NY Utility Rate Making For Emerging Power Sector

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CASE 14-M-0101 - Proceeding on Motion of the Commission in

Regard to Reforming the Energy Vision.


JULY 28, 2015

CASE 14-M-0101

Page No.

I. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY................................. 1

A. Introduction......................................... 1
B. Purposes, Scope, and Process of this White Paper..... 4
C. Summary of Proposals................................. 7
1. Principles and Framework........................ 7
2. Utility Business Model Reforms.................. 9
3. Rate Design and DER Compensation............... 11
D. Legal Authority..................................... 13


A. The Foundation of Traditional Regulation, Efficient
Investment, and Innovation in New York.............. 15
1. Overview of Cost-of-Service Ratemaking......... 16
2. Historical Concerns and Improvements to the
Cost-of-Service Approach....................... 18
B. The Limits of Conventional Cost of Service
Ratemaking in the Context of REV.................... 21
1. Deterrents to DER and Market Participation..... 21
2. Discontinuity Between Cost-of-Service
Ratemaking and Multi-Sided Markets............. 23


A. Summary............................................. 27
B. Market-Based Earnings in a Fully Developed Market... 29
1. Platform Service Revenues, Customer
Enhancements, and Synergy Opportunities......... 29
2. Benefits of the MBE Model....................... 31
3. Pricing and Revenue Sharing .................... 33
C. Modifications to the Utility/DSP Revenue Model...... 38
1. Capital Expenditures and Operating Expenses..... 39
2. Public Policy Achievement....................... 44
a. Low-Income Customer Participation.......... 45
b. Energy Efficiency.......................... 47
3. Earnings Impact Mechanisms, Scorecards,
and Outcomes.................................... 51
a. Industry Context........................... 51
b. Proposed Outcome Metrics................... 53
i. EIMs................................. 54
ii. Scorecards........................... 63
4. Earnings Sharing Mechanisms..................... 66
CASE 14-M-0101

5. Capital Expenditures to Implement REV........... 68

6. Long-Term Rate Plans............................ 70

IV. RATE DESIGN AND DER COMPENSATION........................ 73

A. Summary............................................. 73
B. The Foundation of Rate Design and DER Compensation
in New York......................................... 77
C. The Implications of Conventional Rate Design and
Current DER Compensation in the Context of REV...... 81
D. Framing Proposed Recommendations.................... 84
1. Scope of Recommendations....................... 84
2. Considerations for Rate Design and DER
Compensation Proposals ......................... 85
a. Providing Appropriate Options to Meet
Customers Varying Needs................... 85
b. Approaches to Sending Pricing Signals...... 86
c. Enabling the Appropriate Degree of
Granularity ............................... 88
d. Applying Gradualism on Multiple Dimensions. 89
e. Maintaining a Dynamic Outlook.............. 90
E. Determining the System Value of DER................. 90
F. Potential Compensation Mechanism Reforms............ 92
G. Potential Rate Design Reforms....................... 95
1. Rate Design Principles for REV................. 95
2. General Approach............................... 96
3. Proposed Rate Design Reforms................... 98
a. Introduction of a Demand Charge For Study,
Comment, and Discussion.................... 98
b. Facilitation of Time-of-Use Rates.......... 99
c. Develop a Smart Home Rate................. 101
d. Improve Commercial/Industrial Rate
Design.................................... 102
e. Improve Solutions for Low-Income
Customers................................. 103
f. Revise Standby Service Tariffs............ 103
g. Timing and Implementation of Rate Design
Changes................................... 106


CASE 14-M-0101 - Proceeding on Motion of the Commission in

Regard to Reforming the Energy Vision.


A. Introduction

On February 26, 2015, in its Reforming the Energy Vision

(REV) proceeding, the Commission issued an Order Adopting
Regulatory Policy Framework and Implementation Plan in this
proceeding (the Framework Order). 1 The Framework Order
articulated a vision for the future of the electric industry in
New York that is customer-centric, focused on reducing the total
energy bill to New York customers, and fully integrated to
ensure optimal resource choices are made. Among other
components, the Framework Order requires New Yorks electric
utilities to provide distributed system platform (DSP) services
to enable third-party providers of distributed energy resources
(DER) to create value for both customers and the system.
The Framework Order recognized that utilities must retain
their universal service obligations to maintain a delivery
system that provides reliable, resilient power at just and
reasonable rates. The Commission was also clear that the
changes contemplated in REV must ensure that the State be able
to achieve or exceed its goals to protect the environment
through increased use of energy efficiency and renewable energy,
coupled with market enabling measures that integrate those

1 Case 14-M-0101, Proceeding on Motion of the Commission in

Regard to Reforming the Energy Vision, Order Adopting
Regulatory Policy Framework and Implementation Plan (issued
February 26, 2015).
CASE 14-M-0101

resources in a manner that achieves both economic and

environmental sustainability. New Yorks State Energy Plan
corroborated this statement, establishing that New York will
achieve, by 2030, a 40% reduction in greenhouse gases and 50% of
electricity from renewable sources. 2 As recognized in the plan,
reforming ratemaking approaches so utility interests are
appropriately aligned with achieving these targets is essential. 3
The Commission found that significant technological
innovation in software and hardware systems that improve the
intelligence and flexibility of the delivery system, and similar
advances that have significantly reduced the cost and increased
the value of DERs, present the opportunity to fundamentally
improve how utilities meet their service obligations. The
Commission stated that business-as-usual is no longer a viable
option for meeting its statutory responsibilities to New
Utilities now have the ability to capture the value of
third-party supplied customer-sited resources and a smarter grid
to improve the reliability, resiliency, and value of the system.
When enabled by adequate information and pricing, DERs can drive
greater system efficiencies, facilitate the integration of
variable renewable resources both in front of and behind the
meter, and reduce the overall energy bill for the benefit of all
New York customers. 4
The Commission further recognized that simply ordering
utilities to use DER as an integral element of their operations
would not be sufficient to realize these potential benefits.
The intent of REV is to harness markets to achieve innovative

2 "The Energy to Lead: 2015 New York State Energy Plan," Vol. I,
p. 112.
3 Id., p. 60.
4 Framework Order, pp. 14-29.

CASE 14-M-0101

and cost-effective solutions, with utilities facilitating those

markets both in their system planning and in day to day
operations. Financial incentives and economic signals must be
in alignment with this goal.
New Yorks current practice of decoupling utility revenues
from volume of sales has made utility finances less sensitive to
higher penetrations of DER, but there remain significant
disincentives for utilities to take affirmative actions to
increase the development and use of third-party capital and
services that support DER penetration and system value.
Utilities earnings are heavily dependent on their capital
expenditures, and the long-term security of their earnings is
based on the assumption of a growing or stable sales base.
Further, utilities cannot earn a return on operating expenses,
except by cutting them. Optimally integrating DERs may, though,
require increases in utility operating expenses and decreases in
capital spending. Consequently there is a financial
misalignment between the utilities economic interest, the
interests of third-party DER providers and other service
providers, and customers.
The Framework Order states that a comprehensive reform of
ratemaking practices to address this and other misalignments
will be critical to the success of the REV vision. 5 There are
two principal reasons for this. First, while the Commission has
wide latitude to determine compensation schemes to ensure fair
and reasonable prices for customers, it must provide utilities
an opportunity to earn a fair return on their investments.
Utilities will continue to need to raise large amounts of
capital, and it is in the interests of customers and
shareholders that investors retain high confidence in the manner

5 Framework Order, p. 10.

CASE 14-M-0101

in which the State oversees the relative risks and rewards of

the regulated enterprise.
Second, the ratemaking paradigm should be used to
encourage, not deter or delay, the realization of customer
benefits through optimal investment in and management of the
system including the deployment and use of DER. Misalignment
between utilities financial interests and operational changes
or transactive obligations that improve economic and efficient
energy delivery, including support of the continued growth of
DER penetration, introduces friction that is detrimental to the
successful achievement of REVs objectives and its attendant
benefits. Accordingly, the focus of the ratemaking reforms
discussed in this white paper is to identify mechanisms that
will reduce or eliminate this friction and achieve the desired
alignment of interests.
The pace of the comprehensive ratemaking reform discussed
in this white paper cannot be predicted at this time. The
objective should be to develop the right set of opportunities
that encourage utilities to shift as quickly as is practical
towards the realization of the DSP market. The recommended
approach is to provide positive incentives in the early stages,
but to carefully monitor utility activity and impose negative
adjustments if needed to accelerate progress.

B. Purposes, Scope, and Process of this White Paper

In that context, the purposes of this white paper are to 1)

describe the limitations embedded in current ratemaking
practices in the context of REV, 2) describe the direction of
comprehensive ratemaking and business model reforms, and 3) make
recommendations for near-term reforms where possible.
The scope of this white paper is limited to ratemaking
issues, including the utility business model and earnings

CASE 14-M-0101

opportunities, the ratemaking process, and rate design. The

ratemaking analysis is, of course, a significant element of the
comprehensive set of issues the Commission is addressing through
REV. As such, this whitepaper is informed by, and informs, the
various other initiatives actively underway as part of REV.
This set of initiatives, along with comments from parties, is
part of the record that the Commission can rely on to determine
how to best proceed. 6 Other initiatives that are closely
coordinated with the Staffs analysis and recommendations
The development of a benefit-cost analysis framework;
The development of an approach to calculate the full value
of DER to the distribution system;
The recommendations of the Market Design and Platform
Technology (MDPT) working group, which will inform Staffs
guidance for utility Distributed System Implementation
Plans (DSIPs);
On-going inquiries for improved rate design for low-income
The review of the New York State Energy Resource and
Development Authority's (NYSERDA) Clean Energy Fund filing;
On-going consultant studies being undertaken to 1) examine
the benefits and costs of net energy metering (NEM), and 2)
develop approaches to appropriately value the multi-sided
market aspect of the modern utility model as part of
ongoing regulatory and pricing reform; and
REV demonstration projects.

6 The matters that the Commission is reviewing as part of REV

extend beyond this list and include other issues such as its
inquiry into oversight of Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) and
DER providers and improved dispute resolution and development
of the digital marketplace, and further speak to the
comprehensive nature of the beneficial changes that the State
will realize through REV. Those that are listed in the
document are more directly related to the Commissions
ratemaking determination.

CASE 14-M-0101

The many proceedings and initiatives related to REV are

necessary to allow for focused development of the complex issues
at hand, and thereby provide parties and the Commission the
opportunity to fully develop the issues and record. In an
effort to continue to support parties in participating in REV,
the Staff is undertaking an effort with NYSERDA so that both
agencies websites can be used as vehicles to provide clear
information to interested parties and individuals.
This white paper reflects extensive outreach and public
comment. 7 It is a continuation of a process that started in
December 2013, when the Commission ordered Staff to begin a
process to examine our regulatory paradigms and markets. 8 Staff
issued a Report and Proposal on April 24, 2014, and the
Commission initiated the present proceeding. On May 1, 2014, a
list of 26 questions related to ratemaking was issued to
parties, and 18 responses were filed. In addition, many
comments related to ratemaking issues were offered at eight
public statement hearings conducted by the Commission between
January 28 and February 12, 2015. Staff has also conducted
focus group meetings related to this paper, with representatives
of customer advocacy, environmental, service provider, utility,
and government interests.
The ratemaking reforms proposed and discussed here are
designed to elicit discussion and debate, and will continue to
evolve through an interactive process. The process and the
Commissions record for its ultimate policy determinations will

7 Staff was assisted in the preparation of this white paper by

Rocky Mountain Institute, the Regulatory Assistance Project,
and the New York State Energy Research and Development
8 Case 07-M-0548, Proceeding on Motion of the Commission
Regarding an Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard, Order
Approving EEPS Program Changes (issued December 26, 2013).

CASE 14-M-0101

be informed by both written comments on this white paper and

other stakeholder processes focused on specific topics. The
Commissions decisions will also be informed by the ongoing work
in the implementation of the Framework Order. At the conclusion
of this white paper, a summary of proposals and next steps is

C. Summary of Proposals

1. Principles and Framework

The proposals included in this white paper reflect several

foundational principles:

Align earning opportunities with customer value A driving

purpose of REV is to leverage the power of markets to
reduce the total customer bill by increasing deployment of
non-regulated third-party capital, and by supporting
utility reliance on DER as an integral grid resource.
Therefore, the ratemaking paradigm must create alternatives
to the current financial and institutional incentives and
provide opportunities for utilities to earn from activities
that achieve their service obligations in a manner that
supports reductions in the total customer bill.
Maintain flexibility It is not possible to predict how
quickly the market will evolve, so there must be sufficient
flexibility built into the regulatory model to enable it to
adapt as the market develops. The Commission expects that
the demonstration projects required by the Framework Order
will provide important information to ensure regulation is
well calibrated to support REVs objectives.
Provide accurate and appropriate value signals The
success of the REV market is highly dependent on customer
engagement and DER value identification. Further, by
modifying when and how they use power, customers can reduce
their individual bills while at the same time supporting a
lower cost system in New York. Thus, it is crucial that
the rate design and value signals provided to the market
and to customersreflecting both long-term avoided costs
and real-time valuesupply the information and compensation
necessary to support anticipated market activity and
customer interest.

CASE 14-M-0101

Maintain a sound electric industry - Because of the

critical importance of maintaining an operationally and
financially sound electric industry, forward-looking
changes must be grounded in the present and governed by the
principle of gradualism.
Shift balance of regulatory incentives to market incentives
Metrics and regulatory incentives to support foundational
investments, activities, and outcomes that will drive
future success are initial measures that serve as a bridge.
Regulatory incentives are generally less efficient and more
costly than market-driven incentives, and over time some of
the regulatory incentives proposed here may become
unnecessary and will be supplanted by more valuable and
efficient market driven financial benefits. Regulatory
incentives should remain in place as long as they are
needed and effective.
Achieve public policy objectives As the Commission stated
clearly in the Framework Order, even while technological
change has brought about significant opportunities for
improvement through market mechanisms, electricity remains
an essential service imbued with multiple public policy
demands. Superstorm Sandy and other major climatic events
that New York has experienced over the last several years
demonstrate the growing need for reliable, resilient,
affordable, and clean energy. The ratemaking principles
and changes proposed here reflect the public policy
objectives that surround power delivery, including, but not
limited to, ensuring system reliability and security,
protections for low-income customers, and actions to
support attainment of the States environmental goals.

Based on these principles, the reforms discussed in this

white paper fall into three categories: 1) utility business
model reforms including opportunities for market-based earnings
(MBEs); 2) incremental ratemaking reforms to the utility revenue
model; and 3) rate design reforms to reflect the needs of the
evolving energy marketplace.
This discussion proposes some reforms for immediate
adoption, while others require further development that should
be initiated immediately for future adoption, and will grow in
importance. Because many of the planned outcomes of REV will

CASE 14-M-0101

take time to develop, ratemaking incentives and earnings

opportunities will follow the practical realities of REV
implementation. The critical task is to incentivize the near-
term activities that will promote the development of full-scale
markets. Among others, these include making data more
accessible, developing platform capabilities, and engaging
customers with the goal of near-term reduction in system peak
and control of customer bills.

2. Utility Business Model Reforms

As DSP capabilities and DER markets develop, utilities will

have the opportunity to increase revenues earned from serving as
a platform for customers and DER providers to employ DERs and
manage customer bills, thereby participating in achieving system
efficiency and other policy objectives. Increased MBEs will
have the dual benefit of 1) encouraging utilities to support
access to their systems by DER providers who can improve the
economics of the system and add value to end use customers, and
2) offsetting required base revenues derived from ratepayers.
New approaches that are tied to successfully driving
desired outcomes, including greater use of performance
incentives, should be initiated and applied to a range of policy
objectives built around market, customer, and environmental
goals. Current performance incentives should be maintained, and
new performance incentives, referred to here as earnings impact
mechanisms (EIMs), adopted. 9
The current net plant reconciliation mechanism, which
discourages the use of cost-effective third-party and operating
resources, should be reformed. Earnings sharing mechanisms

9 The existing performance incentive for energy efficiency,

however, should be modified. See discussion, infra, sections
III.C.2.b and III.C.3.b.i.

CASE 14-M-0101

(ESMs) should be tied directly to outcome indices. To allow

time for initiatives to be developed and outcomes to emerge,
allowing rate plans longer than three years should be
These approaches will offer utilities the opportunity to
thrive in a changing environment if they succeed in meeting
customer-oriented objectives. As the role of utilities changes
in response to market developments, the relative balance between
base rates, performance incentives, and MBEs will change as
well. Market activities that reduce overall system costs will
both reduce the total customer bill and support alternative
revenue streams for utilities. Indeed, when utility performance
and revenue contribution demonstrate that MBEs provide the
required incentives to support sustainable and beneficial market
growth, the need for regulator-specified EIMs and attendant
regulatory risk, may prove redundant and may be eliminated.
The eventual shift in balance from traditional regulatory
incentives to MBEs opportunities will complete the transition to
a business and regulatory model where utility profits are
directly aligned with market activities that increase value to
customers. System costs can be reduced and, to some extent
borne, by participants who benefit directly from the market,
resulting in fewer costs that must be socialized among all
ratepayers. This will promote both equity among customers and
the incentive for utilities to encourage and facilitate
innovation in the market. It will also focus the role of
regulators on supervising markets rather than on determining
incentive levels. Policy-driven metrics such as carbon
reduction and other less market-driven values will continue to
be implemented through regulatory measures.
Timing of these ratemaking changes will be consistent with
the broader schedule for REV implementation. The pace of

CASE 14-M-0101

change, however, will not be dictated by regulation alone. All

markets, and particularly technology markets, evolve at speeds
that are often unpredictable and frequently faster than
anticipated. The Commission, utilities, and stakeholders should
be in a position to respond to market developments and should
not be rooted in a particular set of expectations.

3. Rate Design and DER Compensation

In addition to establishing MBEs and performance incentives

for utilities, the Commission should ensure that customers and
market participants receive appropriate value signals. The
combination of cost, reliability, environmental, and competitive
challenges facing the industry require that resources be
optimized at the customer end of the system as well as the
centralized production end. As the distinction between consumer
and producer begins to dissolve through increased reliance on
DER, it becomes even more important for customers to receive
value signals that allow them to make optimal investment
choices. For that reason, a number of rate design reforms are
proposed here that balance the general policy concerns of
equity, efficient price signals, and encouragement of DER.
Rate design reform should be carefully phased, taking into
account two types of timing concerns: the time needed to assess
potential bill impacts and foster customer acceptance; and the
time needed to develop information and infrastructure
capabilities to implement an improved rate design. Through
gradual reforms, rate design for mass-market customers should
begin to place a greater weight on the peak demand of the
customer, which is closely related to the cost of the system and
which can be managed by the customer to control their
electricity costs. Rate reforms to support low-income customers
should follow the recommendations of the current low-income rate

CASE 14-M-0101

proceeding, 10 and should incorporate a usage block structure to

maximize opportunities for low-income customers to participate
in DER.
While many of the rate design reforms proposed here will
take time to further design and implement, that should not delay
action by those customers who have the desire and capability to
respond to more granular value signals now. A smart home rate
should be made available for those customers who want to begin
participating as active consumers.
The demand-based rates of larger commercial and industrial
(C/I) customers can also be improved to more closely align rates
with system costs while enabling more efficient management of
bills. Standby service tariffs that apply to customers with
self-generation should be revised to include a campus netting
tariff and a reliability credit that can be earned by
demonstrating reduced reliance on the distribution grid for two
successive peak seasons.
Compensating customers for DER requires consideration of
two inter-related issues. The first is the form of the
transaction. Today, the transaction takes the form of a reduced
bill for energy that is not consumed, either at a specified
credit in the case of demand response (DR), or at the retail
rate for DER that does not respond to a utility request but
instead is net energy metered. The convention of NEM has proven
a very successful tool to support the growth of the solar
industry, and Staff recommends that it continue to be used.
Further, a bill-crediting transactional mechanism, similar to
that used in NEM, should be considered for DER resources, beyond
those to which NEM already applies, that transact with the

10 Case 14-M-0565, Proceeding on Motion of the Commission to

Examine Programs to Address Energy Affordability for Low-
income Utility Customers.

CASE 14-M-0101

system either through actions that respond to DSP requests for

service, or through the ability to inject power into the system.
The second issue, recently discussed by the Commission in
the Community Distributed Generation Order, 11 is the level of
compensation that these resources should be provided. The level
of compensation should be more accurately defined for larger
projects. The current convention of crediting at the average
retail rate may be either too little or too much based on the
nature of the resource and its location. Through the
calculation of the full value of DER to the system 12 the utility
will be able to determine the total economic value of the
resource and this economic value can then be used as the basis
of the credit.

D. Legal Authority

As a matter of policy and law, electricity must be

available to all at a just and reasonable price. The Commission
determined in the Framework Order that its core statutory
mandate compels a new approach in the face of the challenges and
opportunities facing the states utilities. 13
The regulatory mandate stems from the monopoly nature of
electric delivery service. Where risk is undertaken in the
performance of a public utility service, it is compensated with
an opportunity to earn a fair return. Under normal
circumstances, this is the risk-reward balancing that drives
much ratemaking. Where the expectations of utility performance

11 Case 15-E-0082, Proceeding on Motion of the Commission as to

the Policies, Requirements and Conditions for Implementing a
Community Net Metering Program, Order Establishing a Community
Distributed Generation Program and Making Other Findings
(issued July 17, 2015).
12 See, infra, section IV.A.
13 Framework Order, p. 2.

CASE 14-M-0101

are changed, as they are with REV, the incentives or

disincentives entailed by ratemaking practices should be changed
as well.
Ratemaking is essentially an instrumental function; its
goal is to advance statutory and policy objectives in the most
equitable and efficient manner. The Public Service Law (PSL)
grants the Commission wide discretion in the methods that it
uses to satisfy the policy objectives of safe, reliable, and
environmentally responsible service at just and reasonable
prices. Courts have affirmed this discretion in numerous
contexts. 14 This includes crafting measures to address
competitive and potentially disruptive trends, 15 and adopting
proactive responses to new technology trends. 16
Because utilities are obligated to provide service at
regulated rates, the United States and New York Constitutions
provide them protection from confiscatory regulation. Here
again, regulators enjoy wide latitude in the methods used and
the range of end results achieved. The U.S. Supreme Court has
stated that a utilitys return should be sufficient to assure
confidence in the financial integrity of the enterprise, so as
to maintain its credit and to attract capital, 17 but that there
are various permissible ways in which any rate base on which

14 Abrams v. Public Service Commission of the State of New York,

67 N.Y.2d 205, 214-15 (1986); New York State Council of Retail
Merchants v. Public Service Commission of the State of New
York, 45 N.Y.2d 661, 668 (1978).
15 County of Westchester v. Helmer, 296 A.D.2d 68, 74 (3d Dept.
2002); Multiple Intervenors v. Public Service Commission of
the State of New York, 154 A.D.2d 76, 80 (3d Dept. 1990).
16 Kessel v. Public Service Commission of the State of New York,
136 A.D.2d 86, 97, 99-100 (3d Dept. 1987).
17 Federal Power Commission v. Hope Natural Gas Co., 320 U.S.
591, 603 (1944).

