Koplenig Empirical Resaearch Into Dictionary Use 2014
Koplenig Empirical Resaearch Into Dictionary Use 2014
Koplenig Empirical Resaearch Into Dictionary Use 2014
Alexander Koplenig
Empirical research into dictionary use
A brief guide
Alexander Koplenig: Institut fr Deutsche Sprache, R 5, 6-13, D-68161 Mannheim, +49-(0)621-
1581435, [email protected]
1 Introduction
On the subject of the methodology of user studies in the context of dictionary re-
search, Lew (2011, p. 8) argues that
[u]ser studies can answer a number of questions that are relevant to (mostly) practical lexi-
cography. However, to be maximally useful, researchers need to be really careful about the ex-
act form of the question they actually want to ask. Having settled on this part, they need to
think long and hard about what are the best possible means to tackle the specific questions
that they want answered.
To tackle the specific questions (for example about how online dictionaries are
actually being used or how they could be made more user-friendly), many research-
ers have called for a more intense focus on empirical research (Atkins & Varantola,
1997; Hartmann, 2000; Hulstijn & Atkins, 1998). When referring to empirical social
research, Hartmann (1987, p. 155, 1989, pp. 106107), Ripfel & Wiegand (1988, pp.
493520), Tono (1998, pp. 102105) and Zfgen (1994, p. 39 seqq.) list experiments
and surveys as distinct methods of dictionary usage research. However, as I will try
to show below, these authors seem to mix up two distinct elements of empirical
research that it is important to distinguish: on the one hand the research design,
and on the other hand the instrument of data collection. In this chapter, I will there-
fore try to describe the typical steps in an empirical investigation as defined by
Diekmann (2002), Babbie (2008) and Trochim & Land (1982) that seem to be im-
portant for empirical research into dictionary usage. Every step will be illustrated
using examples from our research project or other relevant studies.
I hope that this brief guide will be of some help in Lews words in maximiz-
ing the usefulness of user studies in dictionary research by helping the investigator
to answer the following questions:
What is the relationship of interest? (cf. Section 2.1)
How will the variables involved be measured? (cf. Section 2.2)
What type of design is the most appropriate for collecting the data? (cf. Section
What kind of structure is best suited for answering the research question? (cf.
Section 2.3.2)
How should the data be collected? (cf. Section 2.3.3)
How should the collected data be analyzed? (cf. Section 2.4)
2 Research Methodology
The following five steps on how to conduct an empirical study are closely based on
Diekmanns guidelines (2002, pp. 161191).
It may seem trivial, but nevertheless it is worth mentioning: each (empirical) re-
search project starts with the formulation of a question. If there is no question, then
there is nothing to research. Popper (1972) most notably demonstrated this by ask-
ing his audience to observe. Of course, the only logical reply to his demand is
what? (or why, or when, or how). The better the research question is articu-
lated, the easier all subsequent steps will be. In relation to dictionary usage re-
search, it is also first of all necessary to clarify what exactly the focus of interest is.
On the one hand, framing a research question can also mean specifying the hy-
potheses to be tested in the study. Ideally, the researcher already knows at this
point which variables are dependent and which ones are independent (Diekmann,
2002, p. 162; cf. Example 1).
Example 1
In our project, we tried to find out whether different user groups have different pref-
erences regarding the use of an online dictionary (Koplenig, 2011). This means we
were interested in the influence of a persons background on his/her individual
preference. In this case, the dependent variable is the preference relation of the
user, whereas professional background and academic background serve as inde-
pendent variables.
Example 2
As Tarp (2009a) has pointed out, the close relation between specific types of social
needs and the solutions given by means of dictionaries (Tarp, 2009a, p. 19) have
not yet been thoroughly investigated. To explore the contexts of dictionary use, we
decided to include an open-ended question in our first survey: In which contexts or
situations would you use a dictionary? Please use the field below to answer this ques-
tion by providing as much information as possible. (cf. Mller-Spitzer: Contexts of
dictionary use, this volume).
After the theoretical concept of the investigation has been decided, the researcher
needs to decide how to measure this concept. This is called operationalization.
Testing a hypothesis usually means that the researcher first has to clarify how to
measure the variables involved (Babbie, 2008, p. 46; Diekmann, 2002, p. 168).
