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MANUAL Driver CDE360 Canworld

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CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Preface

Thank you for purchasing CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive developed by Shenzhen Canworld
Electrical Technology Co., Ltd.

The CDE360 series AC drive is a general-purpose high-performance vector control AC drive, which
is widely used for simple fan and pump driving, and automatic controlling in specific industry
equipment of Textile, Stone sawing machine, Air compressor, Spindle servo drive, Crane, Veneer
peeling machine, line cutting machine, oil-fields and wire drawing machine. It can also provide
all-in-one solution for the application of ball crusher, injection molding machine and intelligent motor.

This manual describes the notes and guidance of selection, installation, parameter setting, field
debugging, fault diagnostics and daily maintenance. Read and understand the user manual before
use and forward the manual to the end user.

 The drawings in the user manual are sometimes shown without covers or protective guards.
Remember to install the covers and protective guards according to the user manual, then
perform operations in accordance with the instructions.
 The drawings in the manual are shown for description only and may not match the product
that you purchased.
 The instructions are subject to change without notice, due to product upgrade and the
efforts to increase the accuracy and convenience of the user manual.
 Contact our agents or customer service center if you need to purchase this user manual.
 Contact our customer service center if you have problems during the use.
Service hot line: +86 4000-888-699 Fax: +86 755-26617646

Version: V1.1
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Introduction

Notes: All the examples below are base on factory setting.

Example 1: Start/stop the AC drive and set frequency by Keypad.

Operating steps:
1.1) Configure the following parameters according to the motor nameplate and actual requirements.
Function Function
Name Unit Name Unit
Code Code
b0.04 Acceleration time 1 Sec b0.08 Rated motor current A
b0.05 Deceleration time 1 Sec b0.09 Rated motor frequency Hz
b0.06 Rated motor power KW b0.10 Rated motor speed RPM
b0.07 Rated motor voltage V b2.01 Digital setting frequency Hz

1.2) Start/stop the AC drive by pressing the RUN/STOP key on the keypad.

Example 2: Start/stop the AC drive by digital input (X terminals) and set frequency through
analog input signals.
Operating steps:
2.1) Terminal X1 controls forward running, X2 controls reverse running, and AI1 signal set the
running frequency.Please configure the wiring refer the following diagram.

2.2) Configure the following parameters base on the wiring mode.

Name Value Meaning
b0.11 Command sources selection 1 Commands from X terminals.
b2.00 Main frequency source A selection 1 Frequency from AI1.
C0.01 The function of terminal X1 3 (default) Forward run
C0.02 The function of terminal X2 4 Reverse run
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Introduction

2.3) Configure the following parameters according to the motor nameplate and actual
Function Function
Name Unit Name Unit
Code Code
b0.04 Acceleration time 1 Sec b0.08 Rated motor current A
b0.05 Deceleration time 1 Sec b0.09 Rated motor frequency Hz
b0.06 Rated motor power KW b0.10 Rated motor speed RPM
b0.07 Rated motor voltage V
2.4) Set running frequency by adjusting the signal level of AI1.
2.5) The AC drive will run forward when the switch K1 is closed, and run reverse when the K2 is
closed. If the K1 and K2 are both in closed or open status, the AC drive will stop.

Example 3: Start/stop the AC drive and set frequency through communication (Modbus RTU
protocol, RS485 interface)

Operating steps:
3.1) Connect the control device to the AC drive directly if it supports RS485 interface. Otherwise,
please add an communication adapter box.

3.2) Configure the following communication related parameters.

Name Value Meaning
b0.11 Command sources selection 2 Commands from the communication.
L0.00 Communication baud rate 1 (default) 9600 bps
L0.01 Data format 1 (default) No check, 8-N-2 data format
L0.02 Slave address 1 (default)
3.3) Configure the following parameters according to the motor nameplate and actual
Function Function
Name Unit Name Unit
Code Code
b0.04 Acceleration time 1 Sec b0.08 Rated motor current A
b0.05 Deceleration time 1 Sec b0.09 Rated motor frequency Hz
b0.06 Rated motor power KW b0.10 Rated motor speed RPM
b0.07 Rated motor voltage V
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Introduction

3.4) Set the running frequency of the AC drive (salve address is 1) to 25 Hz by writing the data to
the register 0x6400 with the communication function code 0x06.
Frame Address Function Code Register Address Register Content Check Sum

Request 0x01 0x06 0x64 0x00 0x13 0x88 0x9B 0xAC

Response 0x01 0x06 0x64 0x00 0x13 0x88 0x9B 0xAC

Remarks: 0x1388 corresponds to 5000 in decimal, which means 50 percents as communication setting value.
When the communication setting value is used for reference frequency, the base value is b0.00(Max
frequency,default 50Hz).

3.5) Run the AC drive (slave address is 1) forward by writing the data to the register 0x6401 with
the communication function code 0x06.
Frame Address Function Code Register Address Register Content Check Sum

Request 0x01 0x06 0x64 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x06 0xAC

Response 0x01 0x06 0x64 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x06 0xAC

3.6) Stop the AC drive (slave address is 1) by writing the data to the register 0x6401 with the
communication function code 0x06.
Frame Address Function Code Register Address Register Content Check Sum

Request 0x01 0x06 0x64 0x01 0x00 0x06 0x47 0x38

Response 0x01 0x06 0x64 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x47 0x38

Remarks: 0x6401 command function

Address Command Function
0001: Forward run
0002: Reverse run
0003: Forward JOG
0004: Reverse JOG
(b0.11 = 2)
0005: Coasting stop
0006: Deceleration stop
0007: Fault reset
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Introduction
Induction motor flow chart by first using
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Index

Chapter 1 Safety Information and Precautions.............................................................................................. 2
1.1 Safety Information and Precautions................................................................................................... 2
1.2 General Precautions.............................................................................................................................. 1
Chapter 2 Product Information...........................................................................................................................2
2.1 CDE360 Technical Specifications....................................................................................................... 2
2.3 CDE360 Nameplate.............................................................................................................................. 6
2.4 CDE360 Model and Technical Parameters.......................................................................................6
2.4.1 General Series.............................................................................................................................6
2.5 CDE360 Appearance and Dimensions......................................................................................8
2.5.1 General Series.............................................................................................................................8 Wall-mounted Type Appearance.......................................................................................... 8
2.6 CDE360 Keypad Physical Dimensions........................................................................................... 13
2.6.1 Keypad A(LED).................................................................................................................... 13
2.6.2 Keypad A Foundation...............................................................................................................13
2.6.3 Keypad B.................................................................................................................................... 14
2.6.4 Keypad B Foundation.............................................................................................................. 14
2.6.6 Dust Excluding Plate A............................................................................................................ 15
2.6.7 Dust Excluding Plate B............................................................................................................15
2.7 Selection Suggestion of AC Drive.....................................................................................................16
2.8 Recommendation of Brake Resistance Selection.........................................................................17
Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation.........................................................................................19
3.1 Mechanical Installation.................................................................................................................... 19
3.1.1 Requirements of Installation Environment....................................................................19
3.1.2 Installation Direction and Clearance............................................................................... 19
3.1.3 Removal and Installation of the Keypad and Cover...................................................20
3.2 Electrical Installation........................................................................................................................ 24
3.2.1 Instructions of Peripheral Electrical Components..................................................... 25
3.2.2 Selection Guidance of Peripheral Electrical Components.......................................25
3.2.3 Terminals Wiring Diagram of the AC drive.................................................................... 28
3.2.4 Power Terminals of the Main Circuit................................................................................29
3.2.5 Control Terminals and Wiring Description.................................................................... 32
(II)The connection mode of source............................................................................................................. 37
................................................................................................................................................................................. 37
Chapter 4 Operation,Display and Application.............................................................................................. 38
4.1 Keypad Interface................................................................................................................................ 38
4.2 Keypad Indicators.................................................................................................................................39
4.3 Function of the Keypad Key...............................................................................................................39
4.4 Keypad Display..................................................................................................................................... 40
4.4 Menu Introduction.................................................................................................................................41
4.5 Monitor Parameters............................................................................................................................. 41
4.6 Parameters Upload and Download.................................................................................................. 42
4.7 Password and Parameter Setting.....................................................................................................43
4.8 User Defined Parameters................................................................................................................... 44
4.9 Non-basic Menu Display.....................................................................................................................44
Chapter 5 Parameter List Table.......................................................................................................................45
A0 Monitor................................................................................................................................................ 46
A1 Fault & Diagnostics.........................................................................................................................49
b0 Basic Parameters............................................................................................................................. 51
b1 Run & Stop logic.............................................................................................................................. 52
b2 Frequency Source............................................................................................................................53
C0 Digital Input....................................................................................................................................... 54
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Index
C1 Digital Output.................................................................................................................................... 56
C2 Analog Input...................................................................................................................................... 58
C3 Analog Output...................................................................................................................................59
C4 Pulse Input/Output.......................................................................................................................... 60
C5 Virtual Digital Input/Output...........................................................................................................60
d0 Motor Control.................................................................................................................................... 61
d1 Motor Parameters.............................................................................................................................63
d2 Speed Control....................................................................................................................................63
d3 Torque Control.................................................................................................................................. 65
d5 Motor 2 Parameters......................................................................................................................... 66
d6 Motor 2 Speed Control................................................................................................................... 67
E0 JOG.......................................................................................................................................................69
E1 Skip Frequency.................................................................................................................................69
E2 Multi-Reference................................................................................................................................ 69
E3 Simple PLC.........................................................................................................................................70
E4 Acc & Dec Time................................................................................................................................ 71
E5 PID.........................................................................................................................................................72
E6 Multi-Pump Control......................................................................................................................... 74
E7 Swing Frequency............................................................................................................................. 75
E8 Droop Control....................................................................................................................................75
E9 Power Loss Ride Through............................................................................................................ 75
EA External Brake.................................................................................................................................. 76
Eb Supervision........................................................................................................................................76
F0 Protection........................................................................................................................................... 78
F1 Auto Reset.......................................................................................................................................... 80
H0 System Parameters.........................................................................................................................80
H1 AI/AO Calibration............................................................................................................................. 82
L0 Communication Setting................................................................................................................. 82
L1 Point-point Communication......................................................................................................... 83
L2 Encoder Setting................................................................................................................................ 83
P0 User-defined Parameters.............................................................................................................. 84
P1 Debug Parameters...........................................................................................................................85
P2 Factory Parameters.........................................................................................................................85
Chapter 6 Parameters Description................................................................................................................. 86
Group A0: Monitor.................................................................................................................................... 86
Group A1: Fault & Diagnostic............................................................................................................... 93
Group b0: Basic Parameters................................................................................................................. 95
Group b1: Run & Stop Logic................................................................................................................. 99
Group b2: Frequency Source............................................................................................................. 106
Group C0: Digital Input......................................................................................................................... 110
Group C1: Digital Output......................................................................................................................123
Group C2: Analog Input........................................................................................................................129
Group C3: Analog Output.................................................................................................................... 134
Group C4: Pulse Input/Output............................................................................................................137
Group C5: Virtual Digital Input/Output............................................................................................ 139
Group d0: Motor Control...................................................................................................................... 141
Group d1: Motor Parameters.............................................................................................................. 149
Group d2: Speed Control..................................................................................................................... 151
Group d3: Torque Control....................................................................................................................156
Group d5: Motor 2 Parameters...........................................................................................................161
Group d6: Motor 2 Speed Control.....................................................................................................163
Group E0: JOG.........................................................................................................................................166
Group E1: Skip Frequency.................................................................................................................. 167
Group E2: Multi-Reference.................................................................................................................. 168
Group E3: Simple PLC.......................................................................................................................... 169
Group E4: Acc & Dec time................................................................................................................... 171
Group E5: PID.......................................................................................................................................... 172
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Index
Group E6: Multi-Pump Control...........................................................................................................183
Group E7: Swing Frequency...............................................................................................................192
Group E8: Droop Control..................................................................................................................... 195
Group E9: Power Loss Ride Through..............................................................................................196
Group EA: External Brake....................................................................................................................197
Group Eb: Supervision......................................................................................................................... 199
Group F0: Protection............................................................................................................................. 205
Group F1: Auto Reset............................................................................................................................ 211
Group H0: System Parameters.......................................................................................................... 212
Group H1: AI/AO Calibration...............................................................................................................217
Group L0: Communication Setting...................................................................................................219
Group L1: Point-point Communication........................................................................................... 220
Group L2: Encoder Setting..................................................................................................................221
Group P0: User-defined Parameters................................................................................................ 223
Group P1: Debug Parameters.............................................................................................................224
Chapter 7 Fault Detection and Diagnostics................................................................................................225
7.1 Faults and Solutions.......................................................................................................................... 225
7.2 Common Faults and Solutions........................................................................................................233
Chapter 8 Communication Protocol............................................................................................................. 234
8.1 Protocol Comment............................................................................................................................. 234
8.2 Networking Mode............................................................................................................................... 234
8.3 Bus Structure...................................................................................................................................... 234
8.4 Protocol Format.................................................................................................................................. 235
8.5 Functions of Protocol.........................................................................................................................236
Chapter 9 Maintenance...................................................................................................................................244
9.1 Routine Repair and Maintenance...................................................................................................244
9.2 The Inspection and Replacement of Vulnerable Components................................................ 244
9.3 Storage and Warranty Agreement..................................................................................................245
Chapter 10 Optional Cards..........................................................................................................................246
10.1 Relay Card(IO1).......................................................................................................................246
10.2 Multi-function IO Card(IO2)...................................................................................................247
10.3 Multi-function IO Card(IO3)...................................................................................................248
10.4 Temperature Sample Card(IO4)...........................................................................................249
10.5 Differential Encoder Card(PG1)........................................................................................... 250
10.6 OC type Encoder Card(PG2)................................................................................................251
Appendix: Records of Version Changes.....................................................................................................252
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 1 Safety Information and Precautions

Chapter 1 Safety Information and Precautions

Safety definition:
In this user manual, the notices are graded based on the degree of danger:

DANGER indicates that failure to comply with the notice will result in severe personal injury
or even death.

WARNING indicates that failure to comply with the notice will result in personal injury or
property damage.

Read this user manual carefully so that you can have a thorough understanding of the product.
Installation, debugging and maintenance must be performed in accordance with the content of this
chapter. There will assume no liability or responsibility for any injury and loss due to improper

1.1 Safety Information and Precautions

Before installation

 Do not install the equipment if you find water seepage, component missing or damage upon
 Do not install the equipment if the packing list does not conform to the product you received.

 Handle the equipment with care during transportation to prevent damage to the equipment.
 Do not use the equipment with damaged or missing components. Failure to comply will
result in personal injury.
 Do not touch the components in the equipment. Failure to comply will result in static
electricity damage.

During installation

 Install the equipment on incombustible objects such as metal and keep it away from
combustible materials.
 Do not install the equipment in the environment with combustible gas. Failure to comply will
result in a fire.
 Do not loosen the fixed screws of the components, especially the screws with red marks.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 1 Safety Information and Precautions

 Do not drop wire end or screw into the AC drive. Failure to comply will result in the damage
to the AC drive.
 Install the AC drive in places free of vibration and direct sunlight.
 When two AC drives are laid in the same cabinet, please arrange the installation positions
properly to ensure the cooling effect.

At wiring

 Wiring must be performed only by qualified personnel under instructions described in this
user manual.
 Failure to comply may result in unexpected accidents.
 A circuit breaker must be used to isolate the power supply and the AC drive. Failure to
comply may result in a fire.
 Ensure that the power supply is cut off before wiring. Failure to comply may result in the
electric shock.
 Tie the AC drive to ground properly by standard (earthing resistance less than 10 Ohms).
Failure to comply may result in the electric shock.
 Do not control the run or stop of the AC drive by turning on or off the input power supply.

 Pay attention to marks of the wiring terminals. Never connect the power cables to the output
terminals (U,V,W) of the AC drive. Failure to comply will result in damage to the AC drive.
 Ensure that the wiring conforms to EMC requirements and the safety standard of the region.
Please refer to proposals of the user manual when considering the diameter of the wire.
Failure to comply will result in accidents.
 Never connect the braking resistor between DC bus terminals (+) and (-).Failure to comply
will result in a fire.

Before power-on

 Check that following requirements are met:
 The voltage class of the power supply is consistent with the rated one of the AC drive.
 The input terminals (R, S, T) and output terminals (U, V, W) are properly connected.
 No short-circuit exists in the peripheral circuit.
 The wiring is secured.
 Failure to comply will result in the damage to the AC drive.
 Do not perform the voltage resistance test on any part of the AC drive because such test has
been done in the factory. Failure to comply will result in accidents.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 1 Safety Information and Precautions

 Cover the AC drive properly before power-on to prevent electric shock.
 The wiring of peripheral devices must be connected properly under instructions described in
this user manual. Failure to comply will result in accidents.

After power-on

 Do not open the AC drive cover after power-on. Failure to comply will result in electric shock.
 Do not touch the AC drive and circuits of peripherals when use wet hands. Failure to comply
will result in electric shock.
 Do not touch any I/O terminal of the AC drive. Failure to comply may result in electric shock.
 Ensure that the motor and mechanical devices can bear high-speed rotating when the run
frequency is bigger than the Rated motor frequency.

During operation

 Do not touch the fan or the discharging resistor to check the temperature. Failure to comply
will result in personal burnt.
 Signal detection must be performed only by qualified personnel during operation. Failure to
comply will result in personal injury or damage to the AC drive.
 Avoid objects falling into the AC drive during operation. Failure to comply will result in the
damage to the AC drive.

During maintenance

 Do not repair or maintain the AC drive at power-on. Failure to comply will result in electric
 After the AC drive is powered off, the basic waiting time must be ten minutes. Then repairing
or maintenance the AC drive can be performed when the DC bus voltage (between P+ and
P-) is lower than 36V. Failure to comply will result in personal injury due to the residual
voltage in the capacitor.
 Repairing or maintenance of the AC drive can be performed only by qualified personnel.
Failure to comply will result in personal injury or damage to the AC drive.
 Set and check parameters again after the AC drive is replaced. All plug-in components must
be plugged or removed only after power is off.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 1 Safety Information and Precautions

1.2 General Precautions

 Ground Connection
The incorrect earthing may cause personal injury, death or equipment failure, and increase the
electromagnetic interference.
The correct earthing the AC drive, motor or other devices can guarantee the safety of the operator in
any case and reduce the electromagnetic radiation and interference.
If the leakage current of the AC drive is greater than AC 3.5mA or DC 10mA , connecting a fixed
protection earthing cable is needed.
Earthing terminals of several AC drives can not be connected in series.
Only when the conduct interface dimension of the cable shielding layer conforms to safety
regulations, the cable can be used for earthing.

 Motor insulation test

Perform the insulation test when the motor is used for the first time, or when it is reused after being
stored for a long time, or in a regular check-up, in order to prevent the poor insulation of motor
winding from damaging the AC drive. During the insulation test, the motor must be disconnected
from the AC drive. A 500-V mega-Ohm meter is recommended for the test and the insulation
resistance must not be less than 5M Ohms.

 Thermal protection of the motor

If the rated capacity of the motor selected does not match that of the AC drive, especially when the
rated power of the AC drive is greater than that of the motor, please adjust the motor protection
parameters on the operation panel of the AC drive or install a thermal relay in the motor for

 Running at over 50 Hz
This series AC drive can provide output frequency of 0~600Hz(0~3000Hz for CDE360B type). If the
AC drive needs to run at higher frequency than base frequency(50Hz or 60 Hz), the capability of the
mechanical device must be considered.

 Vibration of mechanical device

The AC drive may encounter mechanical resonance points at some output frequencies, which can
be avoided by setting skip frequencies on the keypad.

 The heat and noise of the motor

The output of the AC drive is pulse width modulation (PWM) wave with certain harmonic frequencies,
and therefore, the temperature rise of the motor, noise and vibration will be increase slightly
compared with power frequency operation.

 Voltage-sensitive devices or capacitors for improving power factor on the output side of
the AC drive
Because the output of the AC drive is PWM wave, please do not install capacitors for improving
power factor or lightning protection voltage-sensitive resistors on the output side of the AC drive.
Otherwise, the AC drive may suffer transient fault trip or being damaged.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 1 Safety Information and Precautions

 Contactors at the I/O terminal of the AC drive

When one contactor is installed between the input side of the AC drive and the power supply, the AC
drive should not be started or stopped by switching the contactor on or off. If the AC drive has to be
operated by the contactor, ensure that the time interval between switching is at least one hour for
frequent charge and discharge will shorten the service life of the capacitor inside the AC drive.
When one contactor is installed between the output side of the AC drive and the motor, do not turn
on or off the contactor when the AC drive is active. Otherwise, modules inside the AC drive may be

 Leakage protector
Because of the existence of distributed capacitors to ground, when the AC drive runs with
high-speed switching action, high frequency leakage current will be generated, which will lead to the
malfunction of the leakage current protection circuit. When encounter this problem, in addition to
reduce the carrier frequency appropriately and shorten the lead, the leakage protector should be
chosen correctly. Please pay attention to the following two points:
a. The leakage protector should be arranged on the input side of the AC side. It is appropriate for
the leakage protector to be arranged after the air switch (no fuse breaker).
b. The leakage protection devices should choose the types which are not sensitive to high level
harmonic or special ones for the AC drive (sensitivity is above 30mA). If common leakage protectors
should be chosen, the type that the sensitivity is above 100mA and the action time above 0.1s is

 When external voltage is out of the range of the rated voltage

The AC drive must not be used outside the allowable voltage range specified by the user manual.
Otherwise, components inside the AC drive may be damaged.
If required, the corresponding voltage step-up or step-down device should be chosen.

 Prohibition three-phase input changed into two-phase input

When three-phase input changed into two-phase input, the voltage ripple of the DC bus and the
current ripple will increase, and the ripple will shorten the service life of capacitors in the main circuit
and make the work performance of the AC drive worse. So, the user should not change three-phase
input into two-phase input. If it is necessary to use a two-phase power supply, the protection of input
phase loss should be canceled, at the same time, the action of derating the AC drive should be
considered. Of course, the maximum value of derating the AC drive should not be larger than 60
percent of the rated power.

 Surge suppressor
The AC drive has a built-in voltage dependent resistor (VDR) for suppressing the surge voltage
generated when inductive loads around the AC drive are switched on or off. If inductive loads
generate a very high surge voltage, a surge suppressor is used for the inductive load.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 1 Safety Information and Precautions

 Altitude and derating

1. In places where the altitude is above 1000 meters and the cooling effect reduces due to thin air, it
is necessary to de-rate the AC drive. The ratio of derating the AC drive is 1 percent for every
increase of 100 meters.
2. In places where the ambient temperature exceeds 40℃, it is necessary to de-rate the AC drive.
The ratio of derating the AC drive is 3 percent for every increase of 1 ℃.
3. When the setting carrier frequency is bigger than the fault value, it is necessary to de-rate the AC
drive. The ratio of derating the AC drive is 4 percent for every increase of 1K Hz.

 Disposal
The electrolytic capacitors on main circuits and PCB may explode when they are burnt. Poisonous
gas is generated when the plastic parts are burnt. Treat them as ordinary industrial waste.

 Adaptable motor
1. The standard adaptable motor is the four-pole squirrel-cage asynchronous motor. Please
configure related parameter according to the type and the nameplate of the motor.
2. Because the cooling fan and the rotor shaft of the non-variable-frequency motor are coaxial, the
cooling effect will reduce when the speed decelerates. If variable speed is required, add a more
powerful fan or replace it with variable-frequency motor in applications where the motor
overheats easily.
3. Standard motor parameters have been configured inside the AC drive. It is necessary to perform
motor auto-tuning or modify fault values based on the actual condition. Otherwise, the running
result and protection performance will be affected.
4. The AC drive may alarm or even be damaged when short-circuit exists on cables or inside the
motor. Therefore, perform insulation short-circuit test when the motor and cables are newly
installed or during routine maintenance. During the test, make sure that the AC drive is
disconnected from the tested parts.
5. When the distance between the AC drive and the motor is too long, the insulation withstand
voltage must be considered.

 Lubrication of mechanical device

The mechanical devices such as reduction boxes and gears which need to be lubricated, may
cause damage after a long time low speed running due to bad lubrication.Please conform the
mechanical devices is OK before starting the AC drive.

 Regenerative load
For the application which have energy regeneration such as lifting, the AC drive often stops due to
over voltage protection and a appropriate brake component needs to be considered.
The specific constant voltage energy saving AC drives (CDE360J type) can save the brake
component and avoid over voltage protection for the application with energy regeneration,like
sawing machine,oil pumping machines,etc.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 2 Product Information
Chapter 2 Product Information
2.1 CDE360 Technical Specifications
Table 2- 1 Technical Specifications
Item Specifications
Single-phase: 220V;
Rated Input Three-phase : 220V/380V/480V;
Frequency: 50/60Hz
Voltage fluctuation: -15%~10%;
Input voltage range Imbalance factor: less than 3%;
Voltage frequency: 47~63Hz
Control mode VF control; Open-loop vector control; Close-loop vector control

Basic Digital setting: 0.01Hz;

Frequency resolution
Performance Analog setting: 0.5% × maximum frequency
Maximum output V/F control: 3500Hz; Vector control: 300Hz
Speed range VF control: 1:60; Vector control: 1:100
0.5~16.0kHz(Model dependent). The carrier frequency can be
Carrier frequency
automatically adjusted based on features of the load.
Start torque 0.5Hz/150%*rated motor torque
G type: 150% rated current for 60s,180% rated current for 3s
Overload capacity
L type: 120% rated current for 60s
Keypad; Control terminals (two-line, three-line); Serial
Run mode communication (RS485).The user can perform switch-over
between these sources in various ways.
V/F curve Straight line type; Multiple point type; N-power type
Ramp curve Straight line or S curve; Four ramp times (range: 0.1s to 6000.0s)
Torque boost Automatic/manual torque boost
Speed trace All types have the function of the speed trace.
Motor braking DC braking; Energy consumption braking; Magnetic braking
Braking frequency: 0.00Hz to Maximum frequency;
DC braking Braking time: 0.0s to 100.0s;
Braking current: 0.0% to 100.0%*Rated motor current
For occasions which have the request of fast stop or regenerative
Magnetic braking loads, the function of magnetic braking can be used. The function
can avoid frequent protection due to over voltage.
The function of CBC current limiting is to minimize the fault of over
CBC current limiting
current and keep the normal running of the AC drive.
The function is to restrict the current and voltage automatically
Overcurrent and
during running and avoid the frequent fault protection of over
overvoltage control
current and over voltage.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 2 Product Information

Item Specifications
The delay time of The user can set the delay time for digital input terminals, digital
terminals output terminals and relays.The time range is 0.0s to 3000.0s.
Control mode: keypad, terminals and serial communication.
JOG Control Frequency: 0.00Hz to Maximum frequency;
Ramp time: 0.1 to 6000.0s
Multiple speed and Based on built-in PLC or digital input terminals, realize the
simple PLC running of sixteen segments speed.
Two PID inside the As common PID, the closed-loop system of process control can be
parameters realized easily.
Special The AC drive can count the pulse signal of 0 to 100K Hz and realize
Functions Fixed length and count the control of count reaching by using digital output terminals.The
drive can also convert the count into length for display and control.
Spinning and swing The fixed swing magnitude, fixed mutations and fixed periodic
frequency output can be achieved at arbitrary frequency.
Time range: 0 to 65000 hours.
Timing control
The timing control can stop the AC drive.
When the power loss ride through happens, by decreasing the
Power loss ride running frequency, the feedback energy of the load can
through compensate the voltage drop of the DC bus. As a result, the AC
drive can keep running for a short time.
Reference power
Usually, it is used for the power supply of analog input signals.
24V/200mA.Usually, it is used for the power supply of digital input
Control power
and output terminals.
Two analog input terminals, which have two types of voltage input
and current input.
Analog input Every input terminal can support three types input signals: 0 to 10V,
0 to 20mA and -10V to 10V.
These two analog input terminals are programmable.
Two analog output terminals, which have two types of voltage
output and current output.
Analog output Every output terminal can support two types output signals: 0 to
10V and 0 to 20mA.
These two analog output terminals are programmable.
Five multi function digital input terminals are compatible with active
PNP or NPN input mode. Among these six input terminals, the X6
Digital input terminal can be chosen as high-speed pulse input terminal and the
range of the high-speed pulse is 0 to 100KHz. At the same time, the
X6 terminal is programmable.
There are two open collect output terminals. Among them, Y2
terminal can be chosen as high-speed pulse output. These two
Digital output
output terminals are programmable.There are two relay output
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 2 Product Information

Item Specifications
Input and output phase loss protection,under voltage protection,
Protection over voltage protection,over current protection,over heat protection,
Common types
function over load protection,short-circuit protection, module fault, external
fault, self-defining fault.
Indoor, free from direct sunlight, dust,drip, salt, oil smoke, water
Installation location
vapor, combustible gas and corrosive gas.
If the altitude is equal or lower than 1000 meters, the AC drive can
be used normally.
If the altitude is higher than 1000 meters, it is necessary to de-rate
Altitude the AC drive. The ratio of derating the AC drive is 1 percent for
every increase of 100 meters.
If the altitude is higher than 3000 meters, please contact our
-10℃ to +40℃.
If the ambient temperature is 40℃ to 50℃, please keep good
ventilation and take the action of derating: The ratio of derating the
AC drive is 3 percent for every increase of 1℃.
Humidity Less than 95%RH, without condensing.
Vibration Less than 0.6g
Storage temperature -25℃~+65℃
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 2 Product Information

2.2 CDE360 Designation Rules

Figure 2- 1 Designation Rules


1) Designation only has the main specification of the AC drive.

2) As for the configuration information of the brake unit and DC reactor, please refer to
Sector 2.4 ‘CDE360 Model and technical parameters’.

3) As for the construction size, please refer to Sector 2.5 ‘CDE360 appearance and
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 2 Product Information
2.3 CDE360 Nameplate

Figure 2- 2 Nameplate

2.4 CDE360 Model and Technical Parameters

2.4.1 General Series

1) 2S class (single-phase 220V AC input)

Table 2- 2 CDE360-2S class model and technical parameters

Power Output
AC drive model Input DC
capacity current Brake unit Keypad
CDE360- current(A) reactor
(KVA) (A)

2S0R7 1.5 8.2 4 Built-in Not LED

2S1R5 3 14 7 (Optional) installed (Standard)
Remarks: 键盘
1) The models in the table above do not have input phase loss protection.
2) The models in the table above are single and wall-mounted type.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 2 Product Information

Table 2- 3 CDE360-4T class model and technical parameters

Power Output
AC drive model Input current
capacity current Brake unit DC reactor Keypad
CDE360- (A)
(KVA) (A)

4T0R7G/1R5L 2.0/3.0 3.4/5.0 2.6/3.8

4T1R5G/2R2L 3.0/4.0 5.0/5.8 3.8/5.5
4T2R2G/3R7L 4.0/5.9 5.8/10.5 5.5/9
4T3R7G/5R5L 5.9/8.9 10.5/14.6 9/13
4T5R5G/7R5L 8.9/11 14.6/18 13/17
Built-in Not
4T7R5G/011L 11/16.4 18/25 17/24
(Standard) installed
4T011G/015L 16.4/21 25/31.2 24/30
4T015G/018L 21/24 31.2/39.2 30/38
4T018G/022L 24/30 39.2/46.5 38/45
4T022G/030L 30/40 46.5/62 45/60
4T030G/037L 40/57 62/78 60/76
4T037G/045L 57/69 78/93 76/91
4T045G/055L 69/85 93/114.5 91/112
4T055G/075L 85/114 114.5/153.5 112/150 External External
4T075G/090L 114/134 153.5/180 150/176 (Optional) (Optional)
4T090G/110L 134/160 180/214 176/210
4T110G/132L 160/192 214/256 210/253

1) The models of 15G/018L and below do not have input phase loss protection.
2) The models of 110G/132L and below are single and wall-mounted type.
3) 4T class (three-phase 380V AC input)

Table 2- 4 CDE360-5T class model and technical parameters

Power Output
AC drive model Input current DC
capacity current Brake unit Keypad
CDE360- (A) reactor
(KVA) (A)

5T0R7G/1R5L 2.0/3.0 3.4/5.0 2.6/3.8

5T1R5G/2R2L 3.0/4.0 5.0/5.8 3.8/5.5
5T2R2G/3R7L 4.0/5.9 5.8/10.5 5.5/9 Built-in Not LED
5T3R7G/5R5L 5.9/8.9 10.5/14.6 9/13 (Standard) installed (Standard)
5T5R5G/7R5L 8.9/11 14.6/18 13/17
5T7R5G/011L 11/16.4 18/25 17/24
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 2 Product Information

5T011G/015L 16.4/21 25/31.2 24/30

5T015G/018L 21/24 31.2/39.2 30/38 Built-in Not
5T018G/022L 24/30 39.2/46.5 38/45 (Standard) installed
5T022G/030L 30/40 46.5/62 45/60
5T030G/037L 40/57 62/78 60/76
5T037G/045L 57/69 78/93 76/91
5T045G/055L 69/85 93/114.5 91/112
External External
5T055G/075L 85/114 114.5/153.5 112/150
(Optional) (Optional)
5T075G/090L 114/134 153.5/180 150/176
5T090G/110L 134/160 180/214 176/210
5T110G/132L 160/192 214/256 210/253
1) The models of 15G/018L and below do not have input phase loss protection.
2) The models of 110G/132L and below are single and wall-mounted type.
3) 5T class(three-phase 480V AC input)

2.5 CDE360 Appearance and Dimensions

2.5.1 General Series Wall-mounted Type Appearance

Fan Cover Base Plate

Base Plate
Fan Cover Mounting
Mounting Hole Dust Excluding
Dust Excluding Hole
Keypad B Lower Shell
Lower shell
Keypad A
LOGO Label
Nameplate Label
Nameplate Label
Middle Box
LOGO Label Cover
Middle Box


Terminal Board
Terminal Board

W01(plastic housing) W02(plastic housing)

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 2 Product Information

Fan Cover Mounting Hole Mounting

LOGO Label
LOGO Label Keypad B
Specification Label
Specification Keypad B

Cover Cover

Nameplate Label Nameplate


W03(sheet metal housing) W04(sheet metal housing)

Mounting Hole
LOGO Label
Keypad B
Door Lock


W05(sheet metal housing)

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 2 Product Information Wall-mounted Type Dimensional Drawing




CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 2 Product Information

Table 2- 5 CDE360 series AC drive dimensions

Physical dimension(mm) Installation dimension (mm)
Appeara AC drive model Dimension
nce CDE360- H H1 W D A B drawing

Single phase 220V

W01 185 100 145 89 173 Φ5 C01
Three phase 380V

4T1R5G/2R2L 185 100 145 89 173 Φ5

W01 C01
4T3R7G/5R5L 225 200 110 170 80 213 Φ5

265 240 130 190 91 253 Φ5
Installation dimension
Physical dimension(mm) Dimensi
Appeara AC drive model (mm)
nce CDE360-
H H1 W D A B

W01 4T011G/015L 312 282 155 201 110 298 Φ6

4T015G/018L C01
W02 390 360 205 211 150 376 Φ6
480 450 250 243 180 460 Φ7
W03 4T030G/037L C02
4T037G/045L 480 450 280 235 210 468 Φ7
535 500 360 298 240 515 Φ9.5
W05 4T075G/090L 587 552 394 310 260 567 Φ9.5 C03
722 687 394 330 260 698 Φ12

Three phase 480V

5T1R5G/2R2L 185 100 145 89 173 Φ5

W01 C01
5T3R7G/5R5L 225 200 110 170 80 213 Φ5

265 240 130 190 91 253 Φ5
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 2 Product Information

5T011G/015L 312 282 155 201 110 298 Φ6

W02 390 360 205 211 150 376 Φ6
480 450 250 243 180 460 Φ7
W03 5T030G/037L C02
5T037G/045L 530 500 280 243 210 510 Φ7
535 500 360 298 240 515 Φ9.5
W05 5T075G/090L 587 552 394 310 260 567 Φ9.5 C03
722 687 394 330 260 698 Φ12
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 2 Product Information

2.6 CDE360 Keypad Physical Dimensions

2.6.1 Keypad A(LED)

Model: KEYA. Pure LED display, four bit. The physical appearance and dimensions are shown in
the following figure.

Figure 2- 3 KEYA

2.6.2 Keypad A Foundation

The foundation of keypad A is used together with keypad A for sheet metal housing or wall-mounting
installation. The physical appearance and dimensions of the foundation are shown in the following

Figure 2- 4 The foundation of KEYA

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 2 Product Information

2.6.3 Keypad B
Model: KEYB. Four bit LED and LCD screen display. The physical appearance and dimensions are
shown in the following figure.

Figure 2- 5 KEYB

Remark:1) LED keypad built-in all of CDE360 AC drives

2) LED+LCD display keypad optional(≥15KW AC drive)

2.6.4 Keypad B Foundation

The foundation of keypad B is used together with keypad B for sheet metal housing or
wall-mounting installation. The physical appearance and dimensions of the foundation are shown in
the following figure.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 2 Product Information

Mounting size

Figure 2- 6 The foundation of KEYB

2.6.6 Dust Excluding Plate A

Used for the AC drive of W01 type appearance. Standard configuration is only one plate.Optional for

the requirements of both sides. The physical appearance and dimensions are shown in the following


Figure 2- 7 Dust excluding plate A

2.6.7 Dust Excluding Plate B

Used for the AC drive of W02 type appearance. Standard configuration is only one plate.Optional for
the requirements of both sides. The physical appearance and dimensions are shown in the following
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 2 Product Information

Figure 2- 8 Dust excluding plate B

2.7 Selection Suggestion of AC Drive

When select the AC drive, following conditions such as the technical requirements of the AC
drive,the application fields of the AC drive and the characteristics of the load should be explicit. At
the same time, the adaptable motor,output voltage and rated output current should be considered
comprehensively. As a result, the type and the running mode can be selected.
The fundamental principle is that the rated load current of the motor can not exceed the rated
current of the AC drive. Generally, the user can select the matching capacity of the motor according
to the user manual and compare the Rated motor current with the one of the AC drive. If doing so,
the overload capacity of the AC drive is significant for the start and brake process.
If there is transient overload during the running, the load speed will vary according to the transient
overload. And if the request for the accuracy of the speed is strict, please consider enlarging the
power of the AC drive.

Fans and water pumps: the requirement for overload is not strict. Because the torque of the load is
proportional to the square of the speed, the load is light when the speed is low (Here, roots blower is
not included); and because these loads have no restrict requirements for the accuracy of the speed,
the VF mode of square torque can be selected.
Constant torque loads: most loads have the characteristics of constant torque, but they have not
restrict requirements for the accuracy of the speed and the dynamic performance. The application
fields are as extruder, blender, conveyor belt, transport vehicle in the plant and the translational
mechanism of the crane. In this instance, the V/F running mode of constant torque can be selected.

Controlled objectives which have requirements of certain dynamic and static indexes: these
loads have the requirements for hard mechanical characteristics at low speed, so that the
specification of dynamic and static indexes can match the productive technology. In this instance,
the VF control or vector control can be selected.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 2 Product Information
2.8 Recommendation of Brake Resistance Selection
Table 2- 6 Brake resistance selection table of CDE360 series

AC drive voltage Recommended Recommended

Brake Unit
&power classes power(kW) resistance(Ω)
Single phase 220V input
2S0R7 0.15 100
2S1R5 0.2 75
Three phase 380V input
4T0R7G/1R5L 0.45 ≥ 150
4T1R5G/2R2L 0.45 ≥ 150
4T2R2G/3R7L 0.6 ≥ 120
4T3R7G/5R5L 0.7 ≥ 100
4T5R5G/7R5L 0.8 ≥ 80
4T7R5G/011L 1 ≥ 65 Built-in (Standard)
4T011G/015L 1.5 ≥ 43
4T015G/018L 2.0 ≥ 32
4T018G/022L 2.5 ≥ 30
4T022G/030L 3 ≥ 24
4T030G/037L 3.7 ≥ 16
4T037G/045L External (Optional) 60A
5 ≥ 14
4T055G/075L 7 ≥ 10 External (Optional) 80A
4T075G/090L 8.5 ≥8
External (Optional) 150A
14 ≥5
Three phase 480V input
5T0R7G/1R5L 0.45 ≥ 200
5T1R5G/2R2L 0.45 ≥ 200
5T2R2G/3R7L 0.6 ≥ 150
5T3R7G/5R5L 0.7 ≥ 120
5T5R5G/7R5L 0.8 ≥ 100
5T7R5G/011L 1 ≥ 75 Built-in (Standard)
5T011G/015L 1.5 ≥ 51
5T015G/018L 2.0 ≥ 39
5T018G/022L 2.5 ≥ 36
5T022G/030L 3 ≥ 29
5T030G/037L 3.7 ≥ 20
5 ≥ 18 External (Optional) 60A
5T055G/075L 7 ≥ 12 External (Optional) 80A
5T075G/090L 8.5 ≥ 10 External (Optional) 150A
5T090G/110L 14 ≥6 External (Optional) 150A
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 2 Product Information

1) Voltage and power classes is the only consideration in brake resistance selection.
2) “ × ” means there needs several groups of braking units and resistance to be used in parallel.
3) If external brake unit is needed, please refer to the related user manual of brake unit.

The data in the above table is only for reference. The user can select different resistance and power
of the resistor based on actual needs (here, the resistance should not be less than the recommended
value in the table, and the power of the resistor can be higher than the recommended value in the
table). The brake resistance can be determined by the regenerative power of the motor in the actual
system and is also related to the inertia of the system,deceleration time and potential energy load.
The user can select the brake resistance based on the actual needs.
For systems with high inertia,rapid deceleration time and frequent braking, the brake resistor with
high power and small resistance should be selected.

Selection of the Resistance

The consumption of the regenerative energy of the motor is almost entirely on the braking
According to the formula U×U/R=Pb, the user can calculate the resistance of the braking resistor.
In the formula, U------braking voltage of the system during the constant status (different systems
have different brake voltage. As for 380VAC system, usually the braking voltage is 700V).
Pb------braking power.

Selection of the Power

In theory, the power of the braking resistor should be consistent with the braking power. But
considering actual conditions, the derating is 70 percent.
The formula is 0.7×Pr=Pb×D.
Pr refers to the power of the braking resistor.
D refers to the braking frequency (percentage of the regenerative process to the whole process),the
selection of the braking frequency can be as follows based on the experience:
Elevator load is 20% to 30%; Winding load is 20% to 30%
Centrifuge load is 50% to 60%; Intermittent braking load is 5%;
Ordinary load is 10% (10% is enough for the ordinary load).
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation
Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation
3.1 Mechanical Installation
3.1.1 Requirements of Installation Environment
Item Requirements Item
1 Good ventilation. 5 Free from direct sunlight.
2 Ambient temperature: -10℃~40℃. 6 Free from combustible, corrosive gas and liquid.
Free from high temperature, humidity (less
3 7 Free from dust, oil dirt, floating fiber and metal powder.
than 95%RH), no rainwater or other liquid drip.
4 Free from combustible objects, such as woods. 8 The installation base is stable with no vibration.
9 Free from magnetic interference.

3.1.2 Installation Direction and Clearance

To ensure the heat dissipation of the product, please install the product vertically according to the
following figure and never invert the installation.
When the installation is in the cabinet, try to use the mode of side-by-side installation. At the same
time, to facilitate the heat dissipation, you should ensure that there is enough space around.

A A ≥100mm
Guide plate

Single unit mode Up and down mode

Figure 3- 1 CDE360 installation diagram
Table 3- 1 The dimension size of the installation clearance
AC drive power class Installation size(mm)
(kW) A B
≤ 15 ≥ 30 ≥ 100
18.5~30 ≥ 200
≥ 50
≥ 37 ≥ 300
Remarks during the mechanical installation:
1) Please install the AC drive vertically. If there are several AC drives in the cabinet, try to use the
mode of side-by-side installation. When the cooling space can be guaranteed, please consider
the cooling requirements of other components.
2) As for the installation clearance, please refer to Table 3-1.
3) For occasions which have upper and lower installation, please refer to Figure 3-1 and install the
insulation guidance plate.
4) Please use the installation holder which contains incombustible materials.
5) For occasions which have metal powder, it is suggested that the heat sink is installed outside the

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation

3.1.3 Removal and Installation of the Keypad and Cover Keypad A Removal and Installation
Removal: As shown on the following left figure,please press down the buckle refer to the direction
of Arrow 1.Then uplift the keypad refer to the direction of Arrow 2. And the removal is completed.

Installation: As shown on the following right figure, please incline the keypad slightly towards the
cover or the joint of the bottom side refer to the direction of Arrow 1. Then press down the keypad
refer to the direction of Arrow 2 until hear a snap. And the installation is completed.

Figure 3- 2 Keypad A removal & installation Keypad B Removal and Installation

Removal: As shown on the following left figure,please press down the buckle refer to the direction
of Arrow 1.Then uplift the keypad refer to the direction of Arrow 2. And the removal is completed.

Installation: As shown on the following right figure, please incline the keypad slightly towards the
cover or the joint of the bottom side refer to the direction of Arrow 1. Then press down the keypad
refer to the direction of Arrow 2 until hear a snap. And the installation is completed.

Figure 3- 3 Keypad B removal & installation

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation The Cover Removal and Installation of W01~02 Type Appearance

Remarks: Keypad A must be removed first, and installed after the installation of the wiring and

cover is completed.

Removal: As shown on the following left figure. Hand on the left and right sides of the shell, then

follow the direction of the arrow 1 and press down the buckle of the cover. After the cover bounces

upwards automatically, press down the bottom side of the cover by the thumb, then uplift the cover

towards the direction of the arrow 2. And the removal of the cover is completed.

Installation: As shown on the following right figure. After the wiring is completed, follow the

direction of the arrow 1 and press down the upper part of the cover into the two bayonets of the shell.

Then follow the direction of the arrow 2 and press down the cover. When the click is heard, it shows

that the cover is connected in place and the installation is completed.

Figure 3- 4 Cover removal & installation of the wall-mounted plastic housing AC drive The Cover Removal and Installation of W03~04 Type Appearance

Remarks: Keypad B must be removed first, and installed after the installation of the wiring and

cover is completed.

Removal: As shown on the following left figure. Unscrew two mounting screws at the shown

position of the arrow 1 under the cover. Raise the cover according to the direction of the arrow 2 and

push out the cover according to the direction of the arrow 3. As a result, the removal of the cover is


Installation: As shown on the following right figure. Aim at the AC drive and put the cover into it.

Press the cover down according to the direction of the arrow 1.Then press the cover down

according to the direction of the arrow 2, tighten the two mounting screws according to the arrow 3.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation

As a result, the installation of the cover is complete.

Figure 3- 5 Cover removal & installation of the wall-mounted sheet metal housing AC drive

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation The Door Open and Close of W05~06 Type Appearance

Open: As shown on the following left figure. After unlock the key, press down the button of the door

key according to the shown position of the arrow 1. Hold the buckle of the door key and turn it to the

horizontal position anticlockwise.Pull the door open according to the shown direction of the arrow 2.

And the door is open.

Close: As shown on the following right figure.Hold the buckle of the door key and turn it to the

horizontal position. Close the door according to the shown direction of the arrow 1. Press the door

down.Turn the buckle of the door key to the shown position of the arrow 2 clockwise, then press it

down. When the click occurs, the buckle is put into place.Lock the key and draw it out. And the door

is closed.

