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58 Iajps58122017 PDF
The effective promotion of ethics at university, as The inclusion criteria of research were 3th and high
with any other organization, depends on three major semester students studying at the bachelor level of
steps. First, knowledge of professional ethics focuses nursing and midwifery and entering to internship
on the specialized fields of the organization. Second, course. Exclusion criteria of research included
the internal orientation and self-motivation of the transfer of students to other medical universities of
organization, its managers and its human resources Iran. The first and second semester nursing &
are to achieve ethical values in the organization. The midwifery students were excluded from the research
third step is the organization's skill in implementing population due to their non-attending in the clinical
ethical principles. In the third step, the process, environment. The data collection tool was a
methods, and techniques for promoting ethics in an researcher-developed questionnaire, which the
organizational culture (such as behavioral considered cases were extracted by review of the
communication skills, and the skills to identify and relevant articles. The data collection tool was a two-
resolve ethical issues, especially the ability to deal part questionnaire: the first part included the personal
with moral conflicts) are discussed (5). With regard information with 6 questions (age, gender, field of
to ethical code of nurses and in an Interpretative study, academic level, GPA, and interest in the field
Statement in 2015, the American Nursing of study) and the second part included 48 questions
Association hopes that the nature of professional with yes or no answers, assessing the knowledge
ethics to be institutionalized in nursing training (6), level of the students. With regard to determining the
since ethics training for nursing students guides them validity and reliability of professional ethics
toward providing better care when faced with ethical questionnaire, the content validity of the
challenges. Although many studies have shown questionnaire was confirmed by five faculty
significant role of educators in promoting this issue, members of the Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery and
less attention nowadays is paid to this role (7). the reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed
Wehwein believed that ethics training is effective in 78% using Cronbach's alpha.
promoting student knowledge of ethical issues and
using them in the workplace. In addition, the ability RESULTS:
to make ethical decisions in students who have The results showed that out of the 300 participants in
completed the ethics course is greater than those who the professional ethics workshop, the majority of
have not completed this course (8). people (66%) were female. The majority (75%) of
them aged between 19 and 23 years, and 100% of the
research subjects stated that they had not participated
in professional ethics training workshops. The results after the workshop 97% of them stated that they had
also showed that students' knowledge of their rights information on the confidentiality rules in the
was 58% before workshop, while it was 98% after workplace and the patient.
workshop. In addition, their knowledge of the patient
rights charter was 40% before the workshop and In terms of training the patient during the
100% after the workshop. In addition, 98% of them hospitalization and discharge time before the
stated that the name and characteristics of the student workshop was 30%, while it was 92% after the
are known to patients. In addition, 60% of them workshop, and 75% of the students stated that they
stated that they did not have information on the way did not explain the goal of the work therapy or care
of training and guiding the patients, and after the before the workshop, and after the workshop, this
workshop, 97% of them stated that patient training is reached to 96%. Eighty percentages of them stated
one of the requirements for increasing the patient that respect for patient was an important point in
knowledge. Before the workshop, the students' establishing a good relationship and mutual trust.
knowledge of stating the professional errors report The results showed that there is no significant
was 30%, while it was 100% after the workshop. relationship between the variables of academic
Seventy and five percentage of the students stated semester and ethnicity and mean score of knowledge
that they had complete sense of responsibility and of professional ethics. Observing ethical codes
care of the patient in the department and 85% of the among the students was significantly observed after
students have knowledge on confidentiality of the the workshop.
patient information and the work environment, and
Table 1: Mean and standard deviation of the scores of knowledge before and after training and retest
(One month after training workshop)
Mean± SD
Pre-test 21 ± 3.11 0.02
Immediately after training workshop 4.27± 41
As seen, mean scores before training, after training, and one month after training were 45.5 and has difference with
ANOVA test (p = 0.02).
Table 2: Level of satisfaction of the participants in the workshop based on the survey
Satisfaction n %
Very good 285 95
Good 15 5
Average - -
Bad - -
Total 300 100
The table above shows that 95% of the participants were very satisfied with training workshop of the professional
One month after the completion of the training workshop, the results showed that 75% of the students had desirable
performance and 25% of them had a moderate performance in observing the professional ethics.
of professional ethics in students will result in Medical ethics Journal [Serial online] 2011 [cited
providing services satisfied by patients. 2012]; 5(15): [20 screens]. Available from: URL:
ACKNOWLEDGMENT: 10-Jahanpour F, Khalili A, Ravanipour M, Nourouzi
This article is result of a research project approved by L, Khalili M, Dehghan F. Investigating Awareness
the research council of Zabol University of Medical Amount of Nursing Students of Medical Sciences
Sciences. We thereby appreciate Research and University of Bushehr about Ethic in Nursing
Technology Deputy of University, the faculty Profession -2013. Armaghane danesh. 2014; 19 (3)
members of the Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery and :223-232
honorable students who cooperated in performing 11-Eshkevari KV, Karimi M, Asnaashari H, Kohan
this study. N. The assessment of observing patients’ right in
Tehran University of Medical Sciences’ hospitals.
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