NCLEX OB Peds 2 of 3 - 947 Terms
NCLEX OB Peds 2 of 3 - 947 Terms
NCLEX OB Peds 2 of 3 - 947 Terms
walks alone 15 M
throws objects 15 M
grasps spoon 15 M
walks backward 18 M
climbs stairs 18 M
scribbles 18 M
thumb sucking 18 M
walks on tiptoe 30 M
If you are the nurse starting the 18 (in preparation to give blood if necessary)
IV on the client with Abruptia
Placenta, what guage needle
should you use?
How often should you measure Q5-15 minutes for bleeding and maternal VS,
the vital signs, vaginal continuous fetal monitoring, deliver at earliest sign
bleeding, fetal heart rate of fetal distress
during Abruptio Placenta>?
Can impaired skin integrity Yes, when lye or caustic agents have been ingested
ever be an appropriate nursing
diagnosis when poisoning has
What instructions do you give Take it on an empty stomach and avoid the sunlight
to a client taking tetracycline? (photosensitivity)
HIV is present in all body Yes, but not transmitted by all, only blood, semen
fluids? and breast milk
What does the physician hope A delayed onset of AIDS for as long as possible
to achieve with NRTI's and PI's (usually can delay onset for 10-15 years)
for HIV?
What is the most challenging The number of pills that must be taken in 24 hours
aspect of combination of drug can be overwhelming. The frequency also makes it
therapy for HIV disease? hard to remember-an alarm wristwatch is used.
What lab findings are present Decreased RBC's, WBC's and platelets
in AIDS?
Without leukopenia the AIDS Standard precautions or blood and body fluid
patient will be on ____________ precautions
When do you need a gown If you are going to get contaminated with
with AIDS? secretions
When do you need a mask with Not usually unless they have an infection caused by
AIDS? an airborne bug
When do you need goggles Suctioning, central line start, arterial procedures
with AIDS?
Are all articles used by AIDS no - only those contaminated with secretions
patients double-bagged?
Can AIDS patients leave the Yes, unless WBC's are very low
What is the most important Bedrest - they can walk if hematuria, edema and
intervention in treating AGN? hypertension are gone.
What are the three adult stages early adulthood, middle adulthood and later
of development called adulthood
If the patient had an AKA they prone (to prevent flexion contracture
should lie ____________ several
times per day.
What will prevent hip flexion Lying prone several times a day
contracture after AKA?
How do you prevent flexion Remide the patient to straighten their knee
contracture of the knee after constantly while standing
When a stump is wrapped, the distally (far from the center), proximally (neareast to
bandage should be tightest the point)
_____________ and loosest
If after a right BKA, the client phantom limb sensation (which is normal)
c/o pain in his right tow, he is
experiencing _____________.
Name ways to toughen a push the stump against the wall, hitting it with a
stump so it will not breakdown pillow
due to the wear of the
prosthetic leg?
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Which vital signs are most The pulse and blood pressure
important to measure in clients
with aneurysm?
An aneurysm will most affect the pulse (many times the aneurysm will rupture and
which of the following, the much blood will be lost before the blood pressure
blood pressure or the pusle? starts to change.
What activity order is the client Bedrest. do not get these people up
with an aneurysm supposed to
If the client with aneurysm is no, bedrest until the client is stable!
physically unstable, should you
encourage turning, coughing
and deep breathing?
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What is the BIG danger with Rupture, leads to shock and death
aneurysms of any type?
Is there anything that can be Yes, if available you can get them into antishock
done for the client with a trousers but not if this causes a delay in getting
ruptured aneurysm before they them to the operating room
get to the operating room?
The post op thoracic aneurysm Chest tube, because the chest was opened
is most likely to have which
type of tube?
If you care for a client who is check the distal extremity (far from center) for color,
post-op for a repair of a temperature, pain and PULSE, also document
femoral popliteal resection
what assessment must you
make every hour for the first 24
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Describe the pain of angina crushing substernal chest pain that may radiate
How many minutes should 5 minutes - take one nitro tab every 5 minutes 3
lapse between the nitro pills times, if no relief, call MD
you take?
What precaution must the wear gloves, nurse may get a dose of the med
nurse take when administering
topical nitro paste?
The diagnosis is made when 15 (weigh < 85% of normal body weight), hospitalize
there is a weight loss of _______% if 30% weight loss
or more of body weight.
What is the top priority in the intake of enough food to keep them alive, have
care of the client with anorexia them gain weight
When is apgar scoring at one minute and again at 5 minutes after the birth
performed on infants?
Name the 5 criteria that are Cardiac status, respiratory effort, muscle tone,
recorded on an apgar scale neuromuscular irritability, and color
Before the client with pain meds, enemas, laxatives, food! NPO
suspected appendicitis sees
the physician what should be
To lessen pain place the client fowlers (a sitting position) (also use post op)
in ___________ position.
Correct Answer: D
B. Telling him that this procedure will help him get
Your Response: well faster.
Correct Answer: A
A. 2 hours before surgery
Correct Answer: D
Your Response:
B. Suggesting time-outs when she forgets her
Your Response:
C. Gloves are worn to change diapers when there
are loose or explosive stools.
Correct Answer: D
Your Response:
B. A regular silverware teaspoon.
Correct Answer: C
Correct Answer: A
Your Response:
B. Check for a good blood return.
Correct Answer: A
A. Is noninvasive.
Correct Answer: B
A. Immediately before all aerosol therapy
Correct Answer: D
Your Response:
B. Performing oral intubation
Your Response:
B. Position the child on his or her left side after
15. What should the nurse consider when having
The informed consent must consent forms signed for surgery and procedures
include the nature of the on children?
procedure, benefits and risks, a. Only a parent or legal guardian can give consent.
16 The nurse is planning how to prepare a 4-year-
Illness and hospitalization may old child for some diagnostic procedures.
be viewed as punishment in Guidelines for preparing this preschooler should
preschoolers. Always state include to:
directly that procedures are a. Plan for a short teaching session of about 30
never a form of punishment. minutes.
Teaching sessions for this age b. Tell the child that procedures are never a form of
group should be 10 to 15 punishment.
the use of equipment and d. Use correct scientific and medical terminology in
allow the child to play with explanations.
miniature or actual equipment.
Explain the procedure in
simple terms and how it affects
the child.
control during the foot surgery. a. Allow her to wear her underpants.
The mother should not be b. Discuss with her mother why this is important to
required to make the child Katie.
more upset. Katie is too young c. Ask her mother to explain to her why she cannot
to understand what hospital wear them.
18. Using knowledge of child development, the best
Prepare toddlers for approach when preparing a toddler for a procedure
procedures by using play. is to:
because the toddler may think c. Plan for the teaching session to last about 20
the doll is really "feeling" the minutes.
19. The nurse is preparing a 12-year-old girl for a
The parents' preferences for bone marrow aspiration. She tells the nurse that she
assisting, observing, or waiting wants her mother with her "like before." The most
outside the room should be appropriate nursing action is to:
presence. The child's choice c. Identify an appropriate substitute for her mother.
20. The emergency department nurse is cleaning
The child should be allowed to multiple facial abrasions on 9-year-old Mike. His
express feelings of anger, mother is present. He is crying and screaming
anxiety, fear, frustration, or any loudly. The nurse should:
There is no reason for him to c. Tell him it is okay to cry and scream.
be quieter. He is too upset and d. Suggest that he talk to his mother instead of
needs to be able to express his crying.
21. In some genetically susceptible children
Early signs of malignant anesthetic agents can trigger malignant
hyperthermia include hyperthermia. The nurse should be alert in
tachycardia, increasing blood observing that, in addition to an increased
pressure, tachypnea, mottled temperature, an early sign of this disorder is:
22. The nurse is caring for an unconscious child. Skin
A draw sheet should be used care should include:
to move the child in the bed or a. Avoiding use of pressure reduction on the bed.
Do not drag the child from c. Using draw sheet to move child in bed to reduce
under the arms. Pressure- friction and shearing injuries.
reduction devices should be d. Avoiding rinsing skin after cleansing with mild
used to redistribute weight. antibacterial soap to provide a protective barrier.
Bony prominences should not
be massaged if reddened.
Deep tissue damage can occur.
Pressure-reduction devices
should be used instead. The
skin should be cleansed with
mild nonalkaline soap or soap-
free cleaning agents for
routine bathing.
23. An appropriate intervention to encourage food
Small, frequent meals and and fluid intake in a hospitalized child is to:
nutritious snacks should be a. Force child to eat and drink to combat caloric
provided for the child. Favorite losses.
severity or etiology of
d. Fever over 102° F indicates a probable bacterial
25. Tepid water or sponge baths are indicated for
Environmental measures such hyperthermia in children. The nurse should:
tolerated by the child and if c. Stop the bath if the child begins to chill.
26. The nurse approaches a group of school-age
The child must be correctly patients to administer medication to Sam Hart. To
identified before the identify the correct child, the nurse should:
medication. Children are not b. Call out to the group, "Sam Hart?"
totally reliable in giving correct c. Ask each child, "What's your name?"
27. The nurse wore gloves during a dressing change.
When gloves are worn, the When the gloves are removed, the nurse should:
gloves fail to provide complete d. Apply new gloves before touching the next
protection. Gloves should be patient.
disposed of after use and
hands should be thoroughly
washed again before new
gloves are applied.
container located near the site b. Dispose of syringe and needle in a rigid,
of use. Consequently these puncture-resistant container in an area outside of
containers should be installed patient's room.
in the patient's room. The c. Cap needle immediately after giving injection and
uncapped needle should not dispose of in proper container.
29. An 8-month-old infant is restrained to prevent
The nurse should remove the interference with the intravenous infusion. The nurse
restraints whenever possible. should:
When parents and/or staff are a. Remove the restraints once a day to allow
present, the restraints can be movement.