Figure 3- 6 Door open & close of the wall-mounted sheet metal housing AC drive

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation
3.2 Electrical Installation

Power supply



Input AC reactor

Input noise filter

Brake unit
AC drive

Brake resistance


Output noise filter

Output AC reactor

Three-phase asynchronous motor

Figure 3- 7 Connection diagram of peripheral devices

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation

3.2.1 Instructions of Peripheral Electrical Components

Table 3- 2 Instructions of peripheral electrical components of CDE360 AC drive

Name Function Description

The front end of

Breaker The power system can be protected when the short circuit happens.
the input circuit

Between the Start and stop the AC drive.Neither start and stop the AC drive

Contactor breaker and the frequently by switching the contactor on and off (less than twice per

AC drive minute) nor use it to directly start the AC drive.

1) Improve the power factor of the input side.

2) Eliminate the higher harmonics of the input side effectively and

Input AC Input side of the prevent other devices from being damaged due to the distortion

reactor AC drive of the voltage waveform.

3) Eliminate the input current unbalance due to the unbalance

between the power phases.

Input Input side of the 1) Reduce the external conduction and radiation interference of the AC drive.

Noise filter AC drive 2) Decrease the interference flowing from the AC drive to the power system.

Between the terminal 1) Improve the power factor of the input side.
P+ and terminal P1 of 2) Eliminate the higher harmonics of the input side effectively and
the AC drive decrease the external conduction and radiation interference.

The output sides of the AC drive generally have much higher

harmonics. When the motor is far from the AC drive, there is much

distributed capacitance in the circuit. Certain harmonics may cause

Close to the
Output AC resonance in the circuit and bring about the following two impacts:
output side of the
reactor 1) Degrade the motor insulation performance and damage the
AC drive
motor in the long run.

2) Generate large leakage current and cause frequent AC drive

protection trips.

3.2.2 Selection Guidance of Peripheral Electrical Components

Note: Voltage and power classes is the only consideration in peripheral electrical parts selection.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation
Table 3- 3 Recommended peripheral electrical parts selection guidance of the CDE360 series AC drive
Breaker Input Output Ground Control
AC drive voltage Contactor
MCCB wire wire wire wire
& power classes (A)
(A) (mm2) (mm2) (mm2) (mm2)
Three phase 380V input
4T0R7G/1R5L 16 10
4T1R5G/2R2L 16 10
2.5 2.5 ≥ 2.5
4T2R2G/3R7L 16 10
4T3R7G/5R5L 25 16
4T5R5G/7R5L 32 25
4 4 ≥4
4T7R5G/011L 40 32
4T011G/015L 63 40 1
4T015G/018L 63 40
6 6 ≥6
4T018G/022L 100 63
4T022G/030L 100 63 10 10 ≥ 10
4T030G/037L 125 100
16 16 ≥ 16
4T037G/045L 160 100
Breaker Input Output Ground Control
AC drive voltage Contactor
MCCB wire wire wire wire
& power classes (A)
(A) (mm2) (mm2) (mm2) (mm2)
4T045G/055L 200 125 25 25
≥ 16
4T055G/075L 200 160 35 35
4T075G/090L 250 160 50 50 ≥ 25 1
4T090G/110L 250 200
70 70 ≥ 35
4T110G/132L 350 350
Three phase 480V inout
5T0R7G/1R5L 16 10
5T1R5G/2R2L 16 10
2.5 2.5 ≥ 2.5
5T2R2G/3R7L 16 10
5T3R7G/5R5L 25 16
5T5R5G/7R5L 32 25
4 4 ≥4
5T7R5G/011L 40 32
5T011G/015L 63 40
5T015G/018L 63 40
6 6 ≥6 1
5T018G/022L 100 63
5T022G/030L 100 63 10 10 ≥ 10
5T030G/037L 125 100 16 10
5T037G/045L 160 100 16 16
≥ 16
5T045G/055L 200 125 25 25
5T055G/075L 200 125 35 25
5T075G/090L 250 160 50 35 ≥ 25

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation

5T090G/110L 250 160 70 35 ≥ 35

5T110G/132L 350 350 120 120 ≥ 60

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation

3.2.3 Terminals Wiring Diagram of the AC drive

Figure 3- 8 The wiring diagram of CDE360 Vector Control AC drive


1) Terminal ‘◎’ represents terminals of the main circuit and ‘ ’ represents terminals of the
control loop.

2) The AC drive and the motor should be reliably connected to the ground.

3) If the motor and AC drive can not be connected to the ground. Please connect the ground
terminal of the motor to the PE terminal of the AC drive.

4) AI2 jumper is ‘mA’, AI1/AO1 jumper is ‘V’.

485 balance resistor jumper in the off position

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation

3.2.4 Power Terminals of the Main Circuit


 When wiring, ensure that the power switch is off. Otherwise, you may get electric shock.

 The wiring personnel should be one professional. Otherwise, the equipment or personal

body may be damaged.

 The connection to the ground should be reliable. Otherwise, it may result in an electric

shock or a fire.

 Ensure that the rated value of the power supply is consistent with the one of the AC drive.

Otherwise, the AC drive may be damaged.

 Ensure that the rated capacity of the motor matches the one of the AC drive. Otherwise, it

may result in the damage to the motor or the protection of the AC drive.

 Do not connect the power supply to U,V,W terminals. Otherwise, it may result in the damage

to the AC drive.

 Do not connect the braking resistance to P+ and P- terminals of the DC bus directly.

Otherwise, it may result in a fire alarm.


Figure 3-9

P- P+ PB R S T U V W P+ P- R S T U V W PB

Figure 3-11
Figure 3- 10

P+ P- R S T PB U V W

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation
Figure 3-12

R S T P- P+ P1

Figure 3-13

Table 3- 4 Main circuit terminals instruction of the AC drive

Terminal Sign Name Description

Three-phase input terminals of Connecting points of the

the power supply three-phase AC input power

The positive and negative

P+,P- Input point of the common DC bus
terminals of the DC bus

Connecting terminals of the Connecting points of the

braking resistance braking resistance

Connecting terminals of the Connecting points of external

external reactor reactor

Connect the three-phase

U,V,W Output terminals of the AC drive

Earthing terminal Earthing terminal

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation


A. Input power supply R,S,T

Connect R,S,T to the input sides of the AC drive. The phase sequence is not needed.

B. P+,P- terminals of the DC bus

Terminal (+) and (-) of the DC bus have residual voltage after the power is switched

off.After the indicator of the charge goes off and the residual voltage is less than 36V, you

can touch the terminals (+) and (-) of the DC bus. Otherwise, it may result in an electric

shock.The cable length of the braking unit should not be longer than 10 meters. Use

twisted pair wire or pair wires for parallel connection.

C. P+,PB terminals of the braking resistance

As for the types which have braking unit inside the machine, the connecting terminals of the

braking resistance can be valid.The selection of the braking resistance should be

consistent with the recommended values and the cable length should be less than 5 meters.

Otherwise, it may result in the damage to the AC drive.Do not connect the braking

resistance to the DC bus directly. Otherwise, it may result in the damage to the AC drive or

a fire.

D. P1,P+ Connecting terminals P1,P+ of the external reactor

Before connect the external reactor to the AC drive, the jumper between P1 and P+

terminal should be removed.

E. U,V,W Output U,V,W of the AC drive

Do not connect the capacitor or surge absorber to the output terminals of the AC

drive.Otherwise, it may result in the frequent protection or the damage to the AC

drive.When the cable length of the motor is too long, it can result in the electric resonance

due to the distributed capacity. Thus it will result in the damage to the insulation of the

motor or generating big leakage current. As a result, it can trip the over current protection of

the AC drive.If the cable length of the motor is longer than 100 meters, the AC output

reactor should be installed.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation

F. Earthing terminals

Connect to the ground reliably. The resistance of the earthing line should be less than 0.1Ω.

Otherwise, it may result in the malfunction of the device or even the damage to the

device.Do not connect the earthing terminal to the neutral wire of the power supply.

3.2.5 Control Terminals and Wiring Description Terminal Arrangement of the Control Circuit

Pin 1: not used

Pin 2: +15V

Pin 3: +15V

Pin 4: 485-

Pin 5: 485+

Figure 3- 14 Pin definition of keypad interface

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation

Figure 3- 15 Terminal arrangement of the control board

Noted:AI1、AO1 jumper is‘V’(voltage),AI2 jumper is‘mA’(current). 485 balance resistor jumper

in the off position

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation

Function Description of the Terminals on Control Board

Table 3- 5 Function description of the terminals on control board

Type Sign Name Function Description

+10V 10V/30mA,usually is used for the power supply of

10V Reference Power Supply
(~GND) the analog signal.
Power Supply
24V 24V/200mA,usually is used for the power supply of
24VOutput Power Supply
(~COM) the digital signal.

AI1 Input range: -10V~10V/0~20mA,decided by the

Analog Input Terminal 1
(~GND) jumper.

Input resistance: 120KΩ (voltage input), 250Ω

Analog Input (current input).

Analog Input Terminal 2 Jumper CJ1 on the control board is used for AI1
and jumper CJ2 on the control board is used for


Voltage Input range: 0~10V; load≤10mA.

Current Input range: 0~20mA; load≤500Ω.

Analog Output Analog Output Terminal 1 The output signal can be used for the voltage or
current type.

Jumper CJ3 on the control board is used for AO1

X1 Digital Input Terminal 1 1) Optical coupling isolation, compatible with dual

X2 Digital Input Terminal 2 polarity input.

X3 Digital Input Terminal 3 2) Input resistance: 4.7KΩ.

Digital Input X4 Digital Input Terminal 4 3) Input voltage range: 9~30V.

Digital Input Terminal 4) X6/FI can be used for common digital input

X6/FI 6&high-speed pulse input terminal and be compatible with high-speed

terminal pulse (0~100KHz) input.

Y1 1) Optical coupling isolation, open collector output.

Digital output terminal 1
(~COM) 2) Output voltage and current: 24VDC, ≤50mA.

Digital Output Digital output terminal 2 & Running frequency: < 500Hz.
high-speed pulse output Y2/FO can be used for common digital output
terminal terminal, at the same time, it can also be used for

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation

high-speed pulse (0~100KHz) output.

TB1(~TA1) T1 normally close terminal 1) TA1 is used for the common port the relay T1

TC1(~TA1) T1 normally open terminal and TA2 is used for the common one of the

Relay Output TB2(~TA2) T2 normally close terminal relay T2.

2) Contactor driving ability:

TC2(~TA2) T2 normally open terminal
AC 250V,3A,COSΦ=0.4;DC 30V,1A.

The positive terminal of

RS485 differential signal RS485 communication between the upper machine
The negative terminal of and the AC drive.
RS485 differential signal

Shielding Shielding earthing Connect it to shielding earthing of the signal cable.

Auxiliary The interface of the external 20 terminals, which are used for connecting the
interface cards external cards with special functions.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation

Wiring Description of the Terminals on Control Board

Wiring description of the analog input terminals

The shielded cable is needed cause weak analog voltage signal is easily interfered.

Usually, the length of the cable should be less than 20 meters. For occasions that some analog
signals suffer severe interference, filter capacitors or ferrite magnetic core should be installed at the
analog signal source. As shown in the following diagrams.

AC Drive AC drive

Figure 3- 96 Wiring diagram 1 of analog input Figure 3- 17 Wiring diagram 2 of analog input

Digital Input Terminal

Generally, the length of the shielding cable should be no longer than 20 m. When the active driving
is adopted, necessary filtering measures should be taken to prevent the interference to the power
supply. It is recommended to use the contact control mode. The connection is valid for the positive
logic and the disconnect is valid for the negative logic.

Wiring of digital input terminals

(I) The stem nodes connection mode of common cathode

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation

Table 3- 18 The stem nodes connection mode of common cathode

(II)The connection mode of source

Table 3- 19 The connection mode of source

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 4 Operation,Display and Application

Chapter 4 Operation,Display and Application

4.1 Keypad Interface

Figure 4- 1 LED Keypad (Keypad A) Figure 4- 2 LED and LCD display Keypad (Keypad B)

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 4 Operation,Display and Application

4.2 Keypad Indicators

Table 4- 1 Keypad indicators description of CDE500 series AC drive
Indicator designation implication
Hz Frequency Indicator Current display parameter units is Hertz.
A Current Indicator Current display parameter units is Ampere.
Units V Voltage Indicator Current display parameter units is Volt.
indicators Hz + A Speed Indicator Current display parameter units is Round Per Minute.
A+V Percentage Indicator Current display parameter units is Percentage.
Hz + V MPa Indicator Current display parameter units is Mega Pascal.
Command source OFF: Keypad control; ON: Terminal control
Indicator FLASH: Communication control
ON: Run state; OFF: Stop state
Status RUN Run/Stop Indicator
FLASH: Deceleration state
OFF: Forward direction
DIR* Direction Indicator
ON: Reverse direction
TRIP* Fault state Indicator AC drive being alarm or fault state

Note: Mark ‘*’ means for LED keypad (Keypad A) only.

4.3 Function of the Keypad Key

Table 4- 2 Function of the Keypad Key on CDE500 series AC drive
Key Name Function
Programming/ 1) Eenter level 1 menu.
Return 2) Cancel or exit a certain menu.
1. Enter the menu level by level.
2. Confirm the parameter setting.

JOG JOG JOG running control of keypad control source.

>> 1. Select the displayed parameters in turn.

Shift 2. Select the digit to be modified when modifying
▽▽ (IP54 series) parameters.

RUN RUN Start the AC drive.

1. Stop the AC drive.

STOP/RST Stop/Reset
2. Reset the fault state.

1. Increase/decrease the modifying digit.

2. Change the value of the reference decided by
parameter C0.18.
& Enter
3. The same as Enter key when press.
△▽ (IP54 series)

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 4 Operation,Display and Application

4.4 Keypad Display

LED screen can only display 4 digits. If the parameter value is more than 4 digits, the display
method is shown in the table below.
Note: If the parameter can be modified, each digit can be switched by SHIFT key.
Table 4- 3 Five digits shown method of LED screen

Actual value Display value After press the SHIFT key

12345 1234. 2345
1234.5 1234 234.5
123.45 123.4 23.45
12.345 12.34 2.345
0.1234 0.123 1234
0.0034 0.003 0034
0.0004 0.000 0004

Common LDE display sign.

Table 4- 4 Common LDE display sign

Sign Meaning

AC drive is in initialization after power on.
LCD screen shows non character.
Being restoring default settings of the parameters.
LCD screen will show ‘Restoring default setting’.
Being uploading the parameters. LCD screen will show
‘Uploading’.Please wait for a few minutes.
Being downloading the parameters. LCD screen will
show ‘Downloading’.Please wait for a few minutes.
The motor parameters is being auto-tuning.
TUNE LCD screen will show ‘Motor Auto-tuning’. Please wait
for a few minutes.
P.SEt User password is set successfully.

P.CLr User password is cleared successfully.

The Keypad with LCD screen can display two monitor parameters at the same time.
 LCD screen can display 2 lines of characters.
 Move the cursor to first line on LCD screen, press SHIFT key to select the first monitor
 Press ENTER key the move the cursor the second line,press SHIFT key to select the
second monitor parameter.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 4 Operation,Display and Application

4.4 Menu Introduction

Three level menu:

Level 1 : like —b2—, function code group, the group name will display on the LCD screen.

Level 2 : like b2.01, function code, the function code name will display on the LCD screen.

Level 3 : like 50.00, function code setting value, the value range will display on the LCD


Enter menu, the blinking digit can be modified by rotating the Rotary knob, and can be

switched to another digit by pressing SHIFT key

Return to Level 2 menu from Level 3 by pressing PRG or ENTER.

 Pressing Enter key will save the parameter value, and go to the next parameter in Level

2 menu.

 Pressing PRG key will not save the parameter value, and just return to current parameter

in Level 2 menu.

Figure 4- 3 The three-level menu operation procedure

In Level 3 menu, the digit to be modified change from low digit to high digit when use SHIFT

key. When the parameter reaches maximum or minimum value,it can’t be increased or


In Level 3 menu, if the parameter has no blinking digit, it means that the parameter cannot be

modified. This may cause by:

1) This is a read-only parameter,such as the monitor parameters.

2) This parameter cannot be modified in the running state,such as the motor related parameters.

4.5 Monitor Parameters

After power on the AC drive , monitor parameters can be displayed through SHIFT key. And

the parameters H0.01, H0.02, and H0.03 determine which monitor parameter can be displayed.

Total of 24 monitor parameters can be displayed in running state. Total of 13 monitor parameters

can be displayed in stop state.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 4 Operation,Display and Application

Steps of select monitor parameters.

 Choose the parameters to be displayed.

 Sum the value of every parameter bit

 .Set the summation value to the related parameter.

For example,if the Running frequency, Bus voltage, and Pulses Count value need to be

displayed, H0.03 shall be set to the summation value of 32773(1+4+32768 = 32773).

The LCD keypad will show the meaning of parameters on LCD screen if the AC drive has no

fault. Change to the second line of LCD screen by press Enter, and an additional displayed

parameter can be chose.

The LCD keypad will show the meaning of fault code on LCD screen. Such as the LCD

screen will display “Current detection fault ” when LED display “Er22”.

When observing the monitor parameters, value of the reference determined by C0.18 can

also be changed by adjusting the rotary knob.And the keypad interface will return to show monitor

parameters again 3 seconds after the adjustment.

The keypad interface will return to show monitor parameters automatically if there is no key

pressing action in 1 minute.

4.6 Parameters Upload and Download

Parameters upload and download is a function of parameters backup and copy.It is

convenient for user configuring the parameters among AC drives.

Set H0.04 to 3 will begin uploading the parameters value to the keypad. And the LCD screen

will show ‘Loading’ simultaneously.

Set H0.04 to 4 will begin downloading the parameters value to the control board. And the

LCD screen will show ‘Downloading’ simultaneously.

Keypad will not respond any key press in whole upload or download process.After upload or

download is completed,the keypad will automatically return to normal display.And the value of

function code H0.04 will changed to 0.

Download action will be invalid if there is no data in keypad.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 4 Operation,Display and Application

4.7 Password and Parameter Setting

The AC drive provides the user password protection function.
When H0.00 is set to a non-zero value, the value is the user password. Set H0.00 to the
same value for the 2 time in a row,and the password will be set successfully.Meanwhile, the LED
will display ‘P.SEt’ and the LCD screen will display ‘Setting password succeed’.The user password
will be active if there is no keypad operation in 5 minutes.
If a long line ‘----’ displays on the LED screen when you press PRG, ‘Please enter the
password’ may show on the LCD screen, and then the correct user password needs to be
entered.Otherwise you will see non parameter.The user password will be active again if there is
no keypad operation 5 minutes after entering the correct password.
Set H0.00 to zero for the 2 time in a row,and the password will be cleared.Meanwhile, the
LED will display ‘P.CLr’ and the LCD screen will display ‘Clear password succeed’.
Example 1: Set the user password of H0.00 to “0003”(digit with underline means it’s in an edit


Figure 4- 4 Set user password example

Example 2: Set parameter value from “50.00” to “100.00”(digit with underline means it’s in an
edit state)..

Figure 4- 5 Parameter edit example 1

Example 3: Set parameter value from “100.00” to “1.00”(digit with underline means it’s in an
edit state).

Figure 4- 6 Parameter edit example 2

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 4 Operation,Display and Application

4.8 User Defined Parameters

Please refer to the parameters description of group P0.

4.9 Non-basic Menu Display

Two non-basic menu is determined by H0.05, as shown in the table below.
Table 4- 5 Menu display types

H0.05 Menu display type

0 Basic menu. Displayed all parameters.

1 User-defined parameters. Display group P0 only.

Non factory setting parameters. Display the parameters

which have been modified.

For example

A. Steps of changing menu type from basic to user-defined.

1. Set H0.05=1.

2. Return Level 0 menu by pressing PRG key.

3. Press PRG again,and the keypad will go into user-defined parameters display


B. Steps of going back to basic menu form user-defined.

1. Find and set H0.05=0.

2. Return Level 0 menu by pressing PRG key;

3. Press PRG again,and the keypad will go into basic parameters display model.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

The symbols in the parameter list table are described as follows:
“”: The parameter cannot be modified when the AC drive is in the running state.
Classification Function Code Description
Group A A0 Monitor
Monitor and Diagnostics A1 Fault & Diagnostics
b0 Basic Parameters
Group b
b1 Run & Stop Logic
Basic Running Parameters
b2 Frequency Source
C0 Digital Input
C1 Digital Output
Group C C2 Analog Input
Input and Output Terminals C3 Analog Output
C4 Pulse Input/Output
C5 Virtual Digital Input/Output
d0 Motor Control
d1 Motor Parameters
Group d d2 Speed Control
Motor Control d3 Torque Control
d5 Motor 2 Parameters
d6 Motor 2 Speed Control
E1 Skip Frequency
E2 Multi-Reference
E3 Simple PLC
E4 Acc & Dec Time
Group E E5 PID
Expanding Application Functions E6 Multi-Pump Control
E7 Swing Frequency
E8 Droop Control
E9 Power Loss Ride Through
EA External Brake
Eb Supervision
Group F F0 Protection
Protection and Reset F1 Auto Reset
Group H H0 System Parameters
System Parameters and Analog Calibration H1 AI/AO Calibration
L0 Communication Setting
Group L
L1 Point-point Communication
Communication Setting
L2 Encoder Setting
Group P P0 User-defined Parameters
User-defined and Debug Parameters P1 Debug Parameters

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table
Parameter List Table
A0 Monitor

Function Name Range Default Step Description

A0.00 Running 0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
A0.01 Setting frequency 0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
A0.02 DC bus voltage 0.0~3000.0 0.0 0.1V
A0.03 Output voltage 0~1500 0 1V
A0.04 Output current 0.00~655.35 0.00 0.01A Fraction point decided by AC
drive type
A0.05 Output torque -300.0~300.0 0.0 0.1% Unit is percentage. Base value
is motor rated torque
A0.06 Output power 0.0~2000.0 0.0 0.1kw AC drive output active power
A0.07 Motor speed 0~65535 0 1RPM
A0.08 Main frequency A 0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
A0.09 Auxiliary 0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
frequency B
A0.10 AC drive status 0~65535 0 1
Bit0: ready Bit4: running direction Bit9: frequency reached Bit13: auto tuning
Bit1: running Bit6/Bit5: control source Bit11/Bit10: Acc/Dec status Bit14: Zero speed
Bit2: fault Bit7: run Enable Bit12: JOG running Bit15: RSERVED
Bit3: warning Bit8: bypass
A0.11 AI1 Voltage -10.00~10.00 0.00 0.01V Current signal needs to be
A0.12 AI2 Voltage -10.00~10.00 0.00 0.01V changed as voltage signal.
A0.13 AI3 Voltage -10.00~10.00 0.00 0.01V 0mA equals to 0V, 20mA
A0.14 AO1 voltage 0.00~10.00 0.00 0.01V equals to10V.
A0.15 AO2 voltage 0.00~10.00 0.00 0.01V
A0.16 X terminals 0~1023 0 1
status word
One bit corresponds one terminal status: 0: inactive 1: active
Bit0: X1 (1) Bit2: X3 (4) Bit4: X5 (16) Bit6: X7(64) Bit8: X9(256)
Bit1: X2 (2) Bit3: X4 (8) Bit5: X6 (32) Bit7: X8(128) Bit9: X10(512)
A0.17 Y terminals 0~511 0 1
status word
One bit corresponds one terminal status: 0: inactive 1: active
Bit0: Y1(1) Bit2: Y3(4) Bit4: T2(16) Bit6: T4(64) Bit8: T6(256)
Bit1: Y2(2) Bit3: T1(8) Bit5: T3(32) Bit7: T5(128)

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

A0.18 FI frequency 0.00~100.00 0.00 0.01kHz Display the X6/FI frequency
A0.19 FO frequency 0.00~100.00 0.00 0.01kHz Display the Y2/FO high speed
pulse output frequency
A0.20 PID reference 0.0~100.0 0.0 0.1% Its unit and decimal are
A0.21 PID feedback 0.0~100.0 0.0 0.1% depended on engineering unit.
A0.22 PID deviation -100.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%
A0.23 PID output -100.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%
A0.24 PLC stage 0~15 0 1
A0.25 Pulse counter 0~65535 0 1
A0.26 Actual length 0~65535 0 1m Dividing the number of pulses
by E7.08.
A0.27 Linear speed 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1m/Min This parameter shows the
linear speed and its unit is
A0.28 Remaining time 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Min This parameters will show the
remaining time when the
timing function is enabled.
A0.29 Swing center 0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz It is decided by the current
frequency frequency source. And it
shows the center frequency of
swing frequency function.
A0.30 Load speed 0~65535 0 1 Output frequency multiplied by
A0.31 Feedback speed 0~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz Showing the actual output
A0.32 Multi pump 0000~4444 0000 1 This parameter is used to
status word indicate the status of each
motor in multi-pump operation
0: in interlock or not used 2: wait for switching 4: connect to AC drive
1: ready 3: connect to power grid
Unit's digit:: 1# pump status Hundred's digit:: 3# pump status
Ten's digit:: 2# pump status Thousand's digit: 4# pump status

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

A0.33 Encoder -320.00~320.00 0.00 0.01Hz indicate the motor speed from
detection speed Encoder detection
A0.34 Z pulse counter 0~65535 0 1
A0.35 Resolver position 0~4095 0 1
A0.36 Reference 0~b0.07 0 1V
voltage for V/f
A0.37 Output voltage 0~b0.07 0 1V
for V/f separation
A0.38 Target torque -300.0~300.0 0.0 0.1% Target torque which is used in
torque control mode
A0.39 Upper torque 0.0~300.0 0.0 0.1% The max allowable torque in
limit vector control mode
A0.40 Communication -100.00~100.00 0.00 0.01% Display the value located in
setting 0x6400 sent by communication.
A0.41 Point-to-point -100.00~100.00 0.00 0.01% Indicate the data sent from
send data master in point to point control
A0.42 Point-to-point -100.00~100.00 0.00 0.01% Indicate the data received by
receive data slave in point to point control
A0.52 Power on time 0~65535 0 1Min Current power on time, its unit
is Min
A0.53 Running time 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Min Current running time, its unit is
A0.54 Accumulative 0~9999 0 1Day
power-on day
A0.55 Accumulative 0.00~23.99 0.00 0.01h
power-on hour
A0.56 Accumulative 0~9999 0 1Day
running day
A0.57 Accumulative 0.00~23.99 0.00 0.01h
running hour
A0.58 Accumulative 0~65535 0 1kwh

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

A0.59 Motor temperature 0.0~300.0 0.0 0.1℃ This value is from
optional card.
A0.60 Inverter module temperature -40.0~125.0 0.0 0.1℃
A0.61 Rectifier module temperature -40.0~125.0 0.0 0.1℃

A1 Fault & Diagnostics

Function Name Range Default Step Description

A1.00 1st(latest) fault type 0~54 0 1
0: No fault 28: Motor shortcircuit to ground fault
1: Hardware over voltage during acceleration 29: External fault
2: Hardware over voltage during deceleration 30: Keypad communication fault
3: Hardware over voltage during constant speed 31: RS485 communication fault
4: Software over voltage during acceleration 32: Optional card communication fault
5: Software over voltage during deceleration 33: Optional card connection fault
6: Software over voltage during constant speed 34: Auto tune fault
7: Under voltage 35: PID feedback over range
8: Hardware over current during acceleration 36: EEPROM R/W fault
9: Hardware over current during deceleration 37: Parameter setting fault
10: Hardware over current during constant speed 38: Accumulative power-on time reached
11: Software over current during acceleration 39: Accumulative running time reached
12: Software over current during deceleration 40: Motor switchover during running status
13: Software over current during constant speed 41: Too large speed deviation
14: IGBT saturation trip during acceleration 42: Motor over-speed
15: IGBT saturation trip during deceleration 43: Flux pole detection fail
16: IGBT saturation trip during constant speed 44: UVW signal feedback fault
17: Heatsink of rectifier overheat 45: Encoder fault
18: Heatsink of inverter overheat 46: User-defined fault 1
19: Input phase loss 47: User-defined fault 2
20: Output phase loss 48: Motor in current stall status
21: Soft-startup resistor fault 49: Motor in voltage stall status
22: Current detection fault 50: Motor in frequency drop status as DC bus
23: CBC fault voltage drop
24: AC drive over load 51: System fault
25: Motor overload 52: Interlock warning during multi-pump operation
26: Motor underload 53: Soft start current limiting resistor overload
27: Motor overheat 54: Sleep status

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

A1.01 Output frequency upon 0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz Same As A0.00
1st(latest) fault
A1.02 Output current upon1st(latest) 0.00~655.35 0.00 0.01A Same As A0.04
A1.03 DC bus voltage upon1st(latest) 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1V Same As A0.02
A1.04 X terminals status word upon 0~1023 0 1 Same As A0.16
1st(latest) fault
A1.05 Y terminals status word upon 0~511 0 1 Same As A0.17
1st(latest) fault
A1.06 AC drive status word upon 0~65535 0 1 Same As A0.10
1st(latest) fault
A1.07 Inverter module temperature -40.0~125.0 0.0 0.1℃ Same As A0.60
upon 1st(latest) fault
A1.08 Power-on time upon 1st(latest) 0~65535 0 1Min Same As A0.52
A1.09 Running time upon 1st(latest) 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Min Same As A0.53
A1.10 Accumulative running day upon 0~9999 0 1Day Same As A0.56
1st(latest) fault
A1.11 Accumulative running hour upon 0.00~23.99 0.00 0.01h Same As A0.57
1st (latest) fault
A1.12 2nd fault type 0~54 0 1
A1.13 Output frequency upon 2nd fault 0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
A1.14 Output current upon 2nd fault 0.00~655.35 0.00 0.01A
A1.15 DC bus voltage upon 2nd fault 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1V
A1.16 X terminals status word upon 0~1023 0 1
2nd fault
A1.17 Y terminals status word upon 0~511 0 1 Same As
2nd fault A1.00~A1.11
A1.18 AC drive status word upon 2nd 0~65535 0 1
A1.19 Inverter module temperature -40.0~125.0 0.0 0.1℃
upon 2nd fault
A1.20 Power-on time upon 2nd fault 0~65535 0 1Min
A1.21 Running time upon 2nd fault 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Min

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

A1.22 Accumulative running day upon 2nd 0~9999 0 1Day
A1.23 Accumulative running hour upon 2nd 0.00~23.99 0.00 0.01h
A1.24 3rd fault type 0~54 0 1 Same As
A1.25 Output frequency upon 3rd fault 0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz A1.00~A1.11
A1.26 Output current upon 3rd fault 0.00~655.35 0.00 0.01A
A1.27 DC bus voltage upon 3rd fault 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1V
A1.28 X terminals status word upon 3rd fault 0~1023 0 1
A1.29 Y terminals status word upon 3rd fault 0~511 0 1
A1.30 AC drive status word upon 3rd fault 0~65535 0 1
A1.31 Inverter module temperature upon 3rd -40.0~125.0 0.0 0.1℃
A1.32 Power-on time upon 3rd fault 0~65535 0 1Min
A1.33 Running time upon 3rd fault 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Min
A1.34 Accumulative running day upon 3rd 0~9999 0 1Day
A1.35 Accumulative running hour upon 3rd 0.00~23.99 0.00 0.01h

b0 Basic Parameters

Function Name Range Default Step Description

b0.00① Max frequency 30.00~600.00 50.00 0.01Hz This parameter define
the Max allowable
output frequency.
b0.01① Source of Upper limit 0~5 0 1
0: b0.02 1: AI1 2: AI2 3: AI3 4: X6/FI 5: Communication
b0.02 Digital setting of upper b0.03~b0.00 50.00 0.01Hz
limit frequency
b0.03 Lower limit frequency 0.00~b0.02 0.00 0.01Hz
b0.04 Acceleration time 1 0.1~6000.0 Module 0.1Sec
b0.05 Deceleration time 1 0.1~6000.0 Module 0.1Sec

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

b0.06① Motor rated power 0.1~999.9 Module 0.1kw
b0.07① Motor rated voltage 1~2000 Module 1V
b0.08① Motor rated current 0.01~655.35 dependent 0.01A
b0.09① Motor rated frequency 10.00~b0.00 50.00 0.01Hz
b0.10① Motor rated speed 1~65535 1460 1RPM
b0.11 Command Source 0~2 0 1
0: Keypad 1: I/O terminal 2: Communication
b0.12① Application setting 0~13 0 1
0: General 1: PID application 2: Constant pressure water supply of one AC drive with two pumps
3~13: Reserved

b1 Run & Stop logic

Function Name Range Default Step Description

b1.00① Acceleration/Deceleration 0~1 0 1 0: Linear
mode 1: S Curve
b1.01① Time proportion of S-curve 0.0~(100.0- 30.0 0.1%
start segment b1.02)
b1.02① Time proportion of S-curve 0.0~(100.0- 30.0 0.1%
end segment b1.01)
b1.03 Startup frequency 0.00~50.00 0.00 0.01Hz
b1.04① Startup frequency holding 0.0~100.0 0.0 0.1Sec
b1.05 Start mode 0~1 0 1
0: Ramp start from startup frequency 1: Flying start
b1.06① Flying start mode 0~2 0 1
0: From frequency at stop 1: From zero speed 2: From maximum frequency
b1.07① Flying start current 50.0~200.0 90.0 0.1% The current limit value of
flying start process
b1.08 flying start speed 1~100 5 1
b1.09① V/f coefficient for flying start 30.0~100.0 100.0 0.1%
b1.10 Stop mode 0~1 0 1 0: Ramp stop
1: Coasting stop
b1.11① Start DC brake current 0~100 20 1%
b1.12① Start DC brake time 0.0~100.0 0.0 0.1Sec
b1.13 Initial frequency of stop DC 0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

b1.14 Stop DC brake waiting time 0.0~100.0 0.0 0.1Sec
b1.15 Stop DC brake current 0~100 20 1%
b1.16 Stop DC brake time 0.0~100.0 0.0 0.1Sec
b1.17 Running mode when 0~3 0 1
running frequency lower
than frequency lower limit
0: Run at frequency lower limit 2: Stop
1: Run at zero speed 3: Stop, restart when setting frequency higher than lower limit
b1.18 Running direction 0~1 0 1 0: Same direction
1: Reverse direction
It is used to set the motor direction which is consistent with the reference frequency or not, whatever the
control source is.
b1.19 Forward/Reverse rotation 0.0~3000.0 0.0 0.1Sec
dead-zone time
b1.20 Reverse prohibition 0~1 0 1 0: Reverse enabled
1: Reverse disabled
b1.21 Stop key function 0~1 1 1
0: STOP/RESET key enabled only in operation keypad control 1: STOP/RESET key enabled in any operation mode
b1.22 Startup protection 0~1 1 1 0: No 1: Yes
If this parameter is set to 1, even the start command is active, the AC drive will be not response to the start command. Users
should cancel the start command firstly, then send the start command again to run the AC drive.
b1.23 Dynamic brake 0~100 100 1%
use ratio
The larger the value of this parameter is, the larger braking duty will be. 0% means disable dynamic brake function.
b1.24 Dynamic brake Module Module 0.1V
voltage dependent dependent
Multi function For function selection of JOG key on
b1.25① 0~2 0 1
of JOG key Keypad.
0: JOG 1:Forward/Reverse switching 2:Command source switching

b2 Frequency Source

Function Name Range Default Step Description

b2.00① Main frequency 0~8 0 1
source A
0: b2.01+UP/DOWN 2: AI2 4: X6/FI 6: PLC 8: Communication
1: AI1 3: AI3 5: PID 7: Multi-Reference

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Code Name Range Default Step Description

b2.01 Preset Frequency 0.00~b0.00 50.00 0.01Hz
b2.02① Auxiliary frequency source B 0~8 0 1 Same As b2.00
b2.03 Range of auxiliary frequency 0~100 100 1%
source B
b2.04 Offset frequency for A and B 0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
b2.05 Frequency source selection 00~34 00 1
Unit's digit (Frequency source selection)
0: Main frequency source A 2: Switchover between A and B
1: A and B operation 3: Switchover between A and "A and B operation"
(operation relationship determined by ten's digit) 4: Switchover between B and "A and B operation"
Ten's digit (A and B operation relationship)
0: A+B 1: A-B 2: min{A,B} 3: max{A,B}
b2.06 Binding command source to 000~999 000 1
frequency source
Unit's digit (Binding the frequency source together with Keypad control source)
0: No binding 2: AI1 4: AI3 6: Multi-reference 8: PID
1: b2.01+UP/DOWN 3: AI2 5: X6/FI 7: PLC 9: Communication
Ten's digit (Binding the frequency source together with Terminal control source)
Hundred's digit (Binding the frequency source together with Communication control source)
b2.07① Frequency resolution 1~2 2 1 1: 0.1Hz 2: 0.01Hz
All the parameters with ‘Hz’ unit will change following b2.07. Such as b0.09(50.00Hz) will change to
500.0Hz when set b2.07 from 1 to 2.

C0 Digital Input

Function Name Range Default Step Description

C0.00 X terminals filter time 0.000~1.000 0.010 0.001Sec
C0.01① X1 function 0~58 3 1
0: No function 10: Emergency Stop 19: Multi-reference terminal 4
1: Forward JOG(FJOG) 11: Immediate DC braking 20: Terminal 1 for Acceleration
2: Reverse JOG(RJOG) 12: Deceleration DC braking /deceleration time selection
3: Forward RUN (FWD) 13: Terminal UP 21: Terminal 2 for Acceleration
4: Reverse RUN (REV) 14: Terminal DOWN /deceleration time selection
5: Three-line control 15: UP and DOWN setting clear 22: Acceleration/Deceleration
6: RUN pause (terminal, operation panel) prohibited
7: Coast to stop 16: Multi-reference terminal 1 23: Fault reset
8: External STOP terminal 1 17: Multi-reference terminal 2 24: Normally open (NO) input of
9: External STOP terminal 2 18: Multi-reference terminal 3 external fault
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

25: Normally closed (NC) input of 33: Command source switchover 46: Swing pause
external fault terminal 2 47: Current running time reset
26: Frequency modification 34: Speed control/torque control 48: Motor 1# interlock input
forbidden Switchover 49: Motor 2# interlock input
27: Force main frequency 35: Torque control prohibited 50: Motor 3# interlock input
source A to b2.01+UP/DOWN 36: PLC status reset 51: Motor 4# interlock input
28: Force auxiliary frequency 37: Reverse PID action direction 52: User-Defined fault 1 input
source B to b2.01+UP/DOWN 38: PID pause 53: User-Defined fault 2 input
29: Frequency source switchover 39: PID integral pause 54: static auto tune
30: Motor 1/2 switchover 40: PID parameter switchover 55: rotational auto tune
31: Pulse input 41: force PID wakeup 56: Force main frequency
(enabled only for X6/FI) 42: Counter input source A to PID
32: Command source switchover 43: Counter reset 57: Force main frequency
terminal 1 44: length Count input source A to PLC
45: Length reset 58: Fire mode input
59: Broken line detection
C0.02 ①
X2 function 0~58 23 1
C0.03① X3 function 0~58 0 1
C0.04① X4 function 0~58 0 1
C0.05① X5 function 0~58 0 1
C0.06① X6 function 0~58 0 1 Same As C0.01
C0.07① X7 function 0~58 0 1
C0.08① X8 function 0~58 0 1
C0.09① X9 function 0~58 0 1
C0.10 ①
X10 function 0~58 0 1
C0.11 X1~X4 active mode 0000~1111 0000 1
0: Closed is active 1: Open is active
Unit's digit: X1 Ten's digit: X2 Hundred's digit: X3 Thousand's digit: X4
C0.12 X5~X8 active mode 0000~1111 0000 1
0: Closed is active 1: Open is active
Unit's digit: X5 Ten's digit: X6 Hundred's digit: X7 Thousand's digit: X8
C0.13 X9~X10 active mode 00~11 00 1
0: Closed is active 1: Open is active
Unit's digit: X9 Ten's digit: X10
C0.14 X1 delay time 0.0~3000.0 0.0 0.1Sec
C0.15 X2 delay time 0.0~3000.0 0.0 0.1Sec
C0.16 X3 delay time 0.0~3000.0 0.0 0.1Sec

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

C0.17① I/O command mode 0~3 0 1
0: Two-line mode 1 1: Two-line mode 2 2: Three-line mode 1 3: Three-line mode 2
C0.18 UP/DOWN 0~2 0 1
adjustment selection
0: Frequency reference 1: Torque reference 2: PID reference
C0.19 UP/DOWN 00~11 11 1
adjustment memory
Unit's digit: retentive at stop 0: No 1: Yes
Ten's digit: retentive at power down 0: No 1: Yes
C0.20 Terminal UP/DOWN 0.01~100.00 20.00 0.01%
ramp rate

C1 Digital Output

Function Name Range Default Step Description

C1.00 Y2/FO output 0~1 0 1 0: Pulse output(FO)
mode selection 1: Switch signal output(Y2)
C1.01 Y1 function 0~45 3 1
0: No output 15: Motor overload pre-warning 28: Current 1 reached
1: Under voltage 16: AC drive overload 29: Current 2 reached
2: ready for run pre-warning 30: Under load
3: running 17: inverter module temperature 31: AI1 input limit exceeded
4: Zero-speed running 1 reached 32: Timing reached
(no output at stop) 18: Motor Over heat pre-warning 33: PLC cycle complete
5: Zero-speed running 2 19: Zero current status 34: Current limit exceeded
(having output at stop) 20: Set count value reached 35: Communication setting
6: Reverse running 21: Designated count value 36: AI1>AI2
7: Frequency reached reached 37: PID feedback Limit exceeded
8: Frequency upper limit reached 22: Length reached 38: PID sleep status indication
9: Frequency lower limit reached 23: Accumulative power-on time 39: Frequency Limited
(no output at stop) reached 40: Motor 1# Control output
10: FDT1 detection output 24: Accumulative running time 41: Motor 2# Control output
11: FDT2 detection output reached 42: Motor 3# Control output
12: Torque limited 25: Current running time reached 43: Motor 4# Control output
13: Fault output(AC drive stop) 26: Frequency 1 reached 44: External brake control
14: Warning output 27: Frequency 2 reached 45: Simple brake control
(continue running)

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

C1.02 Y2 function 0~45 7 1
C1.03 Y3 function 0~45 0 1
C1.04 T1 function 0~45 13 1
C1.05 T2 function 0~45 0 1
Same As C1.01
C1.06 T3 function 0~45 0 1
C1.07 T4 function 0~45 0 1
C1.08 T5 function 0~45 0 1
C1.09 T6 function 0~45 0 1
C1.10 Y terminals active 000~111 000 1 0: positive logic
state logic 1: Negative logic
Unit's digit: Y1 Ten's digit: Y2 Hundred's digit: Y3
C1.11 T1~T4 active state 0000~1111 0000 1 0: positive logic
logic 1: Negative logic
Unit's digit: T1 Ten's digit: T2 Hundred's digit: T3 Thousand's digit: T4
C1.12 T5~T6 active state 00~11 00 1 0: positive logic
logic 1: Negative logic
Unit's digit: T5 Ten's digit: T6
C1.13 Y1 output delay time 0.0~3000.0 0.0 0.1Sec
C1.14 Y2 output delay time 0.0~3000.0 0.0 0.1Sec
C1.15 Y3 output delay time 0.0~3000.0 0.0 0.1Sec
C1.16 T1 output delay time 0.0~3000.0 0.0 0.1Sec
C1.17 T2 output delay time 0.0~3000.0 0.0 0.1Sec
C1.18 T3 output delay time 0.0~3000.0 0.0 0.1Sec
C1.19 T4 output delay time 0.0~3000.0 0.0 0.1Sec
C1.20 T5 output delay time 0.0~3000.0 0.0 0.1Sec
C1.21 T6 output delay time 0.0~3000.0 0.0 0.1Sec
C1.22 Interval of Y1 output 0.0~600.0 0.0 0.1Sec
active state
C1.23 Interval of Y2 output 0.0~600.0 0.0 0.1Sec
active state
C1.24 Interval of T1 output 0.0~600.0 0.0 0.1Sec
active state
C1.25 Interval of T2 output 0.0~600.0 0.0 0.1Sec
active state

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

C2 Analog Input

Function Name Range Default Step Description

C2.00 AI1 filter time 0.00~10.00 0.10 0.01Sec
C2.01 AI2 filter time 0.00~10.00 0.10 0.01Sec
C2.02 AI3 filter time 0.00~10.00 0.10 0.01Sec
C2.03 AI curve selection 111~333 321 1
1: AI curve 1(C2.04~07) 2: AI curve 2(C2.08~11) 3: AI curve 3(C2.12~15)
Unit's digit: AI1 Ten's digit: AI2 Hundred's digit: AI3
C2.04 AI curve 1 minimum input -10.00~C2.06 0.00 0.01V
C2.05 Corresponding setting of -100.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%
AI curve 1 minimum input
C2.06 AI curve 1 maximum input C2.04~10.00 10.00 0.01V
C2.07 Corresponding setting of -100.0~100.0 100.0 0.1%
AI curve 1 maximum input
C2.08 AI curve 2 minimum input -10.00~C2.10 0.00 0.01V
C2.09 Corresponding setting of -100.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%
AI curve 2 minimum input
C2.10 AI curve 2 maximum input C2.08~10.00 10.00 0.01V
C2.11 Corresponding setting of -100.0~100.0 100.0 0.1%
AI curve 2 maximum input
C2.12 AI curve 3 minimum input -10.00~C2.14 0.00 0.01V
C2.13 Corresponding setting of -100.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%
AI curve 3 minimum input
C2.14 AI curve 3 maximum input C2.12~10.00 10.00 0.01V
C2.15 Corresponding setting of -100.0~100.0 100.0 0.1%
AI curve 3 maximum input
C2.16 Jump point of AI1 input -100.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%
corresponding setting
C2.17 Jump amplitude of AI1 input 0.0~100.0 0.5 0.1%
corresponding setting
C2.18 Jump point of AI2 input -100.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%
corresponding setting
C2.19 Jump amplitude of AI2 input 0.0~100.0 0.5 0.1%
corresponding setting
C2.20 Jump point of AI3 input -100.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%
corresponding setting
C2.21 Jump amplitude of AI3 input 0.0~100.0 0.5 0.1%
corresponding setting

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

C2.22 Setting for AI less than 000~111 000 1
minimum input
0: corresponding to minimum setting 1: 0.0%
Unit's digit: AI1 Ten's digit: AI2 Hundred's digit: AI3

C3 Analog Output

Function Name Range Default Step Description

C3.00 AO1 filter time 0.00~10.00 0.00 0.01Sec
C3.01 AO2 filter time 0.00~10.00 0.00 0.01Sec
C3.02 AO1 function 0~17 1 1
0: Set frequency 5: Output torque 9: Pulse input( from X6/FI ) 13: PID output
1: Running frequency 6: AI1 10: Target torque 14: Actual length
2: Output current 7: AI2 11: PID setting 15: Count value
3: Output voltage 8: AI3 12: PID feedback 16: Communication setting
4: Output power 17: Feedback speed
C3.03 AO2 function 0~17 2 1 Same As C3.02
C3.04 AO curve selection 11~22 21 1
1: AO curve 1 2: AO curve 2 Unit's digit: AO1 Ten's digit: AO2
(C3.05~08) (C3.09~12)
C3.05 AO curve 1 minimum output 0.00~10.00 0.00 0.01V
C3.06 Corresponding setting of AO 0.0~C3.08 0.0 0.1%
curve 1 minimum output
C3.07 AO curve 1 maximum output 0.00~10.00 10.00 0.01V
C3.08 Corresponding setting of AO C3.06~100.0 100.0 0.1%
curve 1 maximum output
C3.09 AO curve 2 minimum output 0.00~10.00 0.00 0.01V
C3.10 Corresponding setting of AO 0.0~C3.12 0.0 0.1%
curve 2 minimum output
C3.11 AO curve 2 maximum output 0.00~10.00 10.00 0.01V
C3.12 Corresponding setting of AO C3.10~100.0 100.0 0.1%
curve 2 maximum output

