our neigh-

hen a City consistently made independent and dropping and the gender gap is nar- bouring Ethiopia discovered this
Gathenya Shuttle bus radical choices that startled most of rowing. The right to health inched week, a more open and responsive
her peers for the next fifty years of closer with new vaccines for cholera state has always been a more resil-
Njaramba overturned in
her life. and decreases in deaths caused by ient way of governing. Leaving this
the Nairobi CBD early

this week, the late Trans- eventy years ago, world lead- Like many of her generation who Aids, cancer, diarrhea and respirato- as a blind spot in the new adminis-
port minister John ers gathered in Paris to have recently departed or now in ry diseases in 2017.  tration is a recipe for another five
Michuki must have declare never again to the their sunset years like the late union- As Kenyans, we have come so far it years of unproductive fire-fighting
turned with rage in his violent atrocities seen in Nazi Ger- ist J D Akumu and artist Terry Hirst would take an astrologist to measure by reactive hardliners.
final resting place. He many. Facing their own gulags, sub- or writer Amma Ata Aidoo and activ- the cosmic distance we have covered Housing, food, health and jobs
must have been furious jects of the British Empire met to ist Zarina Patel, they crossed huge since 1948. That our country has are also core economic and social
that chaos still reign in make a similar declaration in Nairo- geographical and cultural borders to become more open, active and free rights. Framing them as only pillars
the transport sector. bi. Under the leadership of the Ken- raise their families and transform did not happen by chance. Independ- and mega-projects sucks from them
Lives are being lost in a ya African Union, they called for an Kenya and Africa. They felt and act- ence movements, countless civic their real promise to us as a coun-
scale that should not only attract stern action from the end to the white settler colonialism. ed on the impulse that some rules organisations like the Green Belt try. The Cabinet needs to go beyond
Government,  but heads must also roll. The impunity They also demanded their right to needed to be intentionally broken Movement, Kituo cha Sheria, Fida media sound-bites, demonstrate
displayed on our roads is symptomatic of the lethargy vote, politically participate and to for society to breathe. Their lives and Kenyan Human Rights Commis- clear strategies for eliminating cor-
in our authorities. Ideally, the Government has blood be free from discrimination and leave us important lessons. Lives sion as well as new institutions like ruption and how these mega-pro-
on its hands now that nearly 200 lives were lost in persecution. As the world cele- forged in uncertainty and risk tell the Kenya National Commission on jects will benefit people not just pri-
December alone. These victims were breadwinners for brates the 70th anniversary of the the best stories. Also, that in the Human Rights and the National Gay vate business.  
their families and young promising people whose con- signing of the United Nations Uni- presence of injustice and discrimina- and Lesbian Human Rights Commis- There is much we can be thankful
tribution to nation-building has been needlessly end- versal Declaration of Human tion, cohesive, compassionate and sion have blazed the way. for since that global meeting in
ed. Rights, it is clear both conversa- caring societies have always been As the Jubilee regime grapples 1948. It doesn’t matter whether we
Now that Transport Cabinet Secretary James Mach- tions transformed the world and created by rebels.  with establishing new national min- are personally affected by human
aria has been retained, he must oversee an epic shift in Kenya. The lives they wanted are now istries this week, it could expand a rights, dignity and unjust violations
the passenger transport sector to restore sanity on our Attending 83-year-old Roseline enshrined in the Universal Declara- page from the Ministry of Justice or not. We all owe it to Rosaline
roads. He must have that fire in the belly and face the Kahumbu’s funeral this week, I was tion of Human Rights, Chapter Four and Constitutional Affairs under the Kahumbu, her sunset generation
cabal of killers masquerading as matatu owners or struck by the relationship between and the Bill of Rights of our Consti- previous Narc Government. The new and those making the same choices
operators. It must not be business as usual for him, the global events and the lives and tution. This year marks a global cele- Cabinet needs to be more delibera- today to continue this cause. 
Government and Kenyans themselves. When the choices individuals make. Born into bration and reflection of our pro- tive and intentional how it wants to - Mr Houghton writes in a personal
famous Michuki Rules were introduced, many Kenyans a rural English family in the 1930s, gress. Rising global levels of extrem- collaborate with womens’ organisa- capacity. @irunguhoughton
backed them and even walked to work, until all the
Passenger Service Vehicles (PSVs) complied.
Not many people believed that matatus could have
TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT  The electoral season was rendered as a contest of tribes as supporters rallied behind leaders
safety belts, working speed governors and carry only
seated passengers. Within a few weeks, all PSVs had all

We must free ourselves from

these specs and the crew were smartly dressed. Order
and absence of shouting at bus stages was a relief to
millions of Kenyans who depend on PSVs for trans-
port. Today, we are worse than before Michuki laid

the divisive “political tribe”

down the rules. The retrogression from order and dis-
cipline has been phenomenal.
Can Mr Macharia rally the required goodwill? Does
he have the mettle to change the sector and assure
Kenyans of their safety on the roads? Does he have the
vision and the drive? Can he inspire the mighty and [email protected]
the lowly towards restoring sanity on our roads? Obvi- abstract hate directed at identity. hatred. The NASA side is deeply joke of an educational system – the
ously, he will need political goodwill all the way from The Kikuyu “hate” the Luo and vice aggrieved while that of Jubilee is list of man-made national disas-
the Head of State to the common man on the street.
Makau versa. Most Kenyan ethnic groups gloating, if nervously. We need to ters stretches from Lake Victoria
For far too long, public transport has been dominat- Mutua “hate” the duopoly of the Kikuyu deconstruct this ethnic “hate.” to the Indian Ocean. But Kenyans
ed by cartels that have low regard for human life. Profit and the Kalenjin. But when this British colonial rule either invent- viciously defend this political
is their motivating factor. Any charlatan who can raise hate is concretized and particular- ed tribes, or manufactured tribal class. Every time I criticise Jubilee,
a few hundred thousands of shillings can buy any con- ised, the hater realises that she hatred in a divide-and-conquer a ton of bricks is aimed at my head
traption and put it on the road as a PSV. The owner doesn’t hate the particular Kamba, strategy. Within tribes, they by the Kikuyu and Kalenjin. Many
then looks for anyone who can hold the steering wheel Luhya, Kisii, or Somali person. In deployed Lord Lugard’s tactic of of those attacking me can’t even
and another who can menacingly demand bus fare and fact, all Kenyans have friends indirect rule pitting brother write a coherent sentence in Eng-
the venture gets started. That is how Kenya has left across tribes. against sister. Rather than disman- lish. Most are dirt poor. But they
millions of Kenyans at the mercy of PSVs. It is as unfor- Many Kenyans have married, or tle the norms and structures of will defend to the death their
tunate as it can get. That is why you need to say a little date, across the tribal divide. Take this psychosis, the Kenyan post- “leaders.” This false consciousness

prayer every time you board a matatu. me for example.  I have in-laws and colonial state has instead deep- – the pedagogy of the oppressed –
With the unequivocal backing from the Head of nno Domini 2017 was
blood relatives across many eth- ened them. is our bane. Kenyans are politically
State, Macharia must dismantle the cartels in the PSV annus horribilis – the year
nicities, even countries. I am not The second thing we learnt in deformed and ideologically stunt-
sector. The Head of State will no longer need political from hell.  It’s a year I
unique. Yet, we “hate” those of 2017 is that Kenya is a nation of ed.
support from disorganised groupings such as the would like to forget. But that’s
“the other” tribe. We need to inter- fools. The political class fooled Finally, let me gaze into my crys-
matatu owners and operators and they must toe the impossible because 2017 is now
rogate this hate.  We learnt in 2017 Kenyans not once, but serially and tal ball. Only the people can free
line. For a start, all buses must be built properly with part of our zeitgeist. We shouldn’t
that this hate isn’t individualised – repeatedly. And every time, Ken- themselves from what the late Bob
all safety concerns taken care of. The idea of forming forget history, even if we could.
it’s politicised, engineered, and yans took the bait and swallowed Marley dubbed mental slavery. But
Saccos was a step in the right direction and it must That’s because history is always
manufactured “hate.” The worst the damn thing whole. They say the people must first free them-
now be made better. They must be made fewer with our best teacher. Today, I will focus
manifestation of this hate was dur- fool me once, shame on you; but selves from their “leaders.” That
strict rules of engagement. Those that flout traffic on what we learnt in 2017 so that
ing the 2017 electoral season. The fool me twice, shame on me. This is won’t happen unless Kenyans
rules must be punished heavily. we can stop digging since we are in
elections were rendered as a con- a painful conclusion for me to unshackle themselves from the
Macharia and the Saccos should also explore ways a hole – more like a cavern. But
test of tribes. If Jubilee’s duo of reach because I am a Kenyaphile. “political tribe.” That’s why I’ve
of having a workable cashless system of paying fares. before I do so, let me remind eve-
Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto But I am handsomely paid to think, always refused to politically iden-
This was mooted in the past and it is time to imple- ryone that each one of us “owns”
won the election, then the Kikuyu and would be a fool if I didn’t. The tify myself with the Kamba. I
ment it. This will curb the rush among PSV crew to herself, or himself. No one – abso-
and the Kalenjin would be the political class treats Kenyans like refuse to be a Kamba for political
make more money while disregarding traffic rules. lutely no one – owns you. Not your
“winners.” Likewise, if NASA’s herds of cattle. And like herds of purposes. My crystal ball tells me
Eventually, the crew will be salaried employees in a mom or dad, your spouse, tribe, or
Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka cattle, Kenyans are willingly driven we can free Kenya if you join me.
well-structured system. It has been done in countries the state – nada. Think for yourself,
won, the Kikuyu and Kalenjin to drink from the river of hate.
such as Rwanda and it can be replicated here.  or at least pretend to do so.
would be the “losers.” Look at social media – the stupidi- - Prof Makau Mutua is SUNY Dis-
Finally, we must review all our road designs includ- My crystal ball took a sabbatical
As it turned out, Kenyatta and ty and foolishness there defy tinguished Professor at SUNY Buf-
ing bumps, markings, rails and lighting. Do they in 2017. But I have brought it back
Ruto “won” and with them the description. falo Law School and Chair of
enhance road safety? Do they facilitate faster move- from recess. But before I propheti-
Kikuyu and the Kalenjin. Similarly, Third, Kenyans love their “lead- KHRC.  @makaumutua
ment? Still, the National Transport and Safety Author- cally peer into it, let me tell you
the larger coalition of ethnic ers” more than they love them-
ity (NTSA) must be disbanded if it cannot get out of its what 2017 taught us. First, we
groups in NASA – anchored by the selves. Look around – widespread
learnt in 2017 that we hate each

deep slumber. Erecting a few targeted road blocks at Kamba, Luo, Kisii, Luhya, and vir- hunger, a murderous police force, Read more about this
night to administer acloblow is not the only thing Ken- other. There’s no doubt that Ken-
tually the entire coastal Bantu – insatiable looting of the public story at
yans crave from NTSA. yans hate each other with a deep
“lost.” These two ethnic blocs are purse, the most pathetic infra-
-The writer is Revise Editor at The Standard, Weekend venom. This hatred isn’t concre-
now locked in a deep “tribal” structure, a rotten heath system, a
Editions. [email protected] tised to a particular person. It’s an
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16 Opinion Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

Support Kamau What will dominate Uhuru’s legacy

soon to review our 2010 Constitu- because it has significant implica- governance that seems obvious to

Parliament’s tion has lingered in many a head for

a while. The failed Okoa Kenya ref-
erendum attempt by the opposition
tions on allocation of resources and
the shape of political boundaries.
Constituency Boundaries
observers and completely invisible
to the leaders. The trick, as I have
argued before here, is to focus on a

bid to fight presented a harbinger of things to

come while the highly dramatic
2017 electoral period has provided
We will be due to review constitu-
ency boundaries in 2020/2021
few things. It is better to succeed at
a few things than to have attempted
many things. As the third Medium

misrule evidence – and an entry point for

the reforms conversation to begin.
Of course, it seems the interests of
before heading to the 2022 election.
The intensity of the debate of
boundaries review is expected to be
Term Plan is launched later this
year, the shape it takes will signal
whether there is indeed a commit-

elcome to 2018, a year those in government and the oppo- more intense – by orders of magni- ment to the Big Four.
that promises as much as sition are different but ultimately, tude - than what we experienced in Political Alliances
Godfrey it frightens. Our political they will coincide on the structure 2010. While the previous bounda- Finally, the two major political
Osotsi inclinations notwithstanding, we all of government, the governance ries review effort, conducted by the alliances are likely to see major rea-
hope this year will be better than aspect that anchors elite consensus. Ligale-led Interim Boundaries lignments. Excluding Mwai Kibaki
2017. However, much unlike other The focus of the conversation will Review Commission was political, who has since retired, Kenyan poli-
years, the optimism that greets a be on increasing the size of the there seems to have been a consen- tics have revolved around five men:
new year is this time tempered by executive to make negotiations easi- sus by the political class to protect Uhuru Kenyatta, William Ruto, Raila
grim realities that continue to er, especially as 2022 dynamics gain small constituencies created during Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka and
plague us ranging from the seem- shape. the Kanu era. Many of these will be Musalia Mudavadi since 2007. With
ingly unending crisis of road acci- National Census more difficult to defend this time the certain exit of Kenyatta and
dents, political uncertainty and eco- Every ten years, Kenya conducts a around. As such, Kenya’s political probable exit of Raila (he could still
nomic difficulties. national census. The next one is map is likely to shift significantly. run) in 2022, the top tier narrows to
As the beginning of President scheduled to be conducted in 2019 What’s more? The responsibility for three. It is unlikely that Jubilee and

irst, allow me to wish all Kenyans a happy Kenyatta’s legacy term, the year and once again, the trope that ‘Ken- boundaries review now falls with NASA will last in their present form.
and prosperous 2018 hoping that the year nonetheless presents an important yans just can’t count’ is likely to the IEBC whose credibility has been Further, there are leaders putting
will offer us a wide range of opportunities to point in history on which many key make it to national discourse again. put to test by the 2017 polls drama. up a fight to gain a seat at the top
progress as a nation and realise our potential. This issues that will shape the next five Many will recall that the release of The Big Four including governors serving their
year we should press the agenda of: “Justice be our years will be anchored. I want to the 2009 census report was delayed President Kenyatta’s deliberate final term. This will be something to
shield and defender” as powerfully prescribed in highlight the five key issues that I as the growth of some populations choice to focus on the Big Four watch.
our national anthem. The need to mainstream this believe will shape our reality in the was queried. Following the highly [email protected]
Agenda – Healthcare, Food Security, - The writer is a PhD Candidate in
agenda has never been as important as it is now coming five years. intense 2017 electoral period, the Housing and Manufacturing – indi- African Studies at the University of
due to the sorry state of our nationhood brought Constitutional Review census is likely to be a politically cates that his regime has over the Edinburgh.
about by governance, integration and rule of law The question of how soon is too sensitive issue. Most notably five years gained knowledge about [email protected]
challenges. All Kenyans are called to join hands in
confronting challenges that have returned the
country to the brink once more. NEW BEGINNINGS   We should not allow the baggage of yesterday to contaminate the blessings of tomorrow
As a member of the National Assembly and a
patriot, I am concerned about the sorry state of

Let’s strive to make amends

affairs. That is why I joined Parliament’s imple-
mentation committee which is meant to pursue,
review all decisions of the House and push for fol-
low up and full implementation of all decisions,

in our language and attitudes

resolutions and laws passed by the august House.
This time around Parliament is eager to shed off
the unfortunate tag of a “mere talking shop” that
has been erroneously smeared on it mainly due to
failure by relevant organs of the state to act on
some of its key resolutions and edicts.
Part of the problems afflicting this country like of these transitions in time, their desk or stand in their studio use and tolerate negativity, we
social, political and ethnic conflicts emanate from David affords every one of us an oppor- at the same time every day. will soon become a nation of
circumvention of constitutional provisions, and Oginde tunity to stop, review, and restart Thus, according to Belle, rou- insolents. When children grow up
by-passing resolutions of Parliament and other our lives if need be. Thus, a split- tines of time offer the brain in such a culturally toxic environ-
critical arms of the government. It is my hope that second pause in a conversation opportunities for creativity with- ment, their spirits and attitudes
this important House committee, where I have can make the difference between out being taxed. And God has giv- will be so distorted as to make
been elected Vice-Chairman, will be fully support- destroying or building a relation- en us many routines of time – them less than human. The con-
ed by the public and other governance stakehold- ship. A one-minute gap in time seconds, minutes, days…years – sequences can be dire.
ers as we embark on this course. could seal or break a business to release our creative juices But, what a blessed surprise it
To start with, most of our top political and eth- deal. Likewise, a one-hour break afresh each time! This means if I was to see how Dr Fred Matiangi
nic challenges are direct results of the Executive from your desk could be all you did not like what happened yes- handled the high octane bash by
failing to implement key guiding principles of the need to rejuvenate your body and terday, I can go to bed with the the teaching fraternity against
Constitution and statutes passed by Parliament. refresh your mind for a more pro- prospect that tomorrow will be a the roll out of the new education
The bad governance practices that have sharply

ductive work session. Not to better day. If last month was ter- curriculum in schools. After a
divided the country including election rigging, ne of the greatest bless- mention the blessed routine of a rible, I have another chance this roundtable stakeholder conver-
skewed hiring of senior state officials, deliberate ings of a New Year is the monthly pay check for the sala- month to try again. If I hit my fin- sation, the fire breathing Knut
imbalances in staffing in public departments, trib- opportunity it affords ried. ger a second ago, I immediately boss, Wilson Sossion, became the
alism in the Executive among others are ills that if every one of us for a fresh start. Apart from the benefits of become creative in my hammer greatest ally and advocate for the
we push for strict adherence to the laws and reso- Indeed, many look to the begin- these time capsules, it is said that handling skills, and should not hit programme – a live testament to
lutions of the House touching on these vices we ning of a new year to make reso- routines of time are also a great it again the next second! It’s the what face-to-face conversations
will end the raging bitterness in the country. lutions on matters they want to booster to creativity. Belle Beth blessing of a “second” chance. can do.
Going alongside these are failure by government change or accomplish. And, is it Cooper, an iOS developer, advises As Kenyans, if there is an area That is why as the new year
to implement key reports like the Justice Johann not great that God in His divine that, rather than sitting around that all of us should endeavor to rolls out, it must stir in us hope
Kriegler report on Electoral Reforms, the Truth wisdom did not give us one long waiting for inspiration to show make some amends, it is in our and excitement for a new begin-
Justice and Reconciliation Committee report. stretch of life? Imagine if your up, successful creative people use language and attitudes. The epi- ning. No matter what the previ-
I am sure we will also focus on resolutions by whole life was one single mara- routines to wrangle their creative thets we and our leaders throw at ous year may have offered, a new
other House committees which over the years thon of, say, even just fifty years skills. They get up at the same each other in public – waah! It is dawn is upon us with marvelous
have investigated serious cases of fraud. Unfortu- non-stop. How tiring that would time, and in most cases sit at even worse in the social media. opportunities to do things differ-
nately most of their recommendations have not be. But thank God, our lives come With a shoot to kill intent, elec- ently. We therefore cannot allow
been implemented at all while those indicted have in manageable pieces. One sec- “But, what a blessed tronic arrows and digital missiles the baggage of yesterday to con-
been merely suspended, transferred or even pro- ond gives way to another, until surprise it was to are hurled at anybody who dares taminate the blessings of tomor-
moted to the chagrin of Kenyans. they form a minute. A minute express their minds on any issue,
Matters from Parliament that have been hands over to another in a dili- see how Dr Fred no matter how trivial. Though
row. Instead, let us lay aside eve-
ry weight, and the sin which so
neglected are many. Pushing for their handling gent determination to make an Matiang’i handled this has been hailed in some easily entangles, and let us run
won’t be a walk in the pack. But we will strive to hour. The hours struggle slowly the high octane quarters as freedom of expres- with patience the race set before
engage everybody to give this committee the nec- into a day, and the days circle
essary teeth to bite. I therefore see 2018 opening a seven times into a week. And so, bash by the teaching sion, such foul language and toxic
attitudes can only serve to cor-
us through this annual routine of
time – the New Year.
new chapter in the pursuit of Justice and fairness, the cycle goes until the months fraternity against rode our national fabric.
two national principles around which our decades complete their twelve-lap race, the roll out of It is a known fact that language - The writer is the Presiding Bish-
old political gerrymandering around them has handing it over to the year. Then
caused us pain and regrets. It will be important for it starts all over again.
the new education and attitudes are key ingredients
for culture formation. If we there-
op of Christ is the Answer Minis-
tries (CITAM).
wananchi to support us and protect the constitu- What is amazing is that, each curriculum in fore persistently and consistently [email protected]
tional provisions anchoring this project. schools”
- The writer is a Nominated MP
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Reader’s dialogue 17
Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

Views expressed on this page are not those of The Standard. The Editor reserves the right to edit letters. Correspondents should give their names and address as a
sign of good faith, though not necessarily for publication.

Send a letter Send an email Comment online Send an SMS Send a tweet Comment on FB
The Editor, Letters, P O Box [email protected] 20260 @standardkenya www.
30080, Nairobi, Kenya

Quotes on new year Letters.

Quality   The economy benefits from a thriving education sector
Melody Beattie: The new year Isolate cane development from
Move to roll out the new politics of privatisation
stands before us, like a chapter in
a book, waiting to be written. We
can help write that story by

education system welcome

setting goals. Stakeholders in the sugar otherwise, it equates to placing
sector have their eyes the cart before the horse. This is
Melody Beattie: Make New focused on privatisation,  which an industry where inaction or
Year’s goals. Dig within and is slated for August 2018. The acts of omission and commis-
discover what you would like to The move by the Ministry of Educa- Directorate has been releasing sion may innocently be viewed
have happen in your life this year. tion to change tack in the implementation  [email protected] statistics  which show a massive as oversight while in essence
This helps you do your part. It is of the new education system from a ‘big drop in production but does not they are artificially and intri-
bang’ to a ‘phased’ approach is much wel- come up with remedial meas- cately engineered to favour
come by various stakeholders in the edu- ures. The song about reinstate- importation cartels. The woes of
cation sector. Staggering the implementa- ment of Sugar Development sugar millers and farmers is old
tion of the new curriculum should address Levy is losing melody. What news. Nearly every year they
concerns that all stakeholders in the happens if the Levy is not face recurrent problems and
industry were not fully prepared. The restored? County Governments this has been the case for dec-
phased approach will also allow adequate must come up with alternatives ades. Messing up the sugar sec-
preparation in terms of funding, tools - after all this was not money tor for purposes of gaining eco-
acquisition and most importantly, acquisi- generated by Treasury but a nomic rent by the untouchables,
tion of appropriate skills by teachers. The pool built by farmers and mill- the high and mighty is an act of
education sector has the highest concen- ers. You cannot talk of moderni- economic sabotage since it
tration of stakeholders from millions sation and expansion without affects thousands of people.
an affirmation that you are of students, teachers and parents/guardi- addressing cane availability; David Okello, Kisumu
interested in fully living life in the ans to end users/sponsors such as employ-
year to come. ers and the government. It is correct to
state that sectors such as economic, agri-
Kiana Tom: My personal goals culture and health are the biggest benefi- SGR: Compensate Kedong
ciaries of a healthy and thriving education
are to be happy, healthy and to
be surrounded by loved ones. sector. Education has the longest and residents to avert crisis
highest impact on our lives influencing
Ruben Studdard: I am not in careers, livelihood, knowledge and even
the best shape, but I want to determining how creative we are in solv-
prove to myself I can do ing our problems. However, it is unfortu- Last week, parents of St Anne’s Kalu-
something that seems insur- nate when important education issues ni Secondary School in Ikolomani stormed
mountable and inspire others by such as free education, text book supplies, the school to demand urgent removal of
showing them no matter where staff deployment and even exam manage- the school principal.  The disappointed and
they are in their fitness goals, ment become  emotive, delicate and politi- enraged parents were decrying the
they can do it, too. cal issues when they should be intricately school’s poor performance in the just end-
woven into the system. It is important that ed KCSE exams, and attributed poor man-
the teachers unions rally support to the agement to it. That parents can walk to a
new system to ease its implementation; school with the intention of administering
Events in history without support of teachers, the new will the law by themselves is a primitive and
be a hard nut to crack. Given the high con- retrogressive way of handling educational
January  7 centration of stakeholders also means that performance gaps and challenges. Angry
the Ministry of Education should expect to parents manhandling school administra-
754: Pope Stefanus II arrives face high resistance to change. For exam- tion offer no solution to tackling loopholes
in Ponthion                                                              ple, the implementation of the new exam but just cause further strife for teachers
format that has seen reduction in exam and remaining students.
1325: Afonso IV succeeds irregularities was not met with applause The move, which is becoming part of a The second phase of the
Dionysius as King of Portugal                                            but uproar and criticism. The ministry blame game in the education sector if not Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) is the impact is negative.
should embark on giving timely informa- carefully managed will demotivate and snaking  its way towards Naiva- We need the National Land
1558: Calais, last English tion and assurances on the system roll out create bad blood with the teaching frater- sha. This is commendable only Commission and Kenya Rail-
possession in France, retaken by to allay any fears and resistance to change. nity and disrupt learning process in subse- that there is a looming crisis. On ways to set the record straight
French                             Education issues require continuous quent years in a number of schools if not this second leg, unlike the first in relation to the Kedong Ranch
engagement and issues cannot be changed put into check. I urge parents to strictly one, there seems to be no com- and the compensation to locals.
1566: Antonio “Michele” through simply pressing a button. One of adhere to the rule of law  and beware that pensation extended to land When Ketraco traversed here
Ghislieri is elected Pope Pius V                                        the advantages of rolling out the new cur- success in education encompasses team- owners. The pastoralist commu- with transmission pylons, locals
riculum in stages is not only to allow work by all stakeholders; including heads nity in Kedong Ranch and were compensated. KenGen also
1579: England signs an stakeholders to understand how the pro- of staff, parents, support staff and disci- Namuncha are the most affect- resettled and compensated the
offensive & defensive alliance posed system works but also to be psycho- plined and attentive learners. Push- ed. Residents are surprised to same community living in Olka-
with Netherlands                    logically prepared. The decision to expand ing school heads out of school is definitely see Chinese folks doing rounds ria on the same land. Locals
and extend the piloting stage will also ena- not the way to go - then again there must in the area and cutting through were involved; how come those
1584: Last day of the Julian ble the education sector mandarins to be other ways to handle under-performing their land without any compen- afflicted by the SGR we are being
calendar in Bohemia & Holy anticipate and overcome challenges that teachers and their heads. That said, par- sation. Community/stakeholder ignored. That is not right.
Roman empire                   may arise in the new system. The fact that ents should encourage and support their engagement here has been Historically, Kedong has been
the current 8-4-4 system will run parallel school-going children, both at home and in pathetic. Kenya Railways must associated with conflict even
1598: Boris Godunov seizes to the new curriculum does not mean that school as this is critical to their performan take note that the community is during the colonial times, we do
Russian throne on death of issues relating to 8-4-4 take a back seat. ce. displeased by the casual manner not want a repetition of the
Feodor I                            The government should continue to Parents play a vital role in their young in which they are being treated. same due to some misunder-
improve on the remaining segments of the one’s education and providing a support- The iron rail is disrupting liveli- standing. Who is eating the
1601: Robert, Earl of Essex, system so that by the time it is fully ive environment is one of them. A growing hoods. Villages have been dis- money meant to compensate
leads revolt in London against phased out in 2026, there are no differenc- body of research shows that building connected; dust engulfs homes, the Maasai community in
Queen Elizabeth            es in quality between students taught effective partnerships between parents, access roads and pathways Kedong Ranch? Where is justice
under the new curriculum and the old sys- families and schools to support children’s blocked and pits dug by the rail- for the pastoralist? It is until
tem.  Joe Musyoki, Kitengela learning leads to improved learning. Par- way constructors pose grave when the social, cultural, envi-
ents should be enlightened on their role danger to people and livestock. ronmental and economic con-
and forward all their educational griev- Just last year a boy was electro- cerns of this community are
Enlighten parents on ances to area education officials for amica- cuted by wires laid by the rail- addressed in regard to SGR that
justice will be seen to have been
ble solutions.  Yabesh Onwong’a, Via way constructors. The commu-
their school roles Email nity is also in the dark in rela- done, otherwise we shall be cre-
1608: Fire destroys James- tion to the environmental and ating another group of internal-
town, Virginia                                                                                               social impact report of the pro- ly displaced persons. 
ject. But as we can clearly see, Raphael ole Kerenke
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18 National SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard



Hail ‘mboch’
the real boss
he events of last week are develop a dislike and aversion to tions or in closing the deal, they are hotel buffets because they cannot resume their working and social
proof that the holiday season their households, its chores and its completely clueless in managing the fathom the thought of cleaning after lives. Many of them want Auntie
is truly behind us. Cabinet duties as they cede all power and feeding habits and homework themselves. Others resort to booze to back so that they are free to visit the
reshuffles, increased power bills, ris- control to Auntie. demands of their tots. Many employ- calm their nerves because their usual- salon and have gossip sessions with
ing maize prices and the return of Most women acknowledge that ers can navigate the daily demands of ly well-behaved tots become impossi- the girls.
traffic jams are stark reminders that though they are proficient in putting traffic jams, but they cannot find a ble to live with brats in the absence of In many instances, the return
now we start the tough business of together killer PowerPoint presenta- pair of lost socks or shoes in their own Auntie. does not go as planned as various
getting through 2018. homes - since all power and depend- Many employers will not say it forces get in the way. Let us start
However, the starkest of reminder ency rests with Auntie. In fact, it is loudly but they usually await the with the natural forces of love and
has been felt on the domestic level painful to say this but Auntie is often return of Auntie with bated breath as lust, which cause many “Aunties” to
and has been caused by the most the real boss in most households they offer silent prayers that she will opt to labour for love not for wages.
unlikely person - Auntie. Auntie is today. not fail to return. They usually count In December, you also have numer-
the now commonly used name for down the hours and minutes, so that ous hostile takeovers where other
Real boss they can hand over their houses and potential employers lie in wait with
employees previously known as
house girl, mboch, housies and house Many families have developed dif- their children, and so that they can promises of better salaries and liv-
manager. ferent ways to cope with this depend- ing conditions.
The family unit has changed dra- ency in December. Some resort to dial In some instances, Aunties take
matically – families have become "Many employers usually
a delivery, living on fast food because
they are clueless on how to make food
advantage of their employer’s des-
peration to make outrageous
smaller, more nuclear and nowadays await the return of
on the expensive stoves they them- demands for cash before they can
both parents go out and work to
bring home sufficient bacon to keep selves purchased. Auntie with bated breath make the return trip.
the family running. Since couples as they offer silent
Others run away from their homes, Then of course you have govern-
preferring to live in hotels and put up
[email protected] ment declarations such as the recent
have to work harder and longer, it is prayers that she will not
with the monotonous and predictable ban on night travel, causing havoc
only natural that they outsource the
function of home-care. Enter Auntie: fail to return..." since most Aunties have been forced
the person who steps in to fill the gap to delay their return for a couple of
created by demands of modernity. days.  The government should apol-
Finding the right Auntie is often a ogise to women of this country for
long process fraught with tears, tan- HOW TO MAKE SURE ‘AUNTIE’ COMES BACK causing social chaos and disruption
trums and drama. There are so many to return of Aunty’s plan. A special
things to look out for and avoid, Aunties will always - so cut Auntie some slack. temptation to beg her to place in hell is reserved for those
including habits such as stubborn- behave in unexpected -          Learn to turn a blind forfeit her off day so that you Aunties who give no indication that
ness, attractiveness that may cause ways, but here are a eye.  Yes sometimes Aunties can get more rest and they will not be returning to their
the man of the house to err, klepto- few tips to ensure she can be very irritating and relaxation. Failure to respect place of employment and then go
mania, child abuse - the list is end- comes back: annoying - but do not spend this is a leading cause of completely incommunicado when
less. Happiness in most households -          If you have small all your time in quarrelsome failure to return. the day of return is nigh.
is only achieved when the right children and they love Auntie encounters with them - for -          Remember Auntie is Incidences of “failure to return”
Auntie is found; one able to organise you are advised to overlook come January she might human - It does not matter cause total mayhem and chaos every
the house and manage the children certain sins and crimes. “ exact her revenge and fail to how powerful you are in the start of the year. Many employers
so that the overworked parents can Auntie” might like talking too return. office, since Auntie can run find themselves helpless as they
bring home the bacon. much, she might eat too -          Respect Auntie’s off your house and children seek ways to juggle their jobs with
For this reason, most employers much, she might be untidy day - Make sure that Auntie better than you - then treat having to go through the unplanned
develop meltdowns every December but if she is good with the has an off day at least once a her with some respect. Pay long and painful search for yet
when Aunties head upcountry to kids all her other sins must be week, where she can go let off her well, treat her well and another Auntie who will hold the
make merry with their folks and forgiven.  Taking care of kids steam with her friends and learn how to pick your battles house together for a while or at best
friends. You see, over time most even your own is hard work her man. Avoid the with her. till the next December.  
employers (especially the women) [email protected]
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Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard National 19

EXPENSIVE AFFAIR  Products from some countries are first exported to Europe before being exported to Africa