30. A venipuncture will be performed on a 7-year-
Both the mother's preference old girl. She wants her mother to hold her during
for assisting, observing, or the procedure. The nurse should recognize that this:
31. Frequent urine testing for specific gravity and
To obtain small amounts of glucose are required on a 6-month-old infant. The
urine, use a syringe without a most appropriate way to collect small amounts of
needle to aspirate urine urine for these tests is to:
diapers with absorbent b. Tape a small medicine cup to the inside of the
material are used, place a small diaper.
gauze dressing or cotton balls c. Aspirate urine from cotton balls inside the diaper
inside the diaper to collect the with a syringe.
urine, and aspirate the urine d. Aspirate urine from a superabsorbent disposable
with a syringe. For frequent diaper with a syringe.
urine sampling, the collection
bag would be too irritating to
the child's skin. Taping a small
medicine cup to the inside of
the diaper is not feasible; the
urine will spill from the cup.
Diapers with superabsorbent
gels absorb the urine, so there
is nothing to aspirate.
32. An important nursing consideration when
The anxiety, fear, and performing a bladder catheterization on a young
discomfort experienced during boy is to:
Catheterization is a sterile
procedure, and Standard
Precautions for body-
substance protection should
be followed. Water-soluble
lubricants do not provide
appropriate local anesthesia.
Catheterization should be
delayed only 2 to 3 minutes.
This provides sufficient local
anesthesia for the procedure.
arterial puncture.
d. Lumbar puncture
34. A nurse must do a venipuncture on a 6-year-old
Restrain the child only as child. An important consideration in providing
needed to perform the atraumatic care is to:
therapeutic hugging. Use the b. If not successful after four attempts, have another
smallest gauge needle that nurse try.
permits free flow of blood. A c. Restrain the child only as needed to perform
two-try-only policy is venipuncture safely.
35. An appropriate method for administering oral
Mix the drug with a small medications that are bitter to an infant or small child
amount (about 1 teaspoon) of would be to mix them with:
will make the medication more b. Any food the child is going to eat.
36. When liquid medication is given to a crying 10-
Administer the medication with month-old infant, which approach minimizes the
a syringe without needle possibility of aspiration?
Medications should be given c. Mixing the medication with the infant's regular
slowly to avoid aspiration. The formula or juice and administer by bottle
medication should be mixed d. Keeping the child upright with the nasal passages
with only a small amount of blocked for a minute after administration
food or liquid. If the child does
not finish drinking/eating, it is
difficult to determine how
much medication was
consumed. Essential foods also
should not be used. Holding
the child's nasal passages
increases the risk of aspiration.
37. Guidelines for intramuscular administration of
The needle should be inserted medication in school-age children include to:
90-degree angle unless b. Insert the needle quickly, using a dartlike motion.
preparation to dry completely d. Have the child stand, if possible, and if he or she
before skin is penetrated. Place is cooperative.
the child in a lying or sitting
39. A 2-year-old child comes to the emergency
In situations in which rapid department with dehydration and hypovolemic
establishment of systemic shock. What best explains why an intraosseous
access is vital and venous infusion is started?
40. When caring for a child with an intravenous
The nursing responsibility for infusion, the nurse should:
frequently, at least every 1 to 2 d. Observe the insertion site frequently for signs of
hours, to make certain that the infiltration.
desired rate is maintained, the
integrity of the system remains
intact, the site remains intact
(free of redness, edema,
infiltration, or irritation), and the
infusion does not stop. A
minidropper (60 drops per
milliliter) is the recommended
intravenous tubing in
pediatrics. The intravenous site
should be protected. This may
require soft restraints on the
child. Insertion sites do not
need to be changed every 24
hours unless a problem is
found with the site. Frequent
change exposes the child to
significant trauma.
41. It is important to make certain that sensory
It is important to make certain connectors and oximeters are compatible since
that sensor connectors and wiring that is incompatible can cause:
42. The nurse is teaching a mother how to perform
For postural drainage and chest physiotherapy and postural drainage on her
percussion, the child should be 3-year-old child, who has cystic fibrosis. To perform
dressed in a light shirt to percussion the nurse should instruct her to:
protect the skin and placed in a. Cover the skin with a shirt or gown before
the appropriate postural percussing.
drainage positions. The chest b. Strike the chest wall with a flat-hand position.
wall is struck with a cupped- c. Percuss over the entire trunk anteriorly and
hand, not a flat-hand position. posteriorly.
The procedure should be done d. Percuss before positioning for postural drainage.
over the rib cage only.
Positioning precedes the
43. The nurse must suction a child with a
Suctioning should require not tracheostomy. Interventions should include:
longer than 5 seconds per a. Encouraging the child to cough to raise the
pass. Otherwise the airway may secretions before suctioning.
be occluded for too long. If b. Selecting a catheter with a diameter three fourths
the child is able to cough up as large as the diameter of the tracheostomy tube.
secretions, suctioning may not c. Ensuring that each pass of the suction catheter
be indicated. The catheter take no longer than 5 seconds.
should have a diameter one- d. Allowing the child to rest after every five times
half the size of the the suction catheter is passed.
tracheostomy tube. If it is too
large, it might block the child's
airway. The child is allowed to
rest for 30 to 60 seconds after
each aspiration to allow
oxygen tension to return to
normal. Then the process is
repeated until the trachea is
44. A child is receiving total parenteral nutrition
The TPN infusion rate should (TPN; hyperalimentation). At the end of 8 hours the
not be increased or decreased nurse observes the solution and notes that 200 ml/8
without the practitioner being hr is being infused rather than the ordered amount
informed because alterations in of 300 ml/8 hr. The nurse should adjust the rate so
rate can cause hyperglycemia that how much will infuse during the next 8 hours?
hypoglycemia. d. 400 ml
45. In preparing to give "enemas until clear" to a
Isotonic solutions should be young child, the nurse should select:
solution of choice.
b. Normal saline.
ANS: A, B, E
46. The advantages of the ventrogluteal muscle as
Less painful, free of important an injection site in young children include (choose
nerves and vascular structures, all that apply): 43/243
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2. ANS: F
e. Insert the nasogastric tube through the nares.
3. ANS: A
f. Measure the tube from the tip of the nose to the
4. ANS: E
ear lobe to midpoint between the xiphoid process
5. ANS: C
and the umbilicus.
6. ANS: B
Correct Answer: B
A. Inactivity
Your Response:
B. Clings to parent
C. Depressed, sad
A. Increased respirations.
Correct Answer: D
Correct Answer: C
A. Separation anxiety.
D. Loss of identity.
Correct Answer: B
Correct Answer: C
53. A mother tells the nurse that she will visit her 2-
year-old son tomorrow about noon. During the
child's bath, he asks for Mommy. The nurse's best
reply is:
Correct Answer: A
A. "Mommy will be here after lunch."
Your Response:
C. Accurate and complete discharge teaching is the
responsibility of the surgeon.
55. What represents the major stressor of
The major stress for children hospitalization for children from middle infancy
from infancy through the throughout the preschool years?
56. When a preschool child is hospitalized without
If a toddler is not prepared for adequate preparation, the nurse should recognize
hospitalization, a typical that the child may likely see hospitalization as:
57. Because of their striving for independence and
When a child is hospitalized, productivity, which age group of children is
the altered family role, physical particularly vulnerable to events that may lessen
disability, loss of peer their feeling of control and power?
58. A 10-year-old girl needs to have another
This school-age child is intravenous (IV) line started. She keeps telling the
attempting to maintain control. nurse, "Wait a minute," and, "I'm not ready." The
The nurse should provide the nurse should recognize that:
girl with structured choices a. This is normal behavior for a school-age child.
about when the IV will be b. This behavior is usually not seen past the
inserted. This can be preschool years.
characteristic behavior when c. The child thinks the nurse is punishing her.
an individual needs to maintain d. The child has successfully manipulated the nurse
some control over a situation. in the past.
The child is trying to have
some control in the hospital
of the hospitalized child. These a. The siblings are immature and probably spoiled.
are not uncommon responses b. Jealousy and resentment are common reactions
by normal siblings. There is no to the illness or hospitalization of a sibling.
evidence that the family has c. The family has ineffective coping mechanisms to
maladaptive coping. deal with chronic illness.
60. An appropriate nursing intervention to minimize
A toddler experiences separation anxiety in a hospitalized toddler is to:
parents should be encouraged d. Encourage contact with children the same age.
to room in as much as possible.
Maintaining routines and
ensuring privacy are helpful
interventions, but they would
not substitute for the parents.
Contact with same-aged
children would not substitute
for having the parents present.
61. Four-year-old Brian appears to be upset by
Crying is an appropriate hospitalization. An appropriate intervention is to:
behavior for the upset a. Let him know that it is all right to cry.
provides support through c. Show him how other children are cooperating.
physical presence. Giving the d. Tell him what a big boy he is to be so quiet.
child time to gain control is
appropriate, but the child must
know that crying is acceptable.
The preschooler does not
engage in competitive
62. Natasha, age 8 years, is being admitted to the
School-age children need to hospital from the emergency department with an
have control of their injury from falling off her bicycle. What will help her
environment. The nurse should most in her adjustment to the hospital?
the child for experiences that b. Use terms such as "honey" and "dear" to show a
are unavoidable. The nurse caring attitude.
should refer to the child by the c. Explain when parents can visit and why siblings
preferred name. Telling the cannot come to see her.
child about all of the limitations d. Orient her parents, because she is young, to her
of visiting does not help her room and hospital facility.
adjust to the hospital. At the
age of 8 years the child and
parent should be oriented to
the environment.
should be required.
d. Show her that the bleeding has already stopped.
64. Kimberly, age 3 years, is being admitted for
Parents should bring favorite about 1 week of hospitalization. Her parents tell the
items from home to be with the nurse that they are going to buy her "a lot of new
child. Young children associate toys because she will be in the hospital." The nurse's
inanimate objects with reply should be based on an understanding that:
comfort and reassurance from b. New toys are usually better than older ones for
these items. New toys will not children of this age.
serve the purpose of familiar c. At this age children often need the comfort and
toys and objects from home. reassurance of familiar toys from home.
The parents may experience d. Buying new toys for a hospitalized child is a
some guilt as a response to the maladaptive way to cope with parental guilt.
hospitalization, but there is no
evidence that it is maladaptive.