Hartmann (1989, p. 103) hypothesizes that [d]ifferent user groups have different
needs, and therefore [t]he design of any dictionary cannot be considered realistic
unless it takes into account the likely needs of various users in various situations
(Hartmann, 1989, p. 104). But what is a user group (Wiegand et al., 2010, p. 678)?
For example, if it is assumed that the groups are determined by classical socio-
demographical variables such as gender or age, the operationalization is easy. But it
is also a reasonable assumption that relevant group variables in this context could
be the professional or academic background (cf. Example 1) or the usage experience.
However, it is not clear a priori what is meant by an experienced dictionary us-
er. So if one of the research hypotheses states that the amount of experience in dic-
tionary use is a determinant of a successful dictionary consultation, it is first of all
necessary to define how experience is measured in this context (cf. Example 3).
Example 3
In our project, we asked the respondents to one of our surveys to estimate on how
many days per week they use online dictionaries (0 7). This estimation served as a
proxy for dictionary usage experience: we assumed that people who use a dictionary
every day (7) are on average more experienced than people who use the dictionary
less often.
Example 4
To identify different user demands (cf. Example 1), we decided to ask the respond-
ents both to rate ten aspects of usability regarding the use of an online dictionary,
and to create a personal ranking of those aspects according to importance. Analysis
of (Spearmans rank) correlation revealed a significant association between im-
portance and ranking. At this point, we were fairly confident that it would be possi-
ble to use the individual ranking as a reliable indicator of users demands.
After the meanings of all the variables involved have been defined, that is, opera-
tionalized, the researcher has to decide on the mode of study.
Research Design
Diekmann (2002) argues that the function of research designs is to provide mean-
ingful data1 (Diekmann, 2002, p. 274). Any research design has two dimensions
(Diekmann, 2002, pp. 267304):
A temporal dimension (cf. Section 2.3.1)
A methodological dimension (cf. Section 2.3.2).
1 Erhebungsdesigns sind Mittel zum Zweck der Sammlung aussagekrftiger Daten.
The design type is concerned with the temporal dimension of the research, while the
methodological dimension of a research design affects the control of variance. Both
dimensions will now be briefly outlined.
Example 5
All of the four online surveys carried out throughout our project were designed as
cross-section surveys. In each survey, our subjects were asked to answer a ques-
tionnaire. We then used the collected data to compare subjects with different char-
acteristics, for instance, those who work as translators and those who do not.
[w]ith specific reference to a Sesotho sa Leboa dictionary, it was indicated that the general
trend during the first six months has been one of a growing number of lookups by growing
number of users.(De Schryver & Joffe, 2004, p. 194)
While the distribution of the number of lookups per visitor is Zipfian, most visitors tend to
look up frequent items on the one hand, and sexual/offensive items on the other (De Schryver
& Joffe, 2004, p. 194)
Statements on this level are typical of a panel design. This means collecting the data
of one sample of subjects at several points in time. By measuring the same variables
for the same individuals or units at multiple points in time, it becomes possible to
model change on the individual or the unit level, in contrast to a cross-sectional
design (Diekmann, 2002, p. 267).
One objection against categorizing the investigation by De Schryver & Joffe
(2004) as a panel design is raised by the authors:
One can also not distinguish between multiple users who share a computer, or determine
when a single user has made use of multiple computers (e.g., a student who uses a computer
lab). Nonetheless, the technique is reliable in the majority of cases, providing an error margin
of probably not more than 15%. (De Schryver & Joffe, 2004, p. 194)
In contrast to De Schryver and Joffe (2004), it can be argued that this is a strong
methodological objection against drawing any conclusions on the individual level.
An error margin of 15% is problematic in itself, especially because it is reasonable to
assume that this error is non-random: imagine a public institution such a library or
a school where the visitors can use the dictionary (Bergenholtz & Johnson, 2005, p.
125). This institution would be classified as one particularly heavy user. This could,
in turn, lead to a systematic over-estimation of heavy users.
Panel designs could also be interesting for research into dictionary use, because
dictionary skills are very likely to develop over time. Lew (2011) addresses this ques-
As users work with a dictionary over time, they learn some of the structure, conventions; the
learn how to cut corners. Humans exhibit a natural and generally healthy cognitive tendency
to economize on the amount of attention assigned to a task at hand. So in the course of interac-
tion with dictionaries, users habits adjust, and their reference skills evolve. (Lew, 2011, p. 3)
Creating the structure of the investigation means deciding how the units of interest
will be assigned to the categories of the independent variables (Diekmann, 2002, p.
