2010 SB Crop Walk Faq

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2010 Shreveport-Bossier CROP WALK FAQ

Q: What is the CROP Walk?

A: A sponsorship walk organized nationally by Church World Service and locally by
committees of people concerned about hunger in their own communities.

Q: What does CROP stand for?

A: When the first CROP walk was held in 1947, it stood for Christian Rural Outreach Program.
It's primary mission at the time was to help farmers in the Midwest share their grain with
hungry people in post-World War II Europe. Over the years, the program has expanded and
changed and some have proposed that Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty might
be a good alternative, however, mostly the name CROP is now thought of as a name instead
of an acronym.

Q: Where does the money go?

A: All of the money that walkers raise goes to fund hunger relief projects. The money is split
between local hunger relief projects in the community of the walk (25%) and the
international projects of Church World Service (75%). Individuals can also request that their
donations be dedicated to another international humanitarian organization instead of CWS.
The Shreveport-Bossier walk is dedicating the local portion to the Northwest Louisiana Food

Q: How can I give to another international humanitarian organization instead of CWS?

A: Simply indicate the name of the organization online or on the walker form and Church World
Service will send your donation to that organization. Below are some popular options, but
you are not limited to only those on this list:

ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency)

AFSC (American Friends Service Committee)
AJJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee)
BWA (Baptist World Aid/Baptist World Alliance)
CBF (Cooperative Baptist Fellowship)
CRWRC (Christian Reformed World Relief Committee)
HI (Heifer International)
HOPE (Project HOPE)
IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities)
LWR (Lutheran World Relief)
MAP (Medical Assistance Program)
MCC (Mennonite Central Committee)
NCM (Nazarene Compassionate Ministries)
OI (Outreach International)
SBIMB (Southern Baptist International Mission Board)
UUSC (Unitarian Universalist Service Committee)
WR/NAE (World Relief/National Association of Evangelicals)
Q: If all of the money raised goes to mission funding, how are the costs of the walk paid for?
A: Individuals, congregations, and local business can choose to sponsor the walk to pay for the
organizing cost of the event (city permits, t-shirts, posters, signs, etc). Depending on the level
of their support, sponsors can get their name and logo on the T-shirt given to each walker.

Q: When and where is the 2010 Walk?

A: The 2010 walk will begin at Noel United Methodist Church on Sunday, October 24.
Registration will begin at 2:30pm and the walk will begin at 3pm. The route will go through
the Highland neighborhood and pass several sites supported by the Northwest Louisiana
Food Bank.

Q: How can my organization get involved?

A: Attend the recruiter meeting at Noel United Methodist Church on Monday, September 13 at
6pm to find out more and to pick up walker forms, brochures, posters, bulletin inserts, and
other materials.

Q: Who can I contact if I want to be involved but I can't attend the recruiter meeting?
A: Contact Sarah Searight at First Presbyterian Church at 222-0604 or
[email protected]

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