High Input-Impedance Amplifier Circuits
High Input-Impedance Amplifier Circuits
High Input-Impedance Amplifier Circuits
In the ordinary course, engineers do not ling and the emitter decoupling capacitors With germanium transistors, hje tended to
find many requirements for low-frequency, present negligible impedance, three factors fall almost linearly with current below ImA;
high input-impedance amplifiers. This is control the low-frequency impedance seen so that little use could be made of reducing
fortunate, because the "ordinary" bipolar looking into the amplifier input terminal. the emitter current to put up input imped
transistor, with which they have done most of These are the shunt impedances presented ance. Modern silicon transistors generally
their circuitry for a decade now, is basically by the emitter circuit, by the base-bias resis hold up their current gain to much lower
a low-impedance device. The "old-fashioned" tors and by the collector circuit, all in current levels than germanium. With devices
thermionic valve had one big advantage; parallel across the input (both positive and of the common BC107, 8, 9 famlly, for ex
with comparatively simple circuit arrange negative supply rails being a.c. grounded). ample, a current gain of 100 at 100,uA makes
ments you could easily achieve input imped possible a transistor a.f. input resistance of
ances of over 100MQ. With bipolar transis 25-50kQ.
Emitter circuit shunt impedance: So far
tors, quite specialized circuits had to be
as it is governed by the emitter circuit, the
devised to get above even 100kQ. But things
low frequency input impedance of the High input impedance with input trans
are changing again; we are moving into an
transistor itself is given approximately by former or series resistor: Before we go on
age where the f.e.t. and the monolithic inte
Rin=1bb,+25hjelIE, where rhO' is the device to examine other high-impedance circuit
grated circuit are displacing bipolar transis
"base spreading resistance" (for transistors arrangements, we should not forget that you
tors-just as transistors did valves.
used in low-level circuits usually 30 to 300Q), can use a transformer with a high step-down
hj. is the common-emitter current gain (nowa turns ratio. Such a .transformer has the ad
High input impedance with days usually 50 to 250), and lE is the emitter vantage of isolation, but, to get high imped
bipolar transistors current in mA. For a typical low-level stage ance at low frequencies, its size and cost can
with lE set 'about 1mA, we find Rin typically become prohibitive. The upper frequeney
Consider the conventional common-emitter 1 to 2kQ. The formula for Rin shows that you limiimay
amplifier stage shown in Fig. 1(a). At fre can increase the device input impedance by tances. Careful screening is called for, and it
quencies where the input and output coup- reducing the emitter current, provided cur is sometimes difficult tQ provide simultan
*Newmarker Transisrors Lrd. rent gain does not fall at the same time. eously minimum noise and high impedance.
Fig. 1. Arrangements for reducing shunting of emitter circuits on transistor input impedance. (a) Basic common-emitter amplifier operated ac low bias
current. (b) Common-collector (emitter10llower) single transistor. (c) Compound two-transistor Darlington-pair common-collector. (d) Modified
Darlington-pair common-collector. (e) Bootstrapped Darlington-pair. (f) and (g) Complementary np-n/p-n-p compound emitter10llower circuits.
(h) Transistor-loaded emitter-follower.
Tr t--o Tr
1---0 t--o
Rs Cout Co ut RE Cout
Tr CE Tr1
+---4--f r-o
-1 0V
33k l'5k 470
F E T.
. .high input-impedance OA95
The bipolar transistor has a low inherent Tr4
input resistance (1- 50kQ) and we have seen BFY51
R1 C4 For the pA702A, typically AfIO2,000, and S. Davall & Son Ltd, of 4 WadsworthRoad, Greenford,
RA=10k,Q. Two sets of circuit component Middlesex, have appointed agents I in France and
North America for the precision relays and associated
values are given below to produce input
Fig. 7. Connecting up an integrated circuit resistances of 2 and 6MQ.
components made by their manufacturing division,
Perivale Controls Co. Ltd. The agents are Crouzet S.A.,
monolithic operational amplifier to give high in Cl C2 C4 RI of Paris, for Common Market countries and Eastern
put resistance (2-6MQ). 1,uF 1,uF I
Electric Company, of Montreal, for canada and the
910pF 10kQ 91kQ
United States.
1,uF 4.7 f.J.F 1000pF 51kQ 100kQ
Standard Telephones & Cables Ltd, have been awarded
of the bandpass ranges from 500Hz for a
Rl R4 A. Ri. a contract by Hawker Siddeley Aviation, worth approxi
lOMQ source up to 50kHz for a 10kQ source. 82kQ 220kQ mately 250,000, to supply aerial systems for the
10 2MQ
The Siliconix circuit of Fig. 6(b) shows a Hawker Harrier V /STOL aircraft destined for service
51kQ 3 6MQ with the RAF.
p-channel f.e.t. d.c.-coupled to a bipolar tran
sistor to give Zi.=1,200MQ shunted by The phase-shift network, R4, C4, provides A 430,000 contract has been placed with the M.EL
3.5pF, with an overall voltage gain of 0.98, Equipment Company Ltd, by the Ministry of Techno
frequency stability. For best thermal stability,
logy on behalf of the Ministry of Defence (Army
and an output resistance of 600 Q. Here both RI + Rl should be made equal to R2. Department), for the supply of military radio equip
the gate bias resistor and the source resistor When f.e.t.-input operational amplifiers ment. The equipment comprises single sideband hJ.
are bootstrapped. become commonly available, they will have an transmitters L556 and radio telegraph adaptors L607.
