Water Audit Vol3AuditGuidance

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Water and Energy Efficiency

Audit Field Guidance Document

Water and Energy Efficiency Program for Commercial, Industrial, and
Institutional Customer Classes in Southern California

Volume 3 of 5

U.S. Department of the Interior

Bureau of Reclamation April 2009

1.0 Introduction............................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose and Scope of WEEP Audits .............................................. 1
1.2 CII Customer Classes Included in an Integrated Audit Program.... 3
1.3 Benefits Associated with an Integrated Audit Program.................. 3
1.3.1 CII Customer Benefits ........................................................ 3
1.3.2 Energy Utility and Water District Benefits......................... 4
1.3.3 Reclamation, CEC and MWD Benefits .............................. 4
1.4 Organization of Volume ................................................................. 4
2.0 WEEP Audit Process ................................................................................ 5
2.1 Three Phases of the Audit Process.................................................. 5
2.2 Audit Field Tool.............................................................................. 6
2.2.1 Topics Included in the Field Tool....................................... 6
2.2.2 Entities Offering Incentives Associated with Topics in the
Field Tool........................................................................................ 8
2.3 Team Composition.......................................................................... 8
3.0 Pre-Audit Planning and Preparation .................................................... 10
3.1 Select CII Audit Sites.................................................................... 10
3.2 Contact Sites to Request Voluntary Participation in the Audit..... 11
3.3 Confirm Participation in the Audits and Request Background
Information ................................................................................... 12
3.4 Review Audit Logistics and Complete Pre-Audit Questionnaire . 13
3.5. Review Data and Prioritize On-site Activities.............................. 15
3.5.1 Summarize Pre-Audit Information ................................... 15
3.5.2 Prioritize Topics to Review during the Audit ................... 15
3.6 Identify Applicable Rebates and Incentives ................................. 17
3.7 Prepare Opening Meeting Discussion Guide................................ 19
4.0 On-Site Activities .................................................................................... 20
4.1 Conduct the Opening Meeting and Tour the Site ......................... 20
4.2 Gather Water and Energy Data ..................................................... 21
4.3 Identify Water and Energy Savings Opportunities ....................... 22
4.4 Conduct Exit Meeting ................................................................... 22
5.0 Post Audit Activities ............................................................................... 23
5.1 Analyze Data and Applicable Incentive Programs ....................... 23
5.2 Prepare Cost/Benefits Analysis..................................................... 23
5.3 Issue Audit Report with Recommendations and Financial
Incentives Analysis ....................................................................... 24
5.4 Summarize Audit Results across CII Customer Classes
Reviewed....................................................................................... 25
Appendices........................................................................................................... 26
Appendix A Audit Participation Request Letter .................................... 27
Appendix B Pre-Audit Inforamtion Request Letter ............................... 30
Appendix C Pre-Audit Questionnaire .................................................... 33
Appendix D Opening Meeting Discussion Guide.................................. 45
Appendix E Audit Field Tools............................................................... 48
Appendix F Example Audit Request and Transmittal Letter .............. 108
Appendix G Acronyms......................................................................... 117
Appendix H Bibliography .................................................................... 119

Figure 1.1: Integrated Audit Performance Improvement Pathway......................... 1
Figure 1.2: Water and Energy Efficiency Options.................................................. 2
Figure 2.1: Phases of Weep Audit Process ............................................................. 5
Figure 2.2: WEEP Audit Steps ............................................................................... 6
Figure 3.1: Pre-Audit Planning and Preparation Activities .................................. 10
Figure 3.2: High Water and Energy Use Activities in CII Customer Classes ...... 16
Figure 4.1: On-Site Audit Activities..................................................................... 20
Figure 5.1: Post Audit Activities .......................................................................... 23

Table 3.1: CII Customer Class Specific High Water and Energy Issues.............. 17
Table 3.2: Available Water District and Energy Utility Rebates.......................... 18
1.0 Introduction
For many years, programs in southern California have promoted water efficiency
or energy efficiency within the broad categories of commercial, industrial, and
institutional (CII) customers. Although these programs have been relatively
successful, current regional water and energy projections indicate there is an
urgent need to examine water and energy efficiency in an integrated manner. The
Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), in partnership with the California Energy
Commission (CEC), and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
(MWD), commissioned an innovative study in 2007 to develop an integrated
water and energy efficiency program.

The results of the study are presented in a multi-volume report called the Water
and Energy Efficiency Program (WEEP) for Commercial, Industrial and
Institutional Customer Classes in Southern California. Volume 3 provides
guidance and tools for conducting WEEP audits to identify potential water and
energy efficiency opportunities at CII customer class sites.

1.1 Purpose and Scope of WEEP Audits

WEEP audits are designed to assess water and energy management activities at
CII customer sites to establish a baseline from which recommendations for
enhancing water and energy efficiency can be made. The performance
improvement pathway underlying WEEP audits is shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1: Integrated Audit Performance Improvement Pathway

WEEP audits are structured to examine options for enhancing water and energy
efficiency at CII customer sites. These options include the following, which are
depicted in Figure 1.2:

• Equipment upgrades (i.e., replacing existing equipment with new

equipment characterized as being more water or energy efficient) eligible
for water or energy rebates.

• Operating and maintenance practices to ensure that site equipment is

being used as intended and consistent with load demands.

• New construction standards and redesigned operations and activities, as

well as the use of distributed and renewable energy sources.

Figure 1.2: Water and Energy Efficiency Options

By assessing opportunities in each of these areas, the audit team provides

information to help site managers direct investments, from short-term to long-
term actions that will lead to a more sustained level of water and energy

1.2 CII Customer Classes Included in an Integrated
Audit Program
PAC members indicated that WEEP should focus on CII customer classes
characterized as high water and energy users. Those customer classes meeting this
characteristic are listed below:

• Accommodation
• Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries
• Chemical Manufacturing
• Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing
• Educational Services
• Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing
• Food Manufacturing
• Food Services and Drinking Places
• Hospitals
• Personal and Laundry Services
• Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing
• Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
• Real Estate
• Textile Mills
• Utilities

These customer classes should be the focus of integrated water and energy audits
because they represent the greatest potential for water and energy reductions.

1.3 Benefits Associated with an Integrated Audit

1.3.1 CII Customer Benefits
CII customer benefits associated with an integrated audit include the following:

• Learning about the full range of available incentives to promote

investment in water and energy efficiency improvements.

• A single report that captures the full set of benefits available to the site if
water and energy efficiency measures are implemented.

• Recommendations for upgrading existing equipment or implementing

process and construction changes that could significantly enhance the
efficient use of water and energy.

• Reduced costs of water and energy due to efficiency improvements.

1.3.2 Energy Utility and Water District Benefits
Energy utilities and water districts benefit from implementing an integrated audit
program by:

• Using staff resources more effectively within a service area.

• Leveraging available funding for incentives and other programs to

increase the efficiency of resource management.

• Increasing customer satisfaction by providing easier access to incentives

and information.

1.3.3 Reclamation, CEC and MWD Benefits

An integrated audit approach gives governmental agencies greater insight into
both the interrelationship of, and the tradeoffs that may need to be made between
water and energy use. For example, a series of audits may reveal that greater on-
site reuse of water may increase a CII customer’s energy use but decrease its
wastewater discharges and associated fees, resulting in reduced energy and water
use at an off-site wastewater treatment plant. Integrated audits also provide
opportunities to leverage existing programs to decrease resource use in California.

1.4 Organization of Volume

The remainder of this Volume is organized as follows:

• Section 2.0 describes the WEEP audit process.

• Section 3.0 covers the tasks associated with pre-audit planning and

• Section 4.0 details the steps involved in conducting on-site audit activities.

• Section 5.0 highlights post audit activities.

• The Appendices include a number of documents to support audit program

activities such as, but not limited to, the pre-audit questionnaire, audit field
tool, example opening meeting discussion guide, example audit report, a
list of acronyms, and a bibliography.

2.0 WEEP Audit Process
The WEEP audit process is a flexible, three-phase approach to assessing
efficiency opportunities. Each phase and step outlined in this document can be
expanded or compressed to meet the circumstances surrounding a planned audit
and the scope of the audit agreed to with the CII customer.

2.1 Three Phases of the Audit Process

WEEP audits have been designed to follow the phased approach as outlined in
Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: Phases of Weep Audit Process

The pre-audit phase includes a number of data gathering and review activities that
are geared towards planning the audit so the on-site activities can be performed
effectively and efficiently.

During the on-site phase, auditors gather additional data, hold discussions with
site personnel, and evaluate the applicability of energy utility and water district
incentive programs to site operations.

Post audit activities include conducting additional research, as needed, to analyze

applicable incentives programs, preparing a cost-benefit analysis of the
recommended water and energy efficiency improvements, and developing the
draft and final audit reports including recommendations for enhancing

Each phase of the audit process is completed in a series of steps, which are
designed to be consistent with general audit practices and to achieve the

objectives of the audit. Figure 2.2 depicts the steps associated with the three
phases of the audit.

Figure 2.2: WEEP Audit Steps

Each step of the WEEP audit process is described in greater detail in the sections
that follow. The guidance incorporated into each of these steps reflects input from
WEEP’s Project Advisory Committee (PAC).

2.2 Audit Field Tool

2.2.1 Topics Included in the Field Tool
An audit field tool was developed to guide teams in gathering and evaluating
information to assess improvement opportunities and to recommend actions to
enhance the on-site use of water and energy.

The field tool:

• Provides guidance on collecting water and energy data to establish a

baseline for assessing opportunities to improve the efficiency of on-site
water and energy use.

• Directs the audit team to gather specific information through reviews of

documents, direct observations, or interviews with CII customer site

• Identifies incentives offered by energy utilities and water districts. (The

availability of these incentives will need to be confirmed prior to each
scheduled audit since rebates may have been fully used or new incentives
may have been created.)

• Includes several tables to help summarize audit findings and identify

potential recommendations.

• Lists water and energy topics to review during an audit.

The audit field tool covers the following topics:

• Cooling Towers
• Combined Heat and Power Systems (CHPs)
• Compressed Air Systems
• Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems
• Hospitals
• Irrigation/Landscaping Activities
• Lighting
• Large Scale or Long Term Retrofit Incentive Programs
• Lavatories
• Laundry Operations
• Motors and Pumps
• Office Equipment/Plug Load
• Process Cooling and Refrigeration
• Process Heating
• Kitchen/Food Services
• Site-Wide Water and Energy Use Activities and Equipment
• Steam Equipment
• Wastewater Treatment Facilities

These topics were selected based on information from the Flex Your Power (FYP)
Web site, savings potentials (Volume 2 of the WEEP Study), U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) guidance documents, and the Watersmart Guidebook
(see bibliography). Depending on the time available to conduct the audit and the

needs of the CII customer, several or all of the topics can be reviewed during an

2.2.2 Entities Offering Incentives Associated with Topics in the Field

A large number of energy utilities and water districts offer rebates and incentives
covered in the audit field tool. They include:

• Anaheim Public Utilities • Glendale Water & Power

• Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company • Irvine Ranch Water District
• Azusa Light & Water • Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
• Burbank Water and Power • Municipal Water District of Orange County
• Calleguas Municipal Water District • Long Beach Water Department
• Castaic Lake Water Agency • Los Angeles Department of Water & Power
• Central Basin Municipal Water District • Pasadena Water & Power
• City of Beverly Hills • San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA)
• City of Compton • San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E)
• City of Fullerton • Southern California Edison (SCE)
• City of Long Beach • Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas)
• City of San Fernando • Three Valleys Municipal Water District
• City of San Marino • Water Replenishment District of Southern
• City of Santa Ana • West Basin Municipal Water District
• City of Santa Monica • Western Municipal Water District
• City of Torrance • Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water
• Eastern Municipal Water District

Among the other organizations in southern California that provide water and
energy to CII customers—or work with them to reduce demand for those
resources—are the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County (LACSD), Orange
County Sanitation District, and the City of San Diego Sanitation Department.

2.3 Team Composition

Audit teams should be composed of at least one professional from an energy
utility and one from a water district, including account managers or efficiency
experts. This type of team will provide the depth of knowledge and experience
necessary to conduct an audit that collects and evaluates the data necessary to
achieve its goals. Audit team members should be proficient in assessing:

• The applicability of energy utility and water district rebate incentive
programs to CII customer sites.

• Opportunities to engage in long-term investments in water and energy

efficiency projects related to site business activities.

• Opportunities to improve operation and maintenance practices.

To help ensure that an appropriate data set is gathered to aid in the identification
of site-specific recommendations, at least one team member should be skilled in
or familiar with auditing techniques.

A team leader should be selected to coordinate communications with the site and
oversee the completion of the audit. The audit team leader should be able to
devote roughly four non-consecutive weeks to the process.