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

C4 Pulse Input/Output

Function Name Range Default Step Description

C4.00 FI filter time 0.00~10.00 0.10 0.01Sec
C4.01 FI minimum input 0.00~C4.03 0.00 0.01kHz
C4.02 Corresponding setting of FI -100.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%
minimum input
C4.03 FI maximum input C4.01~100.00 50.00 0.01kHz
C4.04 Corresponding setting of FI -100.0~100.0 100.0 0.1%
maximum input
C4.05 FO filter time 0.00~10.00 0.00 0.01Sec
C4.06 FO function 0~17 1 1 Same As C3.02
C4.07 FO output minimum frequency 0.00~100.00 0.00 0.01kHz
C4.08 Corresponding setting of FO 0.0~C4.10 0.0 0.1%
output minimum frequency
C4.09 FO output maximum frequency 0.00~100.00 50.00 0.01kHz
C4.10 Corresponding setting of FO C4.08~100.0 100.0 0.1%
output maximum frequency

C5 Virtual Digital Input/Output

Function Name Range Default Step Description

C5.00① VX1 function 0~58 0 1
C5.01 ①
VX2 function 0~58 0 1
Same As C0.01
C5.02① VX3 function 0~58 0 1
C5.03① VX4 function 0~58 0 1
C5.04 VX active state mode 0000~4444 1111 1
0: Set by VYn 1: Set by C5.05 2: Set by AI1 3: Set by AI2 4: Set by AI3
Unit's digit: VX1 Ten's digit: VX2 Hundred's digit: VX3 Thousand's digit: VX4
C5.05 Digital setting of VX 0000~1111 0000 1 0: Active
active state 1: Inactive
Unit's digit: VX1 Ten's digit: VX2 Hundred's digit: VX3 Thousand's digit: VX4
C5.06① Active mode for AI as 000~111 000 1 0: High is active
VX input 1: Low is active
Unit's digit: AI1 Ten's digit: AI2 Hundred's digit: AI3
C5.07① Active mode for AI as C5.08~8.00 6.70 0.01V
VX input
C5.08① Active mode for AI as 1.00~C5.07 3.20 0.01V
VX input

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

C5.09① VY1 function 0~45 0 1 Same As C1.01
C5.10 ①
VY2 function 0~45 0 1 Same As C1.01
C5.11① VY3 function 0~45 0 1 Same As C1.01
C5.12① VY4 function 0~45 0 1 Same As C1.01
C5.13 VY1 output delay time 0.0~3600.0 0.0 0.1Sec
C5.14 VY2 output delay time 0.0~3600.0 0.0 0.1Sec
C5.15 VY3 output delay time 0.0~3600.0 0.0 0.1Sec
C5.16 VY4 output delay time 0.0~3600.0 0.0 0.1Sec
C5.17 VY terminal active 0000~1111 0000 1 0: Positive logic
state logic 1: Negative logic
Unit's digit: VY1 Ten's digit: VY2 Hundred's digit: VY3 Thousand's digit: VY4

d0 Motor Control

Function Name Range Default Step Description

d0.00① Motor control mode 0~2 0 1
0: V/f 1: Open loop vector control 2: Close loop vector control
d0.01 Carrier frequency Module Module 0.1kHz
dependent dependent
d0.02 Carrier frequency 0~1 1 1 0: Enabled
adjustment with 1: Disabled
d0.03 Random PWM depth 0~10 0 1
Random PWM can decrease motor noise without increasing carrier frequency. The bigger , the wider spectrum.
0: disable random PWM 1~10: setting the depth of random PWM
d0.04 DPWM switchover 0.00~b0.00 10.00 0.01Hz
frequency upper limit
If the output frequency is higher than this Value + 3Hz, the DPWM modulation mode is adopted, or else
continuous method is adopted.
d0.05 PWM Modulation 0~1 0 1
0: Asynchronous modulation 1: Synchronous modulation
0.0%: auto torque boost
d0.06 Torque boost 0.0~20.0 0.1% > 0.0%: customized
torque boost
d0.07① Cut-off frequency of 0.00~b0.00 37.00 0.01Hz
torque boost

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

d0.08 V/f slip compensation gain 0.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%
d0.09 V/F over-excitation gain 0~250 64 1
d0.10 V/F oscillation suppression gain 0~500 Module dependent 1
d0.11 Overcurrent stall gain 0~300 Module dependent 1
d0.12 Overcurrent stall protective 30~200 150 1%
Reference value is the motor rated current.
Note: "d0.12 * the motor rated current" generally can not be greater than "d0.32 *the AC drive rated current of G type".
d0.13 Overvoltage stall gain 0~300 5 1
d0.14 Overvoltage stall protective Module Module dependent 0.1V
voltage dependent
d0.15 Stall control mode 00~11 00 1
Unit's digit: Under 0: Disabled Ten's digit: Overvoltage 0:Auto limit of acceleration and deceleration step
voltage control enable 1: Enabled and overcurrent stall control 1:Operating frequency automatic control
d0.16① V/f curve selection 0~9 0 1
0: Linear V/F 2: 1.2-power V/F 4: 1.6-power V/F 6: Square V/F 8: V/F half separation
1: Multi-point V/F 3: 1.4-power V/F 5: 1.8-power V/F 7: V/F complete separation 9: Flux Optimization
d0.17① Multi- point V/f zero 0.0~40.0 1.5 0.1%
frequency voltage
d0.18① Multi- point V/f frequency 1 0.00~d0.20 3.00 0.01Hz
d0.19① Multi- point V/f voltage 1 0.0~100.0 8.0 0.1%
d0.20① Multi- point V/f frequency 2 d0.18~d0.22 25.00 0.01Hz
d0.21① Multi- point V/f voltage 2 0.0~100.0 55.0 0.1%
d0.22 ①
Multi- point V/f frequency 3 d0.20~b0.09 50.00 0.01Hz
d0.23① Multi- point V/f voltage 3 0.0~100.0 100.0 0.1%
d0.24 Voltage source for V/f 0~8 0 1
0: d0.25 1: AI1 2: AI2 3: AI3 4: X6/FI 5: PID 6: PLC 7: Multi-Reference 8: Communication
d0.25 Voltage digital setting for 0~b0.07 0 1V
V/f separation
d0.26 Voltage ramp time of V/f 0.0~1000.0 0.0 0.1Sec
d0.31 CBC current control 0~1 1 1
d0.32 CBC current limit 0.50~2.20 2.00 0.01
d0.33 CBC current control delay time 10~9999 500 1mSec
d0.34 Energy saving coefficient 50.0~100.0 65.0 0.1%
Voltage coefficient of the weak magnetic when output torque below 5%.Set too low may lead to motor stall.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

d1 Motor Parameters

Function Name Range Default Step Description

d1.01① Motor stator Module Module 0.001ohm
resistance dependent dependent
d1.02① Motor rotor Module Module 0.001ohm
resistance dependent dependent
d1.03① Motor leakage Module Module 0.01mH
inductance dependent dependent
d1.04① Motor mutual Module Module 0.1mH
inductance dependent dependent
d1.05① Motor No-load Module Module 0.01A
current dependent dependent
d1.06① Motor weaken flux 0.000~1.000 0.400 0.001 Flux weakening coefficient at
coefficient 1 20% flux current
d1.07① Motor weaken flux 0.000~1.000 0.700 0.001 Flux weakening coefficient at
coefficient 2 50% flux current
d1.08① Motor weaken flux 0.000~1.000 1.000 0.001 Flux weakening coefficient at
coefficient 3 80% flux current
d1.15① Auto tune 0~2 0 1
0: No action 1: Static auto tune 2: rotational auto tune

d2 Speed Control

Function Name Range Default Step Description

d2.00 ASR proportional gain Kp1 1~100 20 1
d2.01 ASR integration time Ti1 0.01~10.00 0.30 0.01Sec
d2.02 ASR proportional gain Kp2 1~100 20 1
d2.03 ASR integration time Ti2 0.01~10.00 0.50 0.01Sec
d2.04 Low speed switchover 0.00~d2.05 5.00 0.01Hz
d2.05 High speed switchover d2.04~b0.00 10.00 0.01Hz
d2.06 ASR integration attribute 0~1 0 1
0: Integral separated inactive 1: Integral separated active
d2.07 Vector control slip gain 50~120 100 1%
d2.08 ASR filter time 0~1023 0 1

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

d2.09 Upper torque limit Source of 0~7 0 1
forward motoring
0: d2.10 2: AI2 4: X6/FI 6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
1: AI1 3: AI3 5: Communication 7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
d2.10 Preset upper torque limit of 0.0~300.0 150.0 0.1%
forward motoring
d2.11 Upper torque limit Source of 0~7 0 1
reverse motoring
0: d2.12 2: AI2 4: X6/FI 6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
1: AI1 3: AI3 5: Communication 7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
d2.12 Preset upper torque limit of 0.0~300.0 150.0 0.1%
reverse motoring
d2.13 Upper torque limit Source of 0~7 0 1
forward generating
0: d2.14 2: AI2 4: X6/FI 6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
1: AI1 3: AI3 5: Communication 7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
d2.14 Preset upper torque limit of 0.0~300.0 150.0 0.1%
forward generating
d2.15 Upper torque limit Source of 0~7 0 1
reverse generating
0: d2.16 2: AI2 4: X6/FI 6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
1: AI1 3: AI3 5: Communication 7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
d2.16 Preset upper torque limit of 0.0~300.0 150.0 0.1%
reverse generating
d2.17 proportional gain of flux 0~30000 2000 1
current loop
d2.18 integration time of flux current 0~30000 800 1
d2.19 proportional gain of torque 0~30000 2000 1
current loop
d2.20 integration time of torque 0~30000 400 1
current loop
d2.21① Vector control optimization 000~111 110 1 0: Disabled
mode 1: Enabled
Unit's digit : Ten's digit: Hundred's digit:
Loop control optimization Angle estimation optimization Low frequency torque optimization

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

d3 Torque Control

Function Name Range Default Step Description

d3.00① Speed/Torque control 0~1 0 1 0: Speed Control
selection 1: Torque Control
d3.01① Torque reference 0~7 0 1
0: d3.02+UP/DOWN 2: AI2 4: X6/FI 6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
1: AI1 3: AI3 5: Communication 7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
d3.02 Digital setting of -300.0~300.0 150.0 0.1%
torque reference
d3.03① Torque compensation 0~7 0 1
0: d3.04 2: AI2 4: X6/FI 6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
1: AI1 3: AI3 5: Communication 7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
d3.04 Digital setting of -300.0~300.0 0.0 0.1%
torque compensation
d3.05① Speed limit mode 0~5 0 1
0: Minimum frequency to maximum frequency 3: Running frequency to maximum frequency
1: Minimum frequency to running frequency 4: Running frequency + windows
2: Negative running frequency to positive running frequency 5: 0Hz to output frequency
d3.06① maximum frequency 0~7 0 1
0: d3.07 2: AI2 4: X6/FI 6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
1: AI1 3: AI3 5: Communication 7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
d3.07 Digital setting of -b0.00~b0.00 50.00 0.01Hz
Maximum frequency
d3.08① Minimum frequency 0~7 0 1
0: d3.09 2: AI2 4: X6/FI 6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
1: AI1 3: AI3 5: Communication 7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
d3.09 Digital setting of -b0.00~b0.00 -50.00 0.01Hz
minimum frequency
d3.10 Window positive error 0.00~50.00 5.00 0.01Hz
d3.11 Window negative -50.00~0.00 -5.00 0.01Hz
d3.12 Static torque 0.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

d3.13 Dynamic torque 0.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%
d3.14 Inertia torque 0.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%
d3.15 Torque acceleration time 0.00~650.00 2.00 0.01Sec
d3.16 Torque deceleration 0.00~650.00 2.00 0.01Sec
Maximum torque
d3.17 -300.0~300.0 150.0 0.1%
Minimum torque
d3.18 -300.0~300.0 -150.0 0.1%
d3.17~d3.18 is the limit of torque reference under torque control mode,and is also the maximum setting
value when AI, FI and Communication input.

d5 Motor 2 Parameters

Function Name Range Default Step Description

d5.00① Motor 1/2 selection 0~1 0 1 0: Motor 1
1: Motor 2
d5.01 ①
Motor 2 control mode 0~2 0 1
0: V/f 1: Open loop vector control 2: Close loop vector control
d5.03① Motor 2 rated power 0.1~999.9 0.1kw
d5.04① Motor 2 rated voltage 1~2000 1V
d5.05① Motor 2 rated current 0.01~655.35 0.01A
d5.06① Motor 2 rated frequency 10.00~b0.00 0.01Hz
d5.07① Motor 2 rated speed 1~65535 1RPM
d5.08① Motor 2 stator 0.001ohm
d5.09① Motor 2 rotor resistance 0.001ohm
d5.10① Motor 2 leakage Module Module 0.01mH
inductance dependent dependent
d5.11① Motor 2 mutual 0.1mH
d5.12① Motor 2 No-load current 0.01A
d5.13① Motor 2 weaken flux 0.000~1.000 1.000 0.001 Flux weakening
coefficient 1 coefficient at 20%
flux current

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

d5.14① Motor 2 weaken flux 0.000~1.000 1.000 0.001 Flux weakening
coefficient 2 coefficient at 50%
flux current
d5.15 ①
Motor 2 weaken flux 0.000~1.000 1.000 0.001 Flux weakening
coefficient 3 coefficient at 80%
flux current
d5.22① Motor 2 auto tune 0~2 0 1
0: No action 1: Static auto tune 2: rotational auto tune

d6 Motor 2 Speed Control

Function Name Range Default Step Description

d6.00 Motor 2 ASR 1~100 30 1
proportional gain Kp1
d6.01 Motor 2 ASR integration 0.01~10.00 0.50 0.01Sec
time Ti1
d6.02 Motor 2 ASR 1~100 20 1
proportional gain Kp2
d6.03 Motor 2 ASR integration 0.01~10.00 1.00 0.01Sec
time Ti2
d6.04 Motor 2 Low speed 0.00~d6.05 5.00 0.01Hz
switchover frequency
d6.05 Motor 2 High speed d6.04~b0.00 10.00 0.01Hz
switchover frequency
d6.06 Motor 2 ASR integration 0~1 0 1 Same As d2.06
d6.07 Motor 2 Vector control 50~200 100 1%
slip gain
d6.08 Motor 2 ASR filter time 0~1023 0 1
d6.09 Motor 2 Upper torque 0~7 0 1
limit Source of forward
0: d6.10 2: AI2 4: X6/FI 6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
1: AI1 3: AI3 5: Communication 7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
d6.10 Motor 2 Preset upper 0.0~300.0 150.0 0.1%
torque limit of forward

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

d6.11 Motor 2 Upper torque 0~7 0 1
limit Source of reverse
0: d6.12 2: AI2 4: X6/FI 6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
1: AI1 3: AI3 5: Communication 7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
d6.12 Motor 2 Preset upper 0.0~300.0 150.0 0.1%
torque limit of reverse
d6.13 Motor 2 Upper torque 0~7 0 1
limit Source of forward
0: d6.14 2: AI2 4: X6/FI 6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
1: AI1 3: AI3 5: Communication 7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
d6.14 Motor 2 Preset upper 0.0~300.0 150.0 0.1%
torque limit of forward
d6.15 Motor 2 Upper torque 0~7 0 1
limit Source of reverse
0: d6.16 2: AI2 4: X6/FI 6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
1: AI1 3: AI3 5: Communication 7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
d6.16 Motor 2 Preset upper 0.0~300.0 150.0 0.1%
torque limit of reverse
d6.17 Motor 2 proportional gain 0~30000 2000 1
of flux current loop
d6.18 Motor 2 integration time 0~30000 800 1
of flux current loop
d6.19 Motor 2 proportional gain 0~30000 2000 1
of torque current loop
d6.20 Motor 2 integration time 0~30000 400 1
of torque current loop

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description
E0.00 JOG frequency 0.00~b0.00 5.00 0.01Hz
E0.01 JOG acceleration time 0.1~6000.0 10.0 0.1Sec
E0.02 JOG deceleration time 0.1~6000.0 10.0 0.1Sec
E0.03 JOG stop mode 0~1 0 1 0: Ramp stop
1: Coasting stop
E0.04 JOG preferred 0~1 0 1
When set E0.04 to 1,the AC drive will response the JOG command of current control source immediately
even if in running state.And the JOG command form other control source will be ignored.
0: Inactive 1: Active
E1 Skip Frequency
Function Name Range Default Step Description
E1.00 Skip frequency 1 High limit E1.01~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E1.01 Skip frequency 1 Low limit 0.00~E1.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E1.02 Skip frequency 2 High limit E1.03~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E1.03 Skip frequency 2 Low limit 0.00~E1.02 0.00 0.01Hz
E2 Multi-Reference
Function Name Range Default Step Description
E2.00 Reference 0 source 0~6 0 1
0: E2.01 1: b2.01+UP/DOWN 2: AI1 3: AI2 4: AI3 5: X6/FI 6: PID
E2.01 Reference 0 -b0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E2.02 Reference 1 -b0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E2.03 Reference 2 -b0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E2.04 Reference 3 -b0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E2.05 Reference 4 -b0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E2.06 Reference 5 -b0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E2.07 Reference 6 -b0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E2.08 Reference 7 -b0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E2.09 Reference 8 -b0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E2.10 Reference 9 -b0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E2.11 Reference 10 -b0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E2.12 Reference 11 -b0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E2.13 Reference 12 -b0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E2.14 Reference 13 -b0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E2.15 Reference 14 -b0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E2.16 Reference 15 -b0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

E3 Simple PLC

Function Name Range Default Step Description

E3.00 Simple PLC running mode 0~2 0 1
0: Stop after the AC drive running one cycle 2: Repeat after the AC drive running one cycle
1: Keep final values after the AC drive running one cycle
E3.01 Simple PLC retentive selection 00~11 00 1
Unit's digit (Retentive upon power failure) 0: No 1: Yes
Ten's digit (Retentive upon stop) 0: No 1: Yes
E3.02 Time unit of simple PLC running 0~1 0 1 0: Sec (second)
1: h (hour)
E3.03 Running time of simple PLC 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Sec
reference 0
E3.04 Acc/dec time of simple PLC 0~3 0 1
reference 0
0: Acceleration/deceleration time 1 2: Acceleration/deceleration time 3
1: Acceleration/deceleration time 2 3: Acceleration/deceleration time 4
E3.05 Running time of simple PLC reference 1 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Sec
E3.06 Acc/dec time of simple PLC reference 1 0~3 0 1 Same As E3.04
E3.07 Running time of simple PLC reference 2 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Sec
E3.08 Acc/dec time of simple PLC reference 2 0~3 0 1 Same As E3.04
E3.09 Running time of simple PLC reference 3 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Sec
E3.10 Acc/dec time of simple PLC reference 3 0~3 0 1 Same As E3.04
E3.11 Running time of simple PLC reference 4 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Sec
E3.12 Acc/dec time of simple PLC reference 4 0~3 0 1 Same As E3.04
E3.13 Running time of simple PLC reference 5 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Sec
E3.14 Acc/dec time of simple PLC reference 5 0~3 0 1 Same As E3.04
E3.15 Running time of simple PLC reference 6 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Sec
E3.16 Acc/dec time of simple PLC reference 6 0~3 0 1 Same As E3.04
E3.17 Running time of simple PLC reference 7 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Sec
E3.18 Acc/dec time of simple PLC reference 7 0~3 0 1 Same As E3.04
E3.19 Running time of simple PLC reference 8 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Sec
E3.20 Acc/dec time of simple PLC reference 8 0~3 0 1 Same As E3.04
E3.21 Running time of simple PLC reference 9 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Sec
E3.22 Acc/dec time of simple PLC reference 9 0~3 0 1 Same As E3.04
E3.23 Running time of simple PLC reference 10 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Sec
E3.24 Acc/dec time of simple PLC reference 10 0~3 0 1 Same As E3.04
E3.25 Running time of simple PLC reference 11 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Sec
E3.26 Acc/dec time of simple PLC reference 11 0~3 0 1 Same As E3.04

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

E3.27 Running time of simple PLC reference 12 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Sec
E3.28 Acc/dec time of simple PLC reference 12 0~3 0 1 Same As E3.04
E3.29 Running time of simple PLC reference 13 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Sec
E3.30 Acc/dec time of simple PLC reference 13 0~3 0 1 Same As E3.04
E3.31 Running time of simple PLC reference 14 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Sec
E3.32 Acc/dec time of simple PLC reference 14 0~3 0 1 Same As E3.04
E3.33 Running time of simple PLC reference 15 0.0~6553.5 0.0 0.1Sec
E3.34 Acc/dec time of simple PLC reference 15 0~3 0 1 Same As E3.04

E4 Acc & Dec Time

Function Name Range Default Step Description

E4.00 acceleration time 2 0.1~6000.0 Module 0.1Sec
E4.01 deceleration time 2 0.1~6000.0 dependent 0.1Sec
E4.02 acceleration time 3 0.1~6000.0 Module 0.1Sec
E4.03 deceleration time 3 0.1~6000.0 Module 0.1Sec
E4.04 acceleration time 4 0.1~6000.0 Module 0.1Sec
E4.05 deceleration time 4 0.1~6000.0 Module 0.1Sec
E4.06 Frequency switchover 0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
point between
acceleration time 1&2
E4.07 Frequency switchover 0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
point between
deceleration time 1&2
E4.08 ①
Acceleration/ 0~2 1 1 0: 1 Sec
Deceleration time unit 1: 0.1 Sec
2: 0.01 Sec
E4.09① Reference frequency of 0~2 0 1 Acceleration/
Acceleration/ Deceleration time is
Deceleration time defined as the time
between 0Hz to E4.09
0: Max frequency(b0.00) 1: Current setting frequency 2: 100Hz

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table


Function Name Range Default Step Description

E5.00① PID engineering unit 0~5 0 1
0:Percentage(%) 1:Pressure(MPa) 2:Centigrade(℃) 3:Kilowatt(kW) 4:Kilowatt hour(kWh) 5:Flow(m3/h)
E5.01 PID engineering unit resolution 0~3 1 1
0: No decimal 1: One decimal 2: Two decimals 3: Three decimals
Maximum setting of PID E5.03 Unit/Decimal depends
E5.02 100.0 0.1%
engineering unit ~6553.5 on E5.00/E5.01.
Minimum setting of PID First set E5.02, then
E5.03 0.0~E5.02 0.0 0.1%
engineering unit set E5.03.
E5.04 PID setting source 0~6 0 1
0: E5.05+UP/DOWN 1: AI1 2: AI2 3: AI3 4: X6/FI 5: Multi-Reference 6: Communication
Unit/Decimal depends
E5.05 PID digital setting E5.03~E5.02 50.0 0.1%
on E5.00/E5.01.
E5.06 PID setting changing time 0.00~99.99 0.00 0.01Sec
E5.07 PID feedback source 0~8 0 1
0: AI1 2: AI3 4: X6/FI 6: MAX(|AI1|,|AI2|) 8: Communication
1: AI2 3: AI1-AI2 5: AI1+AI2 7: MIN(|AI1|,|AI2|)
E5.08 PID feedback filter time 0.00~60.00 0.00 0.01Sec
E5.09 PID proportion gain Kp1 0.0~999.9 2.0 0.1%
E5.10 PID integral time Ti1 0.01~99.99 0.50 0.01Sec
E5.11 PID differential time Td1 0.000~9.999 0.000 0.001Sec
E5.12 PID proportion gain Kp2 0.0~999.9 50.0 0.1
E5.13 PID integral time Ti2 0.01~99.99 2.00 0.01
E5.14 PID differential time Td2 0.000~9.999 0.000 0.001
E5.15 PID parameter switchover condition 0~2 0 1
0: No switchover 1: Switchover via X terminals 2: Automatic switchover based on deviation
E5.16 PID parameter switchover deviation 1 E5.03~E5.17 20.0 0.1% Unit/Decimal depends
E5.17 PID parameter switchover deviation 2 E5.16~E5.02 80.0 0.1% on E5.00/E5.01.
E5.18 PID output initial value 0.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%
E5.19 PID output initial value holding time 0.00~600.00 0.00 0.01Sec
E5.20 PID output filter time 0.00~60.00 0.00 0.01Sec
E5.21① PID action direction 0~1 0 1 0:Positive 1:Negative
E5.22 PID differential limit 0.0~100.0 0.5 0.1%
E5.23 Maximum deviation between two 0.00~99.99 1.00 0.01%
PID outputs in forward direction
E5.24 Maximum deviation between two 0.00~99.99 1.00 0.01%
PID outputs in reverse direction

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

E5.25 Cut-off frequency of PID 0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
reverse rotation
E5.26 PID deviation limit 0.0~100.0 0.00 0.1% Base on PID setting value
E5.27 PID deviation limit delay time 0.0~320.0 0.0 0.1Sec
E5.28 PID integral property 00~11 00 1
Unit's digit (Integral separated) 0: Inactive 1: Active
Ten's digit (Whether to stop integral operation when the output reaches the limit)
0: Continue integral operation 1: Stop integral operation
E5.29 PID operation at stop 0~1 1 1
0: No PID operation at stop 1: PID operation at stop
E5.30 PID feedback detection enable 0~1 0 1 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
E5.31 Minimum frequency of PID 0.00~b0.00 5.00 0.01Hz
feedback detection
E5.32 Waiting time of PID feedback 0.0~600.0 0.0 0.1Sec
E5.33 Upper limit of PID feedback detection E5.03~E5.02 100.0 0.1% Unit/Decimal depends
E5.34 Lower limit of PID feedback detection E5.03~E5.02 0.0 0.1% on E5.00/E5.01.
E5.35 Detection time of PID 0.0~600.0 0.0 0.1Sec
feedback detection
E5.36 wake up level 0.0~200.0 0.0 0.1 Unit/Range
depends on E5.44.
E5.37 wake up delay time 0.0~6500.0 0.0 0.1Sec
E5.38 Sleep mode 0~1 0 1
0: Based on output frequency 1: Based on PID feedback
E5.39 Sleep level 0.0~200 0.0 0.1 Unit/Range
depends on E5.44.
E5.40 Sleep frequency 0.00~b0.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E5.41 Sleep delay time 0.0~6500.0 0.0 0.1Sec 0 means no sleep
E5.42 PID setting high limit 0.0~100.0 100.0 0.1% PID setting value limit
E5.43 PID setting low limit 0.0~100.0 0.0 0.1% of internal operation.
Base value selection of PID
E5.44 ①
0~1 0 1
sleep and wake up threshold
The Unit/Range of E5.36 and E5.39 is determined by E5.44.
0:Unit is Percentage (%),base value is PID setting and range is 0.0~200.0%.
1:Unit is the same as PID engineering unit(E5.04),range is E5.03~E5.02.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

E6 Multi-Pump Control

Function Name Range Default Step Description

E6.00① Multi-pump control mode 0~4 0 1
This series AC drive support multi pump control modes. Each of them is apply to different application area
with specific configuration and operation logic. 0: Inactive
1: Frequency pump fixed, No auto change 3: Frequency pump circulation, No auto change
2: Frequency pump fixed, Support auto change 4: Frequency pump circulation, Support auto change
E6.01 Number of motors 1~4 1 1
E6.02 Reference step 1 0.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%
Active if one auxiliary motor at lease is running.Its base value is current PID reference.
E6.03 Reference step 2 0.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%
Active if two auxiliary motors at lease are running.Its base value is current PID reference.
E6.04 Reference step 3 0.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%
Active if Three auxiliary motors at lease are running.Its base value is current PID reference.
E6.05 interlock functions 00~11 00 1
Interlock function is used to indicate whether each motor is connected to multi pump control logic or not.
Unit's digit: interlock enable 0: disabled 1: enabled
Ten's digit: interlcok mode 0: decided by X terminals 1: decided by E6.06
E6.06 Digital setting of motor interlock 0000~1111 0000 1
0: Not connected to multi-pump system 1: Connected to multi-pump system
Unit's digit: Motor 1# Ten's digit: Motor 2# Hundred's digit:Motor 3# Thousand's digit:Motor 4#
E6.07 Auto-change interval 0.1~6000.0 48.0 0.1h
E6.08 Auto-change frequency limit 0.00~b0.00 45.00 0.01Hz
E6.09 Auto-change motor limit 1~3 1 1
E6.10 Add pump frequency 1 0.00~b0.00 48.00 0.01Hz
E6.11 Reduce pump frequency 1 0.00~E6.10 25.00 0.01Hz
E6.12 Add pump frequency 2 0.00~b0.00 48.00 0.01Hz
E6.13 Reduce pump frequency 2 0.00~E6.12 25.00 0.01Hz
E6.14 Add pump frequency 3 0.00~b0.00 48.00 0.01Hz
E6.15 Reduce pump frequency 3 0.00~E6.14 25.00 0.01Hz
E6.16 Add pump delay time 0.0~3600.0 5.0 0.1Sec
E6.17 Dec pump delay time 0.0~3600.0 3.0 0.1Sec
E6.18 Electromagnetic switch delay 0.00~10.00 0.20 0.01Sec
E6.19 Switch over frequency from AC 0.00~b0.00 50.00 0.01Hz
drive to grid

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

E7 Swing Frequency

Function Name Range Default Step Description

E7.00 Swing frequency 0~1 0 1 0: reference to setting frequency
setting mode 1: reference to max frequency
E7.01 Swing frequency 0.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%
E7.02 Skip frequency 0.0~50.0 0.0 0.1%
E7.03 Swing frequency 0.1~3000.0 10.0 0.1Sec
E7.04 Triangular wave 0.1~99.9 50.0 0.1%
rising time
E7.05 Set count value E7.06~65535 1000 1
E7.06 Designated 1~E7.05 1000 1
count value
E7.07 Set length 0~65535 1000 1m
E7.08 Number of 0.1~6553.5 100.0 0.1
pulses per meter

E8 Droop Control

Function Name Range Default Step Description

E8.00 Droop control 0.00~10.00 0.00 0.01Hz
E8.01 Droop control 0.00~60.00 0.00 0.01Sec
filter time
E9 Power Loss Ride Through

Function Name Range Default Step Description

E9.00 Action selection at power 0~1 0 1 0: Disabled
loss ride through 1: Enabled
E9.01 Action judging voltage at 40.0~150.0 80.0 0.1%
power loss ride through
E9.02 Action pause judging voltage 60.0~150.0 100.0 0.1%
at power loss ride through
E9.03 Voltage rally judging time at 0.00~50.00 0.50 0.01
power loss ride through Sec

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

EA External Brake

Function Name Range Default Step Description

EA.00① External brake control enable 0~1 0 1 0: Inactive
1: active
EA.01① External brake off frequency limit 0.00~10.00 2.50 0.01Hz
EA.02① External brake off current limit 0.0~180.0 110.0 0.1%
EA.03① External brake off delay time 0.00~10.00 0.50 0.01Sec
EA.04① Acceleration pause time for external 0.00~10.00 1.00 0.01Sec
brake off
EA.05① External brake on frequency limit 0.00~10.00 2.00 0.01Hz
EA.06① External brake on waiting time 0.00~10.00 0.00 0.01Sec
EA.07① Stop delay time after external brake 0.00~10.00 2.50 0.01Sec
Eb Supervision

Function Name Range Default Step Description

Eb.00① Timing function 0~1 0 1 0: Inactive 1: Active
Eb.01① Timing duration source 0~3 0 1
0: Eb.02 1: AI1 2: AI2 3: AI3
Eb.02① Timing duration 0.0~6500.0 0.0 0.1Min
Eb.03① Current running time 0.0~6500.0 0.0 0.1Min
reached threshold
Eb.04 Accumulative power-on 0~9999 0 1Day
time(day) threshold
Eb.05 Accumulative power-on 0.00~23.99 0.00 0.01h
time(hour) threshold
Eb.06 Accumulative running 0~9999 0 1Day
time(day) threshold
Eb.07 Accumulative running 0.00~23.99 0.00 0.01h
time(hour) threshold
Eb.08 Detection range of 0.0~100.0 0.2 0.1%
frequency reached
Eb.09 Any frequency reaching 0.00~b0.00 50.00 0.01Hz
detection value 1
Eb.10 Any frequency reaching 0.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%
detection amplitude 1

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

Eb.11 Any frequency reaching 0.00~b0.00 50.00 0.01Hz
detection value 2
Eb.12 Any frequency reaching 0.0~100.0 0.0 0.1%
detection amplitude 2
Eb.13 frequency detection 0.00~b0.00 50.00 0.01Hz
threshold 1 (FDT1)
Eb.14 Frequency detection 0.0~100.0 5.0 0.1%
hysteresis 1
(FDT hysteresis 1)
Eb.15 frequency detection 0.00~b0.00 50.00 0.01Hz
threshold 2 (FDT2)
Eb.16 Frequency detection 0.0~100.0 5.0 0.1%
hysteresis 2
(FDT hysteresis 2)
Eb.17 Zero current detection 0.0~300.0 5.0 0.1% 100% is motor rated current
Eb.18 Zero current detection 0.01~600.0 0.10 0.01Sec
delay time 0
Eb.19 Output overcurrent 0.0~300.0 200.0 0.1% 100% is motor rated current
Eb.20 Output overcurrent 0.00~600.0 0.00 0.01Sec
detection delay time 0
Eb.21 Any current reaching 1 0.0~300.0 100.0 0.1% 100% is motor rated current
Eb.22 Any current reaching 1 0.0~300.0 0.0 0.1%
Eb.23 Any current reaching 2 0.0~300.0 100.0 0.1% 100% is motor rated current
Eb.24 Any current reaching 2 0.0~300.0 0.0 0.1%
Eb.25 AI1 input voltage lower 0.00~Eb.26 3.70 0.01V
Eb.26 AI1 input voltage upper Eb.25~10.0 7.20 0.01V
limit 0
Eb.27 Module temperature -40.0~125.0 100.0 0.1℃
Eb.28 Simple brake frequency 0.00~b0.00 2.00 0.01Hz
Eb.29 Simple brake time 0.0~3000.0 0.0 0.1Sec
Set Eb.29 to a nonzero value will enable simple brake function.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

F0 Protection

Function Name Range Default Step Description

F0.00 Under voltage threshold Module Module 0.1V
dependent dependent
F0.01① Over voltage threshold Module Module 0.1V
dependent dependent
F0.02 Input phase loss protection 0~1 1 1 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
F0.03 Output phase loss protection 0~1 1 1 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
F0.04 Short-circuit to ground upon 0~1 0 1 0: Disabled
power-on 1: Enabled
F0.05 AC drive over load protection gain 0.30~3.00 1.00 0.01
F0.06 Motor overload protection 0~1 1 1 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
F0.07 Motor overload protection gain 0.20~10.00 1.00 0.01
F0.08 Motor overload warning coefficient 50~100 80 1%
F0.09 Under load protection 0~1 0 1 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
F0.10 Detection level of Under load 0.0~100.0 40.0 0.1%
F0.11 Detection time of Under load 0.0~60.0 1.0 0.1Sec
F0.12 Motor temperature sensor type 0~2 0 1 0: No sensor
1: PT100
2: PT1000
F0.13 Motor overheat protection threshold 0.0~200.0 120.0 0.1℃
F0.14 Motor overheat warning threshold 0.0~200.0 100.0 0.1℃
F0.15 Over-speed detection value 0.0~50.0 20.0 0.1%
F0.16 Over-speed detection time 0.0~60.0 5.0 0.1Sec
F0.17 Detection value of too large speed 0.0~50.0 20.0 0.1%
F0.18 Detection time of too large speed 0.0~60.0 1.0 0.1Sec
F0.19 Fault protection action selection 1 0000~2222 0000 1
Unit's digit: input phase loss
0: Coasting stop 1: stop by stop mode 2: continue running
Ten's digit: output phase loss(same as unit's digit)
Hundred's digit: AC drive overload(same as unit's digit)
Thousand's digit: Motor overload(same as unit's digit)

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

F0.20 Fault protection action selection 2 0000~2222 0000 1
Unit's digit: motor underload
0: Coasting stop 2: Jump to 8% motor rated frequency, resume to
1: Stop by stop mode setting frequency when underload is inactive.
Ten's digit: Motor overheat(same as F0.19 unit's digit)
Hundred's digit: external fault(same as F0.19 unit's digit)
Thousand's digit: RS485 communication fault(same as F0.19 unit's digit)
F0.21 Fault protection action selection 3 0000~2222 0000 1
Unit's digit: Optional card communication fault(same as F0.19 unit's digit)
Ten's digit: PID feedback over limit(same as F0.19 unit's digit)
Hundred's digit: Accumulated power on time reached fault(same as F0.19 unit's digit)
Thousand's digit: Accumulated running time reached fault(same as F0.19 unit's digit)
F0.22 Fault protection action selection 4 0000~2222 0000 1
Unit's digit: Too large speed deviation(same as unit's digit)
Ten's digit: motor over speed(same as unit's digit)
Hundred's digit: flux postion detection failt(same as unit's digit)
Thousand's digit: UVW signals feedback fault(same as unit's digit)
F0.23 Fault protection action selection 5 0000~2222 0000 1
Unit's digit: Encoder fault
0: Coasting stop 2: Swtichover to V/f, and continue running
1: Switchover to V/f, and stop by stop mode
Ten's digit: User-defined fault 1(same as unit's digit)
Hundred's digit: User-defined fault 2(same as unit's digit)
Thousand's digit: Multi pump interlock fault(same as unit's digit)
F0.24 Frequency selection for continuing 0~4 0 1
to run upon fault
0: Current running frequency 3: Lower limit frequency
1: Setting frequency 4: Backup frequency upon abnormality
2: Upper limit frequency
F0.25 Backup frequency upon abnormality 0.0~100.0 100.0 0.1%
F0.26 Fire mode enable 0~1 0 1 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
F0.27 Fire mode frequency 0.00~b0.00 50.00 0.01Hz
F0.28 Fire mode PID setting increase 0.0~200.0 10.0 0.1%

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

F1 Auto Reset

Code Name Range Default Step Description

F1.00 Fault auto reset times 0~30 0 1
F1.01 Time interval of fault auto reset 0.1~100.0 1.0 0.1Sec
F1.02 DO action during fault auto reset 00~11 00 1
Unit's digit: Fault indication terminals
0: No action during fault reset process 1: Action during fault reset
Ten's digit: restart after automatic fault reset
0: Not auto restart 1: having auto restart
H0 System Parameters

Code Name Range Default Step Description

H0.00 User password 0000~9999 0000 1
H0.01 LED display running 0~65535 31 1
parameters 1
Bit0: Running frequency(1) Bit6: Output power(64) Bit11: Y terminals status(2048)
Bit1: Setting frequency(2) Bit7: AI1 voltage(128) Bit12: PLC stage(4096)
Bit2: Dc-link voltage(4) Bit8: AI2 voltage(256) Bit13: PID setting(8192)
Bit3: Output current(8) Bit9: AI3 voltage(512) Bit14: PID feedback(16384)
Bit4: Output voltage(16) Bit10: X terminals status(1024) Bit15: Count value(32768)
Bit5: Output torque(32)
H0.02 LED display running 0~2047 0 1
parameters 2
Bit0: FI input frequency(1) Bit4: remaining running time(16) Bit8:Feedback speed(256)
Bit1: Linear speed(2) Bit5: Main frequency A (32) Bit9:motor speed(512)
Bit2: Load speed(4) Bit7: FO output frequency(128) Bit10:Multi-Pump Control status
Bit3: Actual length(8) words(1024)
H0.03 LED display stop 1~65535 3 1
Bit0: Setting frequency(1) Bit5: AI2 voltage(32) Bit10: PLC stage(1024)
Bit1: Dc-link voltage(2) Bit6: AI3 voltage(64) Bit11: Pulse input frequency(2048)
Bit2: X terminals status(4) Bit7: FI input frequency(128) Bit12: actual length(4096)
Bit3: Y terminals status(8) Bit8: PID setting(256) Bit13~Bit15: reserve
Bit4: AI1 voltage(16) Bit9: PID feedback(512)
H0.04① Parameter initial option 0~4 0 1
0: No Operation 1: Restore to factory default value, not include motor parameters
2: Restore to factory default value, including motor parameters
3: Parameter upload to keypad 4: Parameter download from keypad
H0.05 Menu display selection 0~2 0 1
0: Display all parameters 1: Display user-defined parameters
2: Display non factory setting parameters

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Code Name Range Default Step Description

H0.06 Function code lock 0~1 0 1 0:Disabled 1:Enabled
H0.07 Accumulative power 0~9999 0 1
on time lock password
H0.08 Load speed display coefficient 0.001~9.999 0.300 0.001
H0.09 Load speed display 0~3 1 1
decimal digits
H0.10① G/L setting 0~1 0 1 0: G type 1: L type
H0.11① Fan control 0~2 0 1
0: Automatic run 1: Run after power on 2: Temperature control
H0.12 Dead zone compensation 0~3 1 1
mode selection
0: No compensation 2: Trapezoid compensation
1: Rectangle compensation 3: Trapezoid at Low frequency and rectangle at high frequency
H0.13① Dead zone compensation size 1~2048 1024 1
H0.14① Angle size when current 1~3640 Module 1
across zero dependent
H0.15① Dead zone compensation 0.10~300.00 50.00 0.01Hz
filter cut off frequency 1
H0.16① Dead zone compensation 0.10~300.00 200.00 0.01Hz
filter cut off frequency 2
H0.17① Dead zone compensation 0.10~H0.18 5.00 0.01Hz
switchover frequency 1
H0.18① Dead zone compensation H0.17~b0.00 50.00 0.01Hz
switchover frequency 2
H0.19① Optional card selection 0~11 0 1
0: no optional card 4: IO4(PT100, PT1000) 8: COM2(Profibus)
1: IO1(Y3,T3~T6 of normally open) 5: PG1(ABZ differential type,optional 5V/12V) 9: COM3(CANopen)
2: IO2(AI3,Y3, X7~X10) 6: PG2(ABZ OC & Push-pull type,optional 10: COM4(GPRS)
3: IO3(X7~X10,T3~T4 of normally open) 5V/12V/24V) 11: COM5(Modbus TCP)
7: COM1(RS485+Modbus RTU,AI3,Y3,X7~X8)
H0.20 Product series 0~999 Module 1
H0.21 Function firmware version 0.00~99.99 dependent 0.01
H0.22 Algorithm firmware version 0.00~99.99 Factory 0.01
H0.23 Keypad firmware version 0.00~99.99 setting 0.01
H0.24 Product series number 0~65535
higher bits
H0.25 Product series number 0~65535
lower bits
H0.26 OTP version 0.00~99.99

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

H1 AI/AO Calibration

Function Name Range Default Step Description

H1.00 AI1 actual voltage 1 0.500~4.000 Factory setting 0.001V
H1.01 AI1 display voltage 1 0.500~4.000 Factory setting 0.001V
H1.02 AI1 actual voltage 2 6.000~9.999 Factory setting 0.001V
H1.03 AI1 display voltage 2 6.000~9.999 Factory setting 0.001V
H1.04 AI2 actual voltage 1 0.500~4.000 Factory setting 0.001V
H1.05 AI2 display voltage 1 0.500~4.000 Factory setting 0.001V
H1.06 AI2 actual voltage 2 6.000~9.999 Factory setting 0.001V
H1.07 AI2 display voltage 2 6.000~9.999 Factory setting 0.001V
H1.08 AI3 actual voltage 1 0.500~4.000 Factory setting 0.001V
H1.09 AI3 display voltage 1 0.500~4.000 Factory setting 0.001V
H1.10 AI3 actual voltage 2 6.000~9.999 Factory setting 0.001V
H1.11 AI3 display voltage 2 6.000~9.999 Factory setting 0.001V
H1.12 AO1 display voltage 1 0.500~4.000 Factory setting 0.001V
H1.13 AO1 actual voltage 1 0.500~4.000 Factory setting 0.001V
H1.14 AO1 display voltage 2 6.000~9.999 Factory setting 0.001V
H1.15 AO1 actual voltage 2 6.000~9.999 Factory setting 0.001V
H1.16 AO2 display voltage 1 0.500~4.000 Factory setting 0.001V
H1.17 AO2 actual voltage 1 0.500~4.000 Factory setting 0.001V
H1.18 AO2 display voltage 2 6.000~9.999 Factory setting 0.001V
H1.19 AO2 actual voltage 2 6.000~9.999 Factory setting 0.001V

L0 Communication Setting

Function Name Range Default Step Description

L0.00 Baud rate 0~4 1 1
0: 4800 bps 1: 9600 bps 2: 19200 bps 3: 38400 bps 4: 57600 bps
L0.01 Data format 0~3 0 1
0: No check, data format <8,N,1> 2: Even parity check, data format <8,E,1>
1: No check, data format <8,N,2> 3: Odd parity check, data format <8,O,1>
L0.02 Slave address 1~247 1 1
L0.03 Response delay 0~20 2 1mSec
L0.04 Communication 0.0~60.0 0.0 0.1Sec Zero means no
timeout detection timeout detection.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

L1 Point-point Communication

Function Name Range Default Step Description

L1.00① Master and slave selection 0~1 1 1 0: Master
1: Slave
L1.01 ①
Send data selection of 0~3 1 1 0: Torque reference
master 1: Running frequency
2: Setting frequency
3: Feedback frequency
L1.02① Point-point communication 0~1 0 1 0: Disabled
enable 1: Enabled
L1.03① Usage of data received by 00~11 01 1
Unit's digit: Data usage of slave 0: as torque reference 1: as frequency reference
Ten's digit: Whether to follow the master commands 0: No 1: Yes
L1.04 Gain of received data -9.99~10.00 1.00 0.01
L1.05 Zero offset of received data -99.9~100.0 0.0 0.1%

L2 Encoder Setting

Function Name Range Default Step Description

L2.00① Encoder type 0~4 0 1
0: ABZ incremental Encoder 2: Rotational resolver 4: Wire-saving UVW Encoder
1: UVW incremental Encoder 3: Sine and cosine Encoder
L2.01① Encoder pulse per revolution 1~65535 1024 1
L2.02① A/B phase sequence of 0~1 0 1 0: Positive
ABC incremental Encoder 1: Negative
L2.03① Z pulse initial angle of ABZ 0.0~359.9 0.0 0.1deg
incremental Encoder
L2.04① Encoder installation angle 0.0~359.9 0.0 0.1deg
L2.05① UVW phase sequence of 0~1 0 1 0: Positive
UVW Encoder 1: Negative
L2.06① UVW Encoder angle offset 0.0~359.9 0.0 0.1deg
L2.07① poles of resolver 1~65535 1 1
L2.08① Encoder wire-break fault 0.0~10.0 0.0 0.1Sec
detection time
L2.09① Motor 2 Encoder type 0~4 0 1 Same As L2.00

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

Function Name Range Default Step Description

L2.10① Motor 2 Encoder pulse per revolution 1~65535 1024 1
L2.11 ①
Motor 2 A/B phase sequence of ABC 0~1 0 1 Same As L2.02
incremental Encoder
L2.12① Motor 2 Z pulse initial angle of ABZ 0.0~359.9 0.0 0.1deg
incremental Encoder
L2.13① Motor 2 Encoder installation angle 0.0~359.9 0.0 0.1deg
L2.14① Motor 2 UVW phase sequence of 0~1 0 1 Same As L2.05
UVW Encoder
L2.15① Motor 2 UVW Encoder angle offset 0.0~359.9 0.0 0.1deg
L2.16① Motor 2 poles of resolver 1~65535 1 1
L2.17① Motor 2 Encoder wire-break fault 0.0~10.0 0.0 0.1Sec
detection time

P0 User-defined Parameters

Users can add the frequently used parameters into user-defined groupt to access them quickly

H0.05(Menu display type)= 1(User-defined parameters), keypad only show P0 group

defined parameters.