An input impedance of 5MQ shunted only input terminal resistance, RA, of the order of
Racal Communications Ltd, of Western Road, Brack
by OApF is provided by the d.c.-coupled 10MQ. Looking back at the formula for boot nell, Berks., have received contracts to the value of lM
f.e.t./bipolar pair in the Ferranti circuit of strapped input resistance given for the bi for new submarine h.f. communication equipment
Fig. 6(c). It features overall bootstrapping of polar j.J.A702A, it will be seen that very high
for use by the Royal Navy.
both the gate bias resistor and the gate-drain overall input resistances can be expected in An order worth approximately 400,000 has been
capacitance to achieve the low input shunt the future with f.e.t. operational amplifiers. awarded to Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd, by the
capacitance. Italian Ministry o Defence, for instrument landing
The four-stage circuit of Fig. 6(d) given by systems to be installed at the airports of Rome, Turin,
Milan, Genoa, Venice and Naples.
R. E. Webb in "Field Effect Transistor for
Biological Amplifier" in Electronic Engineering, Cossor Electronics Ltd, of Harlow, Essex, have
December, 1965, pp.. 803-805, produces an received an order, worth approximately 250,000, for
input impedance greater than 1,000MQ . the supply and installation, at Stornoway, Isle of Lewis,
and Burrington, Devon, of two d ualhannel and two
with a shunt capacitance lessthanO.1pF. Using
singlehannel SSR 700 interrogator systems.
an n-channel depletion mosfet with a gate
leakage current of less than 10-11 A, it features
The series of Philips colour television courses for
unity voltage gain with an output resistance of Henry's Radio Ltd, have opened an additional elec
service engineers, started in July 1967 by Combined
tronics centre at 309 Edgware Road, London W.2.
only 25Q. The amplifier and input connections Electronic Services Ltd, have ceased for the time being.
Over 1,000 people attended. Plans are now under way
have to be doubly screened. The internal
for a new series scheduled for the Autumn. The A licensing agreement has been completed between
screen is connected to the amplifier output courses will be of 4 days' duration and take place at the the Decca Navigator C01l1'any, London, and Inter
and the external screen to ground, thus re colour television school at C.E.S. Ltd, Waddon, Croy national Standard Electric Corporation, a subsidiary
ducing the stray capacitance to ground by the don, Surrey. of International Telephone and Telegraph of U.SA, to
same amount as the input resistance is in co-<>perate in the field of marine and commercial aviation
A one-day symposium on "The Numerical Solution electronics.
creased by the large overall feedback from . of Laplace's Equation" will be held at the John Dalton
the top of the 5.6kQ last emitter load resis College of Technology, Chester Street, Manchester l, on
8th July. Fee 4 15s. Thorn Electrical Industries (London) and International
Rectifier Corporation (California) have signed a 12-year
As the final f.e.t. example, the relatively
At the recent annual general meeting of the Radio & agreement to continue as joint ventures the six jointly
simple Mullard circuit of Fig. 6(e) gives an Electronic Component Manufacturers' Federation, owned semiconductor companies in Europe. Inter
input resistance of 1,000,000MQ with a volt the following result of the postal ballot for the election national Rectifiers will exercise management control
age gain of about 0.98 and an output resis of the Council was announced:- Belling & Lee (N. D. (receiving a management fee) and will provide tech
Bryce), A: F. Bulgin & Co. (R. A. Bulgin), Colvern (R. nical assistance and licences relating to semiconductor
tance of only 50Q. The f.e.t. 3.3kSJ source
F. Collinson), A. H. Hunt (S. H. Brewell), McMurdo products.
resistor is bootstrapped by the BCY72 tran Instrument Co. (F. W. Irons), Mullard (Dr. F. E. Jones,
sistor, as is also the 10 I I Q gate bias resistor elected chairman), Multicore Solders (R. Arbib), Painton Texas Instruments and Sony announced that the
via the 2 capacitor. & Co. (C. . Benham), and Standard Telephones & Japanese Government has approved the establishment
Cables (E. E. Bivand). of Texas Instruments Japan Ltd. Fifty per cent of the
capital is to be furnished by each of the companies,
The Institution of Electrical and Electronics Tech and semiconductor devices including integrated circuits
High input impedance with nician Engineers has decided to accept the City and and certain electrical control devices are to be-manu
Guilds of London Institute's Electrical Technicians'
i.c. operational amplifier factured.
Certificate with two endorsement certificates as satisfying "