02 Sweet Spot

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Seeking the Sweet Spot: Reservoir and

Completion Quality in Organic Shales

Karen Sullivan Glaser Placement of horizontal wells in shale reservoirs can be a costly and risky business
Camron K. Miller
Houston, Texas, USA proposition. To minimize risk, operators acquire and analyze surface seismic data
before deciding where to drill.
Greg M. Johnson
Brian Toelle
Denver, Colorado, USA

Robert L. Kleinberg
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
In the late 20th century, E&P geoscientists a collective prediction characteristic that is largely
began to consider shales in a new light. Although governed by mineralogy, porosity, hydrocarbon
Paul Miller
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia production from shales had been established in saturation, formation volume, organic content and
the early 1800s, operators considered shale for- thermal maturity.
Wayne D. Pennington mations mainly as source rocks and low-perme- Completion quality (CQ), another collective
Michigan Technological University ability seals for conventional reservoirs. prediction attribute, helps predict successful res-
Houghton, Michigan, USA However, during the 1980s and 1990s, operators ervoir stimulation through hydraulic fracturing.
showed that the proper application of horizon- Similar to RQ, CQ largely depends on mineralogy
Oilfield Review Winter 2013/2014: 25, no. 4. tal drilling combined with multistage hydraulic but is also influenced by elastic properties such as
Copyright © 2014 Schlumberger.
For help in preparation of this article, thanks to Alan Lee fracturing could make organic shales produc- Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, bulk modulus
Brown, Raj Malpani, William Matthews, David Paddock tive, spurring the exploitation of organic shales and rock hardness. Completion quality also incor-
and Charles Wagner, Houston; Helena Gamero Diaz, Frisco,
Texas; and Ernest Gomez, Denver. as self-sourced reservoirs.1 Despite the success- porates factors such as natural fracture density
sCore is a mark of Schlumberger. ful development of the Barnett and Haynesville and orientation, intrinsic and fractured material
1. Boyer C, Kieschnick J, Suarez-Rivera R, Lewis RE shales in the US, the industry quickly realized anisotropy and the prevailing magnitudes, orien-
and Waters G: “Producing Gas from Its Source,” that not all shales are viable targets for eco- tations and anisotropy of in situ stresses.
Oilfield Review 18, no. 3 (Autumn 2006): 36–49.
nomic hydrocarbon production, and operators To be successful in today’s shale plays, opera-
Boyer C, Clark B, Jochen V, Lewis R and Miller CK:
“Shale Gas: A Global Resource,” Oilfield Review 23, sought technologies that could identify appro- tors drill horizontally within reservoir strata that
no. 3 (Autumn 2011): 28–39. priate targets for development. possess superior RQ and CQ. Stimulation treat-
2. Nelson PH: “Pore-Throat Sizes in Sandstones, Tight
Sandstones, and Shales,” AAPG Bulletin 93, no. 3 Shale formations that offer the best potential ments are most effective when the induced frac-
(March 2009): 329–340. require a unique combination of reservoir and tures remain propped open, thereby exposing the
3. System permeability refers to the overall permeability geomechanical rock properties; such formations reservoir to a large fracture surface area and
of the effective reservoir volume and is the sum of
contributions from matrix permeability and natural are relatively rare. Organic shales have extremely allowing fluids to flow from the reservoir to the
fracture permeability. Matrix permeability in shale small pore size and ultralow matrix permeability, wellbore, effectively raising the reservoir’s sys-
reservoirs ranges from 0.1 to 1,000 nD. Natural and
induced fractures are necessary for wells in these which makes these unconventional resource tem permeability.3
formations to be economically productive. plays fundamentally different from most conven- Operators judge the quality of a hydraulic
4. Miller C, Waters G and Rylander E: “Evaluation of
Production Log Data from Horizontal Wells Drilled in tional reservoirs.2 Furthermore, because hydro- fracture completion design based on a postjob
Organic Shales,” paper SPE 144326, presented at the carbon migration paths tend to be short, evaluation of data from sources such as micro-
SPE North American Unconventional Gas Conference
and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, productive zones of shale reservoirs may be con- seismic monitoring of hydraulic fracturing,
June 14–16, 2011. fined to a certain area within a basin or restricted flowback tests and initial production to deter-
Cipolla C, Lewis R, Maxwell S and Mack M: “Appraising to a stratigraphic interval. mine how effectively and efficiently the reser-
Unconventional Resource Plays: Separating Reservoir
Quality from Completion Effectiveness,” paper The two factors that determine the economic voir was stimulated.
IPTC 14677, presented at the International Petroleum viability of a shale play are reservoir quality and Ideally, an operator places horizontal wells
Technology Conference, Bangkok, Thailand,
February 7–9, 2012. completion quality. Good reservoir quality (RQ) is within shale intervals with favorable geologic
defined for organic shale reservoirs as the ability characteristics and high RQ and CQ and without
to produce hydrocarbons economically after geohazards.4 Retrospective studies have demon-
hydraulic fracture stimulation. Reservoir quality is strated that this strategy would have resulted in

16 Oilfield Review
Winter 2013/2014 17
as much as a tenfold increase in production mining where a resource play may exist and 62.5 micron [0.00246 in.].7 These small particle
(below).5 Determining where the best RQ and CQ where RQ and CQ are highest. sizes result in low permeability; poor sorting—
coincide is therefore an exploration effort, and the mixing of various grain sizes—can further
the best technique to enhance the exploration Mudstone Characteristics reduce both permeability and porosity.
effort, before drilling the initial well, is interpre- Geologists define shales as mudstones that Mudstones have a complex mix of organic mat-
tation of surface seismic data. Recent studies exhibit fissility—the ability to split easily, like a ter and clay minerals—illite, smectite, kaolinite
have indicated that seismic interpretation is use- deck of playing cards, into individual laminae. and chlorite—along with quartz, calcite, dolomite,
ful for defining production sweet spots within The oil and gas industry typically considers feldspar, apatite and pyrite. Geologists with
organic shale plays. resource plays as gas- or liquid-producing Schlumberger recently introduced the sCore ter-
In this article, we describe a systematic and “shales.” However, it would be more accurate to nary diagram mudstone classification scheme,
strategic approach for using surface seismic call them mudstones or mudrocks, because these which is built on relationships established
data to identify reservoir sweet spots in shale “shales” often are not fissile. between core and log, using clay, QFM (quartz,
resource plays, starting with basinal and Mudstones dominate the sedimentary record feldspar and mica) and carbonate as the corner
regional RQ and progressing toward local RQ and make up roughly 60% to 70% of Earth’s points. The sCore diagram defines 16 classes of
and CQ. Case studies from the Arkoma, Delaware sedimentary rocks.6 They are fine-grained sedi- mudstones and can classify a sample as an argilla-
and Williston basins in the US demonstrate how mentary rocks composed of clay- and silt-size par- ceous (clay-rich), siliceous or carbonate mud-
reflection seismic data provide the key to deter- ticles with diameters of less than or equal to stone. This classification scheme allows geologists
and engineers to examine empirical relationships
between mineralogy and factors that influence the
RQ and CQ of mudstones by overlaying points that
include indications of RQ, CQ or both (next page).8
Productive mudstones most sought by oil compa-
nies tend to be dominated by nonclay minerals,
520 principally silicates and carbonates, and therefore
lie in the lower part of the diagram, away from the
440 clay point; higher RQ and CQ rocks are near the
Gas production, MMcf

