430 Ope 08-04changed
430 Ope 08-04changed
430 Ope 08-04changed
By using this function, it is possible to simplify that the cutting operation such as "cutting in
turning (threading) retract return" without commanding the G00, G01 and G32.
This can be commanded in Z-X, Z-Y and E-Y plane.
The M, S and T command is a cutting condition should be commanded in the block before
the G90, G92 and G94 as a principle.
In the blocks after commanding G980, G92 and G94, the section just before other G codes
such as G00, G01 etc. command of 01 group is available for single canned cycle command.
The program will not stop on the way when the SINGLE BLOCK key is lit, but will
stop after performing “cutting in turning (threading) retract return” cycle.)
Refer to the CNC manufacturer’s (FANUC) operation manual for the details of G90 and G94.
Threading cycle (G92)
Tool nose radius compensation can not be used.
An inaccurate thread will be created at the start and end of threading. Thus, when
determining the start and end positions, the following cautions will be required.
In the diagram above portions 1 at cutting start and 2 cutting end will have inaccurate
leads. Calculate the approximate value of 1 and 2 by following formula.
There are limits between the spindle speed and thread lead.
LS≦ Maximum cutting feed rate( mm/min)
Cutting feed rate will be fixed to 100% during thread cycle regardless of the JOG
/OVERRIDE switch .
Threading cycle retract
If this threading cycle retract is added to the function, by pressing the FEED HOLD button
during threading, the program will return to the starting point “P” immediately
after completion of thread finishing.
If this function is not added, the threading cycle will continue the program until the point
“C” that complete the retraction even if the FEED HOLD button is pressed during
(a) Straight thread cycle
G92 X(U)・・・・Z(W)・・・・F・・・・;
F: It specifies the thread lead (L)
The following cycle to will be executed.
G00 X・・・・Z・・・・(M24);
If M23 (chamfering ON) is active when G92 is commanded, the chamfering will be
The amount of chamfering can be set into the parameter No 5130 from a range of 0 to
25.5L by 0.1L (unit).
(b) Taper threading cycle
G92 X(U)・・・・Z(W)・・・・R・・・・F・・・・ ;
F: This specifies the thread lead (L).
This will execute the following cycle .
8-11-19 Constant Surface Speed Control (G96, G97)
The spindle speed is controlled so that the surface speed is always the specified value in
correspondence with the X-axis or Y-axis position.
The constant surface speed control is available on both main and sub spindle.
Maximum spindle speed clamp is available during the command of constant spindle speed
control ON (G96). This S value, also, memorized during constant spindle speed control
OFF (G97) and when the program is returned to G96, S is valid again.
(If the CNC power is off, this memory is deleted.)
Constant surface speed control regulates the surface speed in correspondence with X-axis
or Y-axis moving command position on program and no offset amount will be added.
Do not use constant surface speed control in threading.
During the main spindle feed per revolution (M91) control on HEAD2, this constant
surface speed control function is not available on HEAD2.
8-11-20 Feed Function Specification (G98, G99, G101, G103)
These functions will determine the feeding unit, whether [mm/rev] or [mm/min] will be used
for commanding the feed F.
Both HEAD1 and HEAD2 will be G99 mode when turning the power on.
Address C or H should not be commanded in the same block.
A new feed (F) command is required when commanding G98~G103.
Feed function commands (G98~G103) are modals; therefore command the spindle speed
for these commands after commanding the feed function.
Do not input the S command into the same block of G101 or G103 block. If it will be
commanded, the S command will be ignored.
Feed per revolution for X-axis power-driven tool (G101) [Available only on HEAD1]
Commanding G101 will execute the following F command in mm/rev.
Commanding G101 on HEAD1, the feed unit of the X, A and Z1-axes change to mm/rev
against the rotation of the X-axis power-driven tool.
8-11-21 Cylindrical Interpolation (G107)
This function will perform the machining at the expanded cylindrical surface of the product by
using linear Interpolation (G01) and circular Interpolation (G02, G03) with the Z1 and C-axis.