Example: P0.00 ~P0.14 defined A0.00~A0.14,set H0.05 = 1,press “PRG”,then you can see
A0.00~A0.14 and H0.05.

P0.00 User-defined Parameter 0 A0.00~P1.15 【A0.20】

P0.01 User-defined Parameter 1 A0.00~P1.15 【A0.21】

P0.02 User-defined Parameter 2 A0.00~P1.15 【A0.11】

P0.03 User-defined Parameter 3 A0.00~P1.15 【A0.04】

P0.04 User-defined Parameter 4 A0.00~P1.15 【A0.05】

P0.05 User-defined Parameter 5 A0.00~P1.15 【A0.06】

P0.06 User-defined Parameter 6 A0.00~P1.15 【A0.07】

P0.07 User-defined Parameter 7 A0.00~P1.15 【A0.08】

P0.08 User-defined Parameter 8 A0.00~P1.15 【A0.09】

P0.09 User-defined Parameter 9 A0.00~P1.15 【A0.10】

P0.10 User-defined Parameter 10 A0.00~P1.15 【A0.11】

P0.11 User-defined Parameter 11 A0.00~P1.15 【A0.12】

P0.12 User-defined Parameter 12 A0.00~P1.15 【A0.13】

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 5 Parameter List Table

P0.13 User-defined Parameter 13 A0.00~P1.15 【A0.14】

P0.14 User-defined Parameter 14 A0.00~P1.15 【A0.15】

P0.00 ~P0.14 default value is different. When P0.00 ~P0.03 default value is special for H0.05 =
3, it is fitting for PID application.

P0.15 User-defined Parameter 15 H0.05~H0.05 【H0.05】

P0.15 can not be revised.

P1 Debug Parameters

Function Name Range Default Step Description

Reserved for factory debug, user don't
P1.00~ Debug parameter i
0~65535 0 1 change them unless receive guidance
P1.15 (i=0,1,2,3,......,15)
from factory engineers suggestions.

P2 Factory Parameters

Function Name Range Default Step Description

P2.00 Factory password 0~9999 0 1

Remark:CDE360 series without AO2 output and X5 input

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description
Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group A0: Monitor

Parameters in A0 group are used to facilitate the user to view the drive state, all of these parameters
are read only, users can’t modify them. When using the keypad to view these parameters, the
keypad will refresh these values.
A0.00 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 0.00
Running Unit: Hz
frequency It displays the absolute value of running frequency.

A0.01 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 0.00

Setting Unit: Hz
frequency It displays the absolute value of set frequency.

A0.02 Range: 0.0~3000.0 Default: 0.0

DC bus voltage Unit: V
It displays the drive's bus voltage.

A0.03 Range: 0~1500 Default: 0

Output voltage Unit: V
It displays the drive's output voltage in the running state.

A0.04 Range: 0.00~655.35 Default: 0.00

Output current Unit: A
It displays the drive's output current in the running state.
0.01A(drive Power ≤ 55kW)
0.1A(drive Power ≥ 75kW)

A0.05 Range: -300.0~300.0 Default: 0.0

Output torque Unit: %
It displays the drive's output torque in the running state, the reference item
is rated motor torque.

A0.06 Range: 0.1~2000.0 Default: 0.0

Output power Unit: kW
It displays the drive's output power in the running state.

A0.07 Range: 0~65535 Default: 0

Motor speed Unit: RPM
It displays the motor's rotate speed in the running state.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

A0.08 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 0.00

Main frequency A Unit: Hz
It displays the setting of main frequency A.

A0.09 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 0.00

Auxiliary Unit: Hz
frequency B It displays the setting of auxiliary frequency B.

A0.10 Range: 0~65535 Default: 0

AC drive status It displays the drive status. The means of every bit is below:
word Bits 0 1
Bit 0 No ready Ready
Bit 1 Stop Running
Bit 2 No fault Fault
Bit 3 No warning Warning
Bit 4 Forward Reverse
Bit 5 00: Keypad control 01: Terminal control
Bit 6 10: Communication control 11: Invalid value
Bit 7 No signal of run enable Received a signal of run enable
Bit 8 Drive control Bypass control
Running frequency have not Running frequency have reached
Bit 9
reached setting frequency setting frequency
Bit 10 00: Constant speed 01: Accelerate speed
Bit 11 10: Decelerate speed 11: Invalid value
Bit 12 Common mode JOG mode
Bit 13 Not in tuning In tuning
Bit 14 No zero-speed output Zero-speed output
Bit 15 Reserve

A0.11 Range: -10.00~10.00 Default: 0.00

AI1 voltage Unit: V
It display AI1 voltage. If the AI1 is analog current input mode then system
will convert current value to voltage value.
0mA equal to 0V, 20mA equal to 10V.

Figure 6- 1 Analog current mode convert to analog voltage mode

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

A0.12 Range: -10.00~10.00 Default: 0.00

AI2 voltage Unit: V
It display AI2 voltage, the covert mode same as A0.11.

A0.13 Range: -10.00~10.00 Default: 0.00

AI3 voltage Unit: V
It display AI3 voltage, the covert mode same as A0.11.

A0.14 Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 0.00

AO1 voltage Unit: V
It display AO1 voltage, the covert mode same as A0.11.

A0.15 Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 0.00

AO2 voltage Unit: V
It display AO2 voltage, the covert mode same as A0.11.

A0.16 Range: 0~1023 Default: 0

X terminals Each bit corresponds to a X terminal status.
status word 0: Disable 1: Enable
Bit0: X1(1) Bit1: X2(2) Bit2: X3(4) Bit3: X4(8) Bit4: X5(16)
Bit5: X6(32) Bit6: X7(64) Bit7: X8(128) Bit8: X9(256) Bit9: X10(512)
For example: A0.16 = 55, The number of 55 is consist of (32+16+4+2+1),
So the status of X6,X5,X3,X2 and X1 are validated.

A0.17 Range: 0~511 Default: 0

Y terminals Each bit corresponds to a Y terminal status.
status word 0: Disable 1: Enable
Bit0: Y1(1) Bit1: Y2(2) Bit2: Y3(4) Bit3: T1(8) Bit4: T2(16)
Bit5: T3(32) Bit6: T4(64) Bit7: T5(128) Bit8: T6(256)
For example: A0.17 = 29, The number of 29 is consist of (16+8+4+1), So
the status of T2,T1,Y3 and Y1 are validated.

A0.18 Range: 0.00~100.00 Default: 0.00

FI frequency Unit: kHz
It displays X6/FI high speed pulse input frequency.

A0.19 Range: 0.00~100.00 Default: 0.00

FO frequency Unit: kHz
It displays Y2/FO high speed pulse output frequency.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

A0.20 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

PID setting Unit: %, the unit is equal to engineering unit.
They display the PID setting value. System use the unit of percent in PID
internal calculation. For better of display the PID setting value, system will
convert the value to engineering unit value. The decimal place will decided
by E5.01.
For example:
E5.01(decimal place of engineering unit) = 1(1 decimal place)
E5.00(engineering unit) = 1(select MPa)
E5.03(Minimum setting of PID engineering unit) = 0.0
E5.02(Maximum setting of PID engineering unit) = 6.0
When setting target value is 60% in PID internal calculation, then
A0.20 = (E5.02 - E5.03) * 60.0% + E5.03 = 3.6 Mpa

Figure 6- 2 The relationship of PID setting and engineering unit

A0.21 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

PID feedback Unit: %, the unit is equal to engineering unit.
It displays PID feedback value, the method of get PID feedback value is
same as A0.20.

A0.22 Range: -100.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

PID deviation Unit: %
It displays the value of PID setting decrease PID feedback.

A0.23 Range: -100.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

PID output Unit: %
It displays PID actual output value.

A0.24 Range: 0~15 Default: 0

PLC stage It displays PLC current run stage.

A0.25 Range: 0~65535 Default: 0

Pulse counter It displays the pulse counter of X terminal. When the function of X terminal
is set to 42(set counter value) or 44(length counter value), the sample
counter value is displayed by this parameter. If the input pulse frequency
is very fast, please select the X6/FI terminal.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

A0.26 Range: 0~65535 Default: 0

Actual length Unit: m
It display value of A0.25 divide to E7.08, it is used for fixed length control.

A0.27 Range: 0.0~6553.5 Default: 0.0

Linear speed Unit: m/Min
It displays value of sample number at every minute divide to E7.08.

A0.28 Range: 0.0~6553.5 Default: 0.0

Remaining Unit: Min
running time It displays the remaining running time when the timing operation is
enabled. For details on timing operation, refer to Eb.00 to Eb.02.

A0.29 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 0.00

Swing center Unit: Hz
frequency For details on timing operation, refer to parameters in group E7.

A0.30 Range: 0~65535 Default: 0

Load speed It display the output frequency multiply by H0.08, the min unit is decided
by H0.09.
For example, in place of machine tool, the drive is not trail the equipment
indirectly, it connect with a variable machine at first. Set the value of H0.08
suitably, customs could use keypad to watch the actual rotational speed of
the machine.

A0.31 Range: -b0.00~b0.00 Default: 0.00

Feedback speed Unit: Hz
It displays the actual output frequency of the drive.

A0.32 Range: 0000~4444 Default: 0000

Multi-pump It displays the status of each in Multi-pump control mode.
status word 0:in interlock or not used 1: ready 2: wait for change
3: connect to power grid 4: connect to AC drive
Unit's digit: 1# pump status
Ten's digit: 2# pump status
Hundred's digit: 3# pump status
Thousand's digit: 4# pump status

A0.33 Range: -320.00~320.00 Default: 0.00

Encoder Unit: Hz
detection speed It displays the motor running frequency measured by the encoder.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

A0.34 Range: 0~65535 Default: 0

Phase z counting It displays the phase Z counting of the current ABZ or UVW encoder. The
value increases or decreases by 1 every time the encoder rotates one
revolution forwardly or reversely.

A0.35 Range: 0~4095 Default: 0

Resolver position It displays the current resolver position.

A0.36 Range: 0~b0.07 Default: 0

Reference Unit: V
voltage for V/F
They display the Reference output voltage in the V/F separation state.

A0.37 Range: 0~b0.07 Default: 0

Output voltage Unit: V
for V/F
They display the actual output voltage in the V/F separation state.

A0.38 Range: -300.0~300.0 Default: 0.0

Target torque Unit: %
It displays the current torque upper limit.

A0.39 Range: 0.0~300.0 Default: 0.0

Upper torque Unit: %
limit It displays the current setting torque upper limit

A0.40 Range: -100.00~100.00 Default: 0.00

Communication Unit: %
setting It displays the data written by means of the communication address

A0.41 Range: -100.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

Point-to-point Unit: %
send data It displays the data send by master in master-slave communication mode.

A0.42 Range: -100.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

Point-to-point Unit: %
receive data It displays the data received by slave in master-slave communication

A0.52 Range: 0~65535 Default: 0

Power-on time Unit: Min
It is used to display the current power-on time of the drive, the unit is 1
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

A0.53 Range: 0.0~6553.5 Default: 0.0

Running time Unit: Min
It is used to display the current running time of the drive, the unit is 0.1

A0.54 Range: 0~9999 Default: 0

Accumulative Unit: Day
power-on day It is used to display the accumulative power-on day of the drive since the
delivery. It add A0.55 is equal to the total accumulative power-on time.

A0.55 Range: 0.00~23.99 Default: 0.00

Accumulative Unit: h
power-on hour It is used to display the accumulative power-on hour of the drive since the
delivery. It add A0.54 is equal to the total accumulative power-on time.

A0.56 Range: 0~9999 Default: 0

Accumulative Unit: Day
running day It is used to display the accumulative running day of the drive. It add
A0.57 is equal to the total accumulative running time.

A0.57 Range: 0.00~23.99 Default: 0.00

Accumulative Unit: h
running hour It is used to display the accumulative running hour of the drive. It add
A0.56 is equal to the total accumulative running time.

A0.58 Range: 0~65535 Default: 0

Accumulative Unit: kWh
power It is used to display the accumulative power consumption of the drive until
consumption now.

A0.59 Range: 0.0~300.0 Default: 0.0

Motor Unit: ℃
temperature The signal of the motor temperature can be sampled by PT100/PT1000
optional card. If the PT100/PT1000 optional card not be inserted, motor
temperature will be display the default value(0.0℃).

A0.60 Range: -40.0~125.0 Default: 0.0

Inverter module Unit: ℃
temperature It is used to display the IGBT temperature of the inverter module.

A0.61 Range: -40.0~125.0 Default: 0.0

Rectifier module Unit: ℃
temperature It is used to display the rectifier bridge temperature.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group A1: Fault & Diagnostic

A1.00 Range: 0~54 Default: 0
Latest fault type It display the fault type upon latest fault.
The characters of “Er” and fault code are displayed in LED.
The relationship of fault code and fault type are described in the following
table, the detail about the alarm and run mode are in Chapter 7.

Table 6- 1 The corresponding table of Fault type and fault code

Fault Fault
Fault type Fault type
code code
0 No fault
1 Hardware over voltage during acceleration 28 Motor short circuit to ground fault
2 Hardware over voltage during deceleration 29 External fault
3 Hardware over voltage during constant speed 30 Keypad communication fault
4 Software over voltage during acceleration 31 RS485 communication fault
5 Software over voltage during deceleration 32 Optional card communication fault
6 Software over voltage during constant speed 33 Optional card connection fault
7 Under voltage 34 Auto tune fault
8 Hardware over current during acceleration 35 PID feedback over range
9 Hardware over current during deceleration 36 EEPROM R/W fault
10 Hardware over current during constant speed 37 Parameter setting fault
11 Software over current during acceleration 38 Accumulative power-on time reached
12 Software over current during deceleration 39 Accumulative running time reached
13 Software over current during constant speed 40 Motor switchover during running status.
14 IGBT saturation trip during acceleration 41 Too large speed deviation
15 IGBT saturation trip during deceleration 42 Motor over speed
16 IGBT saturation trip during constant speed 43 Flux pole detection fault
17 Heatsink of rectifier overheat 44 UVW signal feedback fault
18 Heatsink of inverter overheat 45 Encoder fault
19 Input phase loss 46 User-defined fault 1
20 Output phase loss 47 User-defined fault 2
21 Soft startup relay fault 48 Motor in current stall status
22 Current detection fault 49 Motor in voltage stall status
23 CBC fault 50 Motor in frequency drop status as dc-link voltage drop
24 VFD overload 51 System fault
25 Motor overload 52 Interlock warning during multi-pump operation mode
26 Motor under load 53 Soft startup resistor overload
27 Motor overheat 54 Sleep status

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

A1.01 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 0.00

Output frequency Unit: Hz
upon latest fault Same as A0.00

A1.02 Range: 0.00~655.35 Default: 0.00

Output current Unit: A
upon latest fault Same as A0.04

A1.03 Range: 0.0~6553.5 Default: 0.0

Dc-link voltage Unit: V
upon latest fault Same as A0.02

A1.04 Range: 0~1023 Default: 0

X terminals state
Same as A0.16
upon latest fault

A1.05 Range: 0~511 Default: 0

Y terminals state
Same as A0.17
upon latest fault
A1.06 Range: 0~65535 Default: 0
VFD state upon
Same as A0.10
latest fault

A1.07 Range: -40.0~125.0 Default: 0.0

Inverter Unit: ℃
Same as A0.60
upon latest fault

A1.08 Range: 0~65535 Default: 0

Power-on time Unit: Min
upon latest fault Same as A0.52

A1.09 Range: 0.0~6553.5 Default: 0.0

Running time Unit: Min
upon latest fault Same as A0.53

A1.10 Range: 0~9999 Default: 0

Accumulative Unit: Day
running day
Total accumulative running time upon latest fault is A1.10+A1.11
upon latest fault

A1.11 Range: 0.00~23.99 Default: 0.00

Accumulative Unit: h

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description
running hour
Total accumulative running time upon latest fault is A1.10+A1.11
upon latest fault

The parameters of A1.12~A1.23 are the penultimate fault record, the mean of these
parameters same as A1.00~A1.11

The parameters of A1.24~A1.35 are the third fault record, the mean of these parameters same
as A1.00~A1.11

Group b0: Basic Parameters

b0.00 Range: 30.00~650.00 Default: 50.00

Maximum Unit: Hz
frequency The parameter define the Max allowable output frequency. it is the
reference of some frequency setting, but also the acceleration and
deceleration time. Please set up suitable value in the actual application

b0.01 Range: 0~5 Default: 0

Source of Upper Please select suitable value according to the actual demand.
limit frequency 0: b0.02 1: AI1 2: AI2
3: AI3 4: X6/FI 5: Communication setting

b0.02 Range: b0.03~b0.00 Default: 50.00

Digital setting of Unit: Hz
upper limit The upper limit frequency is used to set the maximum allowable output
frequency frequency, its value should be less than or equal to the maximum
frequency. When setting frequency is higher than the upper limit
frequency, drive will run in the upper limit frequency.

b0.03 Range: 0.00~b0.02 Default: 0.00H

Lower limit Unit: Hz
frequency The lower limit frequency is used to set the allowable minimum frequency
of the motor running, its value should be less than or equal to the upper
limit frequency. When setting frequency less than the lower limit of
frequency converter, the run mode according to the b1.17.

Note: the parameters of max frequency, upper limit frequency and lower limit frequency should
be set based on the motor. The relationship of these parameters is max frequency ≥upper limit
frequency≥lower limit frequency.

b0.04 Range: 0.1~6000.0 Default: Model dependent

Acceleration Unit: Sec
time 1 Acceleration time indicates the time required by the drive to accelerate

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description
from 0 Hz to E4.09, please see the T1 in the following figure.

b0.05 Range: 0.1~6000.0 Default: Model dependent

Deceleration Unit: Sec
time 1 Deceleration time indicates the time required by the drive to decelerate
from E4.09 to 0 Hz, please see the T2 in the following figure.

Figure 6- 3 Acc/Dec time map

b0.06 Range: 0.1~999.9 Default: Model dependent

Motor rated Unit: kW

power The default value of motor rated power is the same with AC drive rated
power(G type).
For example:
If the AC drive type is 4T-3R7G/5R5L, then the default value of motor
rated power is 3.7kW.
If the AC drive type is 4T-5R5G/7R5L, then the default value of motor
rated power is 5.5kW.

b0.07 Range: 1~2000 Default: Model dependent

Motor rated Unit: V

voltage The default value of motor rated voltage and AC drive voltage level are

b0.08 Range:

Motor rated 0.01~655.35(Drive power ≤ 55kW) Default: Model dependent

current 0.1~6553.5(Drive power ≥ 75kW)
Unit: A
The default value of motor rated current matches with motor rated power.
When you modified b0.06(motor rated power), motor rated current default
value will be changed.

b0.09 Range: 10.00~b0.00 Default: 50.00

Motor rated Unit: Hz

frequency Please set according to the motor nameplate data.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

b0.10① Range: 1~65535 Default: 1460

Motor rated Unit: RPM
speed The default value of this parameter is estimated based on the motor which
have four poles.
Please set according to the motor nameplate data.
Note: both the VF and vector control, in order to ensure the control performance, please be sure to
follow the actual motor nameplate data set the correct values of b0.06~b0.10 parameters.

b0.11 Range: 0~2 Default: 0

Command The parameter is used to select command source. Run Command
source includes: start, stop, forward, reverse, JOG and so on.
0: keypad control
These keys of “RUN”, “JOG”, “STOP/RST” are used to control drive run.
If the keypad is command source then the light of “MON” on the keypad
keep off state always.
1: I/O terminal control
System control drive run, stop, forward, reverse, forward JOG, reverse
JOG and so on by configure the X terminal functions. control mode can be
two line or three line, about detail please see the parameter of C0.17.
If the terminal is command source then the light of “MON” on the keypad
keep bright state always.
3: communication
PC send run command to drive by RS485 field bus.
If the terminal is command source then the light of “MON” on the keypad
keep flashing state.
Note: the command source of keypad, terminal and communication can
be switched each other by the x terminal function of number 32(the
command source switching terminal 1) and number 33(the command
source switching terminal 2).

b0.12① Range: 0~13 Default: 0

Application 0: General
setting 1: PID application
2: Constant pressure water supply of one AC drive with two pumps
3~13: Reserved

Code Name Setting value when b0.12= 1 Setting value when b0.12= 2
b0.03 Lower limit frequency 20.00Hz 20.00Hz
b0.11 Command source 1: I/O terminal 1: I/O terminal
b1.20 Reverse prohibition 1: Reverse disabled 1: Reverse disabled
Main frequency source
b2.00 5: PID 5: PID

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description
C0.03 X3 function - 48: Motor 1# interlock input
C0.04 X4 function - 49: Motor 2# interlock input
UP/DOWN adjustment
C0.18 2: PID reference 2: PID reference
C1.04 T1 function - 40: Motor 1# control output
C1.05 T2 function 38: PID sleep status indication 41: Motor 2# control output
C2.04 AI curve1 minimum
2.00V 2.00V
PID engineering unit 1: Pressure(MPa) 1: Pressure(MPa)
PID engineering unit
E5.01 2: Two decimals 2: Two decimals
Maximum setting of
E5.02 1.00 MPa 1.00 MPa
PID engineering unit
E5.05 PID digital setting 0.50 MPa 0.50 MPa
E5.26 PID deviation limit 1.0% 1.0%
E5.36 Wake up level 50.0% 50.0%
E5.37 Wake up delay time 1.0 Sec 1.0 Sec
E5.40 Sleep frequency 22.00 Hz 22.00 Hz
E5.41 Sleep delay time 1.0 Sec 1.0 Sec
E6.00 Multi-pump control 4: Frequency pump
mode circulation,Support auto change
E6.01 Number of motors - 2
E6.05 01: Interlock enabled,decided by
Interlock functions -
X terminals
H0.01 LED display running
24715(1+2+8+128+8192+16384) 24715(1+2+8+128+8192+16384)
parameters 1
H0.02 LED display running
- 1024
parameters 2
H0.03 LED display stop
787(1+2+16+256+512) 787(1+2+16+256+512)

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group b1: Run & Stop Logic

b1.00 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

Acceleration It is used to set the frequency change mode during the drive start and
/Deceleration stop process
mode 0: Linear
The output frequency increases or decreases in linear mode, please
see the following figure.
1: S curve
Use S curve mode at the beginning and the ending period of
acceleration and deceleration can make the process more smooth. It could
protect the load from impact. Please see the following figure.

Figure 6- 4 S curve acc/dec

b1.01 and b1.02 set the proportion of S curve on the beginning section and the ending section
of acceleration and deceleration period. Please see the figure above, T1, T3 and T2, T4. At the
beginning of section(T1, T3) and end of section(T2, T4), slope of acceleration and deceleration is
gradually changing; Within the time of middle segment(T1-T2 and T3-T4), the slope of the output
frequency change remains unchanged. that is, linear acceleration/deceleration.
For example: if set the current acceleration time is acceleration time 1(b0.04) and the current
deceleration time is deceleration 1(b0.05), then:
T1 = b0.04 * b1.01 T2 = b0.04 * b1.02
T3 = b0.05 * b1.01 T4 = b0.05 * b1.02

b1.01 Range: 0.0~(100.0 - b1.02) Default: 30.0

Time proportion Unit: %

of S-curve start These parameter define the time proportions of the start segment of
segment S-curve acceleration/deceleration.

b1.02① Range: 0.0~(100.0 - b1.01) Default: 30.0

Time proportion Unit: %
of S-curve end These parameter define the time proportions of the end segment of
segment S-curve acceleration/deceleration.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

b1.03 Range: 0.00~50.00 Default: 0.00

Startup Unit: Hz
frequency Start frequency is the initial frequency of drive from stop to start. It not
restricted by lower frequency limit. If setting frequency less than startup
frequency, the drive will run with the frequency of zero.

b1.04 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

Startup Unit: s
frequency When startup, drive will run and use the frequency of b1.03, it will holding
holding time the frequency base on b1.04 then accelerate to setting frequency.
 If the set target frequency is lower than the startup frequency, the
drive will not start.
 During switchover between forward rotation and reverse rotation, the
startup frequency holding time is disabled.
 The holding time is not included in the acceleration time.
 The holding time is included in the running time of PLC.

b1.05 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

Start mode 0: Ramp start from startup frequency
It is applicable to small-inertia load. DC braking before the start is
applicable to drive of load such as elevator and crane.
Startup frequency is applicable to drive with burst start under start torque,
such as cement mixer.
1: Rotational speed tracking start
It is applicable to large-inertia load. If the load motor is still rotating due to
the inertia when the drive starts, this mode is used to prevent start

Figure 6- 5 startup frequency

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

b1.06① Range: 0~2 Default: 0

Flying start mode To complete the rotational speed tracking process within the shortest time,
select the proper mode in which the drive tracks the motor rotational
0: From frequency at stop
It is the commonly selected mode
1: From zero frequency
It is applicable to restart after a long time of power failure.
2: From maximum frequency
It is applicable to the power-generating load.

b1.07 Range: 50.0~200.0 Default: 90.0

Flying start Unit: %

current It is used to setting the output current when drive in speed tracking. It is
not be changed commonly.

b1.08 Range: 1~100 Default: 5

Flying start The larger the value is, the faster the tracking is. However, too large
speed value may cause unreliable tracking.

b1.09① Range: 30.0~100.0 Default: 100.0

V/f coefficient for Unit: %
flying start When drive is tracking the motor speed, v/f curve will multiply by the
parameter. it could restrain the output current and improve the reliability of
speed tracking.

b1.10 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

Stop mode 0: Ramp stop
After the stop command is enabled, the drive decreases the output
frequency according to the deceleration time and stops when the
frequency decreases to zero.
1: Coasting stop
After the stop command is enabled, the drive immediately stops the
output. The motor will coast to stop based on the mechanical inertia.

b1.11 Range: 0~100 Default: 20

Start DC brake Unit: %

current This parameter specifies the output current at DC braking when drive is
starting. it is a percentage relative to the base value, the base value is
motor rate current. If the parameter value is bigger than drive rate current
then the output brake current will be limited by drive rate current. The
brake current larger, the greater the brake torque.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

b1.12① Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

Start DC brake Unit: Sec
time This parameter specifies DC brake time when drive startup. If the startup
DC braking time is 0, the drive starts directly without DC braking.

b1.13 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 0.00

Initial frequency Unit: Hz
of stop DC brake During the process of decelerating to stop, the drive starts DC braking
when the running frequency is lower than the value set in F6-11.

b1.14 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

Stop DC brake Unit: s
waiting time When the running frequency decreases to the initial frequency of stop DC
braking, the drive stops output for a certain period and then starts DC
braking. This prevents faults such as overcurrent caused due to DC
braking at high speed. About the detail please see figure below.

b1.15 Range: 0~100 Default: 20

Stop DC brake Unit: %
current This parameter specifies the output current at DC braking when drive is
stopping. it is a percentage relative to the base value, the base value is
motor rate current. If the parameter value is bigger than drive rate current
then the output brake current will be limited by drive rate current.

b1.16 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

Stop DC brake Unit: s
time This parameter specifies the holding time of DC braking. If it is set to 0,
DC braking is invalid.
In deceleration stopping(b1.10 set to 0), if the output frequency is reduced to the set value of
b1.13, then drive enter DC brake process. At first, the drive output close PWM(the close PWM time
is determined by b1.14), and then drive enter the DC brake mode. The brake current is determined
by b1.15, the duration is determined by b1.16. If b1.16 is set to 0, then stop DC brake is invalid,
drive will stop according to time. Specific braking process is shown in the following figure.
1. The appropriate stop DC brake waiting time could decrease the fault when motor is running
with high speed and start DC braking.
2. The larger the braking current is, the greater the braking torque greater, but too much braking
current and long braking time may damage the motor and drive.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Figure 6- 6 Stop DC brake

b1.17 Range: 0~3 Default: 0

Running mode The parameter determined drive action when setting frequency lower than
when running frequency lower limit.
frequency lower 0: Run at frequency lower limit
than frequency 1: Run at zero speed
lower limit 2: Stop
3: Stop,restart when setting frequency higher than lower limit.

b1.18 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

Keypad direction You can change the rotation direction of the motor just by modifying this
parameter without changing the motor wiring. It is valid whatever the
command source is.
0: Same direction 1: Reverse direction

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

b1.19 Range: 0.0~3000.0 Default: 0.0

Forward/Reverse Unit: s
rotation It is used to set the time when the output is 0Hz at transition of the drive
dead-zone time forward rotation and reverse rotation, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 6- 7 Forward/reverse rotation dead-zone time

b1.20 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

Reverse control 0: Enabled
1: Disabled
It is used to set whether the drive allows reverse rotation. In the
applications where reverse rotation is prohibited, set this parameter to 1.

b1.21 Range: 0~1 Default: 1

Stop key function STOP/RST key stop effective selection of functional mode.

0: STOP/RST key enabled only in keypad control

1: STOP/RST key enabled in any operation mode
Because the key of STOP/RST is multiplexed, when the key is used to
reset fault, it is enabled always.

b1.22 Range: 0~1 Default: 1

Startup 0: No 1: Yes
protection This parameter is used to set whether to enable the safety protection. If it
is set to 1, the drive does not respond to the run command valid upon
drive power-on (for example, an input terminal is ON before power-on).
The drive responds only after the run command is canceled and becomes
valid again.
In addition, the drive does not respond to the run command valid upon
fault reset of the drive. The run protection can be disabled only after the
run command is canceled.
In this way, the motor can be protected from responding to run commands
upon power-on or fault reset in unexpected conditions.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

b1.23 Range: 0~100 Default: 100

Dynamic brake Unit: %
use ratio The larger the value of this parameter is, the better the braking result will
be. However, too larger value causes great fluctuation of the drive bus
voltage during the braking process. If it is set to 0, dynamic brake is
invalid.d0.13 needs to be set as 0 before using the dynamic brake

b1.24 Range: Model dependent Default: Model dependent

Dynamic brake Unit: V
voltage Different drive voltage grade have different range and default value,
please see the table below:

Table 6- 2 the relation of drive voltage grade with dynamic brake voltage

Volt Grade Default Min Max

Three-phase 380V 680V 630V 770V
Three-phase 480V 750V 660V 870V
Note: In actual application, you can combine dynamic braking, flux

braking and overvoltage stall control to optimize braking effect.

For example:

 Set V/F over-excitation gain(d0.09) to 77 then make the over excitation

become to 1.2 times of standard when drive in decelerating.It can
increase the excitation and increase the braking capacity.
 Set overvoltage stall protective voltage(d0.14) to 720V.
 Set overvoltage stall gain(d0.13) to 10.
 Set Dynamic brake voltage(b1.24) to 700V.
 Set dynamic brake use ratio to 50%, you can modify the value
according to actual power consumption on braking resistor.
It not only cat meet the requirements of rapid deceleration but also
can avoid overvoltage in the rapid decelerating.

b1.25① Range: 0~1 Default: 1

Multi function of For function selection of JOG key on Keypad.
JOG key 0: JOG 1:Forward/Reverse switching 2:Command source switching

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group b2: Frequency Source

b2.00 Range: 0~8 Default: 0

Main frequency It is used to select the setting channel of the main frequency A. You can
source A set the main frequency in the following 9 channels:
0: Digital setting b2.01+UP/DOWN
The initial value of the set frequency is the value of b2.01(Preset
frequency). You can change the set frequency by turn the knob or X input
terminal UP/DOWN function. When the drive is powered on again after
power off or start again after stop, the set frequency is memorized or not
determined by C0.19.
1: AI1
2: AI2
3: AI3
The frequency is set by analog input. The AC drive control board
provides two analog input (AI) terminals (AI1, AI2). Another AI terminal
(AI3) is provided by the I/O extension card. AI1 and AI2 can select
voltage mode(-10v~10v) or current mode(0~20mA) by CJ1 and CJ2(on
control board). The corresponding relationship between the analog input
value and the setting frequency please see the group C2.
4: X6/FI
The frequency is set by X6/FI terminal. You should set the function to
31 for X6 terminal. The corresponding relationship between pulse input
frequency and setting frequency please see the parameters description
between C4.00 to C4.04.
5: PID
The output of PID control is used as the running frequency. PID control
is generally used in on-site closed-loop control, such as constant
pressure closed-loop control and constant tension closed-loop control.
When applying PID as the frequency source, you need to set parameters
of PID function in group E5.
6: PLC
When PLC mode is used as the frequency source, the running frequency
of the drive can be switched over among the 16 frequency references.
You can set the holding time and acceleration/deceleration time of the 16
frequency references. For details, refer to the descriptions of Group E3.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

7: Multi-reference
In multi-reference mode, combinations of different DI terminal states
correspond to different set frequencies. The AC drive supports a
maximum of 16 speeds implemented by 16 state combinations of four DI
terminals (allocated with functions 16 to 19) from E2.01 to E2.16.
Multi-reference is prioritized.
8: Communication setting
PC can set the value of Main frequency source A through the standard
RS485 port. The detail please see chapter 8(MODBUS communication

b2.01 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 50.00

Preset Frequency Unit: Hz
If the frequency source is digital setting, the value of this parameter is the
initial frequency of drive.

b2.02 Range: 0~8 Default: 0

frequency source The same as b2.00.
1. The main frequency source A and auxiliary frequency source B must not be set to same value.
2. If frequency source selection is set to main frequency source A and auxiliary frequency source B
operation relationship(The Unit's digit of b2.05 set to 1,3 or 4), the 100% of AI1, AI2 and pulse input
corresponding to the maximum frequency(b0.00).

b2.03 Range: 0~100 Default: 100

Range of Unit: %
auxiliary If frequency source selection is set to main frequency source A and
frequency source auxiliary frequency source B operation relationship(The Unit's digit of
B b2.05 set to 1,3 or 4), the parameter is used to set the range of auxiliary
frequency source B, the base value is max frequency.

b2.04 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 0.00

Offset frequency Unit: Hz
for A and B If frequency source selection is set to main frequency source A and
operation auxiliary frequency source B operation relationship(The Unit's digit of
b2.05 set to 1,3 or 4), The final frequency is obtained by adding the
frequency offset set in this parameter to the A and B operation result.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

b2.05 Range: 00~34 Default: 00

Frequency Unit's digit: Frequency source selection
source selection 0: Main frequency source A.
1: A and B operation
The result of A and B operate as the aim frequency, the operate
relationship determined by ten's digit of the parameter.
2: Switchover between A and B
Switchover between main frequency source A and auxiliary frequency
source B. If X terminal function of 29 is invalid then the main frequency
source A as the aim frequency. If X terminal function of 29 is valid then the
auxiliary frequency source B as the aim frequency.
3: Switchover between A and "A and B operation"
Switchover between main frequency source A and the result of “main
frequency source A and auxiliary frequency source B” operation. If X
terminal function of 29 is invalid then the main frequency source A as the
aim frequency. If X terminal function of 29 is valid then the result of “main
frequency source A and auxiliary frequency source B” operation as the aim
4: Switchover between B and "A and B operation"
Switchover between main frequency source B and the result of “main
frequency source A and auxiliary frequency source B” operation. If X
terminal function of 29 is invalid then the main frequency source B as the
aim frequency. If X terminal function of 29 is valid then the result of “main
frequency source A and auxiliary frequency source B” operation as the aim
Ten's digit: A and B operation relationship
0: A+B
The operation method is main frequency source A add auxiliary
frequency source B.
1: A-B
The operation method is main frequency source A subtract auxiliary
frequency source B.
2: min{A,B}
The operation method is get the minimum value between main
frequency source A and auxiliary frequency source B.
3: max{A,B}
The operation method is get the maximum value between main
frequency source A and auxiliary frequency source B.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

b2.06 Range: 000~999 Default: 000

Binding It is used to bind the three running command sources with the nine
command source frequency sources, facilitating to implement synchronous switchover.
to frequency Unit's digit: Binding the frequency source together with Keypad
source control source
0: No binding
1: Frequency source by digital setting b2.01+UP/DOWN
2: AI1
3: AI2
4: AI3
5: Pulse setting (DI5)
6: Multi-reference
7: Simple PLC
8: PID
9: Communication setting
Ten's digit: Binding the frequency source together with Terminal
control source
0–9, same as unit's digit
Hundred's digit: Binding the frequency source together with
Communication control source
0–9, same as unit's digit
 Different running command sources can be bound to the same
frequency source.
 if a command source has a bound frequency source, the frequency
source set in b2.00 to b2.05 no longer takes effect when the command
source is effective.

b2.07 Range: 1~2 Default: 2

Frequency It is used to set the resolution of all frequency-related parameters.

resolution 1: Minimum unit is 0.1 Hz
2: Minimum unit is 0.01 Hz
If the resolution is 0.1 Hz, the AC drive can output up to 3000.0
Hz(CDE360B type). If the resolution is 0.01 Hz, the AC drive can output
up to 600.00 Hz.
Note: Modifying this parameter will make the decimal places of all
frequency-related parameters change and corresponding frequency
values change(pay attention to the rated motor frequency specially, b0.09
will change from 50.00Hz to 500.0Hz when set b2.07 from 1 to 2).Please
confirm again after the operation of motor, otherwise it may cause
personal and property losses.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group C0: Digital Input

C0.00 Range: 0.000~1.000 Default value: 0.010
X terminals filter Unit: Sec
time X1~X10(X6/FI act as common terminal usage)sample filter time setting.
Appropriate to adjustment the filter time can increase the terminal input
signal ability of anti-interference, prevent the miss-operation; but with the
slow response time.

Figure 6- 8 Digital input filter time.

C0.01 Range: 0~58 Default: 3

X1 Function Set the X1 terminal of the corresponding function, a detailed explanation

see the table below.

Table 6- 3 Functions of digit input

Setting Function Description
0 No function When no function assigned to terminal, set to 0 can prevent miss-operation

1 Forward JOG(FJOG) FJOG or RJOG through the terminal, JOG status depended on
E0.00(JOG frequency),E0.01(JOG acceleration time),
2 Reverse JOG(RJOG) E0.02(JOG deceleration time),E0.03(JOG stop mode).
3 Forward RUN(FWD) When the run source is DI(b0.11 = 1),The run command of AC drive is
4 Reverse RUN(REV) depended on these terminals. A detailed explanation of usage refer to
5 Three-line control C0.17(Terminal command mode).
When the AC drive in the process of operation, the X terminal configuration
for this function effectively, the AC drive deceleration stop, at the same time
6 Run pause
keep the relevant operation parameters. Once the X terminal is invalid, the
AC drive resumed operation.
When the configuration for X terminal for this function effectively, the
7 Coast to stop AC drive output immediately blockade and enter to the stop state. The stop
mode is depended to b1.10.
When the command source is keypad(b0.11), and the configuration for this
External STOP
8 function is effective. The AC drive will stop according to the stop mode
terminal 1
configuration. This is equal to keypad stop.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Setting Function Description

Under any control mode(b0.11 is an arbitrary value), the configuration of
External STOP
9 this function can make the AC drive stopped according to the stop mode.
terminal 2
This deceleration time is fixed for E4.05(deceleration time 4).
When the configuration for X terminal for this function is effective, the
AC drive will stop use the shortest possible stop time.
The current arrives to the upper limit when stop in process, the bus voltage
10 Emergency Stop
arrives to the voltage point for the over voltage control.
This function is used to satisfy the system is in a state of emergency
occasion, and need to quickly stop.
When the configuration for X terminal for this function is effective, the
AC drive immediately into DC braking state; The AC drive resumes to
operation when the terminal is invalid, and accelerate to the setting
11 Immediate DC braking
frequency according to the setting acceleration time.
Note: When the motor is running under high frequency, immediately switch
into DC braking may cause the over current fault.
When the configuration for X terminal for this function is effective, the
Deceleration DC
12 AC drive begin to slow down. When the output frequency is reduced to
b1.13(Stop DC braking initial frequency), start to execute stop DC brake.
Through the X terminal configuration for this function, can achieve the
13 Terminal UP
increment and decrement of specific variables.
Specific variables by C0.18(UP/DOWN adjustment of choice) decision.
14 Terminal DOWN
Adjust the speed by C0.20(terminal UP/DOWN change rate) decision.
UP/DOWN setting Through the X terminal configuration for this function, you can clear the
15 clear (terminal, adjustment of terminal UP/DOWN or keypad knob, so the settings back to
operation panel) the corresponding digital set value.
terminal 1
Multi-reference Through the multi speed terminal 1~4, can combined up to 16 section of
terminal 2 frequency selection set, please refer to table below this table. When any
Multi-reference X terminal selects multi speed function and effective. The frequency
terminal 3 source forced to multi speed.
terminal 4
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Setting Function Description

Terminal 1 for Through the X terminal configuration of these two functions, combination of
Acceleration up to 4 kinds of acceleration and deceleration time, as shown in the
/decelerat-ion following table.
time selection Acceleration and Acceleration and
Actual acceleration and
deceleration time deceleration time
deceleration time
selection 2 selection 1
Terminal 2 for OFF OFF Acc/Dec time 1(b0.04,b0.05)
Acceleration OFF ON Acc/Dec time 2(E4.00,E4.01)
/decelerat-ion ON OFF Acc/Dec time 3(E4.02,E4.03)
time selection
ON ON Acc/Dec time 4(E4.04,E4.05)
Note: You can change the Acc/Dec time when running.
The function is effective to maintain the current AC drive output frequency,
no longer in response to a change of frequency setting, but when receive a
22 /Decelera-tion
stop command, the AC drive can response the normal deceleration stop,
and don’t response to the terminal function.
When a fault occurs , you can reset fault through this terminal function. The
23 Fault reset
same as keypad key STOP/RST.
Normally open (NO) A external fault signal can enter through the terminal, this is convenient
input of external fault for fault monitoring and protection of external equipment. If set to 24,
when the terminal state is valid, the AC drive display the external fault
Normally closed (NC) according to the fault protection operation mode for fault treatment; If set
input of external fault to 25, when the terminal state is invalid, the AC drive display the external
fault according to the fault protection operation mode for fault treatment.
When this terminal function effectively, regardless of whether the set
frequency is modified, the AC drive never refresh the current set frequency;
26 When the terminal function invalid, the AC drive refresh the set frequency
modification forbidden
real time.
Force main frequency When this terminal function effectively, force switch the frequency source A
27 source A to to 0: Digital set b2.01+UP/DOWN. When the terminal is invalid, the
b2.01+UP/DOWN frequency A is decided by the parameter b2.00.
Force auxiliary When this terminal function effectively, force switch the auxiliary frequency
28 frequency source B to source B to 0: Digital set b2.01+UP/DOWN. When the terminal is invalid,
b2.01+UP/DOWN the frequency B is decided by the parameter b2.00.
When the unit of b2.05(frequency given way) set to 2, 3 or 4, by configuring
this function, X terminal can switch between different frequency setting
Frequency source
29 mode: When set to 2, can switch between A and B. When set to 3, can
switch between A and the result of A,B operation. When set to 4, can
switch between B and the result of A,B operation.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Setting Function Description

The configuration of this function can select the current load motor. When
30 Motor 1/2 swtichover the terminal is invalid, select the motor 1;When the terminal is valid, select
the motor 2.
Pulse input(enabled Only X6 terminal effective.When X6 selects this function, the pulse signal
only for X6/FI) can be received act as the given frequency or count.
When the setting of b0.11(command source selection) is effective, through
the configuration of these two functions, can realize the switching between
different command source.
Such as X1 selects the “command source switching terminal 1” and X2
selects the “command source switching terminal 2”. So:
Command source  When X1 and X2 has the same state, the command source is the value
switchover terminal 1 of b0.11
 When the X1 is valid and X2 is invalid, the command source is the next
setpoint of b0.11
 When the X1 is invalid and X2 is valid, the command source is the
previous setpoint of b0.11
 The range of b0.11 is 0~2, the next of 0 is 1, the previous of 0 is 2;the
next of 1 is 2 and the previous of 1 is 0; the next of 2 is 0, the previous of
2 is 1.

Table 6- 4 The truth table of command source switch terminals 1/2

Command Command
Actual invalid
b0.11 Setpoint source switch source switch
command source
terminal 2 terminal 1
0(Keypad control) OFF OFF Keypad control
0(Keypad control) OFF ON Terminal control
0(Keypad control) ON OFF
0(Keypad control) ON ON Keypad control
Command source
33 1(Terminal control) OFF OFF Terminal control
switchover terminal 2 Communication
1(Terminal control) OFF ON
1(Terminal control) ON OFF Keypad control
1(Terminal control) ON ON Terminal control
2(Communication Communication
control) control
OFF ON Keypad control
ON OFF Terminal control
2(Communication Communication
control) control
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Setting Function Description

Through the configuration of this function, can realize the switch over
Speed control/torque
34 speed control and torque control. Only the vector control support torque
control switchover
Torque control If the configuration of this function is effective, the AC drive force to speed
prohibited control.
If the configuration of this function is effective, pause the PLC running
36 PLC status reset process, resume to the original state, if run again, from the original state.
The PLC related parameter configuration is not be changed.
The combination of this terminal function and E5.21( PID output
Reverse PID action characteristic), can choose PID output characteristic direction. When the
direction terminal is valid, the output direction is same as E5.21, when the terminal is
invalid, the output direction is opposite to E5.21
If the configuration of this function is effective, PID stop adjustment, the
38 PID pause output frequency of the AC drive maintains the current state; When the
terminal is invalid, PID resume to adjustment.
If the configuration of this function is effective, the PID integrator stops
39 PID integral pause accumulating, keep the current constant; When the terminal is invalid, PID
resume to integrator.
When E5.15(PID parameter switching conditions) is set to 1(according to
the X terminal of switching), through the X terminal’s function configuration,
PID parameter can switch between the two sets of PID parameters.
switchover  When X terminal is invalid, the PID parameter use set one
 When X terminal is valid, the PID parameter use set two(E5.12~E5.14).
PID wake up conditions generally depended by E5.36(wake-up threshold
PID wakeup setting) andE5.37(wake-up delay time). PID forced wake up function refers
mandatory to whether or not PID wake up conditions are satisfied, as long as X
terminal is valid, PID will exit the dormant state
Through the configuration of the input count pulse function. When the
frequency is high, you must use the X6/FI. A0.25(pulse count value) do
display the current input count pulse. With the E7.05(set count value) and
42 Counter input
E7.06(specified count) and Y terminal function(20: set count arrive, 21:
specify count arrive), you can realize the “Set count reach” and “Specify
count reach” control.
Through the configuration of this function, you can clear the current value
43 Counter reset
A0.25(Pulse count value).
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Setting Function Description

Through the configuration of the pulse length count function, AC drive can
calculate the actual length for fixed length control. The current length value
44 length Count input can be saved when power off. When the frequency is high, you must use
the X6/FI. Please refer to the E7.07(set length) and E7.08(pulse number
per meter) parameters’ instruction.
Through the configuration of this function, you can clear the calculated
45 Length reset
value of A0.26
Through the configuration of this function, is the X terminal is effective, the
46 Swing pause
AC drive use A0.29(swing-frequency center frequency) to run.
If the configuration of this function is effective, the A0.53(current run time)
Current running time will be clear. With the Eb.03(current operating time limit) and Y terminal
reset function(25:the current running time arrive). You can realize the “Current
running time reach” control.
Motor 1# interlock
Under multi-pump control, when the set value of E6.05(Motor interlock
Motor 2# interlock
49 enable) is 01(interlock enable, the join of motor decided by X terminal),
When the corresponding X terminal of motor receive s a effective signal,
Motor 3# interlock
50 the AC drive will take the motor into multi-pump control logic, otherwise,
always treat this motor not join the system.
Motor 4# interlock
User-Defined fault 1
52 If the configuration of these two functions are effective, the AC drive will
respectively prompt “Er46” and “Er47”, and running based on the
User-Defined fault 2
53 F0.23(Fault protection option 5).
Under standby mode, when the configuration of X terminal for this function
54 static auto tune change from invalid to effective, the AC drive start static parameter
Under standby mode, when the configuration of X terminal for this function
55 rotational auto tune change from invalid to effective, the AC drive start gyrate parameter
When configuration of this function and X terminal is effective, the AC
Force main frequency
56 drive
source A to PID
mandatory use PID as current main frequency source A.
Force main frequency When configuration of this function and X terminal is effective, the AC
source A to PLC drive mandatory use PLC as current main frequency source A.
When configuration of this function and X terminal is effective, the AC
58 Fire mode input drive
force into fire mode operation.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

1. The priority of frequency source is Fire mode >JOG >Frequency bind >Force to
PID >Force to PLC >Force to digit set >Multi speed >Configuration of main and
auxiliary frequency source parameter configuration.
2. The enforcement action of frequency source through the terminal, equals to modify
b2.00(Main frequency source option A) as corresponding value. For example,b2.00
= 0(Main frequency source option A), it’s equal to modify b2.00 = 5(PID) when a X
terminal with the configuration of function 56 is effective.

