PM Test
PM Test
PM Test
Create a WBS
D. Create a scope statement
Question Statement:
Which of the following is a tool Question 4
used to secure expert judgment?
Question Statement:
Choices: What kind of a relationship is
A. Peer review implied when completion of a
B. Delphi technique successor is dependent on
C. Expected value technique initiation of its predecessor?
D. Work Breakdown Structure
(WBS) Choices:
Question 2 B. FF
Question Statement: D. SF
Based on the information provided
below, which project would you Question 5
recommend pursuing?
Question Statement:
Project I, with BCR (Benefit Cost What should a project manager do
ratio) of 1:1.6; or follow to ensure clear
Project II, with NPV of US $ boundaries for project completion?
Project III, with IRR (Internal rate of Choices:
return) of 15% A. Scope verification
Project IV, with opportunity cost of B. Complete a scope statement
US $ 500,000. C. Scope definition
D. Risk management plan
A. Project I Answer 1
B. Project III
C. Either project II or IV Correct Choice:
D. Can not say from the data B Explanation:
provided The ‘Delphi technique’ is a
commonly used tool to secure
Question 3 expert judgment while initiating a
Question Statement:
What should be done by the project ‘Peer review’ is a project selection
manager to ensure that all work in tool, ‘Expected value’ is a method
the project is included? quantitative risk analysis, and
‘WBS’ is a project planning tool.
A. Create a contingency plan Answer 2
B. Create a risk management plan
Correct Choice: dependent on the completion of
B Explanation: predecessor.
Project III has an IRR of 15%, which
means the revenues from the A finish-to-finish (FF) relationship
project equal the cost expended at between two activities implies that
an interest rate of 15%. This is a the completion of successor is
definitive and a favorable dependent on the completion of
parameter, and hence can be predecessor.
recommended for selection.
A start-to-start (SS) relationship
Project I has an unfavorable BCR implies that the initiation of
and hence cannot be successor is dependent on the
recommended. initiation of predecessor.
Question 16