Experience Report S.v.clanner

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Experience report

of Baroness Sophie Koch von Clanner

I had the good fortune to visit Bruno Groening very often, and
over several years, so I came in contact with him and witnessed
countless healings. Because of that, I feel obliged to share my
experiences and understandings with others, and I do it with
gratitude, especially for our community.

In the year of 1949, all the newspapers reported on Bruno

Groenings sensational healings, and my daughter asked me to
make an appointment with Groening to help her husband. In the
Rhineland, where my daughter was living, a healing ban and an
arrest warrant had been issued for Bruno.

My son-in-law suffered from Parkinsons disease and this had

already affected his mind. By this time, he was not well at all. The
doctors declared that they couldnt actually heal him, and so they
prescribed tranquilisers, such as Atropine and Scopolia.

My daughter and I had been very sceptical of the Groening-fever

going around everywhere. But my son-in-law had placed all his
hopes in Groening, and pushed his wife continuously, so that his
wish would not be forgotten.

Even though an acquaintance, Leo Harward, was the owner of the

Traberhof, a stud-farm near Rosenheim in Bavaria where
Groening stayed, all my attempts to get close to Mr. Groening had

Suddenly, I decided to go to the Traberhof with my invalid, to

fulfill his great wish.

We arrived at midday on Tuesday. A big crowd was waiting for Mr.

Groening, and on the following days it grew bigger and bigger.
Alongside the house sat and lay the most serious invalids, all the
cases you would never see in public places. Behind them were a
great crowd of people, all of the invalids and also some who were
merely curious.

Bruno Groening was absent. From time to time, a man appeared

on the balcony of the house and spoke to the crowd with warm
and kindly words; saying that Bruno Groening had illuminated
the area in spite of his absence. But illuminated was a strange
word for me, an unclear concept. The people should believe they
will become well, and pray to God. Sometimes another man came
out of the house and cared for some invalids, but his role was only
to talk to them with conviction - not to heal through his own
power, but in connection with Bruno Groening, who was sending
him the healing power. A lot of people pressed around him, so it
was impossible to reach him with my invalid. Then healings
happened, some through this person and some without any
(apparent) assistance. When a healing happened, the people
shouted Healing and then they prayed, and sang Great God we
adore you!

They believed in miracles. But I didnt, and I couldnt believe that

anybody could work miracles.

However, all the time we heard the shouts of healing, first in

front, then behind me, sometimes to the right and sometimes to
the left.

Ill merely comment on what I saw for certain near to me: I saw a
lame child trying to walk - with success - and watched a man
throwing away his crutches and walking, as never before. I found
a gypsy woman crawling on the earth in the pains of healing -
praying ardently. She invited us to support and join in her prayer.
Suddenly she jumped to her feet with a happy scream Im
healed! and rushed to a family member sitting nearby, who was
lame. She hugged him, full of joy, and he abruptly moved his legs.
He stood up, with support, and he tried to walk, with success.

Nearby were a couple with a two-year-old child. It was lying on

his back with a pinched face, couldnt sit straight and twitched its
arms uncontrollably. The couple had arrived the day before and
joyfully told me that the child, who could never sleep properly, fell
asleep at once. After its first awakening and during the following
days they saw a much-improved condition. They told me they were
very glad about every little success that happened when the child
was sleeping: that they would stay at least until the child was
completely well.

Mr. Groening came on Friday afternoon, and the couple went home
after the following night. The child was sitting, laughing happily on
his fathers arms and seemed to be completely well again, like a
normal child.
The next evening of my stay it was raining cats and dogs. I
looked for a shelter and found it inside a bus in a parking area.
Inside of the bus were just a few people. I asked the driver and he
allowed us to come in. Suddenly the healer came into the bus and
went up to a woman I didnt know what was wrong with her -
and he cured her. Later she declared herself healed.

Before anybody else came along, I asked the healer to come to my

invalid. He invited him to put his shaking hands onto his knees and
hold them tight, but after repeated requests he wasnt successful,
because his hands were slipping up to his thighs. My invalid
seemed to be the more helpless the more the healer paid attention
to him. At last my patience snapped and I said to the invalid: If
you want to get healed, you have to do what he wants. Maybe my
energy was transferred to him, or he concentrated better, but the
shaking diminished, and at last ceased. The healer then left the

Also seated in the bus was a fat woman, maybe a help-seeker as

well. She started to nag and bother us. She seemed to be enraged
that I an invader had a healing in her rented bus. My invalid
was so upset about this complaining, that he wanted to leave the
bus at once. I didnt want to yield so quickly, but when I realized
that he had started shaking again, I obliged. Unfortunately, the
state of his illness was now the same as before, due to this

We went to the house, where the door was open and we

succeeded in entering. Just at that moment we witnessed the joy
of a mother when her daughter got back her eyesight. Then a
Polish man came in. He carried a human bundle and put it on a
table. We saw constricted limbs, and the face showed that here
was a severely handicapped child. His mouth was deformed and he
produced animal sounds.

Somebody took him to another room, and after a while he was

brought back and sat again on the table. The feet were not drawn
in any more; as they hung down from the table he moved them
and jokingly laughed about his feet, as his face became more and
more human.

