Soils For Olive Planting
Soils For Olive Planting
Soils For Olive Planting
Planting: Choosing
and Improving
Sydney Environmental & Soil Laboratory Pty Ltd ABN 70 106 810 708
ISO 9001
Lic QEC21650
PO Box 357 16 Chilvers Road T: 02 9980 6554 E: [email protected] SAI Global
Pennant Hills Thornleigh NSW F: 02 9484 2427 W:
NSW 1715 2120 Australia
Sydney Environmental & Soil Laboratory
There are basically three profile forms commonly being used for horticulture in
humid zone Australia:-
Duplex: Otherwise known as a podsolic profile these soils show two distinct
horizons, a loamy to clay loam A horizon changing abruptly into a usually heavy clay
B horizon. Often shotgun pellets or iron/manganese (Fe/Mn) nodules or soft
concretions are present at the A/B boundary (called A2 horizon) which is often pale
or bleached. These are sure signs of periodic waterlogging in our drought and flood
Gradational: In these profiles the clay content gradually increases with depth and the
abrupt change from loam to clay is not present. They can be sandy earth type profiles
or more clayey profiles such as prairie soils or Red Earths. The profiles are usually
better drained but can show Fe/Mn nodules and a pale or bleached A2 horizon.
Uniform: These can be sand to clay in texture but are basically the same texture all
the way down the profile. Some darkening due to accumulated organic matter may be
present in the surface and structure may be present in the B horizon. Uniform clay
profiles may be finely structured (eg self-mulching Black soils) or coarsely structured
(eg deeply cracking clays). Sandy soils can be alluviums next to rivers or even old
dune sands.
The profile form is not a soil classification and does not imply anything about the soil
chemistry (eg acid or alkaline, fertile or infertile). It is, however, the most important
starting point for planning soil preparation from a physical aspect. Each of the three
profile types above requires very different soil preparation methods. The Soil
Conservation Service of NSW produce high quality soil mapping information that
will allow you to understand the soil type on your property. Alternatively services
such as those of our company are available to map soils and prepare management
plans specific to the property.
We are seeing a great many mistakes made in the initial soil preparation for olives.
This not only reduces growth rates and harvest potential but also in some cases is
resulting in complete lack of establishment, slow growth or progressive death of new
groves. Unfortunately the first wave in a new industry is the one that makes all the
mistakes and is prone to being preyed upon by unscrupulous or less than competent
The most fundamental and common error we are seeing is planting without truly
understanding or taking care for soil drainage. Most soils in the areas of interest to
olive growers are of the duplex or podsolic soil type. This means they have a sandy
to loamy A horizon generally around 150mm deep but sometimes to 600 mm deep,
overlying a clayey B horizon layer of a red or yellow colour. Sometimes they have a
sandy pale A2 horizon below the darker A1 horizon. This layer is often quite hostile
being acidic, low in organic matter, very low in nutrients, and prone to periodic
waterlogging. Periodic waterlogging or poor drainage is indicated by the presence of
black and tan coloured roundish nodules (Fe/Mn nodules).
In their natural state these soils profiles can suffer the following productivity
1. Low organic matter (OM) content. Many Australian soils are naturally low in
OM but years of sheep grazing, cropping with inadequate rotation, and excessive
ploughing will have further degraded them.
2. Low to very low inherent fertility for horticulture. While they may have
supported adequate grazing pasture and the occasional forage or cereal yield, their
natural fertility is not adequate to support a high yielding intensive horticultural
crop like olives.
3. A strong texture contrast from the A to the B horizon. This inhibits downward
movement of water causing a perched water table in wet weather, resulting in a
very low oxygen subsoil when wet. This also impedes downward extension of
root growth. This waterlogging is resented by olives and causes poor growth or
death through root rots.
4. Acidity. The soils of the Bathurst Orange area are quite variable, some being
highly acidic (usually toward the east), others being neutral (even calcic or sodic)
usually in the western areas. The area is complicated by the presence of isolated
areas of fluvial and volcanic soils which may not be acidic.
5. Sodicity. Usually confined to the subsoil, a high sodium level is common in
yellow subsoils in the area and gets worse with depth. It even occurs in red soil
country. High sodium leads to clay dispersion, erosion, poor subsoil structure
(and hence root growth), and poor drainage and aeration.
Soil chemistry problems are relatively easy to fix; the issue of deep subsoil drainage
is not. The Southern Oscillation Index or El Nino phenomenon affects the Central
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Highlands severely. Long periods of drought may lead to a conclusion that dryness is
your biggest problem but anyone planting into a severely duplex soil will find real
problems of slow decline and even death, for example in the last 2 years when the La
Nina event has been strong. Problems are always worst at the bottom of a hill where
water accumulates and a strongly bleached A2 horizon full of black pellets is present.
Forget the weather, the telltale signs of poor drainage are in the profile. Olives are
very intolerant of waterlogging in duplex soils and the attendant manganese toxicity
and oxygen deficit that occurs. We are seeing widespread deaths and poor growth
occurring because of Mn toxicity/O2 depletion in duplex soils during wet periods.
The other profile forms are more forgiving. The ideal profile is probably a
Gradational profile or a Uniform one if not too clayey. It is said that clay profiles are
no good for olives. This is not true if the clay is well structured and finely structured.
