Design of Scada Using Microscada For Substation Automation System
Design of Scada Using Microscada For Substation Automation System
Design of Scada Using Microscada For Substation Automation System
Abstract: This paper gives us the details about power system substation of KANPUR PGCIL India Ltd. Generator
ie.. for Green and sustainable power is the need of the day. manufacturing facility. This involved taking customer
With widening supply and demand gap, power management specifications, requirements and then designing the whole
has become one of the most critical areas of concern all system for the given control room.
over the world. India’s energy consumption is increasing at
one of the fastest rates in the world. Hence, we require B. Motivation for the project
Substation Automation Systems in the present day Instrument transformers pass on information about the
substations to efficiently control and deliver power. The primary current and voltages to the secondary equipment
main objective is to create a SCADA system for the (protection, control and metering). In the earlier days, these
765/400kV substation of KANPUR PGCIL India Ltd. transformers were large apparatuses composed of insulation
Power automation serving electric supply locations often materials, copper and iron. They were also used to power the
require special protection against the effects of fault- electromechanical secondary equipment. Nowadays, the
produced. Protection relays need to function immediately numerical type of secondary equipment gets its operating
when a faulty condition occurs. This is why Intelligent power from a separate power supply (i.e., battery). In
Electronic Devices (IED’s) are brought in for safe addition, thanks to the emergence of fiber-optic technology,
operation of switchyard devices, which can prevent the old large instrument transformers can be replaced by
disasters to energy supply and help in human safety. With fibre-optic sensors that give information about primary
the introduction of IEC 61850, utility communication will currents and voltages. These values are transformed into
be used for substation automation and also for protection digital fiber-optic signals, which are fed to the secondary
purposes within a substation and between substations. equipment which forms the entire Substation Automation
Measured values and trip signals will be transmitted as System and can be controlled using a remote SCADA
digital signals over a communication network. A Substation control system for all the switchyard devices. Replacing
Automation System (SAS) provides facility to control and traditional instrument transformers with optical sensors has
monitor all the equipment in the substation locally as well further reduced the switchgear footprint and lowered the
as remotely. A Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition costs, while at the same time provides secondary equipment
(SCADA) system provides users with a Human Machine that is more flexible and secure. To develop such a vast
Interface (HMI) which can be used for controlling, system, we have to adhere to a standard called IEC61850
monitoring and protection of devices. This saves us cost and which has been developed mainly for substation automation
time when it is of utmost need by providing real time and protection. Introduction of this technology in the
information about the substation devices status. substation control has motivated me to take up this project,
Keywords: SCADA, Supervisory control, Data Acquisition, which complies with the present substation automation
Automatic control, IED, IEC. standards and is widely used by all major companies
This chapter gives us information related to the introduction II. LITERATURE SURVEY
of the project work carried out in ABB India, Bangalore’s When the building of electricity systems started in earnest
Peenya Factory premises. It gives us an insight as to why this some 100 years ago, the network wasn’t particularly reliable.
particular project work was taken up, the challenges faced in The circuit breakers were mechanically and electrically very
the earlier days, main objectives and the motivation to complicated and required frequent maintenance. Outages due
develop the SCADA application in a Substation Automation to maintenance were the norm rather than the exception. The
System (SAS). invention of the disconnector switch certainly helped to
increase the availability of these electrical networks. The
A. Work Area Description single-line configurations used were such as to surround the
This project work was carried out inside the factory circuit breakers by many disconnector switches so that
development and testing shopfloor area of ABB India Ltd, adjacent parts of the switchgear were kept in service while
Bangalore. The project undertaken was development of a maintenance was carried out on the breakers. These ideas led
complete Substation Automation System for a 765/400kV to the double busbar and double plus transfer busbar
all Relion protection and control IED applications, at all D. Graphical Display Editor
voltage levels. PCM600 interacts with IEDs over the fast and In this, the SLD is created which will be written to the
reliable TCP/IP via corporate LAN or WAN, or alternatively REC670 (control IED) and will be displayed on the physical
directly through the communication port at the front of the device. This can be used to control the device switches from
IED. PCM600 tool is able to read and write all configuration the station locally if remote control is not required. This
and the settings data of an IED with a single command. The cannot be configured in REF615 as it is a feeder protection
software is initialized by creating- New Project > Substation device and does not have an SLD viewer.
> Voltage Level > Bays > IED. Once all the IED
configurations are over, then the OPC server is created to
provide the linking of the signals and systems. All the
components of a substation automation system are created in
the same specific order and the online configuration of IED’s
and other components are initiated by giving them their
individual IP addresses.
E. IEC61850 Configuration
This is an international standard communication protocol at
which the entire system communicates. This standard was
developed for inter-operability with devices from various
manufacturers. The data is taken from a signal list prepared
Fig. 3.1 PCM600 Initialization depending on the inputs and measurements required for the
IED’s from the switchyard level. All the signals are mapped
C. IED Application Configuration and both the Client-Server (Vertical) and Generic Object
Inside the application settings we create the functional blocks Oriented Substation Events (GOOSE/Horizontal)
consisting of the logics developed depending on the project communications are configured and initiated.
requirements including the switches which are then linked up
accordingly to get details like status, switch position, etc. We
also configure logical blocks for the system measurements
like current, voltage, power, frequency etc.
F. Signal Matrix
In this configuration, the GOOSE communication signals are
mapped to individual switches and positions so that the
channel card can read the different signals and their Status
Validity (stVal) and Quality (q) information from the IED’s
Fig. 3.2 Application Configuration and can have their internal data communication processed.
In this particular chapter, we will be discussing about the
final test results, reports, graphs and the final system
developed for the customer.
A. Measurement Reports
Fig. 3.10 OPC DA Configuration Measurement reports provide an interface for showing
measured values for further data analysis in the application.
M. OPC DA Client Control Panel It can be used for monitoring time related follow-ups of the
The .INI instance file is imported into this tool and the process and measured, entered or calculated data. It shows
system is brought online for SCADA remote control. the history of these values, the predicted future values and
the entering values. The reports are for various types of time
related reports, e.g. hourly, weekly, monthly etc.
The new processes involved in Substation Automation
System and the standard IEC61850 offer several benefits for
the design of a substation. This reduces the number of copper
wires significantly along with the reduced manual work
involved in assembling and testing these wires. The number
of non-supervised functions have reduced to almost zero.
This reduces the time until an error will be detected and
increases the availability of the system. With the introduction
of the new technology, a true redundancy is possible at a
reasonable cost for all the functions of the substation.
Initially, on the path towards the intelligent switchgear, more
physical devices were introduced in the system which
affected the overall system reliability. However, with each
step of functional integration, there is a reduction in the
Fig. 4.5 PC Panel number of physical devices that consequently have improve
the overall system reliability. The general principles of the
substation operation have not changed, since the developing
days. Therefore the control and protection tasks remain the
same. The main objective of a modern Substation
Automation System (SAS) is to solve these tasks in a more
efficient and economical way by using state of the art
information technologies and to provide more functionality
to work substations and their systems harder. IEC61850
communication protocol has made it easy for interoperability
of different IED’s from different manufacturers. This gives
an open possibility to the customers and allows them to
integrate various devices within a system for the remote
control operations.
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