CASE 14-M-0101

the return is computed might be arrived at. 18 Expanding on this

standard, the Court more recently explained that circumstances
may favor the use of one ratemaking procedure over another [and
t]he Constitution within broad limits leaves the States free to
decide what rate setting methodology best meets their needs in
balancing the interests of the utility and the public. 19
The ratemaking reforms recommended here represent pragmatic
adjustments to current practice. They are designed to achieve
the policy objectives articulated in the Commissions Framework
Order in a measured and balanced way. They will be implemented
in a deliberate and gradual way to maintain support for existing
investment while promoting efficient investment to meet the
changing needs of the industry and customers going forward.


A. The Foundation of Traditional Regulation, Efficient

Investment, and Innovation in New York

Four attributes of regulation distinguish public utilities

from other parts of the economy: 1) control of entry, 2) setting
of prices, 3) prescribing the quality and conditions of service,
and 4) the obligation to serve. 20 Where the utility has an
obligation to serve and sole control over the means of providing
service, the regulator must set prices that are just and
reasonable for customers and provide the utility an opportunity
to earn a fair return on its investment. In the absence of
markets to drive cost efficiency and innovation, the regulator
must try to simulate the incentives, risks, and rewards of

18 Id.
19 Duquesne Light Co. v. Barasch, 488 U.S. 299, 310 (1989).
20 Alfred Kahn, The Economics of Regulation: Principles and
Institutions (John Wiley & Sons 1970).

CASE 14-M-0101

markets while meeting the policy and legal requirements that

come with the obligation to serve.
Emerging technologies and capabilities, as well as new
policy goals in the modern age, require updated approaches to
electricity regulation. A recent formulation of this task
delineates regulatory priorities as:
Operational efficiencyDeliver electricity to customers at
the lowest reasonable cost while providing acceptable
reliability and performance.
Dynamic efficiencyInduce efficient investments in
innovation so that utilities are able to meet future
demands at the lowest reasonable cost.
Consumption efficiencyCustomers should bear the
incremental cost that their decisions impose and be given
appropriate incentives. Prices should be set at the lowest
level consistent with system cost recovery.
Other policy objectivesWhere utilities are expected to
support other policy goals, they should do so in a cost-
effective, minimally distortive manner. 21

Many of the reforms discussed in this white paper are

designed to bring the goal of dynamic efficiency into balance
with the other goals of regulation. As the Framework Order
makes clear, future demands on the electric system require a
rethinking of many aspects of the current regulatory structure.

1. Overview of Cost-of-Service Ratemaking

The traditional goals of ratemaking have typically been met

using a cost-of-service approach. Although there are hundreds
of variations in practice, what follows is a simplified
description of the basic cost-of-service regulatory approach
still largely in effect in New York today.

21 "The Future of the Electric Grid: An Interdisciplinary MIT

Study" (2011), pp. 176-177.

CASE 14-M-0101

Utility costs are divided into two principal categories:

rate base (asset base) and operating expenses. The rate base
largely consists of the un-depreciated balance of capital
investments, plus deferred regulatory assets. Each year, the
utilitys rates include the annual depreciation or amortization
of the assets, as well as an allowed return on investment based
on the cost of capital. Operating expenses are the non-
capitalized portion of the utilitys costs, and rates are set to
allow full recovery in the same year that operating expenses are
incurred. In combination, the return of and on rate base plus
operating expenses represents the utilitys revenue requirement,
i.e., the cost of service that should be recovered via rates. 22
After establishing the utilitys revenue requirement, the
regulator must design rates to allocate the cost among various
types of customers. First, costs are allocated to customer
classes (e.g. residential, commercial, and industrial) and then
a rate is designed for each customer class. Rates for many
customers, and especially for residential and small commercial
(mass-market) customers, are set based on average costs. That
is, the customer pays a single, volumetric rate that reflects
the average cost to provide service to the class over time. By
definition, average cost pricing does not reflect the marginal
cost to the system attributable to an individual customer's
The rates set by the regulator remain in place until they
are changed in a new rate proceeding. Until that time, some
portion of any reduction in operating expenses below the rate
allowance is kept by the utility to encourage efficient
operations, and further reduction is shared with customers to

22 This simplified description omits income taxes and items that

are passed through or reconciled such as commodity costs and
property taxes.

CASE 14-M-0101

discourage under-spending. On the other hand, unplanned

overspending is absorbed by the utility. When a new rate case
is completed, the allowed revenue requirements and associated
rates are reset to reflect the most recent estimate of costs and
appropriate risk-related return on equity (ROE).
In a traditional regulatory environment of regular rate
cases and conventional utility-scale investments, cost-of-
service ratemaking provides utilities with the opportunity to
earn stable returns. Indeed, over the past ten years, New York
utilities have been able to earn returns on equity that are on
average equal to or above their allowed returns. Credit rating
agencies have viewed New York utilities as having relatively low
business risk due to their focus on transmission and
distribution (T&D) operations. The rating agencies also note
that New Yorks regulatory policies include stabilizing cost-
recovery mechanisms that are credit-positive. Between the
states low-risk regulatory approach and mechanisms designed to
allow New York utilities to actually achieve their authorized
returns on equity, utilities have had little difficulty issuing
debt and equity at reasonable terms. This result will continue
under the package of reforms discussed in this white paper.

2. Historical Concerns and Improvements to the

Cost-of-Service Approach

The cost-of-service approach worked reasonably well for

many years in a climate of growing demand and centralized
infrastructure. It has always been vulnerable, however, to a
critical question: what incentive does the utility have to
modernize and improve long-term efficiencies?
The classic cost-of-service formula provides limited
incentive, and in fact substantial disincentive, for innovating
and reducing long-term costs for customers. Any near-term

CASE 14-M-0101

benefits the utility enjoys from operating efficiencies are

quickly reset into rates, reducing revenues in the long term.
Similarly, reductions in capital spending could provide modest
near-term earnings benefits but reduce company size and rate
base in the long term. There is little financial incentive,
short of direct mandates from the regulator, for the utility to
undertake the effort, cost and risk involved in improving
operations once rates are established. If operating
efficiencies require upfront spending that is not included in a
rate plan, the utility is at risk that these expenses will have
the effect of reducing net income.
Another difficulty with the cost-of-service approach is
information asymmetry in the rate-setting process. Utility
managers typically have far better information than regulators
do, regarding both their future spending needs and any
opportunities to improve efficiencies. While this does not
inhibit recovery of past expenses, it makes it extremely
difficult to estimate future costs in a manner that balances
objectives for quality of service, efficient investment, and
innovation, while providing optimal incentives for cost
minimization. 23 As a result, service may cost more than it would
if utilities were better motivated to modernize and improve
long-term efficiencies.
It is important to note, of course, that utilities have
other reasons to improve service, including public service
responsibility and professionalism, and there have been many
incremental improvements in system design and operation over the
years, despite the inherent disincentives of the ratemaking

23 Jean-Jacques Laffont and Jean Tirole, A Theory of Incentives

in Regulation and Procurement (1993).

CASE 14-M-0101

The New York Commission has been a leader for decades in

exploring and developing improvements to the traditional cost of
service approach. Key reforms over the past decades have
Fully forecasted test years that reflect expected changes
in revenues, investments, operating expenses and new
programs which help ensure strong cash flow and access to
capital at lowest reasonable cost,
Multi-year rate plans that increase the near term benefit
to the utility of operating efficiencies,
ESMs that encourage the utility to achieve efficiencies and
share the benefits with customers,
Performance metrics related to safety, reliability,
customer service, emergency responsiveness, and energy
efficiency that link earnings directly to outcomes, and
Decoupling sales from revenues to allow utilities to
encourage energy efficiency and distributed generation (DG)
without losing revenues.

The greatest change in the traditional framework, adopted

by New York, many other states, and the federal government, has
been the deregulation of electric generation and energy sales.
Due to technology and communication improvements, utilities no
longer need to operate on a vertically integrated basis.
Instead, intra- and inter-state markets for electricity have
been in operation for nearly twenty years. This has improved
the efficiency of the bulk power system and has also brought
third-party capital into the market, reducing the amount of
customer dollars at risk.
New York utilities continue to be obligated to obtain
commodity supply for customers as a default provider. They are
also obligated to enter into hedges that reduce the risk of
price volatility to customers. However, commodity costs are a
direct pass through expense for utilities. While they are a
significant component of the customer bill, there are no

CASE 14-M-0101

positive earnings opportunities for utilities if their actions

help reduce the costs of supply. The utilities also retain a
small residual risk of the Commission finding that the utility
either over-hedged or under-hedged commodity volatility and
therefore imposed unnecessary commodity risks to customers. Due
to ongoing practices of continuous Staff and Commission review
of hedging practices and the high bar of demonstrating
imprudence, the risk of disallowance is not significant.

B. The Limits of Conventional Cost of Service Ratemaking

in the Context of REV

1. Deterrents to DER and Market Participation

While New York has shown leadership on ratemaking issues,

the context of REV compels further changes to the cost-of-
service approach. There are several traits inherent in the
traditional model that present deterrents for utilities to
implement REV. In addition to the historical question of
whether cost of service provides the utility an incentive to
modernize, a more recent question is whether the cost-of-service
approach continues to work when essential aspects of the natural
monopoly are not aligned with or are potentially threatened by
beneficial technology and market developments. Alfred Kahn
asked the first question, and anticipated the second, when he
asked, Might [utilities] be natural monopolies in some static,
efficiency sense but unnatural ones in terms of the
prerequisites for innovation and growth? 24
The cost-of-service approach is insufficient in the face of
the accelerating technology and market trends the Commission has
identified. The Commission is requiring utilities to fulfill
their statutory obligations in fundamentally different ways.

24 Kahn, supra, p. 12.

CASE 14-M-0101

Market and regulatory models must support individual customers

in using power most efficiently and reward utilities in
promoting system wide optimization and efficiency. Current
models do not accomplish this and in fact create disincentives,
which means that both the total demand and the load profiles
that drive delivery and wholesale power costs are economically
Unlike competitive companies whose long-term increase in
profitability is driven by growing revenues and controlling
costs, utilities earnings are largely a function of increasing
investment and controlling short-term expenses. Utilities do
not have a sufficient incentive to use third-party capital to
provide service to customers, particularly when this reliance
has the effect of increasing their operating expense.
Placing the customers interests in total bill management,
including reliance on DER, at the center rather than the fringes
of the utility's operating and business models, means that
third-party and customer capital and market risk need to be
added dimensions to how utilities meet their monopoly service
functions. By allowing DER providers to contribute services and
capital that result in greater value, innovation, and DER
penetration onto the system, utilities capital requirements and
associated returns from traditional cost-of-service regulation
may be reduced, and utilities will necessarily incur additional
expenses to accommodate these changes. In other words, to
achieve the benefits to customers that REV-enabled reform
contemplates, utilities will need both mechanisms to recover the
expenses they incur to support the developing market and
opportunities to earn on them. 25

25 As the Commission stated in the Framework Order, DER is not

expected to wholly replace bulk power generation, renewable
and conventional, or transmission investments. Rather, by
making demand more efficient and increasing its use as a
CASE 14-M-0101

The conventional regulatory approach prevents the utility

from profiting in the long term through the most efficient use
of operating resources or through reliance on third-party
capital contributions. If utility capital costs are the primary
means to achieve utility earnings, then to the extent that
market investments could displace utility investments, utilities
will have a disincentive to encourage efficient market
This misalignment is exacerbated by the fact that many of
the desired outcomes under REV will rely on utility operating
costs in the form of DER procurements, and capital spending by
others. The conventional rate treatment of utility capital and
expenses is in conflict with a reformed energy vision of
reliance on third-party cost contribution and a desired shift
toward utilities focusing on greater productivity via operating
expenses to grow their own earnings. It is critical therefore
to eliminate, as much as possible, any structural financial
incentive embedded in regulation for a utility to favor its own
capital spending over third-party activity that meets system
needs at lower cost to ratepayers.

2. Discontinuity Between Cost-of-Service

Ratemaking and Multi-Sided Markets

The activities anticipated under REV underscore the

shortcomings of conventional cost-of-service ratemaking, and
imply that new revenue models are needed that correspond to the

balancing resource, the Commission envisions that the entire

integrated system and retail and wholesale markets will become
more efficient and the relative needs for bulk power and
retail level investment will be more apparent. As a result
both utilities and third parties should expect that with more
information and accurate and comprehensive pricing, there will
be greater value and investment certainty throughout the

CASE 14-M-0101

expanded responsibilities the utilities will take on to provide

DSP functionality.
The DSP market envisioned by REV has many of the hallmarks
of a multi-sided platform market with the utility functioning as
the platform provider. 26 Platform markets are familiar in the
modern economy, including in financial markets, credit card
services, video game systems, and many internet businesses. In
these markets, transactions take place in a triangular rather
than linear exchange, in which buyers, sellers, and the platform
provider each interact with two or more other parties rather
than one counterparty exclusively. 27 The platform provides the
technology, protocols or structure through which users can
interact. 28
The cost-of-service approach fails to provide financial
incentives for a modern utility operating as a platform. REV
envisions that the utility will use several market facing and
operational mechanisms to modernize the electricity delivery
business, including reliance on third-party investments where
appropriate, and providing value added services that reduce the
transaction costs of DER entry and increase the volume of DER on
the grid. Further, as will be discussed in Section IV, REV
promotes the development of price signals that allow DER
providers and customers to receive full value from their DER
assets, thereby encouraging even greater levels of investment.
In contrast to a platform-based market structure, the
conventional utility model follows the framework of a

26 See, for example, Claire M. Weiller and Michael G. Pollitt,

Platform Markets and Energy Services, Working Paper,
(University of Cambridge, Energy Policy Research Group 2013).
27 T.R. Eisenmann, G. Parker and M. Van Alstyne, "Strategies for
Two-Sided Markets," Harvard Business Review (October 2006).
28 Andrei Hagiu and Julian Wright, "Multi-Sided Platforms,"
Working Paper (Harvard Business School 2011), pp. 12-24.

CASE 14-M-0101

traditional industry, characterized by products that follow a

linear path from supply to consumption, with end users as the
sole bearers of cost. That market model no longer fits the
modern electric industry. As the Framework Order envisioned,
the DSP marketplace will feature a proliferation of DER
offerings in the form of DG, storage, micro-grids, 29 load
management and energy efficiency offered by third parties that
the DSP will be able to rely on to support its reliability
function and provide value to customers. Third-party DER
providers will use the platform services of the DSP to obtain
access and information that identifies the best locations for
investment, pricing signals that indicate the real-time value of
the investment, and other services that help reduce transaction
costs. 30
The concept of the utility as a platform provider aligns
well with recent literature on the value of networks. 31 One of
the characteristics of a true network is that the value of the
particular good is enhanced through multiplicity. That is, a
good is more valuable if it is part of a system of many goods.
Three examples are wireless communication networks, internet
search engines, and online shopping. In the case of wireless,
the value of a wireless phone and the network is enhanced
through growth of usage, services on the phone like email and
texting, and interoperability between networks. For this
reason, wireless providers support the ability to call and text
over each others systems.

29 Micro-grids can be an example of how the DSP as a platform

will also support the development of adjacent platforms that
enhance customer value in the network.
30 Customers will continue to obtain commodity and reliability
through the utility or an ESCO.
31 Eisenmann et al., 2006, supra.

CASE 14-M-0101

Similarly, in the case of search engines and on-line

shopping, value to customers comes from the ability to easily
find desired services, and the value to service providers is the
information that the search engine uses to help locate potential
buyers. Among other things, these resources have demonstrated
value through their ability to provide information that matches
buyers with sellers, reduces transaction expense and improves
customer value.
These examples are analogous to the type of value that a
full-scale DSP will supply to the retail markets. First, the
value of a DER market will grow with penetration and as DER
providers create new products and services for customers over
time. A single DER provider that helps a customer to reduce 100
kW of demand for one hour during peak will help that customer
reduce their energy cost but might have little impact on price
or reliability on the larger system. However, if the same
customer is part of an aggregated portfolio that accounts for 25
MW of reliable load reduction over longer periods, that customer
can produce substantial pricing and investment effects that will
benefit both the customer and a broader group of users.
Moreover, DER providers can now and will increasingly
provide more than load reductions. For the grid to operate
reliably, both the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)
and individual utilities must be able to match supply with
demand as well as maintain voltage and system stability. In a
customer and demand oriented system that integrates both
traditional generation and DER resources, the utilities and the
NYISO can coordinate to co-optimize these resources and deliver
reliable service to customers at a much lower price. There is a
significant multiplier effect for individual DER providers when
DERs can be operated in concert with other resources. Just as
in other networks, the value that the utility offers as a DSP

CASE 14-M-0101

will be enhanced by growing the participation in the network and

offering services that support interoperability and reduced
transaction costs.
As we have seen in other networks, the multitude of service
offerings, value streams, and adjacent networks and platforms
that will be developed under REV will evolve as the market
matures. REV demonstration projects, currently under
development, can and should be used as a source for developing
these opportunities.
Under the current cost-of-service approach, there is no
established way for a utility providing DSP functionality to be
compensated for services offered to DER providers, further
illustrating the lack of appropriate incentives in the current
ratemaking and pricing constructs and underscoring the need for
a new revenue model. A new ratemaking approach must support the
emergence of the modern utility whose economic interests and
financial growth are distinctly and firmly aligned with its
customers interests in total bill management and the
encouragement of DER provider investments and operations that
help provide these benefits.


A. Summary

Neither the utility business model nor market growth

transformations contemplated by REV will occur overnight.
Particularly during the early stages of this transformation, it
is critical that the Commission retain strong oversight of the
continuing monopoly nature of the business, supply clear
expectations of desired outcomes, and have the mechanisms in
place to measure success and alter the course if deemed
necessary. At the same time, the proposals in this white paper

CASE 14-M-0101

are meant to collectively incentivize progress at a pace that

will drive customer value.
There is no single component of regulatory reform that will
yield the comprehensive outcomes that REV contemplates.
Achieving those comprehensive outcomes can be ensured in part by
creating earnings opportunities for utilities at each point
where they can produce increased customer valueincluding
capital efficiency, operating cost efficiency, peak reduction,
and enabling customers to manage their bills. Therefore, Staff
recommends a combination of financial incentives that consist of
new MBEs opportunities, practical adjustments to conventional
ratemaking methods, and concrete targets with new positive-only,
symmetrical, and bidirectional earnings impacts. This
combination allows early gains around overall cost reduction as
well as continued assurance that public policy goals are met.
The combination of market facing opportunities and
traditional regulatory oversight are necessary to instill the
broad based confidence that REV requires, place the State firmly
on the path to industry modernization, and provide the
Commission the transparency necessary to determine how best to
adjust the regulatory formula as the market matures and less
regulatory intervention is needed.
New MBEs can come in several forms. In addition to their
conventional functions, utilities in the role of platform
providers will be able to earn revenues from various value-added
services provided to market participants, for example, micro-
grid engineering. As a network provider, utilities should
enable interoperability and open sourcing as much as feasible
throughout the system to gain the greatest value for customers
without compromising the security, safety and reliability of the
overall network.

CASE 14-M-0101

Conventional ratemaking methods should also be reformed to

orient utility earnings toward the outcomes of successful
markets and achieving policy goals. ESMs should be directly
linked to outcomes indices. The net plant reconciliation
mechanism (clawback) should be revised to encourage utilities
to supplant capital spending with cost-effective operating cost
or third-party spending. EIMs should be adopted for a number of
distinct outcomes such that utility earnings are based on
performance and achievement of outcomes rather than almost
entirely on capital spending. Scorecards with no direct revenue
impact should be used for planning, transparency, and

B. Market-Based Earnings in a Fully Developed Market

1. Platform Service Revenues, Customer Enhancements,
and Synergy Opportunities

The utility as a platform presents opportunities for new

utility services and associated revenues, which will supplement
existing rate-based utility revenues. As markets develop
liquidity and volume, utilities should be expected to derive a
growing share of earnings from MBEs in exchange for value-added
services that they provide to the market. 32
The makeup, mixture, and pricing of MBEs will be driven
more by market forces and innovation than by regulatory
requirements. Examples of likely market-based services in the
electric industry could include, but should not be limited to:
customer origination via the online portal; data analysis; co-
branding; transaction and/or platform access fees; optimization
or scheduling services that add value to DER; and advertising.
Examples of customer enhancement and adjacent value-added
synergies include energy services financing, engineering

32 See, e.g., Weiller and Pollitt, supra.

CASE 14-M-0101

services for micro-grids, and enhanced power quality services.

A primary vehicle anticipated for utility MBEs will be platform
service revenues (PSRs). PSRs are revenues that utilities, in
their capacity as DSP providers, will earn from market
participants. The first set of demonstration projects filed
with the Commission reveal early examples of these types of
Alternative revenue streams are not new for regulated
utilities. For example, Georgia Power offers bundled
communication services, and Con Edison and Pacific Gas &
Electric offer co-location with wireless facilities. 33 Green
Mountain Power offers a number of advanced energy options
including heat pump services. These innovative types of revenue
streams allow utilities to use their assets for the benefits of
both shareholders and customers.
What will be new in REV is the diversity and scale of
revenues potentially available from MBEs, and the way in which
MBEs support the policy goals of REV. Utilities will be able to
diversify their business and protect against the concern of lost
sales from, and potentially stranded investments in,
conventional business units as more third-party investment
enters the system. Platform services can aggregate services
from otherwise separate industries, such as electricity and home
security, while connecting customers to the product options that
are best suited for them. 34

33 See Case 09-M-0329 - Petition of Consolidated Edison Company

of New York, Inc. and AT&T Mobility LLC for Authorization for
AT&Ts Existing Wireless Equipment to be Attached to Con
Edisons Electric Transmission Facilities (Tower K-34)
Pursuant to Section 70 of the Public Service Law. See also,
Steven Propper, "Alternate Utility Revenue Streams: Expanding
Utility Business Models at the Grid Edge (GTM Research 2015).
34 Sangeet Paul Choudary, Geoffrey Parker and Marshall Van
Alstyne, "The Rise of the Platform: How todays connected
CASE 14-M-0101

Electric utilities are particularly well suited to provide

platform services, because one of the aspects of multi-sided
markets is that they allow spare resources of various
participants to be optimized. The load balancing performed by
utilities for a hundred years is taken to a new level when
customer-producers are able to invest and use resources most
efficiently by sharing their capabilities and needs across the
platform, enabled by service providers and aggregators.

