A Case Study On SCADA Implementation in 220 KV Substation: Vinuta V Koluragi
A Case Study On SCADA Implementation in 220 KV Substation: Vinuta V Koluragi
A Case Study On SCADA Implementation in 220 KV Substation: Vinuta V Koluragi
Development of nation depends upon electricity energy and at present scenario there is large gap between electric generation and
load. This gap can be filled with proper control, monitoring and coordinating the distribution components at power sector. In this
view, Automation of power distribution system has increasingly been adopted by power utilities worldwide in recent years. As
part of its efforts to provide a more reliable supply to the customer and to enhance operational efficiency, the automation of the
power system can be achieved by SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition). It is a boon to the automation concept of
dynamic technology. Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL) has undertaken steps to automate existing
substation and new substation by use of most advanced controlling and monitoring technology ABB SCADA. Karnataka Power
Transmission Corporation Limited, presently with the help of SCADA covers major generating stations and Independent Power
Producers (IPP), receiving stations ranging from 33kV to 400kV, collects data from all feeders from 11 KV to 400 KV, upgrades
information to Load Despatch Center (LDC). Real time data acquisition from all interface points by SCADA, helps to perform
energy billing, energy audit and Availability Based Tariff (ABT) functions, and Sub-system to perform Open Access operations.
SCADA : Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
RTU : Remote Terminal Unit
ABT : Availability Based Tariff
Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited is a monitoring, operation and control of the modern day power
registered company under the Companies Act, 1956 was systems have become impossible without computer aided
incorporated on 28-7-1999 and is a company wholly owned by monitoring & dispatching systems. The basic requirement to
the Government of Karnataka with an authorized share capital fulfill these needs is SCADA.
of Rs. 1000 crores. KPTCL was formed on 01-08-1999 by The ability to perform operations at an unattended location
carving out the Transmission and Distribution functions of the from an attended station or operating center and to have a
erstwhile Karnataka Electricity Board [5]. definite indication that the operations have been successfully
Present day power systems have large interconnected carried out can provide significant cost saving in the operation
networks. The success of the recently evolving electricity of a system. This is exactly what is achieved through the
market structure will heavily depend on modern information SCADA system. A formal definition of SCADA system, as
systems and online decision tools. Maintaining system recommended by IEEE [1], is A collection of equipment that
security, reliability, quality, stability and ensuring economic will provide an operator at a remote location with sufficient
information to determine the status of particular equipment or 2.1 Process Level Function: extracts the information from
a process and cause actions to take place regarding that sensors/transducers in the substation and to send them to upper
equipment or process without being physically present. level device, called bay level device. The other major task of
SCADA provides open architecture rather than a vendor process level function is to receive the control command from
controlled proprietary environment. It interfaces hardware and bay level device and execute it at the appropriate switch level.
software, and it includes functionality such as trending, alarm
2.2 Bay Level Functions: acquire the data from the bay
handling, logging archiving, report generation, and facilitation
and then mainly act on the primary (power circuit) equipment
of automation. Thus SCADA has been used has powerful tool
of the bay. The different conceptual subparts of a substation
for power system automation, that refers to automatic
are encircled by line in figure 2.
switching, regulating, controlling, logging, protection etc. of
electric power flow without human intervention. Station Level Functions: are of two types.
substation. Under IES project, automation of new substation is like voltage, current, power factor etc. from the bay level
done through Substation Automation System (SAS) using IEC devices. Each bay includes one primary equipment such as
Fig 1: Levels defined in IEC 61850 [1] 61850 standards. These are station level, bay level, and
process level equipments. A conceptual substation automation RET670-Transformer Protection IED: It is used for reliable
system based on the IEC 61850 standard is evolved and protection & control of all types of power transformers and
depicted in figure 3. reactors. Also it provides protection solution for any type of
transformer & shunt reactor application. It gives freedom to
select functionality according to our needs, basic functionality
is included and pre configured. A single RET670 can integrate
complete protection & control functionality for a transformer
& a connected transmission line. The distance protection
function can also be used as back up protection for faults with
in transformer & in connected lines. In all, RET670 increases
reliability and profitability of entire power system. Figure 4
shows RET670 IED.
