Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia is acknowledged nationally and internationally as Australia's foremost cement and concrete information body. CCAA's principal aims are to protect and extend the uses of cement, concrete and cement-based products. The information provided in this publication is intended for general guidance only and in no way replaces the services of professional consultants on particular projects.
Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia is acknowledged nationally and internationally as Australia's foremost cement and concrete information body. CCAA's principal aims are to protect and extend the uses of cement, concrete and cement-based products. The information provided in this publication is intended for general guidance only and in no way replaces the services of professional consultants on particular projects.
Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia is acknowledged nationally and internationally as Australia's foremost cement and concrete information body. CCAA's principal aims are to protect and extend the uses of cement, concrete and cement-based products. The information provided in this publication is intended for general guidance only and in no way replaces the services of professional consultants on particular projects.
Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia is acknowledged nationally and internationally as Australia's foremost cement and concrete information body. CCAA's principal aims are to protect and extend the uses of cement, concrete and cement-based products. The information provided in this publication is intended for general guidance only and in no way replaces the services of professional consultants on particular projects.
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Guide to Residential Slabs and
Footings in Saline Environments
CCAA T56 G u i d e G u i d e First published May 2005 CCAA T56 Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia 2005 Except where the Copyright Act allows otherwise, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system in any form or transmitted by any means without prior permission in writing from Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia. The information provided in this publication is intended for general guidance only and in no way replaces the services of professional consultants on particular projects. No liability can therefore be accepted by Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia for its use. DEsigN AND lAyouT Helen Rix Design illusTRATioN TechMedia Publishing Pty ltd isBN 1-877023-15-9
Guide to Residential Slabs and
Footings in Saline Environments Cement Concrete & Aggregates Austra||a Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia is a not-for- proft organisation established in 1928 and committed to serving the Australian construction community. CCAA is acknowledged nationally and internationally as Australia's foremost cement and concrete information body taking a leading role in education and training, research and development, technical information and advisory services, and being a signifcant contributor to the preparation of Codes and standards affecting building and building materials. CCAA's principal aims are to protect and extend the uses of cement, concrete and cement-based products by advancing knowledge, skill and professionalism in Australian concrete construction and by promoting continual awareness of products, their energy-effcient properties and their uses, and of the contribution the industry makes towards a better environment. Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia ABN 34 000 020 486 SYDNEYOFFICE: Level 6, 504 Pacific Highway St Leonards NSW Australia 2065 POSTAL ADDRESS: Locked Bag 2010 St Leonards NSW 1590 TELEPHONE: (61 2) 9437 9711 FACSIMILE: (61 2) 9437 9470 BRISBANEOFFICE: Level 14, IBM Building 348 Edward Street Brisbane QLD 4000 TELEPHONE: (61 7) 3831 3288 FACSIMILE: (61 7) 3839 6005 MELBOURNEOFFICE: 2nd Floor, 1 Hobson Street South Yarra VIC 3141 TELEPHONE: (61 3) 9825 0200 FACSIMILE: (61 3) 9825 0222 PERTHOFFICE: 45 Ventnor Avenue West Perth WA 6005 TELEPHONE: (61 8) 9389 4452 FACSIMILE: (61 8) 9389 4451 ADELAIDEOFFICE: Greenhill Executive Suites 213 Greenhill Road Eastwood SA 5063 POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 229 Fullarton SA 5063 TELEPHONE: (61 8) 8274 3758 FACSIMILE: (61 8) 8373 7210 EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES OFFICE PO Box 243 Henley Beach SA 5022 TELEPHONE: (61 8) 8353 8151 FACSIMILE: (61 8) 8353 8151 TASMANIANOFFICE: EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES OFFICE PO Box 246 Sheffield TAS 7306 TELEPHONE: (61 3) 6330 2476 FACSIMILE: (61 3) 6330 2179 WEBSITE: www.concrete.net.au EMAIL: [email protected] 2 Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments O1 Introduction 4 O2 SourcesofSalinity 2.1 general 5 2.2 urban salinity 5 2.3 Potential for urban salinity 6 O3 SalinityAssessmentandClassifcation 3.1 general 7 3.2 Broad-scale Resources 7 3.3 information for New single lots 7 3.4 information for Existing Properties 7 3.5 Measurement 7 3.6 Classifcation of saline soils 8 O4 EffectsonConcrete 4.1 general 9 4.2 Physical Attack 10 4.3 Chemical Attack 10 4.4 Corrosion of Reinforcement 10 4.4.1 general 4.4.2 Reduction in the alkalinity of concrete 4.4.3 ingress of salts 4.4.4 Cracking O5 SiteManagement 5.1 general 12 5.2 subdivisions 12 5.3 single-lot Developments 13 O6 ConcreteSlabsandFootings 6.1 general 15 6.2 Concrete 15 6.2.1 Quality 6.2.2 strength 6.2.3 Cover to reinforcement 6.2.4 Materials 6.2.5 uncontrolled water addition 6.3 Reinforcement 17 6.3.1 Fixing of reinforcement 6.3.2 Alternative materials 6.4 Concreting 17 6.4.1 general 6.4.2 Placing and compacting 6.4.3 Curing 6.5 Control of Cracking 19 6.6 Damp-Proofng Membrane 20 O7 References 21 Contents Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments 3 4 Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments salts exist not only in coastal regions, but are present throughout the landscape, including the drier inland areas of Australia. These salts have the potential to not only affect the landscape and agriculture, but also the built environment. increasingly, existing townships (buildings and infrastructure) have to deal with the problems caused by salinity, while investigations for new developments are sometimes required to evaluate both the current situation and the potential for future salinity hazards. Where saline conditions exist, or are likely to develop over time, the requirements for concrete in contact with the ground need to be assessed to ensure its durability and satisfactory performance over the design life of the structure. in terms of concrete as a building material, the knowledge has for some time been available to design and build concrete structures in severe marine exposure conditions. The same principles can be used to ensure that the concrete used for residential footings will provide the required performance when subjected to saline soil/groundwater. This guide considers urban salinity, its measurement and classifcation, and covers the effects of saline conditions within the soil/groundwater on concrete elements. it covers issues relating to the design, detailing and construction of concrete, and provides guidance on the quality issues that need to be addressed when placing concrete to ensure its long- term performance in saline environments. strategies to minimize the effects of salinity are also given. While the information may apply to all concrete members, this document focuses on residential slabs and footings, as little guidance in this area currently exists. O1 Introduction Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments 5 2.1 General sources of salinity within the environment include: naturally occurring salts from marine sediments, salts released from the process of soil/rock