289). In this section, three common design structures will be presented and dis-
Experimental Design
Example 6
In Mller-Spitzer & Koplenig (Expectations and demands, this volume), we argue
that when the users of online dictionaries are thoroughly informed about possible
multimedia and adaptable features, they will come to judge these characteristics to
be more useful than users that do not have that information. To test this assump-
tion, we included an experimental element in our second survey: participants in the
treatment condition were first presented with examples of multimedia and adapta-
ble features. After that, they were asked to indicate their opinion about the applica-
tion of multimedia and adaptable features in online dictionaries. Participants in the
control group first had to answer the questions regarding the usefulness of multi-
media and adaptable features followed by the presentation of the actual examples.
As predicted, the results revealed a learning effect. This effect turned out to be mod-
est in size (about a half a point on a 7-point scale), but highly significant.
By direct analogy with social research, real controlled experimental trials are often
not feasible in dictionary usage research. The reason for this is quite simple: imag-
ine a researcher, who is trying to ascertain whether the dictionary look up process
(dependent variable) is determined by the language skills of a respondent (inde-
pendent variable). For reasons of simplification, let us assume that the researcher
believes that native speakers differ from L2 speakers of a language. Conducting an
experiment in this situation would involve the random assignment of the partici-
pants to one of the two experimental conditions. Of course this is not possible, as
potential respondents either are native speakers or are not (Diekmann, 2002, p.
303). Subsequently, the researcher would not be able to eliminate the fundamental
problem of selection bias: for instance, it is quite likely that the native speakers
would be better at understanding the experimental instructions. And this ad-
vantage, in turn, could affect the look up process. Similar instances could be multi-
plied. Thus, we cannot infer, on logical grounds, a causal effect of language skills
on the look up process.2
Two alternative design structures will be presented in the following two sec-
2 The problem of selection bias is also important in the case of log file investigations. If a research
project is directed at the exact needs of the users (Bergenholtz & Johnson, 2005, p. 117) it must be
borne in mind that the there is an error that is again non-random (cf. Section 2.3.1): the sample
only includes data for people who use (or have used) the dictionary. Take for instance the following
hypothetical but plausible situation (cf. Koplenig, 2011): Alex does not know the spelling of a par-
ticular word. To solve this problem, he visits an online dictionary. However, when trying to find the
search window, he stumbles across various types of innovative buttons, hyperlinks and other dis-
tracting features. Instead of further using this online dictionary, he decides to switch to a well-
known search engine, because he prefers websites that enable him to find the information he needs
easily. In this example, there would not be any data to log (except for an unspecified and discontin-
ued visit on the website). Therefore, the external validity of the investigation can be questioned
(Diekmann, 2002, pp. 301302).
Non-experimental Design
Quasi-experimental design
In principle, quasi-experimental designs are experiments without the random as-
signments to the experimental conditions. Typical examples are the evaluation of
the effects of specific actions, such as political or legal reforms or social interven-
tions (Diekmann, 2002, p. 309). In those contexts, the variables of interest are
measured before and after the implementation of the action. The difference between
the two measurements represents the effect induced by the action.
In dictionary usage research, a quasi-experimental design could be applied to
measure the effectiveness of new dictionary features. For example, the researcher
might wish to know whether the implementation of an error-tolerant search func-
tion makes the dictionary more user-friendly. One could measure how many look
ups are successful before and after the implementation of this feature. The differ-
ence could be considered to be the usefulness of the feature.
Ex-post-facto design
An ex-post-facto group design can be classified as a research design both without
the random assignments to the experimental conditions, and without the manipula-
tion of the independent variables by the researcher. In fact, groups are compared
because of shared differences that exist prior to the investigation. As a result, the
formation of groups is independent of the research design. In this case, the compar-
ison group is not equivalent to the control group in an experimental design. In so-
cial research, this type of design is very common. Typical examples are the influ-
ence of socio-economic or socio-demographic factors on various types of outcomes,
such as educational achievement or occupational career.