2. Benefits of the MBE Model

MBEs should be an important part of the utility business

model in a fully developed REV environment. Along with
performance incentives and traditional cost recovery, MBEs will
be a part of a utilitys total revenue stream and will be
particularly important as an opportunity to increase earnings
without adding to base rates. MBEs will serve numerous policy
and financial objectives, including to:
Facilitate market entry and participationDER providers and
ESCOs experience high transaction costs in identifying and
recruiting customers. The platform will enable market
entry at greatly reduced cost. Utilities opportunity to
earn from increasingly wide use of the platform will
provide an incentive to make access to the platform and to
customers as simple as possible.

Offset rate impacts of DSP capital and operating expenses

Charging participation and transaction fees to those who
utilize the platform will be a means of sharing the
platform costs between participating customers and the
general customer base while total system costs are reduced.

Unlock potential system valueThe addition of MBEs to

utility business models will not represent a reshuffling of
existing costs and benefits. It represents new value
created by the DSP platform and DER market activities.

users are powering a seismic shift in business models"

(Platform Economics 2015).

CASE 14-M-0101

Allocate DSP-related capital and operating costs between

market participants and non-participantsCustomers who
receive more service and value from the platform should pay
a higher portion of the platform costs. Such costs should
be offset by the increased value those customers receive,
and should not become a barrier to entry. These costs
should generally be charged to the DER provider, and will
in turn be included within the transaction value of the DER
provider to the end-use customer. In this manner, delivery
rates charged by the utility to customers will remain the
same, regardless of whether the customers actions take the
form of a traditional consumer, an active consumer, or a

Provide incentives for utilities to meet the needs of

customers and DER service providersEfficient
implementation of REV will require effective operation of
the DSP platform, which should result in utilities earning
revenues from platform users. This will both advance the
goals of market participants and improve utility earnings
without adding costs to ratepayers.

Provide incentive for utilities to serve REV objectives

Effective operation of the platform by utilities will serve
not only the private interests of market participants but
also the public objectives of REV. In that way, the
opportunity for utilities to enhance earnings through
platform operation will benefit all customers.

Provide incentive for utilities to innovate and encourage

innovation in the marketMBEs will be earned not only
through effective performance of basic DSP functions.
Utilities will have an incentive to expand market offerings
and platform utilization both through their own initiatives
and through accommodation of innovations in the market.

Supplement utility revenues as third-party market share

increasesOne of the principal goals of REV is to create a
utility business model that embraces market and technology
changes that would otherwise be viewed as competitive
threats. This is accomplished in part by outcomes-based
ratemaking reforms, but will be enhanced by the opportunity
to earn MBEs where market activities are both expanded and

CASE 14-M-0101

Reduce uneconomic grid defectionMBEs will be earned from

activities that are providing system value. In this
manner, by utilities working with market participants to
produce greater grid-connected value, available grid
services will be of greater value than that achievable from
grid defection.

3. Pricing and Revenue Sharing

In multi-sided markets, the platform is defined in part by

deciding which aspects of the market to open to third parties
for competition and product development, compared to which
aspects are exclusively maintained by the platform provider
(i.e., the utility). 35 Platform markets are also distinguished
by particular pricing structures that reflect the multi-sided
nature of transactions. Unlike traditional transactions, in
which products and services flow in one direction to customers
while payments flow exclusively in the opposite direction,
suppliers in platform markets frequently elect to pay service
charges to the platform itself in order to gain efficient access
to the market and to customers. The determination of
appropriate charges, and the balance between what service
providers pay versus end users, is a matter of significant
research and consequence for market outcomes. 36
Establishing both the right level and application of
service charges is critical to gaining market success. Charges
that are set too high or leveed on the wrong actor can have the
effect of unnecessarily slowing growth of the market and
depriving customers of its attendant benefits. On the other

35 Thomas R. Eisenmann, Geoffrey Parker and Marshall Van Alstyne,

Opening Platforms: How, When and Why?, Working Paper (Harvard
Business School 2008).
36 See, e.g., Eisenmann, et al., 2006, supra; Andrei Hagiu, "Two-
Sided Platforms: Product Variety and Pricing Structures,"
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Vol. 18, Number
4 (Winter 2009).

CASE 14-M-0101

hand, charges that are set too low or where service is given to
DER providers at no cost, necessarily means that the costs of
implementing REV may not be optimally shared between market
participants and customers who gain only indirect benefits.
NYSERDA has engaged consultants to further assess the issue of
service charge development, and their work will be available for
consideration by the Commission and parties.
Demonstration projects offer a particularly rich
opportunity to explore the opportunities and challenges
surrounding MBEs, and to provide real-world experience to inform
their design. Several of the demonstration projects filed on
July 1, 2015 will directly inform the development of MBEs, such
as Con Edisons Clean Virtual Power Plant and Iberdrolas
Community Energy Coordination or Flexible Interconnect. 37
Utilities and DER providers should use these demonstration
projects as vehicles to develop business models that use MBEs as
a component of compensation and earnings. As REV progresses,
and following the Commissions guidance in initiatives such as
community aggregation and community DG, utilities should be
encouraged to develop charge structures that can support market
growth and fair cost allocation.
The understanding and use of MBEs as a component of the
modern utility business model will take both time and
experience, and the regulatory process must be sufficiently
flexible to accommodate both of these elements. While utilities
should be encouraged to work with DER providers to develop these
innovative approaches, there are also several significant
regulatory components that should inform how service charges are

37 Determinations on specific demonstration projects are still

pending. References to demonstration projects in this paper
reflect the project as proposed and do not imply approval.

CASE 14-M-0101

applied and the treatment for recovery under traditional

regulatory constructs.
A critical factor in the ratemaking treatment of new
revenue sources will be the extent to which the revenues derive
from functions that only the utility can provide as part of its
monopoly functions, versus the extent to which they represent
competitive services. Revenues from monopoly functions should
be considered on a par with other revenues associated with
conventional utility functions, subject to the hybrid of
incentive and cost-of-service rate treatment described in the
discussion of outcomes-based ratemaking. Earnings opportunities
from competitive functions should depend on the extent to which
utilities place shareholder funds at risk. In other words, if
the activity is essentially competitive (e.g. advertising) but
is made possible by a combination of ratepayer-funded
infrastructure investment and at-risk operating expenses, a
suitable allocation method will need to be developed.
As an example of current practice, regulated natural gas
delivery companies earn revenues from selling pipeline capacity
that is not needed to serve their native load. Revenues from
these capacity releases are typically shared, in New York, with
85% of proceeds to ratepayers and 15% to shareholders. In this
instance, the initial investments were rate based and minimal
shareholder risk is involved, so the shareholder portion
represents an incentive to optimize sales while ratepayers
receive the bulk of the revenues. The Commission will need to
determine the circumstances in which a sharing mechanism should
be applied, whether a single revenue sharing allocation or
multiple ones should be used for allocation of service charge
revenues, and in all cases what level of sharing is appropriate.
Many services generating MBEs will be competitive in the
sense that DER providers could use non-utility resources to

CASE 14-M-0101

accomplish the same function. Utilities will have an incentive

to maintain high service quality, or risk losing this business
to other providers. Some services such as platform access will
be exclusive to the DSP function and will be subject to greater
oversight. Regardless of the nature of the service, the
Commission will need to ensure that service charges are not
discriminatory. Also, the rapid dispute resolution process
under development as required in the Framework Order will be
used to facilitate resolution of any concerns of discriminatory
or otherwise unfair practices by utilities.
Particularly in the early days of implementation, the
introduction of service charges must be transparent and subject
to Commission oversight. Regardless of whether they are for
services that are new and competitive in nature or are derived
from their monopoly functions, utilities must maintain the
appropriate level of transparency in their service charge
development and provide the opportunity for stakeholders to
comment. This will be equally true for when charges are first
established and when they are modified.
The Commission must ensure that charges for similar
services are set in a manner that is comparable and fair
throughout the State. At the same time, the process for service
charge establishment and rules for recovery and retention of
earnings must be sufficiently rapid and nimble so as to avoid
the regulatory process itself becoming a deterrent to market
growth and innovation. Given that the introduction of MBEs is
less familiar in the industry, the Commission will need to
determine the appropriate approach to regulating that allows
market forces to operate while at the same time ensuring
fairness and transparency. The Commission has experience with
this form of light regulation in other aspects of its regulatory

CASE 14-M-0101

oversight, and guidance can also be found through approaches in

other industries.
Appropriate considerations for these issues will be
informed by currently ongoing consulting efforts for NYSERDA.
Stakeholders should provide input on how best to establish the
structures for the development of and regulatory treatment of
MBEs. Staff will combine these inputs with early lessons from
the demonstrations to recommend a set of guidelines that can
then be offered for further comment and Commission approval. In
so doing, Staff will consider the role of demonstration
projects, utility-wide pilots, or other similar approaches in
facilitating regulatory approval.
Finally, reliance on MBEs as a significant element of
utility revenues will develop as REV markets attain full-scale
and platform pricing grows from initial market development into
a fully operational market. Encouraging the use of MBEs
accomplishes three purposes: it (1) provides important
information on how best to calibrate service charges to achieved
desired market entry and outcomes; (2) provides the Commission
the opportunity to learn how to approach MBEs that are derived
from investments that would otherwise be entirely assigned to
customers, and over time become a reliable source of continued
earnings that offset revenue requirements; and (3) provides
opportunities to utilities to further grow their business and
provide value to shareholders from competitive DSP services.
Because technology-driven markets have a tendency to evolve
faster than regulators predict, the Commission should be
prepared to respond and should not be wedded to a particular
timetable that might slow the pace of adoption.

CASE 14-M-0101

C. Modifications to the Utility/DSP Revenue Model

While utility MBEs are established and grow over time,

other modifications to utility ratemaking are needed to
immediately support development of DSP capabilities and to
orient utilities to achieve REV objectives. Two general areas
of regulation are available for near-term measures promoting
progress toward REV objectives: specific outcome-based financial
incentive mechanisms, and changes to general ratemaking methods.
Both types of incentive changes are recommended in this
The informal comments of many parties cautioned against
abrupt changes in established ratemaking methods. Both consumer
advocates and utilities expressed concern that the balance could
be tipped in the wrong direction unless reforms are carefully
considered and justified. For these reasons, the approach
recommended in the near-term is to make incremental ratemaking
changes that minimize inherent financial incentives against
third-party engagement in DER, and provide incentives that will
direct utility actions toward enabling increased DER
These changes serve as a bridge to more comprehensive
reform in two ways. First, in response to parties concerns,
the recommended changes represent the minimum needed to
effectuate REV, but could lead to greater reforms as necessary.
Second, they are a bridge toward a fully established market-
based structure that relies more heavily on platform revenues
and market-enabling services and less on regulatory interference
as a mechanism to drive innovation and customer benefit.

CASE 14-M-0101

1. Capital Expenditures and Operating Expenses

New York utilities spend billions of dollars annually on

infrastructure and maintenance. 38 The potential for DER to
mitigate these expenditures is most clear where growth-driven
new facilities are planned. However, much of the current
spending is used to maintain or replace existing facilities,
where the potential for DER is less obvious and the opportunity
for substitute actions requires detailed analysis and potential
modification of utility operations. Some types of maintenance
and replacement schedules may be subject to deferral or
alternative approaches, while many will not be. Utilities must
have earnings incentives that prompt the optimal choices among
capital, operating, and third-party DER options. 39
Current ratemaking provides earnings primarily through a
return on rate base. Choices between capital and operating
options can be influenced when short-term earnings are increased
by cutting operating expenses. Thus, utilities have inherent
interests in growing rate base through capital expenditures.
Utilities may also have other business motivations to favor
capital spending, unrelated to finance, such as firm size or
operational control.
Several parties question whether the perceived financial
bias favoring capital is real, arguing that increased rate base
is attractive only if there is confidence in the ability for
earned returns on capital to exceed actual costs of capital. In
this view, if earned returns equal the cost of capital, the
utility should be financially indifferent. The distinction
between rate base and deferral accounting is also significant

38 The Framework Order cited current NYISO estimates of $30

billion in capital spending over the next ten years.
39 Examples of possible targeted areas for cost reduction are
described in Appendix D.

CASE 14-M-0101

here. Utilities tend to favor physical assets over regulatory

assets, even if both are carried at the cost of capital, as they
perceive physical assets to be less risky.
Regulatory lag, in some cases, may also affect behavior
because a utility may have a near-term financial interest in
reducing capital investment. Concerns have arisen in the past
when utilities have cut capital expenditures to enhance near
term earnings, at the expense of long-term quality of service.
Over the last decade, long-term rate plans have introduced net
plant reconciliation mechanisms (referred to here as
clawbacks) to remove the earnings benefits of capital
expenditures that fall below forecasted levels. The purpose of
the clawback is to prevent utilities from delaying needed
capital projects for the sake of short-term earnings.
Regardless of whether a capital bias has been demonstrated
in the course of ordinary business, the structural reforms
presented by REV create a need to change the relationship
between capital and operating expenses. At a minimum, utilities
should not have a disincentive to use operating resources or
third-party assets in lieu of utility capital investment, where
the former are more efficient and effective. Utilities should
have an incentive to encourage third-party investment in DER to
the extent the DER provides system value.
One approach to begin to address this issue is to modify
the existing clawback mechanism such that it does not discourage
utilities from relying on operating expenses or third-party
investments to displace capital projects, and utilities are
given a better incentive to make the most cost-effective choice
between capital and operating expenses. Clawbacks are now
standard components of rate plans, providing that if a utility
does not spend its entire proposed capital budget, then the

CASE 14-M-0101

carrying charges (return and depreciation) on unspent amounts

embedded in rates will be refunded to customers.
The clawback should be revised so that carrying costs may
be retained by the utility where a project in the capital budget
has been supplanted by DER or operating expenditures in a cost-
effective manner. This would allow the utility to retain some
or all of the earnings benefits of the capital it did not spend.
Where a utility spends operating expenses to address system
needs, the utility would recover the expenses by reducing a
portion of its projected capital spending. In effect, this
would ensure that the project is cost-effective, as the
operating expenses to achieve the DER should be lower than the
carrying costs on capital that was displaced. 40 For this reason,
the clawback should be modified so that the utility, at a
minimum, could be indifferent to whether the utility or a third
party funded the DER. In this way, the utility and customers
share an interest in maximizing efficient third-party investment
in DER to supplant capital spending. 41
At the time of the utilitys next rate case, the capital
budget would be reset, and avoided carrying costs on the
supplanted project (net of on-going third-party DER expenses)
would result in lower rates. Under this formulation, a utility
in a multi-year plan has a strong incentive to find cost-
effective alternatives to capital projects, but the utility
would not receive a long-term increase in rates. Long-term
incentives would be provided by MBEs and EIMs.

40 An exception to this situation might occur where traditional

utility operating expenditures on maintenance may produce
multi-year benefits but are not capitalized.
41 This reform would also potentially improve the utility's cash
flow, since capex will be avoided and replaced with lower cash

CASE 14-M-0101

As a hypothetical example of how this would work, consider

a utility whose DSIP identifies a capital project that can be
supplanted by DER. A $3 million capital project would have an
annual rate impact of approximately $500,000, of which
approximately $350,000 covers rate of return on debt and equity
and the remainder is depreciation expense. If the need for the
project can be deferred by spending $200,000 per year on DER,
the utility can procure the DER and retain the difference of
$300,000, until the next rate case. In the next rate case, the
$500,000 carrying charge on capital is removed from rates and
the lower $200,000 procurement expense is inserted. The net
result for ratepayers is neutral during the initial period, and
savings of $300,000 per year after the reset of rates. Under
the conventional clawback in this scenario, the utility would
spend the $200,000 on the DER without any rate recovery, and
also have to forfeit the entire $500,000 representing carrying
charges on the capital project that was not built. That
approach leaves the utility with a strong disincentive to pursue
the cost-effective DER.
Another complementary approach would involve operating
expenses that are used to develop or enable DER that do not
offset near term capital spending. If utilities are able to see
operating resources as an earning opportunity on a par with
capital spending, they will have no disincentive to procure DER.
In the case of Con Edisons Brooklyn-Queens Demand Management
(BQDM) project, the Commission determined that all capital and
operating costs should be amortized over a ten-year period with
carrying charges and an incentive adder. 42

42 Case 14-E-0302, Petition of Con Edison for Approval of

Brooklyn Queens Demand Management Program, Order Establishing
Brooklyn/Queens Demand Management Program (issued December 12,
2014), p. 19.

CASE 14-M-0101

The topic of capital bias has been taken up by other

jurisdictions. Of particular note, the UKs RIIO structure uses
a totex approach to address the distinction between capital
and operating expenses. The totex approach is an accounting
strategy under which capital and operating expenditures are
treated as equivalent and recovered under the same formula. The
formula sets a ratio of slow money to fast money, with slow
money being amortized at cost of capital and fast money
recovered on an annual basis. The ratio, typically 80% slow to
20% fast, is applied regardless of the actual ratio of capital
and operating expenditures.
Adopting the totex approach in New York would face
significant obstacles, given differences in accounting standards
between the United States and the UK. 43 Moreover, even if rates

43 There are two reasons why full adoption of a totex regulatory

approach may not be practical given differences in accounting
standards between the United States Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles (US GAAP) and the International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) used in the UK. First,
in the UK the regulatory asset value is an amount set by the
UK regulatory body, which is not based on original cost. In
comparison, under US GAAP and New York regulation, utilities
are permitted recovery of assets based on original cost less
depreciation. Second, under US GAAP, utilities are permitted
to use deferral accounting under Accounting Standards
Codification (ASC) 980. Under IFRS deferrals are not
permitted. In 2014, utility assets in New York included over
$4 billion of regulatory assets, or 24% of utility equity.
Adoption of an alternate approach such as totex could expose
utilities to a write-off of these regulatory assets, since a
totex approach will hinder a utilitys ability to demonstrate
that specific recovery of these assets is being provided
through rates. Deferrals are not permitted under the UK
system, and an inability to book deferrals would inhibit
approaches under REV that would require utilities to defer and
earn a return on certain DER-related operating expenses. It
could also increase earnings volatility and increase the cost
of capital.

CASE 14-M-0101

were based on regulatory totex values, public financial

statements would still be presented in conformance with
traditional accounting standards, and utilities and financial
managers would be held accountable on that basis, reintroducing
the distinction between capital and operating expenses. A more
fundamental issue, however, is that UK distribution utilities do
not perform the platform provider functions planned in the DSP
model proposed for REV. While RIIO is a leading example of the
reform of regulated services, it does less to encourage a
transactional grid structured as a platform-based market.
Whether the issue being addressed is described as capital
bias or as a disincentive to use operating resources, RIIOs
totex approach is intended to make the utility somewhat
indifferent to the type of expenditure, and this indifference is
an objective of REV as well. Modifying the clawback mechanism
is necessary to correct an existing misaligned incentive, but
may not be sufficient to fully address the objective.
Stakeholders should comment on additional approaches that could
achieve the outcomes of the totex approach.

2. Public Policy Achievement

As has been consistently noted, the reforms proposed in REV

are oriented toward developing cost-effective, market-based
solutions to reduce total customer bills to reduce the need for
regulatory intervention as a means to achieve this objective and
other public policy goals. However, increased reliance on
market-based solutions does not diminish responsibility to
ensure achievement of public policies and public interest
outcomes that are fundamental to the Commissions statutory
authority. Standards and economic measures that require
utilities to ensure that electric service is reliable and secure
and that they are well prepared to address weather and cyber

CASE 14-M-0101

related threats remain critical. While REV will provide

utilities with enhanced options to meet these objectives,
utilities will retain the overall obligation for safe, reliable
and secure service. The Commission should retain existing
performance metrics related to these core activities.
Other crucial public policy objectives concerning the
protection of the interests of low-income customers and
continued gains in energy efficiency do, however, require
additional emphasis and near term intervention to ensure their
continued success. 44

a. Low-Income Customer Participation

In order to encourage cost-effective market participation

and third-party capital, the Framework Order specified that
utilities should not own DER projects except under limited
circumstances. One of the circumstances for utility ownership
is in underserved communities where market opportunities are not
present or being developed. 45 The intent of this provision is to
ensure that low-income customers are not deprived of the
opportunities to take advantage of DER benefits due to lack of
independent commercial interest, 46 and to provide a vehicle for
partnership and enhancement of DER participation and

44 Framework Order, pp. 77, 88.

45 A petition for rehearing or clarification of this exception,
filed on March 31, 2015 by Alliance for a Green Economy,
Binghamton Regional Sustainability Coalition, Citizens
Environmental Coalition and Citizens for Local Power, is
currently pending before the Commission.
46 As the Commission observed, it is also highly sensitive to the
concerns of the environmental justice (EJ) communities that
they not experience increases in local fossil-fuel emissions
due to higher levels of DER penetration. Accordingly, the
programs that are discussed herein should be used as a vehicle
to decrease harmful local emissions for the benefit of the
specific EJ communities and their neighbors.