Security fears cloud plan upbeat over
for an open-border policy president’s
When heavily armed rebels attacked Bunyakiri in
the Democratic Republic of Congo, she managed to
escape with other villagers.
Not knowing where to go, Christine Kamina (not
her real name) carried a bottle of water and few
clothes in a small bag.
“My parents had gone to the farm and I was
alone in the house when I heard screams and gun
shots from a nearby home. I just knew the rebels
had arrived to attack us,” she says amid sobs.
The villagers walked for more than 300km as
they sought refuge in the nearby bushes, with
hopes of reaching peaceful areas.
She was in a group of 30 people who finally
crossed the border and entered Nyungwe forest in
Rwanda, where they survived on wild fruits and
Few days later, they found their way to Katuna
along the Rwanda-Uganda border where a Kenyan
truck driver agreed to ferry them into the country.
“Three of us agreed to board the truck and
before reaching the Busia boarder, we had to
alight and pass through no-man’s land as the driv-
er waited for us on the other side,” she added.
They came all the way to Mlolongo in Machakos
County and the driver handed them over to a
woman she only identified as Njeri.
At Njeri’s home, the four women were forced by
their host to
The new international arrivals unit at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi. Visitors to the country are received at the airport or border points of e n ga ge in
the country. [File, Standard] prostitution to “Three of us agreed
put food on to board the truck
He appeared to have been throw- plane or alternative modes of trans- the table.
Experts say although the ing a punch at Tanzania which has “The pronouncement by port. “We used to and before reaching
policy will promote trade, it failed to reciprocate on concessions the Head of State was a “Persons who would naturally go to clubs at the Busia boarder, we
made by Kenya, in allowing free not be cleared from their home night a n d had to alight and pass
risks exposing the country
trade among the East African coun- declaration of intent, countries to come to Kenya will whatever
money we col- through no-man’s land
to external threats but administrative
tries. show up at our borders especially
“…to our brothers and sisters in decisions will be made airports and then granted visas,” lected from as the driver waited
the East African Community, you said Bashir. clients, Njeri for us on the other
BBy Michira Moses
are our closest friends; our fate and before unrestricted His other fear is the cost implica- took 50 per
[email protected]
yours is joined at the hip; our trou- access can be granted tions on the country when unwant- cent and the
It will take longer to implement a bles and triumphs are yours, and to visitors,” Director of ed visitors are supposed to be driver who
presidential directive to open bor- yours are ours. I will work with you, Immigration Joseph Kihalangwa deported. saved us 30
ders to visitors from continental my brothers, the leaders of the East “What happens if you find some per cent,” she said.
Africa. African Community, to bring a people not suitable to get visa at the They did this for two years before they aban-
It is also unclear when regula- renewed energy and optimism to doing business within the continent entry point? Return them? At doned the trade after they met a Congolese in
tions to guide the entry of visitors our union,” he said. is poor. whose cost?” he posed. Kitengela town, who took them in.
will be implemented. Kenyatta won praise for the dec- Kenyatta said the free movement Several countries require visitors It was not long before, a couple came to their
President Uhuru Kenyatta made laration which many thought would of people in Africa was a corner- to have a return ticket to cut costs in house with documents to enable them register as
the declaration on his swearing in take effect immediately. stone of Pan-African brotherhood case of deportation. urban refugees.
on November 28. and fraternity. Political turmoil in Somalia [email protected]
Director of Immigration Joseph Deportation “The freer we are to travel and bred dangerous militants, including Casual jobs
Kihalangwa said there was a lot of But the uncertainty facing the live with one another, the more inte- the al-Shabaab, which has staged “We get assistance from the United Nations
work to be done before visitors start possible execution puts a damper on grated and appreciative of our several attacks on Kenyan soil High Commissioner for Refugees but it is not
getting visas on arrival. what would be a huge initiative to diversity we will become,” Kenyatta including at the Westgate Shopping enough because we have to share something small
“It is still a subject of discussion, promote the free movement of said. He cautioned that the political Mall and more recently, at the Garis- with the people who helped us register with the
but we are waiting for guidance,” goods and people in Africa.  divisions in Africa risked the mutu- sa University college.  organisation,” she said.
Maj Gen (Rtd) Kihalangwa. President Kenyatta’s move gives al security of the different countries. Somalis already form the big- This has forced a number of them to engage in
He added that the pronounce- fresh impetus to the Pan-Africanism Mandera North MP Bashir Abdul- gest portion of the refugees in casual jobs such as riding boda bodas, selling
ment by the Head of State was a dream that has remained elusive lahi is a big supporter for the open Kenya, many living in the country fruits and washing clothes for people at a fee.
declaration of intent, but adminis- since the regime of his father. borders policy. illegally. Many have been assimi- They welcomed the directive to open the border
trative decisions will be made Mzee Jomo Kenyatta and other However, the MP -- who is also a lated into the community and are by President Uhuru Kenyatta but raised fears that
before unrestricted access can be founding presidents across the con- security analyst -- has huge reserva- living as naturalised citizens, albe- this would see them arrested as DRC does not
granted to visitors. tinent such as the late Libya leader tions about the directive as this it illegally. belong to the East African Community.
Top on the list of concerns arising Muammar Gaddafi tried unsuccess- risks exposing the country to exter- Kenyatta has already ordered the Recently, a magistrate released a Ugandan who
from the directive was safety since fully to implement the open borders nal threats. closure of the Africa’s largest refu- was charged with being in the country illegally.
the country would in effect have set policy to promote trade. Maj (rtd) Bashir told Saturday gee camp, Dadaab, in Garissa. Hun- Kevin Wanyakala, who had visited his sister
itself up as an easy target for attack. Presently, products from differ- Standard that the open border pol- dreds of the refugees are evacuated who is married to a Kenyan, was arrested in Liko-
Kihalangwa said such fears are ent countries are first exported to icy was good for trade but a signifi- weekly from the camp following the ni at 10pm. He had left his passport in the house
informing the ongoing discussions. Europe or Asia before being re- cant burden for security. formal declaration about closure, when police accosted him.
“Today, I am directing that any exported to Africa. “The directive will put a lot of amid objection from the interna- Interior Ministry’s spokesman Mwenda Njoka
African wishing to visit Kenya will In the current arrangement, trav- pressure on our security systems tional community. said visitors from neighbouring countries will
be eligible to receive a visa at the el from Kenya to many West African and personnel,” he said. It is unclear what the directive on have to follow the laid down procedures before
port of entry,” said the President in destinations, for instance, is cheap- Vetting of prospective visitors in open borders would be for such peo- being allowed into the country.
his acceptance speech, adding that er when routed outside the conti- their home countries before travel ple, specifically, as it would mean “Their identifications must be taken at the point
the effectiveness of the directive nent. means those considered dangerous they would be welcome back being of entry for security purposes,” he said.  
would not be pegged to reciprocity. Consequently, competitiveness in would be barred from boarding a Africans. [Evelyne Kwamboka]
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20 WeekJuly
in 16,
review Week in review 25

Week in
Sunday, 2017 The Standard SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard

Deputy President William Ruto’s wife, Rachael, and

religiousNithi Governor
leaders Muthomipoliticians
have cautioned Njuki has
against denied claims by
perpetuating nurses’
tribal unionand
animosity that his

duringgovernment is oneperiod.
the electioneering of those that that
Noting have
not honoured
the elections will come the return-to-work
and go, Mrs Ruto andformula
the and
spiritual bargainingpoliticians
leaders challenged agreement to(CBA)
peaceful campaigns. “Elections will come andNational
signed in November, last year. Kenya go but
Kenya Union of Nurses
will remain. (KNUN)
Politicians Secretary
should General
not divide Kenyans
on theSeth Panyako
grounds on Thursday
of campaigns. blamed
We have 13 county
to remain
governments for delaying payments. But Mr
together as a nation irrespective of tribe and party
Njuki said he had paid all the nurses their
affiliation,” said the DP’s wife. She made the remarks at
four-month arrears out of the five months
Moi Stadium
that theyin Voi
hadtown, Taita-Taveta
not been paid byCounty
his during
and interdenominational
predecessor. He said prayer service
service andorganized
uniform by
local religious
allowances leaders
conjunction with Tuombeni
been settled.
Kenya Committee.[RENSON
[Dickson Mwiti] MNYAMWEZI] Politics, Opinion, analyses & Special Reports

REPORT   The governors’ offices of Laikipia, Nairobi City and Lamu counties were the most expensive to run last year
In Brief FUNDING   Alliance banks on supporters to raise Sh450 million to roll out the adopt-a-polling station programme
In Brief

Trans Nzoia. Governor, NASA picks foreign expert Turkana


to guard against rigging

Mombasa. Awiti seeks
senator pledge unity
Governor billboards
help in row
Patrick Khaemba,
Senator Michael Mbitocandidate
A gubernatorial and has
appealed Joshua Werunga
to the nationalhave
struck a politicaltodeal
government aimed atthose
behind forthe
a common
destruction economic
of his
for thematerials
county despite
erent political
erected. affi
barely hours
Hezron Awiti
Opposition seeks
Sh5,068m Sh400m Sh622m Sh650m“Kenyans like Kakamega
Governor Joshua Irungu Governor Evans Kidero Governor Isa Timamy Governor Cyprian Awiti Governor Patrick Khaemba
was elected
of the Vibrant on FordParty
Democratic volunteers
to monitor
County poling Nairobi County Lamu County Homa Bay County
Ghanaians did want
Trans Nzoia County
he is Mbito
fromhasthe Jubilee
called on theParty and they
votes in 44,000 to ensure a free
stations in the country credible, transparent

Governors who spent

tohad a frostythe
apprehend relationship.
During the swearing
at Buxton
in of
in 10
Mvita BBy Kepher Otieno elections that is
alsoand Werunga
lamented that
Nyali MP has
agreed to put
his posters
[email protected] reflective of the will
weretheir political
being torn or diffdefaced.
erences “Let
and With only 22 days to the 74% of people. This is why
measbea told
teamwhy for Iprosperity. the adopt-a-polling-

most to run offices

am not allowed August 8 elections, the NASA is
to putdisputes among leaders
up my campaign materials racing against time to imple- Kisumu
station strategy is
the streetsthe electorate
of Mombasa,” desired
he ment its Sh450 million adopt-a- 81%
said. He Letstated
us dialogue
that the and polling station programme — critical to safeguard
discuss issueswere
billboards affecting
county one of its strategies against HomayourBay votes,’’ Nana Busia
such as poverty,”
following saiddown
the laid Mbito. proce- Jubilee. 73%
Khaemba urged leaders
dures. [Patrick Beja] to The opposition alliance has Nyamira
champion a common economic Tharaka
already flown Nithi
in aspentGhanaianSh2.7 The analysis is limited to recurrent with the rest of the country, especially
expenditure because this is what is in the furthest points in terms of what 73%
agenda. [Osinde Obare] billion last
technocrat behind year. However, from
the “adopt-a- self not just to vote and to ensure
polling station” strategy
this amount Sh2.2in his was
billion used to run operations and is a good they actually needed. Most expensive county vote
all your eligible neighbours
Trans Nzoia. I’m not a country,
spentNana Busia, and is now
as recurrent measure for which is the most expen- So when devolution came, county
executive as well, but also ensure that your
traitor, saBys Wamalwa recruiting and training 220,000 sive county government. governments were seen as better do everything possible to ensure
expenditure by its county
polling agents who will be
Laikipia and Nairobi were followed placed at ensuring the national (Sh billion)
the transparent counting and
deployed in all the 44,000 poll- by Homa Bay and Trans Nzoia counties, resources benefited as many people as tallying of votes in your polling
Busia. Bright boy seeks ing station spread across the which spent 11 per cent of their total possible at the grassroots.
expenditure on the offices of their gov- One way of doing this was to ensure County station.” Total Percentage
help to join Form One By PaulNASA
country. Wafula plans to send five
[email protected] Nominated Senator Dr Oburu
(ShtheB) funds
on executive
[email protected]
volunteers per polling station. ernors. as much money as possible is chan- Odinga said drive
The NASA presidential candi- Kisumu County and Tana River came nelled towards development expendi- 1. Tharakawould
–Nithi raise2.7 money   to 81% pay
date,TheRaila governors’
Oginga believesofficesthe of Laikipia, fifth and sixth, respectively, after their ture and this required that counties put agents and polls officials.  He
Nairobi City and
adopt-a-polling Lamu
station counties were
strategy governors spent 10 per cent of their as little money as possible in adminis- 2. Kisumu 6.8
thanked guests for turning out in
will most
help expensive
prevent to run
electoral last year,
mal- an
Ghanaian totalBusia
Nana expenditure
is creditedon running
with emploBying their tration to release
the adopt-a-polling thestrategBy
station rest of the funds
in his countrBy’s3. Lamu large numbers 1.9 to support79% the
practices shown.
polling stations and presidentialoffi ces.
elections last Byear won bBy the then opposition to do service delivery.
candidate Nana Akufo Ado. [Courtesy] 4. Vihiga campaign3.7 strategy. “This is74%not
voter from
turn the offiincefriendly
out of the Controller Other top spending offices of gover- From the data analysis, the office of conning, it is real,” he said.
Water and Irrigation Cabinet of Budget shows the three counties
counties. nors include Samburu (nine sharedperelectoral
cent), transition
the governor simi- of Turkana
ing others emerged
regardless as of 5. Taita/Taveta
ethnic Present3.3 at the function were74%
Secretary Eugene Wamalwa has spent
Mr Busia,the biggest
total expenditures
credited with of theirThe plan Kirinyaga (eight per cent) and Bomet
larities, and that the
is why least
he spenderdifferences,
had after onlytreating
one perothers with Nyanza
6. Uasin Gishu NASA
5.5 presidential cam-
dismissed accusations by NASA employing the samerunning strategy their gover- (seven per cent), which completed
accepted the to come centand of its
empathy wentand compas- paign secretariat coordinators
A boy whoMusaliaexcelledMudavadi
in last and nors’Ghana’s
during office. presidential elec- NASAlist of the top 10 most expensive
is recruiting NASA.  offi
“We ces towards
will heavily funding recurrent
borrow sion and expenditure 7.
the ability to earn the Kiambu 10.8
Oburu Odinga, Bob Madanji, 73%
year’s KCPE
Moses exam has that
Wetang’ula appealedhe is afor tionsThe last breakdown
year won by for Nanarecurrent 220,000of governors.
polling agents to for thehegovernor’s
from the Ghana success,” said. office.ofThe
respect second
others. 8. Homa Bay Woman Representative
5.7 Gladys
traitorsupport to enable
to the Western him
commu- expenditure—money
Akufo Ado, met seniorused NASA to pay sala- One of the main arguments
guard the votes for devo-like Ghanaians
“Kenyans best county didis Nyeri (two
“I wantpertocent), fol-for the rest
say that Wanga and Kisumu Deputy Gov-
Speaking school.
he donated a ries in in
officials theKisumu
governor’son Friday 
office, buy tea, 
Alliance plans to send
lution was that Nairobi had want lost
ensure a lowed by Kakamega
free credible, (threeRaila
of Africa, per cent) 9. Nyamira
is a man of fine 4.5
ernor and  Nyanza regional 73%
Owino from
school bus Siribo, Butula
to Kijana Wamalwa entertain
night at a fund guests anddinner
raising carryto five volunteers per polling
out county transparent elections and Mombasa
that is (four per cent).
sterling Makueni,
mission 10. Kajiado
and vision. In 5
adopt-a-polling station 72%
Constituency, scored 362School
Memorial Secondary marksinat administration
support functions, among oth-
the initiative. station “County Treasuries reflective of the will Uasin Gishu, Kericho,
of people. IvoryMandera,
Coast someKilifilocals referred nator Ruth Odinga.
The adopt-a-polling
the CS School.
said itHe was wrong ers,
He isshows
expected thattoLaikipia
train theCounty
poll spent should
station team also develop
has appoint-
This isand and Murang’a complete
why the adopt-a-polling- to him atthe list of 10
a function I attended on Others present were MPs Fred
expects totwo
MusingutoHigh Sh2.2abillion,
strategyrepresenting 48 per cent least spenders ondemocracy
the officesas ofagover- An analysis of(Nyando),
official spending
Seme MPdata
ed all theimplement strategies toyour votes,’’
for the brand him agents, the opposition regional
station strategy is critical to virus that cannot Outa James
School in Kakamega
a traitor because he County but in
is serving of thebelieve
leaders total expenditure
will safeguard on county safeguard nors.Busia said be conquered,” he said. for the financial
Nyikal, year 2016/17
Mathews by the
Owili and a
to lack
Cabinet of school
yet the fees
lose administration.
their votes against any ‘possible counties
mobilise local revenue
coordinators in the 47
He described Raila as an Afri- Raila is upbeat about Sunday host ofshows
the Standard the executives
local leaders and busi-
slot and in have
otherhis dreams of
governments. Thisatmade
rigging’ Laikipia
the polling County, under
stations. collection,
In NByanza the adopt-a- whilecan the Most expensive
Pillar who despite being a adopt-a-polling station strategy of these devolved
nessmen.governments gob-
The leadership
Ghananianof took former theGovernor But to get the full picture of the most bled up the biggest proportion of their
an engineer
served theKCPE
and Wetang’ula
in 2016
regimes and
of retired Joshua
guests at the Irungu, the through
funds drive top spenderfar National
polling station
team has Treasury
so should expensive
Kenyan was enjoying
and wide African and
county to
global sup-
and is urging
volunteer and
the the revenues
initia- on
The  Sunday
lished that the
passed, however
presidents Moiheand could notand
Kibaki joinI theterms of the sharestation
adopt-a-polling of recurrent
sys- expend- comply with the CRA
30,000 people
more than
2016 stoodrecurrent
port having firm as expenditure
an tive. “Ifor
uponcounty whatofleft them
all Kenyans stationwith
least propor- all
wonder school
why they dueare
lack of me iture
tem, as a it
saying fraction
workedoffor itsPresi-
total expendi-
The team Disbursement
has also Schedule in executives
ardent champion of human has to be factored
goodwill in.
yearning tions funding
for change the new projects.
regional coordinators in 47
ture in and
2016/17. If all the expenditure by county exec- The datacounties
from thewho office of the Con-
fees. “I am in
serving yearning
president to join
Uhuru’s dent Ado would also work in appointed the disbursement
countBy of
rights the
and good governance.
utives iswas
and supporting
our liberation
Nithi, troller
will be superin-
secondary schoolsaid
government,” but Wamalwa.
my motherHe Kenya The office
if well of the governor of Nairobi
implemented. coordinators, sub countBy Busia told Kenyans that it movement to do their part and of Budget
tended shows
by BusiaTharaka Nithi
as the National
cannot afford
clarified to he
that paywas
thenotfees,” he
opposed City, which
“It will help was under Drpeo-
in mobilising Evans Kideroand wardequitable
coordinators who share revenue
up to them to thinkKisumuand make andtheLamuvolunteer
counties became
at theirthe under Samuel
local polling Ragwa and Kisumu
the quest Primary School by the
for presidency pleattothe
vote time, came second
and watching against will work raised
after spend- with Busianationally.” right and informed most expensive
choices of tostations,”
run last year, having
he said under Jack Ranguma
on his official Some former eachand
had 81 perleg-
headteacher Redemptor
Luhya. “Mudavadi and Mutibo
Wetangula ingrigging,”
vote Sh5 billion, he representing
said. Busia 20 per the leaders who spent the biggestFacebook
had demon- share of page.
their reve- cent of their total expenditure
islators runningwill
and party officials
Controller of Budget’s report nues
served in Owino as a regimes
previous humble and I cent that
noted of its Kenya
total expenditure
and Ghanalast year. strated self-respect andon their executives.
respect- He added: “Take it uponoperationsyour- for their executive,
coordinate which
the programme.
wonder why boy.
they are against me
serving in Odanga]
Jubilee,” he said.
Redistribution is prohibited

SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard Week in review 21

Most expensive offices of the Governor (Sh million) Budget execution

Most expensive offices of the Governor Least expensive offices of the Governor
Govenors office/
As a percentage of
total expenditure
Govenors office
As a percentage of
total expenditure
Five counties broke
public finance law,
1. Laikipia 2,277 48% 1. Murang’a 200 3%
2. Nairobi City 5,068 20% 2. Kilifi 301 3%

new report shows

3. Lamu 400 20% 3. Mandera 295 3%
4. Homa Bay 622 11% 4. Kericho 155 3%
5. Trans Nzoia 650 11% 5. Uasin Gishu 148 3%
6. Kisumu 664 10% 6. Makueni 230 3% Five counties broke the public
finance law by spending the money
7. Tana River 344 10% 7. Mombasa 221 2% they collected at source instead of first
8. Samburu 364 9% 8. Kakamega 182 2% depositing it in an account, which can
only be accessed after authorisation.
9. Kirinyaga 357 8% 9. Nyeri 86 2% The Controller of Budget in her
Turkana 163 1% report lists Nairobi City, which spent
10. Bomet 359 7%
more money than it received as the big-
gest casualty at 160 per cent, Kilifi at
110.3 per cent, Mombasa at 104.1 per
Least expensive county cent, Wajir at 101.8 and Nandi at 101.2
County Executive executive expendure per cent.
Expendure (Sh billion) “These counties spent more than the
Percentage of total expenditure [email protected] funds authorised for withdrawal by the
spent on executive COB and may be attributed to spending
Mandera County Total Percentage of locally generated revenue at source
37% (Sh B) on executive contrary to Section 109 of the PFM Act
1. Mandera 10.1 37% 2012,” reads the report.
Marsabit This suggests that the counties
47% 2. Turkana 11.1 39% decided to bypass the bureaucracy
3. Marsabit 6.1 47% associated with approvals meant to cre-
ate some level of safeguards and
4. Wajir 8.2 47% instead spend the money they collected
5. Kakamega 10.8 47% without depositing it in an authorised
account as required by law.
Wajir 6. Makueni 8.9 48% Counties often blamed the national
47% 7. Kilifi 10.1 48% government for slow disbursement of
funds and this may have contributed to Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho
Uasin Gishu 8. Tana River 3.5 49% them breaking the law. It is not yet clear
73% 9. Murang’a 6.4 55% what action will be taken against them.
10. Kwale 5.8 55% The national equitable share of rev- cent and 103.5 per cent, respectively.
enue to county governments was Conversely, counties that recorded
Sh280.3 billion. Although the National the lowest proportion of local revenue
which will define their spending habits. Treasury had disbursed the full alloca- against annual targets were Kisii at 37.5
Tharaka –Nithi One of the biggest contributors to tion by the end of the financial year, per cent, Wajir at 33 per cent, Garissa at
81% the high recurrent expenditures is their Sh25.55 billion was disbursed on June 23.4 per cent and Mandera at 21 per
Murang’a inability to control their wage bills. 30, 2017, which was the last day of the cent.
55% The county executive mainly year. Counties that had the highest
Kiambu involves the office of the governor, amount of funds released for opera-
73% Tana River their ministers and employees work- Funding constraints tions were Nairobi City at Sh15.54 bil-
49% Lamu ing in various departments. “This, therefore, implied that some lion, Turkana at Sh12.8 billion and
79% Controller of Budget Agnes planned activities in FY 2016/17 could Kiambu at Sh11.35 billion.
Odhiambo identifies high expendi- not be implemented due to funding Those that received the lowest
Makueni ture on personnel emoluments, constraints,” the report notes. The amounts were Tharaka Nithi at Sh3.56
48% under-performance in revenue collec- delay in disbursements could explain billion, Isiolo at Sh3.51 billion and Lamu
Kajiado tion, failure by the National Treasury why some counties spent what they col- at Sh2.95 billion.
72% Taita/ to disburse the equitable share as some lected at source, but in so doing ended The best counties that used up most
Taveta that of the hindering effective budget exe- up breaking the law. of the money received or what is known
74% Kilifi h a d cution by county governments. On the contrary, the counties that as absorption rates were Wajir at 95 per
includes the 48% the big- had the least percentages of expendi- cent, Garissa at 94.1 per cent and Isiolo
office of the gov- gest cumu- Pending bills ture to funds released included; Tana at 92.5 per cent.
ernor and the county l a t i v e Ms Odhiambo also raises an alarm River at 78.8 per cent, Tharaka Nithi at
ministers. expenditure over the high levels of pending bills, 77.9 per cent, and Lamu at 67.5 per cent. Lowest absorption rates
To put it into per- used a lesser which stood at Sh35.84 billion as at the The Controller of Budget says despite Conversely, Nakuru, Tharaka Nithi
spective, Tharaka Nithi share of their end of the financial year, IFMIS connec- some counties spending more than and Lamu counties recorded the lowest
spent Sh2.7 billion last year. total expendi- tivity challenges that caused delays in what was approved; there was also a overall absorption rates at 70.7 per
From this amount Sh2.2 billion Kwale ture as a percent- processing of financial transactions drop in local revenue collection by the cent, 70 per cent, and 62.1 per cent,
was spent as recurrent expenditure. 55% age of their reve- and late submission of financial reports counties, which hurt service delivery. respectively.
This left it with just Sh500 million nues on running its by county treasuries that had affected During the reporting period, the Counties always make fancy budgets
being shared by the County Assembly executive, despite hav- budget implementation. counties collected Sh32.52 billion, rep- every year. Though budgets are good at
and development projects. ing the biggest wage bill. The Controller of Budget recom- resenting 56.4 per cent of the annual measuring the intention and the pri-
These were followed by Lamu Coun- On the flipside, Mandera was the mended that the County Public Service target of Sh57.66 billion, and a decrease orities of a government, unless imple-
ty, which spent 79 per cent of all its most efficient county after spending Boards (CPSB) ensure the wage bill of 7.1 per cent from Sh35.02 billion real- mented, they only remain mere plans
total expenditure last year on recurrent only 37 per cent of its expenditure on does not exceed 35 per cent of their ised in 2015/16, the report says. on paper.
expenditure by the county executive. its county executive, leaving it with the total revenue. “Low local revenue performance The best measure of performance is
The fourth most expensive county to biggest share of its revenues to fund “County Treasuries should also implied that some planned activities therefore how the counties eventually
run was Vihiga which spent 74 per cent new projects. develop and implement strategies to could not be implemented due to insuf- execute these plans and this is meas-
of its total expenditure to pay running The second cheapest county to run mobilise local revenue collection, while ficient funding,” it says. ured through the absorption rates.
bills by its executives. was Turkana (39 per cent), followed by the National Treasury should comply Nairobi City County generated the The highest absorption rates of
There are at least 13 counties where Marsabit, Wajir and Kakamega which with the CRA 2016 Disbursement highest amount of local revenue at development expenditure were
executives used up at least Sh7 of every each allocated about 47 per cent of Schedule in the disbursement of the Sh10.93 billion, followed by Mombasa reported by Machakos, Wajir, Bomet
Sh10 spent. their total expenditure on their county equitable share revenue raised nation- and Kiambu at Sh3.17 billion and Sh2.03 and Isiolo at 99.1 per cent, 90.1 per cent,
The other counties that made it to executive. The other counties that did ally,” the report says. billion, respectively. 89.3 per cent, and 88.6 per cent,
the top 10 list of the most expensive to well in terms of allocating less amounts “Further, County Governments The counties that generated the low- respectively.
run included Uasin Gishu, Kiambu, to fund their county executives include should ensure effective management of est amount were Wajir, Mandera and Counties with the lowest rates were;
Homa Bay, Nyamira and Kajiado, all of Makueni (48 per cent), Kilifi (48 per pending bills by aligning procurement Tana River at Sh75.91 million, Sh.55.84 Lamu, Nakuru, Nairobi City and Taita
whom spent between 72 per cent and cent), Tana River 49 per cent and plans to cash flow plans and the IFMIS million and Sh27.42 million, respec- Taveta at 38.3 per cent, 35.1 per cent,
73 per cent of their money on recurrent Murang’a (55 per cent). Directorate should address IFMIS con- tively. 33.4 per cent, and 28.6 per cent,
expenditure for executive dockets. The new county governments are nectivity challenges experienced by Analysis of local revenue as a propor- respectively. Absorption rate is
Ironically, counties such as Nairobi now preparing their first budgets, most counties in FY 2016/17.” tion of the annual revenue target indi- computed as a percentage of total
cates that Marsabit and Turkana coun- expenditure to the Approved Budget.
ties surpassed their targets at 107.3 per [Paul Wafula]
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22 Week in review Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

Send off  The late Calestous Juma’s funeral was attended by a number of dignitaries Development of the
Juma library, innovation
to keep his legacy alive
course the Institutes for Develop-
ment Studies in Kenya and Africa
Ben Sihanya conducted  some policy research.
But the entry point was (neo classi-
cal) economics. Hence interdiscipli-
narity was required as Prof Juma
and Prof Norman Clarke taught.
Two major examples here became
the Industrial Property Act 1989,
and the review of the relevant land
policy and law that would follow in
the post 1999 period. These benefit-
ed from work at ACTS under Prof
Juma, Prof HWO Okoth-Ogendo and

rof Calestous Juma (or CJ as other scholars and policy analysts.
we used to call him) is one of Happily, some of the needed
few men and women who research had been addressed in
happen on this earth or in one’s life Juma’s magnum opus, The Gene
and leave it fundamentally and pos- Hunters: Biotechnology and the
itively transformed. Prof Juma who Scramble for Seeds (1986). I was a
was buried yesterday in Bunyala, policy research assistant as ACTS
Busia County, leaves a rich legacy in researchers insightfully reviewed
(From left) Prof Calestous Juma’s widow Aliston, their son Erick and relatives at his burial in Budalang’i, Busia yesterday. (Below) Kenya, Africa and the world, and a the numerous statutes, common
Scholars carry the casket of the fallen professor, on Friday. [Chrispen Sechere, Standard] decent family of his wife Mrs Alison law rules, and public policy docu-
Field-Juma, son Eric Kwada Field ments to establish meaning, points

Accolades pour as
Juma, and his sister. I first met Prof of convergence and divergence, as
Juma in late 1989 after my first year well as reform initiatives with sup-
at the University of Nairobi Law port from the Ford Foundation, and
School. I became the Prof Andrew the Swedish International Develop-
Frieldland intern on getting a letter ment Agence (Sida), among others.

renowned scholar
of introduction by our then consti- Third, Prof Calestous Juma con-
tutional law lecturer, Prof JB tributed to constitutional politics
Ojwang, the Board Member and and governance directly and indi-
Dean of Scholars at the African Cen- rectly through the five or so other
[email protected] tre for Technology (ACTS). I needed fields mentioned above. Prof Juma

Juma is laid to rest

to keep busy, especially with clarified that policy research had
research, and to maintain my then the potential of being non-partisan
recently widowed mother and or neutral. But that effective policy
orphaned and siblings. A honorari- research must take into account the
um of Sh1,000 per month was great (political) interests of the key
then. I worked at ACTS even after implementers and beneficiaries.
graduating and kept in touch even That policy research could be posi-
Speakers ment. when he taught at the Havard Ken- tively impactful and rewarding to
described the late Juma founded the African nedy School. all concerned. But there were also
professor as an Centre for Technology Stud- Prof Juma influenced at least six risks and challenges especially
ies in Nairobi in 1998. Profes- fields: Innovation and intellectual associated with the interests of gate
international icon with keepers. These informed one of the
sor John Ouma Mugabe, property, public policy analysis,
a reputation. Juma’s student for 27 years constitutional politics and govern- key lasting legacies of Prof Juma.
hailed the late professor for ance, science in diplomacy, environ- Prof Juma also moderated debates
BBy Ignatius Odanga his mastery in the world of mental and natural resources gov- on political or constitutional gov-
[email protected] innovation, science and tech- ernance, and education, training, ernance between the radicals (liber-
nology. He said Juma used to research and mentoring. I focus on als?) and conservatives. Some of
The late Harvard Univer- train students and not teach. the first three, partly because a lot the work is in at least two treasure
sity scholar Prof Calestous Juma’s only surviving Sis- has been said about the fields. troves from Prof Juma’s pen: Inno-
Juma was laid to rest yester- ter, Rosylidah Juma First, Prof Juma introduced most vation and its Enemies: Why Some
day at his ancestral home in described her brother as a of us to innovation and intellectual People Resist New Technologies and
Bumina village in a ceremony friend. She recalled how the property. Of course he led in main- the New Harvest  (2015).
that was attended by aca- two used to text each other streaming innovation in law, gov- Prof Juma’s work at ACTS, at the
demia. even when her brother was ernment policy, in academia, and Secretariat of the Convention on
The funeral was also sick. public discourse in Kenya and Afri- Biodiversity and at the Havard Ken-
attended by a number of dig- Though professor wished ca. He led us in drafting the policy nedy School was immensely sup-
nitaries from within and his funeral not to be politi- document and the Bill under the ported by his wife Mrs Alison Filed-
without the country. The cised, politicians who graced leadership of then Attorney General Juma whom he married in 1987, and
family complied with Juma’s the occasion had a thing or Amos Wako, Registrar Joseph lately by their son Eric Juma, too.
final resting place to face the two to say that touched on in the village did not deter Kisumu following the August King’arui and Director of the Many will continue to celebrate Prof
west since he enjoyed watch- politics. him from becoming a star. He 8 Election. National Council on Technology. Juma’s life and legacy. He drafted a
ing the sunset. National Super Alliance said the death of Juma Because of the unrest, The Kenyan and African debate memoir partly on his deathbed and
leader Raila Odinga and his should be a wakeup call to Wanjala said professor spent on innovation and intellectual prop- sent to some of us in December 2017
Intellectual powerhouse two core principals Musalia leaders to work together.  his night in Kisumu. “He was erty has influenced most sectors of to send comments in the summer of
He had constructed his Mudavadi and Moses “He was a top professor at dropped at home around the economy as well as academic 2018.
house strategically on the Wetang’ula attended the a top university; let us emu- 6:30am by a vehicle his disciplines including (neo) classical I happily learnt from Eric Juma
shores of Lake Victoria to burial. late Juma’s example and friend Munra Patel offered,” economic which had only recog- that he had edited Innovation and
enable him see the sunset Former Cabinet secretar- unite because he advocated Wanjala said. nised four factors of production: its Enemiesthe same way he is edit-
whenever he was in the vil- ies Judy Wakhungu and Ami- for peace and unity,” Wako He spent two days in Bun- land, labour, capital and entrepre- ing Prof Juma’s memoirs tentatively
lage. na Mohamed represented the said. yala before he left for Amer- neurship. And Prof Juma has entitled The University Drop-in….in:
Speakers poured special Government, and the former Area MP Raphael Wanjala ica and promised to return worked with regional and continen- A Memoir.. So we hope and pray for
tributes to the late Professor read President Uhuru Keny- said there was need for the soon. His mother Clement tal organsiations, as well as heads of some continuity in the development
of Science and Technology, atta’s message of condolence. late professor’s agenda to be Juma later died and was bur- state to integrate science, technolo- of the Juma library and movement
describing him as an interna- Busia Senator Amos Wako implemented.   ied in December. gy and innovation into trade, in innovation, public policy analysis
tional icon of repute. said Juma was an ambitious Juma was in the village for Under strict doctor’s investment, and international rela- and (institutional) governance. We
He was lauded for building and industrious man who the last time in August last instructions, the professor tions or diplomacy. are “burying” your bones but will
an intellectual powerhouse always aimed at achieving year to see his mother Clem- could not travel to attend the Second, before 1989, public policy keep your “word.” Fare thee well,
drawing from vast network something in life. ent Juma who was ailing. funeral since he was receiv- discourse was referred to in an ad Prof Claesous Juma; innovator, poli-
of thinkers with most from He said the fact that the The journey to the village ing medication. The late pro- hoc are anecdotal and occasional cy analyst, Kenyanist, Africanist,
academic institutions and late professor attended pri- was cut short for a day over fessor is survived by his wife manner in Government and as an public intellectual, mentor and role
research arms of govern- mary and secondary schools violence that had erupted in Alison and son Erick. afterthought (or as “policy implica- model par excellence.
tions”) in academic, operational, Prof Sihanya is a scholar and an
business and related research. Of advocate 
Redistribution is prohibited

Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard Week in review 23

Territorial war
Bleak future?   First SGR freight train left Mombasa on Monday for Embakasi container terminal

Kenya risks heavy

penalty in border
row with Somalia
Kenya could be forced to compensate Somalia over oil exploration
on a disputed sea area if the neighbouring country wins a case being
adjudicated at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
The case lodged by Somalia on August 28, 2014 is set to gain full
steam after Kenya lost preliminary objections last year. The govern-
ment was then required to file a substantive response to the main case
in December last year.
And although Kenya, through the Office of the Attorney General Githu
Muigai, complied with the orders by December 22nd, officials have
remained tight-lipped on the content and nature of the defence they
“Unfortunately, it is neither procedural nor possible to release docu-
ments in custody of the ICJ. These are confidential documents. It is only
the ICJ that can give these documents and this would only be with the
concurrence of the other party (Somalia),” an official at the AG office
wrote to the Sunday Standard.
President Uhuru Kenyatta flags off the first Standard Guage Railway (SGR) line cargo train loaded with 99 containers at the Port of The Attorney General who put up a spirited fight inside the ICJ court-
Mombasa on May 30, 2017. [File, Standard] room last year but lost, did not respond to our inquiries. His fate in the
wake of Friday’s Cabinet purge remains unknown.