G107 C_ ; Cylindrical interpolation mode ON (C: Cylinder radius value)
G107 C0 ; Cylinder interpolation mode OFF (Cancel)
This function is available when the gang tool post or turret is selected on HEAD1 and
when the turret is selected on HEAD2.
The radius R designation must be used. Designation with I and K is not possible.
With cylindrical interpolation, the G02 (CW) and G03 (CCW) machining path will be the
reverse of the standard path (G02 : CW, G03: CCW).
G02: CCW (Counterclockwise)
G03: CW (Clockwise)
Command the plane selection G150 (on HEAD1) and G154(HEAD2) before cylindrical
interpolation mode on.
Program example
T1500 ;
G150 ; G154 when commending on HEAD2
G103 M5 ; Change F when commanding G98 for G103
M8 ; G98 M5 ;
M46 S1000 ;
G00 Y8.0 Z10.0 C0 T15 ;
G107 C2.5 ;
G01 Y5.0 F0.12 ; F120.0
G01 W10.0 F0.2 ; F200.0
G18 H0 W0 ;
G03 W5.5 H90.0 R5.5 F0.15 ; F150.0
G1 C180.0 F0.2 ; F200.0
G02 W5.5 H90.0 R5.5 F0.15 ; X command F150.0
G1 W5.0 F0.2 ; impossible F200.0
G1 Z41.0 C90.0 F0.2 ; F200.0
G1 Y8.0 F0.5 ; F500.0
G 18 ;
G107 C0 ;
M9 ;
M48 ;
G00 T00 ;
G99 ;
The work coordinate system (G50) cannot be commanded in the cylindrical interpolation
The rapid traverse positioning (G00, G28, etc.) cannot be commanded in the cylindrical
interpolation mode.
The main spindle rotation cannot be commanded during G101 and G103 mode.
Do not execute the cylindrical interpolation ON/OFF during tool nose radius
compensation (G41, G42) is command.
Tool nose radius compensation can be executed during the cylindrical interpolation mode.
Command the plane selection G150 (on HEAD1) and G154 (on HEAD2) before cylindrical
interpolation mode on.
8-11-22 Polar Coordinate Interpolation (G112, G113)
This is a function that exercises contour control in converting a command programmed in a
Cartesian coordinate system to the movement of a liner axis (G01) and the movement of
rotary axis (G02). This method is useful in cutting a front surface and grinding a cam shaft on
a later.
Coordinate system
This function is available only when the turret is selected on HEAD1 and HEAD2.
With polar coordinate interpolation, the G02 and G03 machining path becomes to a
reverse rotation from the standard (G02 : CW, G03 : CCW).
G02 : CCW G03 : CW
Program example
T1400 ;
G150 ; G154 when commanding on HEAD2
G98 M05 ;
M08 ;
M46 S1000 ;
G0 Y20.0 Z10.0 C0 T14 ; …P1
G112 ;
G01 W5.0 F200 ;
G01 Y8.0 C4.0 ; …P2
G01 Y-4.0 ; …P3
G03 V-5.0 H-2.5 R2.5 F150 ; …P4
G1 C0 F200 ; …P5
G03 Y0 C-4.5 R4.5 F150 ; …P6
G1 Y8.0 F200 ; …P7
G1 C4.0 ;
G113 ;
G00 Y20.0 ;
M09 ;
M48 ;
G154 ;
8-11-23 Coordinate System Setting (G120,G121,G130,G131,G132Kk,G140,G141)
When commanding G131 or G, the Z1-axis coordinate system setting (G120) should be
commanded on HEAD1 beforehand.
Absolute reference point setting with G120 (Z1-axis coordinate system setting)
Setting method 1.
⑤ Press the Z1-AXIS STROKE CHECK key to turn the light on.
(The program will be automatically one cycle stop available state.)