In the same room was a man. He walked with crutches and his
feet were angled outwards at a right angle. This man also went
into that room and came back again, clutched at my arm and said:
Can you see, my flat feet are gone! and he paced normally
around the room. Later I saw him walking downstairs without his

We were asked to leave the house for a short time. I took my

invalid to some acquaintances and went for a stroll in the nearby
forest to think about all that Id seen, and to try to bring all these
experiences to some resolution. But I got no result, so I decided to
stay until Groening came, hoping to get an explanation of these
incidents from him.

On Friday evening Mr. Groening came - protected from the crowd

by bodyguards. The people spread their hands after him and tried
to touch him.

Then he stepped on to the balcony and asked for half an hour of


With the attendance of Groening the mood of the crowd changed.

The seething, restless mass became calm and peaceful. There was
an atmosphere like a devotional communion.

And then Groening came He stood with his arms on the rail
of the balcony - looking afar for a long time, and then to the
crowd. What he said is already recorded, so I wont repeat it here.
His eyes looked over the crowd. Sometimes he looked sharply
toward a sick person, especially when he heard a moaning, which
then stopped at once.

Several shouts of healing came from the periphery, and you

could hear them right up at the front. Because Id decided to try
for a healing for myself - to get the truth - I didnt count the
number of healings that happened during the attendance of Mr.
Groening. I couldnt watch for them at this time.

In the springtime, Id left the hospital after a treatment for a

gastric ulcer, and received advice to be careful with it. It was
cured, but I couldnt tolerate fatty food or cold drinks. I placed
myself comfortably in a car, concentrating and watching for what
might now develop in my body. Suddenly I felt my stomach
moving around, as if turning toward the outside, and something
warm fondled the inside. Since that time my stomach has worked
without any problems. Now Ive experienced a wave of Groenings
healing power for myself, but Ive still got no explanation as to
how it happened!!

Some people near the balcony threw tinfoil-balls up to Groening;

they wanted him to charge them. But Mr. Groening asked them not
to do this. He said everybody should take an item in his own hand
and then he would charge it. So I did, I took a metal item in my
hand and watched to see what would happen. Suddenly I felt a
current flowing into my arm; it was like an electrical stream, but it
was different. Its running slowed until it reached the item in my

In my opinion the riddle was solved. I was then convinced that

Groening sent rays. He was the transmitter, and the sick people
were the receivers.

Later when I spoke to Groening actually, I didnt speak to him,

but he read my thoughts he said to me: dont try to understand,
you cannot grasp it with your mind!

Also, I noticed that I didnt need any food to eat during the whole
waiting time (one afternoon, one night and one morning) and this
escaped my notice until my departure. The people around me
didnt need any food either.

You felt that the people had been lifted into an elevated mood. I
never experienced that intensity in a church. The crowd seemed to
be like a solid block, concentrated on Groening. When he entered
the meeting-room in the house, not a sound was to be heard, and
he stood there for a while without moving. With a very tense
expression on his face, he analysed the afflictions and sufferings
of the people and arranged them into sickness-groups. All of the
sick vibrations the invalids emanated, he took upon himself. He
knew what anyone was suffering from, even though you couldnt
see any clue about it. The sick person was not allowed to tell him
anything about his suffering. He also never touched peoples

He said: I see through the bodies, I see every nerve, every detail.
But I dont explain it. God lets me see.

And he taught us how to behave: Not to think of our illness, but to

observe our body and watch the reactions. Those who could tune
in this way felt the energy connection, in other words: they
received the rays emanating from Groening. These rays work like
a balance to bodily forces, amplifying an inner power of the soul,
which makes us human. Groening awakens the soul of man - he
activates the forces and addresses the source, the real reason
for diseases.

I saw Mr. Groening addressing a man in the background, just

before he started speaking. He stopped in front of him and said:
you can go home, I cannot help you! But the man didnt want to
leave and Groening said to him: think about how youve made
your money! The man stood up and left the room.

Last but not least, my invalid went home completely healed!

Later - years afterwards - I often went to the Weikersheim

boarding house at Grfelfing, near Munich, to meet Mr. Groening
privately. I could observe Groenings influences on plants and
dogs. The flowers around him wouldnt stop growing, and you
could see the happiness of the dogs sitting at his feet.

He couldnt leave the house by day without being assailed by help-

seekers. So he could only leave after dark. His stroll often led him
onto a forest track with the Twelve Stations of the Cross (of the
passion of Christ) that led to the Augustine monastery of Maria-

One day, Mr. Groening told me that he had picked-up a little stone
and had charged it; afterwards he put it down again on the
ground, next to one of these twelve stations.

He said: who will pick up this stone some day by coincidence?

At that time, this forest track was newly graveled, along its whole
length. But I wanted to get this stone; I decided that I would find
it amongst the millions and millions of stones. Why shouldnt I
find that stone through the rays it emanated? I walked along by
the stations. Suddenly I knew which was the right one; Id kept
my hand open with my palm down, searching over the ground, and
then I felt the familiar energy-current of Groening. Without a
doubt I knew that this was the right stone, as I felt its energy very

When I saw Mr. Groening the next time, I asked him: Is it the
right stone? He looked at me and said Yes. Ive kept this stone
until now.
A statement of Mr.Groening from those days -:

When I have touched a globe, - he meant the tinfoil-balls that he

has charged all of the energies flowing around our earthly
sphere will attach to it and will connect the bearer with the
heavenly radiations in a never-ending Connection. So that man or
woman or child (who carries it) will experience a complete
regulation (a full healing-process).

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