weathering, salts transported from the ocean and deposited by rainfall, or use of recycled 'grey' water containing salts. The type of salinity is usually defned by the area in which it occurs. For example; dryland salinity in rural areas, 'irrigation salinity' in irrigated farming lands and 'urban salinity' in built-up areas. This guide deals only with urban salinity. less commonly, salinity is referred to as either primary, where it occurs naturally within the landscape, or secondary, where human intervention has directly contributed to the development or expansion of salinity (eg poor drainage and rising water tables bringing salt to the surface). Problems with salinity are generally linked to the groundwater system, as water transports the salts through the soil. Water moves through the ground in all landscapes, generally from higher to lower areas. The parts of the landscape where the majority of water enters the water table are known as the recharge areas. As the water fows through the soil, salts will be dissolved and transported, and any raising of the water level will thus also bring any dissolved salts closer to the surface. sometimes, the groundwater level will reach the surface, and water (carrying salts) will emerge and leave salt deposits on the surface as the water evaporates. Areas where the groundwater and salts are able to reach the surface are known as discharge areas. 2.2 UrbanSalinity sites can be split into three categories in respect of urban salinity: n sites with low salinity hazard. Typical are those where there are low levels of salts, good drainage (leaching of salts) or those with stable, deep water tables. n sites that have existing salinity hazard. salt-related problems in urban environments include staining of surfaces (white deposit), fretting brickwork, dying vegetation, bare clay 'scalded' surfaces and rapid corrosion of metallic items. For new developments, soil investigations can readily identify whether there is a problem with salinity. n sites that have the potential to develop a salinity hazard. salts are present, but are well below the surface. Because salinity is a dynamic system involving many variables, over time, change in climate, land use and land cover (urbanisation) may result in rising water tables; also, salts may be imported to the area. While some actions can be taken to reduce the risk of a salinity hazard developing, predicting how a dynamic system dependent on so many variables will perform over the typical 50-year design life of a building is diffcult. For sites classifed as having the potential to develop a salinity hazard, the best approach is therefore to accept that at some point in the future the hazard will exist and to ensure that building materials are capable of providing the required performance in such an environment. As land is becoming a scarce resource, it is important that the strategies adopted to deal with salinity allow the development potential of all areas to be realised at an affordable cost to the consumer. strategies need to be thought through carefully, so that money is invested in actions that deliver the most cost-effective solution. For example, adding to the cost of the land by 'estate' flling over saline areas may not be an effective long-term solution if there is still the potential for capillary action to draw salts to the surface. it could be more economical to keep the land price down, and to put more resources into the building design, materials and construction to ensure that they are appropriate for the conditions that exist on the site. O2 Sources of Salinity 2.3 PotentialforUrbanSalinity While the water table (and dissolved salts) is normally at some depth within the soil profle, if raised suffciently the salts that are brought towards the surface can affect vegetation, building elements (footings and walls), services within the ground and infrastructure built on the ground (eg roads). The diffculty is being able to determine the impact of a development on the natural system, and to predict what changes will occur to the water table over the design life of structures such as houses, and whether these will have the potential to create a salinity hazard. The diffculty stems from the naturally occurring variables within the soil that affect the position of the water table, ie: n The depth of any impermeable layer such as rock. n The type of soil and ease with which water can infltrate through it. n The presence of deep-rooted trees/vegetation that have the ability to not only intercept water before it reaches and adds to the water table, but also to draw water from considerable depths, often from the water table itself. n The amount and variability of rainfall. n The rate of evaporation of moisture from the soil. n The capillary suction of the soil (in clays, this may raise water by up to 2 m). n The uniformity of the soil (if, say, an impermeable layer within the soil profle rises closer to the surface at some point, it may result in a constriction to the fow of groundwater, causing it to rise closer to the surface, and possibly emerge/discharge). n The distance between recharge and discharge areas. For large residential developments, or even townships, the cumulative amount of recharging along a slope could exceed the capacity of the soil to drain the groundwater, effectively raising groundwater to the surface. n The presence of perched water tables. This is where the area has impermeable material underneath the surface, preventing water from draining; these areas are commonly subject to waterlogging. Adding to the variables present in the natural system, are the variables introduced through human intervention. These include: n Estate development including clearing of vegetation, the construction of artifcial water features, detention basins, and estate cut and fll over large areas. n single-lot developments and minimal control over the water usage on the site. increased water addition through excessive watering of lawns and gardens often occurs. n Reducing natural evaporation and natural recharge by covering the surface with impermeable pavements and structures. n use of water which may contain dissolved salts, eg 'grey' water reticulation systems, bore water, etc. n The use of rubble pits or sullage pits, recharge to the water table. n leaking service pipes such as water and stormwater. From the above, it can be seen that many variables infuence the position of the water table and thus create a potential salinity hazard. it is also important to realise that the groundwater system within a development may be affected not only by changes and activities within the development, but also from changes that occur on the surrounding land, possibly many kilometers away. 6 Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments 3.1 General No one resource or prescriptive list of tests can provide all the information required to determine the potential for salinity at a particular location. The processes by which salt moves through the landscape are complex, making it diffcult to determine the salinity hazard at a specifc location. information on some useful resources for beginning a salinity hazard investigation is outlined elsewhere 1 . The resources available at present to assess the potential salinity of a site are described below. 3.2 Broad-scaleResources Broad-scale resources such as salinity-hazard maps are general planning tools, which identify areas of known salinity, and may rank the potential salinity risk as high, moderate or low. in urban areas, precise identifcation of individual house lots on broad-scale maps is very diffcult, as much of the existing information is available at scales too small for use in urban areas. However, information from broad-scale resources can be used to identify the need for further investigation if the house lot is in an area classifed as salt affected or potentially at risk from saline conditions. 