Fears of trade, job loss

In the secretive defense known in court parlance as a “memorial,”
Kenya is understood, to have insisted on its boundary with Somalia
being along a parallel of lati-
tude as was decreed in the

as SGR takes on cargo

presidential proclamation of Oil exploration
It is also rooting on a second Block L-13 is the closest on
Presidential Proclamation in the shores of Somali and Kenya.
2005 as well as its submission Zarara Oil & Gas Limited, a
to the United Nations Commis- subsidiary of Midway Resources
sion on the Limits of the Conti- International has been on the
site since 2011 and by 2013 had
Experts and tion of Kenyan exports. David Ndii, the shift of the Some road haulage firms, nental Shelf (UNCLCS) in 2009.
completed 6,262 line kms of
economists say many Logistics experts and econ- logistics and port services like the Bayusuf Transporters, “Kenya asserts that all her gravity-magnetic data across
logistics units in omists continue to debate on from Mombasa to Nairobi and have recently scaled down activities including naval the block.
economic effects of the mega Naivasha will lead to a drop in their investment, with some patrols, fishery activities,
Mombasa, like the Block L-5 straddles the
projects, but concur that many the county’s revenue. either selling off their trucks marine and scientific research equidistant line. Three
container freight logistics units in Mombasa, “It does not make sense or investing in the real estate as well as oil and gas explora- companies contracted by the
stations, will be like the container freight sta- when we move port services industry. tion are within the maritime Kenyan government have
affected, but add they tions, will be affected. away from the port. It will ulti- Mombasa-based Sanghani boundary established by Kenya operated in the block since July
can re-invent “The CFS business in Mom- mately increase the cost of Transporters says it has and recognised and respected 2000 and include Star
themselves to remain basa will be worst hit by these trade,” says Dr Ndii, who is decided to invest in the min- by both parties since 1979,” a Petroleum, Dana Petroleum,
in business. projects but they can re-invent also an Opposition’s strate- ing industry to generate cargo statement from AG’s office said. Woodside Petroleum, Anadarko
themselves,” says Meshack gist. for its fleet in the light of the In the memorial, Kenya is Kenya Corporation and Total
Kipturgo, Siginon Group Man- “We made the same mis- SGR project. also insisting on a negotiated S.A of France.
BBy Benard Sanga aging Director. take with the establishment of solution.At stake in the case are Total SA also operated Block
[email protected] He says the freight station Export Processing Zones Logistical challenges seven oil blocks awarded to for- L-22 since 2012 undertaking 2D
operators in Mombasa will (EPZ) in Nairobi and Thika and “We started the iron ore eign companies on concession and 3D seismic survey and sea
On Monday, the first Stand- have to either diversify or the we were not able to compete mining in Taita Taveta to cre- basis. Kenya has since claimed core drilling operations. Blocks
ard Gauge Railway (SGR) ate cargo for our transport L-21, L-23 and L-24 were
stations be turned into value with Bangladesh and India.” exploratory activities in the
operated by Italian company
freight hurtled its way from addition or transshipment He said disturbing a com- section,” says RK Sanghani, area have been suspended as a
[email protected] Eni SPA while Block 26 was
Mombasa with hundreds of centres if they want to remain plex logistic system in Mom- the firm’s Managing Director. sign of good faith but Somali operated by Norwegian
containers and in its midst afloat. basa, which has worked for On Monday, the first SGR insists this is not enough: company Statoil when it pulled
stoking fears among freight decades, will have adverse freight train left Mombasa for “Adjudge and declare that out after Somali complained
business agents. Ideal place effects on the economy. the newly refurbished Kenya, by its conduct in the dis- Joint venture of Jordanian
Mombasa Governor Hassan “It is also true that most Other than the road haulage Embakasi inland container puted area, has violated its Oil company Edgo and Qatar
Joho says the SGR freight clearing services will find Nai- sector, clearing, forwarding terminal in Nairobi with a international obligations to First Investment Bank calling
trains, the Naivasha dry port robi an ideal place to set their and warehousing service pro- total of 102 containers. respect the sovereignty, and itself Lamu Oil & Gas Limited
and Embakasi inland contain- shop because over 40 per cent viders in Mombasa also fear The container freight sta- sovereign rights and jurisdic- took over the block in July 2012
er depot (ICD) would affect of the cargo will be evacuated they may lose out in business tion concept was started in tion of Somalia, and is respon- but relinquished its license in
the multi-billion shilling con- to Embakasi by the SGR,” says or be forced to relocate to Nai- 2000 to address logistical sible under international law to 2013 due to “the technical
tainer freight station business Kipturgo. robi. challenges in Mombasa Port make full reparation to Soma- difficulties of drilling in [the
in Mombasa. According to the SGR Kenya Transport Associa- due to lack of enough space. lia,” Somalia says in its claims. block’s] very deep water”
He says the projects would financing agreements seen by tion (KTA) statistics indicate With the construction of In the past, maritime experts
lead to either relocation of the Sunday Standard, the that there are over 1,600 the second container terminal have warned that Kenya could
logistics and transport busi- Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) trucks operating along the and revitalising the use of its lose the main case if past rulings of the court were anything to go by.
ness to Nairobi or Naivasha or is obligated to allocate 40 per northern corridor, which inland container deports, 21 Their arguments are based on the fact that the method adopted by
a complete shutdown, leading cent of its total container transport over 95 per cent of container freight station oper- Kenya to claim the maritime border -- parallel of latitude -- is seldom
to massive job losses at the throughput to the SGR. cargo passing through Mom- ators in Mombasa fear they relied on by the court as compared to Somalia’s equidistant line
port city. The KPA now says the basa. could be rendered irrelevant. approach.
Joho says the construction Embakasi ICD will act as a one- “We have done a study and Last year, Prof Musili Wambua, a maritime law expert said the only
of the Naivasha dry port and stop centre for the clearance identified many ways we can way Kenya can avoid losing is by demonstrating existence of “very
expansion of Embakasi ICD of cargo destined for Rwanda, “It does not make still remain afloat,” says Dan- strong circumstances which warrant a departure from the equidistant
was Jubilee regime’s plan to Uganda, Burundi and South sense when we move iel Nzeki, the chief executive line advocated by Somalia.”
weaken Mombasa’s economy Sudan. officer of Container Freight “It is only in Nicaragua v Honduras that the ICJ departed from the
and status as the region’s Other logistics experts say port services away Station Association of Kenya. principle of equidistant special circumstances principle/rule and
logistics hub. establishing industrial parks from the port. It He says some freight sta- applied bisector method because equidistant could not produce equi-
The national Government, upcountry will create an addi- will ultimately tions would become value table outcome,” Wambua said.
however, says the aggressive tional transport cost for Ken- addition centres but In its preliminary objections, Kenya had argued that a 2009 Memo-
infrastructure expansion is yan goods and make them increase the cost of expressed confidence that randum of Understanding with Somalia acknowledging a dispute and
aimed at reducing logistics non-competitive at the global trade.” with projected increase in vowing not to challenge each other’s claims pending process of regis-
costs along the northern cor- market. Economist David Ndii
cargo throughput at the port tering borders removed the matter from ICJ scope.
ridor and boosting value addi- According to economist they will still be in business. On top of the reparations, Somalia also wants Kenya to hand it over
all seismic data acquired in areas that are disputed “and to repair in full
all damage that has been suffered by Somalia. [Nzau Musau]
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24 Week in review Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

Corridors of justice

Reprieve for governor in academic papers suit

The High Court in Malindi has reasonable doubt that the aca- Kenya and the originating coun- letter from the CUE confirming the University Standards and
dismissed a petition challenging demic certificates of Governor try. that the degree was genuine and Guidelines of 2014, the qualifica-
the academic qualifications of Godana were forged. The judge also relied on evi- he was eligible to vie for the tion was still recognized as a
Tana River Governor Dhadho The court found that through dence of the second respondent, gubernatorial office. degree in Ireland and thus dully
Godhana. the Commission for University Tana River Returning Officer “I find that the interested party recognized in Kenya by conven-
Lady Justice Asenath Ongeri, Education (CUE), the degree Mohamed Raka who said that has clarified the issue that tion as envisaged in article 2(6) of
while delivering the ruling on Fri- Dhadho acquired from the Image Godhana had presented to him a although the degree do not equal the constitution of Kenya,” ruled
day, said the petitioner Mohamed Development Study Centre Uni- degree certificate from Kirange to a similar degree offered in Lady Justice Ongeri. [Nehemiah Tana River County Governor
Hatu had failed to prove beyond versity in Ireland was valid in Development Study centre and a Kenya as per the standards set by Okwembah] Dhadho Godhana

Wrangles   In his absence, Senator Outa and Speaker Oloo have accused Deputy Governor Owili of mismanaging Kisumu County
In Brief

Nyong’o tells political rivals

not to celebrate his illness
Uasin Gishu. Millers
told not to hike prices
National Assembly Agriculture
Committee Chairperson Silas
Tiren has hit out at millers for
raising maize flour prices, terming Prof Nyong’o opens up ing to return home to continue
them as unfair and aimed at on his hip bone surgery with his work. “At times, this
taxing poor Kenyans. The Moiben in the US and says he is His confirmation is expected can be extremely
MP said it was unfortunate that to bring to rest speculation
the millers were out to gain
is free of prostate
that has hit Kisumu County annoying and
profits at the expense of cancer he was over his health. upsetting,
wananchi, yet they still had diagnosed with in 2010. During his absence, a war of especially
subsidised maize in their stores. words broke out between his
“We expected that the subsi- BBy John Oywa Deputy Mathews Owili, Sena- when political
dised maize would last until [email protected] tor Fred Outa and County busybodies reduce
February. It is unfortunate that Assembly Speaker Onyango the important
Kisumu Governor Anyang’ Oloo. The Speaker and the
the millers are taking advantage
of Kenyans, raising the prices to Nyong’o has expressed anger Senator accused Dr Owilli of
matter of one’s
almost double yet they still have [email protected]
at political detractors he said mismanaging the county in health to platform
and some are still taking the were wishing him death as he Nyong’o’s  absence, a claim the discourse, carried
subsidised maize,” said the
legislator. He urged the millers to
recovers from a surgery to
replace his hip bone.
deputy governor denied.
In a statement, Nyong’o
out for pure self-
first exhaust the subsidised Prof Nyong’o yesterday said detailed why he sought medi- aggrandisement,
maize. [Joan Letting] he was recovering well after an cal help in the US and regretted in words that
operation at a San Francisco
hospital in the United States
that some people had tuned
this into political gossip.
are insincere,
but described those he accused dishonest, callous
 Homa Bay. Fire injures of celebrating his illness as Hip replacement surgery and absolutely
two, razes property “heartless busy bodies”.
“While some godforsaken
He said he had injured his
hip bone in an accident on
individuals are writing my Kiambu Road in Nairobi in Prof Anyang’ Nyong’o
obituary at home, I feel quite November 2016 but did not
good about myself though I seek proper medication due to
miss home very much,” Prof the campaigns.
Nyong’o said in a long emo- The governor said doctors “I am already recovering
tional opinion piece published who examined him in Nairobi from a 90-minute surgery a
in a local daily yesterday. early this year after he started week ago, which saw the hip-
“At times, this can be developing complications bone getting replaced with an
extremely annoying and upset- noticed a crack at the top of his artificial one,” he said.
ting, especially when political hip bone and recommended “Currently, I am on outpa-
busybodies reduce the impor- further specialised medica- tient care involving nursing
Two people were injured and tant matter of one’s health to tion. care, physiotherapy, occupa-
property worth millions of platform discourse, carried out “For almost a year, due to tional therapy and weekly vis-
shillings destroyed when a fire for pure self-aggrandisement, the constraints of the cam- its to the doctor.”
broke out in Homa Bay town in words that are insincere, paigns and election calendar, I In an apparent stab at those
yesterday. Elvin Atieno, 21, and her dishonest, callous and abso- have been surviving on pain- discussing his health, Nyong’o
one-year-old daughter sustained lutely uncivilised.” killers, which have been regu- said: “Some of us who are
burns and were rushed to Homa larly prescribed by my pain workaholics need to remind
Bay County Referral Hospital. The Return home management doctor,” Prof ourselves that we are mere
fire burnt down 15 business Nyong’o said the experience Nyong’o said. Kisumu Governor Anyang’ Nyong’o at a past function. [File, Standard] human beings, mortal and sus-
premises after efforts by and the rumours had made “Many may have observed ceptible to all the dangers of
residents to put it out failed. A him know his enemies and me limping from time to time poor health.”
trader, Sophie Achieng’, said the friends. as we struggled for the better- whole operation took 90 min- support I got from Kenyans, He said it was National
fire razed her goods worth Sh2 His absence from office since ment of our county and coun- utes.” especially men who knew so Super Alliance (NASA) leader
million. “The fire burnt my entire mid-December has sparked try. Nyong’o also used the little about prostate cancer. I leader Raila Odinga who
store of goods comprising political speculation among “Without going into much opportunity to assure the peo- thank God that I can now safe- advised him not to hurry com-
furniture equipment and other his colleagues, resulting in a detail, I have all along been ple of Kisumu that he is now ly say that beast was success- ing back until he was sure all is
items. The incident has caused fall-out among top officials in waiting for an opportune healed of the prostrate cancer fully laid to rest,” the governor well.
more trouble in my family after the county government. moment for the hip replace- he was diagnosed with in 2010. said. “I can now appreciate that
injuring my daughter and This follows claims some of ment surgery as the last solu- He said that in July 2010, Prof Nyong’o, who last week advice. This was a major sur-
grandchild,” said Achieng’. MCAs them were celebrating his ill- tion to my problem.“ while he was Minister for Med- won an election petition filed gery, not as simple as I thought.
Joan Ogada of Kojwach ward, ness. He added: “My doctors have ical Services, he was diagnosed by his predecessor Jack There have been very trying
Michael Nyang’i (Kochia) and Yesterday, Prof Nyong’o always told me that it is not a with prostate cancer and he Ranguma, dispelled rumours times, but my wife Dorothy has
Charles Awino (Gem East) came out to confirm he has very complicated surgery. In sought treatment in San Fran- he was still sick and could stay always been there to give me
promised to create legislation been indeed unwell but said he many ways, it is more like cisco, US.. in the US longer than antici- the support and encourage-
that will cushion the residents had recovered and was prepar- repair work in a garage. The “I was encouraged by the pated. ment I need,” he said.
against losses caused by fire.
[James Omoro]
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Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard Week in review 25

Murder most foul   Assailant doused house with petrol and locked door from outside

stops We need answers, kin say as
hiring of
KMA boss inquest opens into 5 deaths
Probe fails to link probe.  The inquest means the
The High Court in Mombasa woman to killing of kin will have to wait longer to
has suspended the ongoing family in house fire on know the truth and eventually
recruitment of the new Director find closure.
the Eve of Christmas 
General of the Kenya Maritime Ochuodho’s inconsolable
Agency (KMA). first wife, Jane Achieng, says
Justice Erick Ogola issued the BBy Mark Oloo the loss may be difficult to fill
orders to halt the exercise aimed [email protected] even after justice prevails.
at filling the post which fell “All we want is to know the
vacant in 2015 when Nancy Kari- Six family members shared truth. We want to know who
githu was appointed Maritime dinner after a day well spent. did this and what he or she
and Shipping Affairs PS. The Three hours later, five lay died.  wanted to achieve,” says a
order was issued on Friday after An assailant doused Damian crestfallen Achieng who urges
a Mombasa based civil society, Ochuodho’s house with petrol, well-wishers to support her.
Commission for Human Rights locked the door from outside But the long wait could make
and Justice (CHRJ), made an and set it ablaze, killing the five her pain even greater.
application questioning the pro- in cold blood.  Ochuodho had spent his last
cedure. The murder of Mr Ochuod- day at his tobacco farm, and
Justice Ogola said the decision ho, his wife Lencer Aoko and even though there had been
to advertise for the post and their three children aged seven domestic squabbles between
shortlisting was done in a hurry months, 4 years and 13 years, him and Akinyi (his second
without public participation as abruptly ended the festive wife), there was no indication
stipulated in the Constitution.    mood that had enveloped anyone would have wanted
“The leave is granted to oper- Okumbo village in Kamgund- him dead. 
ate as a stay of the said intended ho, Migori County, on Decem- When Sunday Standard vis-
interview of the shortlisted per- ber 24, 2017.  ited the homestead, Achieng
sons for the post of the Director Relatives say the man mar- had just returned from a burial
General pending hearing and ried Aoko four years ago after [email protected] committee meeting.
determination of the suit,” he the death of her husband. Bishop Samuel Mark of
ordered. Emmanuel Wasonga, a Maranatha Faith Assembly
According to court documents, neighbour who was among the Emmanuel Wasonga (left) and Jennifer Agola sift through items recovered from a house that was set church was offering prayers at
the bone of contention is the first to arrive at the scene, just ablaze killing five family members in Okumbo village, Migori County. [Caleb Kingwara, Standard] the home. 
composition of the KMA board, after 2am, recovered charred “It’s time to be together in
which the petitioner says is remains of the three children. prayer,” the bishop said, hold-
improper. “The board is not prop- Ochuodho and his wife suc- on who was behind the attack.  minute decision to spend the answers.  ing Ochuodho’s portrait. 
erly constituted as its chairman, cumbed shortly after being “Just why did someone do night at a neigh- Ochuodho, a livestock trad- The five family members
Malimu Digore, had resigned to rescued from the burning this to my family?” asks the bour’s home. er, had two other wives, one of were set to be buried tomor-
contest the Matuga parliamen- house.  Form Two student, who cheat- He is des- whom was arrested in connec- row but area chief Samuel

“Whoever set the house ed death after he made a last- perate for tion with the attack. However, Onjiko told the Press burial
ablaze also bolted the door Benta Akinyi was this week arrangements had been put on
from outside,” said Mr Wason- released on a free bond after hold awaiting communication
Year seat fell vacant after ga. “Everything is in order so police failed to link her to the from Governor Okoth Obado’s
former director was appointed The act, locals say, was far. We urge well-wishers incident.  office.
deliberate and calculated.  “We couldn’t find anything “Everything is in order so
Principal Secretary
At the home, the burnt to support this family. This linking her to the attack. An far. We urge well-wishers to
house stands desolate, and tragedy is of a magnitude inquest file has been opened support this family. This trag-
tary seat,” states CHRJ Executive heaps of seared household never witnessed in this and will be handed to edy is of a magnitude never
Director Julius Ogogoh. items are tucked in a shrub the courts soon,” witnessed in this area. We will
Digore’s replacement is yet to outside the compound to keep area. We will continue Migori County continue working with the
be named. According to Ogogoh, away the smell of death.   working with the county police command- county government to ensure
the time given between the The couple’s 14-year-old government to ensure er Joseph we support this cause to the
advertisement and date of short- son, who survived the attack, Nthenge said
listing for the interview was too is shattered and so are other
we support this cause when asked
end,” Mr Onjiko told Sunday
short to enable public participa- relatives. Their pain is that two to the end,” Chief Samuel about the pro- - Additional reporting by Caleb
tion. weeks on, there’s still no word Onjiko gress of the Kingwara
“The advertisement was done
by the chairman, finance and
human resources committee,
instead of the board chairman or
the legal officer of the corpora- Crime
tion,” states the petition.
Cosmas Cherop has been serv-
ing as Director General (DG) since
Mrs Karigithu left.
KMA has tried to recruit the
Seven in trafficking case re-arrested
new DG four times from the time Police in Mombasa have witnesses in a case they testify in the case against cates they do not obey
the postion became vacant, but re-arrested seven Indian have charged the owner of the club owners who were court orders,” said Ombeta.
the process has been halted each women from a club in Nyali a popular club in Nyali for charged on Friday. The suspects pleaded not
time due to competing interests hours after they were human trafficking. The women were work- guilty before Senior Princi-
in the maritime sector. released by the Shanzu Law Shama Club owners ing as patrons at the afflu- pal Magistrate Diana Moch-
Among those that had been Courts for lack of evidence. Zubeir Javaid Deen and ent Shama Club located in ache but were detained
shortlisted for the post are They were released by Shama Javaid Deen were the suburbs of Nyali. until Tuesday when the rul-
Cherop, the authority’s head of senior principal magistrate charged on Friday with two Yesterday, Ombeta pro- ing will be made on wheth-
commercial shipping John Omin- Diana Mochache on Thurs- charges of trafficking, tested the re-arrest, term- er they will be freed on
go, former Kenya Ferry Services day after their lawyer Cliff recruiting and harbouring ing it “infringement of the bond. 
(KFS) Managing Director Musa Ombeta opposed an appli- three Indian nationals with right of my client” since Senior State Prosecutor
Hassan Musa, Eunice Wahuni, cation by the police to the purpose of exploitation they never agreed to be Jamii Yamina filed a stay
Maritime Consultant Stanley detain them for four days. by use of deception, threats State witnesses. before High Court Judge
Ndenge Chai and Julius Segera. The suspects had been in and coercion. “It is unlawful for the Justice Eric Ogolla who
The interviews for the short- detention for five days According to police, the police to hold my clients in directed the women be Some of the detained Indians at the Shanzu Law
listed candidates was scheduled pending police investiga- women were held by Wit- police custody for five days. placed under witness cus- Courts in Mombasa, when they were detained over
to take place tomorrow. tion. The State wants the ness Protection Unit offic- The police acted with impu- tody. claims of child trafficking last Friday. [Kelvin Karani,
[Benard Sanga]  seven women to be State ers and are scheduled to nity and the re-arrest indi- [Joackim Bwana] Standard]
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26 Week in review Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

Food reserves

sell maize Billionaire threatens to ditch dirty Malindi
to raise
Italian billionaire Flavio Bria-  He however said he was not in many European tourists and has the criticism levelled at him
tore has threatened to withdraw a hurry to leave and that he will a strong historical bond with when other hotels in the area
his investments in Malindi town stay around for a decade before Italy. It was once named the had built sea walls.

fees owing to poor business environ-

ment in Kenya.
 Briatore, who owns the Bil-
pulling out if the business envi-
ronment does not change for the
cleanest town in Africa,” he said.
  Briatore singled out the
expansion of Malindi Airport as
 “In most developed countries,
the government builds walls at
the sea to protect investments.
lionaire Resort and the Lion in   “For the last seven years, I one of the key issues turning for- Sand has now accumulated on
Government delays in paying the Sun Beach Resort, said have not seen any improvement eign investors away from the the wall here at Billionaires and
for maize delivered to the Nation- Malindi town had become too of potholed roads and garbage area. it will become a beautiful sandy
al Cereals and Produce Board dirty to attract and retain inves- clearing. Investors are no longer  The Italian has had a change beach,” he said.
(NCPB) has prompted some tors and tourists. interested in Malindi and now in heart and now says he will not The Billionaire Resort has 24
farmers to sell their surplus to “Investors cannot put their prefer Nairobi,” he said. sell Lion in the Sun as he had luxury suits owned by various
raise school fees. money on a stinking and filthy   The billionaire said he is declared last month. international celebrities. It
Some parents who rely on town whose roads are full of pot- hopeful President Uhuru Keny- He also defended his move to charges at least Sh100,000 a
maize farming as their sole holes,” he said on Thursday. atta’s administration will put in build a wall at the beach to pro- night.
source of income yesterday said His investments in Malindi measures to boost tourism. tect Billionaire Beach Resort  
they have been forced to sell what run into billions of shillings.  “Malindi is a darling town for from sea erosion and questioned [Nehemiah Okwembah]
they had reserved for domestic
use to enable them shop and pay
fees for their children as schools
opened for first term. Stuck  Hospital bill has hit Sh4 million and keeps growing
They sell to traders at low rates

Young graduate confined to

of between Sh2,200 and Sh2,300
per 90kg bag. The NCPB offers
Sh3,200 per bag.
The farmers said they supplied
their produce to NCPB depots

hospital a year after accident

after the government pledged
prompt payment but they have
been disappointed by the delays.
They said some of them delivered
their produce to the depots as
early as December 4, 2017 but are
yet to be paid. IT expert was hit my a the hospital unconscious,” he have not raised even half of the
“The government promised to vehicle and rushed to says. amount owed to the private
pay us within 24 hours of deliv- hospital, hurt and Dr Patson Kubuta, a resident [email protected] hospital.
ery. I supplied 150 bags of maize doctor at the hospital, says “I come from a humble back-
on December 17 with the hope of Karonei was immediately tak- ground. My father has even put
receiving payment before schools en to the theatre for extensive on sale a portion of the family
open. To date, I have not been BBy Nikko Tanui reconstructive surgery, which land but he is yet to get a buyer.
paid,” said Joel Momoen, a farm- [email protected] lasted for 13 hours. I did not celebrate Christmas
er in Kaptagat, Uasin Gishu Coun- “The patient had extensive because of the health problems
ty. For the last 385 days, tissue loss especially from the bedeviling me,” he tells Sunday
Momoen said he has no option 26-year-old Moses Karonei, left elbow and the lower back, Standard when we visited him.
has spent his days tossing and multiple deep lacerations on “I heard people had fun but

turning in pain in a hospital the head and face among other the past two Christmases have
bed. injuries,” he says. found me stuck in this hospital.
Karonei was involved in a The doctor adds that the I am in pain and under heavy
 Amount the farmers are road accident near Kipsitet past one year has seen Karonei sedatives,” says Karonei. 
selling a 90kg bag of maize to trading centre along the Keri- taken to theatre for multiple The accident victim says
traders while the NCPB offers cho-Kisumu Road on Decem- surgical debridement due to positive thinking is what has
Sh3,200 per bag. ber 15, 2016. multiple tissue necrosis and kept him going during his hos-
The Information Communi- has been undergoing daily pitalisation.
but to sell stocks he had stored cation and Technology (ICT) wound cleaning and dressing.
for food so that his children can graduate from Mt Kenya Uni- Karonei has also been on Pursue degree
go to school. versity was rushed to Siloam antibiotics and analgesics, and “I dream that one day I will
“The government is releasing Hospital in Kericho and has not has to attend physiotherapy walk out of this bed healed and
the payments in bits, paying only left the hospital since. sessions. pursue a masters degree in
for one or two-day supplies. They His only glimpse of the out- “Cervical spine X-ray and CT Information, Communication
should clear our payments as side world is through the tiny scans showed a burst fracture and Technology, so that I can
promised,” he said. window in Ward 9, which over- of the C-5 with a spinal com- get a better job and offset the
Jeremiah Kosgei, a maize trad- looks a tiny flower garden. pression of the same segment, huge debts my parents have
er, said they have bought stocks leading to paralysis of both incurred since my treatment
from desperate farmers. Evade pothole upper and lower limbs. started.
“We buy produce at Sh2,300 Karonei, who comes from Now he is unable to walk and I would also like to get mar-
per 90kg bag, which we in turn Tindiret Constituency in Nandi has a wrist drop of the left ried and get children as any
sell to local millers at Sh2,450. County recalls that it was hand,” says Dr Kubuta. other man my age would do,”
Farmers have turned up in large about 5.30pm and that he was The doctor adds that the he says.
numbers because they want on his way home from But for now Karonei is lost in
ready cash and we assist them,” Muhoroni Sugar, where he pain and an uncertain future,
said Kosgei, who buy maize from worked in the Information “Cervical spine not knowing when his family
farmers in Eldoret town. Technology Department when X-ray and CT scans will have enough money to pay
Wilson Tuwei, another maize he was knocked down by a his growing hospital bill.
farmer, said his plans of stocking speeding saloon car. showed a burst He even dares to hope that a
surplus have been interrupted The vehicle swerved to his fracture of the well wisher will come forward
because he has been forced to sell side in an attempt to evade a C-5 with a spinal to help foot his medical bill.
more for immediate cash. pothole on the section of the “As I look through my hospi-
“I have delivered 100 bags to road to the lakeside city, compression of Moses Karonei at his hospital bed at Siloam Hospital, Kericho. tal window and see happy peo-
the NCPB and I am still waiting Kisumu but the damage had the same segment, [Nikko Tanui, Standard] ple walking by, I pray that one
for payment,” he said. been done. leading to paralysis day I will get healed and live
An official at NCPB who did not “Though I flashed the lights life just like them,” he says.
want to be named, said the gov- to the lady driver to warn her
of both upper and young patient requires treat- looks grim for Karonei, since Well-wishers can send their
ernment had by yesterday about the uneven road, she lower limbs. Now ment for plastic and recon- the hospital bill for his more donations to Paybill Number:
released Sh395 million to be paid nonetheless swung to my lane he is unable to walk structive surgery, as well as a than 12 months stay at the hos- 909359. Account name: Moses
out to farmers.
The source said the amount
and knocked me down. The
accident happened so fast, I
and has a wrist drop motorised wheel chair with
specifications for spinal recon-
pital has hit Sh4 million.
Multiple fundraisers organ-
Karonei. Or Kenya Commercial
Bank (KCB) Account No:
would pay for supplies of five to did not have time to react to of the left hand,” struction. ised by Karonei’s parents, rela- 1148496769.
10 days from December 4. save myself. I was brought to Dr Patson Kubuta But the situation currently tives, friends and well-wishers
[Titus Too]
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SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard 27

[email protected]

Kawangware Primary School, Nairobi County

Kawangware Primary School, is a public school located in Kawangware area, in Nairobi.
The Headmistress is Madam Milliam Kelonge, who is deputized by Madam Rebecca Magare.
The school began in 1959 and has currently 264 candidates in this year’s Kenya Certificate of Primary Education
Examination. The BOM Chairperson is Madam Beatrice Mulatia. The top candidate last year (2017) was Monica Wanjiru
who scored 401 marks and was admitted to Moi Girls Isinya.

NiE Class Lesson: Ms. Annie Gitau – Newspapers in Education (NiE)

Manager conducts a lesson during the NiE Launch at the school.

NiE Cheque Signing: Mr. Moses Mwangi (left) signs the NiE Cheque,
assisted by Ms. Annie Gitau - Newspapers in Education (NiE) Manager,
Standard Group.

