MEV2000 en
MEV2000 en
MEV2000 en
User Manual
Issue: 1
Date of Publication: 2014-11
Data Code: 0478-0262-01
MEV2000 Series General Purpose AC Variable Speed Drive
User Manual
MEV2000 is featured with high torque, high precision and
wide speed drive through a unique control method, which Inverter model description
caters to the needs of high performance in general purpose AC
motor drive. It also has an outstanding trip control function MEV2000-40004-000
which exceeds that of the products of the similar kind and can
adapt to the severe grid, temperature, humidity and dust 变频器系列
Inverter series 客户定制化代码
Customization code
conditions, remarkably improving its reliability.
Code Supporting
As a revolutionary product that combines the general needs 代号
Code 适配电机功
motor power
400V 4 率(kW)
and individual needs of the customers with industry needs 0004 0.37
0005 0.55
dynamically for the first time, MEV2000 is equipped with 0007 0.75
practical PI, simple PLC, flexible input/output terminals, pulse 0011 1.1
0015 1.5
frequency reference, power-off and shutdown parameter 0022 2.2
0030 3
storage option, frequency reference channel, run command 0040 4
channel binding, zero frequency return difference control, 0055 5.5
0075 7.5
master/slave reference control, swing frequency control and 0110 11
0150 15
fixed-length control, which can provide a highly integrated 0185 18.5
solution for the equipment manufacturers, and is of great 0220 22
0300 30
value for reducing the system cost and improving the system 0370 37
0450 45
The MEV2000 can meet the requirements of the users for low Fig.A.1 Inverter Model Description
noise and low EMI by optimizing the PWM control technology
and the EMC design. The nameplate listing the inverter model and rated value is at
The relevant precautions during the installation, wiring, the lower part of the right side plate of the inverter case, as
parameter setting, troubleshooting and daily maintenance will shown in Fig.A.2. The barcode which indicates the equipment
be detailed in this manual. To ensure the correct installation information can also be found at the bottom of the operation
and operation of the MEV2000 series inverter as well as its panel base, as shown in Fig.A.3.
high performance, please read carefully this user manual
before installing the equipment. This manual shall be kept
properly and delivered to the users of the equipment.
Operations without following instructions can
cause personal injury or death. When handling the product, protect the operation
panel and cover against any stress, otherwise, it may
Operations without following instructions can
drop, resulting in human injury or property loss.
! Caution cause personal injury or damage to product
Install the product on the place that can withstand
or other equipment.
the weight of the inverter, otherwise, it may drop,
resulting in human injury or property loss.
1.2 Installation precaution Do not install the product in the environment with
water splash (e.g., near the water pipe), otherwise,
Danger you may suffer the property loss.
Take care not to drop any foreign objects, such as the
Please install the product on the inflammable screws, gaskets and metal bars, into the inverter,
materials (e.g., metal), otherwise, fire may be caused. otherwise, fire and property loss may be caused.
Avoid placing any combustible material near the If the inverter is damaged or lacks certain parts, do
product, otherwise, fire may be caused. not install and run it, otherwise, fire and injury may
Avoid installing the product in the environment with be caused.
explosive gas, otherwise, explosion may be caused. Do not install the product in the place exposed to
Only qualified personnel shall wire the drive.. direct sunshine, otherwise, you may suffer property
Never wire the drive unless the input AC supply is loss.
totally disconnected. The main circuit terminals and the terminal lugs must
The drive must be properly earthed to reduce be firmly connected, otherwise, you may suffer
electrical accident. property loss.
Install the cover before switching on the drive, to It is prohibited to connect AC 220V input to the
reduce the danger of electric shock and explosion. terminals other than the relay terminals 41 and 42,
When powering up the inverter that has been stored otherwise, you may suffer property loss.
for over 2 years, the voltage applied to it must be The current of the relay terminals 41 and 42 must be
gradually increased with the regulator, otherwise, limited to less than 2 A if they are connected with AC
electric shock and explosion may be caused. 220V signal.
Do not touch the terminals when the product is
powered up, otherwise, electric shock may be 1.3 Operation Precautions
Avoid operating the inverter with a wet hand, When using the MEV2000 series inverter, please pay attention
otherwise, electric shock may be caused. to the following items:
Maintenance operation shall be conducted when 10 1.3.1 About the motor and mechanical load
minutes has passed after the disconnection of the
power supply. At this time, be sure to confirm that Comparison with industrial frequency operation
the voltage between the positive and negative buses The MEV2000 series inverter is a voltage type inverter. Its
is below 36V, otherwise, electric shock may be output voltage is the PWM wave and contains harmonic.
caused. Therefore, the temperature rise, noise and vibration of the
The parts can only be replaced by the qualified motor are a litte higher than the industrial frequency
technician. It is prohibited to leave any stub or metal operation.
items in the product, otherwise, fire may be caused. Constant torque low speed operation
The parameters must be properly set after replacing Motor’s over-temperature protecting threshold
the inverter before the product can be used, The drive can protect the motor from over-temperature. If the
otherwise, you may suffer property loss. ratings of the driven motor are not in compliance with the
The bare parts of the terminal lug for connecting the drive, be sure to adjust the protective threshold to ensure the
main circuit must be wrapped with insulating tape, motor is properly protected.
otherwise, electric shock may be caused. Running at the frequency above 50 Hz
When running the motor above 50Hz, there will be increase in
vibration and noise. The rate at which the torque is available
from the motor is inversely proportional to its increase in
running speed. Ensure that the motor can still provide
sufficient torque to the load. Please consult the engineer in
Lubrication of mechanical device
Megameter Grounding
Fig.1.1 Schematic Diagram for Motor Insulation Inspection 1000 3000 (m)
1.3.2 About the inverter Fig.1.3 Derating Relation Between the Rated Output Current of
the Inverter and the Altitude
The capacitor or varistor component for improving the power
factor because the inverter output is the PWM wave, if the 1.4 Precautions for discarding the inverter
capacitor or SPD piezo resistor is installed at the output side
for improving the power factor, inverter tripping or When discarding the inverter, please pay attention that:
component damage may be caused. Be sure to remove such The electrolytic capacitors on the main circuit and the PCB
components, as shown in Fig.1.2. may explode when they are burnt.
Toxic gas will be given out when burning the plastic parts (e.g.,
the front panel).
Please dispose of the inverter as industrial waste.
continuous output
Input current current Rated capacity Supporting motor
Inverter model (A)
(A) (KW) (KW)
Light load
MEV2000-40004-000 2.4 1.3 0.37 0.37
MEV2000-40005-000 2.9 1.8 0.55 0.55
MEV2000-40007-000 3.5 2.3 0.75 0.75
MEV2000-40011-000 5.1 3.2 1.1 1.1
MEV2000-40015-000 6.2 4.1 1.5 1.5
MEV2000-40022-000 8.7 5.6 2.2 2.2
MEV2000-40030-000 12.2 7.3 3 3
MEV2000-40040-000 14.8 9.4 4 4
MEV2000-40055-000 16.3 13.5 5.5 5.5
MEV2000-40075-000 20.7 17 7.5 7.5
MEV2000-40110-000 29 27 30 11/15 11/15
MEV2000-40150-000 36 35 38 15/18.5 15/18.5
MEV2000-40185-000 46 42 48 18.5/22 18.5/22
MEV2000-40220-000 60 47 63 22/30 22/30
MEV2000-40300-000 74 66 79 30/37 30/37
MEV2000-40370-000 88 77 94 37/45 37/45
MEV2000-40450-000 105 100 112 45/55 45/55
Table.2.2 The 400 V Series Inverter (380V-480V+10%)
o o
Note: The continuous current ratings given in this manual is applicable to the operation at a ambient temperature of 40 C (104 F),
altitude of 1000 m and switching frequency of 3.0 KHZ. For the operation with switching frequency, ambient temperature and
o o
altitude higher than 3.0 KHZ, 40 C (104 F) and 1000 m, respectively, the inverter should be derated.
Ground bracket
M4 screw ×2
Installation bracket
×2 ×2 ×2
Ground clamp
Terminal bolt
M6×11 M8×12
Bezel ring
×3 ×2
Table.2.5 Accessory Box
Size5 ×2
Size6 ×2
Size7 ×2
Table.3.3 List of Mounting Bracke
two safety brackets are used to fix the two sides, as shown in
3.4 Higher IP protection rating Fig.3.14. The sets of safety brackets, seal rings and IP insertion
pieces can be used during wall penetration installation. See
The IP protection class of MEV2000 inverters is set to IP20 and
Table.3.4 for the details about the ordering of sets of tools.
the pollution degree 2 (for dry and non-conductive pollution)
to NEMA1. The IP protection degree of Size 5~Size 7 inverters
Dimensions CT order No.
can be set to IP65 if wall penetration installation is adopted.
5 3470-0067
The front parts and various switch devices of Size 5 ~ Size 7
6 3470-0055
inverters are all installed inside the cabinet with the protection
degree of IP65, while the heatsink is installed outside the 7 3470-0079
cabinet through a backplane. Therefore, most of the heat Table.3.4 Sets of Tools for Wall Penetration Installation
generated by the inverter is dissipated outside the cabinet so
as to reduce the temperature inside.
IP65 case
Penetration Penetration
IP20 wall safety wall safety
bracket bracket
Sealing washer
Seal ring
3.5 Removal of fan the power supply through the circuit breaker or
fuse switch.
The whole series of MEV2000 inverters support snap-fit
installation for the fan for easy replacement of heatsink fan. 3.6.1 Wiring and configuration of main circuit
1. Connection of inverter and options
• Do not open the inverter cover until the power
supply of the inverter is fully disconnected for at
least 10 minutes. Input EMC filter
• Make sure that the internal wiring be conducted
only when the voltage between the main circuit L1 L2 L3
40004 6 1 1 1
400 V nominal AC power voltage
40005 6 1 1 1 Maximum allowable cable length of the
motor under the following frequencies
40007 6 1 1 1
40011 6 1 1 1 Model
40015 10 1 1 1
40022 10 1 1 1
40030 16 1.5 1 1
40040 16 2.5 1.5 1
40007 100m
40055 20 2.5 2.5 1
40075 25 4 2.5 1 40015
40110 40 6 6 1 40022
40150 63 10 10 1 40030
40185 63 16 16 1 40040
40220 63 25 25 1 40055
40300 100 35 35 1 40075
40370 100 50 50 1
40450 125 70 70 1 40110
Table.3.5 Recommended Circuit Breakers, Fuse Capacity and
Section Area of the Copper Core Insulating Wires 40150
Optional EMC
filter Thermal
Optional input protection
reactor device
Optional EMC
resistor Optional input
Ground Motor
Power supply Input power connection
Input powerPower supply
grounding connection
Fig.3.20 Input/output Connection Diagram of Size 3 Main
Circuit Fig.3.22 Input/output Connection Diagram of Size 5 Main
Applicable models: MEV2000-40055 ~ MEV2000-40075 Circuit
Applicable models: MEV2000-40150 ~ MEV2000-40220
Thermal overload Braking
protection device resistor
Power supply Input power Ground
grounding connection
Input power Power supply
Fig.3.21 Input/output Connection Diagram of Size 4 Main
Circuit Fig.3.23 Input/output Connection Diagram of Size 6 Main
Applicable models: MEV2000-40110
Applicable models: MEV2000-40300 ~ MEV2000-40450
Optional input
Optional EMC
overload Braking
protection resistor
24V 0V
Ana log input
AI 1
Mul ti-function X1/Y1
terminal X1/Y1 Frequency reference 1
Mul多功能端子 X2 X2
ti-function terminal Ana log input
Forwa rd 正转/停止命令
running/stop commandFWD 模拟输入AI2/X4
AI 2/X4 Frequency reference 2
FWD Ana log 频率给定2
Reverse 反转/停止命令
running/stop commandREV output AO1
模拟输出AO1 Frequency meter
REV 频率表
多功能端子 X3
Mul ti-function terminal X3
Relay output
继电器输出 Bra king resistor
1 2 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 14
Analog input Multi-function Multi-
Analog +10 V Analog input terminal
Function AI2/multi- input terminal functional Run Run
O V input power output 24 V X3/high-speed
introduction function input X1/output input terminal forward reverse
AI1 supply AO1 pulse frequency
terminal X4 terminal Y1 X2
Category Name Terminal function description Specifications
Input voltage range: 0~±10 V ±3%
(input resistance: 100 kΩ)
Input current range:
2 Analog input AI1 Receiving the analog voltage/current input
0 to 20 mA ±5 %, 20 to 0 mA ±5 %,
Analog input
4 to 20 mA ±5 %, 20 to 4 mA ±5 %
Resolution: 11 bit
Input voltage range: ±10 V ±3%
5 Analog input AI2 Receiving the analog voltage
(input resistance: 100 kΩ)
Output voltage range: 0 to +10 V
±5 % (Max output current 50mA)
Analog output Onput current rangein output
Analog output 7 Providing the analog voltage output
AO1 current mode:
0 to 20 mA ±4 %,
4 to 20 mA ±4 %
Forward running
12 command
Forward/reverse running digital command.
Running control terminal Input voltage range: 0 V ~+ 24 V
Please refer to F7 two-wire/three-wire
terminal Reverse running
control function description for details.
13 command
10 It can be set as the digital input terminal
input terminal X1
with multiple functions. Please refer to F7 Input voltage range: 0 V ~+ 24 V
11 terminal function definition for details.
input terminal X2
In addition to acting as an ordinary
multi-functional terminal, terminal 14 can Input voltage range: 0 V ~+ 24 V
also be set as the high-speed pulse input Maximum input frequency: 100 kHz
input terminal Multi-functional
14 terminal or the input terminal for testing Models supported by motor
input terminal X3
the motor thermistor. Please refer to F7 thermistor: DIN44081 pct., KTY84,
introduction to input terminal functions for PT1000, PT2000
In addition to acting as the analog input 2,
5 terminal 5 can also be set as the digital Input voltage range: 0 V ~+ 24 V
input terminal X4
input terminal with multiple functions.
Can be set as a digital or pulse output with
Multi-functional Multi-functional Output voltage range: 0 ~+24 V
multiple functions. Please refer to F7
output terminal 10 output terminal Output frequency range: maximum
introduction to input terminal functions for
Y1 10 kHz
41,42 Size 2-4 provides one-way relay 41, 42; Size Maximum current rating of the
5-7 two-way relay 41, 42 and 43, 44. contact:
Relay output
Relay output It can be set as the relay output terminal AC220 V/2 A
terminal 43,44 with multiple functions. Please refer to F7 DC30V/4A resistive load
terminal function definition for details. DC30V/0.5A inductive load
+24 V power
Power supply 9 Common terminal Maximum output current: 200 mA
Ground connection used together with
Common terminal 1 0V
other terminals
+10 V power Connect a potentionmeter with analog Output voltage range: +10 V±3 %
Power supply 4
supply input terminal 2 or terminal 5. Maximun output current: 5mA
Table.3.10 Terminal Function Description
3.6.3 Communication link this section shall be met, but no specific emission standards
are specified. Attention shall also be paid to the special
Installing the external RS485 adapter will provide you two requirements in the section headed “Over-voltage protection
communication methods: the direct connection of terminals of control circuit - long cables and wiring outside a building”,
and two-way connection between the RJ45 port and 485 which are aimed to enhance the surge immunity of control
communication. Modbus RTU communication can be accessed circuits.
through the main controller and inverter by setting the Section 3.7.4, EMC standard for power drive systems
inverter parameter. IEC61800-3 (EN61800-3).
Section 3.7.5, Generic emission standards for industrial
environment, IEC61000-6-4, EN61000-6-4 and EN50081-2.
The recommendations in section 3.7.3 are usually sufficient to
avoid interference to adjacent industrial equipment. If there is
highly sensitive equipment nearby, or the inverter is in a
nonindustrial environment, the recommendations in sections
3.7.4 and 3.7.5 shall be followed to reduce radiofrequency
In order to ensure the installation meets the emission
standards described in:
The EMC data sheet provided by the supplier of the
Fig.3.27 External RS485 Adapter Wiring Correct external EMC filter must be used and all of the
Pin Functional descriptions requirements in section 3.7.3 General requirements for
1 120 Ω terminal resistance EMC and section 3.7.5 Generic emission standards must
2 RX TX be followed.
3 0V
4 +24 V(100 mA) Model CT order No.
5 Not connected MEV2000-40110(Size5) 4200-0402
6 TX enable MEV2000-40150 ~ 4200-4800
7 RX\TX\ MEV2000-40220(Size6)
8 RX\TX\ (connecting to pin 1 if MEV2000-40300 ~ 4200-1132
the terminal resister needs to MEV2000-40450(Size7)
be applied to) Table.3.13 Order Form for External EMC Filter
Table.3.11 RJ45 Port Pin Descriptions Note: installers of the inverter shall ensure that the inverter
The connections with the minimum number are 2, 3, 7 and complies with local EMC regulations.
shielding. The shielded cable must be used at any time. 3.7.1 Grounding hardware
Pin Functional descriptions To meet EMC requirements, MEV2000 is provided with a
1 0V grounding bracket, which enables direct grounding of cable
2 RX\TX\ shields without using lead wires. Method: remove the cable
3 RX TX shields and fix the cable on the grounding bracket with metal
4 120 Ω terminal resistance clips or clamps (not provided) or cable tie. Note that the cable
5 TX enable shields shall be connected under guidance in any case and
6 +24 V(100 mA) shall be connected to the intended terminal of the inverter
Table.3.12 RS485 Terminal Connection Pin Descriptions with a clamp. A suitable clamp is the Phoenix DIN rail mounted
SK14 cable clamp (for cables with a maximum outer diameter
Note: The standard network cable is not recommended to be of 14 mm).
used as the RS485 hardware connection because there is no Installation of the grounding bracket is shown in Fig.3.28 and
twisted shielded pair between the cables. Fig.3.29.
The serial communication connection port of MEV2000 Installation of the grounding clamp is shown in Fig.3.30 and
inverter has been double insulated to meet the requirements Fig.3.31.
of EN50178 SELV.
The control computer shall be grounded according to the
IEC60950 SELV (IT equipment). Or the insulation equipment
shall be installed in the communication cable if the
ungrounded laptop or similar equipment is used.
Note: power supply for the inverter must be Fig.3.34 Schematic diagram for removal of size 6 internal EMC
disconnected before removing the internal EMC filter
filter. For models of size 6, the EMC filter can be disconnected by
unscrewing the screw on the left with a torx screwdriver.
EMC filter
signal cable
Optional external
bra king resistor
Optional external
braking resistor
Ca s e Ca s e
3.7.6 Variations in the EMC wiring In applications where such circuits may be exposed to
high-energy surge, some special measures are required to
Interruptions to the motor cable prevent malfunction or damage. Over-voltage may be caused
The motor cable should ideally be a whole shielded or by the high transient voltage between ground points resulting
armored cable without interruptions. In some situations it may from lightning or power failure. There will be higher risk if the
be necessary to interrupt the cable, as in the following circuits extend outside the building.
examples: As a general rule, if the circuits extend outside the building
Connecting the motor cable to the wiring terminal in the where the inverter is located or the cable inside the building is
cabinet. longer than 30 m, some additional precautions shall be taken.
Installing an isolating switch between the motor and the Any of the following techniques may be applied:
inverter so as to meet safety requirements. 1. Galvanic isolation, i.e., do not ground the 0 V control
In these cases the instructions below shall be followed. terminal. Avoid loop circuits formed by the control cables. For
For the wiring terminal in the cabinet, connect the shields of example, loop circuits may be prevented by twisting the signal
the motor cable to the grounding metal backplane using metal input and output cables together.
cable-clamps, and the grounding metal backplane shall be 2. Shielded cable has additional power ground connection. The
positioned as close to the wiring terminal as possible. Cables cable shields may be grounded at both ends, but in addition,
for strong current shall preferentially be kept at a minimum the ground conductors at cable terminals shall be connected
length, and ensure that all sensitive equipment and circuits are together by a power ground cable (equipotential connecting
at least 0.3 m (12 in) away from the wiring terminal. 2
cable) with a cross-sectional area of at least 10 mm or 10
times the area of the signal cable shield, or to meet the
electrical safety requirements of the plant. This ensures that
From inverter the fault or over-voltage current passes mainly through the
ground cable shields, rather than the signal cable shields. If the
building itself has a connection network with reasonable
design, this measure will be unnecessary.
