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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

International Conference on Computing and information Technology (IC2IT-2013)

S SE: An Encryption Methodology
N.Kanagaraj A.Padmapriya, Ph.D
Research scholar Assistant professor
Computer science and Engineering, Computer science and Engineering,
Alagappa University, Karaikudi. Alagappa University, Karaikudi.

In the day to day life, Internet has become a vital part, owing 1.1 Cryptography Goals:
to the revolutionary changes it has brought about in various There are five main goals of cryptography. Each and every
fields. Transfer of critical information is also being carried out security system should provide a group of security functions
through the Internet. This enormous use of the Internet that must promise the system’s security. These functions are
coupled with the tremendous growth in e-commerce and m- generally referred to as the goals of the security system.
commerce has created a vital need for information security These goals of cryptography can be listed under the following
[3]. A security mechanism is any process that is designed to five main categories: Authentication, Confidentiality, Data
prevent, detect, or recover from a security attack. Examples of integrity, Non Repudiation and Access Control. [1]
this security mechanism are encryption algorithms,
authentication protocols and digital signatures. Encryption 1.2 Types of Cryptography:
algorithms are used to protect blocks of data, such as There are two types of cryptography depending on the type of
messages from alteration. In this paper, we introduced a security keys used to encrypt or decrypt the data. Those two
simple encryption methodology to secure the text file for types are: Asymmetric and Symmetric encryption techniques.
longer time.
1.2.1 Symmetric encryption
Keywords In this encryption process the receiver and the sender has to
Cryptography, Encryption, Decryption, Network Security, agree upon a single secret key (Shared Secret Key). Given a
Symmetric encryption message (Plain text) and the key, encryption produces cipher
text, which is about the same length as the plain text was. It
uses the single key for encryption and decryption process
1. INTRODUCTION (also called as Single key cryptography). Decryption is the
When, the Internet started to provide a platform for the reverse of encryption, and uses the same key as encryption.
ecommerce applications. Internet became vulnerable due to The process of symmetric encryption can be pictorially
superfluous hackers / intruders. To keep the data in a safe represented as below.
manner, Cryptography is used for the security purpose.
Cryptography is the science of using mathematics to encrypt
and decrypt the data. Cryptography provides facility to store
sensitive information or transmit it across insecure networks
like Internet. The secured data can’t be read by anyone except
the intended recipient. A hacker uses the Cryptanalysis
technique to interpret the messages. Cryptanalysis is the
science of analysing and breaking secure communication.
Cryptology embraces both cryptography and cryptanalysis.

A cryptographic algorithm is a mathematical function used in

the process of encryption and decryption. It works in
combination with a key – a word, number or phrase – to
encrypt the plain text or to decrypt the cipher text. It is
pictorially represented in the figure1. The security of the
encrypted data is completely dependent on two things: the
strength of the cryptographic algorithm and the secrecy of the
key [4]. Cryptosystem comprises of a cryptographic
algorithm, plus all possible keys and all the protocols that Fig.2 The process of symmetric encryption [2]
make it work. Usually, if the key is harder to discover, then
the mechanism becomes more secure. 1.2.2 Asymmetric encryption
In asymmetric cryptography (also known as public key
cryptography), the sender uses one key to encrypt data, and
the recipient uses another key to decrypt cipher text. The
encryption key and its matching decryption key are often
referred to as a public/private key pair. The process of
asymmetric encryption can be pictorially represented as

Fig1. The process of encryption and decryption

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
International Conference on Computing and information Technology (IC2IT-2013)

Step 4: Dividing the file into ‘n’ divisions

Step 5: Generating keys (Kn) for ‘n’
Step 6: Substitution of characters using Keys (Kn)
Step 7: Output: Text file (encrypted text in .txt

2.2 Algorithm for decryption:

Step 1: Input: Text file (encrypted text in .txt
format) Step 2: Multiplying the key (Kn) by minus
Step 3: Substitution of characters using (-Kn)
Step 4: Rearranging the characters position and
words Step 5: Text file (Plain text in .txt format)