65. Matthew, age 18 months, has just been admitted
Guilt is a common response of with croup. His parent is tearful and tells the nurse,
parents when a child is "This is all my fault. I should have taken him to the
hospitalized. They may blame doctor sooner so he wouldn't have to be here."
themselves for the child's What is appropriate in the care plan for this parent
illness or for not recognizing it who is experiencing guilt?
soon enough. The nurse should a. Clarify the misconception about the illness.
clarify the nature of the b. Explain to the parent that the illness is not serious.
for. Croup is a potentially very d. Assess further why the parent has excessive guilt
serious illness. The nurse feelings.
should not minimize the
parents' feelings. Encouraging
the parent to maintain a sense
of control would be difficult for
the parents while their child is
seriously ill. No further
assessment is indicated at this
time—guilt is a common
response for parents.
66. The nurse is doing a prehospitalization
This is a necessary part of orientation for Diana, age 7, who is scheduled for
preoperative preparation that cardiac surgery. As part of the preparation, the
will help reduce the anxiety nurse explains that she will not be able to talk
associated with surgery. If the because of an endotracheal tube but that she will
child wakes and is not be able to talk when it is removed. This explanation
prepared for the inability to is:
speak, she will be even more a. Unnecessary.
medical staff, and child life d. An appropriate part of the child's preparation.
personnel. This is a necessary
component of preparation that
will help reduce the anxiety
associated with surgery.
67. The nurse is caring for an adolescent who had an
Loss of peer-group contact external fixator placed after suffering a fracture of
may pose a severe emotional the wrist during a bicycle accident. Which statement
threat to an adolescent by the adolescent would be expected about
because of loss of group separation anxiety?
status; friends visiting are an a. "I wish my parents could spend the night with me
important aspect of while I am in the hospital."
hospitalization for an b. "I think I would like for my siblings to visit me but
adolescent and would be very not my friends."
reassuring. Adolescents may c. "I hope my friends don't forget about visiting me."
ANS: A, C, E
68. Ryan has just been unexpectedly admitted to
Intensive care units, especially the intensive care unit after abdominal surgery. The
when the family is unprepared nursing staff has completed the admission process,
for the admission, are a strange and Ryan's condition is beginning to stabilize. When
and unfamiliar place. There are speaking with the parents, the nurses should expect
many pieces of unfamiliar which stressors to be evident? Choose all that
equipment, and the sights and apply.
Correct Answer: C
A. Color.
Your Response:
B. Reflex.
C. Oxygen saturation.
Correct Answer: D
B. Giving large doses of opioids causes euthanasia.
A. Increased respirations.
Correct Answer: D
Correct Answer: D
Your Response:
C. The scale is not appropriate for use with
Correct Answer: A
Your Response:
C. Usually take too long to implement.
Correct Answer: A
Your Response:
B. This practice is effective in determining whether a
child's pain is real.
will be:
Your Response:
A. The same as the intravenous (IV) dose.
Correct Answer: B
Correct Answer: C
A. Give only an opioid analgesic at this time.
79. Kyle, age 6 months, is brought to the clinic. His
The child is displaying a local parent says, "I think he hurts. He cries and rolls his
sign of pain. Rolling the head head from side to side a lot." This most likely
from side to side and pulling at suggests which feature of pain?
80. Physiologic measurements in children's pain
Physiologic manifestations of assessment are:
pain may vary considerably, not a. The best indicator of pain in children of all ages.
increase or decrease. The same c. Of most value when children also report having
signs that may suggest fear, pain.
81. Nonpharmacologic strategies for pain
Nonpharmacologic techniques management:
more tolerable, decrease d. Trick children into believing they do not have
anxiety, and enhance the pain.
effectiveness of analgesics.
Nonpharmacologic techniques
should be learned before the
pain occurs. With severe pain it
is best to use both
pharmacologic and
nonpharmacologic measures
for pain control. The
nonpharmacologic strategy
should be matched with the
child's pain severity and taught
to the child before the onset of
the painful experience. Some
of the techniques may facilitate
the child's experience with mild
pain, but the child will still
know that discomfort is
82. Which drug is usually the best choice for
The most commonly patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) for a child in the
prescribed medications for immediate postoperative period?
83. A lumbar puncture is needed on a school-age
EMLA is an effective analgesic child. The most appropriate action to provide
agent when applied to the skin analgesia during this procedure is to apply:
84. The nurse is caring for a child receiving
The management of opioid- intravenous (IV) morphine for severe postoperative
induced respiratory depression pain. The nurse observes a slower respiratory rate,
includes lowering the rate of and the child cannot be aroused. The most
infusion and stimulating the appropriate management of this child is for the
child. If the respiratory rate is nurse to:
administered. The child will be d. Stimulate child by calling name, shaking gently,
in pain because of the reversal and asking to breathe deeply.
of the morphine. The morphine
should be discontinued, but
naloxone is indicated if the
child is unresponsive.
85. Skin-to-skin holding of infants dressed only in
diapers next to their mother's or father's chest is
Infants who spent 1 to 3 hours commonly known as _________________ care.
in kangaroo care showed
increased frequency in quiet
sleep, longer duration of quiet
sleep and decreased crying in
the neonatal intensive care
unit. Significant differences
were found in pain responses
during heel lancing between
infants who were kangaroo
held and those that were not.
Correct Answer: C
Your Response:
B. "Does Adam have problems at school?"
Correct Answer: D
A. Genogram
D. Family Apgar
Correct Answer: D
B. Biochemical analysis for assessing nutrition is
Your Response: expensive.
A. Standing height.
Correct Answer: D
Correct Answer: D
A. Use the small cuff.
Correct Answer: B
Your Response:
C. Epicanthal folds may develop in affected eye.
Correct Answer: A
A. Down and back
C. Up and forward
D. Up and back
Correct Answer: A
B. Ask child to open mouth wide and then place the
Your Response: tongue blade in the center back area of the tongue
Correct Answer: D
B. Anteroposterior diameter to be equal to the
Your Response: transverse diameter.
Correct Answer: D
Your Response:
C. Beginning with deeper palpation and gradually
progressing to superficial palpation
Correct Answer: D
101. The nurse is seeing an adolescent boy and his
The first thing that nurses must parents in the clinic for the first time. What should
do is to introduce themselves the nurse do first?
102. What action is most likely to encourage parents
Closed-ended questions to talk about their feelings related to their child's
should be avoided when illness?
103. What is the single most important factor to
The nurse must be aware of the consider when communicating with children?
104. What is an important consideration for the
Using a transition object allows nurse who is communicating with a very young
the young child an opportunity child?
105. When introducing hospital equipment to a
Young children attribute human preschooler who seems afraid, the nurse's approach
characteristics to inanimate should be based on which principle?
objects. They often fear that a. The child may think the equipment is alive.
the objects may jump, bite, cut, b. The child is too young to understand what the
or pinch all by themselves equipment does.
without human direction. c. Explaining the equipment will only increase the
Equipment should be kept out child's fear.
of sight until needed. The child d. One brief explanation is enough to reduce the
should be given simple child's fear.
concrete explanations about
what the equipment does and
how it will feel to the child.
Simple, concrete explanations
help alleviate the child's fear.
The preschooler will need
repeated explanations as
106. Which age group is most concerned with body
School-age children have a integrity?
107. An 8-year-old girl asks the nurse how the blood
School-age children require pressure apparatus works. The most appropriate
explanations and reasons for nursing action is to:
everything. They are interested a. Ask her why she wants to know.
activities. It is appropriate for d. Tell her she will see how it works as it is used.
the nurse to explain how
equipment works and what will
happen to the child. A nurse
should respond positively for
requests for information about
procedures and health
information. By not responding
the nurse may be limiting
communication with the child.
The child is not exhibiting
anxiety, just requesting
clarification of what will be
occurring. The nurse must
explain how the blood
pressure cuff works so the
child can then observe during
the procedure.
108. When the nurse interviews an adolescent, it is
Adolescents, like all children, especially important to:
they will interject feelings into c. Emphasize that confidentiality will always be
their words. The nurse must be maintained.
alert to the words and feelings d. Use the same type of language as the
expressed. Although the peer adolescent.
group is important to this age
group, the focus of the
interview should be on the
adolescent. The nurse should
clarify which information will
be shared with other members
of the health care team and
any limits to confidentiality. The
nurse should maintain a
professional relationship with
adolescents. To avoid
misinterpretation of words and
phrases that the adolescent
may use, the nurse should
clarify terms frequently.
109. The nurse is having difficulty communicating
Drawing is one of the most with a hospitalized 6-year-old child. What technique
valuable forms of might be most helpful?
drawings tell a great deal b. Suggest that the parent read fairy tales to the
about them because they are child.
projections of the child's inner c. Ask the parent if the child is always
self. It would be difficult for a uncommunicative.
110. The nurse is taking a health history on an
The chief complaint is the adolescent. What best describes how the chief
specific reason for the child's complaint should be determined?
hospital. Because the b. Ask adolescent, "Why did you come here today?"
adolescent is the focus of the c. Use what adolescent says to determine, in correct
history, this is an appropriate medical terminology, what the problem is.
111. Where in the health history should the nurse
The history of the present describe all details related to the chief complaint?
112. The nurse is interviewing the mother of an infant.
The birth history refers to She reports, "I had a difficult delivery, and my baby
information that relates to was born prematurely." This information should be
previous aspects of the child's recorded under which heading?
113. When interviewing the mother of a 3-year-old
Information about the child, the nurse asks about developmental
attainment of developmental milestones such as the age of walking without
milestones is important to assistance. This should be considered because
obtain. It provides data about these milestones are:
the child's growth and a. Unnecessary information because the child is age
development that should be 3 years.
about the child's physical, d. An important part of the child's review of systems.
social, and neurologic health.
The developmental milestones
are specific to this child. If
pertinent, attainment of
milestones by siblings would
be included in the family
history. The review of systems
does not include the
developmental milestones.
114. The nurse is taking a sexual history on an
Asking the adolescent girl if adolescent girl. The best way to determine whether
she is having sex with anyone is she is sexually active is to:
a direct question that is well a. Ask her, "Are you sexually active?"
understood. The phrase b. Ask her, "Are you having sex with anyone?"
sexually active is broadly c. Ask her, "Are you having sex with a boyfriend?"
defined and may not provide d. Ask both the girl and her parent if she is sexually
specific information to the active.
nurse to provide necessary
care. The word anyone is
preferred to using gender-
specific terms such as
boyfriend or girlfriend.