3.3 InformationforNewSingleLots For single lots, information available from the developer, local Council and relevant state government Department should be checked, as should any local Council requirements for testing to identify the salinity risk. if it is identifed that the lot is within an area that either has an existing problem, or the potential to develop a salinity hazard, actions that need to be taken include determining the extent and level of the salinity hazard or risk by sampling and testing. A typical basic investigation would be the excavation of a single randomly-located pit, with the salinity of the soil tested at 500-mm intervals down to a depth of, say, 2.5 to 3.0 m. This will establish the approximate depth at which saline conditions occur, the level of salinity and possibly the position of the water table. The cost of such a basic investigation will be quite modest. However, to determine the types of salts present, further more-expensive testing would be required. For small structures such as a workshop/shed foor, the cost of sampling and testing may be as much as the cost of the foor itself (including measures to address the saline environment), and therefore not warranted. Even for house footings, the cost of the testing has to be weighed against the additional cost of implementing measures to deal with the possible saline conditions, eg increasing the concrete strength and, in some areas, upgrading the vapour barrier beneath the slab to a damp-proofng membrane (see section 6.6). Damp-proofng membranes have higher impact resistance than vapour barriers and hence greater resistance to puncturing and moisture penetration. 3.4 InformationforExistingProperties on existing properties, it is unlikely that information will be available on the potential for a salinity hazard. state government Departments may have broad- scale maps of the area, or local Councils may be aware of areas at risk from salinity. Note that due to the variability of ground conditions, even in areas not known for salinity, the occasional house may suffer damage due to salt attack. An inspection of existing older buildings on or adjacent to the site may reveal whether or not saline conditions exist in the area. Evidence includes white staining/crusting on the walls and fretting or eroded bricks (usually near the ground), bare patches of lawn (possibly with white appearance from dried salts), and dying vegetation. if there is evidence of salt then precautions need to be taken. The soil can be tested to determine the level of salinity, or alternatively a conservative approach can be taken where some basic items such as the concrete strength and/or plastic membrane are attended to in the construction to provide the required durability. 3.5 Measurement The currently accepted way of determining the salinity level at a site is by measuring the electrical conductivity (EC) of the soil in decisiemens per metre (ds/m). Note that a salinity level of 1 ds/m is approximately equivalent to a total soluble salt level of 640 ppm or 640 mg/l. O3 Salinity Assessment and Classifcation Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments 7 8 Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments The procedure measures the current between two electrodes; suffcient water to dissolve the salts and provide a circuit between the electrodes is therefore required. Two methods are available 2 : n saturated extract electrical conductivity, EC e . The soil is saturated with water and the electrical conductivity (EC e ) measured. This procedure takes into account the soil texture as the sample is not broken down by mixing with water. soil texture is an important factor as the salt attack on concrete depends on the rate of water movement (and therefore the salts) through the soil and how rapidly salts can be supplied/replenished at the face of the concrete. This is discussed in more detail later. n Extract electrical conductivity, EC (1:5). The soil is mixed with water in the ratio of 1 part soil to 5 parts water and the electrical conductivity is measured. As the soil texture affects the conductivity, conversion factors (Table1) are used to estimate the saturated extract electrical conductivity (EC e ) of the actual soil, rather than the soil/water mixture. The extract electrical conductivity test is a simpler and faster test method, giving results (even after applying the conversion factors) which are accurate enough for determining the requirements for the concrete. With the saturated extract electrical conductivity test, it may take a considerable time to reach the saturation point with soils such as heavy clays. 3.6 ClassifcationofSalineSoils Table2gives a broad defnition of salinity classes and their effects on vegetation. The division between a non-saline and saline soil is generally regarded as an EC e value of 4 ds/m. To give some perspective to the values, the maximum limit for human drinking water is an EC value of 2.5 ds/m, saline water would be regarded as 6 ds/m, while the Pacifc ocean has an EC value of about 59 ds/m. it should be noted that the classifcation in Table2 was developed to assess the likely impact of salinity on agricultural crops. it is also considered a reasonable classifcation for salinity in urban areas 1 . TABLE1Factors for converting EC (1:5) to EC e (based on Abbott 3 and shaw 4 ) Soiltexturegroup* Multiplicationfactors sands 17 sandy loams 14 loams 10 Clay loams 9 light clays 8.5 light medium clays 8 Medium clays 7 Heavy clays 6 * groups are classifed for texture on the degree to which soil can be rolled out in the palm of the hand, see Site Investigation for Urban Salinity 5 for details. TABLE2EC e values of soil salinity classes (after Richards 6 ) EC e Class (ds/m) Comments Non-saline <2 salinity effects mostly negligible slightly saline 24 yields of very sensitive crops may be affected Moderately saline 48 yield of many crops affected Very saline 816 only tolerant crops yield satisfactorily Highly saline >16 only a few very tolerant crops yield satisfactorily Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments 9 4.1 General salt attack occurs from the action of soluble salts. While the problems associated with salinity are often referred to simply as 'salt damp', it is important to realise that there are many different salts that can be present, each having a different deterioration mechanism in terms of concrete. The ratio of the individual salts present is expressed as an ion concentration. Table3 compares the ion concentrations for typical seawater with those found in groundwater tests carried out in the Wagga Wagga 7 (NsW) area and in the soil at second Ponds Creek 8 (a major residential development) in sydney. Common salts are chlorides (Cl) and sulfates (s) of magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na) or potassium (K). Measured by the concentrations of chloride ions, the groundwater in the worst location at Wagga Wagga is about one third as saline as seawater, while at the worst site at second Ponds Creek (where salts are emerging from the creek bank) the chloride levels are approximately only 20% that of seawater. Hence it is important to realise that urban salinity is generally not the same as the perception of a salt water environment, and that at the levels present, designing and constructing concrete residential slabs and footings for durability can be a straightforward process. Note that the usual test for salinity, the electrical conductivity test (see section 3.5), measures only the total soluble salts, it does not give an indication as to which types are present. By knowing the composition of salts present, a more accurate assessment of the salt attack mechanisms and durability requirements of concrete elements can be made, and more-effective salinity management strategies implemented. The three main mechanisms by which salts in the groundwater can attack reinforced concrete are: n Physical attack n Chemical attack n Corrosion of reinforcement. Common to each is the requirement for water to dissolve and transport the salts to the concrete surface. A highly saline soil can be in contact with the concrete and yet have no effect if the soil is dry. Note that as the salts may dissolve into solution slowly, some codes of practice tolerate concentrations in the soil several times greater than in the groundwater 9 . O4 Effects on Concrete TABLE3Major ions (mg/l) in water/soil Groundwaterat SoilatSecondPondsCreek,Sydney 8 WaggaWagga,NSW 7
