Parsley Leaf Extract As An Oil Controller Inpeel Off Mask: Available Online at

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IJPCBS 2015, 5(4), 770-774 Sahasrabuddhe ISSN: 2249-9504


Available online at Research Article


SH. Sahasrabuddhe
Department of Cosmetic Technology, LAD & Smt. R.P. College for Women,
Affiliated to RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

Skin is a protective covering and an attractive feature for both men and women. It forms an
important part of personal appearance. But oily skin can be a challenge. It is usually seen on
thicker, larger pored skin and contributes to blemishes. Thus Parsley leaves extract is used to
study oil control property.
The latin name used for parsley (Petroselinumhortense), is formed from two Greek words:
"petros" which means "stone" and "selinon" which means "celery. It is important to mention that
parsley contains more vitamin C than lemon, orange or any other fruit ie more than 50mg/100g of
Parsley. It has abundant quantities of other vitamins and minerals such as,provitamine A,
vitamine B, vitamine E, vitamine K, beta-carotene, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese,
sodium, potassium, sulfur and calcium. Parsley has long been widely used in cosmetics to
freshen the face, discoloration, freckles and dark age spots, wrinkles and prevent the occurrence
of red spots, strengthen and grow hair.
The Peel off mask base was selected with the2%, 4%, 6% concentrations of the active which then
subjected to its in-vivo study in order to evaluate its oil control property using Sebometer. The 4%
concentration of parsley leaf extract was found to be effective oil controlling agent.

Keywords: Skin, Parsley leaves, oil control,peel of mask, Sebometer.

INTRODUCTION1,2,3 inflammatory reaction producing the typical

Human skin is the outer covering of the body lesions (pimples) of acne.
and it is the largest organ of the integumentory Oily skin can be a challenge. It is usually seen on
system. The average skin inch holds 650 sweat thicker, larger pored skin and contributes to
glands, 20 blood vessels, 600000 melanocytes blemishes. Oily skin is caused by the overactive
and more than 1000 nerve ending. sebaceous glands that produce a substance
Sebaceous gland is a small oil-producing gland called sebum. A naturally healthy skin lubricant.
present in the skin of mammals. Sebaceous But when skin produce excessive sebum it
glands are usually attached to hair follicles and becomes heavy and thick in texture. Oily skin
release a fatty substance, sebum, into the typified by shininess, blemishes and pimples.
follicular duct and thence to the surface of the The oily skin type is not bad as it is less prone to
skin. The glands are distributed over the entire wrinkles and ageing. Because oil keeps the
body with the exception of the palms of the needed moisture lock into the epidermis
hands and the soles of the feet; they are most (outermost layer of the skin).
abundant on the scalp and face. The negative aspect of oily skin is that it is
The sebaceous glands are involved in the susceptible to clogged pores, blackheads and
development of the common adolescent skin build up of the dead skin cell on the surface of
disorder known as acne vulgaris. Acne occurs the skin. Oily skin is rough in texture and tends
when the outlet from the gland to the surface of to have larger clearly visible pores everywhere
the skin is plugged, allowing sebum to except around the eyes and neck.
accumulate in the follicle and sebaceous duct. Therefore it is very important to control the
The chemical breakdown of triglycerides in the excess of oil secretion from the skin. Thus the
sebum, possibly by bacterial action, releases free aim of the present work is to study oil control
fatty acids, which in turn trigger an

IJPCBS 2015, 5(4), 770-774 Sahasrabuddhe ISSN: 2249-9504

property of Parsley leaves extract (juice)in face in the form of liquid or pates. They are then
cosmetic product. allowed to dry or to set with the object of
improving the appearance of the skin, by
MATERIAL AND METHODS producing a transient tightening effect as well as
Parsley leaves4,17:(fig. no.1) by cleansing the skin.
Family: Apiaceae, Latin Name:
Petroselinumcrispum, Common Name: Parsley Incorporation of Active
Growth: Biennial; typically 12 to 15 inches high Parsley leaves juice was added in the base as per
(reaching 27 to 30 inches whenblooming); about the reported value. The concentration selected
12 inches wide; flowers tiny, yellow-green in were 2%, 4%, 6% on trial and error basis.
umbels, Hardiness: Withstands frost , Light: Sun
to partial shade,Soil: Rich, acidic to basic soil, Accelerated Stability Study
Water: Reliably moist, but well drained, Use: For the base, the accelerated stability studies
Culinary; medicinal; cosmetic; ornamental, were carried out for one and half month by
Propagation: By seed sown in spring. keeping the samples at the following
Constituents5 temperatures.
It is important to mention that parsley contains Room temperature (27+/_ 2)0C
more vitamin C than lemon, orange or any other Oven (45+/_2)0C
fruit i.e. more than 50mg/100g of Parsley.It has Fridge ( 4+/_2)0C
abundant quantities of other vitamins and Parameters for Stability Study: Change in Color,
minerals such as: provitamine A, vitamine B, Odor, pH.
vitamine E, vitamine K, beta-carotene,
magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, Instrumental Analysis by SEBOMETER
sodium, potassium, sulfur and calcium. MPA512
Uses 6,7,13,15 The sebum measurement on the skin as well as
Parsley leaf powder can be used, on the hair and scalp is based on the
As a natural, green colorant in soap and internationally recognized Sebometer method
other cosmetic products. (Fig. No.2). It is direct measurement of the
In scrubs to provide a natural color, and sebum secretion on skin, hair and scalp.The
to nourish the skin with an abundance measurement principle is the photometric
of vitamins and minerals. method, the grease spot photometer. This
In lotions, creams, and ointments. method is not sensitive to moisture.
In facial masks The following values as per table no.3 are valid
In shampoo and conditioner formulas. for healthy skin and normal room conditions
In facial toner recipes (20oC and 40-60 % air humidity) and will help
In bath bomb recipes. you to determine the skin type.The table is only
Infused in massage oils an approach for the interpretation of the results.
In scrubs
For brightening the dark circles and in Procedure
Anti Ageing Preparations. Study of sebum control of peel off, with parsley
leaves extract were carried out on 5 healthy
Evaluation of Active8, 9, 16, 18 subjects.Subjects were allowed to sit in air
Evaluation of active was done and the results conditioned room for period of 15 minutes.On
are given in table1. the inner side of forearm 2cm x 2cm were
marked using a pen(Fig. no 3).The blank reading
Formulation and Development10, 11, 14 was taken at the beginning.The product was
As the main objective of the project is to study uniformly spread over the test areas. The
oil control property of the cosmetic measurement was then taken with sebotape
preparations using Parsley Leaf Extract, thus it 15mins after application for base,1% and 2%
is necessary to prepare the cosmetic bases respectively.
which are used for the oil control purpose.
Hence the Peel off mask base was selected and RESULTS
prepared as per table no 2. From the organoleptic evaluation it was
found that the color of the Peel off Mask
Peel Off Mask containing active concentrations such as
The use of face mask by women dates back to 2%, 4%, 6% was stable at different
early antiquity when some of the earths used in storage condition for one and half month.
them were credited with almost miraculous Odour of the bases with concentrations of
healing powers. The preparations are applied to 2%, 4% were found to be acceptable and