3.0 Pre-Audit Planning and Preparation
The steps in pre-audit planning and preparation are shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Pre-Audit Planning and Preparation Activities

3.1 Select CII Audit Sites

Each energy utility or other implementing agency such as a water district should
determine which of the WEEP recommended CII customer classes to focus on,
and then, within those customer classes, the sites to audit.

Factors to consider in selecting CII customer classes to audit include:

• The number of customers in the service area that are within a

recommended CII customer class.

• The number of incentives potentially available to the CII customer class.

• Knowledge about audit effectiveness in enhancing the water and energy

efficiency within a particular CII customer class.

• Preliminary estimates of the potential water and energy savings that could
be achieved within a CII customer class if the full range of efficiency
options were implemented.

• Likelihood that the site will implement suggested changes.

Factors to consider in selecting particular sites within a CII customer class to

audit include:

• Customer requests for audits.

• Sites where there are a range of operations or activities that consume both
water and energy.

• Technical knowledge of on-site operations to ensure the conduct of high
quality audits.

• Historical information suggesting that sites within a particular customer

class have not used rebates or other financial incentives to enhance
efficiency practices.

3.2 Contact Sites to Request Voluntary Participation

in the Audit
After the specific customer classes and sites are identified for audits, a tentative
schedule should be developed for discussions with potential site contacts. The
team leader will need to identify site contacts and call them to encourage their
voluntary participation in the upcoming audits. During this initial communication,
the team leader should:

• Explain the voluntary nature of the audits and answer any questions that
are raised.

• Clearly state the potential benefits of identifying water and energy

efficiency improvement opportunities and the positive impacts of reduced
energy and water demand and wastewater discharges (e.g., reducing costs
and increasing the dollars available to implement other types of site

• Explain why the site has been chosen to voluntarily participate in the audit

• Outline the purpose and scope of the study and the role of WEEP audits in
identifying efficiency improvements.

• Present the benefits associated with voluntary participation, including

obtaining data useful for benchmarking current site activities,
recommendations for water and energy savings, and recommendations for
funding efficiency measures.

• Discuss confidentiality agreements that clearly state the data will not be
released without permission.

• Review the three phases of the audit: pre-audit, on-site, and post audit

• Review the scope of the pre-audit request and completion of the pre-audit

Immediately following the conversation, the team leader should send the CII
customer the audit notification and confidentiality letters, including the request to
release water and energy information from the appropriate water and energy
utility. Examples of these letters can be found in Appendix A.

In many instances, the CII customer may want to undertake a preliminary (e.g.,
two to three hour) high-level review to obtain a better understanding of the audit
process and the potential benefits of a more in-depth review of water and energy
practices on-site. If that situation occurs, the audit team leader should try to
schedule a preliminary audit to obtain buy-in and schedule the follow-on audit
within a definite period of time. The steps described in the following paragraphs
can be modified to reflect the CII site’s request to conduct a less comprehensive
review to obtain buy-in.

3.3 Confirm Participation in the Audits and Request

Background Information
Within two weeks of sending the audit notification and confidentiality letters, the
team leader should contact the CII customer site to confirm participation. During
this conversation the tentative dates for the audit should be established. After the
site has agreed to participate in the audit and signed a confidentiality agreement,
as needed, key facility contacts should receive a second letter requesting
background information about on-site water and energy use. If a revised
confidentiality letter needs to be submitted, it should be done at this time.

The pre-audit letter requests the information listed below:

• Water and energy metering or bills for the past two years to capture
baseline information about use.

• Sewer discharge data or effluent metering data and the location and
number of meters throughout the site.

• As-built plans and information on actual and planned upgrades,

renovations, and reconstruction.

• Previous energy and water studies.

See Appendix A for an example of the audit participation request letter. This letter
should be sent out approximately one month before the scheduled audit. The pre-
audit questionnaire should be sent out along with the information request letter.

3.4 Review Audit Logistics and Complete Pre-Audit
After the pre-audit information has been received, the audit team leader should
contact the site to re-confirm the audit dates and discuss logistics, as follows:

• Review the schedule for the on-site portion of the audit (i.e., opening
meeting, site tour, interviews, data review, and exit meeting discussion).

• Identify key staff members who should be available for the opening
meeting and exit conference (e.g., the site manager, the financial manager,
and the environmental manager) and develop a schedule of interviews.

• Ask whether the site participates in any regional or local water or energy
efficiency programs, and if it does which ones and why.

• Determine whether the site uses renewable energy on-site such as solar,
wind power, or fuel cells.

• Administer and complete the pre-audit questionnaire over the telephone, if


The pre-audit questionnaire will address the following items to help the team plan
the audit and prioritize topics to review:

• Basic facility data:

° Site name
° Site location
° CII customer class
° North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), Standard
Industrial Code (SIC) code, or other business classification
° Hours of operation

• General building information:

° Square footage
° Process and production (no proprietary information)
° Age of buildings
° Number of employees (male and female)

• General system characteristics:

° Bathrooms (fixture ratings)
° Cafeteria and food service
° Compressed air
° HVAC systems
° Industrial burners and boilers

° Laboratory space
° Irrigation and landscaping
° Lighting
° Local ventilation systems
° Plug load
° Pollution control equipment (air and water)
° Process chilled water
° Process water (not heated or cooled)
° Process hot water and steam
° Purified process water
° Water use endpoints
ƒ Process chemical baths
ƒ Cooling tower
ƒ General washing
ƒ Kitchen cold water
ƒ Kitchen hot water
ƒ Once-through cooling
ƒ Process cleaning and rinsing
ƒ Applicable discharge permits

• Onsite wastewater disposal:

° Lagoons and oxidation ditches
° Spray irrigation
° Subsurface disposal (septic systems, injection)
° Wastewater treatment operations including flow and methane capture

• The site’s assessment of key areas to focus on to enhance water and

energy efficiency practices.

A copy of the pre-audit questionnaire can be found in Appendix C.

3.5. Review Data and Prioritize On-site Activities
3.5.1 Summarize Pre-Audit Information
After receiving the background information the audit team should review and
summarize it as follows:

• Water and energy use by month and seasonal trends

• Energy use per square foot
• Water use data

A number of tables have been prepared to summarize this information and are
included in the audit field tool including:

• Overall Site Energy Consumption Patterns

• Overall Site Water Consumption Patterns
• Monthly Water and Energy Use Trends
• Seasonal Water and Energy Use Trends

3.5.2 Prioritize Topics to Review during the Audit

Information from energy utilities and water districts suggest that CII customer
sites may want to have a series of audits conducted to become more comfortable
with the process and to better understand the potential benefits associated with an
integrated audit approach. In addition, actual time on-site may not be sufficient to
examine all the applicable issues that are at the site. Therefore, audit teams should
prioritize the topics they will examine to ensure that those with the greatest
potential impact on enhancing water and energy efficiency practices on-site are
examined first (i.e., topics with high water and high energy characteristics such as
cooling towers).

The information gathered through the pre-audit information request and the
completed pre-audit questionnaire should be used as the basis for identifying the
high priority topics to review during the audit. The selection of topics to review
should be documented in the audit field tool in order to inform site personnel
about the scope of the audit and to convey the depth of the review. Tables are
included in the audit field tool to summarize and document the prioritization of
on-site activities.

As a starting place to prioritize audit topics to review, Figure 3.2 lists activities
and equipment that, in general, are associated with high levels of water and
energy use at CII customer sites.

Figure 3.2: High Water and Energy Use Activities in CII Customer Classes

These examples reflect differences in operations at CII customer sites, and the
types of activities that might be associated with the highest water and energy
consumption. For additional guidance in prioritizing topics to review, see Table
3.1 for a list of activities involving high water and energy use specific to various
CII customer classes.

Table 3.1: CII Customer Class Specific High Water and Energy Issues

CII Customer Classes

Restaurants/Food Accommodation Commercial Schools and Hospitals
Service (Hotel/Motel) Buildings: Office Colleges
and Retail
Dishwashing Cooling Towers Plumbing Plumbing X-Ray Processors
Steaming Swimming Pools Fixtures Fixtures (toilets) Dialysis Machines
Frying /Grilling / Laundry (toilets) Lighting Sterilizers and
Broiling Plumbing Lighting Cooling Autoclaves
Baking Fixtures (toilets) Cooling Landscape Pump and Vacuum
General Cleaning Lighting Landscape Food Services Systems
Ice Making Landscape Food Services Pipe Leak Repair
Refrigeration Food Service Laundry
Ventilation Plumbing Fixtures
Water Heating (toilets)
Plumbing Fixtures Lighting
(toilets) Cooling
Lighting Landscape
Cooling Food Services
Food Processing Textiles Fabricated Electronics Industrial
Metals Laundries
Washing Preparation Process Washing Rinsing Washers
Heating and Scouring Plumbing Purified Water Dyers
Drying Ovens Dyeing Fixtures Treatment Lighting
Process Cooling Printing (toilets) Plumbing Plumbing Fixtures
Pumping Washing Lighting Fixtures (toilets) (toilets)
Conveyance Plumbing Cooling Lighting Cooling
Equipment Motors Fixtures (toilets) Cooling
Plumbing Fixtures Lighting
Lighting Cooling
Space Cooling

3.6 Identify Applicable Rebates and Incentives

Before commencing on-site activities, the team should:

• Identify the rebates or incentives offered to the CII customer site being
audited. (Note: There are a few instances in which a particular community
may be eligible for member agency rebates or incentives, but not MWD
rebates or incentives.)

• Determine whether the member agency offers low interest loans for certain
types of upgrades.

• Review the types of rate incentives available from energy utilities and water
districts to promote efficiency practices related to water reuse, renewables,
and the operation of combined heat and power units (CHPs).

Table 3.2 is a summary of available rebates and other financial incentives.

Table 3.2: Available Water District and Energy Utility Rebates

HVAC Kitchen Services

• Advanced evaporative cooler • Connectionless steam cookers
• Natural gas furnaces • Pre-rinse spray valves
• Adjustable frequency drives • Energy efficient dishwashers
• Reflective window film • High efficiency ventilation systems
• Packaged terminal air conditioners • ENERGY STAR commercial dishwashers
• Thermal energy storage • High efficiency commercial fryers
• Chillers for space air conditioning • High efficiency commercial griddles
• Air cooled versus water cooled • High efficiency commercial electric combination ovens
equipment • High efficiency commercial gas combination ovens
• Ceiling fans • High efficiency commercial electric convection ovens
• Cool roofs • High efficiency commercial gas convection ovens
Cooling Towers • ENERGY STAR commercial ice machines
• Cooling tower controllers • ENERGY STAR commercial pressureless steam cookers
• pH cooling tower controllers • ENERGY STAR solid door refrigerators and freezers
• Cooling tower retrofits • Double rack/single rack ovens
• Commercial insulated hot food holding cabinets
• X-ray processors • Night covers for open vertical and horizontal display cases
• Dialysis machines • High efficiency refrigeration display case with special
• Dry vacuum pumps doors
• Steam sterilizer retrofits • High efficiency vending machine controllers
Large Scale or Long Term Retrofit
• High efficiency evaporative fan motors
Incentive Programs
• Refrigerator door gaskets and anti-sweat devices
• Standard Performance Contracts
• Auto-closers for main cooler or freezer doors
• Business Energy/Water Efficiency
Programs • Ice machines (air and water cooled)
• Savings by Design
• Fluorescent lamps
• California Solar Initiative
• Fluorescent tubes and magnetic ballasts
• Self Generation Program
• High intensity discharge (HID) lamps and high-bay
• Grants Program fluorescent fixtures
• Energy Net Metering Program • Occupancy sensors
Irrigation and Landscaping Activities
• Light emitting diodes (LED)
• Synthetic turf
Process Heating
• Low water consuming plants • Insulation
• Weather based irrigation scheduling Site-Wide Water and Energy Use Activities and Equipment
• Smart irrigation controllers • Car washing
• High efficiency nozzles • Fire suppression systems
• Rotating nozzles • Laboratories
• Conveyor systems
• High efficiency toilets • Battery charging operations
• Ultra low flush toilets • Pool covers
• Zero water urinals • Commercial pool heaters
• High efficiency urinals • Storage water heaters
Laundry Operations
• Instantaneous hot water heaters
• High efficiency commercial washers
• Pressurized waterbrooms
• ENERGY STAR clothes washers
Motors and Pumps • Backup generators
• High efficiency motors • Plumbing fixtures
Office Equipment/Plug Load Steam Equipment
• Sleep mode for computer software • Steam traps
• Plug load occupancy sensors • High efficiency boilers

3.7 Prepare Opening Meeting Discussion Guide
Prior to conducting the on-site audit, the team leader should prepare an opening
meeting discussion guide.1 This document describes the goals of the audit, how
the results will be used, and the schedule. See Appendix D for an example of this

If the CII customer site requests a preliminary two to three hour audit the
information in the opening meeting discussion guide should be reviewed with site
personnel over the telephone.