Because homosexual
experimentation may occur, it
is preferable to use gender-
neutral terms. Questioning
about sexual activity should
occur when the adolescent is
115. When doing a nutritional assessment on an
The diet that contains Hispanic family, the nurse learns that their diet
vegetable, legumes, and consists mainly of vegetables, legumes, and
starches may provide sufficient starches. The nurse should recognize that this diet:
Many cultures use diets that d. Should be enriched with meat and milk.
contain this combination of
foods. It does not indicate
poverty. Combinations of
foods contain the essential
amino acids necessary for
growth. A dietary assessment
should be done, but many
vegetarian diets are sufficient
for growth.
116. Which parameter correlates best with
Upper arm circumference is measurements of the body's total protein stores?
117. An appropriate approach to performing a
Parents can remove clothing, physical assessment on a toddler is to:
118. With the National Center for Health Statistics
Children who have BMI-for- (NCHS) criteria, which body mass index (BMI)-for-
age greater than or equal to age percentile indicates a risk for being
the 85th percentile and less overweight?
119. The nurse is using the NCHS growth chart for an
The NCHS growth charts can African-American child. The nurse should consider
serve as reference guides for that:
all racial or ethnic groups. U.S. a. This growth chart should not be used.
population. The growth chart c. A correction factor is necessary when the NCHS
can be used with the growth chart is used for non-Caucasian ethnic
perspective that different groups.
groups of children have d. The NCHS charts are accurate for U.S. African-
varying normal distributions on American children.
the growth curves. No
correction factor exists.
120. Which tool measures body fat most accurately?
121. By what age do the head and chest
Head circumference begins circumferences generally become equal?
122. The earliest age at which a satisfactory radial
Satisfactory radial pulses can pulse can be taken in children is:
123. Where is the best place to observe for the
Petechiae, small distinct presence of petechiae in dark-skinned individuals?
124. When palpating the child's cervical lymph
Small nontender nodes are nodes, the nurse notes that they are tender,
normal. Tender, enlarged, and enlarged, and warm. The best explanation for this is:
immediate evaluation.
a. Refer for immediate medical evaluation.
126. The nurse should expect the anterior fontanel
Ages 2 through 8 months are to close at age:
cornea, aqueous chamber, c. A sign of possible visual defect; child needs vision
lens, and vitreous chamber. screening.
128. Binocularity, the ability to fixate on one visual
Binocularity is usually achieved field with both eyes simultaneously, is normally
by ages 3 to 4 months. Age 1 present by what age?
129. The most frequently used test for measuring
The Snellen letter chart, which visual acuity is the:
130. The nurse is testing an infant's visual acuity. By
Visual fixation and following a what age should the infant be able to fix on and
target should be present by follow a target?
131. The appropriate placement of a tongue blade
The side of the tongue is the for assessment of the mouth and throat is the:
132. What type of breath sound is normally heard
Vesicular breath sounds are over the entire surface of the lungs except for the
heard over the entire surface upper intrascapular area and the area beneath the
of lungs, with the exception of manubrium?
133. What term is used to describe breath sounds
Wheezes are produced as air that are produced as air passes through narrowed
passes through narrowed passageways?
134. The nurse must assess a child's capillary filling
Capillary filling time is assessed time. This can be accomplished by:
takes for the blanched area to d. Palpating the skin to produce a slight blanching.
refill. Inspecting the chest,
auscultating the heart, and
palpating the apical pulse will
not provide an assessment of
capillary filling time.
135. What heart sound is produced by vibrations
Murmurs are the sounds that within the heart chambers or in the major arteries
are produced in the heart from the back-and-forth flow of blood?
136. Examination of the abdomen is performed
The correct order of correctly by the nurse in this order:
137. The nurse has a 2-year-old boy sit in "tailor"
The tailor position stretches the position during palpation for the testes. The
muscle responsible for the rationale for this position is that:
pulls the testes into the pelvic c. This tests the child for an inguinal hernia.
cavity. Undescended testes d. The child does not yet have a need for privacy.
cannot be predictably
palpated. Inguinal hernias are
not detected by this method.
This position is used for
inhibiting the cremasteric
reflex. Privacy should always
be provided for children.
138. During examination of a toddler's extremities,
Lateral bowing of the tibia the nurse notes that the child is bowlegged. The
(bowlegged) is common in nurse should recognize that this finding is:
Further evaluation is needed if d. Normal because the lower back and leg muscles
it persists beyond ages 2 to 3 are not yet well developed.
years, especially in African-
American children.
139. Kimberly is having a checkup before starting
The finger-to-nose-test is an kindergarten. The nurse asks her to do the "finger-
indication of cerebellar to-nose" test. The nurse is testing for:
140. The nurse must check vital signs on a 2-year-old
Research has demonstrated boy who is brought to the clinic for his 24-month
that cuff selection with a checkup. Which criteria should the nurse use in
bladder width that is 40% of determining the appropriate-size blood pressure
the arm circumference will cuff? Choose all that apply.
that is 80% to 100% of the b. The cuff bladder width is approximately 40% of
upper arm circumference. This the circumference of the upper arm.
size cuff will most accurately c. The cuff bladder length covers 80% to 100% of
reflect measured radial artery the circumference of the upper arm.
pressure. The name of the cuff d. The cuff bladder covers 50% to 66% of the length
is a representative size that of the upper arm.
may not be suitable for any
individual child. Choosing a
cuff by limb circumference
more accurately reflects
arterial pressure than choosing
a cuff by length.
ANS: A, C, E, F
141. Which data would be included in a health
The review of systems, sexual history? Choose all that apply.
142. Which family theory explains how families react
Family stress theory explains to stressful events and suggests factors that
the reaction of families to promote adaptation to these events?
143. What type of family is one in which all members
A consanguineous family is one are related by blood?
144. Studies about the ordinal position of children
Firstborn children, like only suggest that firstborn children tend to:
born children are praised less c. Be more popular with the peer group.
often, are more popular with d. Identify with peer group more than parents.
their peer group, and identify
with their peer group more
than with their parents.
145. Birth position of children affects their
Later-born children are personalities. What is considered to be a
obliged to interact with older characteristic of children who are the youngest in
siblings from birth and seem to their family?
146. What applies to the rate of frequency of
Monozygotic twins occur with monozygotic (identical) twins being born?
147. Nicole and Kelly, age 5 years, are identical
Twins work out a relationship twins. Their parents tell the nurse that the girls
that is reasonably satisfactory always want to be together. The nurse's suggestions
to both. They develop a should be based on knowing that:
remarkable capacity for a. Some twins thrive best when they are constantly
cooperative play and together.
Parents should foster individual c. Separating twins at an early age helps them
differences and allow the develop mentally.
children to follow their natural d. When twins are constantly together, pathologic
inclinations. Individuation does bonding occurs.
occur. In twinship one member
of the pair is more dominant,
outgoing, and assertive than
the other. Early separation may
produce unnecessary stresses
for the children. There is no
evidence that pathologic
bonding occurs.
148. The nurse is teaching a group of new parents
If parents are supportive of about the experience of role transition. Which
each other, they can serve as statement by a parent indicates a correct
positive influences on understanding of the teaching?
alter caregiving routines and b. "If an infant has special care needs, the parents'
interfere with the enjoyment of sense of confidence in their new role is
the infant, the marital strengthened."
relationship has a negative c. "Young parents can adjust to the new role easier
effect. Infants with special care than older parents."
149. When assessing a family, the nurse determines
Permissive parents avoid that the parents exert little or no control over their
imposing their own standards children. This style of parenting is called:
150. What is most characteristic of the physical
Through the use of physical punishment of children, such as spanking?
what they should not do. When b. Children rarely become accustomed to spanking.
more likely that children will d. Misbehavior is likely to occur when parents are
misbehave because they have not present.
not learned to behave well for
their own sake but rather out of
fear of punishment. Spanking
can cause severe physical and
psychologic injury and
interfere with effective parent-
child interaction. Children do
become accustomed to
spanking, requiring more
severe corporal punishment
each time. The use of corporal
punishment may interfere with
the child's development of
moral reasoning.
151. A 3-year-old girl was adopted immediately after
It is important for the parents birth. The parents have just asked the nurse how
not to withhold information they should tell the child that she is adopted. Which
about the adoption from the guideline concerning adoption should the nurse
child. It is an essential use in planning her response?
recommended best time to tell b. The best time to tell the child is between ages 7
children. It is believed that and 10 years.
children should be told young c. It is not necessary to tell the child who was
enough so they do not adopted so young.
remember a time when they d. It is best to wait until the child asks about it.
did not know. It should be
done before the children enter
school to keep third parties
from telling the children before
the parents have had the
152. A parent of a school-age child tells the school
Parental divorce affects nurse that the parent is going through a divorce. The
school-age children in many child has not been doing well in school and
ways. In addition to difficulties sometimes has trouble sleeping. The nurse should
in school, they often have recognize this as:
153. A mother brings 6-month-old Eric to the clinic
"Let's talk about the child-care for a well-baby checkup. She comments, "I want to
options that will be best for go back to work, but I don't want Eric to suffer
Eric" is an open-ended because I'll have less time with him." The nurse's
statement that will assist the most appropriate answer is:
mother in exploring her a. "I'm sure he'll be fine if you get a good
concerns about what is best babysitter."
for both her and Eric. "I'm sure b. "You will need to stay home until Eric starts
he'll be fine if you get a good school."
babysitter," "You will need to c. "You should go back to work so Eric will get used
stay home until Eric starts to being with others."
school," and "You should go d. "Let's talk about the child-care options that will be
back to work so Eric will get best for Eric."
used to being with others" are
directive statements and do
not address the effect of her
working on Eric.
154. A young couple who has just delivered their
Internal resources include both first child adapts to the stress of new parenthood by
adaptability and integration. using two types of family resources. These include
Adaptation is learning to be (choose all that apply):
Correct Answer: D
C. Individual family members are readily identified
as the source of a problem.