2.3 Example
In an intuitive manner, the plain text has a sentence like
Fig.3 The process of asymmetric encryption [2]
“America is going to attack on Cyria this weekend”. The
2 words are shuffled in odd/even order. In this case, the order is
A new symmetric key cryptography algorithm S SE (Shuffle, even, the sentence become “this America going is attack to
Shuffle, Substitution Encryption) has been proposed in this Cyria on weekend”. In the next phase, the characters get
paper with its advantages and disadvantages. The paper has shuffled and the sentence becomes “dhiw smerict aoinA gg
been divided into three phases that would describe about the sttaci ka oyrit aC neekeno”. Now in the next phase the
proposed algorithm with an example, advantages and sentence is divided into ‘n’ times; consider ‘n’ as 2. The keys
disadvantages of the algorithm and finally, conclusion part.
(K2) are generated. Consider K1 as (+3) and K2 as (-5) and
consider the substitution takes place with already existing
2. PROPOSED ALGORITHM ASCII vales. Then the same sentence becomes “gklz vphulfw
A text file that contains plain text is passed to the encryption drlqD jj noo\^d f\ jtmdo \> i``fij”. This would be the final
phase of the system. The words in the text file are shuffled in cipher text.
even or odd order (i.e) the first word moved to the third word,
continues till last and works on a circular way; in case of odd In the decryption process, the keys needs to multiplied by
order chosen. Then the first and last characters are being minus one to revert the substitution. Then the keys, K1 and
moved to the last and first character of the next word. If the
K2 become -3 and +5 respectively. In the next two phases, the
next word has only one character then the first character will
shuffle of characters and words are rearranged to acquire the
be moved as said above and the last character been plaintext.
unchanged. In the next stage the text file is divided into the
user chosen times (‘n’). The keys (Kn) generated in a random
way (i.e) using ASCII values from 32 to 126. In another way 3. ADVANTAGES
the keys (Kn) can be chosen from another table that holds the AND
copy of ASCII table with a newly denoted values to the DISADVANTAGES
existing symbols. It makes the hacker, harder to guess the
In this section the advantages and disadvantages of using
keys generated by this table. Using the keys generated, the our encryption are pointed out.
each and every parts of the file encrypted with different keys.
Here, substitution process takes place and then the encrypted
file has been generated. The encrypted file can be sent to 3.1 Advantages
anyone using the mail servers already available. 1. The algorithm is very simple in nature.
2. CRC checking in receiving ends is easier.
After the receiver receives the encrypted file, the encrypted 3. For a small amount of data this algorithm will work
file is passed through the decryption phase of the system. The very smoothly.
4. If the redefined table used for substitution process;
key file that holds the data like keys (Kn) used , original/
the possibilities to break the system is very less.
copied table used, number of partitions(n), shuffled order.
The key file can be encrypted using one time pad encryption
methodology for better security but it needs another key file 3.4 Disadvantages
to decrypt the first key file. Even though the security 5. It becomes inefficient for larger data and if the
increases; the processing time dramatically increases and the cryptanalysis uses the very high-end processors.
system might slows down. Using the key file the decryption
process starts. The keys can also been represented in negative 4. CONCLUSION
so that the keys must be multiplied with minus one. Then the Cryptography is used to achieve the goals like Confidentiality,
substitutions processes starts and in the next phase the Data integrity, Authentication, Access control, Non
shuffled words and characters are rearranged and at last the repudiation of the data send. In order to achieve these goals
original plain text file has been generated. various cryptographic algorithms are developed by various
researchers. For a small amount of data those algorithms
2.1 Algorithm for encryption: wouldn’t be cost effective because those are not designed for
Step 1: Input: Text file (Plain text in .txt small amount of data. The objective of this work was to
format) Step 2: Shuffling the words (Odd /even design a new algorithm to address this kind of issue. By
order) Step 3: Moving the character position having this kind of issue in mind, the algorithm is designed in

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
International Conference on Computing and information Technology (IC2IT-2013)

a simple manner without sacrificing the security issues too. A [2] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff650720.aspx -
single key is used for both encryption and decryption i.e., it Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption process figures.
falls under the secret key cryptographic algorithm category.
Literally, the public key cryptography algorithms are more [3] Sheena, Mathew; Dr. Poulose Jacob, K, Studies,Design
secured than secret key cryptography algorithms. So our next and Development of Network Security Enhancement
objective would be to develop a simple and proficient public Services Using Novel Cryptographic Algorithms , Dtd:
key cryptographic algorithm. 2008-06. Online available at
5. REFERENCES [4] Online available at: http://en.kryptotel.net/encryption.html
[1] Cryptography and Network Security - Principles and
Practice, Fifth edition, William Stallings, Pearson


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