⑦ After one cycle stop, press the HEAD key SIMUL and the MODE key MACRO
⑨ Press the START button . This moves the absolute zero point and X-axis to the
cut-off complete position, and will move the other axis to the reference point. Also it sets
G120 Z0 for Z1-axis.
Setting method 2.
① By operating MDI or JOG , and move the Z1-axis to the desired absolute
zero point.
Setting method 3.
Set the absolute zero point for Z1-axis in the MEMORY operation.
Program example
N0 ;
M5 ;
M11 T00;
G28 W0 ;
G00 W ; W :This commands the Z1-axis absolute zero point.
G120 Z0 ; W =Z1-axis stroke – program maximum value of Z1 – Clearance (510mm)
M99 ;
Z1-axis coordinate setting at re-chucking (G120) [Commanding on HEAD1]
G120 Z ; or G120 W ;・・・・・Z1-axis coordinate system at the re-chucking
Z2-axis coordinate system selection (G130, G131, G132Kk)
[Commanding on HEAD2 side]
G130 ······· Z2-axis coordinate system cancel
G131 ······· Z2-axis coordinate system at the parts pick-up
G132Kk ··· Z2-axis coordinate system setting during back machining
k : Material length from sub spindle end (mm)
Command G130, G131 or G132Kk in single block independently.
Be sure to command the Z1-axis coordinate system (G120) before commanding G131.
Command G131 when Z1-axis is stopped and when the wear offset on HEAD2 is at cancel
After commanding G131, the Z1-axis movement will not affect to the absolute position of
Z2-axis. To affect the movement, command G131 once again.
Value k in G132Kk is a modal value.
Before commanding G132Kk, be sure to input a geometry offset value E (plus value) of the
tool No. which is used in G132kk on geometry offset 2 screen.
EThe amount of distance from the tip of the cut-off tool to the tip of the tip of the block
machining tool when E-axis is at the reference point.
After commanding G132Kk, the E-axis movement will not affect to the absolute position of
Z2-axis. Command G132Kk once again when commanding the E-axis control or tool
selection on HEAD2 side.
Before commanding G132Kk, command the offset cancel (T00) on HEAD2 side and perform
tool selection..
G131 ; ··················· Z2-axis coordinate system at the parts pick-up
G00 Z ; ············· The distance from the material end of the main spindle to the surface
of the sub spindle cap.
(Example): When Z-3.0 is commanded, the Z2-axis will move to the
position 3 mm before the sub spindle cap surface from
material end of the main spindle
G130 ; ··················· It return the Z2-axis coordinate system to the original.
For G132Kk
G132Kk ;......It sets the Z2-axis coordinate system during back machining
G00 Z ;.....Position of sub-spindle tool edge from the tip of tool on the turret.
(Example) : When Z-2.0 is commanded, the Z2-axis will move 2 mm from the
material end in the sub spindle to the edge of the tool on the turret.
G130 ;..........Restores the Z2-axis coordinate system setting.
G141 ;..........E-axis coordinate system cancel
G00 E ;........The tool tip position on the turret from the material end in the sub-spindle.
Example : When E10.0 is commanded, the tool tip on the turret will move
10mm toward the E-axis minus direction from the material front
G140 ;..........Reset the E-axis coordinate system setting to the original.
8-11-24 Plane Selection Function (G150, G154, G158)
When commanding the circular interpolation or tool nose radius compensation on the plane
including A,B and E axes, plane selection among G17, G18, and G19 is required.
Refer to “8-11-3 Circular Interpolation” for the format.
G150: Z-X plane selection
G154: Z-Y plane selection
G158: E-Y plane selection
Command these in single block independently.
To command G150, G154 or G158, cancel (G40) the tool nose radius compensation (G41,
G42) beforehand.
Always command G154 (Z-Y plane) after the completion of G158 (E-Y plane) machining.
The X or Y value commanded by G170 is available for the first approach command only
after the G170.
Command carefully a distance between a bar and the tool.
8-11-27 C-axis Coordinate System Shift (G202, G203)
This function shifts or returns the C-axis coordinate system of the main spindle by 180.