A. Tend to be selfish.
Correct Answer: B
B. Are similar to firstborn children.
Correct Answer: C
C. Give reassurance that the divorce is not the
children's fault.
A. Beliefs
Correct Answer: C
B. Culture
C. Ethnicity
D. Socialization
A. Race.
Correct Answer: C
B. Customs.
C. Socioeconomic status.
D. Genetic constitution.
A. Culture.
Correct Answer: B
B. Community.
C. Target population.
B. Tertiary
C. Secondary
D. Environmental
166. Which term best describes the identification of
Epidemiology is the science of the distribution and causes of disease, injury, or
population health applied to illness?
167. One of the community nurses at the health
Incidence will provide the department is trying to identify how many new
number of cases of a particular cases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
disease process. Mortality have occurred in her city this past year. The term
statistics specify the number of that best describes this measurement is:
168. The nurse is collecting subjective and objective
The nursing process stages are information about the target population to diagnose
similar, whether the client is problems based on community needs. Which step in
one child or a population of the community nursing process is this?
169. A number of children in the same neighborhood
An agent is responsible for have developed illness related to an exposure to
causing a disease or infectious lead paint. Which of the three factors that form the
illness. Lead paint is a physical epidemiologic triangle is responsible for this
agent. Host factors are those condition?
170. Demography is the study of population
Males are at a much greater characteristics. Which demographic characteristic
risk of having hemophilia A and would be associated with an increased risk for
B. Although age is one of the hemophilia?
True or False
Correct Answer: A
Your Response:
B. Decreased incidence of congenital abnormalities
Correct Answer: D
B. National health care planning on a distributive or
Your Response: episodic basis.
Your Response:
C. Using a professional code of ethics as a means
for professional self-regulation.
Correct Answer: D
Correct Answer: C
A. Expected outcome/goal
177. Information about morbidity and mortality gives
Analysis of these data provides the nurse data to identify:
individuals are at risk for which c. Cost-effective treatment for general population.
health problems. Lifespan d. High risk age groups for certain disorders or
statistics are part of the hazards.
mortality data. Treatment
modalities and cost are not
included in these data.
178. From a worldwide perspective, infant mortality
Although the death rate has in the United States:
still ranks last among nations a. Is the highest of the other developed nations.
with the lowest infant death b. Lags behind five other developed nations.
rates. The United States has the c. Is the lowest infant death rate of developed
highest infant death rate of nations.
179. The leading cause of death in infants younger
Congenital anomalies account than 1 year is/are:
180. The major cause of death for children older
Unintentional injuries than 1 year is:
181. In addition to injuries, the leading causes of
In this age group, homicide death in adolescents ages 15 to 19 years are:
182. The leading cause of death from unintentional
Motor vehicle-related fatalities injuries in children is:
unintentional injuries is
c. Pattern of deaths varies widely in Western
consistent in Western societies.
184. The type of injury a child is especially
The child's developmental susceptible to at a specific age is most closely
stage determines the type of related to:
185. Morbidity statistics describe:
The prevalence of a specific a. The number of individuals who have died over a
illness in the population at a specific period.
186. What is descriptive of morbidity in childhood?
187. What is most descriptive of family-centered
The key components of family- care?
centered care are for the nurse a. Reduces effect of cultural diversity on the family
188. The nurse is preparing staff in-service
Preparing the child for any education about atraumatic care for pediatric
unfamiliar treatments, patients. Which intervention should the nurse
controlling pain, allowing include?
privacy, providing play a. Prepare the child for separation from parents
activities for expression of fear during hospitalization by reviewing a video.
and aggression, providing b. Prepare the child before any unfamiliar treatment
choices, and respecting or procedure by demonstrating on a stuffed animal.
cultural differences are c. Help the child accept the loss of control
components of atraumatic associated with hospitalization.
care. In providing atraumatic d. Help the child accept pain that is connected with
care, the separation of child a treatment or procedure.
from parents during
hospitalization is minimized.
The nurse should promote a
sense of control for the child.
Preventing and minimizing
bodily injury and pain are major
components of atraumatic
189. What most suggests that a nurse has a
Many of the nurse's actions nontherapeutic relationship with a patient and
may serve the needs of the family?
nurse rather than those of the a. The boundaries between staff and patients are
child and the family. It would blurred.
be therapeutic for the patient b. Staff assignments allow the nurse to care for
and family to have the same same patient and family over an extended time.
can protect themselves while d. Nurse uses teaching skills to instruct patient and
providing therapeutic care. The family rather than doing everything for them.
nurse's role is to transition the
child and family to self-care.
190. What is most descriptive of critical thinking?
ANS: A, B, C, E, F
191. The nursing process is a method of problem
The accepted model is identification and problem solving that describes
assessment, diagnosis, what the nurse actually does. The five steps include
planning, implementation and (choose all that apply):
Babies weight
doubles by 6 months
Babies ability
Sits upright w/o support by 8 months
Toddler ability
Toilet training 2 yrs old
No concept of time
Toddler behavior/concepts
Frequent Tantrums
Adolescence growth rapid growth second only to the first year of life
checkup? PCV
HR 110-160.
BP 65-85/45-55
Isolation (contact)
Antiviral agent (ribavirin aerosols)
Tripod Position
sub q nodles
Generalized tonic/clonic
"Absence Seizure"
Petit mal Momentary LOC, appears like daydreaming
Neck Stiffness!!!
Kernig sign
Reye's Syndrome
-Rapidly progressing encephalopathy
MD Dx Muscle biopsy
Delayed Walking
Frequent Falls
Easily tires when walking
Acute Glomerulonephritis
restriction of salt,
bstrandable NCLEX OB/Peds 2 of 3 124/243
10/6/21, 4:32 PM bstrandable NCLEX OB/Peds 2 of 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
Frothy urine
Massive proteinuria
Nephrotic Syndrome Dx
Chronic fatigue,
-When is best
Also done at 3 weeks
PKU Diet
Eat fruits, juices, cereal, bread, starches
-part of body
-part of body
Dunlop's Traction
-part of body
-part of body
and hip and knee
husband is upset because I The nurse should assess the client's last menstrual
don't enjoy sex as much as I cycle to determine if the client is experiencing the
used to." Which priority client onset of menopause. Menopause usually occurs
data should a nurse initially around the age of 50. The decrease in estrogen can
result in multiple symptoms including a decrease in
biological drives and sexual activity.
A. History of hysterectomy
A. Self-assess personal
attitudes toward
C. Encourage discussion of
aversion to heterosexual
reports a fear of intimacy due Based on the client's symptoms, the nurse should
to an inability to achieve and prioritize the nursing diagnosis of sexual
sustain an erection. He has dysfunction R/T dysfunctional grieving AEB inability
become isolative, has difficulty to experience orgasm. The nurse should assess the
sleeping, and has recently lost client's mood and level of energy because
weight. Which correctly written depression and fatigue can decrease desire for
nursing diagnosis should be participation in sexual activity.
prioritized for this client?
diagnosed with pedophilia. The nurse should identify that pedophilia is a sexual
What would differentiate this disorder in which individuals partake in
sexual disorder from a sexual inappropriate sexual behaviors. Sexual dysfunction
involves impairment in normal sexual response.
Pedophilia involves having sexual urges, behaviors,
A. Symptoms of sexual or sexually arousing fantasies involving sexual
dysfunction include activity with a prepubescent child.
inappropriate sexual behaviors,
whereas symptoms of a sexual
disorder include impairment in
normal sexual response.
B. Symptoms of a sexual
disorder include inappropriate
sexual behaviors, whereas
symptoms of sexual
dysfunction include impairment
in normal sexual response.
unit enters the day area for The most appropriate intervention by the nurse is to
visiting hours dressed in a see- lead the client back to her room and assist her to
through blouse and wearing choose appropriate clothing. The client could be
no undergarments. Which exhibiting signs of exhibitionism which is
intervention should be a nurse's characterized by urges to expose oneself to
first priority?
unsuspecting strangers.
diagnosed with female sexual The expected outcome of senate focus exercises is
arousal disorder, what should a to reduce goal-oriented demands of intercourse.
nurse document as an Senate focus exercises consist of touching and
expected outcome of senate being touched by another with attention focused on
focus exercises?
the physical sensations encountered. Erotic contact
is gradually increased, leading to the possibility of
A. To initiate immediate orgasm
sexual intercourse. The reduction in demands
B. To reduce anxiety by reduces performance pressures and anxiety
eliminating physical touch
associated with possible failure.
C. To focus on touching breasts
and genitals
D. To reduce goal-oriented
demands of intercourse
A. A thorough physical to
include gynecological
sexual aversion disorder. Which The nurse should recognize that this sexual aversion
symptom of this disorder disorder is characterized by an avoidance of genital
should the nurse correctly pair sexual contact. Sexual aversion implies anxiety, fear,
with an appropriate or disgust in sexual situations. Sexual aversion can
therapeutic intervention?
be treated by systematic desensitization.
C. Anorgasmia treated by
vardenafil (Levitra)
D. Anorgasmia treated by
sensate focus exercises
is teaching about the The instructor should identify the need for further
psychological effects of the instruction if a student states that antibiotics can
diagnosis of a sexually cure all STDs. STDs refer to infections that are
transmitted disease (STD). contracted primarily through sexual activities or
Which student statement intimate contact. An example of an incurable STD is
indicates that further HIV. STDs are at epidemic levels in the United
instruction is needed?
D. "Antibiotics administered in
the early stages can cure all
female sexual aversion The nurse should identify that medication therapy of
disorder. In addition to amoxapine could complement systematic
systematic desensitization desensitization techniques. Amoxapine is a
techniques, which medication heterocyclic antidepressant that can assist in
therapy could accompany this reduction of anxiety.
A. Quetiapine (Seroquel)
B. Phenelzine (Nardil)
C. Amoxapine (Asendin)
D. Carbamazepine (Tegretol)
characteristics should a nurse The nurse should identify that experimenting with
identify as "normal" in the masturbation and homosexual play and not wanting
development of human to undress in front of others are characteristics that
sexuality for an 11-year-old are normal in the development of human sexuality
child? (Select all that apply.)
in an 11-year-old child. Interest in the opposite sex
usually increases during this age, and children often
A. The child experiments with become self-conscious about their bodies.
1.A nurse is caring for a client in 1.4. The second stage of labor begins when the
labor. The nurse determines cervix is dilated completely and ends with the birth
that the client is beginning in of the neonate.
the 2nd stage of labor when
which of the following
assessments is noted?