Opening meeting is a term used in the auditing profession and refers to the face-to-face initial
meeting the team has with facility management at the site being audited.

4.0 On-Site Activities
The on-site portion of the audit consists of the activities listed in Figure 4.1 and
described below. These steps follow the pre-audit planning activities and can be
compressed or expanded depending upon the length of the audit agreed to with
the CII customer.

Figure 4.1: On-Site Audit Activities

4.1 Conduct the Opening Meeting and Tour the Site

To begin the audit, an opening meeting is held with site personnel. Using the
opening meeting discussion guide, the team leader should:

• Introduce the audit team members.

• Explain the purpose and scope of WEEP and the audit process.

• Confirm the schedule for on-site auditing activities including interviews

with site personnel.

• Explain the overall data gathering activities.

• Answer any questions raised by site personnel.

• Request a brief overview of on-site activities.

The opening meeting influences, to a large extent, the outcome of the audit. This
meeting should be conducted in a professional manner that allows an exchange of
information between the team and site personnel and allows facility management
to meet and understand the work experience and academic backgrounds of the

audit team members. It also provides the team with the opportunity to describe
how an audit can help improve productivity and reduce water and energy costs.

Immediately following the opening meeting, audit team members should tour the
site with facility staff. In conducting the tour, the auditor team should:

• Obtain an overview of site operations.

• Identify areas to explore in greater depth during the detailed data gathering
portion of the audit.

• Gather additional information and begin looking for activities that explain
observed patterns in water and energy use.

Information observed during the tour should be recorded in the audit field tool.
(See Appendix E)

4.2 Gather Water and Energy Data

Next, the audit team should meet with site personnel to review information
obtained during the pre-audit planning phase, the team’s assessment of the pre-
audit information, and any observations made during the tour. The team should
ask whether there have been any recent increases or decreases in water or energy
use at the site, the reasons for the changes, and any efforts made to access rebates
to supplement investments in water- or energy-efficient equipment.

After this meeting, the team should gather data to complete its review of selected
water and energy topics. In general, data should be gathered through:

• Interviews with site personnel (e.g., water manager, energy manager, and
maintenance personnel).

• Review of water and energy bill or consumption information and estimates

of water and energy utilization.

• Physical observation to document the range of water and energy uses on-

Data should be gathered according to the guidance provided in the audit field tool.

4.3 Identify Water and Energy Savings Opportunities
To identify opportunities to enhance water and energy efficiency on-site, the team
should assess site practices to determine whether:

• Rebates for equipment upgrades are applicable and, if used, would reduce
water and energy demand.

• Operation and maintenance practices could be enhanced.

• Site activities would benefit from having technical experts assess potential
facility or production process enhancements.

The tables “Summary of On-site Water and Energy Use Patterns” and “Summary
of Recommended Efficiency Opportunities” in the audit field tool should be
completed prior to the exit conference. Information summarized in these tables
will be further analyzed during post audit activities.

4.4 Conduct Exit Meeting

The final step of the on-site portion of the audit is the exit conference the team
conducts with site management. During the exit meeting, the team should:

• Review all observations with site management.

• Provide preliminary information about the potential reduction in

wastewater discharge payback periods and cost savings associated with
recommended improvement opportunities.

• Discuss any noteworthy practices observed and ask as to whether they can
be shared anonymously with other CII customers.

• Outline the process for drafting and issuing the audit report.

5.0 Post Audit Activities
The primary objectives of post audit activities are to draft the written audit
findings, prepare the formal audit report, and distribute the report to the
appropriate levels of management in the organization. The tasks associated with
this phase are depicted in Figure 5.1 and follow the on-site activities.

Figure 5.1: Post Audit Activities

5.1 Analyze Data and Applicable Incentive Programs

Before preparing the audit report, the team should:

• Review the data gathered during the on-site evaluation.

• Develop high level engineering estimates of potential water and energy

savings associated with the recommended actions.

• Determine whether any incentives apply to the recommended actions.

5.2 Prepare Cost/Benefits Analysis

Information about the recommended actions for improving water and energy
efficiency is included in a cost/benefit analysis to determine project feasibility and
return on investment. In the course of this analysis, the data may suggest that
trade-offs between energy savings and water savings will need to be made. Thus,
the cost/benefit analysis will include an evaluation of water and energy efficiency
measures. A tracking sheet has been prepared for this purpose. (See Volume 2 of
the WEEP Study for additional information on the cost/benefit analysis and the
example evaluation that has been prepared to assist in completing this type of

5.3 Issue Audit Report with Recommendations and
Financial Incentives Analysis
Two to three weeks after the audit, the site should receive a concise report

• A summary of water and energy uses on-site.

• Noteworthy practices.

• Recommendations outlining actions the facility can take to reduce water

and energy use.

• List of contacts at local and regional organizations that provide funding

through incentives and loans.

• Incentives analysis.

There are several established guidelines for writing audit findings. If these simple
guidelines are followed when the audit report is prepared, the audited sites will be
able to more effectively and efficiently develop and implement corrective actions
in response to the audit results. The guidelines instruct auditors to:

• Be specific about the issues identified, instead of making broad


• Avoid using words that can be interpreted differently and, in most

instances, negatively.

• Prepare a preliminary analysis of the costs and benefits of implementing

the recommendations. (The exit conference should highlight these costs
and benefits, but a more detailed analysis needs to be done as part of the
report preparation process.)

The draft audit report should be sent to the site for review. Within two weeks of
receiving comments from the site, a final audit report should be issued. Examples
of an audit report transmittal letter and an audit report are included in Appendix F.

5.4 Summarize Audit Results across CII Customer
Classes Reviewed
After the draft and final reports are issued, each utility or water district may want
to evaluate the results by CII customer class or for all audited sites to identify
trends and opportunities for further enhancing water and energy efficiency within
the service area. A tracking sheet has been prepared for this purpose. (See
Volume 2 of the WEEP Study)


Appendix A
Audit Participation Request Letter

Initial Audit Participation Request Letter



Dear Mr/Ms:

Thank you very much for expressing an interest in having an integrated water and
energy efficiency audit undertaken. As we discussed over the telephone, the
overall purpose of an integrated audit is to assess current activities to establish a
baseline measurement of water and energy use patterns. The baseline will be used
to recommend a strategy for enhancing water and energy efficiency.

The benefits associated with your participation include, but are not limited to,
obtaining information about the range of financial incentives available for
investing in site or equipment improvements, an analysis to help explain and
justify the potential financial payback in implementing recommended actions, and
a method for accessing both water and energy rebates through a single one-stop

We recognize that to obtain your participation in the audit, the data we gather will
need to be maintained in a confidential manner. We have prepared a draft
confidentiality letter for your consideration. Within the next two weeks, XXX
from YYY will call you to discuss participation in an audit and to answer any
questions you may have about the activity. If you agree to participate we will
prepare a confidentiality agreement (an example is provided as an attachment to
this letter). Additionally, the audit team will submit a pre-audit information
request including a pre-audit questionnaire to obtain information for the on-site
portion of the audit.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at AA or BB. We look forward to hearing

from you soon.



Confidentiality Letter



Dear Mr/Ms:

We recognize that during the course of conducting an integrated water and energy
audit, information related to your water and energy use will be shared with the
team. This information may be of a confidential nature and proprietary.

Our goal is to help you identify and justify the implementation of activities in
order to reduce water and energy demand. Therefore, the information gathered
during the audit will be maintained in a confidential manner and will not be
shared with anyone outside of your organization. By signing this agreement you
are authorizing us to obtain and review information on your behalf regarding
water and energy use practices on-site.

Thank you very much for your consideration. Please sign this agreement and
return a copy to XXX.



Company Name


Appendix B
Pre-Audit Information Request Letter



Dear Mr/Ms:

Thank you very much for agreeing to participate in an integrated water and
energy efficiency audit. As mentioned during our previous conservations, a
variety of background information exists about water and energy uses on-site.
This information is critical to understanding your current baseline and helping the
team prioritize the topics to audit in order to ensure that the issues having the
greatest potential impact on reducing water and energy demand at your site are
reviewed in detail.

To help us plan for the audit, please complete the attached pre-audit
questionnaire. If possible, send us any available information in either the hard
copy or the electronic format that is referenced in the questionnaire or listed on
Attachment A. If the information cannot be sent in advance, we would appreciate
that it be available during the on-site portion of the review.



Attachment A
Information Request List

1. Water and energy metering and/or bills for the past two years (or request
permission to collect the information directly from utilities for each
relevant meter number or account) as follows:
• 24 months of kilowatt hour (kWh) data
• 24 months of peak monthly kilowatt (kW) demand data
• 24 months of natural gas, propane, and fuel oil use
• 24 months of purchased water data
• 24 months of data on other water sources:
° Surface water withdrawals
° Groundwater withdrawals

2. Information about load demands for water and energy

3. Sewer and discharge data:

• National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) discharge
• Pretreatment discharged (more common)
• On-site wastewater disposal
• Lagoons and oxidation ditches
• Description of water use processes
• Wastewater treatment operations (e.g., methane capture, wastewater

4. Landscaping activities

5. On-site wastewater disposal:

• Lagoons, oxidation ditches
• Spray irrigation
• Subsurface disposal (septic systems, injection)

6. As-built plans and information on actual and planned renovations, and


7. Reports:
• Previous energy and water studies
• Other applicable reports

8. General building information:

• Square footage
• Process and production (no proprietary information)
• Age of building
• Number of employees (male and female)

Appendix C
Pre-Audit Questionnaire

Pre-Audit Questionnaire
Water and Energy Efficiency Program (WEEP) for Commercial, Industrial,
and Institutional (CII) Customer Classes in Southern California

This pre-audit questionnaire is a tool to obtain basic information regarding

baseline water and energy use. This background information is intended to assist
the auditor(s) in planning and conducting WEEP audits of CII customer sites and
should be completed prior to the site visit.

Company Name

Street Address




Zip Code/Postal Code

Phone/Fax Number

Date Questionnaire


Pre-Audit Questionnaire
Water and Energy Efficiency Program (WEEP) for Commercial, Industrial,
and Institutional (CII) Customer Classes in Southern California

Facility Contacts Name Telephone Number

Location Manager

Facility Manager

Accounting Contact (e.g.,

Chief Financial Officer
[CFO], or Controller)

Maintenance Manager

Other Key Contacts:


General Background Questions

1. What is the primary business of this location (e.g., products and services)?


2. Briefly describe the key operational processes performed at this location.


Pre-Audit Questionnaire
Water and Energy Efficiency Program (WEEP) for Commercial, Industrial,
and Institutional (CII) Customer Classes in Southern California

3. Please describe any ancillary or supporting operations performed at this

location (e.g., administrative offices, sales, and servicing).


4. How large is the facility/site (e.g., acreage, number of buildings, square

footage, size of process/production area, and age of building)?


5. How many employees work at the site (full/part time, salaried/hourly)?


6. Do you own or lease this location?


7. If this location is leased, what services does the landlord provide versus what
you provide (e.g., heat and/or steam from boilers)?


Pre-Audit Questionnaire
Water and Energy Efficiency Program (WEEP) for Commercial, Industrial,
and Institutional (CII) Customer Classes in Southern California

8. If this location is leased, are there any other landlord or tenant operations
activities conducted at this location? ________________________________

If yes, please describe.


9. If this location is owned, do you lease it to other tenant(s)?


If yes, please describe the tenant(s) operations and activities. ________________


10. If this location is owned, what services do you provide as the landlord versus
what the tenant(s) provide (e.g., heat and/or steam from boilers)?


11. How many shifts does the plant operate? What are the hours of operation?

Pre-Audit Questionnaire
Water and Energy Efficiency Program (WEEP) for Commercial, Industrial,
and Institutional (CII) Customer Classes in Southern California

12. Have there been any significant increases or decreases in water and/or energy
use over the past two years?

If yes, please explain.


13. Does this location experience any significant seasonal water and/or energy use
trends? ________________________________________________________

If yes, please explain.


14. Do you know of any particular areas in which water and energy use could be
reduced? ______________________________________________________

If yes, please explain.


Pre-Audit Questionnaire
Water and Energy Efficiency Program (WEEP) for Commercial, Industrial,
and Institutional (CII) Customer Classes in Southern California

15. Have any energy or water related studies been performed at this location?

If so, please describe briefly.


16. Have you ever considered installing energy and water efficient equipment for
which energy or water rebates or incentives are available?

If so, please describe briefly.


17. Briefly describe the nature of the lighting at this location (e.g., installation and
use of LEDs or HID bulbs).

18. Briefly describe the nature of the office equipment at this location.

Pre-Audit Questionnaire
Water and Energy Efficiency Program (WEEP) for Commercial, Industrial,
and Institutional (CII) Customer Classes in Southern California

19. Briefly describe the number and type of lavatories at this location (e.g.,
bathroom fixture ratings).

Yes No N/A
General Water and Energy Data

20. Do you have any of the following energy-related data:

• 24 months of kWh data?