edges of the triangle.9

360 Several factors control the physical proper-
ties of mudstones: the mineralogy and propor-
280 tions of grains, the fabric of the originally
deposited muds and the postdepositional pro-
cesses—such as resuspension, redeposition, dia-
genesis, bioturbation and compaction—that
convert mud into rock.10 Mudstones tend to be
highly heterogeneous, and this heterogeneity can
vary horizontally and vertically, originating from
0 km 2
the sequence of depositional environments and
0 mi 2
tectonic regimes that prevailed as the mud strata
> Best 12-month production results. This 50-mi2 [130-km2] area of the Barnett
stacked up through geologic time.
Shale play in northwest Tarrant County, Texas, USA, shows the first year’s
gas production for more than 650 horizontal wells. Black dots represent
An individual layer of mud, called a lamina-
surface locations of well pads, which may service multiple wells. Areas of tion, is typically about a millimeter thick.
warm colors (top of scale) are production sweet spots and areas of cool Laminations stack up to form laminae sets, called
colors (bottom of scale) are not. (Adapted from Baihly et al, reference 5.) beds. Beds in turn stack up to form bed sets that
group together into members and then into geo-
logic formations. The mineral and organic com-
position of each layer depends on the sequence
5. Baihly JD, Malpani R, Edwards C, Han SY, Kok JCL, is μ, μm or mc. In Imperial units, a micron equals Characterization of Unconventional Shale-Gas
Tollefsen EM and Wheeler CW: “Unlocking the Shale 3.937 × 10–5 in. Reservoirs,” paper SPE 131350, presented at the CPS/
Mystery: How Lateral Measurements and Well 8. For more on the sCore classification scheme: SPE International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition
Placement Impact Completions and Resultant Gamero-Diaz H, Miller C and Lewis R: “sCore: A in China, Beijing, June 8–10, 2010.
Production,” paper SPE 138427, presented at the SPE Mineralogy Based Classification Scheme for Organic Lash GG and Engelder T: “Thickness Trends and
Tight Gas Completions Conference, San Antonio, Texas, Mudstones,” paper SPE 166284, presented at the Sequence Stratigraphy of the Middle Devonian
November 2–3, 2010. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Marcellus Formation, Appalachian Basin: Implications
6. Aplin AC, Fleet AJ and Macquaker JHS: “Muds and New Orleans, September 30–October 2, 2013. for Acadian Foreland Basin Evolution,” AAPG Bulletin
Mudstones: Physical and Fluid-Flow Properties,” in 9. Loucks RG and Ruppel SC: “Mississippian Barnett Shale: 95, no. 1 (January 2011): 61–103.
Aplin AC, Fleet AJ and Macquaker JHS (eds): Muds Lithofacies and Depositional Setting of a Deep-Water 10. Aplin AC and Macquaker JHS: “Mudstone Diversity:
and Mudstones: Physical and Fluid-Flow Properties. Shale-Gas Succession in the Fort Worth Basin, Texas,” Origin and Implications for Source, Seal, and Reservoir
London: The Geological Society, Special Publication 158 AAPG Bulletin 91, no. 4 (April 2007): 579–601. Properties in Petroleum Systems,” AAPG Bulletin 95,
(1999): 1–8. no. 12 (December 2011): 2031–2059.
Passey QR, Bohacs KM, Esch WL, Klimentidis R and
7. A micron, or micrometer, is equal to one millionth of a Sinha S: “From Oil-Prone Source Rock to Gas-Producing
meter or one thousandth of a millimeter. Its abbreviation Shale Reservoir—Geologic and Petrophysical

18 Oilfield Review
sCore Classification Clay Clay

10 Clay- 10
20 80 Shale plays 20 80


C ar ceous
us ch

bon mu
ceo -ri

ate dst
i l l a S ilic a

-ric one

mudstone Haynesville
arg Fayetteville
50 50 50 50
Argillaceous- Argillaceous- Eagle Ford
siliceous carbonate
mudstone mudstone
(marl) Wolfcamp



Cla te mu
us ich

y-ri dst
ceo C lay-r

ch one
Mixed Mixed
80 siliceous carbonate 20 80 20

mudstone Carbonate- mudstone

Silica- Carbonate-
10 10
dominated Carbonate-rich Silica-rich dominated
lithotype siliceous mudstone carbonate mudstone lithotype

QFM 10 20 50 80 Carbonate QFM 10 20 50 80 Carbonate

Wolfcamp Shale Clay Clay

Effective porosity, fraction Minimum stress gradient, psi/ft
10 0.150 10 0.62

20 80 0.120 20 80 0.65
Increasing RQ

Increasing CQ
0.090 0.68

0.061 0.71
50 50 50 50
High RQ
0.031 High CQ 0.74

0.001 0.77
80 20 80 20

10 10

QFM 10 20 50 80 Carbonate QFM 10 20 50 80 Carbonate

Eagle Ford Shale Clay Clay

Effective porosity, fraction Minimum stress gradient, psi/ft
10 0.080 10 0.83

20 80 0.064 20 80 0.85
Increasing RQ

Increasing CQ

0.048 0.88

0.033 0.90
50 50 50 50

0.017 0.93

0.001 0.95
80 20 High RQ 80 20
High CQ
10 10

QFM 10 20 50 80 Carbonate QFM 10 20 50 80 Carbonate

> sCore classification tool. In the clockwise direction, the corners of the sCore ternary diagram (top left) are clay, carbonate and quartz plus feldspars plus
micas (QFM). The diagram defines 16 classes of mudstones based on mineralogy. The mudstones (top right) sought by oil companies tend to have less than
50% clay. In the Wolfcamp Shale (middle), siliceous mudstones exhibit high RQ and CQ. In the Eagle Ford Shale (bottom), carbonate mudstones have high
RQ and CQ. In these examples, RQ is directly proportional to effective porosity and CQ is inversely proportional to the stress gradient of the minimum in situ
principal compressive stress.

Winter 2013/2014 19
or history of geologic conditions of the area icists are able to characterize it for geologists conventional and unconventional continuous res-
through time. Geologists use the principles of and engineers to use in their various geologic, ervoirs. These same organic-rich mudstones have
stratigraphy to decipher this geologic history.11 geomechanical and fluid-flow models of the pro- also proved to be self-sourcing reservoirs, yielding
Layering has a particular effect on some rock spective reservoir (below). hydrocarbons that have been expelled and under-
properties: It is a fabric that causes anisotropy.12 Mudstones play an important role in a gone primary migration to be stored within the
A rock is anisotropic if its properties vary with petroleum system. Their small grain sizes and source rocks themselves.14 For example, the Eagle
direction.13 A consequence of layering is that the sorting characteristics contribute to their char- Ford Shale in south Texas, USA, is a mudstone
composition, size, shape, orientation, packing acterization as low-porosity rocks with low to that sources the prolific Austin Chalk fractured
and sorting of the particles in the layer tend to ultralow permeability and high fluid-displace- reservoir, which has been explored and produced
vary more quickly perpendicular to, rather than ment entry pressures. Consequently, when mud- for more than 80 years. Now, operators recognize
parallel to, layers. As a result, rock properties stones are in the correct stratigraphic and the Eagle Ford Shale itself as a reservoir capable
tend to vary with direction. They are different if structural location and configuration, they form of producing oil, condensate, wet gas and dry gas
measured layer parallel than if measured layer the seals that cap and delimit conventional that simply never left the source rock.15
perpendicular. Another aspect of rocks that can hydrocarbon reservoir geometries. Not all mudstones contain sufficient hydro-
lead to anisotropy is the presence of roughly par- Some mudstones are characterized as organic carbons to be considered potential reservoir
allel open fracture networks, which can control rich, and these have been viewed historically as rocks. Mudstones are defined as organic rich if
the efficiency of reservoir stimulation. Because the source rocks that, through secondary migra- their total organic carbon (TOC) concentration is
anisotropy is observable in seismic data, geophys- tion, supply hydrocarbons to adjacent and remote greater than 2 weight %.16 The preservation and