3. Additional over-voltage suppression - for the analog and
digital inputs and outputs, a zener diode network or a
commercially available over-voltage suppressor may be
Backplane connected in parallel with the input circuit, as shown in
Fig.3.46 and Fig.3.47. If a digital port undergoes severe
over-voltage, its fault protection may start.
To motor
If a digital port undergoes severe over-voltage, its fault
protection will start. For continued operation after such an
Fig.3.44 Connecting the motor cable to the wiring terminal in incident, the fault can be reset automatically by control word
the cabinet or terminal setting.
Using a motor isolating switch
The conductor connecting the motor cable shields is
recommended to be a flat metal coupling-plate, and
Device signal Signals to inverter
conventional wire is not suitable.
The shields shall be fixed onto the coupling-plate using metal
cable-clamps. Keep the exposed cables without shields at a
minimum length, and ensure that all sensitive equipment,
circuits and terminal boxes are at least 0.3 m (12 in) away from
such cables. The flat metal coupling-plate shall be placed as Fig.3.46 Over-voltage suppression for digital and unipolar
close to a grounding system as possible, e.g., a large metallic input and output
structure near the inverter ground.
Device signal Signals to inverter
negative effect on the signal. Most encoders’ signal circuit has recommendations for special networks may be taken as
current isolation with the motor bracket, in which case no reference.
precautions are required. For data networks,
! Caution
Note: MEV2000 operation panel is not compatible with other Emerson inverter series!
parameters F8.001 and F8.002) can be scanned by pressing Button to the edit status level by level. Press Button
the button. to save the parameter and press Button to
exit in the parameter display status.
V-F 50.00 50.00 Status
状态模式 mode Check
查看模式 mode Edi编辑模式
t mode
50.00 F0.000
F0.000 F0.000 00
di splay
Set 运行转速
the last set Rotating speed in running Line 运行线速度
speed in running Output power
value of frequency 设定转速
Setting rotating speed 设定线速度
Setting line speed 输出转矩
Output torque
50.00 F0.000 F9.000 F9.000 F9.009 0 1
Button Stop
停机状态 status Enter
进入编 edit 选择 Enter功能组确
Select into level II 选择对应
Select the 进入参数
Enter 修改参数
按键操作 display
显示 status, and
辑状态, function menu after
功能 function
认,进入 corresponding parameter modification Conduct wiring connection according to
display level I group group is 参数parameters 编辑 edit
menu 组 二级菜单
confirmed requirements in Section 3.6
The buttons no
按键被锁定 50.00 F9.009 F9.009 1
longer respond to +
operations Hold down Enter 退回一级
按住Enter键 Return to 退回二级
Return to Parameter
after they are button and Up arrow level I level
菜单II menu confirmation Check
locked 和向上键并
button for 3 seconds 菜单 menu N
and then buttons of whether the wiring
作面板按键 panel are
locked is correct?
the correct compensation for a hot motor provide the Output frequency
nameplate value is correct. Slip compensation can be used
throughout the speed range of the motor, i.e. below base F0.006
speed and in the flux weakening region, to correct the motor
speed to minimise the change of speed with load. Motor
Rated Speed (FH.003) can be set to a value that is higher than
synchronous speed to deliberately introduce speed droop,
which can be used to aid load sharing with mechanically
coupled motors. Time
Slip compensation is disabled under the following conditions:
1. Motor Rated Speed (FH.003) = 0
2. Motor Rated Speed (FH.003) = Motor Rated Frequency Fig.5.1 Definition of Acceleration & Deceleration Time
(F0.007) x 60 / Pole pairs, i.e. synchronous speed.
3. Motor 1 Gain of Slip Compensation (F3.007) = 0% The acceleration rate applies when the frequency is changing
It should be noted that Motor 1 Rated Speed (FH.003) is used away from zero. It is the time to reach the Max Output
to calculate the rotor time constant of the motor which is then Frequency (F0.006), see t1 in Fig.5.1.
used to determine the flux build-up time at the start of the The deceleration rate applies when the frequency is changing
catch a spinning motor algorithm. If spinning start is required towards zero, see t2 in Fig.5.1.
(i.e. Start Mode (F2.000) ≥ 1) then Motor Rated Speed (FH.003) MEV serial inverter has defined 4 Acc./Dec. Rates, Acc./Dec.
should be set up correctly for the motor. If slip compensation Here only Acc/Dec rate 1 is defined. Rate 2~4 will be defined in
is not required it can be disabled by setting. F3.017~F3.022, please refer to section 5.4.
RFC-A mode
Motor Rated Frequency (F0.007), Motor Rated Speed (FH.003) Note:
and Number of Motor Poles (FH.000) are used to calculate the See Acc./Dec. Rate Unit Selector (F9.011) for the definition of
rated slip of the motor which is used by the motor control Ramp rate frequency, and the default unit is second.
algorithm. An incorrect estimate of rated slip has the following
effects: F0.012 Motor 1 Range: Minimum reference clamp
1. Reduced efficiency maximum reference F0.013 ~Max output frequency F0.006
2. Reduction of maximum torque available from the motor clamp (50.00Hz)
3. Reduced transient performance F0.012 provides a limit on the maximum frequency reference.
4. Inaccurate control of absolute torque in torque control
modes F0.013 Motor 1
5. The drive will produce rated flux in the motor in the Range:.F0.006~Maximum reference
minimum reference
shortest possible time when it is enabled. Incorrect parameter Clamp F0.012 (0.00Hz)
values will affect the flux build-up time.
F0.013 is used to provide the minimum limit of the frequency
F0.008 Motor 1 rated Range:0~480V (Depend on drive
voltage variant)
F0.014 Motro 1 V/F
Please set F0.008 with reference to the values on the motor’s Range: 0~7 (0)
Curve Select
One user-defined curve, 3 preset curves and 4 open loop
vector control modes can be selected according to the setting
F0.009 Motor 1 low of F0.014.
Range:0~30.0% (3.0%)
frequency voltage boost 0:Fixed boost with multi-point V/F characteristic
Low Frequency Voltage Boost is used for torque compensation Please refer to function description of F0.015~F0.020
at low frequency. 1:Output voltage is proportional to f
See V/F Curve Select (F0.014). See curve 1 in Fig.5.2
2:Output voltage is proportional to f
Note: See curve 2 in Fig.5.2
1 An incorrect setting of F0.014 can cause overheat or 3:Output voltage is proportional to f
over-current protection of the motor. See curve 3 in Fig.5.2
2 Default setting is 3.0% up to Size 4, 2.0% for Size 7 and 8, and 4: Open loop vector control mode (Ur)
1.0% for larger sizes. With resistance compensation but no stator resistance
5: Open loop vector control mode (Ur_S)
F0.010 Motor 1
Range:0.1~3200 s(min) (6.0s) With resistance compensation, stator resistance measured at
acceleration rate 1
each start
F0.011 Motor 1 6: Open loop vector control mode (Ur_I)
Range:0.1~3200s(min) (6.0s) With resistance compensation, stator resistance measured at
deceleration rate 1
7: Open loop vector control mode (Ur_Auto)
Resistance compensation, stator resistance measured on the If F0.014 is set to 0, you can define V/F curve via F0.15~F0.20,
first start. When the stator resistance is measure successfully, as shown in Fig.5.3. The V/F curve can be defined by
the measured value will store in the non-valotile memory. And connecting 3 points of (V1, F1), (V2, F2) and (V3, F3), to adapt
the control mode will automatically change to open loop to special load characteristics.
control mode (Ur). Default V/F curve set by factory is a direct line as show in
Fig.5.3 as curve 0.
Output voltage V
Output voltage
Vmax Motor rated
voltage V/F curve
V3 Boost curve
V/F curve +
V2 3
Troque 2
(F0.009) Output
Fb Output 1
frequency Hz F1 F2 F3
Motor rated frequency
Vmax : Motor rated voltage F0.008 frequency(F0.
Manual troque 007)
Fb : Motor rated frequency F0.007
boost (F0.021)
Actual value of
reference at pulse AI1 给定对应的
Actual value of
input 实际量
reference at AI1
100% 100%
F1.002 F1.008
Positive action
F1.004 F1.005 0% F1.007 reference
-100% 100%
input pulse
0% frequency Fig.5.6 Positive
F1.001 F1.003 (F1.000)
AI1 给定对应的
Actual value of
reference at AI1
minimum Analogue Input 2 reference input (F1.010) and 5.2 Starting and Braking Parameters(F2 Group)
Actual value of reference at maximum Analogue Input 2
reference input (F1.012). F2.000 Start Mode Range:0,1,4 (0)
Analogue Input 2 Reference = [ (F1.012 - F1.010)/ (F1.011 - 0:Normal
F1.009)] x (Input level - F1.009)+ F1.010 as shown in the Fig.5.8 Normal start without attempting to catch a spinning motor. If
and Fig.5.9. Start Mode (F2.000) = 0 the post ramp reference is set to zero
Actual value of or Start Frequency (F2.001) for the duration Start Frequency
reference at AI2
Hold Time (F2.002) when the drive is started.
1:Catch the spin motor
Catch the motor and detect all possible frequencies. If Start
F1.012 Mode (F2.000) =1 a test is carried out to measure the
Positive frequency of the motor when the sequencer state machine
action enters the RUN state.
F1.010 3:Reserved
4:DC Injection
AI2 reference
0% F1.009 F1.011
If Start Mode (F2.000) = 4, DC injection braking is applied (uses
100% Injection Braking Level (F2.011) and Injection Braking Time
(F2.012) and then the drive starts from the Start Frequency
Fig.5.8 Postive Action Features of AI2 Reference
Actual value of
reference at AI2
Range:0 ~
F2.001 Start Frequency
Min{60,F0.012} (0.50Hz)
F2.002 Start Frequency Hold Time
F1.010 (0.00s)
Negative action F2.001 determines the initial frequency when entering the
RUN state in all start modes, fS is the Start Frequency as
shown in Fig.5.10. F2.002 determines how long the final
F1.012 reference frequency will remain at the start value after
reference entering the RUN state, see t1 in Fig.5.10.
0% F1.009 F1.011
100% 频率Hz Hz
zero speed whatever the frequency of the motor, and if Spin The End Time of S Curve (F2.009) and Falling Time of S Curve
Start Boost (F2.003) is too large the motor may accelerate (F2.010) can be set to define the time of sections 6 and 5
away from standstill when the drive is enabled. respectively of the profile shown above.
S-ramp Acc/Dec mode is suitable for the conveying load such
F2.005 Ramp Mode Select Range:0~2 (0) as elevator and conveying belt.
Linear speed ramps are used. See Fig.5.11. F2.008 Stop Mode Range:0~3 (1)
1:S-ramps 0:Coast
S-ramps of speed are used. Fig.5.12. if Ramp Mode Select 1:Ramp
(F2.005) = 1 an acceleration limit is applied to give S ramps. 2:DC injection with zero frequency detection
The S ramp function is disabled during deceleration when the Please refer to F2.011~2.012 for d.c injection function.
standard ramp voltage controller is active. When the motor is 3. Ramp followed by d.c. injection.
accelerated again the acceleration ramp used by the S ramp
function is reset to zero. Open-loop mode
2:ACC/DEC Stopping is in two distinct phases as shown in the table below
Accelerate under current limit and stop with standard ramp for each of the possible values of Stop mode (F2.008).
DC bus voltage control. If Ramp Mode Select (F2.005) = 2 then
the motor will will acc/dec in linear mode with acc/dec time Stop
configured, but will be accelerated under current limit and Mode Phase 1 Phase 2 Comment
stopped using standard ramp DC bus voltage control. (F2.008)
Frequency Delay in phase
Inverter Drive cannot be
0: Coast 2 allows rotor
disabled re-enabled for 1s
flux to decay
Ramp down
Wait for 1s with
f max 1: Ramp to zero
inverter enabled
Low The drive
Inject DC at level
frequency automatically
2: DC defined by
current senses low
Time injection Injection Braking
injection with speed and
with zero Level (06.006) for
t1 t2 frequency
detection of
time defined by
adjusts the
Fig.5.11 Linear speed ramps low speed injection time
detection Injection Braking
before next to suit the
Time (06.007)
Frequency phase application
Table.5.1 Open loop Stop Mode
3 4
RFC-A mode
There is only one phase during the stopping sequence as
2 5
shown in the table below for each of the possible values of
Stop Mode (F2.008).
In RFC-A mode, stop mode 2 will not use DC injection braking
1 6
but will instead stop under current limit.
time The following should be noted:
t1 t2 Stop Mode 0the inverter is inhibited immediately when the
Fig.5.12 S-ramps Final drive run is de-activated.
Acceleration Time 1 and Deceleration Time are defined at Reference Frequency
F0.010 and F0.011.
Fig.5.16 Skip Reference and range
Range: Minimum Reference Clamp
F3.023 Preset
Reference 1
F0.013~ Maximum Reference Clamp 5.4 Vector Control Parameters (Group F4)
F0.012 ( 5.00Hz)
Range: Minimum Reference Clamp
F3.024 Preset F4.000 User Drive Mode Range:1,2 (1)
F0.013~ Maximum Reference Clamp
Reference 2
F0.012 (10.00Hz) 1:Open-loop Mode
Range: Minimum Reference Clamp 2:RFC-A Mode
F3.025 Preset
F0.013~ Maximum Reference Clamp
Reference 3
F0.012 (20.00Hz) Range:0.000~200.000s/rad (0.100
F4.001 Motor ASR-P1
F3.026 Preset Range: Minimum Reference Clamp
See F4.001.
Final Demand
F4.004 Motor ASR-P2 Range:0.000~200.000s/rad (0.100) Reference
See F4.001.
above the coiler reference frequency. If the User torque 6: Torque mode with terminal switch functionality
reference is positive the coiler operates with a limited When drive starts, it first runs in speed control mode, when
frequency, so that if the material breaks the frequency does the torque reaches Speed To Torque Control Threshold (F4.017)
not exceed a level just above the reference. It is also possible and holds on for Speed To Torque Control Delay (F4.018), drive
to decelerate the coiler with a negative User torque reference. switches to torque control.
The coiler will decelerate down to - 0.2Hz until a stop is If terminal Xi is set to 36, it can be used to switch from torque
applied. The operating area is shown below: control to speed control, Speed To Torque Control Delay
(F4.018) is active before the switch takes action, F4.017 has no
effect in this condition.
F4.011 shall be set to 0 under the special speed control
running modes, such as PLC, process closed loop, multi-speed,
swing frequency, etc.
Range:Depend on control
F4.014 Torque Reference
mode (0.0%)
See F4.012.
T F AI1 1
AI2 2
F5.004 PID input filtering
F5.034 time
F5.001/F5.031 = 0 AI2 2
reference F5.008/F5.038
F8.029 Feed Forward Gain
0 F8.037 F5.023
AI1 PID Characteristic selector
PID1 F8.039
F4.012 = 4 Xi(22)
In the above diagram, KP is the proportional gain; Ki is the After the system is determined, the basic process of
integral gain. parameter setting of the closed loop is as follows:
In Fig.5.24, definitions of closed loop reference value, ① Determine the reference channel and the feedback
feedback value, deviation limit and proportional-integral channel of the closed loop (F5.001/F5.031 and
parameter are the same as those of general PI regulation, F5.002/F5.032);
and see F5.001~F5.022 / F5.031~F5.052 for their definitions. ② Set the relationship between the closed loop reference
EV2000 built-in PI closed loop has the following two and the feedback as required by the closed loop
features: (F5.09~F5.012/ F5.039~F5.042);
The relationship between the reference value and the ③ Measure the encoder's revolution number as required
corresponding expected feedback value is defined through by the closed loop (F5.060);
F5.009~F5.012 / F5.039~F5.042. ④ Determine features of the closed loop adjustment. If
For example, in Fig.5.22, when the reference value is the the given motor rotating speed is reverse to the required
analog signal of 0~10V, the expected corresponding one, set the closed loop feature adjustment as the reverse
controlled value is 0~1 MP; the corresponding pressure action (F5.023/F5.053=1);
sensor signal is 4~20 mA; and the relationship between the ⑤ Set functions of the integral adjustment option and the
reference value and expected feedback value is shown in closed loop pre-set frequency (F5.024~F5.027) (limited to
Fig.5.25. PID1);
Expected feedback value And adjust the closed loop's filtering time, sampling cycle,
deviation limit, and gain coefficient (F5.013~F5.022).
Closed loop Ex A1/ Ex A2 are the external analogue reference 2 from
reference SI-IO
2:AI2 PID1 max reference
3: Ex A1 corrsponding to
feedback value
4: Ex A2
F5.004 PID1 Reference Filtering Range:0.01~50.00s (0.50s) PID1 min PID1 max
F5.005 PID1 Feedback Filtering Range:0.01~50.00s (0.50s) reference reference
Negative regulation of feedback
There are often some interference to the external reference
signal and feedback signal. The channels shall be filtered by
setting the filtering time constant of F5.003 and F5.004. The
PID1 max reference
longer the filtering time is, the stronger the anti-interference
corrsponding to
capacity is, and the slower the response is; the shorter the feedback value
filtering time is, the quicker the respongse is, but the weaker
the anti-interference capacity is.
PID1 min reference
F5.006 PID1 Digital Reference Range:0.00~100.00% (0.00%) corrsponding to
feedback value
PID Digital Reference (F5.006) is active when PID Reference
Selector (F5.001) is set to 0. PID1 min PID1 max
reference reference
Fig.5.27 Schematic diagram for reference and feedback
F5.007 PID1 Feed Forward
Range: 0.00~100.00% (0.00%) curves
F5.007 is valid when F5.003=0. This function realizes the F5.013 PID1 Proportional Gain 1 Range:0.000~4.000 (1.000)
PID1 feedfoward setting of the operation panel or serial F5.014 PID1 Integral Gain 1 Range:0.000~4.000 (0.500)
F5.015 PID1 Differential Gain 1 Range:0.000~4.000 (0.000)
F5.008 PID1 Feed Forward Gain Range:0.00~10.00 (1.00)
This parameter is used to adjust the proportion of the F5.016 PID1 Gain 2 Enable Range:0,1 (0)
feedforward reference. F5.017~F5.020 as well as switching to gain 2 by terminal will
only valid if parameter F5.016 is set to 1
F5.009 PID1 Minimum
Range: 0.0%~F5.011 (0.0%) F5.017 PID1 Proportional Gain
Reference Range:0.000~4.000 (1.000)
F5.010 Feedback
Corresponding to PID1 Range: 0.0~100.0% (20.0%) F5.018 PID1 Integral Gain 2 Range:0.000~4.000 (0.500)
Minimum Reference F5.019 PID1 Differential Gain 2 Range:0.000~4.000 (0.000)
F5.011 PID1 Maximum Range: F5.009~100.0%
Reference (100.0%) Range: 0.00~100.00%
F5.020 PID1 Gain switch level
F5.012 Feedback (50.00%)
Corresponding to PID1 Range: 0.0~100.0% (100.0%) Switch to Gain 2 when feedback reached F5.020 this level
Maximum Reference
F5.009 to F5.012 defines the relationship between the F5.021 PID1 Sampling Period Range:0.004~50.000s (0.500s)
reference and feedback value of analogue PID. When PID1 PID Sampling Period (F5.021/F5.051) defines the time period
Reference Selector (F5.001) is set to 0, these parameters are between successive executions of the PID algorithm. The
not active, see F5.001 and F5.002 for the details. The setting actual PID Sampling period has to be an integer multiple of
is the ratio (percentage value) of reference and feedback 4ms therefore if the value entered in this parameter is not
value to (10V or 20mA). an integer multiple of 4ms then it will be rounded down to
Positive regulation of feedback the nearest valid value.
