Online Assignment
Online Assignment
Online Assignment
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1 Introduction 1
2 Sashtraposhini 2-3
3 Conclusion 4
4 Reference 5
Sashtraposhini is a scheme planned by the Kerala state council for science,
Technology and environment for strengthening science education among the high
schools of the state. This program plans strengthening of the high school science
laboratories of the state and effective interaction among the students and teachers.
This is planned to be launched by the council in association with the state education
Sashtraposhini a program envisaged by the Kerala State Council for Science,
Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) aims towards strengthening science
education in schools Kerala. The program will be implemented by setting up model
laboratories for conducting science experiments in selected schools of the state.
Chief Minister Mr. A.K Antony launched Sashtraposhini at the Government
Model High School Thiruvananthram, on October 2
2003 . The chief Minister on his
inaugural address stressed the need for cultivating scientific temper among school
children. In this presidential address Dr. M. S Valiathan the then executive Vice
President KSCSTE said that science is a subject that cannot be taught in the
conventional way with chalk and blackboard, but ideally through hands on practical
The objectives of Sashtraposhini to stimulate interest in science at the school
level by performance of experiments in physics, chemistry and Biology by students to
provide hand on experiments to students for observation, inference and self designing
of experiments. To organize training progarmmes for the teachers for demonstrating
scientific experiments to evolve low cost laboratory kit based on ready available
material for the performing of a range of experiments.
The present project is planned to years. Once the project is launched, it will be
operated through two academic years. By establishing model laboratories in core
science subjects like physics, Chemistry and Biology experiments will be conducted
for the students by them separate study circle can be developed among students and
engage in problem solving and critical discussions. It will also be possible to hold 2
science project fair so that students of different of different categories and branches of
science can interact. This would convey the excitement of doing science to students
and induce a growing trend in opting a career in science for the training of teachers
which include practical experiments, interaction. The model laboratories aimed may
spearhead science in school program over the stimulus on education in general.
A state level apex Resource Group consisting of experts, nominees of the
council and state education department will evaluate the project once in three months.
There will head districts level committee in each educational district consisting of the
school authorities, teachers and PTA in the form of review forum, which will meet as
often necessary. The inputs from district level committee and visits will form the basis
for the assessment of the scheme by the state level committee. Moreover if needed
may also set up separate agency of monitoring and reviewing the performance of the
scheme part from this teachers handling these model laboratories can gather for a day
to share their experience and discuss their problems. The feed Back Reports (FBR)
there prepared can be discussed in the academic cell of the district and state level
committees as well as the Apex resource Group.
Nodal schools in the pilot program, one school in each educational district are
selected for establishing model laboratories. Selection is made in consultation with
state education department and personal visits followed to the respective schools.
The educational achievements in Kerala are well known and much studied.
But alarming decline in the standard of science education at all levels is less attended.
This has to many serious consequence recently ,there has been a boom in the career
with regard to information Technology (IT) and Bio-Technology (BT). But this need
to be backed up through science education of high quality at the school and collage
levels. So for the science and Technology department of the state has been
concentrating more on the issues, policies as well as other R &D efforts of the state.
Understanding of the states of science education at the school levels drop in enrolment
of course inability of the science graduates of our state to complete at national level
etc made the council to think on this line.