On Approximate Computing Techniques

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Sparsh Mittal

IIT Hyderabad, India


• AC = approximate computing • NVM = non-volatile

• ACT =AC technique
• MLC = multi-level cell
• FP = floating point
• ISA = instruction set
• NN = neural network
• NPU = neural processing unit
• SSIM = structural
• QoR = quality of result similarity
• FU = functional unit
• SIMD = single-instruction,

Introduction to AC

• Exact computation or peak-level service demands

=> require high amount of resources
• Selective approximation or occasional violation of
specification => provides disproportionate gains in

• Examples: 50X energy saving for 5% accuracy loss

in k-means clustering
• NN-approximation can accelerate inverse
kinematics app by 26X for 5% QoR loss

Introduction to AC

• AC exploits the gap between level of accuracy required

by the apps/users and that provided by the computing

• Building acceptable or “good-enough” systems out of

unreliable/inaccurate hardware and software


Ideas synonymous (or similar to) AC

Dynamic effort-scaling,
quality programmability/configurability,
variable accuracy

Approximable portions are called ...

Soft slices/computations, best-effort computations,
non-critical/crucial, error-resilient/tolerant
error-acceptable, tunable, having ‘forgiving nature’
and being ‘optional’ (versus guaranteed/mandatory)

Scope and motivation for AC
Let us see where does scope for AC arise and
what are motivations for using it?

1. Inherent scope/need for AC

• AC is unavoidable for noisy input, limited data

precision (floating-point), HW defect, sudden
additional load or hard real-time constraints

• No unique answer may exist, but many are acceptable,

e.g., search engine

• A complex problem where exact solution is not known,

but approximate solution is efficient and sufficient

2. Error-resilience of programs and users

• Perceptual limitations of humans

– PSNR >30db considered acceptable
• Non-critical portions in apps
– 98% FP operations are approximable in 3D raytracer
– In clustering, only relative distances matter, not
absolute distances
– In document analysis, processing of common words,
such as “a”, “of”, “the” can be avoided

• Redundancy due to spatial/temporal correlation

2. Error-resilience of programs and users

• In iterative refinement algorithms, running extra

iterations with reduced precision of intermediate
computations can still provide same QoR
– On FPGA, this approach allows greater
parallelism for a fixed area constraint

3. Efficiency optimization and quality configurability

• AC can improve perf. and energy by relaxing accuracy

– Reducing DRAM refresh rate or SRAM supply voltage
=> reduce memory energy
• AC can alleviate scalability bottleneck, allow early loop
termination, skipping memory accesses, improve yield.

• AC provides knobs to trade-off quality with efficiency

• Spend only as much effort (e.g., energy) as required by
QoR requirement
– E.g., Program versions of different quality

Example of quality-effort tradeoff

PSNR loss due to

errors in a single bit
at various positions

Maximum % errors in
neural approximators
for different nodes in
hidden layer
Li et al. TCAD'15

Challenges of AC

Limited application domain and gains of AC

• Many apps can't be approximated, e.g., cryptography

• Many approximations hold in a limited range only
• E.g. approximating sin function using an NN in an
unbounded range is intractably hard

Function Approximate Range where

Function applicable
y = 1/x y = 2.823 – 1.882x 0.5 ≤ x ≤ 1

Correctness issues

• Approximating control flow => no program termination

(e.g. an unsolvable equation) or crash
• ACTs may lead to corrupt output which may be
undetectable by quality metric
– E.g., using size as a metric for approx. compression

• AC may interfere with synchronization and memory

ordering and may lead to non-deterministic output
• These errors are difficult to debug. Avoiding them may
require comparing with single-threaded exact execution

Tradeoff between quality and energy saving

Errors Energy Errors Energy


Errors Energy Errors Energy

Credit: A. Sampson and others

Blind approximation can lead to…

Credit: A. Sampson and others

Finding right strategy and quality metric

• Need to carefully choose approximable portions and

approximation strategy
• Strategy for AC needs to be found on per-app basis
• Uniform approximation => unacceptable loss

• Need to choose accurate and lightweight quality metric

• Carefully monitor output to ensure QoR is acceptable,
otherwise, repeat execution with precise parameters
• Apart from average error, worst-case error needs to be
bounded to maintain high QoR

Large overheads

• Voltage scaling requires voltage shifters

• Analog NN implementations require conversion of

signals between digital and analog domain

• Need to write multiple approx. versions of program

or annotate source code => not scalable

• Some ACTs require ISA extension => not

applicable to existing platforms

ACT must work across the stack


Working at only one level provides limited benefits

Credit: A. Sampson and others

First task in any ACT is

Finding Approximable Portions

1. Error-injection (automatic)

Introduce errors in a

Acceptable Variable is approximable

Variable is non-approximable

• Similarly, compiler can explore multiple algorithms with

different accuracy-levels
2. User tells (manual)

• For some apps, user may have insights into which

variables/portions are approximable
– LSBs of FP numbers
– Background portion in an image
– Variables having no impact on output

Monitoring and ensuring
output quality

is very important to ensure that the result is


Output quality monitoring

• Monitoring QoR is important to ensure acceptable


• For several problems, finding a solution is hard,

but checking solution quality is easy, e.g., Boolean
• Modules for checking QoR can be lightweight
– e.g., simple prediction approaches, such as linear
estimation, moving average and decision tree
– Solution is within bound? Equation solvable?