Reference See F5.022 for the allowed maximum deviation for the
system output compared to the closed loop reference.
F5.037 is valid when F5.033=0. This function realizes the
PID2 feedfoward setting of the operation panel or serial
port. F5.053 PID2 Polarity Selector Range:0,1 (0)
F5.038 PID2 Feed Forward Set PID2 Characteristic Selector (F5.053) to 0 if the motor
Range:0.00~10.00 (1.00) Speed is required to be increased with the increase of the
This parameter is used to adjust the proportion of the reference.
feedforward reference. 1: Negative
Set PID2 Characteristic Selector (F5.053) to 1 if the motor
speed is required to decrease with the increase of the
F5.039 PID2 Minimum
Range:0.0%~F5.041 (0.0%) reference.
F5.040 Feedback F5.060 Pulse Lines Per Revolution Range:0~65535 (256)
Corresponding to PID2 Range:0.0~100.0% (20.0%)
This parameter defines the Lines per revolution of pulse
Minimum Reference
feedback when PID feedback Selector (F5.002) is set to 6
F5.041 PID2 Maximum (Pulse).
Range:F5.039~100.0% (100.0%)
F5.042 Feedback F5.061 PID Preset Reference1 Range:0.00~100.00% (0.00%)
Corresponding to PID2 Range:0.0~100.0% (100.0%)
F5.062 PID Preset Reference2 Range:0.00~100.00% (0.00%)
Maximum Reference
F5.039 to F5.042 define the relationship between the F5.063 PID Preset Reference3 Range:0.00~100.00% (0.00%)
reference and feedback value of analogue PID. When PID2 F5.064 PID Preset Reference4 Range:0.00~100.00% (0.00%)
Reference Selector (F5.031) is set to 0, these parameters are F5.065 PID Preset Reference5 Range:0.00~100.00% (0.00%)
not active, see F5.031 and F5.032 for the details. The setting
is the ratio (percentage value) of reference and feedback F5.066 PID Preset Reference6 Range:0.00~100.00% (0.00%)
value to (10V or 20mA). F5.067 PID Preset Reference7 Range:0.00~100.00% (0.00%)
Except the three channels defined in F5.001 and F5.031, the
F5.043 PID2 Proportional Gain 1 Range:0.000~4.000 (1.000) multi-section closed loop reference defined in
F5.044 PID2 Integral Gain 1 Range:0.000~4.000 (0.500) F5.061~F5.067 can also be used as the closed loop reference
in closed loop reference channels.
F5.045 PID2 Differential Gain 1 Range:0.000~4.000 (0.000) The selection of 1~7 sections of the multi-section closed
loop reference can be switched flexibly through the external
F5.046 PID2 Gain 2 Enable Range:0,1 (0) terminals, please refer to F7.000~F7.005 terminal function
F5.47~F5.50 as well as switching to gain 2 by terminal will 30~32. It can also be used together with the simple PLC, as
only valid if parameter F5.046 is set to 1 shown in the description of Group FE parameter
The priority level of multi-section closed loop reference
control is higher than the reference channels defined in
F5.047 PID2 Proportional Gain 2 Range:0.000~4.000 (1.000)
F5.001 and F5.031.
F5.048 PID2 Integral Gain 2 Range:0.000~4.000 (0.500)
F5.049 PID2 Differential Gain 2 Range:0.000~4.000 (0.000)
5.6 Traverse Operating and BC Brake
Parameters (Group F6)
F5.050 PID2 Gain switch level Range:0.00~100.00% (50.00%)
Switch to Gain 2 when feedback reached F5.050 this level Traverse operation is widely used in textile and chemical
fiber industry. The typical application is shown in Fig.5.30.
Traverse operation process: First, the drive accelerates to
F5.051 PID2 Sampling Period Range:0.004~50.000s (0.500s)
the preset frequency of traverse operation (F6.002) within
PID Sampling Period (F5.051) defines the time period the Acc time and then waits for certain time (F6.003). The
between successive executions of the PID algorithm. The drive transits to the central frequency within Acc/Dec time,
actual PID Sampling period has to be an integer multiple of and at last the drive traverse according to the preset
4ms therefore if the value entered in this parameter is not traverse amplitude (F6.004), jitter frequency (F6.005),
an integer multiple of 4ms then it will be rounded down to traverse cycle (F6.006) and rising time of traverse operation
the nearest valid value. (F6.007) until it receives a stopping command and stops
within Dec time.
F5.052 PID2 Error Limit Range:0.0~20.0% (2.0%)
freq. (Hz) Traverse operation
amplitude Aw=Fset*F6.004
Upper limit of
freq. FH
+ Aw
Central Freq. Fset
Lower limit of freq. FL - Aw a1
BC Brake Apply
BC Brake Release Frequency (F6.013)
Frequency (F6.012)
Drive Active
Reference On
Ramp Hold
BC Brake Release
Frequency (F6.12)
BC Brake Apply
Frequency (F6.13)
Output Frequency (F8.11)
BC Upper Current
Threshold (F6.10)
Drive Active
Reference On
Ramp Hold
BC Pre-brake Release
Delay (F6.14) BC Post-brake Release
Delay (F6.15)
Fig.5.33 Brake controller sequence with BC Initial Direction (F6.16) = 1 and reverse reference
90 compensation Output
Speed 6
output frequency 5速
Speed 5
Output frequency after slip Common
Speed 2
Output current
Pulse frequency K3
93 [0~1.75 times of drive rated current Fig.5.34 Multi-step speed operation
In Fig.5.34 terminal control is selected. The operating direction
Output current can be controlled by K4 and K5. Common operating frequency
Pulse frequency
94 [0~1.75 times of drive rated current and preset frequency 1~7 can be selected through different
(OL)] On/Off combinations of K1, K2 and K3.
Output torque
Pulse frequency
95 [0~1.75 times of drive rated torque
Output voltage [0~1.35 times of Pulse frequency
drive’s rated voltage] output
Bus voltage [0~√3 times of drive’s Pulse frequency
rated voltage] output
98 Analog Input AI1 Pulse frequency
the PLC operation. Refer FE.000~FE.014 to how to use this If the setting is 25, the frequency reference will be input via
terminal. terminal AI1 forcibly. The frequency selector will be changed
15: Acc/Dec prohibiting command to the previous one if this terminal function is disabled.
If the setting is 15, the terminal can make the motor operate 26: Reserved
at present speed without being influenced by external signal 27: Terminal control mode is forcibly enabled
(except stopping command). When this terminal function is enabled, the operating
Note: command is input through this terminal forcibly. The
This terminal is disabled in normal Dec-to-stop process. frequency selector will be changed to the previous one if this
16: 3-wire operation control. terminal function is disabled.
, X5 is normally-open contact and X6 is normally-close contact. 28~29: On/Off combinations of terminals 1 and 2 for different
control modes selection
Different with No. 6~7 functions, the external stopping signal Terminal 2 Terminal 1 Control modes
will not trigger alarm and the drive can resume normal
OFF OFF Hold the control mode
operation after the signal is removed.
19: DC injection braking signal OFF ON Panel control mode
If the setting is 19, the terminal can be used to perform DC ON OFF Terminal control mode
injection braking to the motor that is running so as to realize ON ON Serial port control mode
the emergent stop and accurate location of the motor. Initial
Table.5.9 Control modes
braking frequency and braking current are defined by F2.015
and F2.011. Braking time is the greater value between F2.12 The control modes in Table.5.9 can be selected by the
and the effective continuous time defined by this control different On/Off combinations of terminals 1 and 2.
terminal. 30~32: Selecting preset close-loop reference frequencies via
20: disabling close-loop function On/Off combinations of terminals 1~3.
If the setting is 20, the terminal can be used to realize the
flexible switching between close-loop operation and low level Terminal Terminal Terminal Preset close-loop reference
operating mode. 3 2 1 selection
21: disabling PLC Close-loop reference is
If the setting is 21, the terminal is used to realize the flexible decided by F5.01
switching between PLC operation and low level operating Preset close-loop reference
mode 1
Preset close-loop reference
Note: 2
The switching between operation modes can be enabled only Preset close-loop reference
in PLC operation (unit’s place of FE.000 is not 0). OF ON ON
When the drive is switched to low level operating mode, its Preset close-loop reference
start/stop, operating direction, ACC/Dec time should be ON OFF OFF
compliant with corresponding operating modes accordingly. Preset close-loop reference
22~24: Terminals 1~3 for reference frequency selector. ON OFF ON
Different ON/OFF combinations of terminals 1, 2 and 3 can Preset close-loop reference
select different reference frequency selectors as shown in ON ON OFF
Table.5.8. The drive will act to the command from the terminal Preset close-loop reference
or F0.000, whichever comes late. ON ON ON
Table.5.10 Preset close-loop reference selection
Terminal 3 Terminal 2 Terminal 1 Freq. selector The preset close-loop references in Table.5.10 can be selected
OFF OFF OFF Hold the setting by the different On/Off combinations of terminals 1~3.
33: Start traverse operation
OFF OFF ON Digital setting 1 When the traverse operation is set to “manual start”, the
traverse function can be enabled if this terminal is enabled,
OFF ON OFF Digital setting 2
see Group F6 parameters for details.
OFF ON ON Digital setting 3 34: Reset the traverse operating status
If traverse operation is enabled, switching on this terminal can
ON OFF OFF AI1 analog input clear the memorized information about traverse operation no
ON OFF ON AI2 analog input matter the drive is in auto start or manual start mode.
Traverse operation restarts after this terminal is disconnected.
ON ON OFF PULSE terminal input See group F6 parameters.
ON ON ON PULSE terminal input 35: external stopping command
This stopping command is active in all control modes. When
Table.5.8 requency selectors this terminal is enabled, the drive will stop in the mode
25: Frequency reference is input via terminal AI1 forcibly defined in F2.008.
time, the function of this terminal should be defined as No.16 F7.012 Multi-function relay 2 terminal Range: 0~20(0)
function of “3-wire operation”. The output functions of relay 2 terminal are the same as the
functions in F7.011.
In terminal control mode, for 2-wire operating mode 1 and 2, Note:
although the terminal is enabled, the drive will not run The relay 2 terminal is owned only by large frames from Frame
forward or reverse when the drive stops due to the STOP 5 to Frame 8.
command from other stop command, such as: terminal
function 11 or 35 (see F7.000~F7.005), PLC stop after single
F7.013 Frequency arriving signal Range:0.00~550.00Hz(2.50H
cycle, stop due to the arrival of fixed length, pressing STOP key
(FAR) z)
(see F9.007). If you need to start the drive again, enable
If the drive’s output frequency is within the detecting range of
FWD/REV again. However, when the drive stops due to a fault,
preset frequency, a pulse signal will be output. Set F7.000,
it will start immediately if the terminal FWD/REV is enabled
F7.001 = 61 and F7.011 = 1,a pulse signal will be output
and the fault is cleared.
through Y1, Y2 and relay terminal.
frequency of Y1
Setting Functions Mode 0:1KHz
Output frequency before slip 15.1 bit resolution at Fmax
0 compensation Analog output 1:2 KHz
(0~Max output frequency) 14.1 bit resolution at Fmax
Output frequency after slip 2:5 KHz
1 compensation Analog output 12.8 bit resolution at Fmax
(0~Max output frequency) 3:10KHz
11.8 bit resolution at Fmax
Preset frequency Defines the maximum frequency required at the frequency
2 Analog output
(0~Max output frequency) output if Y1’s function is a frequency output. Due to
Output current limitations in the hardware, higher output frequencies do not
3 (0~1.75 times of drive rated Analog output offer the best resolution at the top end of the frequency
current (OL)) range.1, 2, 5, and 10kHz (0~3).
Output current
4 (0~1. 75 times ofmotor rated Analog output F7.033 Preset last counting value Range: F7.034~9999(0)
current (RFC-A)) F7.034 Preset early counting value Range: 0~F7.033 (0)
Output torque Preset last counting value: it defines after Xi receives the
5 (0~2 times of motor rated torque Analog output number of pulse F7.033, the relay or Yi (bi-direction
(OL)) input/output terminal)will give a signal.
Output voltage For example: as shown in Fig.5.44, when the eighth pulse
6 (0~1.35 times of drive’s rated Analog output signal is received by terminal Xi, Y1 outputs an indicating signal.
voltage) At this time F7.033=8.
Bus voltage Preset early counting value: when Xi receives the number of
7 (0~√3 times of drive’s rated Analog output pulse F7.034, Yi will give a signal which will last until F7.033
voltage) arrives.
As shown in Fig.5.44, when Xi receives the 5th pulse, Y2
8 AI1 Analog output outputs an indication signal. It lasts until X1 receives the 8th
9 AI2 Analog output pulse. In this case, F7.034=5, F7.033=8. F7.034 is invalid if it is
Output power bigger than F7.033.
10 Analog output
(0~2 times of rated power)
Serial communication AO1 Xi输入
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3 X4 FF.006 = 1 Set 1
Y1 invert
5 Reserved Y1 terminal
6 FWD FF.006 = 1 Set 1 F7.043 F7.044 F7.043 F7.043 F7.044 F7.043 F7.044
Bit Parameter
Fig.5.45 Output on/off delay 6 External Counting Value
F7.044 Y1 output off delay Range: 0.0~3600.0s(0.0s) 7 Terminal Status
8 Actual Length
5.8 Display (Group F8) 9 Preset Length
F8.001 Displayed parameter Range:0000000000~1111111 10 PID2 feecback%
group 1 during operation 111 (1111111111) 11 PID2 Reference %
12 Reserved
Bit Parameter 13 Reserved
Output Frequency (before 14 Reserved
15 Reserved
Output Frequency (after Table.5.18 Displayed parameter group 2 during operation
2 Set Frequency
When the rotating speed and line speed are displayed, these
3 Output Current (A) values can be revised by pressing ▲ and ▼ directly (no need
4 Actual Speed (rpm) to switch to frequency displaying status).
5 Set Speed (rpm) When F8.001 and F8.002 are all set to 0, the frequency before
compensation will be displayed.
6 Actual Line Speed (m/s)
Press key to scroll through the parameters set in
7 Set Line Speed (m/s) F8.002 during operation.
8 Output Power
9 Output Torque (%) F8.003 Customer Defined
Range:0.0~1000.0% (100.0%)
10 Reserved Speed Scaling
11 Reserved Customer defined speed scaling (F8.003) is used to calibrate
the speed values that are displayed in status mode. There is no
12 Reserved impact on the actual speed of the motor.
13 Reserved The relationship between other parameters and these 3
14 Reserved parameters (F8.003, F8.004, F8.005) is shown in Table.5.19:
Result Parameter = Original Parameter * Scaling
15 Reserved
Table.5.17 Displayed parameter group 1 during operation
Result parameter
VF Scaling
Displayed parameter group 1 during operation (F8.001) and parameter RFC
Status Mode Parameter 2 (F8.002) control the parameters that F8.014 Measured
can be cycled through using the ESC/BACK ( ) button F8.010 *
(Actual frequency F8.003
whilst the drive is running and in status mode. 60 / p1
speed) *60 / p
If Bit is 0, the parameter will not be displayed; Final Final
If Bit is 1, the parameter will be displayed. F8.015 (Set Demand Demand
For example, Unit place of LED (Bit0) is to display the “output F8.003
speed) Reference Reference
frequency before compensation”, if Bit0=0, the parameter will * 60 / p * 60 / p
not be displayed, if Bit0=1, the parameter will be displayed. F8.016
(Output F8.010 F8.004
F8.002 Displayed parameter Range:0000000000~1111111 line speed)
group 2 during operation 111 (000000000000) Final Final
F8.017 (Set
Demand Demand F8.004
line speed)
Reference Reference
Bit Parameter F8.029
(PID1 PID 1 reference
0 Output Voltage (V) reference F8.005
1 Bus Voltage (v) F8.030
2 Analog Input 1 (%) PID 1
(PID1 PID 1 feedback
feedback F8.005
3 Analog Input 2 (%) Feedback)
4 PID1 feedback (%) Table.5.19 The relationship between scaling and result
5 PID1 Reference (%)
P is number of motor’s pole-pairs
positive energy value indicates net transfer of energy from the Bit Terminal name
drive to the motor. If Reset Energy Meter (F8.019) = 1 then
0 X1/Y1
Energy Meter: MWh (F8.020) and Energy Meter: kWh (F8.021)
are held at zero. If Reset Energy Meter (F8.019) = 0 then the 1 X2
energy meter is enabled and will accumulate the energy flow. 2 X3
If the maximum or minimum of Energy Meter: MWh (F8.020) 3 X4
is reached the parameter does not rollover and is instead 4 Reserved
clamped at the maximum or minimum value.
5 Reserved
F8.020 Energy Meter: MWh Range:-999.9~999.9MWh
See Reset Energy Meter (F8.019)
8 TC1
F8.021 Energy Meter: kWh Range:-99.9~99.9KWh 9 Reserved
See Reset Energy Meter (F8.019) 10 Reserved
11 Reserved
F8.022 DC Link Voltage Range:0~999V 12 Reserved
DC Link Voltage (F8.022) gives the voltage across the DC link of 13 Reserved
the drive. Table.5.21 Digital I/O Read Word
F8.023 Status Word F8.025 Analog Input 1 Range:-100.00~100.00% (0.00% )
The value for Analog Input 1 (F8.025) is defined for the
The bits in Status Word (F8.023) mirror the status bit
different modes in the table below.
parameters as shown in Table.5.20. Where the parameters do
not exist in any mode the bit remains at zero.
Mode Input Level
Bit Description Voltage (Input Voltage/ 10V) x 100.00%
0 Drive healthy 0-20mA (Input Current / 20mA) x 100.00%
1 Drive Active 20-0mA (20mA - Input Current) / 20mA x 100.00%
2 At zero frequency 4-20mA (Input Current - 4mA) / 16mA x 100.00%
3 Running at or below minimum frequency 20-4mA (20mA - Input Current) / 16mA x 100.00%
4 Lower limit of frequency (FLL) Table.5.22 Analog Input AI1 calculation
5 At frequency F8.026 Analog Input 2 Range:0.00~100.00% (0.00% )
6 High limit of frequency (FHL) See calculation in Table.5.22.
7 Rated load reached
8 Current limit active
Digital mode: This input can also be configured as a digital
9 Regenerating input in which case this parameter will indicate 0.00% or
10 Braking IGBT active 100.00% depending on the state of the input.
11 Braking resistor alarm
F8.027 Analog output 1 Range:0.0~100.0% (0.0% )
12 Reverse direction commanded
Displays the value of analog output 1. This value refers to the
13 Reverse direction running AO output value adjusted by F7.030 and F7.041.
14 Supply loss
Table.5.20 Status Word functional descriptionDigital I/O Read F8.028 Reserved
Word (F8.024) reflects the state of X1-X6 and both relays as The AO output value adjusted by F7.031 and F7.042.
given in Table.5.21. Each bit matches the value of the actual
input before any inversion or toggle selections are applied. F8.029 PID1 Reference Range:-100.00~100.00% (0.00%)
The bit value for digital outputs will include the state inversion
It’s used for displaying the percentage of PID1 reference. The
if selected in the invert/toggle parameter.