Table 6- 5 Multi-reference configuration choice

Multi-reference Multi-reference Multi-reference Multi-reference
Setting frequency
terminal 4 terminal 3 terminal 2 terminal 1
OFF OFF OFF OFF Multi-reference 0(E2.01)
OFF OFF OFF ON Multi-reference 1(E2.02)
OFF OFF ON OFF Multi-reference 2(E2.03)
OFF OFF ON ON Multi-reference 3(E2.04)
OFF ON OFF OFF Multi-reference 4(E2.05)
OFF ON OFF ON Multi-reference 5(E2.06)
OFF ON ON OFF Multi-reference 6(E2.07)
OFF ON ON ON Multi-reference 7(E2.08)
ON OFF OFF OFF Multi-reference 8(E2.09)
ON OFF OFF ON Multi-reference 9(E2.10)
ON OFF ON OFF Multi-reference 10(E2.11)
ON OFF ON ON Multi-reference 11(E2.12)
ON ON OFF OFF Multi-reference 12(E2.13)
ON ON OFF ON Multi-reference 13(E2.14)
ON ON ON OFF Multi-reference 14(E2.15)
ON ON ON ON Multi-reference 15(E2.16)

C0.02 Range: 0~58 Default: 23

X2 function Same as C0.01.

C0.03① Range: 0~58 Default: 0

X3 function Same as C0.01.

C0.04 Range: 0~58 Default: 0

X4 function Same as C0.01.

C0.05① Range: 0~58 Default: 0

X5 function Same as C0.01.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

C0.06① Range: 0~58 Default: 0

X6 function Same as C0.01.

C0.07 Range: 0~58 Default: 0

X7 function Same as C0.01.

C0.08① Range: 0~58 Default: 0

X8 function Same as C0.01.

C0.09 Range: 0~58 Default: 0

X9 function Same as C0.01.

C0.10① Range: 0~58 Default: 0

X10 function Same as C0.01.

C0.11 Range: 0000~1111 Default: 0000

X1~X4 terminal Used to define X1~X4 terminal logically valid state, Set according to LED
logic bits(unit,tens,hundreds,thousands): Unit corresponding to X1,Tens
corresponding to X2,Hundreds corresponding to X3,Thousands
corresponding to X4.
The definition for each bit:
0: Closed effective. If the 24V connect to CMX, when the terminal and COM
short connection indicate effectively.
1: Disconnect effective. If the 24V connect to CMX, when the terminal and
COM disconnected indicate effectively.

C0.12 Range: 0000~1111 Default: 0000

X5~X8 terminal Used to define X5~X8 terminal logically valid state, Set according to LED
logic bits(unit,tens,hundreds,thousands): Unit corresponding to X5, Tens
corresponding to X6, Hundreds corresponding to X7, Thousands
corresponding to X8.

C0.13 Range: 00~11 Default: 00

X9~X10 terminal Used to define X9~X10 terminal logically valid state, Set according to LED
logic bits(unit,tens,hundreds,thousands): Unit corresponding to X9,Tens
corresponding to X10, Each bit definition is same as C0.11

C0.14 Range: 0.0~3000.0 Default: 0.0

X1 terminal delay Unit: Sec
time Delayed response time to set the X1 terminal of the input signal
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

C0.15 Range: 0.0~3000.0 Default: 0.0

X2 terminal Unit: Sec
delay time Delayed response time to set the X2 terminal of the input signal

C0.16 Range: 0.0~3000.0 Default: 0.0

X3 terminal Unit: Sec
delay time Delayed response time to set the X3 terminal of the input signal

Through the C0.14~C0.16 three parameters, you can set the X1~X3 terminal input
signal response delay time, and further enhance the three switch input terminal of the
antijamming ability.
 The state changes of terminal include two kinds of situations.”From the broken
open to closed ”and “From the closed to broken open”.
 Exactly the terminal delay time can be used with C0.00(terminal filter time) at
the same time, X1,X2 and X3 terminal signal first passes through the filter, and
then delay the time setting, and then the AC drive takes action.
 X terminals except X1,X2,X3 haven’t the delay timing function.
 All X terminals(include virtual and logic output),shall be functional exclusion.

C0.17① Range: 0~3 Default: 0

Terminal Exactly the run command given by terminals have four different ways.
command mode 0: Two lines 1
 “Forward run”terminal input forward run command.
 “Reverse run”terminal input reverse run command.
1: Two lines 2
 “Forward run”terminal input run stop command.
 “Reverse run”terminal input run direction.
2: Three lines 1
 “Forward run”terminal input forward run command.
 “Reverse run”terminal input reverse run command.
 “Three lines run enable”terminal input run enable.
3: Three lines 2
 “Forward run”terminal control the AC drive run and stop.
 “Reverse run”terminal decides the direction.
 “Three lines run enable”terminal control run enable.
Note: Terminal command mode is invalid for JOG.

Take X1, X2 and X3 three switch input terminal to explain the four ways defined by C0.17.
X1, X2 and X3 can be any three X terminals in actual use.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Example 1: Two lines 1.

Terminal X1 controls forward run, and X2 controls reverse run. The parameters’
configuration show as following table.

Table 6- 6 Two lines 1 parameters’ configuration

Parameter Setting
C0.17(Terminal command mode) 0(Two lines 1)
C0.01(X1 terminal function) 3(Run forward)
C0.02(X2 terminal function) 4(Run reverse)

The wiring is shown in the following figure. Among them:

When K1 closed, the AC drive run forward:
When K2 closed, the AC drive run reverse:
When K1 and K2 have the same status, the AC drive stopped:
Both X1,X2 are level active.

K2 K1 Run command
0 0 Stop
1 1 Stop
0 1 Run forward
1 0 Run reverse

Figure 6- 9 Two lines 1

Example 2: Two lines 2.

Terminal X1 controls run and stop,terminal X2 controls run direction. The parameters’
configuration show as following table.

Table 6- 7 Two lines 2 parameters’ configuration

Parameter Setting
C0.17(Terminal command mode) 1(Two lines 2)
C0.01(X1 terminal function) 3(Run forward)
C0.02(X2 terminal function) 4(Run reverse)

Although the configuration of C0.01 and C0.02 are the same, but they have
different meaning between two line type 2 and two line type 1.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

The wiring is shown in the following figure. Among them:

If K1 closed, K2 broken open the AC drive run forward, K2 closed the AC drive
run reverse; If K1 broken open, the AC drive stop running. Both X1 and X2 are level

K2 K1 Run command
0 0 Stop
1 0 Stop
0 1 Forward
1 1 Reverse

Figure 6- 10 Two lines 2

Example 3: Three lines 1.
X1 controls forward run, X2 controls reverse run,X3is run enable. The parameters’
configuration is shown as the table below.

Table 6- 8 Three lines 1 parameters’ configuration

Parameter Setting value
C0.17(Terminal command mode) 2(Three lines 1)
C0.01(X1 terminal function) 3(Forward run)
C0.02(X2 terminal function) 4(Reverse run)
C0.03(X3 terminal function) 5(Three lines run control)

By the“forward run” terminal controls the AC drive run forward,“reverse run” terminal

controls the AC drive run reverse,“Three lines run enable”terminal controls the AC drive


The wiring is shown below in the following figure. Among them:

For normal starting and running, the SB3 button must remain closed;

If the SB3 button is closed, press the SB1 button the AC drive is run forward, press

the SB2 button, the AC drive is run reversed;

At the moment of SB3 broken open, the AC drive shutdown;

X1 and X2 receives invalid command at the moment of rising edge in closing action,

it is pulse trigger effective.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Figure 6- 11 Three lines 1

Example 4: Three lines 2.

X1 determines whether to run,X2 determines run direction,X3 determines run enable.
The parameters’ configuration is shown as the table below..

Table 6- 9 Three lines 2 parameters’ configuration

Parameters Setting value

C0.17(Terminal command mode) 3(Three lines 2)
C0.01(X1 terminal function) 3(Run forward)
C0.02(X2 terminal function) 4(Run reverse)
C0.03(X3 terminal function) 5(Three lines run control)

The wiring is shown in the following figure. Among them:

For normal starting and running, the SB2 button must remain closed;
When the SB2 button in the closed state, press the SB1 button, the AC drive start to
If K is broken open, the AC drive run forward, else run reverse;
At the moment of SB2 button broken open, the AC drive stopped;
The command received by X1 is effective at the rising edge in closing action;
X2 is the level effective.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

K Run direction

0 Forward
1 Reverse

Figure 6- 12 Three lines 2

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

C0.18 Range: 0~2 Default: 0

UP/DOWN 0: Frequency reference
Regulation When b2.00(Frequency source A selection) or b2.02(Auxiliary
chose frequency source B selection) is set to 0(digital setting b2.01 +
UP/DOWN set), terminal UP/DOWN and keypad regulation will be
superposed to b2.01, the superposition of the results will be the given
of main frequency source A or auxiliary frequency source B.
1: Torque reference
2: PID reference
When E5.04(PID set mode) is set to 0 (digital setting E5.05 +
UP/DOWN), terminal UP/DOWN and keypad regulation will be
superposed to E5.05, the superposition of the results will be used as
PID reference.

C0.19 Range: 00~11 Default: 11

UP/DOWN Units: Retentive at stop
adjustment Tens: Retentive at power down
memory 0: No 1: Yes

C0.20 Range: 0.01~100.00 Default: 1.00

Terminal Unit: %
UP/DOWN ramp Define terminal UP/DOWN and keypad button regulation change rate.
rate Larger values change more quickly.
UP/DOWN regulation will be added to the reference setting set by C0.18.

Group C1: Digital Output

C1.00 Range: 0~1 Default: 0
Y2/FO output 0: Pulse output(FO)
choice 1: Switch signal output(Y2)
When set to 0, Y2 terminal act as high speed pulse output(maximum
output frequency is 100KHz), its function is decided by C4.06(FO output
When set to 1, Y2 terminal act as an open collector output, its function is
decided by C1.02.

C1.01 Range: 0~45 Default: 3

Y1 function The definition of the digital output terminals Y1 function selection, refer to
the table below.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description
Table 6- 10 Switch input and output function table

Setting Function Description

0 No output The output terminal is invalid, and not output signal.
When the bus voltage is below the under voltage level, the terminal
1 Under voltage
output “ON” signal, and LED display “Er07”.
The AC drive is waiting for operation or has been running and without
2 Ready for run
any fault, the terminal output “ON” signal.
The AC drive output “ON” signal when running and output “OFF”
3 Running
signal when stop.
Zero-speed running 1 The AC drive is in the running state and the output frequency is 0HZ,
(no output at stop) the output signal is “ON”.
Zero-speed running 2 As long as the AC drive output frequency is 0HZ, no matter whether
(having output at stop) the AC drive running or stop, the terminal stall output “ON” signal.
When the AC drive in running reverse mode, the terminal output
6 Reverse running
“ON” signal.
When the D-value of output frequency and set frequency is less than
7 Frequency reached Eb.08(Frequency reaches the detection width), the terminal output
“ON” signal.
Frequency upper limit When the AC drive output frequency reaches the upper limit
reached frequency, the terminal output ON signal.
Frequency lower limit When the output frequency decelerate to the lower limit frequency,
9 Reached (no output at the terminal output ON signal.
stop) The terminal still output OFF signal when stop.
Reference to Eb.13(FDT1 detection value) and Eb.14(FDT1
10 FDT1 detection output
detection lag value) parameters description.
Reference to Eb.15(FDT5 detection value) and Eb.16(FDT2
11 FDT2 detection output
detection lag value) parameters description.
In the speed control mode, if the output torque reaches to the torque
12 Torque limited
limit value, then the terminal output ON signal.
When the AC drive shutdown due to a fault, the terminal output ON
13 Fault output(VFD stop)
Warning output The AC drive has warning and continue running, then the terminal
(continue running) output ON signal.
When the output current exceeds the cumulative of overload inverse
Motor overload
15 time curve and F0.08(Motor overload warning coefficient), the
terminal output ON signal. See details about F0.08.
VFD overload The terminal output ON signal when the AC drive into the overload
prewarning inverse time calculation.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Setting Function Description

When the A0.60(AC drive temperature) is greater than or equal to
Module temperature
17 Eb.27(Module temperature reaches the set value), the terminal output
ON signal.
When A0.59(The temperature of the motor) is greater than or equal to
Motor Over heat
18 F0.14(Motor overheat warning threshold), the terminal output ON
When the AC drive output current is less than Eb.17(Zero current
19 Zero current status detection level), and duration is reached to Eb.18(Zero current
detection delay time) set value, the terminal output ON signal
20 Set count value reached Please refer to the E7.05(Set count value) parameters.
Designated count value
21 Please refer to the E7.06(Designated count value) parameters.
22 Length reached Please refer to the E7.07(Set length) parameters.
When A0.54(Accumulative power on time(day)) + A0.55(Accumulative
power on time(hour)) equals to Eb.04(Accumulative power-on
Accumulative power-on time(day) threshold) + Eb.05(Accumulative power-on time(hour)
time reached threshold), the terminal output ON signal. If Eb.04(Accumulative
power-on time(day) threshold) is set to 0, the cumulative power on
timing function is disabled, and output OFF signal.
When A0.56(Accumulative running time(day)) + A0.57(Accumulative
running time(hour)) equals to Eb.06(Accumulative running time(day)
Accumulative running threshold) + Eb.07(Accumulative running time(hour) threshold), the
time reached terminal output ON signal. If Eb.06(Accumulative running time(day)
threshold) is set to 0, the cumulative power on timing function is
disabled, and output OFF signal.
Current running time When A0.53(Running time)reaches to the set value of Eb.03(Current
reached running time reached)the terminal output ON signal
Reference to Eb.09(Any frequency reaching detection value 1)and
26 Frequency 1 reached Eb.10(Any frequency reaching detection amplitude 1)parameter’s
Reference to Eb.11(Any frequency reaching detection value 2)and
27 Frequency 2 reached Eb.12(Any frequency reaching detection amplitude 2)parameter’s
Reference to Eb.21(Any current reaching 1)and Eb.22(Any current
28 Current 1 reached
reaching 1 amplitude)parameter’s description
Reference to Eb.23(Any current reaching 2)and Eb.24(Any current
29 Current 2 reached
reaching 2 amplitude)parameter’s description
Reference to F0.09(Under load protection)and F0.10
30 Underload
(Detection level of under load)parameter’s description
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Setting Function Description

When the input voltage of AI1 is less than Eb.25(AI1 input voltage
31 AI1 input limit exceeded lower limit), or greater than Eb.26(AI1 input voltage upper limit), the
terminal output ON signal.
Reference to Eb.00(Timing function),Eb.01(Timing duration source)
32 Timing reached
and Eb.02(Timing duration)parameters’ description.
When the PLC completes a run cycle, the terminal output a 250ms
33 PLC cycle complete
width ON signal.
Reference to Eb.19( Output over current threshold ),Eb.20( Output
34 Current limit exceeded
over current detection delay time ) parameters’ description.
The terminal output state is set by communication, please reference to
35 Communication setting
chapter eight.
When the value of AI1 is bigger than AI2, the terminal output ON
36 AI1>AI2
signal, otherwise output OFF signal.
PID feedback Limit Please reference to the PID feedback measurement relevant
exceeded parameters description E5.30~E5.35
PID sleep status The terminal output ON signal when the PID in dormant sate. Please
indication reference to dormancy logic parameters description E5.38~E5.41
When the AC drive set reference frequency exceeds the upper limit
frequency or below the lower limit frequency, and the output reaches
39 Frequency limited
to the upper limit or lower limit frequency point, the terminal output
ON signal.
40 Motor 1# control output
Used to control motors ‘ switching in multi-pump system. More
41 Motor 2# control output
detailed explanation, please reference to the description of group
42 Motor 3# control output
E6(Multi pump control).
43 Motor 4# control output
44 External brake control Please reference to the parameters’ description of group EA.
45 Simple brake control Please reference to the parameters’ description of Eb.28~Eb.29.

C1.02 Range: 0~45 Default: 7

Y2 Function Defines the functions of terminal Y2, same as C1.01.

C1.03 Range: 0~45 Default: 0

Y3 Function Defines the functions of terminal Y3, same as C1.01.

C1.04 Range: 0~45 Default: 13

T1 Function Defines the functions of rely T1, same as C1.01.

C1.05 Range: 0~45 Default: 0

T2 Function Defines the functions of rely T2, same as C1.01.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

C1.06 Range: 0~45 Default: 0

T3 Function Defines the functions of rely T3, same as C1.01.

C1.07 Range: 0~45 Default: 0

T4 Function Defines the functions of rely T4, same as C1.01.

C1.08 Range: 0~45 Default: 0

T5 Function Defines the functions of rely T5, same as C1.01.

C1.09 Range: 0~45 Default: 0

T6 Function Defines the functions of rely T6, same as C1.01.

C1.10 Range: 000~111 Default: 000

Y terminals valid 0: Positive logic; When valid output ON signal, when invalid output OFF
state logic signal.
1: Negative logic; When valid output OFF signal, when invalid output ON
Unit: Y1 Tens: Y2Hundreds: Y3

C1.11 Range: 0000~1111 Default: 0000

T1~T4 terminals Define the relays T1~T4 valid state, same as C1.10.
valid state logic Unit: T1 Tens: T2 Hundreds: T3 Thousands: T4

C1.12 Range: 00~11 Default: 00

T5~T6 terminals Define the relays T5~T6 valid state, same as C1.10.
valid sate logic Unit: T5 Tens: T6
0: Positive logic said digital output terminal and the common end(COM) connected
state. Connect means ON state, disconnect means OFF state.
1: Positive logic said digital output terminal and the common end(COM) connected
state. Connect means OFF state, disconnect means ON state.

C1.13 Range: 0.0~3000.0 Default: 0.0

Y1 output delay Unit: Sec
time Define the output delay time of output switch terminal Y1.
Represents the delay time of output function state changes to the actual
output changes, this is can increase the stability of the output signal, as
the following figure shown.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Figure 6- 13 digital output terminals output delay time diagram.

C1.14 Range: 0.0~3000.0 Default: 0.0

Y2 output delay Unit: Sec
time Define the output delay time of output switch terminal Y2.

C1.15 Range: 0.0~3000.0 Default: 0.0

Y3 output delay Unit: Sec
time Define the output delay time of output switch terminal Y3.

C1.16 Range: 0.0~3000.0 Default: 0.0

T1 output delay Unit: Sec
time Define the output delay time of relay T1.

C1.17 Range: 0.0~3000.0 Default: 0.0

T2 output delay Unit: Sec
time Define the output delay time of relay T2.

C1.18 Range: 0.0~3000.0 Default: 0.0

T3 output delay Unit: Sec
time Define the output delay time of relay T3.

C1.19 Range: 0.0~3000.0 Default: 0.0

T4 output delay Unit: Sec
time Define the output delay time of relay T4.

C1.20 Range: 0.0~3000.0 Default: 0.0

T5 output delay Unit: Sec
time Define the output delay time of relay T5.

C1.21 Range: 0.0~3000.0 Default: 0.0

T6 output delay Unit: Sec
time Define the output delay time of relay T6.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

C1.22 Range: 0.0~600.0 Default: 0.0

Interval of Y1 Unit: Sec
output active
Define the digital output terminal Y1 output effective sate holdoff time..

C1.23 Range: 0.0~600.0 Default: 0.0

Interval of Y2 Unit: Sec
output active
Define the digital output terminal Y2 output effective sate holdoff time.

C1.24 Range: 0.0~600.0 Default: 0.0

Interval of T1 Unit: Sec
output active
Define the relay T1 output effective sate holdoff time.

C1.25 Range: 0.0~600.0 Default: 0.0

Interval of T2 Unit: Sec
output active
Define the relay T2 output effective sate holdoff time.

In some occasions, when the digital output terminals’ state is effective, hopes that the output
state of the terminal is time length adjustable, and not only a level signal. The holdoff time of
terminal’s effective state is only available after the output delay time.
Note: When the holdoff time of terminal’s effective sate set to 0, equivalent cancel the
terminal’s effective state.

Figure 6- 14 The effective signal holdoff time of digital output terminal

Group C2: Analog Input

C2.00 Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 0.10
AI1 filter time Unit: Sec
Define the filter time of analog input signal AI1, to filter processing.
Properly increasing this value can enhance the anti-interference ability of
analog input, but will weaken the sensitivity.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Figure 6- 15 figure of AI signal filter

C2.01 Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 0.10

AI2 filter time Unit: Sec
Define the filter time of AI2 signal, to filter processing.

C2.02 Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 0.10

AI3 filter time Unit: Sec
Define the filter time of AI3 signal, to filter processing.

C2.03 Range: 111~333 Default: 321

AI curve Analog input size and the corresponding relationship between the setting
selection value, can be defined by a specific curve. Enter to this parameter, can do
the curve selection of AI1,AI2 through the LED’s unit and tens bits.
1: AI curve 1(Two points, reference to C2.04~C2.07)
2: AI curve 2(Two points, reference to C2.08~C2.11)
3: AI curve 3(Two points, reference to C2.12~C2.15)
Unit’s digit: AI1 Tens’s digit: AI2 Hundred’s digit: AI3

C2.04 Range: -10.00~C2.06 Default: 0.00

AI curve 1 Unit: V
minimum input AI curve 1 minimum input signal.

C2.05 Range: -100.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

Corresponding Unit: %
setting of AI The relationship between AI curve 1 minimum input signal and the
curve 1 minimum percentage of set value.

C2.06 Range: C2.04~10.00 Default: 10.00

AI curve 1 Unit: V
maximal input AI curve 1 maximal input signal
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

C2.07 Range: -100.0~100.0 Default: 100.0

Corresponding Unit: %
setting of AI The relationship between AI curve 1 maximal input signal and the
curve 1 maximal percentage of set value.

C2.08 Range: -10.00~C2.10 Default: 0.00

AI curve 2 Unit: V
minimum input AI curve 2 minimum input signal

C2.09 Range: -100.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

Corresponding Unit: %
setting of AI The relationship between AI curve 2 minimum input signal and the
curve 2 minimum percentage of set value.

C2.10 Range: C2.08~10.00 Default: 10.00

AI curve 2 Unit: V
maximal input AI curve 2 maximal input signal

C2.11 Range: -100.0~100.0 Default: 100.0

Corresponding Unit: %
setting of AI The relationship between AI curve 2 maximal input signal and the
curve 2 maximal percentage of set value.
Both curve 1 and curve 2 are two point curves.
AI1,AI2 can select -10~10V voltage input or 0~20mA current input through jumper terminal
CJ1 and CJ2 on the control board.
When chose the 0~20mA current input, 0mA corresponding to the 0V, and 20mA
corresponding to 10V.

 The maximum frequency of b0.00 = 50.00 HZ
 The frequency selection method of b2.05 = 00
(Chose main frequency source A as output)
 The Main frequency source A selection b2.00 = 1
(Main frequency source A select AI1)
 The analog input AI curve selection C2.03 = 321(AI1 choice AI curve 1)
 The minimal input of AI curve 1 C2.04 = 0.00V
 The corresponding setting of AI curve 1 minimal input C2.05 = 0.0%
 The maximal input of AI curve 1 C2.06 = 10.00V
 The corresponding setting of AI curve 1 maximal input C2.07 = 100.0%
 When AI1 = 4V, the output frequency of this time is: 50.00*(4.00/10.00) = 20.00Hz
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Figure 6- 16 AI curve 1/2 normal setting

C2.12 Range: -10.00~C2.14 Default: 0.00

AI curve 3 Unit: V
minimum input AI curve 3minimal input signal size

C2.13 Range: -100.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

Corresponding Unit: %
setting of AI The relationship between AI curve 3 minimum input signal and the
curve 3 minimum percentage of set value.

C2.14 Range: C2.12~10.00 Default: 10.00

AI curve 3 maximal Unit: V
input AI curve 3 maximal input signal size.

C2.15 Range: -100.0%~100.0% Default: 100.0

Corresponding Unit: %
setting of AI
The relationship between AI curve 3 maximal input signal and the
curve 3 maximal
percentage of set value.

C2.16 Range: -100.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

Jump point of AI1 Unit: %
corresponding Jump point of AI1 input corresponding setting.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

C2.17 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.5

Jump amplitude Unit: %
of AI1 input
corresponding Jump amplitude of AI1 input corresponding setting

C2.18 Range: -100.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

Jump point of AI2 Unit: %
corresponding Jump point of AI2 input corresponding setting.

C2.19 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.5

Jump amplitude Unit: %
of AI2 input
corresponding Jump amplitude of AI2 input corresponding setting

C2.20 Range: -100.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

Jump point of AI3 Unit: %
corresponding Jump point of AI3 input corresponding setting.
C2.21 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.5
Jump amplitude Unit: %
of AI3 input
corresponding Jump amplitude of AI3 input corresponding setting

Jump range includes lower and upper limit, defined as following:

Jump lower limit = Jump point – Jump amplitude
Jump upper limit = Jump point + Jump amplitude
When the analog input in the jump range, setting frequency will be fixed at the jump point.
Set C2.16(AI1 jump point) equal to 50.0%,C2.17(AI1 jump amplitude) equal to
10.0%. So if corresponding percentage of AI input through the curve conversion is
40.0%~60.0%, always judged to be 50.0%

C2.22 Range: 000~111 Default: 000

Setting for AI less Used to configure the setting when AI signal is less than the minimum
than minimum input. The Unit and Tens of this parameter is corresponding to AI1 and AI2
input respectively. The definition of each value are as follows:
0: Corresponding to the minimum input setting; When the AI signal is
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description
lower than the minimum input, the corresponding setting is decided by the
minimum input corresponding setting(C2.05,C2.09).
1: 0.0% ; When the AI signal is lower than the minimum input, the
corresponding setting is 0%.
Unit’s digit: AI1 Ten’s digit: AI2 Hundred’s digit: AI3
 When the analog input greater than the maximum analog input(C2.06,C2.10), the
corresponding setting is decided by the maximal input corresponding setting.
 When the analog input below the minimum input, the corresponding parameter
setting determined by C2.22.

Group C3: Analog Output

C3.00 Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 0.00
AO1 filter time Unit: Sec
The parameter is used to set the software filter time of AO1. If the analog
output is liable to interference, increase the value of this parameter to
stabilize the detected analog output. However, increase of the AO filter
time will slow the response of analog detection. Set this parameter
properly based on actual conditions.

Figure 6- 17 Analog output 1 filter

C3.01 Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 0.00

AO2 filter time Unit: Sec
Same as C3.00.

C3.02 Range: 0~17 Default: 1

AO1 function The parameter defined the AO1 function,as the table below.

C3.03 Range: 0~17 Default: 2

AO2 function The parameter defined the AO2 function,as the table below.
AO1 and AO2 can select 0~10V voltage mode or 0~20mA current mode by the terminal CJ3 and
CJ4 which on control board.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Table 6- 11 Relation table of analog value and pulse output

Value Function Range
0 Setting frequency 0~Max frequency(b0.00)
1 Running frequency 0~Max frequency(b0.00)
2 Output current 0~2 times motor rated current
3 Output voltage 0~1.2 times motor rated voltage
4 Output power 0~2 times motor rated power
5 Output torque 0~2 times motor rated torque
6 AI1 0V~10V(or 0~20mA)
7 AI2 0V~10V(or 0~20mA)
8 AI3 0V~10V(or 0~20mA)
9 X6/FI 0.00kHz~100.00kHz
10 Target torque 0~2 times motor rated torque
11 PID setting 0.0%~100.0%
12 PID feedback 0.0%~100.0%
13 PID output 0.0%~100.0%
14 Actual length 0~Sett length(E7.07)
15 Count value 0~Set count value(E7.05)
16 Communication setting 0.0%~100.0%
17 Feedback frequency 0~Max frequency(b0.00)

C3.04 Range: 11~22 Default: 21

AO curve AO curve specified the relationship between the output percentage and
selection analog output signal.
Provide two AO curves. Parameters’ edit according to digit
1: AO curve 1(Two points,Refer to C3.05~C3.08)
2: AO curve 2(Four points,Refer to C3.09~C3.12)
Unit’s digit: AO1 Ten’s digit: AO2

C3.05 Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 0.00

AO curve 1 Unit: V
minimum output Define AO curve 1 minimum output value. When chose the 0~20mA
current input, 0mA corresponding to the 0V, and 20mA corresponding to

C3.06 Range: 0.0~C3.08 Default: 0.0

Corresponding Unit: %
setting of AO The relationship between AO curve 1 minimum input signal and the
curve 1 minimum percentage of set value.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

C3.07 Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 10.00

AO curve 1 Unit: V
maximum output AO curve 1 maximal input signal.

C3.08 Range: C3.06~100.0 Default: 100.0

Corresponding Unit: %
setting of AO
The relationship between AO curve 1 maximal input signal and the
curve 1
percentage of set value.
maximum output

Figure 6- 18 AO curve 1

 Analog output AO1 output function selection C3.02 = 1(Running frequency)
 Max frequency b0.00 = 50.00 Hz
 AO curve selection C3.04 = 21 (AO1 curve selection 1)
 AO curve 1 minimum output C3.05 = 1.00V
 AO curve 1 minimum output corresponding setting C3.06 = 5%
 AO curve 1 maximal output C3.07 = 9.00V
 AO curve 1 maximal output corresponding setting C3.08 = 80%
 If output frequency is 20Hz,so corresponding voltage is:
4.73V = {(20Hz - 50Hz*5%)/(50Hz*80% - 50Hz*5%)}*(9.00V - 1.00V)+1.00V

C3.09 Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 0.00

AO curve 2 Unit: V
minimum output Define AO curve 2 minimum output value. When chose the 0~20mA
current input, 0mA corresponding to the 0V, and 20mA corresponding to

C3.10 Range: 0.0~C3.12 Default: 0.0

Corresponding Unit: %
setting of AO The relationship between AO curve 1 minimum input signal and the
curve 2 minimum percentage of set value.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

C3.11 Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 10.00

AO curve 2 Unit: V
maximum output Define AO curve 2 maximal output value. When chose the 0~20mA
current input, 0mA corresponding to the 0V, and 20mA corresponding to

C3.12 Range: C3.10~100.0 Default: 100.0

Corresponding Unit: %
setting of AO The relationship between AO curve 2 maximal input signal and the
curve 2 percentage of set value.
maximum output

Group C4: Pulse Input/Output

When the parameter of C0.06 set to 31, the pulse input function is enabled. The curve
relationship can be set by parameters C4.00~C4.04. The maximum pulse input signal is
100KHz, the percent reference is maximum frequency(b0.00).

C4.00 Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 0.10

FI filter time Unit: Sec
The parameter is used to set the software filter time of FI. If the pulse input
signal is liable to interference, increase the value of this parameter to stabilize
the pulse input.

Figure 6- 19 Pulse input filter

C4.01 Range: 0.00~C4.03 Default: 0.00

FI minimum input Unit: kHz
If the pulse input lower C4.01 then it will be limited by C4.01.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

C4.02 Range: -100.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

Corresponding Unit: %
setting of FI The percent of corresponding to pulse minimum input frequency.
minimum input

C4.03 Range: C4.01~100.00 Default: 50.00

FI maximum Unit: kHz
input If the pulse input higher C4.03 then it will be limited by C4.03.

C4.04 Range: -100.0~100.0 Default: 100.0

Corresponding Unit: %
setting of FI The percent of corresponding to pulse maximum input frequency.
maximum input

C4.05 Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 0.10

FO filter time Unit: Sec
If the parameter of C4.05 is non-zero then the pulse output function is
enabled. Increase the value of this parameter to stabilize pulse output.

C4.06 Range: 0~17 Default: 1

FO function When C1.00 set to 0, the pulse output function is enabled, the functions
description please see the parameter description of C3.02.

C4.07 Range: 0.00~100.00 Default: 0.00

FO output Unit: kHz
minimum Set the minimum pulse output pulse.

C4.08 Range: 0.0~C4.10 Default: 0.0

Corresponding Unit: %
setting of FO The percent of corresponding to pulse minimum output frequency.
output minimum

C4.09 Range: 0.00~100.00 Default: 50.00

FO output maximum Unit: kHz
frequency Set the maximum pulse output pulse.

C4.10 Range: C4.08~100.0 Default: 100.0

Corresponding Unit: %
setting of FO output The percent of corresponding to pulse maximum output frequency.
maximum frequency
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group C5: Virtual Digital Input/Output

Virtual terminals can be useful in some applications such as input terminal signal is
determined by output terminal.
User can connect the virtual outputs with virtual inputs without actual wires. The usage
method is similar with actual terminal.
C5.00 Range: 0~58 Default: 0

VX1 function Same As C0.01. Refer to Tab6-C1.

C5.01 ①
Range: 0~58 Default: 0
VX2 function Same As C0.01. Refer to Tab6-C1.

C5.02 Range: 0~58 Default: 0

VX3 function Same As C0.01. Refer to Tab6-C1.

C5.03 ①
Range: 0~58 Default: 0
VX4 function Same As C0.01. Refer to Tab6-C1.

C5.04 Range: 0000~4444 Default: 1111

VX active state This defines signal source for virtual digital input.
mode selection 0: VYn 1: C5.05
 VYn=1,VXn function is active. 2: AI1
 VYn=0, VXn function is inactive. 3: AI2
 n = 1~4 4: AI3
Unit's digit: VX1 Hundred's digit: VX3
Ten's digit: VX2 Thousand's digit: VX4

C5.05 Range: 0000~1111 Default: 0000

Digital setting of When C5.04 = 1,VX1~VX4 input status are determined by C5.05.
VX active state 0: active 1: inactive
Unit's digit: VX1 Hundred's digit: VX3
Ten's digit: VX2 Thousand's digit: VX4

C5.06 Range: 000~111 Default: 000

Active mode for When C5.04 select AI as the input for VX, AI level defines as high level if
AI as VX input AI voltage is greater than the setting of C5.07, AI level defines as low level
if AI voltage is less than the setting of C5.08.
This parameter defines the active status is high level or low level.
0: high level
1: low level
Unit's digit: AI1 Ten's digit: AI2 Hundred's digit: AI3
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

C5.07① Range: C5.08~8.00 Default: 6.70 Unit: V

AI high level This defines the threshold voltage that AI treated as high level should be
threshold greater than.

C5.08 ①
Range: 1.00~C5.07 Default: 3.20 Unit: V
AI low level This defines the threshold voltage that AI treated as low level should be
threshold less than.

C5.09① Range: 0~45 Default: 0

VY1 function There are 4 virtual digital output terminals for the AC drive.
The usage method is similar with actual terminal.
0: Corresponding to the status of X1
>0: Same as Y (digital output) terminal usage, refer to C1.01.

C5.10 ①
Range: 0~45 Default: 0
VY2 function 0: Corresponding to the status of X2
>0: Same as Y (digital output) terminal usage, refer to C1.01.

C5.11① Range: 0~45 Default: 0

VY3 function 0: Corresponding to the status of X3
>0: Same as Y (digital output) terminal usage, refer to C1.01.

C5.12 ①
Range: 0~45 Default: 0
VY4 function 0: Corresponding to the status of X4
>0: Same as Y (digital output) terminal usage, refer to C1.01.

C5.13 Range: 0.0~3600.0 Default: 0.0 Unit: Sec

VY1 output delay time This defines the delay time of VY1 output. Refer to C1.13.

C5.14 Range: 0.0~3600.0 Default: 0.0 Unit: Sec

VY2 output delay time This defines the delay time of VY2 output. Refer to C1.13.

C5.15 Range: 0.0~3600.0 Default: 0.0 Unit: Sec

VY3 output delay time This defines the delay time of VY3 output. Refer to C1.13.

C5.16 Range: 0.0~3600.0 Default: 0.0 Unit: Sec

VY4 output delay time This defines the delay time of VY4 output. Refer to C1.13.

C5.17 Range: 0000~1111 Default: 0000

VY terminal 0: Positive logic. VY output ON signal when it is active. VY output OFF
active state logic signal when it is inactive.
1: Negative logic. VY output OFF signal when it is active. VY output ON
signal when it is inactive.
Unit's digit: VY1 Ten's digit: VY2
Hundred's digit: VY3 Thousand's digit: VY4
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group d0: Motor Control

d0.00 Range: 0 ~ 2 Default: 0

Motor control 0: V/f

mode Constant Volt/Hertz proportion control. It is applicable to applications
with low load requirements or applications where one AC drive operates
multiple motors, such as fan and pump.
1: Open loop vector control(SVC)
It is applicable to high-performance speed control or torque control
applications without speed encoder. One AC drive can operate only one
2: Closed loop vector control(VC)
It is applicable to high-accuracy speed control or torque control
applications with speed encoder. One AC drive can operate only one
motor. An encoder and a PG card must be installed and setting correctly
in group L2.
 If vector control is selected, motor auto-tuning must be performed
before first running. Motor parameters which calculated from
auto-tuning shall be store in Group d1.
 If vector control is selected, the rated power between AC drive and
motor cannot mismatched too much. Otherwise, the performance
could be decreased.
 Motor control mode (d0.00) is used for motor 1, please refer Group
d5 to set for motor 2 when motor 2 is used.

d0.01 Range: 1.0 ~ 16.0 Default: Model dependent

Carrier frequency Unit: kHz
The default value of carrier frequency is depended on AC drive hardware,
as shown in the table below. It is no need to change this parameter in
common usage. If the set carrier frequency is higher than default
setting, you need to de-rate the AC drive.
If the carrier frequency is low, output current has high harmonics, and the
power loss and temperature rise of the motor increase.
If the carrier frequency is high, power loss and temperature rise of the
motor declines. However, the AC drive has an increase in power loss,
temperature rise and interference.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Table 6- 12 default carrier frequency and range

Volt Grade Power Grade carrier frequency
≤ 2.2KW 1.0kHz - 12.0kHz
Single-phase 220V
Three-phase 220V 3.7~5.5KW 1.0kHz - 12.0kHz
Three-phase 380V 7.5~15KW 1.0kHz - 10.0kHz
Three-phase 480V
≥ 18.5KW 1.0kHz - 8.0kHz
≤ 200KW 1.0kHz - 3.0kHz
Three-phase 690V
≥ 220KW 1.0kHz - 2.0kHz
Three-phase 1140V All grades 1.0kHz - 1.0kHz
When AC drive running in SVC or VC mode, carrier frequency shall be limit between 2kHz to
8kHz automatically.

d0.02 Range: 0 ~ 1 Default: 1

Carrier frequency 0: disable
adjustment with 1: enable
temperature It is used to set whether the carrier frequency is adjusted based on the
temperature. When this parameter is set to enable, it can be reduce the
overheat alarms.

d0.03 Range: 0 ~ 10 Default: 0

Random PWM 0: Disable random PWM
depth >0: setting the depth of random PWM
Random PWM function is enable when this parameter is greater than 0.
It can help to reduce the motor noise.

d0.04 Range: 0.00 ~ Max frequency(b0.00) Default: 50.00

switchover If the output frequency is higher than this Value + 3Hz, the DPWM
frequency upper modulation mode is adopted, or else continuous method is adopted.

d0.05 Range: 0 ~ 1 Default: 0

PWM Modulation 0: asynchronous modulation
mode 1: synchronous modulation
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

d0.06 Range: 0 ~ 30% Default: Model dependent

Torque boost 0: auto torque boost
>0: fixed torque boost
When this parameter is set to 0, output voltage shall be adjust
automatically based on the changing of the load.
When this parameter is greater than 0, the value that output voltage
increase shall be depend on this setting.

d0.07 Range: 0.00 ~(b0.00) Default: 37.00

Cut-off frequency Unit: Hz

of torque boost This parameters determine the range that torque boost is valid.

d0.08 Range: 0.0% ~ 100.0% Default: 0.0%

V/f slip Setting this parameter can help to compensate the motor speed change in
compensation case of load change. When this parameter is set to 100%, it means rated
gain motor slip shall be used for compensation under rated load. The rated
motor slip is calculated from rated motor frequency and rated motor
speed. Therefore, correct motor parameter setting is required.

d0.09 Range: 0 ~ 250 Default: 64

V/F It can increase flux current to exhaust the regenerating energy. It can
over-excitation shorten the actual decelerating time when motor is running in
gain regenerating mode during deceleration. Set this parameter to 0 in case of
situations that brake resister is used or DC voltage will not rise during
motor deceleration.

d0.10 Range: 0 ~ 100 Default: Model dependent

V/F oscillation When motor is oscillating, adjusting this parameter can help to improve
suppression gain motor stability. It may influence V/F control performance when it set too

d0.11 Range: 0 ~ 100 Default: Module dependent

Overcurrent 0: Overcurrent stall function
stall gain > 0: Enable overcurrent stall function
When the load is heavy or accelerating / decelerating time is too short,
output current exceeds the setting of d0.12, overcurrent stall function
shall adjust output frequency to avoid over current trip. After output
current declines, output frequency shall resume to reference frequency.
Generally, the larger gain the better over current suppression result will
be. At the same time, larger gain may cause oscillation.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

d0.12 Range: 30% ~ 200% Default: 150%

Overcurrent stall It used to determine the point that overcurrent stall function is active. The
protective based value is rated motor current.
current Note: "d0.12 * the motor rated current" generally can not be greater than
"d0.32 *the limited current value".

Figure 6- 20 Overcurrent stall function

d0.13 Range: 0 ~ 100 Default: Module dependent

Overvoltage 0: Disable overvoltage stall function
stall gain > 0: enable overvoltage stall function
When motor rotor speed is greater than synchrony frequency, motor
running in regenerating mode. In this situation, the DC voltage of AC drive
will rise and cause over voltage trip. To avoid this situation, overvoltage
stall function shall adjust output frequency when DC voltage exceeds the
setting of d0.14. The larger gain the better over voltage suppression result
will be. The actual decelerating time may not accurate with small gain. Set
this parameter to 0 when brake resister is used or accurate decelerating
time is required applications.

d0.14 Range: Model dependent Default: Model dependent

Overvoltage stall The voltage point that over voltage control function is active. The default
protective value of this parameter refer to table6-D2.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Table 6- 13 the default value and range of overvoltage stall protective voltage
Volt Grade default Range
Single-phase 220V 350 V 330V - 380V
Three-phase 220V 350 V 330V - 380V
Three-phase 380V 680 V 630V - 770V
Three-phase 480V 750 V 660V - 870V
Three-phase 690V 1100 V 1050V - 1150V
Three-phase 1140V 2100 V 1900V - 2300V

d0.15 Range: 00 ~ 11 Default: 00

Stall control If the utility supply voltage declines, the output frequency will decrease to
mode maintain a constant motor V/f relation. In some applications the motor is
required to operate at the desired set speed, regardless of supply line
voltage variations. In this situation, the under voltage control is disable,
the frequency will not decrease as the utility supply voltage decreases.
This could lead to under exciting the motor, resulting in a large increase in
motor current during under voltage conditions.
Unit's digit: Under voltage control enable 0: Disabled 1: Enabled
Ten's digit: Overvoltage and overcurrent stall control
0:Auto limit of acceleration and deceleration step
1:Operating frequency automatic control

d0.16 Range: 0 ~ 9 Default: 0

V/f curve Voltage / frequency curve selection.

selection 0: linear
The voltage of the motor changes linearly with the frequency in the
constant flux area from 0 Hz to the motor rated frequency where the
rated voltage is supplied to the motor. Linear V/f curve should be used in
constant torque applications.
1: multi-point V/f
User can program multi-point V/f based on the needs of application. See
2: 1.2-power V/F
3: 1.4-power V/F
4: 1.6-power V/F
5: 1.8-power V/F
6: squared V/f
Squared V/f curve can be used in applications where torque demand of
the load is proportional to the square of the speed, e.g in centrifugal fans
and pumps.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

7: V/f complete separation

Output frequency and output voltage are independent. Output
frequency is from frequency source, and output voltage is set by
d0.21. This V/f curve can be used in applications such as induction
heating, inverse power supply and torque motor control.
8: V/f half separation
The output voltage is determined by the voltage calculated from linear
V/f and the setting of d0.21.
Vo  Vrated * d 0.21
f rated

Vo : output voltage f o : output frequency

Vrated : motor rated voltage f rated : motor rated frequency

9: Flux Optimization
It is recommended that the motor keeps running with light or no load.

d0.17 Range: 0.00 ~ 40.0 Default: 1.5

Multi-point V/f Unit: %

zero frequency
Multi-point V/f V0

d0.18 Range: 0.00 ~ d0.20 Default: 3.00

Multi-point V/f Unit: Hz

frequency 1 Multi-point V/f f1

d0.19 Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 Default: 8.0

Multi- point V/f Unit: %

voltage 1 Multi-point V/f V1


Range: d0.18 ~ d0.22 Default: 25.00
Multi-point V/f Unit: Hz
frequency 2 Multi-point V/f f2

d0.21① Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 Default: 55.0

Multi- point V/f Unit: %
voltage 2 Multi-point V/f V2

d0.22① Range: d0.20 ~ b0.09 Default: 50.00

Multi-point V/f Unit: Hz
Frequency 3 Multi-point V/f f3
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

d0.23① Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 Default: 100.0

Multi- point V/f Unit: %
voltage 3 Multi-point V/f V3
When V/f curve selection (d0.16) is set to 1, output voltage characteristic is determined by
the settings of d0.17 ~ d0.23. 100% of voltage indicates motor rated voltage. See Fig6-D2
 Multi-point V/f curve’s setting must based on motor and load characteristic. Inappropriate
setting may cause motor damaged.
 If motor 1 is active, 100% of voltage indicates motor 1 rated voltage.
 If motor 2 is active, 100% of voltage indicates motor 2 rated voltage.
 The relationship between voltages and frequencies is: V1<V2<V3,F1<F2<F3.