NiE Cheque handover: Mr. Moses Mwangi Mukami (right) presents the NiE cheque to Madam Milliam Kelonye – Head-teacher, Kawangware Primary
School, Nairobi (left), while Ms. Annie Gitau – Newspapers in Education (NiE) Manager, Standard Group looks on (center).
Mr. Moses Mwangi, the President of MLife Foundation, is the schools sponsor for the NiE Program in 2018. He is an alumnus of the school.
MLife Board Members: MLife Foundation Board members and the
Kawangware Primary Headmistress, with the NiE cheque after
presentation. They are from right; Headmistress Milliam Kelonye,
Mr. Moses Mwangi, Madam Kamaria Ventura and Madam Carol Jean

Launch Team: The Standard Team led by Mr. Zachary Otiende (third
right), the MLife Foundation Team, together with Madam Kelonye
(right) and Teacher Grace (second left) during the launch.
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28 Coffee Break Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

Coffee Break Puzzles

Find the path, solve the puzzle
Complete the grid so that numbers 1-132 connect
horizontally, vertically or diagonally:

Last week’s solution Last week’s solution

[email protected]

7 little words
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Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard Coffee Break 29

1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Across Down 6
7 8
6 Package (6) 1 Person who determines the 10

6 7 8 9 8 The capital of the U.S. State of course of a ship or a plane (9) C A S A B L A N C A R A K E

Hawaii (8) 2 Mercury, Mars or Saturn (6) 12
10 Illnesses (8) 3 Pursuing (7) T I S N O
11 Dally, loiter, tarry (6) 4 See 15 Across.
14 15 16 17
10 11 18

12 Shakespeare’s Prince of 5 Slumber, doze (5) 19

Denmark (6) 7 Drawbacks, handicaps, E C L A C I I
13 Push, prod (5) obstacles (13)
21 22
12 13
15 (& 19 Across & 4 Down & 14 9 The most junior (non- 23
Down) Proverb that suggests it commissioned) officer (5,8)
is difficult to instruct the elderly 14 See 15 Across.
15 16 17 (3,4,5,2,3,3,3,6) 16 Instance of two vehicles
17 Disregarded (7) narrowly avoiding a collision (4,4) Last week’s
19 See 15 Across. 18 Care for; hold dear (7)
19 20 20 Second-in-command (6) 20 As thrown in athletics (6)
22 Correct, rectify (6) 21 Number of tiles each player Across: 6 Dampen, 8 Director,
21 23 Hold back (8) starts with in a game of Scrabble 10 Casablanca, 11 Rake, 12 Victor,
24 Continues steadfastly (8) (5) 13 Sheriff, 14 Lynched, 16 T s eliot,
22 23 19 Relapse, 20 Sights, 21 Aria, 22
25 Dissimilar (6) Oldpossums, 23 Falsetto, 24 Resist.
Down: 1 Macavity, 2 Angler, 3 Oddness,
4 Broadens, 5 Bookof, 7 Practicalcats,
24 25 9 Cardiologists, 15 Exploits, 17
Optimism, 18 Headboy, 19 Reread, 20

[email protected]

Horoscope codeword
Scorpio – Oct 23 - Nov21 Pisces – Feb. 19 - Mar 20 Cancer – Jun 22-Jul 22
There is a sense of urgency You are liable to offend It would appear that you
about you as if you know someone this week and are on a collision course
that time is running out you may not care a bit. with someone whose
and you had better get serious about In fact, you might think it egoistic, elitist attitude
your aims and ambitions. In fact, you is time that certain people faced rubs you up the wrong way. You
have got a lot more time than you up to reality, even if your idea of should find it easy to change
appreciate but if you make a start reality differs radically from theirs. direction but if you are going to cast
now there will be less to do later on. Just make sure you don’t create doubts on their abilities make sure
resentment among those who you have the evidence to back it up.
Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec should be friends.
If others want to fight, Leo – Jul 23 - Aug 22
or hurl insults over trivial Aries – Mar 21 - Apr 19 There will be an explosive
issues, let them. Whatever Push yourself that little bit mixture of emotions in
disputes or disagreements harder this week. Attempt the air this week and all it
come your way this week refuse to something you would not will take to set it alight is the wrong
get involved. Once you are drawn dare to at any other time. There is word at the wrong time to the wrong
into one argument you will be drawn no guarantee of success but your person – and that is easily done. If
into several, so stay aloof right from solar chart indicates that something you do get involved in a quarrel don’t
the start. positive will come from your efforts, try to win. Just look for a compromise
even if it is not quite what you are solution.
Capricorn – Dec 22-Jan expecting.
19 With so much positive Virgo – Aug 23 - Sep 22
planetary activity affecting Taurus – Apr 20 - May 20 There is no telling where
your birth sign this week If you find yourself clashing you will end up this week –
you are likely to be of the opinion that with someone you live or maybe hundreds of miles
nothing can go wrong and even if it work with this week – and from where you started.
does you will know how to fix it. That by the look of your chart you will Even if it does not bother you all that
Last week’s answers

may be true but why take the risk? – don’t hold back: get rid ofevery much, your nearest and dearest
Focus on creativity rather than cash, are not so laid-back, so pick up the Using All the letters of the Alphabet, fill in the grid. To help you, there
negative thought and emotion that
principles rather than possessions is clogging up your system. The phone and let them know where you are three crossword-style clues:
and you will make some remarkable devastation may be immense but are – if you know, that is.
discoveries. You will feel better for it. Top:Passage to enter mob culture. (7)
Libra – Sep 23 - Oct 22 Middle line: Support teams, even those at the bottom (9)
Aquarius – Jan 20-Feb Gemini – May 21 - Jun 21 You can win or lose a lot of Bottom line: We met punk looking terribly untidy!a (7)
18 This could be a tricky This may be a week of money this week, or you can
week for you as you frenzied activity. Or it may throw in the hand you have
To start you off, here is one of the letters.
challenge someone in be a week when you take been dealt and never know
authority. Being the stubborn person what might have been. It is not for an by Rosy Russell
one look at the pile of work
youare there is not much chance of in front of you and give up before astrologer to advise you – the choice
you backing down but as there is not you start. The good news is that is yours alone. The planets suggest
much chance of you winning either the harder you work the more your the odds are roughly 50-50. Now it is
the prognosis is not a happy one. energy levels will increase. You may up to you.
How about a tactical retreat? even start to enjoy it.
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30 Weekend Business SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard

Bullish plan. The Trump administration has proposed a controversial plan to open up
protected areas in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans for offshore drilling. The five-year On Twitter:
plan expands drilling to most of the US outer continental shelf, including California and @ElonMuskNewsOrg
Maine, where drilling has been blocked for decades. Environmentalists called it a It’s okay to have all your eggs
“shameful giveaway” to the oil industry. The move fulfils US President Donald Trump’s in one basket, as long as you

promise to boost domestic oil and natural gas production. [BBC] control what happens to that

[email protected]


MARKETS  Opened 2018 with key indicators blinking green

Mobius set
Economy: Is the
to retire worst of 2017
Veteran investor Mark Mobius, the
bald-headed market guru who
became one of the most recognised
authorities on money-making oppor-
tunities in Africa, Asia, Eastern
slowdown over?
Europe and Latin America, plans to From investors’ wealth at cent from Sh1.9 trillion in 2016 interbank rate was averaging
retire from Franklin Templeton NSE to purchasing to Sh2.51 trillion. 7.63 per cent. In fact, on
Investments after three decades at confidence and back to During the first week of trad- Wednesday, the rate was 6.62
the firm. ing, all the three indices closed per cent.
the money market, the
The company announced his in green. The NSE 20 share The Kenya shilling exchange
retirement, effective January 31. first week of 2018 has Index was up 1.47 points to rate returned mixed perfor-
After accepting a job offer from been sweet melodies for stand at 3713.41 as All Share mance against major interna-
money manager John Templeton in most players. Index (NASI) closed 1.73 per tional currencies in the week
1987, Mobius headed one of the first cent higher to close at 174.17. ending January 4, 2018 weighed
emerging-market equity fund avail- By Dominic Omondi and Patrick Safaricom commanded 47.57 down by dollar demand to cover
able to US customers. With a long- Alushula per cent of the week’s traded imports. However, against East
time base in Singapore, he travelled [email protected], value. African currencies, CBK said it
about 250 days a year in a Gulfstream [email protected] In the money market, activity remained largely stable.
IV private jet, visiting factories and in the inter-bank market “It depreciated marginally
distributors in remote corners of the Kenya’s economy is showing increased during the week end- against the US dollar due to
globe to identify investment oppor- signs of coming through the ing January 3, 2018, as trading increased demand from the
tunities. worst of its 2017 slowdown as picked up, after the long festive energy sector,” CBK said in its
“There is no single individual who markets ushered in 2018. season. weekly bulletin.
is more synonymous with emerging- The attack on the economy in According to the Central
markets investing than Mark Mobi- the third quarter of last year had Bank of Kenya (CBK), the vol- Under pressure
us,”  Templeton Chairman and CEO slowed growth to its slowest in umes traded increased to an However, it might come
Greg Johnson  said in a statement five years. average Sh21.4 billion from under pressure in the coming
Friday. Unlike the beginning of 2017 Sh13.7 billion in the previous week due to increased demand
when the country ushered in the week. for dollars by manufacturers, oil
Market movements
Mobius, 81, who said he kept most
New Year with almost all the eco-
nomic indicators blinking red, it
Despite the number of deals
increasing to an average of 45
and food importers. Having
closed the year at Sh103.23
of his own money in Templeton was poles apart in 2018.  from the previous week’s aver- against the dollar, it has depre- 50
funds, made prescient calls on major From the investors’ wealth on age of 40, banks loaned each ciated marginally. On Thursday,
market movements. He correctly pre- Nairobi Securities Exchange other at average rate of 7.13 per CBK quoted it at 103.44. 40
dicted the start of a bull market that (NSE) to purchasing confidence cent. In the previous week, However, the weakening of
began in 2009, snapped up bargains and back to the money market, the shilling was not as profound 30
during the Asian financial crisis after the first week of the New Year as in the beginning of last year.
Thailand floated its currency in 1997,
and bought Russian stocks as panic
selling took hold in Russia in 1998.
has been sweet melodies for
most players.
It is a well-deserved reprieve
 Expansion in
Fears that the shilling might
come under pressure following
an increase in the price of crude

He was also one of the first institu- for the business community who oil in the global markets are not
current accout
tional investors to identify Africa as a for the better part of 2017 took a deficit to
promising frontier market, setting up back seat under as dangerous Sh145.4b In the third quarter of 2017
the Templeton Africa Fund in 2012. political ammunitions were between July and Kenyans paid more for food and
ry ry ril
“My idea of a bargain is, by the way, thrown around.  September 2017. petroleum imports as earnings
ua ua ch ay ne ly us
n br ar Ap M Ju Ju g
not very complicated,” he wrote in On the Nairobi bourse, despite from exports fell behind. Au

Ja Fe M p
“Passport to Profits,” his 1999 book. “I starting the first two days of According to data from the Se
buy stocks in companies with good trading on a losing streak, the Kenya National Bureau of Sta-
growth potential over a five-year market recovered to build on tistics (KNBS), the high import
period.” gains made in 2017.
 Kenya shilling
bill worsened the country’s cur-
exchange rate
Born in Hempstead, New York to a Week on week turnover stood against dollar on
rent account deficit - or a situa-
German father and Puerto Rican at Sh1.8 billion on a volume of 62 Thursday, as tion where the value of the
mother, Mobius grew up on Long million shares, up from Sh873 quoted by CBK. goods and services the country Nonetheless, the country’s one of the key determinants
Island speaking German and Spanish million on 38 million shares post- imports exceeded the value of gross foreign reserves are of the size of import bill, may
at home. In 1955, he won a scholarship
to study at Boston University and
worked as a pianist at a nightclub to
ed on the last week of 2017. In the
process, market capitalisation, a
measure of the value of all shares
 Nairobi
the goods and services it
Current account deficit
still impressive at $7.081 bil-
lion translating to import
cover of 4.74 months. This is
be a potential threat.  Brent
crude oil has topped $68
(Sh7,008) a barrel for the first
help pay for his tuition. traded, rose by Sh44.3 billion to expanded by 28.9 per cent to an improvement by $18 mil- time since 2015. Locally oil
He graduated with a bachelor’s close at Sh2.57 trillion. Sh145.4 billion between July lion from the previous week prices have been rising to
Exchange market
degree in fine arts and a master’s in Investors will be following this capitalisation for
and September, 2017, compared that closed the year. reflect this upward trend in
communications before completing a keenly given that in 2017, their the first week of to Sh112.8  billion in the same However, rising global oil global crude prices.
doctorate in economics and political paper wealth expanded by 32 per 2018. period the previous year. prices and oil import being Moreover, businesses
science at Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. [Bloomberg]
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SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard Weekend Business 31

New band

Angola to ditch dollar currency peg as forex crunch bites

Angola is poised to become the within a new band. The rate at Egypt, Kazakhstan, Nigeria and Hague, which manages almost replaced Jose Eduardo dos San- tions sector to more competition.
latest emerging nation to aban- which it’s been fixed against the Uzbekistan - that have floated or $300 billion (Sh30 trillion), tos, who ruled the former Portu- Angola, which relies on oil for
don its currency peg as it seeks to dollar since April 2016 “does not devalued currencies in a bid to including Angolan Eurobonds. guese colony for almost four dec- more than 90 per cent of exports,
rescue an economy still reeling reflect the truth,” according to end crippling shortages of for- ades. kept a tight grip on its currency
from the oil-price crash four Jose Massano, who became cen- eign exchange and revive eco- Bolster finances In addition to appointing Mas- as the commodity slid. While the
years ago. tral bank governor in late Octo- nomic growth. The move underlines just how sano, Lourenco has replaced the kwanza has already weakened 40
The southern African nation, ber. “It was a long time coming,” forcibly President Joao Lourenco heads of the state oil  and dia- per cent to 166 per dollar since
an OPEC member, said this week It joins a long list of commod- said Kaan Nazli, a strategist at is trying to bolster his nation’s mond companies, and started mid-2014, analysts say it is still
it would let the kwanza trade ity exporters - from Russia to Neuberger Berman Europe in The finances three months after he opening up the telecommunica- too strong. [Bloomberg]

[email protected] and September 2017 was dis-

The gross domestic product,
the total value of goods and ser-
vices produced in a given period
of time, slowed to a five-year low
between July and September last
year as electioneering affected
the economy.
The economy grew at 4.4 per
cent in the third quarter com-
pared to 5.6 per cent registered in
a similar period in 2016. The last
time the growth slowed down to
such levels was in the third quar-
ter of 2012, when the country
recorded a 4.4 per cent growth.
Although interest rate has been
fixed at 14 per cent since Septem-
ber 2016 when Banking (Amend-
ment) Act 2016 capped the rate

charged on loans by lenders,
uptake of credit has not been

Primary concern
Johnson Nderi, corporate
finance manager at ABC Capital,

says that as much as most busi-
ness persons are upbeat, working
capital is not readily available to
most of them.

“From a macro-economic per-
spective, that is a primary con-
cern,” said Nderi.
Mr Nderi is keen on seeing how
President Kenyatta’s Big Four
plan will be implemented. Under
2017 the Big four plan, the President
intends to concentrate on ensur-
ing food security for the country,
revamping manufacturing and
thus creating more jobs, ensuring
universal access to healthcare and
development of low-cost houses
for the poor.
Mr Nderi said most CEOS will
be watching to see how the Gov-
ings below 50.0. in new orders for the first time “Growth was greater political stability. ernment will implement these
“Growth was underpinned by in five months. underpinned by Growth was underpinned by ambitious programmes. However,
expansions in output, new December 2017 also saw the expansions in output, new he said that he was skeptical as
orders, stocks of purchases and sharpest increase in output expansions in orders, stocks of purchases, and there are no concrete plans to
r r employment, thereby reversing since September 2016. output, new orders, employment, thereby reversing ensure that these plans are exe-
r er be be
be tob e m m the recent downward trend,” New export orders also rose stocks of purchases the recent downward trend,” cuted. Manufacturing, for exam-
em c v ce read the survey which relies on for the first time in five months read the survey. ple, he said, needs a lot of savings.
pt O No De data compiled from monthly amid reports of greater interna- and employment, “In response to greater out- “Unfortunately, I have not seen
replies to questionnaires sent to tional demand for Kenyan prod- thereby reversing put requirements (and subse- any policy that pushes savings,”
purchasing executives in approx- ucts, said the survey. the recent downward quent capacity pressures), firms he said.
imately 400 private sector com- increased their payroll numbers He was, however, optimistic
panies. Greater output trend.” during December,” said the sur- that the threat of politics was
In October, after the Supreme And with greater output vey by Stanbic. somehow behind us.
Court had annulled President requirements, employers were He was optimistic that But the authors of the survey Year-on-year inflation also
moved into the New Year with a Uhuru Kenyatta’s win in the forced to expand their payroll, growth would recover in 2018 were quick to note that “the rate dropped to a 55-month low of 4.4
bullish sentiment. Stanbic August presidential elections, albeit not in a big way. supported by agriculture and of jobs growth was only mar- per cent in December, 2017 from a
Bank’s Purchasing managers the index plunged to an all-time “The Stanbic PMI rose above tourism, with resumption in ginal”. five-year high of 11.7 in May as
index (PMI), a widely accepted low of 34.4 as the political situa- the 50 level mark for the first public spending adding ‘much- However, it will be interesting prices of food came down.
barometer for the health of pri- tion in the country deteriorated. time since April as the private needed stimulus” into the econ- to see whether this confidence A stable inflationary rate
vate sector, crossed the 50 But in what is a signal of good sector began to benefit from omy. will translate into faster eco- means investors can plan for the
threshold in December 2017 things to come, the index has political stability,” said Stanbic “Business conditions nomic growth in the fourth future without fearing for erosion
signaling expansion, after eight since been on an upward trajec- Bank’s regional economist for improved for the first time in quarter of 2017 and hence 2017 of their wealth by a rising cost of
month of contraction- or read- tory following a marked increase east Africa, Jibran Qureishi. eight months amid reports of too. GDP growth between July prices.
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32 Weekend Business Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

Tourists   Most facilities had occupancy of at least 85pc during the holiday period

Safari lodges in
northern circuit [email protected]

record increased
season bookings
Region’s game parks thon, often receives a good who reared the lioness Elsa and
host rare wildlife species number of visitors throughout her cubs in the wilderness.
including Grevy zebra, the year. Shaba continued to be the
‘‘Lewa has over the years Hollywood of Kenya where
reticulated giraffe and
become the preferred destina- movies such as To Walk with
Somali ostrich. tion of both residents and non- Lions, Out of Africa and CBS
resident tourists and this is blockbuster TV series Survivor
BBy Ali Abdi
because of our attractions and Africa were shot.
[email protected]
improved marketing locally and The facility has 185 rooms, a
abroad,’’ he said. presidential suite baptised Born
Game lodges in the northern Lewa Downs has 103 beds Free and two mini-presidential
tourism circuit of Isiolo, Samb- while Ill-Ngwesi and Borana suites.
uru and Meru recorded impres- have guest houses. The trio also ‘‘Majority of our visitors, at
sive bookings of visitors during has a number of campsites.
the high peak of the December
holidays. Rhino sanctuary “Lewa has over
Among the safari lodges that Lewa is also home to rhinos, the years become
recorded occupancy of between the second sanctuary to have
60 and 85 per cent were Sarova the animals along with the Ken- the preferred Tourists encounter a cheetah at Lewa Downs Wildlife Conservancy in Meru County. Lewa also manages
Shaba in Isiolo and Lewa Downs ya Wildlife Service-managed destination of both Ill-Ngewesi and Borana conservancies which posted 100 per cent bookings last December and over 50 per
Wildlife Conservancy in Meru. Meru National Park that has residents and non- cent occupancy last year compared to the last four years. [Ali Abdi, Standard]
At Lewa that manages Lewa two lodges - Mulika and Leop-
Downs, Ill-Ngwesi and Borana ards Rocks - which also had resident tourists and had its 90 rooms fully booked Grevy zebra, reticulated giraffe, Dr Kuti, however, said the
Conservancy, Group Chief Oper- good bookings last month and this is because of throughout the holiday season. Beisa Oryx, Somali ostrich and plan would not benefit the coun-
ations Officer Tuqa Jirmo said into the first week of this year. our attractions and ‘‘Last month, we had more gerenuk. ty and the residents, adding that
the facilities recorded “excep- ‘‘We have the big five, an visitors than we could accom- Isiolo Governor Mohammed the proposed board would be
tional visitation” throughout annual marathon every June
improved marketing modate. We had to relocate Abdi Kuti said his administra- able to do the same work with-
last year at about 60 per cent sponsored by Safaricom, locally and abroad.” some visitors to neighbouring tion will come up with a tourism out sharing profit with external
compared to the previous four diverse mix of culture of the Lewa Downs Group Chief lodges in Isiolo and Samburu as board that will streamline the firms.
years. local pastoralists, eco-tourism Operations Officer Tuqa Jirmo we share the same ecosystem,’’ management of its three game He pledged to inject more
Dr Jirmo said the three facili- and nature safari walk that said the facility’s manager, John parks that also include Bisanadi money into parks each year to
ties, due to the brand’s global makes Lewa a preferred desti- Kalo. at Kinna in Garba-Tula District. address their woes.
fame for its association with the nation,’’ said Jirmo. about 60 per cent are residents Statistics from Ashnil Samb- Isiolo County Tourism Execu-
British Royal family and the At Sarova Shaba, located (Kenyans), and the bookings uru, also within Buffalo Springs Contract management tive Tiyah Galgalo said the min-

within Shaba National Reserve especially in the month of game park, were not immedi- His predecessor, Godana istry will develop and secure the
that shot to fame following the December were very impres- ately available but sources said Doyo had toyed with the idea of parks.
shooting of the Born Free mov- sive,’’ said lodge manager Jos- it also recorded a high number getting into contract manage- ‘‘We will recruit more game
 Proportion of visitors at
ie, the lodge recorded 85 per phat Ngali. of visitors over the holiday peri- ment with a South African firm, rangers and the check influx of
Sarova Shaba lodge who were cent bookings between Decem- The Samburu Simba lodge od. African Parks, where the parks’ armed herders, develop infra-
Kenyan residents. ber 22 and New Year. located within Buffalo Springs Buffalo Springs and Shaba are management would be run on structure and undertake aggres-
The film revolved around the National Reserve and managed known for five rare species only the model of Akagera National sive marketing both locally and
annual Safaricom Lewa Mara- life of George and Joy Adamson by Isiolo County Government found in the northern circuit - Park in Rwanda. abroad,’’ she said.

Marine conservation

Watamu villagers recycle plastic to save sea turtle from tummy ache
recycle plastic waste from two The negative aspect of plastic drop to security concerns caused “Floating plastic (Sh800 billion), according to a
Kai, a three-year-old green sea marine national parks in eastern waste – that it does not deterio- by attacks linked to Islamist pieces sticking to 2017 report from UN Environ-
turtle, was released back into the Kenya. rate or decompose for hundreds groups. ment.
turquoise waters of the Indian In Malindi town, 20 kilometres of years - becomes a positive Ben Kithiy, a 24-year-old cur- the body when you Kithiy found five foul-smelling
Ocean off Kenya’s coast last from Watamu and 115km north of when converted into construc- rency changer in Watamu who are swimming in dead turtles on his local beach in
month. Mombasa, Sam Ngaruiya, 59, is tion materials, he added. makes a living from European these waters makes Blue Lagoon Bay last year. Sev-
She had been hospitalised turning plastic waste collected and American tourists visiting eral others were floating inertly
after her guts were blocked with from beaches into green con- Hit hardest the fine white sand beaches to for a very unpleasant in shallow waters after eating
white plastic bags she swallowed, struction materials. According to the Kenya snorkel, water ski and windsurf, experience.” plastic, and would likely have
mistaking them for jellyfish, and They include six-foot fencing National Bureau of Statistics, the can think of another reason. Currency changer Ben Kithiy
starved to death, he said.
tiny plastic pieces entangled in poles used by schools and farms, tourism industry suffered from “Floating plastic pieces stick- Casper Van De Geer, who man-
the sea grass she eats. road signs, paving, roof tiles and 2011 to 2015, with coastal marine ing to the body when you are ages the Watamu Turtle Watch
In a bid to clean up Kai’s envi- recycled plastic containers slow- parks hit the hardest. Visitors to swimming in these waters makes conservation programme in
ronment, the villagers of Wata- ly gaining traction among local Kilifi County’s Watamu marine for a very unpleasant experi- Every year, between 4.8 mil- Malindi, said that of the 30 to 80
mu, who depend on fishing and people. park fell by 35 per cent, while that ence,” he said. Even local children lion and 12.7 million tonnes of turtles brought in for rehabilita-
tourism, joined hands in 2016 “These recycled plastic prod- in Malindi saw about 40 per cent who come to clean up the beach- plastic are dumped in the world’s tion each year, 15 per cent are
with an entrepreneur and a local ucts can last 200 years,” said fewer. es don’t want to swim for that oceans, depending on river flood- harmed by plastic.
ocean conservation charity to Ngaruiya. The Government attributes the reason, he added. ing, costing some $8 billion [Reuters]
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Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard Weekend Business 33

Subsidy cut
Challenges   Poor quality inputs, extension services and prices hamper revival

Nostalgic cotton farmers prices in
pin hopes on State support [email protected]
Bread prices in Sudan have
Only four ginneries are in rate, which manages cotton and sisal, doubled, the country’s Bakeries
production out of a told The Standard that there is a feeling Union said on Friday, a few days
component of 22 factories that farmers need to benefit from the after the government eliminated
whole value chain, and not just lint and subsidies under its 2018 budget.
seed.   The price of one loaf of bread
BBy Dominic Omondi Things started going badly in the cot- rose from 0.5 Sudanese pounds to
[email protected] ton sector in the early 1990s when the 1 pound, the union said, after the
State stopped supporting certain ven- prices of wheat flour rose.
Few crops have been able fight off the tures, in what came to be known as The country’s biggest opposi-
earth-baking sun in parts of former structural adjustment programmes tion party called for peaceful pro-
Eastern region. (SAPs). Cotton is one of the sectors that tests against the new budget, and
One of them, however, has been defi- was left unattended, and thousands of crowds gathered outside baker-
ant. Cotton. You can spot it sticking up farmers left the trade. ies in Khartoum, expressing frus-
boldly from the sandy soils of Makueni Farmers in Kitui said almost half of tration against the government’s
County. And in Meru County, the soft, them in the region dropped out of cul- move.
fluffy staple fibre beautifully bursts out tivating cotton, citing poor prices and “The new prices will make us
of a boll. extension services, and expensive starve to death,” Fatima Ahmed,
The cotton industry can easily be the labour. a housewife said while buying
stem on which President Uhuru Keny- Joseph Maweu, a farmer in Makueni, bread. “The government doesn’t
atta builds one of his Big Four plans - said he left the trade after doing a cost- care about us. Our conditions are
reviving the manufacturing sector and benefit analysis. He says the cost of harsh ...We won’t be able to
employing millions of jobless youth. inputs has really gone up and they are endure more.”
Yet, large tracts of land in the parts being exploited by middlemen. Sudan’s government has begun
of the country with a favourable envi- “Pesticide is a problem,” said Nelson Paul Korim at his farm in Salawa, Baringo County. He is one of the few remaining a series of economic reforms in
ronment for growing cotton remain Muturi, a cotton farmer in Embu. “If the cotton farmers in Kerio Valley.[Kipsang Joseph, Standard] line with International Monetary
uncultivated. And the few who have Government can help us with loans, we Fund recommendations aimed at
grown the drought-resistant plant, can get some very good yields.”  Jamhuri Day celebrations in Nairobi, worm. putting the country’s ailing econ-
which does well at low altitude and can Ginneries, where farmers sell their said the Government will support fram- The market for cotton, right from the omy back on track.
survive on meagre rainfall, are not a cotton for separation of the lint from ers to grow cotton and ensure the same ginners to the spinners is lucrative. State Minister for Finance
proud a lot.     the seed, also went silent. And the ones is bought locally. Spinners still have to go outside looking Magdi Hassan Yaseen told Reu-
After a series of interviews with operating are not utilising their full As part of his ambitious plan to for lint. ters late last month that the com-
farmers in the arid and semi-arid parts capacity. address his four key agenda, he said the “The Kenyan textile industry faces an petition between companies
of Kitui, Makueni, Meru and Embu, you Currently, there are only four opera- entire textile industry will receive ade- inadequate supply of locally produced importing wheat would prevent
realise many of the old men and women tional ginneries in the country at Mak- quate support from the Government cotton, and that which is available is of such an increase in the prices.
still stuck in the trade are simply nos- ueni, Kitui, Meru and Salawa, out of an and development partners among poor quality,” said World Bank in a The government would buy
talgic. establishment of 22 factories. other value chain players to guarantee report on the country’s textile industry. locally produced wheat at
Somehow they are hopeful that There are talks underway between farmers improved earnings. “This means the majority of export- “encouraging prices”, he said.
things will miraculously revert back to the national government, county gov- The big four plan seeks to enhance quality fabric manufactured in Kenya is The country devalued its cur-
the good old days when income from ernments and other value chain players manufacturing, food security, afforda- made from imported fibres due to the rency, the pound, to 18 per US
cotton helped them buy cows and edu- to revive Mpeketoni, Malindi and Nyan- ble housing and health care for all.  poor quality and high trash content in dollar, more than double its pre-
cate their children. za ginneries. “Under the big four plan, we will sup- local lint. The implication is that the vious peg of 6.7 pounds to the dol-
But generally, costly inputs such as President Kenyatta, during the 2017 port farmers to plant cotton, which we textile sector in Kenya has to choose lar. [Reuters]
pesticides eat into their earnings, leav- guarantee to buy. We have revived between the high cost of imported
ing them with nothing. Moreover, the “Pesticide is a problem. Rivatex EA Ltd, our premier textile material and the low-quality of local
price they get paid by ginneries is not If the Government can manufacturer, and we will give incen- fibre,” added the report.
good. tives to investors to build more modern Fibre Crops Directorate Interim
Most of the farmers in Kitui feel help us with loans, we ginneries and textile manufacturing Head Anthony Muriithi confirmed that
exploited by middlemen who go round can get some very good plants,” said Uhuru.  a medium term plan is being imple-
buying it at a low-price from farmers yields.” The Fibre directorate is planning to mented, focusing largely on increasing
and selling it at a high price to the mills. introduce BT Cotton Seed, which is not production and quality.
An official from Fibre Crops Directo- Nelson Muturi, a cotton farmer in Embu easily devastated by the American boll-


Opec sticks to output reduction schedule despite current high prices

Opec deepened compliance with Russia and other non-Opec as oil prices rallied has reduced ther and delivered its highest
with an oil supply-cutting deal in producers. The pact will run until the effectiveness of Opec accords. adherence yet, according to Reu-
December due to a further the end of 2018. Top exporter Saudi Arabia ters surveys. The UAE was a lag-
decline in Venezuelan output and Oil hit its highest since May trimmed output by 60,000 bpd, gard on compliance for most of
extra cuts by Gulf exporters, a 2015 last week, supported by fall- according to sources in the sur- 2017, compared to peers like
Reuters survey found, showing ing inventories, strong demand vey who cited stable to lower Saudi Arabia.
strong commitment to the deal and high Opec compliance. Many exports and lower refinery pro- “The UAE has the Opec presi-
despite higher prices. producers, still suffering from a cessing, putting supply further dency this year and they feel they
Adherence to the curbs rose to 2014 price collapse, are enjoying below the kingdom’s Opec target. should try to do better,” said an
128 per cent from 125 per cent in the rally and the extra revenues. industry source, who has dis-
November, the survey found. The “We are all pleased about it,” Starved of funds cussed the issue with Opec offi-
United Arab Emirates for the first one official in an Opec country Production in Venezuela, cials.
time since the deal took effect in said of the early 2018 price rise. where the oil industry is starved Among countries with higher
January 2017 pumped below its The survey shows no sign of of funds due to a cash crunch, has output, the biggest rise came
Opec target, joining Saudi Arabia producers boosting output to fallen further below its Opec tar- from Nigeria, whose exports in
and Kuwait. cash in on higher prices or to get, the survey found. Both December were set to reach a
The Organisation of Petroleum replace the decline in Venezuela, exports and refinery operations 21-month high, although actual
Exporting Countries is reducing where output is dropping amid were lower in December. shipments fell short of that level.
output by about 1.2 million bar- an economic crisis. The UAE, the incoming Opec [Reuters]
rels per day (bpd) as part of a deal In the past, waning compliance president, has cut production fur-
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34 Weekend Business SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard

BAD ECONOMICS   Though there was no voting by hoi polloi, the factors of production were under-utilised

With a wobbling capitalism, will

[email protected]

While Marx predicted and controlled everything, would study and where you longed for the golden age. Marx Remember the gulags? In the
that capitalism would including the thinking. As a would work. and Engels were the intellectual same way colonialism held its
collapse under its own Form One student, I recall read- The worst casualty of commu- leaders, their writing mimicking empires by force and fear. After
ing a newspaper in my school nism was entrepreneurship. religion. the fall of the Soviet Union, we
contradictions, we do library called “Moscow Echo”. It Creativity and innovation, the In addition, the excesses of suddenly heard of Uzbeks,
not have enough was a stale publication, even for hallmarks of capitalism and monarchies made Russian soci- Chechens, Tartars and other
contradictions to bring it

a young mind. entrepreneurship, were cur- ety yearn for change.  When nationalities, some which were
down. The control over citizens’ tailed.  Ever wondered why Marx and Engels suggested, Muslims. For 70 years till 1991,
thoughts was the worst part of Google was founded by a Rus- “A  spectre  is haunting Europe Marx’s dream held, but we real-
By By XN Iraki
 Yearsthat Karl Marx and
communism, which was sati- sian immigrant? — the spectre of communism”, ised it was a nightmare holding
[email protected]
Frederick Engels dream of rised by George Orwell’s book, they were probably serious. 15 republics together. 
oddly titled “1984”. It was a Invisble hand The “Manifesto of the Com- Today, the dream remains in
communism lasted.
As usual at the start of a new reversal of 48, the year it was Surprisingly, communism munist Party” by the two schol- North Korea and China. The Chi-
year, it is the season of change.
But sometimes, the change we
hope for, the ideals we crave,
The year that George Orwell
published. Those schooled in the
former Soviet Union still bear
the hallmarks of that subjuga-
came to Russia in 1917, about 142
years after publication of Adams
Smith’s “The Wealth of Nations”,
ars published in February 1848
makes an interesting read, just
for curiosity.
nese dream has been tempered
by Adams Smith’s invisible hand.
China quickly realised that eco-
never come to be. We instead tion of the thought process to a copy of which I bought last The Russian monarchy was nomics can be the best linchpin
published the book, “1984”, a
get very different outcomes. Let this day. week for Sh1,000 in a supermar- overthrown in 1917 but Vladimir of communism - they have let
satire on communism.

us go back a bit into history. The linchpin of communism ket in Nakuru just before Christ- Lenin did not last long after capitalism thrive. One wonders
A hundred years ago, Russia was bad economics not politics, mas. In it, Smith saw the invisi- fathering the revolution. By what Marx would say about
went through a revolution that contrary to popular belief. ble hand of the market as the 1924, he was dead. Joseph Stalin China if he woke up.
brought to an end its monarchy, Though there was no voting by catalyst of economic growth. took over till 1953. There was
which had lasted for about 10
 When Mikhail Gorbachev
hoi polloi, the factors of produc- Communism called for the vis- then Nikita Khrushchev, leader Balance excesses
opened up the Soviet Union and
centuries. The revolution was the communist state crumbled. tion were under-utilised, which ible hand of the government - from 1953-1964, then Leonid Will communism ever return?
the culmination of Karl Marx planted the seeds of commu- read communist party. Why did Brezhnev from 1964-1982.  What will balance the excesses
and Fredrich Engels dream, that nism’s end. this happen? Had Engels and And finally, after some rapid of capitalism, which Donald
one day communism would their chains”. Like all other revo- Land was owned by the state, Marx not read Smith’s work?  churning of leaders, Mikhail Gor- Trump rode on to win power in
replace capitalism. In their near lutions and counter revolutions, meaning that it was never put to I am not sure if they read, but bachev took over from 1985 to the US? Unions have been weak-
utopian dream, workers would few knew what was coming.  the best use. The profit motive the socio-economic circum- 1991. He opened up the Soviet ened in most Western democra-
own the means of production, Vladimir Lenin and Josef Sta- was never there. No wonder stances of that time did not Union; and we found the hollow- cies. Remember the miners
then owned mostly by the upper lin after him failed to actualise famines were common.  allow Adam Smith’s reasoning. ness.  going on strike in UK for 11
class from nobles to monarchy.  the utopian dream, which lasted Capital was never put to the The French Revolution had Unable to handle change, the months during Margaret
It was a very enticing dream, for another 70 years. The work- best use. Who got loans? Labour made Europe ripe for change. Soviet Union collapsed. We Thatcher’s reign? Recall Ronald
with statements like “workers ers’ ownership was an illusion. was never used optimumly, with Like any other change, citizens found the Union was held Reagan sacking air traffic con-
have nothing to lose except Instead, the party leaders owned the state deciding what you and intellectuals romanticised it, together by force and terror. trollers? 
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SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard Weekend Business 35