PID1 reference (F8.029) is the value scaled by PID1 coefficient
F8.024 Digital I/O Read Word
F8.030 PID1 Feedback Range:-100.00~100.00% (0.00% )
It’s used for displaying the percentage of PID1 feedback. The
Bit Terminal name PID1 feedback (F8.030) is the value scaled by PID1 coefficient
F8.033 Total fan operation time Range:0~65535h ( 0 ) F8.039 PID1 Output Range:-100.00~100.00% (%)
Displays the output for PID1
F8.034 Status Mode – Stop Range:00000000000000~111111
Parameters 11111111 (00000111111111) F8.040 PID2 Output Range:-100.00~100.00% (%)
Displays the output for PID2Displays the output for PID2
Bit Parameter
F8.041 Magnetising Current Range:-999.99~999.99A (A)
0 Final selected reference
Shows the instantaneous level of magnetising current
1 External counting value
2 Running rotating speed (rpm) F8.042 Torque Producing
Range:-999.99~999.99A (A)
3 Preset rotating speed (rpm) Current
4 Running line speed (m/s) Shows the instantaneous level of torque producing current
5 Preset line speed (m/s)
F8.043 Final Torque Reference Range:-999.99~999.99% (%)
6 Analog input 1 (%)
Open-loop modes
7 Analog input 2 (%)
The Final Torque Reference (F8.043) will display the same as
8 PID1 Feedback (%) Torque Reference (F4.013) as a percentage.
9 PID1 Reference (%)
10 Actual length RFC modes
The Frequency Controller Output can include a feed forward
11 Preset length
torque that will provide the torque necessary to accelerate the
12 Terminal status load inertia. This can be combined with the Torque Reference
13 DC bus voltage (F4.013) as defined by the Torque Mode Selector (F4.011) to
14 Reserved give the Final Torque Reference (F8.043) as a percentage of
the rated torque for the motor..
15 Reserved
Table.5.23 Status Mode – Stop Parameters F8.044 Final Current
Range:-999.9~999.9% (%)
F8.034 define the parameter that can be displayed by keypad Reference
in stop status. Open loop:
If Bit is 0, the parameter will not be displayed; Output Frequency (F8.010)| ≤ Motor Rated Frequency
If Bit is 1, the parameter will be displayed. (F0.007)
For example, Unit place of LED (Bit0) is to display the “Final
selected reference”, if Bit0=0, the parameter will not be Current reference = Final Torque Reference (F8.043)
displayed, if Bit0=1, the parameter will be displayed. |Output Frequency (F8.010)| > Motor Rated Frequency
This parameter controls the parameters that can be cycled Current reference = Final Torque Reference (F8.043) x Motor
through using the ESC/BACK ( ) button whilst the drive is Rated Frequency (F0.007) / Output Frequency (F8.010)
in the READY state and the keypad is in status mode. RFC modes:
Current reference = Final Torque Reference (F8.043) x Motor
Range:0.0~100.0% Rated Flux / Motor FluxNote:
F8.035 Motor thermal accumulator It is possible to disable the flux compensation by setting Flux
Control Compensation Disable (F4.023) to 1. This is only
Shows the level of the motor protection accumulator.
normally required to prevent motor instability when an
inaccurate value for Motor Rated Speed (FH.003) is being used
F8.036 Command Selected Indicator Range:0~2 in RFC-A mode.
Displays which command source is currently selected
0: Keypad F8.045 Final Current Limit Range:-999.9~999.9% (175.0%)
1: Terminals
Shows the final current limit that is applied to the torque
2: Comms
producing current.
The initial value of the reference comes from F9.002 and the 0: Inactive
setting frequency can be changed through the terminal Do not adjust the combined frequency after combining the
Up/Dn. main and auxiliary reference frequencies.
3: Serial port reference 1: Adjust according to the maximum output frequency F0.006
Digital reference 3. Serial port reference selection. The initial Final reference frequency = combined frequency + F0.006 ×
value of the reference comes from F9.002 and the setting F9.007
frequency can be changed through FF.009. 2: Adjust according to the current frequency
4: AI1 analog reference Final reference frequency = combined frequency + combined
AI1 analog reference frequency × F9.007
5: AI2 analog reference
AI2 analog reference F9.007 Final Reference Range:-100.0%~100.0%
6: Terminal pulse reference adjustment coefficient (0.0%)
Terminal pulse input reference
7:ExA1 See the description of the selection parameter (F9.006) for
8:ExA2 final reference adjustment.
starting at the threshold frequency through the width of the calculation function will be enabled only after the terminal is
hysteresis. disconnected.
A1Current input The actual length F9.017 will be automatically saved upon
The fixed-length stop function is disabled when the setting
length F9.016 is 0, but the length calculation function remains
Example of the application of fixed-length stop:
Original setting
Speed sensor Speed shaft
Actual setting
determine whether the inverter runs automatically after the See FH.003
power-up. Please refer to Table.5.24.
FC.005 M2 Motor Rated
Range: 0.00~1.00 (0.85)
Operat Two-wire Power Factor
Status ion Serial Three-wire See FH.004
terminals 1
F9.023 before panel port terminals 1 & 2 &2
setting power
FC.006 M2 Motor Rated Range: 0~480 V (drive
failure Running command upon the None
power-up: none able Voltage determine)
See F0.008
Stop 0 0 0 0 0
Run 0 0 0 0 0 FC.007 M2 Motor Rated
Range: 1.00~550.00 Hz (50.00 )
Stop 0 0 0 0 1
1 See F0.007
Run 1 1 1 0 1
Table.5.24 Startup Conditions for Re-start upon Power Failure FC.008 M2 Motor Stator Range: 0.0000~99.9999Ω
Resistance (0.0000 )
Note: See FH.005
Table.5.24 shows the actions of the inverter upon power-up: 0:
enter the standby mode; 1: start running automatically. FC.009 M2 Transient Range: 0.000~500.000 mH
When the start/stop is controlled through the operation panel, Inductance (0.000 )
serial port and three-wire terminal 1 & 2, the command type is See FH.006
pulse type and there is no running command upon power-up.
Stop has the priority if there is any stop command.
FC.010 M2 Stator Range: 0.000~500.000 mH
When the function of re-start upon power failure is enabled, if
Inductance (0.000 )
the inverter is powered up again after it is not completely
powered down (i.e. the inverter LED displays UU process), it See FH.007
will restart under the rotating speed tracing mode; if the
inverter is powered up again after it is completely powered FC.011 Motor and Load Range: 0.00~1000.00 kgm²
down (i.e. the LED on the operation panel is completely off), it Inertia (0.00 )
will restart under the mode set by F2.000. The motor and load inertia represents the total inertia driven
by the motor. This is used to set the frequency controller gains
5.10 Option Module Parameter Setting (Group (see Motor ASR-P1 (F4.001)) and to provide torque
feed-forwards during acceleration when required (see Torque
FA) Mode Selector (F4.011)). It is possible to measure the inertia
as part of the auto-tune process, see Auto-tune (FH.008).
FA.001 option module ID Range:0~999 (0)
FC.012 M2 Saturation
Range: 0.0~100.0% (50.0% )
Breakpoint 1
5.11 Motor 2 parameters(Group FC)
FC.000 Select Motor 2 Parameters Range: 0,1 (0) FC.013 M2 Saturation
Range: 0.0~100.0% (75.0% )
0:Motor 1 Breakpoint 3
1:Motor 2
FC.014 M2 Saturation
Range: 0.0~100.0% (00.0% )
FC.001 M2 Number of Motor Poles Range: 0~32 (0) Breakpoint 2
See FH.000
FC.015 M2 Saturation
Range: 0.0~100.0% (00.0% )
FC.002 M2 Motor Rated Breakpoint 4
Range: 0.25~999.9 kw(0.00)
Power Note:
See FH.001 FC.011~FC.015 are only for RFC-A mode.
FC.019 M2 Command
Range: 0~2 (0) FC.036 M2 ASR-I1 Range: 0.00~655.35 s²/rad(0.10)
Source Selector
See F4.002
See F0.004.
Range: 0.00000~0.65535
FC.020 M2 Command to FC.037 M2 ASR-D1
Range: 000~666 (000) 1/rad(0.00000)
Reference Binding
See F4.003
See F9.000
FC.021 M2 Acceleration Rate 1 Range: 0.1~3200.0s (6.0) FC.035~FC.037 are only for RFC-A mode.
See F0.010. FC.038 M2 ACR-P Range: 0.00~4000.00(20.00)
FE.000 Simple PLC operation Fig.5.55 Stopping mode after single cycle of PLC
Range: 0000~1123(0000)
mode 2: Maintain the final value after single cycle of operation
As shown in Fig.5.58, the drive will maintain the operating
frequency and direction of last stage after completing one
cycle of operation.
FE.009 PLC Stage 5 Setting Range: 000~323(000) external terminals. For example: to run forward by closing
FWD-COM terminal, and run reverse by closing REV-COM. If
FE.010 PLC Time Of Stage 5 Range: 0~6500s(min)(20.0s) no command is given, the drive will run in the direction of last
FE.011 PLC Stage 6 Setting Range: 000~323(000)
FE.012 PLC Time Of Stage 6 Range: 0~6500s(min)(20.0s) 5.13 Communication Parameters (Group FF)
FE.013 PLC Stage 7 Setting Range: 000~323(000) FF.000 Communication Reset Range: 0,1 (0)
0:Not perform communication reset function
FE.014 PLC Time Of Stage 7 Range: 0~6500s(min)(20.0s)
1:perform communication reset function
FE.001,FE.003,FE.005,FE.007,FE.009,FE.011,FE.013 are used to
configure the operating frequency, direction and Acc/Dec time Note:
of each PLC operating stage. These functions are all selected Setting parameter Communications Reset (FF.000) = 1 will
by digits, as shown in Fig.5.60, The 7 stages of PLC can reset the serial communications system on the drive allowing
correspond to MS or close loop running. any changes to the serial communications settings to take
AB C D effect. This parameter will be automatically reset to 0 after the
reset has occurred and the new settings are in effect.
Frequency setting FF.001 Communication baud rate
0: Preset reference i Range: 0~8 (8)
1: Determined by F0.00
2: Preset close-loop reference i
3: Determined by F5.01 Value Text
Running direction selection 0 1200 BPS
0: Forward 1 2400 BPS
1: Reverse
2: Determined by operating 2 4800 BPS
3 9600 BPS
Acc/Dec time selection
4 19200 BPS
0: Acc/Dec 1
1: Acc/Dec 2 5 38400 BPS
2: Acc/Dec 3
3: Acc/Dec 4 6 57600 BPS
7 76800 BPS
8 115200 BPS
Fig.5.60 Settings of PLC stage i (i=1~7) Table.5.25 Communication baud rate selector
A: thousand’s place B: Hundred’s place FF.002 Communication data
C: Ten’s place D: Decimal’s place Range: 0~11 (5)
Decimal’s place for setting stage i:
0: Select preset reference i, for example: FE.001 sets the
parameter of stage 1, so the reference frequency is preset Text Description
reference 1 set by F3.023. Please refer to F3.023~F3.029 for Dat
Value LE Stop Parit Addressing
definitions of preset reference. LCD a
D Bits y Mode
1: The frequency is determined by parameter F0.000 bits
2: Preset close-loop reference i, for example: FE.003 sets the 82 Standard
0 0 2 None
parameter of stage 2, so the reference frequency is close-loop NP RTU
reference 2 set by F5.062. Please refer to F5.061~F5.067 for 81 Standard
1 1 1 None
definitions of preset close-loop reference. NP RTU
3: Determined by Parameter F5.001 Standard
PLC can realize close-loop operation in a certain stage. 2 2 8 1 EP 1 Even
Close-loop reference selectors can be preset close-loop 81 Standard
reference i or determined by parameter F5.001; and the 3 3 1 Odd
feedback is determined by F5.002. When the reference 8
selector is determined by parameter F5.001, the terminals can 4 4 2 None Modified
be selected via preset close-loop reference. See F7.000~F7.002, 81
F7.005, F5.061~F5.067 for details. 5 5 1 None Modified
8 1 EP
Note: 6 6 1 Even Modified
When the PLC operating direction is determined by operating 81
commands, the direction of the motor can be controlled by 7 7 1 Odd Modified
Text Description If the drive has not detected the communication signal from
Dat the serial port for certain time, it will judge that
Value LE Stop Parit Addressing
LCD a communication failure occurs. The time threshold is defined
D Bits y Mode by FF.004.
Standard If FF.004 is set to 0, the drive will not detect the
8 8 7 1 EP 1 Even communication signal of serial port and this function is
71 Standard disabled. The behaviour of the communication failure is
9 9 1 Odd controlled by FL.013, see FL.013.
7 Changing this parameter does not immediately change the
7 1 EP
10 10 1 Even Modified serial communications settings. See Communication Reset
71 (FF.000) for more details.
11 11 1 Odd Modified
Table.5.26 Communication data format FF.005 Local reply delay Range: 0~250ms(5ms)
The drive uses the Modbus RTU protocol and is always a slave. There will always be a finite delay between the end of a
Changing this parameter does not immediately change the message from the host (master) and the time at which the
serial communications settings. See Communication Reset host is ready to receive the response from the drive (slave).
(FF.000) for more details. The drive does not respond until at least 1ms after the
Communication data format (FF.002) defines the data format message has been received from the host allowing 1ms for the
used by the serial interface as follows. host to change from transmit to receive mode. This initial
There are two addressing modes supported, standard or delay can be extended using Local reply delay (FF.005) if
modified register mode. The RTU register value is derived from required.
the numerical equivalent of the function group (ne) and Changing this parameter does not immediately change the
parameter number (pn) as given in the table below. Modified serial communications settings. See Communication Reset
mode is provided to allow parameter numbers up to 255 to be (FF.000) for more details.
addressed. If any function groups with equivalent numbers
above 63 should contain more than 99 parameters, then these Local reply
parameters cannot be accessed via Modbus RTU. delay (FF.005)
The transmitters are turned on and data
0ms transmission begins immediately after the
Numerical equivalent of function groups
initial delay (≥1ms)
Numerical Equivalent
Function group The transmitters are turned on after the
1ms initial delay (≥1ms) and data transmission
F0 0
begins 1ms later
F1 1
The transmitters are turned on after a
⁞ ⁞ delay of at least the time specified by Local
F8 8 ≥2ms
reply delay (FF.05) and data transmission
F9 9 begins 1ms later
F[a,A] 10 Table.5.29 Local reply delay description
F[b,B] 11
The drive holds its own transmitters active for up to 1ms after
⁞ ⁞
it has transmitted data before switching to the receive mode;
F[y,Y] 34
the host should not send any data during this time.
F[z,Z] 35
Changing this parameter does not immediately change the
Table.5.27 Numerical equivalent of function groups
serial communications settings. See Communication Reset
Addressing (FF.000) for more details.
Modbus RTU Register Address
(ne x 100) + pn FF.006 Virtual terminal Range: 0,1 (0)
where ne ≤ 162 and pn ≤ 99
Setting FF.06 to 1 allows all serial digital input and output to
(ne x 256) + pn – 1 be controlled by serial by writing to F7.036. See F7.036.
Modified (M)
where ne ≤ 63 and pn ≤ 255
Table.5.28 Communication addressing Mode
FF.007 Comms Control Word Range: 0~32767 (0)
FF.003 Local address Range: 1~247 (1) The control word will only take effect if the command source
In serial communication, FF.003 is used to identify the drive’s is selected as ‘Comms’ (F0.004 = 2) except bit 12,13,14.
address in the range from 1 to 247. Changing this parameter Bit12,13,14 will always take effect when any command source
does not immediately change the serial communications is selected.
settings. See Communication Reset (FF.000) for more details. The bit of control word(FF.007)are used instead of their
corresponding parameters function as show in the Table.5.30.
FF.004 Communications
Range: 0.0~1000.0s(0.0s)
timeout time
circuit of an induction motor shown below. calculate Motor 1 Rated Power Factor (FH.004). The motor
should be unloaded for this test.
The table below shows the trips that can occur during an auto
tune test:
Trip Reason
Autotune The final drive enable or the final drive run was
Stopped removed before the test was completed.
The measured value of the Motor 1 Stator
Resistance Resistance (FH.005) exceeded the range of the
Fig.5.61 Equivalent Circuit Diagram for Asynchronous Motor in parameter.
Steady State Table.5.31 Description of Self-Setting Failure in Open Loop
The steady state parameters are converted to equivalent Mode
transient model parameters: The following describes how an auto-tune test can be initiated
Rs = R1 and normal operation can be resumed after the test for Open
Lm = Lm loop:
Ls = L1 + Lm 1. Correctly set mortor rated frequency, mortor rated
Lr = L2 + Lm voltage, mortor Number of polarities, mortor rated current
σLs = Ls - (Lm2 / Lr) and mortor rated speed.
The equivalent drive parameters are: 2. An auto-tune test cannot be initiated if the drive is
Motor 1 Stator Resistance (FH.005) = Rs tripped or the drive inverter is active.
Motor 1 Transient Inductance (FH.006) = σLs 3. An auto-tune test is initiated by setting Auto-tune
Motor 1 Stator Inductance (FH.007) = Ls (FH.008) to a non-zero value and making the Final drive enable
and the Final drive run active.
FH.006 Motor 1 Transient Range: 0.000~500.000 mH (0.000 4. All tests that move the motor will move the motor in the
Inductance mH) forward direction.
See Motor 1 Stator Resistance (FH.005). 5. If the auto-tune sequence is completed successfully the
Final drive enable is set to the inactive state and Auto-tune
(FH.008) is set to zero from nonzero.
FH.007 Motor 1 Stator Range:0.00~5000.00 mH (0.000
6. If a trip occurs during the auto-tune sequence the drive
Inductance mH)
will go into the trip state and Auto-tune (FH.008) is set to zero.
See Motor 1 Stator Resistance (FH.005). After the trip has been reset, FH.008 need be set again, and
the auto-tune can be continued. However, care should be
Range:open loop mode:0~2,RFC taken because if the auto-tune was not completed the drive
FH.008Auto tune
model: 0~3 (0) parameters that should have been measured and set up will
The function can enable auto tuning of motor’s parameters still have their original values.
and write the results in the related parameters automatically. The following describes the effects of the auto-tune test on the
The following describes how an auto-tune test can be initiated drive:
and normal operation can be resumed after the test for Open 1. All auto-tune tests rely on the motor being stationary
loop and RFC-A mode: when the test is initiated to give accurate results.
Open loop model 2. If Select Motor 1 Parameters (FC.000 = 0) then the
0: Auto-tuning is disabled parameters associated with motor map 1 are updated as a
1: Stationary auto-tuning (Start auto-tuning to a standstill result of the test, and if Select Motor 2 Parameters (FC.000) = 1
motor) the parameters associated with motor map 2 are updated.
This test measures the basic control parameters without Only when the whole test is completed, are the results written
moving the motor. to the appropriate parameters and these parameters saved in
A stationary test is performed to measure Motor 1 Stator the drive non-volatile memory.
Resistance (FH.005), Motor 1 Transient Inductance (FH.006), RFC-A model
maximum dead-time compensation and the current at 0: Auto-tuning is disabled
maximum dead-time compensation. 1: Stationary auto-tuning (Start auto-tuning to a standstill
2: Rotating auto-tuning motor)
This test measures the parameters for improved performance This test measures the basic control parameters without
by rotating the motor. moving the motor.