Background factors of this kind that could affect the use of dictionaries and the
look up process, could be the language skills of the user (cf. the example given at
the end of Section, as well as his/her academic or professional background.
Example 7
An extension of Example 6 demonstrates that even an experimental design does not
replace a careful examination of the collected data: a closer ex-post-facto inspection
of the data showed that the effect mentioned in Example 6 is mediated by linguistic
background and the language version of the questionnaire: while there is a signifi-
cant learning effect in the German version of the questionnaire but only for non-
linguists, there is a highly significant learning effect in the English version of the
questionnaire but only for linguists.
Indeed, this type of design was very important in our project, as we tried to find out
whether different user groups have different preferences regarding the use of an
online dictionary:
[m]ore specifically we need to ask: Should a user (i.e. while using a dictionary) create a profile
at the beginning of a session (e.g. user type: nonnative speaker, situation of use: reception of a
text) and should s/he navigate in all articles with this profile? (Mller-Spitzer & Mhrs, 2008,
pp. 4445)
[I]t will almost be impossible to conceive smart adaptive interfaces for dictionaries, unless
more detailed data combining tracking data and other information as age or language level for
instance, would eventually infirm this conclusion. (Verlinde & Binon, 2010, p. 1150)
3 In recent years, several refined strategies have been proposed to approach this problem, for ex-
ample matching, instrumental variables, difference-in-difference designs, regression-discontinuity
designs or quantile regressions (cf. Angrist & Pischke, 2008). None of these models will ultimately
overcome the shortcomings of non-experimental data. Nevertheless they prove to be a valuable
basis for cautious (counterfactual) causal reasoning without experimental data (Pearl, 2009). By all
means, it is important to control for variables that are assumed to be correlated with the relation-
ship of interest.
Data collection
In principle, data collection means any systematic method of gathering the infor-
mation needed to answer the research question on the basis research design. Fol-
lowing Kellehear (1993), Diekmann (2002) and Trochim (2006), I distinguish be-
tween obtrusive (sometimes referred to as reactive) and unobtrusive methods of
data collection.
In general, an unobtrusive method can be understood as a method of data col-
lection without the knowledge of the participant or the unit-of-interest. In contrast,
obtrusive measurement means that the researcher has to intrude in the research
context (Trochim, 2006).
As interviews or laboratory tests are also social interactions between the re-
spondents and the researcher, respondents tend to present themselves in a favora-
ble light. This is called social desirability (Diekmann, 2002, pp. 382386). Further-
more, filling out a questionnaire or taking part in a laboratory test can be exhaust-
ing or boring, which can also lead to biased results. Zwane et. al. (2011) even present
(field-)experimental evidence that under certain circumstances, participation in a
survey can change subsequent behavior:
Methodologically, our results suggest that researchers should rely on the use of unobtrusive
data collection when possible and consider the tradeoffs between potential biases introduced
from surveying and the benefits from having baseline data to identify heterogeneous treatment
effects not possible to estimate without implementation of a baseline survey. (Zwane et al.,
2011, p. 1824)
Thus, the great advantage of unobtrusive methods is that the measurement does not
influence what is being measured. Without the knowledge of a participant, it is
possible to measure his or her actual behaviour as opposed to self-reported behav-
iour (Kellehear, 1993, p. 5). At the same time, this strength is also the biggest limi-
tation of the method, because the researcher loses much of the control of the re-
search process. Whenever the researcher needs to collect information about
background factors assumed to influence the outcome of interest, e.g. the user type
(cf. Section, s/he must accept that:
[f]or some constructs there may simply not be any available unobtrusive measures. (Trochim,
2006; regarding dictionary usage research, cf. Wiegand, 1998, p. 574)
many lexicographers still carry out user research by means of questionnaires, arriving at con-
clusions which even a modest sociological knowledge would show to have no scientific war-
ranty. (2009b, p. 285)
minology of the user interface of elexiko (cf. Klosa et al., this volume). In elexiko, the
sense-related information is structured into tabs. We wanted to find out whether the
labels on the tabs were easy to understand. Or in other words, given that a user
needs a specific type of information, for example a synonym, does s/he know which
tab to click on and, if not, are there better labels (which are more user-friendly)?