CASE 14-M-0101

opportunity. National Grid's Neighborhood Solar demonstration

project is an example of a cooperative approach to developing
DER in low-to-moderate income communities.
Utilities should also encourage new developments in energy
efficiency designed to enable full participation by low-income
customers who may live in master-metered multiple dwelling
premises. While low-income discounts provide a baseline of
affordability, there is untapped potential for low-income
residents to affirmatively manage their own electric usage and
therefore their electric bills. Barriers to low-income
participation in energy efficiency measures include rental
arrangements that prevent or deter implementation of energy
efficiency measures, insufficient information about energy usage
or deployment of tools to manage usage, lack of awareness of
opportunities, and inadequate availability of capital.
Potential solutions to overcome these barriers are being
actively developed by stakeholders. 47 For example, a cooperative
model suggested by the Brooklyn Alliance for Sustainable Energy
(BASE) and the New York City Environmental Justice Alliance
(NYC-EJA) could unite community-based organizations in low-
income communities into a cooperative to pool their usage
reductions, creating a demand reduction resource of value to the
utility. Increasing energy efficiency in the affordable

47 For example, the national Energy Efficiency for All Coalition

includes the Natural Resources Defense Council, Association
For Energy Affordability, Pace Energy and Climate Center, the
Center for Working Families, West Harlem Environmental Action,
Enterprise Community Partners and the Green and Healthy Homes
Initiative. Optimal Energy, Potential for Energy Savings in
Affordable Multifamily Housing (May 2015). Additionally,
Rocky Mountain Institutes Low-Income Energy Affordability
Program (LEAP) is working in New York with the aim of
mobilizing community voices in the design and priorities for
the management of energy in their neighborhoods, towns, and

CASE 14-M-0101

multifamily sector is a cost-effective way to reduce energy

consumption and provide low-income customers tools to manage
their own usage and to monetize those reductions.
The development of business models to ensure that low-
income communities gain the full potential of REV requires a
focused effort. Consistent with the Framework Order, the
Consumer Advocacy staff, through the office of Consumer
Services, will continue to engage with NYSERDA, the utilities,
and interested stakeholders including representatives of the
affected communities to develop 1) the models that are discussed
in this white paper, and 2) other solutions that can be deployed
to meet the Commissions objectives. Demonstration projects
could be used to test possible programs.
The Consumer Advocates Consumer Advisory Council 48 has
proven to be a valuable resource to identify issues of concern
and develop solutions that can materially benefit low-income
customers. A focused effort that can incorporate the experience
of these entities and expand them with the ideas of others has
the potential of yielding practical solutions that utilities and
DER providers will be able to implement throughout the state.
The effort Staff will continue and expand will result in the
identification of programs utilities should implement, and the
adoption and uptake of these programs should be included as part
of an affordability EIM discussed later in this white paper.

b. Energy Efficiency

The Framework Order reiterated the Commissions commitment

to energy efficiency, and noted that its approach was meant to

48 Consumer Advisory Council members include the City of New

York, the Association for Energy Affordability, the Utility
Intervention Unit, the Public Utilities Law Project, AARP, and
New York Public Interest Research Group.

CASE 14-M-0101

achieve greater market-wide efficiency savings with less need

for direct ratepayer support by leveraging market mechanisms
that combine resource acquisition with third-party activities. 49
The Framework Order further determined that funding for utility
efficiency programs should transfer from a surcharge mechanism
to the utilities' operating expense allowance, and that energy
efficiency programs should transition to a more market oriented
approach that complements the market transformation strategy
developed by NYSERDA. 50
While a key objective is to create a vibrant market
resulting in greater levels of energy efficiency by making
efficiency an attractive business opportunity, maintaining
minimum targets is important to ensure sustained effort and
demonstrated commitment. Therefore, overall efficiency targets
will not be reduced. Rather, the Framework Order stated that
efficiency achievements will need to be increased to meet REV
objectives. Achieving more efficiency without adding to
ratepayer charges requires a change of approach, and as an early
step, utilities filed Efficiency Transition Implementation Plans
(ETIPs) for 2016 and for 2017-18 on July 15, 2015. These plans
represent an initial step towards determining targets going
forward, with additional input to be provided via the DSIP
process, as discussed below. The Commission also revised

49 Framework Order, p. 76.

50 In the June 19, 2015 order authorizing gas efficiency
programs, the Commission determined that for both gas and
electric utility efficiency programs, only costs associated
with utility personnel working directly on energy efficiency
programs should be recovered through base rates as part of the
utilities operating expense allowance, and established an
Energy Efficiency Tracker, a surcharge mechanism to recover
the remaining costs associated with the implementation of
utility energy efficiency programs.

CASE 14-M-0101

program restrictions to give utilities more flexibility in

meeting targets.
In order to fulfill the Commissions objectives in the long
term, utility-run or utility-sponsored efficiency programs
should progress along the spectrum of the following four
approaches, and the relative weight of the approaches should
shift as other elements of REV implementation proceed. The four
approaches are, in sequence: 1) resource-acquisition programs
similar to current Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (EEPS)
programs that achieve MWh savings in the most cost-effective way
but with an increased targeting of MW reductions to add customer
value, 2) resource acquisition programs or market-supplied
programs targeted to specific distribution system needs
identified in DSIPs, 3) utility resource acquisition programs
designed to support market transformation strategies, and 4)
market-driven measures that benefit from market transformation
strategies and DSP-enabled markets.
The first of these approaches is a more flexible version of
the current EEPS approach with a MW component. Like other
elements of REV, the transition in approach to utility
efficiency programs should be phased and should provide
reasonable continuity to vendor communities that have developed
to serve the Commissions programs. Near-term programs, covered
by the 2016 ETIPs and to some extent subsequent years, are
expected to predominantly consist of general resource
acquisition programs to meet assigned MWh targets, but with an
orientation toward MW reductions in order to add customer value
and reduce bills.
Interim-period utility programs should be targeted to meet
distribution system needs. This approach builds on the first by
using utility DSIPs to identify areas where durable reductions
in demand through energy efficiency programs will have value to

CASE 14-M-0101

the distribution system. Utility efficiency programs in this

phase should transition toward a bidding process or other
procurement mechanism that allows energy efficiency service
providers to meet those needs. One approach would be to utilize
multi-year contracts administered by utilities that have the
potential to meet energy efficiency targets and reduce the total
customer bill by avoiding the need to purchase more expensive
capacity and energy from the wholesale markets. Through the use
of longer-duration contracts and competitive procurements to
obtain these services, utilities will be complimenting the
market transformation efforts of NYSERDA as contemplated in the
Clean Energy Fund proceeding, and help drive down the costs of
energy efficiency achievements. As in the case of other aspects
of REV, utilities should have an incentive to share in these
benefits to further align their economic interests with those of
the customers and third-party DER providers.
Once more market oriented and customer benefiting
approaches are established, the level of economically achievable
energy efficiency will continue to grow and, rather than see it
as a fulfillment of a regulatory mandate, utilities will be able
to incorporate energy efficiency into their base business model
both as a source of earnings and an improved measure to meet
their overall obligations to customers. Through the additional
tool of improvement in rate designs that provide better price
signals to customers, providers will further be able to pursue
energy efficiency opportunities that support customer needs
without the need of utility payment schemes.
This transition in utility efficiency programs will have
implications for outcome-based incentives, including carbon
reduction. When third parties and market transformation are
relied on to meet efficiency goals, metrics that include
efficiency gains will be more outcome-based and will not be

CASE 14-M-0101

tracked to specific MWh obtained by individual utility resource

acquisition programs.
As described, targets for these programs will be
established first through the ETIPs, and subsequently as a
product of the DSIP process in which system needs and DER
opportunities are identified. State Energy Plan goals, and
compliance with anticipated federal carbon reduction
requirements, will inform all of these processes.

3. Earnings Impact Mechanisms, Scorecards

and Outcomes
a. Industry Context

The outcome-based ratemaking proposed here is a variation

of what is broadly referred to as performance-based regulation
(PBR). PBR is the subject of increasing attention for
regulation of electricity markets as a means of better aligning
earnings with performance. 51 Various forms of PBR have been
studied or implemented in U.S. electricity markets such as
Illinois, Massachusetts, and Minnesota, as well as in Canada,
Europe, South America, Australia, and New Zealand.
PBR has also been explored in other regulated industries
including telecommunications and healthcare, and is a familiar
concept in other areas of the competitive economy, where setting
of product prices, and frequently whole industries business

51 Regulatory Assistance Project, Performance-based regulation

for distribution companies (December 2000); David Malkin and
Paul A. Centolella, Results-Based Regulation: A Modern
Approach to Modernize the Grid (GE Digital Energy 2013); Jim
Lazar, Performance-Based Regulation for EU Distribution
System Operators (Regulatory Assistance Project May 2014);
Melissa Whited, Tim Woolf and Alice Napoleon, Utility
Performance Incentive Mechanisms: A Handbook for Regulators
(Synapse 2015).

CASE 14-M-0101

models, are oriented around the constant improvement of value to

Elements of PBR have been adopted or proposed in
electricity markets, including New York, for years. 52 As noted
previously, New York electric utilities, including PSEG-LIPA,
utilize performance metrics including outage duration, number of
outages, customer service, safety, and various metrics targeted
to particular needs identified for individual utilities.
Earnings exposure for regulated electric company operations, by
rate plan, range from total negative incentives of 263 basis
points to total positive incentives of 45 basis points including
positive incentives for energy efficiency. 53
PBR plans tend to employ performance incentive mechanisms
(PIMs) and/or scorecard-based performance metrics to evaluate
performance. This proposal will use the term EIMs, which differ
from PIMs in that PIMs are not necessarily monetized. The term
PIMs is used here to reflect its common usage in industry
reports and some other jurisdictions. PIMs are designed to
balance anticipated costs and benefits from the actions they
seek to elicit, are developed with stakeholder input, and can
evolve over time to incorporate practical learning from
experience and to improve outcomes achieved. 54
Three key themes emerge from an assessment of how other
jurisdictions have considered or employed PIMs:
Expansiveness of metrics Historically, PIMs have been
relatively narrowly focused and designed to encourage

52 Sonia Aggarwal and Eddie Burgess, New Regulatory Models

(Prepared for the State-Provincial Steering Committee and the
Committee on Regional Electric Power Cooperation March 2014).
53 A table of existing performance mechanisms is found in
Appendix C.
54 Whited, et al., supra, provide an overview of performance
incentive mechanisms, including suggested design principles,
which is a useful reference for ongoing development of PIMs.

CASE 14-M-0101

specific outcomes or applied to isolated projects for

purposes such as cost control or safety. Increasingly, as
in the case of Minnesota and the United Kingdom, PIMs are
being considered more broadly to address a variety of
desired outcomes such as environment and social outcomes.
Whether to monetize or simply track metrics Different
jurisdictions also take different approaches to monetizing
PIMs. PIMs may not be monetized, but rather simply tracked
via a scorecard if the metrics are difficult to measure
accurately, less familiar, or if there is a desire to move
incrementally towards PBR. Metrics without direct
financial consequences may still have motivating effects.
A hybrid is also possible.
What portion of revenue to put at risk There is also an
important choice around what portion of earnings to tie to
PIMs. Most jurisdictions to date have made PIMs relatively
small in magnitude, but some are considering tying
increasing portions of utility revenue to performance. 55

b. Proposed Outcome Metrics

Two types of metrics should be considered for New York

utilities: those that have direct earnings impacts, and those
that are measured but not monetized (i.e., via scorecards).
There are several reasons to use both EIMs and scorecard
metrics. The new directions in REV give rise to a wide range of
desired outcomes. Attaching an earnings impact to every desired
outcome would be difficult and would distract from the central
priorities. It will be most effective to concentrate earnings
impacts on a relatively small number of outcomes that have the
greatest potential to influence changes in the utility model and
development of the market in the near term. Also, the use of a
scorecard allows the development of metrics and an assessment of
their relative effectiveness as a measure or cause of change
without necessarily affecting earnings or customer bills. A
scorecard measure can be refined over time and, eventually,

55 Lazar, supra.

CASE 14-M-0101

might be converted into an EIM. 56 A scorecard can also be used

as a public, transparent measure of progress in attaining
important outcomes.
i. EIMs
On June 4, 2014, a list of 26 outcomes in five different
categories was presented to parties for comment. Parties had
divergent opinions about the ratemaking options, but the
outcomes themselves were generally well accepted. The chief
comment of parties on the outcomes was that prioritization is
The specific EIMs proposed here represent near-term
prioritization. They reflect the comments of many parties in
this proceeding and the observations of Staff concerning the
near-term goals that can have the greatest positive influence on
customer bills and the developing REV marketplace. These
outcomes and associated EIMs should be incorporated in the
initial rate filings approved following the Commissions Order
in this proceeding.
EIMs should be seen as a supplement to the service charges
that the Commission will otherwise allow utilities to charge for
the market enabling activities discussed in this white paper.
Because the EIMs proposed here are new and should be viewed as a
positive motivation towards REV development, the Commission
should limit EIM application in the near-term to enhancement of
utility allowed rates of return. If necessary, in subsequent
stages of development or utility rate cases, the Commission may
either find that any particular EIM is no longer necessary and
has been supplanted by market-based activities or, alternatively

56 This technique has been used in telecommunications regulation.

See Case 97-C-0139, Proceeding on Motion of the Commission to
Review Service Quality Standards for Telephone Companies,
Carrier to Carrier Performance Metrics Report (dated April

CASE 14-M-0101

that negative revenue adjustments should be added to further

motivate utility focus and success.
Specific EIM categories recommended for near-term
implementation are identified below. Staff invites parties to
comment on proposed EIM categories as well as the specific
suggested measurements or methods to develop such measurements.

Peak reductionReducing peak demand on the bulk electric

system, and thereby improving system efficiency, are major
objectives under REV that will bring immediate benefits.
The goal of this EIM would be a decrease in each utilitys
peak load from one year to the next, in order to improve
efficiency and reduce the top 100 peak load hours over a
five-year period. The statewide load associated with the
top 100 peak load hours is approximately 14% of the peak
load or 4846 MW in 2013. Reduction of this peak could save
customers billions of dollars per year. The annual target
of an EIM can be tied to achieving a 3% reduction in peak
load each year, and the baseline would be the average load
of the top 10 peak load days of the calendar year that the
metric first goes into place. On an annual basis the
baseline will need to be adjusted for known weather related
or economically induced changes to load growth and peak
load contribution. 57 In order to allow for a flexible
approach to implementation, the annual target could be used
as a scorecard with the financial incentive measured over a
longer period.

Existing programs are expected to contribute toward this

goal. On an annual statewide basis, the New York Sun
program is projected to achieve 188 MW; combined heat and
power incentives will achieve 23 MW; and current peak-
shaving DR programs 29 MW. Capacity savings from energy
efficiency programs are more difficult to estimate, because
efficiency targets are primarily stated in terms of
megawatt-hours. Current estimates are as high as 185 MW
per year. 425 MW of annual peak shaving from current

57 To be clear on this point, the Commission recognizes the

important role of utilities in spurring economic growth in the
State. To prevent unintended consequences, the Commission
should allow the utilities to adjust projected base load peak
from year over year changes in their load that reflect
economic growth and associated increases in electric usage and
contribution to peak.

CASE 14-M-0101

programs would leave an incremental balance of 545 MW per

year to achieve the 14% goal.

Energy EfficiencyThe attainment of the peak reduction

targets should include at least the currently projected
amount of energy efficiency. In this way, current
efficiency targets will be met in a manner that also has
the benefit of reducing peak. In addition, at least 10% of
the incremental peak reduction balance of 545 MW should be
achieved with efficiency programs. This will have the
effect of increasing efficiency beyond current targets.
Commission action on this EIM, though, should be made with
consideration for utility-proposed efficiency metrics that
will be provided through the on-going ETIP process.

Customer Engagement and Information AccessThe overall

success of the REV market depends on the ability of
customers to learn about measures they can take to manage
their overall energy bill, the ability of DER providers and
customers to access data about their own electricity usage
so that solutions can be developed, and the ease of
effectuating a transaction between and among customers,
utilities, and DER providers. Staff has identified several
mechanisms that can be translated into an EIM in this area.

First, an EIM should gauge utilities ability to

successfully implement an online portal that supports
customer engagement with DER providers, thereby lowering
transaction costs. For example, utilities should be
rewarded for successfully developing and deploying a portal
that allows customers to easily and quickly access DER
provider or ESCO websites, and this metric can be a useful
early indicator of utilities value-added role in linking
customers and DER providers. This measure should reflect
utilities success in designing the customer portal in a
manner that leads to customer action. For example,
utilities could incorporate analyses of their customers
usage, demographic, and other information, and combine it
with behavioral insights to create customer experiences on
the portal that result in customer action.

Recognizing that the customer portal will take some time to

develop a robust set of functionalities, a second element
of this EIM should equally weight three indicators of
expanded data access and customer engagement in the time
interval before the portal is operational.

CASE 14-M-0101

A key objective is to provide mass-market customers with

convenient access to their energy usage information, and
facilitate their ability to share that information with
vendors they select. Open and widely adopted industry
standard tools are designed for that purpose, and prompt
implementation of a single statewide tool, with
accompanying safeguards, would be one early indicator of
utility effectiveness in increasing customer access to and
control over their energy usage data.

Another early indicator of customer engagement is the

percentage of utility customers using this tool to share
their customer usage data with DER vendors, six months
after it is available. This measures how well utilities
have informed customers of the benefits of accessing and
sharing customer-specific usage data.

A third early indicator of customer engagement is the

extent to which utilities successfully promote DR and time-
of-use (TOU) programs. 58 Most utilities are launching DR
programs in the summer of 2015, and already have opt-in TOU
rates, and are expected to promote those programs using a
wide range of outreach and marketing vehicles including
Internet marketing, e-mail, and direct mail. A metric of
utilities success in promoting these options is the number
of customers contacted with messages promoting DR
programs. This metric should reflect each of the primary
marketing vehicles, including outgoing emails and social
media messages regarding DR programs. The number of
customers contacted is only a first indicator of customer
engagement, and this metric should also reflect the ability
of utilities to evaluate and improve their marketing
efforts, and ultimately the effectiveness of utility
marketing efforts over time measured as number of customers
participating in DR and TOU programs.

AffordabilityThe purpose of this measure is to gauge

utility progress towards increasing affordability for low-
income customers, and it includes two parts. First,
utilities should be evaluated based on their implementation
of a set of programs targeted at supporting low-income
customers use of DERs to lower their bills. Subsequently,

58 Case 14-E-0423, Proceeding on Motion of the Commission to

Develop Dynamic Load Management Programs, Order Adopting
Dynamic Load Management Filings with Modifications (issued
June 18, 2015).

CASE 14-M-0101

utilities should be evaluated based on participation levels

and per-customer savings associated with these programs.

Second, the affordability EIM should be oriented toward the

total amount of terminations and uncollectible expenses.
Using terminations alone as a metric is insufficient, as
the steps taken to avoid terminations can encourage an
increase in arrears or bad debt. Staff has proposed
earnings-based incentives related to reductions in
residential terminations and bad debt expense in recent
rate cases. 59 The process of establishing targets for such
an incentive should follow the same approach as has been
used to establish performance-based ratemaking incentives
for other elements of measuring quality of service:

o Establish the average number of residential

terminations and bad debt write-offs for the last five
years, and the standard deviation.
o The utility can earn a positive incentive if it scores
better than the average, minus two standard deviations
for residential terminations and bad debt. A partial
incentive could be awarded for achieving one of these
targets, provided the other is at or below the average

InterconnectionThe Framework Order established a schedule

for utilities to develop capabilities that will allow them
to process more interconnection requests in a timely
manner. Automated processing of numerous applications for
smaller DG projects will both speed up those projects and
also enable greater focus on larger projects that might
require more analysis. The interconnection EIM should come
in two parts. The first part would measure timely approval
of applications of 50kW or smaller, and should be based on
100% timeliness as defined by the Standardized
Interconnection Requirements. Positive incentives should
be available in years where the total of interconnection
approvals has increased by at least 20% from the previous
year. This will help to ensure that an interconnection
timeliness metric does not run counter to the objective of
increasing DER penetration.

59 See Cases 14-E-0318 & 14-G-0319, Central Hudson Electric and

Gas Rates; and Cases 14-E-0493 & 14-G-0494, Orange and
Rockland Electric and Gas Rates.

CASE 14-M-0101

The second part of the metric would apply to projects

greater than 50 kW. Because these projects can present
more complexity and need for analysis, timeliness and cost
of compliance are both important and should be part of a
metric, while some flexibility for the utility should be
provided. The process should be more oriented toward
developing workable solutions rather than simply
identifying obstacles, and utilities should have an
incentive to help produce solutions.

As previously noted, existing performance mechanisms that

are related to safety, reliability, customer service, and
utility-specific needs should generally be retained in the near
term. 60 The changes being enacted by REV, including the greater
capability and use of DERs, are expected to provide utilities
with additional resources and capabilities to meet some of these
existing goals, particularly around reliability and resilience.
As part of the evolving regulatory environment, some of the
existing metrics, such as stray voltage testing, should be
examined for their continued need, if utilities are far
exceeding the regulatory standard and an EIM is therefore no
longer necessary.
There remain a number of implementation issues to work
through in establishing EIMs. Important factors include
ratepayer impacts (of both the incentives and the desired
outcomes), the degree of utility control over the outcomes, the
novelty and confidence-level in the metric, and impact on
utilities financial opportunities.
The degree of control that the utility exercises is
relevant but should not be definitive. 61 A primary purpose of

60 See Appendix C.
61 This is not a new principle. For example, prior to the
decoupling of sales from revenues, utility earnings were
strongly influenced by customer behavior over which utilities
had little control.

CASE 14-M-0101

EIMs is to align utilities profit motive with market-driven

outcomes. By its nature, market activity will not be fully
within the control of the utility, yet utility performance can
have a significant influence over results. 62
Many EIMs should be established on a multi-year basis. In
contrast with existing reliability and customer-service
standards, REV outcomes in the initial phase are more oriented
to building long-term market structures, and the pressure of
annual goals may interfere with this development. This practice
is consistent with approaches adopted elsewhere, including the
United Kingdom and Illinois. Multi-year metrics should be
accompanied by interim reviews and reporting.
The categories of EIMs should be established by the
Commission for all utilities, consistent with REV objectives.
The method of measuring performance for EIMs should also be
uniform across utilities. The specific EIMs adopted for each
utility, however, as well as the relative weight of individual
EIMs, should be considered in individual utility cases. The
relative importance of outcomes may vary considerably among
utilities and among service territories.
The amount of basis points at risk must be large enough to
incentivize the desired outcomes. At this time there is no
formulaic approach to this issue, either for individual EIMs or
for the aggregate. A uniform approach across all utilities is
preferred, but in early years, basis points should be
established in individual cases on a utility-by-utility basis.
As increased experience with EIMs enhances the precision of the
metrics and the predictability of achievement, the number of
basis points at risk and their relation to baseline returns on
equity will be refined. Calculation of EIM adjustments might

62 For this reason, this general initiative is called outcome-

based ratemaking rather than performance-based ratemaking.