Plain Light Ultraviolet Light









Core length, ft


1.0 227


0 m 1 1.2
0 mm 5
0 ft 3 1.3




0 mm 0.5


> Mudstone layering at many scales. Layering may be observed in photographs of outcrop, core and thin section. The Eagle Ford Shale outcrop (left) is in
Lozier Canyon in Terrell County, Texas. The images of core (plain and ultraviolet light, center) and thin section (original and close-up, right) are of lower
Eagle Ford Shale from the BP-Schlumberger Lozier Canyon number 1 well. The 2-ft [0.6-m] core length was cut from depths 226 to 228 ft [68.9 to 69.5 m].
The thin section is of fossiliferous siliceous-calcareous mudstone and has a mineralized fracture running along its right side, which has been stained with
potassium ferricyanide and alizarin red S dye to distinguish carbonate minerals. In the close-up view from the thin section, there is evidence that the
fracture propagated, stopped and restarted along a different path. (Outcrop photograph courtesy of Karen Sullivan Glaser. Core and thin section images
courtesy of Schlumberger and BP America Incorporated.)

20 Oilfield Review
richness of organic matter depend on the relative
rates of its production, dilution and destruction
(right).17 Inorganic matter deposited at the same
time as organic matter will dilute organic matter
concentration. Destruction of organic matter
occurs through bacterial consumption, by oxida-
tion reactions at shallow depths and by deeper
thermally activated reactions, which transform
part of the organic matter into oil and gas before
it ultimately changes to graphite, or dead carbon.
The primary portion of organic matter in source
rock is kerogen, which is insoluble in common
organic solvents; the other portion is bitumen,
which is soluble.
Kerogen has petrophysical characteristics that
differ significantly from those of the mineral con- 0 μm 200
stituents in shale, and these characteristics affect
the overall bulk properties of the reservoir rock.
For example, depending on kerogen type and
maturity, the density of kerogen can vary from 1.1
0 mm 5
to 1.4 g/cm3, considerably less than the bulk den-
sity of its shale host rock.18 Consequently, the bulk
density of organic-rich shales appears lower (as if > Organic matter. The thin section (left), which has been stained with potassium ferricyanide and alizarin
red S dye on its left side, is of calcareous pelletal mudstone. In the close-up view (right), the layer is
the shale has a higher porosity) than that of shales
composed of planktonic foraminifera (white and pink), flattened fecal pellets (reddish brown) and organic
containing lower concentrations of kerogen. matter (black). (Core and thin section images courtesy of Schlumberger and BP America Incorporated.)
The distribution of kerogen varies from iso-
lated particles dispersed through the mudstone
matrix to lenses and sheets aligned with mud-
stone laminae. Investigators have found that
kerogen particles contain secondary porosity Kerogen fabric affects the physical properties frame, the organic porosity may be sufficient for
that likely formed during thermal maturation.19 of organic-rich mudstones. When the organic con- hydrocarbon storage and for providing permeabil-
This organic porosity occurs as nanopores, tent is high and the kerogen forms interconnected ity to gas and liquid hydrocarbon in an otherwise
defined as less than 1 micron in diameter. layer-parallel networks through the mudstone extremely low-permeability matrix.20
11. Neal J, Risch D and Vail P: “Sequence Stratigraphy— 15. Martin R, Baihly J, Malpani R, Lindsay G and Maende A: “Components and Processes Impacting
A Global Theory for Local Success,” Oilfield Review 5, Atwood WK: “Understanding Production from Production Success from Unconventional Shale
no. 1 (January 1993): 51–62. Eagle Ford–Austin Chalk System,” paper SPE 145117, Resource Systems,” Search and Discovery Article
12. Fabric refers to the spacing, arrangement, distribution, presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and 40908, adapted from an oral presentation at the 10th
size, shape and orientation of the constituents of rocks, Exhibition, Denver, October 30–November 2, 2011. Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition,
such as minerals, grains, organic matter, porosity, 16. Boyer et al (2006), reference 1. Manama, Bahrain, March 4–7, 2012.
layering, bed boundaries, lithology contacts and Loucks and Ruppel, and Lash and Engelder, reference 9. Okiongbo KS, Aplin AC and Larter SR: “Changes in
fractures. Fabric elements contribute to the anisotropy Type II Kerogen Density as a Function of Maturity:
The bulk volume fraction or percent of TOC in rock is
of materials when the elements have preferential Evidence from the Kimmeridge Clay Formation,”
roughly twice its weight fraction or percent. A
orientation along crystallographic axes, fractures and Energy & Fuels 19, no. 6 (November 2005): 2495–2499.
concentration of 2 weight % [0.02 kg/kg] TOC in rock is
elongated and flat particles. 19. Loucks RG, Reed RM, Ruppel SC and Jarvie DM:
approximately equivalent to 4 bulk volume % [0.04 m3/m3]
13. For more on permeability anisotropy: Ayan C, Colley N, TOC. The exact calculation depends on the density and “Morphology, Genesis, and Distribution of Nanometer-
Cowan G, Ezekwe E, Wannell M, Goode P, Halford F, maturity of the organic matter and the bulk density of the Scale Pores in Siliceous Mudstones of the Mississippian
Joseph J, Mongini A, Obondoko G and Pop J: host rock. Barnett Shale,” Journal of Sedimentary Research 79,
“Measuring Permeability Anisotropy: The Latest no. 12 (December 2009): 848–861.
17. Bohacs KM, Grabowski GJ Jr, Carroll AR,
Approach,” Oilfield Review 6, no. 4 (October 1994): Curtis ME, Cardott BJ, Sondergeld CH and Rai CS:
Mankiewski PJ, Miskell-Gerhardt KJ, Schwalbach JR,
24–35. “Development of Organic Porosity in the Woodford
Wegner MB and Simo JA: “Production, Destruction,
For more on elastic anisotropy: Armstrong P, Ireson D, and Dilution—The Many Paths to Source-Rock Shale with Increasing Thermal Maturity,” International
Chmela B, Dodds K, Esmersoy C, Miller D, Hornby B, Development,” in Harris NB (ed): The Deposition of Journal of Coal Geology 103 (December 1, 2012): 26–31.
Sayers C, Schoenberg M, Leaney S and Lynn H: Organic-Carbon-Rich Sediments: Models, Mechanisms, 20. Wang FP and Reed RM: “Pore Networks and Fluid Flow
“The Promise of Elastic Anisotropy,” Oilfield Review 6, and Consequences. Tulsa: Society of Sedimentary in Gas Shales,” paper SPE 124253, presented at the
no. 4 (October 1994): 36–47. Geology, SEPM Special Publication 82 (2005): 61–101. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
For more on the anisotropy of electrical properties: For more on source rock geochemistry: McCarthy K, New Orleans, October 4–7, 2009.
Anderson B, Bryant I, Lüling M, Spies B and Helbig K: Rojas K, Niemann M, Palmowski D, Peters K and Ambrose RJ, Hartman RC, Diaz-Campos M, Akkutlu IY
“Oilfield Anisotropy: Its Origins and Electrical Stankiewicz A: “Basic Petroleum Geochemistry for and Sondergeld CH: “Shale Gas-in-Place Calculations
Characteristics,” Oilfield Review 6, no. 4 (October 1994): Source Rock Evaluation,” Oilfield Review 23, no. 2 Part I: New Pore-Scale Considerations,” SPE Journal 17,
48–56. (Summer 2011): 32–43. no. 1 (March 2012): 219–229.
14. Primary migration refers to the flow of newly generated 18. The density of kerogen increases as organic carbon Curtis ME, Sondergeld CH, Ambrose RJ and Rai CS:
hydrocarbon fluids within source rocks. Secondary matures from immature, generative organic carbon to “Microstructural Investigation of Gas Shales in Two and
migration refers to the flow of free hydrocarbon fluids overmature, nongenerative organic carbon. For more on Three Dimensions Using Nanometer-Scale Resolution
away from source rocks toward adjoining or distant kerogen: Jarvie DM, Jarvie BM, Weldon WD and Imaging,” AAPG Bulletin 96, no. 4 (April 2012): 665–677.
reservoir rocks.