Cutting edge

How smart tech

communism return? seeks to improve
services for urban
An old
house in
Kenya’s In the picturesque Barcelona cities.
central district of El Born, residents can But one high-profile “smart
highlands. get a better night’s sleep nowa- city” strategy for Dholera, in
Just like days because garbage trucks pass Gujarat state, has sparked oppo-
colonial- only when bins in the street are sition.
full, thanks to high-tech sensors It involves a new 920-km
nism held that detect when they need to be metropolis on the edge of the
people emptied. ancient port city, set to run most-
together Meanwhile, a few streets away, ly on solar power and intended to
by force magnetic sensors under the road become a global manufacturing
and terror. surface allow drivers to find out hub.
[XN Iraki] in advance if a parking space is Critics say it will displace sub-
free - saving them time and cut- sistence farmers, is at risk of
ting back on vehicle emissions. inundation due to being built on
Other high-technology solu- a floodplain, and will cost more
tions for street lamps, traffic than planned.
DID COLONIALISM MIMIC COMMUNISM? lights and parking meters have “A lot of smart city projects are
been deployed in Spain’s second- real estate projects,” said Nancy
For 68 years, Kenya was under Cheap labour made plantations and other largest city in recent years. Odendaal, an associate professor
colonial rule, much shorter than activities profitable.  Plantation owners One theatre is even decked of urban planning at the Univer-
India’s 300 years or Angola’s went a step a further by ensuring the with a smart vertical garden on sity of Cape Town.
500 years. When uhuru came in labourers got free food and had no reason its outer wall, which collects its “On the African continent this
1963, our leaders exalted not to be productive. How many firms [email protected]
own rainwater via a solar-pow- becomes particularly poignant as
freedom and end of colonial yoke today give their workers free food? ered system on the roof. it is seen as the last frontier for
creating an impression that  At times, the plantation and farm owners As one of Europe’s richest cit- property speculation and devel-
colonialism was just about went too far in reducing the cost. One ies, most of Barcelona’s inhabit- opment,” she added.
former worker in a settler’s farm told me
political power. But it was not. ants already have good access to
how parents with kids were preferred Top-down projects
The lynchpin of colonialism was employees. Their children provided cheap
municipal services and a high
economics.  quality of life. In most of Africa, smart cities
labour particularly in tasks like picking But in poorer parts of the tend to be “top-down” projects to
 Why did it take 45 years for Kenya to come pyrethrum.
up with Vision 2030, our economic world, urban experts say efforts create satellite cities, like Konza
Entrepreneurship got little attention; to improve cities with cutting- Technopolis in Kenya and Eko
blueprint which has now been everything was imported and exported to
overshadowed by political jostling for edge technology can run into Atlantic City in Nigeria, Odendaal
mother country. The command system challenges, particularly when noted.
power? In you check the 2010 constitution; also ensured there was not much time for
the word president appears 339 times. The applied in slums. Dubbed “Africa’s Dubai”, Eko
creativity and innovation.  Looking at how “A 24-hour smart water meter Atlantic is being built on Victoria
word economic appears only 26 times. The colonial period utilized the factors of
word wealth only appears as part of can only be possible if you’re con- Island next to Lagos.
production we find some parallelism with nected to the water system in the Developers say it will become
commonwealth. We still have not come to communism. Vast majority were excluded
terms with economic reality. first place,” said Ayona Datta, a a new financial headquarters for
from land owner; that planted the seeds of reader in urban futures at King’s Nigeria as well as solving chronic
 Our leaders focus more about political Mau Mau.
power, not economic power. Just listen to College London. housing shortages in Lagos.
Who got the loans from Land and Detractors argue that shiny
their speeches. God bless Dr. Wahome Agricultural bank?  Was it used in the most
Gakuru’s soul for his role in developing More efficient urban centres like Eko Atlantic
Did communism stop the productive way or sector? In developing countries, tech- are designed for a wealthy elite,
Vision 2030. The key similarity between colonialism in
excesses of capitalism? Maybe. The colonial powers focused on economic nology may be introduced across and do nothing to help poor com-
Today, voters might tame the Kenya and communism is that both lasted a city to make transport or water munities living on their doorstep.
power. Land was the biggest economic for about 70 years, an interesting
excesses of capitalism as Trump issue. And why not? By the time Britain services more efficient, but will Elsewhere, smart city strate-
showed. My only concern is how coincidence. Each ended because of its likely only work in its richer are- gies have received a mixed recep-
was colonizing Kenya, they knew the value own contradictions.  , they took care of
many voters are enlightened of land, and how to exploit it to get the as, she added. tion.
enough to stand up against minorities not vast majority.  Was The idea of giving the same Rwanda’s capital Kigali was
highest return. They had done that in other KANUism a variant of communism?
excesses of capitalism without colonies for hundreds of years. Remember thing to everyone in both middle- praised for becoming one of the
being co-opted.  We still hear echoes of both, some say class and low-income neighbour- first cities in Africa to roll out free
the plantations in America?  The colonial through trade negotiations and economic
While Marx predicted that land pieces were huge, most over 1000 hoods can be problematic, she wireless internet in some areas in
capitalism would collapse under systems that favour the former colonial said. 2013.
acres to ensure economies of scale.  After 1 power.  Some countries still romanticize
its own contradictions, we do not million acre settlement, after uhuru, the “IT companies will sell (smart However, it has also been criti-
have enough contradictions to communism like North Korea, and Cuba to technology) as a package without cised for building new housing
economies of scale ended leading to some extent.
bring it down. The truth seems to subsistence farming.  No wonder, young any kind of customisation at a ordinary Rwandese cannot
be that capitalism will save itself Some of our politicians echo communism grassroots level,” she said. afford.
men want to be farmers only if they have or its variants; listen to their speeches or
by self corrections. Who thought no choice.   Smart technology installed like In South Africa’s Cape Town,
Trump would become the presi- read their manifestos. this is “giving the icing on the some people see smart city pro-
Capital as easily available through Land Both colonialism and communism were
and Agricultural Bank of Kenya whose cake to people who are already jects as an excuse for gentrifica-
driven by idealism that could not stand the connected”, Datta told the Thom- tion - “just another way of turn-
functions were taken by Agricultural
“The worst casualty Finance Corporation, AFC in 1969. Do we
test of time. One hopes the next
generation will learn from both
son Reuters Foundation. ing old neighbourhoods into
of communism was have any agricultural bank in Kenya that experiments and make this small planet a
In many cases, those who lack swish, consumer zones”, said
access to electricity or the Inter- Odendaal.
entrepreneurship. caters exclusively for farmers? better home for all of us. [XN Iraki] net cannot benefit from high-tech Some of the most effective
Creativity and infrastructure, she added. schemes are those that harness
innovation, the “You really need to engage technology but are not marketed
with the social context (and) by governments as “smart”, she
hallmarks of dent? romanticism, will save capital- In another 100 years, we social issues first,” she empha- said.
capitalism and Other countervailing forces ism. After all, the excesses of shall celebrate the triumph of sised. They include Map Kibera,
entrepreneurship, to the excesses of capitalism communism are still too fresh capitalism with a human face, In India, dozens of smart cities which began as a free, open digi-
include civil society, laws and in our minds to attract enough popular in Scandinavia, rather are planned as the Asian nation tal map of Africa’s largest slum in
were curtailed. Ever regulations, religion and our adherents. Capitalism, though than its replacement. seeks ways of coping with rapid the Kenyan capital, Nairobi. It has
wondered why Google conscience. Why else do the moderated, will be with us for Or do you have a better growth in its urban population. grown into an interactive project
was founded by a very affluent start foundations some time to come. Its longev- alternative? By 2050, India will have an pinpointing local services and
Russian immigrant?” to help the disadvantaged?
Hard reality, more than
ity will be aided by its ally
democracy, whatever its form.
additional 300 million urban
residents, according to UN-Habi-
providing information about
security in Kibera. [Reuters]
tat, the agency that deals with
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36 Africa
Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

Bissau. Eighteen people were killed and another 14 injured in the small west African state of Guinea-
Bissau late Friday when a minibus collided with a truck, police and hospital sources said. One witness On Twitter:
said the truck appeared to have been speeding when the driver lost control and collided head-on with @22mosalah
the minibus near Bissauzinho, around 15 kilometres  from the capital Bissau. Sources said the bus had One of many
been overloaded and that at least 10 of the injured were in a serious condition. Both drivers were killed dreams came true last

and the minibus was totally crushed, an AFP correspondent at the scene said. [AFP] night... Thank you every-

Business: board locks out public and media in currency tender case. P. 33

Terror fight. Sources dispute the group’s number of nine casualties saying only five troops died even as 30 more are missing
In Brief

Boko Haram claims it killed

Nigerian soldiers in ambush
Cairo. Clashes after
detainee dies at police
Clashes erupted between
Egyptian protesters and policemen
yesterday outside a Cairo police The ISIS jihadist faction Niger border, triggering a gun
station over the death of a young said in an online battle that needed air force
man in custody, security sources statement it had support, according to AFP
said. The protesters torched 10 sources. 
orchestrated the raid on
cars including three police vehicles, The sources said five sol-
they said. Nine people were injured army barracks in the diers had lost their lives,
and 40 people arrested in the town of Kanamma. instead of the nine claimed by
overnight clashes in Cairo’s Moqat- Boko Haram, but added that 30
tam District which saw some BBy AFP troops are still missing after
protesters throw petrol bombs as Kano the battle. 
police responded with tear gas and “We lost five men in this
bird shot, they said. [AFP]  The Islamic State faction of attack and 30 remain missing,”
Boko Haram has said it was a military officer on Wednes-
responsible for a late Decem- day told AFP on the condition
ber attack on Nigerian army of anonymity.
Harare. Mugabe allies barracks, claiming it killed “It is not known yet whether
charged with corruption nine soldiers and took military they fled during the attack or
equipment.  whether they were captured
The jihadist faction said in by the terrorists,” added the
an online statement published same source.
by the Islamic State’s West The Kanamma raid took
Africa Province that it had
orchestrated the raid on army
barracks in the town of Kan-
amma in northeast Yobe State, “It is not known yet
according to the SITE Intelli- whether they fled
Two former Zimbabwean gence group, which monitors A screengrab taken in July 2014 from a video released by the Boko Haram and obtained by AFP shows
cabinet ministers who served jihadist activity.  during the attack or the leader of the Nigerian Islamist extremist group Boko Haram, Abubakar Shekau (centre).
under ex-president Robert Mugabe Boko Haram has long been whether they were
have been charged with corrup- divided, but in 2016 it suffered captured by the the holiday season last month, borders and usually targets don’t join the Islamist move-
tion, their lawyers said yesterday, a major split when the Islamic despite Nigerian President Nigerian forces.  ment. 
the latest sign of a crackdown on State group recognised Abu terrorists.” Muhammadu Buhari saying in Meanwhile, longtime leader The Boko Haram insurgency
officials loyal to Mugabe. Mugabe, Mus’ab al-Barnawi, the son of Source his New Year’s address that the Abubakar Shekau operates has killed over 20,000 people
93, stood down in November after dead Boko Haram founder country has “beaten” the from his Sambisa forest and displaced some 2.6 million
37 years in power following a de [email protected]
Muhammad Yusuf, as leader. jihadists.  stronghold along the Came- since 2009, triggering a dire
facto military coup, making way for The jihadists carried out a place amid a barrage of almost The IS-affiliated Boko Har- roon border and is responsible humanitarian crisis in the Lake
his former deputy Emmerson bloody raid on the Kanamma daily Boko Haram attacks, kid- am faction is particularly for unrelenting suicide bomb- Chad region. 
Mnangagwa to take over. When barracks, located near the nappings and bombings over active on the Chad and Niger ings targeting civilians who
the military seized power they
arrested key allies of Mugabe and
his wife, Grace, who was vying with
Mnangagwa to succeed her
husband. [Reuters] Unrest

UN to investigate DR Congo attack

Khartoum. Sudan shuts
border with Eritrea
Sudan has shut its eastern
border with Eritrea, days after The United Nations has set up to lead the special investigation Muslims that is one of several The attack was the bloodiest
Khartoum declared an emergency a special investigation of the that will also look into other armed groups active in the against MONUSCO, the UN force
in the neighbouring state of attack that killed 15 UN peace- attacks against peacekeepers in North Kivu region. deployed in the DR Congo since
Kasala. “The governor of Kasala keepers in the Democratic that area, a UN statement said. UN investigators will examine 1999, and the worst against a UN
issued a decree to close all border Republic of Congo last month “This special investigation the circumstances surrounding force since the death of 24 Paki-
crossings with Eritrea from the and wounded 43 others. will include a focus on the 7 the attacks, evaluate the stani peacekeepers in Somalia in
night of January 5,” the official The December 7 attack in the December attack in Semuliki, in response of the UN peacekeep- June 1993.
SUNA news agency reported. It did Beni territory of North Kivu which 15 Tanzanian peacekeep- ers and make recommendations DR Congo’s huge eastern
not explain why the border was Province was one of the worst to ers were killed, 43 wounded and on how to prevent such violence, region has long been wracked by
closed but said the decision target UN peacekeepers in one remains missing,” it said. the UN said. violence, but fighting between
comes after President Omar recent history in the DRC. The United Nations has said Two military officers from government soldiers and militia
al-Bashir declared on December UN Secretary-General Anto- the ambush of the peacekeeping Tanzania will take part in the groups, as well as inter-ethnic
30 a state of emergency in Kasala nio Guterres appointed Dmitry base was carried out by suspect- investigation that will travel to clashes, has increased in 2017.
and in North Kordofan state for six Titov, a Russian national who ed ADF rebels, a shadowy group the DR Congo later this month [AFP] Antonio Guterres [AFP]
months. [AFP] has worked in UN peacekeeping dominated by hardline Ugandan and to countries in the region.
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SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard Africa 37

Identity crisis
DESIRE  The one thing all Zimbabweans yearn for this year is an economic revival

after Egypt
Zimbabwe hopes star wins
CAF award
to rise from the A discussion is taking place on

ashes in 2018
social media over whether an Egyp-
tian football player should have been
named the African Player of the Year
Egyptian-born Mohammed Salah,
25, was awarded the title in Accra,
Ghana, on 4 January by the Confed-
eration of African Football (CAF) after
In our series of letters powerhouse, to woo back inves- Wounded a public vote. In what appears to have
from Africa, journalist- tors frightened off by Mugabe’s started as a joke, some football fans
indigenisation laws that
economy on social media questioned Salah’s
turned-barrister Brian
required that 51 per cent of  There is a biting cash win because they believe Egypt is not
Hungwe looks at what is
companies be in the hands of crisis, with long queues at an African country.
in store for black Zimbabweans. banks. Another Twitter user posted: “Afri-
Zimbabweans in 2018 Mnangagwa’s government  Mnangagwa’s can football is sooo corrupt man Salah
following the resignation has softened the legislation - government has softened is not even African he’s Egyptian.”
of 93-year-old Robert and it now only applies to dia- the legislation - and it It seems that the question over
mond and platinum companies. now only applies to Salah’s entry in the competition
Mugabe in November diamond and platinum
after 37 years in power. The packed gathering in began as a joke by Twitter user @
[email protected]
South Africa was also attended companies. ClinicalFirmino on 2 January during
by those who fled Zimbabwe’s  To win elections a conversation with Liverpool fan @
scheduled for August this
By BBC economic crisis over the last redinrandbur. Later @ClinicalFirmi-
year, Mnangagwa has to
Harare two decades - it is estimated fix the economy. And he
no who did not wish to be identified
that more than three million knows it. confirmed the Twitter conversation
Zimbabweans now live in the  Last month, he went was a prank.
A year ago, no Zimbabwean diaspora. to South Africa, the “I already know Salah is African. It
would have predicted the Mnangagwa wants them to region’s economic power, was a joke. Stop DMing me pictures of
tumultuous events that led to come home and invest - and to woo back investors, maps. Thanks,” he posted.
Mugabe’s political demise and assured them that the economy frightened off by On Arabic Twitter, Mohamed Salah
the elevation of his sacked dep- was his number one concern. Mugabe’s indigenisation had generated more than 25,000
uty Emmerson Mnangagwa to Insiders talk of an economic laws that required that 51 tweets by Friday morning. Egyptians
the presidency. miracle in the offing, returning per cent of companies be were also tweeting under the Arabic
Whatever the circumstances the country torn by political in the hands of black hashtag #CAF and the English
that ushered Mnangagwa into strife to the envy of the region Zimbabweans. hashtag #CAFAwards2017.
office, the one thing all Zimba- - after decades of international  Mnangagwa’s
bweans yearn for this year is an isolation. government has softened Dismay at confusion
economic revival. There is a projection the the legislation - and it While much of Arab Twitter cele-
There is a biting cash crisis, economy will grow by more now only applies to brated Salah’s award, calling him the
with long queues at banks. diamond and platinum pride of Egypt, some Twitter users
than 4.5 per cent this year.
With elections due in August, While Mugabe adopted a continued to be baffled by the win
the new president has seven “Look East” policy, after being Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa. [AFP] while others expressed their dismay
months to demonstrate that he spurned by the West, Mnan- at the confusion.
is no Robert Mugabe. gagwa is keen to show he is not Although Egypt sits in the north of
His predecessor was accused taking sides. embracing each other in unit he fought in during the the African continent it is considered
of squandering opportunities - He does not seem to mind defining a new destiny of our liberation war, will have to by many to be a Middle Eastern coun-
it was, according to some, a the colour of the cat as long as beloved Zimbabwe.” tame himself to keep these try, partly because the main spoken
period of misrule that allowed it catches mice. It was an admission that hopes alive. language there is Egyptian Arabic, the
the economy to be run into the Sources say he has strong Mugabe’s policies had dam- He cannot afford to main religion is Islam and it is a mem-
ground. Chinese backing to revive the aged the country and implied “Mugabenise” Zimbabwe ber of the Arab League.
But to win the elections, country and improving rela- the new leader intended to again if he wants to win pop- In 2012, Al Arabiya news reported
Mnangagwa has to fix the econ- tions with the UK, the country’s do things differently - ular support in elections due that many Egyptians they inter-
omy. And he knows it. former colonial power. their past. despite the fact that he had before the end of August, viewed for a feature on identity
Wooing the diaspora In his inauguration speech, “Let us hum- b l y been part of the old system. though sceptics suggest the classed themselves mostly as Arabs,
Last month, he went to South Mnangagwa said Zimbabweans appeal to all of us that we let Yet the statistics are stark. ruling Zanu-PF party - given Muslims, descendants of the Phar-
Africa, the region’s economic should not remain hostages of bygones be bygones, readily Some estimates put Zim- its now open backing from aohs or a combination of all three, but
babwe’s rate of unemploy- the military - could simply not African.
ment at 95 per cent - most return to its strong-arm tac- Perhaps the confusion is com-
people eke a living in the tics to remain in power. pounded by the country’s geographi-
informal economy. Either way, the year ahead cal location, sitting in Africa but sur-
The country’s manufac- looks rocky for the Opposi- rounded by countries located on the
turing sector has shrunk by tion. southern and eastern seashore of the
at least 50 per cent, accord- Weak and divided, it is Mediterranean, such as Morocco,
ing to the Confederation of unclear whether it will unite Algeria and Tunisia, which despite
Zimbabwe Industries. behind one candidate to their north African location are
There are also no signifi- challenge Mnangagwa. regarded by many as Arab. [BBC]
cant revenue inflows, and The new president insists
import and export dispari- that it will not be business as
ties are huge. usual in 2018 - on the politi-
Rampant corruption has cal or economic front.
also corroded the fabric of He wakes up early for
society, leaving many dispir- work and spends weekends
ited. in the office - in contrast to
Mnangagwa said he would his 93-year-old predecessor,
act - and many arrests have who was often pictured nap-
taken place. This has given ping on the job.
some people hope. The indications so far are
However, “the crocodile”, that “the crocodile” does
People and soldiers celebrate after the resignation of Zimbabwe’s president Robert Mugabe on as Mnangagwa is affection- mean business. And business
November 21, 2017 in Harare. [AFP] ately known because of the is what matters.
Mohamed Salah after winning the
African Player of the Year award. [AP]
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38 World Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

Clinton Foundation investigated by Justice Department. The US Justice Department

has opened a new inquiry into the Clinton family’s non-profit organisation, the Clinton On Twitter:
Foundation, US media report. The Attorney General and FBI will reportedly investigate @pattonoswalt
claims Hillary Clinton engaged in so-called “pay-to-play” politics for donations. Mrs I don’t know if Trump will
Clinton’s spokesman on Friday labelled the inquiry a “sham”. He said Attorney General Jeff be gone by the end of the

Sessions was doing President Trump’s bidding to distract from the Russia probe. [BBC] year but I 100% do know we
will have a Gorilla Channel.

Sponsorship: why Kenyans clubs should stop relying on one sponsor p. 42

sparked criticism that the social

network was allowing threats of Disappointed  President Trump has called book author Wolff a total loser
In Brief violence. “Twitter is here to serve
and help advance the global,
public conversation. Elected
world leaders play a critical role

Trump book
because of their outsized impact
on our society,” the California firm
said. “Blocking a world leader
Washington. Twitter from Twitter or removing their

row casts
controversial tweets would hide
says it won’t block important information people
world leaders should be able to see and debate.
Twitter has announced that it It would also not silence that
would not block the accounts of leader, but it would certainly

shadow on
world leaders even if their hamper necessary discussion
statements are “controversial,” around their words and actions.”
citing a need to promote a “public Twitter made no specific
conversation” on political issues. reference to Trump or his tweet

The Friday announcement came saying he has a “nuclear button”
just days after a tweet from which is “bigger and more
President Donald Trump hinting powerful” than that of North
at the use of US nuclear weapons Korea’s. [AFP]

Trump tweeted he was [email protected]

Kuala Lumpur. mentally fit and that he
Malaysia approves new
What the book
was “a very stable
search for airliner genius”.
Malaysia’s government said White House
employees believed
yesterday that it has approved a BBy BBC Trump’s “mental powers
new attempt to find the Washington were slipping”
wreckage of Malaysia Airlines The Trump team was
Flight 370, nearly four years after Donald Trump has contin- shocked and horrified by A copy of the book “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House”
the plane’s disappearance ued attacking critics over a his election win sits on display at a bookstore in Washington, DC on Friday. 5[AFP]
sparked one of aviation’s biggest tell-all book, Fire and Fury as His wife, Melania,
mysteries. The US-based his party gathers for a key was in tears of sadness “We have a lot of things to and Mitch McConnell, the
company Ocean Infinity meeting to thrash out their on election night - work on, a lot of things to Senate Majority Leader, will
dispatched a search vessel this priorities for 2018. though she has denied accomplish,” Trump said as he push for funding to rebuild
past week to look in the southern A retreat at Camp David this left for the Maryland retreat. infrastructure, Reuters news
Indian Ocean for debris from the will focus heavily on a strate- The president’s son Those issues are reported agency reports.
plane, which disappeared March gy before crucial congres- Donald Jr engaged in to include: money. Specifically, Meanwhile, the Depart-
8, 2014, on a flight from Kuala sional elections in November. “treasonous” behaviour, how legislators can agree on ment of Homeland Security
Lumpur to Beijing with 227 Michael Wolff’s book raises according to former funding the federal govern- was widely reported on Friday
passengers and 12 crew concerns over Trump’s mental Trump aide Steve ment for the current fiscal to have asked for $18 billion to
health. The president called Bannon (claims denied year. If they do not do so
members. [AP] complete a section of Mr
Wolff a “total loser”. by the Trumps) before January 19, there is a Trump’s much-vaunted bor-
Trump tweeted he was risk of a government shut- der wall with Mexico - though
mentally fit, adding that he down. it is unclear if this will be dis-
Riyadh. 11 princes Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to was a “genius....and a very sta- office. It will seek to tie up Different Republicans have cussed in the latest round of
stop the government from paying ble genius at that”. unfinished business by Repub- different priorities: for exam- budget talks.
arrested for protesting power and water bills of princes licans, who have rallied ple, Paul Ryan, the Speaker of Fire and Fury went on sale
Saudi police have arrested 11 and their demands for compen- Unfinished business around Trump during the the House, is keen to address early on Friday, days ahead of
princes for protesting at the sation for the execution of a The Camp David summit release of Wolff’s book, Fire a reform of welfare pro- its scheduled release, despite
ruling palace in Riyadh and prince last year who was begins two weeks before the and Fury: Inside the Trump grammes. the president’s attempts to
refusing to leave. The princes convicted in a murder case. They end of Trump’s first year in White House. On the other hand, Trump block its publication.
yesterday protested over the were referred to prison pending
decision of the Saudi King trial. [Xinhua]

Dubai. Iran stages showed rallies in cities including

Seoul offers high-level delegation for N Korea talks

Amol, Semnan and Shadegan
pro-government rallies waving Iranian flags and chanting
Thousands of government
“Death to America”, “Death to
supporters staged rallies in Iran
Israel” and “Death to Britain”. South Korea has proposed a The tentative rapprochement The ministry said yesterday South said as the two Koreas
for a fourth day, in a backlash
More than a week of unrest has five-member delegation led by a comes after the North’s leader that the South had suggested discussed the size and forma-
against widespread protests the
seen 22 people die and more than government minister to rare Kim Jong-Un warned in his New Unification Minister Cho tion of delegations by fax.
clerical establishment has
1,000 arrested, according to talks with North Korea next Year speech that he had a nucle- Myung-Gyon lead the delega- “We have been informed from
blamed on the country’s enemies.
Iranian officials, in the biggest week, the Unification Ministry ar button on his desk, but also tion to the meeting in the truce the North’s side that there will
Yesterday’s show of support
anti-government protests for in Seoul said yesterday. said Pyongyang could send a village of Panmunjom on Tues- not be any response today,” a
came a day after Iran’s foreign
nearly a decade. Unrest spread to The offer came a day after the team to the Pyeongchang Win- day. unification ministry official was
minister said a United Nations
more than 80 cities and rural two Koreas agreed to hold their ter Olympics. quoted as saying by Yonhap
Security Council meeting called
towns as thousands of young and first official dialogue in more Seoul responded with an offer Four officials news agency.
by the US to discuss the protests
working class Iranians voiced than two years to discuss the of talks and earlier this week the He would be accompanied by Kim said in his New Year
had proved a “blunder” by the
anger at graft, unemployment North’s participation in next hotline between the neighbours four other officials, including speech that his country wished
administration of US President
and a deepening gap between month’s Winter Olympics in was restored after being sus- two vice ministers - one of success for the Olympics, to be
Donald Trump. State television
rich and poor. [Reuters] South Korea. pended for almost two years. whom is in charge of sports - the held from February 9-25. [AFP]
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SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard 39

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Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard Sports 41

Athletics. James Dasaolu and Ashleigh Nelson have withdrawn from Team England’s
Commonwealth Games squad. Two-time European champion Dasaolu, 30, is Britain’s second On Twitter:
fastest man over 100m and had been entered to compete in the 100m and 4x100m relay. [BBC] @BBC
Manchester City cap-
tain Vincent Kompany

has urged Premier
League football clubs to
cut ticket prices for fans.


dominant win over Pakistan in the

opening one-day international in NBA.  Smart’s 18 points on eight-of-13 shooting lead the hosts to glory
In Brief Wellington yesterday, but he said it
was not a game for heroics.
“You’re always thinking about the
role you need to play and the
situation of the game, and it Boston Celtics guard
certainly didn’t require something Marcus Smart (right) in
silly,” Williamson said after New action against Bucks
Cricket. Williamson act Zealand beat the Champions forward Giannis
sinks Pakistan Trophy holders by 61 runs under Antetokounmpo. [AFP] 
the Duckworth-Lewis system.
Kane Williamson may have [AFP]
been New Zealand’s hero in their

Golf. Star Johnson puts

leaders on short leash
Dustin Johnson offered a reminder
that he is still the world number one as
he moved within one stroke of
second-round leaders Marc Leishman
and Brian Harman at the Sentry
Tournament of Champions in Hawaii on
Friday. Johnson recovered from a slow
start to run up seven birdies for a
five-under-par 68 on the Kapalua
Plantation course on the island of Maui.

Champions Cup quarter-final

Rugby. Grant help Bath quest against Recreation Ground
to end bad run visitors the Scarlets next Friday.
[email protected]
Flankers Paul Grant and Matt
Bath halted a run of three Garvey scored tries either side of

Celtics pull away late in

successive Premiership defeats half-time, before England back
with a comfortable bonus-point Anthony Watson’s try 15 minutes
victory at Worcester on Friday. into the second period put
The 46-25 win provided just the 11th-placed Worcester away.
lift fifth-placed Bath needed [AFP]

win over Timberwolves

before resuming their European

It was a hard-fought the period. “Tonight was one of those 20 points from Jonas Valan-
contest that included But they made eight of their games where every last one of ciunas - to beat the Milwaukee
15 lead changes next 11 shots, closing out the us from the starters to the Bucks for the second time in
third on a 17-7 scoring run. guys coming in off the bench five days, 129-110.
The Celtics withstood a were ready,” Smart said. Valanciunas, benched in the
BBy AFP 25-point, 23-rebound perfor- Celtics coach Brad Stevens second quarter after finding
[email protected] mance from Minnesota star himself in quick foul trouble
Karl-Anthony Towns. and failing to score in the first,
Marcus Smart and Terry Smart’s 18 points on eight- “To win a game responded in the third, when
Rozier combined for 32 points of-13 shooting led the Celtics like that against a the Raptors out-scored the
as Boston’s reserves keyed the and Rozier added 14 off the Bucks 43-19.
Celtics’ 91-84  NBA  victory bench as Boston’s reserves really good team “He was masterful as far as
over the Minnesota Timber- out-scored Minnesota’s 42-20. when you can’t make getting position, using his size
Caroline Wozniacki in action during a past match. [AFP] wolves on Friday. Star guard Kyrie Irving led a shot - that’s a and strength in the paint and
In a hard-fought contest Boston’s starters with 16 just doing a good job of
Tennis. Wozniacki comfortably, winning both her that included 15 lead changes, points and also pulled down good thing.” rebounding the ball, old
matches in straight sets, the Eastern Conference-lead- nine rebounds and eight school, going to get the ball,
survives scare in semis Wozniacki found herself a set
Brad Stevens
ing Celtics finally turned the assists. rebounding, putting it back
Top seed Caroline Wozniacki down in her quarter-final against tide late in the third quarter to Irving’s finger-roll layup and getting and-ones,” Rap-
survived an early scare to join 19-year-old American Sofia Kenin. post their fifth straight win. with 1.6 seconds left in the was pleased to see his team tors coach Dwane Casey said
Julia Goerges in the Auckland But she regrouped to beat Kenin Boston had missed 12 of third pushed the Celtics’ hang on despite their offen- of Valanciunas, who was just
Classic final after an exhausting 4-6, 6-2, 6-4 then overcame their first 14 shots of the third advantage to 66-62 and they sive struggles. two points off Kyle Lowry’s
duel yesterday involving the another patchy start to beat and were down 55-48 with wouldn’t surrender the lead in The Toronto Raptors used a club record for points in a
quarter and semi-finals. While Sachia Vickery 6-4, 6-4 in the less than five minutes left in the final quarter. big third quarter - including quarter.
second-seed Goerges progressed semis. “I’m exhausted,” Wozniacki
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42 Sports SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard

SPONSORSHIP  Gor Mahia and AFC leopards need to follow examples of top clubs like Al Ahly of Egypt

Why Kenyan AFC Leopards Aziz

Okaka shields
Chemelil Sugar’s
Apolo Otieno during a

clubs should
KPL match at
Kasarani last
November. [Jonah
Onyango, Standard]

stop relying
on one sponsor
Teams across the world
have sponsors divided Sponsorship
into various categories breakdown
and don’t have to beg for
tickets when flying out.
 Real Madrid have nine
global partners, 12 regional
sponsors and 10 others for
By Kimathi Kamau their basketball team.
[email protected]  Barcelona have Nike and
Rakuten as main partners,
How did it come to this? six premium partners, nine
That is the question many official partners, 26 regional
football fans have been asking partners.
since Tuesday when Gor Mahia  Al Ahly of Egypt signed a
Sh3.09b deal with Saudi
FC and AFC Leopards
Arabian company Sela in
announced they were consider- 2015.
ing withdrawing from the CAF  Orlando Pirates of South
Champions League and Confed- Africa enjoy sponsorship
erations Cup. from Vodafone, Black Label
It was hardly the New Year beer, Adidas, Ford, EA Sport
message their proud support- among others.
ers expected, coming after a
year when the emblematic examples of local politicians
teams returned to the apex of [email protected]
for the nation as participa- who have been officials of Leop-
local football with Gor winning tion in the tournament ards.
the Kenyan Premier League as raises Kenya’s profile as a Opposition chief and club
Leopards lifted the GOtv Shield. sporting nation,” Gor patron, Raila Amolo Odinga, the
This followed the termina- chairman, Ambrose Rachi- late Joab Omino whose idea of
tion of their sponsorship with er said in a statement after turning Gor into a private lim-
betting firm SportPesa after the the club was informed of ited company was shot down
gaming firm pulled the plug on SportPesa’s withdrawal. and Homa Bay Governor, Cypri-
all local partnerships earlier in “Our gate collections are an Awiti are among politicians
the week. not enough to cater for that with ties to K’Ogalo.
Debate has raged on main- expense and also pay players Kenyan corporate apathy to
stream and social media with and the technical bench, we are sport is however, the biggest
some accusing the betting in dilemma. This is tantamount factor that has stalled the
giants of holding the teams and to killing football in the country. growth of Gor and Leopards
other local sporting entities/ No Kenyan club is going to suc- into powerful brands.
individuals who benefited from cessfully stay in the 2018 KPL,” It is an open secret that most
their partnership to ransom. Rachier said. Kenyan companies deem sport
SportPesa took the drastic “We have no sponsors right as a Corporate Social Responsi-
action after the Government now. We are going to withdraw bility function, not a revenue
failed to backtrack on the from CAF assignments. We are tool.
implementation of the 35 per urging other like-minded corpo- That explains why for exam-
cent tax proposal on gaming rates to emulate SportPesa and ple, the annual Kenyan Open
and lottery businesses effective support community clubs golf event attracts over 70 local
January 1. in Kenya. I don’t know sponsors despite being an event
Others have turned on Gor how we will pay the 10 for the privileged few.
and Leopards, the grand old international players No Kenyan has ever won the
institutions of Kenyan football, we have signed ahead Open and its impact on the
for putting all their eggs in the of the season,” his Leop- growth of local golf is negligible
SportPesa basket, leaving them ards counterpart, Dan Mule at most, but that has never
ruthlessly exposed in the event decried. stopped companies falling over
their sponsor took such Simply put, the best support- each other to put up their ban-
extreme measures. ed Kenyan football clubs who ners in an exercise seen as an
“We are few weeks away share 28 league and 20 domestic effort to please the hordes of
from kick off of our continental cups between them cannot CEOs who patronise the
matches in the 2018 CAF Cham- afford to take their pride of place four-day event.
pions League which starts in among fellow African giants nation and the best illustration put on the backburner by suc- activities only to abandon Since football is the most
February. after SportPesa pulled the spon- of the skewed nature of Kenyan cessive regimes. the teams when their ambitions popular sport in the country,
“Traversing the continent to sorship rug from under their sport. Unfortunately, Gor and Leop- are realised. one would expect Gor and Leop-
honour our fixtures is an expen- feet. Officially described as an ards have over the years been Alfred Sambu, Cyrus Jirongo, ards to have sponsors queuing
sive affair which Gor Mahia can- If that does not qualify to be a ‘industry’, in reality Kenyan used as a footstool to political Musalia Mudavadi, Rachel up to plant their masts but this
not afford on its own. These national disaster, then it can be sport is nothing more than a office, wealthy benefactors Shebesh, George Aladwa and is not the case because as a
matches are a source of pride termed the crying shame of a token tool of social mobilisation coming in to bankroll their Alex Ole Magelo are some product, Kenyan football has
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SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard Sports 43

Casirello del Diablo (wine part-

Gor Mahia players training at ner), Columbia (outdoor appar-
Camp Toyoyo on Friday in el), Deezer (music partner), DHL
Sportpesa branded kits (logistics partner), EA Sports
despite the betting firm (video gaming), Gulf Oil Interna-
having cancelled its sponsor- tional (lubricant and fuel retail),
ship. [Jonah Onyango, Standard] HCL (digital transportation),
Kansai Paint (paint for crying out
loud), Marathonbet (betting
partner) and Milly (official mat-
tress). Tag Heuer (watch), Uber,
Toshiba Medical Systems, Yan-
mar, Swissquote (forex) and New
Era (headwear) complete the
global partnership roster for the
Red Devils.
So, it is not unusual to see
ManU team travel on Aeroflot,
get picked from the airport by

 The value of sponsorship deal
that Egypt’s Al Ahly signed with
a Saudi Arabia firm in 2015.