Worst site Average of 3 sites** Average of 3 sites** Average of (Creek Bank) (away from Creek) (away from Creek) Ion Seawater Worst site 9 worst sites 1:5 extract* 1:5 extract saturation extract Cl 19500 6160 2788 4050 1253 2140 Na 11000 2900 1512 546 201 1425 s 2700 1720 761 24.6 20.1 109 Mg 1400 648 307 13.4 3.0 82 Ca 410 496 244 2.0 0.2 6.2 K 390 5.7 8.3 1.5 1.7 11.1 Notes: *Maximum values measured at the site **The average includes the maximum value at each location 10 Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments 4.2 PhysicalAttack Moisture from the soil can enter the concrete and lead to rising damp and crystallisation of salts (both chlorides and sulfates) as the water evaporates. Depending on the pressure exerted by the crystallisation process and on the strength of the concrete, some disruption of the concrete at the surface can occur. Eventually the surface layer of the concrete may be 'softened' and possibly fret away, exposing a fresh surface. With buried concrete elements, fresh surfaces do not generally become exposed to further attack, while the softened layer will typically slow down the rate at which further concrete will be attacked. 4.3 ChemicalAttack in saline groundwater environments, not only are chloride ions present, but naturally-occurring sulfates of sodium, potassium, calcium or magnesium can sometimes be found in the soil or dissolved in the groundwater. At certain concentrations, these sulfates can chemically attack the concrete. The severity of the attack will depend on the types of sulfates present, their concentration, movement of groundwater, pressure, temperature and the presence of other ions. Potential sources include: n groundwater containing dissolved sulfates n Dissolved sulfates formed from oxidation of sulfde minerals in the ground n sulfates from back fll of coal ash or coal washery reject. sulfate attack typically involves a reaction between the sulfates and constituents of the concrete to form products which occupy a larger volume than the original compounds. The resulting swelling within the concrete leads to cracking, which in turn allows easier access for further penetration of aggressive elements, thus leading to further deterioration. Attack from calcium, sodium and potassium sulfates is classifed as 'moderate', while magnesium and ammonium sulfates are potentially more severe in their action. This is because they attack a greater number of the concrete constituents. Note that the groundwater test results for Wagga Wagga (see Table3) indicate that the potassium levels were almost non-existent, calcium content averaged half that of seawater for the worst nine bore holes, and sodium content was only about 12% that of seawater. Thus the sulfate attack would be substantially less aggressive than from seawater. At second Ponds Creek the values were considerably less again. Where dense, good-quality concrete of low-permeability is in contact with a solution of sulfates, continuing reaction depends on a renewable source of soluble sulfates. if there is little or no water movement (ie static water table), the rate of replenishment of diluted salts from the surrounding soil will be slow, as will be the rate of formation of reaction products; the attack will therefore be limited. More details can be found in As 3735 and the supplementary commentary 10 . The sulfate resistance of buried concrete has been investigated extensively both in Australia and overseas; fndings include recommendations for protection measures (eg constituents, mix design). The importance of addressing quality issues such as compaction and curing are also highlighted as they have a major infuence on the permeability, and hence durability of concrete in these conditions. More information can be found in stark 11 and Harrison 12 . Particular sulfates in soils can also lead to highly acidic conditions (acid-sulfate soils). While the recommendations in this guide will also assist in these conditions, more-specifc recommendations for exposure to these environments are beyond the scope of this document and can be found in BRE Digest 363 9 . 4.4 CorrosionofReinforcement 4.4.1 General The concrete surrounding reinforcement provides a highly alkaline environment (pH of around 12) which results in the steel being protected by the formation of a highly impermeable oxide layer on its surface. This effectively protects the steel from corrosion, even in the presence of moisture and oxygen. The concrete cover to the reinforcement provides a physical barrier against the ingress of substances such as salts. generally, as the severity of the exposure increases, so will the required quality of the concrete cover. There are two main mechanisms by which the protection of the steel can be impaired and corrosion initiated: n Reduction in the alkalinity of the concrete which prevents the protective oxide layer forming n ingress of salts such as chlorides which, if present in suffcient concentration, will cause corrosion even in an alkaline environment. Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments 11 4.4.2 Reductioninthealkalinityofconcrete Reduction in the alkalinity or pH levels of the concrete can occur through the processes of carbonation or leaching. Carbonation is a process where calcium hydroxide in the concrete reacts with carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to form less-alkaline products; leaching involves the removal of soluble alkali hydroxides (high pH) from within the concrete. Because carbonation requires contact with the air, it is unlikely to cause corrosion problems in slabs and footings buried in the ground, particularly if in moist environments. leaching is also unlikely to cause problems as the fow of water through the soil and across the surface of a buried slab or footing is generally insuffcient to remove or 'wash out' any soluble alkalis. in acidic soils, leaching of alkalies is possible. Thus the main factor causing corrosion of reinforce- ment in slabs and footings is the ingress of salts. 4.4.3 Ingressofsalts Chloride-induced corrosion tends to be associated with intense localised attack of the reinforcement. Referring to Table3, the highest ion concentration is that of chloride, and it is these soluble chloride ions that gradually penetrate into the concrete and cause corrosion of the reinforcement. When the concentration of chloride ions at the steel reaches a certain level, a breakdown in the passive oxide flm around the steel occurs, even under conditions of high alkalinity, causing the steel to be activated, and corrosion to be initiated. in the presence of moisture and oxygen, corrosion continues or propagates, with spalling of the concrete taking place once the expansive forces caused by the rust exceed the tensile capacity of the concrete. For corrosion of reinforcement to be initiated and to continue, three major conditions must exist simultaneously, viz the presence of salts (eg chlorides), moisture and oxygen. it is generally agreed that in a continuously submerged situation, corrosion of reinforcement is negligible due to the lack of oxygen, the diffusion of salts through the saturated pores of the concrete being slow and, in some cases, the pores becoming blocked with insoluble products. in zones that are subjected to repeated wetting and drying, saline water may be drawn through the pores of the concrete by capillary action. 