___ ___ ___

• 24 months of peak monthly kW demand data?

___ ___ ___

• 24 months of natural gas, propane, and fuel oil use?

___ ___ ___

• 24 months of purchased water data?

___ ___ __

• 24 months of data on other water sources?

___ ___ ___

• Surface water withdrawals?

___ ___ ___

• Groundwater withdrawals?
___ ___ ___

21. Do you have any of the following water-related data:

• 24 months of NPDES discharge data?

___ ___ ___

• 24 months of sewer discharge data?

___ ___ ___

• 24 months of on-site wastewater disposal data?

___ ___ ___

Pre-Audit Questionnaire
Water and Energy Efficiency Program (WEEP) for Commercial, Industrial,
and Institutional (CII) Customer Classes in Southern California

Yes No N/A
• Other water data (e.g., lagoons, oxidation ditches, etc.)?
___ ___ ___

22. Does this location have any of the following meters:

• Space condition metering?

___ ___ ___

• Electrical metering?
___ ___ __

• Water and fuel metering?

___ ___ ___

• Other metering?
___ ___ ___

23. Do you have any of the following “as built” plans for this
location relative to:

• Equipment and industrial/business operations?

___ ___ ___

• Modifications made since the original construction?

___ ___ ___

• Water/plumbing diagrams?
___ ___ ___

• Other? ________________________________________
___ ___ ___

24. Has this location implemented any water/energy conservation ___ ___ ___
or efficiency measures over the past two years? Have these
been related to:

• Process changes?
___ ___ ___

• Modifications in maintenance practices?

___ ___ ___

Pre-Audit Questionnaire
Water and Energy Efficiency Program (WEEP) for Commercial, Industrial,
and Institutional (CII) Customer Classes in Southern California

Yes No N/A
• Participation in efficiency programs?
___ ___ ___

• Other?
_________________________________________ ___ ___ ___

If yes to any of the above, please describe


25. Does this location have spray irrigation? ___ ___ ___

If yes, how many acres are irrigated?


26. Does this location conduct any subsurface water disposal? ___ ___ ___

If yes, please describe.


Applicable Site Activities

27. Does this location use or have any of the following:

• Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)

systems? ___ ___ ___

• Local ventilation systems?

___ ___ ___

• Irrigation or landscaping activities?

___ ___ ___

• Combined heat and power systems (CHPs)?

___ ___ ___

Pre-Audit Questionnaire
Water and Energy Efficiency Program (WEEP) for Commercial, Industrial,
and Institutional (CII) Customer Classes in Southern California

Yes No N/A
• Steam equipment, industrial burners, boilers, process hot
water? ___ ___ ___

• Process heating?
___ ___ ___

• Cooling towers?
___ ___ ___

• Once-through cooling?
___ ___ ___

• Process cooling and refrigeration?

___ ___ ___

• Motors and pumps?

___ ___ ___

• Compressed air systems?

___ ___ ___

• Wastewater treatment facilities?

___ ___ ___

• Process chilled water?

___ ___ ___

• Process water (not heated or cooled)?

___ ___ ___

• Purified process water?

___ ___ ___

• Pollution control equipment (air and water)?

___ ___ ___

• Process chemical baths?

___ ___ ___

• Process cleaning and rinsing?

___ ___ ___

• General washing?
___ ___ ___

• Kitchen/food services or cafeteria and food service?

___ ___ ___

Pre-Audit Questionnaire
Water and Energy Efficiency Program (WEEP) for Commercial, Industrial,
and Institutional (CII) Customer Classes in Southern California

Yes No N/A
• Laundry operations?
___ ___ ___

• Laboratory space?
___ ___ ___

• Other site water and energy use activities?

___ ___ ___
Please explain:

• Other industrial water and energy use activities? ___ ___ ___

Please explain:

Appendix D
Opening Meeting Discussion Guide

Site Name
[City, Country]

Audit Team
[Team leader name]
[Team member name]

Site Contacts
[Location contact name]

Site Address
[Location name]
[Street address]
[City, country, postal code]
[Phone number]

Date of Audit
[Start date to end date]

Purpose of Audit
The objectives of the audit program are to:

• Evaluate water and energy use.

• Examine opportunities to enhance water and energy efficiency by focusing on

operation and maintenance practices.

• Determine whether increased efficiency can be achieved through equipment

upgrades (e.g., purchase and installation of ENERGY STAR® equipment or
equipment with high energy efficiency ratings).

• Evaluate whether the site is eligible or should apply for financial incentives to
offset the financial costs associated with large process improvements.

The audit is based on:

• A physical survey of the site.

• Examination of a sample of records made available to the team.

• Interviews and discussions with key site management and staff.

At the conclusion of the audit, the team will meet with site personnel to review
the preliminary audit observations and conclusions. Two weeks after the audit, a
draft report will be issued for review and comment. The audit report will include
the following:

• A summary of water and energy uses on-site.

• Noteworthy practices.

• Recommendations outlining actions the facility can take to reduce water and
energy use.

• Incentives analysis (i.e., cost/benefit analysis).

Comments on the draft report should be returned within two weeks. Two weeks
after the team receives comments on the draft report, a final report will be issued.

Appendix E
Audit Field Tools

Attachment 1 Field Audit Tool

The Water and Energy Efficiency Program (WEEP) for
Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Customer Classes in
Southern California

Audit Field Tool

Site Name __________________________________________________

Site Location __________________________________________________

CII Customer Class_______________________________________________

Key Site Contacts_________________________________________________

Dates of Audit ___________________________________________________

The Water and Energy Efficiency Program Audit Field Tool is designed to be
completed by energy utility and water district personnel, customer
representatives, or water and energy efficiency vendors. The data will be gathered
through interviews with site personnel (e.g., water manager, energy manager, and
maintenance personnel), review of water and energy bill/use information, water
and energy utilization estimates, and physical observation of the site to document
the range of water and energy uses there.

The technical information contained in this field tool was obtained from the Flex
Your Power (FYP) Web site and FYP’s Manufacturers Best Practice Guide,2 U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ENERGY STAR® program,3 and
Watersmart Guidebook – A Water-Use Efficiency Plan Review Guide for New
Businesses 2008. References to energy utilities and water districts that offer
rebates or other financial incentives are provided.


1. Audit Field Tool Design

A. Content of Field Tool

The WEEP audit field tool consists of the following sections:

Attachment 1: Audit Planning and Implementation Document

• Design of Audit Field Tool
• Conduct Pre-Audit Planning and Preparation
• Initiate On-site Activities
• Gather Site Water and Energy Use Data
• Identify Opportunities for Water and Energy Savings
• Schedule and Conduct the Exit Meeting
• Conduct Post Audit Activities
• Site Examples of Audit Metering Activities

Attachment 2: Heating Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems

Attachment 3: Irrigation and Landscaping Activities

Attachment 4: Lavatories

Attachment 5: Wastewater Treatment Facilities (WWTF)

Attachment 6: Cooling Towers

Attachment 7: Combined Heat and Power Systems (CHPs)

Attachment 8: Motors and Pumps

Attachment 9: Compressed Air Systems

Attachment 10: Steam Equipment

Attachment 11: Process Cooling and Refrigeration

Attachment 12: Process Heating

Attachment 13: Office Equipment/Plug Load

Attachment 14: Kitchen/Food Services

Attachment 15: Laundry Operations

Attachment 16: Site-Wide Water and Energy Use Activities and Equipment
• Car Washing
• Fire Suppression Systems

• Laboratories
• Backup Generators
• Battery Charging Operations
• Conveyor Systems
• Storage Water Heaters
• Pressurized Waterbrooms
• Instantaneous Hot Water Heaters
• Pools (covers and heaters)
• Plumbing Fixtures

Attachment 17: Lighting

Attachment 18: Hospitals

Attachment 19: Large Scale or Long Term Retrofit Incentive Programs

• Standard Performance Contracts
• Business/Industrial Efficiency Programs
• Savings by Design
• California Solar Initiative
• Self Generation Program
• Grant Program
• Net Energy Metering Program

Attachment 20: California Approved Uses of Recycled Water

With the exception of lighting, each of these systems involves a combination of

water and energy use in the form of embedded energy (pumping water) or the use
of energy and water to undertake an operation (e.g., cooling towers, CHPs,
laundry operations, and kitchens).

In planning for audits, the teams will need to select the attachments that apply to
the CII customer site for use during the review. For example, an audit of a
hospital might include the attachment for hospitals as well as the lighting,
lavatories, cooling towers, and HVAC attachments to guide data gathering.

B. Utilities and Water Districts Offering Incentives and Referenced In
the Field Tool

The audit field tool references energy utilities and water districts offering rebates
and incentives, including:

Web Site Address

Anaheim Public Utilities Irvine Ranch Water District
http://www.anaheim.net/section.asp?id=54 http://www.irwd.com
Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company Long Beach Water Department
http://www.avrwater.com http://www.lbwater.org
Azusa Light & Water Los Angeles Department of Water & Power
http://www.ci.azusa.ca.us/index.asp?nid=132 (LADWP)
Burbank Water and Power Metropolitan Water District of Southern
http://www.burbankwaterandpower.com California (MWD) http://www.mwdh2o.com
Calleguas Municipal Water District Municipal Water District of Orange Country
http://www.calleguas.com/index.html (MWDOC)
Castaic Lake Water Agency Pasadena Water & Power
http://www.clwa.org http://ci.pasadena.ca.us/waterandpower
Central Basin Municipal Water District San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA)
http://www.centralbasin.org http://www.sdcwa.org
City of Beverly Hills San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E)
http://www.beverlyhills.org http://www.sdge.com/index
City of Compton Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
http://www.comptoncity.org (LACSD) http://www.lacsd.org
City of Fullerton South Bay Environmental Services Center
http://www.cityoffullerton.com (SBESC) http://www.sbesc.com
City of Long Beach Southern California Edison (SCE)
http://www.ci.long-beach.ca.us http://www.sce.com
City of San Fernando Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas)
http://www.ci.san-fernando.ca.us http://www.socalgas.com/index
City of San Marino Three Valleys Municipal Water District
http://www.ci.san-marino.ca.us http://www.threevalleys.com
City of Santa Ana Water Replenishment District of Southern
http://www.ci.santa-ana.ca.us California http://www.wrd.org
City of Santa Monica West Basin Municipal Water District
http://www.smgov.net http://www.westbasin.org
City of Torrance Western Municipal Water District
http://www.ci.torrance.ca.us http://www.wmwd.com
Eastern Municipal Water District Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water
http://www.emwd.org District http://www.usgvmwd.org
Glendale Water & Power

2. Conduct Pre-Audit Planning and Preparation

A. Request Background Data

To make the most effective use of the on-site audit process, the team should
request the information listed below from the site prior to starting on-site
activities. This request should be made at least one month before the scheduled
audit to allow sufficient time for the site to gather the information and send it to
the team.

1. Water and energy metering and/or bills for the past two years (or request
permission to collect the information directly from their utilities for each
relevant meter number or account), including:
• 24 months of kWh data
• 24 months of peak monthly kW demand data
• 24 months of natural gas, propane, and fuel oil use
• 24 months of purchased water data
• 24 months of data on other water sources
° Surface water withdrawals
° Groundwater withdrawals

2. Information about load demands for water and energy

3. Sewer and discharge data and related bills:

• National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
• Pretreatment discharged (more common)
• On-site wastewater disposal
• Lagoons, oxidation ditches
• Effluent metering devices and locations
• Description of water use processes
• Wastewater treatment operations (e.g., methane capture,
wastewater flow)

4. Landscaping activities

5. On-site wastewater disposal:

• Lagoons, oxidation ditches
• Spray irrigation
• Subsurface disposal (septic systems, injection)
• Flow and methane capture

6. As built-plans and information on actual and planned renovations,


7. Reports:
• Previous energy and water demand studies
• Other applicable reports related to energy and water efficiency

8. General building information:

• Square footage
• Process and production (no proprietary information)
• Age of building
• Number of employees (male and female)

B. Pre-Audit Questionnaire
As part of the pre-audit planning process, the pre-audit questionnaire should be
administered to site contacts.

C. Analyze Background Information

1. Overall Water and Energy Use On-Site

Based on a review of water and energy bills, record the overall use of
water and energy on Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1: Overall Site Energy Consumption Patterns

Type of Energy Energy Use/Consumption Energy Use/Consumption

over the Past 12 Months Trend over Last 2 Years
(Units)4 (Units)

Natural Gas

Heating Oil

Renewables (note source

and type on-site)

Record units of measure.