Uber, sip bottles of Casirello

after a victory, don Tag Heuer
watches, drive Chevrolet cars to
training or send packages home
through DHL, a pampered exist-
ence that is a gazillion years
away from their Gor and Leop-
ards counterparts.
Spanish LaLiga champions,
Real Madrid CF have listed three
main sponsors, Emirates Air-
lines, Adidas and Cepsa, nine
global partners, 12 regional
sponsors and 10 others for their
basketball team. Barcelona have
Nike and Rakuten as main part-
[email protected] ners, six premium partners, nine
official partners, 26 regional
partners, two other sports main
partners for their basketball
team and Serveto as the official
section partner.
Gor Mahia Like Gor and Leopards who
goalkeeper have been with SportPesa, Real
Shaban Odhonji and Barca share German
training at automakers, Audi as global part-
Camp Toyoyo on ners.
Friday. [Jonah In Africa, Al Ahly, the most
Onyango, Standard] supported club on the continent
with over six million registered
fans, shattered the Egyptian
record when they inked a $30m
(EGP 250m/Sh3.09b) sponsor-
ship deal with Saudi Arabia’s
Sela Trading Company in 2015.
Sela beat off competition from Al
Ahram Advertising Agency who
previously sponsored the team
and Al Ahly can count on Voda-
fone, Shell Egypt, Huawei,
Juhayna (dairy firm), Egyptian
Barcelona players celebrate a goal during a past LaLiga match . Barcelona is one of the clubs that have a Steel, Domino Pizza, Coca-Cola,
number of sponsors supporting them apart from shirt sponsors Rakuten. [AFP] Societe Arabe Internationale de
Banque (bankers) and Nestle
Pure Life (water).
the picture. As recently as 2015, funds saw Leopards almost miss elsewhere. Sample this, record From England to Spain
Gor were in danger of missing their trip to South Africa to play English Premier League win- through Egypt, it is clear from
out on the 2015 Cecafa Club SuperSport United in a Confed- ners, United have sponsors examples above that all success-
Championships before a few erations Cup clash, with delays divided into categories of glob- ful football teams have a robust
wealthy benefactors got togeth- in securing visas before the team al partners, regional partners, commercial and marketing func-
er and saved the club at the 11th went on to lose 2-4 on aggre- media and telecommunications tion that guarantees their exist-
hour, then the team went on to gate. On both occasions, corpo- partners and financial partners. ence as business, not just sport-
little commercial appeal. deal Bamburi Cement signed lose in the final against Azam FC rate sponsors were nowhere to Their official website, www. ing entities.
Derelict stadiums, low spend- with Sofapaka in 2012. Even of Tanzania. be seen. lists global part- That local clubs and federa-
ing power of supporters, inci- then, that amount is pocket The previous year, lack of The picture is totally different ners as Adidas (official kit sup- tions have only one sponsor is a
dents of violence, political change for a team like Manches- plier), insurance heavyweights crying shame -- and they can
undertones and the fact that the ter United for example. AON (principal partner), Chev- only blame themselves for not
Government pays little regard to Through the years, Gor and “A one-way air tickets costs Sh3.5m, rolet (principal partner/shirt treating their clubs as brands
sport have combined to turn Gor Leopards have hired marketing accommodation Sh3m and we will need Sh10m sponsor), 20th Century Fox and failing to market them. As a
and Leopards into beggars. firms to approach potential (official feature film partner), matter of fact, it is foolhardy to
Until SportPesa changed the sponsors but each time, their for one match, to and from and we cannot Aeroflot (official carrier) and blame a sponsor for withdraw-
laws of the local game, the most efforts were rebuffed until a sustain that budget.” (official ing, and fans should take their
a local team had ever announced company that was founded a few online marketer). officials to task for not living in
Gor Mahia chairman, Ambrose Rachier on CAF Champions League
in sponsorship was the Sh30m years ago -- in 2014 -- came into Others are Apollo Tyres, modern sporting times.
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44 Sports Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

Boxing  Association official says they are keen on young boxers

Okoth boxes his way to Club Games

Kenya Defence Forces enced boxers will be left out of
boxer beats Mwanzia of the Commonwealth Games, but
Some of the they must prove themselves in
Githurai 44 Soweto. 
results  order to don the national team
Light flyweight colours,” he said.
BBy Ben Ahenda (49kg);-Matayo Keya of
[email protected] The 2010 Commonwealth
[email protected] Kenyatta national Hospital Games bantamweight silver
walloped Nichodemus medalist Benson Njangiru Gich-
Africa lightweight champion Kinuthia of Githurai 44 aru was set to take on Isaac
Nick Okoth of Kenya Defence Soweto 3-0. Meja of KDF in a mouthwatering
Forces is headed to the Com- Flyweight (52kg);-Ali final match in the bantam-
monwealth Games for the third Mohammed of Kongowea weight category after both box-
consecutive time after he dismissed Brian Agina of ers dispatched their opponents
defeated John Mwanzia of Coast Combined 2-1 while in a two-match-face-off-two-
Githurai 44 Soweto in the Com- Simon Mulinge of KDF day competition.
monwealth Games selection dispatched Charles Meja who was a thorn in
bout at Kaloleni Social Hall on Macharia of Dallas Gicharu’s flesh last season in
Friday night. Muthurwa. league assignments rolled to the
The continental champion Bantamweight(56kg);- finals without throwing a jab
who won a gold at the Africa Benson Gicharu of Kenya after policeman Martin Oduor
Boxing Championships in Con- Police won against Hamza
failed to climb up the ring while
Saidi of Coast Combined
go Brazzaville to earn him a Gicharu had dismissed Hamza
on RSC second round while
ticket the World Boxing Cham- Isaac Meja of KDF received Saidi of Coast Combined.
pionships in Hamburg, Germa- a walkover on Martin In the light flyweight, Matayo
ny last year, was no match for Oduor of Police. Keya of Kenyatta National Hos-
his opponent when the referee pital saw-off Nichodemus
stopped the contest in the sec- Nick Okoth (right) and Kennedy Onyango in action during a past All Africa Games boxing elimination bout Kinuthia of Githurai 44 Soweto.
ond round to save Mwanzia in Nairobi. [FILE] In the super heavyweight,
from further punishment. David Njuguna of Police beat
Okoth was set to square it out Boxing Association of Kenya George Owiti of Prisons 2-1 and
with Ethan Maina of Kenya Vice President Albert Matito a yardstick to the 2020 Tokyo than depend on experienced Tokyo Olympics and hence the was set to take on Fred Ramogi
Police in the finals last evening said they are more focused on Olympic Games. players who have outlived their need to have young boxers who of KDF.
after the policeman had earlier picking a young, but talented “We are serious in picking a usefulness,” said Matito. can win medals in Gold Coast, Ramogi defeated Njuguna in
dismissed Anthony Ngugi of side that could win medals at formidable young side that can Matito said that the federa- Australia. all league matches last season.
Kenya Prisons. the big games, which will act as deliver medals at the games tion has set its eyes on the “That does not mean experi-
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Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard Sports 45

Football  Sports PS promises Nyayo Stadium will be ready in good time

Clubs feel edge out
Royal Salute 
pinch as Defending champions, Samurai,

edged Royal Salute 5-4 to keep their
hopes of retaining the annual Davis Cup
alive at the Nairobi Polo Club in Jam-
huri yesterday.

Hiromi Nzomo was the star of the

Sh45 mil
see-saw match with a hat-trick. She
was successfully assisted to the goals
by her father Raphael and teammates
 Amount of money set Kevin Tanui and Magda Jurkowiecka.
aside for the renovation Royal Salute, led by national team
Gor Mahia and AFC dium  on Friday, it was of  Nyayo Stadium. captain Rowena Stichbury, was the first
Leopards forced to
look for alternative
venues for continental
revealed that the facility will
be ready in April.
This means that Gor Mahia
The year Nyayo Stadium
Ministry of Sports, Culture and the Arts PS Kirimi Kaberia (left)
is taken round by constructor Chandresh Babariya during an
inspection tour of the renovation work Nyayo Stadium on Friday.
to find the opponents back-line in the
second minute of the opening chukka.
The goal was scored by Stitchbury
and AFC Leopards will have [Jonah Onyango, Standard] who grabbed a lose midfield pass,
assignments. was built

to get alternative venues for paced with it then slotted it from an
their continental assign- But this could end up to be and should host its first acute left angle which was out of reach
BBy Gilbert Wandera ments as well as Kenyan Pre- a very expensive venture as match in the first week of for her challengers.
[email protected] mier League (KPL) fixtures.  The capacity of  Nyayo
[email protected]
the club will be required to fly April. Nzomo replied for Samurai a minute
Gor Mahia Chief Executive Stadium their opponents and match “There were delays in Sep- later with similar skillful work that
With delays in the comple- Lodvick Aduda confirmed officials to Kakamega. tember as you are aware it involved both power and intensity.
tion of repairs at Nyayo Sta- yesterday that the team has tions which now remains our Sports Principal Secretary was a period of showers Nzomo missed another open chance in
dium imminent, Kenyan clubs settled on Machakos Stadi- biggest income after the loss Kirimi Kaberia said the delay which slowed the momentum the eighth minute after her shot went
will find it even more expen- um. of SportPesa,” he said. in completing works at Nyayo of the job. The electioneering wide.
sive to take part in this year’s “Only Machakos and Buk- Gor Mahia will represent Stadium was caused by poor period also slowed the human Samurai were punished a minute
continental tournaments. hungu stadiums have been the country in the Champions weather and the long elec- labour as the contractor later by Dom Grammaticus who con-
This comes even as Gor approved by the Confedera- League this season after tioneering period. could not get enough man verted a left cross to make it 2-1 for
Mahia and AFC Leopards tion of African Football (CAF) emerging league winners last “I am impressed with the power,” he said. Royal Salute before the sides proceeded
have already lost their shirt for continental matches and year. work done so far. It has Laxmi International, the for a break.
sponsorships after betting to cut travelling expenses we On his part, AFC Leopards been    confirmed to me that company that was awarded Samurai rose to the occasion in the
firm SportPesa pulled out have settled on the former. chairman Dan Mulee con- the parking lot will be ready the contract to refurbish the second chukka, equalizing immediately
owing to a 35 per cent tax “However, even playing firmed the club has settled on by the end of this month. Gen- facility said they have dou- on resumption through Raphael who
imposed on them. here will affect the attend- Bukhungu Stadium for their erally, the stadium will be bled their efforts to ensure it tapped in a midfield pass from
During a tour of  Nyayo Sta- ance hence the gate collec- Confederations Cup matches. ready by the end of March is completed as promised. Jurkowiecka to make it 2-2. [Standard
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46 Sports SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard

FA CUP  Mourinho full of praise of England youngster as Man U triumph

shines for
Manchester United’s Jesse Lingard
celebrates his goal against Derby in an FA
Cup tie on Friday. [AP]

one-time Rams loanee Lingard, with his the goal could arrive.
Lukaku also back from injury as eighth goal in 10 games, smashed home a “It was a great shot by Jesse Lingard in
Red Devils beat Derby. swerving volley, with Lukaku then adding the top corner, he’s in a moment of confi-
a second having broken from the halfway dence where things go well for him. He’s a
line. good professional and a fantastic kid in the
By AFP “I was feeling that we were close to scor- dressing room.”
[email protected] ing and we never stopped trying,” said Last month’s League Cup exit and a
United boss Jose Mourinho, who said the 15-point deficit to Manchester City in the
Jesse Lingard’s latest wonder strike and [email protected] Premier League had placed extra impor-
substitute Romelu Lukaku’s late effort tance on this competition, and that was
secured Manchester United a 2-0 victory evident with the strong line-up Mourinho
over Championship high-fliers Derby in the Friday’s FA Cup results deployed.
third round of the FA Cup on Friday.  Liverpool 2  Everton 1 Lingard, Paul Pogba and Marcus Rash-
Both attempts, which came in the final  Man Utd 2 Derby 0 ford could all have scored inside an enter-
six minutes, were worthy of a highlights taining 19 minutes that suggested the tel-
package in the first FA Cup tie involving evision executives might have been wrong
Premier League giants United in 13 years Championship was approaching Premier to snub the match.
not to be televised live. League quality. Derby were encouraged by a couple of
United had lost just one of their previous “But when you get past 80 minutes and runs from former United youngster Tom
35 FA Cup games against lower-league the goal hasn’t come, you fear the second Lawrence, while Marcus Olsson forced Ser-
sides but were heading for a replay until match. But the team kept trying so I knew gio Romero to tip his header over.

Transfer. Tevez returns to Boca EPL. Chelsea complete signing of

In Brief Juniors for third spell Everton midfielder Barkley
Carlos Tevez has rejoined his first side Boca
Juniors after ending his spell with Chinese club
Shanghai Shenhua, the Argentine club said on
Friday. Tevez, who will turn 34 next month, met
with coach Guillermo
Serie A. Simeone foils Inter Barros Schelotto and
with last-gasp equaliser immediately began
pre-season training at
Inter Milan’s frustrating Serie A run the Los Cardales
continued on Friday when they were held complex. “Tevez has
to a 1-1 draw at Fiorentina by a last-gasp come home!” the club Ross Barkley has completed his widely
equaliser from Giovanni Simeone. Inter said. “Today he joined up anticipated move from Everton to Chelsea, the
went ahead in the 55th minute with a goal with Guillermo’s squad reigning Premier League Champions an-
from their leading scorer Mauro Icardi, his at Cardales and he is nounced on Friday. The 24-year-old England
18th in Serie A this season, only for training with his team midfielder has signed a five-and-a-half-year
Simeone, son of Atletico Madrid coach mates.” The club did not contract and will wear the No 8 shirt. “I’m
Diego, to snatch a deserved point for give details of his overwhelmed, I’m looking forward to it and I’m
Fiorentina in the 90th minute. Inter remain contract. [Reuters] really excited to get started,” said Barkley.”To
third on 42 points. [Reuters] be given a fresh start at a new club like
Chelsea, it’s unbelievable for me.” [AFP]
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SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard Sports 47

FA CUP  Liverpool boss happy with new signing as Coutinho set for Barca move

Klopp praises Van Dijk

Dutchman scores winner demanding 160 million euros
as Reds beat Everton in for 25-year-old Coutinho, but
Merseyside showdown. that the sum would be made up
of the transfer fee and other [email protected]
By AFP Coutinho’s departure would
[email protected] be a blow to Liverpool as he is
just rounding into top form,
Liverpool manager Jurgen scoring six goals in the last
Klopp believes Virgil van Dijk seven games of 2017.
will get even better after he Crucially though,
scored the winning goal against acquiring the playmaker
Everton in a “fairytale” Mersey- would allow Barcelona to
side derby debut. move on from the bitter
Van Dijk headed home six experience of losing
minutes from full-time to give his Brazil teammate
Liverpool a 2-1 victory in their Neymar last sum-
FA Cup third-round tie with the mer to Qatar-
Toffees after Gylfi Sigurdsson backed Paris
had cancelled out James Mil- Saint-Ger-
ner’s opener from the penalty main for
spot. a world
The Dutchman became the record
most expensive defender in the 222 mil-
world when he joined Liverpool l i o n
from Southampton for £75 mil- euros.
lion this month and Klopp could
not be happier with his contri-
bution in his first match for the
“Fairy tale in a world with not
a lot of fairy tales anymore, so I
think something like that is
quite special,” said the Liver-
pool boss.
“It was a difficult decision to More Merseyside
make to be honest because, to derby success for
be 100 percent honest, the first Liverpool
plan was not to start him but
then Dejan Lovren and Ragnar  Liverpool are now unbeaten in
Klavan played a lot of games in 16 matches against Everton (won
the last few weeks, so I changed eight, drew eight) - their longest
ever unbeaten run against them.
my mind .
“It was a big fight, it was not
 Everton were unbeaten in their
first seven matches under
brilliant football, it was not the Allardyce (won four, drew three)
most beauty -- it was how cup but they have lost their past three,
games should be. It is not about scoring just two goals in their past
who is the better side, who can Coutin- five matches.
do this or that. Things like this ho’s age is  Milner has scored 11 of his 13
can happen sometimes, but it is also highly penalties for Liverpool - though he
pretty rare.” attractive to had failed to score with his
Meanwhile, Barcelona and Barca, whose previous two efforts before Friday.
Liverpool have agreed a deal in three main  Milner has scored three goals in
principle for Philippe Coutinho stars, Lionel his past two FA Cup third-round
to move to the Spanish giants Messi, Luis matches, also scoring twice for
for 120 million euros with add- Suarez and Manchester City against Sheffield
ons worth another 40 million Andres Iniesta Wednesday in January 2015.
euros, a report said yesterday. are all in their  All four of Sigurdsson’s goals
Barcelona-based Sport news- thirties. Iniesta, at against Liverpool have been
paper said Coutinho would join 33, has shown scored at Anfield, with two in the
FA Cup (also for Reading in January
Barca this month on a deal for signs of fatigue this
five seasons, although it said season.
the details of the deal were still Another report Liverpool manager
 The Reds have not lost a
Merseyside derby in which they
to be finalised. said Coutinho was set Juergen Klopp have scored first since December
“The club reached a deal in to arrive in Barcelona congratulates 1992.
principle yesterday evening later yesterday and winning goal scorer  This was the 24th meeting
with Liverpool on the final could be a spectator at Virgil van Dijk after between these sides in the FA Cup,
amount of the deal,” Sport Barcelona’s game the final whistle in making it the most-played fixture
reported. against Levante at the the FA Cup tie on in the competition’s history.
Another newspaper, Mundo Camp Nou today. Friday. [AP] [Courtesy BBC Online]
Deportivo, said Liverpool were
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48 Sports
Sponsorship. Why Kenyan clubs need to learn from others on finances, P.42-43 Standard
SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard

January 7, 2018


EPL  Manchester United manager escalates feud with Italian with ‘match-fixing’ jibe

Mourinho hits back at Conte

Chelsea boss seemed to fixing. “I was asked about my don’t blame.” The United boss
suggest Portuguese was passion and, you know, I was then changed tack and refer-
suffering from ‘dementia’. speaking about myself and then enced match-fixing.
the question to the Chelsea man- “What has never happened to
ager was that I said he behaved me and will never happen is to be
By AFP like a clown,” said Mourinho. suspended for match-fixing.
[email protected] “Probably the journalist want- That never happened to me and
ed to say that but didn’t have the it will never happen.”
Jose Mourinho intensified his courage so he said ‘Mourinho The surprising reference to
war of words with Chelsea man- said you behaved like a clown’. “match-fixing” drew a follow-up
ager Antonio Conte in bizarre “I don’t blame the Chelsea question as to whether it was
fashion after his team’s FA Cup manager at all and I understand directly aimed at Conte.
victory over Derby on Friday, his reaction. I was speaking The Chelsea boss was acquit-
apparently referencing a match- about myself, saying I don’t need ted of sporting fraud charges in
fixing scandal in Italy. to behave like a clown to show 2016.
The Manchester United man- passion.” Prosecutors had requested a
ager was responding to com- Mourinho referred to his man- six-month suspended sentence
ments made by Conte earlier in agerial antics earlier in his career following accusations he failed
the day in which he appeared to and said he had not lost his pas- to report episodes of match-fix-
make disparaging statements sion. ing while in charge at Serie B side
about Mourinho. “I celebrated goals running Siena in 2011.
The Italian was even inter- 50m, I celebrated goals sliding The former Italy manager —
preted as suggesting that the on my knees, celebrations jump- who has always denied any
United manager may be suffer- ing in the crowd. wrongdoing — served a four-
ing from “dementia” after [email protected]
“I’m not free of that, especially month ban in relation to the
inho had made a reference, 24 if we score a winning goal in a affair in 2012.
hours earlier, to his own behav- specific moment I am not free to But when mention was made
iour and the fact that he no long- have an out-of-control reaction. of the accusations against Conte,
er acts “like a clown”. “What I was trying to say that Mourinho said: “Did he? Not
Initially, Mourinho appeared I behave bad a few times and this me.”
to be backing Conte following moment I control myself better. Mourinho’s reference to that
the furore caused by his words It doesn’t mean my passion is not controversy was just the latest
on Thursday — only then to the same. So wrong question and twist in a verbal spat between
make the reference to match- obviously a strong answer and I the managers.

Best of enemies — a history of confrontation

 19 October 2017: Conte says  14 March 2017: Mourinho Chelsea cannot be caught
Mourinho needs to “look at tells Chelsea fans “I’m still because they are a “defensive
himself” and stop talking number one” after being team”.
about his former side. heckled during his side’s FA  23 October 2016: Conte
 29 July 2017: Conte says Cup loss at Stamford Bridge. says he was “not mocking
that he must avoid “a  12 February 2017: Conte anyone” after appearing to
Mourinho season” as the says he does not like Mour- antagonise Mourinho in Manchester United manager
Chelsea manager champions attempt to defend inho’s “joking” after the Manchester United’s 4-0 Jose Mourinho. [AFP]
Antonio Conte. their Premier League title. Manchester United boss said defeat. [BBC Online]

Football and politics

Wenger compares Liberia President-elect Weah’s life to film script

Arsene Wenger has compared the life of George Johnson Sirleaf, who in 2006 took the helm of the “I have been invited by George to come to the day able. You can make a fantastic film.
Weah to a film script following his former player’s nation first founded for freed US slaves. where he will be president. I believe I will be busy. “I remember when I saw him for the first time in
election as president of Liberia. Arsenal boss Wenger has been invited to Weah’s Maybe if I’m suspended I’ll have time to go,” Wenger Monaco, coming in a bit lost, not knowing anybody,
Weah, who played for Monaco, Paris Saint-Ger- inauguration but expects to be too busy to attend – joked. not being rated by anybody as a player and after, in
main and AC Milan during a glittering career, last the date falls two days before the second leg of Arse- Although he was handed a three-game touchline 1995, becoming the best player in the world.
week secured a stunning run-off victory in the West nal’s League Cup semi-final against Chelsea. ban on Friday for his conduct after Arsenal’s draw “Now he’s president of his country – it’s an unbe-
African country’s first democratic transfer of power Wenger signed Weah in 1988 when he was man- at West Brom, Wenger will be back pitch-side by lievable story. But it’s down to the fact that one thing
in decades. ager of Monaco, guiding his career for the next four mid-January. that was common in George’s attitude is being
Idolised in Liberia as “Mister George”, Weah, 51, years, and views the 1995 Fifa World Player of the “What’s important is when you look at his life, and strong mentally, absolutely unbelievably convinced
is to be sworn in on January 22, replacing Ellen Year as a shining example to the rest of the game. I think the life of this guy is a real film, it’s unbeliev- that he has a mission.” [AFP]
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When truth is truly

stanger than fiction

mmett Till was a black 14- year-old

11 12
strapping lad from Chicago, USA. It was
holiday time and he wanted to visit his Where the sky
relatives in Mississippi. He was excited about
it and couldn’t wait to explore the town. As meets the sea
he left home, he was warned not to look at
white people in their faces and to generally How a can of soda TRIP
stay away from them. This was in 1955, when
racial tensions were high in America. One day, changed the course
as he was hanging around a convenience
store with his cousins, cracking jokes and
of my life
having a jolly good time, Emmett decided to
walk into the store to buy some gum. It is said
that he saw a young white woman, Carolyn
Bryant, and clearly besotted, whistled at her
in appreciation, and went on his way. Several
nights later, two white men (the woman’s
husband and his brother), broke into Emmett’s
uncle’s home, armed to the teeth and dragged
the teenager from the bed where he was
deep asleep. His body was found three days [email protected]
later floating in the river, battered beyond
The men were found innocent of all charges

by an all-white jury sparking outrage in the
country. This incident was a chief precursor
of the American Civil Rights Movement. A
movement that later led to equal racial rights in
My battle with
America. HEALTH epilepsy
This is a sad story but one that set in motion
several historic milestones. But do you want to
know the most bizarre part of the story?
Several years later, Carolyn Bryant, now an
old woman, after more than half a century,
admitted to making up most of the testimony.
She had claimed that Emmett had grabbed her
and verbally threatened her. She now stated
that it was untrue and she couldn’t remember
if he even whistled at all.
Truth is indeed stranger than fiction.

Have a reflective week.

A man on
MY STORY a mission

Shopper’s Paradise 4 Eat, Play, Live 13
Beauty 5 Health 14
Main Story 6 City Hawk 15
Young Mother 8 Interview 16
Fatherhood.101 9 Hard Talk 17
Feature 10 The Way It Goes 18
Take The Trip 12 Sunday Kitchen 19

Published by: The Standard Group Ltd | Managing Editor: John Bundotich | Revise Editor: Gathenya Njaramba | Editor: Judith Mwobobia | [email protected]
Manager Print Creative: Dan Weloba | Graphic Designer: Millie Wachira | Writers: Pauline Muindi, Tania Ngima, Josaya Wasonga, Essete Amlak, Harold Ayodo, Caroline Okello, Mandi
Sarro, Ruth Lubembe, Jacqueline Mahugu, Esther Muchene, Charles Chanchori, Thorn Mulli.
Email: [email protected] | Website:


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SHOPPER’S PARADISE with Adam Mawiyoo

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BEAUTY with Pauline Muindi

hen most of us think of pampering
ourselves, lying on a lounge chair at For sensitive skin For dull skin
a spa with a drink in hand as we let a Does your skin breakout with most Dull, dry skin skin can give you a lifeless
nourishing face mask sink seep into our skin isn’t [email protected]
new products that you try? Then it is
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face masks have been a staple in pampering all to give face masks a try. Skin that is easily dull complexion and have a radiant, glowing
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However, that doesn’t mean that face masks putting anything on your skin. Even beauty masks.
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handy. sensitive skins. Avoid masks containing C, E and B5 will greatly improve and
salicylic acid, alpha hydroxyl acids, brighten your complexion.
alcohol, benzoyl peroxide parabens, For DIY fans, try masks containing
sulphates, or fragrance. Through a process honey, coconut oil, papaya, yogurt, and
of elimination, you might figure out which oatmeal. For store-bought solutions,
For mature skin ingredients irritate your skin most. you will find that peel-off masks rather
We all want to stay forever young, right? Go for chemical-free clay masks or DIY than wash-off masks work better for
Unfortunately, we can’t entirely stop the solutions with soothing ingredients like aloe brightening your complexion.
ravages of time on skin. However, you can give vera, yoghurt, honey, and avocado.
your skin a fighting chance with the right face

The right face

mask ingredients.
For mature skin, go for masks specially
formulated with anti-aging and antioxidant
ingredients. If your skin tends to be dry, choose
one with emollient properties; if it tends to look

mask for your

tired, choose one with firming ingredients.
The right mask will boost your skin’s moisture
content, helping to reduce fine lines caused by
dehydration, weather and ageing.

skin type
If you love DIY, try facial masks with rice
milk, cucumber and aloe vera, avocado and
wheatgrass, apple and chia, coconut
oil and honey. For dry
Just like having oily skin, dry
skin can lead to skin woes such as acne.
Oily and acne prone skin Additionally, it can lead to premature aging
Does your skin get greasy and shiny? Do you struggle with pimples and (wrinkling), and a dry and ashy complexion.
acne from the oiliness? An added disadvantage with oily skin is that your Makeup on dry skin can also leave you feeling itchy
makeup might start to run and smudge by midday, especially in hot weather. and looking flaky.
A clay-based mask is the best choice for you. Clay masks are super  With this skin type, the goal is not to reduce oil, but
absorbent and help unclog pores by drawing out impurities that cause to add moisture. Go for face masks which are high
breakouts. You will get best results with masks containing kaolin, in moisturising and nourishing ingredients such
benonite, dead sea mud, and French, red, or Indian clays. as hyaluronic acid, coconut oil, avocado, and
Other ingredients to look out for include zinc- which helps Vitamin E. These ingredients will give dry skin
reduce inflammation, and sulphur- which fights off acne. a much-needed splash of moisture. Some
Also go for soothing and nourishing ingredients like aloe vera hydrating face masks might be based
and sea algae. on yellow, white, or green clay.
Mix the clay with a little water or milk, slather it on, wait for
the recommended time lapse and gently wash off.

5 RULES OF CORE ENGAGEMENT steep areas. When
you run fast up a
seconds and repeat four times. Do this
in three sets in one training session.
hilly terrain, you If you live near a hill, sprint up and jog

flabby belly is the bane of most your deepest ab have to incorporate leisurely downhill.
people’s existence, men and muscles, the transverse arm movement
women alike. The reason why abdominis. And as you for more support. 5.    Do planks. Not enough can be
many wake up one hour earlier to pound go about your everyday This makes your said about the benefits of planks
the pavement or hit the gym. The activities, hold your belly in. core work harder. to your abs. They target the major
reason why ‘miracle’ pills are popped Practice doing that often to abdominal muscles (rectus and
and uncomfortable corsets are worn. strengthen and tighten your transverse abdominis) and the
 There are FIVE rules to observe as core. erector spinae, a back muscle.
you work towards getting that lean Side planks are even more
tummy you always wanted. Rules that 2.      Lift heavier. Using 1 effective as they also work your
will get you that flat tum faster than you kg weights won’t do much obliques ( the muscles on your
think. for your core. Do bicep side that you need to work
curls with 4 kg weights to rid the love handles).
1.      Practice the uddiyana bandha and you will feel your 4.    Do Hold your abs tight for
when working out. This is a principle abs automatically sprints. maximum effect.
borrowed from yoga where you gently contract to steady Instead of doing 100 sit-ups at home  Bonus tip: According to a recent
pull your belly in towards your spine as your body. in your bid to burn that belly fat, try research, 50 minutes is the ultimate
you exhale. Do this when doing your sprinting. Channel your inner Usain length of a workout session. It is just the
planks and sit-ups. This activates 3.   Vary your running terrain. When Bolt. Gather as much momentum as right time to improve fitness, build your
charting your running range, include a few possible for 20 seconds, rest for 20 muscle and torch the fat.


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[email protected]

Love lessons
from divorcees
Our ancestors once said that when you see your friend’s head being
shaven, know that you are next in line. Divorces are on the rise in Kenya.
Four divorcees share their experiences with KURIA WANJIRU

putting on my ring. It was hard to many cracks. There was some infidelity
pretend because I was a preacher. and so much mistrust.
There was no infidelity in our
Should have known better…
marriage, but we should have culti-
We should have had better commu-
vated our friendship more because
nication between us instead of playing
this is what holds a marriage
down bad behaviour. The moment we
together. We should have been
developed problems, we should have
friends first.
talked about it and resolved the issues.
No regrets… Any relationship is defined by how well
I married a great woman. We people communicate. If one person
didn’t get a child together. Today, I slips up, talk about it immediately
have no regrets. before it’s too late. If you carry the mis-
If you asked me that two or three takes forward, they’ll pile up and you
months after my marriage col- won’t know where to begin from; it’ll be
lapsed, I’d have said it differently too late then. I now know that people
I SHOULD HAVE SPENT ents were okay. because there was a lot of anger and i AM DONE WITH do not really change their true nature. 
MORE TIME WITH HER depression. People ask us why I MARRIAGE
It broke down so fast… Lessons learnt…
Robert Burale, 41, emcee, teach about marriage and mine Margaret Wambui, 56, a steward
I wish I had communicated better I now know that I won’t get into
mentor and motivational failed. But you see, I’m in a good
with her, listened to her. I also wish The dream family… another relationship again. I am done
speaker position to tell men what not to do
I spent more time with her. It’s not   We met in 1985 in Nairobi. I was with marriage too.
in marriage if you want it to stand.
that I was travelling or working a working as a steward while he was an I have learnt that you can live with
The whirlwind romance… There are many counselors with
lot but sometimes you can be in the accountant. someone and not really know who they
I met my ex-wife at a Gospel con- qualifications but there’s nothing as
same room as someone else but you We had our first child in 1987 but we are. Couples should take time to learn
cert in 2012. She has the voice of an good as the experience. Would I
are not really spending time togeth- started living together in 1989. We were about each other. Also, one should also
angel. marry again? I do not have the
er. There was also outside influence later blessed with twins in 1995. He quit not leave the burden of raising children
 We courted for five months and grace to be single. It can get lonely
from friends. his job to go into self-employment and to one spouse. If a person is having
then got married in the same year. because you do not have anyone to
Nobody gets into marriage want- I supported his dreams. We were the financial trouble, that is a problem that
Everybody said we were rushing it share life with. But, the greatest
ing it to fail. Mine failed after one dream family. can be solved by both parties. All cou-
but we were in love, in hindsight, impediment to an already divorced
year, two days! It was painful and ples need to do is sit down, talk it over
we should have listened.  We dated, person dating or marrying again is Until it wasn’t…
depressing. I tried to hide it for a and try to find a solution. Trust is also
courted, paid dowry and got mar- the fear of making a mistake. But The new financial pressure caused so
while. For four months, I was still vital if a marriage is to survive.
ried all within five months. Her par- I’m praying about it.   