4.4.4 Cracking Cracking in any concrete element may impact on the concrete durability because it provides a direct passage for moisture (possibly containing aggressive agents such as salts) and oxygen to enter the concrete. Depending on their depth and width, and the aggressiveness of the exposure conditions, early corrosion of the reinforcement may occur, causing localised failure and spalling. 5.1 General in urban areas, salinity management strategies can either be on a broad scale, involving large areas of land such as a subdivision, or on a localised scale such as a single-lot development. While the strategies to deal with salinity issues vary considerably between subdivisions and single-lot developments, in terms of using concrete in saline environments, the same principles apply to both assess the degree of exposure and provide an appropriate concrete strength and cover. 5.2 Subdivisions The development of subdivisions has the potential to alter any existing salinity on a broad scale, including those on adjacent properties and developments. Changing the landform, varying the vegetation in recharge and discharge areas, siting of infrastructure and services, and use of grey water, can all affect the groundwater and/or salinity levels. While the short-term impacts may be fairly accurately assessed, predicting the fnal outcomes of urbanisation over, say, a ffty-year period is far more diffcult, due to the many variables involved (see section 2.3). if investigations reveal no existing or potential salinity problems, then work can proceed normally. However, if an existing or potential problem is identifed, the following should be considered: n Saltloading. groundwater (containing salts) will fow downward, and may emerge in low-lying areas such as creeks and rivers, or at the base of a slope. if groundwater is intercepted along the slope through activities such as cut-and-fll construction, provision of retaining walls and installation of roads/services, and diverted to stormwater drains, a similar salt loading should reach the creek/river. However, intercepting groundwater can create some opportunities, including being able to divert salts to evaporation basins, controlling the height of the water table and leaching salts out of the soil Figure1. The size of the evaporation basin can be designed to perform adequately for the majority of light rain showers experienced in our climate, while in heavy downpours, salts will be diluted and fushed through the system. n Slabscaping. This is a term used to describe the construction of level building blocks by terracing the slopes as part of the subdivision development. Because of the quantity and easy access during development, retaining walls can be provided at a lower cost. While housing lots will cost more, the savings offered to the home owner through economical slab-on-ground construction involving no cut-and-fll or retaining walls far outweighs the increase. in terms of urban salinity, this good all- round solution for sloping sites, has similar benefts to individual cut-and-fll construction on single lots, while it allows greater control of the drainage issues Figure2. n Levels. The fnished surface levels on blocks should be provided with adequate falls to the street to allow runoff of water and prevent water ponding, waterlogging of the soil, and to reduce the infltration of rainfall into the ground. n Estatecut-and-fll. While this may expose some saline material, concrete elements such as house slabs, drains and retaining walls, and infrastructure, can be designed to provide the required durability. Depending on the salinity levels, the greatest impact may be the short-term effect on the vegetation such as trees, lawns and gardens. Careful design of the major earthworks should be able to overcome most of these problems by, say, keeping the saline materials covered. For the long term, the ground levels and design of the drainage system should be able to control the level of the groundwater table. in this way, any salts present near the surface should be gradually leached further down. n Concreteretainingwalls. Adequate drainage should be provided behind walls. in saline soils a plastic membrane behind the wall will also assist with reducing the risk of efforescence on the exposed face of the wall. The walls should have appropriate concrete strength and cover to the reinforcement. O5 Site Management 12 Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments n Stormwater/subsoildrains. For level/low-lying areas, stormwater drains along roads can be used to control groundwater levels, see Figure3. Depending on the situation, these could be installed at greater depth to further lower the groundwater table. Alternatively, to reduce the distance between drains, subsoil drains could be installed along property boundaries. n Filling. if the level of a low-lying area is to be built up by flling (with non-saline material), a drainage layer should be provided beneath the fll to prevent groundwater rising to the surface. Note that this layer should be drained. n Cappinglayers. Covering saline soils with a layer of non-saline material (perhaps an impermeable clay material) may be an option to avoid disturbance of the affected soil horizon/material, but the long- term effectiveness needs to be evaluated. The material may interfere with the natural evaporation process and cause the groundwater level to rise to the underside of the fll layer. Capillary action, particularly in the types of clay materials that might be used as a capping layer, may then draw the groundwater and salts closer to the surface where building elements and landscaping may be affected. if there is an existing salinity problem, then all elements within the subdivision will need to be designed to allow for this. The design of the subdivision should also enable an improvement of the situation over time (ie reduction in the salinity) through procedures such as estate tree planting and drainage design to lower groundwater levels and allow leaching of the salts. Where there is the potential for a salinity hazard to develop, the design process should either guarantee that no future problems will arise, or require that certain basic measures are incorporated into the design of, say, house footings to ensure their durability if the situation changes. Note that such a guarantee may be diffcult to offer over the typical 50-year design life of a building. 5.3 Single-lotDevelopments The opportunities to respond to salinity on single-lot developments are limited to on-site actions such as building and service design, stormwater management and landscaping 13 . However, the impact on the overall salinity system should not be underestimated as each single lot can contribute to the recharging of the water table. in areas affected by urban salinity, some items to consider are: n Cutandfll. The majority of sloping sites will be cut-and-flled to create a level building platform. This may expose some saline material, in which case the concrete footings, retaining walls and paving should be designed to provide the required durability. n Suspendedfoors. Note that the strip footings used to support suspended foors are generally deeper than the edge beams for stiffened-raft type footings, and extend further into the ground, increasing the risk of exposure to saline conditions, especially if there is a high groundwater table. n Stripandpadfootings. As a damp-proofng membrane is seldom provided for strip or pad footings, the concrete for these should be designed for the exposure conditions present on Retaining wall with subsoil drainage behind, draining to evaporation basin or stormwater Original groundwater level New groundwater level Groundwater table lowered Footings designed for saline conditions FIGURE1 Cut-and-fll construction Retaining walls with subsoil