A.The client begins to expel
clear vaginal fluid
. A nurse is caring for a client in 4. The nurse simultaneously should palpate the
labor and prepares to maternal radial or carotid pulse and auscultate the
auscultate the fetal heart rate fetal heart rate to differentiate the two. If the fetal
by using a Doppler ultrasound and maternal heart rates are similar, the nurse may
device. The nurse most mistake the maternal heart rate for the fetal heart
accurately determines that the rate. Leopold's maneuvers may help the examiner
fetal heart sounds are heard locate the position of the fetus but will not ensure a
distinction between the two rates.
3.Performing Leopold's
maneuvers first to determine
the location of the fetal heart
A nurse is caring for a client in 2. A normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 BPM.
labor who is receiving Pitocin Bradycardia or late or variable decelerations
by IV infusion to stimulate indicate fetal distress and the need to discontinue to
uterine contractions. Which pitocin. The goal of labor augmentation is to
assessment finding would achieve three good-quality contractions in a 10-
indicate to the nurse that the minute period.
infusion needs to be
A nurse is monitoring a client in 4. A normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 beats per
active labor and notes that the minute. Fetal bradycardia between contractions may
client is having contractions indicate the need for immediate medical
every 3 minutes that last 45 management, and the physician or nurse mid-wife
seconds. The nurse notes that needs to be notified.
the fetal heart rate between
contractions is 100 BPM. Which
of the following nursing actions
is most appropriate?
A nurse is caring for a client in 1. Accelerations are transient increases in the fetal
labor and is monitoring the heart rate that often accompany contractions or are
fetal heart rate patterns. The caused by fetal movement. Episodic accelerations
nurse notes the presence of are thought to be a sign of fetal-well being and
episodic accelerations on the adequate oxygen reserve.
electronic fetal monitor tracing.
Which of the following actions
is most appropriate?
abdomen. After attachment of Options 1 and 3 are important to assess, but not as
the monitor, the initial nursing the first priority.
assessment is which of the
A nurse is reviewing the record 1. Station is the relationship of the presenting part to
of a client in the labor room an imaginary line drawn between the ischial spines,
and notes that the nurse is measured in centimeters, and is noted as a
midwife has documented that negative number above the line and a positive
the fetus is at -1 station. The number below the line. At -1 station, the fetal
nurse determines that the fetal presenting part is 1 cm above the ischial spines.
presenting part is:
2.Low self-esteem
4.Postpartum infections
2.Placenta previa
3.Uterine atony
4.Placental separation
A client arrives at a birthing 2. Amniotomy can be used to induce labor when the
center in active labor. Her condition of the cervix is favorable (ripe) or to
membranes are still intact, and augment labor if the process begins to slow.
the nurse-midwife prepares to Rupturing of membranes allows the fetal head to
perform an amniotomy. A nurse contact the cervix more directly and may increase
who is assisting the nurse- the efficiency of contractions.
midwife explains to the client
that after this procedure, she
will most likely have:
2.Increased efficiency of
3.Decreased number of
4.Short-term variability
4.Performed to stimulate
uterine activity by contracting a
specific muscle group while
other parts of the body rest
A nurse is caring for a client in 2. Pains, helplessness, panicking, and fear of losing
the second stage of labor. The control are possible behaviors in the 2nd stage of
client is experiencing uterine labor.
contractions every 2 minutes
and cries out in pain with each
contraction. The nurse
recognizes this behavior as:
3.Involuntary grunting
4.Valsalva's maneuver
and notes that the client is If uterine hypertonicity occurs, the nurse
experiencing hypertonic immediately would intervene to reduce uterine
uterine contractions. List in activity and increase fetal oxygenation. The nurse
order of priority the actions would stop the Pitocin infusion and increase the
that the nurse takes.
rate of the nonadditive solution, check maternal BP
for hyper or hypotension, position the woman in a
1.Stop of Pitocin infusion
side-lying position, and administer oxygen by snug
2.Perform a vaginal face mask at 8-10 L/min. The nurse then would
attempt to determine the cause of the uterine
3.Reposition the client
hypertonicity and perform a vaginal exam to check
4.Check the client's blood for prolapsed cord
pressure and heart rate
2.Increased hydration
4.Administration of a tocolytic
A nurse is developing a plan of 3. The priority is to monitor the fetal heart rate.
care for a client experiencing
dystocia and includes several
nursing interventions in the
plan of care. The nurse
prioritizes the plan of care and
selects which of the following
nursing interventions as the
highest priority?
A nurse in the postpartum unit 4. Because the placenta is implanted in the lower
is caring for a client who has uterine segment, which does not contain the same
just delivered a newborn infant intertwining musculature as the fundus of the uterus,
following a pregnancy with this site is more prone to bleeding.
placenta previa. The nurse
reviews the plan of care and
prepares to monitor the client
for which of the following risks
associated with placenta
1.Disseminated intravascular
2.Chronic hypertension
3.Maternal complaints of
severe uterine cramping
A nurse in the labor room is 1. When cord prolapse occurs, prompt actions are
performing a vaginal taken to relieve cord compression and increase
assessment on a pregnant fetal oxygenation. The mother should be positioned
client in labor. The nurse notes with the hips higher than the head to shift the fetal
the presence of the umbilical presenting part toward the diaphragm. The nurse
cord protruding from the should push the call light to summon help, and
vagina. Which of the following other staff members should call the physician and
would be the initial nursing notify the delivery room. No attempt should be
made to replace the cord. The examiner, however,
may place a gloved hand into the vagina and hold
1.Place the client in the presenting part off of the umbilical cord.
Trendelenburg's position
Oxygen at 8 to 10 L/min by face mask is delivered to
2.Call the delivery room to the mother to increase fetal oxygenation.
notify the staff that the client
will be transported
A maternity nurse is caring for 1. DIC is a state of diffuse clotting in which clotting
a client with abruptio placenta factors are consumed, leading to widespread
and is monitoring the client for bleeding. Platelets are decreased because they are
disseminated intravascular consumed by the process; coagulation studies
coagulopathy. Which show no clot formation (and are thus normal to
assessment finding is least prolonged); and fibrin plugs may clog the
likely to be associated with microvasculature diffusely, rather than in an isolated
disseminated intravascular area. The presence of petechiae, oozing from
injection sites, and hematuria are signs associated
with DIC. Swelling and pain in the calf of one leg
1.Swelling of the calf in one leg
are more likely to be associated with
2.Prolonged clotting times
3.Decreased platelet count
3.Uterine tenderness/pain
1.Hypotonic contractions
2.Forceps delivery
3.Schultz delivery
A client who is gravida 1, para 0 3. A station of +1 indicates that the fetal head is 1 cm
is admitted in labor. Her cervix below the ischial spines.
is 100% effaced, and she is
dilated to 3 cm. Her fetus is at
+1 station. The nurse is aware
that the fetus' head is:
After doing Leopold's 3. Fetal heart tones are best auscultated through the
maneuvers, the nurse fetal back; because the position is ROP (right
determines that the fetus is in occiput presenting), the back would be below the
the ROP position. To best umbilicus and on the right side.
auscultate the fetal heart tones,
the Doppler is placed:
The physician asks the nurse 3. This is the way to determine the frequency of the
the frequency of a laboring contractions
client's contractions. The nurse
assesses the client's
contractions by timing from the
beginning of one contraction:
The nurse observes the client's 3. by 36 weeks' gestation, normal amniotic fluid is
amniotic fluid and decides that colorless with small particles of vernix caseosa
it appears normal, because it present.
When examining the fetal 2. Variable decelerations usually are seen as a result
monitor strip after rupture of of cord compression; a change of position will
the membranes in a laboring relieve pressure on the cord.
client, the nurse notes variable
decelerations in the fetal heart
rate. The nurse should:
1.An acceleration
3.Occiput anterior
4.Occiput posterior
The breathing technique that 1. Blowing forcefully through the mouth controls the
the mother should be strong urge to push and allows for a more
instructed to use as the fetus' controlled birth of the head.
head is crowning is:
2.Slow chest
During the period of induction 2. Uterine tetany could result from the use of
of labor, a client should be oxytocin to induce labor. Because oxytocin
observed carefully for signs of:
promotes powerful uterine contractions, uterine
tetany may occur. The oxytocin infusion must be
1.Severe pain
stopped to prevent uterine rupture and fetal
2.Uterine tetany
How do you calculate the From the beginning of one contraction to the
frequency of contractions? beginning of the next
How is fetal tachycardia Baseline of greater than 160 bpm for 10 minutes.
What conditions might cause Preeclampsia, DM, cardiac disease, and placentae
uteroplacental insufficiency abruptio.
and late decelerations?
Name two nursing Have client fill bladder and lie supine with uterine
interventions to be done prior wedge.
to a first trimester ultrasound.
What do high or low AFP levels High could:NTD (neural tube defect) low: could be
mean? trisomy 21.
What is the third stage of Deliver of the fetus to delivery of the placenta
What is the fourth stage? About two hours after the delivery of the placenta
What should be assessed Blood pressure - withhold if over 140/90 and notify
before giving methergine? physician. Use with caution in pts with preeclampsia
What five things does APGAR Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration
Name two tests that show the Nitrazine paper turns dark blue or black; ferning
membranes have ruptured. under microscope
Name two reasons that Given too early can retard labor; given too late can
anesthesia and analgesia cause fetal distress
should be given in the
midactive phase of stage I
Where is the fetal heart rate Through the fetal back in vertex, OA positions
best heard?
Name three signs of placental Gush of blood, lengthening of cord and globular
separation. shape of uterus.
What occurs to the maternal Pulse may decrease to 50 bpm; normal puerperal
pulse after delivery? bradycardia
How should suctioning be Mouth first and then nose (to prevent aspiration in
done in the newborn? the mouth)
What complications can occur Depletion of glucose and the use of brown fat --
from hypothermia? ketoacidosis.