IJPCBS 2015, 5(4), 770-774 Sahasrabuddhe ISSN: 2249-9504

gave refreshing odor except for 6% Parsley can be used in the cosmetic
concentration which showed slight preparations as per the reported value.
change in odour with microbial growth in Peel off mask passes the tests for organoleptic
last few days of the accelerated stability properties and Physical parameters. But in 6%
study. concentration of the active, it later showed some
pH of Peel off mask was found to be in growth of fungus at the bottom of the base. Thus
between 6.3- 6.4 except for 6% which was it was discarded from the other concentration
showing variation in pH throughout the and was not used in furtherinvivostudy and
stability study. subjective evaluation.
From theinvivo study of peel off mask, as The Peel off Mask base with the 2% and 4%
per table 3 and graph 1, 4% concentration concentrations of the active were then subjected
of parsley leaf extract gave very good to its invivo study in order to evaluate its oil
peeling effect and also controlled oil to control property using Sebometer.
greater extent as compared to 2% Thus, the 4% concentration of parsley leaf
concentration which was not giving the extract was found to be effective oil controlling
desired effect. agent whereas 2% active was not as much
efficient in controlling the oil on the skin
CONCLUSION surface. Although it was within the reported
The evaluation of Parsley Extract passes the value ie 1.5 to 5.0 ml /50gms of cosmetic
tests and the results obtained are as per the product are effective in its oil control
standards. But the quantity of Vitamin C property.Quantity of active might be playing an
obtained is slightly less than as compared to important role.
standard, this might be due to impurities Peel off mask was accepted by the clients for its
present or lack of sophisticated methods. Hence overall effectiveness and appearance etc.

Table 1: Evaluation of Parsley Extract

S.No Test performed As per Standard Result
1 Color Dark Green Dark Green
2 Odor Characteristic Characteristic
3 State Liquid Liquid
4 pH 5.5-7.5 6.9
5 DCPIP Test* Pass the test Passed the test
6 Quantity of Vitamin C 5.321mg/100gof Parsley 4.347mg/100gof Parsley

* 2,6-Dichlorophenolidophenol

Table 2: Formulation of Peel Off Mask

S. No. Ingredients Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
PhaseA Polyvinyl alcohol 6.0% 7.0% 7.5%
water 25% 30% 30%
PhaseB Polyvinyl pyrrolidone 10.00% 9.5% 8.0%
Water 30% 30% 30%
PhaseC Glycerin 1.5% 1.5% 2.0%
Tween 20 1.0% 1.0% 1.0%
Ethanol 15.00% 20.00% 20.00%
Perfume q.s q.s q.s
Glittering agent q.s q.s q.s

Table 3: Interpretation of Sebotape

Cheek, Corner of the
Forehead Arms, hands,
Hair eyelid, mouth, upper body
,t-zone, scalp legs, elbows
temple parts, back, neck
Dry,less sebum < 100 <40 <70 <55 0-6
Normal 100-200 40-100 70-180 55-130 >6
Oily >220 >100 >180 >130 >6

IJPCBS 2015, 5(4), 770-774 Sahasrabuddhe ISSN: 2249-9504

Table 4: Oil Control by Peel Off Mask

Subject Blank
Base 2% 4%
1 29 25 10 0
2 22 21 13 1
3 19 15 7 1
4 30 22 11 5
5 42 40 25 12

Fig. 1: Parsley leaves

Fig. 2: Sebometer MPA5

Fig. 3: Assessment by Sebotape

IJPCBS 2015, 5(4), 770-774 Sahasrabuddhe ISSN: 2249-9504

15 2%
10 4%

Graph . 1: Evaluation of Peel Off Mask Using Sebotape

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