Firstly auto-tune test 1 is performed. A stationary test is performed to measure Motor 1 Stator
Secondly a rotating test is performed in which the motor is Resistance (FH.005), Motor 1 Transient Inductance (FH.006),
accelerated with the currently selected ramps up to a maximum dead-time compensation and the current at
frequency of Motor Rated Frequency (F0.007) x 2/3, and the maximum dead-time compensation.
frequency is maintained at that level for 4 seconds. Motor 1 Stator Resistance (FH.005) and Motor 1 Transient
Motor 1 Stator Inductance (FH.007) is measured and this value Inductance (FH.006) are used to set up Motor ACR-P (F4.005)
is used in conjunction with other motor parameters to and Motor ACR-I (F4.006). This is only performed once during
the test, and so the user can make further adjustments to the 2. If Select Motor 1 Parameters (FC.000 = 0) then the
current controller gains if required. parameters associated with motor map 1 are updated as a
2:Rotating auto-tuning result of the test, and if Select Motor 2 Parameters (FC.000) = 1
This test measures the parameters for improved performance the parameters associated with motor map 2 are updated.
by rotating the motor. Only when the whole test is completed, are the results written
Firstly auto-tune test 1 is performed. to the appropriate parameters and these parameters saved in
Secondly a rotating test is performed in which the motor is the drive non-volatile memory.
accelerated with the currently selected ramps up to a
frequency of Motor Rated Frequency (F0.007) x 2/3, and the Note:
frequency is maintained at that level for 4 seconds. Motor 1 When FH.008 is set as 2, if overcurrent or overvoltage occurs
Stator Inductance (FH.007) is measured and this value is used during the self-setting, properly increase the
in conjunction with other motor parameters to calculate acceleration/deceleration time.
Motor 1 Rated Power Factor (FH.004). Also, Saturation When FH.008 is set as 2 for rotation setting, disconnect the
Breakpoint 1 (FH.009), Saturation Breakpoint 2 (FH.010), motor shaft from the loads. It is prohibited to carry out
Saturation Breakpoint 3 (FH.011), Saturation Breakpoint 4 rotation setting when the motor is connected to loads.
(FH.012) were measured. The motor should be unloaded for Before the self-setting, the motor shall be in static status,
this test. otherwise, the self-setting cannot be normally conducted.
The table below shows the trips that can occur during an In certain situations (for instance, the motor cannot be
auto-tune test: disconnected from the loads) where it is inconvenient to
conduct rotation setting, or the users does not have high
Trip Reason Measured in motor control performance requirement, static setting can be
test selected, or the setting can be exempted. In this case, please
Autotune The final drive enable or All enter the proper nameplate parameter of the motor
Stopped the final drive run was (FH.000~FH.003).
removed before the test
was completed. FH.009 Saturation
Range:0.0~100.0% (50.0 )
Resistance The measured value of 1,2 Breakpoint 1 of motor 1
the Motor 1 Stator FH.010 Saturation
Resistance (FH.005) Range:0.0~100.0% (00.0 )
Breakpoint 2 of motor 1
exceeded the range of
the parameter. FH.011 Saturation
Range:0.0~100.0% (75.0 )
Breakpoint 3 of motor 1
The following describes how an auto-tune test can be initiated FH.012 Saturation
Range:0.0~100.0% (00.0 )
and normal operation can be resumed after the test for RFC-A Breakpoint 4 of motor 1
model: FH.013 Motor 1 and Load Range:0.00~1000.00 kgm²
1. Correctly set mortor rated frequency, mortor rated Inertia (0.00 )
voltage, mortor Number of polarities, mortor rated current
The motor and load inertia represents the total inertia driven
and mortor rated speed.
by the motor. This is used to set the frequency controller gains
2. An auto-tune test cannot be initiated if the drive is
(see Motor ASR-P1 (F4.000)) and to provide torque
tripped or the drive inverter is active.
feed-forwards during acceleration when required (see Torque
3. An auto-tune test is initiated by setting Auto-tune
Mode Selector (F4.008)). It is possible to measure the inertia
(FH.008) to a non-zero value and making the Final drive enable
as part of the auto-tune process, see Auto-tune (FH.008).
and the Final drive run active.
4. All tests that move the motor will move the motor in the
forward direction.
FH.009~FH.013 is only available in RFC-A mode.
5. If the auto-tune sequence is completed successfully the
Final drive enable is set to the inactive state and Auto-tune 5.15Protection parameters(FL Group)
(FH.008) is set to zero from nonzero.
6. If a trip occurs during the auto-tune sequence the drive FL.000 Low Frequency Thermal
will go into the trip state and Auto-tune (FH.008) is set to zero. Range:0,1 (0)
Protection Mode
After the trip has been reset, FH.008 need be set again, and
If Low Frequency Thermal Protection Mode (FL.000) = 0 the
the auto-tune can be continued. However, care should be
characteristic is intended for a motor which can operate at
taken because if the auto-tune was not completed the drive
rated current over the whole frequency range. Induction
parameters that should have been measured and set up will
motors with this type of characteristic normally have forced
still have their original values.
The following describes the effects of the auto-tune test on the
If Low Frequency Thermal Protection Mode (FL.000) = 1 the
characteristic is intended for motors where the cooling effect
1. All auto-tune tests rely on the motor being stationary
of motor fan reduces with reduced motor frequency below
when the test is initiated to give accurate results.
half of rated frequency.
FL.007 Motoring Current Limit
Overvolt (165.0%)
point at The Motoring Current Limit: limits the current from the drive
stall to motor when the motor is being accelerated away from
The Regenerating Current Limit: limits the current from the
Time motor to drive when the motor is being decelerated towards
If the Symmetrical Current Limit is below the Motoring Current
Limit then it is used instead of the Motoring Current Limit. If
Output the Symmetrical Current Limit (F4.017) is below the
freq. Regenerating Current Limit (F4.016) then it is used instead of
the Regenerating Current Limit (F4.016).
The maximum values of these parameters depend on the
Time motor rated current and the inverter rated current and power
Fig.5.62 Over-voltage at stall factor. Increasing the motor rated current which is higher than
Note: the overload ratings (default) will lower the current limit
If the stall point is set too low, you can prolong the Acc and values of FL. 007 to FL. 009.
Dec time properly.
The parameter range of FL.007, FL.008 and FL.009 are
FL.004 Overload Pre-alarm Selector Range:0,1 (0) determined by the inverter model and motor rated current.
FL.005 Overload Pre-alarm Range:20~150%
Detection Threshold (130.0%) FL.008 Regenerating Current Range:-1000.0~1000.0%
FL.006 Overload Pre-alarm Limit of motor 1 (165.0%)
Range:0.0~60.0s (5.0s)
Detection Time See FL.007.
FL.004~FL.006 can monitor the overload condition before
overload protection happens. FL.009 Symmetrical Current Range:-1000.0~1000.0%
FL.004=0, Percentage of motor rated current Limit (165.0%)
FL.004=1, Percentage of drive rated current See FL.007.
FL.005 defines the current threshold for overload pre-alarm
protection. The setting range is a percentage value of rated FL.010 Number of Auto-reset Attempts Range:0~6 (0)
current, please refer to FL.004.
FL.006 defines the time during which the drive current exceeds
1: 1
FL.005. If the status remains after this period of time, the drive
2: 2
FL.011 Auto-reset Delay Range:0.0~600.0s (1.0s) FL.017 Sub Trip 1 Range:0~255 (0)
See FL.010.
FL.018 Trip 2 Range:0~255 (0)
FL.012 Action on Non-Important
Range:00~11 (00)
Fault Detection
FL.019 Sub Trip 2 Range:0~255 (0)
Bit1 Bit0 FL.012(Bit1,0)
0 0 00 FL.020 Trip 3 (Last trip) Range:0~255 (0)
0 1 01
1 0 10 FL.021 Sub Trip 3 (Last trip) Range:0~255 (0)
1 1 11
Table.5.32 FL.012 description
FL.022 DC Bus Voltage On Last Trip Range:0~999V
Bit Description
FL.023 Output Current On Last Trip Range:0.00~999.99A
0 If bit 0 is set, the following trips forces the motor to
stop before tripping:
Trip 26, 27, 35, 96, 112 to 167, 173, 189 and 190 FL.024 Output Frequency On Last Range:0.00~550.00Hz
1 If bit 1 is set, the following trips trigger an alarm for Trip
4seconds. The drive will carry on running. The alarm
persists if the trip condition persists. FL.025 Drive State Word On Last Range:0000~FFFF (0000)
Trip 174, 175, 177 to 188 Trip
Table.5.33 FL.012 Bit description
FL.013 Communication FL.026 Braking Resistor Rated Range:0.0~99999.9 kW (0.0
Range:0~3 (2)
Failure Protection Selector Power kW)
When the serial communication signal disappears, and its A thermal protection system is provided for the braking resistor.
retention time exceeds the set value of FF.004, the inverter If Braking Resistor Rated Power (FL.027) is set to zero this
will perform the corresponding actions shown in the table protection system is disabled and the Braking Resistor Thermal
below. Accumulator is held at zero. If braking resistor thermal
0:Protection disabled and keep running protection is required the Braking Resistor Rated Power
1:Alarm and keep running (FL.026), Braking Resistor Thermal Time Constant (FL.027) and
Braking Resistor Resistance (FL.028) should be set up with the FL.033 Low Load Detection Range:0.00~550.00Hz (0.00)
braking resistor parameters. Frequency Threshold
If Low Load Detection Level (FL.034) is set to 0.00 the low load
The thermal time constant of the resistor can be calculated detection system is disabled, otherwise the low load detection
from the single pulse energy rating (E) and continuous power system is enabled. The low load detection system is provided
rating (P) of the resistor. Braking Resistor Thermal Time so that loss of load can be detected and action taken. So that
Constant (FL.027) = τ = E / P the detector can be used with fan and pump type loads, where
The braking resistor is protected with a single time constant the load is relatively light at low motor frequency, the detector
model as shown below. is only active when the output frequency is above the level
Consult the manufacturer of the resistor for the single pulse defined by Low Load Detection Frequency Threshold (FL.033).
energy rating (E). The detector is also only enabled when the motor is at the
100% Braking required frequency (i.e. not accelerating or decelerating). Once
Power into 1 – e-t/τ resistor thermal the detector is active, the low load condition is detected when
braking resistor Braking Resistor Rated accumulator
Power (FL.026) the percentage load falls below the threshold defined by Low
Load Detection Level (FL.034). Therefore the condition for
Fig.5.64 single time constant model detecting low load is given by
The diagram below shows a typical fan type load and the
The inverter monitors the power flowing into the braking shaded areas define where low load is detected.
resistor and updates the braking resistor thermal accumulator.
If the accumulator reaches 100%, a “Brake R Too Hot” trip is
If bit 1 of Action On Trip Detection (FL.012) = 1 and the
accumulator reaches 100% the braking IGBT is disabled until
the accumulator falls below 95.0%.
Failure code Failure type Failure cause Diagnosis
Check whether the control line
wiring is correct;
When analog input AI1 is set as Check whether the control line is
Missing of analog input 4-20 mA or 20-4 mA, current is damaged;
AI1 current not detected (current is below 3 Check analog input AI1 mode:
mA). F1.013;
Check whether the current signal
exists and whether it is above 3 mA.
Overcurrent of analog Current input of analog input AI1
input AI1 is over 24 mA.
Er.0013 Check whether the motor wiring is
1 Inertia ultralimit The detected inertia is ultralimit.
Check whether the inverter enable
The running signal or enable is
Er.0018 Self-tuning termination signal (Terminal T31 and T34) is valid
removed in self-tuning.
in self-tuning.
Check whether set values of FL.026,
FL.027 and FL.028 is correct;
If an external thermal protector is
Timeout of brake resistor The brake resistor accumulator used, and software protection
Er.0019 2
overload (I t) reaches 100%. function of the brake resistor is not
required, set the value of FL.026,
FL.027 or FL.028 as 0 to settle the
Check whether the SD card
Er.0185 SD card write failure installation is correct;
Replace the SD card.
Check whether Pr11.042 is set
correctly, and then reset the inverter
No.0 menu parameter has
to generate the corresponding boot
Er.0177 changed and cannot be
file on SD card;
saved in SD card.
Re-modify the parameter of No.0
SD card is not accessible It is trying to access the SD card, Try to access the required function
Er.0178 for it is accessed by other but the SD card is being accessed after the option card completes
option cards. by the option card. access to SD card.
The resulting parameters are not Set FP.005 as 0 to reset the failure;
Files/data in SD card is not
consistent with each other via Check whether the correct dada
Er.0188 consistent with those in
comparison between files/data in block of SD card are used in
SD card and those in inverter. comparison.
It is trying to save data to SD
The data block of SD card Clear the data block;
Er.0179 card, but other data blocks exist
has been occupied. Save the data to another position.
in the position.
Check whether the target inverter
parameter supports the file control
SD card parameter setting
Set FP.005 as 0 and press the reset
Er.0187 mismatches the present
inverter mode.
Confirm the target inverter control
mode is consistent with that of the
source parameter file.
Failure code Failure type Failure cause Diagnosis
The file folder and its structured
1 Erase all data blocks and re-execute
text to be accessed do not exist;
the operation;
2 Error in SD card data HEADER.DAT file is damaged;
Er.0182 Confirm the SD card is installed
structure Two and more files in
3 OLDATA\DRIVE folder have the
Replace the SD card.
same identification number.
Delete part or all SD card data to
The SD card free space is not
Er.0184 SD card is full. vacate space;
Replace the SD card.
No data is found in SD It is trying to access files or data Confirm the data block No. is
card. blocks not existing in SD card. correct.
Confirm the proper option card is
SD card failure and
Press the reset button and confirm
inconsistency between
the option parameter inconsistent
Er.0180 option cards of the source
with the SD card data block will be
inverter and the target
set as default;
Set FP.005 as 9666 and press the
reset button.
The SD card data block is
Use another SD card;
not compatible with the
Er.0175 Set FP.005 as 9666 and press the
target inverter model
reset button.
SD card failure and
Reset the inverter to solve the
inconsistency between the
Er.0186 source file and the target
Confirm the inverter rated
inverter in rated voltage
parameter is properly transmitted.
or current
Set FP.005 as 9777 and press the
The read-only bit of SD reset button to clear all read-only
card is set as valid. identifiers in the data card of SD
It occurs when
uploading/downloading the
SD card failure and failure option card parameter fails for Check the option card with the
Er.0174 in option card file improper response of the option failure related slot based on the
transmission card. It is followed by the failure failure subcode.
subcode which indicates the slot
number where the failure lies.
Set the 12 digit of control word
Control word failure bit is
Er.0035 FF.007 as valid, and then the Check FF.007 value.
control word failure appears.
Check whether the inverter is
possible to output current without
Error in current feedback Current Offset indicates the
Er.0225 any enable;
offset current offset is overlarge.
Contact the inverter supplier for
hardware failures.
Confirm the inverter executes
The inverter parameter is
Er.0097 parameter downloading without any
being altered.
1 Error in the inverter model The model file is different;
2 file The model file is missing.
Contact the inverter supplier.
Error in the inverter model An error in the inverter model
image file image file is detected.
Set FP.005 as the target parameter
The target parameter is
or 12001, and then check whether
Er.0199 written by 2 or more
any write conflict lies in the visible
parameters of all menus.
Failure code Failure type Failure cause Diagnosis
Inverter configuration The software ID mismatches the
Er.0232 Contact the inverter supplier.
failure hardware ID.
Restore the inverter factory set
parameter and reset the inverter;
In saving the parameter, the inverter
“EEPROM Fail” indicates that the
The factory set parameter power supply shall not be
Er.0031 factory set parameter is
is downloaded. disconnected before confirming the
parameter saving is completed;
If the trouble cannot be eliminated,
return the inverter to the supplier.
After the inverter runs via
channels other than the panel,
Er.0006.2 is reported by pressing
The external failure is
Er.0006 the Stop/Reset button.
If the set value for F7.000 to F7.005
The set value for F7.000 to
3 is 6 or 7, cancel it to solve the
F7.005 is 6 or 7.
Confirm the fan has been installed
and wired properly;
Er.0173 Fan failure Confirm the fan is not stuck;
Contact the supplier to replace the
Power on the inverter after it is
Er.0247 File changing
powered off.
It indicates the user firmware & Upgrade the inverter to latest
Er.0237 Firmware incompatibility
power firmware incompatibility. firmware version.
Data processing error: The inverter control panel is Contact the inverter supplier for
CPU hardware error damaged. hardware failures.
Data processing error: DMAC address error occurs. It
Contact the inverter supplier for
HF02 CPU memory indicates that the inverter
hardware failures.
management error control panel is damaged.
The bus failure exists. It indicates
Data processing error: Contact the inverter supplier for
HF03 that the inverter control panel is
CPU detects the bus error hardware failures.
The use failure occurs. It
Data processing error: Contact the inverter supplier for
HF04 indicates that the inverter
CPU detects the use error hardware failures.
control panel is damaged.
HF05 Reserved
HF06 Reserved
The watchdog failure occurs. It
Data processing error: Contact the inverter supplier for
HF07 indicates that the inverter
watchdog failure hardware failures.
control panel is damaged.
The CPU interruption error
Data processing error: occurs. It indicates that the Contact the inverter supplier for
CPU interruption error inverter control panel is hardware failures.
Overflow in the free memory
Data processing error: free Contact the inverter supplier for
HF09 area occurs. The inverter control
memory area overflow hardware failures.
panel is damaged.
HF10 Reserved
It is the nonvolatile memory
1 Contact the inverter supplier for
Data processing error: communication failure;
hardware failures.
HF11 nonvolatile memory EEPROM capacity is not
Upgrade with the compatible user
2 communication error compatible with the user
Data processing error: It is caused by the background
1 Contact the inverter supplier for
HF12 main program stack task;
hardware failures.
2 overflow Reserved
Failure code Failure type Failure cause Diagnosis
The master system is
HF13 Reserved
HF14 Reserved
HF15 Reserved
Data processing error:
It is caused by the control panel Contact the inverter supplier for
HF16 RTOS error
failure. hardware failures.
HF17 Reserved
The option card initialization is
The program error occurs in
2 writing menus in writing flash
Error occurs in clearing flash
3 memory data blocks containing
Data processing error: Contact the inverter supplier for
HF18 the setup menu;
internal flash error hardware failures.
Error occurs in clearing flash
4 memory data blocks containing
the application menu;
Improper setup menu CRC exists
in the flash memory;
Improper application menu CRC
exists in the flash memory.
Upgrade the inverter firmware;
Data processing failure: HF19 indicates the inverter CRC
HF19 Contact the inverter supplier for
firmware CRC failure failure.
hardware failures.
Rectification Overheat in input rectification or
overheat/brake overheat brake IGBT is detected.
Error occurs in the current scale
Er.0231 Current scale range
Output current of the 24 V user Check the total load of the digital
power supply or the digital output terminal;
output terminal is over the limit, Check whether the control line
Er.0026 Digital output overload
and maximum current output of wiring is correct;
individual digital output terminal Check whether the output wiring is
is 100 mA. damaged.
When the inverter is in the
When the inverter is set Reinstall and reset the operation
operation panel mode (F0.000=0
by the operation panel, panel;
Er.0034 or F0.004=0), the operation panel
the operation panel is Set values of F0.000 and F0.004 as
is removed or disconnected with
removed. nonzero.
the inverter.
Re-flash the power board procedure;
The power board is in
Er.0245 power off the inverter and then
boot mode.
power it on.
There is no communication
00001 between the control segment
Communication missing
and the power segment;
error occurs among the
A communication error occurs Contact the inverter supplier for
Er.0090 power board, control
00002 among the control segment and hardware failures.
panel and rectifier
the power segment;
The rectifier module detects a
communication error.
Failure code Failure type Failure cause Diagnosis
Confirm the overload is not clogged
Motor overheat failure indicates or absorbed;
that the motor suffers thermal Check whether the motor load
Output current overload overload, which is based on the changes; Adjust the rated motor
Er.0020 2
timeout (I t) calculated result of rated motor speed parameter (FH.003) (only in
current (FH.002) and time RFC-A mode);
constant FL.001. Confirm the rated motor current is
not zero.
There is no communication
Check wiring between the power
Er.0236 No power board between the power board and
board and control panel.
control panel.
Check whether the brake resistance
The inverter thermal model
Er.0101 Brake IGBT overheat value is equal to or over the
detects the Brake IGBT overheat.
minimum resistance value.