drainage behind, draining to evaporation basins or stormwater House lot House lot House lot FIGURE2 slabscaping provides control of drainage Drain interrupts groundwater Drain lowers groundwater level Groundwater level Groundwater level Roadway FIGURE3 stormwater drains control groundwater levels Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments 13 14 Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments the site. if a damp-proofng membrane is installed, and a reduced concrete strength and cover used, the member should be completely encased by the membrane. n Externalpaving. Where paving (including driveways) is being placed on saline soils, the provision of a plastic membrane such as a damp- proofng membrane under the paving will assist in preventing salts coming through the paving materials. These salts may cause efforescence and possible physical, chemical and corrosion damage to paving. n Concreteretainingwalls. As for subdivisions, adequate drainage should be provided behind concrete retaining walls. A plastic membrane behind the wall will also reduce the risk of efforescence and possible physical damage to the exposed face of the wall. Concrete retaining wall systems should be designed with the appropriate concrete strength and cover to the reinforcement. n Drainage. ground and paving levels should ensure that water does not pond on the property as the increased infltration will raise the water table. subsoil drains behind retaining walls and around buildings, and drains at the base of batters should be effectively drained to avoid water ponding within the trenches/drains. For fat sites, subsoil drainage can be installed to control the level of the groundwater table. n Landscaping. Planting deep-rooted vegetation will assist in controlling the level of the water table by reducing infltration. Depending on the salinity level, salt-resistant turf and plants could be considered. n Sundrybuildingsandretainingwalls. For items such as garden sheds and small retaining walls, the required design life may only be 10 to 20 years, instead of the nominal 50 years required of new houses. in these circumstances, the normal 20-MPa concrete strength may be satisfactory. in saline environments, it is, however, still recommended that the concrete be placed on a membrane such as a vapour barrier to control moisture and efforescence from the salts. 6.1 General This section provides recommendations on concrete strength, cover to the reinforcement, compaction and curing together with measures to control cracking to ensure durability of concrete slabs and footings exposed to urban salinity. The recommendations in this section take account of the relevant requirements in not only As 2870 Residential Slabs and Footings 14 but also in As 3600 Concrete Structures 15 , AS 2159 Piling Design and Installation 16 , As 3735 Concrete Structures for Retaining Liquidsand the Commentary 10 on it, and in the Building Code of Australia 17 . All are based on a design life of 4060 years. Currently the BCA and standards require the use of a minimum 20-MPa concrete for residential slabs and footings, regardless of the salinity of the soil, on the basis that adequate protection is offered by the damp-proofng membrane, as it isolates the concrete element from its surroundings. it implies that correct installation and maintenance of the membrane can be guaranteed. Also, there are no requirements for strip and pad footings the wrapping of which in a damp- proofng membrane is impractical. A more practical solution is to provide the appropriate concrete strength and cover for the urban salinity exposure conditions present on the site. For slab- on-ground construction, the plastic membrane, apart from fulflling its primary function of controlling water vapour rising through the slab, can then be regarded as an additional safeguard (if installed correctly), and one which will further increase the design life of the concrete element. This approach applies particularly to strip and pad footings where no specifc requirements for protection are provided in the standards. 6.2 Concrete 6.2.1Quality The permeability of concrete is probably the most important factor affecting its durability since it will determine the degree of penetration of aggressive agents from the environment. Concrete of high permeability will allow the penetration of salts, moisture and oxygen, leading to the deterioration mechanisms (of both the concrete and any embedded steel) discussed earlier. Concrete permeability, in turn, is infuenced by numerous factors, the most signifcant being the water-cement ratio and the length of time for which the concrete is cured. The cement content is an important factor in producing a cohesive and workable mix, thus facilitating placing and compaction to produce a dense concrete. it should be recognised that concrete permeability is controlled by factors which are allied to the concrete's strength, eg water-cement ratio, cement content and degree of hydration/curing. As a result, and also because it is the most convenient method of specifcation and control, the strength of concrete is the common measure of its quality. 6.2.2Strength Adopting the usual philosophy of specifying durability in terms of concrete strength and cover, Table4 gives the recommended Normal grade concrete strengths (eg N20) for the various salinity classes. These are the standard strength grades of concrete manufactured by ready mixed suppliers to comply with the requirements of As 1379 18 . Note that while the use of an arbitrary EC e value for determining the impact of salinity on buildings and infrastructure is a simplifcation, for concrete durability where the difference in strength between the standard concrete strength grades is about 25% (ie 20 MPa, 25 MPa, 32 MPa, 40 MPa, etc), the impact of small variations in the EC e on the selection of the appropriate concrete strength is minimal. in section 3.6, it was shown that saline soils are generally regarded as those with EC e values greater than 4 ds/m. Therefore, both the non-saline and slightly saline classes would be regarded as non- aggressive soils in terms of concrete durability, with an N20 concrete being satisfactory. Recommended minimum concrete strengths for the salinity classes identifed in Table2 are shown in Table4. O6 Concrete Slabs and Footings Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments 15 TABLE4 Recommended concrete strengths for salinity classes EC e range Salinityclass (ds/m) (from Table 2) Concretegrade
<2 Non-saline N20 24 slightly-saline N20 48 Moderately saline N25 816 Very saline N32 >16 Highly saline N40 Note that the concrete strengths given in Table4 are a guide for saline conditions, and may not be adequate in highly acidic soils. At Wagga Wagga, testing revealed the groundwater from all bores to have neutral to slightly alkaline pH values, so no problems with acid deterioration would be expected. At second Ponds Creek, pH values of the 1:5 soil extracts ranged from about 5 to 9. in As 2159 this is considered as non-aggressive in low-permeability soils such as silts and clays, and requires a minimum 25-MPa concrete for durability of the concrete itself. For highly permeable soils such as sands where the groundwater at the surface of the concrete can be replenished more easily, the environment would be considered mildly aggressive and require a minimum 32-MPa concrete strength for durability. Note that in this instance these concrete strengths are consistent with those required for durability against chloride and sulfate ions. 6.2.3Covertoreinforcement in addition to the chemical protection afforded to the reinforcing steel by the alkalinity of the concrete, the concrete cover to reinforcement provides also a physical barrier to the ingress of aggressive agents. The effectiveness of this barrier depends on both its thickness and its quality. Thus, adequate cover of good quality concrete is vital in providing durable concrete in aggressive conditions. Recommended covers to reinforcement are: n slabs and internal beams protected by a damp- proofng membrane To internal surface 20 mm To membrane in contact with the ground 30 mm n Perimeter beams/strip footings not protected by a damp-proofng membrane Non-aggressive soils 40 mm Moderately saline soils 45 mm Very saline soils 50 mm Highly saline soils 55 mm The recommended covers for slabs and internal beams protected by a membrane comply with the requirements of As 2870. For perimeter beams around stiffened rafts and strip or pad footings where the concrete may not be protected by a suitable membrane, increasing the cover is recommended. 