Fig 5: REC670 -Bay control IED [8] It offers full control and interlocking functionality required for
control of apparatuses in a substation. The integrated HMI
REC670 is able to handle a large number of analog signals
allows secure and quick local control for stand-alone
from CTs and VTs. The outstanding I/O capability enables
applications and provides back-up control for substation
control of several bays with complete measurement with only
automation systems. REL670 provides efficient substation
one IED. One REC670 IED is capable of handling control of
automation solutions in terms of performance, redundancy and
all apparatuses in one entire diameter in 1 breaker
cost for any high voltage application [6].
arrangement including breaker failure protection for all
breakers [6]. REB670-Busbar Differential Protection IED: It is designed
for the protection and monitoring of bus bars. REB670
REL670-Line Distance Protection IED: It provides versatile
protects single and double bus bars with or without transfer
protection, monitoring and control functionality with
bus, double circuit breaker or one-and-half circuit breaker
maximum flexibility and performance optimized for
arrangements. It provides selective, reliable and fast fault
transmission overhead lines and cables. The powerful IED
clearance for all types of internal phase-to-phase and phase-to-
provides distance protection for double circuit, parallel
earth faults in solidly earthed or low-impedance earthed power
operating and series compensated lines. REL670 IEDs are able
systems. At the same time, it maintains complete stability for
to protect and control several objects, for instance a
external faults, even when heavy CT saturation occurs. It can
combination of a line and a transformer with a single IED. As
also handle all internal multi-phase faults in isolated or high-
a result, this IED increases both the reliability and profitability
impedance earthed power systems [6]. Figure 7 shows
of entire power system. REL670 provides both customized
and pre-configured protection solutions. The pre-configured
IEDs are equipped with complete functionality adapted for
four different configuration alternatives: single pole breaker or
multi-breaker arrangements with single or three phase
tripping. Figure 28 shows REL670 IED.
220kV line
I1 I I I Bus 1 1
P 1 2 2 Coupler H L
& & B B Fig 9: Connection of ABB panels at substation
P P & &
P P As shown in figure 9 communication network used is Star-
Ring topology. This topology has potential to provide time
BGD BGD 2 BGD BGD TRF TRF delay within allowable range and also offers the better
2 B&P 1 1 2 2
P P B&P HV LV reliability of the process bus.
B&P B&P SCADA Operations:
1 Lighting 89CE
Fig 10(B): Single Line Diagram Display of 110kv Line at
Control Room
Gang or
2 Group 89D
3 Circuit 52
Load Despatch Center (LDC) is the hub for load despatch and Five Regional grids
control, it requires acquiring all data from generation and
Regional Load Despatch Centers (RLDC)
substation to match generation and load. LDC requires data
At State Level
with respect to available generation and load to be attended.
As such real time data is required from all Generating stations; State Load Despatch Centre (SLDC)
real time data is required from receiving stations; real time
SLDCs at each state
data is required from Interface points from where power is
delivered to Distribution companies or Consumers. LDC also A typical architecture of an Energy management system is
has to exercise control over the receiving stations, and shown in figure 12.
consumers and if necessary the Generators also. As such, Table 2: 220Kv Measurement Monitoring Values
Supervisory control is required to shed loads by opening a
System Kerala
As shown in figure 34 data collected from all substations
through SAS or RTU is sent to Area control center (ACC) and
then same data is communicated to Regional Control Center Central generation plants, State generation plants and
(RCC).National control center will look after the whole grid. Independent Plant Producers (IPP) connect to common Power
There are 5 Regional Load Despatch Center, they are Grid of India. As objective of LDC is to match generation and
load, there is need to continuously monitor and control. At LDC, operator can observe generation, power flow,
Karnataka states Load Despatch Center is situated at schedule and actual energy available etc as depicted in figure
Bangalore. At SLDC Control center, Grid connection of 13.
southern region is observed. Role of SLDC is to collect 2. Open Access Monitoring: IPP can go for open access if
information from electrical companies of Karnataka and send they wish SCADA also provides information about open
data to SRLDC. Generation and load of state is monitored and access monitoring screen for operator.
controlled by SLDC. SLDCs send the requisition of load to the 3. ABT monitoring Screen: At KPTCL tariff is basically
SRLDCs, against their entitlements out of available power classified into 3 components, they are; Energy consumption,
from Central Sector Generation and the SRLDCs allocate total Maximum demand and Unscheduled Interruption (UI).
available power to various states in the ratio of their UI component is dependent on frequency, when load exceeds
entitlements. According to available power SLDCs schedule generation frequency decreases depend on decrease in
power for state previous day & ESCOMs had to operate frequency additional charges are penalized. Figure 14 shows
according to schedule. If there is any problem at generation ABT Monitoring Screen at control center. UI charges are
then it informed to SLDCs by revising. SLDCs control state decided by CEA.
generators according to load. Data acquired at SLDC is used
for Energy auditing, Energy billing and Availability Based
Tariff (ABT).