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SANDHYA L. BORSE et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol.

11(6), 2019, 2190-2192

Formulation and Evaluation of Two Layered Soap

Containing Orange Peel Extract

a. Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Sandip Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nasik, Maharashtra, India.
b. Department of Pharmacology, Sandip Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nasik, Maharashtra, India.
c. Department of Pharmacognosy, Sandip Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nasik, Maharashtra, India.

Objective: The objective of this research was to formulate and evaluate two layered soap containing orange peel extract.
Methods: The current work emphasizes to the advancement of the technique required for the extraction of orange oil from
orange peel. The orange oil and the remaining parts of cake as peel powder are additionally utilized further in formulation of
soap. Further the prepared soaps were evaluated for skin irritation test, user satisfaction test, the improvement of skin colour
level and efficacy test using mexameter®
Results: The result of the present work highlighted that the sweet orange peels are extraordinary source of orange oil.
Evaluation studies showed that none of the volunteers developed skin irritation during the test period. The volunteers were
satisfied at high level with the texture and at medium level with the odour of orange peel soap. Furthermore the absorbable,
scrubbing and moisturized feeling of peel soap was at high level. The results indicated that orange peel soap had effect on
the improvement of skin colour (different level = 1.15±0.93) more than soap base (different level = 0.70±0.64). The skin
melanin content after one month use of soap base was reduced from 182±1.7 to 162.4±1.7 (10.77%), while orange peel soap
using was reduced melanin content from 172±0.9 to 142.2±0.8 (17.33%).
Conclusion: It is concluded the use of orange oil as anti-aging, whitening and flavouring agent in one layer of soap and
further use of remains of peel cake as scrubbing agent in second layer of soap are the most suitable for production of two
layered soap which provided potential benefits for skin from an economic point of view.
Keywords: Orange peel extract, two layered soap, orange oil, flavouring, whitening

INTRODUCTION skin deeply. The rubbing action helps to accelerate

An orange, particularly, the sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) renewal of natural cell making the skin fresher and more
is the most typically grown tree fruit within the global. youthful looking. Orange peel powder helps in reduction
Orange trees are generally cultivated in tropical and of dark spots and blemishes. Orange peels are a natural
subtropical atmospheres for the sweet natural product, bleaching agent that helps to reduce dark patches on the
which is stripped or cut (to remove bitter rind) and eaten skin and viably expel them with time. It likewise leads to
entire or processed for extraction of orange juice & also skin firming and prevents premature ageing of skin by
for the fragrant peel. Economically citrus fruits are at the restoring collagen in the body. Orange peel is considered
best in total production. Orange fruit is the best source of as a beneficial for face and healthy skin as it cures clogged
Vitamin C, which is useful for wellbeing and healthy skin pores, dead cells, skin inflammation, pores, imperfections,
too. However the vast majority of the advantages of dark circles, dry skin, and lights up your face. It can
orange are in its skin itself. Citrus fruits are outstanding likewise be utilized with milk or curd for additional shine
for their scent, partly because of flavonoids and limonoids or for evacuating tan. Orange oil is available in ductless
(which in turn are terpenes) contained in the skin, and gland present in the peel of the orange fruits. D-Limonene
most are juice-loaded. The juice contains a high amount of (around 90 %) is the principle component of orange peel
citrus extract giving them their distinguishing sharp essential oil, which is the main hydrocarbon present. The
flavour. The health advantages of orange fundamental oil d-limonene is extracted from orange skins or solids. The
can be ascribed to its properties as an antispasmodic, skins and mash are sent to an evaporator and the d-
antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, narcotic, limonene is steamed out. It is broadly known for its lovely
carminative, tonic, diuretic, and a cholagogic substance. fragrance and degreasing properties. D-limonene is at
Essential orange oil is germicidal and anti-inflammatory present being utilized in numerous applications, for
which makes it an ideal ingredient for skin and hair. This example, chlorinated solvents substitutions, hand cleaners
oil isn't only for acne-prone skin however it has been and sewage treatment. The orange processing industry can
shown to increase the capacity to absorb ascorbic acid, get a total makeover if due significance is given for
collagen synthesis, and blood stream, which are all separation of useful ingredient from orange peel.
essential for anti-aging. The abundant nutrients and anti- Researchers and Scientists have been emphasizing on the
oxidants in Orange peel prevent your skin from getting too separation of oil from orange peel and their potential
oily or dry. When applied to skin, it also works as benefit on skin. The aim of this study was to develop the
a toner, removing dead skin and dirt and tightening pores. two layered soap from extract of orange peel and evaluate
Being a phenomenal source of Vitamin C, oranges are the satisfaction by users.
extremely useful for skin. The enzymes present in the
orange peel remove dead epithelial cells and cleanse the

SANDHYA L. BORSE et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 11(6), 2019, 2190-2192