Therefore, for every type of information, several different types of labels were pre-
pared. For example, the following four labels were prepared for the sense-related
Synonyme und mehr (synonyms and more)
Sinnverwandte Wrter (sense-related words)
Wortbeziehungen (word-relations)
Paradigmatik (paradigmatics)
Amongst other things, the participants were presented with different questions,
such as: Imagine the following situation: you are writing a text. Because you do not
want to use the same word every time, you are trying to find an alternative for the
word address. Please click on the item, where you think you would find the infor-
mation you are looking for. Each participant answered two of these vignettes (for
two different kinds of information). For each vignette, the participant (randomly)
received one of 25 different combinations of differently labeled tabs. In principle,
the quality of label was measured by relative frequency of correct clicks. For exam-
ple, our results show that paradigmatics is not really an appropriate label: only
8.33% of our participants (N = 685) were able to answer the question correctly, if this
label was chosen, whereas both synonyms and more (100.00%) and synony-
mous words (92.59%) proved to be more successful. The information gathered was
used to rename the tabs in elexiko accordingly (if necessary). Again, these results
are not based on a real usage situation, but they show that questionnaires can be
applied in a fruitful way to empirical research into dictionary usage.
Apart from that, I believe that even if Tarps premises were right, the conclusion
that questionnaires are not useful for dictionary research would not follow. Tarps
critique is based on the argument that answers to (retrospective) questions (e.g.
Which information do you think was most helpful when you used the dictionary
X) are unreliable, because they only reveal the users perception of their consulta-
tion, not the real usage (Tarp, 2009b, p. 285). This seems to imply that for Tarp the
perception of the users is not important at all. For example, if many users mention
having trouble with a certain kind of information in a dictionary, this may not be
identical to a real usage situation; nevertheless I think contrary to Tarp - that
this would at least be a result to think about and not just a negligible detail.
Thus, the bottom line is that it is important to bear in mind that [c]onstructing
a survey instrument is an art in itself (Trochim, 2006), but this art does not have to
be reinvented from scratch for the purpose of research into dictionary use, because
there is already a vast body of literature on the proper construction of question-
naires (e.g. Krosnick, 1999; Krosnick & Fabrigar, forthcoming; Rea & Parker, 2005;
or Diekmann, 2002, pp. 371443).
(Direct) Observation
Generally speaking, all empirical methods are observational.4 (Diekmann, 2002, p. 456)
However, in this context, in terms of social research, observation can be defined as:
directly and systematically gathering data about the unit(s)-of interest. In contrast
to a survey design, the relevant information is not based upon the self-assessment
or the answers of the participant. Thus, direct observation can take place both in an
artificial setting (e.g., in a laboratory) or in a natural setting (e.g. a class room). Of
course, observation can also be hidden, meaning that the subject is not aware of the
observation (e.g., a log file analysis). In this case, the observation is indirect and has
to be classified as an unobtrusive method (cf. Section 2.3.3). In social research, it has
become a common strategy to measure the response latency, i.e. the duration be-
tween the presentation of a stimulus, for example a question, and the response. This
measurement is then used as a proxy for various constructs, such as the accessibil-
ity of an attitude or the level of difficulty of a question (Mayerl, 2008). As the survey
respondents do not necessarily have to be aware of the fact that their response time
is being measured, this mode of observation has to be classified as a hybrid of an
unobtrusive and an obtrusive method.
In dictionary research, several studies have used direct observational methods.
For example, Aust, Kelley & Roby (1993) used the raw number of words the subjects
looked up in the dictionary (Aust et al., 1993, p. 67) as a measurement for diction-
ary consultation and the [n]umber of consultations per minute (Aust et al., 1993,
p. 68) as a measurement for efficiency. In a similar manner, Tono (2000) recorded
[t]he subjects look up process [] to obtain the list of words looked up. For each
look-up word or phrase, the time taken for look-up and accuracy rate were calculat-
ed (Tono, 2000, p. 858). Dziemianko (2010) carried out an unexpected vocabulary
retention test (Dziemanko, 2010, p. 261) as one way of assessing the usefulness of
a monolingual English learners dictionary in paper and electronic form
(Dziemanko, 2010, p. 259). Example 8 illustrates one of our observational approach-
4 In einem allgemeinen Sinne sind smtliche empirische Methoden Beobachtungsverfahren.
Example 8
In our project, we tried to evaluate how users navigate their way around electronic
dictionaries, especially in a dictionary portal. The concrete navigation process is
hard to measure with a survey. In collaboration with the University of Mannheim,
we therefore used an eye-tracker to record the respondent navigation behavior in
the lexicographic internet portal OWID, an Online Vocabulary Information System
of German, hosted at the Institute for German Language (IDS) (Mller-Spitzer et al.,
this volume).