6.2.4Materials Concrete is basically a combination of cement, aggregate (fne and coarse) and water. Admixtures and other ingredients are often added to impart particular properties to the concrete in the fresh or hardened state. it is important to ensure that concrete is manufactured and supplied in accordance with As 1379, as this will ensure that the ingredients have also been checked for compliance with the requirements of the relevant Australian standards. 6.2.5Uncontrolledwateraddition The importance of not adding more than the specifed amount of water cannot be overemphasised. As water is added to the concrete mix, the water-cement ratio is increased, resulting in lower strength and more permeable concrete that is less able to resist the physical damage it may be subjected to in a saline environment, see Figures4and5. As a general rule, the more water that is added, the more permeable the concrete will be, and hence the less durable. Also, excess water may increase drying shrinkage cracking and produce a weaker surface prone to excessive wear and dusting. 16 Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments 6.3 Reinforcement 6.3.1Fixingofreinforcement Reinforcement should be fxed in position to prevent movement during placing of the concrete and to provide the required concrete covers. Comprehensive information can be found in Guide to Concrete Construction 19 . 6.3.2Alternativematerials options for an extended design life include the use of galvanised, stainless steel and epoxy coated reinforcement. For residential slabs and footings, the cost of the latter two options may be prohibitive; a more practical and cost-effective approach is generally to increase the concrete strength and/or cover. 6.4 Concreting 6.4.1General The three major phases of concreting are placing, compacting and curing. Each has a signifcant infuence on the quality of the resulting concrete and, in particular on its ability to perform satisfactorily in saline environments. some of the more important aspects of these site practices are outlined here; a comprehensive coverage of all facets of concreting work is provided in Guide to Concrete Construction. 6.4.2Placingandcompacting Concrete should be placed to avoid segregation and honeycombing of the mix, as porous concrete will provide an ineffective concrete cover to protect the reinforcement. Any water or debris in the base of piers, footings and thickenings should be removed prior to placing the concrete to avoid problems with increasing water-cement ratio, segregation or washing out of cement paste from the aggregate, all of which can affect the durability of the concrete. Compaction of the concrete is very important as it expels entrapped air and packs the aggregate particles together so as to increase the density of the concrete. it enhances the ultimate strength of the concrete and the bond with the reinforcement. it also increases the concrete's abrasion resistance, decreases its permeability and therefore enhances its general durability. Proper compaction also ensures that the formwork is completely flled ie there are no pockets of honeycombed material and that the required fnish is obtained on vertical surfaces. When frst placed, normal concretes will contain between 5% and 20% by volume of entrapped air. The aggregate particles, although coated with mortar, tend to arch against one another and are prevented from slumping or consolidating by internal friction. Compaction of concrete is therefore a two-stage process. First the aggregate particles are set in motion and slump to fll the form, giving a level top surface. in the second stage, entrapped air is expelled, see Figure6. it is important to recognise the two stages in the compaction process because, with vibration, initial consolidation of the concrete can often be achieved relatively quickly. The concrete liquefes and the surface becomes level, giving the impression that the concrete is compacted. Entrapped air takes a COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (MPa) 10 20 30 60 50 40 0 70 WATER TO CEMENT RATIO 0.3 0.6 0.7 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 WATER TO CEMENT RATIO 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 COEFFICIENT OF PERMEABILITY (10 -14 m/s) FIGURE4 Typical effect of water/cement ratio on strength FIGURE5The effect of water-cement ratio on the permeability of the concrete Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments 17 18 Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments little longer to rise to the surface. Compaction must therefore be prolonged until this is accomplished, ie until air bubbles no longer appear on the surface. As can be seen from Figure7, the effect of compaction on compressive strength is dramatic. For example, the strength of concrete containing 10% of entrapped air may be as little as 50% that of the concrete when fully compacted. Permeability may be similarly affected since compaction, in addition to expelling entrapped air, promotes a more even distribution of pores within the concrete, causing them to become discontinuous. The durability of the concrete is thus improved. While the deeper strip footings and beams within slabs on ground (both edge and internal) should be compacted using an immersion vibrator, for 100-mm- thick slabs on ground, adequate compaction can usually be achieved through the placing, screeding and fnishing processes. sometimes, surface vibration will be used in the form of a small hand-held vibrating screed. immersion vibrators are not recommended for a 100-mm-thick slab on ground, as the slab depth does not allow proper immersion of the vibrator head, and damage may be caused to the vapour/damp- proofng membrane. The proper compaction of concrete is essential to the durability of concrete in saline environments. 6.4.3Curing Curing is the process that controls the loss of moisture from concrete after it has been placed in position (or during the manufacture of concrete products), thereby providing time for complete hydration of the cement to occur. since the hydration of cement takes time days, and even weeks rather than hours curing must be undertaken for a reasonable period of time if the concrete is to achieve its potential strength and durability. Curing may also encompass the control of temperature since this affects the rate at which cement hydrates. Figure8 illustrates the importance of curing by comparing the strength (at 180 days) of concrete which has been: n kept moist for 180 days; n kept moist for various periods of time and then allowed to dry out; and n allowed to dry out from the time it was frst made. As demonstrated by Figure8, concrete allowed to dry out immediately achieves only 40% of the strength of the same concrete water cured for the full period of 180 days. Even three days water curing increases this fgure to more than 60%, whilst 28 days water curing increases it to about 95%. Keeping concrete moist is therefore a very effective way of increasing its ultimate strength. RELATIVE STRENGTH (%) AIR VOIDS (%) 0 20 40 60 80 0 15 20 25 30 100 5 10 FIGURE7loss of strength through incomplete compaction COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AT 