MATERIALS AND METHODS satisfaction was tested by using 5-point Likert scale
Plant material: questionnaire. The satisfaction scores were calculated as
Orange peel (Citrus sinesis L.) was the waste derived from class intervals to classify 5 levels of satisfaction: Very
process of orange juice. It was collected from fruit juice high (score 4.26-5.10), high (score 3.46-4.25), medium
shop during Jan-Feb. 2018. (score 2.66-3.45), low (score 1.86-2.65) and very low
(score 1.05-1.85).
Orange peel extraction: The improvement of skin colour level:
Orange peel was cut into small pieces and dried in direct Before using soap and after 1 month of application, the
sunlight until completely dry. Dried orange peels were skin colour level of every volunteer was measured by
coarsely grinded. Enough ethanol (95%) in the ratio of 1:3 comparing with skin colour bar (customized from von
was added to completely cover the orange peels and Luschan’s chromatic scale)
vigorously shaken the jar for several minutes and left it for Efficacy test using Mexameter®:
few days and filtered through Whatman®No.1.Alcohol The measure of pigment melanin in skin was estimated
was evaporated under pressure by rotary evaporator to before utilizing soap and after one month of utilization by
leave orange oil behind. The dried cake obtained is further Mexameter®. The device dependent absorption and
used as scrubbing agent in one of the layer of soap. An reflection of 3 particular wavelengths (green: λ = 565 nm,
average yield of 7.4 ml oil was collected from 1kg of red: λ = 665 nm, infrared: λ = 875 nm). As the amount of
orange peel. The oil was kept in refrigerator for later on radiated light is characterized, the amount of light
use. absorbed by the skin can be figured as the measure of
melanin pigment.
Formulation of two layered soap containing orange
peel extract: RESULT & DISCUSSION
Irritation test:
Table 1: The composition of soap base & soap Before new skin care products and ingredients are
containing orange peel extract introduced into the market, the testing for potential
S. Soap Orange adverse skin effects (irritation and allergy) is essential.
Ingredient This dermatological test for irritation impact on human
No. base peel soap
Transparent Melt and Pour was performed to guarantee safety of consumer. The result
1 50g 50 g was found that all test materials (soap base, orange peel
Soap Base
Ultra White Melt and Pour soap, extracted orange oil, and orange Peel Powder) did
2 50g 50 g not induce skin irritation under the test condition. In
Soap Base
3 Orange Peel Powder - 5g addition, none of the volunteers developed irritation
4 Extracted orange oil - 2g during the test period. It can be figured that the two soaps
were not prone to initiate skin irritation under ordinary
For the first layer, 50 g of Ultra White Melt and Pour Soap condition of use.
Base was melted together. 5 g powder of dried orange peel User satisfaction test:
cake was added to it and mixed. The mixture was poured Twenty volunteers were approached to answer the survey
into the mold. For the second layer, 50 g of transparent to assess their satisfaction on the both soaps after utilized.
melt and soap base was melted. 2g of extracted orange oil The satisfaction of volunteers was estimated by 5-point
was added to it. The first layer was sprayed with alcohol in Likert scale. The volunteers were satisfied at high level
order to adhere the second layer to it. The second layer with the texture of orange peel soap whereas the odour of
was poured over the first layer into the mold. After the orange peel soap was at medium level satisfaction. In any
soap was cooled down, the mold was turned over and it case, their general inclination on orange peel soap was at
was popped out. For soap base preparation, similar method high level. For feeling amid utilize, the volunteers were
was adopted excluding the addition of orange peel powder fulfilled spread ability of orange peel soap at very high
and extracted orange oil. level. Furthermore, they were fulfilled the absorbable,
Skin irritation test: scrubbing and moisturized feeling of peel soap at high
Closed patch test was performed to assess the skin level. In summary, the volunteers were fulfilled orange
irritation. The test materials (extracted orange oil, orange peel soap at high level. Likewise, there were no changes in
peel powder and orange peel soap) were put with an appearance of orange peel soap during 1 month tested.
adequate amount on every aluminium disk and occluded The improvement of skin colour level:
on the back of volunteers. The patches were opened after Skin colour improvement was measured using skin colour
24 hours and observed for any indications of skin bar (customized from Von Luschan’s Chromatic scale)
irritation. before and after one month of soap application. The scores
User satisfaction test: were calculated by the skin colour level improvement. The
Using randomized controlled trial, orange peel extract results were indicated that orange peel soap had effect on
containing soap was tested by 20 volunteers for their the improvement of skin colour (different level =
satisfaction compared with soap base. For 1 month, 1.15±0.93) more than soap base (different level =
volunteers were asked to apply soap base on left leg and 0.70±0.64). In conclusion, orange peel soap had more
orange peel soap on right leg twice daily. The volunteer’s whitening effect than soap base and most volunteers

SANDHYA L. BORSE et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 11(6), 2019, 2190-2192

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