Winter 2013/2014 21
In addition, kerogen fabric affects the elastic Numerous fracture detection methods use seis- bon shows on mud logs that were recorded in
and mechanical properties of reservoir rocks.21 mic attributes. When natural fractures align in a shales encountered while drilling conventional
Generally, mudstones that contain intercon- consistent strike orientation, they cause elastic reservoirs within a basin. The regions within
nected kerogen within their frame are character- properties and seismic attributes to vary with azi- these basins where organic shales are thermally
ized by lower elastic moduli and higher ductility muth, including velocity and reflection ampli- mature were already known to the industry;
compared with those mudstones that have iso- tude.28 Geophysicists observe these variations from therefore, for many of the shale plays in North
lated kerogen particles dispersed through their analysis of 3D surface seismic surveys that have America, it was unnecessary for operators to
matrix. Kerogen content distributed parallel to been acquired along multiple azimuths.29 investigate the plays’ thermal maturity.
the laminae may profoundly affect the anisotro- Azimuthal analysis of shear waves (S-waves) has Because of the successful development of the
pic elastic and mechanical properties of mud- proved to be a good fracture detection method.30 Barnett Shale in the Fort Worth basin in north-
stones.22 These effects will be enhanced if, in Analysis of seismic waveform scattering, which central Texas, operators widened their search for
addition to creating secondary porosity within was often treated as noise in the past, may also shale gas beyond North America to basins that
kerogen, hydrocarbon generation and charging of reveal information about fracture orientation and are less explored. In certain basins around the
the kerogen-rich laminae cause overpressuring, a spacing through frequency analysis.31 In addition, world, few wells have been drilled, and operators
condition that is conducive to creating layer-par- combinations of attributes such as reflection lack the level of understanding of the strati-
allel microcracks, which strike parallel to layers strength and seismic variance—the variation graphic and structural framework to anticipate
and open perpendicular to them.23 Because between seismic samples—may be blended, or where potential shale resource plays exist. In
matrix permeability in shale reservoirs is excep- superimposed, to expose subtle structural features these basins, initial exploration for potential
tionally low, ranging from 10–7 to 10–3 mD, natu- that have fracture systems associated with them.32 shale reservoirs relies on evaluating preexisting
ral fractures play a significant role in reservoir 2D seismic surveys and additional structural data
completions and hydrocarbon production. Regional- or Basin-Scale Sweet Spots from remote sensing analyses and outcrop stud-
Natural fractures contribute to the perfor- During the initial years of the current surge in ies of surface geology.
mance of hydraulic fracture stimulations by pro- activity in shale plays, some operators were able Geoscientists evaluate these data to establish
viding planes of weakness and conduits for fluid to develop shale plays on the basis of hydrocar- the structural framework of the major basinal
flow.24 As planes of weakness, natural fractures
21. Suárez-Rivera R, Deenadayalu C and Yang Y-K: 28. For more on elastic anisotropy: Armstrong et al,
may dictate the propagation and development of “Unlocking the Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoirs: reference 13.
induced fracture networks, especially if the in The Effect of Laminated Heterogeneity in Wellbore 29. For more on azimuthal seismic anisotropy analysis:
Stability and Completion of Tight Gas Shale Reservoirs,” Barkved O, Bartman B, Compani B, Gaiser J, Van Dok R,
situ stress anisotropy is low.25 As conduits for paper OTC 20269, presented at the Offshore Technology Johns T, Kristiansen P, Probert T and Thompson M:
fluid flow, these fractures may enhance the Conference, Houston, May 4–7, 2009. “The Many Facets of Multicomponent Seismic Data,”
22. Vernik L and Landis C: “Elastic Anisotropy of Source Oilfield Review 16, no. 2 (Summer 2004): 42–56.
extent of effective reservoir volume drained by Rocks: Implications for Hydrocarbon Generation 30. Hardage B: “Fracture Identification and Evaluation Using
the wellbore, and they may admit high-pressure and Primary Migration,” AAPG Bulletin 80, no. 4 S Waves,” Search and Discovery Article 40792, adapted
(April 1996): 531–544. from five Geophysical Corner columns by B Hardage in
fluids, which could cause permanent shear slip-
Vernik L and Milovac J: “Rock Physics of Organic AAPG Explorer 32, no. 4–8 (April–August 2011).
page along their fracture planes and increase Shales,” The Leading Edge 30, no. 3 (March 2011): 31. Burns DR, Willis ME, Toksöz MN and Vetri L:
fracture aperture and conductivity. 318–323. “Fracture Properties from Seismic Scattering,”
Sayers CM: “The Effect of Kerogen on the Elastic The Leading Edge 26, no. 9 (September 2007): 1186–1196.
Local RQ sweet spots in prospective mud- Anisotropy of Organic-Rich Shales,” Geophysics 78, 32. High seismic variance occurs where seismic data vary
stone reservoirs often contain natural fractures no. 2 (March–April 2013): D65–D74. rapidly, such as when crossing faults or stratigraphic
that provide flow pathways connecting matrix 23. For more on layer-parallel microcracks: Lash GG and boundaries.
Engelder T: “An Analysis of Horizontal Microcracking 33. For more on petroleum system modeling: Al-Hajeri MM,
porosity and storage to hydraulic fractures and During Catagenesis: Example from the Catskill Delta Al Saeed M, Derks J, Fuchs T, Hantschel T, Kauerauf A,
the well. Natural fractures may also affect CQ Complex,” AAPG Bulletin 89, no. 11 (November 2005): Neumaier M, Schenk O, Swientek O, Tessen N, Welte D,
1433–1449. Wygrala B, Kornpihl D and Peters K: “Basin and
through the geometry of stimulation-induced 24. Miller C, Hamilton D, Sturm S, Waters G, Taylor T, Petroleum System Modeling,” Oilfield Review 21, no. 2
hydraulic fracture networks, which tend to Le Calvez J and Singh M: “Evaluating the Impact of (Summer 2009): 14–29.
Mineralogy, Natural Fractures and In Situ Stresses on Peters KE, Magoon LB, Bird KJ, Valin ZC and Keller MA:
become more widespread and complex when pre- Hydraulically Induced Fracture System Geometry in “North Slope, Alaska: Source Rock Distribution,
existing natural fracture networks are oriented Horizontal Shale Wells,” paper SPE 163878, presented at Richness, Thermal Maturity, and Petroleum Charge,”
the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, AAPG Bulletin 90, no. 2 (February 2006): 261–292.
at an angle to the present-day principal horizon- The Woodlands, Texas, February 4–6, 2013.
Peters K, Schenk O and Bird K: “Timing of Petroleum
tal stress.26 When mudstone reservoirs lack natu- 25. Weng X, Kresse O, Cohen C, Wu R and Gu H: “Modeling System Events Controls Accumulations on the North
ral fractures, operating companies must rely on of Hydraulic Fracture-Network Propagation in a Slope, Alaska,” Search and Discovery Article 30145,
Naturally Fractured Formation,” SPE Production & adapted from an oral presentation at the AAPG
hydraulic fracture stimulations to create induced Operations 26, no. 4 (November 2011): 368–380. International Conference and Exhibition, Calgary,
fracture networks that connect production from Kresse O, Cohen C, Weng X, Wu R and Gu H: September 12–15, 2010.
“Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fracturing in Higley DK: “Undiscovered Petroleum Resources for
the reservoir matrix to the wellbore. Therefore, Naturally Fractured Formations,” paper ARMA 11–363, the Woodford Shale and Thirteen Finger Limestone–
natural fractures, which can increase both RQ presented at the 45th US Rock Mechanics/ Atoka Shale Assessment Units, Anadarko Basin,”
Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, Denver: US Geological Survey Open-File Report
and CQ, are a seismic exploration target in the June 26–29, 2011. 2011–1242, 2011.
hunt for sweet spots in shale reservoirs. 26. Miller et al, reference 24. 34. Boyer et al (2006), reference 1.
Through the analysis of seismic attributes, geo- 27. For more on fracture detection using reflection 35. US Department of Energy Office of Fossil Energy and
seismology: Aarre V, Astratti D, Al Dayyni TNA, National Energy Technology Laboratory: “Modern Shale
physicists detect and characterize fracture networks. Mahmoud SL, Clark ABS, Stellas MJ, Stringer JW, Gas Development in the United States: A Primer,”
This process takes advantage of the volume-averaged Toelle B, Vejbæk OV and White G: “Seismic Detection of Washington, DC: US Department of Energy, April 2009.
Subtle Faults and Fractures,” Oilfield Review 24, no. 2
response from the entire reservoir interval contain- (Summer 2012): 28–43.
36. The shorter wavelength portions of the seismic signals
are scattered enough to become incoherent and cancel
ing an open natural fracture system.27 themselves out.