Figure 6- 21 multi-point V/f curve

d0.24 Range: 0 ~ 8 Default: 0

Voltage source This parameter is valid when d0.14 is set to 7.
for V/f separation 0: d0.25 1: AI1 2: AI2 3: AI3(optional card) 4: X6/FI
5: PID. The output voltage is generated based on PID closed loop.
6: PLC. The voltage source is from simple PLC mode.
7: Multi-Reference. The voltage source is from multi-reference.
8: Communication
The output voltage is set by the host computer by means of
 100.0% of the setting in each mode corresponds to the rated motor
except d0.25.
 If a negative percentage is set, its absolute value is used instead.
The voltage source for V/F separation is set in the same way as the
frequency source.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

d0.25 Range: 0 ~(b0.07) Default: 0

Voltage digital Unit: V
setting for V/f Voltage digital setting for V/f separation.

d0.26 Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 Default: 0.0

Voltage ramp Unit: Sec
time of V/f This defines the time required for voltage to change from 0 to rated
separation voltage or change from rated voltage to 0.See Fig6-D3

Figure 6- 22 V/F separation Voltage ramp time curve

d0.31 Range: 0~1 Default: 1

CBC current Unit: 1
control 0: Disable 1: Enable
Cycle by cycle tripping for current limiting operation.

d0.32 Range: 0.50 ~ 2.20 Default: 2.00

CBC current limit Unit: 0.01
This defines the CBC current limit point that CBC current control function
is active. 1.00 of the setting corresponds to AC drive rated current.

d0.33 Range: 10 ~ 9999 Default: 500

CBC current Unit: mSec
control delay This defines the time that CBC current control is allowed to run when it is
time active. If CBC current control running exceeds this setting time, a CBC trip
will occurred.
Caution: Increasing d0.33 must decrease d0.32 as the same time.
Otherwise, hardware of AC drive could be damaged with large running

d0.34 Range: 50.0~100.0 Default: 65.0

Energy saving Unit: %
coefficient Voltage coefficient of the weak magnetic when output torque below
5%.Set too low may lead to motor stall.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group d1: Motor Parameters

d1.01 Range:

motor stator 0.001 ~ 65.535(drive power<=55kW) Default: Model dependent

resistance 0.0001 ~ 6.5535(drive power >55kW)
Unit: Ω
asynchronous motor stator resistance.

d1.02 Range:

motor rotor 0.001 ~ 65.535(drive power <=55kW) Default: Model dependent

resistance 0.0001 ~ 6.5535(drive power >55kW)
Unit: Ω
asynchronous motor rotor resistance..

d1.03 Range:

motor leakage 0.01 ~ 655.35(drive power <=55kW) Default: Model dependent

inductance 0.001 ~ 65.535(drive power >55kW)
Unit: mH
asynchronous motor leakage inductance.

d1.04 Range:

motor mutual 0.1 ~ 6553.5(drive power <=55kW) Default: Model dependent

inductance 0.01 ~ 655.35(drive power >55kW)
Unit: mH
asynchronous motor mutual inductance

d1.05 Range: 0.01 ~ motor rated current Default: Model dependent

motor no-load (b0.08)(drive power <=55kW)

current 0.1 ~ b0.08(drive power >55kW)
Unit: A
asynchronous motor no-load current.

d1.06① Range: 0.000 ~ 1.000 Default: 0.400

Motor weaken
The flux coefficient corresponds to 20% of flux current.
flux coefficient 1

d1.07 Range: 0.000 ~ 1.000 Default: 0.700

Motor weaken
The flux coefficient corresponds to 50% of flux current.
flux coefficient 2

d1.08 Range: 0.000 ~ 1.000 Default: 1.000

Motor weaken
The flux coefficient corresponds to 80% of flux current.
flux coefficient 3
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

 Parameters of d1.01~1.05 will be used when motor type is set as asynchronous motor.
 Please edit parameters of d1.01~d1.05 if you got the parameters of asynchronous motor.
 Parameters of d1.01~1.05 can be get from running No-load dynamic auto-tune.
 After running static auto-tune, only d1.01~1.03 can be got.
 Parameters of d1.01~1.05 will be refreshed to default values after changing rated motor power
or voltage.

d1.15 Range: 0 ~ 2 Default: 0

Auto tune AC drive can calculate and store motor parameters automatically through
auto-tune function. To get better performance, running auto-tune before
first usage is strong recommended.
0: invalid
1: static auto-tune
It is applied to applications that the motor cannot be disconnected from
the load. Set d1.15 to 1, then press the running key, static auto-tune will
be running. d1.15 will resume to 0 after auto-tune automatically.
2: rotational auto-tune(No-load)
The motor must be disconnected from the load when running
No-load dynamic auto-tune. Set d1.15 to 2, then press the running key,
static auto-tune will be running. d1.15 will resume to 0 after auto-tune
automatically. Please set appropriate accelerating/decelerating time
(accelerating time 4, decelerating time 4), otherwise, over current or over
voltage fault may be occurred. Generally, the larger rated motor power the
longer accelerating/decelerating time is needed.
 Make sure the motor is static before running auto-tune.
 “TUNE”will be displayed in keypad when auto-tune is running. After
auto-tune, “TUNE”will be disappeared.
 Motor parameters will be updated after auto-tune.
 There are two methods to start auto-tune:
A: After setting d1.15 to 1 or 2, send a run command.
B: Run auto-tune directly through the digital terminal which is
configured as function 54 or 55.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group d2: Speed Control

d2.00 Range: 1 ~ 100 Default: 30

ASR proportional
Speed control loop proportional gain (Kp1) in low speed situation.
gain Kp1

d2.01 Range: 0.01 ~ 10.00 Default: 0.50

ASR integration Unit: Sec
time Ti1 Speed control loop proportional integral time (Ti1) in low speed situation.

d2.02 Range: 1 ~ 100 Default: 20

ASR proportional
Speed control loop proportional gain (Kp2) in high speed situation.
gain Kp2

d2.03 Range: 0.01 ~ 10.00 Default: 1.00

ASR integration Unit: Sec
time Ti2 Speed control loop proportional integral time (Ti2) in high speed situation.

d2.04 Range: 0.00 ~ d2.05 Default: 5.00

Low speed Unit: Hz
switchover frequency1

d2.05 Range: d2.04 ~b0.00 Default: 10.00

High speed Unit: Hz
switchover frequency2

The speed dynamic response characteristics in vector control can be adjusted by setting the
proportional gain and integral time of the speed loop controller.
 The larger proportional gain (Kp) the faster response will be. However, system may be
unstable when Kp is too large.
 The less integral time (Ki) the faster response will be. However, system may be unstable
when Ti is too small.
 If the running frequency is less than or equal to "Switchover frequency 1" (d2.04), the
speed loop controller parameters are d2.00 and d2.01.
 If the running frequency is equal to or greater than "Switchover frequency 2" (d2.05),
the speed loop controller parameters are d2.02 and d2.03.
 If the running frequency is between d2.04 and d2.05, the speed loop PI parameters
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

 are obtained from the linear switchover between the two groups of controller parameters, as
shown in Fig6-D4.

Figure 6- 23 Relationship between running frequencies and speed loop Kp & Ti

Note: Improper controller parameter setting may cause overvoltage or over current trip.

d2.06 Range: 0 ~ 1 Default: 0

ASR integration 0: integral separation is invalid
attribute 1: integral separation is valid
If this parameter set to 1, integration of speed loop controller is valid only
when speed error is small. Therefore, speed overshot or oscillation can be
avoided when the Ti is small.

d2.07 Range: 50 ~ 120 Default: 100

Vector control Unit: %
slip gain Setting this parameter properly can improve system performance.

d2.08 Range: 0 ~ 1023 Default: 0

ASR filter time It need not be adjusted generally and can be increased in the case of
large speed fluctuation. In the case of motor oscillation, decrease the
value of this parameter properly.

d2.09 Range: 0 ~ 7 Default: 0

Upper torque 0: d2.10
limit Source of 1: AI1
forward motoring 2: AI2
3: AI3
4: X6/FI
5: Communication
6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
This parameter allows user to select the desired source as upper torque to
limit the motor output torque when the motor is running forward in
motoring mode. More information, see d2.10.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

d2.10 Range: 0.0 ~ 300.0 Default: 150.0

Preset upper Unit: %
torque limit of When d2.09 is set to 0, this parameter is used as upper torque limit when
forward motoring the motor is running forward in motoring mode. If the torque upper limit is
analog, pulse or communication setting, 100% of the setting corresponds
to the value of d2.10, and 100% of the value of d2.10 corresponds to the
motor rated torque.

d2.11 Range: 0 ~ 7 Default: 0

Upper torque 0: d2.10
limit Source of 1: AI1
reverse motoring 2: AI2
3: AI3
4: X6/FI
5: Communication
6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
This parameter allows user to select the desired source as upper torque to
limit the motor output torque when the motor is running reverse in
motoring mode. More information, see d2.12.

d2.12 Range: 0.0 ~ 300.0% Default: 150.0%

Preset upper Unit: %
torque limit of When d2.11 is set to 0, this parameter is used as upper torque limit when
reverse motoring the motor is running reverse in motoring mode. If the torque upper limit is
analog, pulse or communication setting, 100% of the setting corresponds
to the value of d2.12, and 100% of the value of d2.12 corresponds to the
motor rated torque.

d2.13 Range: 0 ~ 7 Default: 0

Upper torque 0: d2.10
limit source of 1: AI1
forward 2: AI2
generating 3: AI3
4: X6/FI
5: Communication
6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
This parameter allows user to select the desired source as upper torque to
limit the motor output torque when the motor is running forward in
generating mode. More information, see d2.14.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

d2.14 Range: 0.0 ~ 300.0 Default: 150.0

Preset upper Unit: %
torque limit of When d2.13 is set to 0, this parameter is used as upper torque limit when
forward the motor is running forward in generating mode. If the torque upper limit is
generating analog, pulse or communication setting, 100% of the setting corresponds
to the value of d2.14, and 100% of the value of d2.14 corresponds to the
motor rated torque.

d2.15 Range: 0 ~ 7 Default: 0

Upper torque 0: d2.10
limit source of 1: AI1
reverse 2: AI2
generating 3: AI3
4: X6/FI
5: Communication
6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
This parameter allows user to select the desired source as upper torque to
limit the motor output torque when the motor is reverse forward in
generating mode. More information, see d2.16.

d2.16 Range: 0.0 ~ 300.0 Default: 150.0

Preset upper Unit: %
torque limit of When d2.15 is set to 0, this parameter is used as upper torque limit when
reverse the motor is running reverse in generating mode. If the torque upper limit
generating is analog, pulse or communication setting, 100% of the setting
corresponds to the value of d2.16, and 100% of the value of d2.16
corresponds to the motor rated torque.
There are four motor running modes based on directions of speed and torque. See 6-D5.

Figure 6- 24 Four motor running modes

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

d2.17 Range: 0 ~ 60000 Default: 2000

Proportional gain
of flux current Proportional gain of flux current loop.

d2.18 Range: 0 ~ 60000 Default: 800

Integration time
of flux current Integration time of flux current loop.

d2.19 Range: 0 ~ 60000 Default: 2000

Proportional gain
of torque current Proportional gain of torque current loop.

d2.20 Range: 0 ~ 60000 Default: 400

Integration time
of torque current Integration time of torque current loop.

Note: The system dynamic response characteristics in vector control can be adjusted by

setting the proportional gain and integral time of the current loop controller. Improper controller

parameter setting may cause overvoltage or over current trip.

d2.21 Range: 000 ~ 111 Default: 110

Vector control 0: Disable

optimization 1: Enable

mode Unit’s digit: Loop control optimization

Ten’s digit: Angle estimation optimization

Hundred’s digit: Low frequency torque optimization

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group d3: Torque Control

d3.00 Range: 0 ~ 1 Default: 0

Speed/Torque It is used to select motor control mode in vector control.

control selection 0: Speed Control 1: Torque Control
If one of the input digital terminals is set to function 35 (torque control
forbidden), speed control will be active when the terminal is active
regardless the setting of d3.00.
If one of the input digital terminals is set to function 34 (speed/torque
control switch), the actual control mode will be different with the setting of
d3.00 when the terminal is active.

d3.01① Range: 0 ~ 7 Default: 0

Torque reference 0: d3.02+UP/DOWN
source 1: AI1
2: AI2
3: AI3
4: X6/FI
5: Communication
6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
When this parameter is set to 0, the torque reference can be setting
through terminal up/down adjustment function or up/down key when
C0.18 is set to 1. When this parameter is set to none 0, 100% of the
setting corresponds to the value of d3.02.

d3.02 Range: -300.0 ~ 300.0 Default: 50.0

Digital setting of Unit: %
torque reference Digital setting of torque reference. 100% of the setting corresponds to the
rated motor torque.

d3.03 Range: 0 ~ 7 Default: 0

Torque 0: d3.04
compensation 1: AI1
source 2: AI2
3: AI3
4: X6/FI
5: Communication
6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
User can choose a suitable source as torque reference compensation
according to actual application.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

d3.04 Range: -300.0 ~ 300.0 Default: 0.0

Digital setting of Unit: %
torque Digital setting of torque compensation. 100% of the setting corresponds to
compensation the rated motor torque.

Figure 6- 25 torque reference for torque control

d3.05 Range: 0 ~ 5 Default: 0

Speed limit mode Speed limit mode selection for torque control.
0: Minimum frequency to maximum frequency
1: Minimum frequency to running frequency
2: Negative running frequency to positive running frequency
3: Running frequency to maximum frequency
4: Running frequency + windows
5: 0Hz to output frequency
In torque control, motor rotor speed should be limit within suitable range to avoid that the speed
is out of control. When rotor speed is within the setting range, torque control is active. Otherwise,
speed control will be active when speed is out of the setting range.

d3.06 Range: 0 ~ 7 Default: 0

Maximum maximum frequency source:

frequency source 0: d3.07
1: AI1
2: AI2
3: AI3
4: X6/FI
5: Communication
6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
When this parameter is set to 0, maximum frequency is set by d3.07.
When this parameter is set to none 0, 100% of the setting corresponds to
the value of d3.07.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

d3.07 Range: -b0.00 ~b0.00 Default: 50.00

Digital setting of Unit: Hz
Maximum Digital setting of maximum frequency.

d3.08 Range: 0 ~ 7 Default: 0

Minimum 0: d3.09
frequency source 1: AI1
2: AI2
3: AI3
4: X6/FI
5: Communication
6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
When this parameter is set to 0, minimum frequency is set by d3.09.
When this parameter is set to none 0, 100% of the setting corresponds to
the value of d3.09.

d3.09 Range: -(b0.00) ~(b0.00) Default: -50.00

Digital setting of Unit: Hz
Digital setting of minimum frequency.

d3.10 Range: 0.00 ~ 50.00 Default: 5.00

Window positive Unit: Hz
error When d3.05 is equal to 4, this parameter is valid.

d3.11 Range: -50.00 ~ 000.00 Default: -5.00

Window negative Unit: Hz
error When d3.05 is equal to 4, this parameter is valid.

When d3.05 is set to 0 (Minimum frequency to maximum frequency), speed limit mode is shown by

Figure 6- 26 d3.05=0 Minimum frequency to maximum frequency

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

When d3.05 is set to 1 (Minimum frequency to running frequency), speed limit mode is shown
by Fig6-D8:

Figure 6- 27 d3.05=1 Minimum frequency to running frequency

When d3.05 is set to 2 (Negative running frequency to positive running frequency), speed limit
mode is shown by Fig6-D9:

Figure 6- 28 d3.05=2 Negative running frequency to positive running frequency

When d3.05 is set to 3 (Running frequency to maximum frequency), speed limit mode is shown
by Fig6-D10:

Figure 6- 29 d3.05=3 Running frequency to maximum frequency

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

When d3.05 is set to 4 (Running frequency + windows), speed limit mode is shown by

Figure 6- 30 d3.05=4 Running frequency + windows

When d3.05 is set to 5 (0Hz to running frequency), speed limit mode is shown byFig6-D12:

Figure 6- 31 d3.05=5 0Hz to running frequency

d3.12 Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 Default: 0.0

Static torque Unit: %
compensation To overcome the static friction, static torque compensation is helpful.
100% of the setting corresponds to rated motor torque.

d3.13 Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 Default: 0.0

Dynamic torque Unit: %
compensation To overcome the dynamic friction, dynamic torque compensation is
helpful. 100% of the setting corresponds to rated motor torque.

d3.14 Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 Default: 0.0

Inertia torque Unit: %
compensation To overcome the system inertia, inertia torque compensation is helpful.
100% of the setting corresponds to rated motor torque.

d3.15 Range: 0.00 ~ 650.00 Default: 2.00

Torque Unit: Sec
acceleration time This defines the time required for actual torque reference to change from
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description
0 to rated motor torque.

d3.16 Range: 0.00 ~ 650.00 Default: 2.00

Torque Unit: Sec
deceleration time This defines the time required for actual torque reference to change from
0 to rated motor torque.

d3.17 Range: -300.0~300.0 Default: 150.0

Maximum torque Unit: %
reference d3.17~d3.18 is the limit of torque reference under torque control
mode,and is also the maximum setting value when AI, FI and
Communication input.

d3.18 Range: -300.0~300.0 Default: 150.0

Minimum torque Unit: %
reference Refer to d3.17 description.

Group d5: Motor 2 Parameters

The AC drive can store two groups of motor parameters. User can switch the desired motor to run
with the related motor parameters. The defines and usage is the same as motor 1. More detail
information, refer to b0, d1,d2.

d5.00 Range: 0 ~ 1 Default: 0

Motor 1/2 0: motor 1

selection Selecting motor 1 as the running motor. Motor 1 related parameters and
control parameters can be set in group b0, d1,d2.
1: motor 2
Selecting motor 2 as the running motor. Motor 2 related parameters and
control parameters can be set in group d5, d6.
If one the input terminal has configured with function 30, motor 1/2
selection is determined by the terminal status regardless setting of d5.00.

d5.01① Range: 0 ~ 2 Default: 0

Motor 2 control
0: V/f 1: Open loop vector control 2: Close loop vector control
d5.03 Range: 0.1 ~ 999.9 Default: Model dependent
Motor 2 rated Unit: kW
power motor 2 rated power
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

d5.04① Range: 1 ~ 2000 Default: Model dependent

Motor 2 rated Unit: V
voltage motor 2 rated voltage

d5.05 ①
Motor 2 rated 0. 01 ~ 655.35(drive power<=55kW) Default: Model dependent
current 0. 1 ~ 6553.5(drive power >55kW)
Unit: A
motor 2 rated current

d5.06 Range: 10.00 ~ b0.00 Default: Model dependent

Motor 2 rated Unit: Hz

frequency motor 2 rated frequency

d5.07 ①
Range: 1 ~ 65535 Default: Model dependent
Motor 2 rated Unit: RPM
speed motor 2 rated speed

d5.08① Range:
Motor 2 rotor 0.001 ~ 65.535(drive power <=55kW) Default: Model dependent
resistance 0.0001 ~ 6.5535(drive power >55kW)
Unit: Ω
asynchronous motor 2 rotor resistance.

d5.09 Range:

Motor 2 stator 0.001 ~ 65.535(drive power <=55kW) Default: Model dependent

resistance 0.0001 ~ 6.5535(drive power >55kW)
Unit: Ω
asynchronous motor 2 stator resistance.

d5.10① Range:
Motor 2 leakage 0.01 ~ 655.35(drive power <=55kW) Default: Model dependent
inductance 0.001 ~ 65.535(drive power >55kW)
Unit: mH
asynchronous motor 2 leakage inductance.

d5.11 Range:

Motor 2 mutual 0.1 ~ 6553.5(drive power <=55kW) Default: Model dependent

inductance 0.01 ~ 655.35(drive power >55kW)
Unit: mH
asynchronous motor 2 mutual inductance
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

d5.12① Range: 0.01 ~ motor rated current

Default: Model dependent
Motor 2 no-load (b0.08)(drive power <=55kW)
current Unit: A
asynchronous motor no-load 2 current.

d5.13 Range: 0.000 ~ 1.000 Default: 0.400

Motor 2 weaken
The flux coefficient corresponds to 20% of flux current.
flux coefficient 1

d5.14 Range: 0.000 ~ 1.000 Default: 0.700

Motor 2 weaken
The flux coefficient corresponds to 50% of flux current.
flux coefficient 2

d5.15① Range: 0.000 ~ 1.000 Default: 1.000

Motor 2 weaken
The flux coefficient corresponds to 80% of flux current.
flux coefficient 3

d5.22 Range: 0 ~ 2 Default: 0

motor 2 auto tune 0: No action 1: Static auto tune 2: rotational auto tune

Group d6: Motor 2 Speed Control

The AC drive can store two groups of speed control parameters. Group d2 is for motor 1 and group
d6 is for motor 2. The defines and usage is the same as motor 1. More detail information, refer to d2.
d6.00 Range: 1 ~ 100 Default: 30
Motor 2 ASR
proportional gain Speed control loop proportional gain (Kp1) in low speed situation.

d6.01 Range: 0.01 ~ 10.00 Default: 0.50

Motor 2 ASR Unit: Sec
integration time
Speed control loop proportional integral time (Ti1) in low speed situation.

d6.02 Range: 1 ~ 100 Default: 20

Motor 2 ASR
proportional gain Speed control loop proportional gain (Kp2) in high speed situation.

d6.03 Range: 0.01 ~ 10.00 Default: 1.00

Motor 2 ASR Unit: Sec
integration time
Speed control loop proportional integral time (Ti2) in high speed situation.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

d6.04 Range:
Default: 5.00
Motor 2 Low 0.00 ~ switchover frequency2(d2.05)
speed switchover Unit: Hz
frequency switchover frequency1

d6.05 Range: Switchover Frequency 1

Default: 10.00
Motor 2 High (d2.04) ~ Max Frequency(b0.00)
speed switchover Unit: Hz
frequency switchover frequency2

d6.06 Range: 0 ~ 1 Default: 0

Motor 2 ASR 0: integral separation is invalid
integration 1: integral separation is valid
attribute If this parameter set to 1, integration of speed loop controller is valid only
when speed error is small. Therefore, speed overshot or oscillation can be
avoided when the Ti is small.

d6.07 Range: 50 ~ 120 Default: 100

Motor 2 Vector Unit: %
control slip gain Setting this parameter properly can improve system performance.

d6.08 Range: 0 ~ 1023 Default: 0

Motor 2 ASR filter It need not be adjusted generally and can be increased in the case of
time large speed fluctuation. In the case of motor oscillation, decrease the
value of this parameter properly.

d6.09 Range: 0 ~ 7 Default: 0

Motor 2 Upper 0: d2.10 2: AI2 4: X6/FI 6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
torque limit 1: AI1 3: AI3 5: Communication 7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
Source of This parameter allows user to select the desired source as upper torque to
forward motoring limit the motor output torque when the motor is running forward in
motoring mode. More information, see d6.10.

d6.10 Range: 0.0 ~ 200.0 Default: 150.0

Motor 2 Preset Unit: %
upper torque When d6.09 is set to 0, this parameter is used as upper torque limit when
limit of forward the motor is running forward in motoring mode. If the torque upper limit is
motoring analog, pulse or communication setting, 100% of the setting corresponds
to the value of d6.10, and 100% of the value of d6.10 corresponds to the
motor rated torque.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

d6.11 Range: 0 ~ 7 Default: 0

Motor 2 Upper 0: d2.10 2: AI2 4: X6/FI 6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
torque limit 1: AI1 3: AI3 5: Communication 7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
Source of This parameter allows user to select the desired source as upper torque to
reverse motoring limit the motor output torque when the motor is running reverse in
motoring mode. More information, see d6.12.

d6.12 Range: 0.0 ~ 200.0% Default: 150.0%

Motor 2 Preset Unit: %
upper torque When d6.11 is set to 0, this parameter is used as upper torque limit when
limit of reverse the motor is running reverse in motoring mode. If the torque upper limit is
motoring analog, pulse or communication setting, 100% of the setting corresponds
to the value of d6.12, and 100% of the value of d6.12 corresponds to the
motor rated torque.

d6.13 Range: 0 ~ 7 Default: 0

Motor 2 Upper 0: d2.10 2: AI2 4: X6/FI 6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
torque limit 1: AI1 3: AI3 5: Communication 7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
source of This parameter allows user to select the desired source as upper torque to
forward limit the motor output torque when the motor is running forward in
generating generating mode. More information, see d6.14.

d6.14 Range: 0.0 ~ 200.0 Default: 150.0

Motor 2 Preset Unit: %
upper torque When d6.13 is set to 0, this parameter is used as upper torque limit when
limit of forward the motor is running forward in generating mode. If the torque upper limit is
generating analog, pulse or communication setting, 100% of the setting corresponds
to the value of d6.14, and 100% of the value of d6.14 corresponds to the
motor rated torque.

d6.15 Range: 0 ~ 7 Default: 0

Motor 2 Upper 0: d2.10 2: AI2 4: X6/FI 6: MIN(AI1,AI2)
torque limit 1: AI1 3: AI3 5: Communication 7: MAX(AI1,AI2)
source of reverse This parameter allows user to select the desired source as upper torque to
generating limit the motor output torque when the motor is reverse forward in
generating mode. More information, see d6.16.

d6.16 Range: 0.0 ~ 200.0 Default: 150.0

Motor 2 Preset Unit: %
upper torque When d6.15 is set to 0, this parameter is used as upper torque limit when
limit of reverse the motor is running reverse in generating mode. If the torque upper limit
generating is analog, pulse or communication setting, 100% of the setting
corresponds to the value of d6.16, and 100% of the value of d6.16
corresponds to the motor rated torque.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

d6.17 Range: 0 ~ 60000 Default: 2000

Motor 2
Proportional gain of Proportional gain of flux current loop.
flux current loop

d6.18 Range: 0 ~ 60000 Default: 800

Motor 2 Integration
time of flux current Integration time of flux current loop.

d6.19 Range: 0 ~ 60000 Default: 2000

Motor 2
Proportional gain of Proportional gain of torque current loop.
torque current loop

d6.20 Range: 0 ~ 60000 Default: 400

Motor 2 Integration
time of torque Integration time of torque current loop.
current loop

Group E0: JOG

JOG function is useful and convenient for equipment debugging,it can make the AC drive
working at any output frequency temporarily.
E0.00 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 5.00
JOG frequency Unit: Hz

E0.01 Range: 0.1~6000.0 Default: 10.0

JOG acceleration Unit: Sec
time The time JOG running from 0Hz to b0.00(Max frequency).

E0.02 Range: 0.1~6000.0 Default: 10.0

JOG deceleration Unit: Sec
time The time JOG running from b0.00(Max frequency) to 0Hz.
These parameters are used to define the set frequency and acceleration/deceleration time
of the AC drive when JOG running.
The JOG command can be sent from Keypad,Terminal and Communication.
The startup mode is "Ramp start from startup frequency" (b1.05 = 0) and the stop mode is
depending on E0.03 during JOG running.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

E0.03 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

JOG stop mode 0: Ramp stop 1: Coasting stop

E0.04 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

JOG preferred When set E0.04 to 1,the AC drive will response the JOG command of
current control source immediately even if in running state.And the JOG
command form other control source will be ignored.
0: Disabled 1: Enabled
Group E1: Skip Frequency
If the set frequency is within the frequency jump range, the actual running frequency is the skip
frequency close to the set frequency. Setting the skip frequency helps to avoid the mechanical
resonance point of the load.
The AC drive supports two skip frequencies. If both are set to 0, the skip frequency function
is disabled.
E1.00 Range: E1.01~b0.00 Default: 0.00
Skip frequency Unit: Hz
1 high limit As shown in the following figure.

E1.01 Range: 0.00~E1.00 Default: 0.00

Skip frequency 1 Unit: Hz
low limit As shown in the following figure.

E1.02 Range: E1.03~b0.00 Default: 0.00

Skip frequency 2 Unit: Hz
high limit As shown in the following figure.

E1.03 Range: 0.00~E1.02 Default: 0.00

Skip frequency 2 Unit: Hz
low limit As shown in the following figure.
Note: The AC drive can output in the skip frequency range during acceleration and
deceleration process.
The principle of the skip frequencies is shown in the following figure.

Figure 6- 32 Principle of the skip frequency

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group E2: Multi-Reference

The AC drive multi-reference has many functions. Besides multi-speed, it can be used as the
setting source of the V/F separated voltage source and setting source of process PID.
The multi-reference is frequency value and ranges from -b0.00 to b0.00.
As frequency source, it does not require conversion.As others, it needs to be changed to a
percentage relative to b0.00(Max frequency).
Multi-reference can be switched over based on different states of X terminals. For details, see
the descriptions of Group C0.

E2.00 Range: 0~6 Default: 0

Reference 0 0: Set by E2.01 1: Set by b2.01,modified via UP/DOWN
source 2: AI1 3: AI2 4: AI3 5: X6/FI 6: PID
It determines the setting channel of reference 0. You can perform
convenient switchover between the setting channels. When
multi-reference or simple PLC is used as frequency source, the
switchover between two frequency sources can be realized easily.

E2.01 Range: -b0.00~b0.00 Default: 0.00

Reference 0 Unit: Hz
Multi-reference 0 set frequency.

The descriptions of Reference 1 to Reference 15 are the same with Reference 0(E2.01).

E2.02 Reference 1
E2.03 Reference 2
E2.04 Reference 3
E2.05 Reference 4
E2.06 Reference 5
E2.07 Reference 6
E2.08 Reference 7
E2.09 Reference 8
E2.10 Reference 9
E2.11 Reference 10
E2.12 Reference 11
E2.13 Reference 12
E2.14 Reference 13
E2.15 Reference 14
E2.16 Reference 15
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group E3: Simple PLC

Simple PLC can complete simple combination of multi-reference.

E3.00 Range: 0~2 Default: 0

Simple PLC Simple PLC can be either the frequency source or V/F separated voltage
running mode source.When simple PLC is used as the frequency source, whether
parameter values of E2.01 to E2.16 are positive or negative determines
the running direction. If the parameter values are negative, it indicates that
the AC drive runs in reverse direction.
0: Stop after the AC drive runs one cycle

The AC drive stops after running one cycle, and will not start up until
receiving another command.
1: Keep final values after the AC drive runs one cycle
The AC drive keeps the final running frequency and direction after running
one cycle.
2: Repeat after the AC drive runs one cycle
The AC drive automatically starts another cycle after running one cycle,
and will not stop until receiving the stop command.

f6 a7 f15
f5 a6
f4 a5
f3 f14 a15
f2 a4
a3 d15
f13 a14
f1 a2 d8
a9 d13
f10 f12
f11 d12

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15

Figure 6- 33 Simple PLC when used as frequency source

E3.01 Range: 00~11 Default: 00

Simple PLC Unit's digit (Retentive upon power failure)
retentive Ten's digit (Retentive upon stop)
selection 0: No 1: Yes

PLC retentive upon power failure indicates that the AC drive memorizes the PLC running moment
and running frequency before power failure and will continue running from the memorized moment
after it is powered on again. If the unit's digit is set to 0, the AC drive restarts the PLC process after it
is powered on again.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

PLC retentive upon stop indicates that the AC drive records the PLC running moment and running
frequency upon stop and will continue running from the recorded moment after it starts up again. If
the ten's digit is set to 0, the AC drive restarts the PLC process after it starts up again.
E3.02 Range: 0~1 Default: 0
Time unit of simple PLC Setting the time unit for simple PLC running.
running 0: s (second) 1: h (hour)

E3.03 Range: 0.0~6553.5 Default: 0.0

Running time of simple Unit: Sec(h)
PLC reference 0 Setting the time for simple PLC reference 0 running.

E3.04 Range: 0~3 Default: 0

Acceleration/ 0: Acceleration/deceleration time 1(As b0.04,b0.05)
deceleration time of 1: Acceleration/deceleration time 2(As E4.00,E4.01)
simple PLC reference 0 2: Acceleration/deceleration time 3(As E4.02,E4.03)
3: Acceleration/deceleration time 4(As E4.04,E4.05)

The parameter descriptions of simple PLC Reference 1 to 15 are the same with Reference 0(E3.03
and E3.04).

E3.05 Running time of simple PLC reference 1 E3.21 Running time of simple PLC reference 9
Acceleration/deceleration time of Acceleration/deceleration time of simple
E3.06 E3.22
simple PLC reference 1 PLC reference 9
E3.07 Running time of simple PLC reference 2 E3.23 Running time of simple PLC reference 10
Acceleration/deceleration time of Acceleration/deceleration time of simple
E3.08 E3.24
simple PLC reference 2 PLC reference 10
E3.09 Running time of simple PLC reference 3 E3.25 Running time of simple PLC reference 11
Acceleration/deceleration time of Acceleration/deceleration time of simple
E3.10 E3.26
simple PLC reference 3 PLC reference 11
E3.11 Running time of simple PLC reference 4 E3.27 Running time of simple PLC reference 12
Acceleration/deceleration time of Acceleration/deceleration time of simple
E3.12 E3.28
simple PLC reference 4 PLC reference 12
E3.13 Running time of simple PLC reference 5 E3.29 Running time of simple PLC reference 13
Acceleration/deceleration time of Acceleration/deceleration time of simple
E3.14 E3.30
simple PLC reference 5 PLC reference 13
E3.15 Running time of simple PLC reference 6 E3.31 Running time of simple PLC reference 14
Acceleration/deceleration time of Acceleration/deceleration time of simple
E3.16 E3.32
simple PLC reference 6 PLC reference 14
E3.17 Running time of simple PLC reference 7 E3.33 Running time of simple PLC reference 15
Acceleration/deceleration time of Acceleration/deceleration time of simple
E3.18 E3.34
simple PLC reference 7 PLC reference 15
E3.19 Running time of simple PLC reference 8
Acceleration/deceleration time of
simple PLC reference 8
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group E4: Acc & Dec time

The AC drive provides a total of four groups of acceleration/deceleration time, that is the
following three groups and the group defined by b0.04 and b0.05. Definitions of four groups are
completely the same,see the descriptions of b0.04 and b0.05.You can switch over between the four
groups of acceleration/deceleration time through different state combinations of X terminals. For
more details, see the function No.20 and No.21 descriptions of C0.01.
The descriptions of E4.00~E4.05 are the same with b0.04~b0.05,ranges from 0.1 to 6000.0
seconds,defaults to model dependent.
E4.00 Acceleration time 2 E4.02 Acceleration time 3 E4.04 Acceleration time 4
E4.01 Deceleration time 2 E4.03 Deceleration time 3 E4.05 Deceleration time 4

E4.06 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 0.00

Frequency switchover point Unit: Hz
between acceleration time 1&2 See the following figure.

E4.07 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 0.00

Frequency switchover point Unit: Hz
between deceleration time 1&2 See the following figure.
The AC drive can switchover automatically between Acceleration/Deceleration time 1 and 2
with no X terminal signal when setting proper E4.06 or E4.07.In acceleration process,the time 2 will
be used when output frequency is lower than E4.06,otherwise time 1 will be used.In deceleration
process,the time 1 will be used when output frequency is higher than E4.07,otherwise time 2 will be

If any X terminal is set as

20~21 function
time select),the actual
time will be determined by X
terminal states.
Figure 6- 34 Acceleration/Deceleration time 1/2 switching

E4.08 Range: 0~2 Default: 1

Unit of Acceleration/ 0: 1s (second) 1: 0.1s 2: 0.01s

Deceleration time Available for acceleration/deceleration time 1 to 4.

E4.09 Range: 0~2 Default: 1

Reference frequency 0: Max frequency(b0.00) 1: Current setting frequency 2: 100Hz

of Acceleration/ Acc/Dec time is defined as the running time needed between 0Hz to
Deceleration time E4.09
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group E5: PID

E5.00 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

PID engineering This parameter determines the unit of PID regulator.

unit 0: Percentage(%) 1: Pressure(MPa)
The following parameters’ unit is determined by E5.00.
 E5.05(PID digital setting)  E5.33(Upper limit of PID
feedback detection)
 E5.03(Minimum setting of PID  E5.34(Lower limit of PID
engineering unit) feedback detection)
 E5.02(Maximum setting of PID  E5.36(Wake up level)
engineering unit)
 E5.16(PID parameter  E5.39(Sleep level)
switchover deviation 1)
 E5.17(PID parameter  A0.20(PID reference)
switchover deviation 2)
 E5.26(PID deviation limit)  A0.21(PID feedback)
Note:The above 12 parameters’ unit will change immediately according to

E5.01 Range: 0~3 Default: 1

PID engineering 0: No decimal 1: One decimal 2: Two decimal 3: Three decimal
unit resolution This parameter determined the resolution of the following parameter:
 E5.05(PID digital setting)  E5.33(Upper limit of PID
feedback detection)
 E5.03(Minimum setting of PID  E5.34(Lower limit of PID
engineering unit) feedback detection)
 E5.02(Maximum setting of PID  E5.36(Wake up level)
engineering unit)
 E5.16(PID parameter  E5.39(Sleep level)
Switchover deviation 1)
 E5.17(PID parameter  A0.20(PID reference)
switchover deviation 2)
 E5.26(PID deviation limit)  A0.21(PID feedback)
Note:The resolution of above 12 parameters will change immediately
according to E5.01.

The PID engineering unit is convenient for customer using.Different engineering unit will be
converted to percentage in the AC drive PID regulator.The percentage value of final PID setting and
feedback will be again converted to the real value with engineering unit,and then shown to
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

E5.03 equals to 0% in PID regulator,and E5.02 equals to 100%.That two points (E5.03,0.0%)
and (E5.02,100.0%) determine a conversion line between the value with engineering unit and
percentage,as shown in the following figure.

Example 1:
 E5.00(Engineering unit)= 1(MPa)
 E5.01(PID engineering unit resolution)= 3(Three decimals)
 E5.03(Minimum setting of PID engineering unit)= 0.000(MPa)
 E5.02(Maximum setting of PID engineering unit)= 8.000(MPa)
 E5.05(PID digital setting)= 3.040(Mpa)
 E5.04(PID setting source)= 0(E5.05+UP/DOWN)
The final PID setting with percentage as unit is:
(E5.05-E5.03)/(E5.02-E5.03)*100% = 38.0%
A0.20(PID reference) is the final PID setting with engineering unit,its value is:
3.040 MPa = 38.0% * (E5.02-E5.03) + E5.03

Figure 6- 35 The relationship between the value with engineering unit

and the percentage value in AC drive PID regulator
Example 2:
 E5.00(Engineering unit)= 1(MPa)
 E5.01(PID engineering unit resolution)= 3(Three decimals)
 E5.03(Minimum setting of PID engineering unit)= 0.000(MPa)
 E5.02(Maximum setting of PID engineering unit)= 8.000(MPa)
 E5.07(PID feedback source)= 0(AI1)
 The max measure range of external equipment is 8 MPa,which equals to 16 mA of AI
 C2.03(AI curve selection)= 321(set AI1 to AI curve 1)
 C2.06(AI curve 1 maximum input)= 8.00V
 C2.07(Corresponding setting of AI curve 1 maximum input)= 100.0%
 Suppose the AI current is 10mA
Then PID feedback with percentage unit is: (10mA-0mA)/(16mA-0mA) * 100% = 62.5%
A0.21(PID feedback) is the final PID feedback with engineering unit,its value is:
5.000(MPa) = 62.5% * (E5.02-E5.03) + E5.03
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

E5.02 Range: E5.03~6553.5 Default: 100.0

Maximum setting Unit: %
of PID The unit and resolution will be changed according to E5.00 and E5.01.
engineering unit E5.02 corresponds to 0% in AC drive,and affects the following
 A0.20(PID reference)  A0.21(PID feedback)

E5.03 Range: 0.0~E5.02 Default: 0.0

Minimum setting Unit: %
of PID The unit and resolution will be changed according to E5.00 and E5.01.
engineering unit E5.03 corresponds to 0% in AC drive,and affects the following
 A0.20(PID reference)  A0.21(PID feedback)

E5.04 Range: 0~6 Default: 0

PID setting 1: AI1 2: AI2 3: AI3
0: E5.05+UP/DOWN
source 4: X6/FI 5: Multi-Reference 6: Communication

E5.05 Range: E5.03~E5.02 Default: 50.0

PID digital Unit: %
setting This parameter is used for PID setting value when E5.04 = 0.
The unit and resolution will be changed according to E5.00 and E5.01.

E5.04 is used to select the channel of target process PID setting. The PID setting and
feedback’s unit will be changed based on engineering unit.And their value will be converted into
relative value based on E5.03 and E5.02.
The purpose of PID control is to make the PID setting and PID feedback equal.

E5.06 Range: 0.00~99.99 Default: 0.00

PID setting Unit: Sec
change time The time for PID setting value changing from E5.03 to E5.02.

E5.07 Range: 0~8 Default: 0

PID feedback This parameter is used for setting PID feedback source.
source 0: AI1 1: AI2 2: AI3 3: AI1-AI2 4: X6/FI
5: AI1+AI2 6: MAX(|AI1|, |AI2|) 7: MIN(|AI1|, |AI2|) 8: Communication

E5.08 Range: 0.00~60.00 Default: 0.00

PID feedback Unit: Sec
filter time This parameter determines the AC drive response speed of PID feedback.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Figure 6- 36 PID feedback signal filtering

E5.09 Range: 0.0~999.9 Default: 100.0

PID proportional Unit: %
gain Kp1 It decides the regulating intensity of the PID regulator.
100% indicates the adjustment amplitude of output frequency is
b0.00(Max frequency) in PID regulator when the deviation between PID
feedback and PID setting is 100%.
0% means the PID regulator is a integral and differential controller.
Higher proportional gain can speed up the dynamic response.But too high
proportional gain will easily cause a system oscillation.

E5.10 Range: 0.01~99.99 Default: 1.00

PID integral time Unit: Sec
Ti1 It decides the integral regulating intensity.The shorter the integral time is,
the larger the regulating intensity is.
1.00 second means the PID output will change with a speed of 10.0%/Sec
when the deviation between PID feedback and PID setting is 10%.
0.00 second means the PID regulator is a proportional and differential
The integral control can reduce the static error.
Short integral time can speed up the dynamic response.But too short
integral time will easily cause overshoot and system oscillation.

E5.11 Range: 0.000~9.999 Default: 0.000

PID differential Unit: Sec
time Td1 It decides the regulating intensity of the PID regulator on the deviation
change. The longer the differential time is, the larger the regulating
intensity is.
1.000 second means the PID output will change 10.0% when the deviation
between PID feedback and PID setting is 10%.
0.000 second means the PID regulator is a proportional and integral
Differential control can forecast regulating intensity of the PID regulator on
the deviation change,then make a quick response to improve the system
dynamic performance.But it’s easily interfered.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

E5.12 Range: 0.0~999.9 Default: 50.0

PID proportional Unit: %
gain Kp2 Same with E5.09(PID proportional gain Kp1).

E5.13 Range: 0.01~99.99 Default: 2.00

PID integral time Unit: Sec
Ti2 Same with E5.10(PID integral time Ti1).

E5.14 Range: 0.000~9.999 Default: 0.000

PID differential Unit: Sec
time Td2 Same with E5.11(PID differential time Td1).
In some applications, PID parameters switchover is required when one group of PID parameters
cannot satisfy the requirement of the whole running process.
The PID regulator has two groups of proportional gain,integral time and differential time.E5.09~E5.11
is the first group parameters,and E5.12~E5.14 is the second.
The switchover can be implemented via E5.15(PID parameter switchover condition).

E5.15 Range: 0~2 Default: 0

PID parameter Used for PID two groups parameters selection.
switchover 0:No switchover
condition Always use the first group parameters(E5.09~E5.11).
1:Switchover via X terminals
Use the first group parameters(E5.09~E5.11) when the X terminal is
allocated with function No.40(PID parameter switchover) is valid,and the
second(E5.12~E5.14) when X terminal is invalid.
2:Automatic switchover based on deviation
Automatic switchover according to E5.16(PID parameter switchover
deviation 1)and E5.17(PID parameter switchover deviation 2).
Use the first group parameters(E5.09~E5.11) when the absolute
value of the deviation between PID feedback and PID setting is smaller
than than the value of E5.16,and the second when higher than E5.17.
If the absolute value of deviation is between E5.16 and E5.17,PID
regulator will use the linear interpolated value of two groups of parameters
values,see the description of the following Figure.

E5.16 Range: E5.03~E5.17 Default: 20.0

PID parameter Unit: %
switchover The unit and resolution will be changed according to E5.00 and E5.01.
deviation 1 See the following figure.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

E5.17 Range: E5.16~E5.02 Default: 80.0

PID parameter Unit: %
switchover The unit and resolution will be changed according to E5.00 and E5.01.
deviation 2 See the following figure.

Figure 6- 37 The relationship between PID valid parameters and deviation

E5.18 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

PID output initial Unit: %
value When the AC drive starts up, the PID starts closed-loop algorithm only
after the PID output is fixed to E5.18 and lasts the time set in E5.19.

E5.19 Range: 0.00~600.00 Default: 0.00

PID output initial Unit: Sec
value holding
E5.18 is invalid if setting E5.19 to 0.00 second.

E5.20 Range: 0.00~60.00 Default: 0.00

PID output filter Unit: Sec
time The PID output signal will be filtered by a first order filter.This parameter
determine the filter time.
Short filter time will speed up the response with low immunity,and long
filter time will reduce the response speed with high immunity.

E5.21 ①
Range: 0~1 Default: 0
PID action 0: Positive
direction The AC drive will increase output frequency when the PID feedback value
is lower than PID setting value.
The AC drive will reduce output frequency when the PID feedback value is
higher than PID setting value.
1: Negative
The AC drive will reduce output frequency when the PID feedback value is
lower than PID setting value.
The AC drive will increase output frequency when the PID feedback value
is higher than PID setting value.
See the following figure.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Table 6- 14 PID action direction selection

E5.21 X terminal function Final PID
(PID action direction) (Reverse PID action direction) action direction
0(Positive) OFF Positive
0(Positive) ON Negative
1(Negative) OFF Negative
1(Negative) ON Positive

E5.22 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.5

PID differential Unit: %
limit It is used to set the PID differential output range. In PID control, the
differential operation may easily cause system oscillation. Thus, the PID
differential regulation is restricted to a small range.

E5.23 Range: 0.00~99.99 Default: 1.00

Maximum Unit: %
deviation This function is used to limit the deviation between two PID outputs (2 ms
between two PID per PID output) to suppress the rapid change of PID output and stabilize
outputs in the running of the AC drive.
forward direction E5.23 and E5.24 respectively correspond to the maximum absolute value
of the output deviation in forward direction and in reverse direction.

E5.24 Range: 0.00~99.99 Default: 1.00

Maximum deviation Unit: %
between two PID
Refer to E5.23.
outputs in reverse

E5.25 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 0.00

Cut-off frequency Unit: Hz
of PID reverse In some situations, only when the PID output frequency is a negative
rotation value (AC drive reverse rotation), PID setting and PID feedback can be
equal. However, too high reverse rotation frequency is prohibited in some
applications, and FA-08 is used to determine the reverse rotation
frequency upper limit.

E5.26 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

PID deviation Unit: %
limit Base on PID setting value.If the deviation between PID feedback and PID
setting is smaller than the value of E5.26, PID control stops. The small
deviation between PID feedback and PID setting will make the output
frequency stabilize, effective for some closed-loop control applications.
See the following figure.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

E5.27 Range: 0.0~320.0 Default: 0.0

PID deviation Unit: Sec
limit delay time See the following figure.

Figure 6- 38 PID deviation limit function

E5.28 Range: 00~11 Default: 00

PID integral Unit's digit (Integral separated)
property 0: Invalid 1: Valid
If it is set to valid, the PID integral operation stops when the DI allocated
with function 39 "PID integral pause" is ON In this case, only proportional
and differential operations take effect.
If it is set to invalid, integral separated remains invalid no matter whether
the DI allocated with function 39 "PID integral pause" is ON or not.
Ten's digit (Whether to stop integral operation when the output
reaches the limit)
0: Continue integral operation 1: Stop integral operation
If "Stop integral operation" is selected, the PID integral operation stops,
which may help to reduce the PID overshoot.

E5.29 Range: 0~1 Default: 1

PID operation at 0: No PID operation at stop 1: PID operation at stop
stop It is used to select whether to continue PID operation in the state of
stop. Generally, the PID operation stops when the AC drive stops.

E5.30 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

PID feedback 0: Disabled 1: Enabled
detection enable If "Disabled" is selected, the AC drive never detect whether PID feedback
is lost.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

E5.31 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 5.00

Minimum Unit: Hz
frequency of PID
When the PID output frequency is smaller than E5.31,the AC drive will not
detect whether PID feedback is lost even if E5.30=1.

E5.32 Range: 0.0~600.0 Default: 0.0

Waiting time of Unit: Sec
PID feedback When E5.30=1 and the PID output frequency is higher than E5.31 for the
detection time E5.32 set,the AC drive will detect whether PID feedback is lost .