Strategies for monitoring and ensuring QoR

• Some strategies for monitoring QoR:

1. Check precise and approximate app on random inputs
2. Interpolate past executions with similar inputs to
estimate output for current execution
3. Use programmer-supplied checking modules
• Some strategies for ensuring QoR:
1. Compute QoR and if QoR unacceptable, invoke precise
re-execution or increase precision in next iteration
2. Estimate QoR on using an ACT and if QoR
unacceptable, invoke precise code

Some quality metrics used for different
approximable applications/kernels

After identifying approximable portions,
next step is

Conveying info about approximable

portions to software/compiler

1. Using type qualifiers
@approx int a = ...;

int p; // precise by default
p = a; // not allowed (illegal)
a = p; // allowed Precise

Example: Sobel Filter

@approx float grad(approx float[3][3] p) {..}
@approx float dst[][];
void edgeDetection(aImage &src, aImage &dst)
for (int y = …) {
for (int x = …) {
dst[x][y] = grad(window(src, x, y));
Credit: A. Sampson et al.
2. Using OpenMP-style code annotations
Example: Gaussian Filter
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp accurate The kernel is accurate
#pragma omp for
for (i=K/2; i <(IMG_M-K/2); ++i) {
// iterate over image
for (j=K/2; j <(IMG_N-K/2); ++j) {
float sum = 0; int ii, jj;
for (ii =-K/2; ii<=K/2; ++ii) {
// iterate over kernel
for (jj = -K/2; jj <= K/2; ++jj) { except this code portion
float data = in[i+ii][j+jj]; float result;
float coef = coeffs[ii+K/2][jj+K/2];
#pragma omp approximate error_significance_threshold(20) {
result = data * coef;
sum += result;
Ignore errors in 20 LSBs
}} out[i][j]=sum/scale;}}}
Rahimi et al. CODES'13
We are all set! Now, lets actually use

Approximation Strategies

Some approximation strategies

1. Precision scaling 9. Inexact hardware

2. Loop-perforation 10. Voltage scaling
3. Load-value 11. (e)DRAM refresh rate
approximation reduction
4. Memoization 12. Inexact reads/writes
5. Task dropping 13. Reducing divergence in
6. Memory access skipping
14. Lossy compression
7. Data Sampling
15. Use of NN
8. Program versions of
different accuracy
Explanation of some strategies

• Memory access skipping: skip some memory accesses

or fetch only MSBs
• Memoization: Reuse previously stored results for
similar (but not identical) functions/inputs
– Reuse result of an instruction across different
parallel lanes of SIMD architecture
– Used in scatter/gather and map computations
• Program versions of different accuracy may be supplied
by the user

Load-value approximation (LVA)


Data 2. Estimate K_approx. and send to core

1. Load miss K LVA
cache 4. Train LVA module

memory 3. Get K_exact

• Only predict loads causing largest fraction of misses

• Can offset both latency and BW constraints
• Avoids pipeline flush and recovery overheads
• For GPUs, leverage value locality to only predict for few
threads in a warp. Use this value for remaining threads

Loop perforation

• Skipping some iterations of a loop

• Original: for (i = 0; i< N; i++) {...}

• Perforated: for (i = 0; i< N; i += p) {...}

• Applicable to several global computational patterns,

e.g., Monte Carlo simulation, iterative refinement and
search space enumeration

Precision scaling (changing bit-width)

• Leaves some bit slices in data path => power-gate

• Allows packing multiple data in same word and
processing by a single FU
• Allows using smaller and faster FUs for some

Precision Scaling

• Increases spatial and temporal locality => increases

coverage of memoization; allows using lookup table for
FP add/multiply
• Turns an FP operation into trivial => no need of FU

Examples of trivial cases

Factors increasing trivialization

in an image processing app

Yeh et al. MICRO'07


Use of sampling in a
MapReduce job. Only 4
map tasks (1, 2, 4, and 6)
are executed, processing
10 input data items.
Goiri et al. ASPLOS’15

Increasing quality with

increasing size of data
Chippa et al. DAC’13

Algorithm-level approximation strategies

• Early termination: Instead of terminating at full

convergence, stop when improvement by successive
iterations is small

• Convergence-based pruning: Tasks/inputs for which

no change/improvement is seen in last K iterations are
eliminated from further iterations

Creating approximate program versions

• Skip atomic operations causing frequent conflicts and

thread serialization; leave those that don’t cause conflicts
• Fuse adjacent threads not sharing data into one and
replicate one thread’s output to other threads

Relaxing dependency to run

Exact version multiple iterations concurrently
Iteration i Iteration i Iteration i+1 Iteration i+k

Iteration i+1
Iteration i+2 Iteration Iteration
Iteration i+2k
i+k+1 i+k+2
Iteration i+3