22 Oilfield Review
stratigraphic units, including the locations of
major fault zones and other tectonic features.
18 MMcf Strong
Once they complete this analysis, basin analysts 61 MMcf
can use the structural framework as input to
petroleum system modeling to determine if 23 MMcf
organic shale formations might be thermally Untested

Frequency anomaly
mature, and if so, where in the basin these may anomaly

occur.33 When this information is combined with

regional mapping of available TOC data, regional-
or basin-scale sweet spots may be identified,
enabling operators to select optimal locations for 22 MMcf
drilling initial vertical pilot wells in the next
80 MMcf
phase of exploration. 372 MMcf

Local or Operating Area Sweet Spots

Petroleum system modeling predicts the location 0 km 2
and characteristics of basin-scale sweet spots, 0 mi 2
including the distribution of kerogen content, its > Reservoir quality sweet spots in a shale reservoir. Six vertical wells (red
thermal maturity and the pore pressure within dots) were drilled into the Woodford Shale in the Arkoma basin in southeast
the prospective interval. However, these predic- Oklahoma. Their cumulative gas production after approximately 2.5 years
tions can be confirmed only by drilling a pilot through June 2009 varied widely. Interpretation of a 3D seismic dataset
revealed faulting (black). However, the wells’ proximity to faults, which often
well. Core and logging measurements from the
is associated with fracture density in the faults’ damage zone, did not explain
vertical pilot well provide data to update the the production variation. An analysis of seismic frequencies in the dataset
modeling and determine whether the pilot well revealed a frequency attribute that interpreters identified with RQ sweet
has intersected a sweet spot. Engineers can cat- spots (dashed red outlines) when this attribute was strong. Gas production
correlated with the size and strength of the seismically identified sweet spots.
egorize local sweet spots by analyzing RQ and CQ
using the newly acquired core and log data.
Local sweet spots of high RQ have one or
more of three properties. Local sweet spots may lower the elastic moduli and density of mud- The 3D seismic data provide far greater cover-
have high matrix porosity that contains signifi- stones, but to a lesser degree. Changes in certain age of the reservoir interval than could be
cant amounts of free gas, which may be produced seismic attributes associated with these rock achieved by vertical or horizontal well data. The
at high rates during initial production, allowing properties may be used to identify RQ sweet spots. 3D seismic data were initially interpreted to
for rapid payout of a horizontal appraisal well. locate faults and any other geohazards within the
In addition, sweet spots may have significant Correlating Frequency Anomalies to area, but the observed faulting and fracturing
concentrations of kerogen. Kerogen-rich sweet Production Behavior associated with fault damage zones could not
spots also contain large volumes of adsorbed gas, In the Arkoma basin of southeast Oklahoma, explain the production history or the well-to-
which is stored mainly on kerogen surfaces.34 This USA, gas production has been established from well variability.
adsorbed gas contributes to sustained production the Woodford Shale, a Late Devonian–Early Geophysicists analyzed the data for seismic
as pressure drops during reservoir depletion, Mississippian age organic-rich mudstone. Its attributes that would reveal RQ sweet spots. They
long after the free gas has been consumed. mineralogy is primarily quartz and illite, with identified a seismic frequency attribute that at
Local RQ sweet spots may also have dense small quantities of pyrite and dolomite. Porosity certain frequencies corresponded with areas of
networks of open microfractures. Similar to high- ranges from 3% to 9% and TOC ranges from higher production. These seismic sweet spot
porosity sweet spots, densely fractured sweet 1 to 14 weight % [0.01 to 0.14 kg/kg].35 anomalies were areas in which the dominant
spots contain free gas that is produced during the An operator targeting Woodford Shale gas seismic frequency proved to be relatively low,
early production of a well. In addition, microfrac- production had drilled six vertical wells within a apparently the result of scattering of waves from
tures also increase the system permeability 4-mi2 [10-km2] area. The wells’ production rates networks of natural fractures or microfractures.36
within a shale reservoir. varied widely. In a 2.5-year period, cumulative The anomalies appeared as isolated patches
The best RQ sweet spots include all three gas production per well ranged from 18 to within the field, and the team interpreted them
properties—increased porosity, kerogen and 372 MMcf [0.51 to 10.5 million m3] with average to represent areas of increased porosity and
microfracturing—which in turn affect various cumulative production from the five lowest pro- microfracturing within the shale reservoir.
attributes of seismic data through their effect on ducing wells of 40 MMcf [1 million m3]. The Productive wells were located within these
rock properties. Increased porosity and the pres- operator had acquired a 3D seismic survey over anomalous areas, while the underperforming
ence of fractures typically cause decreases in seis- the field and requested that Schlumberger ana- wells were not. The well with the highest produc-
mic velocity and increased attenuation of high lysts interpret the data to determine why the tion is situated within a large anomaly (above).
frequencies. Concentrations of kerogen can also production was so variable and to locate areas At the time of the study, this well had produced
of potentially higher production. nine times the average production of the other