Table 2: Overall Site Water Consumption Patterns

Water Water Use /Consumption Water Use/Consumption

over the Past 12 Months Trend over Last 2 Years
(Units) (Units)
Purchased Water (for
domestic drinking water,
recycled water for use

Water Extracted from

Underground Sources


2. Monthly Seasonal Water and Energy Use Patterns
Based on the information received from the site, record the monthly and
seasonal aspects of water and energy use, using the Tables 3 and 4 below.

Table 3: Monthly Water and Energy Use Trends

Season Water Wastewater Electric Gas













Table 4: Seasonal Average and Peak Water and Energy Use Trends

Season Water Wastewater Electric Gas

Average Peak Average Peak Average Peak Average Peak

Daily Demand Daily Discharge Daily Demand Daily Demand
Use Use Use Use




3. Based on the background information received, record other information
below about energy or water use, upgrades or other improvements to the
site that have been made by the CII customer:

D. Prioritize On-site Activities

Based on a review of background information, the team should identify high
water and energy activities on-site. For example:

• Commercial food services and drinking places: kitchen operations,

HVAC, lighting, and lavatories.

• Institutional office buildings and educational establishments: plug loads,

HVAC systems, landscaping, kitchen operations, and lavatories.

• Industrial sites: HVAC, landscaping, process heating and cooling, cooling

towers, motors and pumps, wastewater treatment, lighting, and plug loads.

• Commercial hotels: pools, HVAC, laundry services, lighting, and cooling


For guidance in prioritizing topics to review, see Table 5 for a list of key water
and energy issues at selected CII customer sites. The topics selected for review
during the audit should be recorded on Table 6.

Table 5: CII Customer Class Water and Energy Activities

CII Customer Classes

Restaurants/Food Accommodation Commercial Schools and Hospitals
Service (Hotel/Motel) Buildings: Office Colleges
and Retail
• Dishwashing • Swimming • Plumbing • Plumbing • X-Ray
• Steaming Pools Fixtures Fixtures Processors
• Frying/Grilli • Laundry (toilets) (toilets) • Dialysis
ng/ Broiling • Plumbing • Lighting • Lighting Machines
• Baking Fixtures • Cooling • Cooling • Sterilizers
• General (toilets) • Landscape • Landscape and
Cleaning • Lighting • Food • Food Autoclaves
• Ice Making • Landscape Services Services • Pump and
• Refrigeration • Food Service Vacuum
• Ventilation • Cooling Towers Systems
• Water • Pipe Leak
Heating Repair
• Plumbing • Laundry
Fixtures • Plumbing
(toilets) Fixtures
• Lighting (toilets)
• Cooling • Lighting
• Cooling
• Landscape
• Food
Food Processing Textiles Fabricated Electronics Industrial
Metals Laundries
• Washing • Preparation • Process • Rinsing • Washers
• Heating and Scouring Washing • Purified • Dyers
Drying • Dyeing • Plumbing Water • Lighting
• Process • Printing Fixtures Treatment • Plumbing
Cooling • Washing (toilets) • Plumbing Fixtures
• Pumping, • Plumbing • Lighting Fixtures (toilets)
Conveyance, Fixtures • Cooling (toilets) • Cooling
Motors (toilets) • Lighting
• Plumbing • Lighting • Cooling
Fixtures • Cooling
• Lighting
• Space

Table 6: Topics Selected for Review during WEEP Audit

Topic Check (√) To Be Briefly Explain

Reviewed Decision5
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems

Irrigation and Landscaping Activities


Wastewater Treatment Facilities

Cooling Towers

Combined Heat and Power Systems (CHP)

Motors and Pumps

Compressed Air Systems

Steam Equipment

Process Cooling and Refrigeration

Process Heating

Office Equipment/Plug Load

Kitchen/Food Services (Cafeterias)

Laundry Operations



Site-Wide Water and Energy Use Activities and

• Car washing
• Fire suppression systems
• Laboratories
• Conveyor systems
• Battery charging operations
• Pressurized waterbrooms
• Storage water heaters
• Instantaneous hot water heaters
• Backup generators
• Pool covers
• Commercial pool heaters
• Plumbing fixtures
Large Scale or Long Term Retrofit Incentive Programs:
• Standard Performance Contracts
• Industrial Efficiency Programs
• Savings by Design (new construction)
• California Solar Program
• Self Generation Program
• Energy Net Metering Program
• Grant Programs

For example, the service area offers a number of incentives to improve performance.

E. Identify Applicable Rebate and Incentive Programs
Prior to commencing on-site activities, the team should engage in the following:

• Identify the rebates or incentives available to the CII customer site being
audited. There may be instances in which a particular community is
eligible for member agency rebates/incentives but not MWD
rebates/incentives. In addition, new rebates may become available and
others may no longer be available.

• Determine if the member agency is offering low interest loans for certain
types of upgrades.

• Review the types of rate incentives available from energy utilities and
water districts for efficiency practices related to reuse of water,
renewables, and operation of CHPs.

Table 7 provides a list of equipment and programs associated with water and
energy efficiency rebates.

Table 7: Listing of Equipment and Activities for Which Rebates and other
Financial Incentives are Available

HVAC Kitchen Services

• Advanced evaporative cooler • Connectionless steam cookers
• Natural gas furnaces • Pre-rinse spray valves
• Adjustable frequency drives • Energy efficient dishwashers
• Reflective window film • High efficiency ventilation systems
• Packaged terminal air conditioners • ENERGY STAR commercial dishwashers
• Thermal energy storage • High efficiency commercial fryers
• Chillers for space air conditioning • High efficiency commercial griddles
• Air cooled versus water cooled equipment • High efficiency commercial electric combination ovens
• Ceiling fans • High efficiency commercial gas combination ovens
• Cool roofs • High efficiency commercial electric convection ovens
Cooling Towers • High efficiency commercial gas convection ovens
• Cooling tower controllers • ENERGY STAR commercial ice machines
• pH cooling tower controllers • ENERGY STAR commercial pressureless steam
• Cooling tower retrofits cookers
Hospitals • ENERGY STAR solid door refrigerators and freezers
• X-ray processors • Double rack/single rack ovens
• Dialysis machines • Commercial insulated hot food holding cabinets
• Dry vacuum pumps • Night covers for open vertical and horizontal display
• Steam sterilizer retrofits cases
Large Scale or Long Term Retrofit Incentive • High efficiency refrigeration display case with special
Programs doors
• Standard Performance Contracts • High efficiency vending machine controllers
• Business Energy/Water Efficiency • High efficiency evaporative fan motors
Programs • Refrigerator door gaskets and anti-sweat devices
• Savings by Design • Auto-closers for main cooler or freezer doors
• California Solar Initiative • Ice machines (air and water cooled)
• Self Generation Program Lighting
• Grants Program • Fluorescent lamps
• Energy Net Metering Program • Fluorescent tubes and magnetic ballasts
Irrigation and Landscaping Activities • High intensity discharge (HID) lamps and high-bay
• Synthetic turf fluorescent fixtures
• Low water consuming plants • Occupancy sensors
• Weather based irrigation scheduling • Light emitting diodes (LED)
• Smart irrigation controllers Site-Wide Water and Energy Use Activities and
• High efficiency nozzles Equipment
• Rotating nozzles • Car washing
Lavatories • Fire suppression systems
• High efficiency toilets • Laboratories
• Ultra low flush toilets • Conveyor systems
• Zero water urinals • Battery charging operations
• High efficiency urinals • Storage water heaters
Laundry Operations • Instantaneous hot water heaters
• High efficiency commercial washers • Pressurized waterbrooms
• ENERGY STAR clothes washers • Backup generators
Motors and Pumps • Pool covers
• High efficiency motors • Commercial pool heaters
Office Equipment/Plug Load
• Plumbing fixtures
• Sleep mode for computer software Steam Equipment
• Plug load occupancy sensors • Steam traps
Process Heating
• High efficiency boilers
• Insulation

3. Initiate On-site Activities

A. Conduct the Opening Meeting

To initiate the audit, conduct an opening meeting with site personnel using the
opening meeting discussion guide to:

• Introduce audit team members.

• Explain the purpose and scope of the water and energy efficiency

• Explain overall data gathering activities.

• Answer any questions raised by the site.

Record any information gathered during the opening meeting:


B. Tour the Site
After the opening meeting, tour the facility with key personnel to observe the
nature of water and energy use patterns on-site and the location of metering
devices. Note the location of such devices and other potential issues that should
be reviewed during the audit to assess opportunities for reducing water and energy


C. Review Background Information with Site Personnel

Based on the data gathered during the pre-audit phase, discuss with site personnel
the monthly and seasonal use and peak demand patterns or any other changes in
water and energy use over the past two years. In particular:

• If there have been increases or decreases in water and/or energy use, what
changes have occurred or actions implemented that contributed to the
change? For example, were the changes related to efficiency measures,
modifications in maintenance practices, or process changes?

• Can any of the changes in water and energy use be attributable to

participation in efficiency programs? If yes, what were the specific
attributes of these programs that helped the facility make changes in
energy use.

Can any of these improvements be implemented in other areas or operations of
the site?

4. Gather Site Water and Energy Use Information

Complete the applicable attachments of the audit field tool based on the
prioritization scheme established for the audit.

Each of the topics included in the attachments contain a number of subtopics to

explore with site personnel. The team should record audit notes in the spaces

5. Identify Opportunities for Water and Energy Savings

A. Summarize On-site Water and Energy Use Patterns

Based on the site tour and information received from facility personnel,
summarize the major water and energy uses on-site, completing Table 8. This
information will be used as input for identifying water and energy efficiency

Table 8: Preliminary Summary of Water and Energy Use Patterns On-site

Water Electric Gas Seasonal Peak

Factors Demand

On-site Activities High (H) High (H) High (H) Winter (W)
Medium (M) Medium (M) Medium (M) Spring (S)
Low (L) Low (L) Low (L) Summer (SS)
Fall (F)
On-Site Support
systems (e.g.,
compressed air )
Food Services

Office Activities






Motors and
Others (e.g., rinse
tanks, dyeing
machines, ovens)

B. Identify Efficiency Opportunities

Review the water and energy use data with site personnel to identify any potential
opportunities for increasing water and energy efficiency. Record all savings
potentials on Table 9, including incentives.

Table 9: Summary of Efficiency Opportunities

Water and Energy On-site Activities Applicable

Efficiency Savings Identified for Rebates/Incentive
Opportunity Improvement Categories
(Record Location(s)
Equipment Upgrades (e.g.,
motors, pumps, lighting)

Operations and
Maintenance Practices
(e.g., cooling towers)
Process Changes

Self Generation Potentials

(e.g., solar, wind, fuel cells,
New Construction (Save by



6. Schedule and Conduct Exit Meeting

Review the actions taken to complete each step of the protocol. Summarize your
conclusions about the site’s water and energy use status and prepare a written list
of your preliminary observations and use as a basis for discussion with facility
staff during the exit meeting.

Record any pertinent comments provided during the exit conference:


7. Prepare Audit Report

After completing on-site audit activities, an audit report should be prepared and
sent to the CII customer site within a two-week period of time. The report should
include a summary of findings, recommendations for enhancing water and energy
efficiency, and an analysis of the range of incentives available (i.e., cost/benefit

8. Examples of Site Metering6

A. Space Condition Metering

1. Review site for metering locations using building plans or consider a

walk through.

2. Choose locations that are representative of directed conditions. For

light operations, note locations of day lighting and security lighting
fixtures. Do not locate temperature sensors directly below supply air
registers for space heating applications.

3. Fill out a meter location sheet, activate meter, and affix to surface.
Note locations on site map. For enclosed placements, note placement
of meter with indicator tape on outside of room or enclosure. Digitally
photograph meter as installed.

B. Electrical Metering

1. Choose equipment or circuit to be metered.

2. Find panel, transformer, or disconnect serving the equipment.

3. Assess voltage, amperage, access points, and condition of equipment.

• Maximum voltage to be metered is 600V alternating current (AC).

No work will take place in a confined space (i.e., limited egress
spaces) as defined by Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) rules.

The guidance included in this section of the field tool is intended to serve as an example of the
types of metering that could be used to further understand on-site water and energy use. The site
may wish to engage in focused process metering to understand energy and water usage with
efficiency opportunities.

• Personnel will follow all requirements of National Fire Prevention
Association (NFPA) 70E for personal protective equipment (PPE)
and procedures.

• Whenever possible equipment should be de-energized (no voltage)

and all lock out tag out procedures (energized systems are isolated
and rendered inoperable) followed.

4. Open panel door and photograph the panel for later reference on what
circuits the panel serves.

5. Remove panels to expose phase conductors. Use equipment such as a

Fluke 41b power analyzer and circuit ratings to determine actual and
maximum expected current (Amps).

6. Fill out panel metering form in paper or electronic form. Choose

current transformers (CTs) so that capacity will not be exceeded
during metering period.