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DIVORCES [email protected]
Milimani Law Courts
reveal a gradual MARRIAGE?
increase in divorce
cases between 2001 BY CHRIS HART and distance needn’t mark
the end of a relationship, but

and 2015 alone.
ivorce proofing your they often do. So you end up
In 2001, a total of
marriage is mostly about divorced, separated, or living
101 divorce cases
being aware of the risks in lonely, parallel lives in the same
were filed at Milimani
your particular case. home.
Courts. The number
rose to 115 in 2002 Argue right
Watch for the risks
and then 206 cases in Can anything be done to
NEXT TIME, I WILL BE A with my wife were still so bad. There Because relationships fall
2003. escape this spiral? It helps to
BETTER PROVIDER was so much hurt between us that I into a pattern right from the
The following years make a deliberate effort to
Robinson Kimani, 54, a moved towns to get away from all of moment you meet. So for
2004, 2005, 2007 and calm yourself. To listen or speak
businessman and carpenter it.  example, if your new date gets
2008 recorded 296, without being defensive. To
drunk your very first time out
295, 357 and 369 Regrets? let your spouse know that you
We were happy… together, then alcohol’s going to
cases respectively. I do not regret marrying her at all, understand them and are trying
I was 26, she was 23. We courted for be a problem throughout your
Between 2010 and and she bore me three children that to see the problem from their
12 years and eventually had a Church relationship.
2015, a total of 1,246 I’m really proud of. I don’t habour any point of view.
wedding in 1990. Later in the same
were filed. ill will towards my ex-wife. I have The way you argue Soften tense times with
year, we were blessed with our first
child. I was happy, we were happy. moved on and I hope she does too. The way couples quarrel is phrases such as ‘Yes, I see’
God has provided me with peace of another strong clue. or ‘Go on,’ and by making
Until we weren’t… mind. That’s not to say that you comments about what’s
The cracks began when our first shouldn’t argue. You should! happening, like ‘That hurt my
born died in 1994. This was after an What I will do better next time
Arguments are inevitable feelings.’ Remind your partner
accident with hot water that led to If I marry again, I’ll ensure that I’ll
between two intelligent, that you admire and love them
serious scalds all over his body. It was provide for my family to the best of
independently minded people. despite the row.
devastating but we held on and were my ability because to my knowledge,
So all couples fall out, over Turn complaints into wishes.
blessed with three other children – most of our problems emanated from
all the usual subjects. And Be precise, so that your partner
two girls and a boy. Despite life seem- the financial difficulties that we faced.
it doesn’t matter whether knows exactly what you want
ing OK on the surface, our child’s Our primary roles as men are to pro-
you’re volatile and passionate, them to do. Talk about how
death lingered unspoken.  We were vide for and protect our families. All
calm, or rarely confront your what they do affects you, rather
also facing financial problems and men should strive to play these roles
differences. Even couples who than criticising them. Stick to
pretty soon, we had nothing to say to diligently and without fail. Last year I
really fight often have long and the point, and don’t bring up
each other. It just fell apart. won Sh 1,000,000 through Lotto, and
happy relationships. old sores. Skillful couples say
besides investing in real estate, I have
And the house broke… Instead, failing relationships things like: ‘I’m worried about
been able to pay fees for my daughter
She left in 2000 with the children. follow a very specific downward such and such, so can we
and stared a business for my son.
I was left alone. Later, I got my chil- path. So if you see any signs of discuss it sometime? Because
When I meet the right woman, I will
dren back. At this point, relations these developing, then you’re saying ‘You’ is criticising and
marry again.
[Photos: Kuria Wanjiru] heading towards the divorce controlling, while ‘I’ reveals your
courts. own feelings and encourages
The first step is criticism. your partner to listen and
Maybe you’ve been understand.
complaining about something, Ask instead of demanding.
IF HE WAS MARRIED marriage. And having a blended
and it gradually becomes Successful couples listen,
BEFORE, HE WON’T BE family didn’t help matters as some-
criticism. “We don’t go out acknowledge and are
TRULY YOURS times children don’t accept the new
as much as I’d like” becomes sympathetic: ‘I understand
Nancy Wairimu, 50, spouse. I felt really hurt when he
“You never take me anywhere.” how you feel...’ Maybe an
businesswoman, remarried but such is life.  
Before long, instead of affectionate touch that says
Regrets… attacking their behaviour, that you care and are trying
Love a second time around to understand your partner’s
The fact that we never argued or you’re blaming their personality
I met my ex-husband in 1986 in feelings. Work hard to find a
fought before the unfortunate inci- or character.
Kiambu and we dated for two solution that suits both of you.
dent in 1999 meant that we never got And as your fights become
years.   We moved in together in And then continually provide
to really know each other. Couples more frequent and personal,
1988. We didn’t do a church wedding positive feedback to encourage
that fight and not sweep thing under one of you is going to start
but I didn’t mind. He had separated each other to stick with it:
the rug are often closer and know all feeling insulted.
from his first wife. The union had ‘Thanks for your help...’.
the sides of their partner.  Could I That marks the second step
produced four children. I also had a What’s more, if you ask
have sought better solutions to our towards divorce.
daughter from a previous relation- the happiest couples what
problems? I would drag him to the Criticism becomes
ship. Together, we had three chil- for work…fast. I started selling sec- works, they always say it’s
local chief and even to our parents to contempt. Name-calling,
dren. Our marriage was happy, and ond hand clothes and then went commitment. Not love or luck.
seek solutions to our problems, but mockery. Rolling your eyes,
we were so in sync that people back into farming, something that Hard work and loyalty. And that
we couldn’t own up to our mistakes. curling your lip. You quickly
assumed we were siblings. He was in was so difficult because of my muti- they like each other’s company,
It is however water under the bridge forget your partner’s good
construction work while I was a lated hands. I worked hard and edu- share interests and values, and
now. My arms have now fully recov- points. Even why you fell in love
farmer. Life was great” cated my children. I did relatively have an intimate knowledge
ered. I can work for myself. And I’m in the first place.
well and bought land in Kinangop to never getting married again!   It’s easy to feel critical at of each other’s habits and
The turning point…
continue farming. times, and only human to feel preferences.
In 1999, thieves broke into our
While I held on to hope that we Lessons the hard way… contempt now and then. But Because it’s not arguments
home. They attacked me using
would find our way back to a happy I learnt that men never fully settle they’re ominous warning signs. that ends relationships. It’s loss
machetes and damaged my arms. No
marriage, my husband remarried, a into a second marriage since they Soon you’re being defensive. of commitment. So successful
other member of my family was
fact made possible since we weren’t constantly think of their first fami- And then, exhausted and couples accept that there will
hurt. My problems began then. I was
formally married.   lies. If a man has broken up or left overwhelmed, one partner be conflicts, but then deal with
a wife who couldn’t work; I had to
depend on others to do the most another family to be with you, you stops responding to the other’s them constructively, without
The hurts and aches… are in a hopeless union. He will
mundane of tasks. My husband took My marriage lasted for 26 years. accusations at all. Disapproval criticism or contempt.
my new reality harder than I thought always compare you to his first love
There was a lot of betrayal in my especially when you err.
and withdrew from me. I had to look

2018 || X
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Young mother with Judith Mwobobia

Let them ‘fight’ their small battles

“ Comb your doll’s hair and leave me alone.
Muuuuum, Tati is disturbing me.”

“ I am not. I want  it  to look like Shimmer

and Shine’s hair, ( Shimmer and Shine are
cartoon characters with silky hair).
I scoured  I was itching to ask Tati to get off Nimo.
the But I remembered the parenting coach said
I should ignore in some cases.
internet And soon enough, Tati was in tears. Her
for sister had grabbed the comb and thrown it
solutions I rinsed the pans and moved on to the
on handling pots. And after five minutes there was
children’s silence.
fights. And DAY 2
I found Tati wakes up and finds Nimo watching
one that something on Jim jam. She picks up the
that I let Tati: I want Baby TV ( she starts pressing the
them fight buttons thus disrupting the transmission).
[email protected] it out Nimo: ( Irritated) Stop it Tati. I will tell mum.

Tati: I want Baby TV ( starts sobbing)

imo is a month shy of six years and and right is still very unformed. And so, like any modern mum stumped Nimo: Here, play with my doll house (She
her younger sister Tati is almost And having the unfortunate role of the by a parenting challenge, I scoured the retrieves her prized toys and hands them to
three. Most times, they are the best referee, I have unsuccessfully tried to be as internet for solutions on handling children’s Tati).
of friends, hugging it out to the Barney song fair as I can.  Most times,  I have let the fights. And I found one that suggested that
and other times they are fighting. If it is not younger one have her way for peace’s sake I let them fight it out. That it builds self reli- I beam proudly. They just learnt the art
a  brawl over a toy, they are inventing new as I do not want to deal with the screeching ance and  conflict resolution skills. Sounded of negotiation.
ways of annoying the heck out of one wails when I rule in favour of Nimo. easy enough. It was a learning moment for me too.
another. During the recent festivities, when their That sometimes I should let them fight their
The arguments will be loud and distract- nanny was away and I was working from DAY 1 own battles. And they are both learning how
ing, and often, there will be tears from one home, I refereed one too many fights and it to manage their squabbles.
of them, and wailing as the other ‘reports’ all came to a head when Nimo asked why I “ Tati, leave my hair alone.” Sometimes there are tears, but they are
the other to me. While I have given count- always let Tati get her way. That I wasn’t fair There goes another episode, I thought to becoming less frequent. I now realise that if
less lectures on sisterhood and dialogue, I at all and it didn’t matter that Tati was myself as I continued scrubbing my pans. we had just fought more with our siblings
have realised that I cannot possibly reason younger if she was wrong. Smart girl, and I without parental interference, the world
with the younger one, whose idea of wrong couldn’t argue with her logic. “ I am just combing it,” whines Tati. may have been a more peaceful place.

papa & I
Duncan Ndegwa ‘Nasty Bull’,  an What are some of the lessons you If your children were old enough
artist and businessman, with his would like to teach them? what advice would you give
children Bianca, 8, Ryan 4, and Everything about music and them?
Collymore 3. business, so that when I am old and To live one day at a time and never
wrinkly, I will have a generation to take to rush into things.
How has parenting changed you? over and carry on with what I’m doing.
I have become a more responsible May the Lord make my dream come As a father what are some of the
man and every morning, I wake up true and answer my prayers. lessons you have learnt?
motivated to work harder because it’s At some point in life I thought
my duty to give them the best in life. How do you spend time together? that being the man of the house, my
We love going on road trips and orders were final. But that isn’t so. A
What are you afraid of? when I am home I am forced to do number of times I have had to cancel
We live in the digital age and I am what they love which is, playing plans with my boys because of the
always praying to God for the kids to games and watching cartoons. When little ones and when I don’t it become
grow up with good morals since there you find me on the carpet with my a big issue.  I can’t win when the three
is a lot of explicit content that kids big belly, I am no different from them. gang up with their mum.
may come across online even if you They jump on my belly like a bouncing
decide to have them stay indoors. castle.

8 | THE STANDARD on SUNDAY | 7 January 2018

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FATHERHOOD.101 with Josaya Wasonga

Her nightmare,
my childhood
That is what Jacob, Joseph’s father, did
ate last year, Pudd’ng had a nightmare.
when his cocky son told his family about his
She climbed out of her bed and came to
dream whose gist was that, essentially, his
our bedroom. She was shaken. We
family would serve him. After Jacob rebuked
prayed about it and she went back to bed.
his son, he thought deeply about. He reflect-
Me? I did not take it just like any other
ed about it.  I believe that this is what I am
nightmare. It was too real to be just another
supposed to do. To defend my child’s dream
nightmare. I knew someone who had lived this
– secretly or publicly – even if the dream
nightmare. Someone who is close and connect-
seems like a nightmare.   
ed to me.
I believe that God speaks to us in our dreams Dream-interpretation
of the night; not to scare us, but to prepare us. There are self-proclaimed “dream interpret-
ers” who are of the opinion that dreams’ inter-
Nightmare in Gem pretation follow a similar pattern. That, for
In 1986, my father was shot at point blank instance, any dream about running means the
range by our neighbour in our rural village in same thing; because running is the common
Gem. The shooter mistook my father and oth- motif. They have what you may call a dream
ers for thugs who had raided his home. interpretation manual.
The case dragged on in court because the I am of a different school of thought. I believe that dreams are deeply personal inter- thing happened to dad?” Tenderoni asked.
shooter, who had influence and affluence, actions with the divine. Which means that the Pudd’ng had just told us that she had a
insisted that my father was among the gang interpretations are different and personal, nightmare that I was shot, and I was bleeding
that raided his home. This was in an effort to although there may seem to have a common profusely.  Tenderoni can sometimes be para-
evade justice and not bear responsibility for thread running through them.   Which is why, noid and superstitious. If she hears a cat
his near-fatal action. when I dream or have a nightmare, I do not go meowing, she will literally lose her religion.
Eventually, justice prevailed. But my father to a manual to look up its meaning. I search at She will bind and lose the innocent feline in the
forgave the man, whose late father had been what it is personally saying to me. The mean- name of Jesus, when the poor thing may only
my late grandfather’s farmhand.   ing of a dream is not inside a manual, but be purring for some good old fashioned pet-
PUDD’NG HAD JUST inside the man.    ting.
Dream defender   TOLD US THAT SHE HAD With that in mind, I did not tell Tenderoni
As a father, one of our roles is to nurture my Nightmare in Donholm that I did the math. I did not tell her that, at the
child’s hopes and dreams. Even if I do not A NIGHTMARE THAT I “That same thing happened to my father,” I time when Pudd’ng had this dream, I was the
understand what they are all about, I am sup- WAS SHOT, AND I WAS remarked to Tenderoni after Pudd’ng went exact age my father was when he was shot.  
posed to treat them with the seriousness they back to sleep after we prayed.   (Psst. I hope Tenderoni never reads the pre-
deserve, not belittle or deride them.  
BLEEDING PROFUSELY “What does that mean saying that the same vious paragraph).

SUNDAY LAW [email protected]


We married under Kikuyu customary law but my husband has lately been unless at the time of the conversion,
hinting about marrying a second wife. I am disturbed by his intentions as I the husband has only one wife. A
know that life will never be the same again for my babies too. We have also declaration to convert must be
invested in property and the Nairobi Securities Exchange during our 12-year made in the presence of a marriage
marriage. I know that a customary marriage is potentially polygamous but I
officer, written and signed in person
want to protect our union and my property. What can I do to prevent him
from legally marrying another wife?
by each spouse. The marriage officer
shall then transmit a copy of the
Shiro, Kiambu declaration to the registrar before
he/she takes the original certificate
that registered the potentially

our husband can legally Eight of the Marriage Act, a polygamous marriage and issues
marry a second wife marriage may be converted another after registering the
without seeking your if each spouse voluntarily marriage as monogamous.
permission unless your marriage declares their intent to convert Harold Ayodo is a practising
is converted from a potentially it. However, a polygamous advocate of the High Court of Kenya.
polygamous to a monogamous marriage may not be converted He is also an employee of the Law
marriage. According to Section to a monogamous marriage Society of Kenya.


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MAN UAL with Ted Malanda

7. A man worth his salt must

Being a
get fired at least once in his life. Of
course there those who deserve the
sack – incompetent, thief, rude, vio-
lent, absent, sex pest, etc. But half
the time, you will get fired because

man in 2018
your employer is broke. How you
survive depends on the kind of man
you are. First, never love your
employer, instead, love what you
do. Second, have a skill. A college
certificate is good, but employers
don’t look for you because you have
“papers”; they hunt you down

found my father sitting on a that women are not stupid.” Many because you have skills. Third, each
hospital bed, speech slurred, men I know assume that the women time you report to work, know it
hearing partially gone, and the they live with are daft, but the real- could be your last day in formal
left side of his body limp. He had ity is that barmaids, house helps, employment, so read a good book
mistresses, wives…are all brilliant, every day, network, save, have a
He was surrounded by family – and cunning and smarter than the side hustle, and don’t spend all your
nephews and nieces, siblings, cous- next man. The smartest of them are cash on booze and clothes.
ins – who nodded effusively to those who have mastered the art of
everything he said with that fake
optimism that Africans extend to
looking foolish and allowing you to
walk all over them and strut around 8. Don’t whine on social
A man, an African man, is by
those they believe are dying. The like a peacock. But the reality is that
enormity of his illness struck me women plan and organise better, nature inscrutable. He sits under
like a thunderbolt, and for the first stretch a shilling more than men the shade of a tree like an emperor,
time in decades, I felt like a child ever will, save more and know when even when he is a pauper. He
who’s all alone in a big house on a their men have cash and when they assumes the appearance of a sage
dark, rainy night. are lying and cheating on them. even when there is nothing between
I leaned back in the shadows, Appreciating this will save you from his ears. So hold your fire. Don’t
important when the wife has to beg
looking curiously at this man who getting cheated on, dumped, make needless enemies by fighting
for cash for practically everything
had been my father for 48 years. At robbed, or murdered. Or all four of strangers on social media. Politics
83, he is a pale shadow of the man them. is good, but that shouldn’t be what
does your woman do the whole
who spent the better part of his life defines your waking day. If you get
day? While you are interacting with
battling adversity and I knew with-
out a shadow of doubt that he 3. Competition never hurt
Most men think a woman
who is dating is a no go. The foolish
workmates, solving knotty prob-
lems, learning, travelling, your
dumped, chin up, walk to a bar and
flatten a crate of beer like a man
then stagger into the rain (or bath-
would beat this stroke nonsense woman is interacting with house-
because if ever there was a male ones go as far as imagining that a LOSER, YOU HAVE helps, security guards and fellow
room) and cry your guts out. What-
being who understands what it woman who is dating more than A MORAL DUTY TO bored housewives. Get your woman
ever you do, never ever weep on
one man is a whore. Bollocks! A
means to be a man, he is it.
woman who is dating is the perfect WREST HER FROM out of the house this year, man!

start, here are 10 lessons I have

learnt from him, his wife, and other
catch because she has been vetted,
tried and tested. We live in a Dar-
HER DOWN THE 6. Take care of your s**t
First and foremost, there is
9. Hang out with your dad
Dads can be extremely
annoying. They are condescending
elders, that could help those who winian world and if a lovely lass is nothing like an accidental pregnan-
desire to be better men this year. dating a loser, you have a moral AISLE cy. Sheath it, boy. In case one tad-
know-it-alls, and half the time, they
duty to wrest her from him and treated us, and our mothers, badly
The only thing that compares in pole sneaks through that 1 per cent
when we were growing up. But they
1. Some insults must be
walk her down the aisle. On the con-
[email protected]
It is Mario Puzo who said it is the
trary, a girl who is dating several
men is neither a hooker nor a wom-
foolishness is buying a car for a mis-
tress or paying her rent (when your
window, don’t turn your child into
a stray oat. Feed it, cloth it, educate
are the only dads we have and we
can only become better fathers and
mother lives in a mud hut). We are it and pay the hospital bills. Most
nature of life that every so often, an with loose morals. She is simply husbands by hanging out with them
working flat out to empower wom- important, remember intelligence
someone will insult you. Bosses, a gem that men find irresistible. The and listening to their stories. As
en, provide them with equal oppor- among children is handed over by
girlfriends, neighbours, touts, fel- manly thing to do is walk in, swat incredible as it may sound, they
tunities, and feeding, clothing and their mothers so whatever you do,
low motorists will try to make you those quislings away and turn her may be illiterate or drunken sods
housing an educated and able bod- however dry the spell, don’t get
feel small. Even the village madman into the mother of your children. but they are good sounding boards
ied woman is not one how to do it. intimate with a woman you
will call you incompetent, stupid, And while you are at it, visit her for most of the problems we face
If you must have a mistress (with wouldn’t trust to birth you a nice,
vain, proud, a coward and so forth. folks and pay bride price. There is because they have been there and
whom you will share with at least clever baby.
Weak men get stung and react with nothing more irresponsible and dis- done that. Take good care of them,
two other men who are having Children are lovely things, too,
fury. But it is a measure of manli- respectful than an African man who suit them up and keep an eye on
unprotected sex with her), get one but they are expensive and compli-
ness to breathe in, shut up, sit back lives with someone’s daughter for their lovely wives as well.
who adds value to your life, not one cated when born out of wedlock.
and watch the BS expressionlessly.
years without leading goats to her Now, you sire kids out of wedlock Don’t try too hard
Remember, many are the men who who drains your resources away on
the basis of a weekly, 3-minute when you start sleeping away from There is nothing more
made a career out of insulting Mwai home because you have a “girl- irritating than a lazy, good-for-
Kibaki. He kept mum, and became
4. Drinking beer on credit is
friend”. With a girlfriend, you have nothing bum – you know, the sort

Kenya’s first commander-in-chief to An idle wife is a devil’s protected sex the first two weeks, with a string of hungry, snotty
order the Kenya Defence Forces into I think this is just about the most
workshop then you fling the rubber away. nosed hungry children scattered all
battle on foreign land. He is now ridiculous thing a man can do.
There are insecure men who What I am saying is that it is stupid over the village. Hard work is a won-
happily retired while the small fel- Booze is a good thing, but at the end
think if a woman has a career of her to have a girlfriend when you are a derful thing. But that’s no excuse to
lows who insulted him are still of the day, it is money flushed down
own, she will grow horns or that she work too hard. Sleep and eat well,
scratching their empty heads. the urinal. To, therefore, drink (dai-
will be seduced by men. So they the hustle, and drama that will fool around when you can, make
ly) on credit is an insult to man-
force the wife to quit employment ensue when you knock her up. That love (nicely), avoid fighting in pubs
2. Women are not stupid
My mother (God rest her
soul) once said, “Son, if you don’t
hood. Fellow men can’t be borrow-
ing money to invest while you are
dangling your skinny legs on a bar-
so that she can focus on the family.
The good ones (meaning those who
energy is best used in becoming a
better dad and husband and shoot-
over women and football and don’t
take it too hard on yourself when
want your woman to sit on you, the are loaded) provide a monthly ing booze with male friends. I know. you fail. Remember you will never
stool boozing on credit and damag-
first thing you must appreciate is wage. But the mean ones feel
ing your liver.


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[email protected]

graduation and committed to Mathari Mental Hospital. BY KURIA WANJIRU

How a can of soda changed

the course of my life
young man walks into the shop with a “I was dirty and unkempt but the residents
confident gait. The man behind the of Wangige treated me well. I would sleep in a
bush and carry luggage and goods for sale in the
chunk of cotton wool, applies some ointment market. My family didn’t bother to know where
and presses it against the young man’s left
hand. It is then I notice that the young man has
a missing finger. As the balm is applied to the
wound on his hand, he doesn’t wince or contort On the mend
his face in pain, but rather continues bubbling He soon got a job as a porter, to earn a few
about something in his native tongue. coins that would set him on a proper course.
The man is a former drug addict whose con- Timothy’s turnaround came in 2006 when Dr
tinual drug use led to mental problems. His Costa found him.

grene induced by the continued use of metallic phone had been given to someone else after he
bangle that would enable him to locate veins had taken it there for charging. Everybody had
where he would inject heroin into his system. ran away because they all knew he was mental-
“The remaining part became severely infect- ly unstable. I calmed him down and he learned
ed but we have stopped the infection from to trust me.”

gua is the jewellery shop owner, a man who has chotherapy services for free until he recovered.
dedicated his life and resources to helping the And that is when Timothy moved into a one-
less fortunate in the community. roomed house and opened a jewelry store.
Very soon, others come in, all looking for
assistance from him. And he graciously helps ing the heavy loads on my back had induced
and directs a few others to have lunch or tea at paralysis. I walked using crutches for eight
the nearby food kiosks. months. But I recovered and married a girl who
Timothy is not uncomfortable helping peo- later left me.”
ple with mental disorders – he has been doing Business was doing fine and he remarried in
it since 2007. 2013. The marriage didn’t work out but it led to
“For almost 15 years, I lived with a mental the birth of their daughter.
disorder myself.”
is when the country was being ravaged by a dents, it must have been one of them. One who with mental disabilities are my family now. I
Destined for greatness Civil war. Some Kenyan troops had also been was jealous of my good grades. I have forgiven feel comfortable around them because I know
Born 47 years ago in Cheragany, Kitale, Tim- deployed there. They class worked as assistants the person though. I can’t live in the past, it is the pain of being abandoned by your own fam-
othy was a bright young boy who excelled in his to the medical personnel stationed there. After too dark and painful,” he says. ily. I feed, clothe and treat their injuries and
studies. And his grandfather, sensing that he six months, the attachment period was over After being discharged from Mathari, Timo- wounds because no one else will. It’s good
could do great if he lived with him, away from and they flew back to Russia, ready to graduate. because I have a medical background. I do this
the numerous responsibilities at home, chose That is when things went awry. was taken home to his family. He was still not out of love because I have been through a lot.
to adopt him. And flourish he did. his old self, and perhaps perturbed by his state Apart from proceeds from this shop, I also get
After High School, he was admitted to study When hell broke loose of mind, his family resorted to restraining him plenty of support from the people in Wangige.”
medicine at Moi University, and before he could “While at a party before graduation, some- with chains. When I asked him why he didn’t go back to
join, a benefactor sponsored Timothy and 35 one brought me a Pepsi. I didn’t drink any alco- school to take up nursing again after recover-
other bright Kenyans to study nursing in Mos- hol because I didn’t want to disappoint my He finally found himself in Wangige town. ing, he said that he cannot dare do it because
cow State University in Russia. This was in grandfather, who had already died. The can was the painful memories will come back to haunt
1988. With his grandfather’s blessing, he left for already open when I received it. I drank the
studies. soda and the next thing I remember, I was in In 2014, Timothy found and registered
Mathari Hospital. One moment I’m with friends Rewind 254 Social Challenges, a community
Avoid alcohol and women in Russia at a party before graduation; the next based organisation to aid people living with
In Russia, Timothy heeded to his grandfa- instance, I’m in Kenya at a mental institution. I mental disorders. Made up of 23 active mem-
ther’s advice. He had been warned to steer clear was totally confused and traumatised!” bers, it operates in Kabete Sub-County and its
of alcohol and women. Unfortunately, some of Timothy can’t recall how long he was in ABOUT 10 OF MY FELLOW environs. It has been helping people recover
his fellow Kenyans didn’t! Mathari. But he had gotten into a psychotic from mental conditions. At the moment, he’s
state. One that prompted the authorities to put KENYANS WERE STABBED handling 53 cases.
stabbed to death by various Russian women. him back on a flight home. TO DEATH BY VARIOUS Like him, six have fully recovered. “I take the
They especially loved the black men but they patients to Mathari Hospital and refer others
had a very jealous streak.If they sensed you ly concoction of petrol and drugs like heroin
RUSSIAN WOMEN. THEY to Kamili Organisation, an NGO based in Nairo-
were in love with someone else or you were and cocaine. That could have triggered his neu- ESPECIALLY LOVED THE bi. They have been helping us a lot!”
cheating on them, they’d kill you. No action was rosis,” explains Dr Costa Ntundu, Timothy’s BLACK MEN BUT THEY “I dream of the day fully equipped, support
friend and a practicing psychotherapist. and recovery public centres for people living
In 1992, Timothy and some of the others Does he wonder who did it? HAD A VERY JEALOUS with mental disabilities will be built in Kiambu
were flown to Sierra Leone for attachment. This “Since I was partying with my fellow stu- STREAK

7 JM
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TAKE THE TRIP with Tony Mochama

Where 1

hen the Jambo plane dips left, and a
passenger first catches the sight of
the emerald-turquoise colour of the
Indian Ocean as it laps into the sandy white
beaches of Watamu, it feels like an afternoon
aero-plane dream.
Then you land, turn right, and as your Probox
cab rolls down the road – with a KDF checkpoint
for a ‘stop and search’ (for local and
international tourist safety) – reality returns.
Here are the historic Gede Ruins, the ghost
town built in the 15th century, eerie and COSTS
hauntingly pretty, especially when visited in the [email protected] Depending 3
late afternoon. Also, there is a snake park, a on the season
marine park as well as bird watchers’ paradise, 2
and the suite, rates
all within the Watamu area, for visitors. will vary between
We ourselves are guests at the Lily Palm 1 The view from the pool 2
Sh 8000 and Sh
Resort, almost right at the end of the Gede- The writer ready to set sail . 3 15,000 per
Watamu road, flanked to the left by all sorts of Greenery lends a tranquil feel night. anecdotes that make him seem
seaside resorts that our Probox driver Bakari to the resort. 4 Rolando, Louis like a character from film.
assured us were ‘fully booked from mid- and Canestrini. PHOTOS: VALERIE “I buy this hotel from my friend
December to early January.’ THULNER Louis in 1993 when it was only a 12-room
Even if Baby Jesus had chosen to be born property, Aquarius!”Rolando says in an heavily
here, at this time of year, Joseph and Mary still accented speech. He tells us it was a ‘deathbed
wouldn’t have found room – at least not at a deal,’ as Louis was terminal in a hospital in
Watamu seaside resort. Verona.
Lily Palms, slightly off-road, turns out to be a “Yet the day Louis getta news that cheque go
white gate in a wall that opens up to a circular 4 through, and money in the account, he make full
vista of a lounge, with a large pool in the middle recovery,” Canestrini says, “and, look! Here he
surrounded by idyllic apartment-like suites. is with us today, quarter a century after die!”
Paul Matete, the front office manager, shows EVEN IF BABY JESUS Louis nods ruefully, an old saggy sock with a
us to an exotic looking receptionist (mohawk, side of the Lily Palms, where a Maasai troupe is cheerfully resigned air in shorts and open shirt.
lithe of movement, who later tells me she is a
HAD CHOSEN TO preparing for evening entertainment. The “It’s all true!”
‘daughter of the lake, now by the sea’) who BE BORN HERE, AT resort has a lounge singer, and Udinese-born Before dinner, we go out for a sunset aperitif
checks our reservations, then checks our bags THIS TIME OF YEAR, Carlos and his animation team for afternoon at the beach, beautifully set up on tables by a
in. guest entertainment. guy called Mario, a local lad, with his cousin
The rooms at Lily Palm are large, air- JOSEPH AND MARY There is an upper floor dining area, run by the Albano, with whom they run a seaside shack
conditioned, with en-suite bathroom and a large STILL WOULDN’T very pleasant and hospitable Jennifer, under a just next to Lily Palms, complete with a deejay
bed covered with roses and mosquito-net HAVE FOUND ROOM large makuti roof. But it is the bar area above set.
surround system. As a writer, I’m happy about the sea that we go to, to meet the proprietor of There are drinks and music, and the seaside
their chair-and-writing table. – AT LEAST NOT AT the Lily Palm, Rolando Canestrini. breeze as the light fades from the ocean, and the
Jonathan Mulunzu, catering and A WATAMU SEASIDE He has wavy white hair and eyes the colour palms of this lily-lovely resort wave ‘ciao ciao’
management man, then leads us under a RESORT of this turquoise ocean, with a seaman’s tan and to the day. The next morning, we’ll go early
bougainvillea alcove corridor to the sea-facing Italian accent, complete with a series of morning sailing and fishing with a chap.


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my story

He doesn’t have a death wish, just a deep need to make the world a better place. Mutunga Komu shares his
experience in the then Ebola-ridden Liberia with Pauline Muindi

A man on a
n 2014, when he saw an advert which I was appointed to go to a
in the newspaper for medical remote county called Margibi. It
volunteers to Ebola-stricken was one of the worst hit by the out-
Liberia, Mutunga Komu break. The county is known for its
immediately wanted to be one of rubber plantations.”
them. A clinical officer who had The team by African Union was
previously been to Iraq for a 2-year working together with WHO, Save
mission, he knew what the the Children, UNICEF, Liberia’s Min-
responsibility entailed. And he was istry of Health among other organ-
ready. isations.
“I’m always happy when serving “One of our roles was making
humanity. Of course, just like every- sure that everybody in the county
one else, I was scared of Ebola. But was screened for Ebola. We intro-
being scared like that motivated my duced roadblocks, had contacts in
desire to contribute what I could the villages to inform us as soon as
towards fighting the disease out- someone had symptoms, taught the
break. That is why I took the oppor- public on Ebola prevention and con-
tunity,” he says. trol, and followed up on everyone
When I meet Komu, he’s in a rush an infected person had come into
la treatment centre in the third held high. We had played no small given the award but I represented
to clear his records in the University contact with,” Komu says.
month. Then we waited for 42 days part in eradicating Ebola from Libe- the team by receiving mine directly
of Nairobi, where he’s graduating At the time, any person exhibit-
and with no new case reported, we ria. Liberians were so grateful,” he from the President during the
with a Master’s degree in a few ing fever symptoms was treated as
days. He’s patient, accommodating, an Ebola infection.
[email protected]
declared the county Ebola-free. says. December   12, 2015 Jamhuri Day
There was only one case reported celebrations. It was such a great
and charming. “When such a case was reported, Appreciation
much later, when an Ebola survivor honour.”
He applied, passed a series of we went there in our protective On arrival, the team of
infected someone through sexual Was he worried about being
interviews, and was selected to join gear. We would take the patient’s volunteers was invited
contact. That’s because the Ebola infected while in Liberia? “Yes. But
the Kenyan volunteer team for Libe- temperature before placing them in to State House, Nairo-
virus can live in the semen for as we were very strict about handling
ria. He was one of 171 medical pro- a comprehensive care centre for bi and later each was
long as 90 days after a patient is patients and interacting with each
fessionals the country, through more tests. If blood tests were pos- given a Head of State
declared healed.” he expounds. other. We were fortunate that none
African Union, sent to Liberia to itive for Ebola, we would take the Commendation
With their mission successfully of us were infected by the end of the
fight Ebola outbreak in Liberia and patient to an Ebola treatment cen- Award.
complete the team came back mission,” he says.
Sierra Leone in 2015. tre where he would be treated “ W e
home. What about his family, did they
“Before we left, we were given symptomatically. In case of death, w e r e
“We came back with our heads worry for him? I prod.
crash courses on Ebola prevention the body was taken by a special each  “I courted my wife since we were
and control by Centre of Disease team for burial,” he explains.
in high school. We had a long-dis-
Control (CDC) and World Health Within three months of their
tance relationship while I was in
Organisation (WHO). The volunteer presence in Margibi, the infection
Iraq for two years as a clinical
group included demiologists, public rate had dropped drastically.
officer. So she was well aware of
health officers, clinical officers, “We had only one case in the Ebo-
my work and the risks involved.
nurses, and mortuary attendants,”
Although it wasn’t easy for her,
he explains.
she supported my decision.”
Healing Ebola Would he go for a similar
On 9th January 2015, he was on a mission again?
flight to Liberia. “Yes. Given the opportunity, I
“Being in that environment at the would be honoured to serve in
height of the outbreak was scary, such a situation again. Right
even for health experts like me. now I’m working as a clinical
Because Ebola is spread through We were officer for Nairobi County. I’m
coming into contact with infected fortunate graduating from the University
bodily fluids, we kept a strict of Nairobi with a Master of Sci-
no-touch code of conduct. We that none ence degree in Medical Statis-
couldn’t even shake hands with of us were tics, and next year, I’ll graduate
each other. To be safe, you have to infected from another Master of Science
assume that everyone else has Ebo- in Public Health programme
la,” he recalls. with ebola from JKUAT and KEMRI. My
Komu was placed in the public by the end of Mutunga receiving a Head of State intention is to apply the knowl-
health surveillance team. “We had edge and skills I have acquired for
two-week training by WHO, after
the mission Commendation Award [Courtesy]
public health concerns,” he added.