E5.33 Range: E5.03~E5.02 Default: 100.0

Upper limit of PID Unit: %. Unit/Decimal depends on E5.00/E5.01.
feedback The AC drive will not report any error when the PID feedback is between
detection E5.34~E5.33.Otherwise,when the lasting time exceeds E5.35, Er35 “PID
feedback over range” will be reported.

E5.34 Range: E5.03~E5.02 Default: 0.0

Lower limit of PID Unit: %.Unit/Decimal depends on E5.00/E5.01.
See the description of E5.33.

E5.35 Range: 0.0~600.0 Default: 0.0

Detection time of Unit: Sec
PID feedback
See the description of E5.33.
These parameters are used to judge whether PID feedback is lost..

Figure 6- 39 PID feedback detection function

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

E5.36 Range: 0.0~200.0 Default: 0.0

Wake up level Unit/Range depends on E5.44.When in sleep mode,if the feedback is
smaller than the value E5.36 set,and the lasting time exceeds E5.37,the
AC drive will quit sleep mode.

E5.37 Range: 0.0~6500.0 Default: 0.0

Wake up delay Unit: Sec
time See the description of E5.36.

E5.38 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

Sleep mode 0: Base on output frequency
The AC drive enters sleep mode when PID output frequency is
smaller than E5.40 and the lasting time exceeds E5.41.
1: Base on PID feedback
The AC drive enters sleep mode when PID feedback is higher than
E5.39 and the lasting time exceeds E5.41.

E5.39 Range: 0.0~200.0 Default: 0.0

Sleep level Unit/Range depends on E5.44.See the description of E5.38 and the
following figure.

E5.40 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 0.00

Sleep frequency Unit: Hz
See the description of E5.38 and the following figure.

E5.41 Range: 0.0~6500.0 Default: 0.0

Sleep delay Unit: Sec
time 0 means no sleep function.See the description of E5.38 and the following
Here are two examples for two different PID sleep mode.
Example 1: E5.38 = 1(Base on PID feedback).

Figure 6- 40 Sleep base on PID feedback

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Example 2: E5.38 = 0(Base on output frequency).

Figure 6- 41 Sleep base on output frequency

E5.42 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 100.0 Unit: %

PID setting high limit PID setting value higher limit of internal operation.

E5.43 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.0 Unit: %

PID setting low limit PID setting value lower limit of internal operation.

E5.44 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

Base value The Unit/Range of E5.36 and E5.39 is determined by E5.44.

selection of PID 0:Unit is Percentage (%),base value is PID setting and range is
sleep and wake 0.0~200.0%.
up threshold 1:Unit is the same as PID engineering unit(E5.00),range is E5.03~E5.02.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group E6: Multi-Pump Control

Key points:
 Multi-pump control logic can control no more than 4 pumps when working together with
PID regulator.
 AC drive can switch a pump to its output or power grid via a relay or Y
terminal(controlling a external relay).
 A contact of the manual on/off switch (or protective device, such as a thermal relay, etc.)
of each motor is wired to the interlock circuit. The logic will detect if a motor is
unavailable and start the next available motor instead.
 Auto change function is used to make sure each pump takes the average load in the
system.It will adjust the startup sequence to prevent pump rust caused by long time no
used.The motor startup sequence will return to initial status when AC drive stops or
re-power on.
 There are two ways for adding a pump.1)Directly connecting the auxiliary pumps to
power grid(mode 1~2).2)The auxiliary pumps are softly started by AC drive first.Then it
will be switch to power grid.AC drive will directly control another new speed-regulated
pump(mode 3~4).
 If a motor can be connected to AC drive or power grid,the two switching contactors
must be electric interlocked.
 The motor phase sequence must be validated before power on.Make sure the motor
rotation direction under power grid is the same with connecting to AC drive.
 AC drive will enter sleep mode when meets the sleep conditions and there is only one
speed-regulated pump running.

Figure 6- 42 Multi-pump control wiring diagram

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

E6.00① Range: 0~4 Default: 0

Multi-pump This series AC drive support multi-pump control modes.
control mode Each of them is apply to different application area with different configuration and
operation logic:
The AC drive can only work at single pump control mode.
1:Frequency pump fixed,No auto change
The AC drive controls a specific adjustable speed motor,other auxiliary motors
are all controlled via relays.
This mode needs to configurate the system as shown in the top figure of next
The auxiliary motor will be directly connected to power grid when adding a
2:Frequency pump fixed,Support auto change
Base on mode 1,auxiliary motors can be auto changed.
3:Frequency pump circulation,No auto change
Any pump can be connected to power grid or directly controlled by AC drive in
this mode.
This mode needs to configurate the system as shown in the bottom figure of
next page.
The auxiliary motor will be softly start by AC drive when adding a pump.
4:Frequency pump circulation,Support auto change
Base on mode 3,all motors can be auto changed.

Table 6- 15 multi-pump control mode

Multi-pump Frequency Auto
control mode pump change
1 Fixed Nonsupport The top figure
2 Fixed Support of next page.

3 Unfixed Nonsupport The bottom

figure of next
4 Unfixed Support page.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Parameter Configuration
40 Control
(T1 function)
41 Control
(T2 function)

Figure 6- 43 Frequency pump fixed wiring configuration

Parameter Configuration
40 Control
(T1 function)
41 Control
(T2 function)
42 Control
(T3 function)

Figure 6- 44 Frequency pump circulation wiring configuration

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Note: If necessary,please use Y terminals to control external relays in multi-pump configuration.

Do not directly use Y terminals.

E6.01 Range: 1~4 Default: 1

Number of
Motor numbers of multi-pump control system.

E6.02 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

Reference step 1 Unit: %
Add a percentage increment(base on PID setting) to the initial PID setting
 Be valid when there is at least 1 auxiliary motor running.
Example: The AC drive controls 3 parallel pumps to supply water through
pipeline.E5.05 sets the pipeline pressure.
When the water consumption is small,there is only frequency pump
running.The auxiliary pumps will be added one by one as the water
consumption increasing.
 Reference step is E6.02 when the first auxiliary pump starts.
 Reference step is the sum of E6.02 and E6.03 when the second
auxiliary pump starts.
 Reference step is the sum of E6.02, E6.03and E6.04 when the third
auxiliary pump starts.

E6.03 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

Reference step 2 Unit: %
See the parameter description of E6.02.
 Be valid when there is at least 2 auxiliary motor running.

E6.04 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

Reference step 3 Unit: %
See the parameter description of E6.02.
 Be valid when there is at least 3 auxiliary motor running.

E6.05 Range: 00~11 Default: 00

Interlock Interlock function is used to indicate whether each motor is connected to
functions multi-pump control logic or not.
Unit's digit: interlock enable
0:disabled 1:enabled
Ten's digit: interlock mode
0:decided by X terminals 1:decided by E6.06
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Choose any of the following two connection mode for interlock circuit:
1) A contact of the manual on/off switch of each motor is wired to the interlock circuit. The
logic will detect if a motor is unavailable and start the next available motor instead.
2) A contact of thermal relay (or other protective device) of each motor is wired to the
interlock circuit. The logic will detect if a motor has fault and decide to stop it.

Examples of motor interlock in multi-pump control logic:

 Suppose the motor startup sequence is: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4.
 If motor 3 is removed,then the motor startup sequence is: 1 -> 2 -> 4.
 Then if motor 3 is added again,it will be added to the last of startup sequence: 1 -> 2 -> 4
-> 3.
 If the multi-pump control system stops,or enters into sleep mode,the motor startup
sequence will return to the initial status when system runs again: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4.

E6.06 Range: 0000~1111 Default: 0000

Digital setting of 0: Not connected to multi-pump system
Motor interlock 1: Connected to multi-pump system
Unit's digit: Motor1#
Ten's digit: Motor2#
Hundred's digit: Motor3#
Thousand's digit: Motor4#

E6.07 Range: 0.1~6000.0 Default: 48.0

Auto-change Unit: h
interval When the lasting time exceeds the set value of E6.07,AC drive will begin
auto changing if idle motor numbers is no less than E6.09 and
speed-regulated motor operation frequency is lower than E6.08.
Auto change function is to make an average distribution of the total
working time to each motor in multi-pump system.

E6.08 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 45.00

Auto-change Unit: Hz
frequency limit Auto-change function will be forbidden when AC drive output higher than
the frequency E6.08 set.

E6.09 Range: 1~3 Default: 1

See the parameter description of E6.07.
Motor limit

E6.10 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 48.00

Add pump Unit: Hz
frequency 1 The frequency to add the first auxiliary pump(controlled via a Y/T terminal
with No.41 function “Motor 2# Control output”).
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

The first auxiliary pump startup conditions:

 No auxiliary pump is running.
 AC drive output frequency is higher than E6.10+1Hz,and the lasting
time exceeds E6.16.
After the first auxiliary pump startup:
 AC drive reduces output frequency by a step of (E6.10-E6.11).
 The reduced speed of speed-regulated motor gives a compensation to
the increment from auxiliary pump startup.See the description of
Figure below.

Figure 6- 45 Schematic diagram of adding pump logic

E6.11 Range: 0.00~E6.10 Default: 25.00

Reduce pump Unit: Hz
frequency 1 The frequency to remove the first auxiliary pump(controlled via a Y/T
terminal with No.41 function “Motor 2# Control output”).
The first auxiliary pump stop conditions:
 Only one auxiliary pump is running.
 AC drive output frequency is lower than E6.11-1Hz,and the lasting time
exceeds E6.17.
After the first auxiliary pump stop:
 AC drive increases output frequency by a step of (E6.10-E6.11).
 The increased speed of speed-regulated motor gives a compensation to
the decrement from auxiliary pump stop.See the description of Figure
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Figure 6- 46 Schematic diagram of removing pump logic

E6.12 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 48.00

Add pump Unit: Hz
frequency 2 The frequency to add the second auxiliary pump(controlled via a Y/T
terminal with No.42 function “Motor 3# Control output”).
The second auxiliary pump startup conditions:
 Only one auxiliary pump is running.
 AC drive output frequency is higher than E6.12+1Hz,and the lasting
time exceeds E6.16.

E6.13 Range: 0.00~E6.12 Default: 25.00

Reduce pump Unit: Hz
frequency 2 The frequency to remove the second auxiliary pump(controlled via a Y/T
terminal with No.42 function “Motor 3# Control output”).
The second auxiliary pump stop conditions:
 Two auxiliary pump are running.
 AC drive output frequency is lower than E6.13-1Hz,and the lasting
time exceeds E6.17.

E6.14 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 48.00

Add pump Unit: Hz
frequency 3 The frequency to add the third auxiliary pump(controlled via a Y/T terminal
with No.43 function “Motor 4# Control output”).
The third auxiliary pump startup conditions:
 Two auxiliary pump are running.
 AC drive output frequency is higher than E6.14+1Hz,and the lasting
time exceeds E6.16.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

E6.15 Range: 0.00~E6.14 Default: 25.00

Reduce pump Unit: Hz
frequency 3 The frequency to remove the third auxiliary pump(controlled via a Y/T
terminal with No.43 function “Motor 4# Control output”).
The third auxiliary pump stop conditions:
 Three auxiliary pump are running.
 AC drive output frequency is lower than E6.15-1Hz,and the lasting
time exceeds E6.17.

E6.16 Range: 0.0~3600.0 Default: 5.0

Add pump delay Unit: Sec
time The delay time of starting auxiliary motor.

E6.17 Range: 0.0~3600.0 Default: 3.0

Dec pump delay Unit: Sec
time The delay time of removing auxiliary motor.

E6.18 Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 0.20

Electromagnetic Unit: Sec
Switch delay time Define the delay time of electromagnetic switch action.

E6.19 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 50.00

Switchover Unit: Hz
frequency from
Define the motor switchover frequency from AC drive to power grid.
AC Drive to grid

Multi-pump control mode 1:

 Pump adding logic
The speed-regulated pump starts after running AC drive.When the speed-regulated
pump operation frequency is higher than “Add pump frequency 1+1Hz”,and the lasting
time exceeds “Add pump delay time”,motor 2# will be connected to power
grid.Meanwhile,AC drive reduces output frequency by a step of (add pump frequency
1 - reduce pump frequency 1).
 Pump removing logic
The speed-regulated pump operation frequency is lower than “Reduce pump
frequency 1 - 1Hz”,and the lasting time exceeds “Dec pump delay time”,motor 2# will
be removed from power grid.Meanwhile,AC drive increases output frequency by a
step of (add pump frequency 1 - reduce pump frequency 1).
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description
Multi-pump control mode 2:
 Pump adding logic
The same with mode 1.
 Pump removing logic
The same with mode 1.
 Auto change logic
 Suppose current auxiliary pump startup sequence is 2->3->4.
 speed-regulated motor and motor 2# are running,and the conditions is suitable for
auto change..
 Muli-pump control logic will switch auxiliary pump to the system by the sequence:
 First AC drive cuts off the connection of Motor 2#.
 Then AC drive swith Motor 3# to the system directly.
 And so on.

Multi-pump control mode 3:

 Pump adding logic
 First all pumps are in stop mode.
 When received running command,AC drive start Motor 1# after the time set by
 AC drive will stop by coasting mode and disconnect motor 1# if whole system can
not meet the demand.Then motor 2# will be started by AC drive.After the time set
by E6.18,motor 1# will be connected to power grid.
 If the whole system still can not meet the demand,AC drive will stop by coasting
mode and disconnect motor 2# .Then motor 3# will be started by AC drive.After
the time set by E6.18,motor 2# will be connected to power grid.
 And so on.
 Pump removing logic
 Current speed-regulated motor is motor 3#.
 Suppose two auxiliary motors are running,and the system supply is more than
actual demand.
 If AC drive output decreases to lower than “Reduce pump frequency 2 - 1”,and
lasts for “Dec pump delay time”,Motor 1# will be disconnected from power
grid.Then AC drive will increase output frequency by a step of (Add pump
frequency 2 - Reduce pump frequency 2).
 Moter 2# removing logic is similar with motor 1#.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description
Multi-pump control mode 4:
 Pump adding logic
The same with mode 3.
 Pump removing logic
The same with mode 3.
 Auto change logic
 Suppose current auxiliary pump startup sequence is 1->2->3->4.
 Motor 1# and 2# are in running,and motor 2# is speed-regulated motor.
 AC drive will stop by coasting mode when meets the auto change conditions.
 And motor 2# contactor will be disconnected.
 Motor 3# is chosen as the next speed-regulated motor.
 Motor 3# contactor will be closed by multi-pump control logic.And the motor will
be directly connected to AC drive output.
 After the time set by E6.18,AC drive will start motor 3# from zero frequency
according to PID regulator.
 Then motor 2# contactor will be closed.And motor 2# is connected to power grid.
 Finally motor 1# contactor will be disconnected.And motor 1# stop working.
 Multi-pump control logic will make sure the total numbers of operating motor is the
same before and after auto change.

Group E7: Swing Frequency

The swing frequency function is applied to the textile and chemical fiber fields and the
applications where traversing and winding functions are required.
The swing frequency function indicates that the output frequency of the AC drive swings up and
down with the set frequency as the center. The trace of running frequency at the time axis is shown
in the following figure.
The swing amplitude is set in E7.00 and E7.01. When E7.01 is set to 0, the swing amplitude is 0
and the swing frequency does not take effect.

Figure 6- 47 Swing frequency control diagram

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

E7.00 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

Swing frequency 0: relative to setting frequency
setting mode It is variable swing amplitude system. The swing amplitude varies
with the central frequency (set frequency).
Swing amplitude frequency Dw = current set frequency * E7.01
1: relative to max frequency
It is fixed swing amplitude system. The swing amplitude is fixed.
Swing amplitude frequency Dw = Max frequency(b0.00)* E7.01

E7.01 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

Swing frequency Unit: %
amplitude 0 means the swing frequency does not take effect.Method of calculation
please see the parameter description of E7.00.
The swing frequency is limited by the frequency upper limit b0.02 and
frequency lower limit b0.03.

E7.02 Range: 0.0~50.0 Default: 0.0

Skip frequency Unit: %
amplitude The percentage of skip frequency amplitude to swing frequency
Skip frequency Jw = Swing amplitude frequency Dw * E7.02.

E7.03 Range: 0.1~3000.0 Default: 10.0

Swing frequency Unit: Sec
cycle The time of a complete swing frequency cycle.

E7.04 Range: 0.1~99.9 Default: 50.0

Triangular wave Unit: %
rising time The time percentage of triangular wave rising time to E7.03 (Swing
coefficient frequency cycle).
Triangular wave rising time = E7.03 (Swing frequency cycle) x E7.04
(Triangular wave rising time coefficient)
Triangular wave falling time = E7.03 (Swing frequency cycle) x (1 – E7.04
Triangular wave rising time coefficient)

E7.05 Range: E7.06~65535 Default: 1000

Set count value The count value needs to be collected by X terminal. Allocate the
corresponding X terminal with function 42 (Counter input) in applications.
If the pulse frequency is high, X6/FI must be used.
When the count value A0.25(Pulse counter) reaches E7.05(the set count
value), the Y terminal allocated with function 20 (Set count value reached)
becomes ON. Then the counter stops counting.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

E7.06 Range: 1~E7.05 Default: 1000

Designated When the counting value reaches E7.06 (the designated counting value),
count value the Y terminal allocated with function 21 (Designated count value
reached) becomes ON. Then the counter continues to count until the set
count value is reached.
E7.06 should be equal to or smaller than E7.05.
E7.05(Set count value)= 7, E7.06(Designated count value)= 3, C0.01(X1function)=
42(Counter input), C0.02(X2 function)= 43(Counter reset), C1.01(Y1function)= 21(Designated
count value reached), C1.02(Y2 function)= 20(Set count value reached).
So,Y1 will become ON when the third pulse inputs X1.Y2 will become ON when the
seventh pulse inputs X1.Y1 and Y2 will return to OFF status when X2 becomes effective.

Figure 6- 48 Reaching the set count value and designated count value diagram

E7.07 Range: 0~65535 Default: 1000

Set length Unit: m
Allocate corresponding X terminal with function 44 (Length count input) in
applications. If the pulse frequency is high, X6/FI must be used.
The length information is collected by X terminals. A0.26 (Actual length) is
calculated by dividing the number of pulses(collected from the X terminal)
by E7.08 (Number of pulses each meter).
When the actual length A0.26 exceeds the set length in E7.07, the Y
terminal allocated with function 22 (Length reached) becomes ON.
During the fixed length control, the length reset operation can be
performed via the X terminal allocated with function 45(Length reset).

E7.08 Range: 0.1~6553.5 Default: 100.0

Number of
Pulses per See the parameter description of E7.07.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group E8: Droop Control

The drooping function enables speed drop as a function of load. It is used for balancing the
workload allocation when multiple motors are used to drive the same load.
The output frequency of the AC drives decreases as the load increases.
You can reduce the workload of the motor under load by decreasing the output frequency for
this motor, implementing workload balancing between multiple motors.

Please see the description of Figure below.

E8.00 Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 0.00

Droop control Unit: Hz
This parameter sets the droop frequency when motor is loader with its

nominal torque. The drooping function is disabled when setting E8.00=0.

E8.01 Range: 0.00~60.00 Default: 0.00

Droop control Unit: Sec
filter time Decrease the value of E8.01 when the drooping function has a slow

reaction.If there is a system oscillation or overshoot,please increase the

value of E8.01.

Figure 6- 49 The drooping function diagram

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group E9: Power Loss Ride Through

Upon power loss ride through or sudden voltage dip, the DC bus voltage of the AC drive
reduces. This function enables the AC drive to compensate the DC bus voltage reduction with the
load feedback energy by reducing the output frequency so as to keep the AC drive running
Upon power loss ride through or sudden voltage dip, the AC drive decelerates. Once the bus
voltage resumes to normal, the AC drive accelerates to the set frequency. If the bus voltage remains
normal for the time exceeding the value set in E9.03, it is considered that the bus voltage resumes
to normal.

E9.00 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

Action selection at 0: Disabled
power loss ride through 1: Enabled

E9.01 Range: 40.0~150.0 Default: 80.0

Action judging voltage at Unit: %
power loss ride through The AC drive begins to decelerate when the DC bus voltage
is lower than E9.01.This is a relative value, and the base
value is shown in the following table.
Table 6- 16 The base value of E9.01 under different input voltage level

Input voltage level Base value Input voltage level Base value
Single-phase 220V 311V Three-phase 480V 670V
Three-phase 220V 311V Three-phase 690V 975V
Three-phase 380V 537V Three-phase 1140V 1600V

E9.02 Range: 60.0~150.0 Default: 100.0

Action pause judging voltage Unit: %
at power loss ride through See the description of Figure below.

E9.03 Range: 0.00~50.00 Default: 0.50

Voltage rally judging time at Unit: Sec
power loss ride through See the description of Figure below.

Figure 6- 50 Power loss ride through diagram(E9.00 = 1)

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group EA: External Brake

EA.00 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

External brake 0: Inactive

enable 1: Active
See the description of Figure below.

Figure 6- 51 External brake control schematic diagram

1. The AC drive begins to output when receives a start command.
2. If the output current is higher than EA.02 and the output frequency reaches EA.01,the Y
terminal allocated with function No.44"External brake control" becomes OFF when the
lasting time exceeds EA.03.
3. Then the AC drive keeps running at the frequency of EA.01,and begins to accelerate to set
frequency when the lasting time reaches the value set by EA.04.
4. When there is a stop command,the AC drive decelerates to run at the frequency of EA.05.
5. The Y terminal allocated with function No.44"External brake control" becomes ON after the
time set by EA.06.
6. The AC drive goes to stop mode after the delay time set by EA.07.

EA.01① Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 2.50

External brake Unit: Hz
off frequency The Y terminal allocated with function No.44"External brake control"
limit becomes OFF when the AC drive output frequency reaches EA.01.
Please set this parameter according to the motor rated slip frequency.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

EA.02① Range: 0.0~180.0 Default: 110.0

External brake Unit: %
off current limit The output current needs to be higher than EA.02 when the AC drive
begins to accelerate from the frequency of EA.01.
Base value is motor rated current.

EA.03 Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 0.50

External brake Unit: Sec

off delay time If the output current is higher than EA.02 and the output frequency
reaches EA.01,the Y terminal allocated with function No.44 "External
brake control" becomes OFF when the lasting time exceeds EA.03.

EA.04① Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 1.00

Acceleration Unit: Sec
pause time for The AC drive stops accelerating for the time set by EA.04 when the Y
external brake off terminal allocated with function No.44"External brake control" becomes
OFF.Then it begins to accelerate.
Please set this parameter to suitable value according to the release time
of mechanical brake.

EA.05 Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 2.00

External brake on Unit: Hz

frequency limit When received a stop command,the AC drive decelerates to run at the
frequency of EA.05,and then the Y terminal allocated with function No.44
"External brake control" becomes OFF after the time set by EA.06.

EA.06① Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 0.00

External brake on Unit: Sec
waiting time See the parameter description of EA.05.

EA.07 Range: 0.00~10.00 Default: 1.00

Stop delay time Unit: Sec

after external The AC drive goes to stop mode after the delay time set by EA.07 when
brake on the Y terminal allocated with function No.44"External brake control"
becomes ON.This action is used to make sure that the mechanical brake
completely pulls.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group Eb: Supervision

Eb.00 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

Timing function 0: Inactive 1: Active

If the timing function is active,the AC drive begins to time after received a
start commend.And the Y terminal allocated with function NO.32 ”Timing
reached” becomes ON when the timing duration reaches the value set by
Timing duration source is decided by Eb.01.
The rest of timing duration can be watched by A0.28.

Eb.01 Range: 0~3 Default: 0

Timing duration 0: Eb.02 1: AI1 2: AI2 3: AI3

source The base value is Eb.02 when choose analog input as timing duration

Eb.02 Range: 0.0~6500.0 Default: 0.0

Timing duration Unit: Min

This is timing duration when Eb.01 is set to 0.
100% analog input equals to Eb.02 when Eb.01 is set to 1~3.

Eb.03 Range: 0.0~6500.0 Default: 0.0

Current running Unit: Min

time reached The Y terminal allocated with function No.25 ”Current running time
reached” becomes ON when the AC drive current running time reaches
the value set by Eb.03.

Eb.04 Range: 0~9999 Default: 0

Accumulative Unit: Day
power-on This parameter is with the use of Eb.05.
time(day) The AC drive accumulative power-on time is made up of Eb.04 and Eb.05.
threshold 1) Suppose that Eb.04 = 128 and Eb.05 = 12.30,then the total
accumulative power-on time is 128 days 12 hours and 18 minutes.
2) The accumulative power-on time reached function is disabled when
simultaneously setting Eb.04 and Eb.05 to 0.
The Y terminal allocated with function NO.23 ”Accumulative power-on time
reached” becomes ON when accumulative power-on time(A0.54+A0.55)
reaches the set value(Eb.04+Eb.05).And the AC drive will act as the
hundred’s digit setting of F0.21.

Eb.05 Range: 0.00~23.99 Default: 0.00

Accumulative power- Unit: h
on time(hour)
See the parameter description of Eb.04.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Eb.06 Range: 0~9999 Default: 0

Accumulative Unit: Day
running This parameter is with the use of Eb.07.
time(day) The AC drive accumulative running time is made up of Eb.06 and Eb.07.
threshold 3) Suppose that Eb.06 = 25 and Eb.07 = 10.55,then the total accumulative
running time is 25 days 10 hours and 33 minutes.
4) The accumulative running time reached function is disabled when
simultaneously setting Eb.06 and Eb.07 to 0.
The Y terminal allocated with function NO.24 ”Accumulative running time
reached” becomes ON when accumulative running time(A0.56+A0.57)
reaches the set value(Eb.06+Eb.07).And the AC drive will act as the
thousand’s digit setting of F0.21.

Eb.07 Range: 0.00~23.99 Default: 0.00

Accumulative Unit: h
running See the parameter description of Eb.06.

Eb.08 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.2

Detection range Unit: %
Of frequency If the AC drive running frequency is within the certain range of the set
reached frequency, the Y terminal allocated with function No.7 “Frequency
reached” becomes ON.
This parameter is used to set the range within which the output frequency
is detected to reach the set frequency. The value of this parameter is a
percentage relative to b0.00(Max frequency). The detection range of
frequency reached is shown in the following figure.

Figure 6- 52 Detection diagram of frequency reached

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Eb.09 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 50.00

Any frequency Unit: Hz
reaching If the output frequency of the AC drive is within the positive and negative
detection value 1 amplitudes of Eb.09, the Y terminal allocated with function No.26
“Frequency 1 reached” becomes ON.See the description of Figure below.

Eb.10 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

Any frequency Unit: %
The base value is b0.00(Max frequency).
See the description of Figure below.
amplitude 1

Eb.11 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 50.00

Any frequency Unit: Hz
reaching If the output frequency of the AC drive is within the positive and negative
detection value 2 amplitudes of Eb.11, the Y terminal allocated with function No.27
“Frequency 2 reached” becomes ON.See the description of Figure below.

Eb.12 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 0.0

Any frequency Unit: %
The base value is b0.00(Max frequency).
See the description of Figure below.
amplitude 2

Figure 6- 53 Any frequency 1/2 reaching detection function diagram

Eb.13 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 50.00

Frequency Unit: Hz
detection If the running frequency is higher than the value of Eb.13,the Y terminal
threshold 1 allocated with function No.10 “FDT1 detection output” becomes ON. If the
(FDT1) running frequency is lower than value of Eb.13*(1-Eb.14), the Y terminal
goes OFF.See the description of Figure below.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Eb.14 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 5.0

Frequency Unit: %
This is a percentage of the hysteresis frequency to Eb.13.
Hysteresis 1
See the parameter description of Eb.13.
(FDT hysteresis1)

Eb.15 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 50.00

Frequency Unit: Hz
detection If the running frequency is higher than the value of Eb.15,the Y terminal
threshold 2 allocated with function No.11 “FDT2 detection output” becomes ON. If the
(FDT2) running frequency is lower than value of Eb.15*(1-Eb.16), the Y terminal
goes OFF.See the description of Figure below.

Eb.16 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 5.0

Frequency Unit: %
This is a percentage of the hysteresis frequency to Eb.15.
See the parameter description of Eb.15.
(FDT hysteresis2)

Figure 6- 54 FDT detection function diagram

Eb.17 Range: 0.0~300.0 Default: 5.0

Zero current Unit: %
detection This is a relative value to motor rated current.
level If the output current of the AC drive is equal to or less than
Eb.17*b0.08(motor rated current) and the duration exceeds Eb.18 ,the Y
terminal allocated with function No.19 “Zero current status” becomes ON.
The zero current detection is shown in the following figure.

Eb.18 Range: 0.01~600.00 Default: 0.10

Zero current Unit: Sec
Please see the description of the following figure.
delay time
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Figure 6- 55 Zero current detection diagram

Eb.19 Range: 0.0~300.0 Default: 200.0

Output over Unit: %
current threshold This is a relative value to b0.08(motor rated current).
If the output current of the AC drive is equal to or higher than Eb.19*b0.08
and the duration exceeds Eb.20,the Y terminal allocated with function
No.34 “Current limit exceeded” becomes ON. The output over current
detection function is shown in the following figure.

Eb.20 Range: 0.00~600.00 Default: 0.00

Output over Unit: Sec
current detection
Please see the description of the following figure.
delay time

Figure 6- 56 Output over current detection diagram

Eb.21 Range: 0.0~300.0 Default: 100.0

Any current Unit: %
reaching 1 This is a relative value to b0.08(motor rated current).
If the output current of the AC drive is within the positive and negative
amplitudes of Eb.21*b0.08, the Y terminal allocated with function No.28
“Current 1 reached” becomes ON.
The any current detection function is shown in the following figure.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Eb.22 Range: 0.0~300.0 Default: 0.0

Any current Unit: %
reaching 1 This is a relative value to b0.08(motor rated current).
amplitude Please see the description of the following figure.

Eb.23 Range: 0.0~300.0 Default: 100.0

Any current Unit: %
reaching 2 This is a relative value to b0.08(motor rated current).
If the output current of the AC drive is within the positive and negative
amplitudes of Eb.23*b0.08, the Y terminal allocated with function No.29
“Current 2 reached” becomes ON.
The any current detection function is shown in the following figure.

Eb.24 Range: 0.0~300.0 Default: 0.0

Any current Unit: %
reaching 2 This is a relative value to b0.08(motor rated current).
amplitude Please see the description of the following figure.

Figure 6- 57 Any current reaching detection diagram

Eb.25 Range: 0.00~Eb.26 Default: 3.70

AI1 input voltage Unit: V
lower limit Eb.25 and Eb.26 are used to set the limits of the AI1 input voltage to
provide protection on the AC drive. When the AI1 input is smaller than the
value of Eb.25 or larger than the value of Eb.26,the Y terminal allocated
with function No.31 “AI1 input limit exceeded” becomes ON.

Eb.26 Range: Eb.25~10.00 Default: 7.20

AI1 input voltage Unit: V
upper limit Please see the parameter description of Eb.25.

Note: 1mA equals to 0.5V when AI1 input signal is current type.
Eb.27 Range: - 40.0~125.0 Default: 100.0
Module Unit: ℃
temperature When the AC drive module heatsink temperature of the AC drive reaches
threshold the value of this parameter,the Y terminal allocated with function No.17
“AC drive module temperature reached” becomes ON.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Eb.28 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 2.00

Simple brake Unit: Hz
frequency In the process of stopping,Y/T terminal assigned with function ‘45: Simple
brake control’ will be ON for the time Eb.29 set when the AC drive output
frequency is lower than Eb.28.

Eb.29 Range: 0.0~3000.0 Default: 0.0

Simple brake Unit: Sec
time Set Eb.29 to a nonzero value will enable simple brake function.

Group F0: Protection

F0.00 Range: Model dependent Default: Model dependent

Under voltage It is used to set the undervoltage threshold for the drive. The default value
threshold and range of different classes are list in the following table.

Table 6- 17 Undervoltage threshold in different voltage class

Voltage Class(V) Default(V) Range(V) Voltage Class(V) Default(V) Range(V)
Single-phase 220 200 180 - 280 Three-phase 480 450 350 - 600
Three-phase 220 200 180 - 280 Three-phase 690 650 500 - 800
Three-phase 380 350 280 - 550 Three-phase 1140 1350 1100 - 1500

F0.01① Range: Model dependent Default: Model dependent

Over voltage It is used to set the overvoltage threshold for the drive. The default value
threshold and range of different classes are list in the following table.

Table 6- 18 Overvoltage threshold in different voltage class

Voltage Class(V) Default(V) Range(V) Voltage Class(V) Range(V)
Single-phase 220 380 360 - 410 Three-phase 480 880 660 - 900
Three-phase 220 380 360 - 410 Three-phase 690 1200 1100 - 1300
Three-phase 380 780 630 - 800 Three-phase 1140 2400 2300 - 2500

F0.02 Range: 0~1 Default: 1

Input phase loss 0: Disable If input phase loss then drive will not perform protecting action.
protection 1: Enable If input phase loss then drive will perform protecting action
according to F0.19(Unit's digit).
Note: This protection is valid only in the AC drives which power are larger
or equal than 11KW(G type).

F0.03 Range: 0~1 Default: 1

Output phase 0: Disable If out phase loss then drive will not perform protecting action.
loss protection 1: Enable If input phase loss then drive will perform protecting action
according to F0.19(Ten's digit).
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

F0.04 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

Short-circuit to 0: Disable 1: Enable
ground upon It is used to determine whether to check the motor is short-circuited to
power-on ground at power-on of the drive. If this function is enabled, the drive's
UVW will output voltage for a while after power-on for check motor

F0.05 Range: 0.30~3.00 Default: 1.00

AC drive over When the carrier frequency or the ambient temperature is low, the drive
load protection overload capacity will enhance, increasing this parameter properly can
gain improve the drive overload ability.

F0.06 Range: 0~1 Default: 1

Motor overload 0: Disable 1: Enable
protection If the motor overload protection function is enabled, protecting action will
be performed when motor current and duration exceed the threshold. The
characteristic curve of the motor overload protection is shown in figure
below. Protecting action is depended on the setting of F0.19(Thousand’s

F0.07 Range: 0.20~10.00 Default: 1.00

Motor overload It is defined the motor overload protection gain, the detail as shown in
protection gain figure below.
The user can adjust the motor overload current and time by set the parameter of F0.07, 100%
corresponds to motor current.

For example:
If F0.07 = 1.00 and the overload gain is 120%, then:
T_120 = (120% - 115%)* (80 - 40)/(125% - 115%) + 40 = 60(Minutes)
Assume that overload gain is 120% and 30 minutes motor overload time is expected, then:
the overload time of 30 minutes is firmed between 123% to 135% When F0.07 =
1.00 as the figure below,so the allowed overload gain is:
129% = (30 - 15)*(135% - 125%)/(15 - 40)+135%
Then the motor overload protection gain of F0.07 = 120%/129% = 0.93
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Figure 6- 58 the inverse time-lag curve

F0.08 Range: 50~100 Default: 80

Motor overload Unit: %
warning This function is used to generate a warning signal to the control system
coefficient via DO before motor overload protection. The larger the value is, the less
advanced the pre-warning will be.
To generate this warning signal, a DO terminal can be configured as
function 15 (motor overload pre-warning).

F0.09 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

Under load 0: Disable 1: Enable
protection If the under load protection function is enabled, when the motor current is
less than the detection level (F0.10*b0.08) and the lasting time exceeds
the detection time (F0.11), protecting action will perform corresponding to
the setting of F0.20(unit's digit).

F0.10 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 40.0

Detection level of Unit: %
Under load It defines the detection level of under load.

F0.11 Range: 0.0~60.0 Default: 1.0

Detection time of Unit: Sec
Under load It defines the detection time of under load.

F0.12 Range: 0~2 Default: 0

Motor It is used to select the type of motor temperature sensor.
temperature 0: No temperature sensor 1: PT100 2: PT1000
Sensor type The signal of the motor temperature sensor needs to be connected to the
optional PT100/PT1000 extension card.

F0.13 Range: 0.0~200.0 Default: 120.0

Motor overheat Unit: ℃
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description
protection If the motor temperature(A0.59) exceeds the value of motor overheat
threshold protection threshold, the AC drive reports an alarm and performs
protecting action according to F0.20(Ten's digit ).

F0.14 Range: 0.0~200.0 Default: 100.0

Motor overheat Unit: ℃
warning If the motor temperature exceeds the value of motor overheat warning
threshold threshold, the DO terminal allocated with function 18 (Motor overheat
warning) will output ON signal.

F0.15 Range: 0.0~50.0 Default: 20.0

Over-speed Unit: %
detection value This function is valid only when the AC drive runs in the VC mode.

F0.16 Range: 0.0~60.0 Default: 5.0

Over-speed Unit: Sec
detection time If the over-speed detection time is 0.0s, the over-speed detection function
is disabled.

F0.17 Range: 0.0~50.0 Default: 20.0

Detection value Unit: %
of too large
This function is valid only when the AC drive runs in the VC mode.
speed deviation

F0.18 Range: 0.0~60.0 Default: 1.0

Detection time of Unit: Sec
too large speed If Detection time of too large speed deviation is 0.0s, this function is
deviation disabled.

F0.19 Range: 0000~2222 Default: 0000

Fault protection Unit's digit: Power input phase loss
action selection 1 0: Coast to stop
1: Stop according to the stop mode
2: Continue to run
Ten's digit: Power output phase loss
Same as unit's digit
Hundred's digit: Drive overload
Same as unit's digit
Thousand's digit: Motor overload
Same as unit's digit

F0.20 Range: 0000~2222 Default: 0000

Fault protection Unit's digit: Under load
action selection 2 0: Coast to stop
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description
1: Stop according to the stop mode
2: Continue to run at 8% of rated motor frequency and resume to the set
frequency if the load recovers
Ten's digit: Motor overheat
Same as unit's digit in F0.19
Hundred's digit: External Fault
Same as unit's digit in F0.19
Thousand's digit: RS485 communication fault
Same as unit's digit in F0.19

F0.21 Range: 0000~2222 Default: 0000

Fault protection Unit's digit: Optional card communication fault
action selection 3 Same as unit's digit in F0.19
Ten's digit: PID feedback over range
Same as unit's digit in F0.19
Hundred's digit: Accumulative power-on time reached
Same as unit's digit in F0.19
Thousand's digit: Accumulative running time reached
Same as unit's digit in F0.19

F0.22 Range: 0000~2222 Default: 0000

Fault protection Unit's digit: Too large speed deviation
action selection 4 Same as unit's digit in F0.19
Ten's digit: Motor over speed
Same as unit's digit in F0.19
Hundred's digit: Flux pole detection fault
Same as unit's digit in F0.19
Thousand's digit: UVW signal feedback fault
Same as unit's digit in F0.19

F0.23 Range: 0000~2222 Default: 0000

Fault protection Unit's digit: Encoder fault
action selection 5 0: Coast to stop
1: Switch over to V/F control, stop according to the stop mode
2: Switch over to V/F control, continue running

Ten's digit: User-defined fault 1

Same as unit's digit in F0.19
Hundred's digit: User-defined fault 2
Same as unit's digit in F0.19
Thousand's digit: Interlock warning during multi-pump operation
Same as unit's digit in F0.19
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

F0.24 Range: 0~4 Default: 0

Frequency If a fault occurs during the running of the AC drive and the handling of
selection for fault is set to "Continue to run", the AC drive displays “AL”+fault code and
continuing to run continues to run with the frequency set in F0.24.
upon fault 0: Current running frequency
1: Setting frequency
2: Frequency upper limit
3: Frequency lower limit
4: Backup frequency upon abnormality(F0.25)

F0.25 Range: 0.0~100.0 Default: 100.0

Backup Unit: %
frequency upon The setting of F0.25 is a percentage relative to the maximum frequency
abnormality (b0.00).

F0.26 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

Fire mode enable 0: Disable 1: Enable
If the fire mode is enabled, the X terminal set the function 58 and the X
terminal is valid, then drive enter fire mode control. If the frequency source
is PID then system increases a value of F0.28 to PID setting, otherwise
drive run with the frequency of F0.27.
If drive is in fire mode control, system displays fire mode alarm code and
any other fault or alarm code will not be displayed. If the fault source is
from hardware(for example: overvoltage, overcurrent and so on) then
drive will be stop, once these hardware faults disappeared drive will
resume to fire mode control and run with the frequency of F0.27.
In fire mode the start and stop command is valid.
If drive receive a fire mode signal in stop status then drive will not run

F0.27 Range: 0.00~b0.00 Default: 50.00

Fire mode Unit: Hz
frequency It is used to set the aim frequency when drive is in fire mode control. More
details please see the description of parameter F0.26.

F0.28 Range: 0.0~200.0 Default: 10.0

Fire mode PID Unit: %
setting increase It is used to set the PID setting increase when drive is in fire mode control.
More details please see the description of parameter F0.26.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group F1: Auto Reset

AC drive will auto reset after passing the time of F1.01 when the fault happened.
If set F1.00 to 0 then the auto reset function invalid.
After the times of auto reset exceeds to F1.00, the AC drive will remain in the fault state. The
user can press STOP/RST key or X terminal(function 23) to reset the fault and clear the
accumulative time of auto reset.

F1.00 Range: 0~30 Default: 0

Fault auto reset This defines the maximum times for auto reset. After trying this setting
times times and the drive still fail to run, the AC drive will remain in the fault

F1.01 Range: 0.1~100.0 Default: 1.0

Time interval of Unit: Sec
fault auto reset It is used to set the waiting time from the alarm of the AC drive to fault auto

F1.02 Range: 00~11 Default: 00

DO action during The unit’s digit of F1.02 is used to decide whether the DO acts(function
fault auto reset 13) during the fault auto reset if the fault auto reset function is selected.
The ten’s digit of F1.02 is used to decide whether auto restart after the
fault is reset.
Unit's digit: Fault indication terminals
0: No action during fault reset process
1: Action during fault reset
Ten's digit: Restart after automatic fault reset
0: Not auto restart
1: having auto restart
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group H0: System Parameters

H0.00 Range: 0000~9999 Default: 0000

User password If it is set to any non-zero number, the password protection function is
enabled. After a password has been set and taken effect, you must enter
the correct password in order to enter the menu. If the entered password
is incorrect you cannot view or modify parameters.
You can set the user password successfully when you set the same
value(none zero) two times to H0.00. If the user password has been set
successfully then the LED will display “P.Set”.
If you want to clear the user password then set zero the H0.00 two times.
If you clear the user password successfully then the LED will display

H0.01 Range: 0~65535 Default: 31

LED display In the stop or running state, you can press shift key on the keypad to
running display monitor parameters. Whether parameters are displayed is
parameters 1 determined by the binary bits of values converted from the values of
H0.01~H0.03 in the decimal format.
Bit0: running freq(1) Bit1: setting freq(2) Bit2: Dc-link voltage(4)
Bit3: output current(8) Bit4: output voltage(16) Bit5: output torque(32)
Bit6: output power(64) Bit7: AI1 voltage(128) Bit8: AI2 voltage(256)
Bit9: AI3 voltage(512) Bit10: X terminal status(1024)
Bit11: Y terminal status(2048) Bit12: PLC stage(4096) Bit13: PID setting(8192)
Bit14: PID feedback(16384) Bit15: count value(32768)

H0.02 Range: 0~2047 Default: 0

LED display Bit0: FI input freq(1)
Bit6: Auxiliary frequency B display(64)
running Bit1: Linear speed(2)
Bit7: FO output freq(128)
parameters 2 Bit2: Load speed(4)
Bit8: Feedback freq(256)
Bit3: Length value(8)
Bit9: motor speed (512)
Bit4: Remaining running time(16)
Bit10: Multi-Pump Control status words(1024)
Bit5: Main frequency A display(32)

H0.03 Range: 0~65535 Default: 3

LED display stop Bit0: setting freq(1) Bit1: Dc-link voltage(2) Bit2: X terminal status(4)
parameters Bit3: Y terminal status(8) Bit4: AI1 voltage(16) Bit5: AI2 voltage(32)
Bit6: AI3 voltage(64) Bit7: FI input freq(128) Bit8: PID feedback(256)
Bit9: PID feedback(512) Bit10: PLC stage(1024) Bit11: pulse count(2048)
Bit12: Length value(4096) Bit13~Bit15: reverse
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

For example:
 Determine the parameters to be displayed as below:

H0.01(LED display running parameters 1) H0.02(LED display running parameters 2)

Bit0: running freq(Hz) (1) Bit0: FI input freq(kHz) (1)
Bit2: Dc-link voltage(V) (4) Bit2: load speed (4)
Bit3: output current(A) (8)
Bit4: output voltage(V) (16)
Bit6: output power(kW) (64)
 Set the binary data:
 H0.01 : 0000 0000 0101 1101B
 H0.02 : 0000 0000 0000 0101B
 Convert the binary data to decimal data:
 H0.01 should be set to 93 (1+4+8+16+64 = 93)
 H0.02 should be set to 5 (1+4 = 5)

H0.04 Range: 0~4 Default: 0

Parameter initial 0: No Operation

option 1: Restore to factory default value, not include motor parameters
2: Restore to factory default value, include motor parameters
3: Parameter upload to keypad
4: Parameter download from keypad

H0.05 Range: 0~2 Default: 0

Menu display 0: Display all parameter.
selection 1: Display user-defined parameters.More details please see the P0 group
2: Display non factory setting parameters.

H0.06 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

Function code 0: Disabled All writable parameters can be modified.
lock 1: Enabled Only the parameter of H0.06 can be modified.

H0.07 Range: 0000~9999 Default: 0000

Accumulative You can set the locking password successfully when you set the same
power on time value(none zero) two times to H0.07. If the locking password has been set
lock password successfully then the LED will display “P.Set”.
If you want to clear the locking password then set zero the H0.07 two
times. If you clear the lock password successfully then the LED will
display “P.CLr”.
If system has been set the locking password, You must input locking
password when you want to modify the parameter of Eb.04 or Eb.05.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description
If system set the lock password and the Accumulative power on time has
reached then drive will display system fault(Er51), at this time, you should
contact with distributor or technical service.

H0.08 Range: 0.001~9.999 Default: 0.300

Load speed This parameter is used to adjust the relationship between the running
display frequency or setting frequency of the AC drive and the load speed.
coefficient  When drive is running, A0.30 = A0.00*H0.08
 When drive is running, A0.30 = A0.01*H0.08
 The fraction points of A0.30 is decided by H0.09.
For example: set A0.00=40.1Hz, H0.08=0.300, 40.1*0.3*10=120 then
 If H0.09 = 0 then A0.30 = 120
 If H0.09 = 1 then A0.30 = 12.0
 If H0.09 = 2 then A0.30 = 1.20
 If H0.09 = 3 then A0.30 = 0.120

H0.09 Range: 0~3 Default: 1

Load speed
0: 0 decimal place 1: 1 decimal place
display decimal
2: 2 decimal places 3: 3 decimal places

H0.10 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

G/L setting 0: G type

AC Drive allows 1min/10min overload running at 150% rated current of the
heavy load mode.
1: L type
Drive allows 1min/10min overload running at 110% rated current of the
light load mode.
If set the parameter of H0.10 to 1, the motor parameters will be changed
to match the L type motor.
Set parameter H0.04 to 2, the parameter of H0.10 will be restored to
default value.

H0.11 Range: 0~2 Default: 0

Fan control 0: Automatic run

The fan will run continuously when the AC drive is running.
When the AC drive is in stop state,the fan will run if heatsink’s temperature
higher than 45 ℃, and stop if lower than 40 ℃.
1: Run after power on
2: Temperature
When power on, the fan will just run for one minute,and then change to
run according to the heatsink temperature——run if heatsink’s
temperature higher than 45 ℃, and stop if lower than 40 ℃.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

H0.12 Range: 0~3 Default: 2

Dead zone 0: No compensation
compensation 1: Rectangle compensation
mode selection 2: Trapezoid compensation
3: Trapezoid at Low frequency and rectangle at high frequency

H0.13① Range: 1~2048 Default: 1024

Dead zone
It is used to increase or decrease the dead zone compensation based on
the default dead compensation value.