If the cooling fan control value
F9.010 is 0, this failure indicates Set the cooling fan control value
Er.0219 Control segment overheat
that the control panel is over 0 to increase ventilation.
Check the DC input voltage level and
Check the DC bus ripple level;
Lower the load cycle;
Lower the motor load;
Check the current stability, and
check the motor parameter setting is
consistent with the nameplate
(FH.000, FH.001, FH.002, FH.003 and
It is the thermal model output FH.004 – all modes) if the current is
Er.0027 00200 DC bus overheat failure in the DC bus, and the not stable;
failure subcode is 0. Prohibit slip compensation: (F3.007 =
0) – (open loop mode);
Prohibit auto energy saving running:
(F3.005 = 0) – (open loop mode);
Select the fixed lifting mode: (F0.014
= Fixed) – (open loop mode);
Completely take off the load to
rotate for self-tuning (FH.008);
Lower the speed loop gain: – (RFC –
Lower the inverter carrier frequency;
Confirm the auto switch to carrier
frequency (F3.011) is prohibited;
Lower the load cycle;
It is the thermal model output
The thermal model Increase acceleration / deceleration
Er.0021 00100 {Oht.I} failure in the inverter, and
detects inverter overheat time;
the failure subcode is 0.
Lower the motor load;
Check the DC bus ripple level;
Confirm the three-phase input is
intact and equalized.
Failure code Failure type Failure cause Diagnosis
Confirm the cabinet / inverter fan
work normally;
Force the cooling fan to run at the
maximal speed;
Check the cabinet air duct;
Check whether the cabinet air inlet is
Increase ventilation;
Overheat of the power The thermistor location is Lower the carrier frequency;
Er.0022 010ZZ
segment determined by zz. Lower the load cycle;
Increase acceleration / deceleration
Lower the motor load;
Refer to the inverter derating table
to confirm the inverter model is
correctly selected;
Select an inverter with higher
Use the insulation tester to test the
motor & its wiring insulativity;
Install the output choke or sine filter;
Set F9.010 = 1 and force the cooling
fan to run at its maximal speed;
Check whether the cabinet / driving
fan works normally;
XX is the module code; YY is the
Check whether the cabinet air inlet is
Er.0102 XXYZZ Rectifier overheat rectifier code; and Z is the
thermistor location.
Check whether the cabinet air inlet is
Increase ventilation;
Increase acceleration / deceleration
Lower the load cycle and the motor
Increase acceleration / deceleration
Reduce the torque boost if this
failure occurs in self-tuning;
Check whether the output cable is
The instantaneous overcurrent
Instantaneous output failure is triggered when AC
Er.0003 00000 Use the insulation tester to check
overcurrent is detected. current is over the overcurrent
the motor insulation intactness;
Check whether the motor cable
length is within the prescribed
Reduce the speed loop gain;
Reduce the current loop gain.
Confirm the internal EMC filter has
been installed;
Confirm the motor cable length does
not surpass the maximal cable length
The absorption circuit used for motors corresponding to
Absorption circuit
Er.0092 01100 overcurrent failure is detected in the carrier frequency;
overcurrent is detected.
the inverter. Check the input voltage
Check whether the input is
interfered such as voltage sag caused
by the DC drive;
Failure code Failure type Failure cause Diagnosis
Use the megameter to test the
motor & its wiring insulativity;
Install the output choke or sine filter.
Failure code Failure type Failure cause Diagnosis
Check whether the full load is the AC
input voltage level, and check its
If the customer requires DC
power supply or single-phase
Use an isolated oscilloscope to
Er.0032 00000 Input phase failure input rectification, set parameter
detect the DC bus ripple;
FL.0015 = 1 and set input as
Check the output current stability;
non-operating for phase failure.
Lower the load cycle;
Lower the motor load.
Hardware failure in the Hardware failure in the power Contact the inverter supplier for
power board processor hardware failures.
PLL running range exceeds the
Communications with the user
2 Power control board are missing the power
Contact the inverter supplier for
Er.0093 communication error or / board;
hardware failures.
missing is detected. Communications with the power
board are missing the user board;
There is communication CRC
Configuration error in the Contact the inverter supplier for
power segment hardware failures.
The inverter detects a
Set FP.005 value as 1001, and then
Er.0037 Power-down save error power-down save error in the
reset the inverter.
non-volatile register.
00000 Remove the option card and reset
The internal power supply is
Internal power supply the inverter;
Er.0005 overloaded in the control
01100 failure Return the inverter to the supplier
segment and power segment.
for hardware failures.
These failures are reserved, so
Reserved failures their codes cannot be used in the
user-defined failure program.
Failure code Failure type Failure cause Diagnosis
replaced. previously; card is installed in the slot, and then
An option card with the same power it on;
model is installed, but its set Confirm a proper option card is
2 parameter is changed; hence, the installed in the slot, confirm the
module parameter has been set option card parameter is right, and
as default; execute parameter save in FP.005.
An option card with the same
model is installed, but its
application parameter is
changed; hence, the module
parameter has been set as
An option card with the same
model is installed, but its set &
application parameters are
changed; hence, the module
parameter has been set as
Model of the previously installed
option card is displayed.
Option card failure in slot Refer to failure-related chapters in
1 the option card user manual.
The option card type cannot be
All the required user-defined
parameter table information is
not provided, or the provided
one is damaged;
No enough space can be
3 allocated to the module as a
communication buffer;
Confirm the option card is properly
The module doesn’t run normally
4 Hardware failure in option installed;
Er.0200 when the inverter is powered on;
card 1 Replace the option card;
The option card is removed after
Replace the inverter.
the inverter is powered on, or
the option card has been shut
The module stops accessing the
6 inverter parameter when the
inverter is changing its mode;
The option card doesn’t make
7 any response when the inverter
processor is reset.
Confirm the option card is properly
The option card in slot 1 is installed;
The option card in slot 1 is
Er.0203 removed after the inverter is Reinstall the option card;
powered on. Execute parameter save in FP.005 if
the option card is not required.
Functional work error of
Er.0201 Replace the option card.
the option card watchdog
The buffer relay is not off, or a
The buffer relay is not Contact the inverter supplier for
Er.0226 failure occurs in the buffer
closed. hardware failures.
detection circuit.
1) Check if the STO board has been
STO board is not installed STO board is not installed or
Er.0234 2) Check if the connection is loose.
or malfunction malfunction
Contact the supplier if cannot solve
the problem
Failure code Failure type Failure cause Diagnosis
A hardware failure
Enter 1299 in FP.005 and press the
Er.0221 occurred in last
reset button to eliminate the failure.
Er.0227 RAM allocation error RAM allocation error
The power thermistor location is Contact the inverter supplier for
Er.0218 010ZZ Internal thermistor failure
determined by zz. hardware failures.
Check the brake resistor and its
Confirm the brake resistance value is
Er.0010 Brake resistor overheat
equal to or greater than the required
minimal resistance value;
Check the brake resistor insulativity.
The motor thermistor is
Check the thermistor wiring;
Motor thermistor short-circuited, or its impedance
Er.0025 Replace the motor / the motor
short-circuit is too low (< 50 Ω) in control
terminal X3.
The motor thermistor of control
Motor thermistor Check the motor temperature;
Er.0024 terminal X3 displays the motor
overheat Check the thermistor wiring.
Er.0091 Reserved Reserved Reserved
Er.0008 Reserved Reserved
An onboard user-program
Er.0096 defined failure is Check the user program.
Onboard user-program
Er.0249 Check the onboard user program.
defined failure
Power off the inverter after
Parameter save error / The inverter is power off in
Er.0036 confirming the parameter saving has
incompletion parameter saving.
been completed.
The watchdog failure indicates
Control word watchdog
Er.0030 that the control word has been
enabled but is timeout.
The failure is reported if the
DC brake failure motor doesn't stop within 60 s
during the DC brake is applied.
If the output frequency is over
the offload detection frequency
threshold (FL.033), and the load
percentage is below the offload
Offload failure detection level (the load shall run
at set frequency in
non-acceleration & deceleration
process), the inverter reports the
Table.6.1 Failure codes and countermeasures
Inspection gist
Inspection object Criteria
Inspection content Cycle Inspection means
(1) Temperature and (1) Thermometer and
(1) Derating use at 40 ºC C ~ 50 50 ºC
moisture hygrometer
Operating At any
(2) Dust, water and
environment time (2) Visual inspection (2) No traces of water leakage
(3) Gases (3) Visual inspection (3) No odor
(1) Slight vibration and reasonable air
(1) Vibration and heat At any (1) Housing touch
Inverter temperature
(2) Noise (2) Hearing (2) No abnormal sound
(1) Heat At any (1) Hand touch (1) No abnormal heat
(2) Noise time (2) Hearing (2) Uniform noise
(1) Output current (1) Ammeter (1) Within the rated value range
Running status (2) Output voltage At any (2) Voltmeter (2) Within the rated value range
parameter (3) Internal time
(3) Thermometer (3) Temperature rise is below 35oC.
Table.7.1 Table of routine inspection tips
7.2 Regular maintenance
3. Check whether any damage lies in the power cable and
The user can conduct a regular inspection on the inverter
control table, especially cuts in their external skins contacting
based on the environment every 3 to 6 months.
metal surfaces;
Note: 1. Only qualified personnel is allowed to disassemble
4. Check whether the insulation binder falls off the power cable
relevant components, maintain the inverter, and replace
relevant devices;
5. Have a thorough cleaning of dusts on the circuit board and
2. Do not leave such metal pieces as screws and gaskets in the
the air duct, it is preferable to do such cleaning by a vacuum
apparatus; otherwise they may damage it.
General inspection items are as follows:
6. The inverter for long storage shall be subject to the
1. Check whether crews of the control terminal are loose,
powering-on test once within 2 years; in powering-on, its
and screw up the loose one;
voltage shall be gradually boosted to the rate value by the
2. Check whether bad contact lies in the main loop terminal
voltage regulator; The powering-on time is about 5 hours, and it
and check whether any overhear traces lies in the copper bar
can be not brought onto load;
7. Detection means for the rectifier diode and IGBT freewheel Criteria: liquid leakage, safety valve bulge, electrostatic
diode are as follows: capacity determination and insulation resistance
(1) Remove L1, L2 and L3 as well as U, V, and W connection lines; determination.
(2) Put the multimeter in place and select the diode characteristic 3. Relay
position; Possible factors causing damage: corrosion and frequent actions.
(3) Use the multimeter to test the diode quality by measuring Criteria: On / off out of order.
the diode characteristic between L1, L2, L3, U, V, W and (+) &
7.4 Inverter storage
After purchasing the inverter, the user shall pay much
Note: attention to the following aspects for its temporary storage
1. The diode characteristic shall not be measured before and long storage:
full discharge of the filter capacitor is confirmed; 1. Avoid to store it in the place with high temperature,
2. The measured value size is related to the inverter type; moisture, dirt, and metal dusts and keep a good ventilation.
if input or output three-phase values are consistent, the 2. Power on the inverter for at least 5 hours once within 2
diode is usually regarded as good. years for long storage will result in degradation of the
electrolytic capacitor; and the input voltage shall be gradually
7.3 Replacement of inverter wearing parts boosted to the rated value by the voltage regulator.
The inverter wearing parts include the cooling fan and the
buffer capacitor, and their service life is closely related to the
7.5 Inverter warranty
use environment and maintenance. The general service life is The company will provide warranty service for the following
shown in Table.7.2. cases:
1. The warrant range is limited to the inverter itself;
2. The manufacturer is responsible for 18-month (from the
Device name Service life
date of production on) warranty for failure or damage
Fan 30,000 ~ 40,000 hours
occurring in normal use; reasonable repair fees will be charged
Electrolytic capacitor 40,000 ~ 50,000 hours
on failure or damage occurring in normal use beyond the
Relay About 100,000 times
warranty period;
Table.7.2 Service life of wearing parts
3. Repair fees shall be charged on the following cases even
The user can determine the replacement period based on the within the 18-month warranty period:
running time. (1) Apparatus damage caused by use without observance of
1. Cooling fan the user manual;
Possible factors causing damage: bearing abrasion and blade aging. (2)Damage caused by fire, flood, voltage abnormity, etc.;
Criteria: cracks in the fan blade, abnormal vibration sound in (3)Damage caused by use of the inverter in improper
starting up, etc. functions.
2. Electrolytic capacitor 4. The service fee is charged based on the actual cost; and it
Possible factors causing damage: higher ambient temperature, will be processed by the contract-first principle if there is a
pulsating current increase caused by frequent load jump and contract concerned.
aging electrolyte.
Minimum Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Default value
unit parameter
Running Keypad Direction
F0.005 0: Run forward; 1: Run reverse 1 0 RW,TE
Direction Select
Minimum Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Default value
unit parameter
Max output
F0.006 Output 0.00~550.00 Hz 0.01 Hz 50.00 Hz RW
Motor 1
Motor Rated
F0.007 rated 0.00~550.0 Hz 0.01 Hz 50.00 Hz RW, ND
Motor 1 low
Low Frequency
F0.009 frequency 0~30.0% 0.1% 0.0% RW,RA
Voltage Boost
voltage boost
Motor 1
Acceleration Rate 0.1~3200
F0.010 acceleration
1 Note: the default unit is second; see
rate 1 6.0 s
F9.011 for the 0.1 RW,VM
Motor 1
Deceleration acceleration/deceleration time unit
F0.011 deceleration
Rate 1 selection
rate 1
Motor 1
maximum Maximum Lower limit frequency ~ maximum
F0.012 0.01 Hz 50.00 Hz RW,VM
reference Reference Clamp output frequency
Motor 1
minimum Minimum
F0.013 0.00 ~ upper limit frequency 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW,VM
reference Reference Clamp
Minimum Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Default value
unit parameter
Motor 1 V/F
Third Point
F0.015 third point F0.017~F0.006 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW
Motor 1 V/F
Third Point
F0.016 third point F0.018~100.0% 0.1% 0.0% RW
Motor 1 V/F
Second Point
F0.017 second point F0.019~F0.015 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW
Motor 1 V/F
Second Point
F0.018 second point F0.020~F0.016 0.1% 0.0% RW
Motor 1 V/F
First Point
F0.019 first point 0.00~F0.017 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW
Motor 1 V/F
First Point
F0.020 first point 0~F0.018 0.1% 0.0% RW
Minimum Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Default value
unit parameter
Motor 1
Boost End 0.0 ~ 50.0% (relative F0.007 rated
F0.021 Boost End 0.1% 10.0% RW
Frequency frequency)
Minimum Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Default value
unit parameter
Maximum Ref
F1.000 input pulse 0.00~100.00kHz 0.1 k 10.0 kHz RW
Two Point Min
F1.001 frequency 0.00~100.00% 0.1% 0.00% RW
Actual value
of reference
Drive Reference
at minimum
F1.002 at Min 0.00~100.00% 0.1% 0.00% RW
Two Point Max
F1.003 frequency 0.00~100.00% 0.1% 100.00% RW
Actual value
of reference
Drive Reference
at maximum
F1.004 at Max 0.00~100.00% 0.1% 100.00% RW
input of Analog Input 1
F1.005 0.00~100.00% 0.1% 0.00% RW
Analogue Min Reference
Input 1
Minimum Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Default value
unit parameter
Actual value
of reference
at minimum Analog Input 1
F1.006 Analogue At Min 0.00~100.00% 0.1% 0.00% RW
Input 1 Reference
input of Analog Input 1
F1.007 0.00~100.00% 0.1% 100.00% RW
Analogue Max Reference
Input 1
Actual value
of reference