7. Photograph electrical equipment prior to placement of CTs and meter.

8. Place CTs and attach to logging meter.

9. Photograph electrical equipment after placement of CTs and meter.

10. Return panel to original condition. Place indicator tape on outside of

enclosure noting date, equipment placed, and technician’s initials.

11. Photograph closed panel.

12. Place indicator tape on outside of mechanical or electrical room if in a

closed area.

13. Reverse procedure at meter removal.

C. Water and Fuel Metering

Water meters should be installed by licensed plumbing and pipe fitting personnel
or by site workers. Where possible temporary meters should be installed in
flanged connections so that the piping can be easily returned to its original
condition. Fuel metering should be undertaken as needed making sure to comply
with all local and state codes and to do so only with full approval by the site.
Examples include gas metering.

D. Other Metering

Other parameters should be metered as needed including temperature, pressure,

on and off times of equipment, and noise as needed using various sensors and
multi-channel logging meter.

Attachment 2 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

Examples of energy utilities or water districts offering incentives are included in

parenthesis. Audit comments should be recorded in the space provided.

1. Determine whether any of the following HVAC related-equipment has

been installed to reduce water and resource demands:

Adjustable speed drives (ASDs) that

save energy by changing the speed
of the fan motors to match the
amount of air that is needed to heat
or ventilate an area. (SoCalGas,
An advanced evaporative cooler that
can save approximately 25% to 35%
of energy costs per year. (SoCalGas,
New air conditioners with high
energy efficiency ratings.
(SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E, SDG&E)
Natural gas water furnaces.
(SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E, SDG&E,
Chillers for space conditioning.

Air-cooled equipment instead of

water cooled equipment that uses
more energy.
A high efficiency packaged HVAC
system. (Burbank Water and Power)
(Note: These can use up to 40% less
energy than systems that meet
minimum standards such as a high
SEER [Seasonal Energy Efficiency
Ratio] or, on larger units, EER
[Energy Efficiency Ratio].)

Attachment 2 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

An energy management system

(An EMS can save 30% to 40% on
an investment annually by selecting
different cooling temperatures for
different zones, optimizing
equipment start and stop times, and
control strategies that keep building
occupants comfortable while
minimizing energy use.)
Reflective window film. (SoCalGas,

Central air conditioning units with

high efficiency equipment. (Azusa
Light & Water Riverside Public

2. Determine whether the site has considered installing a cool roof for new
construction or re-roofing of non-residential facilities to reduce energy and
water demands related to HVAC systems. (Burbank Water and Power)

3. Determine whether the site has considered:

Installing thermal energy storage to

reduce energy consumption.

Shifting demand toward the use of

small air conditioners from peak to
off shift. (Burbank Water and

Attachment 2 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

4. Determine whether the site has considered:

Reducing its air conditioning and

heating hours by installing a time
clock to turn off the system when
the building is unoccupied or
installing an ENERGY STAR
programmable thermostat to manage
daily/hourly cooling and heating
Adding timers and switches to shut
off exhaust fans when they are not

5. Determine whether the site’s cooling towers can produce cooler water that
can be used by on-site chillers to reduce their energy use.

6. Discuss with facility staff the feasibility of:

Installing cogeneration facilities that

can burn by-product gases to
generate electricity and heat for
process use that can also provide
space heating in office buildings or
plant workspaces.
Using water source pumps that have
a high energy efficiency rating and
can use heat from treated effluent to
supply space heating.

Attachment 2 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

7. Discuss with site personnel the feasibility of installing shade trees to

reduce air conditioning use. (Burbank Water and Power, Riverside Public
Utilities, LADWP)

Attachment 3 Irrigation and Landscaping Activities

Examples of energy utilities or water districts offering incentives are included in

parenthesis. Audit comments should be recorded in the space provided.

1. Determine whether the facility has considered installing any of the

following equipment that can reduce water and energy demands:

Smart irrigation controllers to avoid

over-watering and excessive run-off
by scheduling the amount of irrigation
based on the type of landscape and
current weather conditions. (MWD
and its member agencies, Azusa Light
& Water, Burbank Water and Power)
High efficiency nozzles for large
rotary sprinklers. (MWD and its
member agencies, LADWP, Burbank
Water and Power, Azusa Light &

Rotating nozzles for pop-up spray

heads. (MWD and its member
agencies, LADWP, Burbank Water
and Power, Azusa Light & Water,
Glendale Water & Power)

Attachment 3 Irrigation and Landscaping Activities

2. Evaluate whether the facility has considered any of the following

management practices to minimize water and energy use associated with
irrigation and landscaping:

Reducing sprinkler discharge pressure

by use of pressure reducing valves.
(Note: Lower discharge pressures,
friction losses and pumping pressures
using flow control and pressure
regulators can save as much as 25% of
the electricity used.)
Maintaining filters, pressure reducing
valves, and installing appropriately
sized pipes.
(Note: Economical pipe sizing and
maintenance of filters greatly improve
the energy efficiency of pumping
Testing well pumps and improving the
combined efficiency of the pump and
motor or engine (overall pumping
plant efficiency).

Using variable speed drives (VSDs)

for lift pumps. (SDG&E, SoCalGas,
(Note: VSDs save energy in that the
water lifted matches the water
available with very little air

Attachment 3 Irrigation and Landscaping Activities

3. Evaluate whether the facility has considered any of the following

management practices to reduce the water and energy burden associated
with irrigation and landscaping:

Installing synthetic turf. (MWD and

its member agencies, Burbank Water
and Power, Azusa Light & Water)

Using low water consuming plants.

(Azusa Light & Water)

Implementing weather based irrigation

scheduling or other types of landscape
water reduction activities [e.g.,
irrigation performance programs].
(City of San Diego Water Department,
LADWP, MWD and its member
agencies, Azusa Light & Water, Irvine
Ranch Water District)
Using recycled water for irrigation
purposes.7 (City of San Diego Water
Department, Glendale Water &
Power, MWD and is member
agencies, Orange Country Municipal
Water District, Irvine Ranch Water

See Attachment 20 for listing of California approved uses of recycled water.

Attachment 4 Lavatories

Examples of energy utilities or water districts offering incentives are included in

parenthesis. Audit comments should be recorded in the space provided.

1. Determine whether the following equipment has been considered for


High efficiency toilets and upgrades.

(MWD and its member agencies,
LADWP, Burbank Water and Power,
Azusa Light & Water, Glendale Water
& Power, Riverside Public Utilities)

Ultra low flush toilets. (MWD and its

member agencies, LADWP, Burbank
Water and Power, Azusa Light
&Water, Glendale Water & Power,
Riverside Public Utilities, San Diego
Water Department)
Zero water urinals and upgrades.
(MWD and its member agencies,
LADWP, Burbank Water and Power,
Azusa Light & Water, Glendale Water
& Power)

High efficiency urinals (HEU). (MWD

and its member agencies, Azusa Light
&Water, LADWP, Burbank Water
and Power, Glendale Water & Power)

High efficiency faucets.

Attachment 5 Wastewater Treatment Facilities

Examples of energy utilities or water districts offering incentives are included in

parenthesis. Audit comments should be recorded in the space provided.

1. Discuss with site personnel the feasibility of reducing water and energy
use by examining each of the following practices:

Operating the Wastewater Treatment

Plant (WWTP) air-activated sludge
system’s blowers on lower speeds or
use fewer blowers during times when
the Biological Oxygen Demand
(BOD) is not at its maximum for the
(Note: This action can reduce an
aeration system’s energy usage up to
Installing smaller blowers alongside
existing larger ones until influent
levels increase, or using only the
lower-horsepower blowers in order to
save between 5% and 40% of aeration
system usage.
Switching to airlift pumps.

Using ultraviolet disinfecting systems.

Using low-pressure membrane

filtration systems.

Installing a combined heat and power

(CHP) option for anaerobic digesters
for WWPTs > 5 million gallons per
day (MGDs). (CA favorable gas rate
provisions offered by utilities for
energy efficient technologies.)
(Note: Biogas generated from
digesters could be used to fire boilers
and hot water heaters, generate
electricity to operate pumps and
blowers, micro turbines.)

Attachment 5 Wastewater Treatment Facilities

2. Determine whether the site can use its treated wastewater for landscaping,
cooling water, etc.8

See Attachment 20 for listing of California approved uses of recycled water.

Attachment 6 Cooling Towers

Examples of energy utilities or water districts offering incentives are included in

parenthesis. Audit comments should be recorded in the space provided.

1. Based on interviews with site personnel, determine the feasibility of

installing the following equipment to improve water and energy

Cooling tower controllers. (MWD and

its member agencies, LADWP,
Burbank Water and Power, Azusa
Light & Water, Glendale Water &
pH cooling tower controllers. (MWD
and its member agencies, LADWP,
Burbank Water and Power, Azusa
Light & Water, Glendale Water &

2. Discuss with site personnel whether it would be feasible to retrofit cooling

towers to improve water efficiency. (MWD and its member agencies)

3. Determine if the site treats cooling water to eliminate corrosion and

blockage as a means to increase efficiency and to reduce blow down.

4. If the site has cooling tower controllers in place, confirm that they are
being inspected and maintained on a periodic basis to ensure performance.

Attachment 7 Combined Heat and Power Systems (CHPs)

Examples of energy utilities or water districts offering incentives are included in

parenthesis. Audit comments should be recorded in the space provided.

1. Determine whether the site has considered installing CHP systems to

reduce operating costs associated with energy use for hot water and heat
and cooling processes. (CA favorable gas rate provisions offered by
utilities for energy efficient technologies [feed in tariffs]).

2. If a CHP has been installed or is being considered for installation,

determine whether it has been sized appropriately and that it will be used
throughout most of the year.

Attachment 8 Motors and Pumps

Examples of energy utilities or water districts offering incentives are included in

parenthesis. Audit comments should be recorded in the space provided.

1. Discuss with site personnel the following options to reduce energy


Matching the motor drive size with


Adjusting the impeller in pumps to

maximize efficiency.

Installing parallel systems for highly

variable loads.
(Note: This can save as much as 30%
in energy use.)

Installing timers, level sensors,

material sensors, or other controls for
automatic operation and/or to shut off

Replacing throttle controls with a

solid-state variable system drive
control and fan discharges with inlet
vane controls.
(Note: These measures can save as
much 50% of system energy.)

Installing variable frequency drives

(VSD) or ASDs to adjust the speed of
an electric motor by modulating the
power being delivered. (SDD&E,
SCE, PG&E, SoCalGas)
(Note: VSDs match motor speed to the
specific demands of the work being

Attachment 8 Motors and Pumps

Installing of energy-efficient motors to

reduce energy consumption. (Burbank
Water and Power, Riverside Public
(Note: Higher motor performance is
related to design improvements such
as lengthening the core and using
lower-electrical-loss steel, thinner
stator laminations, and more copper in
the windings to reduce electrical
Installing pumps and engines that
provide increased energy efficiency.
(SoCalGas, SCE)

2. Discuss whether the site has selected the optimum number of pumps to
operate by matching the required flow rates with the efficient operating
ranges of the individual pumps.

Attachment 9 Compressed Air Systems

Examples of energy utilities or water districts offering incentives are included in

parenthesis. Audit comments should be recorded in the space provided.

1. Evaluate whether the following operational practices are in place to

maintain the efficiency of compressed air systems:

Air receivers/surge tanks are used to

buffer short-term demand changes and
reduce on/off recycling of the

Cooler intake air is used to reduce

energy demands.

The compressed air system does not

run when the plant is not in use (i.e.,
overnight or on the weekends; this
action can save up to 20% of a
system’s electricity usage).
Smaller air compressors have been
installed and are used to serve
minimal after-hour needs.

Compressed air is not used for

cleaning purposes; instead blowers or
hand sweeping equipment is used,
which can save up to 10% of
compressed air system usage.
The size of the compressor is matched
against load size and end uses.

Attachment 9 Compressed Air Systems

2. Determine whether the site has installed air storage in a strategic manner
to minimize system horsepower requirements and improve delivery of air.

(Note: This measure can reduce the system’s electricity usage by 15% to


3. Determine whether multiple compressors are sequenced using automatic

sequencing controls to reduce energy use.

(Note: Shutoff timers should be used on all air compressors. Installing

microprocessor controls on compressor systems can yield savings in the
2% to 4% range.)

4. Confirm that:

Air leaks are repaired to reduce

compressor use time.

Air filters are maintained to optimize

the efficiency of the system.

Compressor pressure is checked

periodically to confirm that air is
produced at a pressure high enough to
overcome pressure loses.

Attachment 10 Steam Equipment

Examples of energy utilities or water districts offering incentives are included in

parenthesis. Audit comments should be recorded in the space provided.

1. Look at equipment drawings and discuss with site personnel the size of the
boiler system to determine whether it has been sized appropriately (i.e.,
steam output/fuel input, piping) to reduce energy/water demands.