Indirect methods5
In dictionary usage research, the analysis of log files seems to be the best example
of an indirect method. Other applications of this type of method are at least imagi-
A researcher could monitor the library lending figures of different dictionaries.
This measure could serve as an indicator of the importance of the particular dic-
A researcher could ask participants to translate texts using a dictionary. The
resulting translated texts are then analyzed for lexical choices (especially erro-
neous ones). This analysis can then be used to recreate the scenario that led to
choosing the wrong equivalent (Lew, personal communication).
Content analysis
By analyzing any kind of existing written material, the aim of content analyses is to
find patterns in texts (Trochim, 2006). Both Ripfel and Wiegand (1988), Zfgen
(1994), and Wiegand (1998) list content analysis as one distinct method of dictionary
usage research. But to my knowledge, no study applying this method has been pub-
5 The discovery of a special empirical distribution of digits is an intuitive example of an indirect
method of data collection: to detect fraud in statistical data, Newcomb-Benfords law (Diekmann &
Jann, 2010; Diekmann, 2007) can be used. This law states that the digits in empirical data are often
distributed in a specific manner. So, if the published statistical results do not follow this distribu-
tion, this is an indicator for faked data (e.g. Roukema (2009) analyzed the results of the 2009 Iranian
Election). The distribution was first discovered by the astronomer Simon Newcomb (1881). Without
the assistance of calculating devices or a computer, the only option in those days was to rely on
precalculated logarithm tables. Newcomb made an interesting observation: he noticed that the early
pages of the books containing those tables were far more worn out than the pages in the rest of the
book. This observation led, in turn, to the formulation of this law.
Example 9
In Example 2, the open-ended question has already been presented: In which con-
texts or situations would you use a dictionary? Please use the field below to answer
this question by providing as much information as possible. To analyze the answers
given to that question, we used the TEXTPACK program (cf. Mohler & Zll, 2001;
Diekmann, 2002, pp. 504510). On average, our respondents wrote down 37 words.
There are no noteworthy differences between the German language version of the
survey and the English version. As shown in Mller-Spitzers chapter about usage
opportunities and contexts of dictionary use, our results indicate that active usage
situations (e.g. translating or writing) are mentioned more often than passive situa-
tions (e.g. reading) (Mller-Spitzer: Contexts of dictionary use, this volume).
To be precise, this type is not an actual method of collecting data, since it uses or re-
analyzes existing data (Diekmann, 2002, pp. 164165). In the natural sciences, this
is common practice. Unfortunately, as Trochim (2006) points out:
In social research we generally do a terrible job of documenting and archiving the data from
individual studies and making these available in electronic form for others to re-analyze.
(Trochim, 2006)
This seems to hold for dictionary research, too. In our project, we have decided to
publish the raw data on which our findings are based on our website www.using-
dictionaries.info/ including supplementary material, such as the questionnaires.
Data analysis
Since the answer to this question is beyond the scope of this chapter, the purpose of
the next section is to briefly outline the relationship between the planning process
of an empirical study, the data collection and the subsequent data analysis. Angrist
6 Of course, as this question was part of a survey, it is not appropriate to classify this as an unob-
trusive method. This example is just for illustration purposes.
& Pischke (2008), Baayen (2008), Fox & Long (1990), Gries (2009), Kohler & Kreuter
(2005), and Scott & Xie (2005) provide useful introductions to the statistical analysis
of data. At this point, it is important to emphasize that if the previous steps have
been carefully and thoroughly followed, the statistical analysis of the data can be
quite easy to manage.
In the best case scenario, an initial idea of how to analyze the data is developed
during the early planning stages of the study, while the worst case scenario is a
situation where the investigator starts to analyze the data and finds out that s/he
cannot answer his/her research questions, because necessary data on confounding
variables (cf . Section have not been collected, or, maybe even worse, plenty
of data have been collected but no proper research questions have been articulated,
so the data analysis ends with a Popperian what (cf. Section 2.1).