THE STANDARD on SUNDAY | 7 January 2018 | 13

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My battle with
It has been a long journey for Winfred Wanja.
One fraught with blindness and disability.
She shares her experience with JOSEPH
[email protected]

had a normal childhood until my This was not just a sick conclusion,
final years at Kangaru Primary my family went ahead and bought rice
School in Embu County when I for preparation during my burial cere-
started experiencing occasional mony. My father saved up some more
splitting headaches. I would and took me for a third MRI scan
sometimes faint. That was the start of and a diagnosis was finally made.
my battle with epilepsy; a condition That I had TB of the brain which
that has seen me to hell and back, had affected my nerves, causing
literally. I have faced every kind of epilepsy.  I was taken in for a sur-
stigma you can imagine. I have been gery and I got my sight back. I still
shunned by people that I expected to couldn’t walk and my attempts
stand with me during my troubles. would amount to a stagger.
The period preceding the confirma- The community was back with
tion was not easy. By the time I was in their tall tales; that I was a drunk-
Form Three at Nguviu Girls’ in 1998, the ard. I ignored them and continued
condition had worsened and I would to religiously take my medi-
frequently collapse and lose conscious- cine. Later on, my voice
ness. I was known as “the girl that came back  and seizures
falls”. abated, though the
Initially, it was thought that I had headaches persisted. 
cerebral malaria because during the Seeing that my health
seizures, I would utter incoherent had improved, my father
words, something I would not recall on enrolled me to Jomo Kenyat-
coming to. ta University of Agriculture sider myself well schooled source of income. The drugs are not
I became a running joke in high and Technology (JKUAT) for a and able to work in a variety without side effects as one gets drowsy
school. Whenever I had a seizure and course in information tech- of workplaces, but there are or develops a big appetite. I still get
fell down, people would put objects in nology. The seizures affected employers who on learning seizures but now they are less violent.
my mouth to prevent me from biting my study as I was unable to about my situation, refuse to I also now have proper bowel control
my tongue. In the process, I lost some handle the practical aspects. give me work. when they happen. I have learnt to con-
teeth. Despite my struggles, I sat my Consequently, an academic trol the attacks. Situations like menses
KCSE and scored a C-. advisor advised me to Management and stress can trigger seizures. When-
change the course. I I now live with my mother and ever I am on my menses, I ensure that
The debilitating stroke two sons in Embu. I spend Sh 500 I get adequate rest. To avoid stress, I
Things turned worse when I suffered switched to  a diploma in com-
munity development and social monthly on drugs. This is a lot for a eat well, drink plenty of water and try
a stroke and I was paralysed on one single mother of two with no reliable to have sufficient sleep. When I realise
side of my body. I also lost my eyesight work. I finished the course but to
date have not been issued with an attack is imminent, I just sit down
and voice. I was admitted to Embu Lev- and let it pass. Sometimes they  last for
el Five Hospital for nearly two years. the certificate due to fee balances.
three minutes. And whenever I travel,
The community interpreted my sick- My father who financed my studies
died hence the fee balance. I con- EPILEPSY I ensure that my money is in Mpesa so
ness to mean that I was bewitched. that I won’t lose it when I am disorient-

Random solutions, such as buying ed.
shoes for my grandmother, were pro- pilepsy is a neurological
disorder caused by  My advice to epileptic people is that
posed. they should take their medicine as pre-
Other weird suggestions were that I genetics or brain injury. It
is incurable but can be managed scribed and trust in God. They should
should have sex with a chicken or feast not hide their condition from people.
on dog meat to get cured! by medicine, surgery or proper
diet. It causes increased brain Also, understand your triggers and
My dear father exhausted his sav- avoid them.
ings on my treatment and though visi- activity triggering recurrent
seizures.  My appeal to the government is to
bly stressed, he never gave up on me. make National Hospital Insurance
The expensive scans and tests yielded WHEN I REALISE AN ATTACK IS In Kenya, epilepsy often
Fund accessible for epileptic people as
goes undiagnosed leading to
nothing and my condition persisted, IMMINENT, I JUST SIT DOWN AND deterioration in patients health. A they need drugs to function every day.
troubling me every single day and
night. LET IT PASS. WHENEVER I TRAVEL, study shows that it mostly begins They should also be provided with
drugs at no cost as is the case of anti
Other claims were that I had HIV, or I ENSURE THAT MY MONEY IS IN in childhood and quick diagnosis
retro viral drugs for HIV positive
can prevent a decline in quality of
how else could all those tests not show MPESA SO THAT I WON’T LOSE IT life. patients. It is my hope that more clinics
anything? The verdict was that my
death was imminent. WHEN I AM DISORIENTED will open up to increase proximity of
access to medication.


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[email protected]

I will be a better brother this year

Dear Ezra, working out for me, it is too early to tell.
How did you spend your holidays? I able to see you as much as I should and

ntil recently, whenever I wrote keep imagining that you and your fel- she told me that you are my family too.
about you, I referred to you as low prisoners sung in a choir at chil- And that you never give up on family. So
‘my elder brother Ezra.’ But dren’s homes, or slashed the grass I am writing to you hoping that you’ll let
now I know I am supposed to write, ‘my around courtrooms and government us come see you.
older brother Ezra.’ I just thought you buildings. But my favorite thought is WHENEVER I TELL I should warn you though; Evelyn
should know. that you spent the day under a tree PEOPLE THAT MY cries all the time. She is a little wailer
with lungs of steel. But you’ll like her.
You are probably wondering why I reading a book that you enjoyed and BIG BROTHER IS You are an uncle now. On New Year’s
am writing you this letter since the last made you think of us; Me and mum.
time we spoke we agreed that we were I guess I am writing to tell you that SERVING TIME IN Eve, I had a conversation with one of my
passengers and he told me that not fall-
cutting ties completely. I don’t think we Jen wants us to visit. I spent the holi- NAIVASHA PRISON, ing in love with another man’s woman
agreed because as I remember it, you days with her and her family and she THEY LOOK AT ME
did all the talking and I did all the listen- kept wondering what my family is like. would make him a better man in 2018. I
ing and nodding without really contrib- I should probably let you know that I FUNNY know that that’s an obvious thing to say,
uting to the conversation. don’t like talking about you. It is not but it didn’t seem so obvious to him.
Before I proceed, I hope that you get that I am not proud of you or anything, Reminded me of a book I read once that
to open this letter and read it and think it is just that whenever I tell people that dictated that one of the ways in which
of me. I hope you don’t see that it is my big brother is serving time in Naiva- to be happy is by trying not to kill other
from me and crumple it into a ball and sha Prison, they look at me funny. people.
toss it into the dustbin or use it as toilet Sometimes, the funny looks they give their nice cars out of their huge parking Being more available to you brother
paper or do whatever it is that you pris- me mean that they suddenly find me lots and negatively influence their chil- will make me a better man in 2018.
oners do with crumpled pieces of paper. interesting in the way that a strange dren. In a way, I think I am also a prison- Best,
I wouldn’t have written to you but disease is interesting to a doctor. Some- er just for being your brother. Charlie.
Jen made me. I should probably tell you times, the looks mean that they are I wonder what they would do if they
that I married Jen and that we have a scared of me. They seem to think that also found out that mum is a mental PS: One beautiful evening on my way
daughter. Her name is Evelyn and we suddenly because I am related to some- patient. from school I collected a 50 cent coin
named her after mum. I think she would one who is serving time at a maximum I guess I also want to see you. Over and kept it hoping it would develop
be very proud of that. I also work as a security prison, I pose a threat to their the holidays, Jen and I had a drink after some sentimental value to me. It never
taxi driver with Jen’s father’s company. security. As if I will break into their which my tongue got a little loose. I told did. I don’t know the significance of that.
In case you are wondering how that is houses and steal their bling, and drive her how sorry I feel about not being Just thought you should know.


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Help your child get clean from

substance abuse
Whether your child is on drugs or
alcohol, there are certain things
can have the right intervention after under-
standing what the underlying problem is. All
addictions are unique to an individual, and
6. Tough love
Most parents hate subjecting their
children to pain and discomfort, but pain and
you can do to help them overcome the detailed initial clinical assessment will discomfort are necessary to overcome
develop an individualised care plan for the addiction. You cannot negotiate with an
it. Douglas Nyandoro, an addiction child. The clinical assessment also deter- addict. Some privileges have to be withdrawn,
counsellor at Turning Point mines whether there is really an addiction or which will cause discomfort. Changing
it is just dependence or abuse of freedom. You behaviour is difficult for many people and
Counseling Solutions speaks to will likely find the professionals in the mental with addiction, hardship and pain is the way
JACQUELINE MAHUGU. health departments of big institutions like to recovery, and you as a parent are the
Level 4 or 5 hospitals, counselling centers or primary person to impose that pain and
in a private practice. You can also search on discomfort so that the behaviour can change.
the internet. If you can’t do it, you are referred to as an
enabler. You are enabling the addiction. Stop

1. Approach it with the right

There are four major perspectives through
background, abuse - there could be endless
reasons. The addiction is just an umbrella for
being part of the problem and become part of
the solution.

which parents view addiction: either that it is

a social problem (“It is a problem society
other things going wrong that need to be
identified and solutions found, so that you do
not just treat the symptoms, but the root
[email protected]
7. Know the signs of a relapse
Once a child has gotten help and their
behaviour is changing, you will be able to
should deal with. I do not have anything to do
cause. If you do not deal with the root issue, observe their behaviour on a continuum. This
with that.”), or that it is just bad behaviour or
the addiction will keep recurring. means for example that for the last two
a crime, especially if it involves illegal sub-
weeks, this child has not been using that
stances, or that it is a moral problem - that the
addicted person has been sinning, and if they
repent the addiction will be sorted out. The
5. Seek a professional
Once you have identified the root
cause, seek effective treatment from a profes-
Your child’s
addiction is a
substance or behaving that way, and there has
been consistent improvement. If in say
fourth and correct perspective that psycholo- sign that there is another week the child goes back to their old
sional that meets the needs of that particular
gists approach it from and that you should behaviour, that is a relapse. You need to
approach it from is that it is disease, which
addiction. See a child psychologist, psychia- something they monitor and know if a relapse has happened
trist or counsellor who will do the initial
means it requires treatment. How you view assessment to determine what the real prob- are trying to and manage it. Also learn what the triggers
are.  For example, if it is conflict in the home,
your child’s addiction will be crucial to you lem is and they can deal with it or refer you to escape then avoid conflict, if it is festivities, avoid
helping them overcome it. the appropriate professional so that the child
them. Addiction does not have a cure, it is

2. Get out of denial

Accept that your child has an addic-
tion and that it is a chronic disease that is
only managed and this is by eliminating the
triggers that bring memories and create a
desire for the vice. Do this until they develop
cunning, powerful and out of your depth. The the self control to manage the addiction
sooner you can get out of denial and under- themselves.
stand that your child has a problem, the soon-
er you can get the necessary helpd.
8. Pursue a lifestyle change
 Identify the primary people that the

3. Recognise the signs

Want to know if your child is addicted
and needs help? Ask yourself the following.
child interacts with, which include the school,
the church or other institution. Ensure that
the people who surround the child are
1. Do you feel that your child needs to cut supporting the child in achieving their
down on whatever they are using? If you recovery goals by rewarding and encouraging
feel that your child is overindulging, that them not to engage in the behaviour. A new
is a sign of a problem. lifestyle should come into place with the
2. If someone talks about the thing that the family, the child and friends that ensures that
child is addicted to, do they get provoked? the addiction is not supported.
3. Do they throw a tantrum when it is taken
away? When the child does not use what-
ever they are addicted to, are there signs 9. Help them in their spirituality
Spirituality is key in healing any
addiction, a fact that has been acknowledged
of withdrawal such as irritability, reckless-
ness, crying, tantrums or nagging? in the last 10 years in the field of psychiatry.
4. Do you think your child feels bad about Other than psychotherapy, when there is a
what they are doing? component of spirituality involved, chances
of a successful therapy outcome are higher.
When there is an aspect of spirituality

4. Heal their pain

Your child’s addiction is a sign that
there is something they are trying to escape.
involved, the recovery rates are about 70 to
80 percent while without spirituality, the
recovery rates are 40 to 50 percent. From a
It means that there is an intolerable reality psychological perspective, spirituality does
underlying the addiction and the child does not mean religion. It can involve religion, but
not have the coping skills and their addiction spirituality is just a matter of programming
is their escape. You need to find out why the and nurturing the child to be positive and
child is addicted.  Chances are that there is creative, which all have a value-adding aspect
neglect, parental conflict, a dysfunctional to recovery from addiction.

16 | THE STANDARD on SUNDAY | 7 January 2018

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hard talk with Tania Ngima

The year of getting

more done
 While we have read countless productivity hacks, what are the key things to
get the most done at work?

ony Robbins is a renowned Cal Newport, Professor at Georgetown
entrepreneur, best-selling author and renowned author of ‘Deep Work’ talks
and a leadership psychology coach about being in a state of ‘flow’ - when we
who has worked with Presidents, world are so engrossed in our work that our focus
class athletes and heads of multinational in it is 100 per cent and literally distraction
corporations. Tony has founded and free. When is your state of ‘flow’?
invested in 31 businesses. How does he get
stuff done? 2.    Hard tasks first
Granted, the ability of one person to have
such a high level of productivity and focus
You know that
task you would
is nothing short of impressive. But how
does that compare to those of us who
rather not work on now
and want to push it to the
struggle with one role and while doing it
still feel like we are less than effective?
last item because it is
daunting? Don’t. Psy-
[email protected]

chologically speaking, till think the morning people sound more like
Focus and career advancement dealing with the harder CEO material? Don’t set your alarm for 5am
If you are like the leaders surveyed and stuff gives you a sense of just yet. As it turns out, overhauling your sleep
consider that ‘enhanced focus’ would be achievement and gets you times may not have much effect.
valuable for your career or business, fired up to tackle the list. “If people are left to their naturally preferred
how or where do you start times, they feel much better. They say that
from? Tons of research 3.    Switch off they are much more productive. The mental
shows that there is a posi- distractions capacity they have is much broader,” says Oxford
tive correlation between a When you need to get University biologist Katharina Wulff, who studies
high level of focus and career something done, put your chronobiology and sleep. On the other hand, she
achievement. And while we are phone on silent mode and pur- says, pushing people too far out of their natural
all different with respect to how and pose not to spare a glance at it preference can be harmful. When they wake
when we best focus, the research also finds until you are done with it. Or early, for example, night owls are still producing
a few similarities. if putting away the phone melatonin. “Then you disrupt it and push the body
is impossible, decide to to be in the daytime mode. That can have lots of
1.    Find your ‘it’ moment? only check the messages and emails after a negative physiological consequences,” Wulff says,
Are you aware of when you are most pro- block of time, say 20 minutes have lapsed. like a different sensitivity to insulin and glucose –
ductive and when you struggle with com- Tip: Disable your phone notifications for which can cause weight gain. 
plex tasks, or even with just paying atten- a quiet work time. In our rush to figure out the ‘secrets’ of success,
tion to more than five minutes at a time? we tend to forget a couple of things. First, not all
The stats show that our attention peaks are 4.    No lyrics high achievers are early risers, and not all early risers
8am for about 2 hours, and 7 to 10 pm. 1 to While some people swear by having are successful. But more importantly, in a phrase
4pm show up as the worst times of the day background music as you work, music with beloved by academics everywhere, correlation
for focusing, reflecting the afternoon lyrics is not good for your productivity. Try isn’t causation. In other words, it’s not clear that
slump. instrumental music, white noise or music waking up early itself provides the benefit. Instead,
Understanding your pattern allows you in a language you do not understand.   it may be that most of us are expected to start work
to schedule the most important or complex or school by 8 or 9am. If you’re a morning person,
tasks for when your attention span is less 5.    Coach your focus a combination of biological changes, from your
likely to wonder, with more routine or It is said that the brain is like a muscle hormones to body temperature, will get you up
active ones when your focus is weaker.  and can be trained. Even better, it retains and at ‘em way ahead of your night owl peers. That
this training meaning you can make small, means people who enjoy rising early will be more
consistent steps to get better and better aligned with their workday and likely to achieve
and enhance focus. So once you master the more. For a night owl waking at 7am, her body still
art of concentrating on a task and not get- thinks she’s asleep and is acting accordingly, so
ting sidetracked, you are on your way to she’s groggy for much longer than a morning person
being a true master of your time. who wakes up at the same time. Researchers also
point out that because evening types often have to
referrals do not function when their bodies don’t want to, it makes
automatically sense that they may have worse moods or lower
happen - be brave life satisfaction. It may also mean that they’ve had
to figure out how to be more innovative and cut
enough to make corners – which may encourage their creativity and
a clear ask cognitive skills.

Adapted from

THE STANDARD on SUNDAY | 7 January 2018 | 17

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THE WAY IT GOES with Ruth Lubembe

Oh how parenting EASY LIKE SUNDAY


has changed [email protected]

fter months of searching, I finally
found a phone cover for our dered when we had become so accommo-
youngest. The only problem (hers, dating of the young ones’ preferences. The
not mine) was that she didn’t like the way it hubby and I grew up in a time when there
looked. To my eyes, there was nothing wrong was little variety and whatever parents
with it, plus it was perfect for the job. And so said was law. If they bought something,
I insisted she take it or else… THESE SHOES WERE children learned to like it because they had
This is where I was coming from – the girl
greatly enjoys photography and takes some
SO TOUGH THAT no choice. Take, for instance, school shoes.
Everyone went to the same shoe shop and BANDY THE GAUPER
pretty amazing pictures of sunsets, skylines
NO AMOUNT OF bought the same shoes. Nothing wrong
DRAGGING THEM with that except that the shoes were not Sunday is the day…
and other natural features. She also loves to I make sure I visit the Lord’s house together
very attractive. Granted, they were very
photograph her favourite subject – herself. THROUGH MUD OR durable (they were built like tractors), with my family and in the afternoon we get back
Whenever we go anywhere, she begs her sib-
lings to take photos of her as she poses in
RAIN PUDDLES COULD which was why our parents chose them in home and rest.
ways that make it seem like she wasn’t pos- DO THEM ANY HARM the first place, but they still looked like Once I am up…
ing at all. blocks of leather. I jog for 10 minutes on my way to the gym where
So for her last birthday we decided to I have a two-hour workout.
invest in a phone with a good camera to help Of indestructible shoes
there was no budget for repairing a broken If I could replace Sunday with any other day
her practise her photography because who These shoes were more of a problem for
screen, she would just have to wait. it would be…
knows where that might lead? But there girls than boys because girls like to have a
We were able to repair the phone several A Saturday. Because most of my gigs are on
were no covers available at the time hence variety of pretty things. If you had feet that
months later and when I handed it to her, I Saturday which is payday and I’m sure everyone
the search because we wanted to make sure grew slowly, then you were stuck with the
stated to her that she had no choice but to loves a pay day.
the phone was protected. Alas, before we same shoes for several terms since the only
could find one, the young lady dropped the accept the first available cover we could find, reason you got new ones was because you What I love most about Sundays…
phone and what we had feared happened – regardless of whether it was yellow with had outgrown the current ones. Eventually, It’s an easy day and everyone is relaxed at
the screen cracked and the gadget died, less green dots and purple stripes because I was desperate for a new pair of shoes (the home. There is not much movement.
than a month after it was bought! NOT going to repair her phone a second design would be modified every so often),
It took a lot of restraint on my part not to time. We finally found one that was very some people would try to damage them – in What I don’t like about Sundays would be…
belabour the point that it had taken months decent (according to me) and I paid the cash- vain. These shoes were so tough that no Having to wake up early because there is a
to plan and budget for the phone, which had ier and asked the shop attendant to fit it on amount of dragging them through mud or church near my house. It’s very annoying when
now been rendered useless in a matter of the phone while our youngest was still mak- rain puddles could do them any harm. they blast the loud speakers they bought from
seconds. I figured that the fact that she was ing faces at it. I reminded her that she had Eventually, they would be thrown away and China at 4 a.m.
now phone-less was punish- ment no voice in this matter and we left the shop. the story at home would be that they got Rules I break on Sunday?
enough for her lost or stolen. Then you crossed your fin- Sometimes I go out with friends for a drink and I
carelessness. Negotiations gers that the result would be a new pair of end up spending the day in the club.
A n d Thinking over the incident later, I won- shoes – it wasn’t automatic.
because For those of us who were born after sev- That one thing I have always wanted to do
eral siblings, new stuff was rare. As long as but haven’t done is…
my older sisters had outgrown anything Going to a children’s home with some gifts and
and it was still in (relatively) usable spending time with them just to make them feel
condition, it became mine. And if loved.
I wanted a new one for reasons
Sunday activities include...
besides growing out of it, I
Relaxing,  watching movies and playing video
had to have a very convinc-
ing story.
Times have surely Sunday tracks?
changed going by how Gospel, classic and of course some hip-hop.
much our youngest manag- Bandy the Guaper is a rapper, fashion designer
es to get away with. It and stylist.
doesn’t help that the hubby
dotes on her, and she knows
it! No wonder she prefers to
HEARD My two-year-old son singing my
shop for school shoes
latest song called Shukush which is
with him – she only
currently trending on YouTube.
needs to make a
face at any shoes
he picks and
before he knows READ Ben Carson’s book Gifted Hands.
it, he’s been He is one of the most celebrated
dragged into surgeons in the world. He teaches
another shop me that I should never give up in life
where the shoes because every time I fail you learn
are invariably something new. Great men learn
pricier. But there through failing.
are things she
won’t get past SAW A yellow jeep with gold spinners
me, like refusing owned by one of my customers. I
to use the new even had to take a photo with it.
phone cover.


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[email protected] FOODS TO RESET

te too much during the
festivities? The following

foods and drinks can help
ease the bloating and lack of energy
and give you a better start of the day.


Where should we store

different foods in the 1. Fruit smoothies
Smoothies are delicious, packed
with nutrients and are much easier to
fridge? digest. Due to their texture, nutrients

in smoothies are absorbed faster
good rule to follow is to ensure raw and into the body leaving you feeling
ready-to-eat foods are stored separate- lighter and full of energy.
ly from one another. Raw meat and poul-

try should be stored covered on the bottom Bananas
shelf of the fridge as this will prevent raw meat People tend to eat a lot of
juices from spilling on to foods below. This bot- salty foods during festivities which
tom shelf offers the necessary protection as it cause an imbalance of sodium and
is often made of solid glass, preventing any potassium levels in the blood. Low
spills from seeping down on to other foods. Little levels of potassium leave you feeling
It should also be the coldest part of the tips weak, shaky and often with  raised
fridge which is highly effective for storing Store raw meat blood pressure. Ripe bananas are
meat in. Ready-to-eat foods such as and poultry in sealed a good source of potassium, which
cheese and cooked meats can be stored containers. helps boost potassium levels.
on the top shelves. Some of the modern Bananas are also very gentle on the
Wash fruits and
style fridges include a number of differ- vegetables before stomach making them an effective
ent trays and we recommend that you storage energy booster.
check to see what the manufacturer’s guide original packaging on the

How should we store food in the fridge?

bottom shelf of the fridge. If
they’re not in their original pack-
aging, keep them in a drip-proof bowl or con-
3. Ginger and peppermint tea
Ginger and peppermint are
antispasmodic and help relax the
tainer and cover. It’s also important to muscles in your digestive tract which
It all depends on the food type or particu- ensure cooked foods, including leftovers, helps alleviate nausea, gas and
lar product. If you’ve opened something and are are covered. Store unopened cans in the bloating.
unable to seal it back up in its original packag- cupboard as this will give you more room
ing (for example, cooked ham) you should cov-
er it in cling film or transfer it to an airtight
container. Raw meats can be stored in their
in the fridge. If your fridge isn’t cluttered,
cold air will circulate around your fridge
more effectively.
4. Water melon
If alcohol was on the menu,
water melon helps you hydrate and
restore vitamins and minerals that
may have been lost. Watermelon is
also a good source of fibre to aid in

RECIPE with Miss Mandi 5. Yoghurt

Yoghurt comes in handy after
a day of indulging in sugary and salty
LAMB & THYME MEATBALLS foods. Foods that contain too much
salt and sugar can upset the bacteria
balance in your digestive tract which
What you need: Method can cause digestive health problems
1/2 kg lamb mince 1. Pre-heat oven as you prepare like indigestion and bloating.
1 tbsp. mince garlic the ingredients. In bowl add ground Yoghurts that contain probiotics can
1/2 tbsp. mince ginger beef, garlic, ginger, thyme, black promote growth of good bacteria in
1 tsp. black pepper pepper, paprika, worcester sauce, your gut for good digestive health.
1 tsp. paprika salt and a tbsp. of breadcrumbs.
1 1/2 tsp. freshly chopped 2. Mix everything well and start
thyme moulding them. 3. Once done,
Salt to taste place on a baking sheet and bake
3-4 tbsps of breadcrumbs under the broiler for 18 minutes in
1 tbsp Worcester sauce( a 170 degree oven. Once ready, let
alternatively use soy sauce) them cool and serve.


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SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard Generation next 1


Sunday,January 7, 2017 Pullout Section B


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Life of a game app



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2 Generation next SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard

Editorial What’s Up?

Monkey business...

onkeys are mammals and they
are also primates.
A primate is a group of ani-
mals that includes humans, apes and
monkeys. Time!
Time to set There are 264 species of monkeys.

those goals!
The difference between apes and
monkeys is that apes have no tails
while monkeys do.

Although monkeys are smart animals, apes
week has are smarter. often carry
passed since their young
More species of monkeys live in Brazil ones on their
the year began. than in any other country. backs or
Some of you still have around their
Most monkeys are arboreal, meaning they
the Chrsitmas Tree and spend most of their time in trees. However, necks.
decorations hanging in some monkeys live on the ground. Monkeys are consid-
the living room at home A group of monkeys is called a troop, ered adults at the age of
and the thought of taking them down is depressing. But it is tribe or a mission. five years.
[email protected]
time to face the reality because the festivities and play time They eat fruits, flowers,
Monkeys communicate with each other
are over and it is time for some serious business. Some of you through a variety of sounds, facial expres- seeds, leaves, nuts, small insects, eggs;
have already started attending school while some will start sions and body language. some species eat small animals.
this week. Have you come up with any New Year resolutions? Like humans, monkeys have fingers and
Spider monkeys swing from tree branch
Yes, I know many of you are scratching your heads on this to tree branch. All other monkey species hence their own set of fingerprints.
one, but one is never too young to set some goals for them- run across the branches. Monkeys can carry diseases such as
selves. You could resolve to be a better person, to help more hepatitis, tuberculosis and simian her-
Monkeys like to play and cuddle with their
at home and at school. Do not wait for others to offer that babies. pes.
helping hand; volunteer more and you will see how good you
will feel about yourself. Follow your study table even as you
leave time for a little play. Above all, strive to be kind to your
family, friends and even animals.
Anne Mukei

A PHRASE A WEEK: Pulling someone’s leg means to tease someone, usually by

lying jokingly. Although pulling someone’s leg is all in good fun nowadays, it originally re-
ferred to the way in which thieves tripped their victims to rob them. WINNIE MAKENA

Gen Next is published by: The Standard Group Ltd. Editorial Director: Joseph Odindo; Managing Editor: John Bundotich; Editor: Rose Kwamboka;Ag Editor: Anne Mukei
Contributors: Agnes Mwandawiro, George Olwalo, Geoffrey Odhiambo, Ndubi Mose, Winnie Makena and Sheila Kimani; Manager, Print Creative: Dan Weloba; Creative
Find us on Designer: Alice Ariri ; Illustration: Bella Kilonzo, Erick Ngammau, Harrison Muriuki, Bill Okutoi and James Kamawira; E-mail: [email protected]; Website: All correspondence to Generation Next is assumed to be intended for publication. Generation Next accepts no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts,
artworks or photographs. All rights on publication remain with the publisher.
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SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 The Standard Generation next 3

Snapshot Story
The life of a game app worthwhile is the joy and smiles I
put on people’s faces and the plac-

[email protected] es I have been to during my time on
the app store. As a game app those
y life as a game app experiences should be treasured as
varies so much. I can one day every app will gradually fall
find myself at the darkest cor- to the back corners of the app store
ners to the most exciting places. never to be clicked on again. For
This is just an example of any now I can enjoy seeing people’s lives
given ordinary day. every time they tap my icon to play
The other day, at one o’clock in with me.
the morning, I received a call and
had to wake up. I looked into the Compiled by Eric M Wainaina
darkness of the night only lit up
by the stare of a teenage girl. Her
eyes were deep but filled with no
emotions, except loneliness. I
BY WILFRED MBUVI felt like a friend helping someone
Age: 13 through a tough time by offering
all the amusement I could. Never
School: Precious right hand, but I did not mind. then, pinpointing different landmarks
once did a smile play on her
Academy, Mombasa The boy’s grin was huge as he along the way. After hours of passing
beautiful face as she played with
Class : Seven me. stared over the edge and time, the view from the window
Ambition: Computer Later that day after a depressing watched the beautiful sight. The changed; from a blue sky to pitch
Engineer morning I hoped for better screen turned off and I patiently black. However, as the sky had grown
awaited my next user. If you are 13 years old and
Hobbies: Computer things. Just before noon some- darker the buzz of excitement had
I was soon aroused by the roar of below, write a creative story
games, football and one tapped my icon and I stirred grown larger as the journey was
an engine and the loud noises of about 500 words based
writing awake to see a great view from coming to a close and their destina-
around me. It then occurred to on the photo above. Submit
the top of a cliff. I was being tion came into view. As the car
me that I was in a car. At first I it to mysnapshotstory@
played by the edge of the Rift slowed down and stopped the girl
was rattled and shaken but then for a chance to
Valley and could not believe my had a silent giggle and her body
it all settled down. I gladly looked get published. Include your
luck as I looked down over the shook as excitement passed through
out of the opening at the blue name, age, photo, school,
sight far below where the trees her. I heard her ask if they had finally
sky and fluffy clouds passing by. class, ambition and hobbies.
and animals looked as small as arrived. She sighed with happiness.
The young girl that was playing Add a phone number to be
pixels. The boy who was playing Once again the screen was turned
with me peered through the contacted on.
me focused his attention at the off and I rested in silence.
view and held me tightly with his window curiously every now and The thing that makes my existence

Oh, My Word! BOOK: Tears from a Lonely Heart
AUTHOR: Israel Yohana
“Shhh, let us lis- Mzee Gobore is a man of good humour. His
ten to the news on people are noted for hospitality and respectabil-
ity. As an African, he treats neighbours and visi-
our new home the- tors well. He is in his sunset years and he is of the
conviction that love, good neighbouliness and
atre!” Collins Nde- hard work are virtues that contribute to an indi-
gwa, 13, Meru vidual’s success in life.
Like most of his contemporaries, Mzee
Gobore gives his children the freedom to play,
make friendships and visit their peers in the
neighbourhood. This unhindered freedom how-
ever turns unpleasant when one day two of Gob-
ore’s daughters leave home to visit a friend but
fail to return home. This is uncharacteristic of the teenage girls. Usually,
they would go out and come back at an appropriate time. Convinced
Come up with a funny or creative that something is amiss, the old man sets on a lonely search to find his
caption for the photo on the side for a daughters’ whereabouts but he gains no insight as to where they are.
chance to get published. Submit it to Determined to find the girls, he organises a big search party but this too
[email protected]. Include proves futile. Restless and eager to find the girls, the relentless father vis-
your name and age. its Profesa Kulakula, a self-styled magician to know more about his
daughters. Will the witch doctor be helpful to the distraught father?
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4 Generation next Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

Feature Teen Talk

Nurturing talent
Students’ inspection is used as
a measure to avert disaster.
[email protected]

Kimilili Boys High school stu-

dents whether it is necessary.
Sakiti Michael, 13

Inspection is very necessary in our

schools because it helps prevent entry
of unwanted materials and
substances. We are used to regular

oung people from every corner of the Every season youngsters wow
country trooped for a talent expedition of audiences with their extremely Victor Simiyu, 13
a kind at the Kenyatta University dubbed
Soft Talent Festival. entertaining and informative
Dressed in all kinds of colourful costumes they performances. George orido has Inspection of students is necessary,
performed plays, music, dance and elocution some reviews. when they are in school. Teachers and
that left no doubt that talent is rich among the staff are responsible for our safety
youthful Kenyan populace. this day the new administration is strict and he and should ensure that we are out of
A group of thespians from Kenya Assemblies of cannot bear the prospects of facing punishment danger through regular inspections.
God in Nakuru wowed with their play Bafu Chafu upon arrival. So, he decides to malinger in town
by Abesh Rodgers depicting a highly contested meeting bad influence who introduce him to
student leadership. drugs and alcohol. High on substance, he goes to
The cast of Paul Warui, Charity Wanjiku, Diana school daring the principal to punish him; he col-
Nkatha, Samson Tai, Rose Otengo, Naim Abdi lapses before making good his threat. He is
were in their element rendering a well rehearsed rushed to hospital and finds an opportunity to
production full of entertainment. reform.
It is also at this Harambee Hall that Nashon KAG from Meru representing Mt Kenya region Cedrick Odhiambo, 13
Otieno from Kayole One left the audience asking impressed with their song presented in prayers
for more with his scintillating mime. to God to have them realise a good harvest. Inspection of students may be a
Pulling off the most challenging forms of theatre, Suswa from Narok presented a Maasai folk song security measure but the truth is
the 14-year-old actor left no doubt that he had praying for the rains and for protection from that it interferes with someone’s
mastered his act with perfect timing, flexible tor- unseen enemies. privacy and cause embarrassment.
so and a malleable face to manipulate the audi- Their melodies and powerful soloists with those
ence. His mime depicts a pupil who because of costumes made them credible people who were
laziness is prone to coming late to school. On on their knees to seek for God’s providence and
The very young ones from age five sang and
danced to hearty playing games that reminded
all and sundry where we all started.
“The arts are a powerful media of self-expres-
sion, communication, beauty and empower- Richard Shikuku, 13
ment in our dynamic society,” said the Compas-
sion International Kenya Country Director Joel Inspection is the best way to ensure
Macharia at the fete in its second year. items that are not needed in school do
Speaking at the end of the event, one of the not end up there. It is important for
adjudicators Dr Henry Namsyule Wanjala of school authorities to periodically do a
Kenyatta University praised the improved stand- random inspection on students.
ards of the fete, saying the future for young peo-
ple is bright.
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Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard Generation next 5

Style Lab
I need
Throw on your
favourite sweater
and pair it with
Sporty shorts to show off
For a sporty vibe, your legs and slip
go for black pants, a on a pair of black
white tee and layer flats to draw the
up with a bomber outfit together.

[email protected]

This look
merges comfort
and style. Finish it
off by sneaking in
a pair of coloured
Darling Prince lace up brogues.

Mr Price & Bossini
Models: Adrianna
shows you how to pair
Anna Hawi, five the one hue clothing
Shoot Location :
in your wardrobe to Elegant
Nairobi CBD create some really You could go simple
cool and easy style with this shade of
Photos: Jenipher grey dress paired
Wachie, Standard
with gladiator
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6 Generation next Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

Hide and seek

[email protected]

Find 8 pairs of scissors in the library

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Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard Generation next 7

[email protected]
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8 Generation next Sunday, January 7, 2018 The Standard

P. 7

Art Attack with Brenda Onono
1. Make a square from your rectangular

How to make a fish

paper (make a diagonal fold from one
corner of the paper and trim the excess
2. Hold
your [email protected]
like a
and fold the two ends towards the centre
3. Open up the paper and fold along the
centre line. Snip off one end of the paper
and cut frills along the edge of the centre

4. Stick the two side flaps together,

leaving a hollow space between them. Your
fish should now have a base.

Materials needed:
5.Draw in eyes, stick beads or sequins. Glue stick

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