Winter 2013/2014 23
Seismic fence diagram five wells combined. This observation is in line
with the tenfold increase observed in the Barnett
Shale for wells located within sweet spots.37
In another shale play, an operator was devel-
oping a combination fractured carbonate and gas
shale unconventional reservoir in the Delaware
basin of southern New Mexico and western Texas,
Well C
USA. The company had drilled a number of hori-
Well A Well B
zontal boreholes at the interface between the
carbonate and the underlying shale. Production
from these wells varied significantly.
Schlumberger geophysicists analyzed a 3D seis-

Frequency anomaly
64 MMcf 28 MMcf 7 MMcf mic volume to help determine the location and
extent of potential RQ sweet spots and define their
geologic nature. The geophysicists performed
prestack azimuthal inversion and several fre-
quency-related studies. The results of these sepa-
rate investigations converged on the same locations
within the shale reservoir as potential RQ sweet
Anticlinal Weak spots. These sweet spots manifested themselves
crest No faults through specific frequency-related seismic attri-
High variance Frequency Horizon along top bute anomalies that were also coincident with
fault indicator anomaly of next deeper
formation zones of S-wave anisotropy. The team interpreted
these areas to be volumes of enhanced microfrac-
turing in the upper portion of the gas shale (left).
Low High The operator drilled three horizontal wells
> Fracture detection with seismic frequency attributes. A seismic fence diagram composed of seismic along the carbonate/shale interface in the hope
cross sections and a horizon slice shows a frequency-related seismic attribute. The horizon slice is of encountering fractures within the carbonate
also blended with the seismic variance attribute (grayscale); only high variance values are shown.
formation and zones of high gas content in the
The fence diagram (inset) is formed from seismic sections along the trajectories of Wells A, B and C
(dark blue). The horizon slice, which is taken along the top of the formation immediately below the shale. Production rates from these wells appeared
shale reservoir, is curved by a gentle anticline. Along the anticlinal crest, the seismic variance and to be directly related to the magnitude and size of
frequency attributes are high. Average monthly gas production rates, shown above each well’s lateral, the frequency anomalies and S-wave anisotropy.
illustrate how each well’s production rate corresponds to its proximity to strong frequency anomalies.
Well A was drilled across the top of a gentle anti-
clinal feature, where high seismic variance indi-
cated the presence of faulting along the crest of
the fold. At the time of the study, Well A was the
best producer, with an average production rate of
Strong 64 MMcf [1.8 million m3] of gas per month. Well B
was drilled near a smaller seismic frequency
anomaly and its monthly production rate was
Strong shows Weak shows
28 MMcf [0.79 million m3], less than half that
Frequency anomaly

Mud log
from Well A. Well C did not penetrate a frequency
gas shows anomaly and its monthly production rate was a
poor 7 MMcf [0.2 million m3].
Farther from The team believed that the frequency anoma-
lies highlighted zones within the shale that con-
tained more microfractures than other locations.
Close to
Frequency anomaly The concentration of microfractures at the crest
anomaly highs Weak
of the anticline is consistent with the tectonic
extension the layers experienced during anti-
cline formation. Other evidence suggests that
this fracturing did not extend through the full
> Gas shows encountered during the drilling of Well A (black line). A seismic section (background) is shown shale thickness. Zones of enhanced microfractur-
in a perspective view looking down and into it. The section is parallel to the trajectory of Well A and cuts ing within the shale were encountered by Well A
through the 3D volume of the frequency attribute. High values of the frequency attribute (red and pink)
and, to much lesser degree, by Well B, and
appear as clouds coming out of the section. Gas chromatograph readings (blue curve), obtained from the
mud log, are shown along the horizontal portion of Well A. Perforation cluster locations (cyan diamonds) resulted in the improved production observed in
align with the mud log depth points (small red triangles below the log curve). Gas shows from the mud log both wells compared with that in Well C.
were strong when the wellbore was near high values of the seismically derived frequency attribute.

24 Oilfield Review

Frequency anomaly


> Comparison of microseismicity and frequency attribute anomalies indicating zones of good CQ. This perspective view looks
down into a west-to-east seismic section. The seismic section is fully opaque, showing all values of the frequency attribute. Two
horizontal wells (black curves) were kicked off from a vertical pilot well in the east. Strong values of the seismic frequency
attribute within the 3D seismic volume and limited to the upper portion of the shale reservoir are shown as clouds (tan to red).
Microseismic events (dots), color-coded by stimulation stage, tend to occur where values of the frequency anomaly are high
(white ovals). This relationship suggests that strong values of this frequency attribute may also indicate zones of good CQ.

Examination of the gas shows encountered basin, which covers portions of Alberta, system, overpressuring occurs in deeper parts of
during the drilling of Well A also supported this Saskatchewan and Manitoba in Canada and the basin, where the most hydrocarbon genera-
interpretation (previous page, bottom). The stron- Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota in the tion has taken place. Pore space and fractures
gest gas shows coincided with strong seismic fre- US.38 The Bakken Formation is of Late Devonian– within the upper and lower Bakken shale mem-
quency anomalies. Where the frequency anomalies Early Mississippian age and lies unconformably bers also provide reservoir storage.
were weaker, gas shows were not as strong. above the Late Devonian Three Forks Formation
37. Baihly et al, reference 5.
In another location within the same Delaware and conformably below the Early Mississippian 38. Sturm SD and Gomez E: “Role of Natural Fracturing in
basin study area, the operator drilled two hori- Lodgepole Limestone.39 The Bakken Formation Production from the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin,
North Dakota,” Search and Discovery Article 50199,
zontal wells from a vertical pilot well. The wells has been subdivided into lower, middle and upper adapted from a poster presentation at the AAPG Annual
were drilled from east to west, hydraulically stim- members. The middle member is the reservoir Convention and Exhibition, Denver, June 7–10, 2009.
ulated in multiple stages and monitored for and is a mixed clastic-carbonate interval consist- 39. Pitman JK, Price LC and LeFever JA: “Diagenesis and
Fracture Development in the Bakken Formation,
induced microseismicity. The team was able to ing of dolomitic sandstones, dolomites and lime- Williston Basin: Implications for Reservoir Quality in the
correlate the microseismic event locations to stone. The upper and lower members are Middle Member,” Denver: US Geological Survey
Professional Paper 1653, 2001.
areas where seismic frequency anomalies were organic-rich shales that serve as the seal and Pollastro RM, Roberts LNR and Cook TA: “Geologic
strongest (above). It was evident that high levels source for hydrocarbons. Assessment of Technically Recoverable Oil in the
Devonian and Mississippian Bakken Formation,” in US
of frequency anomaly corresponded to RQ sweet The model for the Bakken Formation is one of Geological Survey Williston Basin Province Assessment
spots or, more specifically, to zones of high poros- a continuous petroleum system.40 The organic- Team (ed): Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas
Resources of the Williston Basin Province of North
ity and increased microfracture density. In addi- rich upper and lower Bakken shale members Dakota, Montana, and South Dakota, 2010, Denver: US
tion, these zones appeared to have favorable CQ. have 8 to 10 weight % [0.08 to 0.1 kg/kg] TOC and Geological Survey Digital Data Series DDS–69–W (2011):
are source rocks that generated oil that had
40. A continuous petroleum system is one that displays little
Associating Anisotropy to Production Patterns migrated locally into reservoirs hosted by the if any buoyancy, or gravity, segregation of the reservoir
The Bakken Formation is an oil-producing petro- adjacent middle Bakken member and the under- fluids. Generated oil or gas migrated directly into
reservoir storage within the source rock or adjacent
leum system. Its stratigraphy represents deposi- lying Pronghorn, which includes the Sanish Sand formations. This contrasts with conventional petroleum
tion in a restricted, shallow water environment member of the Three Forks Formation. Because systems in which generated oil or gas migrated from
source rocks into traps that lie beneath a reservoir seal.
that existed throughout most of the Williston of the relatively closed nature of this petroleum Conventional reservoirs display distinct fluid contacts,
which are products of gravity segregation.