What precautions should be Avoid the plantar artery in the middle of the heel
done when performing heel and wipe away the first drop with sterile gauze.
What muscle should be used in The vastus lateralis muscle of the thigh.
newborn injections?
What three risk factors can Cesarean delivery, mag given to mother in labor,
lead to respiratory depression and/or ashyxia or fetal distress during labor
(depression) in the newborn?
Is the newborn's head smaller No, it should be 2cm larger unless severe molding
than its chest? has occurred.
How are SGA and LGA Below the 10th percentile or above the 90th
defined? percentile.
What should patients be taught Lethargy, temp > 100, vomiting, green stools, or
are signs that the doctor refusal of two feeds in a row.
should be called after
How is placentae abruptio Dark red vaginal bleeding, rigid uterus, and severe
different from previa? pain.
How is previa different from Painless, bright red bleeding, soft uterus, with FHR
abruption? usually normal.
the pregnancy?
Third: Hgb < 10 ; Hct < 32%
How is chlamydia treated in Erythromycin and treat for gonorrhea, too (penicillin
pregnancy? and/or erythromycin and ceftriaxone)
How is Flagyl used during Its use is contraindicated in the first trimester and its
pregnancy? use in the second trimester is contraversial.
What are nursing implications Maternal pulse should not exceed 140 bpm, fetal
with Yutopar (Ritodrine) and heart rate should not exceed 180 bpm, and keep
terbutaline? antidote (beta-blocking agent) available.
What are nursing implications Hold if respirations are < 12/min or urine output is <
with Mag sulfate? 100 mL/4hrs; keep calcium gluconate handy
What are nursing implications Only give for 48 hours or less, do not use for
with indomethacin? women with bleeding potential, and give with food.
When are antihypertensives If the diastolic is greater than 110 mm Hg, and then
given to the preeclamptic hydralazine is given.
What can cause problems Normal postpartum diuresis can increase CO.
postpartum in the cardiac
What instructions should be Bedrest for 24-48 hours, no sex for 2 weeks.
given to the woman with a
threatened abortion?
What type of contraceptive They should avoid estrogen. They should also avoid
should diabetics use? IUDs due to the increased risk for infection.
What interventions are used Semi- or high- Fowler position, prevent valsalva,
during the labor of a cardiac side-lying position for regional anesthesia, and
patient? avoid stirrups.
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What immediate nursing Massage fundus, notify HCP if fundus doesn't get
interventions should be taken firm with massage, count pads, assess vital signs,
when a postpartum increase IV fluids, and administer oxytocin as
hemorrhage is detected? prescribed.
1.) Fowler's
2.) Knee-chest
3.) Trendelenburg's
4.) Prone
A child who has had heart keep the drainage bottle below the chest level at all
surgery returns to the pediatric times
unit with a chest tube and
drainage bottles in place. What
is a priority nursing
responsiblity when caring for a
child with chest tubes?
When the patient experiences stops the transfusion, allows normal saline solutions
apprehension and urticaria to run slowly, and notifies the charge nurse
while receiving a blood
transfusion, the nurse:
1.) petechiae
4.) pallor
Priority teaching for a parent of slicing each stool passed to observe for the foreign
a child who ingested a foreign body
body includes:
The nurse understands that strategies that preserve the child's body image
genitourinary surgery affects
growth and development.
When caring for a 4-year-old
child postoperatively, a priority
nursing responsibility would
2.) edema
4.) bacteriuria
What may indicate a need for red lips and fruity odor to the breath
insulin in a diabetic child?
1.) neuropathy
2.) ketoacidosis
3.) hypoglycemia
4.) retinopathy
The adolescent with anorexia feeling "fat" even when appearing thin
nervosa has a body self-image
characteristically expressed by:
4.) amenorrhea
tie knots 6Y
temporal perception
bstrandable NCLEX improving 7Y 3
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better behaved 9Y
likes school 9Y
head sags 1M
binocular vision 3M
laughs audibly 3M
appearance of thumb 4M
drooling 4M
rudimentary imitative 9M
crawls well 10 M
drooling begins 4M
Rubeola (Measles)
2. Incubation period?
4. Source?
1. Fever
2. Malaise
2. Incubation period: 5-15 days
1. Agent?
3. Communicable period: unknown, but thought to
2. Incubation period?
be from febrile stage to time rash appears
3. Communicable period?
4. Source: unknown
4. Source?
5. Transmission: unknown
5. Transmission?
1. Agent: Paramyxovirus (viral)
2. Incubation period: 14-21 days
1. Agent?
3. Communicable period: Immediately before and
2. Incubation period?
after parotid gland swelling begins.
3. Communicable period?
4. Source: Saliva of infected persons.
4. Source?
5. Transmission: Direct contact or droplet spread
5. Transmission?
1. Fever
3. Anorexia
1. Agent?
catarrhal stage
3. Communicable period?
5. Transmission?
5. Transmission: Direct contact or droplet spread
tongue protrusion.
Scarlet Fever
2. Incubation period: 1 to 7 days
3. Communicable period: About 10 days during the
1. Agent?
incubation period and clinical illness; during the first
2. Incubation period?
2 weeks of the carrier stage, although may persist
3. Communicable period?
for months.
4. Source?
4. Source: Nasophayngeal secretions of infected
5. Transmission? person and carriers.
Scarlet Fever
4. Desquamanation of skin on palms and soles
appears by weeks 1-3
2. Incubation period: 4 - 14 days, may be 20 days
2. Incubation period?
4. Source: Infected persons
3. Communicable period?
5. Transmission: Unknown mode of transmission,
4. Source?
possibly resp. secretions and blood.
5. Transmission?
Infectious Mononucleosis
1. Agent: Epstein-Barr virus (viral)
2. Incubation period: 4 to 6 weeks
1. Agent?
3. Communicable period: Unknown
2. Incubation period?
4. Source: Oral secretions
3. Communicable period?
5. Transmission: Direct intimate contact
4. Source?
5. Transmission?
Infectious Mononucleosis
important complication to
teach parents to monitor for.
RUPTURE: Marked by abdominal pain, left upper
quadrant pain, referred left-shoulder pain.
1. Agent?
3. Communicable period?
contaminated objects
5. Transmission?
2. Lesions become pustules, begin to dry, and
3 signs and symptoms develop a crust.
1. Agent?
3. Communicable period?
1. low-grade fever
2. Malaise
3. Communicable period?
5. Transmission?
5. Transmission: Direct contact with infected person,
carrier, or contaminated articles
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important interventions
Interventions: Strict isolation for hospitalized child.
Administer diphtheria antitoxin only AFTER a skin or
conjunctival test rules out sensitivity to horse serum.
1. Agent?
2. Incubation period: 2 to 14 days
2. Incubation period?
3. Communicable period: NOT CONTAGIOUS
3. Communicable period?
4. Source: Tick bite from mammal, usually wild
4. Source?
rodents and dogs.
2 signs and symptoms
H1N1 Vaccine: When are 6 months. Children younger than six months are not
children old enough to receive old enough, but family members and caregivers
it? should be vaccinated.
the full course of vaccination Girls can receive it around age 11 to 12.
and at what age should girls Boys can receive it from age 9 to 18.
boys receive it? Guards against cervical cancer and genital warts in
females and genital warts in males.
copies a circle 3Y
rides tricycle 3Y
uses sentences 3Y
laces shoes 4Y
brushes teeth 4Y
throws overhead 4Y
runs well 5Y
jumps rope 5Y
ties shoes 5Y
examines the breasts of a Breasts are essentially unchanged for the first 2 to 3
primiparous breastfeeding days after birth. Colostrum is present and may leak
woman who is 1 day from the nipples.
A. Presence of soft, nontender A few blisters and a bruise indicate problems with
the breastfeeding techniques being used.
B. Leakage of milk at let-down
hours ago. The nurse A urinary tract infection may result from
determines that the woman's overdistention of the bladder, but it is not the most
bladder is distended because serious consequence.
her fundus is now 3 cm above Excessive bleeding can occur immediately after
the umbilicus and to the right birth if the bladder becomes distended because it
of the midline. In the immediate pushes the uterus up and to the side and prevents it
postpartum period, the most from contracting firmly.
3. Which statement by a newly B. "My first menstrual cycle will be heavier than
delivered woman indicates that normal, and my period will return to my
she knows what to expect prepregnant volume within three or four cycles."
after childbirth?
She can expect her first menstrual cycle to be
A. "My first menstrual cycle will heavier than normal, and the volume of her
be lighter than normal and subsequent cycles to return to prepregnant levels
then will get heavier every within three or four cycles.
month thereafter."
Saying the first menstrual cycle will be heavier than
B. "My first menstrual cycle will normal and the subsequent three or four cycles will
be heavier than normal, and return to prepregnant volume is an accurate
my period will return to my statement and indicates her understanding of her
prepregnant volume within expected menstrual activity.
She can expect her first menstrual cycle to be
D. "My first menstrual cycle will heavier than normal, and the volume of her
be heavier than normal and subsequent cycles to return to prepregnant levels
then will be light for several within three or four cycles.
months after."
A. The cervix shortens, The cervix regains its form within days; the cervical
becomes firm, and returns to os may take longer to return to form.
D. Hemorrhoids usually
decrease in size within 2 weeks
of childbirth.
Expressing milk results in continued milk production.
D. Place absorbent pads with Plastic liners keep the nipples and areola moist,
plastic liners into her bra to leading to excoriation and cracking.
absorb leakage.
which the uterus was A large baby or multiple babies overdistend the
uterus and this accounts for afterbirth pains.
period for the first 6 to 12 Lochia flow should approximate a heavy menstrual
period for the first 2 hours and then steadily
B. Is usually greater after decrease.
cesarean births.
Less lochia usually is seen after cesarean births.
C. Will usually decrease with Lochia usually increases with ambulation and
ambulation and breastfeeding.