at maximum Analog Input 1
F1.008 Analogue At Max 0.00~100.00% 0.1% 100.00% RW
Input 1 Reference
input of Analog Input 2
F1.009 0.00~100.00% 0.1% 0.00% RW
Analogue Min Reference
Input 2
Actual value
of reference
at minimum Analog Input 2
F1.010 Analogue At Min 0.00~100.00% 0.1% 0.00% RW
Input 2 Reference
input of Analog Input 2
F1.011 0.00~100.00% 0.1% 100.00% RW
Analogue Max Reference
Input 2
Minimum Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Default value
unit parameter
Actual value
of reference
at maximum Analog Input 2
F1.012 Analogue At Max 0.00~100.00% 0.1% 100.00% RW
Input 2 Reference
Analog Input 1
F1.013 Input 1 0~6 1 6 RW,TE
Minimum Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Default value
unit parameter
F2.001 Start Frequency 0.20 ~ Min{60,F0.012} 0.01 Hz 0.50 Hz RW
Start Frequency
F2.002 Frequency 0.00~10.00s 0.1 s 0.0 s RW
Hold Time
Hold Time
Spin Start
F2.003 Spin Start Boost 0.0~10.0 0.1 1.0 RW
0: Linear acceleration/deceleration
Ramp Mode Ramp Mode
F2.005 1: S curve acceleration/deceleration 1 0 RW,TE
Select Select
2: Auto acceleration/deceleration
Minimum Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Default value
unit parameter
0: Free shutdown
1 (acceleration/deceleration):
F2.008 Stop Mode Stop Mode Deceleration shutdown 1 0 RW,TE
2: DC braking with zero speed
Braking IGBT
Braking IGBT
F2.013 Lower 0~999 V 0.1 KW 0.0 RW,RA
Lower Threshold
Braking IGBT
Braking IGBT
F2.014 Upper 0~999 V 0.01 s 0.00 RW
Upper Threshold
DC inject
F2.015 start 0.00~60.00Hz 0.01 5.00 RW
Reverse-Proof 0 (off): Reverse operation is allowed
F3.000 Reverse-Proof 1 0 RW
Selector 1(on): Reverse operation is prohibited
F3.001 Delay
Time Between Change Of
F3.001 0.0~3600.0s 0.1 s 0.0 s RW
Change Of Direction Delay
Auto Energy
Low Frequency 0 (off): No action
F3.006 Saving 1 1 RW
Slip Boost 1 (on): Ongoing action
Auto Energy
Auto Voltage
F3.007 Saving -150.0~150.0% 0.1% 100.0% RW
F3.008 Slip Comp Gain 0.00~10.00Hz 0.01 Hz 10.00Hz RW
Rate 2
Rate 3
8:16 kHz
Rate 3
Rate 4
Rate 4
Tone control Tone control for 0 (off): No motor tone control function
F3.012 1 0 RW
for motor motor 1 (on): Motor tone control function
F3.013 Frequency 0.10~50.00 Hz 0.01 Hz 5.00 Hz RW
Reference 1
Change Enable
F3.015 Jog Reference
Reference 3 6.0 s
0.1~60.0 s 0.1 RW,RA
F3.016 Jog Interval
Reference 4
F3.017 Jog Acc Time
Reference 5
F3.018 Jog Dec Time 0.1~3200
Reference 6
Note: he default unit is second;
Acceleration Preset 6.0 s
F3.019 see F9.011 for the 0.1 RW,RA
Time 2 Reference 7
acceleration/deceleration time unit
F3.020 Skip Reference 1 selection
Time 2
F3.022 Skip Reference 2
Time 3
F3.024 Skip Reference 3 10.00 Hz
Time 4
Preset Reverse-Proof
F3.026 Lower limit frequency ~ upper limit 30.00 Hz
Reference 2 Selector 0.01 Hz RW
Preset Change Of
F3.027 40.00 Hz
Reference 3 Direction Delay
Auto Energy
F3.029 Saving 50.00 Hz
Reference 5
F3.031 Slip Comp Gain 0.00~30.00 Hz 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW
Reference 7
Skip Reference
F3.032 Slip Comp Limit 0.00~550.0 Hz 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW,VM
Skip Reference
F3.033 Slip Comp Filter 0.00~30.00 Hz 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW
Band 1
Skip Reference
F3.035 Frequency 0.00~30.00 Hz 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW
Band 2
F4.003 Motor ASR-D1 Motor ASR-D1 0.00000~0.65535 1/rad 0.00001 0.00000 RW,BU
F4.006 Motor ASR-D2 Motor ASR-D2 0.00000~0.65535 1/rad 0.00001 0.00000 RW,BU
Freq Controller
F4.008 Motor ASR Gain Select 0,1,2 1 0 RW,BU
Gain Select
F4.009 Motor ACR-P 0.00~4000.00 0.01 20.00 RW
Controller P Gain
F4.010 Motor ACR-I 0.000~600.000 0.001 40.000 RW
Controller I Gain
Torque Mode
F4.011 Torque Mode Selector 0~5 1 0 RW
Torque Reference
F4.012 Reference 0~4 1 0 RW
Torque Reference
F4.013 Reference 0~65535ms 1 0 RW,BU
Filtering Time
Filtering Time
F4.014 Torque Reference Depending on mode 0.1 0.0% RW,VM
Torque Offset
F4.022 Torque Offset Select 0, 1 1 0 RW
PID1 Reference
F5.001 PID1 Reference Selector 0~4 1 0 RW
PID1 Feedback
F5.002 PID1 Feedback Selector 0~8 1 0 RW
PID1 Reference
F5.004 PID1 Reference Filtering 0.01~50.00 s 0.01 0.50 s RW
PID1 Feedback
F5.005 PID1 Feedback Filtering 0.01~50.00 s 0.01 0.50 s RW
PID1 Digital
F5.006 PID1 Digital Reference 0.00~100.00% 0.01 0.00% RW
PID1 Minimum
F5.009 PID1 Minimum Reference 0.0%~F5.011 0.01% 0.0% RW,VM
Feedback Corresponding
PID1 Min Ref
F5.010 to PID1 Minimum 0.0~100.0% 0.1% 20.0% RW
Feedback Ratio
PID1 Maximum
F5.011 PID1 Maximum Reference F5.009~100.0% 0.1% 100.0% RW
Feedback Corresponding
PID1 Max Ref
F5.012 to PID1 Maximum 0.0~100.0% 0.1% 100.0% RW
Feedback Ratio
PID1 Proportional
F5.013 PID1 Proportional Gain 1 0.000~4.000 0.001 1.000 RW
F5.014 PID1 Integral Gain 1 PID1 Integral Gain 0.000~4.000 0.001 0.500 RW
F5.015 PID1 Differential Gain 1 PID1 Differential Gain 0.000~4.000 0.001 0.000 RW
PID1 Proportional
F5.017 PID1 Proportional Gain 2 0.000~4.000 0.001 1 RW
Gain 2
F5.018 PID1 Integral Gain 2 PID1 Integral Gain 2 0.000~4.000 0.001 0.5 RW
F5.021 PID1 Sampling Period PID1 Sampling Period 0.004~50.000 s 0.004 0.500 s RW,BU
F5.022 PID1 Error Limit PID1 Error Limit 0.0~20% 0.1% 2.0% BU,RW
PID1 Speed
F5.025 PID Speed Reference 0~39000 rpm 1 0 BU,RW
PID1 Preset
F5.026 PID1 Preset Frequency 0.00~F0.012 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz BU,RW
PID2 Reference
F5.031 PID2 Reference Selector 0~4 1 0 RW
PID2 Feedback
F5.032 PID2 Feedback Selector 0~8 1 0 RW
PID2 Reference
F5.034 PID2 Reference Filtering 0.01~50.00 s 0.01 0.50 s RW
PID2 Feedback
F5.035 PID2 Feedback Filtering 0.01~50.00 s 0.01 0.50 s RW
PID2 Digital
F5.036 PID2 Digital Reference 0.00~100.00% 0.01 0.00% RW
PID2 Minimum
F5.039 PID2 Minimum Reference 0.0%~F5.041 0.01% 0.0% RW,VM
Feedback Corresponding
PID2 Min Ref
F5.040 to PID2 Minimum 0.0~100.0% 0.1% 20.0% RW
Feedback Ratio
PID2 Maximum
F5.041 PID2 Maximum Reference F5.039~100.0% 0.1% 100.0% RW
Feedback Corresponding
PID2 Max Ref
F5.042 to PID2 Maximum 0.0~100.0% 0.1% 100.0% RW
Feedback Ratio
PID2 Proportional
F5.043 PID2 Proportional Gain 1 0.000~4.000 0.001 1.000 RW
F5.044 PID2 Integral Gain 1 PID2 Integral Gain 0.000~4.000 0.001 0.500 RW
F5.045 PID2 Differential Gain 1 PID2 Differential Gain 0.000~4.000 0.001 0.000 RW
PID2 Proportional
F5.047 PID2 Proportional Gain 2 0.000~4.000 0.001 1 RW
Gain 2
F5.048 PID2 Integral Gain 2 PID2 Integral Gain 2 0.000~4.000 0.001 0.5 RW
F5.051 PID2 Sampling Period PID2 Sampling Period 0.004~50.000 s 0.004 0.500 s RW,BU
F5.052 PID2 Error Limit PID2 Error Limit 0.0~20% 0.1% 2.0% BU,RW
Traverse 0: Do not use the swing frequency function
F6.000 Function 1 0 RW
function 1: Use the swing frequency function
Pre-traverse Pre-traverse
F6.002 0.00 Hz~F0.012 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW,VM
frequency Frequency
Holding time
F6.003 Freq Holding 0.0~3600.0 s 0.1 s 0.0 s RW
Traverse Traverse
F6.004 0.0~50.0% 0.1% 0.0% RW
amplitude Amplitude
Jitter Jitter
F6.005 0.0 ~ 50.0% (compare to F6.004) 0.1% 0.0% RW
frequency Frequency
Traverse Traverse
F6.006 operating Operating 0.0~999.0s 0.1 s 10.0 s RW
cycle Cycle
Rise Time Of
Rising time of 0.0 ~ 100.0% (refer to swing frequency
F6.007 Triangular 0.1% 50.0% RW
triangle wave circle)
BC Upper BC Upper
F6.010 Current Current 0~200.0% 1% 50.0% RW
Threshold Threshold
BC Lower BC Lower
F6.011 Current Current 0~200.0% 1% 10.0% RW
Threshold Threshold
BC Brake BC Brake
F6.012 Release Release 0.00~20.00 Hz 0.01 Hz 1.00 Hz RW
Frequency Frequency
BC Brake
BC Brake Apply
F6.013 Apply 0.00~20.00 Hz 0.01 Hz 2.00 Hz RW
BC Brake
F6.014 BC Brake Delay 0.0~25.0 s 0.1 s 1.0 s RW
BC Post-brake BC Post-brake
F6.015 0.0~25.0 s 0.1 s 1.0 s RW
Release Delay Release Delay
BC Initial BC Initial
F6.016 0~2 1 0 RW, TE
Direction Direction
BC Brake
Brake Apply
F6.017 Thru Zero 0.00~25.00 Hz 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW
Through Zero
Note: the central swing frequency is the current set frequency by default (the swing frequency setting is invalid when jogging or in
closed loop)
F7.000 X1 Control 0 ~ 80, see F7 for details 1 0 RW
terminal X1/Y1
F7.001 X2 Control 0 ~ 80, see F7 for details 1 0 RW
terminal X2/Y2
F7.002 input terminal X3 Control 0 ~ 49, see F7 for details 1 0 RW
Reserved Reserved
Analog Input 2
F7.005 input terminal 0 ~ 44, see F7 for details 1 0 RW
Up and Down
F7.009 UP/DN rate 0.01~99.99 Hz/s 0.01 Hz/s 1.00 Hz/s RW
F7.011 Relay 1 Control 0~20 1 0 RW
relay 1 terminal
F7.012 Relay 2 Control 0~20 1 0 RW
relay 2 terminal
Freq arriving
F7.013 arriving signal 0.00~550.00 Hz 0.01 Hz 2.50 Hz RW,VM
signal (FAR)
Freq Detection
F7.014 FDT1 level 0.00~550.0 Hz 0.01 Hz 50.00 Hz RW,VM
Level (FDT1)
Freq Detection
F7.015 FDT1 lag 0.00~550.0 Hz 0.01 Hz 1.00 Hz RW,VM
Lag (FDT1)
Freq Detection
F7.016 FDT2 level 0.00~550.0 Hz 0.01 Hz 25.00 Hz RW,VM
Level (FDT2)
Freq Detection
F7.017 FDT2 lag 0.00~550.0 Hz 0.01 Hz 1.00 Hz RW,VM
Lag (FDT2)
~ Reserved Reserved - - 0 *
analog output Analog Output 1
F7.025 0~11 1 0 RW
terminal Control
Analog Output 1
F7.030 output 1 0.0~4000.0% 0.1% 100.0% RW
Maximum 0: 1 KHz
Frequency Out
output 1: 2 KHz
F7.032 or PWM Out 1 0 RW,TE
frequency of Y1 2:5 KHz
3: 10 KHz
Digital IO invert
F7.035 Digital IO Invert 0~4095 1 0 RW
F7.036~F7.04 \
Y1 frequency
F7.041 pulse 0~65535 1 0 RW
out serial value
output scaling
F7.042 Reserved
Output 2 Offse
Y1 digital \
F7.043 0.0~3600.0s 0.1 0.0s RW
output on delay
Y1 digital \
F7.044 output off 0.0~3600.0s 0.1 0.0s RW
Default Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit
value parameter
Default Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit
value parameter
Binary setting:
0: No display; 1: Display
Unit place of LED:
BIT0: Output voltage (V)
BIT1: Bus voltage
BIT2: Analog input AI1
Displayed BIT3: Analog input AI2
parameter Tens place of LED:
Status - Running
F8.002 group 2 BIT0: Reserved 1 000 RW
Parameters 2
during BIT1: Reserved
operation BIT2: External count value
(without unit)
BIT3: Terminal status (without
Hundreds place of LED:
BIT0: Actual length
BIT1: Set length
Default Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit
value parameter
Rotating speed display =
(measured frequency *60 /
Rotating speed display = (F8.010
Customer * 60 / p)×F8.003 (not PG)
Defined Defined Speed Set rotating speed display =
F8.003 0.1% 100.0% RW
Speed Scaling (final reference frequency *60 /
Scaling p)×F8.003 (PG)
Set rotating speed display =
(final reference frequency *60 /
p)×F8.003 (not PG)
Note: the actual rotating speed
is not affected
Output line speed display =
measure frequency × F8.004
Output line speed display =
Customer F8.010 × F8.004 (not PG)
Defined Customer Line Set line speed display = (final
F8.004 0.1% 1.0% RW
Line Speed Speed Scaling reference frequency ×F8.004
Scaling (PG)
Set line speed display = (final
reference frequency ×F8.004
(not PG)
Note: the actual rotating speed
is not affected
Defined Defined Analog
Analog Scaling
0: Operation panel
1: Terminal
Reference 2: Serial port
Reference Select
F8.006 Selected 3:A1 1 RO, ND, NC, PT,VM
Indicator 4:AI2
5: Pulse
6::ExAi1,External analogue
Default Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit
value parameter
reference 1
7: ExAi2,External analogue
reference 2
8:Preset,Main reference is from
9:PLC,Main reference is from
PLC function
10:PID1,Main reference is from
11: Jog,Jog reference
F8.007 Main Reference 0.00~550.00 Hz 0.01 Hz RO,, ND, NC, PT,VM
F8.008 Auxiliary reference 0.00~550.00 Hz 0.01 Hz RO, ND, NC, PT,VM
Final Reference
F8.009 Reference 0.00~550.00 Hz 0.01 Hz RO, ND, NC, PT,VM
RO, FI,, ND, NC,
F8.010 Output Output Frequency 0.00~550.00 Hz 0.01 Hz
F8.011 Output Output Voltage -650 V~650 V 1V
F8.012 Current Current Magnitude -999.99~999.99 A 0.01 A
F8.013 Percentage Percentage Torque −1000.0~1000.0% 0.1%
31 31
F8.014 Actual Actual speed -2 ~2 – 1 rpm RO, FI, ND, NC, PT
F8.015 SET 31 31
F8.015 Set speed -2 ~2 – 1 rpm RO, FI, ND, NC, PT
31 31
F8.016 Output line Output Line Speed -2 ~2 – 1 mm/s RO, FI, ND, NC, PT
Default Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit
value parameter
Set line 31 31
F8.017 Set line speed -2 ~2 – 1 mm/s RO, FI, ND, NC, PT
0: Do not reset
F8.019 Energy Reset Energy Meter 1 0 RW
1: Reset energy meter
Energy Meter:
F8.020 Meter: -999.9~999.9 MWh RO, ND, NC, PT
F8.021 Meter: Energy Meter: kWh -99.9~99.9 KWh RO, ND, NC, PT
F8.023 Status Status Word 0~32767 1 RO, ND, NC, PT
F8.027 Analog Output 1 0.0~100.0% 0.0% RO, FI, ND, NC, PT
output 1
F8.028 Analogue Output 2
output 2
F8.029 PID1 Reference
F8.030 PID1 Feedback
Default Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit
value parameter
Total power-on
F8.032 power-on 0~65535 h 0 RO, ND, NC, PT
Total fan
Total fan operation
F8.033 operation 0~65535 h 0 RO, FI, ND, NC, PT
Binary setting:
0: No display; 1: Display
Unit place of LED:
BIT0: Set frequency (Hz)
BIT1: External count value
(without unit)
BIT2: Rotating speed in running
BIT3: Set rotating speed (r/min)
Tens place of LED:
BIT0: Line speed in running
BIT1: Set line speed (m/s)
Mode - Status - Stop
F8.034 BIT2: VCI (V) 1 FFH RW
Stop Parameters
Hundreds place of LED:
BIT0: Reserved
BIT1: Reserved
BIT2: Actual length
BIT3: Set length
Thousands place of LED:
BIT0: Terminal status (without
BIT1: Bus voltage
Note: The default display shall
be set frequency when all the
parameters are 0
Motor Protection
F8.035 thermal 0.0~100.0% 0.0 RO, ND, NC, PT
Default Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit
value parameter
Command Selected
F8.036 Selected 0~2 1 n/a RO, ND, NC, PT
F8.037 PID2 Reference -100~100% 1 n/a RO, ND, NC, PT
F8.038 PID2 Feedback -100~100% 0.01 n/a RO, ND, NC, PT
F8.039 PID1 Output -100~100% 0.01 n/a RO, ND, NC, PT
F8.040 PID2 Output -100~100% 0.01 n/a RO, ND, NC, PT
Magnetisin Magnetising
F8.041 -999.99~999.99 A 0.01 n/a RO, ND, NC, PT
g Current Current
Torque Producing
F8.042 Producing -999.99~999.99 A 0.01 n/a RO, ND, NC, PT
Final Torque
F8.043 Torque -999.9~999.9% 0.1 n/a RO, ND, NC, PT
Final Current
F8.044 Current -999.9~999.9% 0.1 n/a RO, ND, NC, PT
F8.045 Current Final Current Limit -999.9~999.9% 0.1 175.0% RO, ND, NC, PT
F8.046 Percentage Load -999.9~999.9% 0.1 n/a RO, ND, NC, PT
Default Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit
value parameter
Default Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit
value parameter
F9.002 digital Auxiliary Digital Ref F0.012~F0.013 0.01 0.00 Hz RW, VM
Default Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit
value parameter
0: Inactive
Do not adjust the combined
frequency after combining the
main and auxiliary reference
1: Adjust according to the
Final maximum output frequency
Reference Final Reference F0.006
F9.006 1 0 RW
adjustment adjustment Final reference frequency =
selector combined frequency + F0.006 ×
2: Adjust according to the
current frequency
Final reference frequency =
combined frequency +
combined frequency × F9.007
Reference Final Reference
F9.007 -100.0%~100.0% 0.1% 0.0% RW
adjustment Adjustment Coef.
Default Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit
value parameter
Function channel
Selector 1: Valid in the operation
panel/terminal/serial port
running command channel
when this button is pressed, the
inverter will stop according to
the stop mode.
2: Valid in the operation
panel/terminal/serial port
running command channel in
the operation panel running
command channel, when this
button is pressed, the inverter
will stop according to the stop
mode; in the terminal or serial
port running command
channel, press this button, and
the inverter will alarm (failure
code: Er.0006) and stop freely.
Default Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit
value parameter
Acc/Dec Rate Unit 0: (s)
F9.011 rate unit 0 0 RW, TE
Selector 1: (min)
F9.012 Droop Frequency 0.00~10.00 Hz 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW
Sleep / Wake
F9.014 ncy 0.00~550.00 Hz 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW, VM
Zero Frequency
F9.015 ncy 0.00~550.00 Hz 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW, VM
Default Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit
value parameter
Ratio of
F9.018 Ratio Of Length 0.001~30.000 0.001 1.000 RW
Length Correction
F9.019 correction 0.001~1.000 0.001 1.000 RW
Perimeter of
F9.020 Perimeter Of Axis 1~1000 mm 1 mm 100 mm RW
Number of
Number Of Pulses
F9.021 pulses per 1~9999 1 1 RW
Per Cycle
Low-voltage 0: No action
F9.022 compensati Ride Thru 1: action (low voltage 1 0 RW, TE
on Enable compensation)
Restart after
Restart After 0: No action
F9.023 power down 1 0 RW
Power Down 1: Action
Delay time
for restart Delay Time For
F9.024 0.0~10.0 s 0.1 s 0.5 s RW
after power Restart
① Actual length (km) = {terminal count value × measured shaft perimeter (F9.020) ÷ number of pulses per revolution (F9.021)} ×
length multiples (F9.018) ÷ length correction coefficient (F9.019) ÷100÷1000.
Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit Default value
Option Module ID
FA.001 0~999 RO
module ID
M2 Number
M2 Number Of 2 ~ 32, 0: the number of poles can be
FC.001 of Motor 1 4 ND
Motor Poles identified automatically
M2 Motor M2 Motor
FC.002 0.01 kw 0.00 kw ND
Rated Power Rated Power
FC.003 M2
M2 Rated
FC.003 Motor Rated 0.01 A 0.00 A ND
M2 Motor M2 Motor
FC.005 Rated Power Rated Power 0.0~1 0.01 0.85 ND
Factor Factor
M2 Motor
M2 Rated 230/400
FC.006 Rated 0~480 V 1V ND
Voltage V
M2 Motor
M2 Rated
FC.007 Rated 1.00~550.00 Hz 0.01 Hz 50.00 ND
M2 Motor
M2 Stator
FC.008 Stator 0.0000~99.9999 Ω 0.0001 Ω 0.0000 Ω ND
M2 Transient M2 Transient
FC.009 0.000~500.000 mH 0.001 mH 0.000 mH RW,RA, ND
Inductance Inductance
M2 Stator M2 Stator
FC.010 0.000~500.000 mH 0.001 mH 0.000 mH RW,RA, ND
Inductance Inductance
M2 Saturation
FC.012 Saturation
Breakpoint 1
Breakpoint 1
M2 Saturation
FC.013 Saturation
Breakpoint 3
Breakpoint 3
M2 Saturation
FC.014 Saturation
Breakpoint 2
Breakpoint 2
M2 Saturation
FC.015 Saturation
Breakpoint 4
Breakpoint 4
0: Operation panel
1: Terminal
M2 Main
M2 Main Ref 2: Serial port
FC.016 Reference
Selector 3: AI1 analog reference
4: AI2 analog reference
5: Pulse
M2 Maximum
FC.017 Reference FC.018~F0.006 0.01 Hz 50.00 Hz RW,VM
M2 Minimum M2 Minimum
FC.018 Reference Reference 0~FC.017 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW,VM
Clamp Clamp
Command M2 Command
FC.019 0~2 1 0 RW,TE
Source Source Selector
M2 Command
Command to
FC.020 to Ref 000~666 1 0 RW
M2 M2
FC.021 Acceleration Acceleration 0.1~3200.00 s 0.1 s 6.0 s RW,VM
Rate 1 Rate 1
M2 M2
FC.022 Deceleration Deceleration 0.1~3200.00 s 0.1 s 6.0 s RW,VM
Rate 1 Rate 1
M2 V/F Open
M2 Open Loop
FC.023 loop control 0~7 1 0
Mode Select
M2 V/F Third
M2 V/F Third
FC.024 Point 0.00~550.00 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW
Point Frequency
M2 V/F
M2 V/F Second
FC.026 Second Point 0.00~550.00 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW
Point Frequency
M2 V/F
M2 V/F Second
FC.027 Second Point 0.0~100.0% 0.1% 0.0% RW
Point Voltage
M2 V/F First
M2 V/F First
FC.028 Point 0.00~550.00 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW
Point Frequency
M2 Boost
M2 Boost End
FC.030 End 0.0~50.0% 0.1% 10.0% RW
M2 Low
Frequency M2 Low Freq
FC.031 0.0~30.0% 0.1% 3.0% RW, RA
Voltage Voltage Boost
M2 Gain of
Slip M2 Gain of Slip
FC.032 -150.0~150.0% 0.1% 100.0% RW
Compensatio Compensation
M2 Slip
M2 Slip Comp
FC.033 Compensatio 0.00~10.00 Hz 0.01 Hz 10.00 Hz RW
n Limit
M2 Slip
M2 Slip Comp
FC.034 Compensatio 0~3 1 1 RW,TE
n Time Const
M2 Frequency 0.100
FC.035 M2 ASR.P1 0.000~200.000s/rad s/rad RW
Cont. P Gain s/rad
M2 Frequency
FC.036 M2 ASR.I1 0.00~655.35 s²/rad s/rad 0.10 s/rad RW,BU
Cont. I Gain
M2 Current
FC.038 M2 ACR-P Controller Kp 0.00~4000.00 0.01 20.00 RW
M2 Current
FC.039 M2 ACR-I Controller Ki 0.000~600.000 0.001 40.000 RW
M2 Motoring M2 Motoring
FC.040 1000.0~1000.0% 0.1% 165.0% RW,RA,VM
Current Limit Current Limit
M2 M2
FC.041 Regenerating Regenerating 1000.0~1000.0% 0.1% 165.0% RW,RA,VM
Current Limit Current Limit
M2 Symmetrical
FC.042 Symmetrical 1000.0~1000.0% 0.1% 165.0% RW,RA,VM
Current Limit
Current Limit
FC.043 Reserved
M2 Low Freq
FC.044 Therm Protect 1~3000 1s 179 s RW
Constant 1
M2 Low
Select Motor 2
FC.045 Thermal 0, 1 1 0 RW
3: Acceleration/deceleration time 4
1: Acceleration/deceleration time 2
2: Acceleration/deceleration time 3
3: Acceleration/deceleration time 4
0:300 BPS
1:600 BPS
2:1200 BPS
3:2400 BPS
Communicatio 4:4800 BPS
Serial Baud
FF.001 n baud rate 5:9600 BPS 1 6 RW, TE
selector 6:19200 BPS
7:38400 BPS
8:57600 BPS
9:76800 BPS
10:115200 BPS
Data format:
0: 8-2 format, no parity check, standard
RTU (8 2 NP)
1: 8-1 format, no parity check, standard
RTU (8 1 NP)
FF.002 Serial Mode 2: 8-1 format, even check, standard RTU 1 0 RW, TE
n data format
(8 1 EP)
3: 8-1 format, odd check, standard RTU
(8 1 OP)
4: 8-2 format, no parity check,
non-standard (8 2 NP M)
FF.004 ns timeout 0.0~1000 s 0.1 0.0 s RW
s timeout time
Local reply
FF.005 Comms 0~250 ms 1 5 ms RW
Transmit Delay
FF.008 n Main 0.00~550.00 Hz 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW, VM
Main Reference
Communicatio Communication
FF.009 n Auxiliary Auxiliary 0.00~550.00 Hz 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW, VM
Reference Reference
Number of
Number of M1 2 ~ 32, 0: the number of poles can be
FH.000 poles of 2 0 RW, ND
poles identified automatically
motor 1
Rated Depend
M1 rated RW,RA, VM,
FH.002 current of 0.00~999.99A 0.01 A ing on
current ND
motor 1 model
rotating M1 rated 1500
FH.003 0.0~33000.0 rpm 0.1 rpm RW, ND
speed of rotating speed rpm
motor 1
Rated power
M1 rated power
FH.004 factor of 0.00~1.00 0.01 0.85 RW,RA, ND
motor 1
M1 stator
FH.005 resistance of 0.0000~99.9999 Ω 0.0001 0.0000 RW,RA, ND
motor 1
M1 transient
inductive 0.000
FH.006 inductive 0.000~500.000 mH 0.001 mH RW,RA, ND
reactance of mH
motor 1
M1 stator
inductive 0.00
FH.007 inductive 0.00~5000.00 mH 0.01 mH RW,RA, ND
reactance of mH
motor 1
Parameter Parameter
FH.008 Open-loop mode: 0 ~ 2 1 0 RW,NC
self-setting self-setting
Default Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit
value parameter
Low Frequency
FL.000 Thermal 0, 1 1 0 RW
Motor Thermal
FL.01 Time Constant 1~3000 s 1s 179s RW
Standard Ramp
FL.003 Protection 120.0~150.0% Udce 0.1% 140.0% RW,RA, VM
Point at Stall
Overload Pre- 0: Relative rated current of the motor
FL.004 Pre-alarm 1 0 RW,TE
Alarm Selector 1: Relative rated current of the inverter
Overload Pre-
FL.005 Alarm 20~150% 0.1% 130.0% RW
FL.006 Pre-alarm 0.0~60.0 s 0.1 s 5.0 s RW
Detection Time
Motoring Motoring
FL.007 -1000.0~1000.0% 0.1% 165.0% RW,RA, VM
Current Limit Current Limit
FL.008 g Current -1000.0~1000.0% 0.1% 165.0% RW,RA, VM
Current Limit
Limit of
motor 1
Symmetrical Symmetrical
FL.009 -1000.0~1000.0% 0.1% 165.0% RW,RA, VM
Current Limit Current Limit
Default Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit
value parameter
Auto-reset Auto-reset
FL.011 0.0~600.0 s 0.1 s 1.0 s RW
Delay Delay
Bit 0: setting
Force the motor to shut down before
reporting the following failures.
Action on Failure code: 6, 26, 27, 32, 34, 35, 38,
Non-Importa 96, 112 to 167, 173, 189 and 190.
Action on Low
FL.012 nt Fault Bit 1: setting 1 0 RW
Fault Detection
Detection The following failures will trig an alarm
for 4 s and then the inverter continues
to keep running. If the conditions for
trigging the alarm always exist, the
alarm will continue.
Failure code: 91, 174, 175, 177 -188
Default Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit
value parameter
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit of
Set value
0: No action
The inverter will report the failure
regardless of whether the auto reset
function acts or not when it fails.
Auto-reset 1: Action
FL.014 Hold Drive During auto reset period, the failure 1 0 RW
Healthy status of the inverter will not be
indicated via status word (F8.023) and
digital output terminal (DO/TC) but will
be displayed on the panel. This function
will be disabled in case of undervoltage.
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit of
Set value
FL.022 DC Bus
DC Bus Voltage RO, ND,
FL.022 Voltage On 0~999 V 1V 0V
On Trip 0 NC, PT, VM
Last Trip
Output Current RO, ND,
FL.023 Current On 0.00~999.99 A 0.01 A 0.00 A
On Trip 0 NC, PT
Last Trip
Output Output
FL.024 Frequency On Frequency On 0.00~550 .00Hz 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz
Last Trip Trip 0
Drive State
Drive State RO, ND,
FL.025 Word On Last 0000~FFFF 0000
Word On Trip 0 NC, PT
FL.026 Resistor Rated 0.0~99999.9 kW 0.1 0.0 kw RW,RA
Rated Power
Braking Braking
Resistor Resistor
FL.027 0.00~1500.00 s 0.00 0.00 s RW
Thermal Time Thermal Time
Constant Constant
FL.028 Resistor 0.00~9999.99 Ω 0.01 .00 Ω RW,RA
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit of
Set value
Low Load
Low Load
FL.033 Detect Hz 0.00~550.00Hz 0.01 Hz 0.00 Hz RW
Low Load
Low Load
FL.034 Detection 0.00~100.00 % 0.01% 0.00% RW
Detection Level
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit of
Set value
Standby Freq
FL.036 Frequency for 0.0~100.0% 0.1% 100.0% RW
On Fault
0: DIN44081
Motor 1: KTY84
FL.037 Thermistor 2: PT1000 1 0 RW
Type 3: PT2000
4 Others
Feedback of
Thermistor RO,FI,ND,N
FL.038 motor 0~4000 Ω 1Ω 0Ω
Feedback C,PT
FL.040 Motor
Thermistor Trip
FL.040 Thermal Trip 0~4000 Ω 3300 Ω RW
FL.041 Motor
FL.041 Reset 0~4000 Ω 1800 Ω RW
FL.042 Over
Over Frequency
FL.042 Frequency 0.00~F0.012 0.01Hz 0.00Hz RW, VM
Default Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit
value parameter
Default Attribute of
Parameter Name LCD display Set range Minimum unit
value parameter
Software RO, ND, NC,
Fn.005 Firmware
Version PT
User security User Security RW, ND,
FP.000 0: The user password is not applied 0 0
code Code NC, PT
Non-zero: The user password is applied
0:No action
Parameter Parameter 1:Clear trips
FP.002 1 0 RW, TE, NC
Initiate Initiate Clear fault records (FL.16 to FL.21)
0: No action
Do not perform any operation.
1: Downloading all the parameters
All the parameters in the smart card will be
downloaded to the inverter after FP.003 is set
to 1 and the inverter is reset. FP.003 will
change to 0 automatically after the parameters
Parameter Parameter are downloaded.
FP.003 1 00 RW, TE, NC
download download 2: Downloading the parameters excluding
motor parameters
All the parameters excluding motor
parameters in the smart card will be
downloaded to the inverter after FP.003 is set
to 2 and the inverter is reset. FP.003 will
change to 0 automatically after the
parameters are downloaded.
0: No action
Do not perform any operation.
1: Uploading all the parameters
Parameter Parameter All parameters in the inverter will be uploaded RW, ND,
FP.004 1 0
upload upload to the smart card and the original parameters NC,
in it will be covered after FP.004 is set to 1 and
the inverter is reset. FP.004 will change to 0
automatically after the parameters are
FP.005 Drive action 0~65535 1 0 BU, RW, NC
with set value
ground terminal
Order A B C D E H W V X Y Z CS
master is The主机为
master is The主机为
master is
PC 或
RS232 RS232
RS232-RS485 RS232-RS485
转换模块 conversion
module module
Interface mode
RS485 interface: asynchronous and half-duplex. Default: 1-8-N-2, 9600bps, RTU. Refer to Group FF parameter for the parameter
Communication mode
1. The communication protocol of the inverter is Modbus protocol, which does not only support common register reading/writing,
but also expands some commands to manage the inverter parameters.
2. The inverter is slave, adopting master/salve mode P2P communication. The inverter will not respond to the command sent by
the master via broadcast address.
3. In multiple-unit communication or long-distance communication, parallel connecting the resistor of 100 to 120 ohms with the
positive end and negative end of the communication signal line of the master station can enhance its immunity to interference.
4. MEV series products provide RS485 interface only. If the communication interface of the external equipment is RS232, the
RS232/RS485 conversion equipment is needed.
Modbus RTU specifications
This section includes the application of MODBUS RTU protocol provided by EmersonCT products and the portable software to
realize this protocol.
MODBUS RTU is a master-slave system with half-duplex information exchange. MEV implements the read/write registers which
support core parameter. In addition, MEV defines 32-bit expansion for standard 16-bit data format.
Property Description
Baud rate 300, 600, 1200,2400,4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
Table.A3.1 Physical Layer
RTU framing
The frames have the following basic formats.
Slaver Function
功能码 信息数据
Information data 16位CRC 停顿间隔
从机地址 16-bit CRC Pause interval
address code
信息数据 data
The frame ends at the shortest communication pause time for time of 3.5 bytes (e.g. for baud rate of 19200, the shortest
communication pause time is 2 milliseconds).Each node uses the last communication pause time to explore frame trail and begins
frame processing. Thus all frames must transfer in the form of continuous code stream at intervals shorter than communication
pause time. If error interval occurs, the receiving node will begin frame processing earlier, which will result in CRC failure and the
frame will be discarded.
MODBUS RTU is a master-slave system, so all the requests of the master except broadcast command will give rise to slave response,
and then the slave will respond in given longest slave response time (e.g. it begins to send response).The system has also defined
the shortest slave response time which is no less than the shortest communication pause time for the definition of 3.5 bytes. If the
master sends broadcast out, it will dispatch a new request once the longest slave response time is overtime. The master must
conduct operation processing transmission errors during information timeout which is the longest slave response time plus
transmission time.
Frame Frame
Master request processing Slaver response Master request
detection of slaver
Slave address
The start bytes of frames are the slave node addresses, of which the effective slave node address is decimal 1-247.The byte in the
master request represents target slave node, and that in the slave response is response address sent by the slave.
Global addressing
Zero address performs addressing all the slave nodes on the network, while the slave nodes restrain the response information to
broadcast request.
MODBUS register
MODBUS register’s address range is 16 bits (65536 register), represented with protocol index of 0-65535.
MEV inverter parameter matching
The inverter applies Modbus RTU and serves as a slave all the time.
MEV inverter defines the data formats of the following serial interfaces. Two addressing modes are supported, that is, standard and
nonstandard register modes. RTU register values are determined by the corresponding equivalent values (ne) to parameter group
and parameter numbers (pn).Nonstandard mode can support allowable parameter numbers to 255 addressed. If the corresponding
value to any parameter group is greater than 63 and the parameter it contains is more than 99, the parameters cannot be
addressed by Modbus RTU.
(ne x 100) + pn
Wherein, ne ≤ 162 and pn ≤ 99
(ne x 256) + pn – 1
Wherein, ne ≤ 63 and pn ≤ 255
Data type
MODBUS protocol specification defines the register as 16-bit integer with symbols.
Please refer to the following extended data types for details of 32-bit register data.
Data consistency
All MEV devices support the data consistency of a minimum parameter (16-bit or 32-bit data). Some devices support complete
consistency processed by multiple registers.
Data coding
MODBUS RTU adopts 'big-endian' notation to represent address and data item (excluding CRC belonging to “little-enian”), which
means the most significant bytes will be sent first during multiple bytes transmission. For example:
16-bit 0x1234 is 0x12 0x34.
32-bit 0x12345678L is 0x12 0x34 0x56 0x78
Parameter determines the content and form of information data and the 7 bit of parameter in slave response represents an
abnormal situation.
Code Description
3 Multiple 16-bit registers are read
6 A single register is written
16 16-bit registers are written
23 Multiple 16-bit registers are read and written
Table.A3.4 Parameter Operations Supported by Inverter Modbus Protocol
Byte Description
0 Slave node address
1 Parameter 0x03
2 The length of register data in read block (Unit: byte)
3 Register data 0 MSB
4 Register data 0 LSB
3 + byte CRC LSB
4 + byte CRC MSB
Table.A3.6 Slave Response
Byte Description
0 The slave node address is 1-247 and 0 is the global
1 Parameter 0x06
2 Register address MSB
3 Register address LSB
4 Register data MSB
5 Register data LSB
Table.A3.7 Master Request
Byte Description
0 Slave node address
1 Parameter 0x06
2 Register address MSB
3 Register address LSB
4 Register data MSB
5 Register data LSB
Table.A3.8 Slave Response
Byte Description
The slave node address is from 1 to 247 and 0 is
the global parameter.
1 Parameter 0x10
2 Start register address MSB
3 Start register address LSB
4 Number of 16-bit register MSB
5 Number of 16-bit register LSB
The length of register data to be written (Unit:
7 Register data 0 MSB
8 Register data 0 LSB
7 + byte number CRC LSB
8 + byte number CRC MSB
Table.A3.9 Master Request
Byte Description
0 Slave node address
1 Parameter 0x10
2 Start register address MSB
3 Start register address LSB
4 Number of 16-bit written register MSB
5 Number of 16-bit written register LSB
Table.A3.10 Slave Response
If the number limit is surpassed, the slave will discard the request and the master’s timeout will happen.
Byte Description
The slave node address is from 1 to 247 and 0 is the
global parameter.
1 Parameter 0x17
2 Read start register address MSB
3 Read start register address LSB
4 Number of 16-bit registers to be read MSB
5 Number of 16-bit registers to be read LSB
6 Written start register address MSB
7 Written start register address LSB
8 Number of 16-bit registers to be written MSB
9 Number of 16-bit registers to be written LSB
10 The length of register data to be written (Unit: byte)
11 Register data 0 MSB
12 Register data 0 LSB
11 + byte
12 + byte
Table.A3.11 Master Request
Byte Description
0 Slave node address
1 Parameter 0x17
2 The length of register data in read block (Unit: byte)
3 Register data 0 MSB
4 Register data 0 LSB
3 + byte CRC LSB
4 + byte CRC MSB
Table.A3.12 Slave Response
Bit 15 Bit 14
Type field
Select data type Description
Bits 15-14
00 INT16 Backward compatibility
01 INT32
IEEE794 standard
10 Float32
All slaves are not supported
11 Reserved
Table.A3.13 2-bit Type Field
If 32-bit data type is selected, the slave shall adopt consecutive 16-bit MODBUS register (represented in big endian), and the master
must be set with correct “16-bit register number”.
For example, from node 8, FC03 is used to read F0.006 as 32-bit parameter.
How to read when the actual data type differs from the selected type
If a 32-bit parameter is read as a 16-bit one, the slave will send the least significant data bit of this parameter.
If a 16-bit parameter is read as a 32-bit one, the slave will expand the least significant bit since the number of 16-bit registers must
Start Register
Read 16-bit Register No. Response Description
#F2.006- 0x000001F4
16590 4 Full 32-bit reading
#F2.007 0x00000190
Table.A3.16 How to Read When the Actual Data Type Differs From the Selected Type
How to write when the actual data type differs from the selected type
If the 32-bit value falls into the normal range of 16-bit parameter, the slave will write 32-bit value into 16-bit parameter;
Similarly, the slave will write 16-bit value into 32-bit parameter. At that time, the slave will give the expansion value marks. The
range of 16-bit values shall be between -32767 and +32767.
Start 16-bit
Write register register Data Description
address No.
Standard 16-bit value is
written into 32-bit
# F2.015 215 1 0x1234
register. The written
value = 0x00001234
The written value =
# F2.015 16599 2 0x00001234
The written value =
# F2.006 206 1 0x0123
The written value =
# F2.006 16590 2 0x00000123
Table.A3.17 How to Write When the Actual Data Type Differs From the Selected Type
Abnormal situation
If errors are found in the detection of the master request, the slave responds abnormally; if the information is damaged, the frame
is not received or CRC fails, the slave will not report abnormally. At the moment, the master’s timeout will happen. If the request for
writing many times (FC16 or FC23) exceeds the maximum buffer size of the slave, the slave will discard information. Then, it will not
send abnormal report and the master’s timeout will happen.
Abnormal information format
The abnormal information of the slave includes the following formats. See Table.A3.18.
Byte Description
0 Slave source node address
1 The 7 bit in original parameter is set
2 Abnormal code
Table.A3.18 Formats of Abnormal Information of Slave
Abnormal code:
Abnormal code in Table.A3.19 is supported.
Code Description
1 The parameter is not supported
The register address is beyond limit or the register number
in the request to be read is too large
Table.A3.19 Abnormal Code