Winter 2013/2014 25
Isotropic Stress Field Anisotropic Stress Field

Incident S-wave
Incident P-wave

σHmin Fast P-wave, N–S

North South

P-wave velocity
East West
Slow P-wave, W–E

σHmax S-w
Incident P-wave S
a ve,

> Rocks under stress. Randomly oriented soft—malleable and yielding—fabrics (top left, blue) within a host matrix (tan) may
open in any direction in an isotropic stress field; soft fabrics may include pores, kerogen particles and microcracks. Under an
anisotropic stress field (top right), such fabrics will be preferentially squeezed in the maximum compressive stress direction
(orange arrows) and have their shapes modified less in the other principal stress directions. The N–S oriented maximum
compressive stress (σHmax, bottom left) causes incident SW–NE polarized S-waves (gray arrows) to split into N–S polarized fast
S-waves (brown arrows) and W–E polarized slow S-waves (gold arrows). In addition, incident P-waves (green arrows) resolve
into P-waves that are fastest (red arrows) parallel to the N–S maximum compressive stress and slowest (blue arrows)
perpendicular to it; the sinusoid (bottom right) shows the full azimuthal P-wave velocity variation.

Natural fractures can occur locally in the The RQ (porosity and permeability) of the patterns of initial production and seismic attri-
Bakken Formation, and where their intensity is middle member, along with the degree of over- butes, which are both affected by characteristics
sufficiently high, such as along the Antelope pressuring, plays a large role in determining the of reservoir geology. The company hoped to move
anticline in North Dakota, they can affect pro- productivity of the Bakken Formation. The ability away from drilling wells based on geometric pat-
duction. In general, the fractures are vertical to to predict where better reservoir quality occurs terns—lease boundaries or the Public Land
subvertical, bed bounded and partially to totally dramatically increases the chance of success in Survey System—which ignores geologic heteroge-
filled by quartz, calcite or, rarely, pyrite cements. this play. neity, and to take a deliberate approach to locate,
Some vertical microfractures appear to be expul- For this reason, an E&P company operating in orient and drill infill horizontal wells into highly
sion, or fluid release, fractures that form when the Williston basin contracted with Schlumberger, productive reservoir locations.41
fluid pressures exceed the prevailing minimum whose geophysicists reprocessed a proprietary 3D Geoscientists constructed a calibrated geo-
principal compressive stress, allowing oil to multiazimuth seismic survey over an area within logic model that was constrained by all available
migrate from the source rocks into adjacent res- the Bakken play of North Dakota. The target res- data, including well logs, borehole image logs and
ervoir members. ervoir horizon was in the middle Bakken member. core samples. Geophysicists processed the 3D
The company wanted to base drilling locations on

26 Oilfield Review
seismic data to account for horizontal variability Conventional Migration of OVT Advanced PSDM Migration of OVT

Azimuth, degree
and anisotropy of seismic velocities in the strata
above the reservoir.42 Seismic processors sorted 180

the seismic data into offset vector tile (OVT)

gathers, in which traces share similar source-to-
receiver offset and azimuth.43 Using high-resolu-
tion, multiazimuth OVT tomography, the
processors modeled seismic velocities and

anisotropy and used them for prestack depth
migration (PSDM) of the OVT gathers. If there
was disagreement between seismic picks of for-
mation-top depths from PSDM and those from
well data, the velocity and anisotropy model
parameters were readjusted, and the tomography
and PSDM steps were repeated until there was
acceptable agreement between the geologic
model and PSDM image.
Once the geologic model and PSDM image
matched, subsequent processing could focus on
the seismic anisotropic effects at middle Bakken Offset
reservoir depths that appeared to result from ori- PSDM OVT Gather
ented geologic fabrics or stress anisotropy (previ-

velocity, m/s
ous page). The geophysicists used the fitted

elliptical anisotropy from traveltimes (FEATT)
workflow to find the fast and slow compressional-
3,800 0
wave (P-wave) velocities and directions at the
330 30
reservoir level. 3,600

The FEATT workflow starts by converting the 300 3,400 60

PSDM OVT gather from depth to two-way travel-

time. The analyst or an automated routine picks
residual traveltimes across common offset-azi- 270 3,000 90

muth time horizons, converts the traveltimes to

interval velocities and fits an ellipse to the veloci-
240 120
ties. The ellipse’s major and minor axes and their
orientations provide estimates of the fast and
210 150
slow P-wave velocities and directions (right). 180
Following application of the FEATT workflow,
the geophysicists applied amplitude variation Input points
with offset and azimuth (AVOAZ) analyses to esti- Fitted points
Ellipse definition
mate S-wave velocity anisotropy.44 The AVOAZ
analysis of S-waves may provide higher vertical
Major axis 114.24°
resolution of the anisotropy variation than P-wave Aspect ratio 0.974

41. Johnson GM and Miller P: “Advanced Imaging and Offset

Inversion for Unconventional Resource Plays,”
First Break 31, no. 7 (July 2013): 41–49. > Azimuthal anisotropy. The seismic data were sorted into offset vector tiles (OVTs) and converted to
For more on the Public Land Survey System: “US Topo depth by conventional migration (top left) and by anisotropic prestack depth migration (PSDM) and
Quadrangles—Maps for America.” http://nationalmap.
gov/ustopo/ (accessed January 17, 2014). tomography (top right). The latter process reduced the waviness in the data attributable to overburden
42. Johnson GM and Dorsey J: “Modeling Overburden
effects and produced datasets appropriate for azimuthal anisotropy analysis. In both panels, the
Heterogeneity in Terms of Vp and TI for PSDM, Williston yellow zigzag line gives the azimuth distribution in the OVT, and offset increases from left to right. The
Basin, U.S.A.,” Expanded Abstracts, 80th SEG Annual PSDM OVT data (cyan box) were converted from depth to time (bottom left), and a horizon (red) was
Meeting, Denver (October 17–22, 2010): 4062–4065. selected for fitted elliptical anisotropy from traveltimes (FEATT) analysis (bottom right). In this example,
43. For more on OVT processing: Stein JA, Wojslaw R, the seismic processors selected the minimum number of three points (red) required to fit an ellipse; in
Langston T and Boyer S: “Wide-Azimuth Land practice, processors use many more than three. Processors converted the residual moveout at each
Processing: Fracture Detection Using Offset Vector azimuth to P-wave velocity (the radius of the radial plot) and fitted a FEATT ellipse (blue points, black
Tile Technology,” The Leading Edge 29, no. 11
(November 2010): 1328–1337. points and radii) to the input points. The ellipse yielded a fast P-wave velocity azimuth of 114.24° with a
44. Johnson and Miller, reference 41.
slow-to-fast P-wave velocity ratio of 0.974, or P-wave velocity anisotropy of 2.6%. (Adapted from
Johnson and Miller, reference 41.)