Always command G202, G203 in single block independently.
G202 ; It returns the C-axis coordinate system.
G203 ; It shifts the C-axis coordinate system by 180°.
Always command G210, G211, G212, G213 and G551 in single blocks independently.
G210, G211, G212 and G213 are modal commands.
Command G211G213 before commanding the tool number that performs the heat
expansion compensation.
Command G551 after M20 on HEAD1•HEAD2.
G211, G212 and G213 are cancelled by G210 mode, not by the RESET key .
When turning the CNC POWER on( ), G551 completion and during G210 command, the
machine is in G210 mode.
8-11-29 Polygon Machining (G250, G251)
Polygon machining means machining a polygonal figure by rotating a bar and cutting tool (Y
power-driven tool) of the polygon machining unit [34191] at certain ratio.
[P ]: “Spindle speed on main side” and [Q ] “spindle speed on Y power-driven tool side”,
are rotating ratios
Command P1 Q2 when rotating ratio is 1:2.
Machining 2 planes (180°) with each blade of three makes hexagonal-shape and its surface
becomes convex plane slightly.
Command P1 Q3 when rotating ratio is 1:3.
Machining 3 planes (120°) with each blade of three makes nine-corner form and its surface
becomes convex plane slightly.
Machining drawing
The main spindle and the cutter will rotate and work in same direction.
The installing nut of the cutter is right-handed screw. Command M04 (reverse rotation)
on HEAD1 for main spindle.
Install the cutting tool which the cutting direction of the blade can be used in the main
spindle reverse rotation M04 command.
Set the keep relay: K07-bit4=1.
The spare M code 4 (HEAD1, HEAD2) is not used when polygon machining is added.
Following wiring is required when polygon machining is added. Connect each wire of NC
accessories as following. Refer to the electric diagram for detail.
Connect the wiring between "450" in the terminal box XT782 and "146" in the terminal
Connect the wiring between "+24N" in the terminal box XT782 and "147" in the terminal
box XT781.
Execute polygon machining in state of the main spindle fluctuation detection OFF (G25).
Execute an actual machining for tool phase adjusting.
There will be an gap in a tool phase when changing a rotating command or changing a
gear position by removing/attaching the polygon machining unit. In this case, execute an
actual machining to adjust the tool phase.
Command M91 just before M127 block.
There will be an gap in the tool phase when commanding "G251 P Q " just after M91
The polygon cutter rotates one time (360) by commanding the tool phase shift G00 A3.6.
To execute a tool phase 1° shift, command G00 A0.01.
Polygon machining will shift toward M04 direction by commanding "G00 A plus value": the
tool phase shift.
Maximum spindle speed of the Y power-driven tool is 2000min-1 at the polygon machining.
Y power-driven tool will stop by pressing the RESET key during polygon
Program example
M131 ; M131 ;
T1300 ;
M04 S500 ;
G25 ; Main spindle speed
fluctuation detection OFF
M132 ; M132 ;
M91 ; Feed per revolution with
main spindle
M127 ; Y power-driven tool
reference point return
G50 A0 ; Tool phase set
G00 A0.1 ; Tool phase 10 shift
G251 P1 Q2 ; Polygon machining
M131 ; M131
M131 ;
G00 Y22.0 Z10.0 T13 ;
G01 Y15.0 F0.3 ;
G01 Y17.0 W1.0 F0.02 ;
G01 W9.5 F0.03 ;
G01 Y22.0 F0.05 ;
G26 ; Main spindle speed
fluctuation detection ON
G00 T00 ;
G28 V0 ;
M132 ; M132 ;
G250 ; Polygon machining cancel
M92 ; Feed per revolution with
sub spindle
M131 ; M131 ;
When address is omitted in geometry offset input that will keep the original data and do
not rewrite the offset quantity.
To rewrite the offset quantity to “0”, input “0” in geometry offset.
8-11-31 Threading Cycle (G184, G284, G384, G484)
A sequence operation of tapping or die cutting can be carried out.