CASE 14-M-0101

also involve a dead band within which a small variance above or

below the target has no effect.
While most existing performance mechanisms are based on
potential negative revenue adjustments, new EIMs can utilize
either positive, symmetrical, or bi-directional adjustments. 63
There is no need for all EIMs to be subject to the same
directionality. Factors unique to individual EIMs may determine
the appropriate treatment. The direction of incentives is also
related to the number of basis points at issue. A positive-only
or positively weighted bi-directional approach might indicate
that a relatively small number of basis points should be used.
As noted, Staffs recommended approach is to allow time for
desired outcomes to develop, while prompting immediate action to
develop the underpinnings of a market. For the first set of
rate proceedings involving these new EIMs, Staff recommends
positive incentives only. Staff notes two exceptions to this
general approach. The EIMs for data access and interconnection
should be symmetrical, with potential negative adjustments for
non-attainment. Each of these is largely within the utilitys
control to achieve, and can easily be tracked and calculated.
In addition, as noted in the MDPT recommendations, with regard
to data access, specifically, the Commission should require that
the utilities provide customer information as part of any
advanced metering infrastructure program.
The EIMs for peak reduction, energy efficiency, and
affordability initially should be subject only to a positive
incentive. Because this group of goals, if achieved cost-
effectively, will result in direct benefits to the overall
customer bill, a positive earning potential for utilities will
result in shared savings with customers. The rationale for

63 A bi-directional adjustment is one in which the amount of a

positive or negative weighting is not equal.

CASE 14-M-0101

positive-only incentives is based on the assumption of

associated customer bill reductions. Therefore, maintaining
positive-only EIMs beyond the first round of rate cases should
be predicated on the development of a metric to gauge that
reduction. Such a metric must assess overall customer bill
reduction in comparison to business-as-usual, rather than to
current bills. Utilities should jointly propose a metric to be
used to measure overall customer bill impact as it relates to
evaluating the continuation of positive-only EIMs.
EIMs should be measured over a multi-year period to allow
utilities time to develop outcomes. The addition of symmetrical
negative and positive outcomes, or new EIMs, can be developed in
further proceedings if desired outcomes are not occurring at a
reasonable pace. In the event that the utilities do not achieve
the targets through the positive-only incentives in the initial
years of implementation, negative earnings risks can be added.
The source of funds to compensate utilities for incentives
earned must also be established. The conventional method is to
establish accounts that are reconciled in the utilitys next
rate proceeding. An alternative approach is to link incentive
payments directly to earning-sharing mechanisms, so that
positive incentives could only take the form of earnings in
excess of the allowed return. This approach would provide for
incentive earnings without affecting rates, and would be coupled
to a traditional incentive to maximize operating efficiencies.
On the other hand, it would dilute the effect of EIMs, and might
run counter to the goal of encouraging operating resources as a
potential profit center. Staff therefore recommends the
conventional method be used.
In shaping positive incentives, utilities should be able to
propose alternative mechanisms. For example, a straightforward

CASE 14-M-0101

basis point approach would be the default mechanism, but a

shared savings approach could also be considered.
Finally, as previously expressed, all incentives should be
viewed as a temporary mechanism that drives but does not become
the market solution. As markets develop into full scale, the
need for EIMs, positive and negative, that are oriented toward
building DSP capabilities and market activity will be superseded
by the maturation of other earning opportunities such as PSRs.
In this transition, regulatory targets will be replaced by
market-driven outcomes.

ii. Scorecards
Scorecards will be measures of performance that do not have
any direct earnings impact. 64 They would be applied to broader
outcomes of general importance, and to novel types of measures
for which reliable metrics have not yet been developed.
Scorecards would serve three distinct purposes: 1) public,
transparent mechanism to track progress on important outcomes;
2) providing information for system planning; and 3) refining
metrics for potential use as future EIMs. The total of
scorecard measures should reflect what is needed to provide a
broad view of outcomes. For reference, Illinois, Ontario and
Puerto Rico are each pursuing measurement and reporting for some
metrics prior to establishing financial incentives. 65

64 Scorecards could have an indirect earnings impact if they are

used as outcome indicators under the Earnings Sharing
Mechanism discussed below.
65 Whited, et al., supra; Ontario Energy Board, Performance
Measurement for Electricity Distributors: A Scorecard
Approach (March 5, 2014).

CASE 14-M-0101

Proposed scorecard metrics include:

System utilization and efficiencyAdvanced metrics to
define system utilization in a broad context should be
developed, including T&D utilization, fuel diversity, and
overall system efficiency. System load factor is a useful
indicator, but must be defined broadly to include desirable
outcomes that can potentially contribute to a durable
positive load factor across the entire system. These
include energy efficiency, DG penetration, and DR
participation. The amount of generating capacity with very
low capacity factors is a strong indicator of poor system
efficiency on a broad scale, but unless located in a load
pocket, would be difficult to attribute to any individual

DG, energy efficiency, and dynamic load management (DLM)

penetrationBuilding a market for DER requires a critical
mass of market penetration to attract market participants
and to establish scale for platform investments. This
metric would focus on the penetration of DG, energy
efficiency, and dynamic load management (DLM) as a
percentage of a utility's total load (including load offset
by onsite generation and permanent load reduction achieved
through energy efficiency). A target for installed DER
penetration should account for the time needed to achieve
this outcome. The scorecard should take into account the
aggregate penetration of DG, DLM, and energy efficiency
activity in the utility service territory. DER developed
by third parties without the benefit of utility incentives
should also count, as third party capital investment is a
desired outcome.

Opt-in time-of-use rate efficacyNew Yorks utilities all

have existing opt-in residential time-of-use rates, and
these represent an important early opportunity for
customers to manage their bills while at the same time
developing more effective approaches to customer
engagement. This scorecard metric should include two
distinct but related parts. First, the number of customers
who adopt the TOU rate. Second, customers ability to
reduce their bills by responding to the TOU rate, measured
as the range of and average customer savings for those
customers who have adopted the TOU rate.

Market developmentThere are a number of widely used

indicators of market health. These include transparency,
ease of access, settlement facilities, and dispute

CASE 14-M-0101

resolution. A scorecard should be developed for continuous

monitoring of progress toward achieving liquid markets.

MBEs useThe amount of market-based revenues a utility

receives is a critical indicator of market uptake. It is
equally important, especially in the near term, for the
particular sources of MBEs to be critically evaluated, for
purposes of transparency, monitoring progress, and
determining needed improvements. Utilities should report
total revenue from platform services and other sources of
MBEs, and should identify the particular sources including
any sources developed through demonstration projects.

Carbon reductionEach utility should be monitored for its

Carbon Free Acquisition Rate (CFAR), taking into account
carbon-free sources of generation sponsored by utilities as
well as third parties for the benefit of load within the
utility footprint, and energy efficiency penetration. The
development of this measure is, of course, dependent on the
issues pending in the Large Scale Renewables proceeding.
One potential way to calculate the CFAR would be to use the
following formula:

CFAR = [(Contracted and Owned MWhs of Bulk Renewables,

Nuclear, Hydro) + (Clean Behind the meter MWhs) + (energy
efficiency MWhs)+ (Any Other Load Reduction)] {divided by}
[(MWhs of Load) + (MWhs of DR) + (MWhs Energy Efficiency)]

Customer SatisfactionREV ultimately relies on engaged

customers making informed decisions. Responsiveness to
customer concerns is critical to engagement. The Customer
Service Response Index is an existing metric that measures
four items: customer satisfaction, complaint response time,
escalated complaint response time, and pending cases. Like
the affordability metric, this should be established by
using a five-year average and standard deviation. As
described below, at a later phase this index should be
combined with others to create a broader metric that
incorporates more REV-specific customer issues.

Customer EnhancementThis measure would combine the

affordability EIM with other indices such as levels of
customer engagement in markets, prompt provision of utility
service, customer satisfaction scores, and Home Energy Fair
Practices Act compliance rates.

Conversion of fossil-fueled end usesThis would measure the

adoption rates of electric vehicles and conversions of

CASE 14-M-0101

combustion appliances to high-efficiency electric

appliances (e.g. ground-coupled heat pumps), as well as
their times of usage and extent of participation in DSP
offerings. These measures can be leading indicators of the
introduction of programs that can further improve durable
load efficiency and affordability.

4. Earnings Sharing Mechanisms

ESMs are a component of multi-year rate plans, which are in

standard use in New York. They allow utilities to retain
earnings above the baseline ROE, up to a pre-determined level
(e.g., 50 basis points). Beyond that level, earnings are shared
between utilities and customers, and at higher levels savings
are dedicated entirely to customers. This type of mechanism
encourages utilities to cut costs and increase efficiencies,
while removing rewards to utilities for making steep cuts that
might hurt customers interests. It also ensures that major
unforeseen developments and vagaries in forecasting do not
become windfalls to utility shareholders.
ESMs can be adapted to an outcome-based ratemaking
approach. The sharing formula can be indexed to utility
achievements, so that the utilitys share of earnings is
directly dependent on achievement of Commission objectives
including affordability. This addresses the concern that
utilities might cut spending in a long-term rate plan in order
to increase earnings at the expense of service or otherwise
compromise other REV objectives.
Indexing ESMs to performance will help to ensure that
savings in operating expenses do not come at the expense of REV
objectives. Equally important, the ESM caps should not
represent ceilings on overall utility earnings, if additional
earnings can be gained through market-based services and through
EIMs. The ESM mechanism should complement these other

CASE 14-M-0101

In early years, ESMs should be tied to a performance index

that aggregates the new EIMs with existing performance
standards. These could be aggregated into three performance
levels: base, superior, and inferior. In the longer term, ESMs
could be tied directly to specific metrics in a more complex
The acceptable or base performance scenario should be
structured in the way that is commonly used at present. If the
utility meets base performance metrics, it is allowed to retain
the first tranche of earnings, and share subsequent levels in a
declining proportion, with additional earnings above a specified
level inuring entirely to customers.
If a utility achieves superior outcomes, the level at which
sharing begins would be increased (i.e. the dead band would be
widened). This would allow greater earning potential for the
utility without increasing rates.
If a utility achieves inferior outcomes, the level at which
sharing begins would be decreased, potentially down to the
baseline ROE level. This would give the utility a strong
incentive to achieve greater performance, and would ensure that
measures taken by the utility to increase earnings are not at
the expense of performance.

CASE 14-M-0101

Following is an illustration of how ESMs tied to

performance might be structured:

Scorecard Performance
ESM Proposal for REV Base High Low
Allowed ROE 9.00% 9.00% 9.00%
Stay out Premium 0.10% 0.20% 0.00%
Cap for Sharing Earnings 9.10% 9.20% 9.00%
Utility Retention 0.25% 0.75% 0.00%
Sharing Cap 9.35% 9.95% 9.00%

First Level of Basis Points 0.50% 0.75% 0.25%

First Sharing Threshold 9.85% 10.70% 9.25%
Customer Sharing % 50.00% 25.00% 75.00%
Utility Sharing % 50.00% 75.00% 25.00%

Second Level of Basis Points 0.75% 1.00% 0.25%

Second Sharing Threshold 10.60% 11.70% 9.50%
Customer Sharing % 75.00% 50.00% 90.00%
Utility Sharing % 25.00% 50.00% 10.00%

5. Capital Expenditures to Implement REV

Capital expenditures to develop DSP capabilities, e.g.

communication and data management hardware and software, present
a special case due to the novelty of the expenditures and the
fact they are responding to a Commission mandate. Following
close review of DSIPs, utilities should receive assurance from
the Commission that the initial decision to invest in these
capabilities will not be subject to retrospective review.
REV implementation plans detailed in DSIPs will inform
utilities overall capital plans. The Commission will need to
take a balanced approach to pre-approving DSP spending in light
of the overall bill impacts anticipated under the utilities
overall spending plans.

CASE 14-M-0101

Pre-approval would not supplant the requirement that the

utilities execution of the projects must be prudent, but it
will address the risk entailed in the decision to undertake
these investments. This form of partial pre-approval to support
a cost-based recovery should only be used in the early phases of
REV implementation. Depreciation schedules for these
investments should also consider the relatively short period of
usefulness of many technology investments.
This approach requires a distinction between DSP
expenditures and ordinary system expenditures. In most cases
this will be a simple distinction; e.g., a conventional
transformer replacement would not be eligible for this treatment
while development of DSP platform technology would. Where the
line between DSP and conventional spending will be most
difficult to draw is in grid modernization projects such as
sensors and automatic reclosers. Where a project may have been
undertaken even in the absence of REV and distributed markets,
the Commission should not provide pre-approval without a
specific showing by the utility that the project would not have
been done, absent REV.
Spending prior to approved DSIPs will need to be governed
by the terms of utilities current rate plans. Rate recovery
for demonstration projects has already been addressed by the
Commission. It is not anticipated that large capital
expenditures will be needed prior to the DSIP process. In the
event that a utility intends to commit large capital
implementation expenditures not contemplated within its rate
plan, a pre-approval petition should be filed. Deferral of
recoveries should be subject to the deferral provisions of the
existing rate plan.

CASE 14-M-0101

6. Long-Term Rate Plans

Multi-year rate plans have been in use in New York for

decades. The Commission has developed a number of mechanisms to
drive efficiency and performance in this context. 66 REV presents
additional reasons for longer-term plans. Utilities, customers
and market participants will benefit from the stability and
predictability of a multi-year plan as REV markets are
developed. Long-term plans developed in the DSIP process can be
implemented within the span of a single rate plan. Utilities
will be better able to focus on developing DSP capabilities and
if they are not diverted into time-consuming and contentious
rate proceedings. This will expedite progress toward achieving
multi-year EIM metrics.
Long-term operational plans come with the caution that the
longer the rate plan, the more uncertain is the forecast for the
later years of the plan. This applies not only to the setting
of base revenues but also to the establishment of incentive
measures. As discussed in the recommendations below, a longer-
term plan should be accompanied by a well-considered set of
tracking mechanisms, annual true-ups, updates, and mid-term
adjustments. Further, it is important that long-term plans not
become a vehicle for maintaining the status quo.
The typical term for a negotiated multi-year rate plan has
been three years. Plans consisting of three-year terms should
be retained but utilities should be provided the option to
extend such plans beyond three years if performance dictates.
Two-year rate plan extensions which would allow rate plans to
potentially be in effect for up to five years should be
considered. Any extension beyond three years should be

66 See, for example, the discussion in the DPS Staff Report and
Proposal issued in this proceeding on April 25, 2014.

CASE 14-M-0101

accompanied by interim reviews, scorecards, and performance

metrics as described here.
The baseline rates for a long-term plan should be
established through a conventional revenue requirement review.
In later phases of REV, the Commission should consider
benchmarks or price indexing formulas or models as part of the
process for setting baseline rates.
Current multi-year plans include a variety of performance
measures to ensure that spending cuts are not made at the
expense of service. These measures include tree-trimming
targets and various safety-related initiatives. These measures
should continue to be included in rate plans under REV.
Other mechanisms that should continue are the periodic
recovery and reset of volatile items that are not under the
utilitys control, e.g., storms and property taxes. In order to
improve cash flow, an automatic recovery/passback mechanism for
deferrals could be included when net cash deferral levels meet a
threshold, positive or negative. The details of the mechanism
should be negotiated in long-term rate plans and consider the
impact on ratepayers. These deferrals would be subject to
future audit.
Extension of a plan from three to five years should be tied
to satisfactory price and earnings levels and adherence to
capital plans. Extension should also be tied to compliance with
various performance measures related to REV. These gateway
measures include the development of platform capabilities, a
successful interconnection record, and DER penetration in the
service territory, and system efficiency improvements.
Continuation into the latter years of the plan would be allowed
if utility performance met targeted gateway levels.
Following an initial round of rate plans under REV, high-
performing utilities may be eligible for longer-term rate plans.

CASE 14-M-0101

Long-term rate plans are generally subject to being reopened if

necessary. Where a utility exhibits poor performance combined
with high earnings, the plan should automatically be subject to
general reopening. Where poor performance is not accompanied by
high earnings, reopening of targeted issues might be warranted
for remedial actions.
Parties have raised concern that utilities will have
negotiating power if they know a multi-year plan is required.
This is true only if the Commission lacks the authority to
impose a multi-year plan. Under the PSL, the Commission can
adopt a multi-year plan with or without the consent of the
utility or other parties. 67 There is a question whether a
utility rate filing in the middle of a multi-year plan imposed
by the Commission requires a full rate-case-style hearing. In
any event, expectation of a long-term plan must not have the
effect of providing negotiating leverage to any party in
position to block a long-term plan.
Important to note in the context of multi-year rate plans
is the fact that the Commission retains sufficient legal
authority to ensure that rates set under a multi-year decision
remain just and reasonable. Multi-year rate plans typically
include language to the effect that the Commission retains the
power to act on the company's rates if events affect the
envisioned range of earnings levels or equity costs so as to
render the company's return unreasonable or unnecessary for the

67 Section 72 of the PSL establishes a three-year limit on

certain types of rate plans, but this limit does not apply to
rate plans established after a hearing pursuant to PSL
66(12). For example, in one instance, a term of ten years was
established. Case 01-M-0075, Niagara Mohawk Power
Corporation, Opinion and Order Authorizing Merger and Adopting
Rate Plan (issued December 3, 2001). See also, Matter of
Kessel v. PSC, 136 A.D.2d 86 (3rd Dept. 1988).

CASE 14-M-0101

provision of safe and adequate service. 68 The Commission also

routinely offers the opportunity for public hearings, albeit
usually expedited in some fashion, concerning reconciliation
filings and/or subsequent staged filings under multi-year plans.
Therefore, the Commission has the authority to avoid stale
rate orders and ensure that rates remain just and reasonable,
while at the same time promoting long-term rate plans.


A. Summary

Rate design is the process of determining how a utilitys

revenue requirement will be recovered from customers. 69 Rate
design sends price and value signals that influence customer
actions; the cumulative effect of many customer decisions
ultimately affects the cost of the system. Rate design must try
to prevent undue disproportionate or inequitable impacts on
different customers within classes, and take into consideration
policy objectives along with technical cost causation analysis.
For those reasons, rate design requires a balancing among
multiple objectives, principles, and interests.
Traditionally, rate design has focused on the allocation of
system costs to customers, assuming a uni-directional electric
system designed around inelastic demand, with one-sided
transactions between utilities and customers. While this
approach has been effective historically, technological advances
mean that the assumptions behind that approach no longer hold in
their entirety. The increasing proliferation of DERs and
customers technology-enabled abilities to actively manage their

68 Id.
69 For technical purposes, rate design is subsequent to
revenue allocation in which the utilitys total revenue
requirement is allocated among the various customer classes.

CASE 14-M-0101

own loads allow for a bi-directional electric system in which

demand itself can be a resource, and where multi-sided
transactions between utilities, DER providers, and customers are
Therefore, rather than simply allocating costs, rate design
under REV should work toward enabling the reduction of total
costs by appropriately signaling value. The goals of REV now
call upon consideration of mechanisms that compensate customers
for the benefit their DERs provide to the system. These
approachesincluding NEM, DR tariffs, and othersmust similarly
balance multiple objectives, including New Yorks policy
commitments to energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Historically, both rates and DER compensation mechanisms
have been designed in an environment of imperfect information,
partly because residential and small commercial customer meters
deliver incomplete information, and also because the allocation
of costs to those customers depends on projections, averaging of
costs, and categorizations of fixed and variable costs in a
process that is imprecise by nature. Now, however, it is
possible to gather, analyze, and make transparent information
much more quickly, enabling the development and exchange of more
precise value signals.
The varied trends facing the industry as well as the policy
objectives put forth by REV compel a thoughtful consideration of
potential reforms to rate design and DER compensation
mechanisms. A large amount of investment will be made in the
electric system in the coming years, by utilities and
increasingly by third parties, DER providers, and end use
customers. Those investments need to be economically efficient
while also furthering the policy objectives of REV. That means
that investments must be optimized at the customer end of the
electric system as well as the traditional production end, and

CASE 14-M-0101

requires that customers and market participants have sufficient

information and value creation potential to make the best
choices about how they purchase and use power, and how they
invest in and use DER.
The crux of the issue is that residential and small
commercial customers are not provided with information about the
true components of cost or the means to effectively respond to
the price signals such information can provide. Similarly there
is an incomplete understanding of the full value that DERs
provide to the system, and thus insufficient information on
which to base investment and usage choices. This situation
requires us to better determine how customer behavior
contributes to the entire bill, the disaggregated cost of
delivery service, and conversely the benefit that should be
provided to the customer in terms of total cost avoidance or
reductions to the distribution system by DER, which the
Commission has referred to as the value of D. 70 The value of D
when added to the location-based marginal price of energy (LMP)
will constitute the full value of DER to the system, or the
LMP+D. Pursuant to the Commissions direction in the Community
Distributed Generation proceeding, 71 the Staff will engage with
parties to develop this value. 72

70 Case 15-E-0082, Proceeding on Motion of the Commission as to

the Policies, Requirements and Conditions For Implementing a
Community Net Metering Program, Order Establishing a Community
Distributed Generation Program and Making Other Findings
(issued July 17, 2015), p. 31.
71 Id., p. 32.
72 To avoid confusion, it is important to distinguish LMP+D from
other similar concepts. Distribution locational marginal
price or DLMP is sometimes used to refer to a granular
calculation of time- and location-specific costs on the
distribution system. As applied here, LMP+D is a broader
measure capturing the full value of DER, including energy
(LMP) and the full range of values provided by distribution-
level resources (D).
CASE 14-M-0101

Closely following the determination of the value of D is

the consideration of what mechanisms are best suited to convey
that value. At present, the chief mechanism for translating
system values into compensation for DER is NEM. NEM has proven
to be highly successful at promoting the development of clean
energy resources at the customer level. The simplicity and
predictability of NEM should be retained, and the valuation of
NEM credits for larger projects should be more fully realized
through application of LMP+D.
The current mass-market rate design, like current cost-of-
service ratemaking, fails to encourage optimal realization of
the potential of DER. Rate design that combines a fixed
customer charge and a flat, volumetric per-kWh charge is
insufficient to support market participant or customer action to
reduce peak and optimize usage. At the same time, fundamental
changes to mass-market rate design require a very deliberate
process including scrutiny of potential bill impacts.
Therefore, Staff makes a set of rate design proposals to be
further developed and analyzed prior to Commission action.
Changes to mass-market rate design are linked with changes in
metering. In proposing new metering functionalities, utilities
should be required to explain how they will enable time varying
and attribute unbundled rates, and propose demonstration
projects around the efficacy of time varying rates.
While changes to rate design for all customers will require
more process, customers and market participants who have the
desire and capability to provide value to the system should be
enabled to do so. Therefore, an opt-in smart home rate should
be designed and implemented as quickly as possible. Finally,
Staff suggests a series of immediate reforms targeted at C/I
customers, standby rates, and low-income customers, detailed

CASE 14-M-0101

B. The Foundation of Rate Design and DER

Compensation in New York

A foundational set of rate design principles was

articulated by James Bonbright in 1961 and are still commonly in
use today: 73
Rates should be practical: simple, understandable,
acceptable to the public, feasible to apply, and free from
controversy in their interpretation.
Rates should keep the utility viable, effectively yielding
the total revenue requirement and resulting in relatively
stable cash flow and revenues from year to year.
Rates should be relatively stable such that customers
experience only minimal unexpected changes that are
seriously adverse.
Rates should fairly apportion the utilitys cost of service
among customers and should not unduly discriminate against
any customer or group of customers.
Rates should promote economic efficiency in the use of
energy as well as competing products and services while
ensuring the level of reliability desired by customers.