Scalable-effort design

• Observation: only some tasks are hard => spending

equal effort on all tasks is a waste

Handwriting recognition: only

5-30% instances are hard

• Spend only as much effort as required for a task

Venkataramani et al. DAC'15

Input tasks

Approximate approach Approx accelerator 1

Most tasks can be done
by approx. accelerators; QoR check
only few tasks require
the precise accelerator Approx accelerator 2

QoR check

Traditional approach
Approx accelerator k
Input tasks
QoR check
Precise accelerator
Precise accelerator

Commit Commit

DRAM refresh rate reduction

declaration (object level)

Runtime system
allocation (page level)

OS Virtual to physical
address mapping
Critical Non-critical
pages pages

Normal Low
Approximate DRAM
refresh refresh

42 Liu et al. ASPLOS'11

Value similarity based on spatial locality

Stencil pattern

(a) (b) (c)

(a): Value at center of tile can approximate all

neighboring values
(b) and (c): One column/row values can approximate
other column/rows

Samadi et al. ASPLOS’14

Voltage scaling (in SRAM)

• Reducing SRAM supply voltage saves leakage energy

but increases probability of read disturbance and
incorrect write

• Store critical data in fault-free blocks, non-critical in

faulty blocks.

• Too many faults in a block =>power-gate it

Inexact reads/writes in NVMs

1. Low read-current => erroneous reads

2. Low sensing duration and large read-current => read
disturbance (i.e., bit-flip during read)
3. Lowering either write duration or write current or
both => unsuccessful writes
• Use these knobs during reads/writes to control quality

Energy v/s error probability for STT-RAM bit-cell

Ranjan et al. DAC'15
Inexact writes in NVMs

• In PCM (phase change memory), if existing data are

almost same as new data => cancel write operation.
Take existing data as new data

Inexact reads/writes in MLC NVMs

• Perform approximate writes by reducing number of

programming pulses in writing MLC NVM

Approximate MLC NVM

configuration to reduce energy in
iterative MLC writes

• Store approximate data in blocks that have

exhausted their error-correction resources
• Preferentially correct MSBs, then LSBs
Sampson et al. MICRO’13
Using faulty/inexact hardware

• On each write, circularly shift data to store LSBs in

faulty cells of memory
• This reduces error magnitude, unlike ECC which
corrects errors

• Use inexact adders (e.g., ignore carry), multipliers,

cosine transform, etc

Ganapathy et al. DAC’15

Using novel approximation-aware ISAs

• Allows specifying the desired accuracy in ISA itself

=> allows using AC to a larger portion of app

• Provide processing elements of different accuracy

• Divide processor components into two:

– Data movement/processing (e.g. cache, register
file, FU, load-store queue) => approximable
– Instruction control (dealing with instruction
fetching, decoding) => precise

Neural-network based acceleration

• Observation: NNs expose parallelism and allow

efficient hardware implementation
• They can be trained to mimic several computations
• They are error-resilient

• Replace a kernel with approximate NN-based code

Reducing branch divergence in SIMD

• Use of approximate NN-based code:

• Characterize data-dependent control flow of the app
• Identify kernels responsible for largest performance
loss due to branch divergence
• Train NNs to approximate these kernels
• Inject NNs into code itself by substituting the kernels

• Branch herding: Find outcome of majority of threads.

Force all threads to follow this

Branch divergence: threads in SIMD diverging due to if/else Grigorian et al. TACO'15, Sartori et al. TMM’13
Neural-network based acceleration


1. Find an approximable program portion
2. Train an NN to mimic this
3. Implement NN on an neural processing unit (NPU)
Credit: Sampson et al.
Neural Algorithmic Transformation

Code1 Code2 Code3 Code4 Code5 Code6

Code …

Common Neural
Intermediate Representation

Acceleration CPU NPU

Esmaeilzadeh et al. MICRO’12

Implementing NN-based code


Digital Analog

Lower implementation cost, higher Lower energy, higher

communication/computation overhead performance, lower accuracy

FPAA = field programmable analog array Emaeilzadeh et al. MICRO’12

Approximating NNs

• Quantify impact of approximating any neuron to

overall quality using back-propagation
• Replace least sensitive neurons with their approx.
• Different approx. versions can be created by
adapting input-precision and neuron-weights
• Training involves error-healing => retraining
allows further approximations for same QoR

Venkataramani et al. ISLPED'14

Reducing error-correction overhead using AC

• Use weak error-correction approach for resilient apps

• For critical code, use redundant execution for soft-
error protection
• For non-critical code, use only low-overhead resilience
schemes, e.g., checking store operations by redundant
address calculation
• A soft-error in non-critical portion does not affect
• In multicores, control resilience of each core

Shi et al. CAL’15, Xu et al. TR’15

Some application areas of AC

• Image processing or multimedia

• Signal processing
• Machine learning
• Scientific computing
• Financial analysis
• Database search
• MapReduce


• S. Mittal, “A Survey Of Techniques for Approximate

Computing”, ACM Computing Surveys, 2016


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