2. Assess whether the site has analyzed the flue gas to measure the amount of
oxygen and the stack gas temperature to calculate boiler efficiency and
made adjustments to optimize the level of excess air and incoming air

3. Evaluate the extent to which the site treats feed water before it is pumped
into the boiler to help maintain efficiency.

4. Determine whether the site regularly maintains steam traps or plans to

install steam traps. (SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E, SDG&E)

(Note: A site can save 2% of its total energy use and 10% to 20% of the
boiler’s fuel use.)

Attachment 10 Steam Equipment

5. Tour the site to assess whether steam and condensate return lines, boilers
and pipes are properly insulated. (SDG&E, PG&E, SoCalGas, SCE)

(Note: Insulation can typically reduce total facility energy consumption by

1% and help ensure proper steam pressure at plant equipment.)

6. Discuss with site personnel the feasibility of installing the following

equipment to reduce energy use:

A condensate return loop.

(Note: Condensate return to the
boiler is essential for energy
efficiency. Direct contact
condensation heat recovery can save
8% to 20% of a boiler’s fuel use.)

Heat economizers to recover waste

heat from the stack.

Air steam atomizing burners.

(Note: This action reduces boiler

fuel use by 2% to 8%.)

High efficiency commercial boilers,

process boilers, and/or space heat
boilers. (SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E,

Attachment 10 Steam Equipment

7. Discuss with site personnel the feasibility of implementing the following

operational changes to reduce water and energy demands:

Use of blowdown heat recovery to

reduce a boiler’s fuel use by 2% to

Use of electronic controllers to

automate bottom blowdown so as to
reduce the frequently without allowing
buildup of impurities.

Re-configuring the boiler to use


Attachment 11 Process Cooling and Refrigeration

Examples of energy utilities or water districts offering incentives are included in

parenthesis. Audit comments should be recorded.

1. Discuss with site personnel whether the following actions have been
considered or undertaken to reduce energy and water use:

Load shifting during periods of high-

energy use and/or using thermal
storage during periods of low-energy
use to reduce the total energy demand.

Eliminating losses from leaks and

improper defrosting.
(Note: This action can reduce
refrigeration system energy use by
10% to 20%)
Freezing products in batches rather
than continuously.
(Note: This measure can reduce the
freezing process energy use by up to
Adding evaporator capacity to reduce
evaporator approach temperature and
raise suction pressure.

Installing a thermosyphon cooling

system to cool the compressor oil.

Installing additional condensing

capacity to reduce discharge pressure.
(Note: Reducing condenser pressure
by 10 psi can decrease refrigeration
system energy use per ton of
refrigeration by about 6%.)
Replacing constant speed drives with
variable speed drives to reduce
cooling system energy use.
(SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E, SDG&E)

Attachment 11 Process Cooling and Refrigeration

Insulating the cooler/freezer area.

(SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E, SDG&E)

Investing in mechanical sub cooling.

(Note: This is a method of cooling
liquid refrigerant below saturation
pressure in order to increase system
capacity and improve efficiency.
Energy savings can be achieved up to

Attachment 12 Process Heating

Examples of energy utilities or water districts offering incentives are included in

parenthesis. Audit comments should be recorded in the space provided.

1. Determine whether the following efficiency measures are being used:

Appropriate operating temperatures

for part load activities to avoid long
“soak” or overheating.
(Note: This action can save up to 10%
of current energy use.)
Direct natural gas firing is used
instead of indirect steam heating.
(Note: This measure can save 33% to
45% of the energy used by a process
heating system.)
Fixtures, trays and baskets.
(Note: These upgrades can save up to
25% of a system’s energy usage.)

Adequate and optimum insulation for

process heating equipment is used.
(SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E,SDG&E)

Attachment 13 Office Equipment and Plug Load

Examples of energy utilities or water districts offering incentives are included in

parenthesis. Audit comments should be recorded in the space provided.

1. Discuss with site personnel whether or not the following practices are in
place to reduce energy use:

Turning off office equipment such as

printers, computers, fax machines, and
coffee maker at night.

Installing personal computer (PC)

software that puts monitors in sleep
mode when not in use. (SoCalGas,
(Note: According to FYP information,
this can save $0.085/kWh of the
power used by networks.)
Using PC network software, capable
of measuring and managing power
consumption for each PC (and report
the energy saving results).

Using plug load occupancy sensors set

at 50 watts or more. (SoCalGas, SCE,

Attachment 13 Office Equipment and Plug Load

2. Determine if the site has considered installing the following types of


ENERGY STAR air room cleaners

ENERGY STAR copiers and fax


ENERGY STAR digital duplicator

ENERGY STAR mailing machines

ENERGY STAR printers and scanners

ENERGY STAR battery charging


ENERGY STAR dehumidifiers

Attachment 14 Kitchen and Food Services

Examples of energy utilities or water districts offering incentives are included in

parenthesis. Audit comments should be recorded in the space provided.

1. Determine whether the following actions have been considered or

implemented to reduce water and energy consumption:

Purchasing insulated cooking

equipment whenever possible (e.g.,
fryers, ovens, coffee machine).
(Note: Insulation retains more heat in
the equipment.)

Replacing old, high-volume kitchen

sprayers with high-velocity, low-flow

Checking temperature settings of

(Note: The most common
recommended settings are between -
14 degrees and -8 degrees Fahrenheit
for freezers and between 35 degrees
and 38 degrees Fahrenheit for
Returning and reusing condensate for
all boiler type steam kettles.

Insulating condensate return lines.

Installing a plastic strip curtain over

the entrance to the walk in
refrigerator/freezer to minimize
cooling losses during

Attachment 14 Kitchen and Food Services

Performing scheduled maintenance on

refrigeration units.
(Note: It is recommended that sites
keep evaporator coils clean and free of
ice buildup.)
Installing energy efficient
connectionless steam cookers that use
less energy and less water, where
applicable or feasible. (MWD and its
member agencies, LADWP, Burbank
Water and Power, Azusa Light &
Water, Central Basin Municipal Water
District, Glendale Water & Power)
Installing energy efficient
dishwashers. (SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E,

Installing pre-rinse spray values that

save energy by using less hot water.
(MWD and its member agencies,
LADWP, Burbank Water and Power,
Glendale Water & Power)
Installing energy efficient garbage

Reducing temperature of fryers and

grills during standby times.

Opting to use ovens, steamers, and/or

fryers to minimize the use of range
tops, griddles, and broilers.

Directing cooling fans towards

employees instead of equipment.

Attachment 14 Kitchen and Food Services

Installing ENERGY STAR ventilation

systems. (SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E,

Installing ENERGY STAR

commercial dishwaters. (MWD and its
member agencies, LADWP, Burbank
Water and Power, Azusa Light &
Water, Glendale Water & Power,
SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E, SDG&E)
Using high efficiency commercial
fryers [gas or electric]. (SoCalGas,

Using high efficiency commercial

griddles [gas or electric]. (SoCalGas,

Using high efficiency commercial

electric combination ovens.
(SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E, SDG&E)

Using high efficiency commercial gas

combination ovens. (SoCalGas, SCE,

Using commercial high efficiency

electric convection ovens. (SoCalGas,

Using commercial high efficiency gas

convection ovens. (SoCalGas, SCE,

Using commercial high efficiency

conveyor ovens. (SoCalGas, SCE,

Installing ENERGY STAR

commercial ice machines. (SoCalGas,
MWD and its member agencies)

Attachment 14 Kitchen and Food Services

Using ENERGY STAR commercial

pressureless steam cookers.
(SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E, SDG&E)
Using commercial ENERGY STAR
solid door refrigerators and freezers.
(SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E,SDG&E)

Using double rack/single rack ovens.


Using commercial insulated hot food

holding cabinets. (SoCalGas, SCE,

Using night covers for open vertical

and horizontal display cases.
(SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E, SDG&E,
Using high efficiency refrigeration
display cases with special doors.
(SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E, SDG&E)

Installing high efficiency vending

machine controllers. (SoCalGas, SCE,

Installing efficient evaporative fan

motors. (SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E,

Periodically installing refrigerator

door gaskets and anti-sweat devices.
(SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E, SDG&,
Installing auto-closers for main cooler
or freezer doors. (SoCalGas, SCE,

Attachment 15 Laundry Operations

Examples of energy utilities or water districts offering incentives are included in

parenthesis. Audit comments should be recorded in the space provided.

1. Determine whether the site has considered the following equipment

purchases to reduce resource use:

Installing high-efficiency commercial

washers, including but not limited to
front-loading machines. (MWD and its
member agencies, Burbank Water and
Power, Azusa Light & Water,
Glendale Water & Power)
(Note: This can cut energy costs up to
50% and use about 30% less energy.)

Installing high efficiency ENERGY

STAR clothes washers. (MWD and its
member agencies, Burbank Water and
Power, Azusa Light & Water,
Glendale Water & Power, SoCalGas,
Riverside Public Utilities, City of San
Diego Water Department)

Attachment 16 Site Wide Water and Energy Activities and Equipment

Examples of energy utilities or water districts offering incentives are included in

parenthesis. Audit comments should be recorded in the space provided.

1. Discuss with site personnel alternative practices to reduce energy and

water use associated with the following activities:

Car washing (e.g., use water for


Fire suppression systems

Conveyor systems

Laboratories (check for operation of

equipment and sources of water use)

Battery charging operations

Pressurized waterbrooms

Instantaneous hot water heaters

Storage water heaters

Pool covers to reduce evaporation and

save water and energy

Commercial pool heaters

Attachment 16 Site Wide Water and Energy Activities and Equipment

2. Determine whether the site has considered installing water-conserving

plumbing fixtures prior to a change in property ownership resulting from a
purchase or sale. Record any suggested improvements.

Attachment 17 Lighting

Examples of energy utilities or water districts offering incentives are included in

parenthesis. Audit comments should be recorded in the space provided.

1. Determine whether the site has considered the following measures to

reduce energy use:

Replacement of incandescent bulbs

with compact fluorescent lamps [T8s,
T5s, and T5H0s]. (Burbank Water and
Power, LADWP, SoCalGas, SCE,
PG&E, SDG&E, Riverside Public
Replacement of fluorescent tubes and
magnetic ballasts with T8 and T5
tubes and electronic fixtures.
(SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E, SDG&E,
LADWP, Riverside Public Utilities)
Replacement of warehouse and other
high bay lighting with HID (high
intensity discharge) lamps or high-bay
fluorescent fixtures. (SoCalGas, SCE,
Installation of occupancy sensors in
general usage areas so that lights turn
on only when the area is occupied and
turn off automatically when the area is
not. (SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E,
Use of LED (light emitting diode) exit
signs and other LED lighting and
signage. (SoCalGas, SCE, PG&E,
Rewiring of restroom fans to operate
when lights are turned on and turn off
after a time when the restroom is
Installation of energy management
system (EMS) technology to control
lighting systems automatically.

Attachment 18 Hospitals

Examples of energy utilities or water districts offering incentives are included in

parenthesis. Audit comments should be recorded in the space provided.

1. Discuss with hospital personnel alternative practices to reduce energy and

water use associated with the following activities or equipment:

X-ray processors. (LADWP, MWD

and its member utilities, Burbank
Water and Power, Azusa Light &
Water, Central Basin Municipal Water
District, Glendale Water & Power)

Installation of dry vacuum pumps.

(MWD and its member utilities,
LADWP, Burbank Water and Power,
Azusa Light & Water, Glendale Water
& Power)

Steam sterilizer retrofits. (MWD and

its member utilities, LADWP,
Burbank Water and Power, Azusa
Light & Water, Glendale Water &

Attachment 19 Large Scale or Long Term Retrofit Incentive Programs

Examples of energy utilities or water districts offering incentives are included in

parenthesis. Audit comments should be recorded in the space provided.

Discuss with site personnel alternative practices to reduce energy and water use
associated with the incentive programs below.

Standard Performance Contracts -

Involving retrofits of existing
equipment or systems with new high
efficiency equipment. (SDG&E, SCE)

Business/Industrial Efficiency
Programs - (e.g., Water Savings
Performance Program) Designed for
customers with equipment
replacements or process improvements
that result in demonstrated savings.
For example:

• Installation of equipment to
capture, treat and reuse water that
would otherwise be discharged to
the sewer.

• Replacement of existing
equipment with more efficient
process improvements resulting in
reduced water or energy demand.

• Leaks associated with distribution


• Process modifications that reduce

water or energy usage.