On numerous occasions, the New York Commission has

articulated the need for a balancing of standard rate design
principles. For example, the Commission has stated that cost
should be the primary determinant of rates and . . . marginal
cost is the proper measure of cost for rate design purposes, 74
and that, in establishing competitive and non-competitive
rates, a number of important public policies must be balanced

73 James C. Bonbright, Principles of Public Utility Rates (1961).

Different articulations of rate design principles have been
developed in various sources.
74 Cases 27215, 27216, 275387, and 27539, Niagara Mohawk Power
Corporation Electric Rate Design, Opinion 80-18, Opinion and
Order Determining Just and Reasonable Rates (issued May 7,

CASE 14-M-0101

and considered in establishing rate levels and designs. 75 Among

these policies are customer impact, gradualism, and
environmental protection. 76
Rates are designed for general classes (e.g., residential,
small commercial) because it is generally not feasible or
beneficial to tailor rates to individual customers. Rates in
New York are designed differently for larger C/I customers than
they are for lower-usage residential and small commercial (mass-
market) customers. Mass-market rates are designed to be simple,
whereas C/I customers delivery rates are more complex and more
closely tied to the costs that individual customers place on the
C/I delivery rates are based on peak usage, and those above
certain thresholds (e.g., 300 kw peak demand) are billed for
energy commodity on an hourly basis, which is tied to the actual
system cost during that hour. This rate design allows the usage
patterns of individual customers, and therefore the costs placed
on the system, to be reflected in individual bills. 77
The residential class, although it consists of a mix of
different customers with widely varied usage, is treated within
one rate classification and charged with one rate formula. The
basic formula consists of a fixed monthly customer charge, plus
a charge per kWh used. 78 Small apartments, large houses,

75 Case 00-M-0504, Proceeding on Motion of the Commission

Regarding Provider of Last Resort Responsibilities, the Role
of Utilities in Competitive Energy Markets, and Fostering the
Development of Retail Competitive Opportunities - Unbundling
Track, Statement of Policy on Unbundling and Order Directing
Tariff Filings (issued August 25, 2004).
76 Id., pp. 18 n. 57, 37.
77 Although it is more precise than mass-market design, C/I
design still stands in need of improvement as described below.
78 Many utilities also employ adjustment clauses and surcharges
that are typically collected on a per-kWh basis.

CASE 14-M-0101

vacation homes, homes with high peak usage, and homes with low
peak usage are all charged under the same formula. The customer
sees one price, although the reality is that actual system costs
vary greatly by the time, location, and peak demand of the
customers usage. 79 One reason for this simple approach to mass-
market rates is that todays utility meters for these customers
do not measure peak usage or time of use.
An important feature of New York's current practice is the
principle of gradualism. In rate cases, where the analysis
indicates that a particular customer class should be assigned a
higher share of total costs, the Commission employs a gradual
approach to moderate the impacts, by limiting the extent of the
cost shift that occurs in any given year.
New Yorks policy in recent years has been to slowly
increase the fixed customer charge while maintaining a large
portion of the rate in a per-kWh charge. Low-income discounts,
energy efficiency programs funded through a System Benefits
Charge, and net metering for clean generation are added to the
balance to meet particular policy objectives.
This approach to the balance of fixed charge and per-kWh
charge is the result of the tension between two opposing views.
Some argue that basing rates on the number of kWh consumed,
while a correct approach for energy commodity, is incorrect for
delivery rates. In the near term, the cost of maintaining
distribution service to a home is largely independent of the
total energy usage at that home. That is, the cost of wires,
poles, and transformers will not change in the short term
regardless of how many kWh the customer uses in a given month.

79 Exceptions to the homogeneity of rates are found in the

seasonal differences employed in residential tariffs of Con
Edison and Orange & Rockland.

CASE 14-M-0101

Others argue that system costs are variable in the long run
and rates based on long run variable usage may provide the best
method of cost causation as well as the most economic incentive
to invest in DER. Proponents of this view also make policy
arguments that charging based on volume increases the incentive
customers have to use energy efficiency measures, or to install
photovoltaics, to reduce total demand on the grid. An
additional policy argument is that many lower income customers
are also low-volume users, so a volume-based rate allows them to
control bills and reduces utilities uncollectible expenses. 80
A better balance could likely be achieved if the rate
design toolkit were expanded beyond just fixed charges and per-
kWh charges. The cost of maintaining the distribution system is
variable in the long term and potentially in the short term
through better use of DER and other mechanisms to improve system
intelligence. These costs are most affected by the combined
peak of all customers on a circuit (i.e., circuit coincident
peak demand). 81 Because mass-market meters do not measure peak
demand, however, this important cost factor is not currently
reflected in rates.
Beyond rate design, compensation that customers receive for
the value their DERs provide to the system is generally limited
to NEM, and in some cases, demand tariff-based payments for load
reductions via DR. Net metering compensates customers not by

80 It is not always true that low-income customers are also low-

volume customers. For example, low-income customers who heat
with electricity may be high volume users.
81 "Circuit coincident peak demand" means the peak level at the
moment of highest total usage among all the customers on a
circuit. "Customer non-coincident peak demand" means the peak
demand of an individual customer, regardless of when it
occurs. For example, Customer A may have an individual peak
demand at 8 a.m. while the peak demand on the circuit might
occur at 4 p.m. For purposes of system costs, the usage of
Customer A at 4 p.m. is more relevant than the usage at 8 a.m.

CASE 14-M-0101

paying them a price for services and power production but rather
by relieving them of an obligation to pay rates. To the extent
that generation is netted against usage, this is identical to
the value stream that customers receive from any portion of on-
site generation that reduces their consumption.

C. The Implications of Conventional Rate Design and

Current DER Compensation in the Context of REV

Several aspects of the changing electricity system and of

REV make it necessary to reevaluate conventional rate design and
DER compensation mechanisms. Together, these factors imply
valuable opportunities, as well as a risk of negative impacts
for customers if rate designs are not optimized. These include:

REV will result in much greater adoption of DERs, many of

which may displace more traditional infrastructure
investments. The decisions supporting the investments
should be as economically sound as possible in order to
effectively lower total cost.
The customer end of the grid will be treated as a core
resource on par with centralized resources; this elevates
the need for better price signals.
Implementation of the DSP market and its enabling
technology will result in greatly enhanced information that
will enable a more precise rate design.

Efficient price signals and transparency are hallmarks of a

successful market. Rate design and compensation mechanisms that
accomplish these will help to optimize the investment in and use
of DER, thereby reducing total system costs and customer bills,
not only for customers with DERs. Conversely, rates that are
bundled and mask the underlying costs of service will not
facilitate efficient decisions.
The balancing of multiple objectives and principles
inherent in current rate design gives rise to a debate as to
economic efficiency with respect to DER. Whether the rates are
CASE 14-M-0101

too favorable or not favorable enough, a sharp increase in DER

penetration could cause any imbalances to have a much larger
effect. This is important even for customers who do not employ
DER. The balancing in current rate design applies to a range of
customer types and usage patterns, but the wide-scale adoption
of DER will widen this range even further. Customers will have
more individuated load profiles, and any disparate impacts of
applying a homogeneous rate to an increasingly heterogeneous
customer class will become more pronounced.
Strategies that were adopted to promote clean DER from a
state of near-zero penetration may not be optimal for DER that
is widespread and mainstream and will need to rely on consistent
and accepted valuation methods. If the monthly bill reduction
from a DER investment depends in part on avoiding a share of
distribution costs, then two types of uneconomic bypass may
occur. On one hand, customers who install DG and continue using
the grid may avoid their appropriate share of system costs,
leaving other customers to pay the balance. The other form of
bypass, however, is the exact opposite. If fixed customer
charges are so high that a customer can only avoid delivery
charges by exiting the system altogether, then any share of
distribution charges that the customer might have been willing
to pay in order to remain connected is lost. Where the cost of
building redundant capability and exiting the system is lower
than the price of staying connected, exiting the system may
represent uneconomic bypass. These are examples of the risk of
sending the wrong economic signals that drive inefficient
Each of these potential problems can be addressed by a
technology-agnostic rate design that is more precise, both in
recovering costs and in sending price signals that prompt
efficient DER participation by customers. DER investment should

CASE 14-M-0101

produce net beneficial results for both the participating

customer and the system as a whole. This can be achieved by
improving both the compensation for DER services provided to the
grid, and recovery of grid costs properly assigned to the DER
Adopting a rate design and compensation mechanism based on
a more precise calculation of system value should greatly
improve the proper valuation of DER. This will provide greater
confidence in the market, and will make investment decisions in
DER more stable and predictable.
Some of these issues have been raised and addressed to
varying degrees in other parts of the United States and
internationally, and several key themes and tensions have
Increasing granularityIn the face of increasing DER
penetration, there is a trend towards increasing the
granularity of the rates that customers see. This is
largely in recognition that, with the growth of DERs and
new information capabilities, it is becoming less costly
and more beneficial to accommodate greater differentiation
among customers through increased choices in how they use,
pay for, and are paid for, grid services.
Unbundling rate attributesThere is much discussion over
unbundling rates into their various value attributes, such
as energy, capacity, ancillary services, and others. This
has in part been driven by the growth of net-metered solar
PV and some stakeholders concerns that costs and benefits
of net-metered facilities should be more accurately
accounted for. At the same time, ancillary services and
other reliability benefits provided by DER are
uncompensated because of the lack of unbundling.
Reflecting DER valueSome stakeholders argue that DERs are
under-valued and under-utilized as part of the system. In
response, there is a significant trend towards attempting
to better assess the value that DERs provide and developing
appropriate mechanisms to monetize that value.
Managing complexity vs. simplicityAs rates increase in
granularity they are likely to become more complex. At the
same time, increasing complexity conflicts with the long-

CASE 14-M-0101

standing goal to make mass-market rates simple and

understandable. A number of proposals have been made that
attempt to strike a balance, and the role of aggregators is
clearly at the center of enabling that balance and managing
increasing complexity on behalf of customers. That is,
customers themselves may not need to see complex rates if a
service provider or aggregator sees and manages complexity
for them.

D. Framing Proposed Recommendations

1. Scope of Recommendations

Three framing points for this discussion are critical to

clarify at the outset. First, the focus of the discussion here
applies to delivery rates, which are distinct from energy
commodity rates. Commodity prices are established in markets
run by the NYISO, 82 and through bilateral contracts. Where
customers still purchase energy commodity from utilities, the
underlying commodity costs flow through, although the Commission
can influence efficiency by applying a TOU factor. Delivery
rates have a stronger state regulatory component, because the
Commission is responsible for establishing both the underlying
revenue requirement and the rate design. Introducing elements
of market efficiency into distribution system operations and
corresponding delivery rates, while improving performance on
policy goals embedded in regulation, is the challenge of REV.
Second, especially given the market envisioned by REV, it
is critical to distinguish between rates paid by customers for
electricity service on one hand, and compensation paid to
customers whose DER provides value to the system on the other
hand. As the DSP market develops, compensation will
increasingly be determined by market forces, reflecting market
prices for power and transactions between DER providers and

82 Distribution level activities under REV will affect these

prices but will not control them.

CASE 14-M-0101

customers contracting with each other. There is a crucial

regulatory component, however, because DER compensation will
also be determined based on avoided locational, non-locational,
and time-based costs on the distribution system and purchased
from the wholesale market. The discussion below describes
potential rate reforms and the process for developing
appropriate compensation mechanisms separately.
Third, beyond conventional rate classes, it is useful to
make a distinction among three types of customers as regards
DERs. Each of these customer types may interact with the grid
and the DSP market in different ways, and each should be
considered in the context of rate design under REV:

Traditional consumers Those customers who do not choose

to actively manage their energy usage, or for whom it is
difficult to do so. 83
Active consumers Those customers who undertake DER
measures that allow them to actively modulate their usage
in response to rate signals with the purpose of reducing
their bills.
Prosumers Those customers who install or participate in
DER including generation or other technologies that allow
them to provide services to the grid.

2. Considerations for Rate Design and DER

Compensation Proposals

In developing the proposals in this white paper, Staff

considered several fundamental design choices, including:

a. Providing Appropriate Options to Meet

Customers Varying Needs
Rates can be designed to be 1) mandatory for all customers,
2) default for all customers but giving customers the ability to

83 Customers who rent their homes, reside in multi-family or

mixed-use facilities, and/or do not have individual metering
may lack either an economic incentive or practical access to
manage their energy usage by investing in DER.

CASE 14-M-0101

opt-out to a basic rate, or 3) elective for customers, giving

customers the ability to opt-in to that rate design. There
has long been debate about the relative merits of opt-in vs.
opt-out options, especially for more sophisticated rates.
Evidence from around the country shows that customer
participation rates are much higher in opt-out scenarios, even
though per customer response, for example to a TOU rate, may be
higher when customers opt in. For example, a recent report
assessing TOU programs across multiple utilities showed average
enrollment levels of 28% when TOU was opt-in, as compared to 85%
when TOU was opt-out. 84 Similarly, a 2013 Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory (LBNL) report found 11% opt-in participation
vs. 84% for opt-out. 85
The choice of approach requires a careful consideration of
the benefit of a particular rate design both in terms of its
accuracy in recovering utility costs and the behavioral signals
it sends to customers, versus its acceptability to customers,
which may evolve over time. Critical variables are the extent
of outreach and education to customers, and the extent of the
opportunity to manage bills or reduce environmental impact that
is presented by the opt-in program. Further insight into this
choice will be provided by demonstration projects and by the
opt-in TOU efficacy scorecard metric.

b. Approaches to Sending Pricing Signals

Value signals can be sent either via the rates customers

are charged for the electricity they use, or via the

84 Ahmad Faruqui, Ryan Hledik and Neil Lessem, Smart by

Default, Public Utilities Fortnightly (August 2014).
85 Annika Todd, Peter Cappers and Charles Goldman, Residential
Customer Enrollment in Time-based Rate and Enabling Technology
Programs (LBNL, June 2013).

CASE 14-M-0101

compensation customers are offered for the service their DERs

can provide, or both. For example, TOU rates and DR tariffs are
two ways of approaching one objective, namely, to encourage
customers to reduce or shift usage to reduce system or outage
costs. TOU rates impose charges based on the cost of receiving
service at any particular time, thus rewarding a customer for
shifting usage, while DR pays a customer for relieving a burden.
From the standpoint of system management, TOU rates rely on
voluntary customer behavior, while direct load management has
the value of DSP or utility control.
Historically, rates have been the primary tool for sending
pricing signals, and much of the industry-wide discussion has
centered on modifying rates to better match system costs. There
has been comparatively less emphasis on sending signals via
tariffs or other mechanisms that provide an incentive or reward
for providing service or voluntarily shifting demand. NEM is
the most common form of compensation for DER service, and value
of solar tariffs are a variation of this mechanism. An example
of an emerging model focused more on load modification as
compared to DG is Baltimore Gas & Electrics Peak Time Rewards
program that provides a $1.25/kWh saved rebate during peak
events. 86 Like opt-in programs, there is some evidence that this
type of reward program has greater customer acceptance, but
lower overall effect than opt-out programs. 87
The rate versus compensation distinction is also important
in the treatment of locational values. Distribution rates do
not vary by location on the system, although the marginal cost
of providing service can be location-specific. Providing

86 Baltimore Gas & Electric Company, Supplement 508 to P.S.C.

Md. E-6: Rider 26Peak Time Rebate (filed September 4, 2012).
87 Ahmad Faruqui, Ryan Hledik and Jennifer Palmer, Time-Varying
and Dynamic Rate Design (Regulatory Assistance Project and
The Brattle Group July 2012).

CASE 14-M-0101

customers payments for service, based on avoided long-term

costs, can capture locational value without having to reflect
locational value in distribution rates. 88
The reforms envisioned by REV, particularly the development
of the DSP market, open important new avenues for compensating
customers, or DER providers acting on their behalf, for the
system value their DERs produce.

c. Enabling the Appropriate Degree

of Granularity

The rapid growth in adoption of DERs has made apparent the

deficiencies inherent in bundled, volumetric pricing and has
opened up a broad conversation about the merits of making rates
more granular along three primary dimensions: 89

TemporalTime-differentiating prices that vary in response

to marginal price
LocationalReflecting congestion or capacity constraints in
pricing; for example, locational marginal pricing or
distribution locational marginal pricing
AttributeUnbundling rates to reflect the individual
attributes embedded in electricity service; for example,
energy, capacity, ancillary services, environmental
impacts, or others.

A variety of rate options have been considered along each

of these dimensions, ranging along a spectrum from less granular
to more granular. For example, time-varying rates can range
from relatively low-granularity two or three block TOU rates to
high-granularity real-time pricing. By and large, experience

88 Energy prices established through the NYISO are location-

specific, but not at the granular level of individual
distribution circuits.
89 Rocky Mountain Institute, "Rate Design for the Distribution
Edge: Electricity Pricing for a Distributed Resource Future"
(August 2014).

CASE 14-M-0101

around the country has favored simpler options, reflecting the

desire for simplicity and understandability for customers.
However, emerging models like value of solar tariffs are
proposing increasing granularity, especially in situations where
third parties and aggregators can manage the complexity on
behalf of the customer.

d. Applying Gradualism on Multiple Dimensions

Gradualism refers to the approach of gradually implementing

rate design reforms so as to moderate the impact and minimize
sudden changes for customers. The principle of gradualism
should apply not only for customers but also for whole
industries, such as solar and energy efficiency providers, that
have responded to state policies and developed businesses in the
state. Any changes affecting these industries should provide
ample time for businesses to adapt and plan for new forms of
opportunity. 90
For the same reason, rate design changes should be oriented
toward investments going forward, versus investments already
made. To the extent possible, customer investments already made
under assumptions of a program such as NEM should not be

90 Boom and bust government policies can foster a legacy of

increased regulatory uncertainty and reduced investor
confidence. . . Richard Schmalensee and Robert N. Stavins,
The SO2 Allowance Trading System: The Ironic History of a
Grand Policy Experiment, Journal of Economic Perspectives,
Vol. 27, No. 1 (Winter 2013), p. 117. This wreaks havoc with
the business confidence necessary for the long-term
investments required to develop new and improved products.
Jesse Jenkins, et al., Beyond Boom and Bust: Putting Clean
Tech on a Path to Subsidy Independence (Brookings Institution
April 2012), p. 37.

CASE 14-M-0101

e. Maintaining a Dynamic Outlook

As the costs of self-generation decline and the feasibility

of grid defection increases, rate design analysis becomes more
complex. Rather than simply allocating the costs of maintaining
the system among a stable group of customers, rate design must
also be concerned with avoiding uneconomic bypass of the system.
As described above, if the only way that a customer can avoid
any distribution charges is to avoid them all by exiting the
system, then remaining customers will absorb the cost
contribution that the exiting customer would otherwise have
made. Rate design must take a forward-looking position in order
to encourage economic use of DER without encouraging uneconomic

E. Determining the System Value of DER

Making effective reforms to rate design and to DER

compensation mechanisms requires a strong foundational
understanding of the system value that DERs can provide. The
Commission spoke directly to this issue in its July 17, 2015
order in the Community Distributed Generation proceeding. 91 The
system value of DER is divided into two components: the energy
value, and all other values associated with distribution-level
resources. The energy value in New York is established by power
markets and is called the LMP. The distribution delivery value

91 Case 15-E-0082, Proceeding on Motion of the Commission as to

the Policies, Requirements and Conditions for Implementing a
Community Net Metering Program, Order Establishing a Community
Distributed Generation Program and Making Other Findings
(issued July 17, 2015).

CASE 14-M-0101

(i.e., value of D) can be added to the LMP to create LMP+Dthe

full value of a DER on a time and location-specific basis. 92
Determining LMP+D is particularly important in the context
of REV, because REV markets will be multi-sided; they will
consist of transactions among customers and service providers,
and also transactions between utilities and prosumers or DER
providers acting as intermediaries on their behalf. For
purposes of the utility transaction, it is essential to quantify
the distribution system value that DERs can provide. It is also
essential that the market have access to data and price
information on an appropriately dynamic basis.
While the LMP is already well established and transparent,
the value of D is not. Values can include load reduction,
frequency regulation, reactive power, line loss avoidance, and
resilience. Other values not directly related to the
distribution system are installed capacity requirements (ICAP)
and emission avoidance. Software to determine distribution-
level marginal costs should be adopted by New Yorks utilities.
The Commissions July 17, 2015 order on a Community
Distributed Generation program requires the Staff to initiate
this determination. As found by the Commission, the calculation
of avoided LMP+D will be aided by ongoing proceedings developing
the Benefit and Cost Analysis Framework for DER. Staff will
initiate this study and work with interested parties, including
the utilities and DER providers as soon as practicable.