Winter 2013/2014 27
velocity anisotropy methods because of its sensi-
tivity to interface contrasts rather than to the
average cumulative response of overlying strata.45
The present-day Bakken Formation maximum
70,000 in situ principal horizontal compressive stress
First 90 days of oil production, bbl

direction determined from the hydraulic fracture

60,000 stimulations is generally NE–SW.46 Vertical natu-
ral fractures observed in wells within the area of
investigation were oriented NW–SE, in the pres-
ent-day minimum in situ horizontal compressive
stress direction. The fractures tended to be min-
30,000 eralized, had permeabilities in the microdarcy to
nanodarcy range and were not believed to be
contributing to production.47 In addition, the RQ
10,000 of the Bakken Formation in the area of investiga-
tion was poor to fair, which explains the low pro-
duction rates.
The team compared the seismic anisotropy
Anisotropic Isotropic 0 m 3,000 results to the first 90 days of production from
0 ft 12,000 wells across the field. Areas of low production
Slow/fast shear velocity ratio
1.0 correlated to those having weak P- and S-wave
anisotropy, and areas of high production were
> Production sweet spots. A seismic horizon through the middle Bakken member shows the slow-to-
associated with strong anisotropy (left).
fast S-wave velocity ratio derived from AVOAZ inversion. The black arrows represent the relative
magnitude of the estimated S-wave anisotropy; the arrow directions provide the fast S-wave vector Anisotropy was weak to the west and strong in
azimuth from the inversion. The colored circles mark the average location of long horizontal wells and the east, which helped explain why the eastern
show the initial 90 days of oil production within the mapped area. To the west, the production was low part of the field was more productive than the
to moderate, and S-wave velocity anisotropy is weak (blue to purple); the fast S-wave direction tends western part. Along with production improve-
to be NW–SE. In the east, the production was higher, anisotropy is stronger (yellow to red) and the
fast S-wave direction has a SW–NE trend, which is consistent with the present-day regional maximum ment from west to east in the area of interest, the
in situ principal compressive stress direction. Initial production tends to be higher where the anisotropy orientation changed from NW–SE in
anisotropy is stronger. Analysts interpret the anisotropy to be associated with production sweet spots the west to NE–SW in the east. An improvement
that are potential targets for drilling. (Adapted from Johnson and Miller, reference 41.)
in matrix properties is one explanation for this
change; in addition, geophysicists speculate that
this change in anisotropy direction represents a
Top of the change in natural fracture orientation from one
Bakken side of the field to the other. In the east, NE–SW
Top of the Isotropic oriented fractures would be parallel to the pres-
middle 1.0 ent-day maximum principal stress direction and
would tend to be open (left).
Top of the
In addition, anisotropy appeared strong in
Slow/fast shear velocity ratio

Bakken close proximity to source and reservoir rock con-
tacts. From bottom to top, strong anisotropy
occurred around the upper Three Forks–lower
N Bakken contact, the lower Bakken–middle
Bakken contact, the middle Bakken–upper
Bakken contact and through the upper Bakken
1,5 00 ft

member into the lower Lodgepole Limestone


4,900 ft 0.8 (next page). This result indicates that anisotropy

1,500 m Anisotropic from 3D multiazimuth surface seismic data may
be used to delineate the areal and depth distribu-
tion of sweet spots and future drilling targets.
45. Hall SA and Kendall JM: “Constraining the Interpretation
> Volumes of high anisotropy. This view of S-wave velocity anisotropy within the middle Bakken of AVOA for Fracture Characterization,” in Ikelle L and
member is looking down and north. The orange and red clouds are volumes of low ratios of slow-to-fast Gangi A (eds): Anisotropy 2000: Fractures, Converted
Waves, and Case Studies. Tulsa: Society of Exploration
S-wave velocity, equivalent to high anisotropy, extracted from 3D seismic data between the upper and Geophysicists (2001): 107–144.
lower Bakken members. The anisotropy is strong in the east and south and weaker in the northwest. 46. Sturm and Gomez, reference 38.
The blue surface underneath the clouds is from within the lower Bakken member and shows the
47. Sturm and Gomez, reference 38.
ant-tracking seismic attribute (black to white), which accentuates traces of faults and fractures.
(Adapted from Johnson and Miller, reference 41.)

28 Oilfield Review
Bulk Density
1.5 g/cm3 3

Depth, ft
Slow-to-fast shear P-Wave Slowness
Slow-to-Fast Shear
velocity ratio 120 m 147 μs/ft 24 Velocity Ratio
1.0 Isotropic P-Wave Impedance
0.98 15,700 (ft/s)×(g/cm3) 60,500 Anisotropic Isotropic

False Bakken False Bakken

0.94 Scallion
30 m Scallion
X,240 Upper Bakken Upper Bakken
Middle Bakken
0.86 Middle Bakken
Middle X,245
0.82 Anisotropic Bakken

X,250 Lower Bakken Lower Bakken


Sanish Sand Sanish Sand

Three Forks Three Forks

> Slow-to-fast S-wave velocity ratio near the middle Bakken member boundaries. The S-wave velocity ratio was calculated from an AVOAZ inversion for a
pair of crossing seismic sections. The red rectangle (top) shows the middle Bakken reservoir interval displayed in the main figure (bottom left). The vertical
black dashed line marks the intersection of the inline and crossline seismic sections and the approximate location of a vertical well. The relative shear
velocity ratio within the middle Bakken Formation at this location is higher (blue to purple) in the center and lower (green to yellow) at the formation
boundaries, indicating that anisotropy increases from the formation’s center to its boundaries. The log plot (bottom right) shows two tracks. Track 1 (left)
displays well log traces of bulk density (pink), P-wave slowness (red), P-wave impedance (blue) and tops of geologic formations and members. Track 2
(right) shows the slow-to-fast S-wave velocity ratio (blue) from the AVOAZ inversion result along the well trace in the main display; it also shows formation
and member tops. There is a difference in resolution between the well logs and the inversion result. Locations of tops are sharp and clear in the well log
display and not as clear in the inversion display because of surface seismic resolution limitations. (Adapted from Johnson and Miller, reference 41.)

The Value of Seismic Data An increasing number of operators are acquir- placement of initial wells within a frontier shale
These examples of using surface seismic data to ing and analyzing 3D surface seismic data during basin, appraisal wells within a prospective shale
understand patterns of production have been ret- the early stages—exploration, pilot and appraisal basin and infill wells as part of a field develop-
rospective rather than prospective. Operators phases—in the operating cycle of organic shale ment program in a mature basin. —RCNH
continue to test and appraise the identified sweet plays. Suitably analyzed and interpreted seismic
spots with new wells. data have proved to be invaluable for guiding the

Winter 2013/2014 29

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