In addition to a graphical numerical description of the collected data, the pur-
pose of quantitative methods is to use the distributional information from a sample
to estimate the characteristics of the population that the sample was taken from
(statistical inference). For research into the use of (online) dictionaries, the relevant
populations can be overlapping but need not be the same, depending on the re-
search question.
A researcher, for example, who wants to understand the specific needs of the
users of the online version of the OED, could choose a population such as everyone
who has ever used the OED Online. The sample then only includes data from people
who use (or have used) this specific dictionary. However, this sample would be
inappropriate, of course, if the researcher wanted to compare the needs of experi-
enced OED Online users with the needs of potential new users. In this case, the re-
searcher first has to decide which subjects the population actually consists of. While
the population in common political opinion polls is usually all eligible voters, the
actual population in dictionary usage research has to be determined on a methodo-
logical basis. As previously mentioned in Section, it is not possible to learn
anything about the needs of potential online dictionary users by conducting a log
file study, because the sample only includes data from people who have actually
used the dictionary:
For example, if log files show that someone has typed in Powerpuff Girls into our online dic-
tionary, what do we do with this information? For all we know, this could be an 8-year old try-
ing to print a colouring page of her favourite cartoon characters. So where do we go from
here? (Lew, 2011, p. 7)
In our research project, this also turned out to be one of Lews hard questions, as
representativeness is an important issue in research into the use of dictionaries and
empirical quantitative research in general (Lew, 2011, p. 5). Roughly speaking, our
target population consisted of all (!) internet users. For financial and technical rea-
sons, it was of course not feasible to draw a random sample of all internet users.
Since it is also rarely possible to conduct real controlled experimental trials (see
Section for an explanation), we decided on the one hand to collect data on
the respondents academic, professional, and socio-demographic background, and,
on the other hand, to obtain a huge number of respondents by distributing the sur-
veys through multiple channels such as Forschung erleben (experience re-
search), which is an online platform for the distribution of empirical surveys run
and maintained by the chairs of social psychology at the University of Mannheim
and visited by students of various disciplines, mailing lists (including the Linguist
List (a list for students of linguistics and linguists all over the world hosted by the
Eastern Michigan University), the Euralex List (a list from the European Association
of Lexicography), and U-Forum (a German mailing list for professional translators)),
and various disseminators (e.g. lecturers at educational institutions). While it is not
possible to rule out any selection bias with a non-experimental design for principal
reasons (cf. Section 2.3.2), we used an ex-post-facto design to control for potential
group differences (cf. Example 7). For example, it could be argued that our survey
results are somewhat biased towards lexicographical experts. In order to respond to
this justified criticism, we could (and in fact we did) compare the data of respond-
ents who were invited to take the survey via the online platform Forschung
erleben with that of the rest of our respondents, because it is unlikely that the for-
mer group mainly consists of typical dictionary experts.
However, results from a non-representative sample are problematic if and only
if the traits of people taking part are correlated with the outcome of interest (cf.
Section, because in this case statistically speaking the estimators are no
longer efficient. Essentially, this just means that it is not possible to infer from the
sample to the population (cf. Yeager et al., 2011).
3 Conclusion
To summarize, let me refer to Lews (2010) keynote mentioned in the introduction.
Lew defends the hypothesis that
[m]uch of the available body of user research appears to have invested the better part of time
and effort into data collection and analysis, to the detriment of careful planning and reflection.
But, arguably, more benefit might have come from redirecting this time and effort to the more
careful planning of the study design. (2010, p. 1 f)
I think Lew made an important point, not only for empirical research into the use of
(online) dictionaries, but in general for any empirical investigation. In a similar
vein, Diekmann (2002, p. 162) states:
Some studies have to face the problem that any old thing in the social field is supposed to be
investigated, without the research objective being even roughly defined. At the same time,
there is a lack of careful planning and selection of a research design, operationalization, sam-
pling and data collection. The result of ill-considered and insufficiently planned empirical re-
search is quite often a barely edible data salad mixed with extremely frustrated researchers.7
I hope that this chapter shows that, while the planning of empirical research into
dictionary use and empirical research in general can be quite demanding, this addi-
tional effort pays off, because it helps enormously to answer many questions rele-
vant for research into the use of online dictionaries.
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