Elk-04 170 Bro 1HC0130351 Ab en
Elk-04 170 Bro 1HC0130351 Ab en
Elk-04 170 Bro 1HC0130351 Ab en
ELK-04 up to 170 kV
Modular solution for reliable energy supply
• Compact footprint
• Advanced features for digital
2 G A S - I N S U L AT E D S W I T C H G E A R E L K- 0 4 U P TO 17 0 K V
ABB and 50 years of gas-insulated
switchgear innovation
— Continuing more than a 125-year history of inno- ABB provides a complete range of GIS for all rat-
ELK-04, 145 kV
vation, ABB today is writing the future of indus- ings and applications from 72.5 kV to 1200 kV
trial digitalization and driving the Energy and matching current and future requirements for
Fourth Industrial Revolutions. ABB operates in modern switchgears. As a market leader in
more than 100 countries with about 136,000 em- high-voltage GIS technology, ABB has a global
ployees. installed base of more than 30,000 bays.
ABB offers a wide range of high-voltage products GIS is a compact metal-encapsulated switchgear
up to 1200 kilovolt (kV) that help enhance the reli- consisting of high-voltage components such as
ability, efficiency and quality of power in trans- circuit-breakers and disconnectors.
mission and distribution grids, power plants and
industries while minimizing environmental GIS type ELK-04 is the ideal solution for reliable
impact. energy supply up to a rated voltage of 170 kV.
Based on a few building blocks with standardized
In a power system, switchgear controls, protects dimensions, its space saving and modular design
and isolates electrical equipment to boost the re- offers a small footprint and easy operation at
liability of power supply. With gas-insulated high performance ratings. The ELK-04 offers high
switchgear (GIS) technology, key components in- level of flexibility for optimizing substation lay-
cluding breakers, switches, contacts and conduc- outs.
tors are protected with insulating gas. ABB has
always been and continues to drive innovation in
GIS technology in ratings, operations, switching
technology, smart control and supervision, and
G A S - I N S U L AT E D S W I T C H G E A R E L K- 0 4 U P TO 17 0 K V 3
ABB is a pioneering technology
leader that works closely with utility,
industry, transportation and
infrastructure customers to write
the future of industrial digitalization
and realize value.
4 G A S - I N S U L AT E D S W I T C H G E A R E L K- 0 4 U P TO 17 0 K V
ELK-04 up to 170 kV
Modular solution for reliable energy supply
01 Example of a double
— Benefits
• Well proven and reliable technology
busbar bay 145 kV
ELK-04 is designed to reduce • High performance ratings up to 170 kV
02 Example of a double
busbar bay 170 kV complexity and lifecycle costs, • High availability
• Compact footprint
while offering outstanding • Highest product quality
flexibility for optimizing layouts. • Ideal solutions for all applications
• Low environmental impact
• Maximum flexibility
• Advanced features for digital substations
— —
01 02
G A S - I N S U L AT E D S W I T C H G E A R E L K- 0 4 U P TO 17 0 K V 5
Well proven and reliable technology Ideal solutions for all applications
ELK-04 has seen continuous upgrades and The modular system assures maximum flexibility
improvements since its introduction in the in switchgear configuration and is suitable for
nineties. All functional modules are type tested indoor and outdoor installation. An ideal solution
in independent laboratories according to when reduced space availability is a key selection
international standards (IEC/ANSI). criterion. Moreover, the ELK-04 can be integrated
with all primary and secondary equipment in a
High performance ratings container or a prefabricated housing.
The combination of innovation and highest
product quality have given ABB's GIS Low environmental impact
international reputation. ELK-04 is designed to enhance eco-efficiency.
• ELK-04 for up to 145 kV, 3150 A and 40 kA Reduced SF6 insulation gas due to optimized and
• ELK-04 for up to 170 kV, 4000 A and 63 kA lean enclosures. The reduced amount of sealing,
flange connections and support structures makes
High availability efficient use of resources by reducing thermal
A segregation concept separates gas-tight losses and infrastructure costs. The use of less
compartments, which limits impact on other packing material and streamlined transportation
modules to ensure highest availability during lower your carbon footprint.
maintenance and repair.
Maximum flexibility
Highest product quality Full sets of standardized connection elements
Fully assembled and tested in ABB's state-of-the- allow for all possible configurations and building
art manufacturing facilities that utilize flow optimization, including integration into existing
production system according to highest quality buildings, providing utmost flexibility in the
manufacturing procedures. All shipping units are shortest possible delivery time, while reducing
produced and tested under stringent supervision. operating and maintenance costs at the same
Compact footprint and short installation time
Three-phase encapsulation based on a few Advanced features for digital substations
building blocks with standardized dimensions. ELK-04 can be equipped with monitoring,
Its space saving and modular design offers a measurement, control, protection and
small footprint and easy operations. Factory communication features for smooth integration
assembled, fully tested, and shipped as one bay into substation automation system using
with secondary cabling and local control cubicle IEC 61850. Point-on-wave switching is available
(LCC) in a container instead of many assembly for multiple applications using ABB's Switchsync
units. This provides reduced installation and controller portfolio for highest operation
commissioning time. precision and flexibility.
6 G A S - I N S U L AT E D S W I T C H G E A R E L K- 0 4 U P TO 17 0 K V
Voltage transformer
See page 10
Current transformer
See page 10
Cable termination
See page 11
8 G A S - I N S U L AT E D S W I T C H G E A R E L K- 0 4 U P TO 17 0 K V
Circuit-breaker and operating mechanism
— —
01 02
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Disconnectors and earthing switches
— — —
01 02 03
10 G A S - I N S U L AT E D S W I T C H G E A R E L K- 0 4 U P TO 17 0 K V
Voltage and current transformers
— —
01 02
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Terminals and connecting elements
— — — —
01 02 03 04
12 G A S - I N S U L AT E D S W I T C H G E A R E L K- 0 4 U P TO 17 0 K V
Advanced features to enable digital
Station level
Station level
Substation automation Remote control
solutions with IEC
61850 station bus
— IEC 61850
Bay level station bus
Relion® 670 series
control and protection
Bay level
— IEC 61850-9-2
Process level process bus
NCIT transmits the
Process level
— —
01 02
01 Double busbar arrangement ELK-04, 145 kV
02 Double busbar arrangement ELK-04, 170 kV
03 Double busbar arrangement: Circuit-breaker and feeders with
3150 A (ELK-04, 145 kV) busbar with 4000 A (ELK-04, 170 kV)
04 H-arrangement ELK-04, 145 kV
05 1½-breaker arrangement ELK-04, 145 kV
— —
04 05
14 G A S - I N S U L AT E D S W I T C H G E A R E L K- 0 4 U P TO 17 0 K V
ELK-04, 145 kV
in mm)
ELK-04, 170 kV
in mm) 3000
G A S - I N S U L AT E D S W I T C H G E A R E L K- 0 4 U P TO 17 0 K V 15
Additional information
We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify
the contents of this document without prior notice. With
regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall
prevail. ABB does not accept any responsibility whatsoever
for potential errors or possible lack of information in this
1HC0130351 E01 / AA17