(Glendale Water & Power, Riverside

Public Utilities, Azusa Light & Power,
SCE, SoCalGas, PG&E, SDG&E,
LADWP, MWD and its member

Attachment 19 Large Scale or Long Term Retrofit Incentive Programs

Savings by Design - Design, expand,

or change new or existing processes
and facilities to encourage energy
efficient building design and
construction. (LADWP, SoCalGas,
Burbank Water and Power, Riverside
Public Utilities, PG&E, SDG&E,

California Solar Initiative - Focused

on the installation of solar
technologies to reduce reliance on
fossil fuels. (LADWP, Azusa Light &
Water, Glendale Water & Power,
Riverside Public Utilities, SCE,

Self Generation Incentive - Program

for businesses installing eligible
renewable energy-efficient self
generation equipment [i.e., installation
wind, fuel cells or distributed
generation facilities to meet all or a
portion of their energy needs].

Grant Programs - Undertake

research, development and use of
innovative energy technologies.
(Riverside Public Utilities)

Net Energy Metering - Program to

offset utility charges with credits from
on-site power production [solar, wind,
biogas, fuel cells]. (PG&E, SCE,
SDG&, SoCalGas)

Attachment 20 California Approved Uses of Reused Water

Disinfected Disinfected Disinfected Un-
Tertiary Secondary- Secondary- disinfected
Use of Recycled Water 2.2 23 Secondary
Recycled Recycled Recycled Recycled
Water Water Water
Irrigation of:
Food crops where recycled water contacts Not Not Not
the edible portion of the crop, including Allowed
allowed allowed allowed
all root crops
Parks and playgrounds Allowed Not Not Not
allowed allowed allowed
School yards Allowed Not Not Not
allowed allowed allowed
Residential landscaping Allowed Not Not Not
allowed allowed allowed
Unrestricted-access golf courses Allowed Not Not Not
allowed allowed allowed
Any other irrigation uses not prohibited Not Not Not
by other provisions of the California Allowed allowed allowed allowed
Code of Regulations
Food crops, surface-irrigated, above- Not Not
ground edible portion, and not contacted Allowed Allowed
by recycled water allowed allowed

Cemeteries Allowed Allowed Allowed Not

Freeway landscaping Allowed Allowed Allowed Not
Restricted-access golf courses Allowed Allowed Allowed Not
Ornamental nursery stock and sod farms Allowed Allowed Allowed Not
with unrestricted public access allowed
Pasture for milk animals for human Allowed Allowed Allowed Not
consumption allowed
Non-edible vegetation with access control Not
to prevent use as a park, playground or Allowed Allowed Allowed
school yard
Orchards with no contact between edible
portion and recycled water Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed

Vineyards with no contact between edible Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed

portion and recycled water
Non food-bearing trees, including
Christmas trees not irrigated less than 14 Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed
days before harvest
Fodder and fiber crops and pasture for
animals not producing milk for human Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed

This summary is prepared for WateReuse Association from the December 2, 2000-adopted Title
22 Water Recycling Criteria and supersedes all earlier versions (www.watereuse.org).

Attachment 20 California Approved Uses of Reused Water

Seed crops not eaten by humans Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed

Food crops undergoing commercial
pathogen-destroying processing before
consumption by humans Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed

Supply for impoundment:

Non-restricted recreational Not Not Not
impoundments, with supplemental Allowed2
allowed allowed allowed
monitoring for pathogenic organisms
Restricted recreational impoundments Allowed Allowed Not Not
and publicly accessible fish hatcheries allowed allowed
Landscape impoundments without Allowed Allowed Allowed Not
decorative fountains allowed
Supply for cooling or air conditioning:
Industrial or commercial cooling or air
conditioning involving cooling tower, Allowed3 Not Not Not
evaporative condenser, or spraying that allowed allowed allowed
creates a mist
Industrial or commercial cooling or air
conditioning not involving cooling tower, Allowed Allowed Allowed Not
evaporative condenser, or spraying that allowed
creates a mist

Appendix F
Example Audit Report and Transmittal Letter


Name (Site Manager or equivalent)


Subject: WEEP Audit

Dear XX:

Thank you very much for the cooperation your staff exhibited during the Water
and Energy Efficiency (WEEP) audit conducted on (Date). The assistance your
staff provided was extremely useful in helping the team conduct an efficient and
thorough review. Furthermore, we appreciate the open and candid discussions the
team had with your staff. We believe this contributed to the overall quality of the
audit, the team’s ability to evaluate water and energy use, and the identification of
opportunities to enhance performance in an objective and systematic manner.

The audit report, covering a review of water and energy efficiency options and
financial incentives for your site, is attached for your review. Please send me your
comments by (Date - two weeks after issuance of the draft report). I plan to issue
the final audit report to you on (Date - two weeks after receipt of comments).

Thank you.




Water and Energy Efficiency Audit of XXX Site

Example Final Report to

BBB Company

Conducted by XXX

Table of Contents

I. Introduction............................................................................................... 1
A. Purpose and Scope .......................................................................... 1
B. Audit Approach............................................................................... 1
C. Report Format ................................................................................. 2
II. Audit Findings........................................................................................... 2
A. Overall Summary ............................................................................ 2
B. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems ...................... 2
C. Irrigation/Landscaping Activities ................................................... 2
D. Lavatories........................................................................................ 3
E. Wastewater Treatment Facilities..................................................... 3
F. Cooling Towers............................................................................... 3
G. Combined Heat and Power Systems (CHPs) .................................. 3
H. Motors and Pumps .......................................................................... 3
I. Compressed Air Systems ................................................................ 3
J. Steam Equipment ............................................................................ 3
K. Process Cooling and Refrigeration ................................................. 3
L. Process Heating............................................................................... 3
M. Office Equipment/Plug Load .......................................................... 4
N. Kitchen/Food Services .................................................................... 4
O. Laundry Operations ........................................................................ 4
P. Other Site Water and Energy Use Activities .................................. 4
Q. State Business Incentive Programs ................................................. 4
R. Lighting........................................................................................... 4
S. Other Industrial Water and Energy Use Activities ......................... 4
III. Recommendations and Incentives Analysis............................................ 5
A. Recommendations........................................................................... 5
B. Incentives Analysis ......................................................................... 5
C. Water and Energy Efficiency Measures ......................................... 5
I. Introduction

A. Purpose and Scope

The purpose of the Water and Energy Efficiency Program (WEEP) audit
conducted at the XX site is to assess current activities to establish a basis for
enhancing the level of water and energy efficiency at the site. Specifically, the
audit was designed to:

• Evaluate water and energy use.

• Examine opportunities to enhance water and energy efficiency by

focusing on operation and maintenance practices.

• Determine whether increased efficiency can be achieved through

equipment upgrades (e.g., purchase and installation ENERGY STAR®
equipment or equipment with high energy efficiency ratings).

• Evaluate whether the site is eligible and should apply for incentives to
help finance the costs associated with large process improvements.

B. Audit Approach

The fieldwork portion of the audit was conducted (Dates of Audit). The audit was
based on:

• Physical inspections of the site.

• Examination of selected electric and water administrative and

operating records made available to the team.

• Interviews and discussions with key facility management and staff.

The audit followed the audit field tool that was developed for WEEP. It should be
noted that efforts were directed toward sampling major facets of water and energy
performance and was undertaken within a relatively short period of time. Thus,
additional improvement opportunities might be determined through subsequent

I. Introduction

C. Report Format

Section II includes the team’s overall audit summary and specific audit findings.
Section III includes recommendations and an analysis of the various incentives
available to help facility personnel justify or support activities to enhance water
and energy efficiency on-site.

II. Audit Findings

A. Overall Summary

On the basis of our review, the audit team identified the following general

Summarize Key Findings

• The largest uses of water and energy on-site include wastewater
treatment, process heating, and kitchen services.

• The average and peak water and energy demands occur in the winter
when production activities are high.

• The site has actively pursued the installation of high efficiency

equipment and has applied for incentives to cover large scale process

Provide Overall Assessment for Enhancing Water and Energy Efficiency

Practices On-site
• Opportunities exist to enhance water and energy efficiency on-site
through the self generation incentive program.

For each section below, summarize site activities and specific topical findings. If
no issues were identified, indicate there were no findings.

B. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems

No findings or recommendations were noted.

C. Irrigation/Landscaping Activities

The site irrigates daily and uses approximately XX of water for this purpose but
has not considered the purchase of smart controllers or the use of low watering
plants. Upgrading the system with XX controllers and XX water plants would
decrease energy and water use by approximately X%.

D. Lavatories

There are 49 toilets on-site; none of these have been replaced with high efficiency
toilets. This would save approximately X% energy and X% water.

II. Audit Findings

E. Wastewater Treatment Facilities

Currently the site is using XX treatment equipment that consumes approximately

XX% of energy and YY% of water per year. This equipment is more than 10
years old. Installation of new equipment could reduce water and energy
consumption by 10%.

F. Cooling Towers

This topic was not included in the scope of the audit.

G. Combined Heat and Power Systems (CHPs)

The site does not generate sufficient stream or waste to justify the installation of a
combined heat and power system.

H. Motors and Pumps

This topic was not included in the scope of the audit.

I. Compressed Air Systems

This topic was not included in the scope of the audit.

J. Steam Equipment

The site generates very little steam to support operations or as a by-product of

manufacturing activities.

K. Process Cooling and Refrigeration

This topic was not included in the scope of the audit.

L. Process Heating

This topic was not included in the scope of the audit.

II. Audit Findings

M. Office Equipment/Plug Load

The site has not installed computer software to reduce the plug load demand of its
office computers. The areas on-site where office computers are used include X, Y,
and Z.

N. Kitchen/Food Services

This topic was not included in the scope of the audit.

O. Laundry Operations

This topic was not included in the scope of the audit.

P. Other Site Water and Energy Use Activities

This topic was not included in the scope of the audit.

Q. State Business Incentive Programs

This topic was not included in the scope of the audit.

R. Lighting

The site uses approximately XX of electricity to meet its lighting needs. The
lighting system has not been upgraded to reduce energy demand.

S. Other Industrial Water and Energy Use Activities

This topic was not included in the scope of the audit.

III. Recommendations and Incentives Analysis

A. Recommendations

• List recommendations for enhancing performance. For example:

By installing energy efficiency lighting in sections A, B, and C of the site,

energy consumption could be reduced by approximately 25%. This is
based on ….

B. Incentives Analysis

• Discuss the relative merit associated with implementing the

recommendations as a function of the incentives analysis. For

By requesting lighting rebates the site could save $2000 in the cost of new
equipment. This would offset the overall installation cost by 10%. The
energy savings would be achieved in 2 years. Incentives are available
from XX.

C. Water and Energy Efficiency Measures

• Discussion of the effects, if any, the water and energy efficiency

measures will have on operational/product quality or customer

• Impact of proposed water efficiency measures on effluent discharge

authorizations or permit.

Appendix G

AC Alternating Current

ASD Adjustable Speed Drives

BOD Biological Oxygen Demand

CEC California Energy Commission

CFO Chief Financial Officer

CHP Combined Heat and Power

CHPS Collaborative for High Performance Schools

CII Commercial, Industrial and Institutional

CPUC California Public Utilities Commission

CT Current Transformers

DWR Department of Water Resources

EER Energy Efficiency Ratio

EMS Energy Management System

EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

FYP Flex Your Power

HEU High Efficiency Urinals

HID High Intensity Discharge

HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

kW Kilowatt

kWh Kilowatt Hour

MWD Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

LADWP Los Angeles Department of Water and Power

LED Light Emitting Diode

LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

MGD Million Gallons per Day

NAICS North American Industry Classification System

NFPA National Fire Prevention Association

NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration

PAC Project Advisory Committee

PPE Personal Protective Equipment

PC Personal Computer

Reclamation Bureau of Reclamation

PG&E Pacific Gas and Electric Company

SCE Southern California Edison

SDCWA San Diego County Water Authority

SDG&E San Diego Gas & Electric Company

SIC Standard Industrial Classification

SEER Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio

VSD Variable Speed Drives

WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant

Appendix H

Reference Bibliographic Citation

Auditing Standards Board of Environmental, Health & Safety Certifications.
Standards for the Professional Practice of Environmental,
Health, & Safety Auditing and the Competency Framework for
Environmental, Health & Safety Auditors. 1999.
Auditing Fundamentals Greeno, J Ladd, Hedstrom, Gilbert H., DiBerto, Maryanne.
Environmental Auditing Fundamentals and Techniques. Arthur
D. Little, Inc. 1985.
General Auditing Greeno, J Ladd, Hedstrom, Gilbert H., DiBerto, Maryanne.
Practices The Environmental, Health, and Safety Auditor’s Handbook.
Arthur D. Little, Inc. 1989.
GHG Verification Loreti, Christopher P., Foster, Scot A., Obbagy, Jane E. An
Overview of Greenhouse Gas Verification Issues. Prepared for
the Pew Center on Global Climate Change. 2001.
EPA ENERGY STAR® Available at: http://www.energystar.gov.

FYP Web site Available at: http://www.fypower.org.

Watersmart Guidebook East Bay Municipal Utility District. Watersmart Guidebook –

A Water-Use Efficiency Plan Review Guide for New
Businesses. 2008.


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