Machining Reverse, retract Dwell 1-second Forward rotation
Command these in single block independently.
Command G25 (speed fluctuation detection OFF) before commanding G184 or G284.
Command the threading in the G99 mode (feed per revolution).
Threading speed will be fixed at 90 % for the cutting and will be fixed 100% for returning
regardless of the JOG/OVERRIDE switch setting.
The spindle rotation will change to forward rotation when the threading cycle ends.
An axis other than that determined with the format cannot be commanded.
Cancel (G40) the tool nose radius compensation (G41, G42) before starting.
Parameter setting according to the machining condition:
Waiting time for reverse rotation of G184: No. 9206=120 (ms)
Waiting time for reverse rotation of G284: No. 9207=100 (ms)
Waiting time for reverse rotation of G384: No. 9208=20 (ms)
Waiting time for reverse rotation of G484: No. 9209=20 (ms)
The above settings are initial setting value. They may have to be changed according to a
cutting condition (spindle speed and feed rate). Adjust the setting value according to the
Increase the above-mentioned setting if it was found that the tap sleeve or the tapping
collet has spread when spindle executed a reverse rotation or it was pulled out.
Decrease the above-mentioned setting or the "F" command in the program if it was found
that the tap sleeve or the tapping collet is being pressed inside when spindle does reverse
rotation or it was pulled out.
The following parameter can set the override at the cutting.
For G184: No. 9215 setting range 0 100 (unit %) initial setting value 90%
For G284:No. 9216 setting range 0 100 (unit %) initial setting value 90%
For G384:No. 9217 setting range 0 100 (unit %) initial setting value 90%
For G484:No. 9218 setting range 0 100 (unit %) initial setting value 90%
Back threading cycle (G284) [Commanding on HEAD2 side]
G99 ;
G25 ;
G284 Z(W) F ;
Z(W) : Threading amount
F : Thread pitch
8-11-32 Cross Rigid Tapping Cycle (G784, G884)
A sequence operation of tapping can be carried out.
Machining Reverse, retract
Command a pitch amount with an incremental address.
Use the address U for X cross rigid tapping cycle.
Use the address V for Y cross rigid tapping cycle.
Command G784 (X cross rigid tapping cycle) after commanding M38.
Alarm may occur if M38 is commanded just before G784. In this case, input dwell
between M38 and M784, or command M code other than M38.
Command G884 (Y cross rigid tapping cycle) after commanding M48.
Alarm may occur if M48 is commanded just before G884. In this case, input dwell
between M48 and M884, or command M code other than M48.
The feed function designation will be G98 (mm/min) after execution of the cross rigid
tapping cycle (G784, G884).
Do not command the approach function during the cross-rigid cycle. If it is commanded,
the approach function may not work.
8-11-33 HEAD2 Single Operation Block Jump (G900Jj)
This is a function that can skip programs from G900 Jj to a sequence number Nj during the
HEAD2 single operation. Always command these block where to be skipped in HEAD2
side program.
In the SIMUL operation, press the ONE CYCLE key to turn the light on, and
stop the program with M20. Press the HEAD key HEAD2 (to turn the light on). And
press START button to run in HEAD2 single operation (to finish only a workpiece
picked up by the sub spindle). In this case, command this block jump function as explained
O1234 ;
Program start
M20 ;
M25 ;
Back machining
Parts ejection
HEAD2 single operation block jump
G900 Jj ;
j:Sequence number (decimal input is impossible)
Front matching
e.g.: G900 J50 ;
Parts pickup
Sequence number N50 ;
Nj ;
M99 ;
8-11-34 Front and Back Off-Center Rigid Tapping Cycle (G984)
A sequence operation of tapping can be carried out.
Machining Reverse, retract
Command a pitch amount with the address W (incremental value).
Command G984 after commanding M48.
The feed function designation will be G98 (mm/min) when the G984 cycle is executed.
Do not command the approach function during the front off-center rigid tapping cycle on
If it is commanded, the approach function may not work.