PTI Assignment 10
PTI Assignment 10
PTI Assignment 10
Jonathan Wagner
1. The core of modesty is revealing the right amount. Immodesty can include revealing too
much as well as revealing something to the wrong people.
2. Selection 2521 from the Catholic Catechism describes modesty as “refusing to unveil
what should remain hidden.” This helps us understand what is important about modesty.
It is aimed at keeping things in their proper place, it is a boundary put up around certain
things which only certain people ever get to cross and only under certain circumstances.
It is for our protection as well as the protection of others, keeping us from being where
we should not, knowing what we should not, and seeing what we should not, among
other things.
3. As far as my own experience, primarily through the lens of UCO, college students are
not prepared in the realm of modesty. I was not prepared as a student. First of all, much
of the West (and even many other Christians) do not agree with the Sword of the Spirit’s
view on relationships between men and women. Most of the Western world views a it as
completely appropriate for a man and a woman to be friends and spend significant
amounts of time together, even individually, and share details of their lives with each
other which Sword of the Spirit would view as as immodest. I think that is the real issue,
no one knows or agrees about where the line should be. I was part of a conversation
during my college years on whether guys and girls could be just friends and there was
stark disagreement. Some fell on the side of things which the Sword of the Spirit takes of
things, some vehemently disagreed, others held the same view in one sense, but with
wildly different reasoning as top why. For guys, being one of them and knowing many
making this more my area of expertise, we are not good at properly handling emotions a
lot of the time. And therefore they don’t know who to share them with or when. That, I
think, is the “nub” of the issue, that there is so little discussion of or even agreement
about what modesty means and so very few people actually have any idea about
modesty or how they should approach it. I think the only way to theoretically make
progress is to raise children within the community with clarity on this issue and make
sure to teach this to people as they enter our community. If nothing else, our community
needs to have a clear understanding of what we view as proper modesty so that we can
properly live that out and invite people into it.