92 This development will follow a path already established in

wholesale energy markets. Wholesale markets were based on
contract paths plus wheeling, until location-based pricing was
established. Matching prices with the marginal cost of
production has greatly improved.

CASE 14-M-0101

F. Potential Compensation Mechanism Reforms

NEM applies to small solar and other clean energy projects

less than 2 MW, and functions by crediting NEM customers at the
retail rate for 100% of the generation they produce. NEM is
established in statute, 93 and has been expanded and refined in
numerous Commission decisions. At present, the total amount of
generation eligible for net metering in any utilitys service
territory is capped at 6% of that utilitys 2005 peak load, 94
with some utilities reporting total applications that approach
or exceed the cap. As part of the community distributed
generation proceeding, the Commission has ordered Staff to
report on the status of interconnection applications and make
recommendations as to caps within any individual utility service
territory in order to ensure market growth is not disrupted. 95
NEM has been an important and effective tool in fostering
the growth of New Yorks solar industry. As the Commission has
stated, concerns about the potential diseconomies of NEM are
inconsequential at the currently low levels of penetration. 96 A
large-scale expansion of DER, however, would increase the debate
around these concerns.
Input from the DER industry makes clear that the simplicity
and predictability of NEM is very important in engaging
customers and providing certainty to investors. Staff does not
believe that there is any value in changing NEM for mass-market

93 PSL 66-j.
94 Case 14-E-0151, et al., Petition of Hudson Valley Clean
Energy, Inc. for an Increase to the Net Metering Minimum
Limitation at Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation, Order
Raising Net Metering Minimum Caps, Requiring Tariff Revisions,
Making Other Findings, and Establishing Further Procedures
(issued December 15, 2004).
95 Case 15-E-0082, supra, pp. 34-35.
96 Framework Order, p. 25 n. 54; Case 14-E-0151, supra, p. 13.

CASE 14-M-0101

customers with on-site DG at this time, subject to further

development based upon the following observations.
First, the future of REV markets depends on DER facilities
that have the technical capability to interact with the utility
to optimize system operations. Current net-metered facilities
have little incentive to install this capability, and the
failure to install these capabilities in new projects represents
an opportunity cost for the system. For example, smart
inverters can increase the total amount of solar generation that
can safely be interconnected to a circuit. When LMP+D valuation
is established, customers will have a stronger incentive to
install interactive capabilities. In the meantime, rather than
increasing the installation of non-interactive DER, the
Commission should consider requiring reasonable conditions,
including smart inverters, on future net-metered projects. 97
Once a process is in place for determining full and
specific values of DER, the Commission may determine that it is
not necessary or practical to apply it to all forms of DER. For
example, current ratemaking practice does not differ the unit
rates applied to customer classes for delivery service,
regardless of the customer location, and this practice should be
continued. While there should be a locational difference for

97 See, e.g., "Advanced Inverter Functions to Support High Levels

of Distributed Solar" (National Renewable Energy Laboratory,
November 2014). Both California and Hawaii are considering
smart inverter requirements in order to increase the amount of
PV that can be accommodated on individual distribution
circuits. See California Energy Commission, Rule 21 Smart
Inverter Working Group; Public Utilities Commission of Hawaii,
Docket No. 2014-0192, Instituting a Proceeding to Investigate
Distributed Energy Resource Policies, Hawaiian Electric
Companies' Motion for Approval of NEM Program Modification and
Establishment of Transitional Distributed Generation Program
Tariff (January 20, 2015), Appendix 1.

CASE 14-M-0101

how DER is valued on the system, there should be no locational

difference charged to the customer in the delivery charge.
In those instances where the DER that the customer deploys
only supplies a portion of their total electricity usage over
the course of a month and the customer does not actively
participate in a utility program, there is no significant credit
paid to the customer by the utility. Rather, the customer
simply avoids a portion of the electric bill. In this
circumstance, even when the value of D as a service to the
grid can be calculated, the reduction of the customers bill
should continue to be based on the average cost of service.
That is, NEM as it is currently constructed should remain
Conversely, where the customer actively participates in a
utilitys DR program, or through some other means interacts with
the grid as an active consumer or a prosumer, the full value of
the DER should be calculated based on the LMP+D and should
inform the level of compensation paid. In this case, the NEM
bill crediting mechanism should continue to be employed.
Similarly, where the customer exports to the grid either
through a remote net metering or community distributed
generation program, the full value of the DG should inform the
level of credit paid. For residential or small commercial
participants in a community DG project, if the value of the full
DG credit is less than the amount the customer would have been
paid if the DG were located at the customers home or place of
business, then the Commission may determine that further
adjustments should be made to avoid inequities within and among
a customer class. A participant in a community DG project
should not receive less compensation than a single-site net
metering customer.

CASE 14-M-0101

G. Potential Rate Design Reforms

1. Rate Design Principles for REV

Taking into consideration Bonbrights traditional rate

design principles described above and the ways in which REV
changes both objectives and capabilities for improvement, Staff
proposes that the Commission adopt the following rate design
principles to guide reforms under REV: 98

Cost causation: Rates should reflect cost causation,

including embedded costs as well as long-run marginal and
future costs.
Encourage outcomes: Rates should encourage desired market
and policy outcomes including energy efficiency and peak
load reduction, improved grid resilience and flexibility,
and reduced environmental impacts in a technology neutral
Policy transparency: Incentives should be explicit and
transparent, and should support state policy goals.
Decision-making: Rates should encourage economically
efficient and market-enabled decision-making, for both
operations and new investments, in a technology neutral
Fair value: Customers should pay the utility fair value for
services provided by grid connection, and the utility
should pay customers fair value for services provided by
the customer.
Customer-orientation: The customer experience should be
practical, understandable, and promote customer choice.
Stability: Customer bills should be relatively stable even
if underlying rates include dynamic and sophisticated price

98 Jim Lazar and Wilson Gonzalez, "Smart Rate Design for a Smart
Future" (Regulatory Assistance Project July 2015); Cal. PUC
Rulemaking 12-06-013, Decision on Residential Rate Reform for
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Southern California Edison
Company, and Sand Diego Gas & Electric Company and Transition
to Time-Of-Use Rates (July 3, 2015); Rocky Mountain Institute,
"Rate Design for the Distribution Edge: Electricity Pricing
for a Distributed Resource Future" (August 2014).

CASE 14-M-0101

Access: Customers with low and moderate incomes or who may

be vulnerable to losing service for other reasons should
have access to energy efficiency and other mechanisms that
ensure they have electricity at an affordable cost
Gradualism: Changes to rate design formulas and rate
design calibrations should not cause large abrupt increases
in customer bills

2. General Approach

The Commission should consider a set of rate design reforms

that collectively follow on the above-mentioned principles.
These reforms will increasingly support REV objectives and
markets over time, while in the near-term reflect the need for
gradualism and accompanying infrastructure development to
support future rate design reforms.
Over time, rates should begin to reflect greater
granularity in time and unbundling of attributes. More granular
rates will not only produce better price signals but also will
enable DER providers, acting on behalf of customers, to optimize
the deployment and operations of DERs to maximize value to both
customers and the grid.
At the same time, an abrupt shift into complex rates would
be counterproductive, causing confusion and customer resistance.
For that reason, Staff proposes a two-tiered approach. Any
changes to base rate design should be gradual, and would require
extensive analysis of potential customer impacts, while in the
near term opt-in rates should be established that give customers
options and the ability to adopt technology and receive value
from DER. Improvements to standby tariffs and to existing
demand charges for larger customers should also occur in the
near term.
The rate design proposals made here are divided into the
following categories: 1) mass-market, 2) C/I, 3) low-income
customers, and 4) standby service. Each of these categories

CASE 14-M-0101

presents separate issues and opportunities, as well as distinct

timing and implementation issues related to customer
expectations and technological capabilities. All of the
categories, however, affect REV objectives and it is important
to consider them in the aggregate. It is also important to
consider them in conjunction with other ratemaking reforms
discussed above, particularly as they relate to the overall
financial risk and opportunity of utilities and overall impact
on customers.
Within each of these categories, Staffs proposals focus
primarily on 1) immediate implementation to remove imminent
barriers or capture obvious opportunities, or 2) interim and
longer-term implementation for rate designs that support REV but
require further design and analysis, represent more significant
changes for customers, or would be enabled by additional
infrastructure. Staff expects a continued conversation about
the evolution of rate design as REV unfolds and infrastructure
enables additional options. 99
Design of utility rates paid by customers is directly
related to design of DER compensation and markets as described
above. Providing granularity and sophistication in market
pricing could reduce the level of granularity needed in base
rates, although more sophisticated rates can be made available

99 Consistent with the Framework Order, this assumes that

advanced metering functionalities will be developed as a
necessary prerequisite for REV markets. The timing of that
development, and the choice of technology, may be determined
mostly by other efforts such as the MDPT working group, DSIPs,
and rate cases. The application of these technologies to rate
design highlights the important question of which types of
advanced communication can provide utility-grade metering.
This raises the further question of what utility-grade
metering means in the context of ubiquitous digital markets.

CASE 14-M-0101

on an opt-in basis for those customers who prefer to optimize

against a cost signal than interact with a market.

3. Proposed Rate Design Reforms

a. Introduction of a Demand Charge For Study,

Comment, and Discussion

The introduction of advanced metering functionality will

enable movement beyond the historical dispute between fixed
customer charges and volumetric rates. Because long-run
distribution marginal costs are driven by coincident peak on a
circuit-by-circuit basis, customers usage at system peak
provides the most accurate measure of system costs. And, unlike
fixed customer charges, peak demand can be managed by customers
via DR, energy efficiency, and/or DG. Therefore, the
incorporation of a peak-coincident demand charge in place of
some portion of the kWh and fixed customer charges is put
forward here for comment and further development. As part of
the proposed transition to a three-part rate (volumetric charge,
demand charge, and fixed customer charge), the fixed customer
charge should be formulated to reflect only the costs of
distribution that do not vary with customer demand or energy
It is crucial to note that this change is not proposed as a
mere reallocation of costs among customers. It is proposed as
part of a broader strategy to reduce long-term system
infrastructure needs, encourage the optimal development of DER,
discourage uneconomic bypass of the distribution system, and
maintain affordable rates for all customers.
Any transition of this magnitude would require detailed
study, including bill impact analyses under numerous scenarios,
and Staff suggests this analysis should be undertaken as soon as
possible. Relevant scenarios should include charges based on

CASE 14-M-0101

customer non-coincident peak, system-peak coincidence, and

localized distribution peak coincidence. Scenarios should also
include a range of percentages by which the kWh rate is replaced
with the demand charge, e.g., 25% kWh and 75% demand. Factors
to be considered include impacts on low-income customers,
incentives to adopt DER, 100 and potential impacts on different
categories of customers such as individually billed customers in
multi-family buildings.
Because a transition to a demand charge would require
upgraded metering, it could not be implemented on a wide scale
in the near term. The analysis of demand charges can be
conducted in parallel with the development of advanced metering
functionality. Further, to the extent that utilities propose
advanced metering functionality in their DSIPs, Staff proposes
that utilities be required to describe how that functionality
will enable more granular rates and price signals, including
demand charges and TOU rates as discussed in the following

b. Facilitation of Time-Of-Use

Because the cost of generating electricity varies greatly

by time of day, TOU rates better reflect costs and encourage
customers to participate in reducing overall system costs. 101
Examples from around the country have demonstrated the efficacy

100 The total per-kWh element of a customers combined bill should

be considered with reference to the externality value
calculated in the Benefit-Cost process and should not, in any
event, be lower than that value.
101 Case 26806, Proceeding on Motion of the Commission as to Rate
Design for Electric Corporations, Opinion No. 76-15 (issued
August 10, 1976).

CASE 14-M-0101

of TOU rates, 102 and other states are weighing the merits of an
increasing focus on TOU rates, including as the default. 103 Each
New York utility has a residential TOU rate, on an opt-in basis.
For most utilities, the level of participation in the rate is
low. 104
In the near term, the focus of action should be on 1)
increasing participation levels in existing opt-in TOU rates,
and 2) gaining further experience with the design and efficacy
of TOU rates via demonstration projects. To the first point,
utilities should be required to implement informational tools
and programs, in collaboration with third parties, that increase
customer awareness of TOU rates, help customers understand the
potential savings benefit from a TOU rate with enabling DER
technology, and make it easy to enroll. Staff proposes that

102 Studies on TOU rate rollouts and pilots in North America have
shown significant peak reduction savings ranging from just
under 0% to about 47%. TOU rates coupled with enabling
technology such as in-home displays, energy orbs and
programmable and communicating thermostats exhibit higher peak
load reduction impacts than without. Also, peak load
reduction impacts are seen to increase as the peak to off-peak
price ratio in TOU rates increases. See Ahmad Faruqui and
Jenny Palmer, "The Discovery of Price Responsiveness A
Survey of Experiments involving Dynamic Pricing of
Electricity" (2012), pp. 5-9.
103 See, Mass. D.P.U. 14-04-B, Investigation by the Department of
Public Utilities upon its own Motion into Time Varying Rates,
Anticipated Policy Framework for Time Varying Rates (June 12,
2014); Cal. PUC Rulemaking 12-06-013, Decision on Residential
Rate Reform for Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Southern
California Edison Company, and Sand Diego Gas & Electric
Company and Transition to Time-Of-Use Rates (July 3, 2015).
104 The greatest current participation is in the day/night
differential rate previously offered by New York State
Electric & Gas, which was instituted decades ago to encourage
electric heating, and in which 133,000 customers still
participate. Aside from that rate, the greatest participation
of residential customers in voluntary TOU is Orange & Rockland
with 1.9%. No other utility exceeds 1% in participation.

CASE 14-M-0101

utilities submit customer engagement plans that describe how

these types of tools will be made available. To the second
point, demonstration projects provide an important opportunity
to validate the potential customer benefits of a TOU rate, and
to investigate how TOU rates should be designed to maximize
participation and benefit. Utilities should propose
demonstration projects focused on TOU rate design.
TOU rates should be designed in a manner that is compatible
with dynamic load response tariffs. 105 One way to accomplish
this is to design time-sensitive rates in terms of basic time
blocks, with dynamic load response tariffs designed in a more
granular way to allow for active load optimization.
Like demand charges, TOU rates depend on advanced metering
functionality that is not generally in place today. As
discussed above, utilities should describe how proposed advanced
metering functionality will be designed to enable the widespread
use of time-varying rates.

c. Develop a Smart Home Rate

A gradual approach to changes in mass-market rates should

not prevent customers who are willing and able to begin
participating in energy markets as active consumers from doing
so. For that reason, a faster track approach should be made
available on an opt-in basis.
Participation levels in opt-in rates have historically been
low, both in New York and in other jurisdictions. The new
opportunities created in REV, coupled with customer education
and a growing awareness among customers of potential to enhance
clean energy while managing bills, should result in greater

105 Case 14-E-0423, Proceeding on Motion of the Commission to

Develop DLM Programs.

CASE 14-M-0101

One option for a more sophisticated mass-market rate is a

smart home rate, in which granular price signals are unbundled
to reflect costs associated with underlying dimensions of
electricity delivery, including commodity energy, delivery
costs, and possibly certain ancillary services, and have
significantly more temporal granularity. A well-constructed
smart home rate would provide a technology agnostic rate
mechanism to incentivize greater system efficiency through
behind-the-meter management. Through direct management by
customers, automated controls by on-site DER, or possibly
supported by third-party intermediaries, customer loads could
respond to day-ahead or other price signal. On an opt-in basis,
a smart home rate would allow interested customers and service
providers to develop more advanced in-home energy management

d. Improve Commercial/Industrial Rate


Rate design for larger customers is already more advanced

than for mass-market customers, but further improvements are
needed. Demand rates should be more precise, reflecting the
time of day in which costs are incurred. Current non-coincident
demand rates can have the effect of inhibiting a customer from
shifting load to off-peak times. For example, a customer
investing in storage to purchase off-peak power and utilize it
at peak times might face an increased demand charge due to the
shift in usage to the off-peak time.
Because there is a larger variety of rates at this level,
C/I rates must be examined on a utility-by-utility basis. Each
utility should examine its C/I rates for opportunities to
improve their reflection of time values, and should propose any
changes in its next rate filing.

CASE 14-M-0101

e. Improve Solutions for Low-Income


Any rate design changes should be analyzed for potential

adverse impacts on low-income customers. Because there is a
separate proceeding to establish a uniform low-income discount
approach, 106 the first stage of REV rate design should be to
incorporate any determination in that proceeding.
The ability of low-income customers to participate in DER
will be increased if the low-income discount is focused on basic
usage levels. The economics of a DER project will be most
affected by the variable portion of the rate. For that reason,
and consistent with the Staff Report on energy affordability, 107
the low-income discount should be supplemented or modified by
locating it within a basic usage block. This will place the
economics of DER for the low-income customer on a par with other
customers, making it easier for the low-income customer to
achieve further savings by reducing usage through efficiency or
another form of DER.
Further provisions for low-income customers should be
considered in reference to developments in the current low-
income customer case and the customer affordability scorecard,
as well as the community DG initiative.

f. Revise Standby Service Tariffs

Standby rates apply to larger customers that generate much

of their power onsite. They reflect the cost of using the
distribution grid as a backup. Standby rates are often
described as a serious barrier to expansion of DER, and have

106 Case 14-M-0565, Proceeding on Motion of the Commission to

Examine Programs to Address Energy Affordability for Low-
Income Utility Customers.
107 Case 14-M-0565, supra, Staff Report (filed June 1, 2015).

CASE 14-M-0101

been the subject of a recent Commission order. 108 In that order,

the Commission expanded a current exemption from standby rates,
for a period of four years, with the intention that an improved
rate design will be implemented that will eliminate the need for
further standby rate reform.
The issue of standby rates is closely related to net
metering and to the general rate design issue of fixed versus
variable rates. In each case, the responsibility of a customer
for the cost of the customers reliance on the distribution grid
is at issue. As explained above, however, that analysis must be
dynamic and look to the potential for different types of
uneconomic bypass. The cost of remaining connected to the grid
should generally be lower than the cost of building redundancy
and independence into a self-generation system.
REV contemplates a larger number of self-generation
projects as well as a greater ability to realize system values.
This prompts a revisiting of standby rates. The methodology for
allocating costs that determine the contract demand and as-used
demand components of standby rates should be reviewed in this
new context, in conjunction with the method for calculating
LMP+D described above.
For immediate purposes, a reliability credit should be
created, based on the experienced difference between a
customers contract demand and as-used demand.
The contract demand for a standby customer is currently set
based on one of two methods, depending on the utility: either
(1) the customer sets its own contract demand amount, in kW,
subject to a penalty if that contract demand amount is exceeded;
or (2) the utility sets the customers contract demand based on

108 Case 14-E-0488, In the Matter of the Continuation of Standby

Rate Exemptions, Order Continuing and Expanding the Standby
Rate Exemption (issued April 20, 2015).

CASE 14-M-0101

the maximum non-coincident demand, in kW, that the customer

could draw from the utilitys system. 109
Staff proposes that customers should have the option which
of these methods to use, and that the experienced difference
between contract demand and as-used demand should generate a
credit against the contract demand charge.
The credit would be earned by reliably reducing load below
the contract demand, over two consecutive summer periods. The
credit would be equal to the difference between the customers
Contract Demand in kW, and the customers highest kW demand
recorded on the customers revenue meter (net of generation)
during the previous two consecutive full summer periods during
peak hours, multiplied by the Contract Demand Delivery Charge
per kW in effect during the year in which the credit is
This proposal can be applied to existing customers with at
least two consecutive summer periods of available interval data.
Customers that do not yet have data available may determine
their own maximum anticipated demand, net of any load reductions
or generation assets, for use in the above formula.

109 Where the customer sets its own contract demand amount, the
customer is subject to a penalty equal to the contract demand
exceedance multiplied by the contract demand rate, multiplied
by 12. Once an exceedance penalty has been charged to
customers who set their own contract demand amount, the
contract demand is set to the new maximum peak demand. Dead
bands can be employed for small, temporary exceedances of the
contract demand where a penalty will not be charged, but will
result in setting the contract demand going forward at the
higher level. Where the utility determines the customers
contract demand, there are no contract demand exceedance
penalties. In the event that the customer exceeds the
contract demand as set by the utility, the new higher level of
contract demand is used going forward.

CASE 14-M-0101

This proposal would allow standby customers to supplement

their DG unit with any form of DER to ensure load reduction to
either achieve their chosen contract demand or earn a credit.
This will make it more likely that standby customers will
reliably stay off the utility grid during peak conditions.
Customers who set their own anticipated maximum net on-peak
demand will be incentivized to set a reasonable, conservative,
and reliable maximum net on-peak demand since exceeding this
demand would result in the inability to earn credits until two
consecutive summer periods of interval data is available.
In addition to the reliability credit and revisiting cost
allocation, several other standby rate reforms should be
The temporary exemption from standby rates should apply to
new technologies not currently identified in the exemption.
The campus offset rate currently in Consolidated Edisons
tariff should be applied throughout the state and revised
in two ways: rather than calculating a separate demand for
each account within the campus, the coincident demand of
all accounts within the campus should be used; and the
offset tariff should be available for multiple customers
within the same building.
The interconnection EIM could be amended to include metrics
specific to the processing of standby rate applications,
accounting for the time to process, and the ability to
process electric, gas and steam applications as one.

g. Timing and Implementation of Rate

Design Changes

In addition to the concerns of gradualism discussed above,

there are technical issues that must be addressed as part of any
major rate design reform. Upgraded metering is needed to
implement a demand or TOU charge. Cost and installation
schedules need to be considered and synchronized with the
broader REV roadmap. Utilities billing systems must be
revised. Following these developments, a period of shadow

CASE 14-M-0101

billing is advisable to test assumptions regarding bill impacts

and to develop customer acceptance. Staff recommends that the
Commission should adopt the immediate-term rate design proposals
described here, and should order follow-on processes leading to
the adoption of rate design proposals at the appropriate times.


This white paper describes new opportunities for utility

earnings, possible changes to current ratemaking practices, and
reforms to rate design and pricing structures that,
collectively, can achieve REV objectives. A summary of
proposals and key issues is provided here.