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False
10. When palpating the fundus C. Assist the woman to empty her bladder
the nurse notes that it is firm, 2 A firm fundus should not be massaged because
fingerbreadths above the massage could overstimulate the fundus and cause
umbilicus, and deviated to the it to relax.
left of midline. The nurse Methergine is not indicated in this case because it is
an oxytocic and the fundus is already firm.
her bladder
A Firm fundus that is 2 fingerbreadths above the
D. Recognize this as an umbilicus and deviated to the left of midline is not a
expected finding during the normal finding, and an action is required.
first 24 hours following birth
A. Postural hypotension
C. Bradycardia—pulse rate of
Findings of pain in the left calf with dorsiflexion of
55 beats/min
profuse, with two plum-sized A boggy or soft fundus indicates that uterine atony
clots. The nurse's initial action is present. This is confirmed by the profuse lochia
would be to:
and passage of clots. The first action would be to
A. Place her on a bedpan to massage the fundus until firm.
13. Perineal care is an D. Uses the peribottle to rinse upward into her
important infection control vagina.
postpartum woman's perineal Washing the vulva and perineum with soap and
care technique, the nurse water is an appropriate measure.
would recognize the need for Washing from symphysis pubis back toward
further instruction if the episiotomy is an appropriate measure.
Changing the perineal pad every 2 to 3 hours in an
A. Uses soap and warm water appropriate measure.
14. Which measure would be C. Massage the fundus every hour for the first 24
least effective in preventing hours following birth.
postpartum hemorrhage?
doses, as ordered.
Voiding frequently can help the uterus contract,
B. Encourage the woman to thus preventing postpartum hemorrhage.
following birth.
Rest and nutrition are helpful for enhancing healing
D. Teach the woman the and preventing hemorrhage.
importance of rest and
nutrition to enhance healing.
influence of:
needs to know to care for Discharge planning, the teaching of maternal and
herself and her newborn, newborn care, begins on the woman's admission to
officially begins:
the unit, continues throughout her stay, and actually
A. At the time of admission to never ends as long as she has contact with medical
the nurse's unit.
B. When the infant is presented
to the mother at birth.
18. When making a visit to the C. Vacillate between the desire to have her own
home of a postpartum woman nurturing needs met and the need to take charge of
1 week after birth, the nurse her own care and that of her newborn.
review events and her behavior Exhibiting a reduced attention span is characteristic
during the process of labor of the taking-in stage, which lasts for the first few
and birth.
days after birth.
B. Exhibit a reduced attention One week after birth, the woman should exhibit
span, limiting readiness to behaviors characteristic of the taking-hold stage.
This stage lasts for as long as 4 to 5 weeks after
C. Vacillate between the desire birth.
19. Parents can facilitate the A. Having the children choose or make a gift to give
adjustment of their other to the new baby on its arrival home.
A. Having the children choose Having the sibling make or choose a gift for the new
or make a gift to give to the baby helps to make the child feel a part of the
new baby on its arrival home.
B. Emphasizing activities that Special time should be set aside just for the other
keep the new baby and other children, time without interruption from the
children together.
C. Having the mother carry the Someone other than the mother should carry the
new baby into the home so she baby into the home so she can give full attention to
can show him or her to the greeting her other children.
other children.
Children should be actively involved in the care of
D. Reducing stress on other the baby according to their ability but without
children by limiting their overwhelming them.
involvement in the care of the
new baby.
20. Many first-time parents do B. "Grandparents can help you with parenting skills
not plan on their parents' help and also help preserve family traditions."
about the involvement of Stating that grandparents can help with parenting
skills and also help preserve family traditions is the
A. "You should tell your parents most appropriate response.
help preserve family traditions." Regardless of age, grandparents can help with
C. "Grandparent involvement parenting skills and can preserve family traditions.
can be very disruptive to the Stating that the grandparents are old is not the most
appropriate statement, and it does not demonstrate
D. "They are getting old. You sensitivity on the part of the nurse.
should let them be involved
while they can."
21. The nurse observes that a B. Show the mother how the infant initiates
15-year-old mother seems to interaction and pays attention to her.
ignore her newborn. A strategy
that the nurse can use to Telling the mother she has to pay attention to the
facilitate mother-infant baby may be perceived as derogatory and is not
attachment in this mother is to:
A. Tell the mother she must pay Pointing out the responsiveness of the infant is a
attention to her infant.
positive strategy for facilitating parent-infant
B. Show the mother how the attachment.
infant initiates interaction and Educating the young mother in infant care is
pays attention to her.
important, but pointing out the responsiveness of
C. Demonstrate for the mother her baby is a better tool for facilitating mother-
different positions for holding infant attachment.
A. Mutuality.
22. When the infant's behaviors Bonding is the process over time of parents forming
and characteristics call forth a an emotional attachment to their infant. Mutuality
corresponding set of maternal refers to a shared set of behaviors that is a part of
behaviors and characteristics, the bonding process.
this is called:
Claiming is the process by which parents identify
A. Mutuality.
their new baby in terms of likeness to other family
B. Bonding.
members and their differences and uniqueness.
C. Claiming.
Mutuality refers to a shared set of behaviors that is
D. Acquaintance. part of the bonding process.
23. A primiparous woman is in B. Provide time for the mother to reflect on the
the taking-in stage of events of and her behavior during childbirth.
adjustment following birth. Once the mother's needs are met, she would be
Recognizing the needs of more able to take an active role, not only in her own
women during this stage, the care but also the care of her newborn.
nurse should:
Women express a need to review their childbirth
A. Foster an active role in the experience and evaluate their performance.
baby's care.
Short teaching sessions, using written materials to
B. Provide time for the mother reinforce the content presented, are a more
to reflect on the events of and effective approach.
D. Promote maternal
independence by encouraging
her to meet her own hygiene
and comfort needs.
promote parent-infant
Once the baby has demonstrated adjustment to
attachment are many and
extrauterine life (either in the mother's room or the
varied. One activity that should
transitional nursery), all care should be provided in
not be overlooked is the
one location. This important principle of family-
management of the
centered maternity care fosters attachment by
environment. While providing
giving parents the opportunity to learn about their
routine mother-baby care, the
infant 24 hours a day. One nurse should provide
nurse should ensure that:
encouraged to go home at
The father or other significant other should be
night to prepare for mother-
permitted to sleep in the room with the mother. The
baby discharge.
should be created.
Care providers need to knock before gaining entry.
Nursing care activities should be grouped.
who is 4 days' postpartum, the The taking-in phase is the period after birth when
woman tells the nurse, "I don't the mother focuses on her own psychologic needs.
know what's wrong. I love my Typically this period lasts 24 hours.
son, but I feel so let down. I PPD is an intense, pervasive sadness marked by
seem to cry for no reason!" The severe, labile mood swings; it is more serious and
nurse would recognize that the persistent than the PP blues.
woman is experiencing:
During the PP blues, women are emotionally labile,
A. Taking-in.
often crying easily and for no apparent reason. This
B. Postpartum depression lability seems to peak around the fifth PP day.
Crying is not a maladaptive attachment response; it
C. Postpartum (PP) blues.
indicates PP blues.
D. Attachment difficulty.
mothers? Choose all that E. Needing extra time for parenting activities to
accommodate the visual limitations
A. Infant safety
B. Transportation
A: bisexual
B: transsexual
C: homosexual
D: transvestite
preoperative appointment in
A: excitement phase
B: resolution phase
C: orgasm
During a routine physical exam, D: the rectal mucosa is thick and Withstand vigorous
a male patient forms the activity.
nursethat he frequently
nurse discusses this practice A: condoms are recommended for anal intercourse.
the patient that: Condoms are recommended for anal and vaginal
intercourse to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
Care should be used to avoid injury to the delicate
rectal mucosa, and lubrication is necessary for
A mother expressed concern C: "this this normal behavior for a child of his age"
because her three-year-old D: "we should obtain a urine sample to assess for an
son is fondling his penis. The infection"
response to the mother? C: "this is normal behavior for a child of the age"
class on sexually-transmitted
A: impotence
B: erectile failure
C: retarded ejaculation
D: premature ejaculation
A; Spermicides
B: Condoms
C: A cervical cap
D: A diaphragm
A: antibiotic
B: antihypertensives
C: nonsteroidal anti-drugs
D: bronchodilators
A: a cervical cap
B: a diaphragm
C: a condom
in a year or two. Which barrier a diaphragm in the dome shaped device made from
method uses a rubber barrier latex rubber that mechanically prevents semen from
to hold spermicide against the coming in contact with the cervix, and it holds a
cervix? spermicidal jelly in place against the cervix. A kind
of rolls over an erect penis collects the semen after
ejaculation. A cervical cap is placed over the cervix
and may be left in place for up to three days. A
vaginal sponge contains spermicide and of a
reservoir to hold the semen.
B: fetishism
A: Cervix
B: Fallopian tubes
C: Clitoris
D: ovaries
connected by?
A: Cervix
individual's assertion?
A: Retarded ejaculation
B: Premature ejaculation
C: Erectile dysfunction
D; Sexually-transmitted infections
dull ache in her pelvis.What The patient's change in sexual behavior is directly
diagnosis is most important for attributable to the pain of her injury.
B: on day 14
C: from days 15 to 28
A: condoms
C: Coitus interruptus.
D: oral contraceptives
methods of contraception
as a means of preventing
Temp 12 + 97.8-98.0
Pulse 12 + 50-90
Weight changes in first year? Doubles within first 6 months, triples in one year
2 months old motor skills head lift with hands held open
4 months old motor skills rolls back to side, puts objects in mouth
5 months old motor skills rolls front to back, has palmar grasp
6 months old motor skills rolls back to front, can hold a bottle
Motor skills
bstrandable 4 years OB/Peds 2 of
NCLEX skips
3 and hops on one foot, throws a ball overhead 238/243
10/6/21, 4:32 PM bstrandable NCLEX OB/Peds 2 of 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
Order of pubescent changes breasts bud, pubic hair appears, onset of menarche
for girls 239/243
10/6/21, 4:32 PM bstrandable NCLEX OB/Peds 2 of 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
Appropriate play for school competitive and cooperative play. Peers of same
aged children? gender.
Acyanotic defect
Transposition of great vessels Usually deep cyanosis shortly after birth or closing
of ductus, clubbed fingers/toes, poor growth and
development, heart failure.
Rotavirus 2, 4, 6 months 243/243