Rivet Joints

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Rivet Joints

Fastenings (Joints)
The fastenings (i.e. joints) may be classified into the following
two groups :
1. Permanent fastenings
2. Temporary or detachable fastenings.

The permanent fastenings are those fastenings which can not

be disassembled without destroying the connecting
components. The examples of permanent fastenings in order of
strength are:
soldered, brazed, welded and riveted joints.

The temporary or detachable fastenings are those fastenings

which can be disassembled without destroying the connecting
components. The examples of temporary fastenings are:
screwed, keys, cotters, pins and splined joints.
Splined joints

Cotter joints
Methods of Riveting

A cold rivet or a red hot rivet is introduced into the plates and the
point (i.e. second head) is then formed.
When a cold rivet is used, the process is known as cold riveting and
when a hot rivet is used, the process is known as hot riveting.
The cold riveting process is used for structural joints while hot
riveting is used to make leak proof joints.
Function of rivet joint
The function of rivets in a joint is to make a connection that has
strength and tightness. The strength is necessary to prevent
failure of the joint. The tightness is necessary in order to
contribute to strength and to prevent leakage as in a boiler or in
a ship hull.
When two plates are to be fastened together by a rivet the holes
in the plates are punched and reamed or drilled.
Punching is the cheapest method and is used for relatively thin
plates and in structural work.
Since punching injures the material around the hole, therefore
drilling is used in most pressure-vessel work.
In structural and pressure vessel riveting, the diameter of the
rivet hole is usually 1.5 mm larger than the nominal diameter of
the rivet.
Lap Joints
Triple riveted lap joints
Single riveted double strap butt
Double riveted double strap butt
Double riveted double strap (unequal)
butt joint with zig-zag riveting
Important terms used in riveted
1. Pitch.
It is the distance from the centre of one rivet to the centre of the
next rivet measured parallel to the seam. It is usually denoted by
1. Back pitch.
It is the perpendicular distance between the centre lines of
the successive rows. It is usually denoted by pb.
1. Diagonal pitch.
It is the distance between the centres of the rivets in adjacent
rows of zig-zag riveted joint. It is usually denoted by pd.
1. Margin or marginal pitch.
It is the distance between the centre of rivet hole to the nearest
edge of the plate. It is usually denoted by m.
Failures of a riveted joint
A riveted joint may fail in the following ways :
1. Tearing of the plate at an edge.
A joint may fail due to tearing of the plate at an edge.
This can be avoided by keeping the margin, m = 1.5d,
where d is the diameter of the rivet hole.
2. Tearing of the plate across a row of rivets.
Due to the tensile stresses in the main plates, the
main plate or cover plates may tear off across a row of
rivets. In such cases, we consider only one pitch
length of the plate, since every rivet is responsible for
that much length of the plate only.
Tearing resistance or tearing
strength or tearing value of the plate
p = Pitch of the rivets,
d = Diameter of the rivet hole,
t = Thickness of the plate, and
t = Permissible tensile stress for the plate material.
We know that tearing area per pitch length,
A t = (p d ) t
Tearing resistance or pull required to tear off the plate
per pitch length,
Pt = At .t = (p d) t.t
When the tearing resistance (Pt) is greater than the applied
load (P) per pitch length, then this type of failure will not
Shearing of the rivets
The plates which are connected by the rivets exert
tensile stress on the rivets, and if the rivets are unable
to resist the stress, they are sheared off.

Shearing off a rivet in double cover butt joint.

d = Diameter of the rivet hole,
= Safe permissible shear stress for the rivet material
n = Number of rivets per pitch length.

Shearing area
Shearing resistance or pull required
to shear off the rivet per pitch length
Crushing of the plate or rivets
Sometimes, the rivets do not actually
shear off under the tensile stress, but
are crushed. Due to this, the rivet hole
becomes of an oval shape and hence
the joint becomes loose.
The failure of rivets in such a manner is
also known as bearing failure. The area
which resists this action is the
projected area of the hole or rivet on
diametral plane.
The resistance offered by a rivet to be
crushed is known as crushing
resistance or crushing
strength or bearing value of the
d = Diameter of the rivet hole,
t = Thickness of the plate,
c = Safe permissible crushing stress for the rivet or plate
n = Number of rivets per pitch length under crushing.
Crushing area per rivet (i.e. projected area per rivet),
Ac = d.t
Total crushing area = n.d.t
and crushing resistance or pull required to crush the rivet per
pitch length,
Pc = n.d.t.c
When the crushing resistance (Pc) is greater than the applied
load (P) per pitch length, then this type of failure will occur.
Strength of riveted joint
The strength of a joint may be defined as the maximum
force, which it can transmit, without causing it to fail.
Pt, Ps and Pc are the pulls required to tear off the plate,
shearing off the rivet and crushing off the rivet.
The joint will fail when the least of these three pulls is
reached, because a higher value of the other pulls will
never reach since the joint has failed, either by tearing off
the plate, shearing off the rivet or crushing off the rivet.
If the joint is continuous as in case of boilers, the
strength is calculated per pitch length.
If the joint is small, the strength is calculated for the
whole length of the plate.
Efficiency of a riveted joint
The efficiency of a riveted joint is defined as the ratio
of the strength of riveted joint to the strength of
the un-riveted or solid plate.
Strength of the riveted joint
= Least of Pt, Ps and Pc
Strength of the un-riveted or solid plate per pitch
P = p t t
Efficiency of the riveted joint:

p = Pitch of the rivets,

t = Thickness of the plate, and
t = Permissible tensile stress of the plate material.
Eccentric Loaded Riveted Joint
When the line of action of the load does not pass through
the centroid of the rivet system and thus all rivets are not
equally loaded, then the joint is said to be an eccentric
loaded riveted joint.
The eccentric loading results in secondary shear caused by
the tendency of force to twist the joint about the centre of
gravity in addition to direct shear or primary shear.
P = Eccentric load on the joint
e = Eccentricity of the load i.e. the distance between the line of
action of the load and the centroid of the rivet system i.e. G.
The following procedure is adopted for the design of an
eccentrically loaded riveted joint.
Find the centre of gravity G of the
rivet system
Let A = Cross-sectional area of each rivet,
x1, x2, x3 etc. = Distances of rivets from OY, and
y1, y2, y3 etc. = Distances of rivets from OX.
Introduce two forces P1 and P2 at the centre of gravity
G of the rivet system. These forces are equal and
opposite to P.
Assuming that all the rivets are of the same size, the
effect of P1 = P is to produce direct shear load on each
rivet of equal magnitude. Therefore, direct shear load
on each rivet
Two assumptions are made :
The secondary shear load is proportional to the radial
distance of the rivet under consideration from the
centre of gravity of the rivet system.
The direction of secondary shear load is
perpendicular to the line joining the centre of the rivet
to the centre of gravity of the rivet system..
F1, F2, F3 ... = Secondary shear loads on the rivets 1, 2, 3...etc.
l1, l2, l3 ... = Radial distance of the rivets 1, 2, 3 ...etc. from
the centre of gravity G of the rivet system.
Size of rivet diameters for rivet hole
diameter as per
IS : 1928 1961 (Reaffirmed 1996).
The bracket plate is 25 mm thick. All rivets are to be of
the same size. Load on the bracket, P = 50 kN ; rivet
spacing, C = 100 mm; load arm, e = 400 mm.
Permissible shear stress is 65 MPa and crushing stress
is 120 MPa. Determine the size of the rivets to be used
for the joint.
Design of Boiler Joints
The boiler has a longitudinal joint as well as
circumferential joint.
The longitudinal joint is used to join the ends of the
plate to get the required diameter of a boiler. For this
purpose, a butt joint with two cover plates is used.
The circumferential joint is used to get the required
length of the boiler. For this purpose, a lap joint with
one ring overlapping the other alternately is used.
Longitudinal and circumferential
Assumption in Designing Boiler
1. The load on the joint is equally shared by all the rivets.
2. The tensile stress is equally distributed over the section
of metal between the rivets.
3. The shearing stress in all the rivets is uniform.
4. The crushing stress is uniform.
5. There is no bending stress in the rivets.
6. The holes into which the rivets are driven do not weaken
the member.
7. The rivet fills the hole after it is driven.
8. The friction between the surfaces of the plate is
Design of Longitudinal Butt Joint
for a Boiler
Thickness of boiler shell. First of all, the thickness of the boiler
shell is determined by using the thin cylindrical formula, i.e.

t = Thickness of the boiler shell,

P = Steam pressure in boiler,
D = Internal diameter of boiler shell,
t = Permissible tensile stress, and
l = Efficiency of the longitudinal joint.

The thickness of the boiler shell should not be less than 7 mm.
Efficiencies of commercial boiler
Diameter of rivets. After finding out the thickness of
the boiler shell (t), the diameter of the rivet hole (d)
may be determined by using empirical formula, i.e.

d = 6 t (when t is greater than 8 mm)

If the thickness of plate is less than 8 mm, then the

diameter of the rivet hole may be calculated by
equating the shearing resistance of the rivets to
crushing resistance.
Size of rivet diameters for rivet hole
diameter as per
IS : 1928 1961 (Reaffirmed 1996).
Pitch of Rivets
The pitch of the rivets is obtained by equating the tearing
resistance of the plate to the shearing resistance of the
rivets. It may noted that
a. The pitch of the rivets should not be less than 2d, which is
necessary for the formation of head.
b. The maximum value of the pitch of rivets for a longitudinal
joint of a boiler as per I.B.R. is
pmax = C t + 41.28 mm
where t = Thickness of the shell plate in mm, and
C = Constant.
The value of the constant C is given in Table 9.5.
Distance between the rows of
rivets (pb)
For equal number of rivets in more than one row for
lap joint or butt joint, the distance between the rows
of rivets ( pb) should not be less than

0.33 p + 0.67 d for zig-zig riveting

2 d for chain riveting.

p is the pitch of the rivets in the outer rows

Distance between the rows of
rivets (pb)
For joints in which the number of rivets in outer rows
is half the number of rivets in inner rows and if the
inner rows are chain riveted, the distance between the
outer rows and the next rows should not be less than

0.33 p + 0.67 or 2 d whichever is greater.

The distance between the rows in which there are full

number of rivets shall not be less than 2d.

p is the pitch of the rivets in the outer rows

Distance between the rows of
rivets (pb)
For joints in which the number of rivets in outer rows
is half the number of rivets in inner rows and if the
inner rows are zig-zig riveted, the distance between
the outer rows and the next rows shall not be less

0.2 p + 1.15 d.

The distance between the rows in which there are full

number of rivets (zig-zag) shall not be less than

0.165 p + 0.67 d. p is the pitch of the rivets in the outer rows

Thickness of butt strap
According to I.B.R., the thicknesses for butt strap (t1)
are as given below :

1. The thickness of butt strap, in no case, shall be less

than 10 mm.
3. For unequal width of butt straps, the thicknesses of
butt strap are

t1 = 0.75 t for wide strap on the inside

t2 = 0.625 t for narrow strap on the outside

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