Staff proposes that:

1. Utilities should develop MBEs opportunities, and

should further analyze potential revenue streams from
platform services.
2. PSRs and other MBEs in a full-scale market should
supplant some or all EIMs.
3. Formulas for sharing platform revenues between utility
shareholders and customers should be developed, with
attention to the extent of shareholder risk and use of
regulated resources, and market alternatives.
4. Clawback mechanisms should be modified to encourage
cost-effective use of operating resources or third-
party investment.
5. Utility-sponsored energy efficiency should transition
from general resource acquisition to targeted and
market-based approaches, with goals informed by the
ETIP, DSIP, and State Energy Plan processes.
6. Existing safety, reliability, customer-service, and
utility-specific performance mechanisms should be
retained subject to evaluation as needed.
7. EIMs should be developed for peak reduction, energy
efficiency, customer engagement and information
access, affordability, and interconnection.
8. Initial EIMs should represent a mix of positive and
symmetrical adjustments. Longer term positive EIMs

CASE 14-M-0101

should be contingent on an overall customer bill

impact metric, which should be proposed by utilities.
9. EIMs should be established on a multi-year basis,
accompanied by interim reviews and reporting metrics,
unless it is demonstrated that single-year mechanisms
are preferable on a case-by-case basis.
10. Scorecard measures should be developed for system
utilization and efficiency, DG, energy efficiency, and
dynamic load management penetration, carbon reduction,
market development, MBEs use, opt-in TOU rate
efficacy, customer enhancement, customer satisfaction,
and conversion of fossil-fueled end uses.
11. ESMs should be tied to a performance index.
12. Plans to invest in DSP-related capabilities should be
given pre-approval, where appropriate.
13. Three-year rate plans should be retained with an
opportunity for two-year extensions to allow rate
plans to be in effect for up to five years. Any
extension beyond three years should be accompanied by
interim reviews, scorecards, and performance metrics.
14. A method of calculating the value of DER, based on a
formula of LMP+D (location-based marginal prices plus
distribution value) should be adopted.
15. Net energy metering (NEM) should remain in place for
on-site projects of mass-market customers. Remote and
community projects should continue to use the bill
crediting mechanism of NEM and an improved method of
calculating credits for net export should be
developed, based on LMP+D.
16. The Commission should adopt the proposed rate design
17. Utilities should file tariffs for opt-in smart home or
other time variable rates.
18. Opt-in TOU rates should be improved with outreach and
education, and default TOU rates should be examined.
Utilities should develop TOU rate demonstration
projects. Utility proposals for AMI/AMF should
include a demonstration of the value of AMI/AMF for
TOU rate improvements.
19. Each utility should examine its commercial and
industrial rates to improve their reflection of the
value of time variability.

CASE 14-M-0101

20. Consistent with the Staff report on energy

affordability, application of the anticipated low-
income discount should be supplemented by locating it
within a basic usage block.
21. Bill impact analyses should be performed for potential
demand charge scenarios; these analyses should include
impacts on low-income customers.
22. Standby rates should be reviewed and modified to
include a reliability credit and a wider application
of the campus tariff.

Parties may file comments in any form, but to expedite the

processing and evaluation of comments it is strongly preferred
that party comments follow the table of contents. In order not
to confuse the comment outline with the recommendations listed
above, the table of contents is replicated below, with
parenthetical references to each of the recommendations above.
In this way parties can comment on the specific recommendations
within the framework of the table of contents.


A. Introduction
B. Purposes, Scope, and Process of this White Paper
C. Summary of Proposals
D. Legal Authority


A. The Foundation of Traditional Regulation, Efficient
Investment, and Innovation in New York
B. The Limits of Conventional Costof-Service Ratemaking
in the Context of REV


A. Summary
B. Market-Based Earnings in a Fully Developed Market
1. Platform Service Revenues, Customer Enhancements,
and Synergy Opportunities (REC#1)
2. Benefits of the MBE Model (REC#2)
3. Pricing and Revenue Sharing (REC#3)
CASE 14-M-0101

C. Modifications to the Utility/DSP Revenue Model

1. Capital Expenditures and Operating Expenses (REC#4)
2. Public Policy Achievement (REC#5)
3. Earnings Impact Mechanisms, Scorecards, and
Outcomes (RECs #6-10)
4. Earnings Sharing Mechanisms (REC#11)
5. Capital Expenditures to Implement REV (REC#12)
6. Long-Term Rate Plans (REC#13)


A. Summary
B. The Foundation of Rate Design and DER Compensation in New
C. The Implications of Conventional Rate Design and Current
DER Compensation in the Context of REV
D. Framing Proposed Recommendations
E. Determining the System Value of DER (REC#14)
F. Potential Compensation Mechanism Reforms (REC#15)
G. Potential Rate Design Reforms
1. Rate Design Principles for REV (REC#16)
2. General Approach
3. Proposed Rate Design Reforms (RECs #17-22)

Page 1 of 9

A. Acronym List & Glossary

ASC Accounting Standards Codification
BQDM Brooklyn-Queens Demand Management
CFAR Carbon Free Acquisition Rate
CHP Combined Heat and Power
C/I Commercial and Industrial
DER Distributed Energy Resources
DG Distributed Generation
DLM Dynamic Load Management
DR Demand Response
DSIP Distributed System Implementation Plan
DSP Distributed System Platform
EEPS Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard
EIM Earnings Impact Mechanisms
ESCO Energy Services Company
ESM Earnings Sharing Mechanisms
ETIP Efficiency Transition Implementation Plans
HEFPA Home Energy Fair Practices Act
ICAP Installed Capacity
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
kW Kilowatt
kWh Kilowatt-hours
LMP+D Location-Based Marginal Price of Energy + Value of
Distributed Resources
LMP Location-Based Marginal Price
MBE Market Based Earning
MDPT Market Design and Platform Technology
MW Megawatt
MWh Megawatt-Hours
NEM Net Energy Metering
NYISO New York Independent System Operator
NYSERDA New York State Energy Research and Development
PBR Performance-Based Regulation
PIM Performance Incentive Mechanism
PSL Public Service Law
PSR Platform Service Revenues
PULP Public Utility Law Project
ROE Return on Equity
REV Reforming the Energy Vision
T&D Transmission and Distribution
TOU Time-of-Use
Page 2 of 9

This glossary contains the definitions of certain frequently used

terms in the companion Staff White Paper as those terms are used

Allowed return The amount provided by a regulator in a

utilitys rates to compensate the utility for the cost of the
utilitys investor provided capital, which is expressed as a
percentage. The allowed return also could be a reference to the
overall rate of return associated with all investor provided
capital including common equity, as well as the interest expense
on debt and preferred stock dividend rate.

Arrears Overdue amounts under the terms of the utilitys

tariff owed to the utility by its customers.

Basis points A common measure for denoting small changes in

interest rates. One hundred basis points is equivalent to one
percentage point (1.0%). One basis point is equivalent to one
one-hundredth of a percentage point (0.01%). Positive or
negative revenue adjustments are often set by reference to the
number of basis points on equity.

Benefit-cost analysis (BCA) A BCA is a systematic and

analytical comparison of the gains and losses that would derive
from a specified project or program. A BCA is used to aid in
deciding whether to implement such projects or programs, or to
choose among alternative projects or programs. (For a more
detailed discussion in the REV context, see the Policy Framework
Order, February 26, 2015, pp. 122-5.)

BCA Framework - The BCA Framework is the set of guiding

principles, and estimation methods and sources, to be used by
electric utilities in investment, process, and purchase
decision-making, specifically in the context of their DSIPs and
future DER tariff designs. (For a more detailed discussion, see
the Staff White Paper on Benefit-Cost Analysis in the Reforming
Energy Vision Proceeding, 14-M-0101 July 1, 2015.)

Capital expenditures (capex) Funds spent to acquire or

upgrade the physical assets like plant, property, equipment
(including transmission and distribution infrastructure), or
industrial buildings. Conventional cost-of-service regulation as
applied in New York provides a return of, and on, capital costs
over a multi-year period.
Page 3 of 9

Clawback mechanism - A mechanism that ensures that utility

underspend for capital expenditures is captured for the benefit
of ratepayers. Also known as the net plant reconciliation

Coincident-peak Demand from a customers facility that

coincides, in time, with the time that system-wide electricity
demand is at its peak.

Cost-of-service (COS) ratemaking A ratemaking process whereby

the regulator sets utility rates at a level that allows the
utility to recover its forecast cost of service to provide
service to customers. The utility's cost of service is the sum
of its operating expenses, depreciation expenses, property and
income taxes, and a reasonable return on its capital
expenditures (property) devoted to public service.

Critical peak pricing (CPP) Pricing that occurs when the

utility anticipates high wholesale market prices or power system
emergency conditions to address critical events (e.g., a heat
wave or a power plant failure) that may cause a significant
increase in the price of electricity to reflect system
conditions. In comparison to a critical peak rebate, CPP signals
the need for load reductions through increased prices paid by
customers rather than incentive payments to customers.

Critical peak rebate (CPR) A demand response program that

provides load relief when critical events (e.g., a heat wave or
a power plant failure) are called by the utility. Participating
customers receive payments for reducing electricity usage during
the event relative to the amount they normally use. In addition,
participating customers that adopt approved electric metering
equipment receive an incentive payment.

Deadband - A deadband is a zone that is established in a utility

rate plan where no action occurs if the financial amounts at
issue fall within the zones established boundaries. For
example, as applied to earnings sharing mechanisms, the deadband
is the area above the established specific target return on
equity where the utility retains all earnings regardless of its
variance from the specific target number.
Page 4 of 9

Demand charge A charge to energy users based on a measure of

each users peak demand in a specified period (often calculated
on a monthly basis). The charge provides a mechanism to recover
costs associated with infrastructure and maintenance expenses
used to deliver energy in periods of peak demand. Demand charges
are currently applied to large customers in New York, but could
be expanded to others including mass market customers.

Demand response - A tariffed program that provides customers

with an opportunity to play a significant role in the operation
of the electric grid by reducing or shifting their electricity
usage during peak periods in response to time-based rates or
other forms of financial incentives.

Demand-side management (DSM) A tariffed program, where the

utility can pay customers to reduce their load in a responsive
and measurable manner through the customers energy efficiency
and demand response measures. DSM capacity is typically cheaper
and easier to procure than traditional generation

Digital marketplace A digital marketplace is a web-based

customer portal providing customers and vendors opportunity to
transact business via an internet or telecommunications
connected device or platform (e.g., mobile phones, social media
marketing, display advertising, search engine marketing).

Distributed energy resources (DER) A class of energy

technologies that include energy e f f i c i e n c y ,
and distributed generation. DERs are engaged at the low
voltage, distribution level of the electric grid, either on the
customer-side or utility side of the meter.

Distributed generation (DG) Any distributed energy resource

that generates electricity. Examples include combined heat and
power production units, photovoltaic cells, and small wind

Dynamic load management (DLM) - The process of using on-call

demand (e.g., load reduction, dispatchable storage, distributed
generation) to reduce peak load or to address a system
contingency or system emergency.
Page 5 of 9

Distributed System Implementation Plan (DSIP) - A multi-year

integrated operating plan filed with the Commission by each

Distributed System Platform (DSP) - The new energy platform or

marketplace that the local utility will coordinate among smart
grid technology, distributed energy resource providers and

Earnings sharing mechanism (ESM) A mechanism that allows the

utilitys customers to share in any earnings that exceed a pre-
designated level.

Earnings impact mechanism (EIM) A specific performance-based

incentive that has financial impacts and that aligns a utilitys
financial interests with desirable outcomes.

Energy service company (ESCO) A lightly regulated business

entity, other than the utility, that sells electric
commodity/energy service (delivered by distribution utilities)
and related services to users.

Home Energy Fair Practices Act (HEFPA) - Article 2 of the Public

Service Law, sometimes known as the utility customer bill of
rights. HEFPA details residential ratepayers rights regarding
the provision of electric and gas service in New York State.
HEFPA outlines specific rights customers have regarding
billings, deposits for service connection, notification of
service termination, cold weather safeguards, the PSC hotline
and a help line that handles unresolved billing or service
complaints. HEFPA also has special provisions for the blind,
low-income customers; individuals 62 and older and customers
with crucial health related problems. All providers of electric
and gas service, including regulated utilities and non-regulated
energy service companies, are required to comply with HEFPAs

Interconnection The wiring system and components necessary to

connect a distributed generator to the utility delivery system
to ensure safe interoperability.

Load factor The ratio of average load over a period to the

maximum or peak load in that period. Load factor provides a
measure of how peaky system load is and may indicate the
Page 6 of 9

degree of asset utilization on the grid; a higher load factor

correlates with higher utilization of grid infrastructure.

Market based earnings (MBEs) - Utility earnings derived from

facilitating the creation and transaction of value-added
services by active users of the DSP.

Mass Market The mass market consists of a utilitys

residential and small commercial customers.

Multi-sided market - Economic platforms that serve two or more

distinct user groups that value the extent of each others
participation. Such dependent valuations are known as network
effects. Participation in the market occurs between user groups
over an intermediary platform, which often has prescribed
technology standards, market rules, and pricing structures.

Net energy metering (NEM) A tariffed service that enables

customers meters to register both the amount of energy they
receive and the energy they send back to the grid, which results
in offsets to the customers energy bill and credits for net
exports to the grid.

Network effects A distinguishing characteristic of multi-sided

markets. A network effect exists when the value derived from a
platform by one distinct user group increases as the size of
overall participation in the market grows. For example, a
certain credit card (the platform) becomes more valuable to
consumers as the number of businesses accepting that credit card
grows. Similarly, the value of that credit card to businesses
grows as the number of consumers using it grows. As producers
and ESCOs using the DSP platform grow, and provide new services
through the platform, the platform should become more valuable
to consumers actively engaging with the platform. Similarly, as
the number of consumers actively engaging with the DSP platform
grows, the value that producers, ESCOs, and innovative service
providers derive from the platform should grow.

Non-coincident peak Maximum demand of an individual facility

occurring within a specified period (e.g. daily, monthly, or
annual). Non-coincident peak demand does not necessarily
coincide with the time that system-wide electricity demand is at
its peak.
Page 7 of 9

Non-wires alternatives Alternatives to traditional utility

infrastructure (e.g. substations, poles and wires), such as DER,
that can serve system needs at reduced total costs.

Operating expenses (opex) - The utilitys day-to-day costs

(e.g., insurance, wages and materials) to run its business.
Typically, operating expenses are accounted for within a single
rate year.

Outcomes-based ratemaking A variation of performance-based

regulation, which places greater emphasis on market-driven
outcomes and the utilitys performance in enabling those

Physical assets The utilitys property, plant and equipment,

which are used for its business, held for the production of
income and included in its rate base.

Peak demand - The maximum level of operating requirements

(production) placed upon the system by customer usage during a
specified period of time (thirty-minute peak, one-hour peak,
one-day peak, and annual peak are common points of reference).
Peak demand measurements may be determined for an operating
segment of the utility, such as a customer class; for a
specified service area, such as a distribution circuit; or for
the entire utility distribution service, depending on intended
use of the data.

Performance-based regulation (PBR) An alternative to

conventional cost-of-service ratemaking that aligns a utilitys
revenue and profits with performance relative to specific
benchmarks or pre-determined factors. PBR schemes tend to employ
performance incentive mechanisms (PIMs) and/or scorecard-based
performance metrics to evaluate performance.

Performance metrics - Metrics that track individual utility

performance on pre-determined factors that may serve to achieve
targeted goals.

Platform service revenues (PSRs) - Revenues generated by the

utility from multi-sided markets that are effectuated by the
utilitys employment of a DSP platform and its development of a
network of customers (consumers, ESCOs, and producers) enabled
Page 8 of 9

by using such a platform. PSRs are one type of market based

earnings that will be available to utilities.

Prosumer A utility customer who installs portfolios of DERs

including generation or other technologies that allows customer
to provide services to the electric distribution grid.

Real-time pricing Electricity pricing that varies frequently

over a day relative to changing electricity costs.

Reconciliation mechanism A risk-reducing mechanism that

reconciles actual expenses with expense levels assumed in rates.
This is typically applied to uncontrollable expenses.

Regulatory assets Specific costs or revenues that the

regulator allows a utility to defer, subject to limitations, on
its balance sheet, to be recovered or paid at a later time.

Return on equity (ROE) In rate regulation, the ROE is an

amount of money that a utility is allowed to collect through its
rates to provide a return for the equity invested by the
utilitys shareholders. The ROE is applied to the equity
component of rate base and is grossed up for income taxes.

Scorecard A tracking mechanism with no direct revenue impacts,

by which the Commission can track progress on PBR outcomes.

Smart Home Rate An opt-in rate that can be used to unbundle

price signals to reflect costs associated with electricity
delivery (e.g., time and location) and attributes including
commodity energy, delivery costs, and possibly certain ancillary

Standby service - Electric utility service that serves customers

when their on-site generation is not operating or when it is
operating but is insufficient to meet the customers load

Terminations The act by which a utility disconnects a

customers service due to the customers failure to pay bills.
Page 9 of 9

Third party Refers to entities other than the utility that

invest in DER and provide value-added services to end-users or
the grid.

Time-of-use (TOU) rates Rates that vary based on system costs

at different times, and that encourage customers to reduce their
electricity usage during peak periods when electric prices
relative to off-peak prices are higher.

Total expenditures (Totex) A ratemaking approach that makes

the utility indifferent to distinctions between capex and opex,
thereby eliminating the utilitys preference to capitalize

Transactive grid A software-defined, low-voltage distribution

grid that enables market participation by DER bidding generation
of negawatts (reduction reduction) or kilowatts (energy
injection). The transactive grid is the convergence of
technologies, policies, and financial drivers in an active
prosumer market.

Uncollectible expenses Expenses that occur when the utility

writes off customer arrears.

Utility earnings The utilitys net income, or the money that

remains available solely for utility use after subtracting all
of appropriate utility expenses, losses and taxes from its
collected total revenue.

Utility revenues The amount of money collected by the utility

from all sources, including but not limited to, its direct
provision of service to customers.
Page 1 of 7

B. Bibliography

This bibliography provides a list of references that have

informed staffs thinking in the development of the Staff White

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31). Opening Platforms: How, When and Why? Harvard Business

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Page 4 of 7

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Page 5 of 7

Propper, S. (2015, May). Alternate Utility Revenue Streams:

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Page 7 of 7

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The Future of the Electric Grid: An Interdisciplinary MIT Study.

(2011). Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Page 1 of 1

C. Summary of Existing Performance Incentive Mechanisms

Page 1 of 4

D. Cost Reduction Opportunities

The following discussion provides qualitative examples of

possible targeted areas for cost reduction on the grid.

Transmission and Distribution Investment

Non-wires alternative projects, including targeted demand
management programs, help reduce customer peak demand for
electricity and avoid costs associated with transmission and
distribution infrastructure investment. Peak demand can be
reduced by energy efficiency, demand response, distributed
generation or other forms of DER including energy storage.
Reduced demand can result in the deferral of new substations,
transformer upgrades, and feeder reconductoring. These projects
and programs can also be used to buttress utility system
reliability to minimize or avoid power outages, which adversely
impact the economy due lost productivity, spoiled products, or
even loss of life.

Line Losses
Enhanced system visibility and control will allow for the
better placement and operation of distributed energy resources
and distribution system equipment, such as capacitors and load
tap changer (LTC) transformers, to reduce distribution line
losses. Losses come from the current through the resistance of
conductors. Some of that current transmits real power, but some
flows to supply reactive power. Since line losses are a
function of the current squared (I2), reducing current levels on
lines with DER and distribution system equipment used for VAR
support significantly reduces losses.
Page 2 of 4

Volt/VAR Optimization (VVO)

The concept of Voltage/VAR management or control is
essential to electrical utilities ability to deliver power
within appropriate voltage limits so that customers equipment
operates properly, and to deliver power at an optimal power
factor to minimize losses. For utility operations, VVO
solutions provide a higher level of visibility into system
operating parameters, including integrated distributed energy
resources, and a greater degree of control to optimize energy
efficient and reliable electricity delivery. The ability to
optimize power factor, in combination with DER utilization, is a
key driver in a utilitys ability to minimize losses. VVO also
provides environmental benefits since the utility has to
generate less power to serve the same demand, resulting in less
coal or natural gas burned, and therefore fewer CO2 and other air

Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR)

Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR) is a specialized usage
of VVO, which has numerous potential benefits. This type of VVO
solution can be used to flatten voltage profiles and then lower
overall system voltage while staying within the specified ANSI
voltage limits. VVO serves to optimize voltage along a
distribution line, while the purpose of CVR is to reduce the
total voltage on a distribution line to decrease electric
demand. In the absence of VVO and DER at the grid edges, the
utility will be required to increase voltage at a substation to
maintain a minimum voltage at the end of the distribution line.
By controlling voltage along the entire length of the line and
optimizing the placement of DER for voltage support, the utility
can decrease voltage from the substation and simultaneously
decrease energy usage as a consequence of the reduced voltage.
Page 3 of 4

Utilities can institute CVR to further reduce voltage for the

purpose of reducing overall system demand by a factor of 0.7-
1.0% for every 1% reduction in voltage. From a customer
perspective, this reduces the energy they consume. CVR and DER
reduce the amount of power the utility needs to generate or
purchase from a generator. There are benefits associated with
reduced utility operating costs, however the bulk of the
benefits from CVR are realized when it is implemented to defer
investment in new generation capacity or to address reduced
capacity due to old generating assets being taken offline.
Generation capacity benefits can be significant, especially when
load growth is small since investments can be deferred for
longer periods.

Fault Location, Isolation, and Service Restoration (FLISR)

Fault location, isolation, and service restoration (FLISR)
combines hardware, software, telecommunications, and grid
engineering to decrease the duration and number of customers and
of distributed energy resources affected by any specific outage.
FLISR is one of the more attractive applications within
distribution automation (DA) and can noticeably improve utility
performance metrics, such as the customer average interruption
duration index (CAIDI) and the system average interruption
frequency index (SAIFI), and ease the integration of more DER
onto the grid. Improved CAIDI and SAIFI indicators can lead
directly to improved customer satisfaction. Successful
implementation will detect fault locations with greater
precision and decrease time and cost to find and repair the
fault along a line, thus allowing DER to continue to operate and
provide customer and system benefits as discussed in the above
four areas. Additional benefits include avoided outages
(reducing truck rolls) and reducing what would have been an hour
Page 4 of 4

outage down to minutes for most affected customers by isolating

faults and maintaining/restoring power through automatic line

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