180 DAYS AS % OF CONTINUOUSLY MOIST SAMPLE Days cured (then in air) 20 40 60 80 0 Contin- uously moist 28 14 7 3 100 Contin- uously in air FIGURE8Effect of duration of water curing on the strength of concrete STAGE 1 STAGE 1 PROCESS: Liquefaction of the concrete which allows it to slump and fill the form TIME: 3 to 5 seconds STAGE 2 STAGE 2 PROCESS: The expulsion of entrapped air TIME: 7 to 15 seconds TOTAL TIME (for both stages of the process): 10 to 20 seconds TOTAL TIME (for both stages of the process): 10 to 20 seconds FIGURE6The process of compaction Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments 19 The curing period will depend on the properties required of the concrete, the purpose for which it is to be used, and the ambient conditions, ie the temperature and relative humidity of the surrounding atmosphere. Keeping concrete moist by preventing the loss of moisture can be achieved by either: n preventing an excessive loss of moisture by leaving formwork in place, covering the concrete with an impermeable membrane after the formwork has been removed (eg plastic sheeting, chemical curing compound), placement against a plastic membrane, or by a combination of such methods; or n continuously wetting the exposed surface thereby preventing the loss of moisture from it (ponding or spraying the surface with water are typical methods used). The durability of concrete is affected by a number of factors including its permeability and absorptivity. Broadly speaking, these are related to the porosity of the concrete and whether the pores and capillaries are discrete or interconnected. Whilst the number and size of pores in cement paste are related directly to its water-cement ratio, they are also related, indirectly, to the extent of water curing. over time, water curing causes hydration products to fll (either partially or completely) the pores and capillaries present, and hence to reduce the porosity of the paste. Figure9 illustrates the effect of different periods of water curing on the permeability of cement paste. As can be seen, extending the curing period reduces the permeability. in saline environments, a weak concrete surface is less effective in resisting both physical attack from salts and chemical attack from sulfates, and the increased permeability of the concrete provides a less effective barrier to the ingress of aggressive substances such as chloride ions. The concrete cover provided is therefore not as effective as that assumed in the requirements of the standards, and the design life may be reduced. Note that it is important to cure all exposed faces of the concrete, including the edges, as these generally have the greatest exposure to any aggressive substances in the soil. The proper curing of concrete is another essential element in the durability of concrete in saline environments. Recommended curing periods are: n slab surface interior 3 days Exterior 7 days n slab Edge Non-aggressive or saline 7 days 6.5 ControlofCracking While cracks are not normally a structural problem in house slabs, if wide enough, they may allow the ingress of salts and affect the durability of the concrete in saline environments. There are many ways to reduce the tendency for the concrete to crack. For normal class concrete, the simplest is to ensure that no excess water is added on site and the concrete is adequately compacted. Allowing the concrete to gain strength so that it is better able to resist the tensile forces that cause cracking, can also be addressed through proper curing of the concrete. Curing not only allows the chemical reactions responsible for strength gain to take place, but also delays the drying of the concrete. The increased strength gain prior to drying will reduce the tendency of the concrete to crack. More reinforcement is also a simple and relatively inexpensive way to control the size of cracks. increasing the amount of slab reinforcement by specifying a heavier fabric (eg sl92 instead of sl72) will tend to distribute any cracking more evenly. Placing extra reinforcement at points where shrinkage cracking is expected (eg trimmer bars at re-entrant corners and specifying overlap of slab fabric in narrow parts of the slab to result in double the amount of fabric in the critical areas) is also effective. COEFFICIENT OF PERMEABILITY (m/s) CURING PERIOD (days) Cement paste (W/C = 0.51) 0 10 -8 10 -9 10 -10 10 -11 10 -12 10 -13 10 -14 10 -15 10 -16 10 -7 1 3 7 14 28 90 10 -17 FIGURE9Effect of duration of water curing on the permeability of cement paste 20 Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments 6.6 Damp-proofngMembrane The installation of a damp-proofng membrane satisfying the requirements of As 2870 is recommended for slab-on-ground construction; it is mandatory in some states. This should be laid on a minimum 20-mm sand layer to minimise the risk of puncturing the membrane and to provide a physical break/barrier to upward movement of groundwater. other requirements of As 2870 are: n The entire slab is underlaid. n The membrane is lapped 200 mm at joints for continuity. n The membrane is continuous at penetrations; taped or sealed with a close-ftting sleeve. n The membrane is extended to ground level. Note that while damp-proofng membranes can be used for strip and pad footings, protection of the top surface (usually below ground level) may be diffcult. 1 oFlaherty K Local Government Salinity Initiative Broad Scale Resources for Urban Salinity Assessment Department of land and Water Conservation sydney, 2002. 2 Rayment g E and Higginson F R Australian Laboratory Handbook of Soil and Water Chemical Methods inkata Press, Melbourne, 1992. 3 Abbott T s Soil Test Interpretation Proceedings of a symposium, Dubbo, NsW, February 1990. 4 shaw R J soil salinity, in Identifcation of Soils and Interpretation of Soil Data, pp 145174, the Australian society of soil science incorporated, Queensland Branch, Brisbane, 1985. 5 lillicrap A and Mcghie s Local Government Salinity Initiative Site Investigation for Urban Salinity Department of land and Water Conservation, sydney, 2002. 6 Richards l A Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkaline Soils usDA Handbook No 60, Washington DC, 1954. 7 Urban Salinity Annual Status Report 19992000 Wagga Wagga City Council. 8 Cox J, Fitzpatrick R, Williams B, Davies P and Forrester s Salinity Investigation at Second Ponds Creek Consultancy report for Rouse Hill infrastructure Pty ltd, July 2002. 9 Sulfate and acid resistance of concrete in the ground BRE Digest 363, Building Research Establishment, uK 1996. 10 As 3735 Concrete structures for retaining liquids standards Australia, 2001. As 3735 supp1, Concrete structures for retaining liquids Commentary, standards Australia, 2001. 11 stark D, Longtime Study of Concrete Durability in Sulfate Soils Portland Cement Association, Research and Development Bulletin RD086.01T. 12 Harrison W H Sulfate Resistance of Buried Concrete The third report on a long-term investigation at Northwick Park and on similar concretes in sulfate solutions at BRE Building Research Establishment Report Ci/sfB q2(R8), 1992. 13 Western sydney salinity Working Party, Western Sydney Salinity Code of Practice, Western sydney Regional organisation of Councils, 2003. 14 As 2870 Residential slabs and footings Construction standards Australia, 1996. 15 As 3600 Concrete structures standards Australia, 2001. 16 As 2159 Piling Design and installation standards Australia, 1995. 17 Building Code of Australia 2004 Housing Provisions (BCA 2004 Volume Two) Australian Building Code Board, 2004. 18 As 1379 Specifcation and supply of concrete, standards Australia, 1997 19 Guide to Concrete Construction (T41/HB64) Cement and Concrete Association of Australia and standards Australia, 2002 CementConcrete&AggregatesAustraliawebsite: www.concrete.net.au O7 References Guide to Residential Slabs and Footings in Saline Environments 21