It is true that a heavy cracking clay can cause root tearing and severe root penetration
problems. However, a cracking clay can be improved and made to crack more finely
and into a looser structure by gypsum or lime additions and an organic matter build up
Nasty blocky or cloddy clay should be tested for gypsum or lime requirement. These
clay breakers can have a profound effect on responsive soils and, while better added
during preparation, can be added even after establishment to good effect. A heavy
clay should also be surface contoured and mounded as they can stay wet for long
periods. For the first few years at least a heavy green manuring program is highly
Very sandy and low water holding profiles provide the opposite problem, drought and
excessive drainage. A heavy green manuring or composting program combined with
mulching is the most effective way to increase water holding.
However, the most common soil in your area will be a red or yellow duplex profile
prone to periodic waterlogging. What do we do about this?
Contrary to popular opinion any amount of deep ripping does not help. It might
loosen the clay subsoil for the few years following planting but does not avoid the
perched watertable phenomenon that will occur in high rainfall periods. Careful
thought as to how to get the plants out of the perched water table is needed. This can
occur by:-
1. Surface contouring to spill excess water. Run on from uphill worsens the problem
of perched water tables. By orienting rows off the contour to spill excess water,
placing dish drains (intercept drains) at intervals to catch run on and divert it away
much can be achieved. In severely duplex soils the technique will almost certainly
need to be accompanied by mounding of rows.
While doing all this work it is essential that chemical and organic matter deficiencies
also be corrected. The ideal properties of a topsoil for olive grove use shown in Table
Olives are highly responsive to improved organic matter and chemical fertility. An
understanding of the chemistry and physical properties of a proposed grove is
essential before planting occurs or even before purchase of the property. Money
saved on a cheaper property may well be spent in bringing the soils up to standard.
Soils must be tested and planting preparation methods determined well before work
Almost no natural soils have the ideal characteristics as listed in Table 1. which
means that in nearly all cases soils need to be modified before planting and to be
maintained and managed so that these characteristics are enhanced and preserved. A
theoretical preparation plan on an acidic and nutrient poor yellow duplex soil is worth
Starting at least one season before planting apply the requisite lime and
superphosphate as well as any trace elements indicated in the soil test report
and work deeply to incorporate.
In the autumn sow a high yielding winter green manure crop mix with 300
kg/ha of urea. The ideal green manure crop in the first instance is a mixed
grass/clover sward.
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In late winter or early spring rip three times at intervals across the planting
rows. Orient rows slightly off the contour and maintain short rows so that
surface run-off can escape.
Using a grader, front-end blade etc. scalp the inter-row area to produce a
topsoil depth of at least 300 mm on the planting rows.
Deep disc plough the on-row space before planting.
Plant with additional NPK fertiliser around and in each planting hole.
Remove root balling by training or pruning roots at planting.
The resultant mix of rotting green manure and fertilisers should give very rapid early
growth rates with adequate soil moisture.
Green manure cropping is often the only cost effective way to increase soil organic
matter levels unless you can get very low cost feedlot manure or compost or even
sewage sludge products. Green manure should be worked in a few weeks before
plants become active again in spring so that new roots have a rich decomposing
humus layer to grow into. Feeding the green manure and ploughing this back into the
ground in spring to feed the trees ensures an even and naturally balanced feeding
Trace element and lime or gypsum additions are also advisable during the initial soil
preparation period as they are very immobile and if surface applied will stay close to
the surface for many years. They are always better deeply incorporated.
The summer foliage test is a critical period. If done in January there is still time to
conduct remedial work such as chelated foliar sprays of calcium, nitrogen or trace
elements and the test tell us to include those elements in next years fertiliser program.
If mistakes are made in soil preparation a lot can be done to improve the situation.
Instead of hilling, scalp and remove the inter-row topsoil to allow rapid removal of
run off and run on. Make breaks in the contour banks if you have planted across the
contour on a wet duplex profile. Small changes to surface drainage can make a big
difference in periods of excessive wetness.
Warning: We are seeing a lot of very inferior planting stock with coiled root systems,
sometimes doubly coiled. Once planted, it is virtually impossible to obtain a good root
system with this material and it will strangulate itself or suffer wind-rock. If you
cannot get good stock then time spent pruning and correcting the root system teasing
out roots and laying them out flat in a shallow but wide planting hole is time well
If possible, avoid soils showing manganese nodules in the A/B boundary,
otherwise plan to improve them physically, the results will be well worthwhile.
Treat such soil physically to destroy texture boundaries and create a more
gradational soil profile 500 mm deep at minimum.
Use intercept drains, row orientation, hilling or even subsoil drainage to avoid
perched water tables.
Include green manure in the pre-plant conditioning program and use green
manure programs as needed to maintain at least 3% organic matter.
Use green manure annually in winter and feed it with fertilisers. Shallow
plough this in to the entire inter-row in late winter/early spring.
Use inter-row summer grass sward to mulch rows during the growing season,
shading and protecting the soil from drying and heating and stimulating soil
organisms. Do not mow more than two to three times a season.
Use annual soil and foliar testing to manage the crop and calibrate the soil
improvement and maintenance program.