H0.14① Range: 1~3640 Default: Model dependent

Angle size when
It is used to set the angle size when current across zero, the 3640
current across
equivalent to 20 degrees.

H0.15 Range: 0.10~300.00 Default: 50.00

Dead zone Unit: Hz

compensation To improve the precision of the output voltage, current sample harmonic
filter cut off needs to be filtered.
frequency 1 The parameter is used to set the filter frequency when drive in different
output frequency.

H0.16 ①
Range: 0.10~300.00 Default: 200.00
Dead zone Unit: Hz
filter cut off Please see the following figure.
frequency 2


Range: 0.10~H0.18 Default: 5.00
Dead zone Unit: Hz
switchover Please see the following figure.
frequency 1

H0.18 Range: H0.17~b0.00

Default: 50.00
Dead zone Unit: Hz
switchover Please see the following figure.
frequency 2
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Figure 6- 59 the relations between running frequency and filter frequency

H0.19 Range: 0~11 Default: 0

Optional card Control board have a slot for optional card, when you to inset different
selection board in the slot, you need to set proper value to H0.19.
0: no optional card
1: IO1(Y3,T3~T6 of normally open)
2: IO2(AI3,Y3, X7~X10)
3: IO3(X7~X10,T3~T4 of normally open)
4: IO4(PT100, PT1000)
5: PG1(ABZ differential type,optional 5V/12V)
6: PG2(ABZ OC & Push-pull type,optional 5V/12V/24V)
7: COM1(RS485+Modbus RTU,AI3,Y3,X7~X8)
8: COM2(Profibus)
9: COM3(CANopen)
10: COM4(GPRS)
11: COM5(Modbus TCP)

H0.20 Range: 000~999 Default: Model dependent

Product series AC drive product series, the parameter is read only.

H0.21 Range: 0.00~99.99 Default: Factory setting

Function software version of control board, the parameter is read only.
firmware version

H0.22 Range: 0.00~99.99 Default: Factory setting

Algorithm software version of control board, the parameter is read only.
firmware version

H0.23 Range: 0.00~99.99 Default: Factory setting

keypad firmware
Software version of keypad, the parameter is read only.

H0.24 Range: 0~65535 Default: Factory setting

Product series
number higher Read only.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

H0.25 Range: 0~65535 Default: Factory setting

Product series
number lower Read only.

H0.26 Range: 0.00~99.99 Default: Factory setting

OTP version Read only.

Group H1: AI/AO Calibration

These parameters of H1.00~H1.11 are used to calibrate analog inputs, they have been calibrated
upon delivery. Generally, you need not perform calibration in the common applications.
The actual voltage indicates the actual input voltage value measured by instruments such as the
The display voltage is the drive calculated value which can be monitored from A0.11~A0.13.
During calibration, send two voltage values to each AI terminal, and save the measured values and
displayed values to the function codes H1.00~H1.11, then the AC drive will automatically perform AI
zero offset and gain calibration.
 H1.00~H1.03 are used to calibrate AI1.
 H1.04~H1.07 are used to calibrate AI2.
 H1.08~H1.11 are used to calibrate AI3.
 When drive restore factory default value, H1.00~H1.11 will be resumed to factory
calibrated value.
H1.00 Range: 0.500~4.000 Default: Factory setting
AI1 actual Unit: V
voltage 1 It is used to input the AI1 measured voltage.

H1.01 Range: 0.500~4.000 Default: Factory setting

AI1 display Unit: V
voltage 1 It is used to input the AI1 display voltage(A0.11).

H1.02 Range: 6.000~9.999 Default: Factory setting

AI1 actual Unit: V
voltage 2 It is used to input the AI2 measured voltage.

H1.03 Range: 6.000~9.999 Default: Factory setting

AI1 display Unit: V
voltage 2 It is used to input the AI1 display voltage(A0.12).

The parameters used to calibrate AI2 and AI3 as below:

Function Code Name Function Code Name
H1.04 AI2 actual voltage 1 H1.08 AI3 actual voltage 1
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

H1.05 AI2 display voltage 1 H1.09 AI3 display voltage 1

H1.06 AI2 actual voltage 2 H1.10 AI3 actual voltage 2
H1.07 AI2 display voltage 2 H1.11 AI3 display voltage 2

These parameters of H1.12~H1.19 are used to calibrate analog outputs, they have been calibrated
upon delivery. Generally, you need not perform correction in the common applications.
The actual voltage indicates the actual output voltage value measured by instruments such as the
The display voltage is the drive calculated value, please see these parameters of A0.14~A0.15.
During calibration, input two voltage values to each AO terminal, and save the measured values and
displayed values to the function codes H1.12~H1.19, then the AC drive will calibrate AI zero offset
and gain automatically.
 H1.12~H1.15 are used to calibrate AO1.
 H1.16~H1.19 are used to calibrate AO2.
 When drive restore factory default value, H1.12~H1.19 will be resumed to factory
calibrated value.

H1.12 Range: 0.500~4.000 Default: Factory setting

AO1 display Unit: V
voltage 1 It is used to input the AO1 display voltage(A0.14).

H1.13 Range: 0.500~4.000 Default: Factory setting

AO1 actual Unit: V
voltage 1 It is used to input the AO1 measured voltage.

H1.14 Range: 6.000~9.999 Default: Factory setting

AO1 display Unit: V
voltage 2 It is used to input the AO1 display voltage(A0.15).

H1.15 Range: 6.000~9.999 Default: Factory setting

AO1 actual Unit: V
voltage 2 It is used to input the AO2 measured voltage.

The parameters used to calibrate AO2 as below:

Function Code Name

H1.16 AO 2display voltage 1
H1.17 AO2 actual voltage 1
H1.18 AO2 display voltage 2
H1.19 AO2 actual voltage 2
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group L0: Communication Setting

L0.00 Range: 0~4 Default: 1
Baud rate Set the baud rate for RS485 communication.
0: 4800 bits/s
1: 9600 bits/s
2: 19200 bits/s
3: 38400 bits/s
4: 57600 bits/s

L0.01 Range: 0~3 Default: 1

Data format Set the data format for RS485 communication.
0: 8 data bit, no check, 1 stop bit<8,N,1>
1: 8 data bit, no check, 2 stop bit <8,N,2>
2: 8 data bit, even parity check, 1 stop bit<8,E,1>
3: 8 data bit, odd parity check, 1 stop bit <8,O,1>

L0.02 Range: 1~247 Default: 1

Slave address Set the drive communication address.
The slave address of zero is broadcast address, the address of 1~247 are

L0.03 Range: 0~20 Default: 2

Response delay Unit: mSec
The interval from receiving data to replying data to the master.

L0.04 Range: 0.0~60.0 Default: 0.0

Communication Unit: Sec
timeout detection Set L0.04 to zero, the communication timeout function is invalid.
Set L0.04 to non-zero, if the interval time between twice communication
exceed L0.04, the AC drive will display “Er31”(RS485 communication
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group L1: Point-point Communication

L1.00 Range: 0~1 Default: 1

Master and slave 0: Master

selection Drive send data to other external device as master.
1: Slave
Drive receive data from other external device as slave. The received data
is valid only when the conditions listed below are satisfied.
1)Command source is communication 3) L1.02 = 1
2) Reference source is communication 4) Receive broadcast frame

L1.01① Range: 0~3 Default: 0

Send data It is used to set send date type of master in P2P operation.
selection of 0: Torque reference, 100% corresponds to motor rated torque(b0.00).
master 1: Running frequency, 100% corresponds to max frequency(b0.00).
2: Setting frequency, 100% corresponds to max frequency(b0.00).
3: Feedback frequency, 100% corresponds to max frequency(b0.00).

L1.02 ①
Range: 0~1 Default: 0
0: Disable
1: Enable

L1.03 Range: 00~11 Default: 00

Usage of data Unit's digit: Data usage of slave

received by slave 0: As torque reference
1: As frequency reference
Ten's digit: Whether to follow the master commands
0: No
1: Yes

L1.04 Range: -9.99~10.00 Default: 1.00

Gain of received
It is used to set the Point-to-point receive data gain for slave.

L1.05 Range: -99.9~100.0 Default: 0.0

Zero offset of Unit: %
received data It is used to set the Point-to-point receive data offset for slave.

The parameter of L1.04 and L1.05 are used to calibrate the salve received data.
If L1.04 is expressed by character ‘a’ and the L1.05 is expressed by character ‘b’, the received data
is expressed by character ‘x’, the result used by slave is expressed by character ‘y’, then y=a*x+b,
the range of y is -100.00%~100.00%.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

Group L2: Encoder Setting

If drive use motor 1 to do VC control then set the parameters of L2.00~L2.08; If drive use
motor 2 to do VC control then set the parameters of L2.09~L2.17.
The function of L2.00~L2.08 are same as L2.09~L2.17.

L2.00 Range: 0~4 Default: 0

Encoder type 0: ABZ incremental encoder

1: UVW incremental encoder
2: Rotational resolver encoder
3: Sine and cosine Encoder
4:Wire-saving UVW Encoder

L2.01① Range: 1~65535 Default: 1024

Encoder pulse It is used to set the pulse number of per revolution, the parameter is valid
per revolution only for ABZ incremental encoder and UVW incremental encoder.
You need to set the parameter properly, otherwise the motor will run
abnormally when drive running in VC control.

L2.02 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

A/B phase 0: Positive 1: Negative

sequence of ABC This parameter is valid only for ABZ incremental encoder(L2.00 = 0) and
incremental is used to set the A/B phase sequence of the ABZ incremental encoder. It
Encoder is valid for both asynchronous motor and synchronous motor. The A/B
phase sequence can be obtained through "Asynchronous motor complete
auto-tuning" or "Synchronous motor no-load auto-tuning".

L2.03 ①
Range: 0.0~359.9 Default: 0.0
Z pulse initial Unit: deg
angle of ABZ
incremental It is used to set the Z pulse initial angle of ABZ incremental encoder.

L2.04 Range: 0.0~359.9 Default: 0.0

Encoder Unit: deg

installation angle It is used to set the encoder installation angle.
This parameter is applicable only to synchronous motor. It is valid for ABZ
incremental encoder, UVW incremental encoder, resolver and wire-saving
UVW encoder, but invalid for SIN/COS encoder.

L2.05 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

UVW phase
sequence of 0: Positive 1: Negative
UVW Encoder
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

L2.06① Range: 0.0~359.9 Default: 0.0

UVW Encoder Unit: deg
angle offset The parameter is used to set the angle offset of UVW encoder.

L2.07 Range: 1~65535 Default: 1

Poles of resolver The parameter is used to set the poles of resolver.

L2.08 Range: 0.0~10.0 Default: 0.0

Encoder Unit: Sec

wire-break fault 0.0: The encoder wire-break detection function is disabled.
detection time >0.0: The encoder wire-break detection function is enabled.
If drive detect the PG wire is break and the maintain time exceeds the set
value of L2.08 then the fault of encoder fault(Er45) is displayed.

L2.09 ①
Range: 0~4 Default: 0
Motor 2 Encoder 0: ABZ incremental encoder
type 1: UVW incremental encoder
2: Rotational resolver encoder
3: Sine and cosine Encoder
4:Wire-saving UVW Encoder

L2.10 Range: 1~65535 Default: 1024

Motor 2 Encoder
pulse per It is used to set the encoder installation angle for motor 2.

L2.11 Range: 0~1 Default: 0

Motor 2 A/B
phase sequence
0: Positive
of ABC
1: Negative

L2.12 Range: 0.0~359.9 Default: 0.0

Motor 2 Z pulse Unit: deg

initial angle of
It is used to set the Z pulse initial angle of ABZ incremental encoder for
ABZ incremental
motor 2.

L2.13① Range: 0.0~359.9 Default: 0.0

Motor 2 Encoder Unit: deg
installation angle It is used to set the encoder installation angle for motor 2.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

L2.14① Range: 0~1 Default: 0

Motor 2 UVW
0: Positive
phase sequence
1: Negative
of UVW Encoder

L2.15 Range: 0.0~359.9 Default: 0.0

Motor 2 UVW Unit: deg

Encoder angle
The parameter is used to set the angle offset of UVW encoder for motor 2.

L2.16 Range: 1~65535 Default: 1

Motor 2 poles of
The parameter is used to set the poles of resolver for motor 2.

L2.17 Range: 0.0~10.0 Default: 0.0

Motor 2 Encoder Unit: Sec

wire-break fault 0.0: The encoder wire-break detection function is disabled.
detection time >0.0: The encoder wire-break detection function is enabled.

Group P0: User-defined Parameters

In user-defined parameters Group, users can add some parameters to P0 group for
convenient view and set these parameters.
H0.05 = 1 Only display parameters that mapped by P0 group.
For example:
Set the value for P0 group parameters as below:
 H0.05 = 0(Display all parameters)
 P0.00 = b0.01
 P0.01 = b2.01
 P0.02 = L1.04
 H0.05 = 1(Only display user-defined parameters)
 Press Prg key return to Level 0
 Press Prg key again, you can use knob on the keypad view the three
parameters as below:
 b0.01
 b2.01
 L1.04

P0.00 Range: A0.00~P1.15 Default: A0.00

It is used to provide convenient for view and modify parameters.
Parameter 0
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description

The User-defined Parameters of 1~14 same as the User-defined Parameter 0(P0.00), but
they have different default value.
Code Name Default Code Name Default
P0.01 User-defined Parameter 1 A0.01 P0.08 User-defined Parameter 8 A0.08
P0.02 User-defined Parameter 2 A0.02 P0.09 User-defined Parameter 9 A0.09
P0.03 User-defined Parameter 3 A0.03 P0.10 User-defined Parameter 10 A0.10
P0.04 User-defined Parameter 4 A0.04 P0.11 User-defined Parameter 11 A0.11
P0.05 User-defined Parameter 5 A0.05 P0.12 User-defined Parameter 12 A0.12
P0.06 User-defined Parameter 6 A0.06 P0.13 User-defined Parameter 13 A0.13
P0.07 User-defined Parameter 7 A0.07 P0.14 User-defined Parameter 14 A0.14

P0.15 Range: H0.05~H0.05 Default: H0.05

User-defined The parameter is map to H0.05 always, it is used to modify the display
Parameter 15 mode for keypad.

Group P1: Debug Parameters

These parameters are used to debug for factory, users don’t need to modify them generally.

P1.00 Range: 0~65535 Default: 0

Debug parameter
It is used to debug for factory, users don’t need to modify them generally.

The debug parameters of 1~15 same as the debug parameter 0(P1.00).

Code Name
P1.01 Debug parameter 1
P1.02 Debug parameter 2
P1.03 Debug parameter 3
P1.04 Debug parameter 4
P1.05 Debug parameter 5
P1.06 Debug parameter 6
P1.07 Debug parameter 7
P1.08 Debug parameter 8
P1.09 Debug parameter 9
P1.10 Debug parameter 10
P1.11 Debug parameter 11
P1.12 Debug parameter 12
P1.13 Debug parameter 13
P1.14 Debug parameter 14
P1.15 Debug parameter 15
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 7 Fault Detection and Diagnostics

Chapter 7 Fault Detection and Diagnostics

7.1 Faults and Solutions
If a fault or alarm happened, keypad will display the fault or alarm at once. Fault displays “Er”+fault
code and the alarm displays “AL”+fault code. You can use the STOP/RST key or X terminal reset
function to reset the fault or alarm.
These parameters of A1.00~A1.35 are used to record the fault code and drive status of the recent
three faults of the drive.
Table 7- 1 LED Fault and display

Display Fault Name Possible Causes Solutions

The acceleration time is too short. Increase the acceleration time.
The inertia of the load is too large. Enable dynamic brake.
Hardware over
The output circuit is short Check motor wiring and output
Er01 voltage during
circuited. to ground impedance.
Adjust the voltage to normal
The input voltage is too high.
The deceleration time is too short. Increase the deceleration time.
The inertia of the load is too large. Use dynamic brake.
The output circuit is short Check motor wiring and output
Hardware over
circuited. to ground impedance.
Er02 voltage during
deceleration Adjust the voltage to normal
The input voltage is too high.
the regulator parameters are Set regulator parameters
improper In SVC control mode. properly.
The motor parameters are Set regulator parameters
improper. properly.
The load fluctuation is too big Check the load.
Hardware over
Adjust the voltage to normal
voltage during The input voltage is too high.
Er03 range.
The output circuit is short Check motor wiring and output
circuited. to ground impedance.
the regulator parameters are Set regulator parameters
improper In SVC control mode. properly.
Motor to ground is short circuit. Check motor wiring.
Software over Adjust the voltage to normal
The input voltage is too high.
Er04 voltage during range.
acceleration Start again quickly when motor in
Start again when motor is stop.
high speed rotating.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 7 Fault Detection and Diagnostics

Display Fault Name Possible Causes Solutions

Software over Motor to ground is short circuit. Check motor wiring.
Er05 voltage during Select the dynamic brake
The inertia of the load is too large.
deceleration resistor properly.
Motor to ground is short circuit. Check motor wiring.
Software over
Adjust the voltage to normal
voltage during The input voltage is too high.
Er06 range.
Select the dynamic brake
speed The inertia of the load is too large.
resistor properly.
Adjust the voltage to normal
The input voltage is too low.
Er07 Under voltage
Internal power supply of drive is
Contact with technical service.
Hardware over
Adjust the voltage to normal
Er08 current during The input voltage is too low.
Adjust the voltage to normal
Hardware over The input voltage is too low.
Er09 current during
Select the dynamic brake
deceleration The inertia of the load is too large.
resistor properly.
Hardware over Load change suddenly when drive Lower the load mutation
current during is running. frequency and mutation range.
constant Adjust the voltage to normal
The input voltage is too low.
speed range.
The motor parameters are Set regulator parameters
improper. properly.
Software over
Startup frequency is too high. Decrease startup frequency.
Er11 current during
The deceleration time is too short. Increase the deceleration time.
The selected drive power grade is Select drive power grade
too small. properly.
The motor parameters are Set regulator parameters
Software over improper. properly.
Er12 current during The deceleration time is too short. Increase the deceleration time.
deceleration The selected drive power grade is Select drive power grade
too small. properly.
Software over The motor parameters are Set regulator parameters
current during improper. properly.
constant The selected drive power grade is Select drive power grade
speed too small. properly.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 7 Fault Detection and Diagnostics

Display Fault Name Possible Causes Solutions

Motor to ground is short circuit. Check motor wiring.
The acceleration time is too short. Increase the acceleration time.
Clean the air filter or Replace
The fan is blocked or damaged.
the damaged fan.
The AC drive module is abnormal. Contact with technical service.
Er14 Switch power supply is damaged. Contact with technical service.
trip during
The control board is abnormal. Contact with technical service.
The ambient temperature is too
Cool down environment.
The control board connection is Re-plug the connection line
loose. which on control board.
The acceleration time is too short. Increase the acceleration time.
Motor to ground is short circuit. Check motor wiring.
Clean the air filter or Replace
The fan is blocked or damaged.
the damaged fan.
The AC drive module is abnormal. Contact with technical service.
Er15 Switch power supply is damaged. Contact with technical service.
trip during
The control board is abnormal. Contact with technical service.
The ambient temperature is too
Cool down environment.
The control board connection is Re-plug the connection line
loose. which on control board.
Adjust the voltage to normal
The input voltage is too low.
Motor to ground is short circuit. Check motor wiring.
Clean the air filter or Replace
IGBT The fan is blocked or damaged.
the damaged fan.
The AC drive module is abnormal. Contact with technical service.
Er16 trip during
Switch power supply is damaged. Contact with technical service.
The control board is abnormal. Contact with technical service.
The ambient temperature is too
Cool down environment.
The control board connection is Re-plug the connection line
loose. which on control board.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 7 Fault Detection and Diagnostics

Display Fault Name Possible Causes Solutions

Clean the air filter or Replace
The fan is blocked or damaged.
the damaged fan.
The ambient temperature is too
Cool down environment.
The output phase to phase is short.
The output circuited is short to the Rematch cable
Heatsink of
Er17 rectifier
The cable connecting the control Check the cable connecting the
board and heatsink sensor is control board and heatsink
abnormal. sensor.
The Auxiliary power is damage or
Contact with technical service.
the drive power is under voltage
Please see the overcurrent
Drive overcurrent instantaneously.
Heatsink of
Er18 inverter Same as Er17 Same as Er17
Input phase The input voltage of R, S and T Check the input voltage and the
loss have some losses. wiring.
The cable connecting the drive and
Eliminate external faults.
the motor is abnormal.
Output phase The output current of U, V, W are in
Er/AL20 Check motor and cable.
loss unbalance status.
The parameters value about the Set parameters value about the
SVC control are improper. SVC control properly.
The contactor is abnormal.
The contactor feedback circuit is
Soft startup abnormal. Contact with technical service.
relay fault Buffer resistor is damaged.
Switch power supply is damaged.
The power supply is abnormal. Check the power supply.
The control board is faulty.
Switch power supply is damaged.
Er22 detection Contact with technical service.
The HALL device is abnormal.
Leakage current is too large.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 7 Fault Detection and Diagnostics

Display Fault Name Possible Causes Solutions

The load is too heavy. Reduce the load
Check the motor and
Motor is stalling.
Er23 CBC fault mechanical condition.
The selected drive power grade is Select drive power grade
too small. properly.
Adjust the voltage to normal
The input voltage is too low.
Start again quickly when motor in
Start again when motor is stop.
high speed rotating.
The load is too heavy and the Decrease the overload time and
VFD holding time is too long. decrease the load.
overload The acceleration/deceleration time Increase the
is too short. acceleration/deceleration time.
The V/F curve ratio is too high Set the parameters of V/F curve
when drive in V/F control. and torque boost properly.
The selected drive power grade is Select drive power grade
too small. properly.
Adjust the voltage to normal
The input voltage is too low.
Decrease the value of DC brake
The DC brake current is set to high.
Check the load and set the
Motor is stalling or load changed
parameter of torque boost
too large.
Motor properly.
overload The drive power grade is not
Select the suitable motor.
matched with motor power grade.
The V/F curve ratio is too high Set the parameters of V/F curve
when drive in V/F control. and torque boost properly.
The common motor running with Change a Frequency
lower speed, heavy load and long conversion motor or Increase
time. the aim frequency.
Check that the load is
Motor under The AC drive running current is disconnected.
load lower than F0.10. Set the parameter of F0.10
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 7 Fault Detection and Diagnostics

Display Fault Name Possible Causes Solutions

Check the temperature sensor
The cabling of the temperature
cabling and eliminate the
sensor becomes loose.
Motor cabling fault.
overheat Lower the carrier frequency or
The motor temperature is too high. adopt other heat radiation
Motor short
The motor is short circuited to the
Er28 circuit to Replace the cable or motor.
ground fault
Er/AL29 External fault External fault signal is input via DI. Check the DI input signal.
The communication of keypad with Check the line connecting the
Er30 communicati
drive is abnormal. control board and the keypad.
on fault
The communication of RS485 field Check the line and the
Er/AL31 communicati
with drive is abnormal. communication device.
on fault
Optional card The communication of optional
Check the line and the optional
Er/AL32 communicati card with external device is
on fault abnormal.
Optional card The communication of optional
Check the line and the optional
Er33 connection card with control board is
fault abnormal.
The cable connection of the motor Check the cable connecting the
are abnormal. drive and the motor.
Auto tune Tune when motor is rotating. Tune when motor is stops.
fault Set the motor parameters
The motor parameters are not set
according to the nameplate
according to the nameplate.
The PID feedback is higher than Check the PID feedback signal
the setting of E5.33 or lower than or set E5.33 and E5.34 to a
PID feedback
Er/AL35 the setting of E5.34. proper value.
over range
The parameters of PID are set Set the PID parameters
incorrectly. properly.
Er36 EEPROM is damage. Contact with technical service.
R/W fault
Press STOP/RST to reset the
Er37 Parameter R/W fault. drive or Contact with technical
setting fault
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 7 Fault Detection and Diagnostics

Display Fault Name Possible Causes Solutions

Accumulative Clear the record through
The accumulative power-on time
Er/AL38 power-on the parameter initialization
reaches the setting value.
time reached function.
Accumulative Clear the record through
The accumulative running time
Er/AL39 running time the parameter initialization
reaches the setting value.
reached function.
switchover Change the selection of the motor
Perform motor switchover after
Er40 during via terminal during running of the
the drive stops.
running drive.
The encoder parameters are set Set the encoder parameters
incorrectly. properly.
Too large The motor auto-tuning is not
Perform the motor auto-tuning.
Er/AL41 speed performed.
deviation Set the motor over speed check
The motor over speed check
parameters correctly based on
parameters are set incorrectly.
the actual situation.
The encoder parameters are set Set the encoder
incorrectly. parameters properly.
The motor auto-tuning is not
Motor over Perform the motor auto-tuning.
Er/AL42 performed.
Set the motor over speed check
The motor over speed check
parameters correctly based on
parameters are set incorrectly.
the actual situation.
Flux pole
Er/AL43 detection The encoder signal is incorrectly. Check encoder status.
UVW signal
Er/AL44 feedback The encoder signal is incorrectly. Check encoder status.
Set the encoder type correctly
The encoder type is incorrect.
based on the actual situation.
The cable connection of the
Er/AL45 Encoder fault Eliminate external faults.
encoder is incorrect.
The encoder is damaged. Replace the damaged encoder.
The PG card is abnormal. Replace the abnormal PG card.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 7 Fault Detection and Diagnostics

Display Fault Name Possible Causes Solutions

The user-defined fault 1 signal
User-defined is input via DI.
Er/AL46 Reset the operation.
fault 1 User-defined fault 1 signal is
input via virtual I/O.
The user-defined fault 2 signal
User-defined is input via DI.
Er/AL47 Reset the operation.
fault 2 User-defined fault 2 signal is
input via virtual I/O.
Motor in Check whether the load current
AL48 current stall Motor is in current stall control. is exceed the overcurrent stall
status protective current.
Motor in Check whether the dc-link is
AL49 voltage stall Motor is in voltage stall control. exceed the overvoltage stall
status protective current.
Motor in
frequency Check whether the dc-link is
The dc-link is under voltage and
AL50 drop status lower than the under-voltage
Motor is in frequency drop.
as dc-link drop frequency point.
voltage drop
Er51 System fault Trial expired. Contact with factory.
during The multi-pump control system Check the logic of multi-pump
multi-pump occur interlock. control.
Soft startup
Er53 resistor The output circuit to ground is short. Check the output circuit.
Check whether the drive should
AL54 Sleep status The drive is sleeping.
in sleeping.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 7 Fault Detection and Diagnostics

7.2 Common Faults and Solutions

You may come across the following faults during the use of the drive. Refer to the following
methods for simple fault analysis.
There is no display at power-on:
1) Check whether the drive input power voltage is consistent with drive rated voltage.
2) Check whether the Three phase bridge rectifier is normal.

Power air switch tripping at power-on

1) Check whether the motor or the motor cable is short circuited to the ground.
2) Check whether rectifier bridge is damage.

Motor not rotate when drive is running.

1) Check whether the output current of U, V, W are in unbalance status.
2) Check whether the motor is damage or stalling.
3) Check whether the motor parameters set proper value.

The display is normally at power-on but the power air switch tripping when the drive run.
1) Check whether the output module is short circuited to the ground.
2) Check whether the motor is short circuited to the ground.
3) If the power air switch tripped occasionally and between the motor with drive have long
distance, then add AC reactor please.

 Please deal with the fault carefully. You should confirm the fault reasons and deal with the
fault according to solutions above.
 If you can’t solute the fault, please don’t power on.
 If the device damaged or some problem you can’t solute, please contact with distributor or
technical service.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 8 Communication Protocol

Chapter 8 Communication Protocol

The AC drive provides RS485 communication interface, for the master-slave communication with
international standard MODBUS-RTU protocol. The user can through the PC/PLC PC to read and
modify the function code, set the control command and the reference frequency converter, working
status monitoring and fault information, to realize the centralized control.

8.1 Protocol Comment

The MODBUS protocol of the AC drive defines the transmission frame content and format to be
used, including: host polling and broadcast frames, slave response frame format; the host frame
includes: the slave address (or broadcast address), the command code, data and CRC check.
Slave response frame is the same. If the error occurs in the received frame from the host, or can’t
complete the host required action, the slave machine will organize a fault frame as a response to
feedback to the host.

8.2 Networking Mode

There are two kinds of configuration mode of the AC drive: single host / multi slave mode and single
host / single slave mode.

8.3 Bus Structure

1. Interface mode
RS485 interface, asynchronous, half duplex.
Default data formats: 8-N-1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit), 9600bps.
2. Communication mode
From the set range is 1 ~ 247. 0, for broadcast communication.
Each network have unique slave address, this is the foundation and guarantee of MODBUS
The frequency converter act as slave, point to point communication master-slave, host using the
broadcast address to send frames, no response from the slave.
From the slave’s keypad or the means of communication, can be provided to change the
address, baud rate and data format.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 8 Communication Protocol

8.4 Protocol Format

The MODBUS protocol of the AC drive is RTU mode.
Figure 8-1 shows the frame format of RTU.

Figure 8- 1 RTU frame format

In RTU mode, each character format is as follows: 8 bits, 8 bits in each frame domain, containing
two of sixteen hexadecimal characters (0 ~ 9, A ~ F); in order to distinguish clearly, the following
sixteen hexadecimal data end with "H".
In RTU mode, the idle time between frames to follow the MODBUS internal agreement. MODBUS
internal least frame agreed between idle as follows:
(1) The frame head and frame end is defined through the bus idle time is equal to or greater than 3.5
bytes of time.
(2) The frame after the start, the interval between characters must be less than 1.5 bytes of time,
otherwise the new to receive characters will be considered as a new frame.
(3) Using CRC check mode, the high 8 bits and 8 bits low must swap before send.
(4) At least 3.5 bytes of free time to maintain between frames.
The standard structure of RTU frame:

Table 8- 1 RTU frame format

START(Frame head) T1-T2-T3-T4(3.5 chars space time)

ADDR(slave address) 1~247(0 is broadcast address)

03H: read register
CMD(function code)
06H: write register
DATA(0) 2*N bytes data,this is the main comment of
… frame.

END(Frame end) T1-T2-T3-T4(3.5 chars space time)

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 8 Communication Protocol

8.5 Functions of Protocol

The main function of the MODBUS protocol is to read, write the AC drive function code parameters
and non functional code parameters, different parameters determine different operation request.
The AC drive MODBUS protocol support command code as shown in table 2.

Table 8- 2 Function code illustration

Function code(HEX) Description

03H Read AC drive function code or status word

06H Change AC drive function code or control word

The AC drive function code parameters and non functional code parameters are mapped to Modbus
read write registers. The read and write attribute and the range of function code parameters
(maximum, minimum) observe the instructions of AC drive using manual. Non functional code
parameters including the run command, running state, run / stop parameters and fault information.

Communication Address of Function Parameters of the AC Drive

 The converter function code parameters, control parameters and monitor parameters are
mapped to Modbus read write registers.
 The function code parameter attribute and range can reference the user manual instructions
follow the frequency converter.
 The group code of the function code mapped to high byte of Modbus register, and the internal
group index mapped to low byte of Modbus register.
 The control parameters and monitor parameters are also function code group.

Function code group number and the mapping register address high byte correspondence are listed
in the following table:
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 8 Communication Protocol

Table 8- 3 Group code and register’s high byte convert table

Function code Function
Register ID high Register ID high
group code group
A0 0x10 E4 0x27
A1 0x11 E5 0x28
b0 0x12 E6 0x29
b1 0x13 E7 0x2A
b2 0x14 E8 0x2B
C0 0x15 E9 0x2C
C1 0x16 EA 0x2D
C2 0x17 EB 0x2E
C3 0x18 F0 0x2F
C4 0x19 F1 0x30
C5 0x1A H0 0x31
C6 0x1B H1 0x32
d0 0x1C L0 0x33
d1 0x1D L1 0x34
d2 0x1E L2 0x35
d3 0x1F L3 0x36
d4 0x20 L4 0x37
d5 0x21 L5 0x38
d6 0x22 L6 0x39
E0 0x23 L7 0x3A
E1 0x24 P0 0x3B
E2 0x25 P1 0x3C
E3 0x26 P2 0x3D

The function code b0.11 reference to Modbus register ID 0x120B, and E0.03 reference to
Modbus register 0x2303.

Under communication mode, user can change password use function code 06H to change
parameter H0.00. If the response value is 8888H, indicate the password set successfully.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 8 Communication Protocol

Communication Address of Non-Function Parameters of the AC Drive

1.Communication set value (Wirte-only)

Communication set value includes frequency source,upper source of torque,PID source,PID
feedback etc.
Communication set value address is 6400H. The upper machine set the address value, the data
range is -10000 ~ 10000, correspond to the given value for -100.00% ~ 100%.

2.Run command (Wirte-only)

Run command address Usage

0001: Run forward
0002: Run reverse
0003: JOG forward
0004: JOG reverse
0005: Coasting stop
0006: Deceleration stop
0007: Fault reset

3.Run status (Read-only)

Run status address Usage

0001: Run forward
6402H 0002: Run reverse
0003: Stop

4.DO output control (Wirte-only)

Do output address Usage

BIT0: Y1
BIT1: Y2
BIT2: Y3
BIT3: T1
6403H BIT4: T2
BIT5: T3
BIT6: T4
BIT7: T5
BIT8: T6
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 8 Communication Protocol

5.Pulse output control: (Write-only)

Command address Command comment

6404H 0x0~0x7FFF corresponding to 0%~100%

6.Analog output AO1 control: (Write-only)

Command address Command comment

6405H 0x0~0x7FFF corresponding to 0%~100%

7.Analog output AO2 control: (Write-only)

Command address Command comment

6406H 0x0~0x7FFF corresponding to 0%~100%

8.AC drive fault description (Read-only)

AC drive error address AC drive error info

0: No error
1: Hardware accelerate over voltage
2: Hardware decelerate over voltage
3: Hardware constant speed over voltage
4: Software accelerate over voltage
5: Software decelerate over voltage
6: Software constant speed over voltage
7: Under voltage
8: Hardware accelerate over current
9: Hardware decelerate over current
10: Hardware constant speed over current
11: Software accelerate over current
12: Software decelerate over current
13: Software constant speed over current
14: Module accelerate error
15: Module decelerate error
16: Module constant speed error
17: Rectifier bridge over temperature
18: Inverter bridge over temperature
19: Input osting - phase
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 8 Communication Protocol

AC drive error address AC drive error info

20: Output osting-phase
21: Contactor error
22: Current check error
23: The cycle by cycle current limiting error
24: AC drive overload
25: Motor overload
26: Motor offload
27: Motor over temperature
28: Short circuit to ground of motor
29: External error
30: Keypad communication error
31: RS485 communication error
32: Optional card communication error
33: Optional card connection error
34: Motor self-tuning error
35: PID feedback out of range
36: EEPROM read/write error
6407H 37: Parameter set error
38: Accumulative power up time error
39: Accumulative run time error
40: Switch motor error when run
41: Speed offset too large
42: Motor over speed
43: Magnetic pole position check error
44: UVW signal feedback error
45: Encoder error
46: Self define error 1
47: Self define error 2
48: Motor over current speed loss
49: Motor over voltage speed loss
50: Motor under voltage frequency reduction
51: System error
52: Multi-pump interlock warning
53: Buffer resistance overload
54: Dormancy warning
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 8 Communication Protocol

Communication Command Code

1. Communication read function code: 03H
Function code: 03H, read N word ( Max value is 50 )
Example: The slave address is 01H, start address is 2302H, read number is 2 word, the structure
of the frame as following:

Master request frame:

ADR(Slave address) 01 H
CMD(Function code) 03 H
Register ID high 23 H
Register ID low 02 H
Register number high 00 H
Register number low 02 H
CRC low 6E H
CRC high 4F H

Slave response frame:

ADR(Slave address) 01 H
CMD(Function code) 03 H
Byte number 04 H
Register 0x2302H comment high byte 00 H
Register 0x2302H comment low byte 00 H
Register 0x2303H comment high byte 00 H
Register 0x2303H comment low byte 01 H
CRC low byte 3B H
CRC high byte F3 H

Error response frame:

ADR(Slave address) 01 H
Error code(CMD+0x80) 83 H
02 H: Invalid address
03 H: Read number over range
Exception code
04 H: Parameter can’t be read
05 H: Frame length error
CRC low byte LCRC H
CRC high byte HCRC H
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 8 Communication Protocol

2. Communication write command: 06H or 44H

Function code: 06H or 44H, write one word, the function code 44H and 06H has the same
structure, but 44H doesn’t change the EEPROM value.
Example: Set the value to register ID 2302H, the slave address is 01H, the frame structure shows
as following:

Master request frame:

ADR(Slave address) 01 H
CMD(Function code) 06 H
Register ID high byte 23 H
Register ID low byte 02 H
Register comment high byte 13 H
Register comment low byte 88 H
CRC low byte 2E H
CRC high byte D8 H

Slave response frame:

ADR(Slave address) 01 H
CMD(Function code) 06 H
Register ID high byte 23 H
Register ID low byte 02 H
Register comment high byte 13 H
Register comment low byte 88 H
CRC low byte 2E H
CRC high byte D8 H

Error response frame:

ADR(Slave address) 01 H
Error code (CMD+0x80) 86 H
02 H: Invalid address
03 H: Read number over range
Exception code
04 H: Parameter can’t be write or write value out of range
05 H: Length Error of the Data Frame
CRC low byte LCRC H
CRC high byte HCRC H
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 8 Communication Protocol

3. Communication error code

If there is a communication error occurs, the master should response an error code, the error
code value is “request function code ” + 0x80.

4. Communication error function code

When there is an error frame comes, the slave will give an exception code to indicate the error
type. Such as error function code, or error value etc.

Error code Function

01H Invalid function code
02H Invalid address
03H Operate number over range
04H Operation error
05H Frame length error

5. CRC check
The RTU frame include a CRC check field. CRC used to check the correctness of the whole frame.
It include two bytes filed. The master calculates the CRC and padding to the end of the frame, and
the slave re-calculates it again. If the twice result isn’t the same, it indicates a transmit error.
We adapt an international standard CRC check method, when user program the CRC algorithm,
can reference the following C procedure.

unsigned int crc_check(Uint16 len)

unsigned int crc_value=0xffff;
unsigned int i,j;

if(crc_value &0x0001)
return (crc_value);
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 9 Maintenance

Chapter 9 Maintenance

9.1 Routine Repair and Maintenance

It is necessary to carry out the maintenance for avoiding the fault of the AC drive,keeping devices
running normally and prolonging the service life of the AC drive. The content of maintenance is as
the following table:

Routine Periodic Checking

Content Requirements
Maintenance Inspection objects
Output current Within the rated value

Run monitor Output voltage Within the rated value

parameters The temperature rise does not
exceed 35 ℃.

The air duct is smooth and

Cooling and Installation environment
√ heat
Normal operation and no abnormal
dissipation Fans inside the AC drive
Generate heat Generating heat is normal.
√ Motor
Noise The noise is uniform.
Generate heat due to Stable vibration and rational
vibration temperature
√ AC drive Noise Normal noise
Fixed screws without any sign of
Lead and terminals
40℃ ~ 50℃ ( Use by derating or
and humidity
Running forced cooling)

environment Dust and dripping from
No dripping trace and no dust.
water machine.
Gas No peculiar smell

Recommended instruments: electric voltage meter for input voltage; clamp ampere meter for
current; rectifier voltage meter for output voltage.

9.2 The Inspection and Replacement of Vulnerable Components

Abrasion or degradation of performance will occur due to the long-time usage of components inside
the AC drive. To ensure the stable and reliable operation of the AC drive, predictive maintenance of
the AC drive must be employed periodically, if required, related parts must be replaced.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 9 Maintenance

(1)Cooling Fans
The service life of cooling fans inside the AC drive is about 2 to 3 years. When bearings of cooling
fans are abraded or fan blades are broken, replacement of fans must be considered.
(2)Electrolytic Capacitors
Under normal conditions, Electrolytic capacitors of the AC drive must be replaced once for every 4
to 5 years.

9.3 Storage and Warranty Agreement

For occasions which have high temperature,moisture,dust or metallic dust, the AC drive can not be
stored. During storage, the ventilation must be guaranteed. The degradation of electrolytic
capacitors will occur for long-time storage . The AC drive must be energized once for every two
years and each lasting time must be no less than one hour. The input voltage must be increased
slowly to the rated value by using the regulator.

Warranty Agreement
1. Free warranty only applies to the AC drive itself.
2. Reasonable repair expenses will be charged for the damages due to following causes:
 Improper usage or repairing the AC drive without permission.
 Fire,flood,abnormal voltage,thunder,earthquake,salt corrosion,air corrosion or other
natural disaster.
 The damage due to artificial falling or transportation.
 Improper operation without following the user manual
 The damage due to faults outside the AC drive.
3. If the AC drive has been used for more than the warranty life, reasonable repair fee will be
4. The maintenance fee is charged according to the uniform standard of our company. If there is
an agreement, the agreement has priority.
CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 10 Optional Cards

Chapter 10 Optional Cards

10.1 Relay Card(IO1)
IO1 is an optional card for relay and digital output .It needs to be used together with the vector
control AC drives which is produced by our company.

 Functional overview
 4 relays outputs(T3~T6)
 1 digital output(Y3)

 Pin description
Table 10-1 Optional card IO1
Terminal Symbol Description
T3-A Relay 3 common port
T3-C Relay 3 normally open port
T4-A Relay 4 common port
T4-C Relay 4 normally open port
T5-A Relay 5 common port
T5-C Relay 5 normally open port
T6-A Relay 6 common port
T6-C Relay 6 normally open port
Y3 Digital output terminal 3(open collect output)
COM Digital output common port

Note: 1)T3~T6 has only normally open port.

2 ) T3~T6 and Y3 function is the same with Y/T terminal function of the control

 Installation of the optional card

Figure 10- 1 Schematic diagram of the optional card installation

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 10 Optional Cards

10.2 Multi-function IO Card(IO2)

IO2 is an optional card for analog input, digital input and digital output.It needs to be used
together with the vector control AC drives which is produced by our company.

 Functional overview

 1 analog input(AI3)
 1 digital output(Y3)
 4 digital inputs(X7~X10)
 10V reference supply
 24V supply for external use

 Pin description

Table 10-2 Optional card IO2

Terminal Symbol Description

AI3 Analog input 3
GND Ground of AI3 and +10V
+10V 10V reference supply
Y3 Digital output 3

COM (集电极开路输出)
Ground of Y terminal and 24V
X7 Digital input 7
X8 Digital input 8
X9 Digital input 9
X10 Digital input 10
CMX1 X7~X10 common port
+24V 24V supply
COM Ground of Y terminal and 24V
1)AI3 function is the same with the AI function of control board.
2)Y3 function is the same with Y terminal function of control board.
3)X7~X10 function is the same with X terminal function of control board.
4)+10V is the same with +10V terminal of control board.
5)24V is the same with 24V terminal of control board.

 Installation of the optional card

Please see the figure 10-1.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 10 Optional Cards

10.3 Multi-function IO Card(IO3)

IO3 is an optional card for digital input and relay output.It needs to be used together with the
vector control AC drives which is produced by our company.

 Functional overview

 4 digital inputs(X7~X10)

 2 relay outputs(T3~T4)

 24V supply for external use

 Pin description

Table 10-3 Optional card IO3

Terminal Symbol Description
X7 Digital input 7

X8 Digital input 8

X9 Digital input 9

X10 Digital input10

CMX1 X7~X10 common port

+24V 24V supply

COM Ground of 24V

T3-A Relay 3 common port

T3-C Relay 3 normally open port

T4-A Relay 4 common port

T4-C Relay 4 normally open port

1)X7~X10 function is the same with X terminal function of control board.
2)T3~T4 function is the same with T terminal function of control board.
3)24V is the same with 24V terminal of control board.

 Installation of the optional card

Please see the figure 10-1.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 10 Optional Cards

10.4 Temperature Sample Card(IO4)

IO4 is an optional card for PT100/PT1000 temperature sensor.It needs to be used together with
the vector control AC drives which is produced by our company.

 Functional overview

 3 groups wring terminals for PT100/PT1000

 1 digital input(X7)

 Pin description

Table 10-4 Optional card IO4

Terminal Symbol Description
1st group wring terminals for

2nd group wring terminals for

3rd group wring terminals for

Digital input 7 and its Ground

1) PT100/PT1000 needs to be connect between R+ and R- if it’s two wire type.And
another Rm needs to be connected when PT100/PT1000 is three wire type.
2) X7 function is the same with X terminal function of control board.Use external 24V
source or 24V on control board to supply for X7.

 Installation of the optional card

Please see the figure 10-1.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 10 Optional Cards

10.5 Differential Encoder Card(PG1)

PG1 is an optional card for differential ABZ incremental encoder.It needs to be used together
with the vector control AC drives which is produced by our company..

 Functional overview

 Input ports for A,B,Z differential signal

 Optional supply(5V,12V and 15V) for encoder

 Pin description

Table 10-5 Optional card PG1

Terminal Symbol Description
A+ Encoder output signal A Positive

A- Encoder output signal A Negative

B+ Encoder output signal B Positive

B- Encoder output signal B Negative

Z+ Encoder output signal Z Positive

Z- Encoder output signal Z Negative

Vdd Encoder supply

COM Supply ground

 Installation of the optional card

Please see the figure 10-1.

CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 10 Optional Cards

10.6 OC type Encoder Card(PG2)

PG2 is an optional card for OC type ABZ incremental encoder.It needs to be used together with
the vector control AC drives which is produced by our company.

 Functional overview

 Input ports for A,B,Z signal

 Optional supply(5V,12V ,15V and 24V) for encoder

 Pin description

Table 10-6 Optional card PG2

Terminal Symbol Description
A Encoder output signal A

B Encoder output signal B

Z Encoder output signal Z

Vdd Encoder supply

COM Supply ground

 Installation of the optional card

Please see the figure 10-1.

Appendix: Records of Version Changes

Date Version The content of changing

 The first version is released officially.

2017-5 V1.0


Shenzhen Canworld Electrical Technology Co.,Ltd.

Product Warranty Card

Company Address:

Contact person:
Company Name:

Zip code:

Product type:

Product Body bar code:

Name of agent:

(Maintenance time and content):


Maintenance Personnel:
Canworld Warranty Agreement

1. Warranty objects are the AC drives manufactured by Shenzhen Canworld Electrical Technology

2. During the warranty period, under the condition of normal use by following the user manual, if the
product fails or is damaged, our company will be responsible for free maintenance.

3. During the warranty period, the maintenance will be charged for the damages caused by following
a) Faults caused by the usage which is not in accordance with the user manual or beyond the range
of standard requirements;
b) Hardware damage caused by dropping or transportation after procurement;
c) The aging or faults of components caused by the usage where the environment is not in
accordance with the user manual;
d) Repair or modification without prior permission;
e) Faults caused by the improper safekeeping;
f) Faults due to the operation of abnormal functions;
g) Fire, salt corrosion, air corrosion, earthquake, storm, flood, thunder, abnormal voltage, other
disasters and secondary disaster;
h) If the product label or the product nameplate is teared up, the action will lead to be unable to
confirm whether the machine is in the warranty period or not. In this case, the maintenance will be
charged according to the charging machine.

4. If you have problems during the use, please contact our agents or our company directly.

Shenzhen Canworld Electrical Technology Co.,Ltd.

Customer Service Center

Address: Canworld industrial park, Baolong Road Four, Baolong industrial city, Longgang district,
Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China, Asia

Service hot line: +86 4000-888-699 Fax: +86 755-26617646

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